Despite the projected late start — 8:26 p.m. MT kickoff? — the Warriors stuck to their usual game-day routine of a short walk involving the captains Lance Williams, Max Wittek and Ben Clarke exchanging high-fives, fist-bumps and hugs with their teammates.
Defensive end Ka‘au Gifford and safety Dany MulangaLance Williams, quarterback Beau Reilly, cornerback Dejaun Butler, running back Mel Davis and long-snapper/linebacker Noah BordenLance Williams and RJ HollisLance Williams, Max Wittek and Ben Clarke greet defensive end Luke Shawley, linebacker Jamie Tago and slotback Isaiah Bernard
After that, media relations director Derek Inouchi and the Blog Host went to the Boise Farmers Market behind our hotel. Derek bought his son a “Darth Tater” T-shirt; Blog Host bought buffalo and elk jerky.
Really long carrotsReally long beef sticksMaybe it’s because we watched too many Bugs Bunny cartoons as a kid, maybe it’s because my grandkids have a rabbit named Kolo, but , no, we could not buy that last item.This very nice and friendly woman said she’s from “the island of Minnesota.”… which explains the maple-syrup-bacon manapua. Actually, it was pretty good. Well, mostly because it contained bacon.Yes, it’s Parents Weekend …… And we met tight end Davasyia Hagger’s mom, Kim (right)
Manoa Mist
October 3, 2015 10:20 am
First in your hearts?
Manoa Mist
October 3, 2015 10:20 am
Hey I love Hawaii but we going get killed today. Thanks for the pictures and coverage Mr. Tsai. You da bestest.
October 3, 2015 10:25 am
Go Warriors !! Have a great game !
Stephen Tsai
October 3, 2015 10:27 am
It was 55 degrees during this morning’s walk.
But, hey, after three months of sweltering humidity, it was beautiful weather.
October 3, 2015 10:29 am
Thank you ST for the pics. You always make me feel like I am part of the game when I read your blog. I enjoy all your food pictures that we can’t get out here.
October 3, 2015 10:29 am
Guud Morning Tsaikos…bootiful day.
right now we leading 23 – 0…Anyhoo, game got to be played and the Warriors don’t take a back seat to anyone. Ask them. We don’t go into a game thinking of a loss.
October 3, 2015 10:32 am
Boise Juice?…hope they not talking about the game….
Stephen Tsai
October 3, 2015 10:38 am
The hotel’s at the perfect location: Five Guys, Trader Joe’s, Chipotle, Urban Outfitter …
October 3, 2015 11:09 am
ST, you guys at the Grove?? If not, get a meal there–fantastic!!!
October 3, 2015 11:14 am
In reference to yesterday’s blog about Ivan Jasper or even Ken Niumatalolo, even if they were to take a pay cut and coach here, It would be a long transition period, but not as long as the current staff, to get the recruits that they need to have a winning program. I do feel tough, that a lot of athletes in Hawaii could play in that system and it would be a change from norm in the MWC.
Old School Dave
October 3, 2015 11:19 am
Go Warriors!! “No scared em, Go get em!” Bring home the “W”!!
October 3, 2015 11:24 am
Mighty Wisconsin falls to Iowa.
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 11:27 am
Starting with today’s win… be only 81 more days to our bowl game n appearance at Aloha stadium…chow will bring a bowl game back for the hungry bowl fans all over our state…
BS – UH – Blogger
27 – 03 = Fei jai
31 – 03 = Whats up
34 – 31 = bowwar
35 – 10 = Warbow
37 – 00 = Jack Of All Trades
38 – 13 = H-Man
41 – 17 = Ala Wai
42 – 00 = Come on, Man!
42 – 10 = RB
42 – 17 = Willie
45 – 17 = orioles4eva
45 – 03 = DaMenehune
45 – 10 = A View From Afar (first)
45 – 10 = Tarai
48 – 20 = Derek
52 – 24 = Raider Dogs
56 – 14 = NotNasti
October 3, 2015 12:51 pm
As much as I like Hawaii to win. Boise St. is too good, may be better than Wisconsin… Also, they are at home on that blue turf!!! That’s 150% of homefield advantage!
I think Hawaii defense will play well as usual. I hope Hawaii special team can step way up and offense plays better! Hawaii 17 Boise St. 41
October 3, 2015 12:58 pm
Kenny is coming home, but not to coach–to retire. Sole saved plenty kupe up at Navy…
October 3, 2015 1:18 pm
To add to Boola’s comment, Ken Niumatalolo was on either the Animals’ radio show or Bobby Curran’s Show, I forget which, but anyway, he made it clear that coaching was out of the question. He wants to come home after leaving the Naval Academy and perhaps do volunteer work at UH. He said even like helping in taking care of the equipment for the football program. Doesn’t even have to be football. Could be helping out at the Stan Sheriff Center. Wherever UH needs his services.
cappie the dog
October 3, 2015 1:36 pm
The Buckeye defender was holding an Indiana receiver in the end zone on the game’s final play.
Of course, the ABC commentators made no mention of it.
Nothing to see here.
Nothing to see here.
Ohio State HAS to win.
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 2:03 pm
UNLV n NEVADA …..that should be a very good game…. nice blow out me thinks…
H-Man….. be nice to have him back…he has a wealth of info n contacts UH can use in ne sport…but me thinks it won’t happen…hope me is wrong again…be nice if Shoji picked him up…he seems to be the only male head coach up there that is running his program in POSITIVE MANNER…
Or KOA.. should look into it…but don;t think they would…
ML Warrior
October 3, 2015 2:23 pm
13 SteveM
My son “Brother ofa Warrior 72” put one in last night BSU 24 – Hawaii 10.
G (China)
October 3, 2015 2:31 pm
Does anyone know where on the web I can watch the game? Thanks.
Old School Dave
October 3, 2015 2:31 pm
ASU defense making the UCLA hotshot freshman QB look like, a freshman. Hopefully, crafty UH DC Tom Mason can come up with the same with Boise State’s freshman QB. Punahou product LB Isaac Saviianaea filling in well for the injured Myles Jack and is the team’s leading tackler.
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 2:36 pm
G (CHINA) Me watch on wiziwig…is really a pain with all the ads etc.. but is the only one me can find outside the states…i know have others.. but have not tried them..
the game is not listed yet… but when get closer to game time it will appear..
good luck..
G (China)
October 3, 2015 2:46 pm
Thanks. I’ll check it out.
October 3, 2015 2:50 pm
Oh Boy those UGLY retro uni’s again. YUCK!!!!!!!!
October 3, 2015 3:09 pm
for the streaming sites of questionable repute, a free post-game scan with malwarebytes might be worth considering …
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 3:14 pm
yea one season…it sure is a pain… but is the only stream available to us stay other country
wizig have a 9.95 service for one month also… n no ads.. but maybe the other junk may still be there..
October 3, 2015 3:19 pm
For me, I don’t care what UH wears. Just win the game! Sheesh..
October 3, 2015 3:19 pm
I believe the UH / Boise State game is on ESPN2 TV.
So possibly also on ESPN3 (Computer).
October 3, 2015 3:23 pm
RE: Kapahulu #30
Yes, can watch um on WatchESPN.
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 3:30 pm
me tried espn3… but it is not stream international…unless it changed lately…
October 3, 2015 3:34 pm
Yeah… unfortunately if you’re out of the states, I don’t think it will work.
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 3:42 pm
unless you can hack a armed forces network he he he
Stephen Tsai
October 3, 2015 3:44 pm
Boise State is in gray uniforms, with blue helmet and blue shoes.
Hawaii is in retro white, with rainbow stripes on the pants. White shoes.
That’s today’s fashion report.
Stephen Tsai
October 3, 2015 3:45 pm
Team checked out, and heads to LA after the game.
October 3, 2015 4:16 pm
Gotta say that both SJSU and UNLV are legit, both not going to be lying down to be doormats of the MW west division. Warriors going to have to step up their game to not be on the bottom. We’ll find out in a little while how much they are going to improve towards going on the upswing in conference play.
October 3, 2015 4:17 pm
#29 … st. anthony Trojan .. better to stay other country or be in continent? 🙂
October 3, 2015 4:31 pm
BS in their Cheaters Grey unis
October 3, 2015 4:33 pm
I like the fact that Pedroza got some seperation.
October 3, 2015 4:46 pm
Nelson needs some aloe…
October 3, 2015 4:53 pm
Where are the University of Hawaii commercials … BS seems to get one at every break.
October 3, 2015 4:56 pm
Run, run, pass, punt in progress.
October 3, 2015 5:02 pm
Why does the offense suck so bad? Seems like every time we get yards it’s brought back by a penalty.
October 3, 2015 5:02 pm
5 minutes left into the first quarter not one pass completion. Kinda scary if u think about it.
October 3, 2015 5:17 pm
A Sad déjà vu feeling after the first quarter.
October 3, 2015 5:21 pm
How much longer can any of us stand this.
October 3, 2015 5:22 pm
Great effort by wittek.
October 3, 2015 5:23 pm
BS seems to not be getting flagged for late hits.
October 3, 2015 5:26 pm
We can’t seem to do anything right. Our execution is horrible.
October 3, 2015 5:26 pm
I don’t know why I’m even upset watching UH. We should expect this already. Nothing is going to change.
October 3, 2015 5:28 pm
Generations of Hawaii fans who have since left us are weaping from the heavens. This is beyond atrocious. Offense and defense are both eating daikon.
October 3, 2015 5:28 pm
Pedroza out of the game.
October 3, 2015 5:29 pm
Rypien is simply awesome.
October 3, 2015 5:33 pm
Ok I think I’m pau watching this junk.
kimo browner
October 3, 2015 5:33 pm
UHAD has to do what he is getting paid to do.
October 3, 2015 5:33 pm
October 3, 2015 5:34 pm
I’m disappointed. The Warriors are not even competitive. Enough already.
October 3, 2015 5:34 pm
Chow always talks about discipline, this is the most undisciplined team I’ve seen!
October 3, 2015 5:34 pm
I do hope we have enough pride to stay in this game and play. It is truly awful. But I hope we do not quit.
October 3, 2015 5:35 pm
If Norm wants to quit at half time that would be fine however.
October 3, 2015 5:35 pm
I like Boise states qb he got hit solid a few times and he’s completing some nice bombs.
October 3, 2015 5:35 pm
Warrior Team:
I love you guys
Idk what’s happening with the game tonite but can you guys do something anything different to get scoring to happen in the endzone
Please?! 😀
I be here anxiously waiting and watching 🙂
October 3, 2015 5:35 pm
Actually no need to wait until halftime.
October 3, 2015 5:37 pm
We are going to see another two or three good young QB’s in the league– not as good as Rypien though.
Tarheel warrior
October 3, 2015 5:38 pm
I’m not sure what to say anymore.
Pete Jek
October 3, 2015 5:39 pm
This is beyond embarrassing.
October 3, 2015 5:39 pm
The familiarity of our punter being our most impressive player is truly pathetic.
October 3, 2015 5:40 pm
Dave Matlin are you watching???
October 3, 2015 5:41 pm
RE: Arcumfortis
Hah… that shouldn’t be funny, but it is. So sad.
October 3, 2015 5:42 pm
I had a feeling our offense would play the way it has so far this season…I went to the final fall camp practice and the offense looked completely out of sync…my hope was the defense would play well enough to get us through the first few games until the offense gets it going but it doesn’t look like that’s gonna be the case…our offense has shown absolutely no improvement…and again here we are getting embarrassed on national television yet again…
October 3, 2015 5:42 pm
This game is tough to watch, however, Colorado’s only loss is to Hawaii and they are tied with Oregon 7-7 now.
October 3, 2015 5:44 pm
Ha ha ha! Embarrassing! Forfeit already. UH sucks plain and simple!
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 5:44 pm
one season…. have a both plus n minus living other country…if you single n over 70 or so… mostly plus here…many speak english…so is never lost…foods are almost all available…even poi me can grind my own…just portuguese sausage me miss for breakfast…weather the same…people n culture a little different…have a satellite TV….just that me not watch TV much…not want to get addicted to tv n just stay home….so go roaming a lot…ride a bus other place n see the country…it works 4 me…if me was there now probably get high blood pressure watching the game n die early he he he…make 80 in 80 sumthing days…n me have my charity work me do here…that keeps me up n around…come visit sum time …he he he Tsaiko’s always welcome to the Manila chapter he he he…have here a very rebid wahine volleyball fan also…not meet him yet though… just through post…
OMG..SANCHEZ IS GOING TO GET A LEG CRAMPS…dang FJ is smiling n saying…”me told you so”…he he he
Pete Jek
October 3, 2015 5:46 pm
This is pathetic.
October 3, 2015 5:46 pm
Next week against San Diego State is going to be really important for Coach Chow.
October 3, 2015 5:46 pm
How was that not a pass interference call Collie got hit before the ball got there…
October 3, 2015 5:48 pm
I hope we don’t score the whole game!
October 3, 2015 5:48 pm
I know in Chow’s 1st year here, he stuck with his qb throughout. You think he will Woolsey play? Carson Palmer needs a break.
October 3, 2015 5:49 pm
Anybody have a good pie crust recipe?
October 3, 2015 5:49 pm
All I expect is for the Warriors to get better every game. Here we are 5th game of the year and they are making the same mistakes they made in the first game of the year.
October 3, 2015 5:51 pm
Another flop on national tv.
October 3, 2015 5:52 pm
Agree with you Bryson.
October 3, 2015 5:53 pm
UH should move to DII
Mo Betah!
October 3, 2015 5:53 pm
obachan getting old; someone please remind me…is Hawaii’s offense spelled with an “O” or a “Zero?”
Bring June Back Now
October 3, 2015 5:53 pm
Norm “I’m an offensive genius, don’t you know that” Chow has totally destroyed this program. Its not real hard to defend an offensive that has 5 total plays in its playbook and runs slants every other play. Pathetic is right!! What else does the administration need to see to fire this guy..All on national TV again.
October 3, 2015 5:55 pm
CHOW = Can’t Hold On & Win
October 3, 2015 5:55 pm
If it helps, Colorado up a TD on Ducks.
October 3, 2015 5:57 pm
Well, there aren’t many punter guru head coaches.
October 3, 2015 5:57 pm
Why cant the receivers catch? Isn’t that their job?
October 3, 2015 5:59 pm
Who has tried the chicken at Itchy Butt on keaumoku?
October 3, 2015 6:01 pm
Do you think there is time for the working a volleyball team to grab a bus up north and play the second half for us?
Pete Jek
October 3, 2015 6:02 pm
UH should forfeit the second half.
October 3, 2015 6:02 pm
That’s wahine
October 3, 2015 6:03 pm
Reminds me of the 2004, 2009, 2010 games against Boise.
Ipu Man
October 3, 2015 6:03 pm
Don’t give up Bows. But play not to get hurt.
Take out your frustrations against San Diego next week.
October 3, 2015 6:03 pm
Yes we should just say we are tired and that we want to go home.
October 3, 2015 6:03 pm
Reardon reporting that Boise already put in their reserves. Not even the 2nd half.
October 3, 2015 6:04 pm
Nothing seems to work with Chow as HC. DII seems optimistic at this point. Maybe DIII would work.
2-3 record. What happened to the up tempo spread offense they were suppose to run?
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 6:04 pm
ST PAGE ON THE NET…”Boise extends advantage”… must be hard to come up with sum type of headline huh…
Can sumone report please…who he is screaming at now ???
October 3, 2015 6:04 pm
Boise state has looked more dominant than Wisconsin and Ohio state.
Maui Boy
October 3, 2015 6:05 pm
Time to change quarterbacks. Witteck is done for the year, bring in Jr Woosely plan for next year.
October 3, 2015 6:07 pm
Hawaii was doing good when it was just WARRIORS. Should have just stayed “Warriors” by bringing back “Rainbow Warrior” and those UGLY rainbow unis UH will continue to struggle. JMHO
October 3, 2015 6:08 pm
I love these announcers … “You see the yards gained clearly favoring the team up by 42 points”
October 3, 2015 6:13 pm
The uniforms have nothing to do with how they play! They could be wearing the black ones and they would still be dropping passes!
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 6:14 pm
Well we have to remember…we have sum super secret plays up chow’s sleeve….hope he is wearing long sleeve shirt…thanks to BJ for this schedule…
DEEP down sincerely believe…they are not that much better then us…man for man (maybe qb) …but they are surely prepared better…coming back from Wisconsin will be looked upon as very big mistake now…n it did not even take a whole 15 minutes to prove it… they are simply not prepared…for the type of football BS plays…coaches fault…its lunch time her…go wendy’s n have a baconater…that will taste good…can’t stomach this….
October 3, 2015 6:15 pm
I feel as though we pissed off Boise State. They’re up 42-0 and going for a TD with 6 seconds left….opps, they did score a TD..49-0
October 3, 2015 6:16 pm
Defense doesn’t care cause the offense is crap.
October 3, 2015 6:17 pm
Wow is Boise St seems better than Ohio St and Wisconsin. Boise is putting up way more points.
October 3, 2015 6:17 pm
Ikaika in
October 3, 2015 6:18 pm
I have been through many bad halls football in my decades of being a UH fan.. I’m afraid to say this was the worst. It is discouraging and embarrassing. If Norm Chow has any decency he will simply admit that he cannot do the job and walk away and give back the money he is been paid.
October 3, 2015 6:18 pm
I wanna believe it’s just Boise st is that good.
October 3, 2015 6:18 pm
I’m not sure how that young receiver coach from Utah kept his job.
Hoping to see a Comeback like Fresno state 2013. Not holding my breath though.
October 3, 2015 6:22 pm
We need to recruit heavy in Australia or New Zealand to play hard-nose football. We can’t get mainland or island recruits. It’ll probably be their only D1 offer and the culture here is similar.
October 3, 2015 6:22 pm
Can any of you recall a game that Hawaii played this badly? I can’t. Maybe the closest was the loss to USC at the Coliseum in 2012.
October 3, 2015 6:23 pm
I am not sure if Norm Chow is just a terrible coach or whether he only knows how to coach with superior athletes. We do not have superior athletes and we need innovation and creativity to have a chance. It will truly be a test of character to see if our team can come out in the second half and try to play decently. I think it would be best to release coach Chowl now and make it clear that we will be changing direction. I continue to feel that Fei Jai would be a good choice for interim coach.
October 3, 2015 6:24 pm
Time to change it up with Ikaika. Playing straight up with BS is not working.
October 3, 2015 6:24 pm
I’ll take over interim HC duties for chicken from Itchy Butt.
October 3, 2015 6:25 pm
Max has not been accurate.
October 3, 2015 6:25 pm
Time to get Beau Riley and Zwalin in for some game reps.
October 3, 2015 6:25 pm
Miano for interim coach!
October 3, 2015 6:26 pm
Does ESPN2 have a back-up game to switch to? I wish they would to save further embarrassment.
October 3, 2015 6:27 pm
October 3, 2015 6:28 pm
If Fei Jai will not take the interim coaching job perhaps Frank DeLima will. At least we would know he was trying to make it a joke.
October 3, 2015 6:30 pm
Norm Chow? Maybe not terrible but mediocre certainly comes to mind. UH needs the type of coach who has the ability to groom recruits to reach their max potential since UH cannot compete with the big schools in garnering blue-chippers. Coach Chow has not demonstrated this in my opinion.
October 3, 2015 6:31 pm
What was the injury the Marcus Kemp had?
October 3, 2015 6:31 pm
Where’s Larry Price? He probably call better plays.
October 3, 2015 6:32 pm
SteveM Can I change my score?
My first guess was for halftime…
October 3, 2015 6:33 pm
Where you at Fei Jai!?
October 3, 2015 6:33 pm
I tried to figure out how many touchdowns per game we will need to meet our goal of 75 total this season but my calculator doesn’t seem to go that high.
October 3, 2015 6:34 pm
I feel for these players. It must be awful to be in that locker room at halftime.
October 3, 2015 6:35 pm
Yes. Especially when your coaches speech is, “anyone need to make shishi?”
October 3, 2015 6:35 pm
I think the only 2 games that really upset me was Utah state 2008/ unlv 2011
October 3, 2015 6:38 pm
Kemp hurt his knee last week.
October 3, 2015 6:40 pm
Bring back the Run N Shoot!
October 3, 2015 6:44 pm
It is hard to believe Rypien is a freshman.
October 3, 2015 6:45 pm
Hate to say it, but Chow has got to go.
Any ideas for an interim coach that is currently on the staff. Start thinking now because once Hawaii becomes bowl ineligible let Chow go and install an interim coach.
I think the AD will be pleasantly surprised that if he lets Chow go how much the community and business community will back him up.
I was a Chow supporter but now I’m a UH football supporter… time everyone realises the difference. In another way to say this, I am a UH supporter, and Chow has to got to go…the two can no longer be said positively in the same sentence.
October 3, 2015 6:49 pm
52-0 Wow just wow.
October 3, 2015 6:51 pm
Boise State, IMO, wants to show that they can do more than OSU and Wisconsin … Combined, I guess.
October 3, 2015 6:51 pm
Did Julian Gener get in the game?
Uh fan..
October 3, 2015 6:55 pm
Chow need to go. This team is horrible make changes!!! Change qb. Change safety. And change those gay looking uniforms.. Peace
October 3, 2015 6:57 pm
Woosley the Great Hawaiian Hope is in….Oh Norm, you so funny.
October 3, 2015 6:58 pm
Gener and st juste are still here in Honolulu.
October 3, 2015 7:05 pm
@141 Really? Is he hurt?
October 3, 2015 7:07 pm
It’s 3rd Quarter and UH receivers still dropping passes…
October 3, 2015 7:11 pm
I feel so bad for the Local Boys like Lakalaka, Fonua and Tulimasalii and the rest of them. Choy got them to stay home by telling them to be the foundation of CHANGE.
October 3, 2015 7:11 pm
Start Brendan urban at center
October 3, 2015 7:12 pm
Pau already. Go home. UH got one azz whoopin..
October 3, 2015 7:15 pm
I predicted Boise St. would score 49 points in the game, not the first half. :/
October 3, 2015 7:18 pm
I want to see the retro uniforms next week, for a game Chow should be able to win. Homecoming would be a great game to get a throwback outcome. Right now, it looks like UH doesn’t want to associate the Rainbow with winning.
October 3, 2015 7:20 pm
I’m not sure why gener was left back to be honest.
October 3, 2015 7:22 pm
I’m trying really hard not to be down on this team because of the competition they have faced but it’s hard when it’s been as ugly.
October 3, 2015 7:24 pm
The parent blog should be Hawaii Warrior and Wahine World … Great job by the Wahine in their road wins!
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 7:38 pm
Maybe we get shut out… n have to ask legislature for 3.5 million.. even with the 2
“money” bag games…plus lakers here…wonder what their reply will be ?
October 3, 2015 7:41 pm
Well the sun will rise tomorrow. It is no surprise that we are two and three at this stage of the season. But, the losses were ugly and don’t inspire any confidence in the team. I find myself almost unbearably tired of Norm Chow. When he rants and raves at the referees it is embarrassing. I really don’t think the referees are the problem Norm.
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 7:44 pm
Going from bad to worst huh…
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 7:51 pm
There is a reason Mr. Edwards kept him in a box high above the crown
n refs…for 24 + years… now we know why…he makes a fool of himself….
Warrior Fan
October 3, 2015 7:53 pm
I’ve supported Chow & believed in him but it’s time for a change. 3 losses all shut outs.. Release him now and put someone else in as interim.. We got talented players.. We just need a coach to get the best out of them.. And please get rid of the Rainbow SMH.. Go Warriors!!
October 3, 2015 8:03 pm
Yes, it was ugly in all phases. That looked like a tired team out of sync. Coaching issues, probably.
If there is blame one should not exempt the person who assembled this schedule. We are a win better on record than some predicted, but the way we’ve lost this one is embarrassing.
There needs to be a reassessment of the receiving Corp. While at it, maybe a reevaluation of that position coach.
October 3, 2015 8:06 pm
Yup, need to lighten up on the team. All the traveling and playing Ohio St and Wisconsin has taken a lot out of them. Worse, no bye week to get well. Next up, San Diego St. I’ll be at the game. No can help. I already have tickets. Nah, I would go anyway.
Come on, Man!
October 3, 2015 8:08 pm
I like the retro uniforms, actually. The product on the field and the coaching are absolute crap and an embarrassment to the game of football and have been for the past four years, but the throwback uniforms are really nice.
Come on, Man!
October 3, 2015 8:11 pm
“If there is blame one should not exempt the person who assembled this schedule”
i don’t blame the person who made the schedule. two body bag games equals cash money. also, are you suggesting that we SHOULDN’T play top competition? is this how low the standard for UH football has dropped since uncle norm took over?
“There needs to be a reassessment of the receiving Corp. While at it, maybe a reevaluation of that position coach.”
there needs to be a firing of the head coach.
cappie the dog
October 3, 2015 8:15 pm
Pumphrey is dinged up.
I don’t want him out for the whole season, just next week.
October 3, 2015 8:17 pm
I was feeling sorry for Texas who lost to TCU 50-7. Now I feel sorry for us. 55-0. And could have been 100-0. It was that bad. But, maybe the team might be ready for San Diego St.
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 8:19 pm
The final score is not a true indication of the game….
Prep time n readiness to play was a large factor…
They should get 2 days rest…they need it..
And the coaches better prepare well for SDT…
The 2 QB’s that played…just don’t have it…both with turnovers…
It shows that Chow does know how to evaluate QB talent…Max wasted one year of his young life waiting in the wings…he was let go…now we know the reason why…
Chow was let go at Utah…Tennessee … n USC… now we know why…
October 3, 2015 8:27 pm
UNLV beat Nevada, 23-17. Remember Rolo ? and remember how bad UNLV was supposed to be.
October 3, 2015 8:32 pm
This was embarassing to be a Hawaii fan.
October 3, 2015 8:33 pm
One thing that is very obvious when looking at the sidelines, especially during home games when I can key in on the sideline, is how absent Chow is with respect to talking and “coaching” the QB.
Just this game alone, look at how much Harsin was involved in communicating and talking with his QB. Almost every time the camera went to him he was chatting with his players.
With Norm, all I see is him pacing the sidelines. I’m not sure if this is just his style or what, but I wonder if our QB could use more direction from the supposed guru.
October 3, 2015 8:34 pm
This game was at altitude and so are a few remaining games on the schedule, a couple even higher up. They played like it affected them.
Casual Observer
October 3, 2015 8:34 pm
If you check out the Boise media guide you notice: 1) they have a winning tradition even before the turf turned blue, 2) they change coaches, players and still keep on winning, 3) they have 18 players on NFL rosters, and 4) they have over 65 players on their current roster who reshirted. Still, for Hawaii, it would be more fun to be in a shoot out loss than a lopsided loss. If you don’t have a competitive offense, hard to win. Of course, we are all frustrated and we know the Bows will rebound.
October 3, 2015 8:34 pm
Been a UH Football Fan for 40 years and this is one of the most embarrassing losses ever. And on National TV yet.
The receivers Coach has got to go NOW.
I’m surprised they didn’t let him go after last season.
The receivers have no seperation and when they get open they cannot even catch the ball.
When we finally do something good it gets called back on a penalty.
I can take a loss if we are competitive, but in this game we looked like a High School that was not prepared.
Old School Dave
October 3, 2015 8:46 pm
Hard loss. Nobody is happy. All huhu for good reason. Still, in 2004 UH lost to BSU 69-3 up there, along with 70-14 @ Fresno. They still managed a Hawaii Bowl win vs UAB. The sun will rise tomorrow. Need to get ready for SDSU.
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 8:55 pm
Yea OSD… but we had a offensive minded coach who could light up the scoreboard…
Not the case here… but me hope the best that they win 4 of the 8 remaining games to be bowl eligible..
October 3, 2015 8:56 pm
5 games into the season and the receiving corps is downright bad. We heard so much hype about them but it’s really all for not.
The WR coach needs to answer for this and take responsibility, even if it means relinquishing his position. Separation isn’t being made and worst of all balls that touch their hands aren’t being caught.
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 8:58 pm
Be interesting to see what Miano n Wagoner comments be like….he he he
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 9:00 pm
Be a tough flight coming home for them Warriors…
October 3, 2015 9:02 pm
Agree that WR coach has to go, what a joke.
Also, Chow does no interaction with his players even at practice.
I don’t get it
October 3, 2015 9:04 pm
Fan Phones
“Norm Chow is progressing.” – LA Ralph
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 9:16 pm
FCWarrior….. is his style…rant n rave @ officials….coaches…n make excuses…
October 3, 2015 9:20 pm
Just got home from a party, holly crapolla I saw the score. I said it last week that this game bs BSU would present a lot more problems because of matchups than the Buckeyes and Whisky, didn’t think I would be that correct and this bad. Also said that both SJSU and UNLV are legit. They are improving each week. Warriors are going the other way, the very wrong way. Any turn around does not look good right now with Chow at the helm. Feel bad for the assistants that will probably be unemployed after season end.
October 3, 2015 9:33 pm
What a smash. Another shut out. Those who predicted an upset, what were you thinking? Sorry to say but UH will not end up in a bowl game.
October 3, 2015 9:48 pm
October 3, 2015 10:01 pm
Well, if a win (no matter how ugly) is a win and no less, then a loss (no matter how ugly) is a loss and no less. Congratulations to a BS team that suits up in BS blue uniforms on their BS blue field, when they know that they are facing a Chow coached team.
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 10:02 pm
What they really need is a good QB coach…like that dude at st. louis… just look what they have produced as far as QB’s are concerned..or the one at punahou or KAMEHAMEHA OR MILILLANI.. THE GURU JUST DOES NOT HAVE IT…THE TWO THEY USED 2 DAY WERE INEFFECTIVE..ONE WAS LAST YEAR N ONE THIS YEAR…they both need help.. n no help in sight.. no improvement in from last to this year.. n from 1st game to this game…same with receivers coach..
October 3, 2015 10:06 pm
This team has potential BUT it seems like they are there own worse enemies. Not to take away from the beasts they’ve played but Hawaii hasn’t helped there cases in the 3 games they lost. I knew it would be a work in progress but it’s been horrible especially the connection between wr/qb, drops from receivers, pass blocking from the running backs. The defense will get worn down this season if the offense doesn’t carry its load. Sad part is this defense is good enough to keep us in games.
October 3, 2015 10:19 pm
I hope chow doesn’t make them workout when they get back. I think they’re being overworked. Let them rest and get sleep to heal up so when it’s game time next weekend they’ll be playing more loose and not so stiff.
October 3, 2015 10:31 pm
Nah guys, no worries. Remember, Tsai said that UH offense hasn’t shown all of its cards yet. They are holding out until conference play to show what they can really do. Wait…this was conference play. Oh well.
I’ve seen enough. Honestly, ask yourself. Have you?
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 10:36 pm
Yea me agree.. should have a 2 days off n relax in waikiki look bikini… give mind a rest from x n o’s for a while..
No deception. Boizy knew almost exactly what UH was going to run play after play. Nuff said! Just one word— “PATHETIC”!!!!
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 10:53 pm
Ha Ha …where is the Donald when we need him…..
October 3, 2015 11:25 pm
There are many who still believe that he remaining schedule will leave us with enough wins for a bowl invite.
I don’t think it’s impossible but the fact that we have that chance because the remaining opponents are supposedly even worse than us isn’t anything to be proud of. Every time I hear 1420 talk about our chances being good for a winning season it’s qualified with, “Hawaii should do fine–look how bad XYZ school is!”
It’s NEVER, “Hawaii is good and they have what it takes to beat so and so”.
That says a lot.
October 3, 2015 11:26 pm
There are many who still believe that he remaining schedule will leave us with enough wins for a bowl invite.
I don’t think it’s impossible but the fact that we have that chance because the remaining opponents are supposedly even worse than us isn’t anything to be proud of. Every time I hear 1420 talk about our chances being good for a winning season it’s qualified with, ‘Hawaii should do fine–look how bad XYZ school is!’
It’s NEVER, ‘Hawaii is good and they have what it takes to beat so and so.’
October 3, 2015 11:27 pm
There are many who still believe that he remaining schedule will leave us with enough wins for a bowl invite.
I don’t think it’s impossible but the fact that we have that chance because the remaining opponents are supposedly even worse than us isn’t anything to be proud of. Every time I hear 1420 talk about our chances being good for a winning season it’s qualified with, “Hawaii should do fine–look how bad XYZ school is!”
It’s NEVER, “Hawaii is good and they have what it takes to beat so and so”.
October 3, 2015 11:35 pm
At the start of the season there was all the hype about a fast, uptempo offense that would score 75 touchdowns. Pardon my math, but the Warriors O needs a little over 9 TD’s per game to get there. Also offensive snaps have to be between every 15 to 20 seconds to catch up.
Somewhere tonight while he is going over Tampa Bay play sheets, Dirk Koetter is smiling and thinking I could have done no worse if I was in paradise.
st. anthony trojan
October 3, 2015 11:39 pm
Well we have 5 games at home… n only 3 more on the road…if they take care of business at home we be ok…but most on our schedule is getting better it seems like..
October 3, 2015 11:45 pm
I need to get this game out of my system. Gonna watch the 2007 game now.
October 3, 2015 11:47 pm
For the last 3 years, Coach Chow has only beaten one MWC with 3 conference wins in that season. San Diego State, with a 21-7 win over Fresno St is 1-0 in the MWC, so maybe that record will be broken. Since Chow struggled to beat Colorado 28-20, and about 14 of UH’s points came mostly from Special Teams and Defense efforts, a win over San Diego State will go a long way to showing that the pre-season hype was legit.
October 3, 2015 11:49 pm
wow talk about cracks !! no one to blame but the coachs !! poor game plan !! put lucky we came home last week to get in more time with the scout team !! what would the score be if not ?? monday rest day !! tuesday coaches run laps !! players watch flims !! all joking aside !! this weeks game is going be a make it be break it game !! this as where we going see if this team got heart or they lost it ? and we all tough cant get worst then last year !! and coach chow is a walking joke on the side line . cant wait to who he picking fight with next !!
October 3, 2015 11:53 pm
199 what good game for watch 1989 BYU game with hawaii !! that make u feel better !! plus it chow offence take cracks from UH!! LOL
First in your hearts?
Hey I love Hawaii but we going get killed today. Thanks for the pictures and coverage Mr. Tsai. You da bestest.
Go Warriors !! Have a great game !
It was 55 degrees during this morning’s walk.
But, hey, after three months of sweltering humidity, it was beautiful weather.
Thank you ST for the pics. You always make me feel like I am part of the game when I read your blog. I enjoy all your food pictures that we can’t get out here.
Guud Morning Tsaikos…bootiful day.
right now we leading 23 – 0…Anyhoo, game got to be played and the Warriors don’t take a back seat to anyone. Ask them. We don’t go into a game thinking of a loss.
Boise Juice?…hope they not talking about the game….
The hotel’s at the perfect location: Five Guys, Trader Joe’s, Chipotle, Urban Outfitter …
ST, you guys at the Grove?? If not, get a meal there–fantastic!!!
In reference to yesterday’s blog about Ivan Jasper or even Ken Niumatalolo, even if they were to take a pay cut and coach here, It would be a long transition period, but not as long as the current staff, to get the recruits that they need to have a winning program. I do feel tough, that a lot of athletes in Hawaii could play in that system and it would be a change from norm in the MWC.
Go Warriors!! “No scared em, Go get em!” Bring home the “W”!!
Mighty Wisconsin falls to Iowa.
Starting with today’s win… be only 81 more days to our bowl game n appearance at Aloha stadium…chow will bring a bowl game back for the hungry bowl fans all over our state…
Maybe even FJ will go…he he he
Geeef–um Warriors…
Tsai-kos Guess the Score
Scores will accepted until noon on game day. Pau.
Exact score to win. BS favored by 23.5+
UH – BS – Blogger ➡ WE UPSET!!! 😎
03 – 00 = Ipu Man
14 – 10 = oneseason
17 – 13 = ML Warrior
18 – 17 = BigWave96744
21 – 17 – BigFan
24 – 17 = WarriorNY
24 – 20 = Hawnstln (first)
24 – 20 = Boolakanaka
24 – 21 = Tarheel warrior
26 – 24 = hilorain
27 – 21 = oldtimer808
27 – 24 = cappie the dog
28 – 17 = Chopsueyboy
28 – 21 = Mum of a Warrior72
28 – 24 = Rodney (first)
28 – 24 = UpIrons
31 – 28 = DaveLetterMan
31 – 30 = 3-Prong
42 – 24 = hitmanhart
35 – 31 = azwarrior22
53 – 52 = st. anthony trojan
56 – 14 = Akamai Okole
BS – UH – Blogger
27 – 03 = Fei jai
31 – 03 = Whats up
34 – 31 = bowwar
35 – 10 = Warbow
37 – 00 = Jack Of All Trades
38 – 13 = H-Man
41 – 17 = Ala Wai
42 – 00 = Come on, Man!
42 – 10 = RB
42 – 17 = Willie
45 – 17 = orioles4eva
45 – 03 = DaMenehune
45 – 10 = A View From Afar (first)
45 – 10 = Tarai
48 – 20 = Derek
52 – 24 = Raider Dogs
56 – 14 = NotNasti
As much as I like Hawaii to win. Boise St. is too good, may be better than Wisconsin… Also, they are at home on that blue turf!!! That’s 150% of homefield advantage!
I think Hawaii defense will play well as usual. I hope Hawaii special team can step way up and offense plays better! Hawaii 17 Boise St. 41
Kenny is coming home, but not to coach–to retire. Sole saved plenty kupe up at Navy…
To add to Boola’s comment, Ken Niumatalolo was on either the Animals’ radio show or Bobby Curran’s Show, I forget which, but anyway, he made it clear that coaching was out of the question. He wants to come home after leaving the Naval Academy and perhaps do volunteer work at UH. He said even like helping in taking care of the equipment for the football program. Doesn’t even have to be football. Could be helping out at the Stan Sheriff Center. Wherever UH needs his services.
The Buckeye defender was holding an Indiana receiver in the end zone on the game’s final play.
Of course, the ABC commentators made no mention of it.
Nothing to see here.
Nothing to see here.
Ohio State HAS to win.
UNLV n NEVADA …..that should be a very good game…. nice blow out me thinks…
It’s the retros tonight.
H-Man….. be nice to have him back…he has a wealth of info n contacts UH can use in ne sport…but me thinks it won’t happen…hope me is wrong again…be nice if Shoji picked him up…he seems to be the only male head coach up there that is running his program in POSITIVE MANNER…
Or KOA.. should look into it…but don;t think they would…
13 SteveM
My son “Brother ofa Warrior 72” put one in last night BSU 24 – Hawaii 10.
Does anyone know where on the web I can watch the game? Thanks.
ASU defense making the UCLA hotshot freshman QB look like, a freshman. Hopefully, crafty UH DC Tom Mason can come up with the same with Boise State’s freshman QB. Punahou product LB Isaac Saviianaea filling in well for the injured Myles Jack and is the team’s leading tackler.
G (CHINA) Me watch on wiziwig…is really a pain with all the ads etc.. but is the only one me can find outside the states…i know have others.. but have not tried them..
Try this
the game is not listed yet… but when get closer to game time it will appear..
good luck..
Thanks. I’ll check it out.
Oh Boy those UGLY retro uni’s again. YUCK!!!!!!!!
for the streaming sites of questionable repute, a free post-game scan with malwarebytes might be worth considering …
yea one season…it sure is a pain… but is the only stream available to us stay other country
wizig have a 9.95 service for one month also… n no ads.. but maybe the other junk may still be there..
For me, I don’t care what UH wears. Just win the game! Sheesh..
I believe the UH / Boise State game is on ESPN2 TV.
So possibly also on ESPN3 (Computer).
RE: Kapahulu #30
Yes, can watch um on WatchESPN.
me tried espn3… but it is not stream international…unless it changed lately…
Yeah… unfortunately if you’re out of the states, I don’t think it will work.
unless you can hack a armed forces network he he he
Boise State is in gray uniforms, with blue helmet and blue shoes.
Hawaii is in retro white, with rainbow stripes on the pants. White shoes.
That’s today’s fashion report.
Team checked out, and heads to LA after the game.
Gotta say that both SJSU and UNLV are legit, both not going to be lying down to be doormats of the MW west division. Warriors going to have to step up their game to not be on the bottom. We’ll find out in a little while how much they are going to improve towards going on the upswing in conference play.
#29 … st. anthony Trojan .. better to stay other country or be in continent? 🙂
BS in their Cheaters Grey unis
I like the fact that Pedroza got some seperation.
Nelson needs some aloe…
Where are the University of Hawaii commercials … BS seems to get one at every break.
Run, run, pass, punt in progress.
Why does the offense suck so bad? Seems like every time we get yards it’s brought back by a penalty.
5 minutes left into the first quarter not one pass completion. Kinda scary if u think about it.
A Sad déjà vu feeling after the first quarter.
How much longer can any of us stand this.
Great effort by wittek.
BS seems to not be getting flagged for late hits.
We can’t seem to do anything right. Our execution is horrible.
I don’t know why I’m even upset watching UH. We should expect this already. Nothing is going to change.
Generations of Hawaii fans who have since left us are weaping from the heavens. This is beyond atrocious. Offense and defense are both eating daikon.
Pedroza out of the game.
Rypien is simply awesome.
Ok I think I’m pau watching this junk.
UHAD has to do what he is getting paid to do.
I’m disappointed. The Warriors are not even competitive. Enough already.
Chow always talks about discipline, this is the most undisciplined team I’ve seen!
I do hope we have enough pride to stay in this game and play. It is truly awful. But I hope we do not quit.
If Norm wants to quit at half time that would be fine however.
I like Boise states qb he got hit solid a few times and he’s completing some nice bombs.
Warrior Team:
I love you guys
Idk what’s happening with the game tonite but can you guys do something anything different to get scoring to happen in the endzone
Please?! 😀
I be here anxiously waiting and watching 🙂
Actually no need to wait until halftime.
We are going to see another two or three good young QB’s in the league– not as good as Rypien though.
I’m not sure what to say anymore.
This is beyond embarrassing.
The familiarity of our punter being our most impressive player is truly pathetic.
Dave Matlin are you watching???
RE: Arcumfortis
Hah… that shouldn’t be funny, but it is. So sad.
I had a feeling our offense would play the way it has so far this season…I went to the final fall camp practice and the offense looked completely out of sync…my hope was the defense would play well enough to get us through the first few games until the offense gets it going but it doesn’t look like that’s gonna be the case…our offense has shown absolutely no improvement…and again here we are getting embarrassed on national television yet again…
This game is tough to watch, however, Colorado’s only loss is to Hawaii and they are tied with Oregon 7-7 now.
Ha ha ha! Embarrassing! Forfeit already. UH sucks plain and simple!
one season…. have a both plus n minus living other country…if you single n over 70 or so… mostly plus here…many speak english…so is never lost…foods are almost all available…even poi me can grind my own…just portuguese sausage me miss for breakfast…weather the same…people n culture a little different…have a satellite TV….just that me not watch TV much…not want to get addicted to tv n just stay home….so go roaming a lot…ride a bus other place n see the country…it works 4 me…if me was there now probably get high blood pressure watching the game n die early he he he…make 80 in 80 sumthing days…n me have my charity work me do here…that keeps me up n around…come visit sum time …he he he Tsaiko’s always welcome to the Manila chapter he he he…have here a very rebid wahine volleyball fan also…not meet him yet though… just through post…
OMG..SANCHEZ IS GOING TO GET A LEG CRAMPS…dang FJ is smiling n saying…”me told you so”…he he he
This is pathetic.
Next week against San Diego State is going to be really important for Coach Chow.
How was that not a pass interference call Collie got hit before the ball got there…
I hope we don’t score the whole game!
I know in Chow’s 1st year here, he stuck with his qb throughout. You think he will Woolsey play? Carson Palmer needs a break.
Anybody have a good pie crust recipe?
All I expect is for the Warriors to get better every game. Here we are 5th game of the year and they are making the same mistakes they made in the first game of the year.
Another flop on national tv.
Agree with you Bryson.
UH should move to DII
Mo Betah!
obachan getting old; someone please remind me…is Hawaii’s offense spelled with an “O” or a “Zero?”
Norm “I’m an offensive genius, don’t you know that” Chow has totally destroyed this program. Its not real hard to defend an offensive that has 5 total plays in its playbook and runs slants every other play. Pathetic is right!! What else does the administration need to see to fire this guy..All on national TV again.
CHOW = Can’t Hold On & Win
If it helps, Colorado up a TD on Ducks.
Well, there aren’t many punter guru head coaches.
Why cant the receivers catch? Isn’t that their job?
Who has tried the chicken at Itchy Butt on keaumoku?
Do you think there is time for the working a volleyball team to grab a bus up north and play the second half for us?
UH should forfeit the second half.
That’s wahine
Reminds me of the 2004, 2009, 2010 games against Boise.
Don’t give up Bows. But play not to get hurt.
Take out your frustrations against San Diego next week.
Yes we should just say we are tired and that we want to go home.
Reardon reporting that Boise already put in their reserves. Not even the 2nd half.
Nothing seems to work with Chow as HC. DII seems optimistic at this point. Maybe DIII would work.
2-3 record. What happened to the up tempo spread offense they were suppose to run?
ST PAGE ON THE NET…”Boise extends advantage”… must be hard to come up with sum type of headline huh…
Can sumone report please…who he is screaming at now ???
Boise state has looked more dominant than Wisconsin and Ohio state.
Time to change quarterbacks. Witteck is done for the year, bring in Jr Woosely plan for next year.
Hawaii was doing good when it was just WARRIORS. Should have just stayed “Warriors” by bringing back “Rainbow Warrior” and those UGLY rainbow unis UH will continue to struggle. JMHO
I love these announcers … “You see the yards gained clearly favoring the team up by 42 points”
The uniforms have nothing to do with how they play! They could be wearing the black ones and they would still be dropping passes!
Well we have to remember…we have sum super secret plays up chow’s sleeve….hope he is wearing long sleeve shirt…thanks to BJ for this schedule…
DEEP down sincerely believe…they are not that much better then us…man for man (maybe qb) …but they are surely prepared better…coming back from Wisconsin will be looked upon as very big mistake now…n it did not even take a whole 15 minutes to prove it… they are simply not prepared…for the type of football BS plays…coaches fault…its lunch time her…go wendy’s n have a baconater…that will taste good…can’t stomach this….
I feel as though we pissed off Boise State. They’re up 42-0 and going for a TD with 6 seconds left….opps, they did score a TD..49-0
Defense doesn’t care cause the offense is crap.
Wow is Boise St seems better than Ohio St and Wisconsin. Boise is putting up way more points.
Ikaika in
I have been through many bad halls football in my decades of being a UH fan.. I’m afraid to say this was the worst. It is discouraging and embarrassing. If Norm Chow has any decency he will simply admit that he cannot do the job and walk away and give back the money he is been paid.
I wanna believe it’s just Boise st is that good.
I’m not sure how that young receiver coach from Utah kept his job.
It’s The End of The World…
Brenda Lee
Hoping to see a Comeback like Fresno state 2013. Not holding my breath though.
We need to recruit heavy in Australia or New Zealand to play hard-nose football. We can’t get mainland or island recruits. It’ll probably be their only D1 offer and the culture here is similar.
Can any of you recall a game that Hawaii played this badly? I can’t. Maybe the closest was the loss to USC at the Coliseum in 2012.
I am not sure if Norm Chow is just a terrible coach or whether he only knows how to coach with superior athletes. We do not have superior athletes and we need innovation and creativity to have a chance. It will truly be a test of character to see if our team can come out in the second half and try to play decently. I think it would be best to release coach Chowl now and make it clear that we will be changing direction. I continue to feel that Fei Jai would be a good choice for interim coach.
Time to change it up with Ikaika. Playing straight up with BS is not working.
I’ll take over interim HC duties for chicken from Itchy Butt.
Max has not been accurate.
Time to get Beau Riley and Zwalin in for some game reps.
Miano for interim coach!
Does ESPN2 have a back-up game to switch to? I wish they would to save further embarrassment.
If Fei Jai will not take the interim coaching job perhaps Frank DeLima will. At least we would know he was trying to make it a joke.
Norm Chow? Maybe not terrible but mediocre certainly comes to mind. UH needs the type of coach who has the ability to groom recruits to reach their max potential since UH cannot compete with the big schools in garnering blue-chippers. Coach Chow has not demonstrated this in my opinion.
What was the injury the Marcus Kemp had?
Where’s Larry Price? He probably call better plays.
SteveM Can I change my score?
My first guess was for halftime…
Where you at Fei Jai!?
I tried to figure out how many touchdowns per game we will need to meet our goal of 75 total this season but my calculator doesn’t seem to go that high.
I feel for these players. It must be awful to be in that locker room at halftime.
Yes. Especially when your coaches speech is, “anyone need to make shishi?”
I think the only 2 games that really upset me was Utah state 2008/ unlv 2011
Kemp hurt his knee last week.
Bring back the Run N Shoot!
It is hard to believe Rypien is a freshman.
Hate to say it, but Chow has got to go.
Any ideas for an interim coach that is currently on the staff. Start thinking now because once Hawaii becomes bowl ineligible let Chow go and install an interim coach.
I think the AD will be pleasantly surprised that if he lets Chow go how much the community and business community will back him up.
I was a Chow supporter but now I’m a UH football supporter… time everyone realises the difference. In another way to say this, I am a UH supporter, and Chow has to got to go…the two can no longer be said positively in the same sentence.
52-0 Wow just wow.
Boise State, IMO, wants to show that they can do more than OSU and Wisconsin … Combined, I guess.
Did Julian Gener get in the game?
Chow need to go. This team is horrible make changes!!! Change qb. Change safety. And change those gay looking uniforms.. Peace
Woosley the Great Hawaiian Hope is in….Oh Norm, you so funny.
Gener and st juste are still here in Honolulu.
@141 Really? Is he hurt?
It’s 3rd Quarter and UH receivers still dropping passes…
I feel so bad for the Local Boys like Lakalaka, Fonua and Tulimasalii and the rest of them. Choy got them to stay home by telling them to be the foundation of CHANGE.
Start Brendan urban at center
Pau already. Go home. UH got one azz whoopin..
I predicted Boise St. would score 49 points in the game, not the first half. :/
I want to see the retro uniforms next week, for a game Chow should be able to win. Homecoming would be a great game to get a throwback outcome. Right now, it looks like UH doesn’t want to associate the Rainbow with winning.
I’m not sure why gener was left back to be honest.
I’m trying really hard not to be down on this team because of the competition they have faced but it’s hard when it’s been as ugly.
The parent blog should be Hawaii Warrior and Wahine World … Great job by the Wahine in their road wins!
Maybe we get shut out… n have to ask legislature for 3.5 million.. even with the 2
“money” bag games…plus lakers here…wonder what their reply will be ?
Well the sun will rise tomorrow. It is no surprise that we are two and three at this stage of the season. But, the losses were ugly and don’t inspire any confidence in the team. I find myself almost unbearably tired of Norm Chow. When he rants and raves at the referees it is embarrassing. I really don’t think the referees are the problem Norm.
Going from bad to worst huh…
There is a reason Mr. Edwards kept him in a box high above the crown
n refs…for 24 + years… now we know why…he makes a fool of himself….
I’ve supported Chow & believed in him but it’s time for a change. 3 losses all shut outs.. Release him now and put someone else in as interim.. We got talented players.. We just need a coach to get the best out of them.. And please get rid of the Rainbow SMH.. Go Warriors!!
Yes, it was ugly in all phases. That looked like a tired team out of sync. Coaching issues, probably.
If there is blame one should not exempt the person who assembled this schedule. We are a win better on record than some predicted, but the way we’ve lost this one is embarrassing.
There needs to be a reassessment of the receiving Corp. While at it, maybe a reevaluation of that position coach.
Yup, need to lighten up on the team. All the traveling and playing Ohio St and Wisconsin has taken a lot out of them. Worse, no bye week to get well. Next up, San Diego St. I’ll be at the game. No can help. I already have tickets. Nah, I would go anyway.
I like the retro uniforms, actually. The product on the field and the coaching are absolute crap and an embarrassment to the game of football and have been for the past four years, but the throwback uniforms are really nice.
“If there is blame one should not exempt the person who assembled this schedule”
i don’t blame the person who made the schedule. two body bag games equals cash money. also, are you suggesting that we SHOULDN’T play top competition? is this how low the standard for UH football has dropped since uncle norm took over?
“There needs to be a reassessment of the receiving Corp. While at it, maybe a reevaluation of that position coach.”
there needs to be a firing of the head coach.
Pumphrey is dinged up.
I don’t want him out for the whole season, just next week.
I was feeling sorry for Texas who lost to TCU 50-7. Now I feel sorry for us. 55-0. And could have been 100-0. It was that bad. But, maybe the team might be ready for San Diego St.
The final score is not a true indication of the game….
Prep time n readiness to play was a large factor…
They should get 2 days rest…they need it..
And the coaches better prepare well for SDT…
The 2 QB’s that played…just don’t have it…both with turnovers…
It shows that Chow does know how to evaluate QB talent…Max wasted one year of his young life waiting in the wings…he was let go…now we know the reason why…
Chow was let go at Utah…Tennessee … n USC… now we know why…
UNLV beat Nevada, 23-17. Remember Rolo ? and remember how bad UNLV was supposed to be.
This was embarassing to be a Hawaii fan.
One thing that is very obvious when looking at the sidelines, especially during home games when I can key in on the sideline, is how absent Chow is with respect to talking and “coaching” the QB.
Just this game alone, look at how much Harsin was involved in communicating and talking with his QB. Almost every time the camera went to him he was chatting with his players.
With Norm, all I see is him pacing the sidelines. I’m not sure if this is just his style or what, but I wonder if our QB could use more direction from the supposed guru.
This game was at altitude and so are a few remaining games on the schedule, a couple even higher up. They played like it affected them.
If you check out the Boise media guide you notice: 1) they have a winning tradition even before the turf turned blue, 2) they change coaches, players and still keep on winning, 3) they have 18 players on NFL rosters, and 4) they have over 65 players on their current roster who reshirted. Still, for Hawaii, it would be more fun to be in a shoot out loss than a lopsided loss. If you don’t have a competitive offense, hard to win. Of course, we are all frustrated and we know the Bows will rebound.
Been a UH Football Fan for 40 years and this is one of the most embarrassing losses ever. And on National TV yet.
The receivers Coach has got to go NOW.
I’m surprised they didn’t let him go after last season.
The receivers have no seperation and when they get open they cannot even catch the ball.
When we finally do something good it gets called back on a penalty.
I can take a loss if we are competitive, but in this game we looked like a High School that was not prepared.
Hard loss. Nobody is happy. All huhu for good reason. Still, in 2004 UH lost to BSU 69-3 up there, along with 70-14 @ Fresno. They still managed a Hawaii Bowl win vs UAB. The sun will rise tomorrow. Need to get ready for SDSU.
Yea OSD… but we had a offensive minded coach who could light up the scoreboard…
Not the case here… but me hope the best that they win 4 of the 8 remaining games to be bowl eligible..
5 games into the season and the receiving corps is downright bad. We heard so much hype about them but it’s really all for not.
The WR coach needs to answer for this and take responsibility, even if it means relinquishing his position. Separation isn’t being made and worst of all balls that touch their hands aren’t being caught.
Be interesting to see what Miano n Wagoner comments be like….he he he
Be a tough flight coming home for them Warriors…
Agree that WR coach has to go, what a joke.
Also, Chow does no interaction with his players even at practice.
I don’t get it
Fan Phones
“Norm Chow is progressing.” – LA Ralph
FCWarrior….. is his style…rant n rave @ officials….coaches…n make excuses…
Just got home from a party, holly crapolla I saw the score. I said it last week that this game bs BSU would present a lot more problems because of matchups than the Buckeyes and Whisky, didn’t think I would be that correct and this bad. Also said that both SJSU and UNLV are legit. They are improving each week. Warriors are going the other way, the very wrong way. Any turn around does not look good right now with Chow at the helm. Feel bad for the assistants that will probably be unemployed after season end.
What a smash. Another shut out. Those who predicted an upset, what were you thinking? Sorry to say but UH will not end up in a bowl game.
Well, if a win (no matter how ugly) is a win and no less, then a loss (no matter how ugly) is a loss and no less. Congratulations to a BS team that suits up in BS blue uniforms on their BS blue field, when they know that they are facing a Chow coached team.
What they really need is a good QB coach…like that dude at st. louis… just look what they have produced as far as QB’s are concerned..or the one at punahou or KAMEHAMEHA OR MILILLANI.. THE GURU JUST DOES NOT HAVE IT…THE TWO THEY USED 2 DAY WERE INEFFECTIVE..ONE WAS LAST YEAR N ONE THIS YEAR…they both need help.. n no help in sight.. no improvement in from last to this year.. n from 1st game to this game…same with receivers coach..
This team has potential BUT it seems like they are there own worse enemies. Not to take away from the beasts they’ve played but Hawaii hasn’t helped there cases in the 3 games they lost. I knew it would be a work in progress but it’s been horrible especially the connection between wr/qb, drops from receivers, pass blocking from the running backs. The defense will get worn down this season if the offense doesn’t carry its load. Sad part is this defense is good enough to keep us in games.
I hope chow doesn’t make them workout when they get back. I think they’re being overworked. Let them rest and get sleep to heal up so when it’s game time next weekend they’ll be playing more loose and not so stiff.
Nah guys, no worries. Remember, Tsai said that UH offense hasn’t shown all of its cards yet. They are holding out until conference play to show what they can really do. Wait…this was conference play. Oh well.
I’ve seen enough. Honestly, ask yourself. Have you?
Yea me agree.. should have a 2 days off n relax in waikiki look bikini… give mind a rest from x n o’s for a while..
No deception. Boizy knew almost exactly what UH was going to run play after play. Nuff said! Just one word— “PATHETIC”!!!!
Ha Ha …where is the Donald when we need him…..
There are many who still believe that he remaining schedule will leave us with enough wins for a bowl invite.
I don’t think it’s impossible but the fact that we have that chance because the remaining opponents are supposedly even worse than us isn’t anything to be proud of. Every time I hear 1420 talk about our chances being good for a winning season it’s qualified with, “Hawaii should do fine–look how bad XYZ school is!”
It’s NEVER, “Hawaii is good and they have what it takes to beat so and so”.
That says a lot.
There are many who still believe that he remaining schedule will leave us with enough wins for a bowl invite.
I don’t think it’s impossible but the fact that we have that chance because the remaining opponents are supposedly even worse than us isn’t anything to be proud of. Every time I hear 1420 talk about our chances being good for a winning season it’s qualified with, ‘Hawaii should do fine–look how bad XYZ school is!’
It’s NEVER, ‘Hawaii is good and they have what it takes to beat so and so.’
There are many who still believe that he remaining schedule will leave us with enough wins for a bowl invite.
I don’t think it’s impossible but the fact that we have that chance because the remaining opponents are supposedly even worse than us isn’t anything to be proud of. Every time I hear 1420 talk about our chances being good for a winning season it’s qualified with, “Hawaii should do fine–look how bad XYZ school is!”
It’s NEVER, “Hawaii is good and they have what it takes to beat so and so”.
At the start of the season there was all the hype about a fast, uptempo offense that would score 75 touchdowns. Pardon my math, but the Warriors O needs a little over 9 TD’s per game to get there. Also offensive snaps have to be between every 15 to 20 seconds to catch up.
Somewhere tonight while he is going over Tampa Bay play sheets, Dirk Koetter is smiling and thinking I could have done no worse if I was in paradise.
Well we have 5 games at home… n only 3 more on the road…if they take care of business at home we be ok…but most on our schedule is getting better it seems like..
I need to get this game out of my system. Gonna watch the 2007 game now.
For the last 3 years, Coach Chow has only beaten one MWC with 3 conference wins in that season. San Diego State, with a 21-7 win over Fresno St is 1-0 in the MWC, so maybe that record will be broken. Since Chow struggled to beat Colorado 28-20, and about 14 of UH’s points came mostly from Special Teams and Defense efforts, a win over San Diego State will go a long way to showing that the pre-season hype was legit.
wow talk about cracks !! no one to blame but the coachs !! poor game plan !! put lucky we came home last week to get in more time with the scout team !! what would the score be if not ?? monday rest day !! tuesday coaches run laps !! players watch flims !! all joking aside !! this weeks game is going be a make it be break it game !! this as where we going see if this team got heart or they lost it ? and we all tough cant get worst then last year !! and coach chow is a walking joke on the side line . cant wait to who he picking fight with next !!
199 what good game for watch 1989 BYU game with hawaii !! that make u feel better !! plus it chow offence take cracks from UH!! LOL
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