The Good Neighbor
Happy birthday to my neighbor, A-House.
* * * * * *
So, the media was told to keep some changes under wraps until Saturday. We all agreed. But then it slipped out. So I blamed “Ferd” and then I called our boss to scold “Ferd.” And then at practice, I got scolded, and the other reporters gave me the tsk-tsk look because it looked like I gave the info to “Ferd.” And then … we learned that coach Greg McMackin actually made the announcement on his coach’s show on Tuesday.
So I had to do what guys really hate to do. I had to apologize. And I felt like the Fonz: “Sss…sss…..orry.”
Anyway, “Ferd,” I’m sorry.
* * * * *
• It appears that Kealoha Pilares will either start at left wideout or, at the least, get extensive playing time there.
• That means Jon Medeiros will start or get extensive playing time at slotback.
• But that also means that Joe Avery still will be in the rotation at left wideout. He’s had a good week of practice.
• Adrian Thomas has been bothered by lower-back pain, but he expects to be ready for Saturday’s game against Boise State. Austin Hansen has been taking reps at right tackle.
• Matagisila Lefiti has been practicing this week at right guard in place of Raphael Ieru, who has a nagging injury. Ieru is expected to start against Boise State.
* * * * *
You get to be a certain age — and I’m a 49er — and you start thinking more and more about the good (not-so) ol’ days. Like when all of your garbage went into actual garbage cans. Like when having a Friday off from school was a good thing. Like when we had four local news stations. (Whoops. That’s next week’s bitch session.)
So this is what I miss about UH football:
• The introduction of the defense. That’s when we first found out Adam Leonard could dance. We’re all missing out not seeing Tuika Tufaga do an introduction dance.
• Big Bag.
• The lineups that used to be wrapped around the newspapers. It used to be like a guessing game. Which paper did I buy?
• The kids selling the lineups. Now they distribute programs like the Costco worker hands out coupons.
• Kids selling newspapers. It used to be kind of cool to slip a kid a $5 or $10 tip.
• The streamers. Thrown from the red section that somehow defied gravity and made it to the turf.
• Confetti-strewn turf in the fourth quarter. Like when the QB does the leg kick, to motion a receiver, while a piece of paper clings to his cleat.
• Jerseys with numbers that I can see. (Yes, I woke up one day and became Leahey.)
• The big back. Tufaga as a power back near the goal line?
• Vendors walking the stands.
See you all later.
top 5
I hate that confetti. Tradition or not, it looks absolutely trashy on television.
Thanks ST for the #1 position from a grumpy old man. hahahaaaa
Damn! Thought I was first 🙁
I always loved the confetti. It was a Hawaii thing and it made every TD a celebration.
congrats whitey….you’re always #1 in my book, this blog only validates it 🙂
People did it on high school as well. As a kid, it made me feel like I was at a party. It was always fun for me to see.
Got to try, top 10?
i used to like watching the toilet paper streamers from the top of aloha stadium…..i think BYU game when chad owens went off…..classic
by the skin of your teeth, YOU’RE #10, haha, congrats, now have a blessed day
ok top 20
morning tsaiko country and warrior fans specially bulla, whitey, jason and st
whats going on this morning, got up early but found out it next thursday when I need to do this………… my bad
i miss the annual BYU game. My family is LDS so we were always split, but it was good times.
Good Morning Tsaiko Family!
Happy Birthday A-House!!
I was hoping to be home for the BSwho game, but my grandma’s funeral is next Thursday….
Are there any Tsaiko plans for watching the Nevada game next Saturday?
from my recollection the best confetti was at the old honolulu stadium after a hs td both sided and some end zones just went wild with shredded paper.
I agree with Jason, the streamers look like trash on t.v.
yes yes ronnie will email you or rob25 will plus helllllllllllo howwwwwww youuuuu
hippo birdie two ewe Ahouse (which one)
Maybe a replacement from the missing confetti can be implicated.
Conch Shells howling ?????
I miss when we had just 3 stations. we’d watch rainbow basketball, bob sevey did the news, the diamond head game came on, then all of the tv stations went off the air. had to go sleep.
beg to differ with jason and ronnie but when I was younger (no jokes now) it was so cool. in those days talk about high school and personal pride, man it was outstanding
I liked when people in the stadium parking lot launched fireworks after the Washington victory in 2007.
Aloha Kakahiaka again!
ST- the headline guys wrote this over your story: DB lends helping handa
HI HO!!!
I’m so glad they stopped throwing paper junk on the field. Stadium looked like trash.
e kala mai condolences 🙁 to ronnie and family on the passing of her grandma.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Personally, I don’t mind the confetti on the field since it means we scored or had a big play. The more rubbish, the more there was something to cheer about.
I miss the ha’a
Good morning everyone!
I miss Reagan Mauia.
I miss games being televised for free.
Free TV too with rabbit ears.
Swanson TV dinners
TV tray for those dinners
What a treat is was when you were allowed to eat in front of the TV
“I was raised by a wild pack of Televisions”
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
I agree w/ Jason & Ronnie. When you see it on TV, the field looks trashy with all of the paper. I used to wonder why there was so much trash blowing onto the field when I watched the games before moving home. No other college does that. Keep an eye on games you watch this week on TV.
Esme & out…
I wonder how many heartattacks that fricken cannon has given???
I’m with you Glenn!!!
Happy Birthday A-House….your special day………….
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
I miss going to UH games with my beloved Uncle Larry.
I remember going to the OLD stadium and bringing huge brown paper bags filled w hot boiled peanuts that my Mom made for us. Mmmmm.
….and I miss the option. We had some great teams who could beat anybody on any given day because they had such a hard time preparing for us and beating the option.
any many more….
Good Morning Tsaikos!
Okay since he said “grumpy” you can call me cheap. I’m old so, being a cheap old bugger, why can’t boiled peanuts be cheaper? When did that sucker get so expensive? It’s like paying for gas… Missthe cheap peanuts at the old stadium.
I miss the loud explosion after we score, we’d get a kick out of watching unsuspecting people jump out of their pants! 6 or 7 times a game if Timmy and Ashley are playing. Chad would make it blow too. Hahaha, ahh the good old days!
vendors walk the stands in the orange and blue sections.
I miss the eo na toa music blaring from those huge speakers. Especially when they played the music before a much-needed critical 3rd/4th down defensive stop, and the conch shell before each kickoff.
Watched the replay of the 2007 Boise game and having that custom music seemed like such a unique home field advantage. Now the stadium atmosphere seems so blah and cookie-cutter.
Nalani ~
Anuhea will be the featured guest on “From Hawaii with Love” today at Noon. Go to this link:
Good promo for her!
What I can’t stand is the PA announcer still doing a commercial while the play is going on, I don’t think the Warriors need to hear a commercial for insurance while trying to play ball.
Good Morning Tsaikos!
Happy Birthday A-House!
Howzit Gang,
Hope the boys can get focused and start rolling. Boise State is in town and it would be nice to beat a #4 ranked team in the hale. I still got faith that even with the unfortunate injuries and set backs the team has endured thus far they can still finish strong and the young guys can gain much needed experience. I think this team should focus on themselves and stop trying to live up to what used to be. IMO
Hope Greg Alexander, Rodney Bradley, Brashton Satele and the rest of our wounded Warriors have a speedy recovery and heal back to 100%.
Plus, I sorry if I made planny rubbish for the clean up crew. I threw my fair share of confetti on the field but oh wells. That is what the college football atmosphere is all about, getting loud, getting nawts, and going all out just like the team on the field.
J Dog-
Number 40. Agreed.
One of the things that annoyed the heck out of me (other than the final score) at the last Las Vegas game, was the constant playing of extremely loud music and advertisement for some chicken place up to the point where the play was to commence.
Howzit howzit howzit!!!! Good to see you!
Happy Birthday, A-House!
Happy Bday A-House!
You can finally buy beer, and go clubbing.
Have a good one sir.
Back to work.
Howzit DPK,
Just dropping in fast kine before I gotta do some work. Anyway, I going be in the islands from Nov. 18th until Dec. 1st. so I get my tickets for the UH vs. Navy Game, see you guys there.
I thought when Glanville left, the Big Bag stayed.
Happy Birthday A-House…
#28 – Reagan was mean but my favorite power back had to be West Keli’ikipi…remember how he went abuse that poor USC guy with the stiff arm…OUCH!
the big bag is in storage, coach mac made his decision not to use it
I miss stock car racing at the thermite palace.
at the termite palace with “Pan Am” bag full of magazine rolled strips for touchdown celebrations…smooth slippery finish came apart better than using newspaper. tossing from the top row arching high and exploding at the end with paper punched holes for the confetti look
Have you ever talked to mack suggesting to bring some of the stuff back. I miss the e o na toa warrior sounds after big plays and kickoffs. Our pre-game festivities are so pedestrian. IMO, they could, and should be much more intimidating. I can barely hear the music from the intros.
A quick comment on the commercial distractions: We cannot have it both ways, folks. Until we develop a cadre of wealthy alumni & athletic supporters like T Boone Pickens, we can EITHER have Aloha Stadium facilities improvements and a variety of team expenses such as meals, travel, hotels, uniforms & shoes, etc., paid for entirely by us taxpayers through issuing bonds & spending money that could go for teacher/law enforcement salaries OR we can get corporate sponsors to pick up some of the costs – in exchange for getting their names & logos out there before a captive audience.
I too find the commercial noise very distracting, but the current options are quite limited.
BTW, did anyone here comment on the story in Sunday’s paper aout the drive to change both the laws and administrative rules concerning development around Aloha Stadium? How do people on this blog feel about it?
Ronnie – most people this year are going to one of several locations – usually close to their homes but not always – for the daytime away games. SteveM has already started a list: Club Genji, Murphy’s & Nancy’s out in Waipio mauka of the freeway.
No Windward locations announced, but usually Bob’s, The Shack, Boardrider’s & Pinky’s in Kailua plus the bar/restaurant at the Ko`olau Golf Course which is open to the public all show the games.]
Another quick item – the earlier start on Saturday home games is not very pleasant for some of us on the mauka side of the Stadium during the early part of the season. It would be more more pleasant if the game started at 1 pm rather than 4 pm. At the beginning of the Fresno State game, I was beaten up by a serious migraine headache from the late afternoon sun burning into my eyes so I wound up going back to the car to listen to the game on the radio. I tried to wait it out on one of the benches in the concourse area, but two different security guards thought I was drunk or something because I was lying down so I decided to leave.
Even though we won’t be at this Saturday’s T-gate until some time after 3 pm, the recycling bin and table will be out once James arrives early in the morning. The benficiary from the redemption fees this time is the SERVING UP ONE THOUSAND Fund Drive for the Wahine Vollebyall program
Back to work.See you early tomorrow morning.
Pauoa Boy,
Welcome back!
I miss the annual game against BYU and still remember the wins UH got. I’m glad that BYU is on the schedule for future years, but I think that over time BSU has replaced that BYU benchmark. It is hard to keep a rivalry going without playing every year and UH-BSU have had some great battles. A win on Saturday for UH would be really nice…
One reason why the rivalry was so nice against BYU was that most of the games were played in Hawaii and they had so many players from Hawaii. Economics have changed so the teams alternate home games, so that type of home game string against a team probably will never happen again.
A few weeks ago we talked about how HF kept refusing to increase the assistant coach salaries and how UH finally increased the range of salaries after JJ left. One thing that should be pointed out is that a key for BSU’s success is that they pay their assistant coaches very well, so they haven’t lost assistants like Cav and Mac.
don’t like the early start times
hate the sun in the eyes
The older you, the better you were in anything you did when you were younger.
I miss Jenn Boneza!
Hi Pauoa Boy! Praying that you stay safe duing the home stretch!
W-Doc, thanks for the info for the Nevada game.
no wonder I think I used run faster 50 yards times
than azngamer808 ever did
and that was at Hawaii Baptist Academy old makiki campus where
immediately after 50 yards, you needed to avoid a plumeria tree
I was taller way back when
Good morning gang!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY A-HOUSE!!!…”like a great wine…”
Very, very happy to see PB around again…Semper Fi !!!
Back to reading chapters for class…
I agree that paper on the field turf/astro turf looks bad and is a hazard. Should not be done at Aloha stadium.
I have thrown paper at the termite palace in the 60’s…stopped because I was too lazy to make them. 🙂 The grass field there often turned into a mud pit, and I don’t think the paper did too much harm there–maybe helped traction the mud… dunno, gotta ask a player. 😐
A similar phenomenom was the confetti and paper streamers from Pier 10 to the cruise ships as they departed. See the old photos of “Boat Days”. Held the streamer ends in my hand while my friends held them on the dock…certain symbolism there as the streamers broke as the ship pulled away. Heck, now I want to take my friends with me…
…did I tell you about the cruise specials on…. 🙄
happy birthday ahouse.
general of the blog!
Happy Birthday Mr. A House. Let’s go warriors time to step up and play spoiler this Saturday, we just better hope Mr.B doesn’t grease the refs pockets.
i miss the tough nosed defense.
bring back levi stanley! the nogas! larry cole!
they had that refuse to lose attitude.
when you look back at recent times…june was a genius in what he did here. intros, piped music, haka, r n s, warriors, black, and all that stuff helped create a new hipe.
i miss some of that stuff.
I miss having a safety that was bigger than 5’7 155 pounds. thank you mr. miano. Lets gets some scholarship guys on the depth chart.
You get to be a certain age — and I’m a 49er — and you start thinking more and more about the good (not-so) ol’ days. Like when all of your garbage went into actual garbage cans. Like when having a Friday off from school was a good thing. Like when we had four local news stations. (Whoops. That’s next week’s bitch session.)
hey that has a good ring to it -> i’m a 49er.
anyways, if being 49 is being a “grumpy old man”, i’m wit ya!
happy birthday A-house.
The sight of the UH players caked in mud, stained grass stains on their pants, layered sweat pouring from their faces and a sorrowed expression etched on their faces after a loss as they walked off the field of the old stadium are memories I’ll never forget.
As a youngster you thought the players with the dirtiest uniforms as the best players. And you ached inside, too, by looking at how sad they were when they lost.
That was then. A different era for sure. A different bred of player.
Any t-gate request for Maui fuud this weekend. We got salmon, manju, Krispy Kreme and p-sausage flying over.
I don’t think it’s because we have bigger guys… I think that, based on the coaches points system during game conditions, Torres has been just that much better a player. You gotta give Torres credit for having a bigger heart for the game than his body shows. You get the best players out there, not the biggest. All our guys need more practice and experience.
i miss attending football games with my father.
Happy Birthday to you Mr. A-house.
You’re right, guys, I miss free TV for road games.
I miss my hair… nah, not really.
Heck, I been missing my hair for about 15 years..really…
I miss having UH games shown on Fox Sports West in Southern California. No need for streaming video, no need to pay any extra…it sure was nice.
Poor Ferd. I guess in this case Mac revealed information on his show that he wished to keep secret, so no blaming the media. Didn’t someone in yesterday’s blog question the information being released about UH’s plans?
No wonder why TCU has been doing so well and has such amazing facilities, including an indoor practice facility that is better than many BCS conference schools. They pay their assistant coaches well and more than doubled their budget over the past 5 years.
Thank you fellow Tsaikos for all the birfday wishes!! Feels great to be older!
I miss Jeris White, Radford HS, as the right corner who was “burned” for a TD in his first game, BUT thereafter very few teams threw in his area of operations.
His assignment always was the opponents best receiver.
Ah Jeris White. I believe he played in the NFL for Miami. One of the few dbs to wear number in the 80’s. 85 I think.
i miss warriorfanny2.
Yes, selected by Miami in the 3rd round and first DB selected by Miami.
Believe he played 5 years for the Dolphins.
Jeris did wear #85.
Hey, I’m a 49er fan too!! Been one since the mid-40s. My late Uncle used to listen to radio broadcasts of games while working in the vegetable garden.
Also, a Yankee and Celtics fan from the late 40s.
They say babies can remember and recall things when they were infants. I remember being carried by my Mom and watching the contractor build our house. It was in the————s.
I miss gigi-hawaii
To answer Capitol -ist/WassupDoc, if the State doesn’t have the $$$ and Steve Case is not interested in having a Case-Aloha Stadium, is there many choices to get $$$ to re-build the Stadium. I have no problems in seeing commercial establishments there.
A-House: Happy birthday!!!
Someone wrote about the hotdogs at Sam’s Club. Grabbed one this AM and noticed that it was wrapped in a Nathan’s wrapper.
A-House –
Tonight…we grind…that means eat till we can’t eat no more…(Homey, if you add any off-color remarks, I’m going to …..)
Please deliver some some pocho sausage and Krispy Kremes to Stadium Parking Section 4D. Mahalo…
A quick comment on the commercial distractions: We cannot have it both ways, folks. Until we develop a cadre of wealthy alumni & athletic supporters like T Boone Pickens, we can EITHER have Aloha Stadium facilities improvements and a variety of team expenses such as meals, travel, hotels, uniforms & shoes, etc., paid for entirely by us taxpayers through issuing bonds & spending money that could go for teacher/law enforcement salaries OR we can get corporate sponsors to pick up some of the costs – in exchange for getting their names & logos out there before a captive audience.
I too find the commercial noise very distracting, but the current options are quite limited.
BTW, did anyone here comment on the story in Sunday’s paper aout the drive to change both the laws and administrative rules concerning development around Aloha Stadium? How do people on this blog feel about it?
yep, the options are very limited so i’m ok with corporate sponsors too. better than seeing UH suffer in all sports and potentially downgrading University athletics.
having commercial venues around a stadium isn’t so bad, but in this Aloha Stadium case. space is already limited? think its more likely they use the new designation to sell the land and build elsewhere.
Maybe they will build upwards and create even more parking spaces. Maybe even a small hotel? For military, business, and football, travellers. It would be near the airport, stadium, rail, and bases
Please deliver some some pocho sausage and Krispy Kremes to Stadium Parking Section 4D. Mahalo…
first route thru hibachi crew so it’ll be cooked and sliced for our eating pleasure. deliver no later than 3:00 pm and while we’re at it………..bring ‘plenny’. 🙂
Maybe they will build upwards and create even more parking spaces. Maybe even a small hotel? For military, business, and football, travellers. It would be near the airport, stadium, rail, and bases
yeah those are some ideas to consider.
I miss the beerguys in the stands most of all.
bhf2 and Tsaiko Bike donors
We owe a big mahalo to two gentlemen that went way out of their way to facilitate Bike #1 arriving in HNL late last night: Paul Hokama of Las Vegas and George Ka’anana
This e-mail was received today
Aloha Charlie and Team,
I spoke to Scotty and he confirmed AWB 173 LAS 1880 2696 is in HNL ready for pick up. Don confirmed he will be there to pick up tomorrow morning. Please release to him. If there are any questions, please let me know.
Thank you!
George Ka’anana
Sr. Cargo Sales Manager
New stadium in lower campus.
For our engineers:
* build new “dome” stadium over existing parking structure, tennis courts, Ching Field, Stan Sheriff Center, and athletic department.
* if the first 10 stories are used for parking spaces, what is necessary to connect this facility to the H-1 Frwy? ie, how many on/off ramps needed for traffic in both directions?
* or, buy out all the owners of Varsity Circle and use that area for parking lot and/or new stadium
IF, State of Hawaii will spend $215,000,000 to repair Aloha Stadium, I believe a new dome stadium with luxury seats @ $350 million, at the current site, would be a better deal in terms of construction, revenue, use, etc. Use the existing “lower parking level” as the new site and build new multi-level parking structure on the adjacent lot by Salt lake Blvd and Kam Hwy.
Don – great news, does that mean we will see it at the game on Saturday?
I have put in a stadium request to get you down on to the field for a picture opportunity with the bike. UH Facilities is working on this so it could be a last minute notice thing.
I will have the bike to the trainers tomorrow in the early am. I am hoping that they will have it on the field for the game.
Bike #2 will be brought to the Tsaiko tailgate for a picture opportunity for all. I was notified that the bike was shipped.
I will keep all updated on the bike’s progress in transit.
Why is Mrs. A-House wishing me a happy birthday?
Oh, different Sweetie.
My bad.
Happy Birthday A-House..!!!
Happy birthday Mr. A-House!
That was kind of uncomfortable having Mrs. A-House announcing her plans on what she and Mr. A-House were planning for tonight.
Oh, wait. She meant eating?
Still . . .
Hi, PB!
Keep well and keep safe!!!
Thanks to you and your guys we get to diddle away about a football game.
A-Joe – make sure you get the “Tsai-ko” sticker ready!!!
Good news about the bikes finally being in Hawai’i!
Only one month late. Geez.
So much for customer service.
Awesome! Mahalo Don Weir, Paul Hokama of Las Vegas and George Ka’anana!!!
Hey, Kymry, Brenda and I have a message for the Warriors…
just click on my name.
A HOUSE: Varsity Circle and the area of Puck’s Alley is Bishop Estate Land. One of the UHF people once said that if anyone was serious about building a 30-35000 football stadium on campus, the parking etc structure could be placed on the Bishop Estate property if BE was willing to work out a deal with UH for Hawaiian students admission.
What are they doing at Varsity Theatre. I noticed today that they were doing some construction work there.
Happy B-Day A-House! The host with the most.
anyone miss the old civic auditorium?
roller derby, wrestling
Happy B-Day Kanoa Leahey!
Speaking of the Termite Palace remembrances – I remember going there to watch the polo matches
Liz . . .
Is she wearing a Warrior towel?
I used to take care of the scoreboard for polo matches at Kapiolani Park
Διογένης ὁ Σινωπεύς . . .
What kind of construction is going on there?
Good thing I am not a cat since curiosity killed it.
d1 . . .
Tillamook! Yum!!!
Ice cream almost as good as that from Fernando’s at WSU.
Papa Murphy’s Cowboy pizza for dinner tonight.
#93: AURITE!
#119- it’s actually a flag. Brenda was not able to go home to change and take the pic there because some last-minute meetings came up. So Kymry and I hauled the stuff and Brenda’s hubby (who took the picture) to Brenda’s office, Kymry put her car into position and hustled her out of her office, wrapped her in the flag like a pareau, we took the pictures, rolled the signs back up, moved the cars and dug out 😆
How do you facilitate traffic during game days for 35,000 people at Manoa?
Best location is the current one. There is enough property there to interest commercial developers as well. Their investments could offset much of the needed improvements to the current stadium or, if we’re lucky, a total rebuild.
Who knows?
Happy Birthday A-House!!
I miss PaTAAACK!
Shout out to Beowulf and ohana
The Warriors unveiled new home jerseys against Fresno State two Saturdays ago. Instead of the dark green jersey with dark numbers with white outlines, the numbers are now white. Although the numbers are now easier to see, I like the previous jerseys.
Whenever people speak of the old Termite Palace it brings back a wave of nostalgia for me as well. I remember the high school rivalries in which public schools (like Kalani, Kaimuki, Farrington, McKinley, etc.) were a part of the old ILH & there was no OIA yet (for thiose who weren’t around back then). Remember the Thanksgiving games (tripleheader wasn’t it)? I remember my beloved Hawaii Islander games. I remember seeing my first UH games. Well, one game was not too pleasant-It was when Uh took it on the chin against a very talented Nebraska team with All-American Johnny Rodgers leading the way. I wanted to see the game so badly that I went while running a fever & I think the temperature was in the high 90’s that day. Got heat prostration / sunstroke. Hearing Chuck Leahey, Al Michaels, etc.
That venue just had such a memorable character & flavor to it!
Happy Birfday A-House
What is that is your eating, a Powder Sugar Cream puff?
You lucky bugga’
I posted this a loooong time ago, it is to scale and it can be done, new stadium being built while old one is still used, parking would be a 5 to 6 story parking structure, tailgate parking would feature over sized spaces (if you think out of the box, these spaces could be leased, could even have water and electric.)
protector….actually the oia back then was always in existence, however, it was referred to as the rural oahu interscholastic assosciation, aka roia. oh, and not to forget roosevelt hs.
i really miss the local broadcast team headed by pops leahey covering all of the warrior games.
Maverick – That’s beignets at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans!
Happy Birthday A-House sir! Haven’t seen you around town in a while…
Why would you miss free road games when your always at the actual game, but I too miss those free kfive road and home games that I grew up watching as a kid.
October 22nd, 2009 at 2:30 pm
anyone miss the old civic auditorium?
roller derby, wrestling
oooohhh yahhhhhhh!
mr. francis
Ooooooooooh yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!
Was that the Missing Link?
This made my heart race for second…From JJ tweet…
Just a heads up – Saturday’s SMU-UH game will air in DFW on KLIF 570 AM… Pregame show starts at 6 p.m. #FB
Then the bubble burst.
GO Warriors!!!
WAFAN: I had also passed by Varsity Theatre today and saw a bunch of construction fences up and a bunch of canvas flapping on the top but no signs as far as I could see.
I’ll probably will check my mail box tomorrow at Manoa and will look closer at the site.
Happy B-day A-House!!
The parking would be on campus and in the area that Bishop Estate has in its control which would require wiping out Puck’s Alley and the flower shops/gas station etc on King Street, and the area around Varsity Theatre and the area up to the Japanese Chamber.
If you are thinking about the traffic to the UH area? Probably need the train and better traffic control. Seems pretty bad going to Aloha Stadium now.
The benefits would be that the UH controls the stadium and its income and not the Stadium Authority and perhaps you can get more students to go to the game. In theory, the UH team is a University student activity and not a pro team as many of us seem to think it is.
Who knows, maybe the ASUH might even start to take interest and back up the team – of course maybe elephants can fly but hope burns eternal.
Did you procure your commemorative keepsake from Coach Shoji’s
1000 win?
Did you get yours?
I haven’t been on the blog for a couple days but here I am and just in time to wish A-house a very happy birthday before the day is over! Happy birthday from Mr kymry too and hope you’re having a great day. See you sat.
Go Warriors!
Happy B-day Mr. A-house!
Don Weir,
all for one. one for all.
da perfek pikcha is me and Da Tsaikos, no iffs anzz or buttzz no need go on da field, hangin wit da team by da tunnel is jus dandy.
but I 3 wishes:
#1 on the Jumbotron before/during the game, put a picture of the bike and a thank you to the Tsaikos/STsai’s team at WarriorBeat, and Na Koa for getting 2 new training bikes for the team. thanking also Hawaiian Air guyz Don mentioned, Paul Hokama and George Ka’anana.
#2 thanks to Na Koa/Don Weir on the jumbotron, in avoiding da slow boat to China and making this happen.
#3 show a sticker sign on da bike. A Tsaiko sticker. AJoe and SteveM can hook dat up for sure for Saturday, if you say pretty please. 😀
Again, Thanks You Mr. Weir!
I wonder what kinda confusion occurs when a tired 49er meets up with his darker side, the J-E-T. 😆
Happy Birthday, Uncle A-House!!!
I see we made the bottom 10 at #18. Not a good sign. One of the disturbing things that UH ranks in the bottom part of rushing defense and rushing offense. We also rank near the bottom in total defense. I believe coach Mac needs to make some changes to the coaching staff, but I won’t mention any names. I have my own opinions which I will keep to myself. That said, I hope Hawaii keeps it the score respectable this Saturday. I have my doubts, but we can always hope for the best.
At the end of the day, it will probably be the same song…the inability to stop the other guys. Boise will never let an upset happen. No way.
Boise 59-13.
Good question on why I would miss free road games.
I just think that too many youngsters — especially those in my household — are missing out on becoming UH fans. When you’re young, and it’s on, you watch. That probably explains why there are so many Atlanta Brave fans in Hawaii.
Happy Birthday, A-House!
because nobody really like say, right, so i wen ask da online
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dey you go! Derek, i wouldn’t have sounded so confident.
i think you’re thinking that some coaches not as “enthusiastic” because of their surroundings, not really sabotaging the project, but not really putting all their allaz in da bowl.
yah, i miss watching the replays after the game in to the wee hours of the night. used to be that you could turn the set on and there’d be a replay of some uh sports event. that probably was the best marketing that ever was done.
it also pains me to hear some mainland announcer “mince” the surnames of our players. i wanna hear how many manapuas that we came up short of a first down.
so that mililani wr/safety committed to washington.
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Here is Doris’ announcement of what Al said in #155.
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California just removed a big roadblock for the new football stadium in the City of Industry…new football stadiums are now exempt from California environmental laws! With the bad developments in the attempt to keep the Chargers in San Diego, I think the Chargers will end up in that new stadium if it gets built.
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Truth be told, I don’t think UH has a chance against the Burros this week.
Esp if you consider the starting OTs are back ups to guys who should be back ups themselves.
But you never know, thats why they play the game.
I’ll be watching and cheering thru the computor screen.
Happy Birthday Mr. A-House!
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Good evening Tsai-kos!
808ike – #144 – not yet. Going to the game tomorrow night. Who’s going to be there for the alumnae match? Liz & Slugger not making it till later.
btw, they’re asking everybody to wear pink tomorrow night. I can just see all the men in pink. 🙄 😆 Now I gotta go look for a pink shirt. I’m getting one soon but not in time for tomorrow.
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such negativity . didnt you read ST referendum a few days ago?
An elderly widow and widower were dating for about five years. The man finally decided to ask her to marry. She immediately said “yes”. The next morning when he awoke, he couldn’t remember what her answer was! “Was she happy? I think so, wait, no, she looked at me funny…” After about an hour of trying to remember to no avail he got on the telephone and gave her a call. Embarrassed, he admitted that he didn’t remember her answer to the marriage proposal. “Oh”, she said, “I’m so glad you called. I remembered saying ‘yes’ to someone, but I couldn’t remember who it was.”
A man in his 40’s bought a new BMW and was out on the interstate for a nice evening drive. The top was down, the breeze was blowing through what was left of his hair, and he decided to open her up. As the needle jumped up to 80 mph, he suddenly saw flashing red and blue lights behind him. “There’s no way they can catch a BMW,” he thought to himself and opened her up further. The needle hit 90, 100…. then the reality of the situation hit him. “What the heck am I doing?” he thought and pulled over.
The cop came up to him, took his license without a word, and examined it and the car. “It’s been a long day, this is the end of my shift, and it’s Friday the 13th. I don’t feel like more paperwork, so if you can give me an excuse for your driving that I haven’t heard before, you can go.” The guy thinks for a second and says, “Last week my wife ran off with a cop. I was afraid you were trying to give her back.” “Have a nice weekend,” said the officer.
Two guys and a union worker were fishing on a lake one day, when Jesus walked across the water and joined them in the boat. When the three astonished men had settled down enough to speak, the first guy asked humbly, “Jesus, I’ve suffered from back pain ever since I took shrapnel in the Vietnam war…could you help me?”
“Of course, my son”, Jesus said, and when he touched the man’s back, he felt relief for the first time in years. The second man, who wore very thick glasses and had a hard time reading and driving, asked if Jesus could do anything about his eyesight. Jesus smiled, removed the man’s glasses and tossed them in the lake. When they hit the water, the man’s eyes cleared and he could see everything distinctly.
When Jesus turned to heal the union worker, the guy put his hands up and cried defensively, “Don’t touch me! I’m on long term disability.”
Bubba was from BOISE, and he decided he wanted to get married to his sweetheart.
So, while enjoying some grits and gravy for dinner one evening, Bubba brought up the subject with his Ma and Pa.
“Bubba, you can’t get married yet,” insisted Ma. “You’re the baby of the family.”
“But Ma,” Bubba protested, “I just had my 38th birthday last week.”
“We know that, Bubba,” Pa chimed, “but your Ma and me think you should put off getting married until after you graduate from high school.”
Bernie was invited to his friend’s home for dinner. Morris, the host, preceded every request to his wife by endearing terms, calling her Honey, My Love, Darling, Sweetheart, Pumpkin, etc. Bernie looked at Morris and remarked, “That is really nice, that after all these years that you have been married, you keep calling your wife those pet names.” Morris hung his head and whispered,” To tell the truth, I forgot her name three years ago.”
It was the day of the big sale. Rumours of the sale and some advertising in the local paper were the main reason for the long line that formed by 8:30 in the morning in front of the store. A small man pushed his way to the front of the line, only to be pushed back, amid loud and colourful curses.
On the man’s second attempt, he was punched square in the jaw, and knocked around a bit, and then thrown to the end of the line again. As he got up the second time, he said to the person at the end of the line, “That does it! If they hit me one more time, I don’t open the damn store!”
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omg what is this blog coming too
now we have jokers
Hope your family has you out on the town tonight.
Q. Why do BSU FB players wash their hair in the sink?
A. Because that’s where your supposed to wash vegetables.
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Regarding # 150
You may have a point about the coaches but until we have a five year cycle of recruits and since the coaches don’t play and I am just and arm chair QB I am not sure the coaches are the problem. I’m still in the camp that recruiting over the past six years was sub par and no amount of coaching can overcome that.
If any of these describe you, you’re a redneck!
You consider a six-pack and a bug-zapper high-quality entertainment.
The primary color of your car is “bondo”.
Your family tree doesn’t fork.
Your wife’s hairdo has ever been ruined by a ceiling fan.
Your mother has been involved in a fistfight at a high school sports event.
You’ve ever barbecued Spam on the grill.
Your home has more miles on it than your car.
The best way to keep things cold is to leave’em in the shade.
Your brother-in-law is your uncle.
Your only condiment on the dining room table is the economy size bottle of ketchup.
The rear tires on your car are at least twice as wide as the front ones.
You consider “Outdoor Life” deep reading.
You prominently display a gift bought at Graceland.
You use the term `over yonder’ more than once a month.
The diploma hanging in your den contains the words “Trucking Institute”.
Your mother keeps a spit cup on the ironing board.
You’ve ever worn a tube top to a wedding.
Your favorite Christmas present was a painting on black velvet.
You think that Don Perignon is a Mafia leader.
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Great day on the WB!
Happy Birthday A-house!
Great hearing from Pauoa Boy!
Job well done bhf2, 702WN, George Ka’anana and Don Weir!
Newbies…. 🙄
Father O’Flannagan dies due to old age. Upon entering St.Peter’s gate, there is another man in front, waiting to go into heaven. St. Peter asks the man, “What is your name what did you accomplish during your life?”. The man responds “My name is Ravish Babanui, and I was a New York city Taxi driver for 14 years” “Very well,” says St. Peter, “Here is your silk robe and golden scepter, now you may walk in the streets of our Lord.” St. Peter looks at the Father, and asks “What is your name and what did you accomplish?” He responds, “I’m Father O’Flannagan, and have devoted the last 62 years to the Lord”. “Very well,” says St. Peter, “Here is your cotton robe and wooden staff, you may enter.” “Wait a minute,” says O’Flannagan, “You gave the taxi driver a silk robe and golden scepter, why did I only get a cotton robe and wooden staff?”. “Well,” St. Peter replied, “We work on a performance scale, you see while you preached, everyone slept, when he drove taxis, everyone prayed!”
rasu begasu,
add one more to your BS-You redneck list….
Happy Birthday A-House and many more to come!
For my pal D-1,
A rabbit one day managed to break free from the laboratory where he had been born and brought up. As he scurried away from the fencing of the compound, he felt grass under his little feet and saw the dawn breaking for the first time in his life. “Wow, this is great,” he thought. It wasn’t long before he came to a hedge and, after squeezing under it he saw a wonderful sight: lots of other bunny rabbits, all free and nibbling at the lush grass.
Hey,” he called. “I’m a rabbit from the laboratory and I’ve just escaped. Are you wild rabbits?”
“Yes. Come and join us,” they cried. Our friend hopped over to them and started eating the grass. It tasted so good. “What else do you wild rabbits do?” he asked. “Well,” one of them said. “You see that field there? It’s got carrots growing in it. We dig them up and eat them.” This he couldn’t resist and he spent the next hour eating the most succulent carrots. They were wonderful. Later, he asked them again, “What else do you do?”
“You see that field there? It’s got lettuce growing in it. We eat them as well.” The lettuce tasted just as good and he returned a while later completely full. “Is there anything else you guys do?” he asked. One of the other rabbits came a bit closer to him and spoke softly. “There’s one other thing you must try. You see those rabbits there,” he said, pointing to the far corner of the field. “They’re girls, you know what to do” “Go and try it.” Well, our friend spent the rest of the morning doing what rabbits are known for until, completely knackered, he staggered back over to the guys. “That was fantastic,” he panted. “So are you going to live with us then?” one of them asked. “I’m sorry, I had a great time but I can’t.” The wild rabbits all stared at him, a bit surprised. “Why? We thought you liked it here.”
“I do,” our friend replied. “But I must get back to the laboratory. I’m dying for a cigarette.”
I tot u onri wea dem on da head
Mrs. d1島 had the ice cream….coffee almond fudge… ono! 🙂
I was looking for Chee-tos but never find any….
Deep within a forest, a little turtle began to climb a tree. After hours of effort, he reached the top, jumped into the air waving his front legs and crashed to the ground. After recovering, he slowly climbed the tree again, jumped, and fell to the ground. The turtle tried again and again, while a couple of birds sitting on a branch watched his sad efforts. Finally, the female bird turned to her mate. “Dear,” she chirped, “I think it’s time to tell him he’s adopted.”
Miss introduction of players…..mike post music…..Vili trying to get crowd excited….
Hawaii 5-0 intro has to go… just doesnt fit……
Most fans are sitting on their hands when games begin…..its just BLAH….i blame JD….asked him why the changes….he stated game management people wanted to go in another direction…..what direction is that…..the TOILET!!!!!
Jus’ fo you GE,
A man went to his doctor seeking help for his terrible addiction to cigars. The doctor was quite familiar with his very compulsive patient, so recommended an unusual and quite drastic form of aversion therapy. “When you go to bed tonight, take one of your cigars, unwrap it, and stick it completely up your okole. Then remove it, rewrap it, and place it back with all the others in such a fashion as you can’t tell which one it is. The aversion is obvious: you won’t dare smoke any of them, not knowing which is the treated cigar.” “Thanks doc, I’ll try it.” And he did. But three weeks later he came back and saw the doctor again. “What? My recommendation didn’t work? It was supposed to be effective even in the most addictive of cases, such as yours is!” “Well, it kind of worked, doc. At least I was able to transfer my addiction,” said the patient. “What in the hell is that supposed to mean?” “Well, I don’t smoke cigars anymore, but now I can’t go to sleep at night unless I have a cigar shoved up my …………………”
happy bday mr. A-house….
too much fun, gonna hit the sack early, a hui hou
A man in a bar sees a friend at a table, drinking by himself. Approaching the friend, he comments, “You look terrible. What’s the problem?” “My mother died in June, and left me $10,000.” said the friend. “Gee, that’s tough,” he replied. “Then in July,” the friend continued, “My father died, leaving me $50,000.” The man looking concerned says, “Wow. Two parents gone in two months. No wonder you’re depressed.” The friend continues, “And last month my aunt died, and left me $15,000.” “Three close family members lost in three months??? How sad!!!” “Then this month,…” continued, the friend, “Nothing! Not a single dime!”
I miss soda with ice in a cup at the games!
Only get bottles now….with the caps!
( I kinda miss the ba-chans and ji-chans “sticking it to the old No-Aloha mgmt. and their “no bottle cap”policy by bringing in their own caps for the bottles! 😆 )
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Good evening Tsaiko Nation, A HEARTY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to an elite gentlemen of his era Mr. A House ! I have had the privelage of this gentlemen extraordinary company as I can say with out a doubt he is ONE of the FINEST gentlemen I have EVER known. Articulate, sincere and extremely intelligent. Wonderful sense of humor and a DIE hard Hawaii Warrior Football Fan !
Mr & Mrs A House are like the Ozzie and Harriet of this blog. Extremely gifted in making you feel SO good with their warmth and compassion they have for you when ever you are LUCKY to be in their genuine company. I am HONORED to know both of them as they continue to shine their ‘LIGHT” in which it brightens this blog of GREAT Hawaii people who reflects their rays of sunshine and spread the spirit of Aloha which we ALL call Hawaii “The Gathering Place”.
Mahalo Nui Loa Mr. & Mrs. A House !
Flashback to 1997…….
“Mr. Begasu, I have reviewed this case very carefully,” the divorce court judge said, “And I’ve decided to give your wife Thuy, alimony of $450 a week.”
“That’s very fair, your honor.” I said “And every now and then I’ll try to send her a few bucks myself!”.
Howzit RainbowCliff!
Thanks for the 411 about recruiting the other day.
Hope things continue to go well for you at the Center.
So true! 🙂
rasu begasu,
Too funny!
….kinda sad, but really funny!
Well, gotta go lights out now…more driving around OR tomw…..
Eh, btw, dis state is beeg! 😯
I thought, “What the heck?!?!” when I saw that the other game. I waited in line forever at the Papa John’s stand in order to get a large Sierra Mist with extra ice.
wow when I first saw the picture I thought it was Zatoichi.
Happy B day A House.
Don Weir, BHF2, Paul H. & George K.,
MAHALO NUI LOA for getting the bikes here. The players I spoke to said they were looking forward to having one on the field. It’ll be ‘cute’ to see it with a TSAIKO sticker.
jm2375, I don’t know if I have a pink shirt… did you send my your phone #?
Tsako Nation, remember this name “Coy Hunter” I am training her in Tennis as she will be the next Venus and Serena Williams to come out of the Inner City Area. I met Coy when she was 10 years old and this eye glass wearing, long legged, hair in corn puffs 5th grader was the top 10 year old at that time in ALL of California. She dominated her age group so bad the USTA moved her up to the 12 and 13 year old division. Her record in the 10 year old division was 56-0 with 8 Jr. Titles to her credit and #1 ranking.
Coy is now 15 and is playing on the circut tour. My record against her was 8-0 when she was 10-12. I played her today and she PUNNISHED me 6-0, 6-0. Not only I couldn’t get a set on her I only had 8 points scored between both games. Vicious forehand she can hit at any angle. BIG hard serve with a two handed backhand that she can hit on the rise and flatten out as a passing shot. Athletic with smartness to drop shot on you if you are deep and just simply OUT HIT you from the baseline if you dare to challenge her.
A very gracious young girl, unassuming with a GREAT mom who actually coaches her with her brother and sister cheering her on and waiting in the footsteps. I hit with Coy every Thursday as she will be coming as my special guest to my 17th year celebration at Wooten.
What I would like to do is bring her to Hawaii and play the young or oldest competition that you have as she will DOMINATE !. Can any of you direct me to the source or person I can talk to for this future STAR to have the opportunity to play before your very own eyes ? If she doesn’t make it on the tour she has offers to play at Pepperdine, Brown University or NorthWestern University of the Big Ten.
Very Proud of her as Coy is the “REAL DEAL” !
If she’s going to play in college, you might want to check with someone on NCAA regulations re: accepting gifts. I don’t know much about it, but you don’t want to ruin her chances of playing at the collegiate level, if that’s what she wants to do.
Big Thanks for taking her under your wing and helping to develop a successful athlete.
I miss going to Hawaii Islander games at the termite palace, sitting with my grandfather while he smoked a cigar & listened to the game on the radio. Now the park that sits on the old stadium site looks soooo small. It’s hard to imagine a stadium there.
Have a good evening, gangeez.
D1, a pleasure kind sir ! All I can tell you is that I have TRIED to help and aid BUT I am not allow to scout, recruit or even try to mention Hawaii Football to NO Los Angeles High School athlete in which I am SURROUNDED geographically of many superior players of african american, hispanic, asian or polynesian decent.
Take GREAT pride in wanting to help and have the College trak program to sat preperation in which ANY student can enrolled as it is a funded progam we provide to the High School System.
I am just 6 days away from celebrating my 17th year at Wooten in which I am at CAPACITY seating after 5 days it was announce on the 8th of October, in other words “a complete sell out” !
Children are ready to perform and parents has cooked a feast for a KING !
Very proud day as I will represent you good folks in the highest as I have accomplish 17 years at Wooten with out missing ONE day of work, called out sick, lateness or personal time taken. I am just humble of the acomplishment and admiration that SO many has shown to make this 10-28-09 celebration betterf known as “Cliff Day”. Mahalo D1 for your time and consideration.
Congrats Rainbow Cliff!
Go Tadd!
Yankees lost today! Yaaaaaaaaaahooooooooooooooooo!!! Any day they lose is a good day.
Amazing da “six degrees of separation” among da Tsai-kos!! Thru Bulla I found a classmate on facebook (Jr A). Our other friends in common include Pride. & KK.
Slugger, see ya & Liz tomorrow. Garlic fries? 😀
Jason – since it’s Furlough Friday, will we see you there? In pink?
Slugger, right now Coy does home school as at age 15 she will be consider a sophomore in high school. She plays at the local parks and practices against schedule tennis talent that her and her mom schedule.
College coaches has seen her play on the Jr. Tour and HOPING she dosen’t turn pro or Nick Bolleteri don’t swoon her with his academy and Nike. It’s hard to say where she will go as the adult women league in Orange County are throwing attention her way.
Coy is even keel with a great mom seeing to it that she stays that way. Has chores to do around the house and a big lawn to mow down some grass and shrub. Has not excepted any gift n kind from NO ONE and pretty much quiet, gracious and well mannered. Very impressive young lady with a BIG forehand and athletic 5.0 Tennis game at age 15 !
Looks like a nerd and plays like Venus ! Deadly combination.
No, I’ll either be at the Moanalua games, or I’ll still be at my sister’s place.
Jason – boooooooo. nah nah j/k.
Mahalo, Long Time UH Fan for the congrats. It has been truely a remarkable month as former Hawaii baseball player Riki Bass and Warrior football full back Keith Hill both live in Los Angeles who opened up HUGHE holes for Gary Allen will be attending the celebration.
Deeply honored that these TWO Hawaii standouts will travel great distance to show homage. I am ETERNALLY grateful !
Nice story about my homeboy, Lewis Walker. Looking forward to seeing him on the field on Saturday.
Well god folks it’s 1:22 am in the morning as my eyes are tired and sleepy. Good nite all and HOPE we just stay in the game vs. Boise State. Can any one out there give me the point spread ?
Wishing Mr. A-House the bestest birthday!!!
Man- look at those beignets!
Happy Birthday again, Mr. A-House!!!
Just got back from the Choir Festival. Bushed but still gotta pack for the trip into town tomorrow.
wow- someone fed the blog to the spam mill!
The jokester RULES! 😆
Had another good choir fest tonight. I’m bushed!
CU somayew tomorrow night in da Pink!
Valuable thoughts and advices. I read your topic with great interest.
Thank you Mr. Cut. 😀
always look forward to, and am thankful for your videos.
Thanks for the news, Chawan_Cut.
Nite all!
Warriors, uncle has three wishes
#1 QB, make accurate, not too early, not too late,
just right kinda passes.
#2 Receivers, expect every pass to come your way. Be Ready. Be Prepared.
#3 No drop da balls!
green eyes — actually, this is where the blog came from (circa 2007)… and it’s good to see las vegas (rasu begasu) back in form. Only a cameo appearance from Long Time UH Fan and Jason tonight and Al is taking his beauty nap yet. I work tomorrow so won’t join in the night shift antics. 😐
Now, tomorrow we might see Bulla, DPK, James, pride. and homey tear around the blog again. d1島 can be the moderator 🙂
SO …where is Wreckineyez? …the blog battle ensign is still flying!
Happy Birthday, Mr. A-House! Hope you had a good celebration!
ESPNU featured Shoji’s 1000 wins and a phone interview tonight
program repeats at 12:30 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stephen Akamine, Hawaii Warriors Buzz. Hawaii Warriors Buzz said: The Warrior Beat >> Grumpy old man […]
Happy Aloha Friday to everyone!
This week has been a long month.
Attack of the spam-bots.
The ugg spam was not just annoying it was ugg-aly.
If the OL can step up their protection we can score. If we can score that is a good thing.
A lot of rain. The cold front came through last night. Hopefully, it is nicer down south in OR than it is up here.
rasu . . .
Thanks for the laughs! Nice to see you back.
Time to head out to school.
Go Warriors!!!
Wafan ~ Good morning Tacoma Tsaiko!
When baby is up, EVERYBODY is up! Just a wimper and it’s a near 911 experience. She feels the power she has over us and uses it to her advantage. Clever these little ones.
I’m going to ‘sleep’ walk back to bed until she decides to wake me again.
Great Morning All!
Getting ready to head out soon. Watching the local weather reports seems to indicate that things are pretty wet out there but should be getting better. Interesting that with so much rain to report, they have different points of reference. Mrs. d1島 asked, “What does ‘rain to showers’ mean?” 😕
Once again, since it’s Game Week, gotta stay focused….no Aloha Friday ’til the job is done!
Have a terrific day erryboddy!
I didn’t realize until reading Ferd’s column that BSU joined with the MWC schools to lobby to get the MWC to be a BCS conference! A WAC team actually trying to get the MWC into the BCS? Wow…
Going to the game as well, tonight. Guess it is GO pink.
We now know the make up of Boise State. A$$ kissers.
Pink? The only pink item I own is my pink underwear……(Haha)
Hope to see you at the game tonight. GO PINK!!!!!
Good morning Tsaikos.
Good morning bhf2.
Tsaikettes want to see you in pink, tonight.
Esme & Midori 7 out!
Good morning, Bighilofan2 and 808ike.
For dinner last night, we went to Genki Sushi at the Windward Shopping Center only to see the notices on the doors that they will be closed for renovations 10/19-22/09. BUMMERS!!
However, good fortune as Midori7 saw KJs next to Little Saigon. Boy, the fried chicken was simply outstanding. So was the Chiken Katsu and Furikake chicken.
Thanks to recommendation by Lefty of a very good place to eat if you live on the Windward side.
Thankyou, again, for all the birthday wishes!
Being 39 is not so bad!!
808ike ~ Whoa pony horse! Using both Esme & Midori 7 in the same sentence is NOT going to keep you in da pink. In fact, you are now a *marked* man!
A-House ~ On the one hand I’m glad the ladies of Maunawili town took you out for dinner. However, I would have expected nothing less than Surf & Turf. Yard bird is not on the same level as Kobe Beef & Lobster Thermidor.
Perhaps a request for a do over would be looked upon favorably if you suggested a change of venue like…Las Vegas! 😎
oooooooooh, Kekoa, Prime Steakhouse sounds good!!!!!!!!
[…] so does Stephen Tsai. • Adrian Thomas has been bothered by lower-back pain, but he expects to be ready for […]
[…] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
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[…] Let’s go warriors time to step up and play spoiler this Saturday, we just better hope Mr.B doesn’t grease the refs pockets. al: October 22nd, 2009 at 11:01 am. i miss the tough nosed defense. bring back levi stanley! the nogas! larry cole! …… I miss going to Hawaii Islander games at the termite palace , sitting with my grandfather while he smoked a cigar & listened to the game on the radio. Now the park that sits on the old stadium site looks soooo small. …This Post […]
Killer punch line . . . nicely written man . . . hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahahahhahaha 🙂