Living the dream

Too often we believe that “chasing the dream” means pursuing a pro career.
And then, every so often, we’re reminded that playing for UH is the dream.
Last week, for instance, linebacker Kawika Fuga participated in unsupervised workouts. He said he hopes to join the Warriors as a walk-on.
Fuga shared the middle linebacker’s job on Leilehua High’s state championship team.
His first cousin is Lui Fuga, who was a six-year Warrior defensive tackle.
Kawika Fuga attended Waianae High through his sophomore year. He then transferred to Leilehua. Because of OIA transfer rules, he did not play football as a junior in 2006. instead he helped out in the weight room.
Last season, he had a significant role with the Mules.
“He can hit,” Leilehua coach Nolan Tokuda said. “He’s definitely strong. He has to get quicker and more experienced. He definitely has some good genes.”


* * *

Well, it’s been a great Father’s Day so far. First, my kids (and wife) bought me a new digital camera. I guess I have no excuses for the quality of the blog photos. But the best present of all … my daughter Allie today is a college graduate:


* * *

And a happy anniversary to Al and his wife.

* * *


  1. Garret June 15, 2008 4:37 am

    Best of luck to Kawika!

  2. Garret June 15, 2008 4:39 am

    Congratulations to Chad Kapaniu for making the All-Star team!

    Quarterback Chad Kapanui (2,315 passing yards, 40 TDs) has thrown for just 239 yards and two touchdowns the last two games. A UIF All-Star, Kapanui had averaged 208.4 yards with 23 touchdown passes in the previous five games.

  3. koakane™ June 15, 2008 4:40 am

    good morning ST and garret 😆

  4. Garret June 15, 2008 4:44 am

    Looks like NMSU should have no problem to get the attendance needed to keep their NCAA mandated 15k average. It is NOT a coincidence that they have been averaging much more in attendance in even-numbered years than in odd-numbered years. With the alternating home-and-home scheduling, they get UH, BSU, and New Mexico in even-numbered years.

    I think the program will exceed the 15,000 average. They will draw over 30,000 for their game against UNM, which will tilt the attendance number substantially. They play host to Boise State and Hawaii, teams that have reached bowl games the past two years and should attract big crowds. Their schedule, outside of their Week 1 game against Nicholls State, all fall on Saturday, a change from last season as well. That will help, at least slightly.

  5. Garret June 15, 2008 4:44 am

    Good morning koakane!

  6. Garret June 15, 2008 4:46 am

    NMSU is doing a lot to try to boost attendance.

    Lastly, the team will be better. They have to stay healthy, which is a big question mark. Still, right now, lets assume they will. They will have a high flying offense, with a handful of legitimate, Division 1 football talents manning the specialty positions, i.e. quarterback and wide receiver. Their defense could be better. And if it is slightly better, the team’s record will be better too.

    And that’s what Aggie fans will look at. The fan promotions are great. The free parking? Great. A wide open, high-octane offense? Wonderful. But they want to see a team that can contend for a bowl game. Give them that, and there is no need to worry about the magic number of 15,000.

  7. koakane™ June 15, 2008 4:49 am

    want to wish a very happy papa’s day to all the male tsaiko’s today! may your day be filled with aloja, laughter, and of course fuuuuud.

    if your wondering just rolling in and happened to lurk. need some sleep now so happy, happy, joy, joy day.

    play nice

  8. Garret June 15, 2008 4:50 am

    The fans sure gave up on NMSU last season! They had 15,239 for Arkansas-Pine Bluff and 15,788 for Idaho and were averaging 18,535 fans per game before their fans bailed on them.

    The one exception was last season’s Nov. 2 game against Nevada, where NMSU had postseason aspirations on the line. The hope was that a strong showing would come to the stadium and support the Aggies, who battled the Wolf Pack during an ESPN Friday night affair.

    Instead, a feeble drawing attended the game, listed at 12,268 spectators when in reality, no more than 8,500 fans seemed to be present.

    It was the start of a downward turn in attendance figures, when 7,537 came out for NMSU’s Nov. 17 game against Utah State and just 6,937 fans showed up for the season finale against Fresno State. In both instances, the numbers were inflated, as roughly half those totals were actually present at Aggie Memorial Stadium on the respective game days.

  9. Garret June 15, 2008 4:52 am

    Happy Father’s Day to everyone! I have family activities outside the home all day, so I’ll be back in about 14 hours.

  10. wafan June 15, 2008 4:53 am

    Good morning to all of you Tsai-ko’s!

    And, a Happy Father’s Day to every daddy out there!!!

    Tsai-kettes!!! I sure hope you have something special planned for this date.

  11. MeiLing June 15, 2008 4:59 am

    Happy Father’s Day!!!!

  12. myki1 June 15, 2008 5:01 am

    Good Morning and Happy Fathers Day to Stephen and all of our Tsai-ko dads and any dads to be! Hope you all have a terrific day with your loved ones. Don’t forget to make wonderful memories, as Bulla always reminds us;

    Not to forget our Tsaikettes ..Good morning and have a great day ladies!

  13. MeiLing June 15, 2008 5:08 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka, myki1 & all of the Tsaikettes!

    Can’t wait to see Tiger win this US Open…on Father’s Day, he’ll be remembering his Dad Earl.

    ST ~ I’m sure you’re having a wonderful Father’s Day. You were at your daughter’s graduation, right?

  14. MeiLing June 15, 2008 5:09 am

    And good luck to all of the UH walk-ons. IMUA Warriors!!!

  15. wafan June 15, 2008 5:31 am

    Whoo-hoo Fuga! Living the dream.

  16. wafan June 15, 2008 5:49 am

    Hi there MeiLIng! I certainly hope you will have the opportunity to go to the OSU game.

    Sorry it took so long to respond.

    Today the high temperature will be nearly unbearable! All the way up to 71. Dang! Definitely T-shirt and short weather.

  17. addahknowjoe June 15, 2008 5:53 am

    To all our Tsai-ko men whom have been blessed with Kamali’i, I bid you all a Happy Father’s Day.

  18. addahknowjoe June 15, 2008 6:01 am

    Kawika’s looking, “Fugtastic!”

    Keep it up, brah! Don’t let anyone tell you, “You no can!”

  19. MeiLing June 15, 2008 6:27 am

    Eh, wafan,

    It’ll be about 83 degrees today, sunny. Shorts & tank top weather…

    K, I gotta get back to work…

  20. GMA Honey June 15, 2008 6:39 am

    From Yesterday’s blog:

    RE: #28 Kekoa:

    “June 14th, 2008 at 9:02 am
    GMA Honey ~ Were you a teaching professor at Georgia Military Academy”

    Kekoa-No! Georgia? I shudder.

  21. Blackie June 15, 2008 6:51 am

    I used to always think about what Lui could have accomplished had he not been injured so often. That low block that broke his leg was really upsetting.

    Oh, and happy fathers day to all you pops out there!

  22. Da Punchbowl Kid June 15, 2008 7:14 am

    Twenny Turd! 😉

  23. Da Punchbowl Kid June 15, 2008 7:16 am

    To dream is to live. Don’t stop dreaming, Kawika! You geev ‘um boy!

    Happy Fodders’ Day men! 😆

  24. Loa June 15, 2008 7:18 am

    morning gang!

    Happy Fathers Day!

    go get’em Kawika! represent!

    everyone have a safe and happy day

  25. XxFaithxX June 15, 2008 7:34 am

    Happy Father’s Day to all dads & future dads =)

    And to keep this football related, its ALWAYS great to see the younger generation keeping up the tradition of playing for UH. Good Luck to Kawika Fuga!

  26. I Believe June 15, 2008 7:40 am

    Aloha- Happy Father’s Day to all! You are all appreciated!

    ST- Nice job on write-up on Kawika- Go, Kawika, GO! We’re rooting for you!

    Had to tune in to golf yesterday with all the postings about what was going on and caught the end of the Tiger Magic Show- WOW! Can’t wait to see how it turns out today!

  27. addahknowjoe June 15, 2008 7:43 am


    Any idea if Pahoa will sport a football team next year?

    For decades the Puna district has been inundated with untapped talent. Even more so now with influx in population.

    Puna is the, “Ewa” of the Big Island. Both Pahoa and Keeau High Schools will see extensive growth like Campbell and Kapolei did in the past decade.

  28. I Believe June 15, 2008 7:51 am

    Great news-
    ‘Tizer just posted an article that the U.S. women’s soccer team beat Australia 2-1 today in its opening match of the 2008 Peace Queen Cup- and one of the goals was by Natasha Kai! YEEHAW!

  29. stacyj June 15, 2008 8:04 am

    Happy Fadda’s day to all you faddas. Hope it is a great one for you.

  30. XxFaithxX June 15, 2008 8:04 am


    To my knowledge, negative on that. While you are right about the influx in population there over the years, there also has been a lack of community pride/school spirit due to that same influx. if you remember what I wrote a while back, then you can understand. When I do move back “home”, I would look into getting the football team back because you are right, lots of untapped and the kids there need something to keep them in line. Hard to do when you are looked down upon and given the “Scraps” from Hilo/Waiakea/Keeau schools.

    In my opinion, opening up Keeau school will eventually be the death of Pahoa high because presently, Keaau gets all the funding, nice buildings, decent teachers, etc. One example of this disparity and lack of foresight by the DOE is where Pahoa still uses a gym that is over 30, maybe even 40 years old and while they have had the dollars allocated for a new one, nothing has yet to be built; while Waiakea and Keeau have new gyms, albiet the Waiakea one is about 5 years old.

    Sorry for the long reply, but any topic about my hometown tends to turn in something like this lol. And thanks for asking and for the support that you showed when the Boys Volleyball team was here for states.

    Take it easy bro.

  31. Pauoa Boy June 15, 2008 8:15 am

    Howzit Tsaiko Gang,

    Happy Faddahs Day to all who get keeds!

  32. Jason June 15, 2008 8:18 am

    Happy Father’s Day! Mahalo to all my Tsaiko uncles for being great blog parents for us young folks. Especially to al — after forgetting about Esme on Mother’s Day, I learned my lesson! And double especially to all those helping chawan_cut with his love life. 😉

    So I saw Mark Platte 👿 had an article on the popularity of the blogs. He mentioned Tsai still gets half of the total blog hits, but he didn’t mention numbers this time. Hmm…

  33. Pauoa Boy June 15, 2008 8:18 am

    Right on another LB that can hit, I can envision choke Katooshes in the Warrior future.

  34. Pauoa Boy June 15, 2008 8:26 am

    Hope Kawika has the same mentality Lui Fuga had to just kill people.

    Speaking of Lui Fuga, heard he joined the Marines after trying out for the San Diego Chargers. Wonder how he lost all the weight, wasn’t he like 6-1 300 lbs. when he played. Knowing the Marine Corps standards he probably had to come down to about 215lbs. or so, wowzahz!

  35. FloridaTed June 15, 2008 9:01 am

    Morning/aftenoon, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.

    Kids like Kawika Fuga are the salt of a football team, keeping the joints that hold a team together, well lubricated.

    Read the article about Stadium renovations, rather than building new. I’ve been advocating that for a long time and very glad to see them coming around to this way of thinking, especially in todays economic outlook. The luxury seating will attract good revenue from big time sponsors, I hope and the filling of the corners will add at least 10,000 seats and therefore be attractive to the Pro-Bowl.

    Now, if they only would plan to add a parking deck, everything would be peachy.

  36. bighilofan2 June 15, 2008 9:05 am

    Good morning Tsaikos everywhere!

    Happy Father’s Day to all the Tsaiko men, particularly the bossman Tsaiko.

    howzit. no count me fo da buffet, coming in after late work.

    you right about JJ. still yet, mo fun we go lick em, remind him wat great wife, kids an family he wen left behind. make em sick. still yet, gotta love da guy for leaving, cuz dat wuz da only way fo make mayjah changes aroun heah, oddawize saymo saymo.
    now, i get hope.

    yu seen da team video guy at da practices, da one Coach Mack wen hire a coupla months ago? i wonda if da players watchin video of their motions? sjmacro got hired for help out? heh heh

    kden, i caught up on all da blogs fo da past week, an I gotta say dat Capitol-ist Wassup Doc is one sauce ah information. I mean Garret get plenny info to an so do a bunch ah peeps heah an dayah, but her stuff letten me an da mainland peeps no watz behind da scenes. so tanks eh,. doc!

  37. I Believe June 15, 2008 9:06 am

    Just read the USA Weekend insert in Sunday paper…”A Father’s Day Salute to G.I. Dad”…touching….Happy Father’s Day to all those in the Armed Services and our prayers are with you!

  38. djmitcho June 15, 2008 9:07 am

    Happy Father’s Day to all the papa’s out there!

  39. bighilofan2 June 15, 2008 9:13 am

    76 days an 75 nites.

    been workin on da 30 poundahs 4 da trys. speed an quickness fo da left an right.
    in case any Fla titas try false crak dis sistah wen we stay in entuuzeeazzum mode. gonna wax da chess, get ridda da hairz, blend. 😆 represent 😀

  40. addahknowjoe June 15, 2008 9:17 am

    Had a chance to talk with former Damien and UH Alum Chris Brown at the Beast party this past Thursday. Man! That braddah is still built solid, ready to strap it up and wreak havoc at moments notice!

    The Tsaikettes were all giddy and bent out of shape when Chris came by. They all clamored to have their pictures taken with him. (that is of course was aftah our two Tsaiko Monarch Alums in attendance had their pics with braddah first) One Tsaikette in particular was enamored at the sheer girth of Chris’ forearms. She was beside herself.

    As I talked with Chris I kept thinking back to a game where he just simply destroyed this lineman, twice his size, from Texas El Paso. That poor braddah neva knew what cleaned him out! That was a scary sight.

  41. Stretch June 15, 2008 9:18 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos and Happy Fathers Day!!

  42. bighilofan2 June 15, 2008 9:25 am

    hi brew..

    Mr. Donovan,
    scheduling good competition is good fo UH. USC, UCLA, Oregon State,
    Oregon, Washington, Washington State, Notre Dame, Stanford, California, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Miami, Florida State, Michigan, Michigan State, SMU.
    Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas.

    shoot fo doze buggas. we get natral rivalries an respek fo dat kind we wud fill up da stadium.

  43. bighilofan2 June 15, 2008 9:38 am

    Jim Donovan,

    you know UH Law School get one premier business law graduate, Mr. Gallagher?
    get samoa, like da Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona. in fak, get plenny in da Legislature wit dare hans on da $$trings. use da straight up but rascal kine guy, Duke, fo introduce yu to da moovahhs.

  44. Koauka June 15, 2008 9:39 am

    This I no can believe:

    Fresno ST 11
    Rice 0

    College World Series – 4th inning.

    Rice at bat – bases loaded, 2 outs. hmm?

  45. al June 15, 2008 9:47 am


    to all my brothers out there, “make memories…..for the kids’ sake!”

  46. al June 15, 2008 9:49 am

    jason…..thank you very much for the well wishes on this father’s day! i know your father and the Father are both smiling down upon you as you have made them proud.

    God bless you son!

  47. el guapo June 15, 2008 9:51 am


    I was checking on NMSU attendance a few weeks ago. Hosting UTEP as they did this past season always brings up their average. Hosting the Lobos should do the same this year.

    Happy Father’s Day to you and all Tsaiko dads

  48. al June 15, 2008 9:53 am

    well today is father’s day. this time we are having our celebration at home. of course, many of you know that we got 7 na keiki ilio to tend to so that is the primary reason.

    but, at the same time the boss and i celebrate 33 years today as well. its like a marathon run, it has its obstacles, turns, and uphill struggles, but you keep on going because there is much at the finish line to celebrate.

    of course, like many of you father’s today i am still cooking. ah, albeit with pleasure.

  49. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 10:03 am

    !!!!!!!HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TSAIKOS!!!!!!!!


  50. Koauka June 15, 2008 10:04 am

    And BTW a happy TSAIKOS Father’s Day to y’all. Another beautiful day and I gotta go to work. Somebody got to do it.

    #2 – I dont agree with DAGS stadium renovation at all. Last season the upper south end zones was swaying in the wind or when the peeps were jumping up and down.
    I guess with the added weight from all them additions…….then what.

    If Mufi can proceed with building his rail, I cannot see state against building a brand new stadium with all the proper amenities, and become an economic generator for state revenue.

  51. addahknowjoe June 15, 2008 10:06 am


    Congratulations to you and your boss on your wonderful journey.

    May you both have many more years to share life together.

  52. ai-eee-soos June 15, 2008 10:11 am

    Found this on google:

    From the 2007 HHSA lineups:

    Kawika Fuga, 5-11, 215.

    Best of everything to you, Kawika !!!

  53. bonar June 15, 2008 10:12 am


  54. bonar June 15, 2008 10:14 am

    Congrats ST and big Al! Any numbers, height and weight, on Kawika?

  55. A-House June 15, 2008 10:15 am


    Like the guy in the TV commercial said, “I want to be best remembered as being and good husband and father”.

  56. A-House June 15, 2008 10:16 am

    oooooooops – should be a good husband and father.

  57. Stretch June 15, 2008 10:29 am

    Congratulations Al & Boss!!

    No exaggerate – it’s only a 100m dash.

  58. Loa June 15, 2008 10:49 am

    hey Al – congrats on the Amethyst anniversary!

  59. duffer June 15, 2008 10:58 am

    Congrats al and “DA BOSS”

    100 m dash for al, marathon for DA BOSS… 🙂

    Good thing the kids look like Wena….Congrats to Allie!

    Get well soon Mirdori7…

  60. jm2375 June 15, 2008 11:08 am

    Happy Fathers Day to all the Tsaiko dads out there!

    Congrats to Al and da Boss!

    Have a great day everyone!

  61. Koauka June 15, 2008 11:11 am

    What a deal!

    Good Kids

    Good wife, of course!

    And a new digital camera…….on a beautiful Father’s Day.

    Enjoy bruddah – you deserve it.

  62. brew808 June 15, 2008 11:38 am

    • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • •
    ~•~•~•~ 🙄 ❀ 😆 ~•~ Congratulations Allie!!! ~•~ 😆 ❀ 🙄 ~•~•~•~
    😀 ~• • •~And Congratulations to ST, Wena, & the Tsai ‘ohana ~• • •~ 😀
    • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • •

  63. wafan June 15, 2008 11:49 am

    Congratulations Allie! Whoo-hoo!

    Now, get a job. HA!

  64. al June 15, 2008 11:50 am

    hey thanks to all for the anniversary shout out!

    i relayed all those messages to the boss.

    congratulations to allie! i am sure that momma and poppa are so very proud. there is always a lot of pressure on the first born, but, now, allie, you have paved the way for the siblings. great job!!!

  65. wafan June 15, 2008 11:54 am

    Let us see. There is Grandparents Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Girls Day, Boys Day. I think we should lobby for a “Singles Day” for those who are not married and can prove they have, or are responsible for, no kids.

  66. brew808 June 15, 2008 11:55 am

    ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~
    ~• ♪ ♫ ❀ 😆 •~ Happy Anniversary to al & the boss!!! ~• 🙄 ❀ ♪ ♫ •~
    ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~

    (PS. The photo of al and ST in SteveM’s Tsaiko scrapbook [Club Genji – May 30, 2008] is kind of spooky. Are you guys brothers, or even twins – except for al’s distinguished silver hair?) 😯 😆 🙄

  67. wafan June 15, 2008 11:56 am

    Al and the Boss . . .

    Congratulations on your years of wedded bliss!

  68. al June 15, 2008 11:59 am

    btw….at the camellia rest. the other day i asked wena if st was getting his new digi camera as he had been hinting. she gave a “tell all smile” that she knew he wanted one. at that point i was certain it was already bought.

    funny that days before, our blog host lamented that he thought he was getting a new camera for father’s day, “but, noooooo!” was his exact words.

    hahaha. good surprise wena!

    at least now we can see the pimples on people’s faces.

  69. wafan June 15, 2008 11:59 am

    Al . . .

    You know you are happy, right? The Boss told you that, did she not?

  70. al June 15, 2008 12:02 pm


    we really don’t look alike.
    some do say all japanese look alike though. heheheheheh.
    i work hard to dye my hair like kenny rogers.

    actually the back of my head is black.

  71. brew808 June 15, 2008 12:03 pm

    wafan –

    ~•~•~ 😯 🙄 😆 ~ How about Uncle and Auntie’s Day?!! ~ 😆 🙄 😯 ~•~•~

  72. al June 15, 2008 12:06 pm

    tks wafan……!

  73. wafan June 15, 2008 12:06 pm

    Brew . . .

    Excellent suggestion!

    We should celebrate these new days on the blog. Days to be assigned by Mr. Tsai, of course.

  74. brew808 June 15, 2008 12:06 pm


    Oh, just like Jay Leno! 😀 😆 🙄
    And you’re right about you and ST – you look only about “half” alike!
    😆 😯 😆

  75. brew808 June 15, 2008 12:28 pm

    UNR is re-seating its season ticket holders and charging them “mandatory donations” in Men’s Basketball. They’ve also gone to a “points” systems to reward/allocate the premium seats. The questions will be how they expand and apply this system to other sports, and how the rest of the WAC responds.

    Can anyone comment on how the current UH system compares in process and premiums to UNR?

    Fans of the Nevada basketball team will soon be paying for the success of the Wolf Pack — literally.
    The Wolf Pack athletic department is re-seating its season-ticket holders and raising the premium prices on its seats — some by as much as $1,500 per seat — beginning in the 2009-10 season. The premium is a mandatory donation not included in the actual price of tickets.

  76. A-House June 15, 2008 12:28 pm

    Contrats to al and his BOSS with many more to come!!!!!!!!!

  77. Long Time UH Fan June 15, 2008 12:39 pm

    Congrats to my friends Al and the Boss on their 33rd wedding anniversary!

  78. Long Time UH Fan June 15, 2008 12:40 pm

    Congrats to Allie Tsai! Is this another journalism major in the Tsai family? Good luck in your future endeavors…

  79. SteveM June 15, 2008 12:41 pm

    Al — Happy Anniversary!

    33 years? geee…”Boss” is a lot tougher than she looks… 😯

  80. SteveM June 15, 2008 12:45 pm


  81. Da Punchbowl Kid June 15, 2008 12:46 pm

    you must have a great Boss. 33 years on the job for you, and you’re still there.
    Nah j/k… It takes two to make it work, congrats to you both! 🙂

    Congrats to Allie. Good lookin’ kids there Tsai.

  82. Da Punchbowl Kid June 15, 2008 12:48 pm

    Hey LTUHF, good to see you back on the blog. How are you doing?

  83. Ralph June 15, 2008 1:09 pm

    Happy Father’s day!
    Happy Anniversary to Al and DA BOSS!
    Congratulations to Allie! Is she going on to Grad school or is it job hunting?

  84. Ralph June 15, 2008 1:14 pm

    Brew 808, the NVR program is similar to my alma mater, Kansas State. At KSU, the donars who gave the most over the longest period of time get first dibs for seating picking only. Then the seating itself has a premium plus pricing based on location with a surcharge added on to the ticket price.

    Hawaii added a premium to the seat and asked those seating there to pay up or got to relocate. Prior season ticket holders got first dibs, but not based on donation and longevity of season tickets holding except sections blocked off for Koa anuenue

  85. kshakak June 15, 2008 1:20 pm


    What are the chances we get an interview with Nate Ilaoa and Reagan Mauia posted on the blog? They can share their experiences in the AFL and NFL with curious UH fans and TSAIKOs.


  86. brew808 June 15, 2008 1:30 pm

    Thanks Ralph! How do the “donations/premiums” compare? IMHO – They sure are making it hard for the “average Joe/Jane” to attend games on a regular basis and remain loyal fans. JD are you listening…? 😀

  87. Ralph June 15, 2008 1:31 pm

    Pauoa Boy, just read on the other paper’s site that navy recruiters allegedly lured two Kapolei students into the Navy. I was thinking of the conversation we had at Karen’s Kitchen where a recruit on the mainland had similar promise but ended up a rifleman in Irag and died within a few months on duty there.

    Happy Father’s Day.

  88. al June 15, 2008 1:38 pm


    i stand corrected, “half alike” is true. although i have known many a chinese in my lifetime.

    besides we don’t look that much alike, i think although grey i may have more hair. well, at least a smaller forehead.

  89. al June 15, 2008 1:41 pm

    again thanks to all the well wishers. we actually got married on father’s day, too.

    i would post pictures but you would never recognize me at all. hahahahahaha.

    but, it is father’s day and wish you all very well!

  90. I Believe June 15, 2008 1:57 pm

    Add’l great news! ‘Tizer just posted article that Brian Ching scored two goals in the United States’ 8-0 rout of Barbados today in the Americans’ first qualifying game for the 2010 World Cup.

    Congrats al and Mrs. al !

    Congrats to Allie and the Tsai ‘ohana !

  91. Pauoa Boy June 15, 2008 2:07 pm

    Ralph#88 – as a former Marine Corps Recruiter I will say this:

    The recruiting world for any branch of service is ugly and probably the most stressful, time consuming job someone will ever have to do. Although a story such as that puts a black eye on the recruiter and the service, people should not be afraid to look into the military. As we all know, our country is at war, if ever a recruiter says you will not deploy if you join the service, they are smoking pakalolo. Anyone, male or female is deployable at a moments notice and yes, you will go! I know a lot of folks are afraid of that statement but it’s true! Now, with that being said, there are many other variables that come into play such as your specific job and what exactly you will be doing over there, as not evevryone is out there patrolling streets with rifles in hand. Regardless though everyone in the military should have a basic understanding of riflemanship and self defense training, cause you never know what may happen. I say should cause as a Marine I know our guys are trained, I cannot speak on behalf of the other services but I’m sure they are too. You have to understand that joining the military has tons of benefits and is a great foundation for any young man or woman to start a career or learn something usefull to their future. On the other hand, you are also the nations defenders in times of war and chaos. So if you’re not willing to take the good with the bad, than maybe the military is not for you, because it truely is not for everyone. Parents should go with there son or daughter when talking about a future endeavor in the military and ensure EVERYTHING is in writing. If it ain’t in black and white then believe me when I say it don’t exist, such as a verbal agreement between some AD and some coach we all know! Anyway, sorry for getting on the soap box, but it irritates me when I read stuff like that.

  92. whitey June 15, 2008 2:08 pm

    al, good to see you in fine spirits. congratulations on another part of your family’s history and my best to mrs al.

    Happy Father’s Day to all of our Tsaikos.

    Congratulations to the Tsai’s for another great accomplishment.

  93. UHfan808 June 15, 2008 2:08 pm

    Good afternoon Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!

    Father Tsaikos & lurkers- Happy Father’s Day!!! Well deserved for all your loving hard work.

    ST- Wow you got your FD camera wish! What kine did you get??? (Good job Wena & family!)

    STs, d1s, Bullas,Markowitzs- Congratulations on your daughter’s/son’s graduations!!! Allie, Brent, Ryan, Abe — Keep up the good work and keep going — Shoot for the stars!

    al & boss- Conratulations on your 33rd anniversary. May you have many, many, many more! (al, Hope to meet the boss one day.)

    d1shima & wife- Belated congratulations on your anniversary on same day as Bulla’s son’s grad party. So cute you guys so busy you both forgot until that nite!

  94. Pauoa Boy June 15, 2008 2:14 pm

    Congrats al – you are inspiration for us young guys to keep it together even with the stresses that come with the long ride

    Unko ST – Lucky you get new camera, my wife went get me one of those Nintendo DS games for road trips but she play the dayum ting more than me

    All you other faddahs hope you’re having a wonderful day

  95. UHfan808 June 15, 2008 2:21 pm

    Good luck to Kawika. Wish you all the best!

    I was sorry to hear about RGM getting cut. =(

    –> May ALL former and current Warriors &/or Rainbows please please take precautions to keep safe during practices, during games, and of course, all other times. <–

    Go Warriors!
    Go Rainbows!
    Go Rainbow Warriors!

  96. Pauoa Boy June 15, 2008 2:26 pm

    On a football note: Looks like we’ve got a nice young core of LB’s for future years to come. Po’okela Ahmad, Mana Lolotai, Paipai Falemalu, Alema Tachibana, Art Laurel, Kawika Fuga, Kevin Konrath, Corey Paredes, hmmm…wonder if that Te’o guy will join the Warrior party?

  97. UHfan808 June 15, 2008 2:29 pm

    Whitey- Nice bio the other day. Finally met Duffer & son last week, now look forward to meeting you! You have a blessed and wonderful life. Are you a ‘good’ fisherman? lol

    Pauoa Boy- Did I say already– sorry I missed you at the Nancy’s Kitchen CC couple Saturdays ago. Hope I get to meet you sometime too.

  98. Pauoa Boy June 15, 2008 2:37 pm

    UHfan808 – No worries, sooner or later we’ll meet, whether it be at a future football game, CC, Tailgate, BBQ, or if you so happen to be in the San Diego area and need one place for crash, I get room for any UH fan.

  99. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 2:37 pm

    Hi Tsaiko-land Peeps!

    Whew! Just got back from the beach. It is beeeeyoootiful out there…and hot too.

    Hi UHFan-

    Glad to hear you blogging.



    CONGRATULATIONS TO D1 AND MRS. D1! Happy twennysixt.




    I am really looking forward to see the pics from your new camera. Don’t forget that you now have a flash (although sometimes pics will come out bettah without ‘um).

    Gotta go call my dad now. All this time, I thought he was at golf.

  100. UHfan808 June 15, 2008 2:39 pm

    Watched earlier college world series baseball game, Fresno State vs. Rice. Glad to see our WAC team represented well and beat Rice 17:5 tho not so excited it’s FSU. Anyhoo…Now watching LSU vs. NC…

  101. Jason June 15, 2008 2:49 pm

    Congrats to al and his wife for their anniversary! Congrats to Allie for graduating! And congrats to anyone else I forgot!

  102. UHfan808 June 15, 2008 3:00 pm

    Oh shucks, now gotta choose between Lakers vs Celtics basketball game at 3 and LSU vs NC baseball game now. Good thing for DVR. I have 5 minutes to decide. lol

    Midori7- Weird ‘cold’ this one (for me). Nothing but sneezing, sneezing, and more sneezing. Oh and tons of sleeping. Hope you’re feeling better to watch your Lakers!

    Go Lakers!

  103. Stretch June 15, 2008 3:02 pm

    Good thing I wasn’t taking another afternoon nap, damn Tiger would have woken me up again with his bridie putt on 18 to force a playoff. Unbelieveable!!

  104. duffer June 15, 2008 3:02 pm

    Tiger is simply AMAZING!!!

    Hey UHfan808 🙂

  105. MeiLing June 15, 2008 3:04 pm

    Right on, right on, right on! Go Tiger!!!

    Congratulations, Aliie! And to your parents for helping you get there.

    Happy anniversary, Al & the missus!

  106. UHfan808 June 15, 2008 3:10 pm

    Pauoa Boy- Hey thank you for the generous offer. You’re a true UH fan! Alas hopefully one day I may be able to offer the same!

    Addaknowsports- You went to the beach on this nice fine hot day! Were you going for a tan or a swim or?

  107. Barry Markowitz June 15, 2008 3:13 pm

    Happy, Happy, to everyone and for everything…Got all I wanted, pancakes, a kukui lei, and healthy family and friends…which includes you guys. Manuia le Aso Tama!

  108. Jason June 15, 2008 3:16 pm

    Stretch: That putt got my heart racing, just watching it. 😀

  109. UHfan808 June 15, 2008 3:17 pm

    Hi duffer!!! Glad to see you returned home safely.

    Saw some of Tiger’s highlights during ESPN news. He is awesome and amazing! Poor guy’s knee was hurting. Go Tiger!

  110. Stretch June 15, 2008 3:19 pm

    Whoa UHFan808 – I think you are over your yearly quota, you better take it easy from posting anything more.

  111. duffer June 15, 2008 3:36 pm

    Hey Stretch,

    Did you read my golf lesson from the previous blog?

    Poor UHfan808 and Midori7, now I know why they got sick….too much Stretch one liners…

  112. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 3:36 pm


    Went to spend QT with my sister and her family. It really feels like summer. Feels great.
    I was trying to even out the tan on my shoulders. The left side is dark ’cause that’s the side that hangs out the window when I drive. lol.
    By the end of the summer, I should have a tan all over.


    What do you mean UHFan is over her quota. She gotta catch up!

  113. Pauoa Boy June 15, 2008 3:42 pm

    Tiger is the best golfer, but that shot yesterday was one dog poop shot, either that or he had David Blaine pull one of those magic tricks on everyone, too much Tigah take it easy no need show off…

  114. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 3:46 pm


    (#112) Bwahahaha.

    It was good meeting you and your son at Ryan’s party at Rumours.

  115. duffer June 15, 2008 4:10 pm


    Same here, wish we had more time to talk story. Plus had some loud music… 🙂

  116. NYUH June 15, 2008 4:15 pm

    Interesting article on the spread offense and the defense needed to counter it.


  117. whitey June 15, 2008 4:15 pm

    sorry, forgot to say good afternoon to tsaikos around the world. spent time on the dark side last night and my space ship took a wrong turn home.

  118. Kekoa June 15, 2008 4:39 pm

    Lots of Good wishes all around for the Tsaiko Ohana on this super fine Father’s Day. To Dads and Grads, Husband and wives ~ Have a Happy! 😆

    I’d like to take a special time out to recognize the hard working single mom’s out there that pull yeoman’s duties representing “Dad.”

    It’s tuff enough these days for a 2 parent family to raise a child. Yet, I know of some young ladies that are doing it all for as many as 5 children! We all know that there are our very own Tsaikettes that have stepped up and provided excellent homes and support for their children by themselves.

    So to all the women who have unselfishly stepped up to fill those empty shoes…I salute you on this particular Father’s Day!

  119. chawan_cut June 15, 2008 4:45 pm

    Congratulations Stephen on your daughter’s graduation!

    and its always good to keep dreaming…

    I still am!

  120. chawan_cut June 15, 2008 4:47 pm


    thanks for the Happy Father’s Day wish, although I don’t know why… ??? I don’t need one.

  121. Jason June 15, 2008 4:51 pm

    I wasn’t wishing you a Happy Father’s Day, read it again:

    And double especially to all those helping chawan_cut with his love life.

  122. Kekoa June 15, 2008 4:52 pm

    Pauoa Boy ~ Very good post at #92. You have completed a very emotionally complicated assignment, and expressed your sentiments in a very professional manner.

    We who have served know exactly what the challenges were in recruiting while bullets are flying and the body count rises. This is certainly not a walk in park. Those who do take up the sword, do so at their choosing. It is not for everyone.

    Maybe you should urge the *Corps* to change the saying to:

    “The Few, The Proud, The Tsaiko!”

  123. wafan June 15, 2008 5:14 pm

    Nene time. The earlier I go to bed, the “sooner” tomorrow comes. And the sooner tomorrow comes the sooner the school year ends.

    I know. Naive. But right now it is all I have.


    4 more!!!

  124. Stretch June 15, 2008 5:29 pm

    June 15th, 2008 at 4:15 pm
    sorry, forgot to say good afternoon to tsaikos around the world. spent time on the dark side last night and my space ship took a wrong turn home.

    Master Sensei Whitey – you lucky dog!!

  125. chawan_cut June 15, 2008 5:48 pm

    oh yeah, well, i need more than just well wishes… heh.

  126. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 6:00 pm

    So Midori7-

    How many somersaults did you do just now?

  127. chawan_cut June 15, 2008 6:03 pm

    thats why i’m still livin’ the dream….

  128. Stretch June 15, 2008 6:12 pm

    midori can now breath…

  129. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 6:13 pm

    Okay Midori7-

    How many more somersaults did you do just now?

  130. chawan_cut June 15, 2008 6:14 pm

    you mean breathe???

  131. Stretch June 15, 2008 6:17 pm

    okay chawan – sorry for the wrong spelling

  132. UHfan808 June 15, 2008 6:17 pm

    Was talking with Midori7 on the phone while I watched the baseball game and she watched basketball and baseball. You should hear her. She flips between channels and cheers and protests calls for both sports all while asking me how I’m doing, how she’s doing, whether I’m going to the Donovan/Coach Mac dinner, and etc. lol. This Tsaikette is amazing!

    This Tuesday, FSU plays this afternoon’s winner UNC (vs LSU) college world series baseball. Go WAC team!!!

    On to watch the Lakers game…

  133. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 6:19 pm

    Multi-tasking. I LOVE IT!

  134. Jason June 15, 2008 6:25 pm

    Midori7 should have been born a boy, “Tsaiko” is much more fitting than “Tsaikette.”

    Then again, if Midori7 were born a boy, then he might not be best friends with UHfan808, and then I chawan_cut wouldn’t get the chance to hang out with two beautiful young women. 😛

  135. Jason June 15, 2008 6:26 pm

    That should read:

    Then again, if Midori7 were born a boy, then he might not be best friends with UHfan808, and then I chawan_cut wouldn’t get the chance to hang out with two beautiful young women.

  136. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 6:35 pm

    Freudian slip, Jason?

  137. Stretch June 15, 2008 6:39 pm

    A-sports – he WISH!!!

  138. UHfan808 June 15, 2008 6:43 pm

    hahaha…Stretch & A-sports! I haven’t blogged since before the K-Call and have tons more to catch up on! lol

  139. Jason June 15, 2008 6:47 pm

    I, er, we’ve missed you, UHfan808. 😀

  140. SteveM June 15, 2008 6:49 pm


    I’ve almost recovered from my blunder of deleting the RSVP survey data without full listings. Thank you for your patience. In order to consolidate the info on the RSVP survey site and my web page Events Calendar, I have created a separate Genji-Camellia resource page and added the June 19 data. Please see:

    Note the listings of those having the buffer dinner and those arriving later/ordering ala carte. Please tell me if your name is listed incorrectly.

    Reminder: The buffet dinner is by special order and specific number. We will be responsible for payment of the number we order. Our final count cut-off will be Monday night.

    As noted earlier, parking may be problematic on a week night. Carpooling is recommended if possible. Note: don’t worry about who is staying how late or long–just get to Genji’s and we will mix and match riders and drivers for the trip home. We’ll sort that out that night. 🙂

  141. chorus June 15, 2008 6:52 pm

    Yes…. UHfan808…. we’ve missed you!

  142. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 6:56 pm

    So Jason… with the “I” now a “we”, does that make you and chawan_cut the “other twins”. Bwahaha. j/k.

  143. Garret June 15, 2008 6:57 pm

    Congratulations on your graduation Allie!

    Happy Anniversary Al and Mrs. Al!

  144. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 7:00 pm

    Hi Garret!

    How was your 14 hour day. Hope you had a fabulous Father’s Day!!!

  145. Garret June 15, 2008 7:01 pm

    Article on Reinbold. One thing I found interesting is that JJ initially told him that he should stay at UH, but things changed and Reinbold ended up going to SMU.

    One glance at Jeff Reinebold makes it obvious he was one of the SMU assistant coaches who came with June Jones from Hawaii. The sun-bleached blond hair, the ornate tattoos, the tan so deep it looks almost genetic … talk to the Mustangs’ new wide receivers coach and recruiting coordinator, and you almost expect him to start channeling his inner Jeff Spicoli. At least one reporter in Hawaii refers to him only as “the sun god.”

    “My heart was, is and always will be in Hawaii,” Reinebold said. “That’s home to me, and it has been since the first time I stepped off the plane.”

    “I miss the water, I miss the surfing, I miss the people — the Polynesian people are amazing people,” he said. “But I’m thrilled to be here in this football environment.

    “The situation in Hawaii is that Greg is a very good football coach, but he needs to have his own guys in there,” Reinebold said. “The problem is, I’m a ‘June Jones guy.’

    If you can put your ego aside and work at something, with the right teaching and the right encouragement and enough effort, you can do a lot of impressive things.

    “(Former Hawaii wide receiver) Ryan Grice-Mullins is a perfect example of that,” Reinebold said. “He couldn’t catch consistently when he got to Hawaii, but he stayed after and worked with the JUGS machine — a lot. He was a high school quarterback, but he stayed with it, and he became a great player. He learned the position and ended up getting invited to an NFL camp (by the Houston Texans).”

  146. Garret June 15, 2008 7:07 pm


    Today was the first day in weeks that I didn’t work (I finished my paper yesterday to make sure I had today free). I spent the day with my wife and kids, which is what I wanted. For half of the day we were with a family of 5 that are great friends of ours and we had a great time. We let the kids stay up a little late tonight because we got ice cream from Cold Stone and then played Monopoly Jr.

    Any day that I get to be with my family and not worry about my company is a great day. So, today was a great Father’s Day for me.

  147. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 7:10 pm


    I have to say that I have seen you with Lori and the kids and I think you are a great father to do all that you do and still make time for your family right down to the details.

  148. Garret June 15, 2008 7:15 pm

    I’m catching up with my reading and noticed that SMU’s camp today had about 300 high school players in attendance. They are now at 6 commits, including a 6’5″ offensive tackle who is listed as one of the top 15 offensive linemen in the state of Texas by Texas Football.

    I’ve seen these camps work for recruits at big schools like Texas and at numerous mid-major schools. Hawaii high school recruits (like the big group that Bulla took all over the mainland last year) go to these camps and many of them end up at the schools holding the camps. I’d love for UH to hold a camp next year and help keep the local players home, plus snag a few mainland players who would attend the camp.

  149. Garret June 15, 2008 7:19 pm

    Article about how Miami got rid of their vet WRs, so their young WRs have an opportunity to prove themselves. Of course Bess is mentioned.

    Of the four undrafted rookie receivers — Jayson Foster, Davone Bess, Selwyn Lymon and Justin Wynn — Bess, barely 5-10, has clearly stood out.

    “I see improvement,” Sparano said. “There is a lot of competition at the position right now. As far as where anybody is, any of those things, we really haven’t put our finger on that yet, but we’re looking at all these guys right now.

    “What I like is we have some big players at the position. We have some smaller guys that can really run. We are starting to find some roles in maybe our half-personnel stuff when you are getting three wide receivers out there. Some things are starting to take shape as we get on with this.”

  150. Garret June 15, 2008 7:21 pm


    I’m just trying to follow the example of my Dad. Lori and I put the kids first, but we have lots of time together since they go to sleep much earlier than we do and they take a nice nap in the middle of the day.

  151. whitey June 15, 2008 7:22 pm

    Fresno beating Rice is sweet revenge for the WAC. Hope Fresno goes all the way to the finals. That will give WAC baseball a lot more respect and it will definitely help UH in the long run.

  152. Pauoa Boy June 15, 2008 7:27 pm

    Just got back from one nice dinner at Benihanas with the ohana so now my faddahs day is filled…literally all opu, with no room for dessert…

    Howzit Unko Kekoa, sorry catching up from this afternoon. Happy Father’s Day to you and your ohana too.

    Same to the rest of the gang who are daddy’s and mommy’s who pull fatherly rolls as well. I know planny of you women who have kids who got shafted by one loser and are providing for your ohana, so this day is for you as well.

  153. Pauoa Boy June 15, 2008 7:32 pm

    #149 – Would like to see something like that happen too. I’m sure if they held the camp at Ching field when everything is looking cherry, would attract alot of the local boys and some mainlander prospects.

  154. Pauoa Boy June 15, 2008 7:34 pm

    whitey – I would like to see Fresno St. represent the WAC by going all the way, but once it’s over the Bulldogs need to go back in the doghouse, mwahaha!

  155. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc June 15, 2008 7:45 pm

    Congratulaions to the graduates and to the Birthdaya Boys & Girls and to the folks celbrating their anniversaries and to the Poppies of the world.


    As posted last Monday:
    STEPHEN: Don’t be too upset that you didn’t get a new camera for Father’s Day. It’s the THIRD Sunday in June – this year, June 15th.

    We’re all looking forward to more pictures on the blog. Most of the XX amongst us would particularly appreciate more shots of young men showing off their athletic skills.


    STEVEM: Went back to the archives to look at what happened during the time frame you mentioned plus two weeks at each end and have finished March 1 through March 6, 2007. So far, there’ve been references to some 40 deleted posts but no explanation as to why they were removed plus several references to Ticket-Gate again without any details. People raising that issue were told to look at blogs appearing a few days earlier but no specific dates were cited. Someone – I think Garret – had some of the deleted blogs saved by accident but nothing seemed out of line.

    What is interesting so far is the appearance of Coach Mack on the scene. Little did we know that less than ten months later, he’d be head coach and Jones would be in Dallas.

    Most of the turmoil surrounding the Athletic Director at that time seemd focused on Riley Wallace/Bob Nash/2007 confirmed football schedule – or lack of same

    It takes about 10 minutes to go back some 15 months into the archive, but since there/s not much on tv these days, reading three or four blogs a day fills up the time.

    Busy educational week – workshops at UH on Monday & Tuesday and a conference in Waikiki on Wednesday & Thursday. Looking forward to seeing folks later this week even if it’s just for a few minutes.

  156. koakane™ June 15, 2008 7:56 pm


    I am not having the buffet dinner. just stopping by for pau hana EIS. thanks

  157. bighilofan2 June 15, 2008 8:10 pm

    In Florida, its 75 days an 74 nites. wooo hooo.

    Go Warriors!!!!

  158. bighilofan2 June 15, 2008 8:12 pm

    I sure hope da JUGS machine gettin lots of use by da Warrior peeps!

  159. koakane™ June 15, 2008 8:15 pm

    wow what a day

    put in 12 plus hours of rack time which was quiet cause wife and daughter went on a field trip-shopping. son went beach with buddies so hale quiet. 😳

    had ready made loco moko brunch to kill hunger pains. for dinner had home made oxtail so ono

    caught teger on his last 5 holes and was wondering what happened since last heard he was up 3 after sat. but crap he pulls it out and lives to battle another day

    oh wow lau lau da lakas pull it out but squeeze bvd’s again. dey blow another beeeeg lead. have to say condolences to midori now because can not see celtics losing it in boston. some on tranquilize mrAhouse after the win and mrsAhouse hide all sharp objects from dotta 😀

    again late shout out to da tsaiko faddah’s hope you day was blessed.

  160. koakane™ June 15, 2008 8:17 pm

    should read have some tranquilizers

  161. koakane™ June 15, 2008 8:19 pm

    bhf2 need to ask something of you plse email me at
    much mahalo

  162. koakane™ June 15, 2008 8:34 pm

    wow quiet time must be still celebrating daddy day or passed out from all da eating

  163. koakane™ June 15, 2008 8:38 pm

    a song for the contented fathers out there

  164. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 8:58 pm


    From all the sleep you got, you going be doing this all night. Maybe you’ll still be up when ST makes new blog. Heehee.

  165. chawan_cut June 15, 2008 9:00 pm

    thanks again….. i think.
    yes, i’m glad i got to hang out with the 2 of them, and that they are ladies. r u jealous??? hehe.

    and a-sports, sorry, jason and i are not the other set of twins….

  166. koakane™ June 15, 2008 9:00 pm

    sorry try this one

  167. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc June 15, 2008 9:01 pm


    Congratulaions to the graduates and to the Birthdaya Boys & Girls and to the folks celbrating their anniversaries and to the Poppies of the world = Congratulations to the graduates and to the Birthday Boys & Girls and to the folks celebrating their anniversaries and to the Poppies of the world

  168. Stephen Tsai June 15, 2008 9:14 pm

    Hey, thanks for the great wishes.
    Wena got me a great bonus present: She took me to a casino!

  169. koakane™ June 15, 2008 9:15 pm


    this is from me to you

  170. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 9:16 pm


    No offense intended. Just teasing Jason.
    Are you back from your trip yet? I was enjoying your pictures. Have a friend from Guam. Was going to direct him to your pics in case he was homesick.

  171. BG June 15, 2008 9:20 pm

    Finally got to the blog…

    Great pix of your Allie, ST. You and Wena must be proud parents. Was talking earlier with Kekoa and we both agreed that the Tsaikos seem to be blessed with outstanding young adults. Don’t know why, but it’s true.

    Just have to believe that Al and Mrs Al celebrated their anniversary in style. Congratulations! Make the next year even better.

    Garret – great to hear about your family (see first paragraph above). Your kids are going to be the next talented generation of Tsaikos! For sure…for sure. As with Bulla, D1, ST, Barry (and a few others I probably missed), it’s very true that the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree!

  172. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 9:26 pm

    Wow, Koakane! Thanks!


    Did you play you-know-what?

  173. koakane™ June 15, 2008 9:26 pm

    bg howzit to you

    will call you mon sometime to arrange stuff’s

    what’s a good time for you? no can promise be right on but around it anyway bwhaaa.

  174. BG June 15, 2008 9:26 pm


    Howzit braddah? Please give me a call when you get chance tomorrow morning after 9am.

    So…what time Rocco and Tiger teeing off? I just felt sorry for all the staff and ground crews who gotta come in tomorrow…all the unsung heroes/heroines.

  175. koakane™ June 15, 2008 9:29 pm

    asports since stay up like work on your firefox addon’s now?

  176. koakane™ June 15, 2008 9:32 pm

    I think at 9 on espn and on kitv sometime around noon or 1 but not sure.

  177. Stretch June 15, 2008 9:34 pm

    Golf starts at 6am on ESPN. After 9 holes, they will switch to NBC.

  178. chawan_cut June 15, 2008 9:35 pm

    wow, brian ching scored a hat trick today!

    oh and congrats to midori7’s lakers!

  179. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 9:37 pm

    Okay, Koakane. A-joe sleeping now. I think I gave him/he caught/he now has my cold.

    How complicated is this? You get my cell phone numba? If not let me know and I email ’em to you. Let me just throw in this load of laundry so I not up til 1:00.

  180. koakane™ June 15, 2008 9:38 pm

    mahalo stretch mine same on espn if looking upside darkside down bwhaaaaaaaaa

    knew they were switching but neva know to wea

    you got my email?

  181. koakane™ June 15, 2008 9:42 pm

    asports I get somebody’s numba. get joe’s phone and yours whateva rings das me.

    real easy just showing you where to go and den just go for it.

    call you in a few minutes.

  182. Stretch June 15, 2008 9:44 pm

    whoa – I see a Tsaiko scandal going on here. A Tsaiko husband goes sleep then the wife asks another Tsaiko to give her a call. hhmmmmmmmm……

  183. Garret June 15, 2008 9:44 pm

    Sounds like Jason Rivers probably had an interesting (and brutal) workout each Wednesday with the Titans.

    The session with a kettlebell — picture a ball with a handle, the biggest variety a bit smaller than a bowling ball — set the course for part of the Titans’ offseason conditioning program. Several players have been enduring the Wednesday workouts, much to the chagrin of some.

    “I don’t enjoy it,” cornerback Cortland Finnegan said. “I can run all day, 40s, 100s, 180s, and not sweat as much as I do in here and be in as much pain. This kettlebell workout, Jay has taken this thing to the next level.

    “This ain’t for me. I can’t really speak on the kettlebell; you’ll have to find someone more profound on the kettlebell industry. This right here is just torture, I can’t even talk on it.”

    Practice squad players were guinea pigs last season, often working out with Watterson and Novak on Saturdays. The coaches liked the results and blended the workouts into the offseason program. DiLuglio came to Nashville to teach the first couple sessions.

    Watterson generally schedules kettlebell workouts on Wednesdays. Players are paid for four days of weekly workouts in the offseason program, and Wednesdays are optional. Offensive linemen in particular, Watterson said, tend to stay away knowing what’s waiting for them.

    A recent 7 a.m. workout featured rookies, Finnegan and defensive end Kyle Vanden Bosch, who’s got a special kettlebell filled with buckshot. The buckshot shifts as the kettlebell moves, increasing the instability and making the workout even more difficult.

    Red kettlebells (and a few that are accidentally pink) weigh 35 pounds, black ones are 52, orange ones 70 and Vanden Bosch’s super deluxe silver model was at 75.

    Rookie receiver Lavelle Hawkins was still huffing and puffing when he discussed his first kettlebell experience.

    “This workout is tough, it’s physically and mentally tough,” he said.

    “You’ve got to just push through it. … It kind of keeps you interested, changes it up. I think it’s cool.”

  184. SteveM June 15, 2008 9:45 pm

    ST — glad you enjoyed Father’s Day. Allie’s graduation and Wena giving you a camera and trip to a casino. Great day!

  185. Garret June 15, 2008 9:46 pm

    Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off topic stuff.

    Article about the difference between Father’s Day and Mother’s Day. It is not surprising to me that the stats show much less money spent on Father’s Day and much less card being sent. What did surprise me was that Father’s Day wasn’t created until 58 years after Mother’s Day!

  186. Garret June 15, 2008 9:47 pm

    It is sad that flights will be harder to find for the next year or so, with about 15% of flights eliminated. Prices are up too, but with less flights to chose from the bargains will be harder to find.

  187. Garret June 15, 2008 9:47 pm

    A woman’s diet around the time of conception may affect the sex of her baby. This study found that a high-calorie diet at the time of conception leads to more boy babies.

  188. Garret June 15, 2008 9:47 pm

    Seaworld might need to be sold because the parent company of Beck’s beer is trying to buy Anheuser-Busch (parent company of Budweiser).

  189. koakane™ June 15, 2008 9:48 pm

    but we up front so he can read it next day not like some darkside tigas we know 😡


  190. Garret June 15, 2008 9:48 pm

    Article about how hard it is to find Wii Fit in stores or online. Nintendo is shipping 4 times more to Europe than the US because of the weak dollar.

  191. Garret June 15, 2008 9:49 pm

    Free play links pau.

  192. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 9:50 pm


    You Ptsaiko lurker, you. Are you trying to start someting?


    Check your email.

  193. Garret June 15, 2008 9:50 pm

    From what I know about ST, going to a casino today was a real bonus treat for Father’s Day! Hopefully ST and Wena did well with the gambling.

  194. koakane™ June 15, 2008 9:52 pm

    kden asports email me numba cause numba I calling off.

  195. SteveM June 15, 2008 9:54 pm

    Spent a while this evening delving into the archives in early April. Found two things of trivial interest. Since it’s after 2100…

    The first is the secondary references to Peaches and her teddy bear…Comment from: SteveM [Visitor]
    Hey prideperiod. Peaches saw your comment after the Makino Chaya feeding about her being sweet and a trooper. She asked me which one you were. When I told her, she said “Ahh…the teddy bear”. So that’s her your nickname for you.

    But I think the rest of us will just call you “Sir” 🙂
    04/03/07 @ 22:58

    Comment from: al [Visitor]
    eh peaches, thats one huge teddy bear eh?
    04/03/07 @ 23:09

    Comment from: prideperiod [Visitor]
    SteveM. Tell Peaches that she can call me whateve she wants. Just don’t call me late for lunch.
    04/03/07 @ 23:16

  196. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 9:56 pm


    Stay off ’cause you calling DA WRONG ONE! Check your email.

  197. Stretch June 15, 2008 9:56 pm

    June 15th, 2008 at 9:50 pm
    You Ptsaiko lurker, you. Are you trying to start someting?

    Me?? Start something?? Nah, I am not an instigator.

  198. koakane™ June 15, 2008 9:57 pm

    asports both numbas 45 and 43 busy so not getting through

    one phone got to be still on somewhere

  199. SteveM June 15, 2008 9:59 pm

    After all the Tsai-ko Karaoke Calls this year after las vegas hit town, this is one od the chats that set the stage…

    Comment from: las vegas [Visitor]
    SteveM said:
    Now you live in Las Vegas–and over 21… and still doing karaoke?

    Much to my embarrasment, I belong to the Japan Cultural Club and am the Karaoke MC/Host for the recitals and parties
    04/03/07 @ 23:17

    Comment from: SteveM [Visitor]
    prideperiod– Peaches thinks teddy bears are sweet and cuddly. Has me a little disturbed 😉

    las vegas– next time you come to Hono, I’ll take you to my cousin’s karaoke bar, called Genji’s. They have a large visiting Japanese speaking clientele. Their discs are all English-Japanese.
    04/03/07 @ 23:33

    Comment from: las vegas [Visitor]

    hahaha, Genji’s!

    Old hang out with the Japanese speaking drivers at Roberts Hawaii and the ol’ ladies from Duty free shoppers.
    we used to buy the miso salad dressing.
    04/03/07 @ 23:40

    Comment from: SteveM [Visitor]
    Small world, las vegas. OK, the offer stands. Gotta get Al and the other Tsai-Ko’s too. At least I can get reservations easier– the first time anyway 😉
    04/03/07 @ 23:48

  200. koakane™ June 15, 2008 10:01 pm

    asports sent email to you with my numba call me

  201. Jason June 15, 2008 10:13 pm

    Teddy bear? 😮

  202. al June 15, 2008 10:50 pm

    once again thanks all for the well wishes.

  203. Kekoa June 15, 2008 10:55 pm

    Jason – check your email.

    A-sports ~ Time to form a posse. Koakane must need us to post bail again. We junk ‘n po to see who goes down Pearl City station to pick him up.

  204. Kekoa June 15, 2008 10:56 pm

    W-Doc ~ Pls check your email for my response.

  205. al June 15, 2008 10:57 pm

    stevem….thanks for reminding him.

    i see the instigator is up to his antics again.

  206. Addahknowsports June 15, 2008 11:18 pm


    I don’t tink we need to worry about Koakane…at least tonight anyway. He was patient, polite and coherent.

    Thanks for the help Koakane. You rock, Patnah!

    I might be getting a little more fancy shmancy with my blog posts since my patnah wen hook me up with firefox extras.


    Me?? Start something?? Nah, I am not an instigator.

    Cough, cough, ack ack.

  207. koakane™ June 15, 2008 11:21 pm


    decided to say in PC sub station cause they playing poker and de get happy hour price now. moa betta than military club. plus gas price high and bus no run till next morning. :mrgreen:

  208. koakane™ June 15, 2008 11:24 pm

    auhhhhhhhhhhhhh busted roflmao

    wen teach to fast now asports beating me to da quick.

    enjoy da new stuff

  209. chawan_cut June 15, 2008 11:27 pm

    check out guam’s main online newspaper…

    do they have the same managemnt as the tiser?
    hey, they have blogs too! not as crazy as this one though.

    oh, and here’s a new word of the day
    Chamaole (half Chamorro, half Caucasian)

  210. SteveM June 15, 2008 11:33 pm

    Repeat post for the night shift since I’ll be working and off-line till mid-morning tomorrow. All accounted for except for Midnight…and I assume Ralph is OK since he has been posting normally.


    In order to consolidate the info on the RSVP survey site and my web page Events Calendar, I have created a separate Genji-Camellia resource page and added the June 19 Call data. Please see:

    Note the listings of those having the buffer dinner and those arriving later/ordering ala carte. Please tell me if your name is listed incorrectly.

    Reminder: The buffet dinner is by special order and specific number. We will be responsible for payment of the number we order. Our final count cut-off will be Monday night.

    As noted earlier, parking may be problematic on a week night. Carpooling is recommended if possible. Note: don’t worry about who is staying how late or long–just get to Genji’s and we will mix and match riders and drivers for the trip home. We’ll sort things out that night. 😉

  211. Addahknowsports© June 15, 2008 11:43 pm


    My friend told me same company that design HA page is same that does Guam paper. He told me name of company, but I forget.

  212. koakane™ June 15, 2008 11:45 pm

    steveM sent earlier note do not count me in on buffet dinner, will attend for pauhana EIS only. thanks

  213. UHfan808 June 15, 2008 11:46 pm

    Uh oh, I missed some posts and a phone call…

    Kekoa- I’ll call you tomorrow!

    A-sports- How wonderful to get a tan while QT with the family. That’s multi-tasking at it’s finest! And you’ll be sun-kissed in time for Warrior football season!

    Jason- We loved your and Chawan’s (& et al Tsaikos) company at Rainbow baseball games! Wouldn’t change a thing. You guys so much fun!

    Yep, I’ve truly missed the Tsaiko blog. Even though there are Tsaiko get-togethers and UH games to even out the UH football withdrawls, there’s no other like Warrior Beat Blog where it all comes together in one place. Ahhhhh…! I’ve missed the ppls & personalities, information and discussions, jokes & laffs! It’s nice to be back. hehe

  214. Addahknowsports© June 15, 2008 11:46 pm

    G’nite, folks.

  215. bighilofan2 June 15, 2008 11:57 pm

    da wife stay sleepin so I dunno how fo make her email at home. gonna get dat an tomorrow evening afta 8 i get back to you, but yu can call me now at 964-2220 or in da am at 933-1758.
    we can chitchat. 😀

  216. Esme June 15, 2008 11:59 pm

    Sliding in juuust under the wire to wish a late Happy Father’s Day to all our Tsaiko dads out there!

    And congrats, ST and Wena, on Allie’s graduation! You must be ever so proud. What a fabulous Father’s Day gift. :mrgreen:

    OK, back in the ayem, I hope. ‘Nighty night, all!

  217. LizKauai June 16, 2008 12:08 am

    Happy happy everything- especially to Allie, the grad!

    La Mancha closed today to a full house and more raves. I am very tired but wanted to drop in to say NITEY NITE!!!

  218. al June 16, 2008 12:18 am

    uhfan….didn’t the boss meet you at tailgate 2?

  219. wafan June 16, 2008 3:56 am

    Good morning everyone!

    Hope it will be a beautiful day where you live, work and play!!!

  220. MeiLing June 16, 2008 5:56 am


    Happy belated anniversary! Just caught up on the first half of this blog & saw you had an anniversary too.

    Have a great day everyone!

  221. Loa June 16, 2008 6:07 am

    morning gang!

    thank you princess leila for the youth soccer regional coverage and good luck to all the Hawaii teams

    d1 and mrs. d1 – congrats on the “original pictures” anniversary!

    have a safe and happy day!

  222. d1shima [sez:] June 16, 2008 6:49 am

    Great Morning All.

    Hope all da faddahs had a great day. Missed lots on the blog yesterday; spent time at home with the boys then to sister-in-law’s for dinner. Great Fathers’ Day!

    Congrats to Allie and her proud parents.
    Congrats also to al and his Boss.

    Looking forward to more advancements in photojournalism on the WB.
    I hope you were able to recover the price of the camera at the casino.

    Thanks MeiLing and Loa.

    Have a great day Tsaikos!

  223. bighilofan2 June 16, 2008 6:55 am

    Good morning Tsaikos everywhere!

    75 days an 74 nites

    tahn …. tahn …… tahn tahn.. tahn ..
    tun.. tahn.tun.tun.tuntun….

    wooo hooo!!!!!


  224. Stretch June 16, 2008 7:00 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos!!

    Good thing I am at work this morning and not home taking a nap. Now Tiger can’t wake me up from my nap (unless I take a nap at my desk).

  225. bighilofan2 June 16, 2008 7:44 am

    About JJ,

    first ting, rememba I persunally tink he fulla shibai. but wit dat said:
    the peeps who say he owes the $$ as penalty, if you know: How was the income reported on JJ’s tax returns for 2007? how about 2006? so much from the State, and so much from Foundaton? and the breach of contract issue is with who? and he has email from – Loser? and he was in discussions with the Governor, and President McClain? an if went trial, he’d call Loser as his witness, an ask Loser embarassing questions? an mostly, who would look like a loser? pick 2 odda 3:
    UH, Loser, JJ. I am not a futurist, but I can see where this is going.

    My suggestion to the BoR and President McClain: overachieve. suck it up, appear magnanimous because at the end of the day, if I had to choose, I’d choose that we, UH, is going to lose. We”re already losing. The big $$ peeps want to be tied to a winner. They listen to the ti leaves. JJ get enuf supportahs. gonna be like da republicans an democrats, its not ovah till its ovah. we lose dat way. imho.

  226. bighilofan2 June 16, 2008 8:06 am

    Coach Mack,

    Good morning. I no yu no how fo get da braddas to overachieve, an I no yu say we goin do dis an akchally yu doo dat. an I no its too much to dream ah 2 fantastic seasons back to back. or 3, or more. not!!!

    da main ting now is da reps: who incharge ah JUGS goin off alla time at 5 yards, 12 second intervals, wit rcvrs, dbs, lb, slots, rotatin? left front, right front, left side, right side, high, low, middle?

    c’mon, Coach Mack. OVERACHIEVE!!! yu can do it!!


  227. Pauoa Boy June 16, 2008 8:10 am

    Good morning gang

  228. Pauoa Boy June 16, 2008 8:13 am

    bighilofan2 – I tink I read somewea dat Jerry Rice used to catch bricks for develop his hands, maybe Coach Mack can use the same concept, except instead of da brick use da coconut and toss em down. Garrans aftah a few coconuts, they going learn for not drop da ball and hold on tight.

  229. Mad Dog June 16, 2008 8:14 am

    Morning all. Breaking my lurking routine to let you know Rolo on 1420 now.

  230. Kekoa June 16, 2008 8:19 am

    Stretch ~ Tiger at even par aftah 9. Rocco +2…Tiger starts 10 with another great putt and goes up 3.

  231. Stretch June 16, 2008 8:36 am

    the internet is great!! I can watch the golf while sitting at my desk “working”. hahaha. (link to golf is attached)

  232. (Jesse) James June 16, 2008 8:55 am

    Good morning Tsaikos….a belated happy father’s day to all the dads out there…ST, you see, wishes do come true…. 🙂

    And for all those whose fathers have passed, may they RIP and here’s to them as well for brining up fine children…..

    Good to see more defensive prospects. Mr. Fuga seems to have the potential. Keep it up, work hard, and dreams do come true.


  233. (Jesse) James June 16, 2008 8:56 am


    At 12th. TIger bogeyed 11 and 12 while Rocco pared both. Rocco at +3 Tiger at +2

  234. (Jesse) James June 16, 2008 8:57 am

    Okay gang…needing to head off to work. Talk to you guys later.

  235. koakane™ June 16, 2008 9:01 am

    morning everyone

    checking in

  236. False Portuguese June 16, 2008 9:13 am

    KK…wassup? Long time no see. So, where tui stay?

  237. g-nalo June 16, 2008 9:21 am

    the internet is great!! I can watch the golf while sitting at my desk “working”. hahaha. (link to golf is attached)

    good job “State” worker.

    good morning all! for me the good thing about the US Open is i’ll be happy for whomever wins. not pulling hard for Tiger like i usually do?

  238. sjmacro June 16, 2008 9:24 am

    Stretch: how can you work quietly at your desk? must be duct tape over the mouth…:lol: 😀 sjmacro

  239. False Portuguese June 16, 2008 9:28 am

    bruddah g….das tru. Eedah way, gud story.

  240. g-nalo June 16, 2008 9:40 am

    howzit FP!

    Mediate is like a “false portagee”, doesn’t realize who he’s competing against………………but doing WELL at it so good for him. 🙂

    in fact, might be pau already?

  241. Stretch June 16, 2008 9:43 am

    g-nalo – been working so hard that I am not sure what the score is but let me check…. okay rocco is up 1 stroke on the 17th

  242. Jason June 16, 2008 9:46 am

    Good morning! Since we were talking about conference alliances, I thought I’d link to this story: Tim Stephens of the Orlando Sentinel has a suggestion — consolidate conferences geographically, creating four BCS “superconferences” (and five smaller conferences), with UH in the Pac-16 North:

  243. g-nalo June 16, 2008 9:47 am

    Stretch – eh thanks for taking a SHORT break on your BUSY work morning.

    if Mediate holds on history will say its because Woods was injured, true but Mediate did beat everybody else.

  244. Stretch June 16, 2008 9:51 am

    Is talking about golf this morning considered “chit chat” since this is a “football” blogsite??

  245. Stretch June 16, 2008 9:53 am

    both made par on 17. rocco takes a one shot lead into the 18th. okay, back to work now 😉

  246. Stretch June 16, 2008 9:56 am

    rocco pulls tee shot to the left into fairway bunker

    tiger in middle of fairway

  247. Jason June 16, 2008 9:56 am

    This is as exciting a playoff as I’ve ever seen. An injured Tiger down one on 18, but we know he can eagle this…

  248. False Portuguese June 16, 2008 10:01 am

    eh, i like chit chat li dat….

  249. Stretch June 16, 2008 10:01 am

    tiger on in 2

    rocco layed up

  250. J-DOG June 16, 2008 10:05 am

    thanks for the US Open updates guys…keep um coming! Let’s go Tiger!

  251. Jason June 16, 2008 10:12 am

    Tiger birdies, Rocco pars. After 90 holes, it’s time for more!

  252. Kekoa June 16, 2008 10:13 am

    SUDDEN DEATH!…I love the sound of that phrase…like the smell of Napalm in the morning!

  253. False Portuguese June 16, 2008 10:14 am

    sudden deat babeeeeeee

  254. Stretch June 16, 2008 10:14 am

    Who the heck and get any work done?? Hurry up and pau (not!).

  255. J-DOG June 16, 2008 10:16 am


  256. False Portuguese June 16, 2008 10:18 am

    eh, isn’t chit chat one club on kona st.? I gonna haf to aks stretch.

  257. Jason June 16, 2008 10:18 am

    *plays cell phone ring tone*

    (It’s Ride of the Valkyries.)

  258. Stretch June 16, 2008 10:18 am

    so excited, I can’t even type correctly.

    and = can

  259. Stretch June 16, 2008 10:19 am

    FP – don’t think so cause no chit chat takes place over there.

  260. SteveM June 16, 2008 10:31 am

    Good morning everyone!
    …and ST who is lurking…

    I did find the “9:00 PM or 2100 Rule” last night delving into the archives. The 2100 Rule is still in effect until ST posts a new blog entry, so “chit chat” is technically OK.

    Hope ST is not delayed trying to post photos from his new digital camera using his USB wireless phone modem. Huge file size and slow relatively slow phone upload speeds…. 🙁 Of course, it’s vacation time for him and a happy occasion.

    The longest I’ve seen the 2100 Rule in effect is around 2 days 🙂

  261. Jason June 16, 2008 10:34 am

    Amazing golf this weekend. Amazing golf…

  262. MeiLing June 16, 2008 10:34 am

    Yeehaw! Tiger!

  263. Stretch June 16, 2008 10:35 am

    Tiger makes par to win 14th major when leading/tied going into last round!!

  264. False Portuguese June 16, 2008 10:35 am

    Stretch, LMAO.

  265. koakane™ June 16, 2008 11:07 am

    whew great finish to some amazing

    golf teger win another

    that rock guy deserves credit for representing and putting up one challenge.

    wonda if he can qualify for be one tsaiko 🙂

  266. Kekoa June 16, 2008 11:15 am

    For Rocco, DEATH…Tiger Boy does it again. Gigi take note. Stretch, don’t take it out on Rich.

    False Portuguese, Tiger looking for you at the Hawaiian Waters putt-putt course brah, bring your rubber duckie!

    Have a great day folks and I’ll see those of you who can make it, at the Camillia Buffet for the “Hail & Farewell” CC for Ronnie and Abe.

  267. koakane™ June 16, 2008 11:16 am

    fp how u? lost tui someplace but think he new #1 now 😆

    g-nalo thinking like you we get new state worker but on da darker side roflmao

    steveM thanks for clearing up the air. appoint you da head zebra to officiate disputes 😉

  268. koakane™ June 16, 2008 11:19 am

    bhf2 good chit chatting with you last night and looking forward to moa of da same dis thursday.

  269. koakane™ EIS June 16, 2008 11:20 am

    howzit kekoa spoke to bg and set up some stuff with him. catch ya lattas

  270. Kekoa June 16, 2008 11:28 am

    Worth mentioning one more time as a reminder…

    Date: Tuesday, 17 June 2008

    Time: 11:30 AM – until we pau ‘chit chat’

    Place: Camillia Buffet on McCully.

    Event: Hail & Fairwell for Ronnie our visiting Lo-Cal Chapter Prez.
    Featuring Abe Markowitz as he prepares to leave for USC duty.

    Please come for lunch and enjoy some good fuud, fun, football, family, & friends.

  271. LizKauai [Believer] June 16, 2008 11:31 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!

    Full day at work- hiho willie grace, etc.


  272. Kekoa June 16, 2008 11:31 am

    Big Fandamonium from Hilo!

    Check you out on thursday. I got some chat for your chit! Parking is tight, so park your canoe in da Ala Wai and walk ovah.

  273. Kekoa June 16, 2008 11:38 am

    Aloha Liz!

    Good on ya girl! Your successful run for ‘Man’ is a testament to your incredible talent. I hope this continues to enrich your life in community theater. We’ll all get to ‘hear’ you on Thursday.

  274. koakane™ June 16, 2008 11:48 am

    kden lunc howa so scraping up left ova fuuud from faddahs day. nothing like it for soothing the growling opu.

  275. BG June 16, 2008 12:10 pm


    Thanks for the wonderful reports and pix on the “Man”. You folks knocked the audience ovah…and they loved it! (Big APPLAUSE)

  276. Loa June 16, 2008 12:30 pm

    afternoon gang!

    stretch – thanks for the play by play, the guy just amazing, bum knee and all

  277. Loa June 16, 2008 12:32 pm

    time for end the chit chat and jump to the new post.
    cu on the other side

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