UH beats FS in overtime
FRESNO —It was craziness on the field and then in the UH locker room after Dan “The Iceman” Kelly delivered the winning field goal tonight. And, for those who were confused, it was Antwan “Tua” Mahaley who blocked the field-goal attempt in the final minute, not Elliott Purcell.
* * *
It’s game day in the Land of the Raisin Sun. The team is scheduled for breakfast, meetings, pre-game meal, chapel and then off to the Bulldog Stadium.
* * *
The Fresno Bee is reporting that running back Ryan Mathews won’t play tonight because of a knee injury. He also missed last year’s meeting between the teams.
* * *
Here’s the famed “Boneyard” — a makeshift “graveyard” of Bulldog opponents:
Here’s the part of the “Red Mile” that leads to the field. It’s a family-oriented theme, I imagine. Fans line the path and say things about opponents’ family. (That’s Tim Grasso’s father in the green on the left.)
* * *
Here’s the Bulldog logo painted on the middle of the field. It’s roped off. UH had to practice around it yesterday. (No, the field is not that green nor the logo that red. I hit the “enhance” editing button and that’s what happened to the photo.)
* * *
Here’s Fresno State tight end Bear Pascoe’s truck, at least that’s what “Ferd” says. “Ferd” should know. He’s been here since Sunday.
OK Warriors let’s get it on!
What??…The leader of the ceded lands is numero uno? Ya Hootie!
Game is listed on Channelsurfing btw
Yeah! Top 10!!!
Maybe top 5?
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Need to go watch my nieces play soccer this morning then it’s GAME TIME!!!!
Thanks Faith for posting that. Sometimes that Channelsurfing site can pull off a nice surprise.
So if Pat Hill is not yanking our chain about Ryan Matthews, that does help with some edge. But there still gonna try and pound that ball up the middle.
I’m still impressed that our Warriors help up Yonus Davis last week.
..Or should of said Shut down Yonus from his typical game.
Bear Pascoe’s truck sure fits his image and name.
He will now be the key player in todays game since the start running back is out, and if Hawaii shuts down the box area.
I like the line, “land of the raisin sun”.
Is it better to be a raisin than a prune?
Raisins. Rice pilaf, cinnamon-raisin bread, bread pudding, chocolate covered raisins, Raisin Bran, oatmeal-raisin cookies, golden raisins, dressings, . . .
Prunes. Prune mui, stewed prunes, oh and they help you go.
Good Morning Tsaikos!! Lots of football to be played today. First up, Whitworth homecoming game, then the WARRIORS! I’m gonna enjoy being in the rain all afternoon…NOT!
ST – you make money last night??
Go Warriors!
Al, thank you for posting the Fresno Bee article on the last blog–good to know that Matthews and a key WR will probably be missing this game. The UH D cannot let up, as Fresno has good backups, but this might help the D control the game.
whitey, condolences to your ohana.
dangit. the bear is still there? and what’s with all those “sponsoring” stickers on his truck??? i wonder if that’s some sort of NCAA violation. maybe he’s getting special deals on trucks and trailers. hmm…
the boneyard wasn’t that scary. it was pretty empty 2 years ago. hawaii fans aren’t the only ones that boo their own team and QB. they booed brandstater off the field the last time we were there. i guess he’s their hero now.
and last year wasn’t there a FirePatHill.com website? i wonder where those fans are now.
also, i wonder where that guy who got the No-Aloha treatment last year and complained to the national media. i bet his red-clan fans are a little more harsh than ours. maybe he should write a follow up story on the bulldog fans.
Ferd was in Fresno since Sunday? Wow, that sure game him a lot of time to get a feel for things.
Condolences to Ferd for spending a week in Fresno instead of Hawaii.
Good morning Tsaikos over here and everywhere!
I am sooo ready for some good news from our offense. I been hearing that Coaches Ron, Cal and Mack have been yackin here and yackin there. So come on, you guyz! Ruff Ruff Ruff! I’ll eat doggie stew today. Cook em! Intelligent intensity. No scared. Control yourselves. Come home with a W.
Coach most excellently for 60 minutes! Each of you!
Go Warriors!
i agree. i was there for a week for one of the WAC basketball tourneys and we lost the first games for both men and wahine. we had a whole week of nothing to do in Fresno. all we ended up doing was eating and playing video games. oh and homework. heh.
not sure what Ferd found to do that was safe and somewhat entertaining.
Note to the Ronnie & Rob Road Show: Go to SteveM’s site and print out the Tsaiko sign he has under the countdown clock to Fresno game.
Then, take it to “Kinko’s” and have them blow it up to the size (and colors) you want. Shouldn’t cost more than one arm and half a leg! 😎
Gotta go eat wit BarryM, then work, then paddle, then go watch some football!!!!
Go Warriors!
Esme, wooooooshhhh. Talk to you guyz gametime!
Kalua Bulldog over rice and raisins for lunch 2day.!
Get the pom poms ready :>
Whitey ~ Very concerned to hear that there is sadness in the Hale. We all care very much about our Tsaiko Ohana. Know that we send our condolences and prayers to you and yours.
Malama Pono
NP Maverick. Closer to game time, you might want to check out link in name. Seems like CS uses them for the feed…so stronger signal , etc.
Whitey – my prayers go out to your brother and the family.
BHF2 ~ Double order of Bulldog Sausage, rice and eggs should fill the bill for the breakfast of champions. Maybe a side of Diniguan just to get the blood flow started!
Just talked to Ronnie. The SoCal President of the Tsaiko’s is preparing her signage for *flashing* on screen. Actually, she’ll be flashing…the sign is just a prop! Bwhahahaha!
Pascoe’s truck needs another sticker.
Got any of those stickers that the engineer gives out handy?
Here’s a question that my 21 year old grandson asked me that started me down memory lane this morning. “What are Fender Skirts?”
He was fascinated at the photos of what they looked like. Then when I said, “check out the curb feelers.” He busted a gut at the term!
I’ll wait awhile before I add the “Continental Kits” to the mix along with “suicide knobs.”
Anyone else have an old car term that they haven’t heard in a long time? Seen any old “Nash Ramblers” on the H-1 lately?
Little Deuce Coupe….
Ask him if he knows what a “carb” is? Tell him it’s got nothing to do with a diet!
Morning/afternoon, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Yeehoo, GAMEDAY !!
Mount Fresno is looming large in front of our brave band of Warriors. Storm clouds are gathering around the summit, as the core of the mountain rumbles with anticipation.
Evil dogs are waiting to attack the travellors from far away Islands. But the Warriors have no fear. With the fire of Madame Pele in their hearts, they will attack the mountain and by nightfall, they will have conquered the summit and raise the Flag of victory.
Greetings and Blessings Warrior Nation!!! 🙂
“Boneyard”? Hmmmmm… Tacky.
Condolences to your entire family for the loss of a loved one.
wadah up tsaiko country. its game day babe time to get psyched up and represent no matta wea you at. no moa thinking about dis or dat time to strap in up and go punch da oddah team in da face. give no mercy for we will get none. leave it on da field with all the oddah dead bodies. so with this said
ST & all Tsaikos who went to a casino:
hope you buggahs wen bus the bank and goin bring home much moolas!
i stay jealous!
How you stay?
Get plenty rain?
Weather map shows entire West Coast under rainy conditons spreading East to Las Vegas where thunder showers are forecast.
Will you be back for the 10/10 VB game?
Whitey San,
Deepest condolences to your family in the loss of a loved one.
lv & Mrs.lv
Late nighters
Re;Yesterday’s post
I do not rent out the back of the limo.
kden pomai put me down for UH 24 FSU nadda , zip, alas, puka, donut hole
I looking for blooooooooooooood. Play hard, scrap every down, give nothing and take no prisoners.
Tsaiko Nation, 808 State, Wessai and da Liliha Youth Club backs the Mean Green.
deep breath 2x’s, in out in out
short intermission to wish Whitey and his family my condolence on the passing of a family loved one. sorry for your lost.
D-1 ~ Like most guys his age, he can do some damage to Honda engines. This generation values these little Honda cars more than our fave – the Deuce Coup.
He fancies himself as a pretty good shade tree mechanic. Honda cars are his speciality. The terms, Fender skirts & Curb Feelers just cracked him up tho!
My thoughts are with you. No words can diminish the loss of a child. May God bless your family.
WHITEY: My deepest sympathies.
Pacing the floor, checking the clock, looking for motivational aids to stay focused on the game this afternoon.
Just pau eat the game day breakfast of ‘blood’ sausage, toast and scrambled eggs. Each, very significant in the way the game will be played…Blood/Toast/bodies left scrambled on the field!
At Murphys, Steak blood rare! No utensils, eat by hand and let the blood run as I rip into it! Grrr…au-rhyte! Tankards of Ale to wash it all down with. Hehehe!
Starve Da Dogs!
So I wonder if Mack would consider wearing slippahs on game day as well jus’ in case anybody try get outta line again?
D-1 ~ We should have one giant Slippah custom made for Coach to hang in his office. He could then use it for occasions that require his immediate corrective action be taken.
d1 heck with da slippa time for using one shovel already.
Whaaaat? (going back to yesterday to check)… ayah. Warm hugs and prayers to Whitey’s cousin’s family and the whole Whitey ohana.
While it is hard for the ones left behind, the one who passed is a bird without a cage and free from all limitation in the Grace of Ke Akua. We touch each other in the realm of prayer and all benefit.
No doubt dat would make ESPN Top Ten!
Wat (wack)…I (wack)…told (wack)…you (wack)…about (wack)…dat?(wack)
ST- great pics and witty comments. Way to start GAME DAY!!!!
lizk call the colors for today game at murphy’s
Good morning! Gonna do some errands and then my late afternoon/evening is blocked off for Warrior football. I even did homework last night to free up today. Smart, yeah? GO WARRIORS!
kelli come to murphy’s and bring some UH students. going be fun 😀 Jason going bite one manook’s head clean off before da game. naaaaaaaaaaa actually he going eat one bucket of KFC but close enough. 😕
D-1 ~ I luv the visual of the wacks in-between da scoldings. Jel-like back wen yo Maddah wen give you da slippah and talk smack wit da wack!
koakane- I can’t wait forda replay so I’m going to head down to JJ’s to watch the game this afternoon.
We’re getting ready to go to a First Burpday celebration at 12:30 at the Ihilani Resort before heading back into town to Myrphy’s to watch the game.
Any ideas for a gift? The honoree is DrDoc’s boss’s first grandchild. It’s been a long time since anyone I know had a similar birthday. I was thinking a gift certificate to Border’s or Barnes & Noble. .
Doc- cash is always a good present 😉
good luck to the Beast, feast on the grizzlies…hi rob25 and ronnie, enjoy the raisens and take no prisoners in the stands…
lizk befoa you leave what color’s do the tsaikos wear to murphys?
Buy low and sell high Doc. Get a U.S. Savings bond and let it mature with the babe.
Isn’t “Ferd” a graduate of fresno state?999
Thank you to all the Tsaikos. My cousin, Mike Kitagawa’s daughter passed away and I want to thank all of you for caring. Some of you may know Mike as he owned the chevron station across from Seaside for many years. He is also a good friend of Frank D and can probably do his show if needed. Mike was also in charge of the Maui Open that brought many of the UH coaches to Maui to play golf over the years. Thanks again.
Although it will not be an easy day, I will be cheering for the Warriors and may the sunshine bring them through this game with class and a win. Go Warriors!!!!!!
Koakane- never been to Murphys. I’ll be in my Tsai-ko shirt this afternoon…and flying my new UH car flag on the trip down. (My son asked- how you gonna keep that thing clean? I said- just fly it on game day… red dirt is everywhere and turns everything red or pink!)
my condolences to the Kitagawa family and whitey’s ohana on the passing of Mike’s daughter…
Its strength against strength (UH D against FS O) and weakness against weakness (UH O vs FS D). That leaves it up to the special teams. Kelly needs to kick some good ones to get back in NFL contention.
I asked about cash and was told that the family did not want or need money although other gifts would be welcome.
Kekoa: Savings bonds? Are they still around? Where does one buy them these days. The last time I saw one was about 40 years ago when I cashed in one to pay for college tuition.
At this point Kelly just needs to focus on keeping his position with this team; forget the NFL for now!
Doc- wow a family that doesn’t need cash! Cool! Get a cute card and a little toy and make a contribution to Na Koa in their name!
Banks & Credit Unions still sell ’em.
Another popular gift for the family to enjoy is a pass to Hawaiian Waters Park. They have a little wading pool for the little ones. Big time rides for the older kids and adults. Fun for all.
CAPITOL: US Savings bonds can be bought on-line with the US Treasury Dept.
He was fascinated at the photos of what they looked like. Then when I said, “check out the curb feelers.” He busted a gut at the term!
I’ll wait awhile before I add the “Continental Kits” to the mix along with “suicide knobs.”
haaaa, “curb feelers” i remember them and yep thats going back FAR. but at the time curb feelers DID make sense?
heard of it but don’t recall what Continental Kits or Suicide Knobs are?
good morning Hawaii and good afternoon continental US.
i’m good and hope everyone else is too.
Navy 10 AF 10 SMU 10 UCF 10
Anyone watching the SMU game? SMU’s offense moves the ball around with such efficiency with such a young team. June really has them prepared. I am hoping we can get back to slingin’ the ball out quick and not holding on to the ball too long against the Bulldogs D. If we get caught having to look off 1st and 2nd options we are done!
d1島: I read yah. I was expecting him to win us three games. So far he has lost us one. Remember Nevada though.
Was that post before the interception or after? Pretty pass out of the end zone though. Wow.
ST – good stuff on the pictures and captions in Fresno.
On the other hand, Linfield’s kicker nails a school-record 54-yarder for his second FG of the game. Wildcats up 6-0! That guy has NFL potential…
btw, where is the SMU game on TV?
I think of Kelly’s foot like Tiger’s swing. It will come back. He has to get his head on straight- not rush and have off-timing.
Before, after, doesn’t matter… I’m liking what I am seeing. that interception play, the ball came out of the Bo’s hands within 3 sec’s. Their routes our machine like precision. is it not? What the heck happened to our routes??
Bo Levi will break Tim Chang’s record. I bet that was June’s recruiting promise to him.
Whitey – my condolences to your family, will let my pops know
Good morning Tsai-kos!
It’s game day! As Ronnie says, Yeee Hawww!
Condolences to Whitey and his ohana on their loss.
d1 – #51 ROTFLMAO and off and off. 😆
morning gang!
have a safe and happy day wherever you may be
Go Warriors!
esme out
I finished all my work yesterday so I could take today off and just enjoy the game… but his waiting is killing me!
Go Warriors!
We need a crazy lineman to sommersault over the center on Fresno’s first possession. That’ll get the Fresno line to stand a little taller make them a little easier to push back.
Mainly for Funakis sake, ours also, off course, I hope he has a great game. The team needs it, the coaches need it and the State needs.
But what if he tanks again? What’s everybodies opinion? Will this be his last shot as a starter?
It’s not about winning or losing. It’s about bonding with friends, enjoying life and taking a moment to appreciate the small things.
But poor Rich2176. Not only did have unfortunate luck, he had to drive.
Hey, The Iceman shirts were released yesterday.
Very spiffy.
There are icicles dripping from the name.
And he’s got the Hawaiian Islands on the shirt.
I’m hoping today is Funaki’s day, as well. He just has to remain cool and collected, not make any bad throws and he’ll do fine. I’d rather see us lose a few yards in a down than give up an interception. Just think ..”one down at a time..execute and repeat.” No turnovers to Fresno and they can win this game.
Insofar as Funaki losing his starting position, that would take more than a loss, I think. The coaches have a very differemt way of assessing performance and what may look like a QB deficiency may indeed be measured differently by the coaching staff.
UCF has taken a 17- 10 lead over SMU
I’m not talking about a loss, after all, we’re 21 point underdogs. I’m talking about deer in the headlights, interceptions and fumbles kind of tanking.
Speaking of bad throws Bo Mitchelle just threw into triple coverage and got intercepted giving UCF great field positin. Let’s up our Funaki makes better decisions today!
UH is going to do things today to help make Funaki become more successful.
Not saying he’ll be more successful, but he’ll be put in a situation to make plays.
Given that the offense has been molded around Funaki, there will be a lot of new assessing to do. Will the other players execute the changes properly and if so, did Inoke deliver.
If anything it will be interesting to see.
I’m watching the SMU vs UCF game on Channelsurf..g. It sometimes feels like a race to see which Coach will get his team on track first… McMackin or June Jones. Jones isn’t doing all that well… 5 mins left in the 3rd.. UCF up by 14 at 24-10.
ST… what’s the weather like? Does it look like rain?
If we all we do is block and give Funaki lanes to throw in down the middle I would say that would be a successful day. Praying for the D to keep it close…
It’s cloudy, but not rainy, which is good.
A tad muggy, but not so bad.
Yes, I know that’s two too many “but not” statements.
June has over 70 % of his team as freshmans or sophs. They might not win too many this year, but the rebuild of the SMU program is on…
Hi ST!!!
Please say hi to Rich2176!
thnks..sounds like Kaneohe weather. Should of had the team practice at Kaneohe Community Park this past week.
proudly flying up here
and here’s the prices for gas in case you were wonderin.
Hail Hail Hail to Weber St.
They just knocked off Montana, THE # 2 ranked team in the country for AA. !!!
Great job to Bulla Jr. and his Wildcats.
This is a darn good team.
45 – 28 btw
its really windy up here in the PNW. was raining this morning but just overcast now.
i won’t be back in time for the vball game next week.
ok, nap time before the game.
is there a picture of the “Iceman” shirt?
where can I get one?
chawan… $3.59…… That’s only $8.00 less per fill up.. grrrrr..
Congrats to da Beast and Weber State. Hope our team got a good night’s rest, this is going to be a really physical game.
Bo, 90 Yard TD.. wow!
Whoa… 90+ yard play by Levi Mitchel. 17 – 24… down by 1 td. 13 mins to play.
This is what the Warriors need. A few successful long passing plays to really stretch out the opposing defense from the start of the game.
Typical June.. big plays 4th Q when corners are winded..
Congrats to Weber St. and the Beast!
Linfield leading Menlo, 9-0 in the 3rd. QB problems abound. The Wildcats were forced to start their #3 QB in as many games due to injury.
Go ‘Cats (x2)!
Go Warriors!
Whitey – Condolences to you and your cousins family.
Go Warriors
Ugly “makeshift graveyard”.
The red mile is ugly.
The Bulldog logo is ugly.
Bear Pascoe has an ugly truck.
Nooner Kazz.
You’re obviously in a good mood, today.
Let’s just hope the Bulldogs play even uglier today.
I hope the game result will be ugly for Fresno also.
That boneyard doesn’t look very intimidating. Kind of like a pre-school yard and somewhat cartoonish.
Perhaps it is designed to affect those who are of that mental and emotional level. 😆
Don’t worry, I don’t think Wena is lurking, you can tell us straight that you lost your arse….
Kazz: “GIVE 808%”
Sounds like a T-shirt to me.
As I screamed from my seat last year…
Supress all human emotion, including love, respect, and compassion. Kill whoever stands in thy way. For those successful at this are regarded as “Warriors”.
Defeat knows no color or preference, victory can be selfish. Who cares? WIN!
Aaaah, Kaaz is warming up …….
Ooops, Kazz.
If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them.
Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
– Sun Tzu, the Art of War
Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys.
Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!
– Sun Tzu, the Art of War
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
– Sun Tzu, the Art of War
Making no mistakes is what establishes the certainty of victory, for it means conquering an enemy that is already defeated.
– Sun Tzu, the Art of War
USC-Ducks game beginning
Hi Liz! Hi Kazz!
quack quack!
How fitting for today’s game:
In my dreams last night… nothing but GREEN and WHITE.
In my visions for the day… nothing but GREEN and WHITE.
Nothing else matters.
is there still room at murphys for the fresno game?
or should I say “Aflaaaaaaaac”! 😀
Ducks 7-0
hawaii 34
fsu 24
hey, i found a “ha’a power” shirt today in moiilili for seven bucks or three for 20 bucks. yah, all the boys have em on today.
“ha’a power” baby!!!
“Ha’a Mana” 😉
Wait… if you say that fast enough it sounds like a retirement home…
A large bald birdie reported reported to me that a certain defensive player who goes by the nic name “Da Beast” had a great game for Weber State – including a 12 yard tackle for loss of the Montana QB. Cameron Higgins threw for over 300 yds. in rainy 50 degree weather. Congrats to da Cats!
😆 😆 😆 😆
Condolences to you, Whitey.
DPK – Blood on the tracks! No baddah me, I’m in da Kazz Zone Babeeee!
12 yard loss…da QB was lucky he nevah lose his okole! Da Beast was taught never to play with his food! That’s prolly what saved him.
Kekoa –
Listening to some “Naturally” by Kalapana in the office before I head out to Murphy’s….
One cannot drive well when filled with RED RAGE.
Well I’m off…
As Ron Lee said, “into the lion’s den”…
Kazz says, “I S**T IN THE LION’S DEN”…
OK, we’re in the press box now after leaving a darn good UH Alumni Association tailgate party.
Gary Allen was there. His son is going to be a Warrior … in several years. His son recently scored five touchdowns in a youth league game.
what position does young Allen play?
This is an open-air press box.
On the walk over here, the Fresno band started to heckle us. They started singing ‘Over the Rainbow,” and not even the Bruddah Iz version.
On the official game notes, Lonyae Miller is announced as the stating running back.
Anthony Harding is No. 2.
“Ryan Mathews (injury) will not play.”
He’s a running back.
In todays paper, there was talk about the various Trophies (Rivalry games) that UH has. So the question is why does UH NOT schedule those teams? All these years those trophies might have swayed a few recruits to attend UH…right?
Hope that whomever gets to talk to JD, implores him to schedule those teams (Wyoming & Air Force) and get back what is rightfully UHs.
looks like its just you and me, ST.
didn’t jim leahey and his color guy get stuck on the roof once? i remember that for some reason.
thank you sir!
Mr. Tsai . . .
There usually is a reason the band people play instruments rather than sing aloud.
Next time take a pitch-pipe and tell them to pick a key or pitch.
I hope they did not damage your or “Ferd’s” hearing.
It’s starting to get a little chilly.
I didn’t bring a jacket on the trip because “Ferd” called to say it was 96 degrees and not to bring a jacket.
Ah, yes … one team, one dream.
Oh, they didn’t heckle “Ferd.”
Maybe it’s because he’s a Fresno State graduate.
no one listens to the band… trust me. well, almost. my friend got a fresno basketball player a technical foul once. he yelled something to piss him off and the player gave us the finger. the ref saw it and that was his 3rd foul in the first half. he sat on the bench giving us the stink eye for the rest of the half.
C_C . . .
Everyone on island is at Murphy’s. Shucks. I wish I was there, too!
Uhhh, not that being able to talk with you and Mr. Tsai is a bad thing.
Dang. I hope I got out of that one. HA!
ah, the secret is out!
They heckled me and Derek Inouchi.
But Derek deserved it. He said they only were serving pizza in the press box.
In Derek’s press box, the spread is really good: teri chicken, beef stew, fresh fruit.
i should’ve bought a one of those instant light fake logs for my fireplace.
wow. usc is now going crazy on oregon.
Depends on what band it is. Gotta listen to the black universities pep bands. Geez, so much spirit with the band and the home crowd.
So, if “Ferd” starts cheering for the dogs might he accidently fall over the edge? Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Hi ST, C_C & wafan!
I’m at home, no Murphy’s for me.
ST – didya take your meds?. Is the UH press box enclosed? Can’t you just slide ova dea for some warmth and nourishment? I do that all the time in the playhouse! 😆
Well, there goes UW. Getting smoked by UA. 41 – 7, under 5 in the 3rd.
Looks like this will be the Aloha Season for Willingham.
Oh oh, jm2375 in the playhouse and no one there to keep an eye on her.
you better go break down the door to derek’s box.
Hi jm! Too bad you cannot go to Murphy’s today. Kid duty?
C_C . . . Come on, a fire?
Dang. The CSTV feed looks like worse than a high school production. They need to decide what they want and/or label the switches.
Channel Surfing? Awesome, I can watch the game from Taegu S. Korea! WOO HOO! No more radio!!!
Go Warriors!!
38-35 Hawaii!
Hey everyone. 🙂
Getting ready for the game. Let’s make a statement Warriors!
Ahhhh, more people arriving at the house.
Last time I arrived late at a social event someone yelled, “All right, the dip is here!” But, I did not bring any dip. Darn those guys.
am i the only one listening to static?
C_C . . .
1420 or CSTV? CSTV is just fine.
I’m watching gameplan, but they’re playing the Fresno feed. Oh, well, those anouncers were actually pretty good last year.
It’s on Direct TV ch. 698 !
PPV is out statewide according to the TW tech at JJ”a
any signal at Murphy’s?
wafan – just didn’t feel like going ova da mountain today. Tomorrow is Children & Youth Day at the Capitol and my daughter will be going. First she was supposed to help man her GS troop’s booth, but they had too many, so instead, she’s going to get extra credit for Algebra (????). Oh well, she needs the extra credit in that class.
Fresno State is proof positive that they have no weight standards for cheerleaders… LOL
Yeah. Go Pilares!!!
Hope funaki’s concussion doesnt play re-occur tonight
thank goodness for the channelsurfing.net
You can take our place at Murphy’s. Already emailed Koakane.
Go Warriors!! Beat the dogs!!
jm2375- are you getting a ppv signal? Ours is showing fit tv and I am ready to have a fit.
oceanic’s ppv is screwed up.
Alert Alert
we have a deelema in pepeekeo. da tv no stay work
auwe auwe.
Wafan, please blog da action for us until we get a signal.
LizK – i’m listening to BC & RK. No PPV for me.
CSTV — click on my name.
Will Oceanic be giving a credit?
No problem.
Fresno on the move. In UH territory inside the 30. 1st down.
Fresno gain of 6.
2nd and 4.
awwww crappppppppp!
i am having a fittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
FSU just driving down the field. Where’s the D? No Adam today.
Down to the 11, 1st down.
UH D not much pressure on the qb.
Interesting. Listening to BC & RK and watching channelsurfing. KKEA is delayed.
Fresno leads 3-0.
Incomplete in the endzone.
Possible FG?
FSU 3 – UH 0
FSU 3, UH 0.
Sorry so slow. The blog is sure taking its time.
Click on my name for CSTV.
Mouton returns the kickoff for a TD!!!
Fresno kick-off.
Mouton at the 12, to the TD!!!
Mouton takes it to the house!!!!!!!!!!
Kelly miss the PAT.
Flag on the play against UH.
6 – 3, UH
What is wrong with Kelly?
Iceman misses the PAT! WTF????
XP is no good. 6-3 UH. Still have special teams problems.
Watching online for now…not bad picture too. Seems like a 10 second delay from the radio broadcast.
Scroll way down to find Hawaii vs Fresno State
Did everyone get to CSTV?
I am leaving for dinner in a few minutes. Be back in an hour or two.
What’s up w/ Oceanic Cable? i’m just sitting here w/ a blank screen on the TV listening to the game?
Well, at least special teams is saving the day when it counts.
Fumble on kickoff. UH recovers.
Fumble!!! UH recovers!!!
Some parts of special teams, anyway.
we need to take advantage of all of these opportunities!!!!
Funaki to the 12. 1st down.
Pilares to the 10.
Ginlack, you’re my hero. Sigh…
Ginlack holds. 2nd & 18.
Hm…looking like a FG attempt soon. Nervous time.
Funaki scrambles. 3rd and 16 @ the 18.
Incomplete pass. Here comes the Iceman. 36 yd attempt.
Iceman on the FG 9-3 UH.
Kelly converts, Hawaii leads 9-3. An unconventional beginning to say the least.
Iceman makes it. UH 9-3.
glad that dan is back on track.
You gotta use IE for the feed. Firefox doesn’t work. At least not for me.
Enough of the crowd shots! Focus on the game. grrrrrr….
is it just me or do we look like a bad version of the navy offense. Did we just become a running team?
ST- if possible, pls start a new blog with no pictures so it can refresh quickly!
PPV is finally up
ppv is up!
aloha Tsaikos from Ogden Utah,
mahalo for the kind words for the Wildcats and the beast. Higgins passed for 237 yds and 4 td’s.
the beast had a solo qb sack for a loss of 12 yards, and a few assists.
45-28 over Montana who had their 25 game winning streak come to an end.
rain, wind, field temp was 49 degrees….but i was warm as a pig in poop with this victory….sweet!
bulla and boss return to reality (honolulu) tomorrow, whew. mahalo for all of the kind words and support for the beast. he knows very well how much his Tsaiko aunties and uncles love and support him.
The game just came on!
Hm. Unless the Hawaii D can be more effective against the run, I guess the best thing to do short-term is slow down Fresno as much as possible as long as they have the lead.
…while picking up as many fumbles as possible.
our offense needs a wake up call. either that we should go back to the triple option.
woo! turnover.
we’ll see what happens on this drive.
you da man
thanks so much for the lifeline.
da bannah is waving all ova da hale.
Go Warriors!!!!
Well at least our D will take what’s given to them. Any kind of score from this turnover would be key.
Yeah! Turnover! Warrior ball!
First Quarter…9-3 UH up, forced and recovered two fumbles
leahey needs some binoculars
GO WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Libre’s got true grit…let’s hope he’s really mostly recovered. Pilares doing a super job. Funaki needs to keep up the Jason Campbell style of efficient QBing.
I tell you what….
Mack is coachin….
The coaches are in this…..
The team is in this!!!
No slackin, back McMackin!
Go Warriors!
I’m watching on bulldog tv
really second rate job
Go special teams! Imua!
These guys producing the channelsurfing are amateurs. It’s really irritating.
BowsForever- nice shout to Jason Campbell!
GO Warriors!
Hopefully Iceman’s got his confidence back with these 2 FGs.
Hi Liz! Hi lv!
I feel a chill in the air. ICEMAN!ll
12-3 UH
jm2375, we here in Korea are not too particular!!!!!!
Go Warriors!
props to the poster that put up that internet streaming site.
never knew it existed and there seems to be a lot of stuff that i would watch.
I’m a big fan of Jason Campbell now. So far he’s showing he’s a real student of the game.
D has suddenly come alive. This is something to listen to.
woooo hooooo INT BAYBEEE! 😀
To stay on top, it’s IMPERATIVE that Hawaii score a TD or two this half. Red zone offense has been atrocious.
Bobby Curran sounded like he just blew off about three games worth of frustration right there.
wow, i am dreaming!
nice td
D is pumped.
Special teams is pumped.
Offense is pumped.
Not a bad place to be on the road at Fresno.
Anybody for bulldog stew?
i hope our guys just woke up right there.
possible turning point?!?!
Did poor ole Fresno overlook us? LOL…
Awesome big “D”
Das da Run and Shoot I remember!
Madame Pele has come to rumble !!!!
fresno commentators were saying earlier that Funaki was no an accurate passer
looked accurate to me
Wouldn’t it be just crazy if we somehow end up getting 26 or so points by the half?
I guess no more away games for me!
Go Warriors!
Rob, Ronnie. Rich must be going NUTS!
fresno has always been a running team.
hope we can stuff that and get some key incompletions.
and then we score of course.
are there THAT many Hawaii fans? Sure is noisy when Fresno offense is on the field!
remember, we are talking about fresno fans here…
cmon and STUFF Dat Run!
c-cut. Oh yeah. I porgot.
Fresno TD 19-9 and a timeout. Going for 2? The could run it in at this rate.
The dee holds!
ok, hopefully that last td pass wasn’t a fluke.
Block in the back. Sigh. OK Funaki, time for work with a whole field to go.
“Short by a musubi.” Nice touch. Poor spots from the refs, but hey, you could just sneak it in on the 3rd down.
Ginlack holds again. Sigh.
ok, BIG D.
hold em!
why did we run on 3rd and longest?
I ain’t forgotten what you said about Jake Ingram. Just saw him in action. I like his vibe today. Looks like he came to play big time.
pull together. We’re in this together.
Go Warriors!!!
Here I’d use a TO if needed to mess up Fresno’s rhythm near the end of the half.
Dee does. It again!n!
damn holding penalties
there’s no way that fresno isn’t holding.
BowsForever is psychic!
WOW…check out the hot halftime show on CSTV!!!
GO Warriors!!!
That’s right, incredulous Sportscenter news guy. HAWAII!
Though…your information is about 20 minutes old.
Those Dog Fans know how to have a good time! … Warriors must stop the holding penalties on offense…Inoke will run when pressured…Have not seen max protect package with Farmer yet…No long passes tonight?…Let’s fool’m, with handoffs to Farmer up the middle..
chawan_cut — I am? How?
we are seeing a news update at halftime and a rehash of BrianK’s espn story.
Okay Coach.
Go remind da coaches dat day done good so far.
But get one whole half to go. C’mon team, play smart. C’mon coaches, no play da guyz tired!
You know the left side needs breedahz. tink tink tink tink tink TINK!!!
me and my couzin Frank from the Sugar Bowl, we stay making noise in Pepeekeo!
Go Warriors!!!!
read your post wrong.
ha. i thought you wrote TO as in Turn Over
rather than Time Out.
see when i skim over sentences and assume what i guessed
…they will not be able to run at will off tackle in the second half…Mack will make the adjustments….
Go Warriors!
THIS is the D I’ve been looking for all season! Woohoo!
woooo hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go Warriors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
int Sweet!
Go pilares!
26-9 UH!
GO BOYS!!!! Fresno who?
WOO! Funaki’s doin’ just fine as a QB!
Dis bradda is pumped, I’ll tell you dat!!!!
hmm I wonder who is sitting behind the guy I sat behind at the SB and at Florida.
Oops. One TD nullified by another.
ok. That’s one way to keep our see off the field.
26-16 UH
they keep pulling that guard and he sweeps and
our coaches are not gettin our guyz to be there to plug the side that #69 is pulling towards.
awwwwwwwwww fuddgggggge!
and now, a fumble,
more fudddddddgggggge!
ok. That’s one way to keep our see off the field.
26-16 UH
Uhoh fumble. Momentum changes.
And a fumble the odda way
There is a God!!! 😀
what an entertaining game.
They have our offense figured out. We have to keepnot together now!
what an entertaining game.
They have our offense figured out. We have to keep it together now!
Now only if we could figure our offense out…
everybody on offense gotta play like Veikune is playing on defense, and it ain’t happening!
Get it together, Warrior offense!
Go Warriors!
I say change it up, put in Alexander or we will lose this game
An untied shoe. Seriously, are you kidding me.
If we we had a QB we would’ve scored 42 by now, it’s just so frustrating. Now it’s hold your breath time again. Come on, Offense, just sustain one lousy drive, PLEASE!!!!!
wow, fresno fans boo their own starting qb, even if he’s doing good. just one bad pass.
good job, Bain!
Inoke would go!
Run and shoot!
Two untied shoes. Sheesh, is Fresno paying the refs for poor sopts and running the play clock when a player has, as Kekaula said, “an equipment problem”?
C’mon coach, they cheated you out of a timeout!
pee on their shoes!!!
Go Warriors!!!
we gotta do da best with what we
If we are going to run why not the “I” formation where at least the RB can see the blocks develop..
we gotta teach our left side oline to runblock
and we got chicken$h!t refs
welcome back iceman!
da man has come alive!!!!!
I don’t believe it, but I saw it!
Go Warriors!!!!
Just in time for dessert!
Great call on the shuffle pass to Pilares. Nice kick by Kelly. Whatever the outcome, Hawaii is doing good on the road against a ranked team.
time for anoddah t over.
c’mon d.
big d.
right here
big 3rd down.
Can the Dogs be this obedient ? Not a single penalty on them!? …
Got the rope and tree for the referee 🙂
Intensity intensity intensity!
Go Warriors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Intensity intensity intensity!
Go Warriors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Time for one more Mouton run back
no SJSU again!
one more quarter!!!!!
Or Mouton as a wide out receiver….oh yeeah!!
trade scores.
Wow, the retarded have migrated to Fresno… Love those breaks… LOL
If we SJSU again I would like to see that coach Lee rolls the length of the field in the next practice session
How’s the crowd at Murphy’s? Kinda slow here. I have a great table by myself and they are not asking me to move to the bar yet. Nursing a huge piece of ice cream pie. Pix on my blog.
Let’s go, offense!
our offense is taking forever to set the plays up.
Go Warriors!!
Inoke good job that last one.
keep it up. go fast go fast go fast, controlled fast.
keep your intensity up, young man. keep it up!
you can do it, yes you can!!!!!!
I love that woman’s shirt, “Fresno Agriculture”, like there is anything else there but raisons!!!
our db tried to bring da runner down with the old head and shoulders, and no wrap. who is that coach???:??????????????? ;( how many times you gotta tell him to wrap wrap WRAP!!!!
our D is on the field toooooooo long!
brand new game.
c’mon O.
wow. Tie tie. 28
New game.
Time and ball mgt. drills will pay off here. Hold on!!!
This is gutcheck time, offensive coaches and players!
wow. Tie tie. 29
Everyone play like Mouton!
C’mon oline
Inoke Tebow
Waht a horrible call
what the heck.
guessing again???
home cooking
how many penalties against fresno?
Not one penalty on Fresno…. Ok, do I have to wave the BS flag all the way from Korea on this one?
omg. Can’t look.
Athletic justice time
good call cavewarrior!
Cmon offense!
what kind of clock management is that?? Coach Mac is lucky Al Davis doesn’t own this team
i can’t handle OTs
where is the interference call?
OT. Has there been a more exciting game since last year??
damn with last years play calling we woulda had two touchdowns with 51 seconds left
Can you BELIEVE this !!!!
Come on ice!!! Send me to bed happy!
I LOVE YOU DAN KELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Athletic Justice to the MAX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whew twinkle toe’s Kelly was almost offsides… Nice Win
UH beat FS and the WAC officials.
Heart stopped.. need a shock…
Okay, I’m good. Feel Good win tonight!!!
Woo hoo! Party time in Hawaii tonight. What a game. My neighbors must think I’m crazy with all of that yelling.
way to break out of a slump, Kelly
We beat a top 25 team…
So much for the call to hang 100 on Hawaii!
ok, need to go lay down, slow the haert rate…. Aloha all from Taegu!
bravo WARRIORS!!!!
TOtal team VICTORY!!!!
when was the last time we beat A RANKED TEAM ON THE ROAD???
Hehehehe. I screamed so loud on the last FG, I scared the kid. 😆
And that’s why they call him the Iceman.
Party on the Bulldog at the 50 yardline!!!
Auryte Dan !!! Iceman is back! Great job Inoke, Great Job Warriors!
I think I just woke up the neighborhood.
It wasn’t pretty but the Warriors played with a lot of heart.
A well deserved win.
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
wac poy inoke funaki!!!
Since we just squashed those “Raisin Heads” I’m going to celebrate with a glass of prune juice.
On “Ice” of course.
Everyone be safe when you celebrate.
unreal. the boss, yes the boss, was praying just before that regular time fg attempt.
and then again during the ot period.
we beat two teams out there tonight.
the bulldogs and the zebras!
and i won’t have to go see my loan officer on monday!!!
Total TEAM effort!
Way to go WARRIORS!!!!!
Congratulations Inoke and all the WARRIORS…This was a great team effort! Beautiful……………………………………………………………………………
I guess “CJ block” up the middle worked tonight. Good game Warriors, way to keep fighting.
Yes………..devine intervention, athletic justice……………..WOW
My heart just started again. I don’t remember a game of such total roller coaster quality in my life. I’m totally drained.
Raise your hand, who thought we’d win when they were in field goal range at the end, after the gifted interference call? I thought so, me neither.
This game had an almost miraculous quality to it, because the WAC refs did everything to preserve the big Boise-Fresno show down.
actually my hats off to the fresno st offense. they kicked our butt royally all over and up and down the field.
500+ yards
2 rb’s with over 150 yds each
they didn’t even punt.
and thanks to pat hill’s staff for deciding to pass the ball in the end.
mouton another great game. his nfl stock is rising.
solly was all over the place and he will sleep well.
FT – there will still be a BSU-FSU showdown, only it’ll be 2nd place. 😀
Yes………..devine intervention, athletic justice……………..WOW…………………..GO BOWS
I could go on and on… 😆
THESE, ladies and gentlemen, are the REAL Warriors!!! 😉
Great game by Funaki and of course Dan the Iceman Kelly.
The warriors are back and will have to be wreckened with in WAC. The Championship is still going through us.
ooops…. it’ll be *for* 2nd place. 🙄
GO WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow what a change from a week … imua
murphy’s must’ve been rockin
and that kicker hopped into the sprawling cal roberts who was blocked causing him to tumble to the ground in the first place.
that ref needs to go back to pee wee football.
This was one heck of a blood and guts, bareknuckle brawl. I’m in awe how our defense, worn out and overworked, could hang on like this, making big play after big play when it counted the most. My hats off to them. Special teams played so much better and the offense did not shoot their own feet. Funaki managed the game well, within his abilities, but we really need to develop our run an shoot offense asap. With the offense we have now, it’s hard to come from behind.
I’m still amazed how this team hung in there. This game was nuts and I loved every minute of it.
Dang. I thought I had to pull a LizK and leave the room. They were ahead when I left for dinner and when I came back they were still ahead. Started watching and the score was tied. Thankfully, the Warriors came back to pull out a win.
So, it really is not me. But, LizK is still questionable. HA!
Hats off to the whole team. The defense and special teams rose to the occasion, and the offense did a good job too. The O line played with less mental errors, They played enough to win, thats all that counts.
Good job, Warriors!
How many fair-weather fans jumped off then right back on again tonight?
Who blocked the fresno FG attempt? Leahey credited Purcell, but I thought it was Mahaley.
so how loud did ronnie and robbie scream?
all of palolo was tuned in to the game somehow.
the whole neighborhood was going nutz after the block, the two misses that followed, and of course the iceman’s cometh!
loud dis neighborhood was. loud.
The WAC wanted Fresno to win, the calls (what calls?) were to the point of rediculous. Zero penalties for the dogs? Phantom holding calls and interference gainst Mouton at the end? Way to obvious. They both went for the ball. But Akua was looking out for us. Pat Hill must feel like crap right now.
mahaley, it was mahaley
eh, you think this game will be worth one or two recruits committing this weekend????
Bravissimo to the Warrior TEAM.
Next week is THE game for the WAC championship.
After that, we win out the season we are the champion, my friend. And, we’ll keeping on fighting ’til the end.
Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! The Warriors could really screw up Benson’s grand scheme to ice out them out of the picture. He forgot we have the Iceman on our team. Cannot ice out the iceman!
Glad I did not shoot off my mouth after Wed practice..I love to be wrong…
WM – BC & RK said it was Mahaley.
wafan – next week is La Tech (Homecoming). I think Boise is the week after.
Wafan, next week’s game against LaTech is for WAC champs?
RE: Refs and calls, etc.
I’ve said it tons of times, BENSON always FAVORS Boise. He wanted FS to go in there ranked and soo if boise won, they would be BCS bound.
Why is the WAC headquarters in denver now?
Al/jm2375, thanks, I thought it was Mahaley.
Kinda shame then that Leahey and Yamanoha gave the game ball to Purcell.
Just got back from the MANIA at Murphy’s…
Things I learned:
-The WAC will do ANYTHING to protect a ranked team and to preserve their precious “GAME OF THE YEAR IN FRESNO STATE VS BOISE STATE”.
Oops. Meant two weeks. Thanks jm and WM!
IF we beat LA tech next week, the week after in Boise will be a BATTLE!
Kazz . . .
No need to be bitter about the alleged refs. Just have to beat them at their own game and score an impossible number of points. If can, can. If no can, just do it.
Game ball to LizKauai. She said the Warriors would win if she didn’t show up…and they did.
I hope this win will take some of the heat off of Ron Lee and Rolo. The game plan was sound and the play calling not great but was ok. The O still has a long way to go but they took positive steps in the right direction. The team cannot count on getting six turnovers every game. There’ll come a time when the O will have to drive the field to win the game. Tonight the O showed they are more than capable, with hard work, of being able to do that.
The O played a big game, no doubt. And Funaki can hit the hole when he puts his mind to it. YES!!!! I am soooo happy for Mr. Funakeeeeeee! You deserve to feel good about yourself and the team tonight, sir!
Go Warriors.
the rain and cold will not bother me anymore!
not tonight!
Wow, what a game. I sure turned a couple of heads at the Swinging Doors when Fresno’s FG was blocked and then missed twice. Great win by the Warriors.
October 4th, 2008 at 8:20 pm
How many fair-weather fans jumped off then right back on again tonight?
When the Warriors play like this, they can CHANGE the WEATHER!!! 🙂
woo hoo! Just got back home.
Is this the first game we played with only one QB? I like having the offense built around Inoke!! It’s unconventional because he is talented in ways we are not used to. Shades of Tebow, I thought more than once. Gives run and shoot a whole new meaning! And you are welcome for thanking me for staying home. Just had to give the team a fighting CHANCE!
The pass interference call was bogus and so was the roughing the kicker. Glad the Warriors kept their cool after these non-fouls and worked together. They worked together in all phases of the game. Let’s build on this. Together, all things are possible.
Murphys was great..packed.. all had a good time..good food for our table
If anyone has video of the celebration on the DAWG, please post the link…
October 4th, 2008 at 8:16 pm
and that kicker hopped into the sprawling cal roberts who was blocked causing him to tumble to the ground in the first place.
that ref needs to go back to pee wee football.
That kicker went ahead and threw himself to the ground after CR had rolled away from him. It looked like he tripped on thin air. 😆
The ref needs glasses.
That kicker deserves an Oscar for best actress. It’s a great challenge to act like you’re falling to the ground due to a “phantom trip”. 😆
LizK . . .
You do not have to remain in the lavatory for the game.
Until next Saturday.
I’m sorry, maybe I’m not being fair to the Dog’s kicker. Replays reveal that he might have been actually tripped… BY THE INVISIBLE MAN!!! 😆 😆 😆
Whew! What a roller coaster ride!
Great WIN for the Warriors!
We won the turnover battle.
Focus on LA Tech next week; it’s homecoming game.
Just gotta keep on believing in this team.
Go Warriors!
See what you started Kazz?
Oh well, after all, this is a win in FRESNO that we’re celebrating! 😉
DPK . . .
If the police ever find the invisible man they will have to arrest him for indecent exposure.
Oh, unless, of course, he was using the cloaking device Garret described.
poor midori7’s cubs.
but at least the dodgers move on.
i will get the highlights and news up as soon as 1030pm passes
Good going Warriors!
In all fairness though, the Refs were a composite (blind, perhaps) crew:WAC, MWC, MAC.
YEE HAW!!!!!!
What a game!!! I no more voice, but it was worth it!!!!
C_C . . .
DId you warm up after all of the jumping around? Your neighbors must have been thrilled. HA!
what does the boneyard look like now? do they remove the bones of the teams they don’t beat?
maybe they should bury their bulldog logo. throw in the refs while you’re at it.
Citing people having problems viewing the game KFVE will be showing a replay at 9:30PM tonight
Ronnie . . .
How many fights did you cause? How many cups of beer did you throw? but the most imortant number is the number of screwdrivers you threw at the Dog fans.
Good to see all of you are okay after spending the afternoon in the doghouse.
Great win, not exactly the prettiest, but still a win is a win… Gotta re-watch the replay, and then I’ll comment more… alohaz and WHOOOSH
NEO(praying for his friend)
Yay to K5 for doing the right thing.
C_C –
I saw the “Hawaii Bone” in the pic of the “Boneyard” that Mr. Tsai posted above; I wonder if Fresno “choked” on it.
Got back from Murphy’s about an hour ago. Huge crowd singing WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU!! during the last minute or two of the game.
Weird about the communications set up. I pulled out the little game radio when the video never came on; however, I continued to listen to it even after the video feed was restored because the 1420 broadcasters were about seven seconds ahead of the television PPV announcers. Definitely a bizarre experience seeing something where I already knew the outcome, and no one else in the room did.
Alas! We wound up in the main dining room although we started off in the room which had been set aside for the Tsaikos. However, it turned out that we did not have exclusive use of it. There was a table for two which we had to vacate because it had been reserved for someone not connected to the group. When the couple arrived and claimed their table, we had to move to the main part of the restaurant because all the other seats in the room were filled by then.
Next week – Louisiana Tech. Let’s rock and roll, folks. Oh, yes, the Wahine are playing LaTech on Friday night so let’s do a two-fer.
Great game, credit the boys they showed heart and never gave up. Guess the bandwagon is getting full again!
WassupDoc: Er, you weren’t the only ones who were listening on the radio. Heck, the first few minutes while the game as out, I was giving play-by-play as I listened on the radio. Just like one of the games last year at Henri Loui’s, haha. The TV delay is because the signal is relayed via satellites, while the radio is over phone lines. I’m used to the delay; it actually helps to know the result of the play, cause you can pay more attention to it. Just gotta keep control so you don’t give away the result. Like last year’s field goals against LaTech and Nevada, and today with the blocks and the misses and the makes. 😛
Murphy’s was rocking tonight. Everyone left satisfied. Good food, good football, good fellowship.
And while waiting for TheBus on Hotel St, I saw an HPD officer on Koa-mahu watch. Needless to say, I did not run into him/her. And yes, I am now safely home.
hey Tsaikos!
great win great win.
thanks to steveM and crew for the genji overflow. was great fun. i said that we wouldnt block the fieldgoal at the end…low and behold i was dead wrong….i luv being wrong.
lets keep the momentum going. work harder play tougher and never give up.
goooo warriors!!
Random thoughts while waiting at a bus stop on Hotel St: What’s with the cockroaches running around?
Yee Haw!!!
Mouton’s kick return for a TD was #3 on ESPN’s top 10 plays of the day!!!
You knew Fresno was going to stage a come back. They were ranked 23 for a reason. You knew when, after 4 turnvovers, Fresno was still in the game that it would come down to the final minutes. But Overtime? Wow!
The Warriors didn’t panic. The Warriors believed…
this was reminiscent of Last year’s first games on the road. The Warriors have arrived… We’re BaaaaaaacK!!!
I sense that the Warriors will be scoring more and with greater ease in the weeks to come. They have found the will to win and the way. They have transformed!
WTG! Warriors!
Yeah, Warriors!!! We did better on offense, even though at times we couldn’t move the ball, at least we didn’t have as many personal fouls. Much better on special teams the past 2 games; we actually ran for a touchdown and it was nice to have Dan the Man back. The defense came up huge again. At least they’re rewarded with a win for their gritty performance.
anybody wanna give up their la tech seats…..the boss will take em.
she called this the best game she ever watched.
I gotta figure this out — when was the last time before today that UH ran for more yards than they passed? 172 net rush yards vs. 170 net pass yards. Wow.
okay, so don’t blame papa jim. a little birdie said that he has very inadequate spotters “helping” him during the game.
then again, he did hire his own staff. he should have hired me, i would have done it for free.
Some great quotes:
“I think all kickers should have a rule that outlaws thinking because thinking is the worst thing that a kicker can do,” Kelly said. “If you’re playing Division I football, you have the ability. You need to rely on that ability and just kick the ball.”
“This is as tough a loss I’ve had since I’ve been here,” said Pat Hill, in his 12th season as Bulldogs head coach. “This wasn’t a loss where we lacked effort. We had plenty of effort out there tonight. We just didn’t take care of the ball and didn’t take care of the opportunities when we had them.”
“Like I always said, turnovers come in bundles,” coach Greg McMackin said. “I knew they were going to come because we have playmakers. We worked really hard this last week. Fresno is a great football team, they don’t turn the ball over much. But we were very fortunate to put some pressure on and get some turnovers.
Here’s some heavy Tsai-ko Voodoo layed down by the Tsai-ko Twinz (TWICE might I add) that helped the Warriors to victory tonite!!!!!
October 4th, 2008 at 9:28 pm
Great game, credit the boys they showed heart and never gave up. Guess the bandwagon is getting full again!
One thing for sure, it’s awesome to see the many new names among the posters in here today!
The last time Hawai‘i ran for more yards than their opponent was November 7, 1998. SJSU defeated UH 45-17. Charles Tharp led the Rainbows with 120 yards rushing, as the team totaled 237 rushing yards. Dan Robinson and Bronson Liana totaled for 102 passing yards.
Until tonight. Wow, 172 rushing yards to 170 passing yards. That’s an amazing statistic.
Not as amazing as ZERO punts or ZERO penalties for Fresno State. ZERO!
I meant, UH ran for more yards than they passed. How did I get “than their opponent,” IDK what I’m thinking right now.
I think there are lots of us who have been expecting the Warriors to have a game like this. You can really see the growth in the team over the last few weeks. Everything finally came together.
Serious credit and respect to Fresno, they went toe to toe the whole night. I know that I’ve been rubbing it in a little in my above posts; that’s only because Fresno is one team that enjoys a little taunting. 😉 They ARE a great team with a GREAT coach and played a whale of a game, making this win all the more sweeter.
*DPK turns the “Taunt Switch” off.*
wafan –
Rob25 said to tell you that the screwdriver “fell” out of our bag…
Actually, we didn’t cause any fights and made sure not to WASTE a beer on them!
Good times include:
Yelling “It’s ANOTHER Warrior First Down!!” because after each first down the announcer says, “it’s another bulldog” and the crowd responds… “first down”
And we got to yell “It’a ANOTHER Warrior TOUCHDOWN!!!”
And a Hawai’i fan caught one of the t-shirts that was shot out of the cannon, and he threw it on the field… so a fresno fan threw the plastic megaphone at the Hawai’i fan… THEN they wanted the Hawai’i fan kicked out of the stadium, but the 2 police that were called talked to him and let him stay. I tell you, I feared for my life. Should I circulate an email about it?
Oh, and when they showed last year’s hit on Colt over and over and over, we had to remind them that they LOST that game!
And Rob REALLY liked singing Hawai’i Pono’i while the team danced on the puppy!
Rob’s biggest highlight was having her picture taken with Pilares after the game! 😀
I just finished watching the game off of Tivo. Had to get the kids to bed, etc. What an interesting game. 6 takeaways, a blocked kick, no penalties on Fresno State (yeah, right) Giving up over 300 yards on the ground. And still having enough gas in the tank to pull out the win. Wow.
Hats off to the special teams. They really turned their play around since Oregon State. Excellent work. Hats off to Funaki as well. It wasn’t pretty, but it was enough.
jason on hotel st?
gotta hear those stories.
The Iceman cometh badk!
Thanks for letting us know about the replay. Wow, it’s only a little while after the game for once.
Been gone WAY too long, but been watching every game! WOW! What an incredible win! Way to go Funaki for making much better decisions on the field – he’s growing, folks. And so is our O-Line – MUCH better job giving him time and room. Hats off to the D – so much for the 21 point spread, huh? As for the Iceman – what’s there to say other than the obvious? Watching him run into the stands was pure joy. We were SCREAMING here in LA!
Oh yeah, ZERO PENALTIES for Fresno????? What the heck? I’ve NEVER seen that before… And can someone please explain to me a) how in the world was Mouton called for pass interference and b) how in the world did we get a flag for running into the kicker when he grazed his foot in the replay? TWO potentially game changing, questionable flags? Anyone else think maybe there might have been a little bias???
I guess it doesn’t really matter – we won anyway! Hahahahahahahaha! Congrats to Coach Mac and the boys – we’re proud of you guys no matter what!
I mean cometh back.
Great, gritty win by the Warriors. They’re set up to get back on pace for the bowl game if they can get past La Twch next week. Is it really the first time EVER that the team beat a ranked opponent on the road?
Until tonight. Wow, 172 rushing yards to 170 passing yards. That’s an amazing statistic.
jason….that’s why they call it the run n shoot.
Twch >> Tech. Just saw Rausch congratulating Funaki on the replay. He’ll be a great QB for us in the next year or two. Tough break for Graunke, but I think Funaki is our starter for the rest of the season. Funaki had Jason Campbell-like passing efficiency and totally fixed the turnover issues in his new custom-fit offense.
hey, almost forgot, how did the team of Wai and Kai do? (aka, THE Princess and the Golden girl)????
someone’s been reading my posts.
at times….it did appear that the zebras had some bonus money envelopes on their hotel pillows. sort of like a turn down service.
i was beginning to circulate a conspiracy theory that karl benson didn’t want the warriors to come out on top. having two wac teams in the top 25 was starting to wear nicely for him.
Returneth… you read it here first. 😉
I forgot to mention: Those attending the Children and Youth Day Fair tomorrow (Sunday) might want to check out the Honolulu Bible Fellowship’s youth group, which will be performing a few songs from 1:00 to 1:30 pm at the State Capitol. All are invited to attend. (No, I’m not performing.) 😀
Good night, Warrior nation.
recruiting issues….
fresno state had three backs including injured starter ryan matthews who were at least 5’11″/215 lbs and fast.
if i were mack, i would be recruiting every running back that pat hill has on his wish list.
only lwj was recruited. other than that pilares, farmer, and libre were walk-ons. i suppose that now with a more concerted effort towards recruiting it won’t be long before we find some running gems of our own.
returneth to your corner kid.
and i was number 500.
Watching the replay now.
Almost halftime, which is the point at which we had to leave Murphy’s 👿
Nice meeting Lopaka43 and protector and his buddy.
That youtoob is meee-annnn! LMAO 😆
Anyway, ended up listening to the rest of the game at the party with my earphones. By the time OT came around everyone in the room was waiting for me to relay the call—including the groom! When Kelly kicked the game-winner the room erupted with the loudest cheer of the night. Funny stuff…. 😀
Darn Chinese fuud….hungry again!
The special adjustments that were made this week on offense suited Funaki. It’s nice to see his skill set being “meshed” with this offense. He’s a great athlete and a growing leader.
who gets married during football season????
I love it when a plan comes together!
No one I’m to whom I am related!
I think I’ll just send myself to bed instead, al – san.
Great game for The Warriors.
Good Night and Blessings, Warrior Nation.
those holding penalties, false starts, are killing us. more discipline necessary.
ginlack seems just a half step slow at times, thus the holding. i can’t seem to believe that letuli and kia will continue to rotate at lt.
al – it must have been a great friend or family for d1 to leave Murphy’s to attend the wedding.
BTW – I don’t think the Republican Party of Hawaii are UH fans. How can they hold the Governor’s Ball next Saturday when there is a home game??
Agreed…as far as this week goes.
Rolling the pocket; flattening routes; optioning the dives all will be scouted. The question is: What next?
One of thee best Warrior battles I’ve watched. Crowd at Champions was going off!
Agree, there’s some kind of conspiracy with the zebras. Even though the Warriors won this game, Coach Mack should contest/protest the game (can this be done even though the Warriors won?). Those zebras should be held accountable and should not be officiating any of Hawaii’s games (any WAC game for that matter, because it was a travesty! Totally potential game-changing calls!!) Can we be sore winners if we do protest? LOL.
Sorry, I butchered that 11:20 post.
(nevah mind da dangling da kine)
Nobody I’m related to!
perhaps those two should become the left side, strong side.
good playcalling adjustments, sprinting out to the left side instead of always going to the right like in the first half.
stretch….to make matters worst it is not just any game its homecoming. the lame duck gov is lucky this ain’t an election year for her.
Go Warriors!
Great Great Victory!
To say that the refereeing was biased and one-sided is, well, quite the understatement. They called 10 penalties on the Warriors and ZERO against the Bulldogs. Unbelievable!
The phantom interference call was bad.
The running into the kicker call was Vlade atrociousI
But worse of all was the non-call on Roberts facemask being flagrantly grabbed resulting in his body being turned completely around to where his feet end up by the kicker!
“Poetic Justice”
Great Great Victory!
Go Warriors!
you are lucky it only happens with chinese food for you.
japanese food, thai food, mexican food, american food, french, chinese, everything but hawaiian food.
got poi?
Who said it’s limited to Chinese fuud for me? 😉
October 4th, 2008 at 11:22 pm
Agreed…as far as this week goes.
Rolling the pocket; flattening routes; optioning the dives all will be scouted. The question is: What next?
A healthy Graunke? Hehehe…
Ok. Good night for real now.
d1 did #2 son’s team win?
did St Louis come back? they were trailing Iolani in the 4th Q.
Chawan – UH – 2 Alumni – 2
i would be ecstatic if we could land a recruit like any one of those three fresno rb’s.
st louis 30
iolani 35
CHEE HOO!!! Great sports day! Not only do the Warriors upset those dawgs, but the Dodgers SWEEP the cubbies.
a bit shorter but troy evans is one.
wow Sleaze going to the Governor’s Ball….mister 2 step himself…
Congratulations to Bulla’s son and his team’s win!
thanks Al! This has been one wacky season. Didn’t expect Waipahu to beat Waianae last night.
Linfield won, 9-0. 3 FG’s. One from 54 yds! (School record. The same guy had the prior record 51-yarder) Former SLS DE, Sparky Gonzalez had 2 sacks and a forced fumble while seeing considerable playing time. #2 son did not suit because of lingering effects of a stinger that he got prior to last week’s game and decided to let his parents know about by calling from the doctor’s office to ask for insurance info only this past week 😯
SLS came up short to Iolani tonight. Hats off to (Red) Raiders, who were able to do what the other Div I teams weren’t -shut down Crusader offense late in the game.
here’s mouton’s kick return that got on espn’s top 10
and last night’s news with highlights for those of you that missed it.
Let’s see… Mrs Long Time UH Fan, Homey, Mrs Bulla and BG must be singing Marauder’s Alma Mater…’neath the waving tassels….with that win over Waianae
Hmm..maybe Iolani should be playing Div 1 now…
thanks d1! i pray it’s nothing serious.
Thanks. The doc said he’s good to go on Monday. 🙂
Good to hear your son is OK…
Start of the 4th….refueling the euphoria with a Diet Coke. Hunger abatement went a little overboard 😳
Thanks LTUHF.
Some weekend, eh?
You and the Mrs. gonna make it for homecoming?
d1 – i’m surprised that their kicker didn’t get any D1 offers. Sounds like an NFL prospect.
Will try really hard to be there…Hope I’m good to go…
Man, now that I see this 2nd half, I think the trainers going be real busy tomorrow and Monday. This game was a bruiser!
Thanks for the videos…
Not sure of his background but, yep, the guy is a legit prospect for that level. #2 son can learn a lot from him.
Howzit Hawaiianbod,
Good to see you posting a lot nowadays!
Goodnite all..take care
Isn’t it time for an Esme appearance?
did everybody go moe moe? Is it time to play? hehehehe.
Eh, who cleaned out da fridge? Eh Kekoa, wea’s my slippah?
Watching the replay.
Shhhh…need to be vewwy vewwy kwy-et. 😉
jm – what you doing on the computer?? you supposed to be watching the replay. Now the game gets GOOD!!
jm – what you doing on the computer?? you supposed to be watching the replay. Now the game gets GOOD!!
Watch A-joe’s video.
OT, baby!
I hope we win 😉
d1 – shhhhhh… al might have dvr’d the game, we don’t want to spoil it for him
btw – has anyone mentioned that the camera men/women were pretty bad??
Oh sorry….NOT!
I synched A-joe’s video with the TV… HILARIOUS!
We win!
We win!
We win!
We win!
We win!
We win!
😀 🙂 😆
Da ‘puter in family room, so can watch terebi same time! 😀
OK. Time fo’ lights out and sweet dreams of WAC repeat still alive 🙂
Keep da noise down and clean up, eh! 😉
Anyone need a DVD of the Fresno game? No charge including postage in case you don’t live on O`ahu.Just let me know any time within the next couple of days, and I’ll make one for you.
Don’t forget to save your HI-5 cans & bottles from home or work & be sure to bring them to next week’s T-Gate.
Orfftobed. Annodda big workday tomorrow.
Honjitsu no shiai wa taihen tanoshikatta desu.
Toku ni obataimu no kikku ga nikai hazureta noga sugokatta.
Moo chotto de unko morasutokoro datta.
Sorosoro neyoo to omouga, kono kuso byooki wa nekasetewa kuremasen.
Tonikaku Hawaii daigaku,Banzai,Banzai,Banzai!!!!!
Great win!
Whew, just back from almost closing Genji’s again– the karaoke party started immediately after the game so it ran a little long… 😐 Prognosis: the Tsai-kos in stadium section JJ yellow are goin’ to rock this season!
Congratulations Warriors!!!!
Awesome, awesome win!!!!
Super Win Warriors ❗ on the road, against a ranked team.
Na Koa Lunch and Call the Coach should be packed. Get there early. Who’s going to win the helmet drawing??? Will there be a football too?
Stretch, need be present to win? 🙂 myki would sure like a helmet to complement her Funaki football. Who will be the lucky Tsaiko this week?
????s to be answered at this week’s Tsaikogate since we’ll be on Maui for a couple of days. Congrats Coach Mack and the Warriors ❗
Glad there were no critical reviews; they were “shakier” than sj 🙂
And the victory train starts to roll to the WAC Championship.
Looks like MP is da winner with da pik of UH – 31 vs puppies – 28
There is NO reason that we can’t be 11-3, as WAC champs with a victory in the Hawaii Bowl
Next a win over LaTech for the homecoming
34 – 17 Pomai
Tsai-kos witness victory at Murphys!!!
35 – 14 UH
Warriors – 31
Cry baby coach – 21
one bulldog down and one to go……..
Howzit LV! day off?clinic?
so what, goin’ moe moe soon?
don’t work too hard.
yah, almost there…..too much adrenaline.
do what i do, eat until sugar levels force me to pass out
scary thought…..might not wake up.
Next a win over LaTech for the homecoming
31 – 21 Hawaiianbod
34 – 17 Pomai
35 – 14 HiFlyer
63 – 12 homey
no worry, digestive juices are hard at work
For the first time this season
Uh 37-14 La Tech
k, LV – see you in the p.m.
have a good day!
Pomai ~
Warriors ~ 42 hard earned homecoming points.
Wimpy Whiner Coach of Lousyanna Tech, who we love to hate ~ 9.
UH 27 — 21 LT
Las Vegas ~
Re: Your Post #560:
I remembered my lessons from Karate Kid. So I’m still at ‘wax on’ level, and I always “WATCH EYE!”
I do remember how to do the Banzai cheer! That’s a no-brainer! Just scream as loud as you can in the most frenzied way possible and create that ‘Divine Wind.’ (and I also use my fan and make sure no mo smell!)
jm2375 ~ I had the CSI Hawaii team sweep the playhouse after last nights victory celebration to make sure there was no structural damage. They did happen to mention a few items that will need some attention.
1- Ti leaf plants pulled out of the front yard and used for cheering at a certain sports bar downtown.
2- The usual mess in the kitchen with chocolate frosting handprints on the counter top, fridge, milk container, and pantry doors.
3- Muddy footprints all over the house, furniture and walls(?).
4- VHS tape cartridge jam. Old copies of Gilligan’s and the Beav all tangled.
5- Toys missing, and supersoaker guns found frozen solid in the freezer.
6- Shave ice cups found stuffed down the side of the sofa.
7- Tidy bowl container left clipped inside the fish tank.
8- Someone Super-glued the back door lock, so the key won’t go in.
Care to explain jm?
OK…up too early. Realized it was NOT a dream. We really</b? did beat Fresno! Now I can go back to bed.
The warriors beat Fresno AND the Refs! That 10-0 penalty margin is ridiculous. Were those WAC refs or PAC-10 refs?
Hmm. Possible retaliation for Coach Mack’s comments over the officiating of the SJSU game.
Ray ~ I hope they do try to pin Coach Mack for his comments! This will bring it all out in the open. We all need to jump on these clowns who hide behind these cockeyed officious walls of silence. Time for all fans everywhere to raise a ruckus about bad officiating and get it fixed. It ain’t gonna go away on it’s own, we gotta make it happen.
Since when do we have to stand for these obvious injustices done to our team or any other team? I would feel the same if it were bad calls against Fresno. It steals the integrity of the game away from the kids!
There needs to be a group that oversees the officiating calls that a coach has called into question.
Armed with the game film of the infraction, this group should review the evidence and call the officials on the carpet to give them an opportunity to rebutt.
If this independent body of experts finds that the evidence does not support their actions, then a fine should be levied on the official who made the bad call, or the entire crew be fined if they made a group supported call.
If those 10 calls they made last night were all found to be bogus, then those boys got what they deserved, NPD….No Pay Due!
Calling ST…are you heading home, or did the call of the Casino beckon for one last attempt to win some lunch money?
Coach Bulla!…Props to the Beast! Helluva game. What did I warn those Montana Wildlife folks about…Beware of the Beast!…Move the bears up to the high country where they’d be safe!
But nooooooo…dey nevah like lissen to Uncle Kekoa, and da Beast made dem pay! Right on my nephew!…Right on da kinipopo!
jm2375 ~ That’s a good question…where IS my slippah? You always leave one moe leppo lookin rubbah slippah and take my ‘Escalade’ model slippah.
Ronnie and Rob25 . . .
So the screwdriver “fell” out. Geez, that story by Jones sure has taken on a life of its own. I read somewhere a group at FSU wanted to have a screwdriver as the “trophy” for the UH/FSU games. That would really be funny! In 50 years no one would remember what the heck the screwdriver was supposed to represent. Well, that is not totally true – it could have represented the royal screwing the refs gave the Warriors last night.
I would have thought the biggest thrill of the night would have been the win in puppy wonderland (as in, “I wonder why they did not have any penalties?”); and the second would have been the picture with the Damien man, Pilares.
And, I am shocked you feared for you safety, well-being, and your very life! Those thoughtless thugs and cretins! How could they terrorize two sweet and defenseless women — both of whom have children at home and proudly serving in the US military! So, they threw beer and assorted trash and “Bulldog products” at you, while displaying their ignorance by shouting insults and jeers all the while, too! Perhaps a strongly worded letter to the Fresno Bee is in order. After all, the local constabulary was made to respond to the near-riot situation in the stands after a Warrior fan was nearly injured by the reckless and irresponsible shooting (of the T-shirt) into the stands. Consider the traumatized Hawai’i fans! And, to think, you witnessed it first hand!!! The innocent Hawai’i fans must surely consider their safety before ever returning to that beautiful oasis in California and the outstanding post-secondary educational institution located therein. Consider how the boorish behavior by their over-zealous and obviously alcohol-fueled and intoxicated fans will negatively impact their fine and beautiful city.
Oh, and just for good measure you should also send it to the other WAC newspapers warning their fans.
Hope you two had a great time — sure sounds like it! Safe travels to all of our Warriors!!!
Almost forgot!
A super fine Warrior morning to all.
Been thinking about this for a couple of weeks. I know, it is not very often I have any coherent thoughts at all.
If we are able to sit together at the UNLV game next year, and BG does get his card-trick organized, one of the “views” should be of a rubber slipper.
Okay. Only the locals would get it and the rest of the people would think, “Why are they flashing a flip-flop?” But, the inside joke would bring a few smiles and laughs to those who caught it — especially if we could coordinate it with the TV camera crew.
Congratulatons to Iolani! So when do you move up to D-1 (as opposed to being d1). HA!
Two more to go! Well, with this one, just one more to 600!!!
I cannot believe Oceanic will not give a refund (even partial) for the non-video in the 1st quarter. Geez, even a 25% refund would go a long way in the PR department.
Someone needs to rethink priorities.
just gotta give a shoutout to addahknowjoe for those great videos, especially the tsai-ko mojo one. you cannot cheat, baby!
Mr. Tsai . . .
The “booth” you are in while at the Fresno game is without a roof? Is there a tarp or somewhere you could go if it rains or during a day game? Or is it just one of those tough-luck things? Kind of brutal.
yes, i think K5 borrows the camera people from the locals.
don’t you remember how horrible the cameras were at Idaho the other year?
and what great videos by addahknowjoe. i’m scared of the twins voodoo powers now.
Long Time UH Fan
you’re welcome. i hope everyone enjoys the highlights.
USA Poll shows Fresno out of the Top 25.
wow, i guess its just me, kekoa and wafan.
everyone else must still be sleeping off the celebration, or the exhaustion.
UHFan808 and Midori7 . . .
Please. If I ever do something that might upset you please let me know. I want to stop before the screaming and yelling starts.
Those dogs never had a chance with you two cheering for the Warriors!
Pomai . . .
34 – 28, Warriors, of course!
I’m disappointed that addahknowjoe didn’t get video of the Twins planning their Dairy Queen celebration. Okay, that was all midori7. 😀
Good job, warriors. Last week, the warriors were the better team but turnovers killed ’em. This week, the bulldogs were the better team but turnovers killed them.
I guess it evens out in the end, no?
so Jason,
how was Hotel St? i guess nothing would phase you after a game like that. i was in such an adrenaline zone for like 2 hours after.
good morning one and all, i’m certainly “all good” and KNOW everyone else is too. haaaa
two VERY bad calls at the end but thats why its called bachi.
enjoy ‘peeps’ cause its a beautiful day throughout Hawaii.
Left Murphy’s at 8. Bus came at 8:40. In the meantime, I kept my eyes open for drunks and crazy people. I’ve been in the area during the day, but never at night. That was something else.
And yeah, what’s with the cockroaches? I felt like we just survived a nuclear bomb. Streets were empty; only weird people and cockroaches were there. Oh, and me. But I’m
kindaweird too.Okay, gotta get ready for church. Last minute reminder: If anyone is attending the Children and Youth Day Fair today, be sure to check out the Honolulu Bible Fellowship’s performance at the State Capitol from 1:00 to 1:30. No, I will not be performing. 🙂
For more information about the Children and Youth Day Fair, and about Hawai‘i 2008 Children and Youth Month, we have the flyer on our Web site:
New post!
If you guys didn’t see this, Fresno fans are pretty bad. (not all, but some). maybe someone should write to the national media like how that one Bulldog crybaby did last year about Aloha stadium and blew it totally out of proportion.
suicide knobs
Didn’t realise there was this type of information out there
radio control toy trucks
sourcearticle.info has a similiar post if anyone’s interested