JJ as administrator?
Speculation might be a fun party game, but the reality is June Jones is not — NOT — going to be coaching at UH in the foreseeable future.
First, Jones and Norm Chow are good friends who talk or text each other regularly. After Jones stepped down at SMU on Monday, Jones and Chow exchanged several texts. They care about each other — as coaching-fraternity brothers and friends. When Jones was set to leave UH in January 2008, he recommended, among others, Chow as a replacement. Jones is loyal to his friends.
Jones, more than anyone, knows that the UH coaching job is difficult. Last year, he noted that a team needs to play a non-conference schedule against teams that are mostly equal in support level. In other words, three of the five non-conference games probably should not be against Pac-12 opponents, or two road games against Big Ten teams.
During his parting meeting with the players, according to someone in the know, Jones spoke of the SMU program becoming “stagnant” — a situation for which he apologized — and that a change would be good for the team. Jones had expressed those feelings during the 2004 season, when the Warriors were criticized for a slump. That mood lightened when Jones hired his good friend, Jerry Glanville, to coach the defense in 2005. Jones also had felt that UH, despite going to the Sugar Bowl after a perfect 2007 regular season, needed a spark — his departure — to make improvements in facilities and support that it would not otherwise make.
All of which leads to Jones’ best gifts — creativity and marketing. When he was hired as UH coach in December 1998, his agent helped establish a marketing program. While the revenue split might be debatable, the workers were private employees, meaning there was no long-term obligation if it didn’t work out. He changed the uniform color and nickname, but that was designed to sell more H merchandise. And, yes, he was instrumental in the development of the H logo. When Jones needed a better practice field, he brought in pro sports’ best landscaper, George Toma. When he needed an inspirational speaker, he brought in the real Rudy. Jones put together a fund-raising dinner that grossed more than $300,000. And so forth.
For speculation’s sake, if there were an administrative opening in the future and Jones wanted to return to UH, it would not be as a coach.
JJ and Chow could be the best of friends, But if Chow is not retained, JJ would be the logical choice. He a proven winner and is considered one of the best football coaches UH has ever had. Do you think he ok with how much the football program has quickly fall since he left?
I firmly believe if BJ pulls the plug on Chow, JJ will be the next short term HC bad he will bring in someone younger to be his successor like a Rolo or Timmy Chang. Boosters will support this move and fans will return.
Somehow I cannot wrap my mind around JJ in a UH administrative position. There just seems to be too much rigidity in the UH system to accommodate a free wheeler like JJ. But who knows, maybe he has become zen like after all these years and can function in an environment that struggles with chronic stagnation. But if stagnation is what drove him out of SMU, UH might drive him mad.
I appreciate what JJ did at UH. But I still really don’t buy the “UH needed a spark so my leaving is for your own good story.” It sounds too much like a fairy tale to me. The “spark” that resulted was the deterioration of a program.
Jones had reached the peak in 2007, many of the good players were seniors, i think and that’s why he left for SMU.
Of course I really don’t know why June Jones left UH or why he is currently leaving SMU. But in both situations there is/was the possibility of a decline. An intelligent man who understands marketing, as June does, recognizes that you do not want to be branded as a coach who takes a program down. Right now he is marketed as the savior of programs. If he wants to coach again he is best to be seen as someone who needed a break and after that, will rise from the ashes to rehabilitate any program that needs rehabilitation.
Everyone forgets that he was working with the worst ever AD in Herman Frazier!! Upper campus didn’t do any thing to fix it so he got tired and left. His leaving brought to surface how inadequate Herman was his leaving fixed the problem. JJ will not enjoy being an administrator and continue to bump head with all the red tape.
Phew! Just made um! Hehe
Its a great idea to have JJ as an administrator. I originally thought that maybe he could play a part as our Offensive Coordinator, an easier job than being head coach. But having him re-connected with the program in any way would be good.
Go Bows !!
Good morning, Tsai-kos!
The prospect would lotsa ppl excited, I think
But if it is permissible under the umbrella of our blog hosts topic of the day I would really like to return to UH football.
This may sound like something of the histrionic perspective but I believe this Saturday’s game is pivotal, even critical for the Norm Chow era. There has been enough positive that is happened this year to give the community hope. But if, in his third year, coach Chow’s team cannot defeat a lower-level opponent it will be a statement that cannot be refuted by any number of moral victories.
We need to win this weekend and we need to look like a well organized and effective football team that can relatively easily win against a lower division team. If we do not then we will be exposed as being a lower division team ourselves. As it stands now this is not the community’s aspiration.
I support coach Chow and continue to have patience with his vision. I see much that I agree with and feel good about. But it will be hard to maintain that perspective if we were beaten by a lower level team on our home field this Saturday. I think we will win this weekend and do so handily. If we do not (or even if we win and we look bad) I will have to look myself in the mirror and admit that I have become a little delusional in thinking our program is heading in the right direction.
Might be a good move — I mean, won’t UH coaches, at the very least under a Jones administration, count on getting “fair and balanced” negotiations when it comes to contract renewal (wasn’t the lack of this the major if not the reason why Jones left the way he did?).
IS he an administor? Not the same as being a football coach.
Off-topic, but, having to do with another warrior that we know . . . hey! New Batmobile from the forthcoming Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice: http://i0.wp.com/batman-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10632258_1456053991344694_948306496_n.jpg?fit=665%2C550
tommui: Thank you for yesterday’s laff, too hehe still chuckling 😀
Wasn’t there some poster objecting to June Sheldon Jones, III being referred to as “JJ”? Maybe a compromise – “JSJ, III” :-)?
An administrative position might be a workable idea. Coach Jones has imagination and vision.
It’s Lakalaka Time:
Well, one of ’em — for sure — was a Grease 🙂 . Just “June Jones” or “ex Warrior Coach Jones” should be the norm. I mean, when the heck did we get so lazy as to gain an inability to pronounce or write an infamoused’s (or any other’s) name? The person who does the (unnecessary, you ask a Grease) Hawaii 5-0 recaps in another section of the Star-Advertiser who refers to McGarrett as “McG”. I mean, come on.
I dont know about you folks, but I’m tired of the June Jones this June Jones that. Who cares he is a has been to UH already!!!!
It is time to “double down” not look around. Go Warriors!!
JJ makes complete sense as Hc as well as AD in the future. JJ is a progressive thinkier. He had the foresight to have the Warrior name be more prominent than the beloved Rainbow, he was instrumental in developing the kapa H logo, brought out the all black unis which UH is known for. He gave the team & program an identity of a high scoring exciting offense that has the ability to win games despite lesser talent. Most importantly of all, JJ specializes in resurrecting football programs and last I checked Ben Jay mentioned that UH could go away? He considers Hawaii home, no better time to bring JJ back and have a JJ Run & Shoot understudy ready to take over the reins when JJ wants to retire from coaching. I cant speak on all of the “scandals” that JJ has been associated with. All I can speak on are the results he has produced as our HC, and the results speak for themselves.
How about June Jones as coach of a NFL team here in Hawaii?
Ipu Man
Hawaii does not have the population to support a pro NFL, NBA or ML franchise.
He was a good coach, but not a consistent one. That’s why he’s not coach in the NFL…LOL, his record at SMU was overall a winning one, but not dominant as Peterson at BSU a non BSC program.
I would love to see JJ come back as a coach( I like the R&S) but that will not happen, I would then like to see him come back as the AD but again that will not happen, reason being is that the same inequities that made him leave in 07 are still enforce at UH from the BOR down to the Athletic Department as a whole. Unless UH gets their poop together nothing will ever change for the good. We will just keep plugging along on our mediocre path.
I think JJ would make a great athletic director. UH needs a football guy in that position. Just need to expedite an opening. 😉
Seasider: if you look at JJ records, he’s actually been pretty consistent in Hawaii with a few down years. Overall, he built a solid mid major program that would occasionally crack the top 25, with the sugar bowl being the banner year (even though I feel like the team the year before, with nate ilaoa, was better).
At SMU, he brought the program back from the dead to a consistent 7-5 kind of team. Good enough to be in contention in Conference-USA and make a bowl game.
There are way more factors to why he isn’t coaching in the NFL than consistency. btw, not very many coaches make it in the NFL, whether you’re nick saban or june jones.
I’ve seen the “official” reason for Coach Jones’ sudden resignation but I find it difficult to believe that it was the “real” reason. Extreme pressure from SMU officials & supporters vice “personal reasons” would seem to be more fitting after just 2 games into the season.
Coach Jones strikes me as a leader who would preach unity & toughness and not abandon his team, his coaches, his staff (on his own accord) after just 2 games when the going got rough. (He even signed a contract extension before this season began.)
ST knows what he’s talking about when he says that Coach Jones will not be coming back as UH HC.
Coach Chow & staff are doing a good job – other prominent HCs (and I value & agree with their opinion over the “unhappy fan”) have gone on record to say so. The “bad job” was when we didn’t parlay the success from the Sugar Bowl into continual improvement to close the gap on the other FBS teams since 2007.
What’s needed to accelerate the progress (and everyone in the coaching fraternity, including Jones, agree on) is that no matter who is UH HC, admin, public, private financial support needs to significantly increase if we realistically expect our Warriors to compete on a level playing field with the Huskies, Beavers, Buckeyes, Wolverines, Broncos who will be on the schedule in future years.
Keep supporting & cheering on our Warriors! They deserve our best!!
Shadow I echo your sentiments regarding support. On another note watched practice yesterday. Had a chance to meet Coach Naoele, and had a nice chat with Coach Chow. That made my day !!!!! Go Warriors!!!
I don’t know why some of Hawaii fans are so enamored with june jones. his offense is nothing special now…..every other college program runs a version of his run and shoot….defenses know how to play and stop that kind of offense now…. his recent record shows it.
I think June Jones could/would contribute by fund raising whether he is employed by the AD or in some other private non-profit organization. He has ideas and I think he has a genuine love for Hawaii and the Warriors.
One of the other posters mentioned Nate Ilaoa, my favorite player, man that guy was a cannonball. It always took about 3 guys to bring him down.
How many times can you catch lightning in a bottle? The feel good memories of 2007 still lingers with me and with many others. That season was a once in a lifetime occurrence and I thank JJ for giving me my fondest memories of UH football. There are some who want to bring JJ back to try to duplicate that feat….sadly I’m not one of them.
CG. to JJ or not to JJ. Me I’m a JJ man all the way. But really, how seriously can a cocobean take your mild rebuke when it comes from a person who’d rather use two words when simply I or me will do.
Looking forward to this Saturday’s game with Northern Iowa. Wanting to see what kind of rushing attack Warriors put together.
I think the coaches will put together a very good game plan as they have been so far this season. However how the players execute that game plan is the question. I hope they use last week as motivation to really bring everything together.
#29, cocobean-I echo your sentiments.
willieboy #27: I dont’ know why some of Hawaii fans are so enamored with norm chow. his offense is nothing special now…..every other college program runs a version of the spread concepts he’s incorporating….defenses know how to play and stop that kind of offense…. his recent record shows it.
Lot of echos today.
The correct spelling is “echoes”.
Heh. Up to you, ultimately. A Grease’ll not be a Nazi about this anyways. Jawohl (or would it be just “J” . . .. or “W” for that matter :P).
please send the moving trucks to ben jays house. ASAP! Thanks.
Watch the Hawaii-Northern Iowa game live on the internet this Saturday at 9pm PST (only for those living outside of HI): Go Warriors! Win this one for Joey and Jerrold Garcia-Williams!
Good morning everyone!
In 2008, amid all the issues and questions of JJ leaving, I speculated that the real story and motivations would come out in 10 years–either as an autobi0graphy or by ST–who lived the daily behind-the-scenes stuff. Well, still have 4+ years to wait.
I do agree that JJ leaving was a catalyst for what minor changes and upgrades we have today. Cynically, I think if JJ didn’t get us to a BCS bowl in year or two again with what he had, he would have been fired. JJ doesn’t need money and probably doesn’t want to wear the big whistle–so I dream that he would take over as QB coach and offer a few tips in the passing game. 🙂
What about JJ as an offensive consultant? The O could use a few wrinkles.
A Grease agrees. Let’s get in Jones as the A.D. ASAP. Get that spineless, do-nothing Jaybird outta there. Building maintenance won’t have to scrape off the “J” from the front A.D. office door if Jones get it.
I’d prefer him in an administration role like ST mentioned. He’d be great in assisting with fundraising and being a public figure for the athletic department.
Aloha all! So, my own pithy two cents on JJ.
He is no doubt creative and has a keen football mind, no one can question those points, as they are facts. His acumen as to selecting attractive career advancements is one that I question.
For those of you that know both academia and the Dallas area, SMU is not an easy place to coach. It would be a mistake to conflate SMU with programs of the late 70s and early 80s– it’s a ghost of its former self. If one were to ever stroll it’s rather picturesque and preppy campus, it is much closer to a smaller liberal arts college, than it’s behemoth cousins to the east UT and Texas A&M. To be certain, it’s total undergrad number is around 6000-not the 40000 plus of many major programs.
Folks are much more concerned about getting a job at Bechtel or JP Morgan than they are of the progress of the football team on Saturdays. By and large, SMU is a predominantly waspy affluent student population, and not the football factory it once was over 30 years ago.
Where am I going with all of this…? Well, my point being, is that using the perfect rear mirror of seeing things after the fact, SMU, at best, was an ersatz upgrade over UH. So, while they have much richer boosters and a great former tradition, those elements had only a marginal effect on the upgrade of the program. Again, one must consider there are in backyard of programs that have athletic budgets in excess of a 100 million annually. They also compete for some of the same players. And have to fend off emerging power programs like Baylor– so, overall not an easy task by any means.
Yes, he got a nice pay day, but I’m sure he would attest to the fact, that the grass is not really greener than the lawns in Honolulu….
JJ? I see him applying for Bob Wagner’s position when Bob retires from Kam Schools on the Big Island.
Ask Artie Wilson if June Jones is interested in the head coach position. Not sure if June Jones qualifies for the athletic director position as I understand that a masters degree is likely required and I am not sure if June Jones obtained one.
How’s this — can’t you see June Jones getting tough on these NCAA ninnies who keep twisting and turning their investigative dagger into the men’s basketball team? I see him telling them, “I don’t know what the heck happened under Jay — but, I want YOU NCAA ninnies to hurry the heck up, complete your findings, complete your investigation, come to your conclusion so I start my discriminatory investigation against the NCAA.” Maybe that’s going a bit beyond, but, this is how a Grease sees it.
Yes, you are absolutely right that any plan is only as good as the execution. I forgot to consider this. Here’s hoping the Warriors execute and get rolling early in the game.
AD-BJ knows that attendance is key and what holds the “key to the key” is WINNING. Unfortunately the Northern Iowa game has become a “MUST WIN” game for UH; sad that it has to be against a DII team but let’s face it they gave the Iowa Hawkeyes a run for their money AND are one of the top DII teams in the country.
Northern Iowa is FCS, formally known as D1-AA. Not DII.
In the last 12 years UH has played 12 D1-AA/FCS teams. The Warriors average 52 points per game.
Hawaii 48-13
Unfortunately, we’ve gone “backwards” since Jones left Manoa…We’re back to being “rainbows”, we still want everything on “the cheap”, and we still have spineless administrators. Too bad, because Jones did try to change the program and start a new tradition…Instead, we reverted back to the “old”. It will probably take another visionary like Jones to turn the program around and I don’t see anyone in the horizon that will be willing to do so…Sad!
Bob Wagner retired from Kamehameha-Keaau years ago, AD is Kimo Weaver
The below is why JJ, at least for now, needs to be coaching the Warriors and not be an administrator. This is why players love the man.
CG. JJ for AD? Where did JJ get his BA from? BJ has a BS in BA and an MA in PE both from OSU. R u getting too lazy to type out National Collegiate Athletic Association?
The, Second Coming of, JJ; who can say, only time will tell?
I like the idea of JJ being like a OC. I think Norm needs help in that area himself?
Howzit, Gang!
Wow! Lots of “Coach Jones” talk. Kinda feels like it won’t end any time soon. No matters… as long as our wounded Warriors are healing up good and right, and their replacements are stepping it up for this weekend’s luau, then that’s all I’m watching for.
Have a great day, everyone!
We already have a more than qualified and capable OC in Wynn.
Didn’t you notice how stealthy, our blog host is? Not a peep on practice and adjustments. A real sneaky Tiki.
Just show me a flea flicker, or an hook and lateral; this weekend and I’ll be happy.
If JJ head coaches again, he should keep Demo, Gouveia, Naeole, Clune & Beemer. Bring back Rolo as an OC play-caller, bring back Miano.
JJ coming to “help out” friend Norm Chow as QB coach is my pipe dream. Wynn can remain as OC and could probably gain more insight. No one is going to question JJ’s choice of quarterback since he proved he knew how to pick ’em.
Having JJ be an assistant sound strange? Letsee… the colorful Jerry Glanville was a former NFL head coach and he comes to “help out” JJ as Defensive Coordinator. Mouse Davis was JJ’s own coach and had much college and NFL experience…and was considered the architect of the Run & Shoot. He comes to coach the receivers. Greg McMackin wrote books on the secondary in the NFL and a highly sought after Defensive guru– he was the Defensive Coordinator in JJ’s first year (greatest turnaround in NCAA history?) and he came back after Glanville left to be the DC the year we went to the Sugar Bowl. Jeff Reinbold was in NFL Europe when he quit to become a UH graduate assistant.
Would JJ accept a smaller role if he wanted to coach again? If he wants to, he certainly would not think it unusual. 😐
Only job I want to see June Jones take in Hawaii is Robert Kekaula’s position at OC16. I’m pretty sure June will do a better job. Sorry but Robert has to go!!!!
Impressive writing skills by the young man and thoughts of lessons learned from June that were so eloquently expressed by this SMU player. Refreshing to read.
#59. Chow did call the hook and lateral in the first game along with that failed reverse and pass by Kemp. In the last game he ran Joey out of wildcat one play then had Joey pass long on the next play. He’s not above adding some trick plays but few remember them if they don’t work.
Wynn is not the offensive coordinator. If he is, he would be the lowest paid coordinator in the Division I football.
On another note, Scott Harding will be taking questions via UH’s Facebook tomorrow.
I think June Jones quit SMU because of what Norm Chow told him. Jones loves Hawaii, owns 3 condos in Hawaii. Norm told JJ this was going to be his last year with Hawaii. He’s tired of being Head Coach. He wants to go back being a offensive coordinator, more fnn, less headaches. June Jones wants to come back running the UH team again. He feels for Hawaii. He loves Hawaii. Leaving Hawaii for 7 years made him realizze how much he missed. Chow text to JJ all he hears is “we miss the glory years of June Jones”. Chow wants to return to offensive coordinator and asked June Jones to return. Their both good friends and realize where their hearts really at.
Ratbird. Inside information or pipe dreams?
Well, “NCAA” is referred to as such as it is known that universally. You go around saying, “hey, JJ resigned from SMU” other than here and, well, SMU, you gonna get “who????” “NCAA” e’rybody know.
President Obama is very presidential today.
Actually . . . a Grease takes that back — WHO THE HECK here refers to June Jones as “JJ” except for those on this board and Liz Chun (who, well, don’t do sports anymore)? You talk to the most fervent UH football fan and he’ll call June Jones “June Jones” and not “d’at JJ.”
JJ’s on the damn sitcom.
Very well said S.T.! It would be nice to see June Jones back into the system at any position to help reinforce the program.
Herman Frazier, Jim Donovan and Ben Jay. Is that the standard? JJ cannot do worst at his worst. At least he knows who he has to convince and may have the allies to do so.
CG. you know i’m only fun’in with you, right?
Didn’t June Jones sue UH for something after he left?
#66 Man some people can make up some ahhhhh dakine (ok be nice) stories.
Of course, heh heh.
I’m punchy, cocobeans, heh.
a greases. I’m a little punchy too.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Coach Chow has already reached out to June Jones with the two of them discussing what role June could play in the Warrior football program. Could be a win-win situation.
test – where did my post go?
What are the odds JJ is spotted at Aloha Stadium on Saturday?
boola: It’s already been commented/known that june jones took the SMU job because he wanted the challenge of turning another dead program around, only the upside to the SMU position was potentially a lot higher than UH, with the potential recruiting, facilities, and his salary.
* * * ALL: after you post . . . click/activate REFRESH . . . screen will refresh . . . and you will see your post 😉 * * *
Finally figured out the difference between a “malt” and a “shake”:
MALT: “lighter” tasting and textured than a malt. Almost more “foam” than “ice cream” (eyeuuuuuw). More “drinkable” immediately after they make it for you. More likely to finish a malt faster than a shake.
SHAKE: probably the best example is Jack -n- the Box’s vanilla or chocolate shake. Quite ice creamy, heavy, dense, melts slower. Takes a while to enjoy.
Both go great with garlic (butter) fries 🙂 .
We were lucky to have JJ. He has a terrific football mind and a tremendous grasp of PR. With a lifelong passion for Hawaii and its collegiate football program, if he wants to return to the University of Hawaii in any capacity, he should be welcomed with open arms. He has walked the walk and talked the talk in proving his credibility in our fair state. The state was wrong on letting him get away the first time, bringing him back would serve us well.
Should be, ” “lighter” tasting and textured than a shake.” [Emphasis a Grease’s.]
Seems as though there are June Jones fans and haters alike… I don’t think there’s any UH fan that can honestly say they didn’t appreciate what he did for the football program… Maybe his offensive philosophies have been deciphered and are no longer effective, maybe not… Either way, I think having him involved with the football program in ANY capacity would be a plus… JMHO…
Think we can all agree with your sensible narrative, DPK — aloha, again, by the way — . . . except for the above part that I quoted.
A Grease said it before. How all of us (local sports guys — sorry, including Mr. Tsai — knew, what? Maybe an hour before the following) found out that Jones was going to SMU. Surprise, surprise, red tie, yellow teethed grin, SMU logo and personnel.
F’n slap in the face, you ask a Grease. He had problems w/Frazier (real or imagined), do a # on him, not the fans.
THIS is why, despite a Grease’s advocating for a Jones for UHAD, he really didn’t do a local thing with that “last move” and “aloha” to us. It SHOULD be manini . . . but a Grease has seen enough (not a lot, thankfully) of those supposedly “local”, thumb their nose at these “rocks” before they leave for “better pastures” only to come back with their tail between their legs expecting you to accept them as a poi dog.
Who will replace Jerald Garcia-William? Is Coach Clune going to do it by committee – with there being no shortage of talented LBs.
#76. a greases. I’m a little punchy too. I got to file a report with the JJ police. Kanoa Leahey referred to JJ as JJ on the L & L show. The nerve of him, no respect for an icon.
no idea what happened to your mail to me – still AWOL from my address:
1164 Bishop Street #400, Hon, HI 96813
Good Night:
UH vs Northern Iowa
21 – 10 iwonderwhytheyhateme
23 – 14 AlaWai
24 – 31 Chicken Grease
24 – 10 bowwar
24 – 28 SC
27 – 24 3-Prong
28 – 17 Pomai
28 – 10 kawika49
28 – 21 Fei Jai
28 – 14 Ipu Man
31 – 30 Whats Up
31 – 28 C-Pop
31 – 17 boolakanaka
34 – 17 akuhead2
35 – 21 Lawaia
35 – 17 eMpTy
35 – 24 Andrew
35 – 21 Warrior
37 – 24 Haleakala
38 – 24 hatakeman
38 – 21 wafan
38 – 28 Glenn
40 – 28 UHfan808
42 – 07 kev-1
42 – 17 mo808
45 – 21 oldtimer808
48 – 13 Marleysdad
49 – 28 TChahng
56 – 14 d1shima
I wouldn’t mind seeing JJ being part of UH in some capacity just not coaching…I feel Norm Chow and His Staff Have Been Doing A Great Job At Recruiting Now They Just Need To Put Everything Together And Win Some Game’s. I respect JJ For What He Did For UH and The State Of Hawaii 06-07 were Magical Seasons But 1 Thing He Never Put Emphasis On Was Recruiting Which Is What I Feel Led To His Eventual Demise At SMU…Also on the recruiting homefront looks like Rex Manu has opened things up again will Hawaii have a chance maybe…but we gotta send our closer Lewis Powell
I think Northern Iowa should be a good challenge, they’re no Charleston Southern that for sure. According to reports they start 18 seniors kinda reminiscent of the Portland State team that came in and beats us earlier in the century.
This has got to be the game where the team finally gets untracked and hit on all cylinders. Special teams have played well. The D has shown it’s good against the run but has not gotten good pressure on the QB considering the number of times they blitz. The O has not shown any explosiveness. The longest td play has been about 8 yds. I can’t recall too plays over 15 yds.
I think our biggest advantage should be in the trenches. Mid majors such as us have a hard time manning the trenches with athletic big people. FCS schools have even a harder time. There’s enough big bodies out there but not enough athletic big bodies.
Play the game played against W and will be fine. Although close score NIU had 25 yards rushing on 25 attempts 12 first downs low 3rd down conversions. The passing game was really to 1 guy with over 200 yds. Iowa won in last minute over Ball State this past weekend and has a horrible kicking game. Play with passion start to finish and you get a W!!!!!! Go warriors!!! Oh almost forgot 125 in penalties-
Leave June Jones alone for a few months to play golf in Kona, drink beer and relax. We will beat Northern Iowa and Colorado, and have a good season. Ben Jay will move back to Ohio and JJ will be our AD in 2015.
#91 cocobean, UNI has a pretty big O-line. Couple of 6′ 6″/6′ 7″ guys & a 6′ 4″ 305ish NG. The guy with 200+ yards receiving was their 6′ 3″ RB.
But I digress, we get ’em!
Skimming through the comments, saw someone listing the prominent coaches that came to help out under JJ. Got me thinking…what would your guys’ thoughts be on a coaching “dream team” of former UH coaches?
some possibilities I’m thinking…
HC – Tomey
OC – Johnson/Jones
OL – Cavanaugh
QB – Rolo
DC – Wagner/McMackin
ST – Reinebold
I’m 30 so I’ve only been going to games since Wagner was coach (and I was really too young to know anything) so I’d be curious to hear what people’s thoughts are.
RE: #96
Shoichi84 — interesting question.
My fan-in-the-stands viewpoint has these as popular…
HC – Chow (my Education Ph.D bias)
OC – Jones
OL – Larry Price
QB – ?
RECEIVERS – Mouse Davis
DC – McMackin / Glanville
DL -Rick Blangiardi
LB – Bob Wagner
DB – Miano
ST – Dennis McKnight
While I was trying to recall McKnight’s name, I ran across this in Wikipedia…
For all of you who are still saying that they support Norm Chow and that is doing a good job, you truly do not care what’s been going on for the past 2 years. That being said, what will your feelings be IF we lose to a 1AA team this weekend? Will you still support him or will you finally say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?
Happy Patriots’ Day.
Ding, ding, ding.
The new post has been posted.
For those who can’t wait, here’s the link: http://hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=22996
How quickly people forget:
Portland State – 45, Hawaii – 20 : 2000 Season Opener. HC June Jones
BTW, AD jobs require an at least a MA. June Jones has a BA degree from a college that doesn’t seem to exist anymore.
81/4 prong. No, I get your point. I’m referring much more to his over-estimate to make significant changes to such a staid environment.
As much as I love looking back at my own personal golden years of 2006-2007. I know there is no going back. There is only going forward.
What is football, anyway? What has it become in terms of stepping stones through college and a career?
To me it has become an arena of violence and injury and while I still support you g people in the accomplishment of their dreams, football is becoming less and less a dream and more of a nightmare.
What the world needs now is an increase of love and compassion and in the greater picture, I see football as we knew it, marching in a direction that does not contribute to that need and too many young people being unnecessarily sacrificed on the field of battle.
I am no longer entertained. (From the line in Gladiator).
Mahalo, Ke Akua, for the good years…
Let’s get real. Norm Chow has an extremely subpar record. Why people still support him is way beyond what my pea size brain can comprehend. I love the Warriors but find it increasingly difficult to see a viable future with Chow. Seriously? If we can get June Jones back to coaching the Warriors he will bring create a winning atmosphere, better talent and an offensive scheme that suits our recruiting level. If Chow is gone at the end of the season let’s bring the most successful coach in modern day Warrior history back! In June I Still Trust!