Game Day: Utah State
We’ve heard it all this week.
‘Back against the wall.”
“Five-game playoffs.”
Thing is, UH is at home. It’s homecoming. And this is a team that is just 22 months removed from a BCS appearance. Sure, there have been injuries. Devastating injuries, if you will. And playing on the road is never easy. And the last two home opponents were very good.
But there’s enough talent in personnel and coaching that the Warriors should be able to deliver today. At this week’s news conference, Greg McMackin paraphrased from “Man in the Mirror.” Time to see what the reflection shows.
* * * * *
Nice to see that the women’s basketball selection commission apparently is choosing the next police chief.
* * * * *
A modern city is measured by its education system and its culture. Furlough Fridays and the problems of the Honolulu Symphony are further proof that these are sad times.
* * * * *
Former Wahine softball pitcher Kym Weil gets to meet Tom Ford, fashion designer-turned-director.
Good Morning All!! GAME DAY!!! GO WARRIORS!!!
Since I’m on the rag today, how come I just can’t go to our paper’s home page and see the Kahuku-Leilehua result right away.
I was out last night. I didn’t watch the news. I go to the site specifically to see the score.
But it’s not at the top, and by the time I wait for it refresh … I, uh, forgot what i was looking for.
Gosh, I miss Gigi.
top 5 yehaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ Good..Morning..Tsaikos..and..Warrior..Nation!!! ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
You guys are sneaky…. 🙄
Top Four! 🙂
Mornin’ everybody.
morning early risers, tsaikos here and afar, warrior fans and all in the 808
congrats to aiea and kahuku for winning the OIA white and red championships. kamehameh for taking the ILH also to the wahines for dismantling fresno state
well it is saturday and annoddah tgate with UH fball later this afternoon. wishing the best for the warriors and when they look into the mirror after its all done let there will be joy and cheering all around.
Good Morning Tsaikos!
Winning streak starts tonight!
~~•~~~~•~~ ★ ★ ★ Be => W A R R I O R S !!! ★ ★ ★ ~~•~~~~•~~
or five….
Good, Brew’s here. Lets start the parade. 🙂 🙂
Game day baybees, lets just have a win, please!!!
AIEA Won? 😯 😯 😯
Oh yeah… and dat one monkey too…. 🙄 😆 😆
Top Ten!
…plus tree
Boy, Hawkeyes run for glory may have just been derailed…
…. public school…. 🙄 😀
au’wryte brew is awake and caught it. you win a cookie
I really think one of the OIA divisions should be green.
This is all Hugh Yoshida’s fault.
It is the (think they’re) big 10(+1)…. 🙄
Good morning Mr. Tsai. How are you this fine day? Oh nevermind, you’re on the rag. Sorry.
*DPK tip toes out of Mr Tsai’s line of sight.*
Sumbuddy gotta let Don Weir know we ovah hea now
Scripted plays to start the game and Execute, execute, execute!
KISS in the kicking game.
Wrap up. Swarm to the ball.
Expect to be in a dogfight for 60 minutes (plus, if necessary)
Boy, Hawkeyes run for glory may have just been derailed…
They’re still showing M*A*S*H* reruns?
Show up!
Bring a friend (or two).
Ignore any negatives during the game.
Expect to be the 12th man for 60 minutes (plus, if necessary).
Can someone please explain the “White” deal…. ? Neva have that back in my cave-days…. 🙄
Somewhere in 1980, we had to look at the 1981 football schedule to choose our wedding day. Had to ensure Hawaii didn’t play at home,
so that our relatives & friends could attend our ceremony and reception.
We also purchased a $1,200.00 video cassette recorder so that we could tape the away game (same day live free tv…we don’t get that anymore), so that the guys could watch the game the next day as we opened our wedding presents.
I wonder if families today still need to consider Hawaii’s football schedule when planning their events.
Even our honeymoon was shortened so that we could be back for the next home game. Die hard from early 1970’s till today, and forever.
…geez, I wish you’d stop doing that!
A nice plus about going off of daylight savings time is today’s game will start at 10pm. Sure I’ll have to stay up a bit, but this is no worse than when I was still living on the west coast.
Surely beats the 11pm start a little bit…..and WAY better than midnight.
Huh…. “60 Minutes” going to be filming at tonight’s game? 😯
today is our 28th wedding anniversary,
must have done something right????
Betamax…. 😀
Das why get June brides! 😈 😯 😆
I don’t think the Gridiron show considered UH’s home dates.
Happy Anniversay!!! (I think….) 😀
Congratulations Mr. chopsueyboy and Mrs. chopsueyboy!
How come Northwest(ern) is plays in the conference based in the midwest? 😯
Didn’t the Mayor select the WBB coach? 😆
If they don’t, they might miss the story of the year!
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
Go WARRIORS!!! 😀 😯 😆
KK – Hooowwwwwzzziiittttt – Hooooowwwwww yoooooouuuuuu!!! 😆 😆 😆
What a barn burner that Leileihua – Kahuku game was.
Congrats to Jason and all of his Menehune minions for their victory. I’m not sure how, but I’m certain that the fact that Jason is now a math teacher at Moanalua had something to do with Moanalua’s win. Whats your secret Jay?
A hundred years ago, when I had to decide on buying my first video recorder, it came down to beta or vhs.
A guy named Mike Middlesworth, who used to purchase computers for our paper, said to get beta because it was smaller, and smaller is better.So all of my eldest kid’s first steps are on a format I can’t use.
Then again, Middlesworth was the guy who hired Ed Kennedy over me. Ed was one of the few vegetarians with a pot belly.
Good times.
I think I’ve been drinking from the Hater-aid this morning.
Perusing today’s college football schedule, why are four (4) SEC teams going up against FCS (1-AA) foes this late in the season?
Also, maybe it’s just me but there seems to be a greater number of non-conference matchups this week than there are historically at this point in the season.
You mean the 11-team Big Ten?
Let’s get the win…………
I’m still trying to figure out why Boise State always prints stats about being the best team on the West Coast.
ST – So does Mr. A-house spy on you every morning (@ 5:30 am)…. including weekends? Maybe we should kick in so he can setup some bleachers…. maybe start-up a pep band. C_C could be in charge of passing out balloons….. 🙄 😆 😯
you are in rare form, but that’s ok…… you got your ‘fame gace’ on, i mean ‘game face’
playing USU is tough, can’t make the shirts, they’d look funny
Lose money with that design 🙁
I think I’m grouchy because a certain coach told me that an assistant coach attended a funeral in New York. I’m thinking, that’s really a hard travel to leave for New York on a Wednesday and be back in Hawaii on a Friday. Only I find out the funeral was in Oregon.
Nah….. my post #19 says “10(+1)” – inspiration from d1島‘s #14. 😀
Let’s see if third time is the charm
UH wof the first softball game yesterday 19-1 – the ten-run rule was not in effect. Who won the second game -we left to go watch the volleyball blowout.
Assuming the softball team won, that’s fiyr ganes abd ibe natch in just over 48 hours in the UH Win Column. How about making that seven games and two matches by 7 pn tomorrow night?
Brew –
Now that idea is just bully, I tell you, just bully!
*DPK smiles and does his best Teddy Roosevelt impersonation.*
Is Oregon on the West coast? 🙄
~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
That might work but if c_c shows up with his orange jacket, it will attract C & C road crews thinking he must be Da Supahvisah.
Whoops!!! wof = won
fiyr ganes abd ibe natch = five games and one match
Too early
Any comments from Princess Leila regarding the soccer player from UNM? Hey….. any comments (period!) from PL…. 🙄 😯 😕
I don’t get to see A-House too much.
We’re like rats and mongoose. The A-House family goes to bed very early. And they’re very quite and polite.
We never sleep, and we’re very noisy
‘k den…. replace the orange balloons wid orange traffic cones…. 😆
Note to self:
No be on da road same time as WDoc today….
I think Oregon is in the Big Ten.
Who da rats…. and is the mongoose dat much better? 🙄
Oregon is definitely on the West Coast. We seen it!
I wonder who invented traffic cones?
They’re the perfect design. Heavy bottomed. Airy at the top. I think I might be a human traffic cone.
Aren’t the Green Bay Pac-kers in the PAC-10? 🙄
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
Go, guys! You know who you are!
W-Doc, thanks for the softball score. The HA didn’t have it on their site last night.
I heard the team payroll for USC is about the same as for the Packers…. 😆
I think I would be a non-operational traffic camera…. 🙄
june bride wasn’t considered.
tried to get 7.11.1981 but wife’s mom said it wasn’t a good date on chinese calendar.
I checked for 11.7.1981 and got her mom’s approval.
so many things to consider, away game, chinese calendar.
Geography is tough.
A UH basketball player was once on a flight from California to Hawaii. Plane started to shake. He said: “Man, the Atlantic is rough.”
I still got my betamax and it works if you don’t mind using 2 knives to get the tape in and out
Slugger – How’s da rice? Throw some of al‘s curry on top and call it breakfast! 😀
Sorry about not having the softball score.
We’re too busy writing stories about Colorado assistant coaches.
chopsueyboy – Re: #69
So…. does that make your wife’s mom a chinese checker!?? 😆 😯 😆
Congratulations Mr. chopsueyboy and Mrs. chopsueyboy! hey there brew what kind of cookie you want bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
good morn to the oddahs now getting up, nuff said already time to put up or well you know the rest. heading out now to set up the tgate so be good and let be there to yell out a victory on homecoming.
For several years, we were looking for a beta machine so we could transfer the tapes.
Somebody said he located a used one.
We’re like great.
Turns out it was from an adult video store.
We’re like, we’re not putting our tapes in that.
KK No more J(J) …. no let da fuud burn! 😆
Chinese checker.
That’s a good one.
I still can’t believe UH is an underdog today.
For amusement purposes, I would take the points.
And I would bet the hale.
And the fale.
Maybe even Peter Pale.
For entertainment purposes only….
in general – open at +3, and now down to +1-1.5. There’s one place still at +2.
a colorado assistant????
what pray tell is the subliminal message here?
U/L ~ 60-60.5
I hope it’s not humid again.
The last two home games have been miserable.
And then I don’t want to have to hear Leila giggle when my glasses steam up.
loved that one
I must relay to the family
we could us a peter pale about now.
btw, some local “for entertainment only” houses have the warriors now a 1 1/2 pt favorite.
Playing well and winning is a deodorizer, dehumidifier, AC, umbrella, warm-jacket, fuud for the tummy, rainbow of happiness and hope…. 😀
good to see that the blog has its speedo’s back on.
I found all of you!!
I ran into Aaron Kia in the training room several days ago. We had a chat about his quotes from this weeks newspaper article.
It gets interesting when two football letterwinners have a discussion.
We agreed that:
1. You don’t step out onto the field with anything less than a 100% effort,
2. You play with teammates that give the same 100 percent,
3. Past and present hasn’t changed these percentages
4. I am proud to have been a Warrior Football Player
5. He is proud to be a Warrior Football Player
6. 99 years of Warrior Football players stand behind our 100th year team players, every down, every game
Go Warriors!
al-ski – not over here….
I’m here at the softball game and again Parnaby isn’t here. Everyone else is though. Did she make it to UH?
Samson earned the starting center job and he and his wife had their second child. Congratulations Samson!
#77 => stay balanced!
If Idaho will be without their best 3 defenders, which ST’s article indicated was possible, then the Warrior offense should be able to move the ball well today. Finish off those drives for TDs and the game could be a comfortable win.
Congrats to the chopsueys!
Reposting this from yesterday’s blog: Best of luck to Chad Owens–I’m glad that he’s getting a chance to play today. Too bad his first game comes in their last game of the season.
#94 – Hmmmmmm are they related? 😯
I mean the events, not Samson, wife and keeds! 🙄 😀
Reposting the Maui News article from the last blog.
$1000/wk….. how much are zip-paks now? 😕
Maybe the pregnancy or birth was a distraction for Samson? I remember how McNabb had a major dip in performance last season when (if I remember correctly) his wife gave birth, and he got major criticism in the press and his coach benched him one game. A few weeks later he was playing at the same level as he was before.
I know that LWJ will start according to the papers, but I hope that Green gets a good amount of carries in the second half and that Chizzy gets a swing or screen pass chance.
I still would like to see LWJ returning kick-offs …. running in the open field…. 🙄
I hope to be grilling some kalbi w/ friends in about 15 days…. 😀
Majam with a solo homer.
Oh and my bad, Parnaby is here but sporting a “shiner” on her right eye. She’s got an ice pack on it.
A winning Saturday to everyone!
Congratulations to Chopsueyboy and Chopsueygirl!!!
Kazz – she’s on the roster #16.
Go Warriors!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Happy Anny Mr and Mrs chopsueyboy!
Brew- nice fleurs!
Stopped for some ponchos. It is raining on Kauai.
Got coconut and apple manju For the TG and ready for kope at the airport.
Tonight will be the first of five WINS.
#105- would that be HERE? 😎
Hey, Brew!
Have not seen you around for a bit.
Eh…. how do you guys know that it’s “Chopsueygirl“? Maybe it’s dim sum or sticky rice or fortune cookie!?! 🙄 😆 😀
Nope. I am not touching any of those. Way too easy to get myself in trouble. HA!
Eh…. how come Liz_K has 808ike‘s phone number? 😯 🙄 😀
😀 • 😆 .·´¯`·.¸.·• GO WARRIORS!!! •.·´¯`·.¸.·• 😉 • 🙄
When dating…. angry FIL to-be’s name was …. chopsticks! 😯
🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆
🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆
Yea! A seat next to an outlet. Americano w/ cinnamon. Life is good.
Kekoa, hope you are feeling better!
brew- I get planny phone nos. 😆
Good luck to Mighty Mouse!!!!
Hi, Liz!
Definitely have some fud today/tonight for me!!!
Yum. Just 1.5 months to go. Whoo-hoo!!!
Stretch- saw your truck er “parked” at the airport.
Melissa Gonzales with two solo homers so far.
UH 5
Chaminade 0
Top of the 3rd.
al . . .
About curry. I read that somewhere a bit ago. Seems to work for me, too.
you’re right
her mom & dad were the original owners of Sweet Leilani Florist
that used to be on Vineyard & Nuuanu
and now she owns Petals & Beans on Ala Moana Bl…
does that make her a flowergirl??? or flower/coffeegirl???
Hey wafan! Man. Just saw the latest AK cruise prices. Arrrgh.
Iowa gotta be feeling like they watching a beeg timer with $$$ flowing down like grains of sand…
Congrats to the Chopsueys!! 26 years! Awesome!
ST…. Oregon.. New York… eh.. both are on the coast. Even the WAC can’t get their travel plans right.. who can blame you?
Hugh Yoshida… for an AD who only made 60K… according to many, he sure was responsible for a lot of things.
Liz . . .
Yeah. I noticed. I hope they are low in a couple of years! If not, oh well. Just have to do it, I suppose, to see what remains of the glaciers.
Mahalo Nui Loa to everyone 🙂
Katie Grimes with a two run homer.
UH 7
Chaminade 0
Top of 4th.
Yesterday, I hosted a SkillsUSA training day for my kids. Lots of fun!
Had some great guest speakers, activities, and tons of information.
Now we have to wait and see how well the kids use the information.
Happy anni to Mr/Mrs Chopsueyboy!!
Rice is still cooking…slowly. Could someone please pickup MsLiz. I don’t think I’m going to be done by the time she’s ovah dere. Mahalo!
Besides the SEC, Texas is playing Central Florida leading 14 – 3 late in the 1st qtr.
I thought that schools did NOTschedule non-conference games once conference play began. Anyway, that’s the reason given to UH when they ask for a game during conference play.
Or, is it that they schedule games with teams close to home as a “breather” – Florida is far from Texas!!!
Happy anniversary to Mr & Mrs Chopsueyboy!
Central Florida is even farther still from Texas!
nice to see you back, alive, kicking, and still with the strong Warrior pride!!!
as for ST, we can build bleachers above the road and look into his 2nd floor dining area – we can all “rub” Chawan’s ballons to make the squeeky noise so ST knows were are there!
Hope to be able to get a “close” up view of the stationary bikes tonight – maybe Mrs A-House can take a few pics.
For the second game in a row a Chaminade pitcher takes a line drive to the knee. The young lady seems to be ok though. This injury didn’t seem as bad as the other Silversword pitcher that went down last nighr though.
UH trainers tending to her now in the dugout.
Top of the 5th. UH 7 Chaminade 0.
Ricketts out and Duhaylonsod-Kaleimamahu on the mound and Grimes is out and Enrique is catching.
Mr. Tsai,
Wow, you’re covering it all today:
– “Man in the Mirror”
– Women’s basketball selection committee related to new Police Chief hiring process
– Furlough Fridays
– Honolulu Symphony
Good going my friendm I feel so “cultured” now !
Auwe. I got bumped off Go! No Go. Hope I can make the 2 something flight.
Jori Jasper in at 1st base now.
Top of 6th UH 10 Chaminade 0.
Howzit Brewski! You bring color to an otherwize drab start here on the ceded lands.
Regrets to T-gaters…Diana never did recover from her illness last night, so I’m playing the role of nurse Ratchett today. Gotta take care of my honi-gurl…and Pops of course.
Gave my ticket to HoweLee to use today. He just left my hale on the way to bring coffee to the grill team. He also has other rations for the troops and that big box of paper goods and condiments. KK he has your plastic container.
Enjoy yourselves crew…a hui hou!
GO like you’ve GONE before WARRIORS!
Happy Anny to the Chopsuey Couple! 28 years of marriage is quite an accomplishment. Congratulations for making it way past most couples today. Hope you can celebrate a win to go with that anniversary cake!
Go Jori!!!!
Get well soon, Kekoa Ohana!
HoweLee will make a good substitute cheer meister.
Lily Williams makes her Wahine debut the mound.
Top of the 7th.
UH 10 Chaminade 1.
Liz ~ I was up all night with my roomie. She’s bummed that she couldn’t make it to the t-gate. HoweLee even brought his ukulele to jam with her! She got scoldings from him before he left. 👿
➡ But then he forgave her when she gave him an Apple Naple to munch on!
Did I mention that the Warriors were going to take several passes to da house today? 😎
First game pau. Wahine 10 Silverswords 1.
Off to da tailgate now!!!!!!
A-House #136:
Odd that Texas scheduled Central Florida this late in the season, but IIRC this particular game in Austin is the last game of a home-and-home between the two schools.
Texas was the first opponent to play at Central Florida’s new on-campus stadium in Orlando, a godsend compared to the old Citrus Bowl stadium where the Knights used to play.
Today’s NW upset over Iowa #4 inches two midmajors closer to BCS bowl selection if they run the table in their respective schedules.
OSU and Iowa clash at the Horseshoe next week and Iowa lost their starting QB today.
If Penn State wins today and the Buckeyes beat Iowa next week we could see no at-large Big Team in 2009.
There still remains uphill scenarios for both Boise State #7 and TCU #6 to make it but the precedent of it occuring is no longer remote and in the realm of fair probability.
If Navy beats ND #22, the Irish can kiss their chances good-bye.
tHey need to finish at least #14 to gain consideration and #8 to draw an automatic selection.
3 *At-large teams being considered from the BCS conferences:
Pitts#13 (Big East), Miami #18 (ACC), Penn St #11, OSU #16 and Iowa (B10), USC #12, ARIZ #18 (Pac10), OKL St #19 (B12), Alab #3, Fla #1, LSU #9 (SEC).
*note at-large teams must finish in the top 14 Final BCS Standings and finish with NOT more than 3 losses to qualify.
NOT more than ONE team can be selected for an at-large berth from any ONE BCS conference
Boise State is the odd-team out as a midmajor and TCU looks like a lock if they remain undefeated. Still, da Donks remain in contention as a top 8 team in the BCS standings.
Texas would be happy to schedule UH under the terms that UCF gave them. UCF wanted Texas to open their new stadium, so in return for that home game, UCF will play *twice* in Austin. They will also visit Austin in 2011.
UH would never take that deal, so Texas won’t go to Hawaii. 2-for-1 deals are *not* uncommon when one team brings more to the table in terms of draws for the fans.
I agree that Navy beating Notre Dame would free up a spot in a BCS bowl. Having USC lose another game would be nice, as they will be attractive to a BCS bowl selection committee.
Having the Ohio State/Penn State winner go as the Big 10 champion also takes away an at-large spot for the Big 10. That was a good point in #154.
stephen, i can provide comedic relief for you again today, but i’ll be in the end zone seats with the alumni band. i don’t think you pass by over there. and i don’t hate utah state as much as boise state.
Sorry to hear that the Queen is not feeling well. Hope all feel better soon.
See y’all soon at the T-Gate! Gotta get some ice.
Second try to get out of LIH.
Yea for Waimea HS- won their first game last night!
Utah State is Colt’s buddy Chris Cooley’s alma mater.
The Duck trap is being sprung!
Too much Luck for Ducks
oregon down 10 to stanford. early 2nd qtr. trap?
down 17 now. trapPED?
Sorry to hear about Diana. 🙁
Plucky Ducks!
Got on a flight at last!
Here’s the deal, I’m a life long UH football fan, season ticket holder for 24 years, been thru it all with this team. Dick Tomey’s era, when the offense became offensive but the defense hit to “kill”. Bob Wagner, good times with Paul Johnson running the spread offense and still strong defensive presence. I still believe Wagner got a raw deal when he was fired, because if you think back to all the things he said were problems back then, they STILL ARE problems. His vision at the time was “on point”, He got “JOBBED”.
Fred von Appen, survived through those “tragic” years, it was embarrassing, REALLY shameful, and his firing couldn’t have come at a more perfect time.
June Jones, yeah baby, let the good times roll ! Herman Frazier’s failures has had a profound impact on the Warriors program, and former school president David McClean should shoulder a large part of that responsibility, since he just sat there and didn’t do a DAMN thing. Not a DAMN thing.
Frazier, worse hire in state history PERIOD !
Oh, and sooner or later, Carl Clapp (sp?), and / or Virginia Hinshaw is going to have to take responsibility for not only hiring Greg McMackin, but for paying him an “OBSCENE” amount of money. Poor, just poor financial responsibility. He didn’t ask for $1.1m per season, they offered it up to him, and for 5 years “guaranteed”. Great job gang, really smart.
I like Mack, like all what he’s been preaching since becoming head coach, but come on, it sure as hell AINT working, none of it, and apprently, neither his kids nor his coaches are buying what he’s selling.
If the Warriors lose to Utah State today, well, it should cost somebody their job. Immediately !
I’ll be cheering for the green and white tonight, or is it the green and black these days. I don’t BELIEVE they’re gonna win, but I sure hell am hoping they will. Because, well, they SHOULD win for Christ sake, it’s Utah State.
i hear there is a lot of powder blue in boulder today…shall we do the same if we lose today?
support the players and express our dissatisfaction w/ the coaching staff at the same time.
The replay of the above mentioned CFL game with Chad Owens is available on espn360. Chad returned the opening kickoff to midfield.
You guys all know that i’m a die-hard Warrior fan, but Go Bucks! OH…IO! Thanks Northwestern!
Ok, cheated and checked out the game stats: Chad finished with 1 rec for 10 yds but had 2 k.o. returns for 80 yds total.
#24 D1
I just love how Kenny prepares his men week in week out…
Notre Dame looks very confused and frustrated with Navy right now. ND has over 20 Parade HS All-Americans. Navy has zero. Discipline, heart, and a sound offensive and defensive plan will work wonders with a team with less talent.
177- Old School Dave:
Good point!
Good Luck!
Luck good?
Old School Dave-
Great post. I’m enjoying watching ND go down right now. I’d add that it also helps to have a HC from Radford HS!
the party is over for Notre Dame and their BCS hopes
Gator bowl organizers must be happy.
Here’s hoping the Warriors come out hungry today. And that they sit down at the table and eat the complete meal.
Forget about the table manners. And small talk. And taking a nap at the table.
Instead let’s hope the Warriors sustain an hungry appetite from start to finish. And don’t fade in the 3rd and 4th quarters, like they’ve been doing in the past.
Instead, on the field, let’s hope that they’re impolite. And brash talking. And wide awake. And full of energy, especially when the second half rolls around.
Please let them have the killer instinct in getting the ball into the end zone.
Let the players and coaches envision the next 60 minutes of football, where food for their souls would indeed be a victory.
So nix the nixes. And the fix the fixes. And score more sixes, Warriors.
And Navy beats Notre Dame 23 – 21. Manti hugs Kenny after game.
Whoa.. Navy came up big.
Manti Teo played a good game and the announcers spoke highly of him. Good to see Manti give Navy Coach Ken Niumatalolo a congrats after the game. The announcer mentioned that both are from the same town on Oahu.
Navy upset ND at Southbend, 23-21, Irish BCS hopes are dashed.
One less worry for da Donks.
SMU hangs on to beat Rice 31-28.
Pure class. That is what it should look like when you look in the mirror. Great job Kenny!
“soon the triple option contracting stars will align and once again the WAC Universe will be ours”
SMU vs Navy one more time??
Warriors NEED to contain #6, RB Robert Turbin, for USU. Same for their #12 QB Diondre Borel. If they don’t, it’ll be a LONG night. There are also recruiting ramifications here with (fmr Maui High HC) and now USU D-line coach Chad Kauhaahaa working the islands very hard. GO WARRIORS!!
“O” getting hammered outta shape…
…looks like an “L” about now.
YMI still here?!?
Charlie Weis lost to Hawaii!!!!! Yeah! He lost to Ken Niumatalolo and Navy fair and square. Navy will be here in 3 weeks. They are already
bowl eligible. Congratulations to the Midshipmen.
Stanford is giving it to Oregon. Good to see Mathew Mafisilo from Campbell HS playing D-lIne for the Cardinals. NIce stadium they have there.
Oregon losing could mean that the Pac-10 would not have an at-large candidate for a BCS bowl. With Notre Dame losing and with the Big 10 looking like they might not have an at-large team either, and with the SEC limited to 1 at-large team, the BCS could be running out of choices aside from BSU.
It looks like SMU will be in the Hawaii Bowl. They need to win 1 of their last 3 games, with two of those games at home.
SMU’s last two home opponents are UTEP and Tulane. A road trip to Marshall is squeezed in between.
UTEP is like Jekyll and Hide… you know which team’s gonna show up this week? They beat Houston, then lose to Memphis. Beat Tulsa, lose to UAB.
Tulane’s been struggling most of the year. Good odds that SMU ends up in the Hawaii Bowl.
Geo Tech wins in overtime. 30-27. Paul Johnson decides to go for it on 4th and one and gets the first down then GTs qb runs it in for the winning score on the next play.
Great day for the Triple Option guys!
“Here’s hoping the Warriors come out hungry today. And that they sit down at the table and eat the complete meal.”
Love it, roy. Best quote of the day!
Great wins for both Coach Kenny and the ole master himself, Paul Johnson. I agree with the above comments. What’s nice is how coach Johnson has everything planned and scripted, his team looks completely composed even when things got hairy down at the wire there.. No confusion or hesitation.
Yep, a good day for the triple option guys.
off to da game to see da first of five straight wins! da warriors hit a few bumps in da road, but all da great coachin starting to soak into da young but talented playahs.
Boise State aint in yet.
at-large requires #14 ranking in final BCS standings.
No team will Q with 4 losses.
No more than ONE at-large berth allowed per bcs conference.
1. SEC (2): Alab (won) #3 and Fla #1
2. Big Ten (2): Penn State (lost) #11, Ohio State (won) #16, Iowa (lost) #4.
3. ACC (2): GaT #10 (won), Miami (won) #17.
4. Big 12 (2): Texas (won) #2, Okl State (won) #19
5. Big East (2): Cinn #5, Pitts (won) # 13.
6. Pac 10 (2): Ore (lost) #8, USC #12, Ariz (won) #18.
* note: BCS ranking as of 11/01/09 in parens, losses are bracketed and are updated for results this weekend where available.
At-large BCS selections:
JoePa lost to both Iowa and Ohio State–Penn State will not be considered for a BCS berth, unless Iowa loses their final 2 to OSU and Minn.
LSU is BCS-out.
If OKL State wins their Division (North) but loses to Texas in the playoffs–they are BCS-outed.
Miami could still sneak in with 2 loses even though they will lose their division to GaT.
Big East doesnt have a conference playoff so Pitts can sneak in with 2 losses.
PAC 10 is still muddled in inconsistency.
USC is a brandname n luv is everywhere and lives beyond reason like Trekie-groupies.
Ariz, Calif, and Oregon still have a flicker of hope….but it is a dim candle breathing in a restless wind.
It’s game day Warriors! No more excuses. No more mistakes. No mercy. Just go out there and Protect Your House. Put together four quarters of good football. Don’t ever forget, you play for the guy next to you, you play for UH, and you play for Hawaii. Have some pride and let’s get a win. It’s time for battle.
After doing some shopping at Ala Moana, I was driving up Piikoi towards the freeway on ramp and lo an behold out in the gridlock of traffic I saw three police cars with sirens glaring and blue lights flashing in the far left lane followed by two Robert’s buses.
At first I didn’t assimilate what was happening.
Or it didn’t don on me until it was too late as the buses had signs and banners identifying it as the Warrior team heading to the stadium .For I was little too late in giving the players on the bus a thumbs up sign as it went quickly by me..
This was around 230 pm.
In retrospect I didn’t mind being stuck in traffic in having a chance to see the Warrior buses go by. For it certainly, for me, was a feel good moment.
Some people love chocolate and females that are tens. Me I love motorcades instead, especially ones that are leading our favorite team, Warriors, to Aloha Stadium.
All together there were five police cars, 2 buses and a civilian vehicle with Texas license plates, which, again, it didn’t don on me at the time to take a closer look in seeing if possibly if that was Mrs. Mack.
T-Gate healing prayer for Aunty Diana and all who ail today.
Both teams have white pants today.
Congrats on your anniversary, Mr & Mrs Chopsueyboy!
Thanks for the tickets for tonight’s game. Decided to give yours to my co-worker (even tho they’re better). Too used to our own seats.
…Big game for us today, but especially for our coaches…special teams and the offensive line…let’s see how well they’ve prepared our players this week.
…let’s go warriors!
tks Liz.
First play from scrimmage. Moniz is Intercepted. A few plays later TD Utah State.
White pants???? Who makes these decisions?
I wonder what happened to that $$$$ tv truck? No PPV football game – totally black. Got to depend on Liz!!!
That was unfortunate.
not happy but still confident.
spot them 7, back to work guys
Or in this case, Matt!
LWJ, nice play
First down on screen to LWJ.
Screen left to LW Jackson. 1st down
Pass to crossing pattern to Salas. 7 yard gain.
TD Hawaii to Medeiros.
TD pass to medeiros!!! 57 yds.
Tom, Here is the game. Boo on PPV
Pilares almost ran down Medeiros on that play.
TD!! Nice throw
Thanks Brew. I’m so premature
Outstanding pass protection by LWJ in the backfield on that TD pass.
brew #224:
Already ordered the Oceanic Streaming.
Oh well.
INT Hawaii
Lametrius Davis on the INT
Up the middle jackson 13 yd gain.
Nice. Big plays already on both sides of the ball for the Warriors.
LWJ running hard!!!
LWJ is running like a man who wants the ball more often.
4th down bad punt.
btw I like the white pants, kinda reminds me of the rainbow unis, if u squint a little
Blaze on the Sack. 4th down.
a 2 man rush and Blaze gets to the QB.
Good field position for UH.
Stadium looks kinda empty.
Aloha Warrior nation.
Give ummmmm!
Big run by Moniz for the 1st down.
1st and goal at the 1 after a 19 yard run by LWJ.
TD Warriors LWJ.
Give LWJ the ball again!
Wow, we got a running game. TD!!!
TD Hawaii! 14-7.
Way to go 23
Me thinks the O-line likes the run game.
Russ Y said, “Get behind the big uglies and push it ova da goal line.” Haha!!!
nice mix of plays and effort
looks almost like Wagner era football
too bad stands are half empty
Lametrius Davis is having a good game. Breaks up a pass and 3 and out.
Davis is having a good game.
Bad punt by USU. UH ball in USU territory.
Awesome D series!!! Go get behind the “big uglies” again and run LWJ.
Go Warriors!!!!!!!
Garret quiet tonite
We need to score again. 1st down pass to Salas
Howzit TChang…lunchtime in the land of the morning calm?
TD Hawaii to Jovonte Taylor.
Too easy! Yeah! TD Hawaii Moniz to Taylor
21-7 UH
Good block by Salas on the TD.
This looks like the team that we’re all spoiled with. Go Team!!!
CHEEEHOOOO!!! TD TAYLOR!!! Nice pick and roll, Taylor and Salas.
99club. Yeah. had a late brunch to make it to my laptop for the game. LOL!!
High5s everyone!!!
Weird trivia just shown on the NE-OK game: Both coaches, Pellini and Stoops, attended the same high school in Cleveland. What are the odds?
I like the early strikes and TDs.
However, my gut is telling me that UH should pile on the points now because the pace of the game is eventually going to slow down and I don’t think UH will muster much more once the game reaches that point.
nice shot of Funaki congrading Moniz
USU uses some weird formations.
Big stop on 3rd down.
CRW …. brings up the dreaded 3rd Quarter…. 🙄
Heh, heh. I tried calling my friend at my favorite bar at Osan this a.m. but the club was too loud for him to have a conversation. They had a live band last night.
C’mon Hawaii, let’s get another score! LWJ! LWJ!
Both sides of the ball doing well. Big catch and run by Salas.
BIG run by Moniz to get UH inside the 10.
Moniz babeeeee!
TD Hawaii. LWJ again.
It was good to see Salas blocking hard on the big run by Moniz.
Big time running by LWJ. He must think he’s back at Nebraska, lol.
Go Warriors!
….how nice to see again…. happy Warrior fans…. 😀
Good evening Tsaikos & Tsaikettes, Lurkers & Lurkettes!
Anyone still at home, get plentay seats!? Come on ova!
Exciting to watch the action in person and live.
I love it! No penalties – offense clicking – the guys are having fun. Man did they need this kind of first half
Whoah…. I misread that as LBJ, LBJ….. 🙄
OK, what’s the announcer smokin’.
I am proud of the team playing soooo well so far. But I am especially happy for LWJ. He has waited for a big game like this for years.
Now, no mistakes boys.
Brew, I’m seizing da moment!!!
UHfan808 – yeah, right…. save me a seat…. I’ll be right over…. 🙄 😀
red rover red rover..!
USU marching down the field. They are now at the UH 25 yd line. We need the D to step up.
Hey Jules – 151? 😯 😆
Good stop by UH on 3rd down. 4th down coming up.
UH calls two timeouts on the same play.
USU converts on 4th down.
Dang, I wish we didn’t call the TO.
Big stop on 4th down. UH Ball
Fonoti, Soares, and Heun on the stop.
Huge run by LWJ. 62 yards.
Who ‘da guy! LWJ ‘da guy!!!
Taylor needs to block better for LWJ.
The big uglies blocking pretty!!!
“They are running with joy.” The quote of the night.
Aigoo! 51 disguise that hold better.
Big run by Alex Green for a first down.
UH has more rushing yards than passing yards right now.
201 yds rushing for Hawaii right now. Honest.
how is meatoga’s ankle
encroachment on the offense, a linemen?
let LWJ and AG battle all night
TD Hawaii to SALAS baby!!!
The team is seizing the night and we’re all enjoying it all. 🙂
TD to Salas
what’s the attendance like?
I hope everybody bet the hale, the fale and Peter Pale
Great O-line, great throw and great catch. this is like 2007 again!!
Wow!!! I am soooo jacked up, supaah stoked on this homecoming night. GO WARRIORS!!! No let up. Keep on scoring like dat.
Bulla – like KK‘s cooler…. plenty of empties! 😀
on tv looks like abt 30k
Funny how when it’s 35-7 UH, the beer tastes better.
Yeah Brew, got that 151 smiley face!
And hey, everyone else in my normally qwuiet section is too!
keep the pedal to the medal…don’t let up….no tomorrows….bury them
Big ugly had his big head in the neutral zone so the linesman call “encroachment.”
You know nobody on this blog bets. How silly.
30K? pphhhhffffttt… way! 🙄
thanks, never heard of that before….
uh oh! i’m feelin da drizzle!
Walker blew that play up
Big sack on 3rd down.
Hawaii brought the house on that one.
Nebraska just upset OK, 10-3.
Over/Under on rushing yards tonight for UH? I think 350-ish.
Was that really an upset and who cares? 😀
UH FG attempt blocked. End of the half 35-7 UH.
… and time management.
Dang… SC escapes…. 🙁
I decided before the game that I shouldn’t comment while play was going on. This was just a superstitious thing for me, as I figured I should change things up and hope that the games would go better this way.
This was a VERY impressive half by the Warriors! The running game really is working well and the receivers are wide open for Moniz. The red zone offense is working the best all year, with the runs in the red zone especially effective and setting up the passes.
You forget, I’m in Big-12 country! No, no $ on that one. 😉
Surprised UH even tried to go for points on that last drive. I figured they’d run a running play then take a knee.
I’m not complaining, though. They almost pulled it out too!
So, Ron Lee has a long conversation with JJ on Sunday about SMU’s running game and why they are running the ball more this season…and UH runs the ball a lot more today. Maybe a coincidence of course, but I’m just happy things are working.
I think my Husker buddy flew home for that game…. He’ll be happy – and surely had his fill of primo steaks! 😀
The pass to Salas for the TD was really nice, as the defender was trailing Salas and Moniz put the ball right where it needed to be for Salas to make an easy catch.
Nice seeing everyone including ST at the T-gate this afternoon. + )
Shucks I missed saying hi to Wena and Pomai. + (
Kekoa, hope Diana is feeling better.
I’m liking the stat sheet:
Moniz: 12 for 19, 215 yds, 3 TD, 1 INT
Wright-Jackson: 8 car, 114 yds, 2 TD
Green: 4 car, 52 yds
Moniz: 5 car, 50 yds
To me the biggest defensive play was the 4th down play at the end of a long drive by Utah State. UH stuffed that 4th-and-1 and that deflated Utah State. I think that they could have cut the lead to 14 if they had scored on that drive, but instead UH took over and scored. Great job by the D on that play!
Utah State’s excellent RB and the run attack with their QB has now basically been taken out of the game with the big lead. The Warrior DL can gear up and get some sacks in the second half.
The INT by Davis was big as the WR had that reception inside the 10.
In my opinion, Utah State has been playing much better than NMSU over the past month, so if the Warriors can play this well (especially rushing the ball) then next week should go well also. That will give the team a lot of momentum for their final road game.
Davis has been playing well. Good point about the INT, brew.
Other than for one play…. Borel is no Kaepernick! 😈 is providing a GREAT picture today. The quality is far better than what I had with the Oceanic and Hawaiian Telecom streaming. I’ve heard complaints about the quality from other games, so I guess we are lucky tonight.
The ESPN360 photo is probably better than, but ESPN360 isn’t showing this game. Plus, it is nice to have the Hawaii announcers.
Man oh man I almost forgot what this feels like! Best half of the year IMO. O-line is just dominating Utah St. which is helping both running and passing move at will. Defense is getting great pressure. UH just looked like it was in a different class out there. I know it’s Utah St. but this is just what the doctor ordered. Mistakes were there but definitely kept to a minimum compared to what we’ve been used to
Now my only concern is if we can shake this 3rd qtr. curse????
Plenty of room for improvement by ST. …and then there’s the 3rd Q…. 🙄
That was a very nice segment with the UH coaches on what is important to them and what they are trying to bring forward for their players.
Halftime is going to end soon, so I’ll get off the blog now. It is nice for UH to have a big lead at halftime and I hope that they keep the lead through the 3rd quarter so the backups can play in the 4th quarter. It could be very, very important for the backups to get some game reps.
ESPN360 video…not photo.
yeah that Davis INT was a big time play. Thing of beauty really.
Are they singing the Kikaida theme song?
Eh the real kikaida is here!
…Hawaii announcers… including Papa Jim…. ooohhhh…. plenty of boo-boos…. sometimes gotto wonder if we’re watching the same game. I think he just makes up stuff sometimes…. 🙄
I know it’s halftime…. but look at all those empty seats! 😯
That’s right the REAL Kikaida is in the house!
Keep ya feet on da throat, boys! Don’t let up! AWESOME first half!
Dang…. they keep showing that video of Jahvid Best taking that hit falling into the endzone…. got to hope for the best …. for Best! 😐
~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
That was a scary looking fall for Best, I thought he broke his back!
Another BIG run for LWJ!
44 yards on that run by LWJ.
Nebraska wanted to make him a safety?
Sideline interference: USU coach is on the line/sidejudge’s running track. Coaches need to stay 2 yards off the sideline.
Shockingly, Arizona is up 14-0 over the Cougars in the 1st qtr.
Why are we going for it on 4th and 7?
I guess it worked out, but that is still a bad call.
penalties killing utah state, and now UH…….Kia is killing it…..whew
Come on Kia.
let Green and LWJ keep battling for playing time…best game for LWJ in his UH career
Missed FG.
The 3rd qtr curse is alive. Dang.
That miss is purely on UH making a mistake again. Stupid penalty!!
ouch….c’mon Warriors, keep the pedal to the metal……..don’t let up 🙂
The 3rd quarter woes continue. Come on Warriors, break the curse.
I agree. Let those guys have their time in the sun. You know the O-line is liking this running game!
up the gut, OUCH
he could’ve taken it to the house w/o backside help
QB for the 1st down
Purcell gets POPPED on the pursuit………..whew, hope he’s ok…………
35-21, cmon, don’t let up………………..
Another TD for USU. What happened during halftime?
We need to answer with a TD right now.
momentum shifts to USU
Matt, nothing really happened. We drove the ball down inside the 10 yardline and made a stupid penalty – 15 yards AFTER the play ended. missed FG and they drove down the field, Come on boys, no more stupid penalties!!
Goooo Warriors.
Moniz INT. First and goal USU.
Not even a tough pick. Mistake again.
PAREDES on the sack….AURYTE
Uh oh. C’mon D!!!
Paredes! Nice.
Wide left on the FG, we got lucky
USU misses a FG.
Whew! He was open.
Let’s drive down the field and score now
Ho, the band rocks!
The DBs are watching Moniz’s eyes and reacting to the pass. He needs to look off the Safeties.
pressure on moniz from USU D, they’re getting in……
Alright Salas.
THE CURSE IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TD Warriors LWJ
The 3rd quarter jinx is broken! Yesssss!
Q3!!! 😈There’s that play that I was thinking about all this season!!! Option!!!
#424 – You’re absolutely right hawnstln!!! 😀
It is really good to see LWJ with a monster game like he’s having tonight.
D needs to get a turnover!!! 😯
* 🙂 *
Man.. Win or Lose, I love my Warrior Football..!
But tonight… Tonight… TONIGHT!!
Hang tough.. don’t get too conservative… play to win!
42-28…. still too close for comfort.
Go Warriors!!!
HOW did he CATCH that?! Great play!
Cheaters! Heh, heh.
I LOVE this running game.
Everyone in the stadium knows Green’s getting the ball until he scores.
Option, where’s the option play?
Yeeeehaaaaw! TD!!
I wonder when the last time UH had two (2) players go over 100 yards rushing in a game was…..
Option pass works too!
play to win
play to win
play to win
TD!! I luv that play on 3rd down, utilizing moniz’z mobility. Wow looks like the red-zone curse is getting taken care of too, tonight!
Kekaula said it was 1995 the last time there were 2 UH 100 yard rushers in the same game.
Nice kickoff – gotta work on our coverage!
337 yards rushing so far tonight.
INT Mana Silva. Hell yeah.
That Moniz is pretty fast.
Warriors IMUA!! Go for the 700 yards!!
I haven’t heard this many 50-cent words from an announcer since Howard Cosell! I like it.
The 2nd string receivers and RB are in.
Actually,, it may be time for field goal… got to get over the kicking hump.
Oops 3rd string RB (Dimude)
Where’s LWJ gone? Is he hurt? Or did Mack take him out on request? “Coach! I’m not a miler!” 🙂
LWJ and Alex Green are both on the sidelines. They are bringing in the reserves.
Need to practice our FG kicks!! What is Moniz’s 40 time?
Sub and run the ball, Mack.
Doesn’t look like Moniz will reach the 100 yard rushing plateau, but even he put up some good rushing numbers.
Up by 21 with 3:55 left. Get chance.
Is there something with our kicker? Why wouldn’t we kick and make it a 4 score game?
Howzit! How many yds does Moniz need? He should be in the 70’s about now, I think.
I also think Moniz is in the 70s.
Not watching the game but man I’m glad the coaches are going to the running game… =)
Good win on homecoming. 🙂
Thank you Warriors! Job well done.
Well, Warrior nation can sleep with a great big smile tonight. Good game boys, you did good. Aloha all. 🙂
Love the Chancellor’s hat.
The bowl game is still alive!! Fight for four!
Great win! It was also nice that the backups got some game reps at the end.
Aloha Tsai-kos, and goodnight from Seoul!
Too bad the running back recruit wasn’t here this week to see this awesome display.
I’m very, very happy for LWJ that he was able to have such a great game, easily the best of his career. He must feel so great that he was able to make such a difference in the game today. He’s worked hard with little reward for so long…
Alex Green also did a lot with his 10 carries, getting 110 yards. The pattern of using Green in the 2nd half continued and he produced.
Good win!
Too bad I’ll be in Philadelphia next weekend sans laptop, so I won’t be able to watch next week’s game against NMSU live.
Luckily next week’s game is slated to be aired on ESPN Gameplan and, so I can watch the game when I return to Washington.
Until next game, good night!
Bravissimo, Warriors!!!
I’ve been calling for that option running play near the goal line for some time–I think I posted about that here and on SportsHawaii…it sure worked well once the ball was pitched.
Awesome win, Warriors!
Listening at home, yet again….and my keiki all cheering along with me!
See you guys next week, promise!
Yes, kicka’ gotta practice…
Woo hooo!!!
Great game, Warriors!!!
Hows the kids and wife? Pau sick, I hope…
Howzit, DPK!
I’m glad that the Warriors scored a 3rd quarter TD–that was VERY important in the game as Utah State was making their comeback. It is amazing to think about how UH was up 28 at the half and if Borel threw accurately to that wide-open receiver the lead would have been cut to 7.
Thankfully Borel missed on his pass and then Salas made some big catch-and-runs to get the momentum back for the team.
Everybody is healthy now…I was the last one to kick things. I never had flu-like symptoms come back 9 days after they first showed up. we always get flu shots and this was the first time my family had to deal with this type of illness.
Good to hear….
3 of our 7 came down with the 24 hour bug, right after their flu shots at school, but all pau now. Thank God!
You coming back for any games or what?
I’ll be at the SJSU game, but I don’t think I’ll get to go to games in Hawaii this season. Too hard to get the flights to match up with the kids’ schools schedules and my work schedule. We’ll try for Christmas deals, but doubt we’ll find one.
At least you get to make “a” game, right?? Enjoy!
Congrats to the Warriors! They finally played a complete game, start to finish. Gotta savor the win for a few days.
I hope this game has a better ending than the UNLV game I attended earlier this season…
Good to see the running game kick in.
Nearly 500.
It has been some time since we have gone over 500 predominantly positive comments.
BCS Guru crunched the numbers and projects that TCU will be #4 in the next BCS standings when they are released. TCU needs 2 of the 3 teams ahead of them to lose (Texas, Alabama, and Florida) to make the national title game…and Alabama plays Florida so one of them will be knocked off then.
Next up . . . NaMaSu.
This is why.. do or die… I am a Warrior fan. As bleak as it may get, that can all change in a blink of an eye.
Hee Haw!! Never lose faith… BELIEVE
Warrior IMUA… Warrior for life!
Pomai . . .
Our offense is definitely clicking and our defense is having some fun.
51-14 us
Garret: re#497…YUP! Better be….. 😉
BTW, sixth century!
RainbowCliff had to go to an event with his wife so I texted him a bunch of times to update him on how things were going…he was VERY happy to hear how well the Warriors were doing.
Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
Let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again
Altogether shout it now!
There’s no one who can doubt it now
So let’s tell the world about it now
Happy days are here again
Your cares and troubles are gone;
There’ll be no more from now on
Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
Let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again
I sure hope Rainbow Cliff did not let out a cheer when he found out the Warriors won! I bet, though, he had an even bigger smile than he normally does.
Time for bed. See you all tomorrow!
good win, focus on next week and prepare…but enjoy tonight!
What a game! We got a running game! We got sacks, INTs, and great stops. LWJ was awesome, Salas RAC was great. Boys were playing inspired. Can’t wait until next week! GO WARRIORS!
I gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good, good night
A feeling, woohoo, that tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good, good night
😀 😀 😀
Here are the post quotes from the game from UH’s website.
Great Evening All!
Terrific game. Too tired to catch up on all the posts tonight. Enjoy the victory.
Four more to go….
Oh, try wait.
You get ’em, eh? 😉
tonight’s news
697 yards of offense?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
360 on the ground?!?!?!???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
saw the a-house’s on the field. what a game to get to see from field level. hope they had fun!
LWJ… 100+ yards rushing, 3 TD… .I say… WAC Player of the WEEK!
rainbows win!
rainbows win!
rainbows win!
well that is what papa jim would say.
the green and white clad warriors surely reminded me of the old rainbows of yesteryear. i thought i saw levi stanley or one of the nogas on the field tonight.
this post dedicated to the lurker I call “THE COUNSELOR”
1) First and foremost congrats to the team, coaches, university for the win! I almost forgot how this feels.
2) This game along with NMSU and to certain degree SJSU are very winnable games. 1 down, 3 to go.
3) Lets savor the win, but lets not forget we are NOT out of the woods just yet….this team has a looooong way to go to develop into a quality team.
4) For the last 2 games Navy and Wisconsin…I personally I feel those games are a foregone conclusion even if we had a bunch of time to practice for it.
Just a brief look at Wisconsin’s Offensive line
– 6’6″ 313 lbs
– 6’7″ 310 lbs
– 6’7″ 325 lbs
– 6’7″ 330 lbs
– 6’8″ 305 lbs
those boots weren’t made for throwing (0_o)…
5) I think the team has a lot more confidence from this win and will be prepared to play with more intensity the rest of the season. We have to continue to grind away and make sure our coaches and players do their job. There were a bunch of mistakes made tonight along with some *head scratching* calls from the sidelines but nothing that obviously caused enough harm to lose the game.
“there’s a rule in life, you’re either growing or you’re dying, a tree is growing or its dying, so is a business, so is a TEAM, so is a person, and it has everything to do with ARE YOUR CONTENT with where you are or are you trying to get better, you ALWAYS have to ASPIRE to become better, that’s the only way life continues!”
– Lou Holtz
Thank you UA. Let’s stick with the green top and the white pants for home games. It just looks oh sooooo good!
2009 UH Homecoming is officially a success to the dismay of the “I told you so” jerks.
Agreed with eveything you said! What a great win for the team-happy for them. Kinda wish they had held them to the 28 points, but a win is a win & the guys should have sweet dreams that they haven’t had in awhile.
that’s not an O line, that’s a Human wall…..going to be a challenge, but Coach Cal will come up with something….upon the snap of the ball, the D line will toss Torres over the top of the O line, kind of like a kamikaze pilot theory…… 🙂
To anyone at the Tailgate,
Did anyone find my chair? – Had left it near the recycling boxes before the game = let me know. Thanks.
GREAT WIN WARRIOR NATION ! Mahalo to Garret on texting me the results of the game as I and Mrs. RainbowCliff had orchestra seats to see Jazz/Funk Legend George Duke and main attraction sultry vocalist Anita Baker “The Songstress” !
AWESOME performance from two legendary entertainers as “The Duke” played the piano with such precesion as the beautiful Nokia Theatre across from Staples Center was claping and dancing all night long. Wonderful evening as wafan I did “SHOUT OUT” with a Warrior win as the folks in back of me asked “who are the Warriors” with my reply “Yeehaw” ! They laughed their okole off !
RUNNING game, MAN where has it BEEN as Jackson Wright and the other speed demon were like flash and lightning out there ! Offensive line FINALLY protected and open up some holes as MONIZ is just going to be a “SUPERSTAR” ! with his fast feet and precesion arm as he is ONLY a sophomore !
Anyone out there can get me his autograph picture in care of my name “To RainbowCliff” I will HOOK you up BIG TIME as Moniz is the “REAL DEAL” !
Salas played like the “MAN” on this team and the whole offense put a complete game together as I HOPE we don’t let down from this as New Mexico State is 3-6 with ex-ucla defensive coordinator Dewayne Walker now Head Coach at NMSU will have a game plan to TRY to slow the Warriors down BUT I just can’t see it with NMSU lifetime 0-5 vs the Warriors through out the years.
I am still concern about the Defense as 36 points is a lot to give up BUT in reality with this team the “OFFENSE” has to carry the team and we do have enough weapons to outscore the opponents. The next games vs. NMSU and SJSU are ALL WIN ABLE so let’s do just that “Win baby just Win” !
Have a super morning Tsaiko Nation as I take a rest today from ALL my athletic playing and concentrate on sending my gifts n kind out to family love ones, friends and Bloggers on the Warrior Beat !
IMUA WARRIORS as I loved the team look and “I wonder why they hate me” in which I don’t kind sir I loved your quote from Lou Holtz !
…good things happen when you run the ball 30-40 times
Kazz (blkberry_storm):
November 8th, 2009 at 12:04 am
2009 UH Homecoming is officially a success to the dismay of the “I told you so” jerks.
for kazz to think that even fair weather fans (or disgruntled fans) are “dismayed” at a Warrior victory is a warped way of thinking
to answer the question why posters hide behind their blog names and not wanting to go to the tsaiko tailgate.. Kazz and other tsaikos warped way of thinkings would be the reason why I wouldn’t
al is okay. but al couldn’t refute kazz warped way of thinking
Hey, I dont think Navy is a “foregone conclusion”
as much as i like the triple option we have a damn good fighting chance at winning the game if we continue to run. 1 more effort like this and the Oline will be in the right groove, having fun and moving the line of scrimmage. Wisconsin on the other hand… it’s going to be tough on the D. Man are they going to be banged up from the Navy game, usually takes more than a week to recover from defending a brutal running attack. Coach em up!
solid call on the hale ST! in addition to the matchup talent wise, homecoming dogs is like the ancient chinese secret of college football – well used to be anyway..
Aloha Green Eyes, as an objective thinker on this blog is it certain bloggers that has your scorn and do you really have “green eyes” kind sir ?
I know you are a TRUE fan as the tailgate issue from my perspective view will be a good way to settle any misunderstandings with “fair weather fans” which I don’t think you fall under that category as I have read many of your keen insight opinions on this Warrior football season SIR !
I’m just wondering.. I’m hoping the coaches are not stubborn in their philosophy of the offense and that they take look @ 1 or 2 TE’s this recruiting season.
A fine Sunday to all!
Postmanke, I agree with you IF the momentum from this win and WINS vs. NMSU and SJSU are a seal deal then the Navy game will be a BIG challenge BUT our defense has to show up and with Navy pounding the ball and TREMENDOUS win vs. Notre Dame it will be an improbale task but not IMPOSSIBLE !
Let’s see how they play NMSU because defensive guru Dewayne Walker will have a GAME PLAN in place and BIG BAD running back Seth Smith of NMSU will be looking to go for 150 yards or better.
Don’t take NMSU likely as Walker has coached defense on EVERY level at solid programs through out the country even on the professional ranks.
A ggod win last night. The guys are improving!
If there is anyone on this blog that is a resident troll, it’s Kazz. His instigatory remarks and name-calling (tards, jerks, etc.) cause more trouble on this blog than anyone else who comes here to express their displeasure with the coaching staff.
Is the celebration still on at the T-Gate?
Postmanke: “Improbable Task” as I misspelled the word. Please excuse.
Attendance figures about what I was [unfortunately] anticipating for a team on a-then 6 game slump:
Tickets issued: 31,499
Turnstile attendance: 25,883
Oh My, is this “Kazz” a lurker and has any one out there reached out to him to offer ALOHA in which ALL good folks of Hawaii has that spirit in them troll or no troll.
I agree.. Kazz you coulda left out “jerks” =)
Committed Road Warrior, will the attendance figures get better with this HAPPY win vs. Utah State as Hawaii may feel the “HYPE” to start the wave in support.
I finished the quotes from the game. Off to Legoland with the kids.
All of these quotes are from the Advertiser today…clearly the team knew about their struggles in the 3rd quarter this season.
You have great passion for the Warriors, but name-calling anyone who posts something critical about the team is a good way to try to drive people off the blog. Maybe you would prefer to have an only-positive blog, so maybe that is your point…but we should ask ST about that instead of going over the top like what I’ve seen from multiple people in the past.
I agree that the critics can go overboard also, but if we whitewash the board then we are not helping the team or the discussion here. For example, the 3rd quarter stats are important to discuss, and they were first discussed here before the team started to discuss them openly.
Hi RainbowCliff
To attribute all critics to those that lost money gambling is also over the top to me. But that is just my opinion.
Hi RainbowCliff!
I would hope this win helps to draw out some more folks to the stadium. With New Mexico State next week, there might be a slight uptick in attendance, but IMO still not were it should be.
Navy and Wisconsin “should” draw decent/good numbers, though. Those teams tend to travel relatively well.
That post #548 attributed to me shouldn’t have been there. I think I had my cursor on the “Website” text box and accidentally hit the “Enter” button.
Oh well.
Mahalo Committed Road Warrior ! appreciate your comments and in sights to the attendance issue. Can’t the average Hawaii fan understand this is a “re-building year” or the successes of JJ teams in the past will be to Mac’s un-doing ?
Mentioned a while back that Horizon Air was painting an airplane in Boise State colors. Well, here it is:
I’m still waiting for Hawaiian Airlines to paint an airplane in UH logo and colors. Maybe one of these days……
SMU without a doubt has boosters with deep pockets; in their home coming game last night against Rice, the attendance was just,(15,000+), which SMU won and they need to win just one more game to become bowl elligible……I mention this because, wow!?, how can they afford to pay JJ $$two-million$$ a year with that kind on attendance????
So, Urban Meyer got penalized, ($30,000), by the SEC….if you’re making (three million plus) a year, that comes to something like three days of pay????…..phffffffft.
Will be in and out the rest of the day.
Enjoy today!
If things continue as they are, you think the BCS would allow two non-BCS automatic qualifiers, aka, TCU/BSU???
Have a GREAT day Tsaiko Nation as I am off in Los Angeles running the City of Angels like a Rainbow Warrior should do. Will get back to you later on the day. Aloha !
Great Morning All!
I love the smell of victory in the morning!
…oh wait, it’s the smell of 100% Kona Brew-ing! Decided to indulge in celebration… 🙂
Tru dat about the Kala flow in Dallas. IIRC it was a group of 10-12 boosters who are footing the bill for The Former Coach’s salary at SMU.
Two glaring negatives about last night’s game.
Field Goals.
Still got a Field Goal slump. Gotta fix that problem. Should have been 55 for the Warriors. Oddawise, outstanding!
d1 bible study/kope hour today?
One down and four to go….
Stay focused on one game at a time.
But since others have mentioned them already….
From what I’ve seen, this ain’t your GranDaddy’s Wiscy team. They can pound the ball for sure behind but I’ve seen them air it out very effectively this season. In particular, Nick Toon is a threat. Big dude with speed to take you deep. And yes, he’s Al’s son. (not our Al!)
Can’t stack the box against these Badgers!
Sounds good but gotta help #1 son with the “Hawaiian Movers” action today….
…may need to recover with a lunch at the Willows tomorrow though! 😉
Aloha Kakahiaka!
35-21 LizKauai
great morning tsaiko country and warrior fans. what is there not to like this sunny and glorious day in the 808.
first of all congrats to all the UH teams on their victories and announcements. fball team just outstanding, sball team dominating and the cheer-leading squad for being named best in the west. about time the university students and athletes get a bunch of good stuff to celebrate. again beeg congrats to you’all.
I took time to cruse the walkway at half time and the student section. man it was rocking. so many smiley face and good cheer going around. yep this was a truly good homecoming for the students. love to see it. whole second half sat in the band section with chawan, lefty and their gang mahalo to them.
au’wyte putting out a bible study kope hour call to be held at Nancy’s. if your happy and you know it show up, so if your really happy and you know you really got to show it …… be there.
e kala mai we kope starting at 9:15 bible studies to follow
and helllloooo hoooooooow yoooooouuuuuuuu tsaikos
Have a scone and glass of ice-cold milk for me at the Bible study.
Looks like the usual suspects survived last nights T-Gate.
CRW . . .
Kind of doubt Hawai’ian will ever paint one or more its jets as a Warrior aircraft. It would be out of their comfort zone — never did it before so we cannot take a chance. Seems to be that way at home a lot of the time.
Would be cool if Hawai’ian actually flew all the Warrior and Rainbow teams to their away games in an aircraft painted Warrior green. Think of the publicity for the university, the team and, most of all, Hawai’ian airlines!
Heck, with Alaska now flying in and out of Hawai’i, maybe they would consider it?
An Alaska Warrior aircraft flying in and out of Hawai’i every day!!! Whoo-hoo!!!
great win last night.
glad to finally see the 3rd qtr TD, but need to still improve in that area.
enos needs more heights on his kicks, even his XPs have potential to be blocked.
loved the offensive play selection last night. did the offense coaches finally kick mack to the curb? hope so.
great way to get to ball rolling and get confidence up. need another big win next weekend against NMSU, lots of stud recruits coming in that we need to impress.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Is it just me or do the white pants under green tops make the Warriors look like they’re running faster? 🙂
What ever the case, great win for the Warriors!
I wonder if JJ’s conversation with Cal Lee had anything to do with the ramped up running game? Kudos to our O-line for helping to make that happen.
Are we seeing the “light” go on for Bryant Moniz? Did the pass set up the run or vice versa!
Whatever… It was great to watch. We came hungry and we finished the meal!
What’s with that statement? Not happy with a win?
As far as I could tell, I saw the same plays as the other games, except this time they executed properly more often than not.
The only real difference (new alignment and play) was on defense… but I don’t think you’d want to kick McMackin to the curb on defense, anytime soon.
If McMackin did have a say on the Offense, it probably was the decision to go for it on 4th and 7 instead of trying for a third FG attempt. I believe that turned out to be the right decision.
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
been off the blog for alot lately, too busy busy.
great win last nite Warriors.
of course im not kicking mack to the curb on his defensive coaching, that is supposed to be his forte, right?
idk what game you were watching, but i saw a lot more different setup on O. while we have run the counters a couple of times this season, we ran a ton this game. notice how early in the game, USU was shifting their DL to play the tampas? teams have been doing this to us the entire season, so the counters really helped. we added some spread option plays to the O to take full advantage of moniz’s abilities. kid is a playmaker and getting him moving a bit on half rollouts, playaction, and zone reads helps him out a ton.
trust me, i am definitely happy with the win.
First up:
Congrads to Leon, his breakout was long over due, still, gotta feel good for him. It was quite a show.
Greg Salas is our best receiver—EVER!
He deserves All-American consideration.
Salas is on track to catch 100 for 1500 and 12 TDs…yikes!
Next 2 games:
NMSU and SJSU have the worst O in college D1A football.
The aggies are deadlast and the sparts are a couple of notches above at #115.
Reap while the weather is good.
last 2 games:
Navy and Wiscy are polar opposites in contrast despite both displaying potent running games.
They both attack in different ways.
Navy, attacks and runs submarinelike interference and will cut defenders legs beneath them as they launch a surface attack with light-weight speed boats. Ask ND’s #5. It took him 3 quarters before he started to look down at the field to dodge torpedoes.
The badgers are General Patton look-a-likes and will use a frontal tank attack and prefer to run you over rather than shot at you. If you are standing alongside their OL at high noon, you will not see the sun.
New Mexico State and Dick Tomey are the calm before the storm–hope we have enuff hops left in the gas tank for the final test….
“The taste of victory can’t be beat,” left tackle Aaron Kia said. “We had that bitter taste of losing all of those games in a row. We had to bust a win. It wasn’t a matter of ‘we have to win.’ It was, ‘we gotta win.’ This is our first statement in a long time. We’re going to enjoy it for a day, then get back to work. We can’t let up.”
Nuff said!
A nice win by the Warriors. Glad to see the wind back in their sails. Pats on the backs to the offensive line because, really, it starts with them. And they did a great job.
It was great seeing LWJ explode in rushing the ball, but it was the emergence of his pent up emotions that was more apparent to everyone as if to say, “finally the coaches gave me a chance in running the ball”.
Where the team needed some direction and validation on to themselves, the win over Utah State is a start and I was happy to see LWJ get some. And likewise with Kia, too.
And of course, Coach Mack, too.
Whatever the coaches are doing in the week’s preparation and practices leading up to the Utah State game I hope they continue.
My perceptions and hunches are that the coaches may have stepped up the conditioning. (can somebody ask the coaches this question?).
da condishuning’s been dere, da heart’s been dere, da coachin’s been dere; da kids are just gainin more experience and confidence!
#547 and #549. Right on bruddah G. I agree. no need foah ovah da top big body commentary! Go Warriors!
I picked the seat up and placed it against the inside wall on the :pearlcity side of Cabana B. By the time we got back after the game, several seats were already set up so I assumed that whoever left it behind before the game had reclaimed it. Perhaps you might want to ask again over the next couple of days.
Finally straightened out the mystery of the quote cancelled softball game unquote. Yesterday’s games were originally scheduled for 10 am and 12 noon, but the start time was moved back two hours. By the time we got there it was the bottom of the first inning in what we thought was the first game of the day, but it was actually the second game. All totaled over the two-day period, the Wahine scored over 70 runs in four games.
Current Count for the five-day period: UH has won seven games and one match in five sports.
Horrible news about Bill Amis – I really like him both personally as well as his playing style and his leadership. Any news as to when the medical hardship issue will be resolved?
Will be re-posting information later this evening about the Family Promise dinner this coming Wednesday. Off to work now until it’s time to go to the Wahine volleyball Senior Game at the Stan Sheriff Center.
Game observations:
1) excellent win for the Warriors! Great play calling by the Coaches and execution by the players.
2) who’s idea was it to use no down lineman and 5-7 LBs on defense. I thought I was dreaming looking through my binocs. Caused problems for USU.
3) took photos of the bike with Mrs A-House and me – saw J Taylor using it in the 1st qtr – Don W says the other bike is in the weight room and used by the players – he will try to bring the bike to the NMSU tailgate so the Tsaikos and see what they purchased – it’s real classy!
4) totally different perspective from the field seeing the players up front and personnal rather than the nose bleed section in the South end zone; fans behind us yelling at the USU players about their abilities, etc.; took Chawan and Lefty’s pic when the band came to greet the players; Mrs A-house made friends with the Stadium staff working the sidelines; saw an assistant UH trainer who was the head trainer at McKinley when MasaBoy played during the 1996-98 seasons.
5) met Jim D as we “found” our way through the maze of Aloha Stadium before the game – had a nice conversation and extended an invitation to our tailgate for the NMSU – he will try!
What a different feeling after the game and this morning – felt like something was missing.
5) much kudos to Aaron Kia who I watched very closely the entire game and hope he can continue to play as such for the last 4 games – he played outstanding!
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