Kanalu Young scholarship established
The June Jones Foundation has established an annual scholarship in which $2,500 will be awarded to a deserving UH student majoring in Hawaiian Studies.
The Dr. Kanalu Young Hawaiian Studies Scholarship is named after the inspiration for the Eo Na Toa chant used by the Warriors last season. Kanalu recently passed away.
* * *
I erred. The Rainbow Dancers’ posters, not calendars, will debut tomorrow.
The Rainbow Dancers will be available to sign the posters between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Aiea Elementary School parking area.
The new bottle-opener caps and visors also will be unveiled.
* * *
We’re giving away four tickets to tonight’s volleyball match (Lower Level, section FF). They are valued at $17 each, but they are free to post No. 150.
june jones always paying dividends, thanx
Anything that helps defray the cost of education is a welcome. Thank you JJ.
Nice to see JJ establishing this scholarship for non-athletic students.
that was kind of him
wallstreet – you guys are killing me! 😆
so are we getting another local commit today?
Top ten!
Cannot go but TICKETS!
ST, any news on this new Big Island recruit?
DPK – you showing up 2morrow?
ryan – things are still going smoothly before the big day? Sunday, not Saturday.
Mahalo to the Former Coach!
Be nice to wallstreet; da buggah jus’ seeking some refuge here.
homey –
The CEOs responsible for this mess are killin’ everybody in the world except themselves. Shoot ’em all, I say. Stock markets around the world are taking a beating.
homey- yup things are going smoothly. Future wife finished the center pieces and now wants to go to the game with me, I just hoping she no go all Bridezilla on me and get into fights at the game 🙂
d1 – don’t tell me she bakes her own loaves of bread and mashes peanuts. No wonder takes 3 days! I wouldn’t be surprised if she grew the wheat and peanuts!
DPK – did you look at your stocks and go 😯
charlie manual momma passes away, RIP to her , go victorino but go dodgers
ryan – that is good news! all pau with the major prep and having your future wife sit next to you as you both embrace the Warrior win before the big day is priceless!
Word of advice, don’t stare at the women as they go up and down the stairs at the stadium.
Top 20 – first time. Big thrills.
I hope those peanut butter sandwiches at tomorrows t-gate are worth it. I just can’t believe the hype over peanut butter sandwiches. Turkey tails, cow tongue, oysters yes, but c’mon, peanut butter sandwiches?
Good for you!
Dats good advice from homey 😯
-Pakini Bass
Overalls and barefoot optional.
Maybe I going need e-mail updates from you on the Wildcats-Pirates game. I gotta be at SLS fo’ watch #1 son’s team at noon so no can listen/watch on ‘puter.
Yikes! Sounding a lot like one Deliverance-kine hoedown!
Never mind stocks. I’m just happy I have a roof, food and cable TV after watching CNN this morning, Folks around the US are really suffering. God Bless us all…
Warrior M:
Your prize will be delivered to yur office today between 10-11am.
i asked this question before but does the bobby curran show employ shills? i swear there are 2-3 callers that seem to be on the show every single day talking about the exact same things. same monotone voice, same rumblings and grumblings. the group of people whom i work with who are forced to listen to 1420 in the morning hear the same thing and some of them are not even big sports fans. i do need to say that there are some callers that call in regularly that keep it fresh, sound upbeat and have a variety of things to share but sometimes i wonder if phil allows these shill callers/listeners through because they know they will keep their comments vanilla flavored and they will not ruffle too many feathers. i so bad want to drop names but i know that wouldn’t be cool.
sorry. its friday. i know im nitpicking
Nice to see that scholarship established. Thanks JJ.
Off to LA this weekend. Some of my neighbors invited me to go with them to see the ASU-USC game, since they had an extra ticket. If I read the lines that Vegas has been giving for this game, they don’t think the Sun Devils will score more than 10 points in this game.
Given how far they’ve tumbled since the loss to Vegas, I’m not surprised, nor will be surprised if they don’t produce.
Welcome to UH and the Warrior Ohana!!
Best in the world.
And repeating what al posted earlier to the “local” recruits who are holding a scholarship offer, do not believe Coach Mack will just let it ride until UH is the last option. There are to many excellent players, like your selves, that really, really, want to be a Warior.
A-Joe – no forget the harmonica. I could do the thigh and chest slap with beat box background but I no mo rhythm and spit too much.
DPK – never mind stocks!!!! easy for you to say! Now where did I stash those I bonds?
Good Morning Tsaiko-land! Sounds like everyone’s getting ready for tomorrow.
Nice post about the scholarships.
Gotta add darts to the list
What is this?
And this…
homey ❺:
October 9th, 2008 at 1:40 pm
Of course I’ll share my darts. I just bought anti-bacterial lotion…for your piece of mind.
And this…
I know my name is not in there, but coming from you, it’s implied.
And finally, this…
Homes, I do not take out my friends. But for you I’ll make an exception. I’ll even dip my plastic tips in lead for tomorrow…just for you.
A-Sports – ummmmm…aaaaaa…I was just trying to get the post count up for the prizes. Yeah, that’s why I rambled off those nonsensical posts.
I should be able to do that.
A likely story…you bettah add to your checklist…kevlar vest.
I saw this on The Unit last week…kevlar not going stop darts. Actually was arrows, but I figgah same ting 😉
homey, you got a problem.
wow asports neva had her kofe yet or wot and if she still lurking…..hi asports how youuuuuuuuuuuuu?
big mahalo to JJ for the scholie established in the school of Hawaiian Studies. was kind of ova him leaving but now dem coals starting to flicker again. tracy if you lurking no work on any floor above street level. take it easy sista.
Aiyah! I was going to wear my ninja turtle costume but realized the shell is only polyester.
I know, I’ll disguise myself as a dartboard! She’ll never be able to hit me! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Morning (again) Tsaikos!
UH/La Tech game predictions (closest to):
UH total passing yards – prize: visor w/bottle opener
UH total rushing yards – prize: cap w/bottle opener
attendance (announced/tickets sold) – prize: XL shirt
combined score – prize: med volleyball shirt
last chance to submit predictions is tonight 11:59pm
in event of a tie, one name will be chosen randomly
good luck to everyone!
Thank you JJ Foundation!
was that really you on Leahey & Leahey this AM calling out LA Ralph?
congrats to da ticket winna
gotta do some stuff dis morning check in lattas.
homey try what clint eastwood use in the movie “fist full of dollars” made one iron plate to cover his heart. but den again asports get thunda arm to go along with lead feet. j/k asports if you lurking hiiiiiiiiiii how youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?
midori7 – will those random names be the same as the persons who tied?
midori……no forget my middle name is random.
*jumping up and down, waving arms wildly*
Pick me! pick me! 😀
you get mail!
funny stuff.
some guy on sports hawaii forum has stolen your scoop regarding the hilo high recruit.
So… Fresno State “apologized” for showing those Colt Brennan/Marcus Riley clips over and over again and at many different angles… 🙄
That’s like an offensive coordinator apologizing to the other team’s defensive coordinator for crafting a scheme to beat them.
This was obviously put together with the very intention of getting a cheap reaction from their home fans with no regard or respect for another student athlete (Colt).
Whatever FSU… take your “apology” and shove it in the same place your BCS hopes went! 😈
shouldn’t you be hapai furniture about now?
Good morning to all!! I’m already missing the cool Kula weather.
Al, thanks again for arranging the cc at Tiffanys with whitey, duffer and Keyton. We really enjoyed the food but more than that, the company was the greatest!
whitey and duffer, thanks so much for your hospitality. Hope we get to return the favor the next time.
Looking forward to seeing you all either tonight or tomorrow.
Have a great Aloha Friday.
POMAI: re: postcard.
I think the problem was that the check went to UHF with an earmark for the purchase of the bracelets – no big thing. I’ll be there tonight cheering!
Good morning Tsaikos!
Hope I can find a place to watch da game tonight. Playing chauffeur, as usual, for da keeeed tonight.
Dang. Misread da post. Thot it sed 50, not 150. Oh well, doing my part to bump up da numbers.
kazz – check your email, pretty please?
jm2375 – Senior eyesight…we understand.
oh al…no make ladat! we all fans of da same team. mahalo fo da scoops by da way. ok…nuff da loco talk.
hey ya’ll!!! how ya doin pardner! Happy Aloha Friday to all!!
Homey – yeah, yeah. And we know how many times YOU have misread posts. 🙄
i swear i know you from somewhere.
which eateries have you expressed your culinary talents?
I’m back…
Hi Pahtnah!
No worry…so far…you still safe. Homes on the other hand gotta worry. I going use reverse psychology. Since you claim that I will not hit the dartboard (you), I will aim for everything else and therefore hit the dartboard (you). Didn’t you ever try not to aim for something and end up hitting only that one thing you were not aiming for?
d1-hmmm. Maybe he had a different grade or bad angle. What is The Unit? Or I’ll wait until Homey gets hit by the sprinklers. Bwahaha.
jm2375 – Not misread, I miswrite.
So can my poodles assume you’ll be arriving at the t-gate tomorrow?
Kudos to JJ and his foundation for the scholarship.
thats true. right now i am warming up the back.
but, this guy moves most of it and always got the mule at home, #2 son that is.
i just supervisah make he no miss a spot. oh and write the check.
i could use a lunch delivery today. hmmm. some pancit, pinakbet, gisantes, adobo, kare-kare, mungo beans, bangus(not from the river), and some jesse’s bakery sweets (ah, pianomo roll, bibingka, et al.).
oh well, i get one can tomato-sardine and hot rice.
A-Sports – nah, I can’t find stuff I’m looking for and find stuff that I’m not looking for. So far when looking for my car keys I found my lost turtles. Of course it was only the shells. I don’t know where their bodies went.
al – funny you mention those Filipino dishes ’cause coincidentally I’ll be eating Filipino food for lunch!
I not touching dat one!
….on so many different levels! 😯
Homey – possibly. so are da poodles da standard kine, da mini kind or da toy kind?
BTW, keeed saw “Beverly Hills ‘Rat'” yesterday. Sed it was good. Of course, that’s from a 13 year old’s perspective.
Good that the JJ foundation found it in it’s heart to honor Dr. Young… He was truly an inspiration and the Ha’a would not be what it is were it not for Dr. Young. Aloha, JJ Foundation and the family of the late Dr. Kanalu Young…
NEO(Tsai’ked up for Tsaturday)
Can somebody eat some Dinaguan for me today?
Much appreciated
Hi Midori7
My guesses
UH total passing yards 294
UH total rushing yards 126
attendance 38,826
combined score 57
tie breaker 3 LaTech players knocked out of game
Is that one of those ” You dinaguan-a-know what a dinaguan is.” Kind of food?
Wat da Numbah!?!?
jm2375 – I’d say the poodles are not breed standard. For some reason they don’t look like poodles.
MIH – It’s just a vinegar based food. Something like salt and vinegar potato chips.
madeinhawaii- Hahahaha! I love it. Always on the look out for some good Dinaguan.
Eh, you going kanikapila too, eh?
UH/La Tech game predictions:
UH total passing yards – 254
UH total rushing yards – 221
attendance (announced/tickets sold) – 39,824/41,231
combined score – 71
The other recruit won’t be happening until next week.
There are some things involved.
Did you really lose your turtles? My condolences if so.
About the stock thing, don’t get me wrong, our 401ks are taking a beating like everybody else’s’. But this morning on Headline News, they were taking calls from around the country, and families are eating one meal a day and other things like that just to make ends meet. The worldwide repercussions from our country’s financial crisis is devastating countless people abroad. I’m thankful to God for His blessings to us, and I pray for those who are less fortunate. What’s really sad is that this mess was largely avoidable but for one thing; greed.
That’s my rant/prayer for today. Back to work.
DPK – Yeah, but I’m taking about the baby kind and not the grown-ups.
A good way to make ends meet is to buy the Costco chicken @ $5.50 and it can feed a family or one Tsaiko.
“kanikapila”? Eh, I only know three chords on the Ukelele, and nobody want’s to hear “Hang on Sloopy” or “Ah-la-la-la-la bamba” on the uke, these days. Besides, I forgot the words.
MIH – at least you know those songs. The only words to a song I know for the ukulele is “My dog has fleas”
And the guys responsible for much of this panic? Not only do they get bailed out with tax dollars, but they go on a retreat??!! I say, each and everyone of them should have an IRS audit of their taxes for the past 7 years… just for starters.
That’s still better than me… I even sing those off-key. I gotta use one of those electronic tuners to put my 4 strings on key. Same with my guitar. I have three guitars all tuned differently… and NOT buy choice.
oops buy = by slip of the thumb!
#1 – We need to recruit offensive linemen.
#2 – We need play the best linemen on the team. Give everybody a chance. Develop the young guys and throw them into the game if they show the athleticism to play at the D1 level. Hawaii has started freshmen before and they have prospered. Samson Satele, John Estes, Tala Esera, Vince Manuwai, Uriah Moenoa.
Hawaii’s offense requires linemen that can run around and block in space. It’s important to be able to block speed rushers, pull and trap on draws, influence block on shovel passes, and breakdown and sustain blocks downfield.
Real big physical linemen are not required. However if we do have big physical linemen, then they will have to play inside. Our tackles have to be quick and athletic. They don’t need to be real tall. Six-three or six-four would be tall enough. Reach is not as important as quick feet and good balance. Long reach and more height would be a bonus.
I believe Ray Hisatake’s only got one more year after this season. I hope they play him more often and get him ready for next season. I’d like to see him do well his senior year on the O-line.
DPK. Thanks for letting me know about the families that are eating only one meal per day to make ends meet.
I didn’t hear correctly last week and have been eating one meal per hour. That is real tough for me because I am not a big eater. I will cut back to three meals per day because that is all that I can afford right now.
DPK, you stay right about the 401K. Mine stay down to 301K now. Lucky for me I wen go put’em all in bonds some time back. You know bonds you not goin’ get rich, but not goin come poor either.
A friend told me the best weight loss program is to simply eat less. So took his advice.
I order two plate lunches and eat only half.
just be selective on your meals.
well where you dine that is most important.
buffet, buffet, buffet.
and taking a tip from auntie pualani machado-tanaka, bring ziploc bags. of course one would have to sport a purse to accomplish that task.
JJ Foundation –
Mahalo for the generous grant to a deserving Hawaiian Studies student.
The most successful diet I ever went on lasted two weeks and I lost 14 days.
In memory of Dr. Kanalu Young –
Mahalo for your life-changing contributions. Your legacy lives on in the Eo Na Toa chant. Coach Mack, please do all you can to revive the Eo chant at games. Hearing it blaring across the stadium at crucial points in the game is unbelievably chicken-skin moment. Just do it!…please…
Pride is right.
The next batch should — and will — be offensive linemen.
Howzit everybody. New to blog.
Howzit DaBolts – welcome to the blog.
Wow, I wasn’t even aware that I won one of the contests yesterday until I got home late last night after the AWESOME Styx concert. Even then I wasn’t sure if you guys were kidding or if Grampa Al changed the rules on me.
So imagine how pleasantly surprised I was to see none other than the Princess stop by my office just now to deliver my prize! What a beautiful and classy lady! Nothing better than to win a prize and have Princess delivery to go with it.
fighting victorinos 4 manny’s boyz 1
victorino 2 out 2 run single, he’s damn clutch
Mahalo to the JJ Foundation for establishing the scholarship for a UH student. Dr. Kanalu Young is definitely worthy of this honor and I’m glad that a deserving Hawaiian Studies student will receive the scholarship. Because that student is studying Hawaiian Studies, he/she will probably already know of Dr. Young and his work and appreciate her/his honor even more!
Homey –
RE: PBS – You feign ignorance of acknowledging one of the most beloved Hawaiian soul foods EVER ! Sneaky buggah, you. I know you already packed in your truck one big saimin bowl and spoon…none of the small styrofoam bowls and plastic spoons for you…j/k 😉
Thanks Stretch.
I had a chance to talk with Inoke Funaki on the sidelines at the Florida game. That guy is real class act. I’m glad he is getting his shot now. Hope he has a big game.
What bowl? I thought Homey eats right out of those 6-pack type coolers? Less items to clean that way and it keeps it warm longer.
Next a win over LaTech for the homecoming
23 – 6 d1shima
27 – 13 Unkanesson
27 – 14 Jason
27 – 3 koakane
27 – 21 GGma
28 – 21 jm2375
28 – 10 tommui
30 – 17 King Katonk
31 – 14 Hoohiki
31 – 21 Hawaiianbod
31 – 15 FloridaTed
31 – 28 Glenn
32 – 29 g-nalo
34 – 28 wafan
34 – 17 Pomai
35 – 14 HiFlyer
35 – 6 bighilofan2
35 – 17 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 21 LizKauai
37 – 14 las vegas
37 – 17 Pauoa Boy
38 – 17 Kazz
38 – 14 curveball
40 – 12 UHfan808
41 – 20 lab rat
42 – 9 Kekoa
47 – 23 madeinhawaii
48 – 17 mp
49 – 17 TChahng
54 – 6 Mike Wedge
63 – 12 homey
Inoke is humble. Appologizing for not being Colt Brennan. Sheesh! Funaki is his own man. I’m looking forward to see him do even better still against LaTech.
Addaknowsports –
Hi ! I love your fire and intensity! Your reputation and skills at darts demands respect. Yes, Homey, respect! A-Sports was just fun-ing you guyz previously…what we “athletes” like to call pulling/holding back so as not to cause embarrassment to family/friendly competitors. I sense she has pulled off the gloves of holding back and will defeat all comers. Dan Kelly’s advice…”no tink”…”jus’ do it!” works.
I am very, very happy about the news of Chauncy’s commitment! I’ve been hoping and waiting for OL commits for the 2009 recruiting class, and that was a key piece missing after everything else seemed to be going so well. Great news from ST in #91 that more OL news should be coming soon!
HawaiianBod –
Ok, so you coming to the T-gate tomorrow, right! Don’t disappoint me again, now, and don’t be shy…just come right up to me and ask…”eh, Mrs. A-House, wea da book fo’ sign?” BTW, don’t forget the obligatory hug and kiss when you meet/greet your “auntie”…ok den.
Here’s the World Class Ticket Team warming up on the sidelines.
Getting ready to pounce on #One-Five-Zero!…Over!
Considering the debate we’ve had here in the past about UH adding an athletic fee to get more money for the Athletic Department, I’m amazed at what SDSU is doing now. They are NOT even letting the students have a say and are making a huge money grab for their Athletic Department…considering how pitiful their attendance has gotten, I guess they need the money badly.
Actually getting ready to prep Turkey Tails for marinating in the ‘Secret Sauce.’
I wonder if UH has any pipelines into this high school in Texas with a big Tongan population.
Careful Garret, with a double ‘R’ – don’t get in the line of fire for #150. Some of us are workin’ ovah hea!
Pretty interesting how a big Tongan community was created in Dallas.
(Don’t axe me wat I goin’ do with more tickets! I get tree arreaday!)
Pretty cool how they learned the haka via YouTube.
It is AWESOME how the haka has been embraced in Texas!
Doing the haka to prepare for elementary school testing…wow!
D1shima – Homey – WarriorMojo –
Congratulations on your prize winnings! You won some great gifts! I personally saw ALL of the prizes to be awarded, and I want to thank the generous donor. I must admit, I wanted the visor (with bottle opener) really bad, so before I knew what I was doing (greed overwhelmed me momentarily), I slid the visor under my bed. BAD MRS.A-HOUSE, NAUGHTY MRS. A-HOUSE! ok, ok, I regained my honesty and composure and retrieved/returned the visor to Midori7 for safe-keeping. I still have a chance to win it fair and square though, just as EVERY Tsaiko poster who entered his/her guess. Can’t wait! Let’s go Warriors! Victory is ours! Just do it!
It is awesome how the haka has led to increased acceptance of Tongans who are living in Texas.
okay, let me help people looking for free tickets get us closer to 150
wot phillies up and da pitcha driving in runs chahooooooooooooooooooo
Go Warriors!!!
There is even a website called the “Voice of Tonga” that is based in this small area in Texas! The video on the website is *really* cool.
Interesting comment on the website about how the team should be doing a Tongan dance instead of the haka from New Zealand. When I read that I immediately thought about how the Warriors created their own ha’a…
How can someone say it’s “cool” that someone learned a sacred tradition that should only be taught by a qualified practitioner over youtube? What’s wrong with you?
Good Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Sorry, I’m not trying to win the prize, I’m trying to get the count near 150 and trying to post a few things while I have a short break from work. I just finished 3 things on my work “to-do” list and gave myself a few minutes to blog before I have to do the next big task.
Are we at 130 yet? Getting close.
Just starting to get my voice back after the Fresno game…now gotta intimidate La Tech.
“It’s another Warrior – First Down!”
Doing the same thing Garrett is doing. If I accidentally win, I give my tickets to #151
Sorry..put one too many “t’s” on Garret’s name
good gosh victorino 4 rbi’s he da man, this game ova
“It’s another Warrior – Touchdown”
That’s for Stephen’s daughter…still cheering loud and proud!
Back to work…I’m sorry if my comments offended anyone, I’m just giving my opinion. I obviously am not qualified to judge whether or not this tradition should be passed along this way. Judging from how the Tongan residents in Euless seemed happy with what is going on, I do think it is cool that the players are doing the haka in Texas.
If this is considered offensive, then the M&M haka and some other stuff posted last year would *really* set people off.
shane boy triples and two runs score way to go cheeeeeehoooooooooooooo
favorite fuud ………. spam musubi
Okay, I’ve done my job. Someone should win in the next few minutes. Good Luck!!
Wow such a slow day compared to yesterday.
Ikaika Malloe was assigned to that school when he was recruiting for UTEP.
any1 put any scrips onda rays getting to da series 50-1 and winning it all 100-1, wow
Hey is this Chauncy boy related to Pikai Winchester from the World Champ Little League team?
Oh lost
go ryas
Garret –
Mahalo for the interesting/inspiring posts re haka performances by Texas teams. It’s quite amazing and exciting how the athletes who created/established the haka have started a legacy that I predict will not only flourish but also expand far and wide.
Nice job Rob25!!
lol, good job rob25
what’s da status on fale, any chance we see him next week at boise’s blue turf
Hey, Rob25, congrats.
Gimme a call please, so I can get you your tickets.
Wow when I saw 149 on my other post…thought that I wouldn’t get the 150.
Fale’s been limping, badly. (Is that the only way to limp?) I’m not sure when he’ll be 100 percent.
ST, can you share the position of the mystery recruit?
So there I was trying desperately to get back on the blog to hit the magic 150 and poof! Power outage in this Banana Republic!
darn carpet guy came just 150 was rollin along
“sounds” like another OL
Congrats Rob25!
didn’t realize the NLCS game started already…just checked the score. all I can say is GO DODGERS! it ain’t over til it’s over, esp in baseball.
Congrats to Rob25!
Hi ST, Mrs A-house, dpc, Garret, and all da odda Tsai-kos hanging around da playhouse!
Tai –
I tend to agree with you, BUT, the Gods for whom these sacred chants were created, hopefully, will look down kindly on the intent of the replication/implementation of these chants…to bolster the fighting spirit that young athletes rely upon to do their best on the playing field…with no malice or disrespect intended.
Crawling back into da kitchen to check on my Turkeys to see which lucky one will be minus a tail next…
Rob25 –
Wow! You won! Congratulations! Enjoy the game!
See you there!
dodger backer here but gosh if howard and rollins ever get going, this series is over. 7rbi’s from meyers and victorino. phew
JM2375 –
Hi JM! Duh, my intent when posting continuously was only to bring up the number of posts. I forgot that there was a prize waiting for post #150. Oh well, I’m happy that we reached the number quickly so Rob25 could win her prize and enjoy the rest of her day. That goes for you, too. Enjoy the rest of this glorious Aloha Friday!
not to make light of victorino’s ability, but he’s one of the supposed table setter, 9 rbi’s in the postseason, that’s gotta lead the team i’m thinking. very proud of him
Change my attendance to 39,888; I thought we were guessing turnstile.
jm2375 ~ I suppose you will be expecting cocopuffs served with a wide variety of hot or cold beverages…
Koakane –
Howzit! So spam musubi is your favorite fuud! Right on…me too…I could eat spam EVERY day and be a really happy camper. It’s bad for me, but what the hey, I goin’ make plenny for you and me and everybody else for the T-gate. Goin’ be so good with UHFan808’s PBS.
i think we need at least
3 more olineman
1 running back (2 if there are some outstanding ones)
1 more quarterback
2 more receivers
3 cornerbacks
2 def tackles
we have 11 commits and depending upon what year the greyshirts (and i think there are seven) fall, 2008 or 2009, we should have room for that many more recruits.
i think one oline guy went jc route so he is off the greyshirt list i believe.
we actually will have a lot of reloading to do next year. especially on defense and receivers. i’ll be concerned if this year’s recruits at all receiver positions don’t catch on. literally and figuratively speaking.
imagine victorino could have been catching passes for the green n black.
jm2375 – I don’t really need all four tickets that I won…would you like a couple of them?
i forgot to ask……now that we offered mana rosa, does he now have his eyes on bigger campuses?
i am sure that soon the offer may be pulled back because we are getting rather full on dlinemen.
I love that there are more local high school boys that want to come to UH.
yup love to hear i’ve watched since small kid time and always wanted to be a warrior. heard enough of the yeah hawaii’s home but i just gotta get off the rock and experience something else although you can’t blame em…
Let’s try for 300+ posts –
KoaMahu –
I think about you every day. Not in that kine of way, but only positive thoughts for your well-being. If you have not viewed the movie, “To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar”, I encourage you to do so. I sense that you are still in the “drag princess” category and aspire to one day become a “drag queen”, like Vita Bohemme, Noxema Jackson and Chi Chi Rodriguez. Follow these rules and you, too, may someday be crowned “Drag Queen of the Tsaikos” –
1. Let good thoughts be your sword and shield…
2. Ignore adversity…
3. Abide by the rules of love…
4. Stand up for your beliefs, approval of others not needed
but will be accepted, imagine good things, and believe in
Good luck…I am still hopeful that someday you will come up to me and ask, “eh, wea da book fo sign”…
Go Warriors! Just do it!
In response to an earlier request, I posted no changes were allowed.
I don’t think UH issues sep attendance figures for turnstile & tickets sold anymore.
However, if other Tsaikos are ok w/it, I’ll go back & change your guess.
mrs ahouse
my favorite musubi is iriko with tsukudani nori. whoa broke mout. just like grandma used to make em.
A good education can take you anywhere. You don’t have to go off the rock to get it either. I say, play at home in front of friends and family, get the scholarly support you need to succeed in school, get your degree, get all the PR you need to get ‘seen’ by the pro agents, play pro if you qualify… and finally, get off the rock after graduation if you still feel you need to spread your wings somewhere else.
Glenn –
In my heart, I hope Midori7 considers your request to change your “total attendance” guess. I don’t hold out much hope that she will acquiesce…she previously stated, “no revisions will be permitted”…she’s a tough cookie…even though you may be good-looking, rich, unattached…she probably won’t budge. 😉
congrats rob25 way to go
it was either my kim chee saimin or keep bloging . guess what won 😛
Dang it Koakane… there goes my diet….kau kau time!
Midori7 –
It’s ok with me. Let’s give Glenn a break since he mis-read/understood the question. Holy moly, wait just a minute. Glenn’s guess is so close to my guess…but…nah, it’s ok with me. Good luck, Glenn. If you win, bettah sign my book, ok.
Go Warriors! Just do it!
Let’s all keep positive thoughts as we know people who are in this group.
good afternoon gang!
congrats Rob25 on the ticks
speaking of bottle openers, few years ago someone gave me a pair of slippers that have a built in opener on the bottom, wonder if they was trying to tell me something?
Hi Al –
I know what iriko is…great pupu, yah! So, do you spread the tsukudani on the first layer of rice like PB, then sprinkle the iriko right out of the package on top, then second layer of rice? Ok, let me test the recipe first. Sounds much easier than the favorite spam only filling. You sure it will appeal to everybody’s taste…
Kazz- some inspiration for YOU, buddy!!!
I have a pair of “REEF” slippers like that. I bought them because they were nice, comfortable, etc… it took me about a couple of months to figure out what the hell those things at the bottom were.
I did try it out and they do work as a bottle opener, but I wasted a beer because honestly… would you want to drink from a bottle that was opened with something that touches the ground?
Stretch- 187 – got a neighbor boy in that group too…
I just hope they weren’t telling you to “kick the can.” Not nice!
mrs ahouse……to some they will love it. others like rob25 will not care for it.
okay, so grandma would mix the iriko and the tsukudani in a bowl. then make a rice ball. upon making one puka in the middle she would then put the mix inside (like you would put an ume, for example). finally, wrap the regular kine nori around um.
then she would give it to her favorite grandson.
Kazz –
cannot believe you wasted a beer, 😆
for emergency purposes only, i keep one opener in my truck
madeinhawaii – nah, i think they was telling me to graduate from the twist off kine
Stretch ~ We heard Frank speak of training. It’s tuff stuff, and constant. Unfortunately the going gets really hard, and guys drop out. High price to pay to be in that particular group. God Bless ’em all…
48 – 14 UH!
no no Mrs. Ahouse tv was showing shane at bat and had a note saying his favorite fuud is spam musubi. but if you make um sure I eat um.
my bad mih but at least I neva mention also had one wendy double cheese burga with thick malt 😳
koakane – what da score? game over?
Come on and bring in those big boyz.
Welcome Chauncy to the Warrior ohana.
FYI, just texted Frank and he said all in his group are fine. Apparently, the soldier had a heart attack. My condolences go out to his family.
Thanks to everyone for thinking about those that put themselves in harm’s way.
UH Passing Yds: 214
UH Rush Yds: 138
Attendance: 41, 597
Combined Score: 57
just outstanding shane outstanding make supa catch in center field whoooootahhhh
😯 😛
al no look now
loa seven inning 8-5 philly go shane boy
koakane – mahalo, so its stretch time
no look.
ah too late already.
okay, hush, hush on the redsox game okay.
No more song parodies for the rest of the season.
“The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.”
-Sun Tzu – “The Art of War”
If I can locate one, I’ll bring a tambourine.
i wonder if the scholarship is part of the settlement
Kazz –
My son loves that book. I haven’t read it myself, but he has a hard cover and paperback version. Thanks for the quote.
He was glad that he got to listen to the game in Okinawa…I don’t know how, but somehow he did. Maybe over the internet…with BC.
Just got off work..still planning what to bring tomorrow to the gate..does anybody ever bring home made mac salad..not sure if going to the game as having 3 new grand babies in 1 month makes g-pa broke….
This just goes to show that determination and heart will win…oh and this is also the reason why I still haven’t completely found my voice.
FYI, Fresno was not really the “armpit” that I thought I was going to find. The Homewood Suites were very nice (love thos Hilton beds) and it was sort of pretty in our area. BC makes it sound worse, but then again maybe I was lucky to not be in the bad areas.
Rob25 –
At last year’s UH/UNLV game, a Warrior fan, no shame, stood up and loudly yelled, “it’s annodah Hawaii…FIRST DOWN (we all responded together)! It took a couple of tries before the fans around us really got into it. It was so much fun to anticipate the next UH first down and the next and the next, knowing that this fan would jump to his feet, pump his fist, and lead all of us in screaming, “FIRST DOWN”! at the appropriate time. If you start it, Rob25, our ohana will respond. BTW, can’t say enough about you and Ronnie wading into the hostile Fresno crowds to represent. You displayed courage/loyalty and unabashed pride in cheering loudly for our Warriors! Way to go, ladies!
quotes from Sun-tzu brings back memories as I studied that in my military education starting at the Career Course, Command and General Staff College, and the Army War College.
“On War” by Clauziwits(?) was also very good reading to learn strategy and how to prepare for war/battle.
One specific quote was in reference to the military being the final arm of political situations which deteriorate into war. He went on to say that it is not right to blame the military for war because of civilian failure to solve crisis.
There are quite a bit of people that fancy themselves as “businessmen” that hold “The Art of War” in high regard.
A lot of the quotes can easily translate into modern-day philosophies on aggressive management techniques.
For tomorrow’s game against LaTech and following the big win at Fresno State:
– Sun Tzu, “The Art of War”
Curveball –
Mac salad is the absolutely favorite part of any bento I buy. Keeping mayonnaise-based dishes COLD for more than 3+ hours is problematic at our T-gates, so that is the reason you probably will not be enjoying too many of these highly perishable dishes. Hey, just come and enjoy. Don’t be concerned about bringing something to every T-gate. If can, can, if no can, not a problem.
Rob25 – #175 – thanks for the offer, but I gotta pick up my daughter at 8:30, so won’t be able to stay for the whole game (match? what are they calling it now?)
Just so you know… I opened the fridge and remembered we had left-overs from my son’s birthday lunch from Kim Wah’s in Kaneohe. So I fried some gaugee, heated up the left over sweet-sour, oyster sauce pork ribs, orange chicken, singapore noodles, fried rice, and finished it with a light abalone soup.
Dr. Kanalu Young Hawaiian Studies Scholarship – a thing of beauty.
Coach Jones- miss you. But all is well.
Mana would make a wonderful offensive lineman.
kim wah….is that the new korean/chinese fusion cuisine?
Shane Victorino –
YOU DA MAN! Outstanding athlete performing awesome feats of athletic ability. You make Hawaii proud!
Attention Food Service Manager of the facility that feeds our athletes –
You heard it from one of the finest athletes around. There’s something special in a spam musubi that helps the athlete fulfill his/her destiny. Although this not based on medical testimony, when eaten in moderation, it can’t hurt, right!
(let’s see, 218, 219, 220…almost there…)
bottle opener in slippers? Ewwwwwww!!!
Madeinhawaii –
Loved your list of Kim Wah, Kin Wah, whatevers, left-overs. It’s not quite what our ohana would order. We are of the “quantity is better than quality” mentality. A-House orders crispy gau gee min with chicken and vegetables, Mrs. A-House orders gon lo mein and Midori7 orders minute chicken cake noodle. We ask the waitress not to give us small plates or extra serving spoons since we do NOT eat family-style and have no intention of sharing. This is serious grinding…no talking…focus…finish strong. We “just do it” at mealtime, Warriors, just do it on the playing field!
(let’s see, 224, 225, 226…almost there)
“(let’s see, 224, 225, 226…almost there)”
Mrs A-House…. where are we going???
Mrs. A-House…
I forgot.. dessert… we also had half a dreamcake and chocolate cheesecake left over too. OOps.. wait.. I forgot… I got some neopolitan icecream in the freezer as well… BRB!
Calvin from Kona –
Howzit my hanai son! Haven’t heard of serious vog on the news so hope the levels are manageable in Kona right now. Mahalo for your previous posts. Brevity and good sportsmanship are indeed two of your most redeeming qualities. Well done, my boy!
(let’s see…226, 227, 228…almost there…)
LizK –
Hi LizK! The few number of posts earlier today concerned me and a few others, so I’m posting and posting and posting. ST is counting on me/us. I posted earlier that 300+ today would be nice. The calm before the storm…waiting for the results of the contest and announcement of the winners has cast us into a quiet rest period…not that we don’t deserve it. Hope all is well with you, physically most of all. You have stamina and endurance that is remarkable. Continue to take care now…
Good job Mrs. A-House!
Nice to have a welcom face in the house when all the others are out playing.
sorry welcom = welcome
Hi Rob25!
My ukuleleboi son will be with the Kekoa clan at VB tonight. He’ll also be at the T-gate and in my seat during the game. Hope your ohana will be there tomorrow!
Hi Mrs. A-House and Rob25,
Looking forward to making some noise with you all tonight! Actually I’m really one of the silent intent fans at VB games. Maybe some of your enthusiasm will rub off on me. sj is much more animated and involved than me.
See you both soon.
Dunno if this was posted already-
“Tucker, linebacker Terna Nande and receiver Ryan Grice-Mullen joined the Lions on Sept. 16 during a 30-day period when CFL teams were permitted to increase their practice rosters from a maximum of seven players to 12. That grace period ended on Tuesday, with the Lions releasing NFL veteran defensive back Reggie Myles and assigning receiver Rufus Skillern to the practice roster so that Tucker and Nande could be moved to the 46-man active roster. Grice-Mullen remains on the practice roster. To accommodate him, the Lions made room by releasing defensive back Brady Browne, a first-year player from the University of Manitoba.”
have fun at the volleyball game everyone!
Bills host What Moves U campaign
Posted Oct 1, 2008
The Bills played, the fans roared and there wasn’t an empty seat in the house. And it wasn’t even a Sunday game.
About 1,600 children from the Buffalo Public Schools were treated to a pep rally and game show with the Bills to kick off the fourth annual ‘What Moves U’ health and fitness campaign Tuesday at Kleinhan’s Music Hall in downtown Buffalo.
Bills quarterbacks Trent Edwards and Gibran Hamdan, safety George Wilson, linebackers John DiGiorgio and Jon Corto and receiver C.J. Hawthorne gave fitness tips to the area youths and competed in a variety show quiz game hosted by quizmaster Dennis George.
myki- cheer for me!!!
Why oh why do people post just to get the post count up? 😆 BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Mrs. A-House:
Mrs.curveball is joining us at the gate…please do not tell her I am bald and 15 years older than her…I have been keeping it a secret
Liz, will try to be as effective as you but I think thats not possible. I’m sure the rest of the gang will be doing their darndest.
See you tomorrow along with your pies!! I missed out the last time so I’ll be sure to get a piece this time.
Myki –
Don’t put yourself down now. I, too, am very shy and quiet by nature, BUT I have sat next to Midori7 for many, many years at sporting events, and it has changed my life. That sweet little thing is FIERCE and VOCAL beyond imagination. Because of her I have added the following vocal outbursts to my repertoire:
– WTF (who the fool), you stupid refs, you need glasses…
– Aw SH_ _! stinkin’ refs, bettah start calling ’em BOTH ways, or else…
– Aw come on refs, call it right or else…I know where you park your car and I know where you live…
– Watch the holding, watch the holding…da_ _ you refs, happened right in front of you!
Even coaches are not immune from her rants –
-Ah cmon Coaches…watch the clock, watch the clock…get the call in NOW!
So in conclusion, Myki, if you want love and companionship, sit next to Jerry, if you want vocal action and heightened stress, sit next to Midori7. You’ll enjoy it!
pride….yah, in fact many of the de/dt could bulk up to be outstanding oline types.
veni manu, maleapeai, for example.
Mrs. A-House, I have seen her in action at baseball games. She is totally involved and I can see how contagious it can be. It’s great ! and I really enjoy watchng her. Who knows maybe I’ll catch some on her enthusiasm. We shall see.
Chawan_cut –
Ho boy…miss you a lot! BUT be assured that our ohana is thinking about you every day that you are off island. Wafan or djmitcho says it’s freezing where you are. That’s not good to hear. Hope and pray that you brought enough warm clothing to weather the cold. Hope you can find a restaurant near by that serves won ton min or at least miso soup. We’ll cheer hard for you tonight for the Wahine and tomorrow for the Warriors. Hope some of them read this blog and have taken our words of support to heart. Don’t think, just do it! Continue to take care and keep warm now…
curveball- no worry, we’ll tell Mrs. curveball that homey is really curveball – young, with a full head of hair… 😆
Myki- pies are ordered!
Mrs. A-House… WOW!!! Why The Foul???? Surprising, but appropriate language from our dignified, Tsai-ko auntie!
myki – I’m quiet at the football games. You can’t tell but I have anger management issues and I watch the games as a form of rehabilitation.
Mrs. A-House is particularly intimidating when her bandanna goes on and she starts to flex. Yikes! Time to RUN!!!
Got to go now…got to get ready…looking forward to seeing a lot of you (Mrs. Curveball, too) at volleyball tonight. Thanks so much to Stretch for taking care of us. Go Wahine! Just do it!
WTF = Women Think F……………………………….
Mrs. A-House wears a banana?
oia dad….tba. perhaps they await his sat results?
i am in shock…..mrs ahouse swore!
i never thought that she was capable.
al – What you expect from someone who wears a banana.
Myki –
Don’t put yourself down now. I, too, am very shy and quiet by nature, BUT I have sat next to Midori7 for many, many years at sporting events, and it has changed my life. That sweet little thing is FIERCE and VOCAL beyond imagination. Because of her I have added the following vocal outbursts to my repertoire:
– WTF (who the fool), you stupid refs, you need glasses…
– Aw SH_ _! stinkin’ refs, bettah start calling ‘em BOTH ways, or else…
– Aw come on refs, call it right or else…I know where you park your car and I know where you live…
– Watch the holding, watch the holding…da_ _ you refs, happened right in front of you!
Even coaches are not immune from her rants –
-Ah cmon Coaches…watch the clock, watch the clock…get the call in NOW!
So in conclusion, Myki, if you want love and companionship, sit next to Jerry, if you want vocal action and heightened stress, sit next to Midori7. You’ll enjoy it!
haaaaaaa……………sore stomach
oh and let me guess……she got it ALL from MR. A-house *wink wink*???
if i show up tomorrow at the tailgate, can i add to the potluck?………..its just a little something called “appetite”. its easy for me to prepare and no need recipe. 🙂
Hiya Liz and myki!
I would cheer loud for all of us, but then I left my voice at Fresno State!
OK, I don’t use WTF, but WTH surely comes out of my mouth.
I, like homey, have anger management issues when it comes to the refs. Who picks those idiots anyways? Could they find anymore men with sight problems????
Pies? Did I hear pies are coming? Good thing that I am going to get there before the game…not much, but I’m sure that I can eat a piece, if there are any left.
g-nalo – Bring sari-sari. But if you bring it from Jesse’s I’m thinking you’re gonna need 20 orders of that stuff.
Thanks XLiz for bringing the oyster pies!
gee, homey i wished i could have joined you at lunch. i had to eat cold pizza.
Mrs. A-House,
no worries about food. tons here. There’s these “teriyaki” franchise stores that serve an ok plate lunch.
there’s also tons of filipinos up here with a couple of take out places.
and the asian influence is everywhere, so there’s shoyu and rice and miso soup in the “ethnic” section of the supermarkets.
i’m eating good. no worries about that.
have fun! tell everyone tonight i said what’s up and “GO NA WAHINE!” i might try to watch through the internet.
al – I thought you were gonna eat canned tomato sardines of mackerel with garlic and local onions over a bed of hot small grain rice?
oops, first of = or
i heard on the news last night that a bunch of the football guys will be attending the game tonight, so it might be a full, fun house!
did you get your prize hand delivered by a certain someone?
homey – I’m thinking that you are the true instigator…DPK what do you think?
I thought the football guys are in a hotel in Waikiki?
chawan – not only hand delivered but put in my pocket like a dollar bill to a stripper! nah, not yet.
Rob25 – I learn from Stretch.
go! warriors!
STATS= 1. 225 2.175 3. 41,025 4. 49(UH35, TECH14)
aloha from LA!
homey ?:
I heard BBQ tongue is an aphrodigiac..better than oysters
g-nalo – Bring sari-sari. But if you bring it from Jesse’s I’m thinking you’re gonna need 20 orders of that stuff.
if can….can.
OT: my favorite dishes are balatong paria (shrimp or pork doesn’t matter); and pinapaitan (tripe for others). i hardly go Jesse’s now but if i ask them for the ‘usual’, they know.
gee, homey i wished i could have joined you at lunch. i had to eat cold pizza.
no doubt would’ve been good, at least you didn’t eat an old home lunch??!!
oyster pies…
curveball – Thanks for the tip. I’m gonna put bbq sauce on my tongue tonight.
curveball- watermelon, eh???ok???
g-nalo – tripe is good!
Anyone bringing the beanbag “horseshoes” tomorrow???
OK leaving now…gotta rest before the VB game. Well, not really, but I have to drop my daughter off to Kaiser for the football game. Sees ome of you later tonight.
curveball – Thanks for the tip. I’m gonna put bbq sauce on my tongue tonight.
cause you need it????
xs— owww… I get sore stomach already!!!
bbq tongue…. rotflmao!!!!
XLiz – hopefully Kazz can convince his pal’s pal to bring the game.
homey ⑤:
I was sort of refering to “Kazz’s grilled cow tongue ”
but have fun anyway……
g-nalo – like you don’t have a 64 oz jar of bbq sauce in the fridge!!!
g-nalo – tripe is good!
hiya Liz, glad someone else agrees so IF can……can.
So I’ll be seeing you all tomorrow. Have a safe night and just for my daughter…
g-nalo – like you don’t have a 64 oz jar of bbq sauce in the fridge!!!
no sense, only spoil. 🙂
yep, time to sneak out.
everyone enjoy whether its the volleyball game, watching TV, or a DVD of your favorite Shaw Brothers kung fu movie.
Homey – no forget wipe the excess BBQ sauce, you don’t want to be obvious. 🙂
LizKauai [Believer]:
curveball- watermelon, eh???ok???
2 very good cold ones…some other goodies also….
As long as you put in your “honest 8”, I guess it’s okay for you to sneak out of the office.
Tomorrow will be SWEET!
condolences to shane victorino and his family for their loss…
Stretch, what kind of fare you got to BOI?
Question to the Tsaikettes, would the wifey kill me if I am in BOI on our anniversary?
dpc- what happened to Shane’s family?
Mojo- better take wifey with you to BOI and go to HER favorite place right afterwards for a romantic holiday!
Chawan_cut –
WarriorMojo’s prize was hand-delivered by a Tsaiko with short greying hair, glasses and a physique that would make middle-aged (and maybe a few younger ones, too) females pant. If you are to believe WM is describing Princess Leila, my boy, I want to sell you a oyster shell autographed by a celebrity who lives in Maunawili valley.
Play calling is such a chess match. Each week Mack and Ron must come up with a couple of new schemes and packages to outwit the opponent. I have a feeling Ron is going more vertical in this game so…
Passing: 265
Rushing: 119
Points: 52
ditto to shane and his ohana on the passing of his grandmother.
on the other hand way to go shane boy on his outstanding play and hitting. giving the Phillies a 2 nothing lead in NLWS. off to boston to try and win it there.
eh hbod 2 zip babe.
Curveball ~ I nevah realized you wuz bald. I thought that was just the way you parted your hair.
Mac salad would be great, but for the cold storage part. Watermelon is cool.
My friends-
Please remember the sacrifice of our Soldier from the 100th Battalion/442nd Infantry who died during training in Fort Hood, Texas. While not a combat loss, it is a loss nonetheless. GO FOR BROKE!!!
NEO(saddened by the loss)
Mrs A-House ~ Omigooness! You are at the absolute top of your game today my lady! I’m laughing my ‘kole off ovah hea!..Hehehe!
Can’t wait to see you and *Megahorn Midori* at the SSC tonite.
Al –
You took my printed profanity out of context…I was repeating what someone ELSE might scream out loud. The acronym used is NOT the profanity you think it is. Nonetheless, I apologize if I offended anyone…I’m sorry. BTW, just because I don’t verbalize these words of profanity does not mean I don’t mentally scream them in my head. I’m no angel, but I hope you will accept my weaknesses and still be my friend. 😕
Going to have a last minute change in the lineup Stretch. I’ll get with you at the box office about it. See ya there, gotta go find that cross island light rail Mufi promised me.
i thought oysters were tomorrow. heh.
enjoy the volleyball game tonight
like the band director in “drum line” said go out and enjoy being with your tsaiko mates. and the concept “one band one sound”
enjoy see yall on saturday
oyster chiffon pie and oyster poke so far, chawan_cut.
Stay warm, buddy!
UH total passing yards – 267
UH total rushing yards – 153
attendance – 42,352
combined score – 44
Go Warriors! Whoop dem Doggies!
Haha >>> Oyster Chiffon Pie.
Pie. One of the greatest & yummiest of creations. First born in France?, then brought to America.
Holy sh**!!!
Mrs. A-House was sure cursing up a storm earlier. It just (sexual intercourse) (urinates) me off when people feel they can just (female dog) and moan and use what ever words pops into their (slang of sexual intercourse) heads.
Nah. Mrs. A-House. I know you were simply relaying what your sweetie-pie daughter shouts at those wearing the prison stripped garb. Dang, I just do not want her angry at me — I would probably start crying. Yep, that would be me. Mr. Overly-Sensitive.
Now to get back to grading the quizzes of those miserable miscreants, frosh, who cannot keep their mouths shut and their brains out of the gutter. So far, no one is passing — serves them right.
Uh. I meant. I must be doing something wrong for them not to understand and pass their quizzes. I have to work harder.
Maverick . . .
The fruit pie was developed in America. Yay!!!
Particularly the apple, cherry and various berry varieties.
Kekoa . . .
Remember when you mentioned yesterday you thought I was being kind of ambitious with the passing yardage? Looks like the numbers are climbing. I will admit I still have one of the higher guesses; I think I am third or fourth highest now.
But, just have to remain positive!
Thx Wafan. I thought America invented the Possum pie. lol
and the whipped cream pie fight was invented on the Soupy Sales Show back in the 50’s. :>
to all the Tsaikos,
let us all have good thoughts and send them to the Warriors as they prepare for victory tomorrow. one snap and clear, one play at a time, one quarter at a time, one game at a time.
If anyone tapes the bracelette presentation would it be possible to get a copy? Willing to pay for duplication and postage fees!!!
Thanks much!
Forget the pork. Forget the chicken.Forget the grilled beef tongue. Everybody……. JUST BRING PIE
Maverick . . .
I think the 3-Stooges were having whipped cream pie fights during their vaudeville act in the ’30’s. They were working with another guy at the time. The act was called, the guys name and the stooges. Or something like that.
Eventually, the stooges grew in popularity and the guy faded into the sunset. Moe, and Larry were the originals. I think Shemp was another original, of the old vaudville act, too.
Mav- possum pie is really an oyster pie, but the oysters pretend they are dead until the potential eater goes away… Bwahahaha!
time to go home!
Wow, how very nice and appropriate for a scholarship to be named after Dr. Young. He certainly was a big part of the Warrior ohana.
Prayers and thoughts for one of our brave warriors and his family.
I ate a raw oyster once. Pulled it right out of the Hood Canal, cracked it open, loosened it up from the shell, and swallowed. Heck, my buddies were doing it and encouraged me to do so, too! So, why not? Biggest ball of snot I have ever had the displeasure to send down my throat.
I was fine for a few minutes. Then I started thinking about the now homeless oyster looking around in my stomach for its home. That is when I started to feel queasy. I kept it down. But, I just could not bring myself to “enjoy” another for the rest of the day. Never again.
October 10th, 2008 at 5:39 pm
Uh. I meant. I must be doing something wrong for them not to understand and pass their quizzes. I have to work harder.
gald you caught youself almost had to call you into the VP office for some educational encouragement. 😀
That’s only because you forgot the hot sauce… you gotta drench those live oysters in hotsauce then swallow… they kick and squirm and tickle your insides.
wafan- oysters, abalone, opihi, mmm… I drew the line in Pusan in 1965. There were beach vendors everywhere with the freshest sealife snacks. I could not try the sea worms… they were reeeaaaalllyy ugly and gross looking.
Since then, I have had prepared sea cucumber at a couple local luau. Those were white and delicious. Not what I expected at all from the name.
chawan-cut ,
But none of those sticky, gooey… slightly charred shoyu chicken dishes, eh? Those are hard to find these days.. even here in the islands.
Koakane . . .
How are you doing Mr. VP? I guess I need to flagellate more often. HA!
MIH . . .
What disappointed me the most was there was no pearl there. I do not think the hot sauce would have helped. I could “feel” that guy trying to crawl back up on the way down. Then I know it was looking around and wondering what the heck happened to its shell.
LizK . . .
I will eat just about anything unless the mouth feel is unpleasant. Some things I just cannot bring myself to enjoy. Balut is one of them. And, I just cannot enjoy stuff that reminds me of mucus. But, I figure the less I eat of the good stuff, the more there is for everyone else!
Aw, come ON, Mrs A, LOL. I was just having a little fun.
But, yes, thanks very much to A-House for hand delivering my prize. And a very nice shirt it is too. Can our donor let us know where these can be purchased?
wafan- I hear ya.
But I was raised on strange stuff. I still remember my mom’s delicious calf brain soup. The broth was like oxtail soup.
When I moved to Hawaii, I began to experience Filipino cooking and ate okra for the first time. That has a slimy quality but I love it – and bitter melon.
ok…getting dark. REALLY time to go home now!!
What is up with those GOP’ers, anyhow. At one of the McCain rally’s a woman called Obama an “Arab”. Of course it does not help that he allowed them and he has called Obama by his middle name, Hussein, he has not stopped his supporters from yelling “terrorist”, “kill him”, etc.
What a perfect demonstration of a lack of respect. The kids were talking about it, too; and recognize it as disrespectful.
Maybe there is hope for our country after all!
LizK . . .
Calf brain soup? Sounds interesting. Must be like a beef broth. Mmmmm.
But, with CJD, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, I think that food is going to be a bit risky.
Wahine volleyball!!! Whoo-hoo!!!
I hope there is a great crowd tonight. Sounds like there should be. Cool, two nights in a row LA Tech shall fall.
Play calling is a chess match. Mack and Ron have come up with a couple of new schemes and packages every week to out wit their foes. Mack may play more man and stack the box. Ron may have some play action to go vertical. Who knows…
Passing: 255 – Inoke career best
Rushing: 118 – LaTech stacks the box
Points: 54 – UH 41 – LaTech 13
Attend: 43140 – Bandwagon gets rolling
wahines look rusty but very athletic and looks like cshoji bringing on subs
looking in da crowd for da tsaikos wea dem?
Koakane . . .
Did they show any of the presentation? I sure hope they did! Tsai’ko’s on TV?
Big crowd?
jes got home.
Neva show anything went to news break
Total passing yards: 195
Total running yards: 135
Attendance: 39,008
Combined score: 37
Wow! Our first frost!!! 29-degrees is the forecast low for tonight. I think it will get lower than that. Maybe 25.
Anyone want some cool weather?
Wow LizK. Late night at work. Did you at least have a nice dinner before getting home?
Three straight?
Aloha ball!
Alooooooooooooooooooooooooha, LA Tech!
Sitting here all by my self. All alone.
~25 minutes to game day!
See all of you tomorrow!!!
This is the last time agree to guard the Tsai-ko club house when everyone else goes to the game.
Heck, if I sleep on the job who will know? Homey’s poodles went to sleep, too. So much for being fierce guard puppies.
howzit howzit.
sum peeps say i get anger management issues too. wateva i get i keep all boiled inside, except when representing Warrior Nation.
howzit Wafan,
pssssttt… quiet…. i stay watchin da game…. 😀
bhf2 . . .
Pau already the game.
What da signoos take long time go ova dea, yah?
There was a short presentation of the Softball Bracelets. I’m trying to capture it and put it up on the web. BBS.
Well, according the blog clock it is GAME DAY!!!
In the real world we still have about 8 minutes left. HA!
Dang that game went by too fast. Going take longer to write the sports recap than it took to play all three sets.
wafan- I going eat latahs… video more important…
Hi, mih!
ok… half uploaded so far.
Aloha Liz!
Here we Go-
Soccer Wahine Bracelet Presentation:
Still processing.
Wait little while!
Double whoops…
SOFTBALL- not soccer…
k-den. I going kaukau now. BBL
Thanks Liz for that video.
Come on Leahey, get with it. It was Pomai and the Tsaikos!!
Free play links time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
Amazing that this Japanese restaurant has monkeys serving tables as waiters!
Canadian man says that he shouldn’t have to pay child support because he was asleep when the child was conceived!
Drunken man went to the wrong home and fell asleep in the couple’s bed…what a shock for the family when they returned home! Amazing that they didn’t press charges and instead gave the man some soup and ribs.
Pretty cool that the marines are using samurai techniques to help them with mental health issues.
College students actually choose WiFi over beer!
Free play links pau.
Know you sleeping now, but when you wake and read the blog note that I sent you an email about the VB presentation tonight ( still Hawaii time ).
Evening Tsai-kos!
Wow wafan. Kinda tough on da keeeds. 😉 What subject(s) you teach anyways?
Condolences to the Vicotrino ohana.
Congrats to the Phillies, Bosox and da Wahine. Another uno, dos, adios match. 😀
ooops. …Victorino…. 😳
*peeking through da windows, finds nobody home and da poodles dreaming of chasing chihuahuas around, carefully opens da window and climbs in*
Woo hoo! Let’s do some redecorating! *puts up lots of Jr Bows stickers, Georgetown, Redskins and of course, UH posters*
*makes PB sandwiches for da poodles to keep em quiet and helps self to bowl of uhfan808’s PBS* yummmm.
*slips out back window, gives schmoodles da sandwiches*
Also remember I Believe (Kauai blogger) was instrumental in getting the bracelet project going. She hasn’t been on the blog lately but is still a Tsai-ko at heart!
Caught in the act!
Kekoa was right about jm2375!
Our D is lookin good with all these guys getting their eligibility =)
Howzit fellow Tsaikos. Hope you’re ready for the LaTech game tomorrow. Letz go Warriors!
Mike Wedge,
I think our D will rule big time tomorrow.
Hi Liz! Howzit, oh blog guru! I know nothing! I’m innocent I tell you! Innocent!
Like da decorations? hehehe.
We recorded the game for you and what was shown on tv for the presentation which was minimal. Will drop it in the mail Monday am after we record the Sunday match with New Mexico State as well. Plus the match itself was nothing to shout about when compared to earlier ones this year.
However, there were plenty pictures taken so folks here will put together a photo album for you. The Tsaikos got Big Time credit during the presentation, but I am not sure anyone’s name was mentioned.
Afterwards, the team came up to where we were sitting and thanked everyone on an individual basis. Virginia Hinshaw, Jim Donovan and and Carl Clapp came up to where we sat to give their thanks as well.
Muchomahalos to Stretch for arranging this.
Change of subject: Set aside 10 am on Tuesday for another very special event – details out Monday morning. Das all ken say at dis time.
Bobby Curran’s article, “Overconfident Fresno goes to the dogs”…
There are warning signs in sports. Signs that scream “Look out, here it comes!” He who talks trash sometimes is in for a rude awakening. It started last week when a Fresno radio station conducted a survey on whether the Bulldogs and Pat Hill should hang 100 points on the Warriors to punish them for having scored 68 points in Fresno two years ago and then dancing on the Bulldog logo.
Should Fresno merely crush Hawaii, or should it embarrass and humiliate the Warriors by way of further punishment? When we checked into the hotel last Friday, the desk clerk asked if we were ready to have our butts kicked. The counterman at the restaurant opined that the game was likely to get out of hand. When my broadcast partner Robert Kekaula got stopped by a policeman for talking on his cell while driving (illegal in California), the officer discovered Robert was there to call the game and let him off since he was in for such a rough Saturday night at the stadium.
And when the Fresno State engineers told us they could not hook up our relay outside the locker room to talk to Coach Mac in the event of a Hawaii win, I turned to Robert and said, “that does it. Hawaii is going to win this game.”
LTUHF- as Mrs. A-House would say – er think- WTF! No wonder we beat Fresno! Bwahahaha!
W-Doc- the tv didn;t show much and Papa did not mention the Tsai-kos. Hope someone got a home video of the presentation!
whew. what a week!
just got back in from haleiwa town. i must say traffic was really good.
can’t wait for tomw.
warriors will pound the ball tomw. i forsee a smoother running offense this week. it is gonna get better each week with one quarterback and no controversy. so inoke has had about three weeks at the helm now so i expect things to run well tomw with the new inoke package in place. in particular i like the sprint out passing game. that will keep the opponents in check not knowing if he is gonna fly or fly the ball.
i believe we will also see more option stuff as well.
it will truly morph into a pure kind, “RUN and shoot”.
maybe we label it the “run and gun”.
how you been.
did you just get on the pc?
do you have that automatic email popup reminder?
LizKauai, Mrs A-House said that….Where’s the Foul??
Al, I was watching the Mililani v. Waianae game…
We had lunch @Ray’s Cafe with retiree friends today. Good friend made some some kala at crap table in Vegas and invited us. Wow, what a treat! We split rack of lamb and shrimp scampi and boss had prime rib. Couldn’t finish all so had leftovers for dinner.
tonight’s short news clips.
work late tonight.
stop by on on to pick up some favorites.
salt pepper shrimp
salt pepper pork chops
stuffed eggplant w/dao see sauce
chow fun
choi sum w/oys sauce
Hi Midori7,
I think I have a few minutes left. So here are my last minute predictions:
Total passing yards: 286
Total rushing yards: 211
Total Attendance: 42,848
Combined Score: 68
PS: Dat’s one hilarious voodoo video; I didn’t know you were so bashful and reserved like your mom. Be ready in case we need you and your voodoo team again. 🙂
As usual you continue to eat unabashedly good kine kau kau here and on Maui…
fuud, eh?
ok. my din was lo’s
Last chance rice in da ricepot, leftover homemade beef curry: green Thai curry paste, beef, onion, potato, one sm pack of Costco vegs (carrot, broccoli, tomato), regular curry powder and cream of chicken soup!
oh- served with the last of the Costco gimchi…
I giant Mahalo to Stretch for not only arranging the tickets for the Tsaiko’s to sit together at the VB game…but…more importantly giving me the aisle seat.
When the entire SB team came up to our section, each of the ladies gave me a big smooch as they were on their Mahalo mission. It really surprised us all as they came all the way up to Section *A!*
Lots of photos were taken, but I was so busy with the young ladies, I really didn’t have time for that stuff.
It was a very nice ceremony tonight, and a real honor for the softball girls to come up to where we were sitting and say thank you. I’m sure photos will be around soon enough.
But midori7 — eh, you should have clarified the attendance thing earlier! UH box scores publish both tickets distributed and turnstile. My total was for turnstile; I don’t care about tickets distributed, cause what counts is the fans in the seats! (Well, we’ll take the money from the no-shows too.) I’m sad now, I’m thinking my number will be a tad too low. If I had known it was tickets distributed that you wanted, I would have guessed 42,821. 🙁
Pomai ~ Bradda, no worries. As each girl laid a smack on me, I reminded that that I was accepting for you so that I could collect the 2nd one for you.
Do me a favor tho, don’t ever ask me to pass it on.
some times its cold pizza.
well, i guess my original score did not go in and its occupied now.
so. here goes
uh 34
la tech 3
Wow, this blog clock is off. Not even 11:59 yet. 😉
Yep, Kekoa was blushing the whole drive from Mānoa to Salt Lake. And no, that red was not because of the Byron’s strawberry slush float he bought; I didn’t give that to him until he dropped me off. 😀
The bewitching hour approaches…time to go moe moe and get ready for the homecoming game… The rust palace rocks tomorrow night!
Good nite all…Take care!
our new run n gun offense will offset and provide misdirection against the la tech blitz packages.
the sprint out pocket, option offense, and quick passing game will diffuse the la tech blitz. it should freeze them enough times to be very effective.
All Right!
Hoo da late! Still washing clothes.
Hah- I got more omiyage than clothes to bring tomorrow!
Kekoa- check your text messages 😆
jm2375 ~ I’m making arrangements with my cousin Judge *HW* to make sure that will also be your prisoner number!
I’m so glad I had the Turkey Tails under protective custody tonite.
G’nite all! See you at the T-gate. (Wafan – we left the light on for ya!)
Howzit Kekoa! Wassup! Enjoyed yourself @ the vb match, eh? 😯
Watched da rerun. Dey need to give dat wahine sum pronounciation lessons. Didn’t she used to play for Shoji, so how come she no can pronounce em right? How hard can it be?
good night. I hope the schmoodles enjoyed da sandwiches. hehehehe
Shoots, keed forgot to call. better go text her.
Hey wait, I thot I just saw Rob25 on da terebi. 😀
A-House please re-send the email, the email address you have for me is no longer valid please change it to pomai @ tsai-kos . com if anyone else has the old one please change it.
Wassupdoc thanks for taping the presentation even if K5 fell short on it, seems to me that this would have been a good recruiting opportunity.
KekoaI expect you to either deliver the smooches or return them to their owners.
Next a win over LaTech for the homecoming
23 – 6 d1shima
27 – 3 koakane
27 – 13 Unkanesson
27 – 14 Jason
27 – 21 GGma
28 – 21 jm2375
28 – 10 tommui
30 – 17 King Katonk
31 – 15 FloridaTed
31 – 14 Hoohiki
31 – 21 Hawaiianbod
31 – 28 Glenn
32 – 29 g-nalo
34 – 3 al
34 – 28 wafan
34 – 17 Pomai
35 – 17 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 14 UKU@LA X
35 – 14 HiFlyer
35 – 21 LizKauai
35 – 6 bighilofan2
37 – 14 las vegas
37 – 17 Pauoa Boy
38 – 17 Kazz
38 – 14 curveball
40 – 12 UHfan808
41 – 13 cocobean
41 – 20 lab rat
42 – 9 Kekoa
47 – 23 madeinhawaii
48 – 17 mp
48 – 14 sojuNtaegu
49 – 17 TChahng
54 – 6 Mike Wedge
63 – 12 homey
Nitey Nite, Pomai!
Sweet Warrior Dreams, Ka Kou!
Fo hanred an wan!
Re the K-5 coverage: I talked to their Chief Poobah twice, and he said that they could not cover the entire event because it was more important to sell advertising as well as give the announcers time to go over the first two sets.
Couldn’t find my tambourine so I dropped by Easy Music Center on the way up to the vball game to buy one. $50!!! Sorry, no can afford that luxury; however, am bringing my taiko drumstix.
The crew from Dole Middle School attending tomorrow’s game is the assistant coach and three students – they’ll be coming to the T-Gate around 3 pm.
Don’t forget to bring your HI-5 cans and bottles from home so that the reccyling fees can go to their after-school program.
Time to visit the Land of Nod.
Hey Doc doesn’t sound like dat buggah knows what he’s doing yeah? Let see –
K5 guy – Now Mr. Store owner you should buy the ad air time in between the volleyball games because we are going to show the news rather than the Na Wahines receiving their awards for winning the WAC Championship in softball, so there will plenty of people watching. NOT LOL
Thanks Doc for what you do!!
I wonder if the bosses of the TV stations know that most people use the break in games be it football or softball to go to the kitchen to make popcorn or in Mrs. A-House’s case spam musubi?
if she can make a spam musubi that quick, she’s my hero 🙂
Go Get’em WARRIORS!!! Whip those chihuahuas from LooneyTech! Send Mr. ‘howdy Dooley a good ‘ol Aloha Pounding! Go WARRIORS!!! 😀 😯 😆
Happy Warrior Game Saturday everyone!
Hey Brew and Wafan,
good morning….brrrrr, how you doing?
i was going brrrrr, because i just checked a webcam for Bozeman Montana, and the beast will be playing in the ‘white stuff’ today
let’s support the Warriors in their quest for another victory today!!!
Warrior Nation,
today is the day we have waited for, another stepping stone in the path to repeat as WAC Champions.
let’s go beat these chalupa lovers today…..hey, drop the chalupa
I think it would be cool if the Warriors entered the field first. Then, lined the locker room entrance on both sides for LA Tech — two long lines. One on each side. As the dogs enter the Warriors break into the ha’a.
Would we see the dogs howl? Would we see Dooley wet his pants?
It would be even better if the ALL of the fans performed it with the Warriors. That would truly intimidating.
Nah. Dooley might get intimidated begin to sob in fear.
last night waianae vs. mililani was a good game. with about 9 minutes left, Mililani’s Stevenson goes 70 yards on a slant pattern….cya, turbos, and no one can catch him…..great game
Hi Bulla and Brew!
So the Beast will be playing in popcorn or soap bubbles?
Oooooooooo, I hope the popcorn is not the buttered kind because it would be difficult to tackle or catch the ball.
I think it is time to bury my crispy tomato plants. Last night was a good frost.
I have fresh frozen little green tomatoes.
Off-island Tsaikos – … so what, are our viewing/audio options limited to Oceanic PPV and 1420, respectively?
Shucks… – I don’t mind missing the slurpy oysters, BBQ tongue, and other creative recipes. And I won’t have to worry about dodging wayward projectiles (including darts, bean-bags, and taunts…), but I do regret not being there to enjoy the Tsaiko camaraderie and watching our Warriors P•U•N•I•S•H•••’dem•••puppies!!! 😀 😯 😆
hey wafan,
i think popcorn is what i hear. they have a turf field, so no mud, but still cold. whew,
Good morning wafan & bulla–
We’ll be following the Weber State game and checking “Snow Beast’s” stats! Go Ryan!
wafan is a farmer too? 😀 😯 😆
Bulla . . .
Popcorn not so bad. Only issue is all the roughage. It is a good reason to run (to the locker room)!
And, all those little kernel pieces that get stuck between the teeth. Make sure the Beast carries his floss!!!
Wafan can do anything and everything!!! multi talented transplant in WA from HI
Brew . . .
If I were a farmer I would starve. I like tomatoes so I plant some every year. The most fruits I have ever enjoyed has been a grand total of 5. That is correct. FIVE.
This is over a 10-year period. An average of half a tomato per year. Yahoo!!! Maybe it is time I selected a different plant (to kill).
But, I do really well with green onions. Water and fertilize then leave them alone. Geez. Brainless farming, I excel at being brainless. Maybe I pay too much attention to the tomato plants.
Happy Gameday gang-
Rainbow Vahines. U ROCK! Slam Dunk on LaTech.
Warriors – Do the Voodoo with da De’ja ‘Vu
Saw your post with the raw oyster moment.
The heavens above have provided us hot water and a pot for good reasons. When there raw, it’s galla galla.
Bulla – I see Big Sky Tv will be broadcasting the Weber St. game today!
Go Wildcats.!
Good Morning! It’s GAME DAY!!!! Hope everyone has a good time at the t-gate today.
Good morning bulla, wafan, brew, and the rest of the tsaikos. just wanted to say “GO WARRIORS”!! getting ready to go to golf course. have a great day and may the sunshine warm all your hearts.
I believe UH recieved the lucky draw on scheduling for the Boise game next week, and not today.
4″ of snow forecasted for the Boise region today.
Ohayoo Kakahiaka and Aloha Gozaimasu everybody!
Game Day today and I’m already Tsai’ked up! How about you guys? Why the crap am I up at 0612 in the AM is beyond me… it’s still oh-dark-thirty here… oh wait, there’s the sun coming up now… anyway fellow Tsaikos… Have a great time @ the T-gate today, not with you in person, but def. with you in spririt. We’re having cajun rice, popeyes or church’s chicken, and some goood biscuits… it’ll be cajun feast, so hopefully our Warriors can do the same, except it’ll be a puppy roast… 😉
Aloha gang, and have a wonderful day!
Interesting conversation with the local newspaper “customer service” department. Been having problems with non-delivery over the past six weeks. I keep calling them to resolve the problem. They keep playing the blame game and passing me from person to person.
Today, I was passed to three people. Two of whom I had previously spoken in the past several weeks. Yeah, I am one of those people who keep a log of who, when and results when dealing with companies. Anyhow, they kept saying, “I hear you”, “I understand your frustration”, “I will file a report”, “I will follow up”, and the one that irritates me the most, “If you do not see improvement contact me blah, blah, blah”.
So, today I kind of pressed the issue and spoke with the supervisor’s supervisor. Hmmmmm. Same old story. Ended up giving her a lesson in customer service. I am not sure she understood — or cares. Toward the end of the ‘conversation’ she was not saying much.
What is so difficult about providing a quality product or service, in a timely manner, especially one for which you have already been paid?
For those of you who enjoy keiki sports try this link. It is a feature they run here on a local news channel. Really cute and fun! Go to “Eric’s Little Heroes”.
Awesome story of two boys in wheel chairs.
Storyabout the Mill Creek, WA, little league team and what one company did for them! Aside of a parade did anything like this happen for the Hawai’i WORLD Champions?
morning tsaiko country are you ready for some football. au’wryte time to strap it up and represent. show no mercy, take no prisoners, leave it on the field.
wafan only one thing to say its coool but Waipio world champs babe.
Good Morning Tsaiko Family!
Good Morning Warrior Nation!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Hey Rich2176 – Technicolor karaoke dreams!!! Woo Hoo! – but the song was wierd- “My Boyfriend’s Back” ???? People in my dream said I was singing it for the 3rd time. Huh?
OK. Tending to business and on the way to pick up goodies for the T-Gate and it’s FLYING TIME!!
Willie Grace!
hey hey ronnie got your dim sum warming up and warriors apparel on? phone us lattas so you can get serenaded by the tsaiko signers. enjoy yourself today .
Oklahoma now playing Texas but only up by 1 at the half.
Remember your sun screen!!!
So, the paper sends out someone to hand deliver today’s paper to me.
Nice touch but still a loser solution.
It was Thursday’s paper.
wafan how is the contact with the hawn club up there comming along?
Good Morning Koakane! the champagne is already on ice! And I have my Warrior green on today!
wafan – I’m sorry the situation is so frustrating for you, but the way you tell it it funny for the rest of us. I wonder what would happen if the Tsaikos started calling on your behalf…
man, nothing like waking up in the morning, getting into your car for work and thawing out your windshields.
and i had to a double take when i saw all the lawns and fields. they were all white with frost.
Koakane . . .
No contact from them. Left a message, though. I hope I called the correct number. HA!
Have not heard anything from anyone so I do not know if it is really happening.
Tyleen Tausuga, team captain and 2007 MVP, has a personal message for you and wants your phone number or email address.
If you agree, please send it to me email and I will get it to her.
You would have been proud last night – the softball Wahine were!!!
chawan nothing like dat here. sun shinning, beverages cooling, meat soaking and blood rising for a fball battle. bring it on.
wafan will call them lattas and ask what da scoop. know when you meet them you will fit in perfectly.
ronnie champagne eh …. wow girl ready to rock and roll. far cry from what I remember KS girls used to drink uhmmmmmmmm boonsfarm mixed with 7up. 😀
anyone took some pics of last night wahines sball ceremonies?
read kekoa was to busy honi honi with da girls.
homes if you getting ready no foget to bring da charcoal and matches. D1 is always getting on our case for forgetting something.
Ronnie . . .
I am pleased to be able to present you with such pleasure and glee at my frustration. This is worse than trying to get help from someone at Sears (up here anyhow).
Good story about a restaurant, though. Went in and ordered a Denver omelet, soft. Food comes. It is hard. I send it back. Another one comes. It is hard again. I ask the waitress what the problem is — maybe the cook does not understand what a soft omelet should be. She goes back to check.
Her response, “The cook says he does not know how to cook them soft.” Huh? Just take it off the stinking grill sooner. Duh.
Wot. Get one eleego aleein in da back? Dunno hao for hemmo da egg mo fassa? Mebbe da bugga wen hando ‘em moa carefo? Huh? Do not know how to make them soft – my broken slippah with the bottle opener on the bottom!
Why does it seem at times I attract nothing but the fools and idiots. Geez. I am a nice guy. But, from where do these people come? Dang.
good morning chawan_cut! btw, who are you sitting with at the Boise game?
Koakane . . .
Sorry to see your buddies are brain-damaged, too.
Anyone want fresh frozen little green tomatoes? I can send you the entire “crop” of 2. No wait, there are 3.
wafan not nice to irritate the cooks might get back eggs ala gula gula’s.
wow there went my appetite for breakfast.
texas and oklahoma really locked in a battle. OU up 8 but Texas just scored.
C_C . . .
When I lived in Poulsbo I notice there was a lot of “white” around, too.
I was the only minority on staff in the district for my first three years. Heck, I was the only minority at the entire high school for the first five years.
Is this an early winter for you?
Its only October 11.
Koakane . . .
Geez. Gula-gula. Are we talking about raw oysters again?
A-House . . .
Nah. We get these freezes every-so-often. I really just depends on when the high-pressure system and clear weather hit. If they hit simultaneously then we get the freezing temperature. Last night it was absolutely crystal clear! So all the heat ran away. Coupled with the high-pressure system sitting off our northern coast, just off Victoria, bringing in the cooler air from Canada.
Did you know Canada is really a bastardized Japanese name? Ka-na-da.
Great Morning All!
Wow! Nevah tink A-Joe was serious about da sound system ’til I saw WDoc went store fo’ try buy one tambourine!
Had to beeline to Radio Shack las’ nite fo’ pickup all da parts fo’ one PA kit! No mo’ PA KIT! Had to buy all da parts ala carte…..
Soldering iron lost!
Azauryte…I one Tsaiko….if no can, still can.
I jus’ pau TAPING all da parts together. My car no mo’ speakahs and I used up all da extension cords in my house but going get one PA at da TsaikoGate! Yeehawwwwww!
(AJoe, I go drop ’em off at the appointed time but going leave b4 you plug ’em in, ‘kay? Jus in case 😉 )
Time to get some stuff done.
Remember the matches for the TGate!!!
Last night was a very humbling experience.
First it must have been a very HUMBLING experience on the court for the Lady Techsters 😆 . Bulldogs… YOU’RE NEXT!
Then, as the 2007/2008 Rainbow Wahine Team were on the court getting their DESERVED acknowledgement for a wonderful 2007 run they saw us up in our seats and waved at us and I thought that was awesome. But then, they ALL made their way up to us to thank us one on one, including all the coaches and JD, Chancellor Hinshaw, and Carl Clapp as well.
This was indeed a humbling experience for us all and something I will never forget.
Of course, the bracelets are AWESOME!
OU just got jobbed.
Wafan, I delivered newsppapers in my young days. I had a direct phone line from my customers for those incidents that your going through.
It worked.
That’s how instant messaging first started. !
I agree. Both on the personal foul call and the “no interception.” I’m rooting for Texas but want to see a fair game.
Only saw the “int”
While Colt McCoy was chased out of bounds, the defender that was chasing him grabbed his jersey to keep him from running into the sideline players, etc., then McCoy does an excellent acting job to draw the flag making like it was a “push” when in fact it wasn’t.
99 club,
IDK why they keep calling this the Red River Rivalry.
It’s nothing if not a Shootout
speaking about colt mccoy…..overheard last night on espn radio, the announcers were talking up the game between oklahoma/texas. and they made reference to the texas quarterback, colt brennan.
Very impressive game by Texas. Both Texas and Oklahoma got some beef on the D & O line. Talk about speed on both sides of the line as well!! Enjoyable game.
Morning all…PARTY DAY..going to let my hair down and whoop it up..oh yeah forgot about the bald thing….wow its tough being ranked #1 this year … great game
I really thought this was going to be Oklahoma’s year?? oh well, another number one bites the dust.
Pffftttt. HA! They WISH!
sitting at Go! Soon to fly. Got pies AND kulolo AND smoked goat meat! Neighbors say they are related to Pops and Kekoa 😆
24-17, Hawaii
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
One nieces soccer game down, one more to go before heading down to the Tsaikogate!! I’ll stop by for a little while before parking in the stadium with my Mama Stretch and g-nalo. I will also be bringing a new brand of beer that was given to me last night. I think it’s a one of a kind so everyone better taste some, it’s probably the best tasting beer there is!!
Pomai – you have snail mail on the way…
i guess i will have to behave because it looks like the boss is coming.
al – you bringing your whole family??
New post up . . . .
Go Warriors!
October 11th, 2008 at 11:36 am
stretch….(from last post)
um, yah. the boss, #2 son, daughter and son-in-law will be there. probably between 130-200pm
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