Hammer time
The good news is UH’s track and field team has some powerful throwers.
The not-so-good news is they need a better place to practice. There are too many divots after workouts on the grass soccer field or Clarence T.C. Ching Field’s Sports Turf, creating potential hazards for soccer, football and intramural players using those fields. A designated throwing area also is not conducive; two throws struck HECO lines.
The athletic department, of course, does not need any more expenses. But an investment today might save money in the long run.
* * * * *
Wayne Moses deserves praise for the improved play of the tight ends.
Moses, who was hired a week before the start of spring training, is listed as the running back coach. But he also works with the H-backs and tight ends. Phil Rauscher, who coached the tight ends the past two seasons, was not retained.
Tight end Jordan Pu‘u-Robinson was playing well before suffering an injury to his right ring finger. Josh Long, a JC transfer who redshirted in 2013, has had a solid spring training. Tui Unga is making the adjustment to Division I. Justin Vele also has played well as a hybrid fullback/tight end.
good morning tsaikos
d1 time to wake up and go hi ho hi ho. it is hump day.
Don’t forget Saturday is the Spring Fling, marking the final day of spring training.
It is Can Do Day!
Yesterday was Earth Day! But no one noticed.
What time on Saturday?
haleakala, i think every day is earth day. get up in the morning, go sleep at night, get up, go sleep, and the earth is still here, the sun still shining. don’t understand why we need to have an earth day when everyday is guud.
Whitey, I agree. However Maui No Ka Oi!
haleakala, aren’t we lucky to live on maui. another beautiful day, roosters crowing, kids walking to school, people walking to exercise, and a quiet blog. hahahahaaaa
Whitey, everyday I count my blessings. Indeed, we are very fortunate.
BTW, we have many people that contribute to help make our community what it is. I am trying to honor one of our great coaches, Spencer Shiraishi. He coached swimming day in and day out for more than 5 decades at Kahului Pool. We’ve asked Maui County to re-name it to the Coach Spencer Shiraishi Memorial Pool. It will happen within the month.
I have no problem with that and think it is a good idea.
I never had the honor of meeting Coach Shiraishi. But anyone who devotes that much time coaching the people of Hawaii in swiming desires recognition.
Damn loud music woke me up again. Oops, today Wednesday, no practice.
Haleakala, one thing i porgot to mention about swimming program on maui. there were 4 people from the county of maui who made the maui swimming program what it is today and somehow few know them. Without Bataan Deloso, Richard Machida, Kenji Kawaguchi, and Ross Tamayose, there would not have been a country swimming program, an MIL swimming program, age group swimming program, western zone swimming, and no pools in Pukalani, Kihei, and Lahaina. Basically these 4 kept the program alive and the country would have done away with the swimming programs.
ok, nuff, going to breakfast of champions, saimin.
Why was Phil Rauscher not retained?
Good morning Tsaikos!
Isn’t one of the hammer throwers, Jackie Donovan?
Guud Morning Tsaikos….bootiful busy day.
dang.. the sound of silence is too loud…
Pu‘u-Robinson needs a blessing or something. The guy just cannot seem to stay healthy.
Wayne Moses, “Taihen Yoku Dekimashita…Gambatte!”
I actually used to swim on Maui, Maui swim club, probably the most patient person who ever lived! My family and I got much love for coach Spence!!! He really impacted my families life! My sister went to play water polo for uh, no. Coaches water polo, my dad was the swim coach, as kids we all swam age group in those american flag speedos! Too funny!
Football alumni players participating in the Alumni Flag Football Game on 4/26 at 2:00 pm prior to the spring game include:
Paul Alferez, Mike Biscotti, Darrick Branch, Alonzo Chop, Tala Esera, Nate Ilaoa, Michael Iosua, Kila Kamakawiwo’ole, Marques Kaonohi, Leonard Lau, Marlowe Lewis, Tua Mahaley, Lincoln Manutai, Kelly McGill, Tanuvasa Moe, Keao Montheilh, Dean Nakagawa, Manly Roe and Dane Uperesa.
Coaches are Michael Carter, Leo Goeas, Al Noga and Manly Williams.
There is room for more players. If you would like to participate, please contact Joyce at 956-4513.
Whitey: i believe you. Their group still helps out at the Shoichi Sakamoto Swim Meet.
Kenji Kawaguchi was also quite a baseball and football player at UH 60+ years ago. He must have been as quick as a bee.
Yesterday’s A-House #39 post :
‘perhaps, some day, some one at UHAD will be able to release exactly what football earns, what expenses directly related to football, and amount football pays to support the other low revenue and non-revenue sports – then, we can see, transparency, if football by itself is profitable or not’
Couldn’t find the 2013 report online, but the 2012 Equity In Athletics Report is linked on the UHAD website. You’ll find the expenses & revenues toward the end of the report, pages 16 & 17.
My bad. There is no 2013 report because we’re still in it.
13…being that humble person that he is, whitey himself has quite a history in maui’s youth swim development.
NFL schedules released today, 8 pm ET. I’m guessing Panda Travel has their fingers crossed Denver is playing at home the weekends Hawaii is in Colorado, or Houston’s at home when Hawaii plays Rice. We’ll see!
Mahalo Coach Moses for working with the TE’s in addition to your ‘day job.’ 🙂
I can understand throwing a hammer.
I never understood that you put a shot.
Mahalo Coach Moses!
Too bad about the hammer throwing. *Tsigh*
Good morning everyone!
Nice story about Special Teams today, ST.
Haleakala, whitey, and Rrfl: my #1 learned to swim in the Puunene pool. My #2 was an age group swimmer And participated in age group invitationals and state swim meets on Maui after we moved back to Honolulu. Maui swimming is definitely No Ka Oi….. Hmmm whitey, who you?
Come to think of it, #2 participated in a Western Zone on Maui way back. Great Maui Memories.
NorCal UH Warrior Fan here:
Will someone please broadcast the Spring Fling for the mainland fans via internet??? I’m willing to chip in a little $ or donate more $. I’m going to a BBQ with at a fellow UH alums house and I think we would love to have the Game on.
youtube, even google hangout, I don’t care.
Or, it would be cool if the UHAD media team could do this for the Mainland & Neighbor Island Fans and player Ohana. Seeing is believing, and I want to see the 2014 Warriors! If need $, start a Kickstarter campaign or something (shame on us if can’t). Throw in the Alumni game too while at it : )
Anyone know if ESPN 1420 will be broadcasting the spring game? That could be the “audio” if someone could video a stream.
3 prong, for info only. the western zone swim championships is the brainchild of Dean Dillingham, the age group head of Pacific Swimming Association. Instead of just having the Far Westerns which was basically the PSA Age Championship and had many Hawaii swimmers participate in it, Dean wanted to expand the meet to all the teams in the western zone. There would be a cutoff time and each western state would be allowed to field a team instead of individual clubs. I was at the first meeting with 3 other Hawaii coaches, Kerry Kamisato, Len Limahai, and Ed Kawachika. We were all for the concept because each of them had just a few swimmers so we could not make relay teams or be one team. We brought the idea back to Hawaii Swimming Association and they shot us down. We requested a special exemption for us going to the initial Western Zone if we could be called Team Hawaii. Again we were shot down by HSA. After the initial Western Zone at Concord, the 4 of us decided to merge our team into one so we could go to the future Western Zone meets.
Yeah! Broadcast the game for us transplants 🙂
3 prong. get plenty more to this, but this is da warrior’s blog, so i digress.
One of the greatest UH weight throwers was Terry Albritton (Stanford transfer) who set a world record in the shot put while at Manoa. Later came back to serve as strength and conditioning coach under Dick Tomey from 79-85.
#24 & 25:
if my calculations are correct, the football program, in 2012, lost $3,437,340 { $10,585,001 income minus $7,147,661 expenses }
if correct, how can UHAD expect football to support all the non-revenue and limited income sports annually and why the reported loss was less than publically stated?
hello, A-House!
you got it reversed – dummy! expenses were higher that income!
#39 What kind accounting that? 10(credit) minus 3 (debit) equals 3 profit.
col, no worry, it is called new math.
col, kawika49 comes from the old math school. hahahahaaa
38–Old Dave: Aloha all! Ahh, Terry, being a Stanford guy, he gave a rather verbose articulation on the nature of Fartlek training, which he brought from Stanford and introduced to us football players,” it means “speed play” in Swedish, is a training method that blends continuous training with interval training.The variable intensity and continuous nature of the exercise places stress on both the aerobic and anaerobic systems. It differs from traditional interval training in that it is unstructured; intensity and/or speed varies, as the athlete wishes…”
Or, he said in the more succinct alternative, “run like hell, and eat s&it and die!!.”
Was a good man, RIP Terry.
boola –
Then there was the “Animal” system of training. Run like a horse, eat like a pig and lift like a gorilla. 😆
whitey…who was that lady teach swimming at the wailuku pool…was the name soule…4 got
there by the gym…was mr. fujimoto i know run the gym….his son n me ended up same unit at schofield after korea…n remember the bowling alley there also…n kenji had a office around there sum place..
good to see the progress with practice as positive articles abound 4 us to read…
iMUA WARRIORS……stay injury free….
Your knowledge of the history of swimming on Maui shows me that you were very heavily involved in the programs. You are too humble to acknowledge your contributions.
I’m sure there have been many coaches at the Wailukiu pool.
One coach which I clearly remember about 25 years ago was Kaluka Maiava’s mom, Kathy. She was a really nice lady who encouraged my son to enter the water. Kaluka used to be a good swimmer but he lost interest. Football became his sport.
yah whitey!
Mr Tsai…Phil Rauscher was one of Norm Chow’s first hires. The initial report said he left because of personal reasons. What is the reason behind him “not being retained ?????
trojan and haleakala, you guys old buggas. i think at old wailuku pool was next to alexander house (bowling) and the lady at the pool was Lummi (spp) Pacheco. the other young lady there was Jojo Apo later on. I going ask my friend about who ran the wailuku gym.
trojan, actually you and i have ties. i used to coach at st anthony at the time when jimmy shaw and bunny garcia were the basketball coaches. bunny’s nephew, jon, played for them and eventually became baldwin’s bb coach and later on ad.
going to the winery now to meet some other old farts. this is a great place to go to enjoy a glass (actually plastic cup) of good (but cheap) wine with the gang. great view of haleakala, kahului harbor, paddleboarders, canoe paddlers, surfers, fishermen, and humping turtles.
TD has evidently transitioned well at Cal…..
Whitey don’t bring the crowing roosters to Manoa, someone might start a petition.
A house # 39, can I hire you to do my taxes? Would get refund every year.
Wayne Moses is a great pick up for Hawaii – but there is also a new TE coach coming who has already been a part of spring football for several practices working with the TE’s – Spencer Hagan from Cal will be joining the UH staff as a new GA and will serve as the TE coach. He was there working with the TE’s for the first 5 or 6 practices as a volunteer before his GA contract starts in May.
I found this link with a story about Spencer Hagan
Here is the story about Spencer Hagan as new Hawaii GA
Phil left because he quit, not because he wasn’t retained.
one last link i just found about Spencer Hagan – his Cal retirement press conference. Only a GA but he seems like a solid young leader and coach. How many GA’s does a college team get to have.
yea whitey….’lummi’ was her name..live in kahului me think..she had 2 sons…Was fujimoto ran the gym…they lived there on property…that late 40’s or early 50’s….
mr. shaw …remember him…n jon garcie…n had another..kinda chubby brother…family had a florist on vineyard st..close to yokouchi bakery…his name started with K..he was in basketball also as coach…when mr. cecil dickson was at cyo….
Regarding #46. St. Anthony Trojan
I think her name was Cecelia Soule and she was involved in swimming programs in Wailuku. Also was my 3rd grade teacher at Wailuku Elementary
trojan, mr leo kaluakini, iao school teacher, his wife is a fujimoto from the florist. jon has a brother sam, same name as his dad and they live next to maui prince in makena. lummi had 2 sons, one was killed in an accident at the cement plant near kahului airport and the other is lulu (don’t know his real name) who retired from hawaiian air. mr shaw’s son still works for hawaiian air on maui.
maui boy, no tell us that you one old bugga like us. hahahahaaaa
808 warrior. Who gives a rip why Rauscher wasn’t retained he obviously wasn’t doing a good enough job. Very little coaching experience prior to coming here.
whitey , sad to say will be closing in on the big number 60 in a couple of years. The good news is that I just recently semi-retired ( work part-time).
Hopefully, I can now follow UH football including traveling to the games on Oahu and the mainland more often.
trojan, his name was hiroshi fujimoto who went to work for usda and retired at that job. got this info from pablo jr (caldito)
whitey: thank you for the history lesson and thank you for your efforts in advancing swimming in Hawaii.
maui boy n whitey…thanks for the memory up-grade…he he he
yea remember lulu…n ms. soule….used to teach us dancing…waltz n fox trot…
guess considered ‘ape man’ dances now huh…he he
yea me went iao school …he used to teach wood shop…
always liked cafeteria duty there…
had small garden in back the cafe…veggies were fresh….
Maui Boy: not so bad to be 60+. You get to qualify for senior citizen discounts!
I remember the first time I got the senior discount. My wife and I went to see a movie at the Lahaina theater. We went early, got the tickets and went to dinner. At dinner I counted my change and discovered the cashier gave me too much money back. When we went back to the theater, i discovered what he did. He gave me the senior discount. I was only 50 years old!
I was more insulted than happy to get the discount.
April 23rd, 2014 at 6:57 pm
Phil left because he quit, not because he wasn’t retained.
*****I really try to be respectful every time, I really do. However, when people are this wrong and so mis-informed, well, they should keep their thoughts to themselves.
He quit my a*s!
Wasn’t retained my a*s!
His a*s was fired!
And that jack, is fact!
hmmmmm…seems like nuha is nuha…he he he
Nuha is on to something. Talked to a top 2014 local prospect just last week who is close to qualifying. Said although he has many BCS offers waiting should he get the test score Hawaii came in late and according to the prospect it sounds like the coach who was assigned to recruit and monitor his progress was fired for not doing his due diligence and keeping track of the young man’s test scores. He is now considering Hawaii if he qualifies but it may be too late as many were on him before Hawaii found out how close he was. Has since taken the ACT which may give him a better chance than the SAT at getting the score he needs. His grades are good so the sliding scale is favorable for him. Of course if he doesn’t get the score then it’s all moot but the assistant coach messed up and it could have very well cost him his job. Hawaii has upped the ante by offering him the chance to also play basketball if he gets the score he needs. He is an explosive athlete and a great kid who is very humble and respectful. Wish him the best where ever he ends up.
turfwar…..if all what you say is true…then shame on coach who left him hanging…not good 4 UHAD…not good 4 student…n especially not good 4 his parents…sad when ‘coaches’ fumble with a kids education…maybe would have been ok for him if he was prodded a little huh….hope it works 4 him…
On a swimming note–way back in the day, all us wise-a$$ punks from Halawa go up to Aiea High pool, and register for summer fun. Well, first day of summer, I challenge this kid to race me for my crack seed money. He is very hesitant, and what I would then later discover was him being ha’aha’a or humble. But after goading him, he accepts.
Long story short, he beats me by almost half the lenght of the pool, and we were only racing one length of the pool. This person—Daniel Arakaki, or UH swimming lore. Damn, I was one punk growing up….
Im guessing u neva give up da seed money