Game day: UNLV
LAS VEGAS — The Warriors made too many mistakes and not enough plays in the 40-20 loss to UNLV.
They lost opportunities with the four lost fumbles, including three in a row to open the third quarter.
And UNLV’s Phillip Payne had another big night against the UH secondary.
Team returns early Sunday. The work begins shortly after.
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LAS VEGAS — The longest road trip of the season ends with tonight’s game against UNLV.
It should be interesting to see if the Warriors cleaned up the problems they incurred during last week’s loss to Washington.
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UNLV coach Bobby Hauck has his own sandwich, the “Bobbie”:
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And today’s sponsor . . .
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From yesterday:
Left guard Brett Leonard:
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The linemen:
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Bryant Moniz and the father of sportscaster Rob DeMello:
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UH media relations director Derek Inouchi’s daughter, Ashley, is a freshman at UNLV, but she and her friends will be cheering for the Warriors:
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Former Warrior o-lineman Brandon Eaton:
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Boundary cornerback Mike Edwards:
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Brian Clay, Leroy Lutu Jr., Jordan Gomes, Kenny Estes, Kawika Ornellas, John Hardy-Tuliau, Tank Hopkins and Dee Maggitt:
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Tank Hopkins and John Hardy-Tuliau:
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Warrior fathers — Steven Jackson (Sterling Jackson) and Anthony Pollard (Royce Pollard):
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D1 and Liz Kauai:
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Rich2176 and Stretch:
Go Warriors!
Alhoooooha Kakahiaka!
‘Mornin, ST! Keep dem pix comin!
g’morning erryboddy!
top 5!
ST – nice pics!
Garret – hope u feel better today.
Top Ten
15 – 59 Laura
27 – 10 bowwar
31 – 14 localboy18
31 – 28 BigWave96744
35 – 00 UKU@LA
35 – 07 tommui
35 – 10 diesel
35 – 14 kawika49
35 – 17 MP
35 – 34 papajoe2
38 – 13 Kevin
38 – 17 J-FORCE
38 – 21 longdistance808
38 – 32 postmanke
39 – 10 Pomai
40 – 24 LizKauai
41 – 10 kev-1
41 – 20 Mochpounda
41 – 21 DPK
41 – 31 3-Prong
42 – 10 gmahoney
42 – 14 Ipu Man
45 – 07 Candy
45 – 10 808ike X
45 – 10 Bryson
45 – 13 Jomar808
45 – 14 chpsueyboy
45 – 16 BG
45 – 17 niho mano
45 – 20 Glenn
45 – 37 izzy
47 – 13 mctruck
48 – 03 RedZone
48 – 10 warrior Dave
48 – 17 BleedGreen808
49 – 06 Couch potato
49 – 10 warrior Dave
49 – 13 iwwthm
49 – 14 Tchahng
49 – 24 808Bowler X
49 – 24 Isaac
49 – 28 Ballpicker
50 – 00 Alawai
50 – 25 clown nose
51 – 07 wafan
52 – 10 mikey
52 – 14 Claud Sutcliffe X
52 – 14 Tyaiea
52 – 17 eagle
52 – 20 Haleakala
53 – 09 madeinhawaii
54 – 20 UHfan808
54 – 24 Buger
55 – 10 WarriorNY
56 – 00 Old Diver
56 – 10 Sean
56 – 13 Kekoa
56 – 14 d1shima
56 – 24 polywarrior4life
59 – 09 unkanesson
59 – 14 oldtimer808
59 – 17 Garret
59 – 28 Kaimuki Kid
60 – 09 krump1
62 – 24 Pride
63 – 03 Wes’side Warrior
63 – 10 maleko808
63 – 21 Mario
70 – 00 rasu begasu
Another beautiful day here in Las Vegas.
Game day is finally here.
Wave of green Warrior Fans taking over Las Vegas.
Ran into Sports Animal Gary Dickman at Lawry’s Prime Rib last night for dinner.
Food was awesome.
Top 10?
Go Warriors!
🙂 😀 ~~~•~~~~•~~Good..Morning..Tsaikos..and..Warrior..Nation!!!~~•~~~~•~~~ 😀 🙂
Hawaii 45 UNLV 21
~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
~~•~~~~•~~ ★ W A H I N E ★ V O L L E Y B A L L!!! ★ ~~•~~~~•~~
~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Yay WAHINE!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
And a special shout out to the one the only, βρεω808. Accept no imitations! 😉
Great pics Mr. Tsai!
Top Twenny!
🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆
🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆
…… ★ ★ ★ W H I P 😈 da 😈 W E B B E L S !!! ★ ★ ★ ……
Game Day!! It’s On!!!
We didn’t come all this way to play against half-ass efforts. Give us your best shot!!
Mano a Mano!! Go all out!!
Do whatever you gotta do to get pumped up for this game!! If you need locker room material, by all means print this out and post it for every player to see.
You better represent!! No excuses!! No Sked!!
Don’t ever wimp out and give up against us!! You better fight us till the end!!
Since we last played in Hawai’i, each and every one of you had more than enough time to make sacrifices and invest in offseason training better yourselves. Look at each other in the locker room. You know who did. God, I hope and pray you have the utmost confidence in those who didn’t.
No extra running or lifting weights is gonna make a difference. Too Late!! We’re Here! And we’re coming after you!!
Nothing personal. It’s just business. We’re on a mission of a higher calling you wouldn’t begin to understand.
• • • • •

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.~~~•~~~~~~•~~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!!! ★ ★ ★ ~~•~~~~~~•~~~.
Many thanks again to Rich2176 and rasu begasu for making our Las Vegas visit a real Tsai-ko experience! Missing all those who are not here, and enjoying memories of get-togethers past.
The most important part of our day is yet to come.
Great to see the Warrior parents! Especially grateful to be able to travel with the Shigematsu Ohana who are here even though Sean must be patient and a patient this season.
Blessings to all!
Yay, It’s Saturday! Good Morning, Tsaikos, near and far! GO WARRIORS!
Looks like we will have CBS signal here on the East Coast. Channel 94 on FIOS at 10pm. Think I’ll take a nap or go to the gym. Any preferences?
8 hours and 55 minutes
I predict a Royce Pollard TD today.
A-Joe ~
When did you open one Pump House? Hehehe!
➡ We ARE here, and the Rebels have no where else to hide!
Go Warriors!
Mahalo Rich & Rasu for their effort in securing tickets & promoting the fellowship we can all enjoy today.
I think they both missed their true calling…
➡ Rich would make a great Ticket Broker.
➡ Rasu shoulda bin a Restaurant owner.
It should be a tough game. They are going to know our weaknesses and be ready. We are on a long road trip with a hard loss. Hawaii by 6.
Good morning everyone!
Game day!
The local preview of the game
I’m groggy and sleepy.
Need conditioning drills if we karaoke to 0245.
Who was up and in the casinos at that time? 🙂
Gotta eat and hit the jaccuzi before heading to phase two: FIESTA HENDERSON Tsai-ko buffet tailgate at 1500 😎
Hi Brew!
Looks like you’ll just have to suck it up, SteveM. Now hit that jacuzzi like you mean it! 😆
D1, don’t blog while your mouth is full!
Took a little while to get the little critters in the noggin running this morning/nearly afternoon!
Big Mahalos to Rasu and the staff at Sato-ya for a terrific KKall!
Had a blast downtown with #1 and #2 sons and one of my nephews and #1’s classmate. Even got “paid” a little to do it!
Woke up and turned on the TV to a Jack-in-the Box commercial that was perfect for summing up the night. 😆
But now it’s Game Day, baby! WooHOO!
Hawaii wins 45-21
Gmahoney that what happens when you think your still young and wild but really are old and tried
But gotta try, eh!
Go Warriors! Rip da Rebs!
Am re-posting one of the all-time inspirational songs / tributes about the Warriors (back in the Sugar Bowl season). I wish someone knew Ryan Parker personally; maybe they could approach him about re-doing some of the lyrics to incorporate Coach Mack and Bryant Moniz and the present season.. Just to get everyone in the mood:
Good Game Day Morning Tsaikoland!
Sounds like everyone’s ready for the game. Also sounds like the La$ Vega$ group is having fun.
ST: Thanks for the great pics.
Game Day, Baby!!!
Go, Warriors!
Dang it! Look at the folks I’m missing… all having fun! Next time… next time!
********************~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~**********~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~***************************************~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~%%%%%%%%%%$$$$$$$$$^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~*************@@@@@@@@@*********~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~**********______——$$$$$$$$$~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~__*****$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~@@@@@@@@@@@@~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~*************^^^^^^~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~//////////~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~$$$$$$$$$$$$_________****~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~^^^^^^$$$$$$$$||||<>~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~^^^^^^^^%%%~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~///////><…~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~@@@@@@80808080808080808@@@@@@~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~*******************^^^^^^^^<<>>~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
( 0 0 )
Beware of the trap door today! Warriors must be focused, humbel and hungry all four quarters.
********************~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~**********~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~***winwinwin************************************~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~%%%%%%%%%%$$$$$$$$$^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ winwinwin~•~~~~•~~~~•~~*************@@@@@@@@@*********~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~**********______——$$$$$$$$$~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~__*****$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~@@@@@@@@@@@@~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~winwinwin*************^^^^^^~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~//////////~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~$$$$$$$$$$$$_________****~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~^^^^^^$$$$$$$$||||<>~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~^^^^^^^^%%%~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~///////><…~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~@@@@@@80808080808080808@@@@@@~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~<<<<<<winwinwinw<<>>>>>>>>~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~*******************^^^^^^^^<<>>~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
( 0 0 )
Ahhh top 50!? Lol
Good game day morning, Tsaikos and Tsaikettes, Lurkers and Lurkettes!
Good Morning Tsai-kos!
We’re showing blu-ray STAR WARS IV till game time
Top 50?
Happy belated birfday to Garret!
Thank yous to everyone who RSVPd for today’s TV-gate at Anasia! See you all later today!
LA Times sport section does not show Hawaii game in its Saturday Edition, but my Time warner Cable Menu says it is on HD channel 474 at 7 PM PST
Go Warriors, anyone know where I can find live streaming of the game here on the mainland.
Thank yous also to those who posted additonal TV-gate suggestions! 🙂
I’ve got them all and will post a schedule for the rest of the season soon.
my channel 247 works, i have the sports package.
Got lots to do before the game so see you all laters.
Go Warriors!!! Beat them Rebels!!!
Don’t know if anyone mentioned it, but the Maryland uniforms (black) that is on the highlights – channel 1247 or 1248 – which was designed by an Under-Armour who liked Marvel Comics.
If some of you thought the MD flag uniform was “interesting”, you should see the black ones!
‘morning Warrior Fans everywhere!
Good morning, gang!
Thanks for the pictures, ST! The Dads are in…and Moms…Shane’s Mom should be there today, as well as AussieMom.
What a beutiful patch being worn by west point today.
Good morning Tsaikos!!
See some of you later today at the tv-gate and/or the vb game.
Pomai, if you please:
UH 35, UNLV 13
Nebraska moving on UW like how
UW moved on us in the 1st quarter
free streaming video?
Awesome, Chopsueyboy comes through. Was at the game two years ago, will be at the LaTech game this year. Go Warriors!!!!!!!!!!!!
traveled to Seattle last weekend using Hawaiian Miles for a free ticket
and saw UW game with our son that lives up there.
Safeco Field will call made a mistake on our tickets for Mariners & Yankees Monday game,
so we got to sit in the Mariners suite for their invited guest. They gave us a choice
to be escorted to seats we paid for or sit in theirs with free food and beverages.
Tough decision.
Go Warriors!!!, stay healthy.
Now I see a ticker-tape across the tv screen saying that TCU’s AD concerned about the future of the bigeast, now that rumors are that Pitt and Syracuse have petitioned the ACC for membership inclusion. Well…..yeah!?, looks like the fb team count just got smaller with the latest news.
wonder when/if ST is going to post starting line ups????
ACC has $20 million buy out to leave conference.
That’s better than Big East $5 million buy out clause
One of the best things about BIG 10 football is the traditional offenses and formations you get to see like the I…Love it!
So far I’ve seen our boys play at Florida, Alabama, LaTech, Las Vegas, and with the MWC coming up, looking forward to new venue’s to goto.
Tuned into Nevada v. SJSU during the Texas game break….Did someone forget to let the public know there is a football game?
SJSU wants to be Div 1…but when does reality set in and they realize they can be more competitive and save money by going Div 1aa.
If there were only 100 FBS teams, would there be more parity in the athleticism of the teams?
I see Washington took the lead over Nebraska.. 14-10… lots of game left, though.
Course now Nebraska is playing like they are Mad Like Hell and knocking Washington on their keysters…
Maybe, maybe not. there would be less Div 1 schools, same amount of Div 1 athletes I suppose.
alnbama- REPRESENT!!!
Nebraska takes the lead.
Come on UW, I’d prefer they lost to Hawaii and won the rest of their games.
Nevada bandwagoners > Hawaii bandwagoners.
But Hawaii has more on the reserves.
Like the military reservists.. two weekends once a year will they come to a game.
Whoa.. facemask against Nebraska.. puts Washington in excellent position to retake the lead…
Aunty LizK, wish I could be in Vegas too! I know you guys are having fun.
And then.. Washington returns a few yards with a penalty of their own… too much celebrating last week.
Pomai, if you’re still taking guesses: Hawaii 42 – Nevada 7
Nebraska – Washington game is pretty good. Tied at 17 but the Husky QB just got walloped.
morning 808, tsaikos and tsaikettes
bleed green all day nuff said
brew got message from lizk and howzit back to you. also shaka all dem signs
Refs just robbed UW of a touchdown. What a terrible call.
a little home cooking by Nebraska refs?
I’d like to see Washington beat #11 Nebraska by 9pts or more.
I want to see #1 and 2 go down and see if the have the nerve to put BSU up to #2.
Many thanks. Maybe my son in Iraq can live stream from there.
The window is now closed:
15 – 59 Laura
27 – 10 bowwar
31 – 14 localboy18
31 – 28 BigWave96744
35 – 00 UKU@LA
35 – 07 tommui
35 – 10 diesel
35 – 13 HawaiiMongoose
35 – 14 kawika49
35 – 17 MP
35 – 34 papajoe2
38 – 13 Kevin
38 – 17 J-FORCE
38 – 21 longdistance808
38 – 32 postmanke
39 – 10 Pomai
40 – 24 LizKauai
41 – 10 kev-1
41 – 20 Mochpounda
41 – 21 DPK
41 – 31 3-Prong
42 – 07 MattO
42 – 10 gmahoney
42 – 14 Ipu Man
45 – 07 Candy
45 – 10 808ike X
45 – 10 Bryson
45 – 13 Jomar808
45 – 14 chpsueyboy
45 – 16 BG
45 – 17 niho mano
45 – 20 Glenn
45 – 21 Kapahulu
45 – 37 izzy
47 – 13 mctruck
48 – 03 RedZone
48 – 10 warrior Dave
48 – 17 BleedGreen808
49 – 06 Couch potato
49 – 10 warrior Dave
49 – 13 iwwthm
49 – 14 Tchahng
49 – 24 808Bowler X
49 – 24 Isaac
49 – 28 Ballpicker
50 – 00 Alawai
50 – 25 clown nose
51 – 07 wafan
52 – 10 mikey
52 – 14 Claud Sutcliffe X
52 – 14 Tyaiea
52 – 17 eagle
52 – 20 Haleakala
53 – 09 madeinhawaii
54 – 20 UHfan808
54 – 24 Buger
55 – 10 WarriorNY
56 – 00 Old Diver
56 – 10 Sean
56 – 13 Kekoa
56 – 14 d1shima
56 – 24 polywarrior4life
59 – 09 unkanesson
59 – 14 oldtimer808
59 – 17 Garret
59 – 28 Kaimuki Kid
60 – 09 krump1
62 – 24 Pride
63 – 03 Wes’side Warrior
63 – 10 maleko808
63 – 21 Mario
70 – 00 rasu begasu
broking da window 38-10 greenies
Boy the refs really seem to be pulling for Nebraska… not good.
tom, I liked these Maryland unis.
Yeah, those penalties against Washington are really consequential.
Very bad call against UW on punt return.
Whooops…. Looks like Washington has lost their concentration…
Very bad call against UW on punt return…now it looks like UW is messing up.
That’s why “1 snap and clear’ is so important to team unity!
Yeah, that call was so blatantly bad – definitely a head-scratcher.
Gotta wonder if Nebraska would be pulling away now if the score had been 24-20 going into the half.
Oh well… this isn’t the game I care about 😉
I rather have Washington win out too, cmon huskies!
Huskies quarterback not as sharp as last week. Late on throws.
Not gonna make it to the TsaikoGate…just got outta the World Buffet at the Rio.
Will be there for the bus ride from Fiesta Henderson.
be back closer to game time
enjoy peeps rest up so be energized to yell your okole off
Well…guess dats why Nebreska is #11 in the polls…was close for a while.
I wonder when Neuheisel is going to get fired…
I agree…some bad calls which went against the Puppies.
Looks like #13 Me-chixin State going down to ND…..over-rated.
ND is the king of overrated teams. BIG10 in general are overrated.
Only conference that pretty much lives up to their ranking is SEC imo.
That option offense from Navy will always be my second favorite… … after the RnS of course. 😉 Nice to see Coach Kenny and his Navy team making a game of it so far against South Carolina.
Hmm.. San Jose played Nevada close.. unfortunately with 1 minute left, it’s Nevada’s ball.
San Jose got jobbed by the refs.
Has San Jose improved that much or is Nevada just that bad?
Nevada is just that bad.
Come on Warrior Nation. Every day I vote for Bryant Moniz in the O’Brien Quarterback fan vote and note that as little as 100 votes per day are being registered! Time to get moving and VOTE. Don’t leave it till the last couple of days.
Stop the run against Nevada and it is over for them.
Time to start heading out for the game…perhaps I should gamble a bit – the other reason why we’re all here in Vegas! :). Sooooo fun seeing Rich and Brew last night…they introduced me to something I had never done before. Ah, but what happens in Vegas….Go Warriors!!!
We’re a little over-anxious. We’re at the stadium now.
For amusement only, of course, but way to go Texas and Wisconsin.
I think i could live at the sports book.
Lots of TVs
And 75-cent Vienna Hotdogs and $1.75 pulled-pork sandwiches.
Does the SA give you the choice to stay wherever you want?
Hotdogs and pulled pork sandwiches…I think you mean you could die at the sports book haha.
Hey ST did they install slot machines at the stadium, or blackjack/crap tables?
And the Warriors have arrived.
Nope. But I always thought it would be good to have table games in the airport.
I mean, once you’re past security, there’s no chance you’ll hock your ticket.
ST, more important, have the Tsaikos arrived yet???
We are getting close to taking Bryant Moniz to fifth place and fourth is not out of the question.
So go VOTE!
La Tech is man-handling Houston..17-7
Wisconsin looking mighty against weak teams. Why do they play the little sisters? Up next is mighty South Dakota.
7 wins and Wisconsin is bowl qualified, after SD they will be 3-0.
The UH band has arrived. And they’re facing the sun.
What a day! What a day! Boyd Group must be grinning from ear to ear with Hawaii in town. In the midst of the great times, special thoughts go out to those Tsaikos around the world who have physical or spiritual issues. Our prayers are with you.
Getting pumped for the game! A little more than an hour…I’m confident the Warriors will represent!
All of what seems like endless practices, and then it’s game day, and everything is so exciting.
Love the feel of game day.
Mahalo for the reminders, AussieAunt & tommui. I voted…Bryant in the Davey O’Brien & Coach Mack in the Coach of the Year.
“Today’s sponsor” is a tasty addition to chili and stews… Black Jack!
Go Tsaikos! Yell loud!
Hey guys, I need a link for the game. Tried the links already posted but they’re all bad…actually, more like horrible. Thought we caught channel 247 but nope! =( Help??
So far the only link I know of is an iffy at … sometimes the links work.. sometimes they don’t.. usually you won’t know till a few minutes after the game starts.
La Tech is taking it to Houston.. is that an upset?
NaMaSU up 7-6 over UTEP … late in the 2nd Qtr…
When I watch some of these other WAC team telecasts, I really appreciate our camera crew and production teams here in the islands. Even without HD, the presentation just looks more professional than a lot of the other schools.
Right about now the Vegas gang is getting refreshments maybe something to eat and settling Down in their seats and getting ready to root da boyz on to victory.
Go Warriors
There are a lot of green (shirts) and red (seats).
Da Haka! Thanks ST. Enjoy everyone.
UNLVLast minute for any excuses! hurry up!
Play hard Warriors! Focus, intensity, hunger and humility! Most of all, don’t let up! Keep your foot on their throat until the game is done!
Oh and howzit Ballpicker! 😉
Let the game begin
All settled in now in front of the TV 🙂
Have a good game everyone!
GO WARRIORS!!! Smash those Rebels!!!
Let’s go Warriors!
Whoa Houston came roaring back… Houston 28.. La Tech 34
Stuck shuttling kids on the golf course. 🙁
Big mistake.
arggh another special teams ()*)(J)(*)(*)(*)(*
Come on Defense!!!
Lets go D!
Sack baby.
kden settling in for some warrior ball
missing the tvcc at anasia shouting out to those catching the game represent
come on d do your stuff
C’mon Offensive…i need a TD!
UNLV’s first lead of the year.
Not for long. Warriors going to score a TD here.
Anyone watching it on-line??? I don’t catch channel 247
Clapp starting at slot.
Let’s Go Warriors!
lets go…forward!
On tv the turf at Sam boyd looks well worn…
Nice catch and run by Bright.
keep it up offense move dat pig skin
The Haka
Sterling Jackson in.
Does anyone else notice how bad these announcers are? Holy cow.
good punt!
Nice punt by Dunnachie.
Nice bounce.
go for 2 point HI D
Aussie, ozzy, OZ!!!
Online stream here…
Beautiful punt – what a bounce
Tv announcers, how shall I say it, very green…and not warrior green.
9 minutes, 44 seconds. No fights.
Hold ’em D!!!
thanks made, ur a life saver!
Let’s go D!!!
Aaron Brown what a smackdown!!!
katoosh by brown
What a hit by brown! And yeah, cavewarrior – they are, um, interesting.
He’s going to feel that one tomorrow.
lets go coaches step it up, figure it out and lets get moving
two big pohaku up front close it down
We need a TD!!!!
That punt was almost blocked. We’re getting close.
All right.. Offense.. let’s get unhinged and score!!
I like Aaron Brown’s attitude, even the number 1
Short field – time to punch it in!
These broadcasters are awful… I hope I’m not going to be hearing them next year…
Play by aaron brown was straight Gangsta!
Come on Pollard.
LizK – Mahalo for the link! CHEE HOO!!!
Offense looks sluggish…
geez….only 16 net yds
Oh good lord
Dayumn… UH making UNLV look good.
Damn. TD UNLV.
What’s the score?
we need to stop spotting teams points in the 1st quarter
Come on Warriors, wake the hell up.
Hawaii zip!
10-0 UNLV
duffer: 0-10
UNLV with a 80 yrd run
These slow starts are killing me!!!
Let’s go, Warriors!!!
Get it together now!
what is going on this is not a game we were expecting
Are we in Seattle?
This color announcer isn’t the sharpest crayon in the box
He was down. No conclusive evidence otherwise.
I hope that the referee is not listening to these commentators!
Come on offense.
Let’s go OFFENSE!
Put Jackson in…call some running plays.
Need energy…go no huddle!
Here we go gang!
each game see washington and lv coaches yelling come on UH coaches lets fire up the boys
hope 2nd qtr is our time
Well… at least we only spotted 10 pts this time. Not 21. We can overcome 10.
No running game to take the pressure off the o-line.
common blocking back lay one on that rusher
O-line looking like bull fighters up there.
The O-line is making the UNLV D-line look like all-americans. Also, is UNLV’s DB fast or is are the Warrior receivers just running slow.
only rushing 3 and still nothing wad up?
Come on big D!!! Get the ball back.
let’s go DEFENSE~!
Can’t throw long and can’t run. This isn’t the R&S.
Looks like the only one playing “D” is Aaron Brown. Everyone else looks like they do not have a clue what is going on.
let’s go DEFENCE!
rebels playing like nothing to loose, just taking it to the warriors
Guess, the Warrior D-line is not as good as people thought. 2nd week in a row they are getting manhandled.
Anyone know how many completions were made to the guy Mike Edwards is covering? That kid is awesome
That was a nice throw.
Not looking good for our Warriors. Neither Defense or Offense looking sharp.. and early errors by the Special Teams making it even more difficult to get going.
Moniz is going to have to start running.
Need several drinks now….
wtf is going on? We are losing to UNLV by 17??? If we don’t come back… It’s gonna be a long long season…
Swiss-cheese D combined with sputtering offense = 0-17 to a very sub-par team. Although their QB looks like he’s feeling it today.
As I mentioned in 26 this game will be tough.
WarriorNY, teams are still picking on Hopkins, why go away from that. They are not even looking Edwards side.
Wow. just Wow. We’re giving this thing away. I hope Rolo was getting things together during that long UNLV TD drive. Mack needs to give the D an ass chewing while we’re on offense.
wow, i doubt we pull out the win on this one…we’re making unlv look elite
very disappointing
playing with little confidence imho
Nice catch!
Nice throw and catch.
Nice Stutz. Way to help your QB.
I just hope Moniz DOES NOT get hurt. UNLV D-line going thru O-line like it is not even there.
Let’s keep making forward progress!
yes, Billy Ray
oline tighten up
omg…red zone!
We need a TOUCHDOWN!
Please. Practice. Snapping.
Why the hell is snapping such an issue?!?!?!
I would not want to be the players in the lockerroom at halftime, cause I have a feeling Coach Mac may go OFF on his players again.
kden shutting up and closing down
last thing…..lets do something out there
lol…double penalty….thug unlv players
I wan to throttle this color announcer. Dude… what the heck – that was late hit AND helmet to helmet.
That was helmet to helmet on Moniz. Kick #40 out of the game.
td, now )(*)((^&(*&^(&(*& fans can shut-up
Congrats, Justin Clapp! 1st TD!
I’m home listening to the rajiio. Still working on hula stuff. 🙁
Ok, hopefully that will start the Warriors to playing, TD!!!!
Penalty, the guy could have gotten away with it but he taunted Moniz
I don’t like these announcers very much…that was such a dirty hit on Moniz yet the announcers just keep trying to defend UNLV.
Late hit out of bounds on Stutzman. Helmet to helmet. Face mask. UNLV is playing dirty and finally getting called on it.
Clapp doing okay. Doesn’t get much separation, but has pretty good hands.
Justin Clapp, could be the next Greg Salas.
Is that Mnt West commercial super loud or what!
Thing that Salas and Pilares used to always do is change directions as soon as they catch the ball. Seemed to almost always shed the defender and give extra YAC.
uhfan808, where are you, the Warriors need you!!!!
Come on defense. Let’s get a turnover.
Alright.. now it’s time for the Defense to wake up.. and make some sacks..
Isaac – I seriously just want to win just to silence their announcer. Geez.
Ooh – nice hit on the WR
Tank making some good stops tonight….
DROPPED!! D looks like they’re ready to play!
Come on defense. Stop em.
Stup linebacker stub the toe of lv qb. original of these announcers
Special Teams needs to catch those – took away at least 20 yards in field position.
70 yard punt! yowza…at least we’ll kill most of the clock by the time we get back into the end zone…
Matt – I thought announcers are supposed to be unbiased??
Made – yeah, Tank’s doing pretty well
ST, mention to Coach Mac, that he should have the Warriors scrimmage an hour before the game, that way when they start the game they will be ready to play.
Okay offense, your turn. Screen by the umpire.
Manoa Gardens Bar on campus is standing room only. Room capacity at 150.
Isaac – ha, yeah, not these guys
Lots of extra pushing and bumping by UNLV after every play.
Defense needs a huge stop here
Defense gotta make a stop !
Time for a turnover. Strip that ball.
Wow, where was the flag on the holding?
AND the facemask
Nice hold on the UNLV o-line…be great to get that call refs!
Columbia School of Football Broadcasting. These guys got C’s.
Did anyone see Paipai being held be the RB, or was I seeing things?
HAHAHAHA – “And that was a big third down conversion because if they don’t make that, they’re gonna have to punt”
Laura, a few of us saw that hold but thinking the ref’s/umpire got $ on UNLV
Can we get Edwards on Payne??? Please???
Wonder if Tank saw the receiver wearing 4 so he got confused cuz he thought he was covering himself, then when the WR caught it he thought he made an interception.
Get Tank some help on Payne.
Sure the refs are missing calls, but folks, we are doing our best to make UNLV look terrific. What did the coaches do to prepare the team? These guys look like poop.
The announcers are by far the worse. No wonder they are on this system/channel.
yikes, they are picking on tank again ……
“Perhaps the wind carried that out of bounds”
Uhhh perhaps it was a bad throw lol
That was a close one… yikes
Come on JHT. Get a block.
Isaac – LOL That was a gem. Someone needs to write these down.
“..and a good kick-oh NO he missed it!”
Dude, I could tell it missed and I’m watching online lol
Just turn the sound off
Or just let the UNLV kicker choke.
YES! Momentum shift!
Let them go in the lockers wondering how they missed that and let’s get our Warriors out there in the Second half all warmed up and ready to fire on all cylinders!
Coach Mac looks pissed, and so does Tomey. Hate to be players in the lockerroom.
I think I’m gna start writing them on a notepad! Including one from earlier: “No Aaron Brown there that time” (after a big pick-up by the QB)
madeinhawaii – love it
Warriors better get fired up for the second half.
Decent scenario, down by 10 and starting with the ball. Momentum can change our way and we can take control of the game.
ST…we need exciting news. Any fights yet?
Isaac – hahaha, I heard that one. I’m starting to LOL. When the QB intentionally threw it out the back of the end zone, he said, “He put juuuust a little too much on it”. It’s like a serious Bob Uecker from that movie Major League!!
Mack needs a VCR to throw in the locker room.
need someone to fire up the coaches and the players
come out play with passion, anger and the will to win
where is the brotherbood?
We need brotherbood
Are we missing Shigematsu that much? I mean our Offense just isn’t making things happen.
anyone got a computer to donate for Coach Mack to toss?
Did you hear the CBS announcers refer to our team as Rainbows?
Guess they didn’t get the memo.
Here we go….again! Let’s go Warriors!
Special Teams = facepalm.
OH..shi….. ye…..
Not a good start.
Come on D!
Our special teams SUCKS
no way!!
The party’s over…
The fun part about sitting where we are are a cadre of 8 UNLV fans who have created their own very entertaining cheers for every occasion. They are taking personal credit for the first half success of their team and providing us with some comic relief.
The phone signal is weak and no wifi so I keep running inside to charge up. Let’s all charge up!
amazing catch – not much you can do
damn hold on the fing ball
$ucker bet
What no unsportsmanlike penalty on Payne after the td?
I’m starting to suspect it’s gonna be a long season.
cave – i agree. aren’t they calling those gestures now?
This could be VERY LONG SEASON!!!
My attitude needs adjusting… A triple scotch please!
don’t offer that contract extension…just yet.
Let’s go Warriors, and beat up those cheaters and their thug refs!!
Here we go Warriors, here we go!
or are we missing ostrowski?
Let’s go Warriors.
Are you kidding me? Another turnover.
WTF AGAIN?!!!!!!!!!?!! Nb
are u serious?
We need a break come our way!
UNLV just wants this win more than our Warriors.
Make do with what you have…
and beat ’em beat ’em beat ’em !!!!
Can Shane Austin bring urgency?
Made – we look like we’re just going through the motions. Slow and sluggish. Wonder if the roadtrip is showing.
Munsta Masch!
rebels playing with fire while warriors stand around and just taking it
That camera crew sucks lol grrrrr
when it rains, it pours.
A rivalry is definitely building here.
UNLV not even using vasoline
Warriors 23 points down… 5 minutes into the second half… Gonna take perfect execution on Offense and Defense to get back into this game and win. Special teams cannot afford to make another mistake.
Here we go Warriors, here we go! *clap clap*
Here we go Warriors, here we go! *clap clap*
iwonder – OUCH! lol.
Bring in a healthy Peyton Manning still wouldnt do anything.. O line breaking down.
Hoping Colorado is not the only game the Warriors are going to win this year. This is truly embarrassing.
Shane should have better timing with the receivers.
That BS late hit, should wake up the Warriors.
Beat ’em up,
smack ’em down,
Rah rah rah!!!
Let’s go!
Mo, fumbles again. Put in Shane Austin.
Shane! Shane! Shane!
Yowza. I don’t even know what to say. C’mon D
Ok….speechless. This is bull.
Really good job, D
Bench Mo
Perhaps overpractised?
Come on let’s go!
And everybody, hold on to that baaaalllllll
Get growling…gggrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
It’s not the score it’s the number of possesions down, 3. Does anyone think UH can’t get 3 more possesions and score TDs?
Mo deserves a serious benching. Not like we can win this one anyways!
hey, we got a stop.
c’mon o…show some b*lls!
I still have faith in Mo’. Too early to pull him. He throwing okay, working under pressure and his receivers don’t know their routes as well as we’d like. Lotsa factors against him.
this announcer… “nice play…still only 5 yards” – that’s pretty good for 1st down. man…
Need O to do what Houston did to LA tech today…
Clapp is turning into a reliable receiver. Good hands.
Hawaii.. better save a time out or two for the ending minutes…
Thank goodness the Wahine play tonite, so I can get the taste of this game out of my mouth.
Warriors 1-7 in third down conversions so far… not good at all..
Going for it on 4th down.
two posessions down.
TD on a broken play. Better lucky than good sometimes.
Bad snap again! jeeze!… Good think Moniz was able to pick it up and pass it fast..
Bad snap again! jeeze!… Good think Moniz was able to pick it up and pass it fast..
Change the center….keep clapppppppppppp
Gotta make all of the extra points. Down by 13. Still get chance.
Sloppiest game in a long time…
Let’s go WARRIORS!
Come on, Warriors!!!
Good for Justin!
You guys can do it! GO WARRIORS!!!
Okay, Carl Clapp can keep his job. 😉
Oh Ok, now I get it, blame it on the Band, for being there.
You can do it!
I’m still watching!
So keep regrouping!
And give it all you’ve got!!
Clap clap for Clapp!
Maybe when Ostrowski is back, we flip out Bright for Clapp
To hell with fancy kickoffs….bang that sob into the endzone just like that all the time.
* thinking positive *
Cuz that’s all I’ve got!
That line up clown thing before the xtra point doe not make sense. They’re getting closer to blocking one. Hope I’m wrong but they may just block one again.
WOOO – we can hear the Hawaii fans on da TV!
What’s with the defensive holding tonight??
Come on D. Get the stop and get the ball back.
UNLV might be playing too conservatively too early… hmm.
Pickin’ on Tank
Hopkins burned by Payne again.
Beat ’em up,
smack ’em down,
Rah rah rah!!!
DAng.. Payne and Hopkins again.. with a perfectly lofted pass. I don’t like what’s happening.. C’mon Warriors!! Make a stop!
MattO, have Clapp take Stutzmans spot, move Stutzman to Brights spot.
Hopkins is hurt.
Isaac.. problem is.. McBride hasn’t done all that well, either… None of the backs are really performing.
Maybe not. Tank’s okay.
Laura – not a bad idea.
Was that a one-handed tackle????
Are we really 2 deep on with our cb’s?? At this point I’m not sure if we’ll be even in the top half of the WAC this year.
Aaron Brown playing well today.
Down Town Aaron Brown!
Edwards called on holding again.
Holding against the Defense again… that’s three? Maybe saved a TD.. but that means he was beat.
Edwards again gives UNLV a new set of downs….lol
Need to go for the ball.
UNLV drive just ate up the clock for the qtr.
B.S. that was a fumble.
Maybe review that.
Should have been a fumble… Grrr.
Totally BS!!!!
Is that reviewable?? Guess not…
That’s a fumble. Man what a juiced game. These Refs blow.
Challenge could cost UH a time out.. eh?
WTH??? If the other UNLV play was reviewed, why isn’t this being reviewed??
Oh … can’t challenge in college.. .heh..
These refs are seriously full of it….sickening, really
Wow… zebras are really f’ing up the game.
Hawaii has had only 1 possession the entire qtr… ?!?!
Hawaii had several possessions. They just turned the ball over three times.
4th quarter warriors…go for broke.
That’s a TD. Sorry folks.
I heart juiced games.
Sigh…it’s gonna be a long year….
I’m still confused why that fumble wasn’t reviewable. That could have changed the entire game.
We’re trying, but man…
They make bad plays, a flag is thrown.
We make plays, a flag is thrown.
Da boyz trying hard to take back da momentum, but, man…
Zebras got plenny munny on this one.
Now, a question on the field that may go UNLV’s way, and they take all the time to review.
3 possesions down, again
Can’t review the fumble because the play was blown dead. Once the whistle sounded, the UNLV players stopped going after the ball.
What’s wrong with the center #56? Bad snaps a& like he does not want to be out there, no other options?
Cornerback #4 beaten so many times this year, looks like a scrambled egg, no other options?
If there is no pass rush, any QB can be productive.
Still got time, gotta overcome the bad breaks.
We’side – I’m never one to blatantly call out the refs. Everyone has a bad day and the speed of the game makes their job tough.
But there are SO many big plays being pulled UNLV’s way, I can’t help but wonder… It sickens me that I’m even thinking this.
Hawaii has no options but to go into a two minute offense.. score.. then do an onside kick..
Here we go!!
not the refs
The refs didn’t make us turn over the ball so many times. We have ourselves to blame for the situation we’re in.
UNLV is supposed to come in last or at least 2nd to last place in the MWC. Maybe, the Hawaii should rethink about going to the MWC and stay in the WAC.
Excellent, this is just exactly what we had to learn
come on settle down, need to get some momentum going instead of going for homerun
Why are we going for the long ball every down?
Just run some hurry up and move the chains.
Mistake by UNLV going for two. UH can go for two if the score a TD. It they don’t make it no big deal they would still need 2 TDs to win. If they make it they’ll be down by 10. One TD, 2pt extra pt and 1 FG=tie.
Was there a receiver with a invisibility cloak on that pass???
Cuz I don’t know who he was throwing to
To be sure – we’ve put ourselves in this place.
Need a turnover, D
Moniz is Pete Rose type QB, not at Mark Maquire long ball hitter.
warriors out of balance with little consistency
I’d like to see Shane Austin on the next drive. Game is all but over at this point.
C’mon, D! We need a stop!
Lets look for the silver lining.
Learn from our mistakes.
Life lesson number one.
Pick up our wounded and dead
and come home and defend
our house.
Like your thinking, Ipu. What can we learn from tonight? How do we improve? Look forward.
Dare I say it, so far this season we have seen three quarterback’s who have out played our’s.
The announcers make like we’re studs and the UNLV is not. Wish that were true. We just did not prepare. We probably read the press clippings and just decided to show up and expect to have UNLV roll over.
This could be a turning point for the us…in the wrong direction. We’ll see how well the coaches can coach.
I agree, we need a new center and no more chatter about Heisman. Just play proud. This was a disgrace.
Time to put Austin in
MattO, thinking the same thing, need to replace Bright on the outside. No hands, his route execution is poor, maybe fast but not quick enough to get separation on shorter routes.
Nice catch!
Turnover. Can we score quickly?
Picked off…UNLV finally has a turnover….just need about 5 more and we might have a chance!
Checking out tomorrow’s slate…anyone else got some NFL picks they’d like to share? I’m kinda liking Bears +7
If Moniz throws three long balls I’m gonna have to question the play calling.
Willie, yeah, he’s got the size, but he look like he’s lumbering out there. More troubling, his effort also looks suspect on a few of those plays. Clapp plays like he wants it.
No give up! Fight to the end!
Small gains are good!
Need to play hurry up offense.
Come on Bright. You have to catch that one.
That’s it. Take out Bright.
Okay, Bright is a joke. Drops too many, and has a negative Demeanor. Need more down to earth guys like Salas and Pilares out there representing….
Bright is terrible.
Clapp seems like one of those hard working humble guys that we need more of…McMackin needs to replace him for Bright
#18 just dropped another one on an out route with no defender around; you touch it you catch it. Need a receiver at wideout not a big body with no hands.
looking at the remainder of schedule with home and away games being altered only can figure… long season
looking at the remainder of schedule with home and away games being altered only can figure… long season
Hawaii getting their a–s kicked. The coaches, players & media tooting their own horns prior to the season but now that reality has set in, Hawaii is looking like a mediocre team this season at best. QB Heisman hype is a joke. We got spoiled by our receiving corps last season as this season’s receivers are lacking except for Ostrowski. UH secondary has more holes than my fishing net.
Lesson 300-forty two for fans… When supposedly first team players are not able to practice in fall camp, lower expectations.
MattO #508: How to improve?
More practice (makes perfect…).
More studying the opposition.
Intelligence wins wars.
At the beginning of the season, the consensus was that the offensive line would be a work in progress and until the line was cohesive, we would have problems.
The O-Line still has not jelled.
…and pull down the zebras pants when they are not looking…
double post my bad but just seems like this is how the day went
I think it’s over now.
Dave Shoji hoping this game helps his Wahine. Told them not to overlook their opponent, like the Warriors did.
O-line is jello at this point of the season.
Okay, How will UH promote the next game vs US Davis.
getting chippy… and the ref is standing right there
Wow…Rebel player gets to knock us in the head without getting flagged?!!?!?!
Officiating is ATROCIOUS
Screw the MWC
Old Diver, UH will say, you can only attend the game if you have a formal invitation. Cause those are the only people who will be attending the next game.
Game over. Get ready for the next game.
nuff aready!
wishing the warrior faithful a better evening
fball team needs to find its swagger and some kind of identity
go wahines
Exactly, Isaac. They can get away with throwing blows, taunting, everything.
At this point, don’t even care to hear what excuse Mac will spout after this game.
Gotta pick ourselves up and finish with dignity. Maybe this loss will put a fire in the team’s belly.
kk –
swagger and identity… yep!
Nuff said for now.
The refs may have been bad, the announcers were awful but really we did more thatn our share to really stink it up.
I think Punahou could have given us a game (the way they beat up St.Louis).
Wow…I’m totally frustrated. This was just really, really ugly on all fronts.
There’s lots to fix after this one. Just tons of mistakes to go around.
I don’t know about excuses, but turnovers alone killed us.
Keep fighting to the end!
better if the fire is in their okole
David Graves in now.
Graves is in.
That’s what I thought would have happened last week. We really should have beaten UW but we shot ourselves in the foot a couple of times. Tonight, we shot ourselves in both feet, and the refs…err, UNLV cashed in.
Graves! Cool to see him play.
UC this year…
Thu, Sep 1 at Arizona State L 14-48 —
Sat, Sep 10 at Montana State L 14-38 —
Sat, Sep 17 San Diego W 31-3
Looks like no game will be easy. Coaches are going to have to make tough decision next week. Every position will have to be evaluated, even the QB position.
Wow – that ball was on a rope. He’s got an arm.
UC Cal Davis
Someone needs to send refs to ethics training too. That’s just such bad work. I’m totally embarrassed for them.
Graves looks good. Shoulda came in at start of the 3rd.
Isaac – yeah, we got a triple whammy – UNLV playing well, we had a bad day and the refs didnt help. Sigh. Hopefully all the warrior faithful who made the trip up will do well in the casinos!
Refs need to be suspended. Horrible, one-sided officiating. Am I wrong??
I’ll say Aloha to this football game and “proceed” to the Sheriff and hope that things will be better there. Hey, wait … Graves is moving the team! TOUCHDOWN … GRAVES!
Graves with the TD! Haha – good for the kid. Nice drive.
That was a fumble by Stutz. Well at least the refs are consistent….bad.
Graves looks to have a live arm compared to Moniz. Just saying.
Offensive line dinged a lot.
Zach Masch, who would have guessed it.
didn’t even know UC Davis has a football team…lot of empty seats at Aloha stadium
Silver lining will be the young
offensive studs can expect to play.
We win together. We lose together.
Boffo – I agree. LOL. Oh well…
Tough day.
Keep the chest up. Figure out how to fix what’s broken.
So, the Las Vegas oddsmakers does not know everthing. They made the wrong team favored by 18-20 points (sarcasm).
#576 A-Joe…+1
Too long a trip. Coaches faced a conumdrum. Wanted to make this a “business trip.” Make the travel as comfortable as possible. But it seems UH played like a bunch of tourists.
Ten nights at deluxe hotels eating buffet meals is not the best way to get your team ready to play football. It’s hard to keep the players focused on the task at hand especially in a cities like SEA and LAS. Bet friends and family, who were on vacation, had free access to the players…just more distractions. Hawaii Bowl revisted.
props to David Graves!
Graves looked really sharp. What happened to the rest of the guys? Vacation is over. Got to get them out of the hotels and back to school.
I see plenty parking next game.
Gotta fix this now. Only three games into this season. Lots I want to say, but frustration will not look good to read later. Gotta hang onto the ball. Some good surprises. But overall, this was an ugly loss.
Night, everyone!
Still waiting for the boyz to put it all together. I think the rest of the season will be very different from what we’ve seen so far.
Go, Warriors!!!
Go, Wahine!!!
imho BC and John Veneri needs a lot of work. Boring! There is no excitement. RK is sorely missed!
We are so screwed if this continues on….so screwed
I agree. Need RK.
I blame the head coach.
A continued atmosphere of flaky excuses, and a lack of urgency by coach since the weeks leading up to the Tulsa debacle last year. Think about it. We haven’t been the same since. I still love the Warriors, but I have been really frustrated for a while.
Veneri needs to do more homework. He gives no insight as to what UH is trying to do. He is just speaking like an avid fans instead of an expert color man. Just making a constructive point. Hope he works on his game and becomes a good color announcer like he is capable of.
One snap and clear time. Hawaii went in expecting to win and ended up with a lesson in want to. Vegas just wanted it more. Can’t say for sure, but you got to think Vegas had it’s toughest most intense practices of the season preparing for Hawaii. They were ready to play and got all the breaks going their way. UH just couldn’t impose it’s will on the Rebels. Again, I said this about the Washington game…if this game were played at The Aloha the scored would be reversed.
Rolo said he would fix the center snap. Never happen. Play starts with the snap. Bad snap. Bad rhythm. Bad results.
So did we just lose our left tackle to an injury? I hope not.
Well, Vegas must have made out well tonight. And they did a good job overhyping Hawaii. I’m sure there’s tons of people who really hate Hawaii cuz they used them to chase…ah, well, Vegas sure knows what they’re doing.
Ojiisan says he wants to play wide receiver for UH.
Looks like on offense and defense we said, well let just give them the vanilla plays. No need to practice new stuff, lets just see if they can stop us.
Well they did, and we did not adequately prepare for that occurance and it showed. They said they did not take UNLV lightly but thre results prove otherwise. There’s no real explanation. If you at least admit it, you’ll not let it happen again. You make excuses, you’re bound to repeat the same mistakes.
If you watch Bright run, it just does not look like he’s going hard. Is there a Jason Rivers type out there? That guy went hard and it showed. Too bad, Bright is a big guy but he just does not work hard. It shows in his hands of stone and his poor route running.
Get someone less talented but really wants to play and we’ll do better.
Maybe move Stuz to the outside and Sampson to the inside.
one snap and clear…wish it were so easy as a fan. But I’ll be there next Sat…same time..same seat.
GO Warriors!!!
Isaac – before the game it was mentioned that the ‘smart miney’ was on UNLV. That’s why the line kept dropping.
Hey cave, I’ll be there too. I’ll be there for the Hawaii Bowl also. Road game blues is nothing new to long time fans.
Old timers who have been there from the beginning have seen or heard it all. Can’t get discouraged from two losses. Been there when we scored upsets and been there when we got upset. That’s the life of a fan.
Who would have thought the UC Davies game would be a MUST WIN GAME. Lose that game and the Warriors can find themselve down 1-5, very fast. No Bowl game for them to play for. AUWE!!!!
Just because us old time fans have been through it before doesn’t make it any easier to swallow. It’s like being kicked in the gonads….doesn’t get less painful the more it happens. Lol
That’s our problem, we cannot seem to win the games we need to win on the road and unfortunately, we cannot play all of our games at home. Playing LATech will be big. Can we win that one on the road?
This game ranks as one of the “worse” games the Warriors have played in the past 10 years…Truly embarrassing and the players & coaches have alot of soul searching to do.
If you mean balls, say so. Ouch. I suggest for the Latech game, for safety reasons, you wear a athletic cup.
Not looking forward to that game in this shape we in now
Didn’t some UH coach of the past, after a terrible loss, rouse the team at 6am Sunday for practice? Was it Tomey???
As June once said, since we lost one we were supposed to win, then we need to steal one we are not expected to.
GO Warriors!!!
If form follows through, Mack will crack the whip in practice. Team should be able to refocus for UCD, hopefully win, then go on the road with a fox hole mentality ready for battle. Fight or die. (wanted to post something over dramtic)
A Tomey saying from the distant past…It’s tough to win in football. Only half the teams do every week.
That was a horrible game. Turnovers turnovers. Offense jus don’t look comfortable and explosive. O line terrible. Defense was adequate but could have been alot better. Receivers look weak. Think clapp should be the starter from now on. db’s need help too. Wat a yucky game……..
Blah…..but I’m still faithful and will be there saturday.
I have to call BS about the NCAA rule that says teams cannot practice the day after game.
Tulsa HC on a CBS Sports special took 5 minutes to discuss the importance of practice the day after a game.
Unless there are different rules that apply to us then practice practice practice. Or maybe he pulled a JoePa and admitted to a violation on camera.
As my mom would say, “They junk.”
Okay pau venting one snap and reinstall.
La Tech looked really gud today. There guna be a tough. Shud have beat houston.
Da 80 users td run by unlv had a holding call dat da ref missed.
Hate to say it, but this may have been one of the worst outings by the Warriors since 2008. I’ve never seen the team so discombobulated. I’m still in shock.
rasu begasu invites you (except for Brew) to join him
7:30 Sunday Night for the Dinner Buffet
Prolong the Tsai-ko adventure. Meet Izzy- as mysterious as Brew808 and a lot more fun!
Just show up! (Brew- are you still reading this?)
Mandatory group picture participation required.
I’m so sick of hearing people say “one snap and clear.” Absolutely not. You need to go back and find out what the heck is wrong and fix it. Not one snap and clear. Only teams who have rare mental lapses can say that. Not consistently underachieving teams like we seem to have this year.
sad and disgusted
Maybe it’s time to rethink the notion of remaining on the mainland during a two-game road trip. I know it’s a ‘business decision’, but it just isn’t working out.
For the love that is good and holy…Jim Donovan please stop scheduling these 2-game long road trips.
It ain’t doing ANYONE a favor.
Save now, pay for it later in attendance figures next week.
Just stop the madness.
exactly as I said, until one know and admits that they were not prepared and correct, no matter how difficult that may be, the team is doomed to repeat what we saw. It becomes a plague on the team. One snap and clear is n avoidance cliche. Get on with business and fix the problem. It exists.
Feeling alot better since the Wahine held up their side, and did to Pepperdine what the Warriors were suppose to do to UNLV, ANNIHILATE THEM!!! The Wahine took their Coach’s advice, not like the football players, and did not overlook their opposition. Now they should be home for the 1st time, in a long time, the first two weeks of December.
Sure, gotta fix.. but fix what? Where? How? Oline looked terrible. Special teams were not special at all. Defense? Yikes…
Where to fix… How..? Receivers? Sporadic…
Dunno.. I’m still in shock.
How da bugguh taste?
“excuses are tools of incompetence, used to build monuments of nothingness. Those who specialize in their uses are seldom capable of anything else.”
And we were supposed to hang 50 on them. How funny yeh?
Humble pie good with coco nightime.
At least the Wahine performed like a team favored to win a conference championship.
“One Snap and Clear” is like the 2 Timeout tongue lashing.
Once in a while its good to use as motivation…but you can’t live off of it after every loss.
I wouldn’t blame Mack if he publicly came out and said “What you saw tonight was the most atrocious performance of college football since I have been HC at UH…” In fact it would be rather refreshing.
Go Practice.
I eating the humble pie right now. I was beyond wrong in my assumptions about OUR team…My assumptions about UNLV being one of the worse teams in the nation still remains to be proven right or wrong.
I can see them going 4-8 this year at best.
Watching Ok ST vs Tulsa (remember those guys?) right now. There was a 3-hour delay due to weather. They are having a good ole fashioned shoot-out, 52-26 3rd qtr.
Yes, and when at practice, go full speed on both sides. why worry about injury? What the team needs are players committed to the team, to excellence, to accepting the best and no less. Those who want this will rise, those who pretend would probably get hurt as they come unprepared physically and mentally.
We saw less than the best we had to fooer and it showed. Watching FSU against Oklahoma, we are nowhere near that level in speed, and tenacity. We can be, but we are not there. Thank goodness we do not play BSU this year. We are not at that level. No disrespect, just an assessment of what was on displayed on the continent.
what channel is that on?
We’ll be back to cheer for the Warriors next week!
+1. Win, lose, draw…always backing the H.
iwonder – ch 20 for me (fox sports whatever).
I will still cheer and back the team. I did all during the Von Appen era. That’s never in question.
btw, you think our games end late, it’s 3 a.m. in Tulsa, OK and there’s one full quarter remaining. zzzzz
#630 Buffoman-
My thoughts exactly. I’m glad someone else feels the same way.
By the way, hats off to the handful of guys who gave their all today. It really showed, and it is noted by the fans.
Clapp was impressive. I don’t think he dropped anything that came his way. That guy has some serious heart. Same for Stutz and Graves -neva like give up.
Dunno if I can sit through the replay tomorrow…
that opening stop by the defense was huge.
that muffed punt by harding was ill advised, he should have known what “hot” meant and get out of the way that was huge enough to negate the aforementioned.
three more fumbles and a ton of penalties did enough damage to halt anything we tried to get going. very huge.
in any case a huge loss.
Pathetic. I have no idea why Hawaii is the laughing stock of “on the road” teams. They are so good at home, and then lose on the rod to a bunch of school girls…
It is shameful.
What about those bad snaps? I mean on one, it bounced on the ground before it could reach Moniz.. but Moniz, to his credit, scrambled for it and still threw for a touchdown. But three games in .. you’d think the snaps would be much improved.
Brown was tough too. Sorry if i missed others. Anyways, I pau vent, feel better already. See ya next week.
You know I can understand losing to Washington in front of that huge crowd of 9 people, but to lose to UNLV? The coach needs to be fired for not having his team ready, and kiss any Heisman talk for Moniz goodbye. He will be lucky to get some QB assistant job at some Montana JV high school….
follow-up to 636: the game kicked off at 12 midnught. 😯
Yea for Justin and Billy Ray and our runners for their efforts.
Welcome to the WB, AieaSon!
LIKE your sense of humor!
Wow, here’s to the fans in the heartland!
You could sense something was wrong when the receivers were hardly practicing, and having Moniz wishing they were out there practicing. Players like Bright, Stutzmann, and Ostrowski. Also, the mentally of the team, when a couple of players get in trouble just before the first game. Mental focus, and team morale, definite lacking. Players who have mental focus and think of the team first, DO NOT let the team down, by getting into trouble.
Losing isn’t what hurts … it’s how poorly our Warriors executed, that hurts.
Coach Mac just gave the UH Upper Campus people, reason for questioning the amount he is being paid, and also, renewing his contract.
hawaiianbod, sorry for being so negative. It just frustrates me when a superior team like we have gives away a game like this. They deserve better..
Sorry if I made anyone mad… Just frustrated……
Ok. I have eaten enough to feel better.
Mahalo to the Tsai-kos for hanging out for sushi
Time to hit the sack!
whats to learn from this game?
we are now 0-3 on the second road game after scheduling back to back roadies over the past three years.
so, two things we must learn;
1. a loss is more costly than any penny we save by staying in las vegas (mack’s hometown) vs coming home. we should fly back saturday night immediately after the first road game. then treat the second game with the same prep/flt schedule that we normally do if we ever have back to back road games again.
2. schedule the first of the two back to back games on a friday. (to give us more time)
3. never schedule back to back road games again. (oh too late, next year we open with usc and byu on the road…ugh)
4. petition the ncaa to expand the hawaii travel rule to include an additional week to the season (been saying this for years, many years, only to fall upon deaf ears).
Unless a player cannot walk, that player should be out on the practice field, come Monday, practicing with the team.
Confucius say: “Better to make A in the classroom.”
One more thing, Coach Mac should get very strict with his players, starting with making them off limits to the media, and also, maybe even closing practices to everyone, including media, so that he can get their full attention.
I’m down to sign that petition Big Al.
Don’t get me wrong, we loss by not doing what we needed to do. But I think the scheduling which was out of the coaches/players hands hurt us.
USC/BYU next year with a “for real, no joke, nah not kidding” NEW O-line and New QB is going to be “fun”.
#4…UHAD is working on it apparently.
al (#653), we still have LA Tech and SJSU back to back, following next week’s home game.
On a positive note from a game where it was supremely hard to find one…Clapp did a superb job. Think he is our new starter. *clap clap* =)
al (#653), You need to add a #5, if have to stay, on the mainland, for back to back, do not stay in Vegas. Stay somewhere like, White Sands, New Mexico. Out in the boonies, where there is nothing around.
iwwthm (#660), I agree, that is probably the only positive thing that came out of this game. They found a new starting SB.
AieaSon – no apologies needed. We need to keep it real and not sugar coat a loss, especially a performance of this nature. Keep posting! (from one Aiea son to another).
Next year could be much worse, new OL, QB, DT, LB, and DB, facing a much tougher schedule. Could it be time to sit the Seniors and go with the underclassmen. They cannot do much worse, and they will be gett valuable playing time for next year.
659…i don’t count that one because although it is two consecutive road games they are not back to back since we have a bye between la tech and sjsu.
On a side note, I have the opposite record, of the Warriors. I am 2-1, one of two people to pick them to lose to Washington, and the only one to pick them to lose to UNLV. Am I proud of it, not really. Just playing, wanted to be opposite of everyone, that was all it was. Well, sort of leaned toward UW a little, since I did grad from there.
Okay.. Ahh, never mind..
What a Payne in the @ss! Clapp – Winning!
al (#665), you never know, they may stay over somewhere, that bye week before SJSU game.
Someone may shoot back that these are young men and should not be treated so strictly (like they were in HS, I guess).
I believe that being strict has nothing to do with age. It has everything to do with “earned respect” to be treated like mespected adults: One who has proven over time that responsibility, accountability, action toward a clearly stated goal has been demonstrated in an on going manner: see definition for Devon Bess.
Observing Devon drag out the jugs morning after morning without being instructed so is a sign of one demonstrating the above. Just imagine an entire team accepting only that as acceptable action.
661…i still say we should return home on saturday night. we can still work out the weekly classes/practice routine.
we just have to be tough about the travel, jet lag, etc. its part of being mentally tough for any obstacle. such is life.
Rainbows – 17 UC Davies – 52
Not calling them Warriors anymore, they need to earn that name.
Oh, another thing, the Rainbows, should forget about doing the Haka, until they earn the right to do it. Quite embarrassing for the Polynesian Nations for them to do it right now.
beside clapp having a relatively nice statistical game, of which i am not surprised. i thought billy ray had a nice game, too.
aaron brown showed why he is a potential sunday player.
paredes had his atypical high stat game.
paipai made some good plays.
sila needs to stay focused on first things first.
priority one is to get the snap to the qb with precision.
Sorry, for the ranting, Tsaikos, Tsaikettes, and ST.
clayton laurel left the field late in the fourth quarter. i hope his shoulder is okay.
Maybe we should get the underclassman on the Oline. They are the future… and the future starts now. How much worse can it get?
i like joey’s toughness, but, he needs to incorporate some finesse in his running style.
sterling shows flashes of brilliance.
i still say we need a pure runner back there on occasion. the running game is nearly non-existent therefore is not a threat to the defense. therefore, they can tee off on the qb.
oline gets blasted, but, again an almost nadda running game makes it difficult for any oline who has to constantly hold off an all out pass rush.
i was hoping that we ran the option more often tonight.
although i was surprised to see david graves in there instead of shane austin, he did a good job for someone who rarely gets any reps in practice.
Run-option, roll-out passes…I’d also like to know why we didn’t utilize them more.
We used all sorts of things against Colorado…Why not tonight?
with defenses coming nearly all out to sack the qb, is it time to employ more run in to our offense.
option, straight qb run plays, toss sweeps, tampa left, tampa right. the straight dives are not effective we need some wide stuff in our arsenal along along some misdirection. anything, something to keep the defense distracted just enough to reopen the shoot part of our offense.
why not throw in some option ala michael carter days?
that would really mess up the defense.
al (#678), Remember Alex Green was really nothing his junior year, but his senior year was something else. Sterling Jackson could be in the same boat.
I liked this game.. Hard to watch but I’m excited from this point on.. Let’s go, next game! 3 games in and we have a better idea where we stand. Cords gonna get pulled. It’s gonna be solid.
My 2 cents… this team is lacking in the most fundamental areas of football…
how did this team develop from spring ball to now.
This is 100% MACK’s team…no JJ recruits (Salas etc.)…
Are you a UNLV fan?
to disappointed to say what I feel. peeps may take it wrong, so let’s just keep it at I am not a happy camper right now.
speaking only for myself here but…tell us your thoughts. no good to keep it in. you amongst fellow “Warriors”.
The Rainbows starters need to be pushed, they need competition for their spots. They are playing like nobody can take their starting spot, no matter how badly they play. For an example, I go back to the Wahines. Maeda played terrible on Friday, Dave pulled her out, and played Griffiths, who played terrific. Tonite Maeda played like all world, as if she did not, she was going to lose her starting job to Griffiths.
Maybe people were too optimistic about the team.
Koakane, tell us what you are thinking. It cannot be any worse then what I have been saying.
As you people are finding out, I say it, as I see it. I do not pull any punches.
Warriors, get back home, recoup, and win. Unlike Tony Romo tomorrow, cause my Niners (yes I own them) are gonna kill Dallas tomorrow! LOL
I’m going to miss the Na Koa luncheon on Monday. Would really like to hear what the coach’s evaluation of this game is. I don’t remember who is on the schedule to present.
Healing energy to all of the Warriors who are hurting & those who got banged up in this game.
See ya at the UC-Davis game!
Those Band members that were playing at the Wahine game, must be counting their blessing that they were not selected to go to the Vegas game.
“Success or failure, gain or loss, must, therefore, depend upon man’s own exertions. The more he striveth, the greater will be his progress.”
My evening inspirational quote seems to fit the night very well!
God Bless and tsweet Warrior Dreams!
We watched the first half at a Tsai-ko’s house about 15 miles away from The Stan so we left during the break. We started to listen to the third quarter on the radio, but I turned it off right after the UNLV touchdown.
Even though we got to UH-Manoa before 6 pm, the traffic – vehicular and pedestrian – was unbelievable. Even so, we found a parking spot on University Avenue above Metcalf Street and bustled our huns down to The Stan only to find the largest sports crowd I’ve seen on campus all trying to get inside. By the time we got into our seats, it was 6:50 pm.
The experience was incredible – helped relieve the pain of the football game. Let’s make sure that the team makes it into the Final Sixteen so that we can watch them win the Regional
REMEMBER Warriors went 1-2 last year but ended up 10-4 DONT LOSE HOPE blow outs happen in football an sometimes that happens to the our team. Hopefully they wake up or this is gonna be tough. Our O line isnt jelled from the core up from the snaps to protection Mo might be getting the most blame but it all starts from protection of the line an the snap of the ball an for the past 2 games they’ve been horrible. Our D has been just out right bad except for Colorado an maybe the 2nd half of Washington they have been embarassed 2 weeks giving up 80 points now Washington isnt so shocking but UNLV! This has the same bitter taste as Colorado did last year or Utah State in 08 did. KEY REMINDER FOR ALL TEAMS Dont take anyone lightly. This team reminds me of the 08-09 Warriors lots of mistakes on the field. but I refuse to give up on them but I hope the coaches can brain storm an maybe make some adjustments to many drops by recievers, bad snaps, bad blocking, big plays given away, penalties, turnovers. But Mo has played well for the most part this season its early dont put the death penalty on this team remember last years team went 1-2 then finished 10-4! here’s some positive Graves looked Good, Clapp looked Good, Brown Looked good, an Dunaccie was his natural self an he looked good!
Markazulu, I totally agree. It may sound like I have given up on them, but I have NOT. Just hope they fix the OL quickly for Moniz’s sake, before something happens to him. Hate to see him get seriously hurt, due to a breakdown in the OL.
Somehow, my post got sent out before I finished it.
My general impression about the two losses is the Failure to Communicate – no matter on offense or defense. For the first thirty minutes of the UDub game, I thought defensive players had been left back in Honolulu which is why there were such ginormous gaping holes.
They did begin to pull together, but the clock ran out.
Like everyone except Laura, I assumed that the UNLV game would be a chance to work on closing the holes and opening up the lines of communication.
Mack has a HUGE task ahead over the next two days – he not only has to figure out what went wrong but also he has to deal first with his coaches and then with the players.
Do I have any suggestions? Yeah – do the Mea Culpa thing rather than belching fire & brimstone.
Dave Aranda will be speaking at Monday’s Na Koa luncheon. I have a lunch meeting I cannot skip so DrDoc will attending & taking notes. Say hidiho to him.
UH 38 UCD 28
Any player that started either of the last 2 games should be kept out the entire 1st quarter next week, but must stay standing, watching the game, developing that “want” that I think has been lacking.
For those of you that are going to watch the replay. Watch how many times the Rainbows had 2 receivers almost next to each other, when a pass is thrown. I do know that is not suppose to happen. So I chock it up to receivers running wrong routes. Due in most part to lack of practice time.
Is it just me or are the times on these posts off by 15 min or so?
How do you explain a loss? Every coach from Aranda to Smith would give you a different explanation. Every poster probably has their take on why this happened. At first I thought it might be about preparation or focus or motivation or intensity or Oline play or Dline play or DB play or LB play or receiver play or QB play or RB play or play calling or the refs or…
After careful consideration the best explantion i have is – the ball just bounced their way. I’ll leave it at that. We’ll be in the Hawaii Bowl, bet on it.
Cocobean- I agree.
Laura- I know you’re frustrated but, don’t give up. It’s a long season ahead.
Pomai –
Warriors 41-21 UCD
Howzit DPK!!!
Sup Braddah? 🙂 Tough one, yeah?
waz away 4 a while
ha! new weenie on da blog
funny kine, one guy using a wahine name.
talks to himself quite a bit, ignored by most
Main Street Station
Last call buffet
Meet and stare at the “Izzy”.
Touch and maybe even lick “SteveM” or “Wafan”.
Watch “LizKauai” dance the dance of a hundred Seagulls
I agree with al, #653; no more consecutive, back-to-back road games….the second game demonstrates how out of sync? and road weary it becomes. What other fb team whether college/pro lives out of a suitcase for two weeks??? (save the money or lose the game….the UH administration call).
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