Happy new year
Was it really a year ago today we were in New Orleans, recovering from Hurricane-concoction-induced headaches and cursing the 14s we kept receiving from the Harrah’s blackjack dealers?
* * *
I remember during a Sugar Bowl pep rally when a coach’s wife said JJ told the staff he was taking the SMU job. And being the fine reporter that I am, saying, “No way. He’s not going anywhere.” Which means I’m worse at poker than at blackjack.
* * *
The football coaches are gearing up for Monday, when they are permitted to make home visits. They’re going to do the full-court press on the Las Vegas prospects first, then visit the Long Beach Poly players. I’m told the Vegas guys are safe, and that Poly’s George Daily-Lyles is a firm commit. But UCLA is making a press on Poly defensive end Iuta Tepa. That could get interesting.
* * *
Alex Gerke might be on the move again. Last week, he accepted a coaching job at Utah State. Now, according to the word on the street, he’s interviewing for the o-line coach’s job at Utah. He’s a Utah grad so the move makes sense.
* * *
Happy birthday to my BFF, Christie, who only reads the blog when she’s mentioned. Or as she pointed out: “This will be the fourth time I’ll be reading your blog.” But who’s counting? So, happy birthday, Christie. (That’s two mentions in one post. But who’s counting?)
go to sleep Stephen!
what a difference a year makes, huh?
i didn’t have any clue who any of you were a year ago, except for one person. and now i know too many of you… haha. nah, nah. joke.
hope 2009 is better than 2008!
i guess i’m the only one here.
i don’t know how my neighbors can burn so much stuff. maybe i should ask them to hook me up next year. my brother and i had a measly celebration compared to theirs. but at least they let us watch. they string up a rope between the light pole and sidewalk tree and string up the firecracker strings 3 at a time.
the other neighbor stocks up on the sky stuff.
my dogs somehow made it through the night. although we have a couple of wet spots on the carpet now.
Wow, 4 in a row.
i guess everyone is all pop’d out or pooped out. hope nalani and james are a-O-K up on the chinese hill above kalihi. its pretty cool to be up there as the night goes on and you see kalihi and downtown disappear in a layer of smoke.
i could write my own novel here its so empty.
once upon a time there was a guy named chawan….
not much to tell.
the end.
ok, i’m going to stop now, or i’ll have everyone bashing me in the morning when they wake up.
Happy New Year!
oh yeah, forgot to end with
Go Warriors!
Go Na Wahine!
Optimistic for 2009.
UH 7-6, with a Hawaii Bowl invite.
Optimistic for 2009.
UH 7-6, with a Hawaii Bowl invite.
opponent: 7th place PAC 10, or at-large.
How’s this for a New Year’s wish:
Hawaii 7-6 vs. SMU 6-6. 32k-35k crowd.
Happy New Year.
ok, early 2009 question for you all
btw, here’s a quiz for you.
what is this decade called? i have no clue. on the radio they say….
and now….
what will they say in the next decade?
and now?
its not the teens or twenties or seventies. its the single-digits? this has been bugging me for awhile. i figure we have some smart and wise people here that could help out.
Happy New Year Tsaikos!
Hope everyone had a safe evening. Drink lots ‘o water for that headache. ๐
Hope we get those recruits! I was reading about how Florida Atlantic’s coach Howard Schnellenberger drew a line across the middle of Florida on a map and made sure to get every player south of that line when he was at Miami. Every time I see star players from Hawaii playing on the mainland I wonder “what if…”.
Happy birthday Christie! I guess you weren’t Daddies little deduction right away, were you? j/k.
oh yes, happy birthday to you New Year’s babies!!!
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
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~~~โข~~~~โข~~ ♪ ♫ ๐ Especially..to..ST..&..Wena!!! ๐ ♪ ♫ ~~โข~~~~โข~~~
~โข~~~~โข~~~~โข~ ❀ ๐ &..Happy..Birthday..Christie!!! ๐ ❀ ~โข~~~~โข~~~~โข~
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
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First, mahalo for all your videos. The mainland Tsaikos really appreciate it!
As to your question: I think we’re in the ’20-ahts’ since I’ve hear the first decade of the 20th century referred to that way.
I predict 9-4 overall, 6-2 in the WAC and we’ll be co-champs. But that’s only if we have less than 10 personal fouls for the year.
Good morning Brew! You’re either up really early or up really late!
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere, and Happy New Year to you all.
I’m not going to make a prediction about this coming season. I am watching closely Mr. Gerke’s moves and direction, if he gets the Utah oline job and all. That will tell me alot about us, on a coupla levels.
I mean, it will tell me alot about what another school’s coaches think of our staff.
interesting what the other paper says about what is exciting and intriguing about 09 in Hawaii. UH Football was not mentioned. Jim Donovan is mentioned.
I wonder if the coaches going tell Las Vegas recruits that Las Vegas is the 9th island? that we’re coming in force 9/19/09?
Aloha 99club! The happiest of New Years to you!
Sports and I just got back from an incredible fireworks display out at the seeded lands of Kapolei.
As Kekoa put it, it all began at Halloween and culminated with last nights aerial onslaught!
Big Mahalo’s to our host, the Kekoa’s and their wonderful neighbors. That block party was rockin!
I going sleep!
Happy New Year everyone!
brett leonard is coming. his last coach said he was always looking at the second level, top flight this and that, and he wuz coached by J Slater too, all pro.
bighilofan2 if you read between the lines like I am, it seems that Mr. Gerke just wanted out of here, now why is another story.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Stephen- I guess if the coach’s wife knew about JJ’s departure before the game, then the players did too and thus the long faces on the sidelines and lack of “We Believe” attitude that carried them through the rest of the year.
I’m DEFINITELY an old fuddy duddy. I just wanted the smoke and noise to stop so I could go to bed. The next milestone will be when my hearing is shot and the noise doesn’t bother me ๐
Happy New Year.
We could speculate all day about Gerke, but why? He’s gone, and that’s enough for me. I don’t know why, but if the coaches thought we should know more they would have told us. I am more interested in hearing about his replacement.
Just read ferd’s write up on the PRO Bowl, seem’s to me that when the nfl comes calling again because it has gone down the tube again, that HAWAII should tell them that “yeah we can save it again but this time it’s going to cost you”.
Happy new year my friends!
I am reading between the lines. There were other things going on. And when the fizz is gone outta the soda bottle, better to start with a new bottle. You know the Bolla story? I just don’t want to go through another whole season when the writing is on the wall for pragmatists to see.
but like Pride said, which is also true, fans gotta be patient.
jmo. so what does Coach Cav coach? And what wuz the final score against Pitt? 3-0? There you go. a modern day Nostradamus. ๐
i ain’t for changing the assts. I’m for a noisemakah, change their heads!. boomshakalakahboom kinda guyz, who ain’t afraid of the color/gender lines and go crashing thru it, like Gerke, but with a little more stiff arming when the habut comes up. one on one chro down kinda guyz. no witnesses. no bruises. ๐ winning on Saturdayz. ๐ go church on Sunday. ๐ scrap on Monday. ๐ das da kine coaches I like. ๐
Hiya lava.
remember the kid Sione last year? his friend Daniel Iopa saw what we did and committed himself this past year. his grades real good, his SAT ACT real good, got picked to play in tomorrow’s Samoa Bowl. The little we did for Sione had positive ramifications this past year. Daniel get offers to play college. He gotta wait to LOI day but on behalf of him, thank you.
Happy new year everyone!
I made a resolution to lose a specific number of extra pounds I somehow added on in 2008 and to keep fit this year by sticking with a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately its only a few hours into the new year and the leftover ham and pineapple upside down cake from last nights dinner jumped out of the fridge at me when I opened it up to get cream for my coffee. Its going to be a long year I think.I have about zero willpower. Tsai.
That was discouraging to read JJ told everyone he was leaving before the game last year…as lizk said its no wonder they all had the long faces and more. He should have waited.
Happy new year!
A happy new 2009 morning to everyone!
One year ago I woke up in my hotel room in New Orleans with a bad hangover and stomach issues from eating too much spicy Cajun food…it seems like it happened so long time ago. When the Sugar Bowl teams were announced, I told my wife, “I wish we could be in New Orleans for the game.” My wife said, “Why not? Something like this may never happen again in your lifetime.” Every once in awhile I’ll look at the photos that I took in New Orleans and have mixed feelings of happiness and sadness. I smile when I think about Bourbon Street, the pep rallies and the excitement leading up to the game. Yet, I wonder if UH will ever have another chance to experience the spotlight of playing in a major bowl game. I hope it happens again.
I hope all of our recruits honor their verbals. Are the coaches still going after Keenan Graham?
Happy New Year all and best wishes in 2009. ST-thanks for all the great stories and news during 2008….looking forward to the rest of 2009. Go Coach Mac and all the Warrior Coaches….go get them recruits and take us back to the top of the WAC again.
Happy New Year! May God bless us one and all in the coming year.
Here’s my first dumb question for 2009. Which Bowl will likely decide who’s number 1?
who to cheer for?
Michigan St crybabies? or Georgia???
tough choice.
can both teams lose?
Happy New Year Tsaiko’s!
Let’s Get It Going in 2009!
Ok…Good Nite!
The only thing that tempts me is temptation!
Go out and recruit!!
Happy New Year one and all!
maybe its just me.
a year ago I wuz in NoLa, waiting in anticipation for the big game, not knowing that most of the coaches and players already knew our HC JJ was already planning to dig out. and that bugga kept smiling at me as I kept getting back in line and buying another of the eventual 5 books I bought and he autopgraphed.
and i promised myself later in January that that feeling of being El Stupido was not going to happen to me again.
and so here I am, a year later, grateful that remaining coaches and players rallied around Coach McMackin. And that he, in so short a time, gathered some more coaches around him for the first time, got a recruit class together, made some important and correct decisions about players and personnel, and in hindsight he probably wishes he made some other decisions too, but thats life.
and so here I am, looking forward to this coming season. And I see that the scouting links think we’re in the top 50 nationwide in recruiting, verbals that is. Top of the WAC,in fact. So keep up the good work, Coach. Go get those recruits. And after you get them, make sure your coaches cover your behind. Get used to fighting, and winning, the big fights.
and so here I am, wishing Coach McMackin a Happy and Prosperous New Year. while others may watch the Parade, I’m watching Fball, all day, except when I’m starting on that first resolution today. And thinking to myself, so far, so good. McMackin don’t make promises lightly. And he tries to keep his word. Thank you for that, Coach! Now go kick sum arse!
willpower. you gotta hang with Liz. ๐
so there you are. so there you are. so there you are.
happy new year bro!
WassupDoc, Dr.Doc,
howzit you 2. thanks for the call and the info. glad to see you backing up all UH sports, WDoc. I’m hoping you are sharing your insights with JD.
I just pooped my in my first pants of the year.
Happy New Year!
Cheer for Jason to tap dat you know what.
just saying,
yup, a broken record. ๐
Any word on who’s the player coming home from a “top ranked” program?
Happy New Year to all!!!!
Happy New Year Big Hilo Braddah! Nice posts. Well said. How’s da chikkins today? Angry? Sleepy? ๐
So nobody knows the answer to my dumb question on post #34?
Ahhh…time for some ‘hair of the dog.’
I want to wish you all nothing but the best in 2009!
To Coach Mack,
ENDURE!!! ENDURE!!! ENDURE!!!! IMPROVE!!! IMPROVE!!! IMPROVE!!! Coach, you will have your work cut out for you even more with a young defense and a somewhat “experienced” offense, but not by a large margin either.
To Coach Bolla,
To Coach Nash,
Now the real work begins with Boise State this Saturday. Keep the boys “working hard, working smart, and working together”.
To Coach Trapasso and Coach Wilton,
Thin ice guys… thinner than the ice on the surface of Wrigley Field during the NHL’s 2009 Winter Classic. Bolla, you TOO, or should I say… YOU ESPECIALLY!
To Coach Coolen,
Keep up the good work, you are appreciated by more than you know!
To Coach Shoji,
Battle after battle and season after season the legacy continues. Keep the Final Four dream alive!!!
Happy New Year, kakou!
Here’s wishes for a wonderful year for everyone & a winning year for UH teams.
Never mind. Orange Bowl. Got it.
Happy New Years Tsaikos!!
I hope everyone had a good time last night.
Happy Birthday to Christie!!
I hope ST bought you a nice present of Bobbi Brown stuff.
Happy New Year!!!
Happy Birthday Christie!
dpk – the National Championship will decide the #1 team and it’s played the week after the Orange Bowl. I’m cheering for Oklahoma.
Happy New Year Tsai-kos!!
Anyone know when they showed da Punahou band in the Rose Parade?
WDoc – hope you feel better. The rain & thunder last night right at midnight sure put a grinding halt to the fireworks. Woke up around 9 and street still wet.
Tsai-ko resolution #1: be nice to brew80820093.14.
(we all know how long resolutions lasts ๐ )
Thanks. That’s what I thought. Googled it and misunderstood. I was thinking it was Oklahoma and Florida, but forgot it was a week later. BCS sucks anyway.
Happy New Year KymryKauai & all Tsaikos!!!
Youโre right โ NY resolutions are really hard to keep and fulfill (ie – jm2009+366). Heck, I donโt really try anymore… but, that’s me. Regarding your particular one KymryKauaiโฆ. First of all – Ha! โExtra poundsโ on you? Yeah, right โ compared to a bean pole! (And Iโve never even met you! ๐ )
My suggestion to you about feeling and looking thinner and fit isโฆ to hang around with jovial, more well-rounded, fully-accomplished, broadly-entertaining, larger-than-life, big-hearted folksโฆ. Say, just like the TSAIKOS!!! – Yeahโฆ thatโs the ticket! ๐ ๐ฏ ๐
DPK – My 2(009) cents….
Ronnie knows just about everything … but (excuse me for saying) she may have overlooked the importance of the International Bowl (on Sat. Jan. 03) featuring Buffalo (8-5) and Connecticut (7-5), AND the critically important GMAC Bowl (on Tues. Jan. 06) featuring #22 Ball State (12-1) and Tulsa (10-3). These key games lead up to the BCS Championship game on Thursday, Jan. 08. If they weren’t so important, why wouldn’t they have been scheduled earlier in the Bowl season? Obviously, they represent the keystones in determining the eventual National Champion of CFB! ๐ฏ ๐ ๐
HAPPY NEW YEAR AGAIN !! Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
In the new year the only way is up, it is hard to imagine it would be worse than the last.
ST, your post above opened old wounds with me. Why couldn’t JJ keep his mouth shut until after the game? That is the one beef I still have with him, that was completely irresponsible. Off course the players were deflated,when they needed their full fighting spirit to stay in the game. I can understand his leaving, but never the timing of his announcement and if he tells the staff, you betcha the players knew.
Let’s hope our coaches will find the golden recruiting pot and get us some serious talent, open all competition in spring, with a full training plan in place and we’ll have a great year. The schedule is very managable, unlike this years murderers row.
My prediction for 2009, 10 – 3 or better.
Now, everybody, go out and have a great year.
๐ณ Sorry for not closing my bold tag. Thus the 2009 year begins with the (arguably) the first of many errors. But, que sera, sera…. whatevers… no hu-hu… wherever the wind blows and the water flows…. ๐ ๐ฏ ๐ ๐ณ
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs
Hauoli Makahiki Hou to all of you. May 09 be filled with happiness and good health.
ah i see “false al” was let out of prison again.
oh well. you know that is not how i write.
but, a happy new year to all just the same.
(even you falsie)
bhf2….careful now. you walk on thin ice, re: #19. never, never cross reference the other guys (oops) less you chance your being smu’d.
happy new year.
Good morning and Hauoli Makahiki Hou to the Tsaiko Ohana! ๐
Old and balky pc put me on the sidelines for the weekend and days leading up to New Year’s eve…suddenly, it starts up again and puts me back in the game!
Dang…took me a loooong while to go through 1200+ posts. Wow, laulau! Unreal! Nuthin’s impossible for the Ohana. Great to see some former lurkers posting and some long lost bloggers posting again…hadn’t seen 22London in awhile…imagine being that far away!
Just cruising today…
(The Count from Sesame Street) Threeeee ‘hair of the dog’ beers…HAH HAH HAH!
FL Ted-
The only break I’d give JJ on that one is if he believed the Dallas/SMU community couldn’t keep his move under wraps before Sugar Bowl game time.
Great channel surfing from the GA – Mich St. game…an outdoor hockey game at Wrigley field and a Mythbuster marathon. *tsai*
You gotta’ love those guys at the NCAA responsible for naming the subdivisions. ๐
Good morning to all and Happy New Year 2009
got this from a friend this morning.
**Two Wolves**
**One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. **
** **
**The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility,
kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’**
**The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his
grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?’**
**The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’**
**Happy New Year**
Chawan Cut
What a great member of the Ohana you’ve been! You’ve added so much with your talents and passion of Warrior Football. My brother thanked me last night for the complete set of 2007 game dvd’s…that you helped me fill in.
Kudos to you and Jason for bringing your special brand of humor to the blog!
Happy New Year 99-!!! Let’s see, based on your nick, you have 96 bottles, or 4 cases, or 16 six-packs to go…. And if you lose count… then “you’re there”! ๐
My 2(009) cents – “no breaks” warranted. SOB before, then, now. IMHO ๐ฟ
Hey – both Capital and Gator contests are pretty interesting and competitive…. ๐ ๐ฏ ๐
Good Morning HiFlyer! Good post #66…liked that one!
DPK sorry to say none of them because the two teams who deserve to be playing for it aren’t playing each other.
And God bless you, your family and all of the “TSAIKOS”
No worries al – there is only one al – No can duplicate. No can even get close to imitating…. ๐
BG – You’re always so positive! Even when discussing your ‘puter problems! Thank you for being Tsaiko!!! Question – does your better (and that’s saying A LOT!!!) half ever lurk? Just wondering….
HiFlyer – #66 partially explains all the voices I hear inside my otherwise empty head! ๐ ๐ฏ ๐
Sugar Bowl 2008:
As soon as the Warriors entered the stadium, I turned to Mrs A-House and said, “somethings wrong”, look at how the players are entering the field”.
On 1/3/08, I found out that JJ had told his staff just before the game that he was accetping the SMU job and would take anyone who wants to tag along. This information was “leaked” to the players in the locker room and reason for their lack of enthusiam entering the stadium.
2009 Warrior prediction = 11 – 2 or better with being the WAC champs and another BCS bowl.
Pomai – Happy 2009! – So, who do you think belongs in the CFB Championship Game? ๐ฏ
bigkonafan #27 I am not disagreeing with you but it seems that that kind of coaching doesn’t work with the kids of today, I know it worked with us guys but these kids today don’t respond very good to that type of coaching IMHO, why is that, I guess they are just a lot more mature than we where at that age.
Brew it’s pretty simple really, lets see you play 12 games and you win them all HMMMMM.
I know that everyone will rant an rave but the two teams that did that, did exactly what was ask of them the beat everyone who was put in front of them, the team can only control one thing the win/lost column and to me that’s what counts, Soooo if Fla or Texas or any others want to play for the National title then win all your games, simple yeah!!!
anyone have T-mobile and have had issues with their connection last night and today?
or maybe its just me.
Lost the post I was just working on for about 30 minutes. One of these days, I’ll figure out what it is I’m doing when that happens. It just shuddered and stuffered and flew off into the ether out towards Saturn The Planet.
KAZZ: Did you see the answer to your post about the Aloha Stadium turf replacement?
From yesterday’s post:
Happy New Year everyone. Will have the details of the contest weโre sponsoring up within the next 20 hours or so. It does involved attending home regular season games from January 2 through the end of baseball season – and saving your ticket stubs. Here are the scheduled games through next Monday night:
Womenโs Basketball: UH v.Pepperdine, 3 pm Friday, January 2; Pepperdine v Colorado, 3 pm Saturday January 3; Colorado, 5 pm, Sunday, January 4.
They then go on the road: January 8 – Fresno; January 10 – San Jose State; January 12 – Boise State.
Menโs Basketball: Boise State, 7:05 pm Saturday, January 3; LaTech, 7:05, Monday, January 5.
They then go on the road: Idaho, January 8; Boise State, January 10.
Menโs Volleyball: Outrigger Hotels Invitational, Thursday, January 8 – Saturday, January 10. More details next week.
Only about 50% back to where I was before the Starbuck’s experience yesterday. I still cannot handle food so the smells from DrDocs breakfast really created some problems. He’d bought porkchops, okra and mustard greens for his traditional Southern New Year’s dinner last night, but I threatened him with serious harm if he even took out the frying pan. Today won’t be much better, but maybe I’ll go for another long walk while he cooks and eats it – assuming that he can clear out the smells before I get back.
QUESTION: Although the team program states that #5 on the men’s basketball team is Lasha Parghalawa, I swear that both Jim Leahey and Bobby Curran pronounce his first name Sasha. Is this his nickname or are Ls pronounced like Ss in Tbilsi, Georgian Republic.
If he can continue to be ever more consistent in his offensive moves, we will have a winning team. He actually looks as if he’s playing for fun and not just because it’s his job.
Also, it’s nice to have 11 or 12 really good players who can move around on and off the bench with ease.
Have a great day and, of course, 2009 – hope to see some of you at tomorrow’s 3 pm game. Seventy five – that’s 75 – fans in the Stan Sheriff Center is humiliating and embarassing to everyone in the Athletic Department – staff and students alike. Mr. Donovan, you have to step up to the plate on this one because it ain’t gonna get any better without a major intervention on your part. The student athletes in all sports deserve your support.
Happy New Year A-House & ‘ohana!!! (Hi Midori!) –
Do you ever watch the Jay Leno Show? Gilbert Gottfried is a regular and appears on sketches using the phrase “Son of a Bitch!”. ๐ฏ
– ’nuff said…. ๐
Hey – is it true that the city of Las Vegas has asked the feds for a $1B loan to cover all the winnings you, and the other Tsaikos are making in LV? ๐ ๐ฏ ๐
Here’s a great idea for all of the fans who want a playoff – boycott all of the BCS bowl games, don’t buy the tickets, don’t go to the games, and don’t watch them on TV. A couple of years of that and the BcS would be gone, as the saying goes, “money talks and bullsh$t walks”
OK, 2009. Time to set some goals…
1. 2009 Anniversary blog party – bigger and bettah…is that possible?
2. Learn the Ha’a by the UNLV game
3. Figure out the seating arrangements for the Tsaiko section at the UNLV game
4. Appreciate. Enjoy. Embrace
Trying not to drool on the keyboard…lamb roast in the oven coated with adobo and garlic. My girl can COOK!
I’d be shocked if Moreno doesn’t come out from Georgia. Tape of that TD catch will be used by his agent in the future, for sure. (I know, I sound like Kalani sellin’ the Ponderosa Pines lots)
Happy new year, everyone!
chawan_cut: You know, I’ve always wondered about the decade thing, too. And my T-Mobile signal was small kine weak yesterday, with a couple busy signals, but it worked when I went to the window. Now it’s fine, I have five bars instead of two in my bedroom.
WassupDoc: I’ve heard people say it’s a nickname, I’ve heard people say the L is pronounced like an S. Either way, according to the UH press releases, you pronounce it Sasha. I still heard a couple kids yell out “Lasha!” during the Pepperdine game.
Brew (#71)
No, Betty doesn’t lurk because she has trouble with the pidgeon and syntax that we use…drives her nutz! Perhaps 2009 is the year to start, tho’. Invite her to get on the blog with me…hmmmm
Good morning everyone!
“Happy Birthday” to the mysterious Christie!
I have a cold so had a quiet night at home last night ๐
A couple of announcements for the new year, but the most time-sensitive one first…
Saturday, February 7, 2009
7:30 PM – 12:30 AM
Krazy Karaoke (big room–55 people) Young Street
Tsai-kos who have attended the BIG calls before know the behind-the-scenes timing/finacial issue at this stage.
Please RSVP on the blogโฆ ASAP …for preliminary count
We look forward to seeing new Tsai-kos at one of our first major parties of 2009. Singing not required, but there will be a lot of it ๐ But very good! Click here to see photos and video of earlier large Karaoke Calls, and scroll down to see more.
โข $15 per person for the room/karaoke
โข Bring food/goodies (like indoor tailgate)
Thanks to Stretch for the arrangements!
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Continually updated Karaoke Call info in the Events Calendar section at:
Current count = 25
Whoa…what happened to the blog width. I’ve got Firefox and now the width is the full width of the monitor. And Brew, it’s not the beer!
Aloha Tsaiko ‘Ohana!! E hau’oli kakou i ka makahiki hou!!
Best wishes to all for much happiness in the new year!!
HiFlyer — Mahalo for the inspiring post #66.
May our Good Wolves experience a bountiful 2009!!
GO WARRIORS!! (I like the progress the men’s Basketball team is making!)
99- It is the brewskis! Or maybe it’s the Texas “d r a w l… ” ๐ ๐ฏ ๐
Try clearing your Brower cache. ๐
Jason: Mahalo for the response. I just wanted to be sure that I was pronouncing the name properly so I’ll continue to use the S-Word.
Re #84 above: If you want a guaranteed DocFree event, be sure to sign up for the one planned on Saturday, February 7. .
Browerbrowser ๐ณIt bothered me that JJ did not want the team to practice in the SuperDome and, during the course of the game, he seemed to detach himself from the team, remaining aloof and looking like he couldn’t wait for the game to end. Also, he looked like he wasn’t spending the usual anount of time discussing things with Colt as he usually does. In other words, it seemed like he really didn’t care and had the demeanor of a
“short timer.” Please be aware that I was in Hilo and I made these assumptions from the occasional TV shots of the sideline. Someone, please tell me my conclusions are wrong or, for that matter, are correct.
Little Johnny: Dad, the Rose Bowl is between the Big-10 champs and the Pacific-10 champs! The best of 20 teams from the midwest and the Pacific coast!
Dad: Actually, Johnny, the Big-10 has 11 teams, and two teams in the Pac-10 are from a state that is a landlocked desert.
Little Johnny: That’s just like I thought, Dad. Everything about the BCS is bogus!
IMHO – there’s no need to include “it seemed like…” preface in post #90. ๐
Wow – Post #91 deserves…. another brewski!!! ๐
Is your Firefox fixed now? Or do you need another cold one….. ๐ ๐ฏ ๐
Hilo Rain,
Your conclusions are the same as mine, unfortunately.
OK, I’m awake, for the third time.
The first two times don’t count. Someone called for my daughter to go dawn surfing. Naturally, he didn’t wait for dawn to actually arrive before calling.
… sleeping beauty… awaken by a …”kiss”??? ๐ฏ
So, does anybody have a picture of Jason’s mysterious date?
bigkonafan: re #45.
So far, just rumors.
But, I NOT getting my hopes up, as any transfer
must sit out one year. In this case, the player
can’t compete until Fall 2010.
So, until it happens, I’ll stay “loose”.
The firefox is fixed, I guess. On to Sierra NV Porter! ๐
Hey – good bumper sticker….
No be constipated – Hang Loose! ๐ฏ ๐
“with six on the floor, 93 bottles of beer more to go….” ๐
HNY bighilofan2. Yes, I remember Sione. I heard he had a great year in JUCO making lots of tackles. I’m sure he played himself into shape. If he can do that year round he should make the jump. haven’t heard of Daniel Iopa, but his sounds like a great story.
Hope your tummy feels better.
Gotta tear myself away from football games to get over to my Mom’s to make jai. Sorta strange to miss most of the Rose Parade. I used to get up & watch the Rose Parade on a couple of stations waiting for football games to start. At least I got to see the All Hawaii band marching in this parade.
K, have a wonderful day erryone! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year MeiLing!!! – Whoah…. I had to pause, and reread your post as I thought it said “make jail“! ๐ฏ ๐ณ ๐
By the way, folks, not sure where this all started, but there is no mysterious transfer coming to UH.
If not, we’ll be better prepared for the second date… ๐
Happy Very New Year to all Tsaikos, Tsaikettes and Lurkers!!!
Yea!!! #1 daughter is finally home!!! Hey Pride…daughter’s car will be arriving on one of your big boats!
To all those with bdays…A very belated Happy Birthday!!!
Curveball/Kristin: Wishing you both the best in 2009!
In 2009..my resolution is to continue BELIEVING!
To all those on the road a safe journey.
Go Warriors..
Go Wahine…
For entertainment purposes only…. if you were in LV partying with some Party-Hardy Tsaikos – would you be willing to give 10 points to JoePa and his cubs? That’s quite a bit for a “Defensive” Team…. IMHO. ๐ฏ
JaM, Bir & #1 daughter interested in KK in February!
Happy new Year to Peaches too!
Or if there is such a guy, the UH coaches don’t know about him.
Oops bir is Brie!
ST: re #105.
One of the rumors was started right here on this blog,
by a “regular”.
There’s another rumor started elsewhere.
Like I stated in #98, they are just rumors.
JaM has another daughter? And I thought Brie was Number_1! ๐
Since she’s “coming home”… any chance that she’ll be attending UH and could be the “mystery transfer” that ST (See #105) and others alluded to….? Pretty intriguing huh? …. certainly deep… ๐ ๐ฏ ๐
Hey, I’m behind on my birthday wishes because my director of birthday wishes โ Midori7 โ is in Vegas, baby!
(Actually, she keeps sending me texts, but I forget to post. But since she’s not here to defend herself …)
Hard to get a second date if there wasn’t a first date to begin with.
Wow….. not “daughter #1″…. and from Brie to “Bir”…. Someone is not off to a good start for 2009! ๐ฏ ๐ ๐ฏ
Jason – When did this supposedly happen? What date was it? ๐ ๐ ๐ฏ
Don’t worry about hurting Esme’s feelings.
Esme’s emotions, like her presence here, are fleeting.
She’ll understand you wanting to date others.
Meanwhile, where’s the darn pix?
Jason won two tickets to UH hoops.
The second seat, according to TV viewers, was occupied by someone who was not Al or Esme.
Isn’t Esme a BIG… HUGE TV star now, and really doesn’t have to time to visit this lil’ ol’ blog called The Warrior Beat anymore??? ๐ฏ ๐ ๐ฏ
For entertainment purposes only – I’d take the 10 RIGHT NOW!
I know… I know… I was just having some fun….. Sheesh… it’s like someone just woke up! Haha! ๐
Yup – JoePa has HIS team ready to play! ๐ฏ
Uh … you make it sound like I’m Oedipus.
i might have a picture… but i wouldn’t do that to jason, although he had no problem sharing pictures of me and someone else….
Hey..both of the kids are number 1s..that’s why both are spoiled!
But it is okay with them…I mix names up all the time…
Pomai and Brew,
Thanks for the posts regarding the Bowl playoff for number 1. Frankly, I don’t give a rat’s patootie about the BCS system, I just thought if there was a “so called ” number 1 playoff today, I’d watch. Florida and OK should be a good game though.
Who do you guys think should be playing for number 1?
๐ณ Oops… I may have scared off JaM! I tend to do that a lot! (Note: another lesson for Jason)
I was only trying to share some advice. See, I have lots of experience in that area. You develop the “complex”, problems begin in school, can’t get into any preschool or day-care, then later, you get move to the back, then the front row of seats, then to the corner, the principal’s office, the school counselor, then the professional psychologists, then sent out-of-state, then off-planet to Mars…. ๐ฏ ๐ ๐
She might be the mystery transfer…except must apply first..looking at grad school.
ST – jason is embarrassed to display my photos, although Chawan thinks i look H-O-T!!!
“Oedipus”…. I don’t recall TheBus in Oedipus! ๐
Brew808..Nope did not scare me off!
Just busy..trying to leave house to take lunch to my mother…but she ate…I’m slow….
I guess 2009 is starting bad for me…
That’s why new years resolution is to BELIEVE..
I believe I will do better…
I believe I will not make as many mistakes…
That way will not fail…on any of my new years resolutions!
DPK – I would have a four team play-off including Gators, OK, Texas, and right now – USC, although ‘bama, and Utah deserve some consideration. IMHO ๐
Dang… forgot to close the bold tag again! Sorry. ๐ณ
ALRIGHT! I like challenges! ๐ ๐ ๐ฏ
Hard to get a second date if there wasnโt a first date to begin with.
Jason you got to ask, it just doesn’t happen…talk to your fadda Al, he may have a few lines for you..just hope it isn’t outdated, its been a while for him…
So, which picture shows up first โ Jason’s date’s or Brew’s?
The Rose Bowl Game presented by Citi. Shouldn’t that be “presented by USA” considering the bailout? Doesn’t it feel great when our tax dollars are sponsoring the BCS? Really, I’m not bitter.
OK, my BWF (best wife forever) wants me to actually do something this year, so I’m going to move bills from the right side of the table to the left. Be back in a bit.
By the way, doesn’t Citi handle the Circuit City credit cards? I was late on a payment last month, and they threatened me a bad-credit rating. And I’m thinking: “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.”
Hold up! I got my “regular” braddah’s back. If he says there’s a high profile transfer, then there is! No question about it.. I won’t take a take a questionable left handed shot at the coaches by saying, “No one knows everything.” But, if a full blooded Tsaiko comes on the blog and makes a bold statement, I’ll believe it until proven wrong. That’s the value of the WB. Stuff appears here that no one else knows about.
Oh, btw, I don’t know who it is…but, like everyone, I have a guess.
Huh….? Re: pictures – Brew’s “date”??? Now that would be something!
Besides – it’s not my fault if the camera(s) always breaks (or gets broken… oh, that one might be my fault… ๐ )
Why does one even patronize Circuit City…. a doomed, Chapter 11 Co? ๐ฏ ๐ ๐
Ehh… but if the blog Host denies that rumor, then whom do you believe, the Tsaiko or the big-forehead guy (note: the vague ID)? ๐ฏ
The Circuit City here in San Angelo closed about 6 months ago. The only way to get to their location was via a one-way road that went by the Best Buy store first. Location, location, location.
Hey 99– Is it lamb (and beer) grinds-time yet? That (for entertainment purposes only) 10 point spread looks more likely now….Pac-10 is looking solid now. I wonder if this changes any potential recruit’s decision process… ๐
ST — we have brew’s, but it’s classified the same as homey’s arm was…but for you… ๐
On the other hand, if anyone could get Jason’s date pix, it would be brew808 (bus, SSC, and KFC security video, K5, spy satellite, etc). … ๐ ๐
So which one shows up first? ๐
But Brew, ST clarified to say that the coaches know nothing about it…not that it wasn’t true. Besides, I remember very clearly who posted that info.
Most Circuit City’s in the SF-Bay Area also closed…. (Oh- so I’m told… ๐ )…. ๐ฏ
BG – and so do I (I think…). But … doesn’t he have to use a alias because of content in some of his past posts….??? ๐
an alias…. ๐ณ
Blowout blowout blowout – time for my early afternoon nippynappy – the cats are zzzz-ing away on the bed – time to proclaim my territorial imperative right now.
My girl has been on the phone with her BGFF for the last hour. About 20 minutes ago I heard an “oh, no!” from the kitchen, but with assurances that everything (the lamb) was OK. BTW, the brews are as pau as the Nittany Lions. Dang.
RE: #146
Just kidding!
…except for the spy satellite, but that’s virtual. ๐
BIG TenEleven…. whatever…. ๐Rose Bowl –> (“pushing-up”) Dasies Bowl ๐
No problems SteveM – I already posted (a few days ago…) that I don’t hold grudges (longer than 300 years). Besides, I really do know a lot about a lot of things and peeps…. A L O T!!! ๐ฏ ๐ฟ ๐
For Jason shouldn’t we just try to picture a younger-ish looking Esme. No?
hopefully none of our tsaikos bought electronics products from circuit city with extended warranties….i believe Al bought his computer from compUSA with an extended warranty and they went under soon after his purchase…
Hey….. You guys are ganging up on poor lil’ me… again?
99– Re: #152 – “the brews are as pau as the Nittany Lions. Dang.” Yeah…. Dang – I thought you were my buddy from Texas! ๐ฏ ๐ ๐
seems like the big 10, wac and acc are getting their butts kicked all over the place in the bowls…
Penn State has a chance!…. in the battle of the marching band at halftime…. ๐
Ralph…. and???…. ๐
Oh, this halftime is kind of sickening, with this foursome of so-called experts trying to keep the audience engaged in their broadcast….. ๐
pollsters and the BCS people really like the big 10…OSU in the last two championships with Illinois to the rose bowl last year..each team getting whipped badly….I hope Texas stomps OSU this year so boise’s lost to tcu wouldn’t have negated a rationale in having them play Texas instead of OSU with 2 losses. Got to push for the little guy which UH belongs to…
ST on 95…at least it wasn’t a call for submarine races ๐ wink wink…
Eh Ralph – did you ever figure out about “happy faces”? It is colon ) or colon D. Really, I recommend you try “cutting and pasting” something into your next post. A little practice and you can be a blogging fool like some peeps we know. Oh wait… some of you may think that (me?) is a problem….. ๐ฏ
TEXAS >>>>>>)))>>>>>> Ohio State ๐
TEXAS >>>>>>>>>>>> Ohio State ๐
๐ okay brew
Eh, Brew, the person I’m thinking of only uses his blog name…but, I’m letting it fly cuz I think he’s sleeping (yet). However, being a true blue blogger, you sound like you have the answer surrounded. ๐
wow, i actually know/have something brew doesn’t?
like i said, i’ll keep the jason picture secret for now…
Oh wait… maybe Penn State has a “standing” band instead of a “marching” band…. ๐ฟ
hey thanks it works…Brew I actually googled smiley to see all the characters available
You know… I really do empathize with Jason. We’re having a bunch of fun teasing him. But some things really should be off-limits!
Now as for Chawan_Cut!!!! ๐ ๐ฏ ๐
Looks like the bowl game records will not be that favorable for the WAC as compared to the other Western conferences. This is not good when people (like us) argue for respect for the WAC next season.
WAC: 1-4 (only win was from a team from Louisiana)
Pac-10: 5-0
MWC: 2-2 with Utah still to play. Their only 2 bowl wins are against WAC teams. Having the MWC beat Boise State and Fresno State is really bad, since they and UH are probably the 3 best-known WAC football schools.
Back to my report…got to turn it in by tonight if my company wants to get paid soon.
Gold star for Ralph! I still urge you to try “cut & paste”. That way, you can copy my line of faces, comment/re-post someone’s previous comment, etc. ๐
DPK I know no one thinks like me (thank God) but it seems to me that the two undefeated team in Division 1 should be playing for the national title as #1. I can’t stand the BcS.
I myself think that there needs to be a 11+1 (at large) playoff, win your conference an your in the playoff. And to make it fun set something up to have a national fan base pick the at large team.
Happy New Year Garret!!! I wonder if your report will include any “Post-It” notes. ๐
Where’s whitey??? ๐ฏ
Before I forget–Lori just got home and she was able to buy ahi sashimi for $8.99 per pound! That will add to our New Year’s dinner:
ahi sashimi
lau lau
two kinds of kamaboko
fish cake soup (first year I won’t have ozoni)
Ben and Jerry’s ice cream–for those near a Ralph’s grocery store, Ralph’s is selling all Ben and Jerry’s pints of ice cream for $3…and there is a printable $3 coupon available from Ben and Jerry’s which makes the ice cream free!
I think I will enjoy myself and watch UH kick Arizona’s butt again
Wait….Ralph has a grocery store??? Our Ralph??? ๐
Happy New Year to you too! No post-it notes for me yet…I guess she’ll have to do it at school.
Today was peaceful since my kids had a friend over for a playdate downstairs and they left me alone to work all morning. I’ve really got to go now.
So ST Williams,Masch,Dimude all coming in May then. Aurite with all the recruits coming in this would have to be one of the greatest recruiting classes in history I can’t think of another with this much talent and speed lock’em down Coach Mack and staff.
Ouch! Brian Norwood’s son just got his bell rung by Taylor Mays.
Brew I tried right clicking on your images and copied but when I pasted, nothing
Penn State safeties are out of alignment all game long, bad day for dbs. looks similar to ND picking us apart in the SHB
Me… copying and pasting Ralph’s post…. ( I have a Mac but that shouldn’t make a difference….) – ??? ๐
Brew I tried right clicking on your images and copied but when I pasted, nothing
OK, I’m backing our blog guy.
But if there is a guy, I wish somebody would tell me.
Wow…. (for entertainment purposes only)…. Wow… with that kind of certified information (#187)… you really could “take that to the bank”… or “get taken to the laundry”…. ๐
Ralph: Try reading the HTML tutorial I wrote. Or at least look at the table on page 12.
Looks like Washington is a dead-end for Colt.
Down by 24 with 7:22 4Q, inside the 10 and you go for a FG. I suppose that indicates… concession. ๐ฏ
Should I be concerned that in all of the ads, no guy uses Dove soap?
Yet that’s my soap.
Then again, I don’t have any acne …
We need Wena, or Koa-mahu, or Maryanne to respond to #192… ๐ฏ
Jason – Did your tutorial include a “cut & paste” section? I think that’s the sticking point right now. ๐
BTW – Acne, for someone approaching the 1/2 century mark might signal a serious problem for Dove soap…. IMHO ๐ฏ
Or Jason’s date …
RE: #191. I think it means they’re only playing for entertainment purposes only. ๐
No. 196 was in response to No. 193 not No. 195.
As for No. 190, Terry Brennan yesterday said that Colt was told he would compete for the No. 2 job in 2009. Campbell is entering his walk year.
Then again, No. 4 (Favre) apparently is available, at least in the opinion of running back Thomas Jones.
Looking at USC destroying Penn St, the Sugar Bowl is not so implausible.
Every year there seem to be 5 or 6 teams that are so much better than even the rest of the top 25, that it seems like they’re in a different league.
How much has the huge lay-off between last game and bowl to do with Penn States miserable performance? Are they really that much worse than USC? I don’t think so.
I always take Bowl results with a big grain of salt.
Utah will be blasted also, does that make them a bad team, heck no, Alabama is just one of the 5 or 6 super teams, that’s all.
Okay – I am concerned about whitey. Nothing since his gallant record post effort initiated by him a couple of days ago. So, what’s the deal?
– Is he lost on the “dark-side”?
– In lock-up?
– Napping on the golf course like Rip Van Winkle? (That was his last destination…)
– mechanical problems on the space-craft that kid-napped him?
– Still celebrating his effort and the New Year with Remy & family?
… just wondering. ๐
Okay – I’m sorry for hogging the blog. I’ll act in advance of all the complaints that likely have been flooding ST’s email box, and declare a Timeout for brew. Laters…. ๐ ๐ฏ ๐
So Brew, how’s that 10 pts lookin’ right about now? ๐
Knowing Colt he will be their Nr. 2 next year and from there, just one play away……
I think Campbell is near his peak already as a QB, he has seemingly regressed over the season, while the great ones get better. We’ll see.
Wow! Lotta folks still sleeping?!!
BG ~ Mahalo my blogging buddy back-up.
Yes, I’ll stand by my information. If I’m wrong, I’ll be the first to admit it.
Hey!…what’s the big deal anyway? It’s not like I’m predicticting the 2nd coming of Christ! With some of the ‘stuff’ that’s tossed around this blog, I normally just ๐ my eyes and log off. The significance of this transfer will impact one person in a way that nobody else could imagine.
It’s not often that I make a serious statement as bold as this. Most of you know me as the rascal individual that likes to keep you entertained by “making poi and playing music” as one person noted.
Those of you who really know me, understand that I skirt around getting too serious about the football content on this blog. Like me, I know that most of the men on this blog have either played, coached or administrated football. I’m not about to challenge anyone about their opinions concerning football plays or who should play what position.
I believe there is only one person that is key in the negotiations on the UH staff. I just don’t want to embarrass anyone in case the whole deal falls thru. I only mentioned it because I support and hope it all works out for this young man. This could mean true redemption for this hard working youngster.
Some of you talk about trying to keep our local players home all the time. Is that all it is? If it were true, this boy never would have gone away in the first place.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled BCS activities, while I continue to nurse my ‘hangover.’
Happy New Year!
howzit howzit.
i hear you about being smuud. but when you’re pushing the team to the top, you gotta let team Tsaikos know whats going on in da udda planetary space.
i wuz right there and i saw JJ look totally disinterested, after Ga scored the first time. i wuz fazzled, fizzled, and den i was feeling hoozd. dats why i say no more do i ever want to feel like I’m El Stupido. if I see sumtin dat looks outta line, i speak up. i definitely feel that Coach Mack and his OC and DC want to win. thats the good part and the best part of the equation at UH Football. our top guyz definitely want to win. and they are trying, no doubt about it.
and more importantly, they don’t have the Bolla problem with their troops.
At least a half more season under Colt’s belt and he will be ready. If he has another pre-season or better than last year, the skins fans will be clamoring for him even crazier than last season.
I think el stupido is a distant relative…
prettyplease. prettty prettttty please. ๐
Hmmm…other questions…
“What’s the date for the Anniversary Blog Party?” (Fun and Friends)
“Can we get started on the Tsaiko Cookbook?” (Fuud)
“Anybody have the plan for tickets and seating location for the UNLV game?” (Football)
Bhf2 ~ Since you wen axe…I goin’ tell you mo first den Ferd.
Kekoa – Happy New Year!! How did da cake turn out?
When it comes to cutting and pasting, just Google. ๐
As for Dove soap (TMI warning), when I was in Wisconsin this summer, my skin started to dry out like crazy one night, I couldn’t stop itching. Thankfully, the dorm gave a complimentary bottle of hand lotion, which I used to alleviate the itching. The next morning, I walked over to the nearest Walgreen’s to get a bar of Dove soap. I guess Dial is okay to use here in Hawaiโi, but not in Madison, WI. ๐
jm01/01/09 ~ Happy New Year back ‘atcha!
You don’t have to take my word for it…axe A-Joe next time you see him. I’ll tell BG to be sure and add the recipe to the Tsaiko cookbook in your name.
I’m eating the piece I hid in the crisper right now to see if it will help cure my hangover. Comfort food!
Tell me you did not eat to many cupcakes..:-)
EVEYONE=EVERYONE better go have a beer geesh
Curveball – Happy New Year and continued best wishes for a speedy recovery for your better half!
Good Afternoon Tsaikos!!
Posts #192 & #214 belong on Esme’s blog.
Curveball ~ The Rum I used for the center was supposed to only taste like Rum?
Stretch ~ Esme… is now star of stage, (u-tube) screen. and now television. She filters her email and keeps trivial Blog Hosts and his bloggers out of her universe. I almost didn’t recognize her in her commercial!
Esme is BIG TIME now. I wonder if we’ll ever see ST doing a commercial??
al doesn’t want to go to basketball with me. Esme ignores me. โ I’m a blog orphan … I might have to move in with brew808. ๐ฏ
I got to meet Jason’s friend at the B-Ball game. She’s a pretty young woman. Good for Jason getting out with friends. I used to go to sporting events with my buddies in CA. Learned to read a racing form from them…
Happy New Year All!
Already said that once but it’s well worth repeating. ๐
“interesting” finish to the Rose Bowl. Down to the last play FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES….
Well, no time to whine, it’s already Oh Nine!
I no believe… I want proof!! Chawan??
Please include me and the Mrs. in the count for the KKall.
Maybe your Rotary chapter might consider a fundraiser right inside Krazy Karaoke!
tell me about it. I woke up from a nap to watch the last few plays. What a way to wake up and get the blood flowing. BUT all turned out well……
Regarding the mystery transfer –
If he’s transferring from a 4-year school, he will have
to sit out 1-year & won’t be available till 2010.
So I not getting ex sah nited until he shows up.
If can, can, If no can .. ai yah .. nuttin but hot air.
btw, I was amused watching P. Carroll hugging and congratulating Sarkissian during the Rose Bowl.
Talk about the “kiss of death”
“Enjoy it now, Stevie. In nine months, I’ll own you!”
Stretch: She’s too young for you. Geez, what’s with you and James going after the younger girls. Face it, you guys are old! ๐
How come you taking a nap in your office?
btw, I doing my best to empty out the jar so Mrs. d1ๅณถ can use ’em for something! ๐
Tanks Ah!
ho boy
you think coach Cal and Mack willl take a chance with Quentin. nobody is going to move him. it comes down to scheming. how do you feel our scheming went this past year on the D? just asking…
Kekoa…forgot to tell you…I can’t include an recipes without a sample. Please forward immediately!
“an” = “any”
not a good idea to tease james and stretch. they can make life not so fun here on the blog. its a good thing they don’t have the picture.
2 excellent articles in today’s Haw Trib Herald that we all should consider. This summarizes the first.
Quick, shoot a copy to Coach, xtra to Pride. ๐
And here is another synopsis of a reason for Warrior faithful to be hopeful. In the Haw Tribune Herald today:
There you go. 2 blueprints of success. ๐ I has come true. 1 is a hope on the horizon for the 9er fans. bwahaaaahaaaaaaa ๐
Small kine late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR!
A present for all you Sugar Bowl-goers from last year: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBdxqMmMAk0
ai-ee-soos ~ Understood…that’s what makes it special.
okay Brew who is the 49’er rb in house to do the job singletary expects or is he in the upcoming draft
Thanks for the video kelli
I get local bosses, we no work on New Years Day. I actually have the day off tomorrow also.
1b sounds like what happened with June Jones…I hope our memories and appreciation are not too short-lived. We went from the most awful experiences to 12-0. Let’s count our blessings.
you’re welcome for the dvds!
Ralph: Frank Gore, of course!
Don’t know what happened to my previous post…posted without me hitting the submit button!
I was saying that I’m not advocating a status quo. Actually, I wanted to thank you for being a driving force for Warrior improvement.
IMUA UH Warriors!
frank gore not bad…..he needs to be consistent and not a one year wonder than the niners will be good to go with the rb situation….now all they need is a qb and a few OL add ons and the offense will be set…need possession wr since singletary won’t be winging with a gunslinger
cincy can’g run the ball against VT….now it makes me more upset that we gave the game away….VT is not that much better, could have beat both teams if we played both of them
cincy losing to va tech 20-7.
they’re not that good. we should’ve had em. dang it. oh well. new year. i’ll move on.
watching VT runners go down the middle or on the fringe easily tells me the warriors did not have game speed compared to VT. I hope the juco transfers and the new recruits are ready to step up because two years of futility at rb needs to stop now….
I am hoping that VT holds Cincinatti. NO SCORE!!!
Just woke up from a 3 hour nap (have a cold).
I have a theory about this. I think it is the blog software that interpretes the colon – character combinations and retrieves the smiley icon that you see in the posts. When the bogware is extra slow, you will see the emoticons appear moments after the text.
Thus, if you drag your cursor over the smiley (and text) and paste, it will work because all the characters were copied. However, if you right-click on the icon itself, the copy might not be able to interprete the text from the icon or it is only copying one of the characters in the combo.
SO, dragging across the smiley and copying should work on any computer.
BTW, I have a little graphic of the smileys this blog will accept. It is on my main page (right side) as “Emoticons”, but click here for the smiley graphic.
and I am not talking about Jason….. Cincinatti just got stopped at the goal line on 4th down.
Good Evening. And Happy New Year.
My New Year’s wishes are that the Warriors brain trust, the Coach and staff, absorb this past season ending dose of humility, where all the criticisms about the team and the coaching surfaced in front of a national audience, and humbly go about at fixing what needs to be fixed. In an interview after the game, a contrite Coach Mack pledged that he’ll see to it. And I have faith he will. Yet my wishes go deeper than what needs to be fixed.
My wish is that the Coach becomes a visionary. And take his best coach, Miano, and have him become the special team’s coach. On so many fronts this move would propagate, or reproduce, an area of the game that at one point in the future, hopefully, it would be so revered that this part of the game would become worrisome for the opposing teams. And hopefully also this part of the game would become infectious, especially in terms of spirit and pride, to other parts of the team. And to the youth of the state.
Promoting this idea as Miano as special team’s coach I think is a perfect fit. First I look as Miano as a pied piper, who can sell the idea to the kids that it is an honor to be on the Hawaii special team’s unit. I think Miano can instill some pride into this unit, where we can someday see some excitement on kickoffs and punt returns and jaw breaking tackles on return defenses.
We here so much about the reputations of linebacker university, Penn State and tail back university, USC. I want someday to here people referring to Hawaii as special teams university. I want the offense and defense to be our bread and butter and niches. But I think if starting somewhere first, especially with Miano and the special teams, I think this fevered pitch will carry over to the offense and defense.
Selling this idea to the players and being a leader, I think Miano has the wherewithal to express to the players to do mock kickoffs, punting, punt return and field goal kicking in the off season. In fact, side by side with the seven on seven unit I like to see the special team’s becoming the kingpins on the field.
Above all, I think Miano can throw the seeds in the air and in the future on playgrounds around the state this feverishness about Hawaii special team catches on with the youth. It would be a prideful moment one day if we see youngsters individually practicing their punting, kicking and return skills. And groups of kids doing mock kickoffs.
But for this to happen it takes vision and a pied piper, two of which I think the Warriors already have.
SteveM is a THIEF! A thief, I tell you! ๐
Frank Gore is hardly a one-year wonder. He was a first round talent that dropped down due to injuries; I was ecstatic when we got him in the 3rd, cause I thought he could be our RB of the future. If we can get him consistent blocking up front, he’s as productive as any RB in the NFL.
For the 49ers, it all starts with the offensive line. We need to revamp that thing.
i’ll NEVER reject jason!!!…..although i’d like to INJECT him *wink wink*. bwhahahahahaha.
Now the OVER-RATED chant can start….
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO THE BEST GROUP, TSAIKOS!!!!!! you all are unbelievable, but when there are huge montains to climb and challenge, you as a team are unbeatable. had plenty negatives at beginning, but when the tsunami started it couldn’t be stopped till it broke the record. all of you deserve a standing ovation and with that bow my head to you in respect.
btw, is the offseason also when the bios come out?
CC – since you asked, it must mean you want to start it off. I don’t recall reading a bio from you. I am sure ST can accomodate your request.
Chawan – are you bi, too ???
oh boy
or oh girl?
or whatever koa-mahu is
i thought he/she was into jason
i’ll avoid a bio or risk getting he/she too excited.
watch most of the USC game and am glad to see that a maui man won the defensive mvp. what impressed me with the game is the tackling, none of this dancing with the stars tackling. get down low and hit those legs and they go down (sometimes with owies). the warriors this year need to learn how to tackle like both USC and Penn St.
i got to catch up with the blog, but saw a statement from my grandson, stretch, saying that he would giving up drinking if we broke record. #1 grandson when you going learn neva put yourself in a bad position? what you have said was if they broke the record, i going toast the tsaikos with my cr reserve.
Tsai-ko Techies……
I’m in need of some help with my computer.
After several minutes my whole system freezes. My mouse doesn’t move, my keyboard doesn’t type. The only way is to turn off the CPU with the on/off button. Can’t even use Alt+Ctrl+Delete.
You think I have a virus?
duffer – i have a virus, too, although different kine. bwhahahahaha. ask jason, he knows about it.
Sounds like a virus, duffer-san. Do you have a virus scan you can run?
duffer, tomorrow get new year sale, go buy new computer.
Virus or spyware, sounds like. If your virus scan allows for a boot-time scan, try scheduling one. It’ll scan your computer for viruses before starting everything up.
okay….check this out.
if jj already knew he was going before the sugar bowl he should have announced it already. here’s why.
one, the undermanned warriors could have gone into the game with that win one for the gipper attitude.
two, the search for a new head coach could have started sooner.
three, recruiting would have had a chance
four, the old ad could have been gone sooner.
five, ahouse would have had a better new year’s celebration.
yup, duffer. do you even have spyware protection?
if you have road runner you get theirs for free and they will walk you through the installation. just call oc16 help desk. 643-2300 (i think).
it will also depend upon how space you have on your hard drive.
six, i wouldn’t have lost $$$$$
Since I am home with a cold, I have a lot time to do updates… such as the UH-LAS Sep 2009 game Tsai-ko logistics/plans at:
Please email me (link on the page) if you have any changes or additional info (such as ETA, lodging, etc.).
QUESTION: What is the purpose of those little yellow faces? Are they supposed to convey something? If so, what is(are) the message(s)? I never pay any attention to them because my eyesight is not that good when I don’t wear my contacts – which I don’t do when working at the computer. I just skip over them like I do some of the pidgin posts and poop-in-my-pants talk.
The yellow thingees remind me of the hearts and flowers and kitties and babies and music notes that tween-aged girls use in place of the dots over lower case letters such as j or i or to replace the letter o. However, I cannot imagine that a group of guys who get all hoofa-poofa over the word Rainbow as a team name would ever use such gizmos.
ANOTHER QUESTION: Michael Vick plans to return to football starting the 2009 season IF someone will pick up his contract. Any ideas what team would be willing to bring him into their fold? San Francisco?
I know that forgiveness needs to be considered here, but his crimes were so horrendous I don’t know if I could ever watch him play again.
I wonder how he treated his close family members – generally speaking, domestic violence is foreshadowed by mistreatment of animals.
A quick reminder about the upcoming contest covering the balance of the 2008-2009 sports year – men’s basketball, women’s basketball, men’s volleyball, and baseball.
Be sure to save ALL your ticket stubs – put your real name, blog name, e-mail address, and daytime phone number on the back of EACH one. Keep the used tickets in a safe place until we announce drop-off locations over the next several months.
A neutral party will draw five tickets – probably at the Blog Party in July. Those five people will be the semi-finalists. A couple of us will retire to a room where we will count out all the tickets to see how many come from each of the five semi-finalists. The one with the most tickets – only one per game or match – will be the Grand Prize Winner. That prize will be announced in a few weeks, but expect it to be worth several hundred dollars at a minimum.
The four runners-up will win consolation prizes such as dinners or NI plane tickets.
If there’s a tie for the most games/matches attended, then the two will face off with a Jan Ken Po match – three out of five.
We’re also looking at ways for off-O`ahu supporters to take part.
Here are the scheduled games through next Monday night:
Womenโs Basketball: UH v.Pepperdine, 3 pm Friday, January 2; Pepperdine v Colorado, 3 pm Saturday January 3; Colorado, 5 pm, Sunday, January 4.
They then go on the road: January 8 – Fresno; January 10 – San Jose State; January 12 – Boise State.
Menโs Basketball: Boise State, 7:05 pm Saturday, January 3; LaTech, 7:05, Monday, January 5.
They then go on the road: Idaho, January 8; Boise State, January 10.
Menโs Volleyball: Outrigger Hotels Invitational, Thursday, January 8 – Saturday, January 10. More details next week.
It’s been a long Junk Day in the better sense of the word – we’re still cleaning out files and folders and reorganizing the rest. Watched a lot of football at the same time, but the blowouts were no fun – but they did remind me that UH was not the only team to have its wheels fall off on Game Day.
Don’t forget to circle the following date on your calendar: Late afternoon, Sunday, January 11, for a couple of hours of fun & friends plus food for the Family Promise Program at Nu`uanu Congretational Church – all for the price of one non-perishable item to be donated to the Hawai`i Foodbank. .
Dinner Menu: Portuguese Bean Soup, Kitchen Sink Salad, Southern-Style Cornbread with butter & honey, and dessert not yet determined.
More info over the next couple of days – will be asking for RSVPs early next week.
this is for our mainland tsaikos
The Travelzoo Newsdesk has found this outstanding offer from
United Airlines:
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA–JANUARY 1, 2009– United Airlines has
slashed fares on winter flights from Los Angeles, San Diego
and more. Starting at $55 each way you can fly to cities
worldwide and save up to $100 OFF other airlines.
This sale just came out this morning. We recommend booking
soon to get the best prices and availability.
Sample fares (each way):
– Burbank-Las Vegas … $55
– Los Angeles-San Francisco … $65
– Los Angeles-Kansas City … $69
– Los Angeles-Fort Myers … $92
– Burbank-Chicago … $93
– Los Angeles-Providence … $93
– Los Angeles-White Plains … $95
– Orange County-New York City … $111
– Los Angeles-Beijing … $373
– Los Angeles-Sydney … $499
This sale is for travel Jan. 7 – March 4. Book by Jan. 7.
nuff said….net time no bet. just watch for amusement purposes.
…nuff said
howzit Tsaikos.
we’re in this together. the team wins, the coaches win. the players win. And best of all, ALL Hawaii wins. But we gotta go outside Hawaii to get really super fast guyz, steal your woman while you’re watching kinda fast. ๐ to get that kinda speed you gotta go south central LA. or compton. ๐
so whats in Vegas? ๐ L&L? ๐
808ike, was fun the other night and sometime this year, we do it again. Happy New Year.
bhf2, thanks for picking up and Happy New Year.
dang, get thunda again. sheeesh.
ok, time for some rest. Happy New Year and best wishes to all of you!!
It was fun and glad to be part of history. Willing to do it again.
I’m feeling a need to ask a question to your question in post 277. Why do you bother asking a question (“What is the purpose of those little yellow faces? Are they supposed to convey something? If so, what is(are) the message(s)? I never pay any attention to them because my eyesight is not that good when I donโt wear my contacts – which I donโt do when working at the computer. I just skip over them like I do some of the pidgin posts and poop-in-my-pants talk.”). Further, (“The yellow thingees remind me of the hearts and flowers and kitties and babies and music notes that tween-aged girls use in place of the dots over lower case letters such as j or i or to replace the letter o. However, I cannot imagine that a group of guys who get all hoofa-poofa over the word Rainbow as a team name would ever use such gizmos”).
In the space of two paragraphs, you 1) ask about something that you say you pay no attention to and lump together with posts that play with pidgeon and joke about pooping their pants; 2) make your own interpretation as items being related to girls’ doodling and; 3) conclude that people that use them are male and disfavor the use of “Rainbow” for a team name.
If someone explains them to you, as you requested, do you plan to start wearing your contacts while blogging? If you don’t, then your question is moot, isn’t it? Then my last question is, “Isn’t the tone of the 2nd paragraph a bit judgmental?” Not that I’m asking that you change anything…it just helps me to understand you better if you straight up state what your point is, then I can decide to act on it or ignore it. Thanks
K-den…loved being to blog most of the day…back to work tomorrow. Time to get some stuff ready.
Until tomorrow…ciao
your inquiry reminds me of my mensa exam. ๐
stop stop…. stop… my sides are hurting…. ๐
awww………. BG had to go…. ๐
bighilofan2 — check your gmail about February 9 weekend… ๐
howzit 808ike
yup, we’re one big family.
howzit SteveM
i put in my reservation for 2. I’m practicing my singing with more vigor since i know the Doc won’t be there to critique my style an largesse. ๐ i’m expecting word to get out and Paula, Randy, Simon and da mystery guest to stop by and judge da tsychotics. ๐ Pride, D1, DPK, homey, and AJoe, watch out! da CR krunah will be dare! ๐
and just why don’t we play like USC?
and somebody please explain to me a little more slowly….
how in da heck did we let Cincy get off the hook?????
and coaches, one more time…..
Utah State??????
OK, Bighilofan2–got you two down!
Hmmmm, I wonder when Esme is gonna read her yahoo email… the stage is 100% set for an encore performance… ๐
Nobody stepped up?….VT beat Cincy tonight but game would have
been closer except QB for VT was hard to catch. Kind of like Oregon QB, hard to catch.
i sure hope we don’t allow fire dancers on the new Cooke Ching Field.
or dogs..
did you see that one guy trying to put out his long fire knife during the halftime show at the stadium? He had to have burnt up a small section of the field turf, i mean the fire was on the turf for @ 30 seconds as he kept stomping it and it stayed lit. i neva see extra turf on the ground.
i betcha get one scar.
Utah St. had playmaker at Wideout. Hawaii lost containment, poor tackling, didnt do assignments was defense problem
yup… for speedy recruits look in Compton, or Jamaica. ๐
No can be like USC because they have players like a 6’3″ 230 lb safety who runs a 4.28.
Dont worry, kalaepohaku maintenance will advise on turf care.
thanks for talking. so tell me this, if coach could talk to you,
would I be asking too much if you would post the secret for Warriors’ success next season? pretty please. ๐
but if you think its not wise, i’ll understand. sincerely and respectfully.
you sure? you sure you sure?
i’m gonna look up da info myself and get back atcha.
bhf, speed is good but still gotta be playmakers. offense, if playmaker no can get da ball, cuz qb sack, oline bus up, pau. defense, if no tackle, no play assignments, get burn, pau. speed only as good as the playmaker.
That’s what they said on the game today. He is also the fastest on the team. I think he was the the who got the helmet to helmet penalty.
bighilofan2: There are mats on the ground when they do that.
Taylor Mays his name. He is in Wikipedia.
bhf, i am not qualified to talk to Coach Mac. I have been a fan of his since 1999, best def coordinator since ellerson, i tink. There is no secret for success, every championship team get playmakers on offense and defense. Defense is key, defense wins championships. Offense needs to step up though, against BCS teams, no can only score 10-14 points and expect to win? Think that team continuity is also very important, cannot pass the blame among coaches to players and vice versa. lastly, luck, i believe in luck, good breaks come your way, things start to happen. Betta be lucky than good, or that is the saying.
okay okay
i went to see for myself. boy, he is one speedy guy from Wash.
i wuz also impressed wit Kaluka, huh! we get Kaluka kine too. I wuz telling you earlier today about Daniel Iopa, Keaau. you going read about him in da future. he’s a playmaker.
oh well, just gotta wish da coaches luck too, huh!
and thank you Labrat, Jason, John… you guyz mensa types fo sure!
nitey nite Tsaikos.
Time for sleep. Work tomorrow, unlike Stretch (again).
BG – neva try da cake at the Cincy t-gate? Tell Kekoa fo bring um to da KK. I can assure you I will not attend. I am totally tone deaf. ๐
jm2375, was fun the other night, thanks and Happy New Year.
ok, back to bed. see you all in the morning and let me be the first to say Happy 2nd Day of the New Year.
bighilofan2 and John you are kind of right, but I think it’s just like Adam Leonard said one time “if every member of the team does their job then we will win” Teams win championship’s, and that’s where the coach’s come in, it’s up to them to get every member of the team to do their job, from the starters to the scout team then and only then can you win championships.
Well my prediction for 2009 is that we will have a winning season, not ready to predict the win/lost number right now, but the one I am looking forward to is 2010, that will be the year that coach Mac will have his stamp on the team.
Some time I like playing the “What if game” so in looking back at the 06 and 07 season’s I was thinking what if we had had the 06 team together for all four years can you imagine what kind of team that would have been in their senior year???
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
Pomai 319. i know that this year’s team still get taste of JJ and HF. But truthfully, this year’s team also get the stamp of Coach Mack. Its his call about everything now.
bighilofan2 true dat, but still if you know anything about the sport you know it takes about three years to see the results of a coach, he needs to have his coaches and his players with a year or so experience in his system for them to be on the same page and performing up to snuff.
I think coach Mac will get there but he needs the support of ADMIN all the way down to the fans. Then after that third year that’s when we can really tell how good he is. So to all the Mac haters give the guy a chance, let him get HIS team in place before you call for his head!!!!
ho, right now the tide is full,
the fishes all stay close inside, feeding
and dawn is breaking on the fishing spot
the problem is… there is no problem akshally
i just gotta make the effort.. to catch the fishes.
gotta take out the nets, get the tube ready, make sure
get room in da freezer… and go to the fishing grounds ๐
so why am I here thinking about this coming season
and the maxing out or tipping point aspect of the Peter Principle?
I’m reminding myself that there is no tipping point, akshally
this is a new season… a new beginning… ๐
and my leader Mack like go fishing in Vegas. ๐
he must be spyin one supah good catch.
so brush your teeth, Mack, and take a coupla good pai pai
guys with you. ๐ and show da fishes our bannah. ๐ and
remind da muddaz dat Vegas is a part of Hawaii. ๐
and remine em dat by getting da particular fish you want, you going make dis crazy kaahnak supah frenly. ๐
good mornin and howzit my bradda!
3 years? dats like you tellin me try wait wen da date already tinkin touchdown and da unda ahmah already cummin off… ๐ ๐ฏ
๐ ๐
an.. plus… da Atlanta coaches neva take 3 years… they wen study, motivate and made great decisions, and had supah good luck.
positive waves, Pomai, alwayz wit da positive waves. ๐
well, afta all dat, i tink i need one cold showah! ๐
Jason, you know I’m kidding, right?! ๐ฏ
Las Vegas, howzit and Happy New Year to you and the misses.
I hope Coach Mack reminds the Vegas recruits about Obama, the skinny kid from the islands who made good, came home and played with his buddies while on vacation last week. the islands are still small enough to make and keep frenz.
we get frenly and righteous peeps in Hawaii, lifetime frenz. good education and chance fo expand their horizons…
plus, we get Tony Tuioti… ๐
Good morning, everyone.
happy new years #2!
Bhf2 #291,
Sorry, missed your post. Went off the air. You cease to amaze me. Here
for all the football games, post late at night, and post early in the morn!!!!
I have friends who are UH grad, who do not support their alma mater in
sports and/or have not donated 1 penny scholastically. Should gather all
these died heads and you can sermonize a motivational speech. I have
never attended UH but support/donate to the athletic program. The latter
half of this paragraph has the wrong aura.
Mei Ling,
howzit sistah. Hilo still raining alot. If I wuz a bike ridah, i’d be hold up some place, hopin da Tops stop singing dat old song
sunshine, blue skies, please go away…
ever since my baby left me….
at least, better get the words right ๐
if i expeckin to win da song contest 2/7 supah KK ๐
let your boy know unko is still open to guests ๐
this side of the island has been wet 18 hours a day, everyday, for the past week. its overcast, but not raining right now in Pepeekeo.
some discussion of this in earlier posts:
Timm Rosenbach was hired several days ago to be the OC for NMSU and according to the St. Louis Dispatch, St. Louis Rams assistant coach Keith Murphy will leave the pro team and coach receivers and special teams for NMSU.
Sounds like NMSU is getting it together. Now, all they need is better
recruits like UH.
good morning my bradda. someone tole me dis great one liner, which i have used often when discussing da future wit my constituency.
“This is your life. You only get one. What you going to do with this chance, now that you’ve been reminded and you’ve got I don’t know how many tomorrows ahead, but that all starts now?”
I usually tell da constituency dat during the first interview.
I owe dat(constituency) to Las Vegas. and Ecstatic too. gotta work doze two adjectives into my vocab repetoire ๐
watch. ๐ Pomai, Ecstatic tomorrows start now in Warrior Nation. ๐
Good Morning & Happy New Year Doris!
The news in #329 will certainly pucker things up in the WAC! The Rams haven’t been the same in years…but then again, with that kind of NFL experience at the college level it does make you say Hmmm!
DITTO to LizK.
good morning! Happy New Years Day#2.
NMSU…. Hmmmmmm……………
Great things start at the top down.
And exercising good judgment.
Big Hilo Fan Man ~ Don’t you have some fish to catch this morning?
Too bad I get one Tele-con mtg dis morning at 8 AM wit nobody as important as you…udda wize I would join you and help paipai da fishees inside da net!
Good morning Tsai-kos!! Welcome to the first work day of 2009! grrr… At least it’s FRIDAY!!! ๐
Off to take kid to get braces adjusted and then off to work. Esme and out.
Good morning Tsaikos. have a great day. got to run.
808ike ~ I resemble that remark in your #327. I prolly walked the halls and athletic facilities of UH more then most grads, but never attended the school myself. I donate to the UH foundation, and I team up with my former classmates every Spring to provide a schollie for a HS we attended 40 plus years ago.
Some people just never think of paying anything back because they failed Life Lesson 101, and dumped the class for *Drama.* (Not you Esme!)
Used this quote to unmotivated people. Most are grads and/or attended
school of higher learning.
“There is one guarantee in life—one is born, one will die. What
counts in life is what one does in-between. Some are movers and
shakers. They sometimes attain their names in history books. Others
make an impact in peoples lives. They alter the direction of someone(s)
and sets them on a positive path. Others are like leaves on a tree. They
blossom, fall, and rot on the ground. Which one are you?”
Most can’t comprehend this. Something is wrong here.
We should go to UH and teach a class pertaining to this subject.
Should of continued my education and attained a PhD, Was close.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Went nite fishing
Nuff said.
Gotta go to work now.
nuhhhhh… It’s thundering
so, I was just thinking…
about some Tsai-kos
auld lang syne
missing from roll call- like
BB and Merv (keeping up with the latter on Facebook)
Whatshisname from Italy
Wreckeneyez (occasional sightings in realtime)
gigi-Hawaii (keeping up with her on our blogs)
SteveM can fill in the many blanks.
btw- piaa Doris- talked to my Damien grad nephew yesterday and he said- “oh yeah, I know (your son) – he’s flying F22’s…
๐ <——-laughing out loud
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
My son & his friend are somewhere on the Big Island, but I haven’t heard from them. Son had a job interview in Pahala on Tuesday. Will remind them you have room. Mahalo for your kokua. I read that Lance Armstrong is riding around, too.
Gotta run. Latahs
Eh Liz – Good Morning. Did you see #333 and #341? ๐ ๐ฏ ๐ (I don’t care…..)
~โข~~~~โข~~ ๐ฏ ❀ ๐ Happy..Aloha..Friday..to..all!!! ๐ ❀ ๐ ~~โข~~~~โข~
(Note – This message is intended for ALL Tsaikos – even if YOU choose to skip it. It’s your personal decision….) ๐
brew808—HE’S BACK!!!
Meaning you!
Aloha 808ike! Often when I see you post I think –
“808, 808, hike, hike, hike…” (like a snap count for special play…) ๐ ๐ฏ ๐
Good Morning Lizzy, Mei Ling, Brew, and 808ike and you too Mr Kekoa!
Hows yous guys today?
Hate to greet and run but the Sweety and I gotta do some errands and shopping. BBL.
Thought it was color, #, ike, ike, ike!!!
Everybody watch out…. That long motorcade cruising downtown is not BO, it’s DPK & Sweety running errands and shopping…. ๐
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere…hope all had a great new year’s celebration…lots to do today so have to run for now….
Hope everyone has a good day….
Oh…. “808” is also a color (SAPPHIRE ICE). Interesting…bruddah Ike… ๐
Know they are calling for me, but my participation is the peanut gallery.
I see it’s still raining in the 808. How’s the Tsaiko ARK coming along? ๐
Here’s what I posted in #202. I was hoping that whitey would help explain his absence. Oh well… glad he did finally reappear… ๐
Everyone is running. Should have that in my New Years resolution. Oops
to late. Today 1/2/2009. Rather be involved in Tsaiko’s 5F’s than run.
Need to be productive, today. Got to run. (not physically)
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
good morning stretch.
Just woke up a little while ago and wondering what I am going to eat. I am getting hungry
Howzit Stretch! You’re off today? (:D One might have a difficult time telling the difference – “work”, “marketing”, “meeting”, “day off”…. Haha! Oh, maybe no travel to Kauai?) Enjoy your “day off”! ๐
BTW – (for entertainment purposes only…)
I would take Tech -4.5 and ‘bama -9.5 (altho I hope Utes shine).
Not much interest in other game ECU -3 over Kentucky.
What do you say? I wonder how the Tsaikos did in LV? Some of them should be returning this weekend…. ๐ฏ
After watching them on TV, I think Daily-Lyles could play next year, and Tepa would compete to start for us along with Lopati from Kapolei IMHO.
You guys got any thoughts?
brew808 – thankfully I am off today – no “work”, no “marketing”, no “meeting”.
Aloha al โข – Wow…. I see al is now TRADEMARKED! ๐ and there is use of “those little yellow faces”…. ๐
Hank – There should be lots of competition at LB and DE next season. I think a key will be leadership – especially off season training and bonding. IMHO – a healthy Blaze is a player, but is he a “team leader”. UH really needs these leaders to step-up and…. LEAD!!! ๐
Also – all of these guys really look good on film and paper. If they are willing, and if the coaching and leadership is there, there’s a chance for significant improvement in Special Teams. Not to sound like a broken record, but…. how about Funaki? Oh… IMHO ๐ฏ
brew….haha. just playing around.
the happy face was in support of your plethora of happy, sad, and perplexed faces. that is the only one i know how to do.
hey, so what’s up with you? i see you have a lot of time on your hands these days?
Great Morning All!
Well, it’s back-to-work for some, no need work for others….
…but we all gotta eat! ๐ <<<< a yellow thing-y…
hank…are you the hank i used to share recruiting stuff with before you closed your place down?
gdl….reminds me of solly. same size, good speed, and a nose for the ball. he is always around the ball like a good mlb should be. tepa is light and may need to beef up 20lbs at least.
stretch….save your receipts we may have a contest.
bg….went back to work???
how’s your better half doing?
i hope she no longer has that cold?
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Kinda cool today…
Too bad I working today; I think I missing a pretty good game right now ๐ <<<<<< annodah yellow thing-y!
al โข Try putting double space between emoticons. There are two excellent sources/references for emoticons (notice – no favoritism here… ๐ ) –
http://www.deep-mirrors.org/jason/tsai/misc/ (see page 12 of the very detailed, concise, verbose, extensive, thorough, complete, all-encompassing, *.pdf instructions guideline) ๐ฏ ๐ ๐ฎ
Excellent Cotton Bowl game…. I’d mention the score, but I don’t want al โข getting PO’d at me…. Here’s a bunch of yellow, green, and reddish thing-y’s…. ๐
๐ : mrgreen: ๐
๐ : mrgreen: ๐
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Good Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
HAPPY NEW YEAR (one day late) !!!!!!!
Hope everyone had a great New Years Day!
Sorry – I messed up on that last try, in a couple of ways …. ๐
๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ณ
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Good afternoon/morning Tsaikos…
The NCAA career TD pass record now belongs to Texas Tech’s Graham Harrell, and Colt is second. Colt had the record with three years of play and it took Harrell 4 years to break it.
I agree on both “entertainment” calls, Brew, even though Tech is behind right now. Penn St. had a shot to have a very ‘entertaining’ ending yesterday, eh?
Hey, I think I remember a Tsaiko that use to visit – I think she used the nick Addahknowsports – but that was last year…. so long ago and far away…. ๐
99 – IF I was playing (for entertainment purpose only)…. I would have been literally “squeezing the Charmin!” ๐ ๐ฏ ๐
What’s the deal? Halftime at the Cotton Bowl has turned into a Talk Show. Heck- they should turn off both mikes. ๐ฟ
morning tsai-ko kane’s and wahine’s 8) I’m checking in afta a few days of being pia (pilute in action). last thing I rememba was reading some of brew808 stuff and waking up and dea brew808 again. bruddah you borrow some fingas from garret or whot. happy new yeas to you btw and others I may have missed.
kinda wet out dea eh ๐ so how is everyone? man 09 eve and day was something else and if I rememba think I made it ok. the aerial fireworks just around the neighborhood ๐ฏ was outstanding. my daughter car alarm went off constantly from 9 to midnight. ๐ฅ finally shut off but me thinks the battery went make, die, dead.
wow stretch bring up good subject ……… fuuuud. starving and searching for some sustenance other den cold beeru. Wor Gau Ghee Mein or Sam See Mein cake noodles sound good right now.
au’wryte like d1 always say lunc howa catch you’all after put fuud in stomach.
brew – #376 – can “concise” and “verbose” be used in the same sentence? ๐ ๐ ๐
brew808: #344 – yes. and I got a refund from eHarmony.
#379 – beautiful! Reminds me of my old bbs days (Fidonet) when a kid with an Amiga could light up the screen in ANSI!
Hi 99club! Just seeing your name bring back nice NOLA memories!
OK. making like ike and going to be productive today. Hope it’s not raining tonight! I like pursue the 6th F.
Okay – This is for Addahknowsports since she was “busy” last year and probably didn’t see this one: ๐ ๐ ๐
……………….. ๐ .. ๐ .. ๐ ………………..
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……… ๐ ……………………….โฆ ๐ ……..
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… ๐ ……… ๐ …………. ๐ ………. ๐ …
. ๐ …………………………………..โฆ. ๐ .
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. ๐ ……… ๐ ……………… ๐ …..โฆ. ๐ .
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… ๐ …………… ๐ .. ๐ ………….. ๐ …
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PS – If you don’t like this “yellow thing(y), smiley face graphic”, then fine! It’s wasn’t meant for you anyway! ๐ But for all the rest of the Tsaikos …. Happy New Year!!! ๐
jm2375- I think you just did…
quickie hello how you to sistah with foot of lead and arm of cannon thunda ๐
brewski, thanks for all your help the other day/night. was fun and will do it again. got knocked out by remy, then had to rush for breakfast meeting and golf, more biru, and out to the darkside. spacecraft finally made it home evening of new year’s day. hooo boy.
jm2009+366 – Re: #385
Statistically speaking… yes, since it has already been used three times in the last dozen or so (a highly technical term) posts –
๐ฏ ๐ ๐
whitey- YOU are “da man”. Your inspiration and first steps made the “erase last year’s bad memories new blog record”possible…. darkside notwithstanding ๐
Whoosh for real this time!
eh duf, what that for. you when fix your computer?????
Besides – have you read Jason‘s treatise…. Yikes! ๐ฅ ๐ฎ ๐
Happy New Year, one day late!
Started the New Year golfing and getting my okole kicked by a 15 year old girl! She shot a easy 67 from the men’s tee. Very disheartening! ๐
ok, we go finish this blog over 400 before ST puts up a new one.
“getting … okole kicked by a 15 year old girl!” Haha! ๐
No, I’m blogging from work. I think it’s a registry problem. I really don’t want to fiddle with the registry, although soon or later I’ll have too!
I lied .
Esme and OUT!
Whoah…. from Mt. Everest … to… ant hills… ๐
I actually think that the departure of Alex Gerke is a good thing for the program. We can try and concentrate on picking-up an actual running back coach, rather than using a line coach to cover for running backs. Alos, as nice as a guy as Brian Smith seems, I think the program really needs to consider a change at the O-Line coach. Although he is young and enthusiastic, he is also very inexperienced and probably needed to work his way up a few more years maybe at the 1-AA level before jumping into a Division one program like UH. An offense really starts with the offensive line and unless we make some changes during the off season, I think we will continue to struggle offensively. Brian Smith has a long road to travel before he is ever in the same league as a Mike Cavanaugh and we do not have the years to give him to learn how to be an effective and seasoned coach.
Many fans have also unfairly criticized Coach Ron Lee. I think that he is an outstanding coach and just needs the support of more experienced offensive position coaches. He really had none this past season and I really think that criticisms of him have been unfair. Consider the defense with Coach Mack, Coach Cal, and Coach Miano.
Anyway, Happy New Year
got to take major break cause my plumber friend coming over to help me fix couple major leaks. will see you all on the new post from ST.
New name for author of #400 & 401 – I Li(ed)Kauai ๐
Aloha Richie – Yes, changes are due (and needed – IMHO). If you’ve been following the Warrior Beat discussions, there will be some announcements after NLI in February. Stay tuned…. ๐
A very humbling experience to say the least! I’m also envisioning a okole wipping from my son, which is coming sooner than I expected.
I think I need to get Stretch over here to play some golf.
I agree. Watching USC’s O-Line, you can tell they are very well coached and have many different, quick, blocking techniques and strategies. I was very impressed with their execution on the screens and especially the Mark Sanchez QB draw for TD play.
Our line just seems to be that much slower.
Hehehe. Brew, thanks for the big smiley. Good thing I didn’t call you a smiley hog. You’ve been going to town with those things. But I always love to see your smileys around.
Yeah, last year was very very busy. But it’s a fresh, bright new year. Yesterday, I spent the whole day being Martha. Made ozoni in the (late) morning after a (whole) night out in the ceded lands of Kapolei. It felt like a peaceful Sunday.
Today feels like a Monday and get choke sh…tuff to do. So gotta hele and have a great day peeps. Will check in this eve. Good to be back on the blog. I miss you guys.
Hey – was there any byline in the morning HA by our esteemed ST? If so, I must have missed it. It seems the bugga has been on “cruise control” (BTW – much deserved) lately. ๐
Texas Tech is disappointing so far – especially after the 14 point start and lead…. ๐
Happy 2nd day of 2009!
Working from home today. Yee Haw!!! Nothing like working and watching a football game at the same time ๐ .
Speaking of football, what is the song that college bands play (including our band) when they make a big stop on 3rd down?
Al (#373)
All is good with Betty now…thanks for asking! She was really fed up with the coughing.
Give Brian Smith some time. I’ve never been a fan of Dennis McKnight, so I (and others) am (are) of the opinion that Smith needs to “decontaminate” the players that were under his tutelage. With guys like Samson, Tala, et al., they had coaching under Cav, so they were fine (that matches with the comments that Samson was virtually the O-line coach in 2006). But now Smith has only McKnight guys, and he needs to fix them up.
I’d also like to know how much Ron contributes from the booth for Smith as well; I know he’s talked about how Rolo needs to improve at seeing the whole field, so I assume Ron is looking at O-line play too, but IDK how much he communicates with Smith on the sideline. Again, I believe better communication is a big key for improving next year.
And if we are going to bring in a coach to help Smith with the OL, I hope it’s a coach with solid experience in the R&S. That might help Smith to grow as he gets better as an OL coach.
Not to mention, the guys we have just aren’t of the athletic caliber that we’ve had in the past. This isn’t a knock on them, cause they do work hard and try their best, but I consider this to be a fact. The three real athletic guys are Estes, Letuli, and Hisatake โ Estes is fine, but Letuli’s been moved around from RB to DL to OL, and he’s been hurt, while Hisatake is still getting used to the OL (but I think he can break through next year).
Assuming LaCount and Leonard are as good as they say, I’d love to see a Leonard-Letuli-Estes-Hisatake-LaCount offensive line.
RE: Song on 3rd Down
I think that’s the “Imperial March” theme from the Star Wars movies.
I know what you mean. If Leonard’s footwork and agility is what they say it is, it will be hard for him not to start next season. After thinking about it, LaCount may have to battle harder than some think for a spot next season. You’d still have Kia and Letuli returning.
Well at least with the proposed Leonard-Letuli-Estes-Hisatake-LaCount line, no one will complain about lack of size on the line!
Come to think of it, when was the last time both tackles were 6’6″ or taller and when both guards were 6’4″?
Don’t know the answer to your question and from the looks of things we won’t hear TX Tech play that song any time soon. Ol’ Miss looking strong.
Thanks Kazz.
99club – I had to stop watching the game. I hate watching a blowout; I feel bad for the losing team.
The show was taped in advance… I wonder who won … ๐
I like your OL lineup there Jason and I agree with giving Coach Smith more of a chance. And you’re totally right about the root cause of our OL problems…it’s not the X’s and O’s….its the Jimmies and Joes. Speaking of Jimmies and Joes, did you see what the Georgia DL did to Michigan States O-line? I’m sure MSU’s O-line had been thoroughly schooled in all the latest blocking techniques (as some have insinuated that our boys haven’t) but the superior speed and quickness of Georgia’s pass rush could not be overcome.
Brewmeister808 ~ Apparently you too have chosen to ignore the scoldings from W/Doc and her ‘Smiley’ enforcement agency. For shame! We are destined to become the first to be banished from the blog for “Excessive Celebration!”
Happy New Year! ๐
Kekoa ๐
Just keep to yourself and keep ignoring my peeps. You make such a big deal over trivial stuff or things that you cannot figure out yourself.
I’m surprised you haven’t bashed Mr. Karaoke’s peeps too.
๐ก ๐ฟ ๐
Howzit Bruddah Kekoa – I heard there was an AWESOME pytotechnical show on the Wessai New Year’s Eve! ๐ฏ ๐
As for brew’s Resolutions and Reflections for 2009 –
shamed ๐ณ Never! ๐
judgemental – Not me! ๐
hypocritical – Yeah…. sometimes! ๐ฏ
self-righteous – Yeah…. maybe, but rarely! 8)
critical & complaining – Okay…. you got me (but I try to not to be all the time…ALL THE TIME…! ๐ฟ
a rascal…. That I am & likely to continue to be! ๐
Who do you guys think will be the first UH player to be drafted?
Remember in the ’07 draft when Ikaika Alama-Francis was the surprise 1st UH player taken off the board (before Samson, Mel, etc.)
Jake Ingram first, then Mouton, Veikune… IMHO ๐
J-Dog: IDK, that was hardly a surprise. I thought it was going to be Samson first, but Ikaika was projected to be picked somewhere around there, anyways.
This year, looks like it’ll be David Veikune that goes first, early projections have him anywhere from the 3rd to 5th rounds. He’s probably the only solid lock to be drafted, barring any injuries. Jake Ingram has a good shot to be drafted too โ depends on who needs a long snapper. Ryan Mouton, Solomon Elimimian, and Adam Leonard could be drafted, but that will be dependent on their Combine/Pro Day tests.
player #1 is Veikune in the 3rd rd followed by Mouton in the 3rd. Ingram will go in the 6th round.
duffer easy just buy a program called Registry Mechanic, take all the work out of messing with your registry. Think it runs about 29.00
ummm… (peeping in for a sec) …
please remember that W-Doc is who she is – like each one of us is.
The beauty of the blog is its diversity and its tolerance.
Some Tsai-kos can take more teasing than others; some just say what they think, or say without thinking, or think without saying.
Each has something to offer and many have been generous in their offering. W-Doc and Dr. Doc are part of the ohana and while I may not agree with some points made, I’m trying to stay focused on the positive.
Jake Ingram – If special teams counts for 1/3 – then snapper for PATs, FGs, and punts directly participates in 1/6 of all plays. Remember Ray Guy was a #1…. Again, IMHO…. ๐
๐ณ You ๐ are ๐ absolutely ๐ฏ correct 8) as ๐ฎ always ๐ LizKauai ๐
LizKauai [Believer],
Cheers for saying the same thing I did only in a nicer way. ๐
๐ณ BTW – None of this should matter since Post #277 stated that the blogger “skips” all posts containing “those little yellow faces” ๐
brew, you sure they yellow??? i thought they were blue.
for C_C: “Close to Home” cartoon in today’s HA. Caption: “At Lego corporate headquarters”. ๐
Brew ~ You wascal!…I myself have never see such a long and contiuous outpouring of explosives since the night of the TET offensive in ’68. It was with mixed emotions that I viewed this spectacle.
I am very serious about that particular comparison because of the memory of all of my brothers who perished during that particular battle. I have more to share, but don’t want to get into all that on the blog. Football is enuff of a tactical challenge as it is.
Reminiscing – I wish bruddah Wreck would return. I hope all is well for him. Same goes for many AWOL Tsaiko ‘ohana! ๐
ok, plumber came and made major suggestion, so project is on hold and will proceed later this month.
my best to coach Mc and the rest of the coaches on this year’s recruiting. it should be a dooooooozzzzer!!!
got to run into town for some last minute things. you all, enjoy the sunshine.
…sometimes fixing plumbing problems (both personal and household) should NOT be placed “on hold”…. IMHO ๐ฏ
Calling A-House!!! Where are you!?? Can you either come home or please call long distance to check on your neighbor? The bugga is waaaaayyyyyy over-due on his (much needed) beauty rest! ๐
Wait – that didn’t come out right. Some “beauty rest” helps, but it didn’t help Rip Van Winkle any…. Wakee, wakee…. ๐
Tsai is alive…
“had to do some things”
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll check on it.
“The NCAA career TD pass record now belongs to Texas Techโs Graham Harrell, and Colt is second. Colt had the record with three years of play and it took Harrell 4 years to break it.”
And Colt usually sat around in the 4thQ !
Congrats to the QBs.
tappity again…
i have read a lot of posts about the oline , brian smith, ron lee etc.
my take, if i may:
Ron Lee is getting to much crap. it is not his fault that Mac set him up for failure by getting him a lousy Oline coach. also, ron had to get a qb, 4 wr’s.
Brian Smith is in over his head. he needs to be let go NOW. this years Oline was the WORST in NCAA history. enough said!
you dont give someone who failed at this level time to learn how to coach. You either got it or dont.
he can go “learn” at div 2!
Mac gets paid to make tough decisions, but it is time for a change at the Oline position.
Happy New Year!
Awoke from two naps today (still have a cold) and see us on the same blog entry yet. Unusual. Maybe vacation time after a long season…but where is fearless leader? ๐
Saturday, February 7, 2009
7:30 PM – 12:30 AM
Krazy Karaoke (1308 Young Street)
We have the big (green) room at Krazy Karaoke for 55 people. Mahalo to those who RSVP’d in the past 2 days to make this a “GO”.
Please continue to RSVP on the blog or email SteveM. Note we are capped at 55 people.
We look forward to seeing new Tsai-kos at one of our first major parties of 2009. Singing not required, but there will be a lot of it ๐ But very good! Click here to see photos and video of earlier large Karaoke Calls, and scroll down to see more.
โข $15 per person for the room/karaoke
โข Bring food/goodies (like indoor tailgate)
Mahalo to Stretch for the arrangements and putting down the non-refundable deposit today!
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Continually updated Karaoke Call info in the Events Calendar section at:
Current count = 32
thoughts; re #445.
You should email this to Coach McMackin.
You can get his email by going to google dot com
key in university of hawaii
locate manoa campus, then ‘Faculty and Staff’
key in mcmackin’s name to get his email.
Yeah, the o-line was pathetic.
The worst part was they nevah improve from game 1 to game 14.
SteveM – Re: ST –> See #442.
LizK is “connected”. It’s sort of like Alfred to Batman (Bruce Wayne) – I hypothesize. ๐
Just wanted to wish everyone a late Happy New Years! Just got back from 2 nights of camping on the Kohala coast. I’m sure it was a better time than I would have had with all my friends in a freezng Spokane.
SteveM – I urge you to invite jm2009+366 to you the K-Kall in Feb. She says she’s tone-deaf and no-can-sing (Okay- I believe her!) but that’s only a small part of the K-Kall festivities…. right? I would like to see her join the J-bombers club! Got pictures? Hehe…. ๐ฏ ๐ ๐
Nice entrance for the Utah Utes in the 2009 Sugar Bowl. I have a weird lump in my gut watching….. but still going to watch. ๐ฏ
Yikes! … even the team colors are eerily similar – other than the Utah red trim…. ๐ฏ
Utah sure came out fired up…Love to see Alabama get whoooped
new post ๐
thoughts 445
Nolo Contendre 448
re Brian Smith and the oline
I agree, said da same ting 3 days ago,
but D1 said then “watcha talkin aabout willis?”
and Jason 413 above says, more or less,
give Brian the benefit of the 3 yr rule
fooD FIght!
in the words of Coach Mack,
this ain’t PE.
brew808 — some ladies do not drink alcoholic beverages, even something as weak as 70 proof Jagermeister in Red Bull (diet, of course) ๐ So if a Tsai-kette declines an offer, that’s perfectly fine.
…now, some people are “Bulla Bombers” by nature of their personalities. jm2375, Addahknowsports, and jojo immediately come to mind–and of oourse, homey. Also Betty, Mei Ling, Mrs. LTUHF, Al’s Boss, and the twins. They are all “bombers”, and fun to be with.
As for jm2375, she should just join the fun…and bring triple chocolate cake. ๐
Utah is Wakkin Alabama!
yee haa!
Thanks for your post #428. The blog is certainly an opportunity for us to strive to better ourselves as human beings. Good input
Now, it’s time to saddle up and close the office.
Why can’t we be like Utah ?!?!?!?!
Why can’t we be like Utah ?!?!?!?!
we cant be like Utah cause the oline no like play and no coached like Utah.
also, they play wit speed on the edges!! we need Iuta and recruits like him……lets see if mack can get guys li dat!
Happy birthday, Christie! 32 again, right?
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