Going into overtime
The longest road trip of the season is over — well, except , for several UH football coaches. They will remain on the road to meet with the coaches and school counselors of prospects. The meetings are not only scheduled with the 2009 class in mind. UH is trying to establish — and maintain — long-term relations in several recruiting areas. In addition to Hawai‘i and American Samoa, the Warriors consider California, Texas, Utah and Las Vegas as primary recruiting areas.
* * *
Francis Maka did well in his debut at defensive tackle. Maka, who started, and Vaughn Meatoga gave the Warriors quickness at the interior-line position.
* * *
Don’t worry about Dan Kelly’s recent kicking problems. His leg strength is OK. Accuracy can be fixed.
* * *
Thanks again to the organizers of yesterday’s blog gathering at Bay View. The Twins reported that Kekoa and family provided lots of prizes, and that the food was great and plentiful.
* * *
Correction: “Ferd” said he had eight margaritas the other night, not seven. He’s still searching for his lost shaker of salt …
Old men in tank tops,
Cruisin’ the gift shops,
Checkin’ out chiquitas, down by the shore
They dream about weight loss,
Wish they could be their own boss
Those three-day vacations can become such a bore
…wastin away again…
where’s everybody?
Uno, dos.
Hana, dool.
Tres, quatro.
Set, net.
you mean we aren’t beating the bush for a couple of running backs, olinemen, cornerbacks, dtackles?
oh, and maybe one more qb.
i thought for sure you would be bringing home another recruit commit.
das da lost verse of margaritaville.
my guess is that “air alexander” will sleep real good tonight and can’t wait for the next practice.
one person still made the same kind false start starts. he should be doing bear crawls with veikune come monday.
and no shame fo use “air alexander” i think it is befitting for his passing potential not to mention his penchant for going airborne when ever he smells the goal line or first down marker.
gotta love his heart and toughness.
i felt for lwj, i really did, when upon finally getting in the game, albeit a nice 4 yd gain he reinjures his foot or ankle.
you could see his frustrations on his face as the camera followed him to the bench and during his talk with libre.
keep the faith bro’.
Al – your up late tonight, what is your opinion on the game?
The light is starting to flicker.
I like symmetric things. Take for instance the letter W. Hey, it’s a W, whether it’s forward, or backwards, or if the lines are bent or corners rounded, it’s still a W! Oh, maybe if you turn it upside down, then it looks like a M. But maybe that’s because the observer/reader (me?) is upside down and it’s still a W.
Okay, I’m rambling on. It’s early…. I just wanted to express how much I love W‘s! 😀 😯 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
Eight margaritas!!??? 😯 Ferd – is my hero! 😀 😯 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
BTW – Good morning ST, our Tsaiko “Dr. Phil”! When is Wena expecting you home from this trip? 😀 😯 😆
Shucks – I wish it was Monday already and I could watch some awesome videos from Las Cruces and El Paso! 😯 😡 🙄
Huh? Who’s calling? Joe the Plumber? No, we didn’t call you.
Oh, Manny the Maytag Repairman contacted you? Okay.
Yeah, our ice machine seems to be broken. Eh, when my family takes a long drive, and comes home at 6 (o’clock), they want some ice with their soda pop. This is especially true with my cousin PAT! Or, after a long hard day working in the field, their goal is to get some ice! We’re use to at least getting 3 ice cubes. It use to be automatic, but now, sometimes the ice shoots out left or right of the dispenser, some times water just dribbles out, some times it just gushes, and a few times it just seems to be blocked!
Huh? You think it’s the H2O-line? Really? Yeah, we had some problems even last year with some leaks, but the previous home-owners just told us to patch up the H2O-line with duct tape and it would be okay? Nah, they moved away – I think they moved to Texas. Nah, they got problems of they own….
No, replacing the entire unit, or appliance is simply out of the question! No time, no money! We can’t even afford to install a new H2O-line right now! Oh, just use more duct tape? Don’t you have something better? You know, some super duper new, quick fix, better quality stuff? No? Just use duct tape and make it work!?! Man, I guess it’ll have to do. Huh? And you say it’s not a Maytag? It’s a Whirlpool? Hey….
Oh, yeah, the secondary freezer has also been giving us some problems. Yeah, everything up the middle has been kind of soft.… We had some things spoil. Actually, they were … burnt! What? Call Sears??? 😯 🙄 😯
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
Clarification needed on SMU’ing rules? Can a vested member of the Tsaikos get SMU’d for having his photo appear in the other pappa? Wait – will I get SMU’d for reporting on this? Oh man, I better take a break from posting…. See what happens when the foot is bigger than the mouth…. 😯 🙄 😯
Speaking of, SMU??, I’m sure JJ will turn the program around maybe next year with his recruits in place. However, I think UH and our coaching staff did/have done pretty good considering the losses/turn-over in personnel.
(UH 5W-5L overall. SMU 1W-9L overall.)
Plus, UH still in the running for a bowl bid….SMU, maybe next year.
Good morning everyone!
It is going to be a great day — no rain just lots of clouds.
Good win yesterday. At this point any win is a good win in the quest for number 7.
A week to heal and a week to prepare.
CRW . . .
You should try doing air travel with a Muslim family. Dang. The first time I thought it was a fluke. But after that they were pulled out and screened each and every time we had to go through security. We did not have much of a choice for the five straight years I had the kids.
Heck, at one point I was “asked” to join the family in the screening since I was interacting with them. Silly reason. Heaven forbid you ever interact with anyone in any security line. Geez.
So much for not profiling. How transparent and superficial can they be?
When do you guys sleep?
Howzit going in America? i agree, the quest for “#7” is the primary goal for the Warriors. if they can get to that, they’ll be doing just fine.
a tumultuous season to say the least, but through adversity, leaders are created, and that is what they need right now.
glad everyone made it home ok from the windward side gathering….wish we could have been there…maybe next time.
is Ferd singing his favorite song again?
one tequila, two tequila, three tequila……………..FLOOR
Ferd’s favorite movie…..Tequila Mockingbird
Tequila Sunrise, Sunset, and all times in between… 😀
you’re right, whew that cactus juice sure packs a wallop
Good morning Bulla! Hey – I have such a t-shirt and back in my youthful days, I did meet a floor or two! 😆
How come I have to search the WSU website to find game stats? And they credited the Beast w/ only one tackle? I know I saw him putting pressure on the QB on several plays. There was one where he stood up the OL guy, tossed him to the right, side-stepped the second OL, and charged to bear-hug the QB. Too bad he missed, but the QB had to hurry his pass and missed his mark by 3 yds.
Who is #55? He’s also stocky and active. It looks like the Beast will always draw two blockers. Go Wildcats! 😀 😯 😆
Sunday breakfast in bed this am. More Sopaipilla’s ? haha, enough already, get your okole’s back home.
Warriors making a road game statement that they can handle and win!
Bulla, Weber St. just keeps on Winning! Caught some of the game while other games were making me dizzy. Tony the Tiger sez, ” Their Greeeeat!”. Wheaties is knocking on their door, too.
Great Morning All!
In honor of “Ferd”…
Any chance of Ferd having a multi-tude of Margie’s then sitting him down next to Karl Benson again, bringing up the subject of Benson university ?
Lots of communication on offense and a “Greg-arious” QB1 lead to fireworks in the desert!
Last night, there was a discussion about the recent success of the back-to-back road games – well, at least for the second of the two games. My comment is the bad thing is you’re away from your other teammates and practice partners (and your family and school work…). I wish there was a way to fly the entire team to the remote sight for a “camp” to practice and to bond! – IMHO 😯 😀 🙄
Thanks for the great win Warriors. You look like team we all knew you could be, keep up the great work! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Yes indeedy, Mr. Pride, the light doth flicker evermore constantly, ever brighter. Shine that light, Salome-la! 😆
Ferd on one side with the M’s. ST on the other side with the apple-M’s. Benson in the middle with an ice tea. Oops – ST knocks it over onto KB. Stretch is peering through the window with his white-board providing captioning… 😀 😯 😆
Howzit Brew, D1 and Maverick! Wassup Gangeez?! 😉
Congrats to the Snow Beast and all the rest o’ them Wildcats. Playoffs here we come!
A big shout out to Koakane and his Wessai buddy Kekoa for planning that awesome TVgate at KBay. The location was good, the food was excellent and plentiful, and those door prizes donated by the Kekoa Foundation were swell. It was nice to roll around in some Tsaiko love for a few hours. You guys is da bestestest! And it wouldn’t have been a party wif out dat great Warrior win!
Sorry I ate so many cookies, I couldn’t stop myself. 😳
Howzit DPK. Glad you made it to the TVGate 🙂 Sounds like it was great!
Howzit DPK. Sorry we missed out on joining you at the TV Gate 🙁 Sounds like it was great!
DPK is the cookie monster?!! 😯 😆 🙄
Have a great day everyboddy! Should be easy to do after a great Warrior Win!
Gotta start watching the game again so I can join in the discussion in case I run into any Tsaikos today…..
Howzit D1. We’re glad we made it to the TVGate. 🙂 It was great!
Howzit D1. Sorry we missed you at the TVGate. 🙁 It was great!
How did your Wildcat do, D1?
d1島 – DPK ate your share of the cookies. He said, “no cookies for the lower Kalihi HS guys that lost!” – Nah, j/k! 😯 😆 😯
Brew, yes, that monster is I… They were warm and fresh and so delicious. The staff at KBay are the bomb. I mean, who else bakes fresh cookies after a sumptuous buffet? Maybe al does, but he’s never gonna invite me to his house to eat.
thanks for the props for the beast, i personally think he gets shortchanged on his stats…but that’s ok, the film doesn’t lie.
#55 is our 7th year senior i think, he had 2 medical redshirts, +1 redshirt, but this is his last season. last year in the 3rd game against montana he blew his knee out, and even though he only played 3 games, he still made honorable mention for post season accolades.
mav and dpk,
yep, playoffs here we come. the snow beast is coming into his own right, and on the radio they were talking about Hawaii football players, Saint Louis High School and how the quality of the players are getting better and better. also noted how young the snow beast was and what an impact he is making……….whew, make memories……..
Good Morning Tsaiko Famliy!!!
What a great win yesterday! Winning all three phases of the game!
Here’s a video of new daddy Davone from last week. His highlight starts around the :50 mark… What a catch!!!
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs,
Shout out to Kekoa and Koakane and others who planned out the Bay View Tsaiko-gate. Had lots of fun and prizes. The pork chops were awesome. It was fun watching the golf driving exhibition! I still marvel at how far Homey can drive the ball with irons! Warriors Win!
Annoddah Dave – How come you know so much about fuud!?! 😀
Funny – I’m picturing homey driving the little white golf ball with a free-weights barbell. Haha! 😀 😯 😆
Go ‘phins! The NFC West is really weak! 😆 😯 🙄
Hiya Ronnie!! 😆
good morning tsaiko land. what a great win yesterday. hope everyone has a great sunday.
how come we got clouds and RAIN and you don’t? something is wrong there.
Yes Brew! Go ‘phins! Happily watching my fish beat down the seachickens
decent return by d.bess woohoo
wafan is “Mr. Sunshine”! 😀 😯 😆
hi brew!
I like the way Samson still has his long hair, but it’s neatly tied up in a pony tail. It’s neat, professional looking, and yet allows him to maintain his culture/personality.
Hey Ronnie – I keep hearing Ronnie Brown this, Ronnie Brown that. I keep looking up expecting to see our Ronnie yelling her lungs out! 😯 😆 😯
favorite plays…
-Mouton’s 89-yard interception TD return…great to see how quickly we turned from defense to offense.
-Meatoga’s sack was good to see as I’ve been waiting for him to come into his own…he’s got a great future.
-Elimimian has to be playing at the level of Defensive Player of the Year…he has got a motor.
-when Alexander made that out pass to Pilares for the lst down in the first half, I knew he had it going. Colt like numbers yesterday. Impressed with his running ability – he looks like Roethlisberger only with wheels.
-Fonoti has a motor too….
-the O-line clearing the way for Libre’s TD off the left tackle – even I could have walked it in (and I’m slow) – awesome.
-and the O-line pushing their way through the D on Alexander’s TD quarterback sneak….nice.
…can’t wait for them foot longs and garlic fries in 2-weeks…..
brew – 😀 😆
(I don’t know how to make the bug eyed guy…)
golf driving exhibition? wow, what did we miss???
who had the fastest golf cart? did anyone pile up? i didn’t know it was a ‘driving range’….haha
if homey hits his irons far, it is because recent studies have determined that the distance derived from an iron, is directly proportionate to the height measurement of the subject. with the relative proximity closer, the opportunity for error is less, coupled with the fact that the swing plane of the club will be flatter than normal, comparable to that of a baseball player.
with that said,
1. Homey is of legendary status on the diamond
2. Homey is not the ‘tallest’ one in our illustrious group
3. Homey really knows how to ‘swing it’, including his club
That is why Homey won, in my opinion.
…but I thought you knew everything, well that’s what rob25 always says…. try “shock”. 😯 🙄 😆
did someone see a ‘cookie monster’ around here?
so this sounds like a ‘dolphin safe’ environment, mind if i swim through?
thanks brew!
and it must be because I sound like I know everything even when I don’t 😉
Bulla – I thought a golf swing was like a pendulum. A taller player would therefore have a bigger fulcrum length and be able to generate more club speed…. wait, ‘phin cheerleaders…. 😀 …what was I talking about….? 😆 😀 😆
So, do dolphins and seahawks eat the same kinds of fish?
Good After Game Day Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Good game yesterday! Alexander appears to have more confidence. Also good to finally see that guy smile.
I haven’t done a synopsis of a Tsaiko event in a while. Forthcoming shortly………
Where’s Homey. No fun making fun of him when he’s not around.
bulla, Not that I’m looking too far ahead, but where is the Championship Game held this year?
Bulla – You funny guy! Now try replacing the quotation marks with a colon. AND NOT THAT KIND OF COLON! 😀
Hiya Addahknowsports! – You’re right! Now that you finally woke up, lets talk about Addahknowsports! How far did you throw the little white golf ball, the club, AND the golf cart? 😯 😆 😯
So DPK ate all of the cookies yesterday at Bay View – no wonder why I didn’t have any!
Kekoa/Koakane (and others in the planning) – thanks for a great party.
Hmmmm – Dolphins, Seahawks, Sharks, Bears, and most Tsaikos (especially Addahknowsports) all eat fish – raw kind too. It might make an interested battle-royal! 🙄 😯 🙄
Penguin likes fish too!
Oh sorry, and Penguins too. 😳
Good Morning Everyone:
Hurrahh!! Wins for both UH teams on the road yesterday. Congratulations to both.
Two weeks from now is the WAC volleyball tournament at the Stan Sheriff Center.
Why is it that the fans of men’s volleyball and basketball teams are comfortable with being their being called Rainbow Warriors and the baseball team as the Rainbows or `Bows?
Do these fans think that these sports or the players are less manly? I doubt it. People who make snide remarks about “rainbows are faggy” should take a look at some of the research about men, sports & sexuality, especially those in which physical contact is considered part of the game.
In fact, according to a number of cross-cultural studies, the rainbow is considered to be a highly positive symbol in many different ways.
DrDoc Update: Unfortunately, he’s had still another setback and is once again in ICU. He will be undergoing more surgery tomorrow or Tuesday.
As for my facial injury, the area is quite small so I don’t look as if I’m a victim of domestic violence, but it continues to bleed somewhat uncontrollably. Even sleeping on my right side aggravated it..
Because things are not going the way we’d expected, it looks as if we’ll be needing some specific kinds of help after all. Will be sending out an e-mail describing things in a day or two. If you can help out, it would be very much appreciated.
Aaaaaaahhhhh…. Mahalo, D1. That was nice… =)
Top of the mornin’ y’all.
December 19—Div I FCS Championship game, W. Max Finley Stadium/Davenport Field,
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Div II Championship—Saturday, December 13, Florence, Alabama
Div III Championship—Saturday, December 20, Salem, Virginia
53rd Annual Russell Athletic-NAIA Football National Championship
Saturday, December 20, 2008
12 p.m. EST Kick-off (Approximate)
Barron Stadium
Rome, Ga
Hi Gang!
Hiya Brew! Good to see you back in the playhouse this morning. Sorry for the slow response. My computer typing really sloooooowwww this morning. Had to fix. Now much better.
There was not a raw thing in the place yesterday, but the food was soooo ono. I think I was dreaming about those choco chip cookies last night.
As far as entering the “kick-the-little-white-ball-with-lead-foot” contest, I was tempted to enter, but I just went into the “crazy drivers” contest instead. That was fun.
Good morning everyone!
Good to hear about Bay View (Peaches held her oldest daughter’s graduation party there). Since we have a bye week coming up, I had suggested to Kekoa that if everything met expectations…especially the karaoke system…that he try for another party this week. 🙂
Sound crazy? Consider that most Tsai-kos will be on-island this week… probably including ST, RK, Bulla and the Tsai-kos who are responsible for hosting PPV gatherings at home (and never attend a TV-gate) might be free…
Man! Those cookies was ono at Bay View! Especially after a solid victory.
Best wishes for a speedy recover for Dr. Doc!!!
dj . . .
You have to hold your tongue in your mouth just right. Then you get the sun.
But, I am happy to share the rain with the other side of the hill!!!
Lunch time.
Sorry to hear about DrDocs setback. Wishing him well and hoping for a successful surgery.
Tom Mui-
I owe you a cookie. 🙂
Prayers continue for Dr. Doc.
Thoughts and prayers for DrDoc.
btw, Wessai Bible study is ON!
Goooood Morning Gangee…weather is getting cloudy and smells like rain on the NorthShore but still a great morning especially after a nice Warrior Win!
Shucks, I might have to stay indoors all day and watch some football! Oh welll such is life. I think I have to stay indoor today. It starting to rain now.
Observation…JJ 1-9 first season at smu…9-4 fist sseason at Warrior U?
Me thinks the guys at Warrior U had it in them to begin with. Just needed some game plan and direction. Hawaii guys are born Warriors! Other schools are drooling over guys from Hawaii no matter what level of play.
Be proud Warriors!
Over and out, got to go get some pupu and brews. Shucks, got to stay indoor today…..
Wassup Doc-
I agree that their is nothing wrong with “Rainbows.” I know many UH-Manoa alumni out here in the “provinces” were upset and found it hard to believe that someone ( was it JJ?) could change such a tradition as the name of their team. Most of these people still use “Rainbows” when refering to he football team. Can you imagine the next coach of the U. of Washington football team saying that he wants a name change because he doesn’t like the name “Huskies”? I don’t think he’d last too long.
Or a coach trying to get rid of the “Ducks”, as in the U. of Oregon. I’m sure the response to that coach would include the word “duck”, with a slight change in the spelling!
Please take care of Dr. Doc and yourself My prayers and Aloha are with you.
Good morning Tsai-kos!
Are we all still grinning from ear to ear about yesterday’s game?
brew808 – you are on a roll!! ROTFLMAO! 😀 😆
Homey has irons? 😯 Look out!
WassupDoc – best wishes to you & DrDoc. Please email me at the tsai-kos.com email addy when you need help.
So, no one saved me a cookie? hmmm. Looks like a long overdue late night raid on the clubhouse tonight. 😉
Rainbow Warriors???..gives it a mystical auroa doesn’t it???
Not only does Homey have irons, but he also has a ball and a beef stick. I gotta say this about him, that lefty can crank dem balls.
My wife and I want to thank Kekoa and his family for the door prizes and also those prizes awarded for those “crazy” Proposition guesses. That was a lot of fun and something very different. Hey we both won prizes, a huge “H” decal and key chain and a car flag. Mahalo to Kekoa and Koakane for putting together the TV gate at Bay View. I have to agree the pupu buffet choices were really great and plentiful! And if the wife says the chocolate chip cookies were so ono, they were! I guess I owe Tom Mui a cookie too as I had two .. 😉
It was nice to see old friends again as we haven’t been going to the Tsaiko gates and also meeting and seeing new faces. And of course we had our cheerleaders leading 30+ of us to “It’s another Hawaii first down” or “another Hawaii touchdown” in unision. That was fun. Only problem –Homey kept making the front 50″ TV screen picture shake up and down… Was getting motion sickness for awhile… ;-)…And I know Homey’s secret to making those long drives is his upgraded Playskool clubs. 🙂 or was it Bud Lites? Actually he was up at the crack of dawn at the driving range practicing… smart guy!
As far as Dan Kelly’s NFL future is concerned, I hope his leg strength is given more consideration than his actual performance this season, since he’s running out of games to boost his FG percentage.
Top 100?
Congratulations to the warriors for winning the game. the team did play better than last week and hopefully it will carry them into the next game with Idaho. the play of GA, Veikune, Sol, Libre, and Mouton was very good. the receiving corp needs to put in a lot of time with catching the ball with the JUGS cause as a group they are just average and sometimes below average. There are many reasons why the ball is not caught, but if the ball is in your hands, you are expected to catch the ball better than 90% of the time. right now, i don’t keep statistics, but watching the game, it looks like around 50% which is not good. what is worse than watching the receivers drop td balls that hit their hands.
I’m still happy about the win and hope that a good crowd shows up in 2 weeks for the Idaho game. I also hope that the coaches have good talks with the people they are meeting with at the mainland high schools. Establishing relationships is critical for recruiting.
One of the first things that Mack Brown did at Texas was to create a camp that was for all of the high school football coaches in Texas. All were invited and given amazing access, with good information for them to learn about the systems that Texas was using. Year after year the coaches would go to Austin to learn from the Texas coaches…and they of course started implementing big parts of their system. So, Texas got solid relationships which helped them in recruiting and they had the high schools move to systems that approximated what they were running…which trained the players for their system and made evaluation easier.
Mac has started a similar thing with inviting the Hawaii high school coaches and visiting the high schools. UH (unlike Texas) will need to recruit beyond its home state so establishing strong bonds with those mainland schools is critical for that recruiting.
We all got up early today so we spent the day at Disneyland. We just got home and the kids are napping. Today wasn’t that busy so we got to do a lot of things in both parks…great way to celebrate the day after the win.
I was offline all day so I’m going to spend the next 30 minutes reading all of the articles on the game. It is so much more fun to do that after a win!
Great game Warriors.
Good job oline.
Alexander looked like Rolo Part 2.
Good job receivers.
Keep the MO going.
Mash da Potatoes.
Bess had 2 catches for 25 yards and 3 punt returns for 18 yards. Congratulations to the 5-4 Dolphins! It must be so much more fun for Samson this season as compared to all the losing he had to go through last year.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
I hope with the off week coming up, the team is able to keep the the momentum going. They played well, with a few correctable mistakes.
I have 2 weeks to get the Mr Potato Head ready for the Idaho game. I hope I can find all the parts.
Is the team going to have a regular practice schedule this coming week?? I hope that they have practice on Tuesday since it’s a holiday and I can legally attend practice.
whitey – it seemed to me that the receivers were on their game at NMSU. They really cut down on the dropped balls and worked hard for the YAC. Helps that Pilares is back in the mix. He’s got NFL potential if he keeps this up.
Veikune should be blocking on special teams.
hehehe. Clueless Wahine question – what’s a Vandal? A criminal?
So da WAC has 3 puppies (2 dogs & 1 wolf), 2 farmers, 1 criminal, 1 pony, an ancient soldier, and of course, the awesome Hawaiian WARRIOR!
Your “read-on-the-go” comment is a reflection of the receivers getting more comfortable in the “run ‘n shoot” offensive scheme.
Good to hear for the last 3 games and heading into the 2009 season. I believe the Mike Washington and Bain are the only seniors in the starting receiving corps. But, there is an good group ready to fill their spots.
Last night after catching up with all the highlights and scores I got sucked into watching the BC Lions playoff game taped from Friday (I think). Fox Sports Net was broadcasting it. I didn’t watch all of it, but I did get to see Ryan catch a pass. Looked like he was getting some good playing time.
I haven’t watched the CFL in a long long time. It is pretty crazy. The rule that was the most distracting for me was the unlimited motion — watching four or five wide receivers all in motion and weaving around before the ball is snapped is wild. Some of these guys line up 15 yards off the line and then full out sprint down the field with the ball snapped right as they cross the line. It is like the run and shoot on steroids. With only three downs there isn’t much running the ball. Everyone is out of the shotgun and they get the ball out fast.
jm . . .
Vandals date back from the time of the Romans as invaders in North Germany. This site will give you more information. Dang. Br. Sullivan would be proud I even remembered that much of the Vandals in Europe. HA!
ST – got any info on team injuries?
Just watched replay of the game. On Kelly’s two missed kicks it looked like technical mistakes that can be fixed as ST notes.
On missed PAT there were two problems. One is that he was leaning forward with his knee over the ball and you can’t get loft that way. Also started right kicking foot out to in & that is why was also pulled left.
On the missed field goal in the 4th quarter. Kick was from the left hash, the left plant foot is aimed at the right goal post and his kicking foot went straight to the outside of this goal post, missed wide right. Better if he aimed left plant foot to right center of the goal post and followed through with right kicking foot to this target. Or if left plant foot is at right goal post he would hit left inside portion of the ball and bring right kicking foot left to right to draw the ball between the uprights.
Key points in kicking are the plant foot (non-kicking foot) that influences direction, kicking foot that controls accuracy, angle of approach to ball that affects right to left or left to right spin and body lean that controls the trajectory.
Just my observation from watching T.V. I’m sure he will see this during film session review.
Getting all hyped up to cheer for Boise St to make it to the BCS game which will give the WAC added recognition and UH more $$$ for the Athletic Dept.
But, attitude changes immediately after the gun sounds end of game as Boise St must come to Hawaii next year and the Warriors will be ready. They were lucky to get all those turn-overs in the 2nd half to win 27 -10 or was it 7 this year. Dang, the grey matter is wrecking havoc with my memory.
Wonder what kind of “rating” would apply if Hawaii, Boise St, Nevada, San Jose St, and Fresno St joins with BYU, TCU, Utah, UNLV, and Air Force to create a “new” BCS conference. It could become the next competitive BCS conference in 3-4 years. It would contain the only “non-BCS” bowl buster teams. At least, way better than the Big East. Surely, it would be nearly impossible to go undefeated with this line up.
Ah, “to dream the impossible dream” ……………………!
Tom you still want the DVD? if so send snail mail addy to pomai at tsai-kos.com
People must be recovering, still, from yesterdays celebration and todays meeting.
You sound like a soccer player, judging from your technical kicking expertise. Kelly is like a golfer who doesn’t trust his swing anymore, so he keeps over compensating and ends up getting worse. He just needs to go back to his basics.
A-House . . .
I am cheering for BSU until after their bowl game. After that . . . game on!
You got it Florida Ted on both accounts. Basics it is, that’s why the Pros are so good. Everything is repetitive & repeatable. Long time soccer player & coach.
Had a hand in introducing the 2nd best high school player to come out of Hawaii to kicking footballs. The best was Roy Gerela from Kalani, then NMSU and 3 Super Bowl rings with the Steelers.
Don’t get me wrong i I am not an expert and it’s not easy, especially outdoors and with 11 defensive players trying to crush you.
Kelly said it before, he has to stop thinking and stroke each kick just like in practice.
Hi, gang and ST! Finally got to watch the game in replay this morning. Good thing I knew how the story would end, or else … grrr.
A-House, I like your “impossible dream” …
Hi Esme! Howzit, long time no see. You got time for a supa soaka fight in the clubhouse? Homey’s poodles *really* need a bath. 😀
Look at this. We lose last week and get lots o’ posts. We win this week and nobody’s around.
What a great game. Alexander’s looking more and more impressive, the Oline had a good game. Recievers and backs did their jobs pretty well. It’s nice to se the whole “O” clicking like that.
I heard an interesting comment made by a sports media guy *coughBHcough*; comparing our QB, GA, to the QB from from the Steelers, BR. It kinda made sense I thought. We both noted how effective Alexander is becoming running the ball. And his passing, well, like Pride suggests, that light is definitely flickerin’ brighter.
The major, major flaw in your hope for the superconference is that the other MWC and WAC teams would have to agree to be left behind. They would be left with either no conference (and have to drop out of D-IA) or a conference of weaklings that wouldn’t last more than a year or two. How do you convince them to do that–tell them to sacrifice their football programs (and hence, their entire D-IA status) to help UH out?
You aren’t the first to post about that combination being good for UH, and in a perfect world it would happen. But getting the schools to agree to NOT be a part of the conference would be impossible, and there are clauses in the MWC and WAC agreements that would make that hard to do.
Contrast the salaries of Bess and London with the WR that can’t even make the active roster now with the Dolphins. If Bess keeps this up, his next contract will be significantly better than his current one!
This link gives the salary for every NFL player on every NFL team.
jm2375. Poodles? Oh, that’s what the smell was …
Mention of one of Bess’ catches…nice conversion on 4th down. Too bad they had wasted a timeout earlier and couldn’t stop the clock.
This article on the game has a nice photo of Bess at the top!
I thought that the blog was normally slow on Sundays?
With a bye week, the blog would be slower than normal this coming week…but the return of the Princess’ videos will probably help increase the comments! Plus, I’m hoping for news of a commit or two from recruits, which would always increase the comments.
The No Clue At All organization may help things along. Idaho, with a 16K seat stadium has no business being in D1A and NaMaSU didn’t help themselves yesterday with 6K bodies in the stands. The attendance at the USU game was also pretty pathetic. You’ve also noted SDSU’s problems. LaTech needs to join a more geographically favorable conference anyway if it’s going to survive. Just my worthless 2 cents.
you now calling DPK a poodle, right??!!?
now = not
Your opinion is not worthless and you made very good points! Yes, I think that Idaho, Utah State, and NMSU could be forced to leave D-IA. I also think that SDSU has a limited time left in D-IA. La Tech should leave the WAC…but that was thought for quite some time but they never left (probably because the other conferences don’t want them because they don’t bring enough to the table).
The trouble is losing SDSU would make the MWC want another team…if they take Nevada, BSU, or Fresno State and the bottom 3 of the WAC leaves, then the WAC is basically done as a conference. Nevada, BSU, and Fresno probably all realize this…one reason why BSU’s President wants out of the WAC.
One thing to consider is that last season I remember posting a link about how BYU’s President publicly said that he wanted their team on ESPN instead of their TV arrangement. I wish that the WAC had responded by inviting BYU to leave the MWC and come back to the WAC. Adding BYU would make the WAC much stronger in a lot of sports, and would cushion the loss of a team or two from the bottom of the WAC.
It would take strong leadership and vision (not what I think of when I think of Karl Benson) to come up with some type of arrangement to entice BYU, publicly invite UC-Davis to the WAC if they hurry their planned jump to D-IA, and figure out a way to kick out La Tech, Utah State, Idaho, and/or NMSU if they do not improve significantly. But the future of the WAC will require some risks and strong leadership…
“HOWZIT” to all the Tsaiko family out there!
Instituted an 24 hr rule for myself after wins and 48 hrs after losses. Last week, even 48 hrs wasn’t enough! LOL Just felt that the team would rally back after the fiasco in Utah. Wasn’t sure about the win, but believed the Warriors would play with intensity and effort. It was great to watch that unfold.
Doubling down on those congratulations to Kekoa and Koakane (primarily) for their all out efforts in setting up the Bay View tv-gate. The proof of the pudding were the people in the “general audience” side of the restaurant wanting to come over and join the “wild and crazy” group of Warrior fanatics! The roars of “HAWAII….FIRST DOWN!!!” and “HAWAII….TOUCHDOWN!!!” were certainly heard clear past Castle High School!
Heads up for the Tsaiko Ohana…there will be new stuff in 2009. Somehow, someway…we will put together a cd with our cheers and songs to learn for UNLV-UH in Sept, 2009. You gotta plan to be there! With the kind of planners and entertainers we have, a bunch of Tsaikos getting together can’t help but be truly amazing! Oh, yeah…must put the ha’a on the disc too. Can you just imagine how amped the players will be to see the fans in the stands doing the ha’a with them????
If BYU or some other respected school joined the WAC, BSU would have much less incentive to leave. ESPN could be prodded to up their TV deal contingent on the addition of an attractive team or two.
But I’m probably even further from what is possible than A-House. Still, I figure I needed to say it. Dinner time, be back later with some article postings.
Here’s my take on what should happen, even though I know it won’t. Move LaTech to Sun Belt conference (step down, I know). Drop SDSU, NMSU, USU and Idaho to FCS and combine WAC & MWC for a 13 team conference. It would probably make both stronger in terms of basketball, baseball & women’s volleyball also.
BTW with all the conference jumping the last few years, I always have to stop & think about which conference a team is in. Still can’t get used to Boston College being in the ACC and not the Big East. The ACC used to be schools in the Southeastern Atlantic coast with the Twerps being the northernmost school. The Big East for basketball is kind of unwieldly now with 16 teams. (I went to Georgetown during the Patrick Ewing Sr. era 😀 )
jm – the conference you are looking at would be the WAC of old. It would be hard for the WAC presidents now to sit with the MWC presidents who secrectly ditched them years ago.
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
Or to paraphrase Mr. Bush, “Fool me once, um, uh. Fool me twice…..It is not going to happen again.”
Watching UH beat NMSU was like watching Kaimuki beat Kalani. Congratulations to UH, the Kaimuki of the WAC, on its victory over NMSU, the Kalani of the WAC.
Garett/Stretch – oooooppps. 😳 Oh well.
Stretch – so how did you do yesterday at the post-game “marketing” session? 😀
So by your analogy, Kaimuki was playing in the State Finals last season?
jm – i was inside having a somewhat intellectual conversation with koakane. no driving range for me.
Wow.. no bashing after a win… so nice.
Ahhhh… Warriors looked good yesterday. Had to watch the game three times. LOL
Alexander looked great beating the Kalani of the WAC. I’ll wait to see what happens when the UH plays a real football team. Beating Kalani is hardly something to pound your chests about.
I really like the way the coaches are approaching the recruiting task. These guys are serious about building the best possible program here at UH. Not just a one time phenomena but something that could help create a tradition.
That UH beat up the Kalani of the WAC is hardly a statement about anything. That the Kalani of the WAC scored 30 points against the UH is troubling.
Trying to reorganize a conference for BCS or BSC status may be workable, but it would take years of negotiation. Best way is for the NCAA to take over the championship like it should have done a long time ago and have a playoff system. The NCAA runs every championship except for football, so why the exception?? Let the BCS or BSC take the NCAA to court if it wants. This reminds me of how the ILH and OIA did not want to have a state championship in football which included the outer islands, but the DOE laid down the law that to insure a state championship even if it excluded the ILH. This is very similar situation to what the BCS or BSC is doing today, excluding members who are of equal status.
ooopppps 😳 I meant the other Garret, not Stretch twice.
James, your point of the 30 points is very important, not only from it being 30, but how it was scored. If it was a slow process of grinding out yardage, it would not be so noticeable, but it was scored on long passes which downfield coverage was very poor. the d line did their job of pressuring, but the d backs failed in coverage. we have seen this happen to the d backs before, but somehow it still is not corrected. coach miano is going to have to step up his d backs, so they can correct and adjust.
another negative point was challenging the down marker when it had no impact on the game. this is the opposite of last week when they should have challenged and let it ride and lost. the suggestion by a tsaiko about changing the top and bottom with Rolo going upstairs and RL on the field may have some validity. to get burned 2 games in a row on “challenges” puts coach mc and the team at a great disadvantage.
That’s that! 😆
Stretch – intellectual conversation with Koakane? 😯
jm – “somewhat”. hard when bud light affects the intellectual part.
A conversation between Stretch and koakane is hardly intellectual in the first place. It only got to be that way when I stuck my head in. 😀
The 30 points didn’t bother me because Holbrook and Williams have their cold and hot days. They were in a slump the past three weeks and it was only a matter of time that they would get back into the groove.
In all honesty, I was more excited in the execution of each play over the win. The passes were crisp, on the money, and made in stride. Any good QB can throw the ball in the general direction and get a number of good catches, but last night Alexander put the ball on the money.. caught the receivers in stride, even those passes on the wings just outside the shoulder of the receivers were perfectly placed. That’s some accuracy. Knowing now that they made a number of verbal adjustments (receivers and QB) prior to key plays makes it more of an accomplishment. Sure there were a couple of overthrown passes but Colt had those as well.
Defensively they struggled against the big pass plays until Mouton was assigned to that Chris guy whereupon he nearly shut that guy down. That was that. Our Offense didn’t let it get them down, instead they rose to the ocassion and responded and THAT is exciting.
Then there was the wholesale change in offense when Rausch went in – from center to receivers to rb. They marched right down to the redzone and nearly made a touchdown. That dropped pass in the endzone was right where it should be. Understudy jitters by JM. Still an excellent preview of what’s in the wings.
Kelly’s FG attempt on that drive was a disappointment, however. I’m sure he’ll get his accuracy back. Besides, he made that great stop on a kickoff that would have resulted in a TD if he didn’t stop Williams.
Some folks seemed to have taken the game too personally.
Perhaps a week from Saturday they will have more faith and approach things with a more giving attitude.
That would be FOR AMUSEMENT ONLY 😉
i like the way coach mc is growing and developing as a head coach. he is having growing pains, but tries to correct them one at a time, but at the same time maintaining his composure. i know he will only get better and it will be reflected by his future teams. this year’s goal of getting to the hawaii bowl is very attainable, but the team will have to play as a team for 4 qtrs every game and keep that attitude of “we” and not “i”.
whitey – so which of the remaining home games are you coming over?? duffer wants to set up a tee time on the Sunday.
“There’s no ‘I’ in ‘team’.”
Phil Jackson
“But there is in ‘win’.”
Michael Jordan
d1 & jason – it was “somewhat intellectual” since I only had ONE beer the whole day. If I was also drinking, it would have been an “entertaining” conversation
The NCAA does NOT organize conferences, and they actually do not do that for other sports. The playoff system is a different issue–notice that the other sports have conferences and they have playoffs anyway. We have to look at the *regular season* when we discuss the conferences or we are mixing the issues.
We have to remember that the NCAA *used* to control the national TV contract for football and distributed the money similar to the NCAA basketball split. Back then, schools in “lesser” conferences had much closer TV revenue to the “big” conferences than is the case today. In fact, I’ve seen people here and elsewhere propose such a system be used again. However, we have to remember that the “big” (now BCS) conferences beat the NCAA in court and got the right to sell their TV rights on their own. And the facts are that they made a LOT more money after getting their TV rights than they did when the NCAA controlled it.
It would be great for UH if the NCAA had control like so many others have suggested. However, the courts ruled that was illegal. Without that NCAA ruling, we wouldn’t see things like the BCS now…since that was just the extension of what happened once the NCAA lost control.
btw, isn’t “regular” Tuesday practice just an hour on the field?
d1 – Monday’s are mostly going over gameplans and conditioning. Tues/Wed/Thurs are full practices. I suspect they are going to take Fri/Sat/Sun off like they did the last bye week.
Time for me to go shopping and eat dinner. Be back later tonight.
d1, you correct about “win”, but where is the “i” in team, “tim” “thim” “thin”???
stretch, most likely the wa st game.
November 9th, 2008 at 4:00 pm
I thought that the blog was normally slow on Sundays?
I do notice a lot of folks from last sunday didn’t post again today. My point is that they should at least say something when the Warriors win.
Wen you come over, I will play a Rap Replinger CD for you 😆
Your #121 – why is it necessary for all conference members to agree to a split off?
It was not done when the “8” teams left the WAC – they held secret meetings at airports and “the hell with the rest”!!
They who left did so knowing that what ever $$$ due to them would be left behind.
Maybe my suggestion would be “like the original WAC”, but with the PAC 10 so “uppty uppty” there is “O” chance of any team in the WAC and MWC being invited. Last time the PAC 10 did that was to add Arizona and Arizona St because they were tearing up the WAC. What has happened to them now? Are they very competitive (football) in the PAC 10 now? Seems to me they are middle of the pack of lower.
Another scenario would be to offer Colorado, Iowa, Iowa St to join the new BCS conference.
I, for one, would like to see the “new MWC/WAC” challenge the PAC 10 and Big 12 for bragging rights west of the Mississippi.
If the courts decided to deny the NCAA control over the “football play off system” in the past, why not challenge it now and point to how the BCS schools/conferences are controlling all the “big $$$” (do I smell monolopy?). Several members of Congress have challenged it and, today, so are well respected coaches within the BCS conferences. Or, is it left to the Athletic Directors and/or Presidents to work on this?
This time do it openly and see how things fall. If this occurs, wonder how the BCS conference schools will react to the talk of a new BCS conference with member schools from the WAC, MWC, and Big 12 or Big 10. Just hope that Hawaii is included.
Who will have the guts to start this? What is there to lose? That’s where I draw the line between “civilian” and “military” leaders who know that every decision/risk taken by military leaders you will lose men and material including your own life. The only expection is the President of the United States in terms of “other” lives.
middle of the pack of – should be “or”
I’m back.
And I’m pooped.
I brought back two bags — one with gifts, the other with dirty laundry. TSA went through my dirty-laundry bag, which explains a lot.
Welcome home, ST. Which was the larger bag? 😕
The gift bag, which also was the emptier bag.
OK, OK. Two bags for a two-night trip?
What can I say?
I had to buy gifts because I’m speaking at career day on Friday. Gotta bribe the students.
ST — bribe the students? They sell Honolulu Advertiser pens near the Mexican border?
tonight’s news
I don’t understand our defense. The talk was of how terrific it was going to be but really, folks, do you honestly believe that the defense is that great? Just by simple comparison, BSU shut out the common opponent in NMSU. WE gave up a couple of cross country scores. Are we as good as BSU? Come on, when we go into whatever we call it to stop a known passing down when its third and long, the other team usually completes what’s necessary to get a first.
Our secondary is either slow, out of position or both.
Watching that NMSU guy burn us not once but twice was really sickening. I’d hate to see what a Texas Tech would do to a secondary like ours.
So, someone asked if there was no criticism after a win I am willing to say that we’re not that good, yet. Speaking of which, yes Bain made a mistake that hurt us (with a score after the fumble on the punt) but why did the coaches put Washington back there again? I mean, I’ll almost bet you that his total yards were negative, again.
I only hope that we don’t do the funk against Idaho and finally become an over .500 team.
Missed all the action this weekend. Gigging a lot. Brought home Taro bread from Low’s bakery in Hilo.
Wanted to invite all the Tsaiko’s who are Kaiser Members to the 50th Anniversary Concert Kaiser is putting on next Saturday at Bishop Museum 11 – 4pm. Don’t miss it. https://www.signup4.net/Public/ap.aspx?EID=2008638E
Sorry, only for Kaiser Members. They’re expecting 6,000+ people. Yikes. I’d better practice.
Welcome Home, Stephen.
You bear gifts.
The team brought home a gift.
Hopefully, the coaches who are still on the mainland will be able to do as well.
So Stretch is planning to “personally” attend practice on Tuesday. What will be the schedule for this bye week?
Remember to practice the pineapple song 😉
anyone else (other than sj&myki) going to practice on Tuesday?? Loa??
Hey Tech Dudes!
the blog is acting weird tonight!
Nothing new. 😉
The D is kind of a mystery sometimes. The usual standouts are doing their thing, but those two home runs that the secondary gave up are troubling for sure. Can’t give up the long ball like that — who can forget that flea-flicker at SJSU? Still, 24 points until the end of the game isn’t bad, and the offense helped keep the pressure off the D, assisted by Mouton’s awesome pick-six of course.
IMHO the Big East is really teetering on the edge of being bounced from the BCS.
MWC has three teams ranked ahead of Pitt and Cincy. After their showdown on 11/22 the conference could have only one team in the Top 25. If Pitt prevails, they still have to play West Va. and UConn which could mean no Top 25 teams. Do they still get an automatic BCS berth?
Of course, if Cincy wins a week from Saturday, Hawaii could bounce them out of the Top 25 and leave the Big East in the same position.
Hey, hey, hey! It could happen…
Nalani said that she is going to practice…
…I started posting that as a joke but actually, isn’t she always at practice?
Call The Coach is still on for this Tuesday right?
If so I’ll actually be able to make one this season!
Well, great weekend….
early start tomorrow….
You can’t compare UH’s game against NMSU with Boise’s. In Boise’s match up with NMSU, both Holbrook and Willams were pretty banged up going into the game. They were no where near where they were against the Warriors. In fact they were in a slump the three weeks following those injuries.
Given that, Boise only got 49 points. That’s not much against an NMSU Air Raid team that can’t really throw and catch. It’s only 1 more touch down than the Warriors.
d1 – when she can but not sure, I don’t go to practice, remember??!!??
sure Stretch, sure….. 😡
you need more pictures of greg salas (:
Lots of interesting issues you brought up. I’ll go over some of them. This really is too long of a discussion to fill the blog with…but I’ll bet we would have an interesting discussion at a Cattle Call sometime!
You are correct that it was done by the MWC. However, since that was so groundbreaking, conferences put in clauses to try to discourage this type of huge upheaval. Some big money (BCS) conferences can afford the cost, because they have the money and the incentive. But you are talking about two lower-budget conferences and tearing both apart.
You are also assuming that every school would agree which schools would be brought into the new conference! That would never happen! Rivalries, loyalties, even state governments would prevent this. For example, the MWC schools might want more of their conference members there and to exclude UH…which would be a realistic assumption considering travel costs…then how appealing is your idea?
The Texas Legislature told Texas and Texas A&M that they would cut the funding to those schools if they left for the Pac-10. A few of the top politicians at the time were Baylor grads, so Baylor got to go to the Big 12 instead of another school from the Southwest Conference that would made more sense. You are having Utah leave Utah State behind, BSU leave Idaho behind, etc., when that is one state sponsored school basically ruining the other state sponsored school’s athletic status.
Arizona State has been highly ranked in football as recently as last season! NCAA basketball brings in MORE money than football and Arizona was a dominant Pac-10 team for a long time! Both teams are far better now than Washington and Washington State…of course, I think Weber State is better now than Washington and Washington State.
They are already in BCS conferences and have no incentive to move to a non-BCS conference. Especially one that has a FAR lower TV appeal than the conference they are in now. They would lose a ton of money if they moved conferences.
As I explained earlier, you are mixing up the issues. The playoff has *nothing* to do with the conference TV deals, they are two separate issues. As I explained in my previous post, the NCAA has playoffs with the other sports even though the conferences are there.
The playoff *is* prevented by the BCS Bowl TV deal, but that is *not* what we are discussing here. We are talking about conference realignment, which has nothing to do with having a playoff or not!
Many people are saying that the MWC might have a chance to become a BCS conference on their own when the BCS deal is reviewed the next time around. There are criteria, and if your dream conference occurred then it *would* be a BCS conference…the BCS conferences would not argue with you I believe. Trouble is, the MWC can get there if they just trade SDSU for BSU…which is highly possible and they don’t need Hawaii. Hawaii doesn’t have enough TV sets to justify the travel expenses for a new superconference unless both football and men’s basketball teams are ranked consistently.
Or, the MWC could grab BSU, Fresno State, and Nevada and create a 12-team conference with a playoff game. That conference winner would definitely have a BCS conference spot. To me, that is much more likely that the MWC dumping schools that they have been with for so long for schools that they rejected before. I’ll bet that all 3 schools would go to the MWC in that scenario. Then, the mtn network would be worth a LOT of money and it is owned by the conference.
The MWC has plans to join the BCS…why would they try to upset the system? The Big 12 and Big 10 are in the BCS…why would they upset the system? The WAC might not like the system, but BSU has one foot out the door and at least 3 schools (Idaho, Utah State, NMSU) and possibly others (SJSU just a few years ago, for example) might be looking at dropping out of D-IA.
The only way I see a championship playoff is if non-BCS schools start knocking on the BCS bowl games with greater frequency and come away as winners more often than not. UH’s lackluster performance against Georgia didn’t help much, but getting there at least helped keep the door open that Boise managed to pry the season before.
If Boise makes it again this year, let’s hope they win with even greater dominance. There has to be a question in the minds of fans everywhere as to who #1 really should be.
I just want to say this:
Eight margaritas?!?!
I bow at Ferd’s feet!
I agree that if BSU makes it to the BCS and wins, that will be a strong argument in favor of the non-BCS conference schools. If BOTH Utah and BSU make it to BCS games (quite possible if you see how the top of the BCS is dominated by the Big 12, SEC, and non-BCS schools), I hope that BOTH win. That would be a great thing for the current system to be looked at differently.
Mahalo to all the attendees of the final TV-gate yesterday. I enjoyed serving you along with the accounting firm representatives from the Kekoa Foundation, Betty & Diana.
Koakane ~ Deserves a tip of the UH hat for his hosting duties and his ‘intelligent’ responses to Engineering & Marketing personnel. The makers of Bud Lite would be proud if they knew they had such a great spokesman.
Aunty Tita Leadfoot ~ Officially qualified to move up to Tigress Wood status after successfully launching missiles from the Driving range. She also deserves congratulations for winning the UH Mini-Helmet in a drawing at the end of the game.
Congratulations to all the winners of the Football contest, Golf Challenge and Door prize drawings. It was fun watching the whole room erupt after every successful 1st down or TD. Thanks BG for leading the cheers!
The owner told me that she and her staff enjoyed serving us and welcomes us back should we ever decide to return next season. We made a very positive impression on her regular customers who were eager to know where these Tsaiko’s came from. They know now!
And finally…the owner of the home behind the Driving Range reported to the Kaneohe Police that he thought his home was involved in a ‘Drive-By’ attack. He then discovered range balls inside all areas of his house and yard. Insurance adjusters were investigating the damage today. They described a short Filipino looking male and a young Asian female, both sporting big ‘guns’ hitting golf balls from the driving range located over 400 yards away!
The Big East is in *serious* trouble as a football conference right now. Yes, they get their automatic spot even if they don’t have a ranked team. Their problems actually help the possibility of a second non-BCS conference school to get to BCS games.
The Big East had to fight to stay in the BCS the last time things were looked at. They are lucky that the deal isn’t being reviewed right now and they have a few years to fix things.
Free play link time. Please ignore the next batch of posts by me if you do not want the off-topic stuff. I will do 5 from Saturday and 5 from Sunday…and I have many that I have to leave out.
Study found that internet searching boosts the brain power of middle-aged people and seniors.
Iranian group tried to set the Guiness World Record for the longest sandwich, with more than 1,000 volunteers putting together the 1,500 meter sandwich. But the volunteers ate the sandwich before it could be measured!
Jamaica police are trying to figure out how an entire beach was stolen…500 truckloads of sand missing!
Woman went to the emergency room for a fractured bone in her leg, but left after waiting 19 hours without seeing a doctor. The hospital sent her a bill for $162!
Vet hospital for combat-wounded dogs opened at Lackland Air Force base.
Kekoa, thanks for the post about the TV-gate. Sounds like I missed some classic moments there. Glad you guys had good fun!
coach mack show in a few minutes.
Now I have 5 from Sunday.
Man in Japan was arrested for trying to burn down the hotel that where he was supposed to be getting married…he wanted to cancel the wedding because he was already married!
18-year-old driver in Oregon was pulled over for going 107 mph. Her excuse to the police officer was that it was hard for her to see because she was talking on her cell phone!
Newspaper in New Mexico printed the headline “Obama Wins”…when their bimonthly newspaper hit newsstands on October 27! Their “Special Collector’s Edition” could have been really, really special if McCain won!
Florida woman returned home after a 15-month tour of duty in Iraq so her family put up signs, balloons, flags, and other decorations…but this horrible homeowners association forced them to take them down even though other members of the association put up decorations in the past!
Merrill Lynch has had 5 straight quarters of losses and a 70% drop in its stock price. It is getting a bailout by the Federal Government (our tax dollars) and turning around and giving $6.7 billion in bonuses to its employees!
This article points out that $50 billion of the bailout is going to executive bonuses. When executives run a company in the ground and tell the government they need money or their companies will go bankrupt, should they really be giving out $50 billion in bonuses? The bailout was to get much-needed money into the credit pipeline…not to give the bigwigs big bonuses on top of their already big salaries!
Wall Street’s 5 biggest firms (Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and Morgan Stanley) gave out a record $39 billion in 2007…even though their stockholders lost $74 billion in stock declines:
Free play links pau.
jm2375 ~ Stands to lose her Tsaiko frequent flyer miles for non-participation in the next T-Gate at the Cabanas.
Esme ~ Stands to lose her elgibility for being awarded*Tsaikoteers Ears* because of her general non-participation in approved Tsaiko events in nearly 6 months.
Kekoa – sniffle, sniffle 😥 😥
The SEC’s TV rights went for $2.5 billion through 2025–$17 mil per team per year. The WAC’s new TV deal pays $400k or $550k per team. That is a huge financial gap!
Now Texas is looking to create its own TV network. They would buy back their TV rights from ABC/ESPN…it would cost them between $10 million and $15 million per year! The only way they would give up the guaranteed $10-$15 million is if they could get much, much more than that.
If this works, the revenue gap would get even bigger between the big conferences and the rest. The SEC would have their $2.5 billion, the Big 10 has its network with 35 million homes now and the number growing, the Pac 10 has its TV rights coming up for negotiation soon. Just crazy money…
I should point out that I’m just guessing on what the WAC TV deal is…the published estimate was between $300k and $600k per team per year.
Thanks, SteveM!! You da best! 😀
Well, hehehehe, looks like I’m the only one here. Time for a clubhouse raid.
*raid da fridge, stuffing leftovers from the TV-gates in mouth*
* time for da poodles’ bath – 1 supa soaker loaded with doggie shampoo and anodda loaded with cold water*
* leave da poodles some peanut butter to keep them quiet*
* leave via back door*
Mahalo nui loa to Kekoa, Koakane, Betty & Diana, who worked so hard to make the TV-gate soooo much fun! The fuud was good! Good friends, good fuud, good fun. AND a Win! So happy for the team.
What time is practice on Tuesday? How long? I might have time to go.
This is so weird…being home & not having time to read through the blog. I think it’s partly this slow computer, and looking for a job & a place to live. Soon… in the meantime it’s great hanging out with the Tsaikos.
jm, I’m here too! And … whew, at least the place smells better now that the poodles went bocha. 😆 *slips the poodles a few treats*
SteveM … awwww, you got my back! Haha! Thank you for restoring my Tsaikoteers Ears…
Kekoa, I hope to be gradually earning my way back into the Tsaikos’ good graces. Working the moms Web site by myself since May, and then also handling its September overhaul and all the fallout solo, are actually the main things that have eaten into my WB-blog-posting time. But I swear, you guys are never far from my mind … <3
Howzit Esme!! So you tink da clubhouse needs some redecorating?
Gotta go nai-nai. Kids are home with me for next two days while schools’ closed. Need all the energy I can get! Aloha and …. whoosh …
Oh, wait. Decorating? … Hmmm ….
*pauses at the door…*
WOW- Great Five F’s weekend!
I got in a lot of FISHING too!
Knew UH was going to have a great game when RK reported that 100% of the team participated in the Ha’a!
Nitey nite!!
And Sweet Warrior Dreams!
Hi, dear Liz! Sweet dreams!
jm, I actually have long thought the clubhouse needs some feminine touches. So …
*produces giant box of bone china with subtle sea-green kapa design and sets the table*
*quickly crochets a giant green-and-white throw with the H logo and drapes on the couch*
*lights a trayful of Jagermeister-scented aromatherapy candles *
*tiptoes out grinning as she imagines the reaction of the Tsaikos the next morning…*
G’nite, everyone!
Esme, aka Tsai-ko Supergirl!
If the MWC were to add a team, they would probably be looking at television media and recruiting markets as one of the top priorities. And none of the defectors would also look at individually rejoining the WAC because one of the issues as to why they bolted in the first place was how the revolving quadrant system the 16-team WAC had used ended up spliting up natural rivalries amongst the original WAC members. Member schools in the Mountain West don’t want to resort to playing in divisions or having too many schools which is why they have kept expansion to a minimum. This is also why talks of joining the top teams from both conferences or creating a two division 12 league conference has not come to pass because there are no guarantees this will result in BCS consideration. The MWC also has nothing written in their charter about dropping schools so the only way that could happen is each institution including the one being voted out must unanimously vote out that member.
IF the BCS is still in existance or has not morphed into something else by the time they do their next re-evaluation, I have a difficult time seeing them including another conference like the Mountain West. Bottomline, it is about money. Remember, the BCS today is just an evolution of the Bowl Coalition (1992-1994) and then the Bowl Alliance (1995-1997) which were always comprised the top 5 major conferences during that timeframe plus Notre Dame and their affiliation to the 6 major bowls.
The original coalition was meant as a way to force a national championship game between the two top teams while keeping those major bowls conference affiliations because prior to 1992, there was the problem of differing polls crowning a different national champion. Remember, the NCAA does not formally recognize and crown a champion at the FBS level (Division I-A) unlike the FCS which is why there is no playoff system in FBS. Therefore, there are no official rules which determined who was the national champion in Division I-A football because the NCAA did not care so pollsters crowned the champion based on their own voting. The Bowl Coalition was restructured into the Bowl Alliance where the national championship game was rotated amongst 3 bowls (Fiesta, Sugar, Orange) but still excluded the Big Ten and PAC-10 and the Rose Bowl due to those two conferences tie-in. Both of these systems also excluded a non-Bowl Coalition/Alliance conference member from ever having the chance to win a national championship like BYU in 84.
Because of what happened after Michigan and Nebraska split the national championship according to the human polls in the 1997 season, the Bowl Alliance was reformed into the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) for the 1998 season. Negotiations allowed either Big Ten or PAC-10 champions to be released from the Rose Bowl and the Rose Bowl was added into the bowl rotation mix where the championship game would be played.
The main aspect of the BCS is to determine the top two FBS teams (as determined by an arcane combination of polls, computer rankings, etc) to compete in a national championship game. Another component of the BCS is the selection of matchups in these lucrative major bowls which have a huge payout. Prior to the BCS, only the major conferences by their tie-ins to these bowls could take part in the huge payout of these bowls. With these major conferences desires to iron out the national championship, they also opened up a can of worms with having to share some of that loot now with non-BCS conferences by providing provisions for mid-major conferences mainly to appease Congress and we all know what that process entails.
So while they do talk of the possibility of adding another AQ conference, that is all mostly shibai talk to give the air of fairness to keep the detractors at bay. The real question is why would they do something which automatically splits the money up amongst the current members of the cartel even further? The whole hoop jumping for a non-BCS mid-major is indicative of how they are not going to make it easy to welcome another AQ conference because the ulterior motive is if they can keep a non-BCS out via these rules, the more money that will be funneled back to the current members of the cartel which prior to the BCS, they had kept all to themselves. Adding another conference, current or new, goes against that modus operandi unless it involves a sizeable amount of money being brought to the table. It’s like the PAC-10 only wiling to expand if the joining members bring enough money to the table which increases everyones take since none of the current member schools are going to be willing to divide the pie up amongst more members for less.
So what about this whole BCS busting thing? It’s a great marketing shibai for the BCS since it again makes it look like the whole thing is fair to non-BCS schools. Because of the amount of criticism the BCS has been receiving by some headcoaches of BCS schools (who themselves, are confused about its history and how the system works), I’m sure the cartel would not mind this season if TWO non-BCS teams qualify just for the sake again of making the whole thing look fair where the process is not discriminating in its rankings including the top spots which determines which teams play for the national championship. The point of all this is that the rules have been changed before and could change again to suit the whims of those making the rules (and that is currently the 6 major BCS conferences + Notre Dame). That payout from major bowls is serious business and those who run the show aren’t going to relinquish any more than they already have allowed.
Going back to the MWC and whether they were to add a team due to expansion or if they lost a member and need a replacement, none of the current WAC members would be attractive for various reasons as the initial choice.
Hawaii is out because one of the main reasons they were ditched by the defectors was the issue of traveling and travel expenditures (after Hawaii was no longer required to subsidize those expenses). Fresno if I recall was begrudgingly allowed to join the WAC since not all the school presidents (from a few of the senior schools in the WAC which now comprise the MWC) really wanted them. Asking Fresno would probably be one of those if all else fails desperation moves. Nevada? Ideally sounds good as a natural rival to UNLV but remember, the main reason UNLV (the new kid on the WAC block at the time) was taken in the first place was not because of their “powerhouse football team” but for the Las Vegas Bowl since they needed another bowl affiliation given how tight money was when they first began operating. Adding another Nevada school isn’t going to be appealing to the other conference members.
And as far as Boise State is concerned, what do they bring to table for the Mountain West except the BCS angle (which again, is not a given despite what the BCS says)? Boise’s football dominance will be diminished in that conference as the top tier will include one additional team that will be beating each other up for the championship. The conference and member schools also probably see no upside in terms of market reach nor do they see Boise as a recruiting hotbed. And while Boise is currently good and has a great system in place, there are no guarantees they will always be good as cyclicality ends up hitting every program. This is why the response has been lukewarm and probably still remains that way in whatever contingency talks the MWC have been having behind closed doors. Boise will be the alternative if their primary choices fall through.
TCU is likely going to be pushing for a school which would be a natural travel partner for them as well as a team which restores a longstanding rivalry and that means raiding another Texas school. Baylor, Texas Tech and SMU from the old SWC were one of their biggest rivalries (somewhat in that order) but since Tech and Baylor are in BCS conferences… SMU and TCU still have a huge mutual hate for each other which went on full display when the two teams met this season. The Dallas/Fort Worth media market is one of the largest and that would be attractive from a revenue and recruiting perspective to other MWC schools. SMU football is going to be competitive in the future with JJ at the helm so that part of the equation isn’t an issue. Locking up that media market along with the rivalry angle would be a huge get for the Mountain West.
Now if that scenario plays out, the cards will fall for the WAC as that is when Louisiana Tech will make their jump to move to C-USA (by the vacancy) which makes more geographical sense for them. Dooley (wearing his AD hat) has already said this is an issue they are now already facing with travel expenses so I’m sure he is looking into all the different options for their school and probably has been touching bases with C-USA and Sun Belt conference officials. Under that scenario, the WAC would be at the 8 member minimum and I believe it becomes difficult for the Mountain West to raid the WAC after that without being held liable for endangering the viability of the conference (I believe the WAC after the whole Mountain West fiasco has some sort of undocumented legal “nuclear” option they could invoke against that conference).
From the WAC’s perspective, kicking out members is not an option unless they violate conference bylaws in some way plus there really isn’t much out there to replace those teams with (the biggest problem). Benson’s plans in hoping the schools like Idaho, Utah State, and New Mexico State would be able to become competitive over time has pretty much been a dismal failure so far. These schools have dumped money into facilities which puts what UH has to shame but none of that has translated into on the field success or huge community support. And why Benson does not tell his alma mater to shutup goes beyond me (this is a rhetorical statement). After what happened with the defections, commitment to the conference should be an oath sworn to by all members. That doesn’t mean each school can’t look at other options but they also need to be discrete about how they talk about it publicly. Boise’s presidents display of wanting to join the MWC lacks any sort of tact and damages the WAC in the process.
I know I brought up UC-Davis being a potential candidate for an expanded PAC-10 which might become more of a reality in terms of the talk phase once Hansen retires next July. The reality though is that PAC-10 expansion is going to still be a long way off (unless realignment takes place first in another major conference first) and UC-Davis itself is going to need to pay its dues at the FBS level first and it won’t start in that conference. While Idaho, Utah State, and New Mexico State have been busts in this respect so far, Davis has far better potential at the next level. The WAC would be a perfect fit for them to do that growing up process and the conference as a whole would reap huge benefits. Aside from them though, the viable options for other schools grows less. Montana knows their place in the scheme of things and are happy at their level. Portland State has been mentioned but they have the same support issues; there are people there who have been wanting to shutdown the entire athletic program for years.
They may have plans but do the members of the BCS cartel truely want them? That cartel is comprised of the SEC, Big 12, Big Ten, Pac-10, ACC, and the Big East. What kind of financial clout does the MWC bring to the table? Do they bring plenty of eyeballs to the table? In lieu of that, do they bring a lucrative bowl with a huge payout which would make it attractive to add to the mix?
Exactly how much interest would the MWC garner? It’s all about market reach and most people would only care about BYU, Utah, and TCU. Contrast that with the draw and appeal of games from these other conferences, something which advertisers salivate over.
While the Big East was also on shakey ground back in 2004 after Miami, Virginia Tech, and Boston College left for the ACC, the conference was granted a reprieve until 2007 and were quietly extended a guaranteed spot in the BCS through 2013 earlier this year. The east coast bias is strong.
This buys the Big East time to improve, to either see the rules change yet again, or see the BCS morph into something else yet again which is a good probability especially if a major realignment takes place with a major conference.
Tell us how you really feel in five words or less.
Esme ~ (standing in the doorway to the cluchouse). I’ve noted that you’ve added a woman’s touch to the place! I’m favorably impressed! In consideration of the good deeds you have accomplished for the women of Hawaii, a Tsaiko Executive washroom key will be issued to you as soon as the City Planning Commish approves our Ching/Tsaiko Field Club House extension.
jm2375 ~ The jury is still out. Lucky for you that SteveM takes pity on you. You have dodged a small caliber bullet for now. Your mischievious ways may lead to your undoing!
Time to confer with my broker @ the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) as we formulate a grain trade in the Futures Market over the next few weeks. I’ll be back later this morning.
In reading BillB’s post #111 and 117, the question comes to mind who is coaching Dan Kelly ? I don’t think we have a true kicking coach do we?
Hey Bill maybe you ought to volunteer to be a kicking coach for UH, I’m sure that you could help Kelly.
Good morning all!
One day of school then we observe Veterans Day.
I sure hope we all take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices of the many men and women who have and continue to protect our way of life!
Great Morning All!
Looks like Stretch will have some extra time to find all the parts to his Mr Potato Head since there’s no practice until Wednesday. Coach Mack, Coach Cal and other are on the mainland visiting schools where they have made offers to athletes.
Hawaii Warriors earned a break from football after a very long road trip and like wafan says can use the time to reflect on the sacrifices of the country’s real Warriors.
Have a great day erryboddy!
(hope I can find my way out there – it’s still dark outside!)
Thank you for the excellent and informative post at #226. I feel that I’ve talked about this too much already, so I’ll keep my reply short.
This would pretty much rule out plans to have MWC members drop 3 or so teams and join with the top of the WAC.
You mention that UNLV was picked up by the MWC because of the Las Vegas Bowl, even though UNLV’s team was weak. BSU has their own bowl (held at their home stadium) and has a much stronger team. With bowl tie-ins being important, we cannot forget about their bowl.
This what ST posted he thought would happen also, and he knows far more than me about these issues. It would make sense for the MWC to add SMU, and you added a benefit of that which is that La Tech would go to C-USA (I never thought about that). But pre-JJ (and this season I’m sure he knew was going to be bad which is why more than half the people playing are freshmen or sophomores) they were bad for decades and they need to get better quickly in both football and men’s basketball.
What really worries me is that NCAA requirements for attendance for schools wanting to stay in D-IA have 3 member schools in jeopardy. If La Tech goes away and any of those schools leave D-IA, then the WAC is in trouble.
I really wish that Karl Benson would be aggressively looking out for the WAC’s interests instead of sitting back and saying that everything is okay. If he does nothing except try to get the current schools to improve, then the whole conference will go down if certain bottom-feeder schools do not improve their on-field and attendance situations (which are linked of course).
I’d really wish for the WAC’s ESPN deal to be used like a club. When BYU’s President said last year that he wished BYU would be on ESPN instead of the MWC’s TV outlets, I wished Benson would have said that if BYU wanted to be on ESPN they could join the WAC. That would have been a nice shot at the MWC. I bet that Benson could go to ESPN and them to increase the TV deal contingent on an attractive school or two being added. That money could be used to try to entice a MWC school. Unfortunately, the MWC schools would have to take less money under the TV deal than they get right now…but maybe they wouldn’t mind losing money to be on ESPN. Maybe not.
One thing I wish the WAC would do would be to structure their TV deal to reward members that ESPN picks to show. Forget about splitting the money equally, that just gives the bottom-dwellers less incentive to get good enough to be attractive for TV. The deal should be like some other conferences: money is set aside and each TV appearance brings extra money. That would reward achievement, bring more money to UH, give teams a financial incentive to improve, and make the WAC’s TV deal more attractive to teams that they try to attract.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Unfortunately, no more practice tomorrow. Oh well…
Na Koa – Is there lunch today?? I can’t make it but I think still can since another coach can come in.
Call the Coach – Mack is not coming back by tomorrow night. Is there going to be a show??
Not only is Texas A&M doing poorly on the field, their fans have to deal with bats (and bat droppings) during games. Their fans don’t seem to mind though.
Good Morning Gang,
Your earlier post about combining the WAC/MWC teams you choose would be a very competitive conference for sure! Again though, we can only dream… Just like how I dream the Bull Crap System will soon vanish… d’oh 😯
choose = chose
Buffoman…post #176,
I agree that our secondary gives up too many huge plays. One glaring thing I see from watching previous games is that our Safety will committ too soon and get caught out of position when they are the last line of defense. Keao Monteilh does this alot, and is mostly the one who gets burned alot! Also aside from Mouton, Roberts and Dowling tend to bite on simple cuts and not stick to the hip of the receiver letting him by on posts and deep routes. If Keao is calling the secondary alignments, too me he’s killing us this year. As I watched the replay of the NMSU game, Williams was already in the clear once he got to the second level with no Safety around to help cover him??? I thought to myself okay one mistake, no worries, but then I seen him get pass the coverage consecutively and I’m going either our guys are really slow or our defensive alignment is off. After reveiwing the game I saw both problems with our D out of position and our guys getting burned! For a Senior heavy secondary this is somewhat irritating to watch…
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Dan Kelly…
Just kick the frikkin ball…period. Like the Japanese dude in The Last Samurai told Tom Cruise, “Too many mind…No mind”
PB, not only a Happy Birthday to the Marines, but one huge mahalo for all the sacrifices they have made over the years.
good morning tsaikos. time to go. see you all later.
No doubt, we are America’s 911 Force, always at the ready…lets hope our new President doesn’t do anything retarded!
Please come down to my area on your recruiting trip. You already have the information on the prospect RB from my area, but there are many quality D1 prospects over here. There is another RB prospect in the same league as my boy that is getting recognized by the big name schools very quickly, but has been flying under the radar. Make sure your Southern California trip to Long Beach Poly and Los Angeles area, heads south on the I-5 to the San Diego area I guarantee it’ll be worth it!
Cool, Miano will take over for Mack at the Call the Coach show. It’s On!!
Cool, Miano will take over for Mack at the Call the Coach show. It’s On!!
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