Volleyball: interviews set for 5; 6-9 opposite commits
The five semifinalists for the UH volleyball coaching job will be interviewed Thursday via teleconference. Among the finalists, we’re told, are Tino Reyes, Charlie Wade, Mark Presho and Scott Wong. Next week, two or three finalists will be brought in for face-to-face interviews.
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The Warrior volleyball team finalized a commitment from the starting opposite attacker on Germany’s Junior National team.
Jonas Umlauft has been admitted into UH, and will enroll in July.
Pacific coach Joe Wortmann had predicted that Umlauft will be one of the top playes in the NCAA next season.
According to another coach, Umlauft is between former Warriors Yuval Katz and Costas Theocharidis in skill level.
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Solomon Elimimian is in town to take care of final requirements needed to complete work on his bachelor’s degree. He is set to graduate Saturday … unless he gets a callback from the Buffalo Bills.
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Although this is final-exam week, the Warriors still found time to train. Defensive lineman Haku Correa does a drill in which he throws backward 15 yards a 12-pound medicine ball:
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Here’s defensive tackle Vaughn Meatoga:
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The Warriors also attached themselves to a sled carrying 45-pound weights. They sprinted 110 yards pulling the weighted sleds. Here’s middle linebacker Brashton Satele:
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Former UH linebacker Brad Kalilimoku is in town for another month. He trains in Las Vegas. He has options to play in Canada or Japan.
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Happy birthday to Allison Masuda Kawakami!!!
Yea for Charlie!
*Okay I’m biased*
Wow I can’t believe I was first…better go call the rest of them.
top 5!
cheepono out.
Great Morning All!
Good luck to all the Finalists.
How long will it be before they announce the new coach?
so ST and/or BW,
since spring camps are all pau what’s the status with that boy from 96744 who wants out of zona?
mahalo in advance.
hi folks!
happy belated mother’s day!
d1 – Are you fully recovered? Okay you were smart and came with coffee, so I would assume there wasn’t much to recover from except maybe some laughter and snickering.
Doing fine….except maybe a little sleep deprived from getting up early to make it to the beach on Sunday.
We had a terrific time Saturday.
I am hoping Charlie Wade or Scott Wong get the job.
Anyone but Tino Reyes ( no offense to Tino , he’s a great guy)
I just think the program needs new blood.
The Bears could be interested in Pisa, especially since he led the Rams in tackles at a rookie when the Bear’s head coach was with the Rams. The Bear’s defensive coordinator was Pisa’s LB coach with the Rams back then.
David Veikune will need to learn both inside and outside LB responsibilities this offseason…it is a good thing that he’s so intelligent, as that is a lot to digest in one offseason.
JaM ~ I fogit tell you that the Tsaiko Tsympathy card you prepared and had signed for Ku’uleialoha, was graciously accepted by Pomai’s daughter. They are still stunned by the outpouring of sentiments from our crew. She promises to attend our next event.
Rob25 ~ When does “Cinderella Liberty” end, and Frank has to fly back?
Morning, Rob25, d1, Kekoa, and da rest!
I barely made it on the blog and da mommy side yesterday cause I was still hurtin’….but I’ve been reading stories about people falling asleep in Zippys……in cars…in parking lots……..
Too funny…
Congratulations to Nate Klein! WAC pitcher of the week.
Charlie Wade = fan interest = increase in attendance = $$$$$$$$$
Jim Donovan is chatting on SportsHawaii.com. Click on my name to join the chat and ask Jim a question.
Good Morning Coloma!
I wasn’t hurting at all…except for maybe sleep.
I felt like a point guard…watching plays develop and making sure that all the drunks…I mean my friends and family….make it home safe. Good thing we get one BIG family to take care of everyone and make sure they are good.
Thanks again for sharing the night with us and making it memorable! Love those pretzel snacks!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Cinderella Liberty is over on May 21st. Then the pumpkin will be taking him back to his patch of land in the desert for a couple of months.
We’ll be attending baseball this weekend. A big birdie…tells me that the mommies will be in attendance on Sunday.
Is that true Coloma?
Hmmm. choices for VB coach are looking better than choices for UH President!
C’mon committee, CHOOSE CHARLIE!!!
I mean it’s obvious! Look at the 3rd photo above! Haku Correa is leaping for joy to know what Charlie Wade is a finalist!!! 😆
Rob25: hahaha..I HEARD you stashed all those extra pretzels for yourself!!! hahahaha…I told you take ‘um off the top of the ice box and share, but you smart……short people (like um….oh, nevermind) no could reach um!!! hahahaha
And Sunday? Uh…did I make plans that I don’t recall making?????
So, technically, they’re semifinalists because they’re bringing in two or three for face-to-face interviews next week.
good to see the boys working hard. i like the action shots of them. if they have the energy to smile for the camera, they aint training hard enough!
Oh..oh..okay…NOW I know what you talkin’ about Rob!! hahahaha…
Yes, there’s a little contest goin’ on with the pink side!! Go check um, go check um, go…….
I no can enter cause, well, I no can, plus I’ll be away for the weekend anywayz….
Coloma…you told me that you made me my own stash, right? 😯
Nah, I brought some down and gave a whole bunch to others, but I definitely took a box home. Me and the kids have been munching on them.
Short people…too bad homey.
I didn’t even get to try midnight’s cupcakes or Juliet’s Chocolate cake. So many desserts, too little time and wayyyyyyyy to many shots of Patron and CR.
Good thing I was drinking tea and not green bottles or I would have been one of those trying to figure out how I was gonna get home. At least now I got Mr. C’s phone number in case of emergency. 🙄 *I won’t need it though because I am a smart DD and know when to quit…unlike some others*
I’m hoping for Charlie Wade also! Although Mark Presho would be interesting.
Congrats to all the athletes & students graduating this Saturday!
Congrats to Nate Klein! I am SO PROUD of the Rainbows for keeping the faith & continuing to play hard & SWEEPING Fresno St. on Saturday! GO BOWS!
Rob25: lots of fun Sat night, thanks for organizing! bball this week 4 sure!
Colomaohana: LOVE your preztel dessert!
and you calling me a wuss?? don’t even talk to me about “drinking me under the table” when you drinking tea??!!?? give me a break!!!
Don’t even go there! I was a DD and let’s face it, you know that I don’t even like beer. I will drink to be social and show certain people that I can, but I would much rather drink shots or mixed drinks.
Give me a DD and I will take you there…you big wuss. No wonder you showed up late…you must have been hoping that I was getting all buss already and you also knew that others would be by then and cheer anyone who walks through the door. *See Mrs. A-House, he’s not a celebrity!* 🙄
Hi midori7!
Let me know which days are good and we will meet you at the park.
I gotta figure out what I am going to smuggle in!
6-9 volleyball dude finally commits.
haha..Yes, Rob25, I anticipated you taking lots home! hahaha..I even forgot to tell you guys that there were 2 different kinds, but if you guys neva’ see da’ stickaz I put on the side of da boxes, no matter….I think you guys liked it anyway!
Midori: I’m glad you got some this time! I made 2 batches cause I heard everyone was asking for more at the first KK in Feb.
And I agree, I was so torn on what to fill my opu up with: sweets, real kau kau, or lika’…..*whew* choices, choices, choices…..
Oh, Stretch! You and Rob live close by, eh?! We’ll plan a little party on dat side (or at one of you guyzez house) and see whose standing at the end of da nite! THAT would be hilarious…..
Thank you H-Bod for getting me and Koakane to our truck and mini-SUV.
Thanks Rob25 and Frank for letting us (some of us) cut loose.
A-Sports – Great vid! 😆
Thanks everyone for the too much grinds!
Zippy’s needs to use less brighter lights and a better won ton recipe.
Get even…
Clarification: Is DD short for drunk driver or designated driver?
homey surfaces!! 😆
Welcome Jonas Umlauft!!!
MVB is looking VERY INTERESTING for next season!!! Yahoo!
Rob25- wow- so many things you don’t like. Never mind – I scarfed down the rest of the gimchi oysters and tripe at the very end of the night — giving others CHANCE earlier!
Mahalo to m-homey for bringing the tasty treats and NA bevs. BTW, I was so pleased to be sitting with other NA peeps. Once again proving that a diverse group from root beer imbibers to shot-putters can have a lot of fun in the same room at the same time!
Please send me a pic of me with Frank25. It was an honor to pose with him – twice!

btw, “um lauft” means “to run” in German. 😆
Liz!! Our little TSA-stopper, you!! Bwuahahaha…
Mahalo for all the hum-bug you endured with your contraband on board!! hahahaha……I was reading the blog from my phone while I was waiting for Eileen to drop that cake off to me in Salt Lake and was going to offer to pick you up! But, as I kept reading, curveball came through!
Gotta exchange cells next time in case funky stuff like that happens again! We never wanna leave a fellow Tsai-ko stranded (especially when they are bearing edible gifts!)
to all the Tsaikos who were out and about Saturday night!
WOW, thanks Rob/Frank for allowing the shenanigans to take place, haha, and the food, sheeesh, can’t remember the last time i had so much fun eating lomi salmon and tako poke from a cup,
Homey, we now have a lifetime memory together of the effects of a biohazard chemical attack, i am still recovering from that episode. good thing the Marine went before us…..but still.
glad everyone had a BLAST, mrs. bulla is still walking all over me with her boots….ouch. and for those that were incoherent, you guys had a great time, haha
glad to meet you and your better 1/2 finally, now a face with with posts….next time we’ll talk story more…great night for all:)
DD = Da Dummy in dis case
to run:
Hawaii volleyball fans run to The Stanley to see Jonas Umlauft play.
Jonas Umlauft leads Warriors to a “run” in the MPSF playoffs.
Jonas Umlauft leads Warriors to National Title.
… I like dat!!!
Can’t wait to see Mr. Umlauft play for the warriors next year. He and Steven Hunt are a nice duo for the new men’s volleyball coach to build on.
jm#### – Surfaced bright and early on Sunday.
MLiz – Hey, that’s my routine with you already! 😆
Bulla – Now that was tooooo funny! ahhhhh, make memories!
Hi Bulla! Yes, for shua! Gotta talk story next time…..I gotta go stand by you guys…hard fo’ get to all da food when I all da way in da front!! hahaha…
Big C – Hard to get to the back when PowderPuff, or as someone else says, BabyPowder is blocking the way.
Good morning everyone!
Sure was hard to get up and get to work today. It was a great weekend. 😆
homey: hahaha…K, we gotta move da food up front den…Then the back counter can be for dancing!
Hi SteveM!
Speaking of food, Peaches kept sending me back to get her food tidbits because the lychee martini’s were affecting her…and that was before the Jager Bomb. She brought a lei for ST but made me give it to him–she didn’t want to stand up. 😐
I Believe is alive and on Kauai. Just made contact again. Please keep her in your prayers!
BigC- okeydokey…will contact you soon the the cell#
Hi Colomaohana — was great to see you and Mr. C! I had a quarter box of your pretzels… 😳 …but there were two kinds?!?
afternoon gang!
wow, even without a hc they land a great recruit
i wonder if he plays bb too
boy am i glad i don’t drink alcohol 😉
hahaha…Yes, SteveM! one had crunchy peanut butter w/the white chocolate mix…..
Wait…lychee martini’s???? Dang! I was sitting in the wrong corner, huh?? I going find you guys next time….
Steven Hunt and Joshua Walker can really turn the tide around in a game if the situation is not favoring us.
However, I was left scratching my head at times during the season when Gus Tuaniga “disappeared” in some matches. At first I thought he was injured, but that apparently wasn’t the case. Nonetheless, I think Tuaniga will be another great Warrior for us, but he needs to be on the court for this to happen… or at least give himself the chance to do so.
Next season I’d like to see if Brennon Dyer gets into the rotation. He seems well-rounded.
Right off the bat, I think we may be hard-pressed to find another Sean Carney. I hope the new coach will improve the passing game so that our setter next year will not have to “bus okole” all over the place.
we know MLB brashton pulls sleds and chases cars, we also know DT Haku trains n-a-s-t-y on the east-side w a guru…but….still waiting to see our OLM run….where’s da pics for proof?
BTW, Haku hosted a cook-out at his dad’s ranch for about 3 dozen of his teammates and Uncle Wes was smokin meat all day for the hungry gridiron grinders.
According to reports, brashton is slimming down and is quite a poised gentleman w kupuna….not surprised, he has great Ps.
it is quite disturbing wf2. accountability…
Regarding your question about Mikalemi Tagab-Cruz’s status on yesterday’s blog, I think you’ve been seeing Kelly Majam out there in between innings running with the team. She had one of those heavy knee braces on. #00 is Majam.
Tagab-Cruz played a little being used as a pinch runner. I think she did come in at that Senior Day finale against BSU as a pinch runner at 2nd late into the game. I’m pretty sure Tagab-Cruz was dressed to compete in all the games this year.
With this recruit I wonder if this gives Tino Reyes a step up in the selection for the next HC. Although as someone has mentioned earlier I would like to see someone from outside of the current staff, showing that he can bring in needed recruits during a major change of the HC position is a big boost in his stock.
watchin the circle ‘erks of committees selecting our President and UH coaches makes one pause…and wonder…who is in charge of this circus?
So sick of political buraucracy and unions.
The last institution with any credibility during this economic downturn period–r bank execs and banks in general….arrogant incompetency.
Afternoon tsaikos
Glad to see everyone slowly surface from saturdays fellowship.
Nice to meet you too.
If u transporting illegal substance, make sure u get extra bag for TSA at check in. Hahaha. Nah only joke.
MrC- going home I mentioned the poi thing to the TSA guys on Oahu and they said Whaaaat? They let poi go through from Oahu to other islands. I have even traveled successfully w/ kulolo in the past so the poi ban came as a real surprise!
Now I know. Just check the bag. The airline was very cool and did not make me pay for the checked bag.
BigC- what pretzels??? sheesh… gotta circulate more next time! 😆
BTW- I came home with Juliet’s brownies, Korean pigs feet and chili powder for my next batch of gimchi. No problems!
Next time just send me round trip tix to kauai, and I personally can escort the poi with no TSA issues. I get hookups.
HOMEY! I don’t block anyone’s way. But I could’ve if I was wearing my helmet.
I love you, man! We got your email……Only YOU can…..
hala, you da 1 who wen take all the brownies!! wen ask Midori7 where the brownies yesterday and she was all gone!!!
no need helmet – you jus go into hands on knees and all da guys goin make way!! – they all act tough, but a bunch of softies!!!
I got the picture perfect scenario.
It is clear as it could be.
I owe u one.
Question to anyone in the know. Is the situation with women’s BBall some tangled up with labor law matters that the hiring of a new coach cannot go forward? Or, they have begun to look for the replacement but information there is really, really tight and nothing has been leaked out?
A-House- I’m innocent! I got brownies on Sunday from one different batch!
They have pro football in Japan??? Dirty Commish thinks that is cool and would choose that, if only to be able to go to Akihabara district. Geek drool…
Now who would’ve thunk PowderPuff lurks at this time of the day? Oh, and she does a mean “da bump” dance.
Oh nah, 6’9″ and almost as good as Yuval Katz, you kidding me… I like see this guy pound ball. I wonder if he get hops like Yuval at 6’9″ who the frikk going block his ball. Plus if he get the power for pound ball, OMG, watch out now…
i hope we get a 6-9 middle to complement our hitters.
its been awhile since we had dominant middle. na wahine as well.
powderpuff….did you sing?
Darn them Tsai-kos really know how to have fun. Thanks to all for a great time.
Aloha ‘oe to Aunty Ku’ulei.
Dirty Commish,
American Football is getting pretty big in Japan. I know my boy Chad Kapanui was playing on a Hawai’i All-Star team that played against Japans Best. I’m not sure if they still have there X-League which is Japan version of the NFL. But they have a World Cup were they play other countries like Australia, Finland, Sweden, France, Germany, Mexico, etc… and I not talking soccer either. Plus they have the Corporate League where big names like IBM and the such have the players as employees for there company too. I actually think Chad played for IBM before playing indoor football…
Solly, good luck my bruddah…hope you can stick on the Buffalo Bills roster… Congratulations as well on getting your degree, you are the true meaning of what a student-athlete is all about. I hope to see you playing on Sundays!
A brief commercial . . .
Tsai-kos heading to the UNLV game this September!
If you are interested in taking in a performance of the Jersey Boys on Friday, September 18 please e-mail me at wafan at comcast period net. Show time is 7:00 pm at the Palazzo, Venetian.
Here is the address for the Jersey Boys and the Venetian. You will be able to view the floor map and prices by going to the ticket site and clicking “Buy Tickets”.
Tickets are about $65 each in the mezzanine (dark green area on the floor map). Just an effort to try to keep costs down! I would guess the sight lines and acoustics are both great in the theatre.
Of course if we can get a large enough group together to warrant a group discount that would be passed on to you.
We can head over to the Tsai-ko party immediately following the show.
I thought it would be a lot of fun to sit in a group and hum (okay some of us will sing out loud) so as not to disturb others nearby. So, I am willing to order the tickets if you are interested in going. All I ask is that you follow-though and let me know by Friday, May 29!
Anyone interested?
Special thanks to LV for his help with some of the information!!!
I think Brittney Hewitt (6’3″, RS Freshman) has some time to turn into a dominant middle for the Wahine.
Wonder who the UH President is gonna be? Not looking good so far
Likely WAC-T seeding:
Day 1:
#1 SJSU v. #6 SAC (G1)
#2 LaT v #5 HAW (G2)
#3 NEV v #4 NMSU (G3)
HAW wins, they play WG3 (Nev/NMSU)
HAW loses, they play LG1 (SJSU/SAC)
The sparts are clearly the best team at the end of the regular season– second in hitting and first in pitching and fielding.
If HAW wins their first game, they are still, 40-60 underdogs to take WAC-T. If they lose their first game, forget it….pack-it up and hope McD and Vinnie play their senior years.
(-) a loss in the first two games may require 5-6 games….we simply lack pitching-depth and the skill-level of our young pitchers to throw off-speed stuff with consistency or confidence.
Jesse Moore is a great example of a decent fastball w nothing else. I like this kid and he will get better, but WAC hitters will feast on his fastball and have roughed-up young Moore. Trap has been using Jesse in early relief.
kazz….can she be another heather bown?
btw, was that video of the “tricky” acapella impromptu or planned?
Al, no singing for me. I’m well aware of my abilities — and inabilities. Left the signing to the true professionals.
Kekoa – it was such a pleasure meeting Diana. As always, a pleasure seeing you as well. (SEE! I do remember meeting Diana.)
Ummm… well, she (Hewitt) did well in the spring exhibition match against Nebraska a few months ago. I’m sure time and experience will get her to play to her size.
WF2 – would it be better to finish in last and take our chances against da spartys rather than facing a latech team that might have our #, especially if we’d have to go up against their #1 who held us to an eighth inning morford HR in that gem he threw a couple weeks ago. we played san jose so long ago, i forget how good their #1 was…
i hope so.
the na wahine are long overdue to return to the final four.
next year’s team will be interesting.
it could be the best no name team we have.
yah, that’s what i say.
Howzit Everybody,
Since we are on the topic of wahine VB, I think that Kanani and Aneli will be the face of the team. Amber Kauffman will also make a big contribution. I see them making a run but I think it will all depend on the contribution of players like Brittney Hewitt and Catherine Fowler (sp?). I am also looking for big things out of there other outside hitter which name is eluding me right now.
The WAC seedings is not my wish list, it is my prediction based on current standings and probable finish.
It is likely SAC will finish #6 and Hawaii #5 and SJSU is likely to finish #1 and LaT #2.
So, I inserted a six-team tournament format.
I dont believe the LaT pitcher Jeb Stefan who pitched 7.2 inning and yielded 1 run on 5 hits and KO’d 12, can do it again….while Stefan pitched masterfully and kept Hawaii batters off-balance with his breaking-ball and laser location with his fastball, Hawaii has gone through a catharsis of hitting and will be ready the second-time around.
If u recall. Jayson Kramer pitched brilliantly that game, goin the 9 inning distance, yielding 7 hits and allowing ONLY 2 earned runs.
My point remains–it matters little WHO we play first, than we win first.
I repeat, we cannot win this Tournament if we need to go 5-6 games.
To win the WAC-T HAW will need to win the first 2 games and go 3-4 games–no more.
We know the field, each team can be streaky and SJSU, NMSU, SAC and LaT all have exellent hitting teams.
Pitching is not HAW’s strong point given our youth and inability to mix pitches with any type of consistency.
If we throw without creativity–we will get hammered!
Check it out–drop the stuff that moves or drops on the first pitch and the batters will be off-balance–that is key.
Best of luck to Sol and Brad!
Happy Birthday Allison!
LaT pitcher Jeb Stefan KO’d Vinnie, McD and Wong 4 X and they batted 1-10. Catricala and McD whiffed 3X on high inside balls and he threw junk at Kolt. Great pitching schemes against our three best hitters and he was hitting corners, gettin ahead on the counts too.
Gutsy game and Stefan executed his pitches brilliantly….can he do it again?
will he?
….im betting against it.
Hey Tsaikos
Scott Wong is my former boss, Caroline Wong, son. That would be weird if he gets the job but I dont think so.
i thought you were at class.
Totally impromptu
i’d call this wac tournament a tossup.
anybody could beat anybody on a given day.
i’d like to see us face la tech.
i am thinking that kramer will participate in two wins somehow.
of course, i say this with prejudice, since i know the family.
You got your tix?
Agreed with you regarding the WAC Tournament. It’s up for grabs, no predefined favorite this time around despite being held at the Les.
There’s so much parity in the conference this year that I don’t think it’d matter much whether we draw La. Tech or NMSU or anyone else for a first round matchup. Four games separate first to last, and the strength-of-conference is 10th (of 31 conferences), just a few ten-thousandths of a point behind the WCC.
Anyone can be had on any day. It’s just trying to defeat the other team when you really need to.
Several of us already have tickets in Upper Level Sec.A if anybody is thinking of going to the tourney.
I have a friend that works at Harry’s Music on Waialae Ave. Jayson Kramer can apparently play the drums. He used to go in there often, but not as much anymore I think.
Hehehehehe… we all have our biases! 😉
Any recent word on the status of one Mr. Landon Hernandez?
The wahine volleyball team fortunes will depend alot on whether two transfers 6′ 3 opposite Corinne Cascioppo, and 6′ 4 middle blocker Alexis Forsythe make an impact right away and if Stephanie Ferrell gets healthy.
Crossing my fingers for Charlie Wade to be the new men’s coach. If Mr. Jim Donovan wants to create a buzz for the team next year, he should hire Charlie.
Seems like most people want Charlie Wade. That’s the way I’m leaning too. 😀
There are a lot of knowledgeable volleyball fans in my office. All are gym rats (fans) from the Klum days.
The mentioning of Charlie Wade and Mark Presho as legitimate candidates simply excites them along with the news of this German lad Jonas Umlauft. However, seems like some people here are a bit gun-shy and all of them jokingly saying “hopefully UH did their homework on this kid’s background and who he did or didn’t play with”.
Alexis Forsythe is a “go”? She’s straight up commited to UH? I think I read a linked article incorrectly then as I thought she was “on the fence” about committing to the Wahine program.
i just read the blog title again. 6′-9″ opposite??? 6′-9″!
you can’t teach height.
Charlie Wade is a “border-line” no brainer to capture the interest in the men’s program again with the mass public of volleyball fans in Hawaii.
Wade did his time here, he’s pretty much already kama’aina with a lot of the volleyball faithful.
Those are the intangibles.
No offense to Tino Reyes, but just from my small “survey” amongst people that are familiar with UH volleyball as a whole, they are clamoring for a new breath of life into the Warrior program.
Sorry, off-topic post. But instead of studying, I made a Web page for people who are interested in the UH graduation this Saturday. I’ll keep it up to date with the latest info.
And remember, Kelli is graduating too! Be sure to check out her blog entries.
canadian geese look like nene geese.
i’m thinking they got lost in hawaii, “forgot” how to fly and didn’t want to leave.
oh oh just sealed your fate. dem martini’s and jbomber’s going get you fo sure now
good evening tsai-ko, hope you’all feeling a might chipper now. nothing like screaming keeeds to make the pounding in the head go away. thanks again to rob25 and frank for letting us share in the celebration. 50,000 burning duck brand firework to all those in attendance sat nite..again you guys rock.
I think if you don’t study, you might not need to distribute the map.
Didn’t you post that Jonas Umlauft was like Mike Wilton’s “last gift” to UH.
Chicken skin eh??? 😉
dallas would suck without nowitzki
No, commencement is ceremonial. If I fail my classes, then I just have to go back and take another class. And if I do fail, I still say it’s because of Kekoa. He slammed the trunk on my head while I was helping him with the poi! 😉
Okay, I really am studying right now. No worries.
By the way, that was really good poi.
And the lomi salmon too.
Tricky! was laughing so it hard gave me stomach cramps
Jason – congrats!
Jason ~ I checked with my lawyer this morning and he suggested I file charges for malicious damage to my trunk lid caused by your oversized head not being able to clear the safety zone of the normal American car.
I refused to take it to that extreme, so I’m only asking for $11,000 to cover my ’emotional distress. I will arrange your payments to begin after you secure your first job.
Too bad those familiar with UH basketball as a whole, didnt clamore for a new breath of life….now the program is gasping for air.
Look, Id like to see Jim Donovan make a decision on MVB, wahine and men’s basketball and baseball. So, he can get praised or nailed….this selection committee stuff is bizarre, buck passin tactics….Y do we need an AD?
Oversized head?
Somebody talking about me again?
Oh, sorry, not me …
Thanks for remembering me! I’m graduating too! Well, that’s IF I pass my classes. Hehe!
ESPN’s Jeremy Mills says Hawaii is a slumper and drops Bows from Regional at-large projections.
WAC-T winner (auto-berth) is only team projected to regions:
Irvine Regional
No. 3 UC Irvine
Ohio State
San Diego State
San Jose State (projected as WAC-T winner)
ST ~ It was dark…there may have been a 2nd suspect…Hmmm it could be there was a 2nd oversized head involved in the incident. Time to get out my handy dandy CSI kit and dust for big head prints and DNA hair samples.
Oh kazzy u so excited about cw seems more than just chicken skin lol.
Koa mahu: Ha’ come you scare everybody away??!!
Howzit and good evening, gang! Just catching up with this afternoon’s blogs….
Koakane: Uh…kinda’ hesitant to join THAT party…I might end up sleeping in my car in a deserted parking lot….
Ai ya! Sorry, it’s me that just posted above…Forgot to change Mr C’s username!
Buffalo has a big need at LB, which is why I thought that Sol was such a good match there. Unfortunately for Sol, Buffalo might be about to get a player that would help fill their need at LB…Pisa! The good thing for Pisa is that Buffalo needs a starting weakside LB and their coach likes smaller, quicker LBs.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
London transit authority is testing a satellite system that will monitor the speed of cars and will *slow down* a car that is going above the speed limit.
UC-Berkeley revealed that hackers broke into their health-services databases and were able to keep up the breach in computer security for SIX MONTHS. They think that the personal information for 160,000 people are impacted.
St. Louis woman found the scripts for the Twilight sequel and George Clooney’s upcoming movie Memoirs in a trash bin. She returned them to the studio and is invited to the movies’ premieres.
Louisiana man used a forged cashier’s check to buy 50 phones, and used an FBI office as the shipping address for the phones! It turned out that he wrote “cahier’s check”, which caused the phone company to contact the authorities, and the FBI caught the man when he tried to wave down the delivery truck outside the FBI to get the shipment of phone.
42% of US consumers use their cell phones in restrooms, with 18 to 24 year olds 38% more likely to make calls and 66% more likely to send text messages while in the restroom than the average consumer.
Free play links pau.
WOW, the kid (not DPK) is paired with Loren Chans tomorrow. What a humbling and eye opening experience that’s gonna be.
Chans = Chan
there goes dat ‘false’ koa-mahu posing as me, again. eh, punk get ur OWN freakin name!!! why the ‘hate’ on kazz…must be one ‘jaded’ lova.
btw, Koa-mahu was in DA HOUSE at da kk!!! oooh babeee babeee there was sooo much testosterone in the air. i was in man-heaven! so much variety; from short to tall, from bolohead to long hair, from slim to muscular, from married to single, from young to mature…but most importantly they all made me H-O-T-T!!! i was feelin tingling all ova. i had to go home and take one cold showa. so, ladies u betta keep ur eyes on ur man cause next time Koa-mahu will be on a man-hunt!! RRRRR
…and Mr. C can u bring ur ‘nightstick’ and handcuffs da next time. u rememba u said u was goin strip search me when u *see* me again. no worries i won’t tell Mrs. C. hehehehe.
Best of luck, Solly and Brad!
Speaking of grads, I assume all the ex-Warriors (including, say, a certain QB who we haven’t heard from in a while) are doing their part to help the football APRs?
SteveM – typo on your website. Gates open at 8:00 p.m. ????
Da Instagata — thanks. Corrected.
Kama Krab and vballfan1 you can add Tuaniga, 6’2, Fr., Mizuno Gold VB Club as an entering freshman next fall.. I believe Tuaniga is getting a look at outside hitter, probably LS….so on the outside, Otineru-cubio, Herring, Ferrell and Tuaniga…middle with Kaufman, Hewitt, Fowler, and the two listed by vballfall1..setter will be another battle-need more consistency and all around play at digging, serving, service receive and blocking from the two returnees…with the setter, Otineru-cubio and Herring, the wahines will have at times two short players 5’9 and maybe a stretch to 5’10 up front..
Herring = Danielson
tell the kid, sometimes we have to eat crow to appreciate the roast turkey.
although i prefer a chinese roast duck any day.
clamore or clamor
I”m glad you’re awake Al, now the vb fans can relax, we didn’t add too many new faces to the Na Wahines…
d1…..no freebie tix.
crw…yup, take one game at a time.
kazz…no one on this uh bb team has more passion for the game than jayson kramer and probably no one has worked as hard to achieve what he has this year.
vb folks….i like charlie too. i always pictured him to replace shoji when the time came. i figured he cast his bait at pacific to get that all important head coach title under his belt. i never envisioned him as the men’s coach. my only dig on the latter issue is has he ever coached men’s college vb or recruited men???
I think charlie’s magnum vb club was strictly women….then onto UH and Pacific University…
vb has turned into a power game with tall players or short one who are extremely talented, guys like Allen Allen caliber…same for the women, parity in women vb is because of rally scoring and tall players who can play the game..so for Charlie, vb is a game that he can coach at the D1 level men or women..got to pass, set and kill and serve tough better than the other team and chances are you’ll win more sets than you lose…so that being said, he qualifies.
Rob25 ask Charlie if he reads the warrior beat…tune him into the Tsaikos.
ralph….see post 108. two big transfers will be coming from d2 programs.
I notice Sealy’s name wasn’t listed, oversight or didn’t he make the cut?
i thought that reed sunahara’s name would surface…..?
so we were told of five semi-finalists….and who’s the fifth?
maybe Sealy is the fifth!!
where is scot wong coaching at?
I saw Presho’s name on the UC Irvine staff!
transfers from d2, oops….Fowler’s from Arkansas and she needs a little work…hopefully all of these young women played for elite vb youth teams to hone in their skills and come here with high vb IQ. Our future is now…we’ve missed out on outstanding setters in Ah Mow and Kamanao in not having won the NCAA title. Our outside hitters were excellent, I think the missing ingredient all these seasons is the middle…need two of them, Bown couldn’t do it alone and we haven’t had anyone dominating since Bown…
duffer, tell da kid, just do his thing. he can only control what he does, so why give a sh…. about the opponent. if he concentrates for the full 18, he will have accomplished a lot. full 18, and no lapses or he not hear the end of it from me. good luck, play the game, and concentrate on what the course is giving for the day.
.gee ralphie you took the words right out of my mouth….
May 11th, 2009 at 3:17 pm
kazz….can she be another heather bown?
hey whitey….long time no see. i forgot what you look like.
al, going visit geronimo’s ohana at san carlos. should be interesting cause they said beware of snakes and gila monsters. plus course get 2 par 5’s that is over 600 yds. ouch!!!!
time to rest cause going be long day (night too) tomorrow.
Al — the guy who tipped us off that hwnstln was sneaking in to attend the UHAA bash last week, asked if we saw him. Not me. Did you? 😕
If we do get the 2 d2 transfers then I hope they are as good as advertised since one of them was a Fab 50.
Ralph…the answer is yes and he knows that I am one of the regulars.
Corinne Cascioppo, 6’3 Opposite, did not start at d2 Mesa State…she hit .199 for the season… Alexis Forsythe, 6’4 middle, started 2/3 of the sets played for Houston Baptist. She had a .74 blocks per game average…Heal Ferrell heal, Cubi-Otineru and Danielson bring your A game every night, Kaufmann its your senior year, and Tuaniga come ready to play because your bench is not to deep with experience but with lots of potential and youthful exuberance.
I’ve just got confirmation that my favorite niece (I only have one), is getting married in Seattle on July 17 of next year (2010). That’s a Saturday. Many Alaska cruise ships depart Seattle on Sunday…
Serious…since mom, Peaches and I will be there anyway…and we don’t want to hang around… 🙄 Gotta search for good fares since July is peak season…the first window should be in the next few months. Anyone else interested in maybe going? email me.
Work day tomorrow… good night.
stevem….no, i was down and out with bronchitis/asthma.
SteveM and his loveboat! we know its not the food!
Just finished something else and peeked in…
Shhhh–don’t want the single folks to get high expectations. 😆 But, put on a bunch of Tsai-kos and you have a 24/7 blog party…and you don’t have to cook, clean up, or drive home…and Security will wheelchair you to your cabin if necessary. 😐
Good night!
The choice is clear: C-Wade is your guy for the job!!! I believe that he can bring back the crowds in the stands with one word. That word is: “Passion!’
I have played on both types of teams and I had a lot more fun playing on the emotional teams. There is something so exhilarating about getting fired up.
Keeping volleyball practices fun and exciting is a challenge that plagues most coaches as the season progresses. Whereas players are full of energy and zeal at the beginning of the year they often run out of steam as the season dwindles on..
Keeping volleyball practices fun and exciting is a challenge that plagues most coaches as the season progresses. Whereas players are full of energy and zeal at the beginning of the year they often run out of steam as the season dwindles on..
One of the most basic skills in volleyball is passing; for without accurate passing, your game will be lacking.
talking soccer…
… But they have a World Cup were they play other countries like Australia, Finland, Sweden, France, Germany, Mexico, etc… and I not talking soccer either. Plus they have the Corporate League where big names like IBM and the such have … ……
When receiving the serve, make sure your arms are straight, you contact the ball with your forearms, and you finish with your arms facing the target.
To execute a successful block, you first need the seal the net. You do this by locking your arms with your thumbs pointing upward. If possible, extend your arms over the net while keeping your shoulders square and always remember to anticipate the attack and jump straight up and down.
Serving in volleyball is done either underhand or overhand. The underhand serve will be covered first. To execute a successful underhand serve, we need to stand facing the net with your non-serving-side leg facing forward.
Remember that serve receive means that you are receiving the serve. Most serves come at a speed fast enough that when you receive the ball very little additional arm movement is needed in order to get the ball to your target.
One of the biggest complaints that I always heard from my players following volleyball practice was that warm-ups were dull and boring.
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……..OOOO………..BBBBBBB……….UUUUU…..LLLLLLL..LLLLLLL..AA……….AA… 😆 …. 😆 …. 😆
……..OOOO………..BBBBBBB……….UUUUU…..LLLLLLL..LLLLLLL..AA……….AA.. 😆 … 😆 … 😆