Brash is back
One of the most impressive players in offseason workouts is Brashton Satele, who not only is healthy — knock on wood — but has been a beast in the weight room. He also is becoming more of a leader. Satele’s development means UH is going to carry only three middle linebackers this season — Solomon Elimiman, Satele and Mana Lolotai.
* * *
So I had a nice chat with David Veikune. We talked about his workouts, his plans this season. Then Brashton comes over to me and says: “That’s not Veikune. That’s my brother.” Oops, li dat. Here’s the Veikune clone:
* * *
No, Brashton Satele and safety Spencer Smith are not flashing secret signs. They are showing their jersey numbers:
* * *
Left wideout Daniel Lofton prepares to go one on one against cornerback JoPierre Davis:
* * *
The release of the complete Sugar Bowl travel list should put the matter to bed.
One would think.
But it’s not that simple. While the list showed that most of the travelers had functional roles, the way the release was handled — redacts for paybacks, and delay after delay — left unresolved questions and feelings.
There were several who are listed as having paid for the trips for their family members. Most pressing is: When did they make the payment?
The Constanza-like dash to pay to keep names off the list does not sit well among the workerbees in the athletic department. There is anger, hurt feelings and distrust — the aftermath of the belief that some saved their good name at the expense of others.
There is some work that needs to be done to make the athletic department whole once again.
An apology from some leaders to their workers would be a significant start.
* * *
Stretch and 808UHfan look over the Sugar Bowl list:
* * *
In the big dart tournament, Addaknowsports prevents Koakane from a foot fault:
* * *
Midori7 and 808UHfan beat the blog host’s team:
* * *
In the final, Midori7 beats Stretch:
* * *
And Stretch loses face:
* * *
We also took a tour of The Advertiser. We visited Esme’s desk only to learn that Esme doesn’t use that desk anymore. And we wished a happy birthday to Juju, who was off because it was her birthday. Finally, we went to the shrine that is Princess Leila’s desk. It appeared the magnetic fields were reveresed, and when Chawan Cut tried to go near the Princess’ throne, he would be repelled. Oh, well. And here’s the gang (that’s Chawan on the right, Addaknowsports in the foreground, and Wreckneyze doing something with chopsticks). Next goal: get a camera with a real flash.
* * *
Bio schedule:
Tuesday — Whitey.
Wednesday — Chad Yazawa
* * *
One of nature’s mysteries. How is it possible for weeds to grow through Cooke … er, I mean, Ching Field’s turf?
* * *
Wow can I make it to 4th
If the didn’t take so long to refresh I could have 10 in a row
6th ?
…And Pomai thought he was gonna make a top 10 run…
Is it really 2 am? Dag nab it, what the heck goes on at this early time.
Aloha Pomai, hope all is well on your end.
I guess everybody is sleeping
is ST really up? Where was tonights gathering ?
I’m up.
Hey Mav How you doin?
Gettin ready for another 95+ day here in da hills
Got the A/C running already and it’s only 8:15 AM
I’d like to look at the list but everytime I try at the HA site it freezes at # 155.
Wow, the entire East coast is blazing today 90 – 100 degree’s.
Was just reading the New Zealand news, and they received a big blast of Winter snow on the South island.
Today is the “Escape from Alcatraz” Triathon in S. F.
Brutal, just Brutal.
Good morning Tsaikos Worldwide.
And good morning Pomai and Maverick.
Gotta catch up on the blog this evening. been hectic in Hilo these past few.
Great pictures ST
Great smiles in the Tsaiko World.
Regarding the Sugar Bowl and the List. (getting on da box).
IMHO, we’re in a new era. New rules. We can’t undo yesterday, we can better prepare for tomorrow. We’ve got to back up Jim, surround him with a big smile as he tries to right the ship samoan.
Remind yourself of this fact. There will be another opportunity for Warrior Nation to make another appearance in another super event in my lifetime. And, like Andrea Aana’s dad, I will make that trip. After all, our football team is a rising national power. I have hope. I look at the commitment and the striving for excellence by the team, and yes, I have hope. I believe in our coaches. I believe in us.
So I say to the workabees at UHAthletics. Warrior Nation is on the case. We want to be the national power. We gotta have your support. We wanna go where June Jones nevah go. Higher. So, we need you to back up our guy Jim Donovan. Work hard for us. Wear a big smile. You are realy fortunate to work at UH Athletics. You are constantly around young men and women who are dreaming of a brighter future. For themselves. For all of us. The future starts now.
84 days.
Go Warriors!!!!
Looks like they had a fun night last night, to bad I had to work.
BHF, I agree we cannot dwell on the past only look forward to a better future.
Go Warriors!!!
I went to Hoops Talk and I couldn’t find Jeff’s post.
I went to Jeff and I went to here and both times I just got back to here.
This guy ain’t got nuttin on our Mel. GRRrrr….
– – – –
UF strength coach Marotti teaches players chemistry
By Robbie Andreu
Sun sports writer (Gainesville Sun)
Published: Friday, June 6, 2008 at 6:01 a.m.
Last Modified: Saturday, June 7, 2008 at 12:07 a.m.
Special to The Sun Mickey Marotti, Florida’s director of strength and conditioning, has put the Gators through a demanding schedule since May 12 designed to build strength, character, accountability and create a strong bond among the players.
Urban Meyer calls him The Godfather. The players call him The Man.
What Mickey Marotti really is right now is the acting head football coach at the University of Florida.
It happens every spring (and summer).
Once May arrives, Meyer and his assistants can have only limited contact with the players. This is when Marotti and his strength and conditioning staff step in and take over. The Gators are in their demanding hands now.
“I have no problem with that responsibility,” Marotti said. “This is our main time right now. Some people ask what you do all summer. When there’s a week left in the summer and we’re going into camp, they may say, ‘Now it’s the time to crank it up.’ Well, I’ve been cranking since May 12. This team has been cranking.”
From the 6:30 a.m. runs, to the combative one-on-one mat drills, to the lifting sessions in the weight room, Marotti’s offseason conditioning program is legendary.
It is designed to build strength, character and accountability, and to create chemistry and a strong bond among the players.
Apparently it’s working.
“Mickey is the man,” sophomore center Maurkice Pouncey said. “We all love him like a father. He pushes us to the limit, where we can’t go anymore, and he makes us better. He’s one of the biggest guys who motivates us. The players have really responded well to him this summer.
“Everyone loves him and looks up to him. He’s the first one out there at 6:30 in the morning. We’re all motivated. It’s a big difference from a year ago. There is a lot of chemistry on this team.”
Meyer can have only limited contact with his players, but not with Marotti. “He’s probably tired of me calling him all the time,” Meyer said.
So, what is Marotti telling Meyer these days?
“Everything is good,” Marotti said.
In the spring, Meyer said building team chemistry was a priority, because last year’s team, with so many young players and so few seniors, was not very close coming off the national championship season.
Meyer’s goal is Marotti’s goal.
“I’ve seen a lot (of chemistry) develop,” Marotti said. “I tell them every day that I’m doing my part with team functions and workouts and team stuff, but you have to do it off the field, maybe hanging out and eating together. A bunch of the guys went to Ginnie Springs the other day and did stuff and had fun together. That’s kind of how you develop chemistry.
“They’re taking pride in (developing chemistry), more so than just running stadium steps together or team workouts. You can’t play for a teammate if you don’t know him, if you only work out together eight hours a week.”
Marotti said he gave the players a little chemistry test earlier this week, and they passed.
“I (randomly) called two guys out at a time and said, ‘When was the last time you hung out with this guy?’ ” Marotti said. “I did it six times and couldn’t stump anybody.”
Pouncey said this year’s team is much closer than last year’s.
“A lot of guys are hanging out together, and not just the same guys in small groups like a year ago,” Pouncey said. “We’re like a big family. We were all young last year. Everyone has grown up. I’m glad we’re all closer. It’s more fun now, especially the workouts.”
Along with building team unity, the summer program also is about getting bigger, stronger and tougher. Marotti said the Gators are making significant progress in those areas as well.
“I see a more mature team,” he said. “It’s kind of the evolution of a program. These players who were so young last year are maturing. They’ve always worked hard. Now, they’re working with a purpose. It’s that entitlement thing Coach Meyer is always talking about.
“My whole thing is maturity and the chemistry. To me, if you’ve got those two things, I think you’re heading down the right path. I think that’s where we’re heading.”
The Gators work out Monday through Friday. The schedule consists of running four days, lifting four days, and two days of speed conditioning, agility work and position work, Marotti said.
Marotti said some seniors have emerged as leaders, led by offensive linemen Phil Trautwein, Jim Tartt and Jason Watkins, wide receiver Louis Murphy, tailback Kestahn Moore and defensive tackle Javier Estopinan, who has recovered from knee surgery.
“Those three senior offensive linemen have been as strong as anybody I’ve ever coached. They’ve got that (offensive line) where you want it,” Marotti said. “Estopinan, to me, is like the mother hen of the defensive line. It’s him and a bunch of sophomores and freshmen. He’s back doing everything. To me, he’s a must-have guy for a lot of reasons.
“Murphy has come a long way in his four years, and Kestahn Moore is a big-time guy that’s got that running back group really busting it. He’s come to the forefront.”
Here are some other highlights of the summer program, according to Marotti:
* Wide receiver Percy Harvin’s rehab (following heel surgery in the spring) is on schedule and, pound-for-pound, he’s one of the strongest players on the team. “He has really gotten strong,” Marotti said.
* True freshman defensive lineman Matt Patchan has gained weight and strength, and the goal is to get him up to about 270 pounds for the start of two-a-days. “He’s on schedule. He’s a gifted athlete,” Marotti said.
* Outside linebacker A.J. Jones, middle linebacker Brandon Spikes and defensive tackle Lawrence Marsh are among the most improved. “We needed Brandon Spikes to step up, and that’s what he’s done,” Marotti said.
* The goal to get tailback Chris Rainey up to 180-plus pounds is on hold while he’s still running track.
* True freshman Omar Hunter has been impressive. “He’s a great kid with a great personality with a lot of juice. He’s very strong, but he’s still only a freshman,” Marotti said.
* True freshman center Sam Robey has made dramatic gains, in weight and strength, and is zooming toward the 300-pound mark. “He’s a great kid and he works hard,” Marotti said.
It’s been a busy summer so far for the Gators, and Marotti is right in the middle of it all. He’s basically the head coach right now — and Meyer is cool with that.
“If you don’t trust your strength coach, you’ve got a problem. That’s not an issue here,” Meyer said. “Mickey’s the Godfather (of strength coaches
ST, who was your partner for darts last night?
Kinda hard for the ‘hide the ball mindset’ to admit to the people who work for them that they screwed up and “if I could do it again I’d do it different.” The after the fact antics kind of cheapens any apology at this time, they might think. The after the fact antics shows me the admin wuz tryin to keep the peeps who got freebees lookin good. it didn’t really hurt anyone, but maybe it rubbed salt in the wounds of some whose work they feel isn’t/wasn’t appreciated as much as it should be by their superior(s).
i’d like the workers who were slighted to be publicly thanked and recognized for their hard work at the first home game this year. and at the second….. Without them we’d be a ship of captains an no crew… We gotta do what we gotta do so
Jim gets a good chance to keep our ship sailing in a positive direction.
So if anyone knows the names of a worker(s) who should have gone,
tell the Nation. There are ways to get the past Admin to do the right thing….
And help Jimmy D and our future look better…
Well I just got the thing downloaded, and just a quick glance it does seem to have a lot of pork on it. I know a lot of people think we should let this go and move forward, but if we don’t take a hard look at what happened and question some of the things that shouldn’t have happened then how can the powers to be learn without their mistakes pointed out to them?
I’m really sad to hear that some of the members of the Athletic Department feel that way. I think it is obvious that some people like Clapp paid their expenses back shortly before the list was released–after all, there was a meeting when they were told about that.
The good thing is that I believe that Jim Donovan is an honorable man, so with him as their leader I believe that things will get better over time. A written travel policy would help make things clearer and prevent future problems.
If HF had not gotten his buyout before the list was revealed, I wonder if UH could have used the Ethics Commission to avoid having to pay him the buyout?
West Virginia’s President had to resign over the controversy about providing a Masters’ degree to the daughter of West Virginia’s Governor.
How is this sports related? The resignation might affect the contract buyout dispute between West Virginia and Rich Rodriguez.
Kansas found a way to include a new luxury section in their football stadium without building luxury boxes.
Washington’s Jake Locker is playing baseball now.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Looks like it was a fun night for the Tsaikos. Thanks for the pics, ST.
It is a new admin at UH athletics. I hope JD & crew keep it together. I don’t see why there was a question about whose trip was supposed to be paid for to the SB, though. There are state travel rules that should have been followed. Not hard… they use the same rules when they go to conferences, trainings, etc. The state pays for your travel if you are going on state business. If your family wants to tag along, they have to pay for their portion of the trip. For the SB, letting the family members ride on the charter would help the employee, but they should have reimbursed UH for the cost. Per diem is a no-no, as is reimbursement for hotel accomodations for non-employees. As for the UH athletics staff whose expenses were not covered, that is something the Athletics dept. has to deal with…good luck. I noticed there were Band members whose airfares were not paid for… Is that an oversight, should they be reimbursed if they “worked” the SB?
Have a great day in Hawai’i Nei! Off to hula class…
A softly whispered good morning to everyone in Tsai-ko land!
Shhhhhhhh, we do not want to disturb those who are still sleeping or those who may suffer from loud sounds.
What the heck is going on with the M’s? They won last night. What the heck? Geez, so much for trying to be the best worst-team in all of baseball.
Wow, everyone had fun last night. Way to go! The Tsaikos know how to have a good time.
Garret . . .
Read the article on the inflatable cars. Looks promising. One of the side benefits would be the absence of fender-benders. HA!
Hey, bring on those shopping carts!!!
But, I do wonder how stable they are under varing weather (wind) conditions. Is there a wind limit — maybe the cars cannot be used when the wind gets to gusts over 35 mph? I can just see all of the cars piled up at one end of a parking lot when the winds kick up during the work day.
Ah, the mind pictures.
Howzit Tsaiko’s,
I don’t know if it was mentioned already, but I got a hold of, Athlon’s and Lindy’s 2008 CB mags.
Adam Leonard is the only Warrior sited in both issues:
>3rd team LB, AA in Athlon’s.
>rated ninth best nationally OLB, in Lindy’s.
UH ranked second behind FSU in conference recruiting, in Athlon’s.
UH ranked 77th, and 76th nationally, in Athlon and Lindy’s respectively.
FSU ranked 25th and 22nd nationally, in Athlon and Lindy’s respectively.
Projected non-BCS schools to crash the big party this year:
The Top 100 High School Seniors for 2009: (just from Hawaii).
Manti Te’o #6.
Oooops, sorry….meant FB, FB…not CB.
GG . . .
Kind of surprised you did not go. Even if you chose not to imbibe you would still have fun — no doubt about that!
What is on the agenda today for you? My day is just packed! I have to nap at least three times today and drag myself for a haircut. I should ask for a discount since it only takes the guy three minutes to cut and wash the three hairs on my scalp.
Am I the only one to feel this way? I feel that the SB list is meaningless. So what’s the big deal? Aren’t there more important things to be concerned about?
Things like how LizK’s La Mancha went last night on Kauai. How was the turnout?
or how SteveM feels today.
or how hard the planning committee, led by Kekoa, is working on the menu for the 2nd anniversary blog bash.
blah blah blah
I was not invited. D1 defined BIO to me last night. I thought it meant BRING IT ON. But he said it means BY INVITATION ONLY.
So now I will say BIO to hubby when he wants to know where I am headed. haha
GG . . .
Oh, please. Were they not talking about last night earlier in the week? I am certain they were. You stated you were not going because your hubby would be tired and you were not interested in going without him.
I have yet to decide what I want for breakfast. That bananananananana at 4 this morning is wearing off. Maybe pancakes or scones! Yeah. Scones, butter and strawberry preserves. Mmmmmmmmm.
I think you mean the pau hana that Keokane planned for last week Friday evening.
This darts thing was later and was not discussed on the blog.
Good morning Tsaikos. Getting ready to go to high low in a couple of hours. I didn’t think stretch would let me down by not winning the darts, but maybe he had an “injury” and should have filed for the disabled list. Anyway, congratulations to Midori7.
ST is turning out to be an excellent photo journalist. Isn’t it fun? Better than writing? More satisfying?
Funny thing about posting the SB travel list is how some try to “hide” about their free trip. I think the athletic dept should have told everyone that is traveling at UH’s expenses that there is a possiblity that you will be receiving an IRS 1099 and will need to file it with your taxes. Also that UH will publish the names after the game. Would have avoided all this “miss understanding”?@##$%^.
OK, time to to to high low.
GG . . .
Probably was since you were involved in the conversation at the time. This past week was mostly a blur for me since it was the last full week for seniors.
I cannot believe how many of them procrastinated until the bitter end before doing anything to pass their classes. In my classes I had 16 seniors. 7 of them will be back next year simply because they wasted their time. Amazing. They admit had they worked they would have passed. But, . . .
I wonder where these kids will end up working. How will they provide for their families — aside of collecting from social programs and begging. The Tsai-ko kids (Ryan, #2, Abe, et al) are examples of kid who will succeed. The others? If they are representative of our future, I am going to learn Chinese!
Next week it will be a bit easier with only underclassmen for another 9 school days. Yahoo!
Whitey . . .
Enjoy your trip to high low! Whoo-hoo!
One of these days I will get to visit the outer islands again.
That is so sad when that happens to seniors who must repeat the year. Yes, how will they turn out after high school?
My younger daughter struggled in high school. She barely managed to graduate. But there is hope. She takes college classes now in hopes of becoming a physical therapist. Got all A’s last semester and is enrolled in trigonometry this summer.
I really should watch the golf channel on TV. My swings and putting are just terrible. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. I guess I am just not an athlete.
Morning, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Well now, it appears that the storm in the water glass, re: SB, is beginning to subside. If anything, the HA suit should never have been necessary, but ultimately served as a well placed warning shot across the bow, giving clear notice that the public will be watching. The last remnance of the ill fated Frazier regime should soon be blown away by the winds of time and we all can look forward to an ever more prosperous and successful Sports program, especially our beloved Warriors.
I’m very certain that these type of inane problems will no longer occur under JD’s watch. Over time, my feeling is that Hinshaw and Donovan will make a formidable pair in leading us to the promised land of big time sports, at least in football.
I’m not really surprised that our players and team get very little recognition from the pundits. Everybody on the Mainland is just focused on what we’ve lost, with no real idea or actual knowledge about our team and coaches.
So we begin the 08 campaign completely under the radar. Florida wil have no real gamefilm on us, while we know very well what they’re doing. All fall we can divise a gameplan that could actually work. McMackin is a great gameplanner and I have not seen many that are better at it than him.
For goodness sakes, can you all just imagine if we manage the incredible (not impossible) and upset the Gators in Gainesville? We would make like the space shuttle and rocket up on all the charts like crazy.
AAAH. pre-season, a wonderful time to dream.
my quick 2 cents on the SB, I think we should look at it carefully. For example, why did “Minor Miano” (I assume Rich’s kid) get a per diem? Is he a necessity to the team that needs to get paid? Interesting that Mazie went…was all over the papers and tv just like Mufi and little did we know it was on our dime.
To say that some people were paid for by the SB and not by the state…I look at it this way, the more money the SB pays out in expenses, the less that is left over in the end for the universit(ies). If they spent just $10K more to bring out some of these extra people, divide that by the number of schools receiving money from the SB and I say, that is one more item (all be it small) that is paid for.
I just get sick of hearing that there is no money for this or that and then you look at the way the money is used and I can see why there is no money. Shoot, an extra couple hundred dollars can pay for soap in the lockers. It all adds up.
Okay, I’m done. Thanks for letting me pipe in. Have a great day Tsaikos!
I think there are unresolved questions about the list, such as the timing of the payments for the trip. I also think an accounting of the tickets that were distributed by/to UH employees should be done.
i think the dart teams were unfair. it is impossible for the average male to concentrate when battling with the ‘Tsaikettes’, not saying Stretch is average…with a name like Stretch, he is far from average. (by the way, homey was trying to tell me how he got his name Stretch, and in my book, he’s a man’s man)
anyway, i think there were possible violations last night besides the foot fault. one would venture to say, illegal use of hands for obvious reasons, a few personal fouls, and at least one or two illegal motion in the backfield.
i wasn’t there, but i am only throwing this out, not up, for conjecture.
thanks for the props in your earlier post, i cannot speak for the others, but for our family… takes a village to raise a child, and this Tsaiko village is very demonstrative of ‘works in progress’.
you can only try your best as a parent, and hope something from the Good Book, and the Man upstairs sticks between the chunk of flesh between their ears.
we are thankful for all of our blessing, but even more thankful for our challenges. have a good weekend….
Ahhhhh. That was a nice breakfast. Now to get ready and decide on what is for lunch. HA!
This SB thing is tiresome, I agree. But, if foolish people do foolish things they need to be called on it. Sadly, the fool was fired and paid extra to boot, so the UH cannot collect the money paid based on lies and foolishness.
Unfortunately, the innocent have to pay the price. It is not vindictive. It is righting a wrong. Something many of them should have known — especially those collecting per diem for their kids.
Again. Common sense is not so common any more.
… unsportsmanlike conduct, excessive celebration, spearing…. 😀
congrats to Midori,
always humbles me to be in the midst of greatness….Stretch, if i was there, i’d be filling shot glasses with you, haha.
you looked gracious for a loser, good boy.
Will anyone tell me how long a drive it is from Anaheim to Legoland? Thinking ahead to December.
I know it is a while from now; but I always plan ahead.
Florida Ted it should read “when we upset the Gators in Gainesville.”
spearing would need a more formidable explanation; homey was not there, i don’t think, but there were other available suspects. also, we would have to consider the encroachment calls…..
Gggrrrr …. I sure am missing out on a bunch of fun times….. Very nice photo’s. The twins, Midori/UHfan are spooky sistas…. Somehow I’m thinking of the movie “The Grifters”…. but in a fun way. 😀 I like the last photo of Stretch! Was that taken last night, or on his last trip to Nevada? Hehee!…… 😆
😯 ☼ 😀 ~•~ Good Morning Tsaikos and Warrior Nation!!! ~•~ 😀 ☼ 8)
• • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • •
~•~Big Brown!~•~Big Brown!~•~Big Brown!~•~Big Brown!~•~Big Brown!~•~
To all TSAIKOS we will ROMP in da swamp, da gator chomp will turn into da geko fut.
Great Morning All.
Looks like good fun last night.
Congrats to The Twins (not the MN ones); pat on the back to Stretch for the Fred Wot Appen? performance. Only ting: wat’s wit all the gang-style hand signs?
A-sports look like she learning a little about gaining “positional advantage” from the NBA playoffs.
Stephen, nevah mind showing up and trying to be the “life of the paty” wit yo’ “like see wat I get?” folder. 😀
I tried planning a head, too. Look da picchas of me an’ you can see wat a waste of time DAT was!
As far as the SB list goes. I think we can just let the thing go thru its natural course in Hawaii: let those whose names appear be the focal point of baseless innuendo and factless rumor. Why let them off-the-hook with an investigation of the truth?
*yawn* G’Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes! 🙂
Looks like last night’s group is still sleeping. *yawn* Yes, last night was good fun. I had so much fun, almost forgot I had a cold.
The twins are formidable contenders. They took ST and me in a game of 701 double in/double out. It was down to the last few points, but they got us. What’s scary about Midori is that she is very C-O-M-P-E-T-I-T-I-V-E. She yells like she is at a baseball game. You don’t want to get in her way.
The Tsaiko men got their fill of entertainment by harassing us tsaikettes as we were trying to throw our darts.
As you can see in the picture above, I had to nail down my patnah, Koakane’s foot, since the chopstick seemed to inch it’s way toward the dart board whenever it was his turn. Didn’t want to be accused of c-h-e-a-t-i-n-g. Bwahahaha. We did okay, though, as Koakane and I took the twins in the second round.
I’m sure the others will share their versions when they wake up. *yawn*
WAfan, It is about 1 hr to go from Anaheim to Carlsbad mid day. Late afternoon, traffic could add another half hour. If you have plenty of time and want to drive along the ocean, you could stretch it to two hours and wave at my house as you go by!
Wafan: per google map directions from Anaheim to legoland
I learn something every time I go out on a Tsaiko event. In a year I should have a very well-rounded edumacation.
(whispering) good morning.
I guess midori7 plays darts the same way she walks at the mall, eh? WITH A PURPOSE!
oops, sorry so loud 🙂
Maybe our educator-in-attendance , wafan, can verify; but I no tink dat you going get any kine degree from dat “edumacation”
Maybe one certificate…Certified Tsaiko!
Thank you for being so considerate and whispering.
Yeah, Midori plays like she is on a mission. Her game is peppered with “Awwww, C’MON.” Spoken like a true sports fan. But she’s got the cutest wave-of-both-hands-in-front-of-her-face move when she misses accompanied by G-rated expletives (if there is such a thing).
So Wafan-
What you think? I can get certimafied or wat?
I not saying you and Koakane were the victims of “media bias”, but how come no mo picchas of you and him flashing gang signs aftah your win, eh?
ST: SPAM on #20
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
Good morning Liz.
How was Man of LaCucaracha?
G’Morning LizK! –
Happy Aloha Saturday to you!
ST took plenny good picchas. I guess some neva make da cut. Maybe he’ll stick it in later. Hee hee.
Good Morning TSAIKOs and CybeerLurkers…….just ran into former UH QB Garret Gabriel in Star Market yesterday morning……my all time fave Gabriel games….beating BYwho??? back to back 89 & 90 seasons…….got both games recorded on VHS………his excited about cutting loose Leon Wright with more running plays by Coach Ron Lee….cant wait….been digging out and playing tapes of past games till the season starts …its the countdown…..June…..Juiy….August….@#$%^&^
Howzit HIKiko.
Morning to you too, HawaiianKiko!
Looks like the play was well-received.
You should have people post comments in English; it might encourage more discussion 😉
La Mancha had a very good opening night. Tech stuff worked fine – with only a couple of mis-set wireless mikes temporarily drawing attention. Energy was great, audience was responsive and the dancing and singing was terrific! I even identified my stage “business” (as a background person, you don’t want to distract from the characters in the spotlight but you want to be doing something that supports the action). Since I have “captured” the downstage left position (in clear view of the whole audience) by sitting in front of “the fire”, I am quietly urging the “governor” of the prison cell to let me burn Cervantes’ manuscript for more warmth.
Sounds like a little thing, but it’s better than sitting there being all depressed that one day the Inquisition is going to come and take me away to become fuel for their fire
Looks like someone had a camera there last night.
I’ve been spammed too!!!
Thanks, Shima – zapped that buggah.
At first I thought it was brew808 up to his tricks again 👿
RE: Sugar Bowl scandal
Five days before the team leaves for New Orleans the State Ethics Commission makes a cursory visit with the Chancellor, Frazier and Clapp telling them basically what they’re doing is wrong regarding the invites taking the trip at state expense. And they go ahead and do it anyway. So right then and there they put the nail in their own coffin, so to speak. Turning a deaf ear. And then probably not relaying this information to the people or invites on the list of the face to face meeting with the State Ethics Commission is I’m thinking another mistake.
The excuses of,”We didn’t have time, or we had to do everything on the fly, or there wasn’t a bowl travel policy for us to follow” are ridiculous excuses coming from people that have the purported intelligence to do the research. Their defense of why they didn’t follow the guidance of the State Ethics Commission will be interesting to hear.
So if I’m the public or even the current athletic director, JD, I would want a full investigation and interrogations of the perpetrators of the list of invites. The people that did the hand selecting of determining of who the invites are should be questioned because they were forewarned ahead time what they are doing is wrong.
Not in my lifetime would I say it’s best to let this be forgotten. And privately and silently I would think JD would think likewise if the public is to ever restore their faith in government and the UH. Allowing for the harsh interrogation of the parties responsible for this mess opens the door for the people in charge to make changes if the allegations of impropriety is substantiated. In the end it would allow for a clean slate, meaning the AD should rid himself of the bad apples. And higher up, the President, BOR, should, likewise, taking a look at the Chancellor’s role in this mess.
wafan, d1, Eh-Sports – Re: “edumacation” and “Certified Tsaiko!”
I wonder if this ever happened to you? I’m pretty sure this applies to d1, Eh-Joe, probably homey, and certainly me…. Back while growing up, … and acting up, …did your parents ever tell you, “Don’t you get smart with me!” 😯 🙄 😀 … okay…
… little did they know that we’d “grow up” ❓ to be Tsaiko! 😆 😯 😆
Hi Sports, Hi Kiko!
Wow- last night looks like it was a blast! Da twins are da bomb! Reminds me of a still un-fulfilled challenge of air hockey from a long time ago…
OK. Gotta get ready for another long day.
Have to photograph a wedding at noon and then hele on to another performance.
BTW- Tsai-kos are not certified – they are bonafide 😆
Congratulations Liz!!! 😀 Bravo!!!
Dennis and sj . . .
Thank you for the information.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Thanks ST for posting my picture (yeah right), Midori was losing all night so she had to wait until I was almost drunk and not able to see straight before challenging me again. I am always willing to make people feel good about themselves at my expense. (is that enough of a lame excuse for losing?? hahaha)
Thanks for giving us the tour of the HA last night. People working last night must have been wondering who the group of loud people was walking around with camera’s flashing. It was nice to check out the desks of our Tsaiko heros although they were not there.
Chawan – have a nice & safe trip, you chicken arse!!
(Being vaywe, vaywe, quiet as the wabbits are still asleep…)
Turning my attention to what the reporter sed in post #25 about Gecko coach Marotti instilling some strength & Bondo in the team…Horse-Cocky-Doo! We got game, be afraid…be very afraid.
i moved the directions to the url on your name.
The link was too wide.
Checking out the SB list last night, the only name that popped out to me, and ST already mentioned, was Mazie Hirono. She was the only person from Congress to be on the trip. Still trying to figure out if she is legit or not.
BRAVO Liz! The Tsaiko Nation awaits a private curtain call on the 19th.
Give us a list of the cast of characters required, and we will fill each of those roles with our Mighty Tsaiko Playhouse Actors to support you.
Stretch — was ST’s desk as messy as DPK said it was when he was there? Any McD’s burger wrappers lying around? haha
UNLV will miss the Hawaii fans helping them sell out their stadium this year. At least they have a $1.3+ mil surplus.
Stretch ~
Mazie came ’cause nobody wen invite her to any of their NY parties!…so she wen invite herself, at our expense! You see how that works? Clever this politician…that’s how she got that name…as in *AhhhMazieing*
Analysis of the OL play in the Senior Bowl mentions Colt.
Article about Florida’s upcoming season includes a discussion about the UH game.
Looks like Bess only has one guy he’s competing with for the punt returning job.
Kekoa – so the Gators have no “coaches” during the non-coaching season, huh? Sounds like a technicality to me… “What Mickey Marotti really is right now is the acting head football coach at the University of Florida.” while our guys are having self-directed workouts.
But I guess we could do the same. with a coached strength and conditioning program too.
time to fly.
Have a GREAT DAY, everyone!!!!
This is a very positive mention about Bess!
Kekoa – We missed you last night. I hope everything is okay. See you soon
This is *not* that positive a mention about Bess. The NFL isn’t very forgiving about dropped passes so I hope Bess was just having a bad day.
*Every* college team is allowed to have a strength and conditioning coach work with the players during the offseason. For UH that would be Mel.
Nevah mind dah SB ticket take…let’s push for an investigation of allegations of fraud and abuse during the dart tourney last night. 😳
We must confiscate all photos of the event and send a full team of Tsaiko’s to CSI Miami to uncover prints, clues or whatever. This should take at least until September 1st, for obvious reasons.
aloha kakahiaka kakou-
you go Midori7 (somewhat redemption from that long ago contest with PL, which has yet to be challenged…whatever happened to those plans with ST and Bro Mike?)
as for SB list…agree with stacyj (56) and marlis (92)…even more so, if there was ‘no time’ to make policy, then those in charge should have consulted other schools who had previously been faced with issue…and learned from them…and consulted what already exists re: state policy and UH policy re: travel of employees…(I posted about this yesterday, but too lazy to go back and look for entry number- sorry)
…and with all due respect to gigi, to not take the time now to address what was done wrong, in an attempt to correct it, so that it doesn’t happen again, is to ensure that it will happen again….
the best thing for UH right now is to say, we blew it and we are sorry, and this is how we are fixing what was done, and this is what we are doing to make sure it doesn’t happen again…because we know we are going to go to a Bowl game again and we don’t want to repeat our mistakes. What is so hard about that???
wafan- it’s always been interesting to me that high school student retention does not require parental consent…while it does at the elementary level. If we have standards (and we have always had standards- before No Child Left Behind), then why is parental consent required? Maybe if more students were retained in elem school we would not have as many retained in high school-
you should see cooke/ching field when it rains heavily. the black surface will “float” on top of the water and when you step on it, a brown green mixture of dirt, water and astroturf particles shoot out thru the holes. the stuff is nasty and stains your socks and shoes. and if it doesn’t rain, you end up with astroturf-dust covering everything below your shins.
wafan- forgot to tell you! got an invitation to participate in the Beaverton Uwajiwa…. event (forget the spelling) August, I think…but since I am going back to CA in late June and perhaps over Labor Day weekend for E Hula Mau, also in CA, not at all sure I can swing it…when are you coming home?
ST- mahalo nui for posting even on weekends- appreciate your time and effort- and boy, weren’t you EARLY posting today? Or was it LATE from last night?
Wow, that is sick stuff, brah.
IDK why any coach in the AD allows any athletes to set foot on that surface.
pssst ST – it should be “throne”
As always, thanks for the info.
That is amazing that UNLV will be taking buses to some road games.
#1 son is gonna laugh at that. That is how D3 and NAIA schools roll. He only had one plane ride to a game in 4 years. And even then they still had a 5-hour bus ride after that. They once had something like a 20 hour bus ride for a game! (Fortunately [?] they broke it up into 2 days.)
Well we’ll see how D1 athletes can adjust to it.
Sounds like mixed reviews for Bess to this point. On balance though it seems positive.
how will you know if your swing and putting needs to be corrected?
what i mean is, that you won’t be able to determine what is right or wrong just by watching golf channel.
“would you know how to correct your game?”, that is the question.
did you play the violin by watching mtv?
did you get your degree by watching pbs?
invest in some golf lessons before you get totally frustrated. being an athlete or not is not your problem. i have seen some really clumsy folks on the golf course enjoy at least a decent game.
don’t be so hard head about the lessons or as grandma used to say, “no be penny wise and dollar foolish”, golf balls cost a lot of money honey.
maizie hirono……
well, i didin’t think her political career would take off after this stint in congress anyway.
let’s see what her statement will be. like st says, when did they pay for it?
Garret – #112 No wonder Bess had bad day, look who was throwing to him…the BYU Banana John Beck, ah c’mon lose money dat kine 🙂
IB . . .
Good for you! I have not been to the Beaverton Uwajimaya. Havenot been to the Seattle one in many years, either. When and how long will you be in Oregon?
I will be home for four weeks beginning in late July.
Howzit gangeh
good morning tsiako nation
just got back from doc office. had to check out my foot for broken bones 😆 whew all is good. besides having one patna who throws powa darts, she get lead foot. wonda if wen asport driving she know as speed raca 😯 and ajoe holding on for his life. bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
caution fo fucha drivas taking james home. need high altitude oxygen mask. da buggah live way up. you really can say God’s country when speaking about his hale.
da twins UH808 and midori was good but notice when they losing they poke the board with da darts and claim something wrong with it. the score den become hamajang all of a sudden dey catch up 👿 and win.
bulla you right dem tsaikettes smooth and slick bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
mahalo for letting me be part of the fun evening and to ST for da tour.
lastly wreck I would have won if you neva mention that person’s and that anatomy part
homey and bulla we got to swap stories on stretche’s name. have another to add from what I seen last night 😉
A-Sports . . .
For certification you will have meet these requirements.
1. Certificated instructor
2. Approved Curriculum
3. Pre-Assessment
4. Post-Assessment
5. Vindictive and asinine punishment for the entire school for the failure of one
6. Blame the institution for the failure
7. Ignore the real cause of the problem
8. Reduce funding
9. Re-Assess
10. If no improvement fire everyone and repeat from #5
No. Wait. Sorry. You are not having to work with Every Child Left Behind.
So, okay, hmmmm. You had fun. That means you are a certified Tsai-ko.
know=knownKoakane ~ OMG man, STOP…you’re killing me! I no can *bread* aurrreaday!
Happy Saturday Tsai-kos.
Hope everyone is feeling better – from hangovers
to da internet cold.
I hope this SB this is over too. UH and the State need to learn from mistakes just like everyone else and move on. That’s life. It’s unfortunate that it had to come to this point.
Another boring weekend in store for me. Dat’s how I like it sometimes.
Eh howzit Pauoa Boy…I spock you peeking insiie da Tsaiko Playhouse..whazzup?!
How’s the beer at Genji’s? Do they sell Beck’s, my fave?
I told hubby about the parking problem there so he decided to leave work at 4:30 and get to the club by 5 pm. Hopefully, there will be empty stalls.
Love the new pics of Satele, et al. More! More! More!
… get to the club by 5 pm on JUNE 19.
Good Morning…oops, Afternoon Tsaikos!
Still a little sleepy & trying to recover from last night.
Winning the last 2 games (one w/my partner in crime uhfan808 & then the solo match vs Stretch) was awesome! But don’t let the stories & pictures fool you…my overall record for darts last night was like 3-6. It’s not a good combo when you’re competitive but not that good…
Thanks to ST for spending some quality time w/us Tsaikos & letting us run amok at the Advertiser bldg!
FYI, shopping at WalMart at 1:30am isn’t as great as I thought. Sure, there aren’t many customers, but all the aisles get blocked w/set-up for the next day & there’s a line of 10-12 people at the only 3 registers open. Lessons learned…
yeah, Al, where’s the money for golf lessons? One guy I know charges $50 per hour. That’s more than a violin lesson!
Hi ST, Tsai-kos, and Tsai-kettes,
Big Brown about to run in the Belmont Stakes on ABC KITV.
Time for some history.
what did you need to buy at 1:30 in the morning???
yippee! Hubby is recording the Belmont.
Hi, gigi!
It’s been a long time since the last triple crown. This should be the year.
By the way, have a good trip to Japan. Hope you are able to get a lot done in your short trip.
oldie, mahalo! Was SECRETARIAT the last horse to win the triple crown? Hubby said it’s been 30 years.
good question, I was just about to ask the same thing. The only thing I can think of is “something” that you need cause you going get lucky and need it at that moment early in the morning…..
stretch — the only t’ing I would buy at 1:30 am is MEDICINE. Everything else could wait til broad daylight.
Howzit Kekoa – Not much busy looking up housed and such for when I move soon. Just pau watch my boys last Tee-Ball game today…
gigi – you do it with the lights on??
• • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • •
Big Brown! 😀 Big Brown! 😆 Big Brown! 🙄 Big Brown! 8)
J Big Brown! 😀 Big Brown! 😆 Big Brown! 🙄 Big Brown! 8)
• J • Big Brown! 😀 Big Brown! 😆 Big Brown! 🙄 Big Brown! 8)
GO • J • Big Brown! 😀 Big Brown! 😆 Big Brown! 🙄 Big Brown! 8)
• J • Big Brown! 😀 Big Brown! 😆 Big Brown! 🙄 Big Brown! 8)
J Big Brown! 😀 Big Brown! 😆 Big Brown! 🙄 Big Brown! 8)
Big Brown! 😀 Big Brown! 😆 Big Brown! 🙄 Big Brown! 8)
• • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • • ~ • • •
stretch — huh?
OK Brew, let’s not get carried away now…
I believe Affirmed was the last triple crown winner.
Did the Tahitian horse just win?
Wow! Not to be again.
Spencer Smith getting tick nowadays, must be drinking planny Muscle Milk
No Big Brown! 🙁
I guess Big Brown is not Paul Pierce.
I’m waiting for Big Brown to make a statement.
you are correct, Big Brown is not an Actor
PB ~ Befoah you know, small man goin’ from T-ball to F-ball. By den, you should be back on island. Get plenny support from your ohana and Tsaiko uncko’s…and aunties.
nor a Drama Queen
I’m not the wwhhheeeeeeeennerrrr!!! I should have stayed on those horse steroids……. 🙁
Hi ST!
Gigi I believe the last triple crown winner was AFFIRMED in 1979. Secretariat was before that year!
Huge upset in the Belmont! Too bad.
now the vets are checking for internal bleeding. Well, maybe, he just didn’t feel like racing today. It was his off-day.
AFFIRMED? Never heard of that horse.
Kekoa – Yeah I know he like play football, he already working out doing his push ups and sit ups while the wife doing her workout videos crack me up. Plus I get family competition with my brother-in-laws kids around same age but being brougth up only knowing the BYU Cougar name. So my boy in training as a Warrior only knowing to beat up on anything affiliated with that name BYU Cougar, so when get family gatherings, it gets lil bit nawts.
I’d attempt to respond to #145, but that would only lead to more trouble, so I’ll let that one pass.
The next time we see an upset as big as today will be on August 30 in the da Swamp!
midori7 – you no fun
wow, the first Triple Crown hopeful to finish last.
Dare you go oldie! Very upsetting for a certain relative of the GEICO gecko! I agree to what Pomai calls, “Da Romp in Da Swamp!”
Go Warriors!
ahh, re-reading ST’s post, I noticed he corrected the typos in “throne” and “mysteries.” He is corrigible after all.
I really should be doing some housework — like right now!
took break for lunch but now back
kekoa you miss anoddah good tsaiko gathering. needless to say I gave tj a high rating of 5 star after doing da water survey. not to sweet, not to rancid, right temp and waitress (stretch what her name?) right on with da pitchas.
eh midori how you…….
gigi across da street is times so no last minute excuses for not showing up 🙂
BTW, KEKOA, hubby will be joining us at tomorrow’s meeting. If it doesn’t get too hot, we will play some golf at PCC later.
Koakane, we will be there at Genji’s. Just worried about parking, das all.
gigi how long you planning to stay?
Hubby tends to ‘FADE’ around 8 pm when he likes to take a 2 hr nap before heading out to 24 hr fitness. So we will probably leave by 8 pm.
RE: Ferd Lewis
I am piecing together some thoughts. And wondering where Ferd Lewis is. Not since his last article he wrote on 5/27 is it coincidental that he hasn’t been around while the fiasco of the Sugar Bowl list is coming to light. Is he on vacation, sick leave or in hiding no one knows. But since he was the writer that investigated the UH Sugar Bowl travel plans and policy, itinerary, and travel list back in March. And it was his failed attempts in getting answers from the UH then that basically opened the door for rest of the media and public to scrutinize the UH now, I was just wondering where he was today. In the past I’ve mocked his writing style. But this time his actions that led to others scrutinizing the UH is deserving of a thank you from the public. In my book, writers and people that investigate stories that crosses up the wrongdoers are the ones I favor.
So many times I see people that look the other way, hush up the wrongs and not stir up any negativity. Nobody wants to be a whistle blower. And face unfavorable reprisals from their workers. Evey body justs goes with the flow. Now, if your a writer and do what Ferd did and question why “there’s this and that” out of place do you think he might feel the hostility of the supporters of the wrongdoers. And the wrongdoers themselves. Or UH all together. Maybe, maybe not. But it will be interesting to see how things play out with Ferd and his relationship with UH. For the record, I’m in Ferd’s corner on this.
Nice story today, “Officials sorry for not releasing list sooner.”
After printing out the list, I went through it to see who was and who wasn’t on it. I agree with those who say that employees’ children and spouses & SigOths should not have been included for a full free ride. However, what about folks who paid their own way right from the get-go – should they travel separately and stay in separate rooms from their loved ones.
Will the Ethics Commission report be made available or only a summary?
going take short nap, attending punahou’s graduation ceremonies tonight
catch you all lattas
wafan- great list- as someone in the know- only one little part left out-
bring in admin team for principal of school in need of re-structuring, but still pay principal…but don’t do that for teachers…just fire ’em..and who wonders why we have a national teaching shortage?
re: Oregon…am probably not gonna be able to make it…but still shooting for E Hula Mau in CA over Labor Day weekend…it will all depend on how long I have to be in CA when I go at the end of this month…am hoping to return in time for ann’y blog CC.
re: your trip home…any plans for a neighbor island jaunt? we would welcome you!
Hooo boy! The Tsaikos are on it again! Great pics…ah, Stretch…you taking up sign language? What you spelling? I think its…L…O…S…..uh oh..das too bad! 😆
Before time, I thought I saw Pomai (or was it Wafan) asking about the UnderAmour polo shirt. For the off-island folks, I’m willing to purchase some stuff for you as long as I don’t get pulled into the PX manager’s office for a 1 on 1 conversation about running a black market ring 👿 Email me at randyhirakiathawaiidotrrdotcom (separate words at the “at” and “dot”). Everyone I spoke to just loved the great look and feel of the fabric.
Checked NEX last night and they still don’t have any new stuff on the shelves. Their shelves are packed with the “other” companies’ stuff from last year and the SB…and it doesn’t like they are moving off the shelf at all! Pretty soon some really nice SB apparel will be on sale for $2.99…already some are marked down to $5.99.
Time for a glass of wine and a nap…us ole timers gotta be gentle on our bodies 😀
Congratulations to Abe and the Markowitz Ohana.
Job well done.
Also Congrats to other graduates today.
Know Iolani has their ceremony today; not sure who else.
So does any one have a report on how the receivers are looking during workouts?
then stick with wii sports. golf is not a game one becomes proficient at without mentoring. you have already become frustrated and that is the reason.
Koakane . . .
So, your Bozo-the-Clown foot is okay? That would be a good thing. Would be hard to chase after those kids come August.
On the other foot (hand) you could play Bozo-footsie’s with several wahine at once.
Stretch: that was Khevin Peoples yesterday. You’re right, Alonzo graduated. sjmacro
university of hawaii
KLS 110 Golf: Beginning (1) Rules, etiquette, grip, stance, drive, normal iron shots, approach shots, putting. Repeatable unlimited times, one credit only.
Gigi ~ There is a certain well known Tsaiko that will be playing the Kapolei course after the meeting. Perhaps you could ‘caddy’ for him. You may even earn enough caddy fees for lessons.
gee…hard to find ST’s article “Officials sorry for not releasing list sooner” which WDoc referred to in her 181 post…and with it is the travel policy which was developed for the SB…
To be fair, UH did many of the things I thought they should do to develop a travel policy, so that makes me feel a bit better…absent, however, in explaining how the policy was developed, was a note of looking at existing UH travel policies and checking in with the Ethics Commission and then dovetailing everything.
Many of the decisions made re: the travel policy were made based on NCAA guidelines, so if UH had just made that clear from the beginning I don’t think they would be in the public relations nightmare they are now.
ST- have any firm decisions been made re: where the surplus of Bowl money will go (after travel expenses)? Is a policy being developed re: that?
Capitol -ist/WassupDoc:
June 7th, 2008 at 1:39 pm
Nice story today, “Officials sorry for not releasing list sooner.”
After printing out the list, I went through it to see who was and who wasn’t on it. I agree with those who say that employees’ children and spouses & SigOths should not have been included for a full free ride. However, what about folks who paid their own way right from the get-go – should they travel separately and stay in separate rooms from their loved ones.
Will the Ethics Commission report be made available or only a summary?
I believe ST already commented that it is too bad the list does not indicate when payments were made. It is my guess that bit of information was intentionally left off by Carl Clapp to hide the date when he reimbursed UH for his family’s travel cost. This of course taints those who paid up front. Just another reason I ask the question Why Is He Still Here?
IB . . .
No common sense was used by the former occupant of JD’s post. One of the questions I have is how deeply involved were the assistants in the poor decision making? Will we ever learn the real truth to the debacle?
I do not know about traveling to the outer islands this summer. I usually spend nearly two months working at home in the yard and around the house. This year I have only a month to do two months of stuff. This is going to be crazy!
OldDiver ~ Got a question. Is your blog handle in reference to being a skin diver, commercial diver, Navy SEAL, sky diver, or all of the above? Just curious. Mahalo.
B. Use of a Student-Athlete’s Name or Picture Without Knowledge or Permission. If a student-athlete’s name or picture appears on commercial items (e.g., T-shirts, sweat-shirts, serving trays, playing cards, posters, photographs) sold by an individual or agency without the student-athlete’s knowledge or permission, the student-athlete (or the institution acting on behalf of the student-athlete) is required to take steps to stop such an activity in order to retain his or her eligibility for intercollegiate athletics. []
This rule is as far as I can see on eBay is flagrantly disregarded. Looking at Florida quarterback Tim Tebow items sold on eBay, I counted a 103 different type items he signed for sale. Most of which by definition of the above rule is forbidden(if he knows about this).The quantity of items to be sold number a lot of higher. This is June 2008. And last year during the Heisman ceremonies I had checked and saw that all four finalists for the Heisman award, including Brennan had items for sale numbering in count of upwards of 200 items. To say that the athletes or the schools have no knowledge that they don’t know this is taking place is questionable.
For the UH compliance people they should send the vendor, eBay a cease-and-desist letter regarding all personal items signed by current UH players…and then half jokingly, or am I (?), tip off the NCAA of all the Tim Tebow items on eBay.
Somethings wrong here. I can’t believe that the NCAA is not privy to the going ons at eBay. It’s too obvious not to have caught somebodies eye. It also begs the question of how the schools and athletes don’t know if this is going on.
Many a Saturday spent with Jim McKay on the TV.
d1 . . .
Big television, larger than 52″?
brah, nevah had 52″ B/W tv’s!
Of course, he benefitted from two things:
1) only had 4 stations;
2) no remote control (“Eh, go change da station.”….”YOU go change ’em!”)
d1 . . .
There used to be these plastic sheets that were supposed to expand the size of your screen — it was a plastic magnifier. A friend had one in college. It did not work. I wonder if he used it to magnify other things.
Also the three color sheets fo’ simulate kalah teevee!
Growing up I used to wondah, “How come Mr. Checkers is one lighter shade of gray than Pogo?”
bumbai I tell you wat is one “Pogo”
OK, I’m back for a sec.
Alonzo Chopp has one year left. He’s on the “first-day list,” which means he won’t get to go to Florida.
“Ferd” is on vacation. He attended his folks’ 60th anniversary in Fresno area, then went to Seattle, where his son lives. I believe they took in a Mariners game recently.
d1 . . .
Checkers and Pogo introduction.
Marlis, Pomai,
howzit bradda Tsaikos. I seen Pomai’s pikcha so I noze he olda dan me. Guessin da same about Marlis cuz his tauts give me chills. so I goin tink about wat yu guys sayin cuz sounds kinda good, but I dunno. my scrappy backgroun from biddy boxin days tells me yu guyz right about da chiefs wen mess up big time, an maybe da blotoach is da ansa. but i also tinkin dat wen yu got a really feel guud situation fo da State an everybody like go an its not yur $$$ – hey, was close to Xmas 2.
we no HF Virginia and Carl wen screw up. no need admit dat to me, das a given. but 4 me da ? is if deze guys goin let JD run da show and if JD heard frum deze hosses, Virginia and Carl, dat day followin his lead re Athletics. If he’s okay wit da plan, I’m okay wit da plan. Forward Ho is da way to Go.
Dats how I’m leanin but I may change my mine afta I confurr wit Kekoa an Whitey. Gonna hilo wit Whitey in 2 hours den I’ll be back for my final ansa. 😀
If “Ferd” went to watch the M’s play he wasted his money. Heck, it is really ugly right now. Their manager made the internet with his tirade the other day after yet another loss.
This is what it felt like when Von Appen was coach. Nothing you can do about it expect support the players.
Here’s a link to Checkers and Pogo picture:
Here comes Checkers …
Here comes Pogo …
Maan, Just pau w/ wedding shoot and making up for tonight. Guess BB did not have a good day. ok.. latahs.
Is there any revenue sharing in NCAA Baseball? In other words, should FSU Bulldogs make it to the College World Series, would there be any financial “pay-off” for the participating teams, and would it be shared with other WAC “partners”?
If not, then I’m not going to cheer for the Bulldogs!
but brew….any success by any wac member does the home team some good in the long run.
….on another note….i hope that brashton satele makes a strong comeback.
LizK . . .
Tonight, break a leg!!!
I do not think that there is any revenue earned in the College World Series. There is no TV contract that brings in the dollars like the basketball tournament, so no revenue to split up.
Photo 12 in this series has a nice close-up photo of Bess catching a pass! The caption is messed up, but that is Bess in the photo.
The photo on the main page for the Palm Beach Post shows Bess playing a defender in this drill with another WR reaching for a pass.
Update on Miami’s afternoon practice.
It’s Checkers and Pogo!
Love it.
St, did you ever get on the show?
Note about the WR that Miami signed…this guy is definitely being looked at for a different role as Bess, so I do not think that his signing affects Bess. If Miami brings in a speedy 5’11” WR, then I would worry…but a 6’3″ 210-pound former LB is definitely not competition at the slot WR spot.
Just waking up from the standard Saturday afternoon “nap”.
ST – thanks for clarifying that Ferd is on vacation. I noticed that the story was written by you this morning. I thought it was “Ferd’s story” from the begining so was wondering what happened to him.
wafan…I do not know about traveling to the outer islands this summer….surely you meant ‘neighbor islands’…not to be IB(S) about it (smile)…and, ya know, you CAN, if you think you can (get all the work done), and then Plan B, for good mental health, is to be satisfied with what you did get done even if you didn’t get everything done (due to time constraints)…so…why not coming for the usual two months? Do you guys have the modified calendar, too? Doesn’t seem like it with the grad dates you were posting…
Things to do while literally waiting for (primer) paint to dry.
Using the UH System Directory, the Athletic Department Directory, and the Internet, I looked up over 30 names identified as a Manoa/System/Athletic Department employee. Information about all but two people was available.
However, I did not look up anyone identified as a student employee – there were about 15 folks identified as such. I also skipped over people listed as being connected to the football team, the band and the cheerleading squad.
As far as I was able to determine with these limited and perhaps out-of-date resources is that most, if not all, of the System/Manoa/Athletic Department employees who went could make a case for having their way paid even if their jobs did not deal directly with football. For example, media relations, ticket office, academic affairs, corporate sales, legal counsel, etc., etc.
What it comes down to are the people who accompanied these workers. Again, not counting the people identified as being connected to the football team/staff, the count is between 35 & 40. Of the people who have been identified as having paid their own way or reimbursed the University, the additional count is 32 plus 7 people who are part of Koa Anuenue or Na Koa.
Of the 39 people who either reimbursed UH or paid their own way, only one name was not identifiable using the list, the directories, or an Internet search.
That brings the total to three who could not be identified somehow, some way.
In the list of individuals who reimbursed UH or paid their own way, are some very familiar names to those of us who are blog regulars and for whom we have a great deal of aloha. Therefore, we do need to be careful about saying that this person is okay and that person is not when the two people have done the same thing.
Every person on the Big List whose place on it might be questioned will be subject to an investigation under oath. Lying under oath is really a serious matter. It isn’t likely someone will risk their careers and their reputations by lying about this.
One critical issue will be what did they know and when did they know it. Being told one thing in December and something else in April which contradicts their earlier understanding is very different from knowing right from the beginning.
What needs to come out of all of this is a written policy which is updated on a regular basis to reflect changing situations.
Congratulations to Ferd and to other HA reporters who are tracking this issue.
Ahhhh – the paint is dry. Back to work.
Whoops!!! Forgot to take off the italic
One critical issue will be what did they know and when did they know it. Being told one thing in December and something else in April which contradicts their earlier understanding is very different from knowing right from the beginning.
What needs to come out of all of this is a written policy which is updated on a regular basis to reflect changing situations.
Congratulations to Ferd and to other HA reporters who are tracking this issue.
Ahhhh – the paint is dry. Back to work.
There’s another point: the list was the airline list, not the entire official travel party. For instance, somebody who came from a Mainland point to the Sugar Bowl might be party o the travel party but wouldn’t show up on yesterday’s list.
Other media wouldn’t know this because Ferd was the only one who filed the papers. His requests were pretty specific. Other media see the answers but it makes a difference when they don’t know the questions.
besides, stephen, what about the comp ticket list?
to me, that would be as interesting as the flight package especially since everyone was trying to grab a ticket.
stephen pls ck the email.
So ST, the questions are really not answered yet? Hmmm
so where does lofton fall on the depth chart?
in fact, anyway you could publish a depth chart that is current. it would be great stuff to see the chart as it evolves over the course of the season.
mahalo in advance.
koauka…..i concur with your assessment…hmmmm.
its like, quit trying to pull the wool over our eyes, we aren’t dummies.
it’s doo wop time on pbs channel 10, 8 to 10 pm
ST – doesn’t the list show in the notes section “did not fly on charter”?? I assume those are people who came from the mainland. Ex. JJ’s family, McKingiht’s family, McMackin’s family. Are there others from the mainland who were paid for by UH??
I thought that Colt was with family before the Sugar Bowl?? How come in his “notes” section, it didn’t show that he “did not fly on charter”??
al – its like a pesky brush fire. you stomp on it, throw water on it, but it still wont go out.
oh well. i am sure that the ethics committee and the “pee-o’d” kitty l. will make mince meat of the situation. at least for donovan, he can just shrug his shoulders and walk off.
Re: Colt.
That’s a bit of a sore point. Even though Colt flew commercial to Colorado, he was supposed to be compensated for the travel. Same as for a lot of the guys, like Davone Bess. They haven’t received their money. Ray Hisatake was supposed to have been repaid for driving from New Orleans to the Bay Area. Nada.
Another point:
When it was apparent the charters weren’t going to fill up, UH, under Clapp’s direction, began selling seats on the three planes. Some ordinary folks with no ties to UH bought tickets on the charter. Now they end up on the list. They’re irked.
Anyway, as I understand it, there are many in the athletic department miffed that the leaders were saying they didn’t know how much a seat on the charters cost when they were selling them.
Oh, well.
Live and learn.
I’m off to a grad party.
I’ll be back.
I’ll also have an early Sunday post.
See what happens when you start “hedging” on the truth. This is like a Seinfeld
show. One lie leads to another lie. Now after believing it, the story crumbles and the truth starts to surface….. as well as the questions.
This is a prime example of the upper campus ineptitude. The “aku bird” administrators all jumping on the express to NOLA. But you think they supported June? And that’s why June is in Dallas. Maize Hirono? A good example of a band waggoner. No excuse from her, she use to be on the State of Hawaii payroll. Maize should know better. But how do you sanction her? In the media.
What is the ethics commision gonna do now? The former AD is gone. Clapp and Johnny Mac is still here. Bust their chops till they spit out the truth or rat out Hermie?
I think I know the answer. ST is right. Bet there were some hard feelings among the staffers. Now the truth rears its ugly head.
And they keep spinning more yarns of subterfuge until the web closes in on them tighter and tighter until they hang themselves….another screwed up situation at the hands of the fumbler and company… What next?
Just got off the phone with Stevem. remember his cold?
well, as it turns out the “cold” was worst than he thought. after battling with the fever and stuff, he finally checked in to Kuakini Hospital last night.
Stevem has pneumonia!!
he is bedridden for the next 3 days at Kuakini Hospital. since there is no wifi or any internet connection there he will be out of communicae for awhile.
get well quick big guy.
(btw, i told him he had to get better as the host of the karaoke/cattle call in twelve days.)
Very interesting information about the Sugar Bowl travel mess-ups that still haven’t been fixed yet! I can’t believe that the players have not been reimbursed for their travel yet–that is such a standard thing and the NCAA has very clear policies on how to pay the players back for the travel they did on their own.
Most Texas players drive (actually, they carpool even from Austin to San Diego) to bowl games because the NCAA bases reimbursements to players based on the mileage…so when several players carpool they profit even more since each gets the full payment and they split the gas costs. If I remember correctly, it is actually okay for the players to be reimbursed for that travel *before* the game, and definitely they should have been reimbursed right afterwards.
Get well soon SteveM! You will be in my thoughts…but at least you should be better in 3 days and you should hopefully not be in any danger.
Two things to note from this article:
1. Ted Ginn has the starting punt returner and kick returner job for Miami, which isn’t great for Bess as getting either job would cement his status on the active roster and give him playing time.
2. The WR coach for Bess at Miami is former UCLA head coach Karl Dorrell.
SteveM – take it easy bruddah. Rest up and come back strong as ever.
….oh and please join me in prayer for stevem’s speedy recovery!
PNEUMONIA — I hope it is bacterial and can be treated with antibiotics. Not viral, please!
Wow!! Sorry to hear about SteveM’s pneumonia. Let us all keep him in our toughts and send along good vibes..
For those of you who are interested in what the Ethics Commission does, its powers and duties, etc., please check out Chapter 84 of the Hawai`i Revised Statutes.
The entire HRS can on the Legislature’s website at On the main page, click on Bill Status and Documents and go all the way down to the bottom of that page. Click on the Browse button and then scroll down to the second listing and click on it. When next page pops up, pull down to Chapter 84 and click on it. When you get to that page, each one of the lines represents a specific subsection of the Chapter.
It’s been a long day and even longer one coming up tomorrow. in order to finish up before 3 pm for Game 2 of the NBA Champtionship Series.
Good night all – and sleep well, SteveM, and get well quick.
toughts = thoughts. No pidgin tonight.
Get well Stevem!
Take care and get well soon!
Get well soon SteveM!
Replay of UH football vs. NMSU on KFVE now.
Get well SteveM!!
Time for nene. Long night of playing WoW again. 🙄
‘Nite all.
SteveM – get well soon!! No need rush since Al can handle.
midori – thanks for reminding me about the game.
jm – enjoy your long night of “WoW” 😉
Stevem get well soon.
“Oh Captain my Captain” ~
Get well soon. It took me 10 days to get over it in May of ’07. I hope they can zap it quicker. If not, take your time and heal completely…no relapses, please. We are all pulling for you Steve. Relax and watch the NBA finals on TV in the afternoon.
Y’know, Brashton kinda reminds me of Javier Bardem…which should help put lots of fear into the hearts of offensive linemen, running backs and quarterbacks…
Golf!:Can best be defined as an endless series of tragedies, obscured by the occasional miracle, followed by a good bottle of beer.
Golf!:You hit down to make the ball go up. You swing left and the ball goes right. The lowest score wins. And on top of that, the winner buys the drinks!
A ‘gimme’ can best be defined as an agreement between two golfers … neither of whom can putt very well.
An interesting thing about golf is that no matter how badly you play; it is always possible to get worse.
Golf’s a hard game to figure. One day you’ll go out and slice it and shank it, hit into all the traps and miss every green. The next day you go out and for no reason at all you really stink.
If your best shots are the practice swing and the ‘gimme putt’, you might wish to reconsider this game.
Golf is the only sport where the most feared opponent is you.
Golf is like marriage: If you take yourself too seriously it won’t work , and both are pretty damned expensive!
The best wood in most amateurs’ bags
is the pencil.
Golf is harder than baseball. In golf, you have to play your foul balls.
The term ‘Mulligan’ is really a contraction of the phrase
‘ I maul-it-again.’
i don’t know if i’m the only one to feel this way, but when i looked at the SB travel list, my reaction was “who cares?” HF was the worst AD ever but he still was the AD, so IMHO he had the authority to award anyone he wanted to attend the SB(including family members). the only thing that would be unethical is if these people received per diem from the university. also the only people that needs to be investigated is people who received per diem that didn’t need to be there. there were a bunch of names that listed their title as a UH employee, but that doesn’t mean that they actually had to be at the SB in a working capacity. but if the complaint is that so-and-so got to go but so-and-so didn’t, then i think that’s just petty
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