Gotta believe
Forget search committees and screening committees and such.
The finalists for the UH athletic director’s job should be the first three people who have legitimate administrative and fund-raising experience, no criminal history, and declare: “I want to be the AD.”
That third qualification is as important as the first two. UH deserves an AD who not only wants the job, but is willing to admit publicly to wanting the job. To do so, it takes courage. It takes leadership. It takes belief in the product.
Dating to class elections in elementary school, few people want to nominate themselves. Maybe it’s humility. Maybe it’s the fear of losing. But it’s always this whisper:“You nominate me for president, and I’ll nominate you for vice-president.”
And that’s the way it is in the search for the next UH AD. There are people who want the job, but don’t want to announce they want the job. So they have friends or associates drop their names.It’s the equivalent of someone saying: “My friend likes you but is too shy to ask you out.” Having deniability is necessary if, say, you’re Stanford’s AD and don’t want anyone to know you’re looking for a job. But that’s not a problem because no current FBS AD is seeking the UH job.
Still, the UH job is a good job. You get to live in Hawaii. You get paid nearly three times what a stevedore earns each year. You get to run the state’s biggest sports program. You get to travel, socialize and socialize while traveling. And if doesn’t work out, hey, you still could live off the savings of being paid more than 99 percent of Hawaii workers. If people say it’s not worth the headache, I’d disagree. For nearly $300,000, you can buy Tylenol.
Which brings us to UH’s three associate athletic directors. Financially, professionally and everything else ending in “-ly,” being an AD is better than being an associate AD. It’s just a better job. So shouldn’t each of the three say, “I want to be AD.” That’s leadership. That’s go-get-’em-ness (is that a word?). The first step to getting a job is letting people know you want the job. UH shouldn’t have to ask or beg someone to apply.
of the 3 RBs, are they HS or JC?
Who can raise money is the first criteria!
1. Was hoping for mid year kid. Don’t want to have to settle for a 3rd stringer by waiting like last season. Just because the Jc coach said he was very fast. There are still a lot of good RBs out there. Just gotta be aggressive and not take forever.
I just don’t like the silly dance of people who are interested acting like they’re neutral. Gimme a break. If you want the job, go after it.
And I don’t like head-hunting firms.
That’s like eHarmony.
UHAD position being advertised now?
If so, those who want the position should apply without hesitation.
As for the current associate ADs at UH, I could not honestly say I would welcome them – 2 leftover from Herman Fraizer’s tenure and the 3rd, no comment!
If I were a CEO, I would want VPs to have the confidence to believe they could one day run a company.
If I were a head coach, I’d want position coaches to want to become coordinators or head coaches. I would want my backup QB to be pissed he wasn’t starting.
I’d question why an associate AD wouldn’t want to be the head guy. You’d get more responsibilities, more power, more money. If you’re going to work the hours, anyway, why not get decision-making powers and the money, too.
ST, I agree with you totally.. and Ferd Lewis had some outstanding points too this morning.. Unfortunately, the BOR (we all know they pull the strings sad to say) will go the route of ineptitude and hire a search firm, find candidates that have no sense of doing business in hawaii AND will take 6 months to figure that out.. It’s a sad state of affairs and the state and more importantly the student athletes deserve far better..
I love UH sports.. I can’t afford the season tickets to football games to be honest but I watch on TV and attend when i can.. I hope we can overcome all the current disruptions and negative publicity.. Our student athletes have commited to us.. we need to show commitment to them too! Go Rainbow Warriors! All sports!
I hope UH hires a local boy. One that will have passion for the program.
Sometimes it is the lady secretary that does all the work and not the boss.
She may not have all the qualifications but has the patience of a mother,
and not afraid to make phone calls. And, oh yes, she can type and serve
The people who come to my mind are:
ST: The problem in putting their names in the hat (in their minds) are that if they are not chosen, they may be cast aside by the new AD. Job security (to them) may be worth less money and glory.
ST #6:
in all my wandering over the past decades, I have noticed that most “leaders” have one common deficiency – a deliberate failure to TRAIN someone to replace them in the future because they were afraid that that someone will be so good that he/she will replace him/her before they retire
yes, fear that he/she will be replaced by someone they trained – that’s one of the best thing our military does: to train even the newest of new enlisted to be ready to assume leadership roles – you can be the most “junior” of all, but if you possess the ability and skills to lead, others will follow
College head coaching salaries, I thought, were on the ridiculous side but…
“According to multiple reports, Michigan has made a six-year, $49 million offer to Harbaugh. The offer was earlier reported by CBS5 in Arizona.”
Now its going away from ridiculous to completely outrageous.
(Local) D-Line Coach shuffle? OSU’s Joe Seumalo may be moving to UNLV and joining the new staff there, while Wisconsin’s Chad Kauhaahaa may be joining Gary Andersen’s staff in Corvalis.
Blane Gaison would be a good choice for UH AD.
When Shoji retires from coaching volleyball, I doubt he would want to be an athletic director. Retiring is to enjoy the rest of your life. Spend time with the wife, kids, and grandkids, travel the world, do a lot of golfing, enjoy watching the Dodgers, enjoy watching volleyball, and other pursuits that he deem fit to do. I’m sure he has a bucket list. One of them is not to be an athletic director. Who needs all that stress at his age. If he want to continue working, just continue to be the women’s volleyball coach, period.
Interesting watching JJ on L and L last night. He still wants to coach. He’s still learning. Not so much the run and shoot anymore. He said he’s seen all the changes in the different types of offenses and the read option and the spread and he has some new ideas that he wants to try. He doesn’t want to be an AD that’s for sure. “I’m a man, I’m a coach, I’m in the late 60s.” Hehe! One thing’s for sure. He loves Hawaii and Hawaii is home to him. Amen!
If they’d only say “yes”, its gotta be Blangiardi or Amemiya…I wish they’d throw their hats in the ring.
JJ as offensive coordinator for hawaii? just a thought…but its a possibility
Hmmmmmm what about co-AD’s… A’ AND B’….like perry n price…. how that sound bowar…the 2 best as of right now ….agree ur choices…
Shouldn’t the BOR feel the same way? Shouldn’t they act like they want to be leaders and want to determine the direction of the school? I am not sure how you become a BOR member, I hope it is through proven success and merit. If that is so, shouldn’t they be qualified to carry on a search and make good personnel decisions, without an outside search committee? Maybe my premise is incorrect.
Frankly, the UH football team needs players at every single position. Yes, we are in dire need of running backs, defensive line, kicker, punter especially, but we need speed at receiver, speed at outside linebackers, toughness at inside linebacker, speed and cover skills at corner, a big hitter at safety, and range at free safety, depth on the OL and we always should look at QBs that make plays and are efficient. Yeah! Every position needs to be upgraded. Problem is, every team in the country wants those guys too. Recruit, recruit, and recruit some more. Coaches need to be quick and make correct player evaluation. That’s been a problem.
JJ is 61 years old. That’s not too old but not too young either. He probably could do another five-year contract before he rides off into the sunset. Think Mac was 65 or thereabouts when he retired.
Anyone attending the Hawaii Bowl?
It’s been eight years since a MWC or former WAC school won the Hawaii Bowl. Pretty sad when you think about it with the last one being Hawaii vs. Arizona State back in 2006.
From what I hear, and ST can chime-in if he hears the same gossip, that at present, (and we know how quickly time can change things and events) that Rick B., is the current front-runner, if he wants the job.
That said, he is sort of an old school cat, and his relationships may not translate to some of the contemporary powers at be—though he holds ties to several key power brokers. As I have mentioned previously, if we are just looking in our own backyard, Sam Moku is someone who I would not consider a darkhorse at all. He has ties all the way up to the Governor (check who is the Govs’ COS–aka–MM–and where MM grew-up), is a current SVP at HPU, former UH letterman and starter, and can build bridges between various generations as well as political factions between upper and lower campus. A lot to think about ladies and gents….
How can a rookie College Head Coach Who Came From The High School Ranks and Assemble a Pretty good coaching unit…and we get stuck with 1 yr GA’s who become position coaches
morning all after thinking about it . it would be best that UH makes some temp. moves in there AD dept. and move clapp up . and moving bj out or hide him till june !! so they can get the ball rolling in filling the AD job. and do like a state or county job post for 2 weeks and only who applys moves on !! then pick top 3 or 5 by all by all UH coaches know !! they got week to choice!! !then have 3 people make that final choice for new AD !! all done in months time or faster !!
final 3 that i would like to see !! (1) Blangiardi (2) tommy (3) clapp
Good Morning everyone!
OK ST, I want to be the AD!
Nah, I have absolutely no idea of what to do, which is the real deal-breaker unless I was found by a national search committee.
I seriously think the next AD has to be a local guy (or gal)… one that knows where the skeletons are hidden and what mattresses are stuffed with money. He would have more empathy is he were a former UH athlete, but not necessary. People owing him a few favors would be nice.
After the Herman F. debacle, Jim Donovan was needed to heal the rifts. He did that. Many opined on his hire that he was not the ideal candidate on the national stage, but ruffled feathers and local fan perceptions needed soothing and credibility. Jim moving on to another college as AD adds to his resume. I do not know if he is even remotely interested in UH, but the perception of the Athletic department needs healing again… hence “no malahini’s” on this iteration of the A.D. merry-go-round.
#19: That would be the best of both worlds with Blangiardi and Amemiya teamed together to get the UH Athlete department and the entire UH for that matter into shape…IMHO, Blangiardi is in the best position to take UH athletics over and moving in the right direction…
We definitely should move Clapp or McNamara into “acting or interim” AD to take care of pressing business and send BJ out the door…Doing nothing does nothing…
I like JJ, but my “flake o meter” goes wild whenever I consider him for anything in Hawaii’s future…Truth is, JJ has abandoned us in the past and he’d likely do the same in the future. Wish him well, but it’s time to move on…
There is definitely a move on to draft Rick Blangiardi as AD. Definitely interesting to see how it goes. Blangiardi is a change-maker guy who has strong views on what needs to be done and has made a career of making those things happen. A real Hawaii football and sports guy– be great to see him in the position of AD.
Why would anyone who understands the local politics at UH want to be the AD? It just seems like a crappy job to be in.
RE: #16
Derek — I saw the Leahey & Leahey show with JJ too. In the few times they talked directly about the UH football team, JJ seemed very optimistic about their chances this season. I though this might just be coach-speak, but a blogger here mentioned that ST said on the Curran show that UH should cancel the Ohio game to give us a better shot at a bowl game (I dunno — I did not hear the show).
My impressions was that ST would not advise turning down a $1.2 million body bag game unless not getting all beaten up with a loss would jeapordize that possibility (and UH needs a winning record and bowl game next season to solidify the football status). So IF TRUE, what does ST know? Add JJ’s optimism and I have a “hmmmm” moment.
If JJ is not coaching next fall, I dream he would hang around UH a bit and be the Quarterback coach… and during games be the” designated head coach” on the sidelines while Chow goes up to the booth to call the plays.
Qualifications for new AD
1.Fundraising Capabilities
2.Friends in High Places
3.Testicular Fortitude
4.Loves UH Athletics
only reason i never put Amemiya as on of my top 3 is because he is doing a great job with setting up a pipeline for the UH !! he would be a great one down the road after the clean house that Rick Blangiardi got do !! the difference between bj,chow, they looking at today !! these guys Rick Blangiardi , Amemiya,tommy and jj have vision down road !! Interesting watching JJ on L and L last night also watching a old tape of when Rick Blangiardi was there !! these 2 guys real have UH at heart
Ferd Lewis’ AD article today reminded me of the Bob Newhart routine where the submarine Captain addresses his crew over the PA … “about the mutiny” and asks to have the XO returned … and then chides them over what might have happened if they had kidnapped somebody important like the guys steering the boat.
Excellent post today, Stephen. Having the first qualities are important, too be sure. But it is important, as you say, to have someone who is passionate enough to name it and claim! If a potential candidate doesn’t have a belly full of fire and steel in his backbone, they shouldn’t even think about applying. This is not a job for someone who can’t wrestle alligators, because they will be a snappin’ from the get go.
I like Bryson’s comment too. And as also noted there should be a system in place to groom new leadership across the board at UH athletics. This is why I like Boola’s idea about Sam Moku as a candidate. Any one who knows Sam can tell you he should be involved, if not as AD then as an assistant AD. He is smart, connected, great with people, loves UH and will outwork anybody.
UH sports are at a cross roads – our last set of administrators have done nothing to help. We need a leader who has the vision to see where UH athletics can go and will fight hard to get us there.
And please – no committees or high priced consultants. Put that money where it is needed – in the Athletic Department itself, where it can most benefit our student athletes, on and off the field.
all you need to do is apply whenever an opening occurs
I did and in my letter I said that if they want “exec” types leading a corporation and will bend to the wind then throw my application away.
heck, very soon I received a letter telling me that I was not “selected.
#25 – think Chow=time!!!
Hah! I had a good laugh. That should be listed in the abstract of the contract.
yep, like the idea of Blangiardi as AD and K. Amemiya as his right hand with line of succession to be UHAD. Let 2 or all 3 current associate AD go – do they have enough years to lock in State retirement benefits? I know MM does.
If chow does not find a new QB and WR coaches, 2015 will be nearly as boring as the past 3 years and a similar record along the way – DB coach should be vulnerable too!
Since names are being thrown around, how about Marilyn Moniz-Kaho’ohanohano? She could be the right person to orchestrate the transition for a new women’s volleyball coach when Dave decides to retire.
Here’s a quick summary of her qualifications. Marilyn Moniz-Kaho’ohanohano has served in the UH Athletics department for over 24 years… As UH’s Assistant Athletic Director and Senior Woman Administrator she …oversees women’s volleyball, soccer, water polo, cheer leading, men & women’s golf, men and women’s tennis, sailing, and men and women’s swimming and diving, and the newly created sand volleyball program. She also supervises student-athlete services which include compliance, student affairs, student-athlete development, and works closely with the academic unit all located in the newly renovated Nagatani Academic Center…Following graduation, Moniz-Kaho‘ohanohano continued her education at UH’s School of Law, where she earned her Juris Doctor degree in 1979. The following year she moved to Maui and served as a deputy prosecuting attorney. Four years later, she accepted a position as the deputy director for Parks and Recreation on Maui, becoming the director in 1986, just prior to joining UH.
No to MKK. She would put the Athletic Dept in a deeper hole.
Who would want the AD job because there is no job security for that job . Although there are benefits as Stephen T states, there are huge problems such as the football situation and the pending NCAA letter of allegations. There are also grumbling fans that are grumbling more than before.
Nah, pass on Marilyn.
There are also the huge financial problems of running the UH athletic department. But i vote for Carl Clapp or John McNamara for AD, although any AD has to be able to find another job afterwards, because there is no job security being UH AD .
Moniz-Kaho’ohanohano ? You’re kidding, right?
32. –SteveM—Yes, Stephen T said one body-bag game is enough, if i recall. Earlier, Rich Miano also had said the same thing .
“body bag games” – no one says that you must play your # 1 and #2 players
Does anyone know how to start the procedure? Its no secret we are looking for an Athletic Director. Does the people who are interested know who they should contact?
RE: #51
Les — I kinda think if a candidate does not know who to contact in the UH system today, they shouldn’t be applying at all. 😐
RE: #49
Thanks, islandman!
But to walk away from a $1 million+ game in the current budget situation has my speculation juices flowing. ST knows best…and now Miano too? Now I wonder what Kekaula thinks. If they all agree, that seals the deal for me… standby for a real interesting season. 🙂
Looking like Fresno Landed the next Johnny Football in their QB Commit.
So far its 3 nays and 0 yeahs.
when JJ moved on he thing know what UH need it to be fixed or replace !! and to him if he stayed would still be on a back burner !! pay was not great !! AD was slow moving !! know the time for change again !! even if chow does good this up coming season he aready lots the hawaii people !!! so going be still in the red !!
time some change at UH !! AD, FOOTBALL COACH,
If there is any game we should take off the table it should be the Wisconsin game…At this point in time a cash strapped athletic department can’t rationally turn down a guaranteed pay day…
If we take the money and get smashed by a better and larger program NO GRUMBLE! You know what it is going in. We shouldn’t be putting the players in that situation of being sacrificial lambs. But if we do….EXPECT the obvious outcome and DON’T call for the coaches head!
found this …
Wisconsin: Defensive coordinator / linebackers coach Dave Aranda will remain on staff, according to the Wisconsin State Journal.
“is willing to admit publicly to wanting the job.” We all know who Tsai is talking about.
The new AD needs a little more than experience our connections… they need to have a plan in place that will work quickly…
When will people learn? First their is no one at UH who would make a good AD. Second making “being local” is dumb. Granted we don’t need a search committee but we do need some one who knows what the heck they are doing and so far I haven’t seen anyone at UH that does………
DL coach local boy Joe Seumalo going to UNLV instead of Nebraska or even staying at Pac-12 Oregon St. a real head scratcher, Joe has been a key recruiter at OSU for years and a respected DL coach. Chad Kau ha’a ha’a back to west coast not a surprise, his connections to Utah with Andersen strong.
I’d rather live in Vegas than in Lincoln 😉
Anything can happen on any given Saturday,the way some fans make it seem is like we already lost the game without even playing a down…Imagine if a team like Appalachian State went to Michigan with that same sense of defeat…That’s why the game is played on the field and not in newspapers or magazines…
You have a point BUT does a fledgling program need to have the odds solidly against them? At this juncture we need wins…………… or least a credible chance. Let’s wait until we get our swagger back before we tee it up and shoot for the moon.
UH asks State for $$$$$ for Athletics …
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) –
University of Hawaii leaders Thursday asked lawmakers for $6 million over the next two years to help the financially struggling university athletic department try to balance its books.
UH athletics officials predict a $3.5 million deficit this year at a department that has been in the red 12 of the last 15 years.
“We do need additional support for athletics,” UH Manoa Chancellor Robert Bley-Vroman told the State House Higher Education Committee Thursday.
UH asked lawmakers for two years worth of two mandatory expenses: $3.4 million for the gender equity costs of women’s sports and $2.6 million to help cover the travel costs of its opponents, as required in its agreements with the two athletic conferences to which UH belongs.
“I’m trying to think of a way that we can make athletics somehow sustainable. And I think it will require a partnership between us, the legislature, more external support,” Bley-Vroman said.
… the rest at HawaiiNewsNow.
Again, raise the student/activity fees! Simple enough that even I can figure this thing out. To reiterate, if they dont like it they can go to other higher learning institutions in this state. Make it at least triple!! or even more for goodness sakes. Pull out of the MWC too! Go independent and schedule at least 9-10 home games, is an old idea that played out yesteryear and great tailgate parties. Who cares about the BCS crap! Get to the Aloha Bowl first!!
i say yes the state should help out !! the dept !! after all its hawaii team !! after all we all take credit when the team id on a roll !! or win a big game !! governor should add a 2 or 3 cents on every dollar sent in hawaii to help UH sports !! that way we all help out !! fastest way to raise money where not only the hawaii people pay for it people the come visit help out too !! just some thing to tink about !! come mr. governor you new if there step up to the plate and let see some change that you was talking about !!
Every day goes by and I get more frustrated with what is taking place. Again, a commitment has to take place between the University, the State, an private parties. The AD situation is absurd. Mr foot in mouth did a tremendous amount of damage with his ill advised public comments. It is a downright embarassment. The recruiting and staffing ability along with many other things adversely affect the whole situation. I really have tremendous disdain for the “hopeless, helpless, what are we gonna do” mentality. Real leaders, real fighters show their colors get on some big shoes and start stepping on toes to get things done. It is not just an athletic program to the people of the state or thousands of proud former athletes and alums around the country. If you are upset let the people in charge know your feelings….I have. Also, if you don’t contribute to Na Koa now please consider it. Any amount is fine….at least I know my contribution helped some of these 24 grads get the job done and hopefully they will give back like my self and others. Go Warriors
I believe Stephen mentioned it before but just to throw it back out there we should not only raise the athletics fee but also start adding the athletic fee CC students as well.. They would probably create a better turnout then the Manoa students…
Any fact checkers out there. jj on the Leahey and Leahey Show said that when he took over the coaching job at Hawaii, enrollment was around 15,000 and when he left in 2007-8, it was 30,000. Does a successful and exciting football program make a difference? It’s not rocket science.
Have a great Aloha Friday everyone. Just another perfect day in Paradise. Go Bows!
Enrollment at UHM has never been more than 20,000, maybe 22,000 in really good years. The campus doesn’t have the capacity to accommodate 30,0000 students. Maybe he was talking about including C.C. enrollments?
Give the acting UH Chancellor some credit for going to the Legis to ask for support. Schools such as the Univ. of Washington receive state subsidies to help fund their wahine sports.
yeah – someone finally got the message to ask the Legislature for “gender equity” and travel expenses
this is the only way UHAD can break even or eventually be profitable!
I’d rather see a special line item marked UH Athletics with a $6 million expense each year – then, don’t have to worry about going to the Legislature yearly to beg for $$$
perhaps JJ was including “nite” and part-time students or athletic success went a long way!
Love the sensational spin by HNN on the AD asking for $6 million. Waialae Avenue was torn up, repaved, then, torn up again for a price tag of $9 million, and finally $11 million. Business as usual.
Those enrollment numbers do seem on the high side. Perhaps JJ was talking about attendance numbers for football. I dunno.
On another note, I’m beginning to think this whole Sony scandal is really a ploy to boost publicity for “The Interview” movie. I could see Sony trying to deceive the public into thinking this has been provoked by some rogue nation or some other malicious entity.
I think one reason Sanchez is able to get experienced assistant coaches is because he’s able to offer them competitive salaries. It was mentioned that some of the Ferttitas money (rumored ~30 million) is going to coaching salaries among other things.
Trying to get the CC students involved is a good idea however taxing them to try to get them to the stadium is not. How about trying some marketing on them. Maybe the players (team) with the cheerleaders could go to the campuses and do pep rallies. Get them connected. They are at those campuses mostly because they don’t have the financial means to afford Moana. Don’t force them. Lure them. After all sports is not the main reason that there are there! Although some of you think it is.
Las Vegas can be an exciting place to visit depending on what someone likes to enjoy. Lincoln Nebraska is about football and tradition etc. UNLV can be a coaches nightmare, ask departing coach Hauck at Montana he was a very successful coach, most coaches prior to Hauck were fired or forced out, very hard to win at UNLV especially in football. New High School coach hire has created excitement and fresh start, usually does not last long at UNLV, many successful coaches have come and gone in the desert.
The thing about it is CC students are offered a discounted rate on season tickets, with the athletic fee if they are offered same benefits as UH Manoa students then it could a win/win situation both sides
Heck, UH should schedule four or more body bag games
for one season, Notre Dame, Wisconsin, U-Dub, Ohio, Michigan,
et al. No Fear! No Fear! No Fear! And hire Chad Owens as the
next AD and Coach for UH.
The only thing I can think why Joe S., took the UNLV position is that he could a pay hike (he was making a tad under 200K at OSU–which is sort of low for the Pac12) and he has ohana in the LV area.
#68. Okay, at least now UH has taken the first step. But if appropriated, will this allow UH to “grow” the program? There are new expenses coming to allow UH to at least stay even with its conference brethren.
Identify those legislators that do not respond favorably. I am letting my legislators know.
Oh, shout out to Southern Oregon who is playing in the NAIA National Championship Game—like many teams in the NW, they have a nice representation of local boys–I think by my count 8 brudhhas are on the team. Notables, include stater Nathaniel Timoteo of Waipahu and recent Campbell star Issac Hurd.
New post: