Kamehameha Day
Quarterback Inoke Funaki said he was born in Hawai‘i. He said he was raised in Hawai‘i. And that is why, he said, he is observing Kamehameha Day today.
And although the usual unsupervised workouts will not be conducted today, the Warriors still will keep in shape. They’re going to play basketball today.
Here’s Funaki, who is serving as a coach-player during the summer, throwing a pass during yesterday’s workouts:
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The other co-No. 1 quarterback, Tyler Graunke, also has been guiding the newcomers. Graunke has been balancing school (he had an excellent spring semester in the classroom) with workouts:
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Greg Alexander, one of the two JC quarterback transfers, is another one of the players with perfect workout attendance.
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On another Web site, there was a debate to the actual height of players — a discussion fueled by this host’s photos. Well, first of all, I’m a lousy photographer. And it also is a matter of angles. So I hope this shot proves that Brent Rausch is 6 feet 4:
And here’s Rausch in action:
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And here’s Steele Jantz lauching a pass:
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Greg McMackin and our boss went out to lunch. And that can only mean one thing: Food pictures!
Here is Curtis’ meal:
A while back, I ordered the chicken meatball plate at Paesano’s. The next time I went, the waiter said: “Do you want your usual?” I think I’d like to try some other stuff on the menu. But that’s the only place where I have a “usual.” So when the waiter asks, I say, “Yep, the usual.” (OK, OK, I have a “usual” at Taco Bell, although the guy on the speaker box never asks.)
And here’s a pic of the friendliest coach in the world. Almost everyone in the restaurant came up to say hi.
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It’s Wednesday, which means we bust out the new feature: Lurker Bios. Here’s one of our loyal, but silent-until-now readers:
Well, my name’s Chad Yazawa. I’m a 19-year-old, about-to-be sophomore at UH Manoa. I went to school from Pre-K to 1st at Playmate School. Then did 1st again all the way to 8th at Hawaiian Mission Elementary. Then moved on to Hawaiian Mission Academy for 9th-12th. Played on the JV basketball team during my freshman year. Then played Varsity basketball and volleyball after that. Moved to UH-Manoa, where I am currently majoring in Travel Industry Management.
An interesting fact is that during my 1st semester, I took 15 credits and thought I wasn’t going to have time to lift weights. So I added weight training late and apparently Bobby Nash did, too. We were paired as weight-lifting partners. It was awesome lifting with him even though at the time, he was much stronger and he had to take off weights constantly for me to lift. He told me all his stories about when he played with LeBron, and
‘Melo at the ABCD camps. I’m definitely a Kobe fan. I’ve loved watching him play ever since he made the jump from high school to the NBA. So I’m pretty happy that they won yesterday even though I didn’t get to see the game because of work. I like to lift weights, play basketball, read the ‘Warrior Beat’ daily, and play softball in a Micronesian
league. Recently, lifting has been more of an obsession rather than hobby. Seeing results from hard work is one of the best things one can experience.
I would say I’ve been a UH fan since A.C, Alika Smith, and Helicopter were playing ball. I can always remember the nights where my dad and I would be watching a game at home and I would get excited because Alika would be dropping the 3s everywhere. I think I can credit him for my love of bombing the 3s. A.C would be doing his normal fancy crossover
moves and Helicopter would be dunking all the time. Well, games went by and slowly and surely, I stopped watching basketball and began to watch football instead. I don’t remember much of the vonAppen era other than probably my dad yelling at the T.V (which I would later find out why). But I definitely got hooked when Timmy Chang and Chad Owens started to play. I loved the style of just bombing it down the field. Whenever
Chad would get the ball I would always think he was going to run it back for a TD, and a lot of the time, he did. I remember staying up, making a bag of popcorn, and watching the games Saturday night at 9 on K5 “The Home Team” back when it was FREE.
I definitely enjoyed staying home and watching the games upstairs in my dad’s room with him rather than going to the games itself. To me, it was a better place when father and son could enjoy the game together in the comfort of one’s own home without having to worry about one’s actions and words. But I did enjoy the times when my dad and I went to the stadium to catch a game. I think almost every time we went there was a fight between the teams or a fight between the opposing team and fans. I will always remember the one Fresno game where fans near and above the Fresno tunnel dumped beer, popcorn, and many other things on them. Those fights were always amusing. Then Colt-fever ravaged among everyone. These past 2 years of UH football, in my opinion, had certified me as a die-hard UH fan. I watched every game watchable at home and at the stadium, looked up players’ stats and bios, argued with other ‘posters’ on ESPN and FOXSPORTS blogs, read this blog daily, and reading the recaps in the next day’s paper. Watching Colt, Nate Ilaoa, Bess, Rivers, and Grice-Mullens play really was amazing.
Watching Ilaoa bowl through people gave me the happiest feelings any UH football fan could have. It was great! Haha.
Right now, I work at my parent’s restaurant. It’s called Gourmet Express and we have another right across called Panini Grill. Both are at Kahala Mall, right by the big fountain. Oh, you all should really come by because honestly, the food is pretty good. True story. Before my parents bought the place(s), I had never noticed or tried the food
there. However, after working there and trying ALL the food, one at a time, day by day, I was amazed because all of the food was incredible. So stop by, say hi, and if you see me, tell me that you read the “all about me” and I’ll give you a little discount on some food you won’t regret trying. I didn’t.
Besides working, lifting, basketball, and softball, I spend the other time with my girlfriend and her family who is pretty much half Pohnpeian and half Japanese. Pohnpei is a island in the Micronesian chain for those who don’t know. I have been dating her for a great 2 years, 6 months, and 6 days. On the 18th, I’ll be going with their family to Pohnpei to experience a truly “island” lifestyle. So, sadly, I won’t be able to read this blog for 2 months but when I get back I’ll be sure to read up on the archives to catch up.
Here’s a picture of the Yazawa family. That’s Chad on the left.
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How the heck did you post so quickly?
food looks yummy
ST: Your blog has reached a new level with your pics.
Just tanked some fried rice for breakfast.
Does that make you a photojournalist?
ST: Who are the two players to the left of Inoke?
Mmmmmmm scallops!!
Re: pix
That’s Joe Avery on the Inoke’s far left and Craig Bell. Bell is actually about 6-2, but he looks really short because of the angle. Since I don’t have a zoom, I have to sort of step right into their workouts. I almost got Wilson’d a few times with passes. Unintentionally, I hope.
good morning everyone!
ST – yeah i agree with the pics, it really adds so much more to this blog, makes it more realistic if that makes sense?
too bad no mo ‘practice’ today, had planned to go and hopefully meet more Tsaiko’s, oh well……
Very cool, Chad! Thanks for sharing your story. Have fun on Pohnpei!
Happy Kamehameha Day! I’m slaving away at work… well, not too much slaving since I can read this at lan cha wha. he he
What are these kids doing posting on this site? Go away, this is a place for older, more mature folks to talk UH athletics! 😉
Just kidding, of course. Nice to see fellow members of my generation showing their love for UH sports. I remember growing up to A.C., Alika, and Helicopter too. 😀
yep, good bio Chad and have fun in Pohnpei.
never visited that island other than the airport (haa), but from the air looks like a great place for fishing?
wow, Chad is another die-hard Warrior fan. Welcome to the blog!
speaking of food, lets see what i can find……………………
have a good Kamehameha Day everybody.
ST – Great idea to have variety in the bios. I’m sure it took some work to track down and convince someone who hasn’t even posted to post their bio. Bravo to Chad for his courage and making his entry a big splash.
The gang that went to Wessai place last nite must still be recuperating!
LizK – You outdid yourself on your list (ref #337 last nite). I might add just one more thing…that Hawaii holds the keys to Asia (as JJ once envisioned). I’m hopefully that JD, or even some Tsaiko, has the vision and energy to make that happen. The potential is so huge that I think we everyday people can’t “see the forest for the tree”. That would change all the dynamics and make the PAC 10 sit up and notice.
aloha chad,
liked the bio, will have to stop by and visit when we’re at kahala mall next time. welcome to Tsaiko land, haha.
happy kamehameha day to all, i can never forget my bday because it is always the day before kamehameha day…..and ryan’s is the day after. talk about time management. haha, he has many more to look forward to, and i only look forward to cc and mini cc’s now, haha
last minute running around, but wanted to say hi/bye and have a safe holiday.
and i think ST is still older than me, but it could be the other way around. we’re both in the infamous ‘Go Airlines’ holding pattern of 39…..
a hui hou
great bio chad! and nice pics, ST. just goes to show that rausch is taller than murakami stadium.
That was a great bio! Thanks for sharing it with us. Don’t forget to jump on the blog when you get back from your trip and get to know your Uncle and Aunty Tsaikos.
Have a good time in Japan. And don’t forget……when in Rome…. Eat some uni nigiri and mirugai for me. Oh heck, go for chirashi. Yum yum.
Have a great Kamehameha Day everyone! It sure is beautiful out there.
i agree, ST is getting quite talented, are videos soon to be expected from our fearless leader? nice touch though, and thanks again ST…going that extra mile every time.
Panini Grill…Love their sandwiches and the chicken is amazing. Nice lurker bio!
I think the 2-inch rule applies to Murakami Stadium.
Aloha Chad, welcome to the blog! We need more students here to keep Grampa Jason company. Give us a shout when you are back from Pohnpei and we will set up a CC at Panini Grill or Gourmet Express. Your family owning not one, but TWO restaurants isntantly makes you the most popular member here! 😆
OK, i just noticed something. Where’s Curtis’ hand?
I would hate to be the guy who has to pick the starting QB. Steele Gantz looks like da futcha.
Eh, BULLA! Did you just tell us it was your birthday yesterday & Ryan’s is tomorrow???
See ya when I get home.
It’s right there in the picture, Tsai. What do you mean?
That chicken meatball plate that ST ordered looks delicious. I’ll order it the next time I’m at Paesano.
Thanks. Don’t know if I have the guts to eat raw fish, though. haha.
Belated Happy Birthday. And best wishes and good luck to the Beast!
You pictures are looking good. You’re getting better action shots. Come to think of it your stills (the food shots) are looking pretty good also. Time to eat Italian….
Hi, Chad,
A hearty welcome from this old timer here. It’s nice to see that future generations will assure the survival of Tsaiko-Nation for the next fifty years. Off course, I’m a little jealous of you having your whole life still ahead of you, lol. Keep up the good work and your head on your shoulders.
Welcome to Warrior Beat, Chad. We don’t get to Kahala Mall more than once or twice a year nowadays, but we’ll definitely stop in at your folk’s shop(s) to get something to eat the next time we do.
RE last night’s discussion about UH and the PAC-10. As a former UDub and UCLA student, I really have my doubts about UH getting into the PAC-10 anytime soon no matter how good our athletic programs become.
Although Manoa has some outstanding academic programs in science & theatre, for example, with several others such as Shidler College of Business and a couple of the engineering programs on the verge of being tiop-notch, there are two reasons why UH-Manoa will not be joining PAC-10 anytime soon: The failure to attract top-notch new/younger faculty to replace the ones getting close to retirement; and, the deteriorating physical condition of the campus. The Legislature’s failure and the state administration’s unwillingness regardless of who occupies the 5th Floor office to provide significantly more funding for higher education over the past 25 years is starkly clear to anyone who has walked across the campus. UH – especially the Manoa campus – has been in a holding pattern for way too long.
Academics and athletics are so intertwined in higher education that we cannot have great facilities in one area and junk in the other. We must invest in both and we must not set one against the other for dollars.
A worsening economy is no excuse, either. Capital expenditures provide jobs and dollars for purchasing materials and equipment while a well-educated population is an investment in our future.
What we need are more Clarence Chings and Jay Shidlers from the community to step up and take on these challenges.
Alas, no holiday for us today so hi-ho, hi-ho it’s back to work we go.
Food shots are a lot easier. The food doesn’t move. Well, I hope it doesn’t.
Whoops!!! Forgot to mention- great photos, Stephen. It’s nice to see these young men in something other than uniforms, face masks & pads.
I mean, where is hand? And do we really want to share the bread?
And, Doc, don’t forget that on Aug. 22, you’ll be able to ID all of the players and their plays.
Yes, I know Heather McMackin’s clinic is on the 21st, but all of the info will be absorbed by the next day.
Probably safe to say that everyone on this blog is a sports fan of UH.
If Jim Donavan is reading this blog an idea to ponder.
Poll the bloggers and find out how they became a fan.
The Who, What & When?
In my experience and observing the making of a fan, I believe most of us started at a very young age. We were brought to games by our parents, relative or a friend’s parent, and due to this most of us have continued the saga of being a fan. We as humans tend to gravitate to our family wants and likes. Some of us may have started a little later in life. With pay per view today the making of a fan maybe exposed in a different way. I believe a common denominator is that most of us started becoming a fan as a child. I maybe wrong so go ahead and make a survey on this blog.
It does appear that JD is making an effort to make it affordable for families to attend which is a very good move. Besides being affordable I believe a program to bring in the youngsters at all cost (pardon the pun) will always continue to grow the fan base. Every species, every plant, every fan, starts as a tiny cell and grows if nurtured properly. It is not a quick fix to get people to become fans overnight or in a season. Winning helps, however I believe It will take a very good ongoing longterm plan of reproducing the numbers to have a great fan base. As a true fan may state “I am there to support my team in the good times as well as the bad times.”
Is “chicken meatball” an oxymoron?
Good morning ST! Unusual to see three posts in a row from you. 🙂
Hey Chad, been to Phonpei, when i lived out on Kwajalein for 7 yrs. You have to go to the Hotel Phonpei on the hillside, where you sleep in a thatch hut, with no tv, no radio, just the sound of rain falling on the roof. Order the Samoan crab, yeah baby, it’s on the menu, broke mouth too.
Not An Expert makes great points.
And I think that goes to the heart of pay-per-view TV. I think free TV is when many of us were introduced to the teams. Somehow UH needs to connect with the potential fanbase.
ST, you ate the chicken MEAT, not the feathers and bones!
Hey Chad!!
Glad I got to read your bio on this site. I guess they got that grad picture from Jodie’s camera.
Yeah, when the Tsaikos have their cc at your parents restaurant, we will try to make it too.
Have fun on your trip…you lucky guy.
I was chatting with my neighbors Doug Tanaka and Dick Garnett (Chris’ father). They were saying that there’s a Kailua High baseball reunion tonight at Luana Hills.
I became a UH football fan in 1999, the season when JJ took over. It happened in a hotel room on Maui, when hubby turned on the TV, and I watched the game CLOSELY for the first time in my life.
I haven’t lost interest since then.
Hi SteveM–
Glad you are back. Hope you are feeling fine.
Hi Idon’tknowsports-
Now you know _ _ _ _ S!!
I was gonna say, “how does that photo prove Brent Rausch is 6’4” “?
Anywho, thanks to Chad for coming out of the “shadows” to introduce himself to us here!
Fan from the Tomey era, fan for Life.
Now that K5 has moved to a supposedly bigger building, I hope they broadcast the games in Hi-Def. That would be so cool.
ST, so you are a regular at Paesano. You give them 5-stars? If so, gotta take the Mrs. She is jones-ing for excellent Italian FUUD.
ST ~ Have you checked your email yet? Need a green light on the project and other requests for the bash.
If you are a female and go to Paesano, don’t order your meal LARGE SIZE. It is enough for 2 women, believe me. The small size is really enough for one.
Great bio – now that you have posted, does that remove you from the “lurker” status?
Great photos once again! I really do appreciate them and I wish that management would make a fair agreement so that we could have the Princess’ videos also.
Asking again, does Coach Mack have a shirt “color” preference for us fans attending the Florida game?
there was a huge rush to buy “white” UH/Warrior shirt for the Sugar Bowl!!
about 77 days before game!!
Not an Expert,
I was lucky that my parents raised my sister and me as UH fans. As far back as my memory goes we had season tickets, and the tailgating at Aloha Stadium was great family bonding time.
I do agree that JD’s plan for lowering prices and creating a family section could result in the next generation of UH fans. ST did make a good point about how free TV helped with that also, as it made it easy for anyone to catch the games. If a kid is curious about UH football games and his parents don’t pay for PPV or go to games, then he/she could end up not watching them.
Thanks Chad for posting your bio. I read that you post on ESPN and FOXSPORTS, why not here?? Come on, jump in and become a “Tsaiko”. It’s always good to get different perspectives from students. When the old folks (not me yet) are out of school for so long, they don’t know what’s going on at campus.
Speaking of Tsaikos, if we stop by the restaurant, do we get a discount if we say we are Tsaikos?? Mahalo
ST – Although we were not invited to your BIO lunch, thanks for posting pics of your meeting with Mack. Food looks great and you guys must have had a good time. Let Mack know he still has to work on the shaka, still a little weak!!
Great bio Chad! Welcome to the blog and I hope that you feel comfortable enough to share your opinions whenever you wish.
It’s not the size of the building, it’s the size of the band width.
Article about an incoming UH basketball player.
ST, I thought a station needs a large building for the HD equipment.
Ron Lee made the list of the top 6 WR coaches in the country.
The lunch was to makeup for the one Curtis missed.
Our last gathering I get a call from Curtis. He said he had to cancel because of an appendix operation. He said something about how it could burst. I’m like: If it bursts, it bursts inwardlly, so he wouldn’t be splashing appendix on any of us. So, why can’t you eat?
This is what the CBS Sports article said about Ron Lee:
Hi Wena — I’m fine. Thank you!
We have to set up those workshops–especially since someone discovered the digital camera. Then maybe you can do one in return… 🙂
Chad Owens went on IR.
Too bad Chad Kapanui’s team lost their game over the weekend. At least he had decent stats–the fumbles killed them.
Congratulations to Chad Kapanui for setting this team record!
Chad’s team is struggling, especially on the road, but at least they qualified for the playoffs. Unfortunately, they will be on the road during the playoffs and it seems like the home teams win an extremely high percentage of the games in that league.
Copied from previous blog
I thought you said his boss was chincey?? Now he is splendid??
Moving food means it’s fresh. I like my fish twitching, my meat mooing and my a’ama fresh off the rock.
Can’t get it out of my mind. Has a lot of potential. I think I can have a lot of fun with it. Hehehe.
Garrett – Leroy Lutu Jr?
His dad was a year ahead of me at Lab School but I don’t think he went to UH. Am I wrong? Am I having a senior moment? 🙂
Not sure if this was posted before, but Chase Nakamura is going to Utah.
Pull out your secret social calenders Tsaiko Villagers and circle Tuesday, 17 June 2008, @ 11:30 AM.
*Ronnie* is looking forward to a mini-call at Camellia’s with Tsaiko’s who can play hooky from work and join us to warm up the wala’au muscles for the K-call later in the week. Come talk story with her and family.
If can, can!
Back in the late 70’s/early 80’s, Dad Leroy Lutu, lived near the condos of the Moanalua High School baseball filed and became one of the greatest athletes out of University High School.
Guess like they say, the apple doesnt fall too far from the tree.
filed = field
Leroy Lutu think is a 1981 grad of University High.
ST– Curtis had an appendectomy? Best wishes to him! At our age, appendix problems are rare so it often dangerously misdiagnosed. That was the reason for my trip to the emergency room last summer. I seem to going there with increased regularity 🙁
I told Vanna White she needs to put more letters in that word. It looks like she’s swearing.
But, yes, Wena taught Addahknowsports a game that is a lot more fun than darts.
Chase Nakamura took a recruiting visit to UH, and was offered a chance to join as an invited walk-on.
If he receives a scholarship from Utah, that’s great news for him.
Leroy Lutu was one of the original UH recruiting heartbreak stories.
Right up there with Bobby Lee Hurt.
ST- and alot more expensive!!!
So Kekoa, are you making us guess which camellia’s? I believe ST went to the wrong one last time
The part you said about UH tapping into the Asian market is a very good idea. By doing so, agreeably, UH would make themselves attractive to the PAC-10. The first I heard of this idea was on the Bobby C show, maybe 8-12 months ago. About the peripheral and axillary things I really don’t think should lead into bucking heads with one another. But if people want to use innuendos, I more that willing to return volleys. And I have. And I will. Respectfully, though, I see myself as being a stimulus to this blog. And to open the door to a topic and discussion, where others can absorb and learn. And make comment and exchange ideas. Seeing that your outspoken why don’t you instead question why there’s so much self absorbs ion among the regular bloggers, which frankly validates all the claims of why some of the regular bloggers left. I remember Tony, Lava, oldie,and a few others alluding to this.
The incessant chatter do you think galvanizes people to this site.?Or do you think the posters writing about topics trying to stimulate meaningful banter are held in higher regards to the HA and advertisers. Just to prove a point the HA slid about 7500 spots in the last few months. Looking at last years archives during this same period there’s a glaring difference in substance in what posters are posting. But it’s easier to put me down for what reason;because of your suspicions that I copy things.
Look at the archives nothing is further from the truth.
Wnea & A-Sports – you can’t make money unless you bet the money. Of course it goes hand in hand with the amount you can lose.
Man, UH should’ve made Chase a better offer. This kid has incredible potential! Good size. Good speed. Great hands.
If he goes to the Utes and they still employ the run and shoot, he’s going to be an All American.
a/joe, now that A/sports knows how to play craps, all she needs is a bigger allowance to play with….chance’um..
Well, then Hawai‘i will have produced two All-America receivers — Chase Nakamura and Kalua Noa.
Ralph & Errabody!…E Kala Mai!…click on my name for the link and directions to the McCully Camelia Buffet! Auwe!…I coming moah and moah ‘elemakule!
Ralph- hahaha! That would mean I would have to give up my allowance.
afternoon gang! hope the lucky ones enjoying the holiday
marlis – asian market, great idea, i remember JJ speaking about it awhile back.
HA slide – is that about the time the website was re invented?
Happy Belated Birthday Bulla!
You forgot the “s”. Bwahaha.
Asports – # 78, lmffao, u lucky homey not around, 😆
The University of Hawaii has the ability to move in ANY upward direction they want.
In the history of Hawaii Athletics, specifically in the last 30 years, teams have achieved winning performances worthy of entering a big time major conference, like the PAC-10
But after the Sugar Bowl experience, yep our friends in the upper campus and, yep, some of the athletic administrators, are not.
Again the upper campus needs to set the tone and focus where the entire UH-Manoa is going.
And yes, bruddah Chad is enrolled in a world – renown school, the School of Travel Industry Management (good bio, and best wishes Chad).
Someone or somebody gotta set the plan. As much as I want to see Hawaii Athletics
become a member of the PAC-10, the folks in Hawaii Hall better get it in gear.
Bulla is now a 49er and still cruisin with the same handsome bolo cut that he arrived in this world with. Not too many can pull that look off and still look suave.
Love you, my braddah.
We party tomorrow.
Perhaps Chase Nakamura’s walk-on invite was because Hawaii did not have any scholarship avialable.
Stay or no stay, good luck to Chase!
On the subject of Maui athletes, wonder why UH has not visited Maui yet? Is this a “down-time” where coaches cannot meet with HS coaches/players?
Hope Coach Mack keeps his word on visiting all the high schools in Hawaii. With so many good players, it’s difficult for UH to “offer”, but it’s nice to see many “local” boys/girls playing for UH.
You’re right. Da buggah would have a field day with that one. I hope he doesn’t play catch-up later.
Happy Kamehameha Day. Yur fren called 1x, i called back, neva hea again.
no need laxatives. all natral vvvrrrroooom akshun. wen finish paddle practice, ready fo go go go. 😀
Dat Jantz looks reeeal guud! In fak, all dem QBs lookin real guud!
eh, ronnie n rich 2176 have fun wen yo go back! K!!!!
Marlis ~ Funny thing about ‘stimulating’ conversation is that it sometimes leads to fisticuffs among so called gentlemen. That’s why I like my dog.
Have a great day, everyone!
BigHilo! I don’t know all the details but mahalo for your help with my friend.
UKU@LA- The braddahz from Naalehu and Pahala sed fo give you a big aloha shout out from Ka’u!
The Honolulu Advertiser and Stephen Tsai have given all of us the opportunity to speak. Whether you disagree on the discussion, evidently the Advertiser and ST wholeheartly SUPPORT all who enter.
ST has created a WARRIOR Nation of world wide scope. UH sports has gone global, and Warrior Football is leading the way.
Thanks to ST he has brought people together to meet and participate in many events outside of this blog. And I think that’s a good thing. And you dont have to agree just to be agreeable. I’ve been shot down too. Hey, that’s the way it is.
Catalyst, well, like they say everyone has an opinion………………….
Kekoa- Eh, we need to talk. Think we get some family ties.
Small world. =)
whether it be here or somewhere else, to me the bottom line is more local kids are getting a chance to recieve a college scholarship/education, big difference from my hs days
Loa- That is so true.
i remember when only the jc’s would come around, but thanks to the success of St. Louis, Kahuku, etc. the kids get more opportunities and hopefully eventually come home and become productive citizens
ok, as d1 would say, pau lunc awa, 10-7
“mini-call at Camellia’s” – oxymoron.
CHAD! Mahalo for the great bio!
ST- nice pix, info, fuud… nothing better to start the day!
Hauoli Lahanau, BULLA!!!
Leroy Lutu played football at Udub
#109 Koauka – well said and it applies to everyone.
differing opinions are necessary for any blog, but as long as none are “forced” upon anybody else yes its healthy. most times its ‘another way of looking at it’ more than a flat out difference of opinion.
we also have to remind ourselves the nature of this medium, easy to misunderstand written words without body language, laughing, inflections, smiling, etc.
yep g-nalo, I agree. Some opinions will make you think on the other side of the coin.
Leroy Lutu is a *1980* grad of good ol’ UHS, along with the Morales twins. I’m class of ’81 – no one real famous in my class, just really good people. 😀
AlnBama– are you coming to the Florida game??? Do you have tickets yet???
UKU- Hiya!!! And to Mrs. UKU too! :lol
someone needs a nappy AND should stop copying others
thanks jm2375, I stand corrected. That basketball team was unreal.
The Pac-10 already has a school that is tapping into the Asian markets…
“Many students from across the globe, especially from Asia, are drawn to UCLA because of the educational prospects, top sports teams and the Southern California lifestyle.”
Re: Expanding markets.
I know JJ tried hard to get things going in Asia. He even tried recruiting there. But it just wasn’t to be. It wasn’t the raw skill of some players, it was the difficulty in transcripts and meeting NCAA rules and blah, blah, blah.
JJ also tried to get games going in Australia and even Tokyo. But, and I hate to blame the guy everyone has been blaming, but there were too many fumbles along the way. I mean, the deal JJ orchestrated between UH and Grambling had a lot of legs.
Oh, well.
I know a lot of people blame Leigh Steinberg for things. But Steinberg actually had pretty good vision. He knew that there were so many cable channels opening, and that they had to fill programming. Why not use UH? He also knew that UH could tap the markets in Asia.
And, yes, he got a really big cut of the marketing proceeds. But he hired the marketing office, which meant he was responsible for the bills. Now, with marketing back under UH, all of the employees are state employees, which means they’re lifetime workers who get benefits until they die.
Hey, the power just went out in the news building.
I knew we should have paid that bill …
I think generally all of the PAC 10 teams are attractive to students from Asia.
You’re right about UCLA. I remember before the big UH-UCLA volleyball match, Lauri Hakala was saying that UCLA was known in Finland.
Marlis: This is a good discussion on the PAC-10. Thanks.
I know a lot of people dont like Steinberg, but the man has marketing skills. You would think some of that mentoring would rub off the athletic department, but___________.
(fill in your own opinion)
The only thing I learned in MKTG 300, back in the day, you need to have scope and focus in selling your product. I get it now. After JD sifts through the opala, he can expand his marketing of Hawaii Athletics.
The UHAD marketing department is more than the half-games they think of.
Kara and Brent deserve medals and raises. Peeps who work hard deserve more.
If Lutu jr is getting a scholarship does that mean one of the other recruits will not be here? As I recall UH was already out of scholarships and the APR was going to require that a current scholar athlete pay his own way.
Re-Fall football practices
Right now, I stepped outside and I’m thinking that this is the hottest point of the day. Maybe it’s 90. And it’s muggy. And that’s the point I’m bringing up. If your the coach preparing for Florida and the swamp. And a start time at noonish looming wouldn’t you want to replicate your practice times in coordination with your start time in the swamp?
Acclimating the players to the heat would be more attainable at 2PM than a morning practice at 7.As I’m writing this I’m remembering that camp has two a days. So this might be a mute point. But feeling how hot it’s this afternoon I can see the coaches shuttling a lot of players. And keeping fresh bodies in the game may be the key to the games. And looking at UH depth defensively and offensively is probably a plus in their favor when then can go 2-3 deep in a lot of positions.Looking back last year, the keys to why UH was successful was being able to substitute with quality backups compared to their opponents backups.
marlis- no doubt, team depth was one of the key factors to last year’s perfect season. Every player played like a starter when their number was called. Even in our QB’s – In Colt, we believed. In Tyler, we trusted.
This year it looks like we will not only have depth, we will also have diverse looks and will come to play with all guns locked and loaded. Woo Hoo!
The unfortunate part of the offensive side of the ball last year was that the WR’s didn’t rotate much. It didn’t allow the backups to get meaningful game experience. Now we have no starters returning so it will be like having 4 rookies out there. I am sure the guys we have can handle but it would have been huge for them to get in the game more in previous years.
Stretch- From what I hear, the BIG difference with Coach Mack’s approach is that the playing field has been leveled and every player has a chance to show up and made a difference for himself and for the team. JJ worked hard with the chosen ones – and honed them to perfection – at the expense of more depth of experience.
The system is changing with the times – and for the better, I believe.
Today’s Guest Host: WarriorMojo
Stopped by the Rainbowtique yesterday as they happened to accept delivery on some very SWEET Under Armour gym bags with the UH “H” logo. Two colors available, black and green. The bag features that same unicolor pattern as the football jerseys. (What is it called when fabric has a pattern woven or pressed into it like the UA jerseys anyway?) VERY high quality bag with side pocket, end pocket and an interior wet pocket. The only thing missing that I would have liked is a small interior zipped pocket. $55, but remember to get a 10% discount coupon from the Ward magazine.
On a similar note did you guys know that Rainbowtique has a frequent buyers club? They give you a card with ten spaces to fill. One space is filled every time you spend $25, but I was told you can save up smaller receipts until you reach the $25 amount. Anyway, once all ten spaces are filled, you get $25 off your next purchase so basically it’s a 10% discount. The clerk told me that they’ve had this program for a long time, which kind of irritated me when I think about how much I’ve spent there. Heck, I paid $250 for helmet two years ago.
– – – NEWS FLASH – – –
Oregon-bound Tsai-ko’s organizing for Cattle Calls 8)
UH-OSU game on Saturday September 16. Tsaiko-Gates and Cattle Calls highly likely now that LizKauai, Stretch, g-nalo, Garret, brew808, and maybe Ronnie, Sleeze, and Hawaiianbod converge in Portland. Latest at:
All others attending are requested to provide data and be added to the list. They have established an email list for coordination purposes. If you do not the email on any one of those listed above, please email me and I will forward to the group: stevem.hnl (at) gmail.com
❗ Tsai-kos who reside in Oregon and Washington are also encouraged to add their names and comments to the list and join the email group.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The Florida game has it’s own separate page at:
Thanks, SteveM!
Please take me off the Boise Game list.
Now we gotta convince wafan to drop in at Portland before the game too.
bhf2 is also a possibility in Portland.
Are you serious?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
A frequent customer card?!?!?!? No one ever mentioned that to me! Sheesh, I would have cleaned up!!!
But thanks for the heads-up on the UH UA gym bags… 55.00 eh? I just bought a new Under Armour gym bag, but this one sounds WAAAYYYY nicer.
By the way, for a second my heart stopped when I scolled up and saw the words: “Stopped”, “by”, “Rainbowtique”, and “football jerseys”… (certain words catch my attention while ignoring everything else in between).
Same thing happened here around the same time. No windows on my floor so it was dark as heck.
Was dissapointed when the power came back on… oh well back to work.
BTW, seeing as they are messing with Kapiolani Blvd first it was the watermain break a few days ago and now this power outage. Way to go “guys”.
Oh I also forgot to mention.
The Rainbowtique also re-stocked their inventory on flags and other “gameday” things.
Also they have their new batch of UH temporary tattoos (two “h” logos, and one large tapa stripe) and a pair of “H” logo eye black strips. 7.00 for a pack of these. I made sure to stock up on them NOW, other wise they may sell out come August.
gotta step it up samoa, samoa….
Funaki, no let em outta da bullzeye,
beat em, lead em. be da man!.
80 days, 79 nites,
Go Warriors!
RE: New Dorms
I think others have brought this up but after reading today’s article, do you think any athletes will be residing here?
If so, it could be a boost for recruiting…
Ref #131: Many players are in summer school; So gotta practice very early or much later in the afternoon.
A House,
pretty please, can you get some Tatoos for da Hilo 4? pay you back 😀
(Green dye fo da silva head, goin bus my piggy bank). 😀
i like look radiant come August 30. 😀
A House,
what kind color shirt you guyz wearing at Florida?
If you want the temp tattoos and the eye black pack you can actually get them online at http://www.uhrainbowtique.com .
I believe the website’s inventory reflects what is avaiable at the SSC location as the Ward location tends to have more things available not on the website, but in this case both locations have them.
P.S. the tapa temp tattoo over one side of your face and the eye black on the other is one MEEEAAAANNNN look!!!
STEPHEN- please ask (again) Coach Mack what color we should wear to the Florida game.
Kazz- tattoo, me too, TWO please… (da plane, da plane!)
Nalani- good points!
OK, Kazz. I see the logo stoah… Mahalo!
Liz, BHF2,
I would have no problem getting them to you but since they are available online, mo fastah dat wey… no mo middo man!
I am watching the movie Cloverfield. I finally know what it’s like to be koakane after drinking beer all night. I getting dizzy would get DUI if I try driving right now.
Cloverfield was WORSE in the theater. Especially when you are sitting in the 5th row.
i stay laying about 6 feet from a 50″ tv. Not the same but still make me dizzy
kazz – you working today??
silraM and Nalani — welcome to the blog!
Are either of you Tsai-kettes or reside elsewhere besides Oahu?
DPK, exactly…a Kahala Mall CC, more than yuppie, more than quiche…its almost Hawaii Loa-ish. Chad we snack at both places while doing our serious ipod biz in the Apple Store. Kekoa, thanks for the 17th..
silly SteveM –
“silraM” = “Marlis” backwards…. 😀
Every time I refresh the screen today and the previous comments start appearing– it looks lke slot machine reel with the post and numbers flashing — and not necessarily in ascending order. Then, when it finally stops spinning, it does always end at where I was when I first refreshed.
New interesting feature of this great blogware to keep one amused and waiting? 👿
Yes sir. Banks lost state holidays a long time ago 🙁 . I only have Federal holidays off… (if I am lucky at that…).
kazz – left you a voice mail
😳 Thanks brew.
So Marlis has alter-ego named silraM ?
Hmmmm. I guess I’ll wait and see which one I delete from my files.
I actually didn’t mind Cloverfield so much.
It’s just a basic monster movie and they didn’t try to explain the nonsense of where it came from and all that.
I think I liked the basic “panic” and confusion amongst the chaos.
Sometimes movies just need to be fun and the storytelling can be saved for another flick.
BTW, M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Happening” is coming out this FRIDAY!!! I’m a fan of all of his movies, especially “Signs”… At first I thought “The Happening” was a documentary about the way of life in the UH athletic department under HF, but I was wrong 😆 …..
Got it, left you a message as well.
Hey Kazz, could I bodda you to pick up da tattoos stuffs for me?
Shipping $8.00 For the first item ordered.
$1.00 Each additional item ordered.
If can, can, if nocan, ne’mine.
I would like 2 sets of tattoos and if the clear stickers are the kind without glue (static stick), I would like a couple of those too.
Kazz . . .
If it were about the previous AD the title would definitely have been “Lost” or “Clueless”.
LizK . . .
A few days ago, I think, you posted some things you received on your e-mail. One of the items in that post invoved the number 11 and why it was called that. I have tried looking for that post because it had some really funny things in it. If you still have a copy of that would you please send it to me at wafan at comcastdotnet?
Thank you!
Can. Just send me an e-mail to tsaikotailgate (at) gmail (dot) com so I don’t forget.
Also let me know how you want me to get them to you. Oh and the stickers are stickers with the “glue” and not those ‘static’ decals.
Eh Liz –
Go shopping on 6/19….
SteveM . . .
Good to see you are back! I wonder if the vog had anything to do with your condition. Was your weakened condition exacerbated by the air quality?
Please add me to the OSU game. I have yet to decide if I will stay the night down in Corvallis or Portland or take the 5 hour drive home that night. I hope LizK is able to get the ticket for me!
Whoo-hoo!!! Go Beav . . . uh, I mean . . . Warriors!!!
SteveM –
IMHO – this “cascade” refresh is the culprit. I love the photos, but the added bytes are slowing down the refresh to a crawl…. 🙁
eh brew- I get in just before the event and leave at 6:45am to get back to work. No mo time fo shopping….tsai… (eh- howcome you nevah say nuttin about the pretty hummingbirds??)
OK Kazz. Will email.
wafan- will look up that email when I get home 😆
Woo-hoo. Hubby’s boss is treating us to dinner in Tokyo! He can be generous when he wants to be. lol
The idea of becoming a member of the Pac-10 is nice but unrealistic. Like Doc said more money would have to be invested in UH. Unfortunately we are not talking about hundreds of millions but over a billion dollars over a five year period. Even at that the Pac-10 won’t come calling. Texas with it’s wealth, power and influence was rejected by the Pac-10. The best scenario is to lure San Diego State and UNLV to to WAC and give La-Tech to the mountain west. This can only be done by raising the quality of all WAC teams and getting a better TV contract. San Diego State and UNLV are perennial bottom dwellers in the MW and would compete better in lower altitude venues. It’s gonna take leadership by our University Presidents to make this happen. Leadership and vision will have to be a perquisite when we pick our next president. No one from Arizona State please!!!!!!
Tomorrow we leave for Japan so tonight will be my last time on the Warrior Beat. Hope the plane doesn’t crash. If it does, it was nice knowing all of you!
Eh-Liz (aka grungy prisoner that stumbles in dark and has to check the meaning of “break a leg” to make sure it was just a proverbial saying and not a literal wish….) –
Oh now what, I’m obligated to comment on each and every post? 😀 Besides, I get to see hummingbirds every morning!
wafan – Warriors victory party in PDX Sat. night! Or Corvallis…. You can drive home on Sunday and listen to the Niners game on the radio. Do you know if djmitcho will be going?
hey LizKauai, yeah i plan on being in the Swamp, only a 10 hr drive for me. No i don’t have tickets, but i’ll get some, like i did for the Bama game probably be sitting by myself again, no scarred, still going wear my warrior shirt.
Chad: Thanks for the bio. I’ll be sure to try out your food.
UH is “stuck” with the WAC, unfortunately. The best thing for UH right now is to create PAC 10 type rivalries and atmosphere to increase revenues.
alnbama- would you like to tsit with some Tsai-kos? Perhaps we can get a ticket for you when we get the callback.
Hey- Where in bama do you live? you wouldn’t be passing anywhere near Pensacola, eh????
OK. Pau hana… catch you laters!
Hey, I’m back.
And what an afternoon.
I went to credit union, but it was closed. Who knew that Kamehameha Day was one of our 2.5 holidays we get each year?
And then the power goes off.
And then the power goes on, but the Internet is down.
Then my phone dies.
But enough whining.
Speaking of facilities I just read that UH has decided not to rennovate/rebuild two major buildings on campus. That is not a positive sign if you’re trying to move conferences.
heh heh… now you know why I cringe when everyone tells ST to get a new camera… imagine his new 8-megapixel camera shooting at default settings. Then the massive download of each pix 😯
He has a good but rare 2-megapixel camera now shooting at default settings and I hope that someone (or me) hold a little workshop with him on web resolution and size versus camera default and print resolution. But, we’ll see 🙂
Its a sign. Time to call it a day and enjoy the rest of the evening.
Hey SteveM – how you feeling? Take it easy. R&R can be fun too!
(lurking on another website, not another paper)
Link: http://www.lcsun-news.com/sports/ci_9516345
Brew . . .
I do not think dj will be going. He said he had to make choices because of the cost of fuel, time off from work, and the distance/time to travel from Spokane to Corvallis. I
While it will only be about a 5 hour drive for me I think it will take him closer to 7-8 hours (driving down the Columbia Gorge). If he had 3-4 people with him it would make it a bit more affordable.
Still have not heard from anyone else from Washington. Except for Izzy who will also attend the game.
Usually, I cheer for the Beavers and Cougars. The Cougars because they are the perennial underdog and the Beavs because I went there for some schooling. Sorry if my cheer went the wrong way — it is just a habit.
Geez. I sure hope LizK does not beat me should I make an error that day.
Short dinner break before evening meetings but no food because I forgot to get some money before the bank closed. Don’t have an ATM so the stomach will just have to growl a few more hours.
I am going to the Rainbowtique on Thursday as I will be on campus for still another workshop. If anyone needs something, please let me know by 7:30 am. I can either hold it for you until next week or mail it to you. Be sure to provide details about what you want. The e-mail address is swood at hokudotcom
I’ll also be on campus on Monday & Tuesday of next week.
CHANGE OF SUBJECT: The Governor has signed the budget for the coming year. However, there are still some potential obstacles which must be overcome before the money is actually released for both operating and capital budgets.
The Governor has the power to withhold funds appropriated by Legislature. These funds will expire if not released within a certain period of time. Most of the deadlines are set by statutue and few by the language in the bill.
The Governor will consult with her financial advisors before making these decisions. The shakiness of the economy could work against even the best pieces of legislation because of the tax revenue cutbacks. However, for capital expenditures underwritten by issuing bonds, the ebb & flow of the economy is less critical than it is for operating budgets.
Perhaps some folks here on the blog would like to set up a small working committee to consult with Jim Donovan as to the status of the various budget allocations impacting the Athletic Department. He in turn could ask the group to issue a call for letters, phonecalls and e-mails to the Governor’s office asking for the release of the money or authorization to issue bonds.
Generally speaking – and that means there are exceptions – it takes about six to nine months for the decision to be reached and the money taps to be turned on for new projects. Existing projects move much faster.
What makes the Ching/Cooke Field project easier for the Governor to say YES to is the $5 million donation. The total cost to underwrite the entire Wish List for C?CF is about $9 million and this year’s budget came in just over $1 million – that means another $3 willion will have to be gotten from some source in order to complete the project within the next 3 to 5 years.
Break time pau. Have a good evening folks.
Oh, and some clown rear-ended my daughter’s car at the stoplight.
Then the clown raced off.
I think I’m going to post the clown’s license number tomorrow.
Here’s a tip. Go to the UH Bookstore, not RainbowTique.
There are better deals there.
statutue = statute
marlis (ref #90)
I really don’t understand why you’re being defensive and fixated on “copying”. I don’t do innuendoes. I will look you eyeball to eyeball and tell you straight up. If I was upset about “copying”, you would have heard it from me. I told you exactly why I asked my question. If you want to read more into it, please feel free.
I am the first to admit that 98% of what I write is NOT original. Notice that I mention JJ and the idea about tapping the asia…he mentioned it back in 2001…give or take a couple of years.
I refuse to get into personal matters…just a waste of my time. If you want to talk about the dynamics of this blog, I got better things to do. I choose to be here because I like it the way it is. You also have the same choice. If you want to talk sports, we can do that all day. And, this is such a beautiful, relaxing day to be in our paradise.
Just not your day, eh, Tsai?
Don’t you just feel so sorry for those folks who live in the Kapiolani Blvd area? A neighbor sold her large house in Foster Village and moved to a condo near her dress shop on Kapiolani. Beeg mistake! Business not doing that well because of the construction, etc.
BG, “dynamics of this blog” — excellent way of putting it. I agree with you.
momotaro (ref #123)
Thanks for that tidbit. I think someone else pointed out that many PAC 10 schools have students from asia. My wife tells me that it’s big time for students from Japan and Korea (and other countries) to go to college in the US.
I was thinking more in terms of marketing. Good example is the way the hula has exploded in popularity. If the UH can be branded in asia like the “Made in USA” label on clothes…unreal!
Good grief!
ST, tomorrow is another day, unfortunately it’s not “Friday”, but another day nonetheless.
I’ll run a pix tomorrow, but for some reason, Kazz reminds me of Miah Ostrowski.
~^~^~^~^~^~ATTENTION TSAIKO NATION ~^~^^~^~^~
Pull out your secret social calenders Tsaiko Villagers and circle Tuesday, 17 June 2008, @ 11:30 AM. (Click on my name for location map)
This event has turned into a HAIL & FAIRWELL!
Stop in and Wala’au with Ronnie our Lo Cal Prez, and one of our Tsaiko *Sons* Abe Markowitz. As you know, Abe will be joining the Trojans at USC, so this will give you a chance to stop in and wish him well on his journey thru the college ranks.
(SteveM – Mahalo for posting the event on your site)
Oops forgot to add in the above, that at least you got the fool’s license #.
The fact that ST compared me to a UH Warrior and an actual athlete just made my day! 🙂
Good for Ostrowski he doesn’t know what I look like 😆
Hey Miah — you can see Kazz’s picture on SteveM’s website!
I don’t even know who Miah is. His name is not familar to me.
Koauka — I’m doing fine, thank you! Probably will start over eating any hour now 🙂
Koauka, you have been posting since October 2006 (which probably puts you within the top 50 first posters) and I do not know of anyone who has met you. Hope you can make it one of the Bashes or Cattle Calls soon!
BTW, this morning I coincidentally added you to my list of Tsai-ko’s who should post bios 🙂
I guess Kapiolani Blvd wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for all the mess with construction.
BTW, are you talking about the new condos built with the Inspiration store at street level?
Those seem like nice units.
OK, I googled him. Miah is a Punahou grad who plays Basketball at UH. I have never seen him in action on TV.
Gigi, remember that name when he’s zipping past LB’s and DB’s on the way for a TD!!!
Kazz, I believe my former neighbor lives near ala moana center. Don’t think she can afford Inspiration condos.
what? I thought the article said he plays BB not FB.
OK I googled him again. He played BB as well as FB at Punahou. Was a receiver.
Yeah I believe he originally wanted to pull “double duty” at UH for the Warriors and ‘Bows, but not sure what his status on that is right now.
He must be pretty tall if he played BB.
Miah Ostrowski was an outstanding basketball and football player.
Unfortunately, I can’t find his recent pix. I thought I took one of him yesterday.
How late do you guys usually stay at the lunchtime CCs? I have a meeting till noon so I won’t be able to get there till 12:15 at the earliest. 🙁 Is that too late? How’s the parking at that time of the day?
Roger on your request – planning to stop by tomorrow – will 1 each be OK? – come back to confirm your order. Wil hold until I see you on 8/29/08 or earlier.
I hope Coach Mack says “white” to 1) offset the gators blue and whatever and 2) it’s going to be HOT and black just won’t cut it!!!
BHF2: messed up again and forgot to change name of poster – hope Mrs does not see this!!!
BG, re:193
I don’t know if you clicked on the link to the article that I was quoting from (I’ve linked it again to this post), but UCLA already has its own branded apparel line in Asia.
“Cynthia Holmes, the director of trademarks and licensing for Associated Students UCLA, said UCLA is actually a brand name for a clothing line in Asia. The acronym is so popular that it goes into all sorts of clothing, not just the usual sportswear sold in Ackerman Union.”
Unfortunately, “UH” is not unique to Hawaii. Somehow we have to convince the University of Houston to not refer to themselves as UH also.
A-House, doesn’t the visiting team wear white? If so, why not the visiting fans?
momotaro (#214)
Wow! Thanks! Just goes to show that the rest of the world isn’t standing still just because we decided to park our butts. The one thing that is unique and identifies the Univ of Hawaii is the “H” logo (thanks JJ). I see it everywhere in Hawaii (shirts, caps, cars, offices, etc) and many places on the mainland. For sure, the folks in Nawlins could spot it a mile away 😆
BTW, thanks for the interesting pix! I took particular notice of Rausch’s after-the-throw pose. Does Rausch also have the famous right-foot-off-the-ground-before-the-ball-leaves-his-hand move that Colt had (as JJ noted)? I think JJ said it was cause by the strong hip whip (ha! that rhymes) used to get the ball out quickly.
Good evening All.
Mahalo for the “Get Outta Jail” Card.
We actually ended up at the Nehelani Ballroom for the meeting and had lunch at Kolekole Grill. Guud fuud again.
Have a nice trip. If the plane does crash, be sure to take pics for your blog!
Miah O. was a point guard at Punahou.
I think he’s around 5’9″. Gonna rely on exceptional quickness as a slot.
He played quite a bit in the Warrior Bowl
Not gonna say I told you so, but…. 🙂
Good to hear you doing well. When you work a job that has 24/7 schedule and I got no set schedule, its tough. But thanks to you, I get to see all the fun on your website.
I’ll be around soon, or when the #$&* work schedule permits.
Addahknowsports (but now know Cr4ps),
It’s huge fun especially when you with a bunch of friends but just remember what I posted about betting the “wrong” way. 😳
Belated Happy Birthday!
Will definitely have to tilt a few SOON! 😀
Nice bio Chad!
Good to see UH students who are Athletics supporters!
Oh, maybe need to find a bettah way fo’ say dat.
About your #184 post regarding NMSU, I posted something similar yesterday at #177. The interesting thing is that going below 15k attendance is not unusual for NMSU, but the following season always gets them over the 15k average. It probably has to do with their alternating nonconference scheduling and which WAC teams visit Las Cruces in alternate years. NMSU’s AD says that the media is making too much about it.
Houston Chronicle reporter has Tebow as his preseason Heisman favorite.
Got a call from the UH tix ofc yesterday and got my season tix! Woohoo.
First time season ticket holder. Used to always buy single game tix but decided to “take da plunge” dis year!
South EZ rocks!
Mentioned it to koakane last night. He said he was still waiting for his renewal call; hopefully he calls them tomw.
Anyway, I put in my deposit on the first day so anyone else who put in your deposit, da call coming soon! 🙂
ESPN created a list of the top workout warriors for the college football offseason. The Warriors will face one of those guys in the season opener. Imagine a 6’7″, 285-pound DE who runs a 4.63 and was a kick returner/DE in high school…this will give the Warrior offensive tackles a good test to start the season.
in light of Garret’s recent post about the state of UNLV’s finances, I bet they’d love that sell-out every other year.
Heck, maybe the game could be up there EVERY year. haha
Dunlap is a freak. methinks UH gotta use a DB in practice to simulate this guys jump off the ball for the OT’s
WHITEY, AL et al.
Following Stretch’s tip, I went over to IHOP after my meeting – about 11:20 or so but I guess you have disbanded by them. SOrry to have missed you.
excellent point on “visitors” wearing white or light colored unis – hope this holds for the “Swamp”.
Have a safe trip!!
D1 – Right on, man! No worries! Have I told you that I really appreciate all that you do? (((hugs))) 😀 😉 😆
Hey! Watch it wit dose hugs, eh.
Wat Betty going tink?
Bettah stick to man-hugs and chest bumps! 😉
Bettah call it a night. (It’s a night.)
I mentioned it at Hapa’s, but, let me mention it again. Since you are asian, it would be a good idea to have supporting documents that prove your American citizenship just in case your passport gets “misplaced”. For Betty, I had hard copies of her naturalization and name change as well as files on a thumb drive. I had my own copies of driver’s license, credit cards, and anything else that I carried in my wallet. That thumb drive stayed around my neck (except when I showered 😀 ).
G’nite d1-
Thanks for the advice (about cr4ps).
Glad to see Miah is working out with the team. I hadn’t heard anything about him recently and was worried that he faded into the deep blue yonder.
Gigi, I know a lot of people don’t like to watch it but I enjoy watching OC16 games. That is were you get to see a lot of future players as they are making there names in high school. Miah is a perfect example of that. I would have never known about him had it not been for OC16. You get to know lots of info on the kids including where they are being recruited, season stats, highlights, etc.
I’ll xerox our passports tomorrow morning! Thanks for the advice. I wrote down all of our credit card numbers and customer service phone numbers, also.
Keeping a copy in my suitcase and one at home.
Stacyj and D1shima,
jm2375 ~ (Click on my name)
If you come in as late as 1:00 PM, or even later, we will prolly still be there eating and yacking. It’s like that at all of the CC’s! At the last breakfast CC, D-1 and his wife left after having lunch, and told me to save his seat for later when they return for dinner!
Parking is ample, and free. Whenever you come in, just grab a fresh plate, drag it thru the garden for salads…grab another and pile on the different marinated meats or chicken, get your miso soup, rice and other delicacies, return to your table and throw the meats on the grill. Visit with the others, talk story with Ronnie or Abe and his Pops BarryM. Just enjoy your meal with good company. 😆
WAKE UP PRISONER D-1/001 ~ IT WAS ALL A DREAM!…Sorry, don’t know how else to tell you this, but you are still a TSAIKO. There is no cure.
Well I was gone all day with the wife, got home around 11:00 PM en crashed so I missed posting this again.
From yesterdays blog:
Post # 352 Pomai:
June 11th, 2008 at 3:19 am
Warrior Beat summer starting lineup:
QB – Tyler Graunke, with Inoke Funaki as the backup.
Post # 338 Pomai:
June 10th, 2008 at 11:31 pm
OK now for the RB need two for the blocking back and two for run plays
Alonzo Chopp
Camron Carmona
David Farmer
Jake Heun
Jayson Rego
Kealoha Pilares
Khevin Peoples
Leon Wright-Jackson
Mario Cox
Daniel Libre
Korey Reynolds
Warrior Beat starting lineup poll for RB
Pomai: Farmer/Heun and Jackson/Libre
Pomai ~ Picture this, Alexander takes the snap and immediately runs an option left with Jake Heun as his trailer. He flips to Jake as that 6’7″ 285 lb DE Carlos Dunlap closes on him. and he throws a crushing cross body block on him, that sends a serious message. “Never mind our blocking backs, BEWARE of our Q-Backs!”
Kekoa – thanks. Will try to make it. Depends on work. 😐
Kekoa yeah dats a good one. Da buggah tick enough foah play da blocking back.
Aloha jm2375! Be good to have you join in.
Oh the many, many options the offense will have this season. I’m like a kid in a candy store whenever I see these guys on the field!…and the defense, oh my aching okole, I swear I’d hate to be on their hit list…
I would like to see Coach Mel make Alexander a special project this summer, can only imagine what he would be like after a summer of Mel’s program.
Gotta get ready for my rituals of posting my faithful sentry for the night. Secure the area, and play “Taps” in memory of all those warriors who have passed before me.
Kekoa has left the building…
Will there be a studly parade tomorrow or Friday afternoon at Ching/Cooke Field?
If so, at what time?
Stephen: Mahalo for the tip about the UH Bookstore. That’ll save me 15 or 20 minutes to-from walk time since the workshops are all within shouting distance of the Campus Center.
Again, anyone who wants me to get logo items – see the Rainbowtique on-line catalogue – please let me know. I’ll either deliver them next week or mail them to you.
GARRET: Mahalo for the updates on your company’s progress. A task force has been formed to look at what kinds of options and alternatives to traditional 40-hour work weeks and what, if any, tax incentives can be used to support these options. The subcommittee I’m serving on will be looking at telecommuting.
KEKOA: Will be stopping by Tuesday for a few minutes over the lunch break to say hello.The workshop morning session is followed “lunch on your own,” but there’s a post-luncheon speaker who will probably start around 1 pm – need to check things out, particulary since I’ll be traveling by bus.
Nightnight – dontletdeboogersbite.
Wow, it took me this long to read to the end. My eyes are going crazy! I am so tired, I’m going to sleep.
I’ll be dreaming of Korean kal-bi, rice, corn…oh boy..I don’t know what got into me…..goodnight.
Hey, Kekoa, our man is talking to his woman about the refreshments. He said he’d get back to us by tomorrow. So I guess you can make the announcement Friday.
Camron Carmona and Korey Reynolds have transferred.
Khevin Peoples is a safety.
Kealoha Pilares is a slotback.
Alonzo Chopp and Mario Cox are not on the training camp roster.
ST- was your daughter in the car with you? Be sure to see your friendly neighborhood spi- I mean chiropractor. Even a slight bump can cause a whiplash which has long-term bad effects if you don’t get adjusted.
Hi Wena!
Nitey Nite!
Wow, everybody went to sleep early tonight.
Pomai, hu i tink get da it fakta?
But I no Coach Ron gonna pik Leon Wright-Jackson an Libre cuz lhe no moah wizshun like braddabig.
A House,
I would appreciate 4 please. Get to Hnl late on da 19th, leave 1st flight 20th. Get 4 faces, 4 smiles, bannah, nutz. If no can, a$$ auryte. da tats gonna look nice wit da luuk. lettin da silva gro samoa, den gonna cut reel shot except fo a patch on 1 side, gonna tip da edge ah da long bugga wit da Irish green, i stay tinkin green shirt too, fo da media affack, wit a big H in da middle.
tanks fo da tip.
didja know JJ/SMU gonna go American Samoa innah few weeks?
yep, wurd he takin 6 trucks ah equipment for his clinic next montt,
an he bringin da boyz shoes, so get trackshun.
das da lwurd in American Samoa. One Hilo relatives wuz buzzin yestaday at wa’a practice.
I gotgot
howzit. yu not akin coddled deze dayz.
I’m impressed. but wuz reedin da Tees, gettin da peelins.
i can help.
ahem, bull, gotta remembah da rules:
rule numba 1: loose lips sink ships
rule numba 2: no witnesses
😆 👿 😛 😀 🙂
heh heh heh
Wassup Doc,
Tanks fo da inmfomashun.
have a great trip!
Gotta wurk, gotta go.
In reference to ST’s reponse to Pomai’s concerning RB
Times are changing fast as the week old laundry. …Wheew Daddy.
We are gonna have a running game this season. !!!!!!!!!!!
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