Jeramy Bryant out with biceps injury

Greg McMackin announced on his coach’s show that starting right cornerback Jeramy Bryant has a torn biceps and will not play against Nevada. Bryant was seen holding his left arm after today’s practice. Another blow for the Warriors.

* * * * *

If Bryant Moniz is cleared to practice tomorrow — and all signs point to that — he will start against Nevada, McMackin announced today.

* * * * *

Defensive tackle Vaughn Meatoga, who has missed the past two games because of a sprained right ankle, said he will play against the Wolf Pack. Yesterday, he competed in the 200-yard relay race between the offensive and defensive linemen.

* * * * *

Wideout Royce Pollard said he will learn next week whether he will be cleared to play. He will miss his third consecutive game because of a hairline fracture on his left fibula. He continues to wear a light-weight brace.

* * * * *

Happy birthday to Long Time UH Fan.


  1. Stan Manley October 27, 2009 6:36 am

    Uh, el numero Uno?

  2. Maverick October 27, 2009 6:42 am

    Weather forecast for Reno on Saturday has been UPgraded to 65 deg. max.

  3. Maverick October 27, 2009 6:42 am

    Dos & Tres

  4. Kekoa (iPhone) October 27, 2009 6:43 am

    Good morning all!

    Let’s get our wounded Warriors back to duty!

  5. Stretch October 27, 2009 6:44 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos!!

  6. Maverick October 27, 2009 6:44 am

    Not bad for this coming game, compared to last visit to Wolfpack stadium in Nov., plus it was a night game

  7. LizKauai [iMac] WARRIORS! IMUA! October 27, 2009 6:51 am




  8. chopsueyboy October 27, 2009 6:57 am

    top 10

    Good Morning Tsaikos!

  9. Da Punchbowl Kid October 27, 2009 6:57 am

    Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂

    Top Ten!

    Healing to ALL the injured! May the injury bug begone!

  10. chopsueyboy October 27, 2009 7:01 am

    Anyone noticed after the Boise State game
    (for those who stayed till the end)
    the Broncos team visited their fans in the stands
    and one by one lined up to greet or shake hands
    with their fans.
    I wish our team did that in Seattle, or anywhere else
    they travel to show they appreciate the support.
    Even after a home game would be great to do,
    if not the whole stadium, at least the student section.
    It wouldn’t take long to do the quick walk around…
    just don’t stop for autographs or pictures, etc…

  11. Da Punchbowl Kid October 27, 2009 7:04 am

    27-21 Warrior Redemption

  12. Kekoa (iPhone) October 27, 2009 7:07 am

    Maverick ~

    Any chance of lowering the altitude in Reno before game time?

    Howzit DPK! Missed you guys at the t-gate ‘bana bash.

  13. westsidesview October 27, 2009 7:08 am

    Hawaii 3 Wolf Pack 52 @ Mackay Stadium, Reno, Nevada

  14. lava October 27, 2009 7:13 am

    Hopefully we can cut down on the mistakes this week. Go Warriors.

  15. bighilofan2 October 27, 2009 7:15 am

    Hiya Tsaikos.

    thank you for observing and reporting about the Boise State team lining up to shake fans hands at the bottom of the stands after the game the other night. now thats coaching, and showing fan appreciation.

    some mentioned that the coaches read this blog occasionallly. i was looking for Warriors to come to the corner section of the stadium at the UNLV game, where the entire area was Hawaii. maybe our coaches had other things on their minds. main thing, learn from that.

    coaches, you want us to bond with the players? then do your part.

  16. Διογένης ὁ Σινωπεύς October 27, 2009 7:16 am

    Unbelievable – top 20!

    Good morning all!

    The sun is shining brightly and hope burns eternal!


  17. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 7:18 am

    BHF2 Howzit!

  18. Διογένης ὁ Σινωπεύς October 27, 2009 7:20 am

    BHF2 – sorry to have missed you and the other Tsaikos®

    Who knows, maybe if JD gets extra funds, or the Stadium Authorities gets $$$, and railings put in, I can attend the games once more.

    BHF2- you want to bring a class action under the ADA?

    Hope GARRET and his family are well.

  19. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 7:24 am

    The end of the world is approaching

    Proof #1 Change fom McDonalds included a 1921 Morgan Silver Dollar
    worth about 15 bucks

    Proof #2 First time in my life, McWaitress gave me a “Senior” coffee
    *sigh* I know I’m ugly, but do I look that old too? *sigh*

  20. Slugger October 27, 2009 7:29 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!!! Stay cool.

    It was fun watching the relay. Let’s go see what’s shaking at practice this morning.

    Esme & whoosh….

  21. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 7:29 am

    Διογένης ὁ Σινωπεύς:
    Just wondering about the railings.
    Are you handicapible and need railings to get to your seats
    i.e. ramps, stairs, aisles
    Do you need to be tethered to a rail so you don’t wander away during the game
    (think “hitching post” ala Bonanza or Gunsmoke”

  22. Slugger October 27, 2009 7:31 am

    rasu begasu,

    Howww yooouuuuuuu? 🙂

  23. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 7:34 am

    An’ You?

  24. Kekoa (iPhone) October 27, 2009 7:36 am

    LV ~ You are the original “High Plains Drifter!”

  25. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 7:41 am

    tinkin of going to da moobies today
    mabbe Law abiding citzen or Astro boy
    wen I was one kid in Japan, he was “Tesuwan Atomu”
    Fun fact: back in the 1960’s when Atom boy was first drawn by Tezuka Osamu, his birthday is given as April 7, 2007.

  26. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 7:44 am

    I no unnastand.
    But what else is new?
    Da voices in my head stay makin’ too much noiz!

  27. royvic October 27, 2009 7:46 am


    I hear what you’re saying. For them it starts with the head coach. When opposing fans are acknowledging of how well Boise State runs things-on and off the field-and have wishes that the UH football program would replicate some of the things they’re doing then you know they have it going. Just about everything they do commands respect. UH head coach…never mind.

  28. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 7:47 am

    Oh I get it
    “High Plains Drifter” cowboy stuff like Gunsmoke, Bonaza & Dragnet!

  29. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 7:51 am

    This is what I’ve noticed from back when Bess and dem guys was playing.
    After making a catch, our WRs would casually drop the ball to the turf, I always thought that they should just flip the ball to the ref who was always right there at the end of the play.

  30. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 7:54 am

    Cool day here in LV, wind blowing.
    Knee hurts from Sumo
    Ankle hurts from Football
    Ear hurts from Mrs.LV

  31. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 7:56 am

    Picked up doggy poopoo from back yard yesterday.

    note to self: doggy poop is not a great fertilizer

  32. ugh October 27, 2009 7:58 am

    take your banter to gigis blog where it belongs begasu

    why do we have to remind you every time?

  33. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 8:00 am

    Hi ugh
    Hope you have a great day in paradise!

  34. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 8:05 am

    All year I forward to football, UH is a disapointment for sure, but I’m a Redskins fan too. **double sigh**

  35. Buffoman October 27, 2009 8:07 am

    From previous #245 Garret

    What Musto said is not news. That’s been Hawaii for a long time now, so folks like Mac, Nash and Trap should not be surprised when the stands go empty. I did not mention Shoji as he understand that and does what it takes…he wins. True the Stanley does not always fill up, but he’s consistant for what is supposed to be a non-revenue generating sport.

    So, if the incoming coaches don’t know (which is bad) and the screening folks don’t tell, (which is also bad), these are a few well known things incoming coaches should know:

  36. dittohead October 27, 2009 8:12 am

    “Picked up doggy poopoo from back yard yesterday”.


    warriors 7
    nevada 49

  37. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 8:12 am

    Zorn loves Colt, if Zorn is fired after this season, I wonder if Colt still has a chance with the ‘Skins next year.
    I’m sure Campbell will not have his contract renewed and Collins is on his last legs.
    Will they draft Bradford or maybe McCoy or even Clausen?
    Will they keep a rookie and a third year player who has never played a reg season down in the NFL?

  38. Buffoman October 27, 2009 8:13 am

    Sorry, got cut:

    1. Hawaii loves football, loves UH football, especially when winning.
    2. Loves to see local players on the teams. represent. Especially like when they do well.
    3. Hawaii fans are not always the most knowledgable or loving, will at times even boo their own team.
    4. Hawaii fans are of the older generation. UH cannot seem to get their student body to support their school en masse.
    5. Hawaii fans will embrace non-local athletes, especially when they embrace the local lifestyle.
    6. Hawaii loves winners, are quick to jump off the bandwagon, but will jump back on as quickly (and say they never jumped off) once winning returns, and shows it has staying power.

  39. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 8:20 am

    Fans everywhere are fickle
    Last year in DC (where waiting time for a season ticket is 30 years)
    so called die hard fans sold their tix online where Steeler faithful
    bought them and filled the stands with those stinky yellow towels.

  40. Da Punchbowl Kid October 27, 2009 8:23 am


    Howzit wildman of the desert! I thought I read somewhere recently that Zorn would not be fired and would be back next year. Let’s pray Colt is healthy and experienced enough to help turn things around at that time.

    Gotta agree with some here about Boise State’s program- they DO seem to do everything right don’t they? (Except for their cheatin’ blue turf.)

  41. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 8:26 am

    On the mainland, when they ask “where did you graduate”?
    You answer Iowa or Mercer or Dixie or UNLV etc.

    In Hawaii, the answer is, Oh I went Kalani, or Kamehameha Schools or Baldwin (or in my case Kalimalani Boys Prison School)
    Even UH grads never mention UH

  42. tattoo October 27, 2009 8:26 am

    when all else fails–trash the fans…

  43. papajoe2 October 27, 2009 8:27 am

    on #38. coaches have to get 100+ athletes and staff out of stadium before it closes. too bad. not all students can afford to get to the games at aloha stadium. too expensive in hawaii. they usually gather at some bar or other place to watch it on tv. others are busy studying or are not into sports.

  44. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 8:28 am

    I heard Vinnie Cerrano(sp?) just said Zorn will be coaching the rest of the year, nothing about 2010.

  45. Nalani October 27, 2009 8:30 am

    Yesterday on FaceBook I posed the question what was everyone going as for Halloween. This from Robert Kekaula:

    Robert K. Kekaula Nalani,
    I’m trick-or-treating as a roller-derby queen, helmet and all….
    Yesterday at 7:08pm ·


  46. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 8:39 am

    Nalani, maybe your next single?

    Gonna tell you a story that you won’t believe
    But i fell in love last friday evenin’
    With a guy i saw on a bar room t.v. screen

    Well i was just gettin’ ready to get my hat
    When he caught my eye and i put it back
    And i ordered myself a couple o’ more shots and beers

    The night that i fell in love with a roller derby queen
    Round and round, oh round and round
    The meanest hunk o’ man
    That anybody ever seen
    Down in the arena

    He was six foot two and four fifteen
    A bleached-blonde man
    With a streak of mean
    He knew how to knuckle
    And he knew how to scuffle and fight

    And the roller derby program said
    That he was built like a ‘fridgerator with a head
    His fans call her “Kekaula”
    But all his buddies called her “spike”

    You know that i fell in love with a roller derby queen
    Round and round, oh round and round
    The meanest hunk o’ man
    That anybody ever seen
    Down in the arena

    Round and round, go round and round
    Round and round, go round and round
    Round and round

    Well i could not help it
    But to fall in love
    With this heavy-duty man
    I been speakin’ of
    Things looked kind of bad
    Until the day he skated into my life

    Well he might be nasty
    He might be fat
    But i never met a person
    Who would tell him that
    He’s my big bronze bomber
    My heavy handed hackensack mama

    You know that i fell in love with a roller derby queen
    Round and round, oh round and round
    The meanest hunk o’ man
    That anybody ever seen
    Down in the arena

    Round and round, go round and round
    Round and round, go round and round
    Round and round

  47. Da Punchbowl Kid October 27, 2009 8:45 am


    Guess we’ll have to wait and see on that one. I just pray that Colt gets a chance to play somewhere.

    RK as a Roller Derby Queen?! 😆 I wonder if there’s a big and tall shop for men’s roller skates. 😆 The picture of him in that get up would be worth a thousand words.

  48. Nalani October 27, 2009 8:45 am

    Rasu…I don’t even know what to say. Very very funny. Sounds more like Rap Replinger material than Na Leo though.

  49. Nalani October 27, 2009 8:46 am

    ….and for those of you who like to frequent Shinsotei, better keep your eyes peeled. Don’t wanna go home w any Roller Derby Queens by accident.

  50. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 8:47 am

    Oh Jim Croce, how we miss thee

  51. djmitcho October 27, 2009 8:48 am

    Good Morning All! Have a good one today!

  52. papajoe2 October 27, 2009 8:50 am

    commanding respect? maybe the coaches should have everyone on the team cut their hair decently (don’t have to shave their head) and shave their beards and wear a white shirt and tie to their games. you have to respect yourself first before respecting anything else, like mental errors (some fumbles and dropped passes are a part of this), penalties, lipping off, etc. 99% of the athletes have dreamed, even a little, of playing pro ball. you think the professional staff on any nfl team will think of you in high regard if you look and act like a bum. talent overrules appearence, true,but if you come from a school with no respect, and mess up once, you’re out. remember gavin smith from basketball, with the long hair and head ban back in the 70s? after the first allstar game in hawaii, he cut his hair to look more proffessional. too late. the mold was cast. if you coach at a high school, and have, by far, a superior talent level, you can get away with a lot of mental errors and loads of penalties per game still win. but then, this is hawaii, right?

  53. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 8:50 am

    hanabata days we used to make skateboards out of those break apart metal roller skates.
    Do the opposite, tie skate boards to his feet (no pexiglass)

  54. SteveM October 27, 2009 9:07 am

    Good morning everyone!

    Good morning rasu begasu, my old late night blog friend…and to another old late night blog friend…


  55. Bulla October 27, 2009 9:10 am

    Jeremy Higgins of St Louis gives a verbal commitment to Utah, according to local sources in Utah.

  56. […] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]

  57. A-House October 27, 2009 9:34 am

    Yes!! A most Happy Birfday to LTUH fan. Enjoy your day!

  58. A-House October 27, 2009 9:40 am

    For me, it is always disappointing to see a few members of the UH football team head straight for the locker room after the final whistle while most of the players greet the opponents and gather for the alma marter.

    Injured or not, I believe they should be part of the “group” until coach Mack releases them.

    Also, I believe that the “team captains” should make a statement to team mates of what’s expected after the game. Further, as a position coach, I would want all my players to be a part of the team. If no, then quit the team.

    If this is Coach Mack’s policy, then what can I say?

  59. A-House October 27, 2009 9:42 am

    A long time a go, I learned that as a member of the “staff” it was my responsibility to make recommendations and once a decision is made I have 2 choices – support the decision 100% or resign.

  60. al October 27, 2009 9:45 am

    happy birthday longtimer!

  61. Da Punchbowl Kid October 27, 2009 9:46 am

    Have a Happy Birthday, LTUHF!

  62. Garret October 27, 2009 9:57 am

    Happy Birthday Long Time UH Fan!

  63. Kaimuki Kid October 27, 2009 9:58 am

    You know it occurs to me that the people that go to the bars to watch UH Football probalbly spend more money than if they were to go to the actual game. At the game they can drink to their hearts content tailgating, rather than spending $3-$4 for a domestic beer, $5 and up for the green bottles, more if you drink shots/cocktails. If you order food even more. All the fair weather fans can stay at home, more room in the parking lot and we can spread out in the seats. Who said fair weather fans had any brains? Phew! I feel much better.
    Begasu, my uncle made one of those skateboard specials, went down the hill on la Mahamoe St in Moanaloa Gardens, hit a tiny rock,skateboard stopped, uncle went flying, broke a wrist and ankle. Tried tp give me the skateboard, but I opted to wait for the new fangled clay wheel skateboard. This was about 10 years before they started to make poly-urethane wheels. In high school we got this crazy idea to go down Hale Koa Drive on skateboards, luckily we didn’t kill ourselves, just a whole bunch of road rash and quick flash of our lives replaying just before wiping out on the road, good thing no cars were coming up the mountain.

  64. Garret October 27, 2009 9:58 am

    Hopefully Meatoga will be ready to play at full speed after the Nevada game. Utah State and NMSU are games the Warriors can win to get their confidence going and having a healthier team will help.

  65. koakane™ October 27, 2009 10:02 am

    good morning tsaiko country and warrior fans

    not to bad of a day so far but still need the bold kope and cooler place.

    yes there are quite a few of us disappointed with what has happened with this years team so far. just got to keep on keeping on. I am sure at year end we will have enough to contribute as to what needs to be done before next year. just hoping things get corrected, get back on course and plug them leaking holes. if not hurt gets deeper and more stuff gets added on to the bucket list.

    dpk back in the day no can afford skates to make skate board. so just find old soda cans smash it around the slippas and use it to make beeg noise on the street while playing chase masta. bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    other than that all is right in the Hawaii Nei.

  66. Slugger October 27, 2009 10:04 am

    Happy berfday, LTUHF!

    Grandma Pestana, AuntyGrandma & her hubby were at practice this morning.

    I was able to briefly talk to my homie (Sorry, coaches, for pulling him away from running drills!) Let him know that we saw players walking off the field after the game before the alma mater was done. Asked him to let the other players know that it’s out of respect for the institution to stand for the alma mater after the game. But now…they are going to an away game…hope they remember. I also mentioned this to Derek Inouchi; he said he’s see if he could get that info to the team. We’ll see…

    The guys were practicing what Coach Mack talked about yesterday.


  67. Pride. October 27, 2009 10:06 am


    October 27th, 2009 at 9:10 am

    Jeremy Higgins of St Louis gives a verbal commitment to Utah, according to local sources in Utah.

    You mean Utah State? in the WAC?

  68. Slugger October 27, 2009 10:07 am

    Whoops! he’s = he’ll

  69. chopsueyboy October 27, 2009 10:08 am

    I’m on your team. Our team needs to show respect to each other, coaches, fans, & opponents. They need to cut out the “I did my job, I’m done” mentality and more “How can I further help the TEAM”

  70. bstunna2002 October 27, 2009 10:08 am

    bstunna2002 Says:
    October 27th, 2009 at 6:30 am
    Okay I gotta get some stuff off my chest here goes… I’m calling out all the Warrior fans to stick with this program and have faith in Mack & Co. They will turn this ship around, this program gave this State and each and everyone of it’s residents football fan or not the thrill of it’s life in 07″, now’s the time when this program needs us the most we must stand by this team our team,the bickering and sideline coaching is too be expected heck everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but when people call for someones job without merit or ignoring the cards this team has been dealt it creates a situation where bad goes to worse, you think players and coaches don’t read blogs and websites, imagine how these kids feel being scrutinized remember they are students first and athletes second they aren’t professionals, as for the coaches good things will come remember this is Mack’s 2nd season and half his coaching staff is new to the program but once they gel we will be right back at the top…. Now is the time to show this football team what it means to this state!

  71. koakane™ October 27, 2009 10:12 am

    kaimuki kid

    I have done both and I see it this way as long as you are enjoying the game, have close friends as company, eating good fuud and having a few beverages what else is there. Being at the game doesn’t make you a lessor fan. but I agree with you about the money and good point. e kala mai if I misunderstood your comments

  72. chopsueyboy October 27, 2009 10:13 am

    Made my own skateboard at Nuuanu YMCA in the early 1960’s.
    Aunty lived in Kaneohe and would take us to the long dip on Kahekili Hwy
    when it was new and no one used it. Scary with those metal wheels and all that vibration that went with it, but oh so much cheap kine fun,

  73. rasu begasu October 27, 2009 10:25 am

    I did the ame thing on Olu St from 6th Ave all the way down!
    Chickend out many times and ended in the bushes by 3rd ave


  74. Garret October 27, 2009 10:26 am

    Here is the 37-page press release that UH put out about the Nevada game.

  75. Garret October 27, 2009 10:29 am

    Reading the stats UH put out I noticed that UH is 3rd in passing yards in the country, 26th in total offense in the county, and 99th in scoring…I’m guessing the red zone problems are the main reason that yards aren’t turning into points.

  76. Garret October 27, 2009 10:31 am

    I also noticed from the press release that UH won the toss and took the ball against Central Arkansas. However, against D-IA teams UH won the toss 3 times and deferred each time.

  77. Kekoa October 27, 2009 10:34 am

    rasu begasu ~ (High Plains Drifter)

    Don’t take your guns to town, son…leave your guns and at home, boy!”

    There’s a new Sheriff in town, and you thought Mrs. LV was tuff!

  78. Garret October 27, 2009 10:34 am

    I also noted from UH’s press release that opponents have scored in 31 out of 34 trips in the red zone (91%), so UH is #107 in the country in red zone D and #120 in the country in red zone O.

  79. Kekoa October 27, 2009 10:36 am

    Happy Birthday to the Long Time UH Fan!

  80. homey ℞ October 27, 2009 10:40 am

    Not as old as most of you…we made our skateboards using plywood layered with fiberglass and resin. Wheels were composite, the kind when you hit a small piece of rock the whole board would stop and you went diving towards the asphalt. Plenty scrapped palms, elbows, chin, and legs.

    As for football, it’s just a game.

    Happy birthday LTUHF!

  81. Jack Flash October 27, 2009 10:41 am

    Those stats are very telling. We need to develop a good run game for red zone offense.

  82. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000") October 27, 2009 10:45 am

    Anyone going to test “Da MANA at Murphy’s” for the Nevada game?

    Two games we weren’t supposed to win:

    1) 2007 at Nevada
    2) 2008 at Fresno

    … all witnessed at Murphy’s Bar and Grill.

    Just a thought… 😉

  83. Unkanesson October 27, 2009 10:51 am

    Howzit Tsaiko Nation!
    Okay, I’ve recovered from the BSU disappointment. One snap & clear.
    Holy Quap, Nevada’s offense is going to be a huge test for our D! They need our offense to eliminate the turnovers and burn some clock, not to mention converting the red zone opportunities and stretching the field with the WR’s. And ST’s gotta give us the field position advantage. If not it may well be another long, demoralizing game. We need our best effort from all 3 phases to win.
    #46 – Rasu Begasu – Bery Punny. I wonder if Frank Delima is in need of some new material. RK in Roller Derby attire? hahahahahahaha!!!
    #70 – Bstunna — Right on!
    Homemade skateboards — yeah, we did that too. I got the scars on my knees to prove it!

  84. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000") October 27, 2009 10:52 am

    I got all giddy when Funaki ran in the 1st TD in Idaho off the wildcat. However, I think when it came time for another wildcat formation for us, it was all too apparent that the SAME play would be called. Sure enough Funaki was greeted with Vandal DTs and LBs in his face. He didn’t even make it to the LOS.

    I think the plays and the options are there for us to finish our redzone chances, the choices of plays combined with execution is the missing piece.

    A missing piece that probably helped cause us to lose two games, we could have won this season.

  85. dittohead October 27, 2009 10:56 am

    mancrush quote of the day:

    “I got all giddy when Funaki ran in the 1st TD in Idaho off the wildcat”.

  86. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000") October 27, 2009 11:02 am

    Nevada’s radio guy was on BC this morning and he says that the Nevada D is has some shakey tendancies, more often times than the Nevada fans and team would like. Last season Nevada had one of the WORST passing defenses in the nation and Greg Alexander finally got his feet wet in D1 ball under the run and shoot against them. This season apparently, Nevada has had issues with applying pressure on opposing QBs and the secondary play remains sketchy.

    Yes Nevada lit up Idaho with 70 points, but they also allowed 45, especially allowing Idaho back into the game before the half when Nevada led 21-0.

    Potential is there. We’ve seen our defense step up early against BSU, but Kaepernick is more of a threat than Kellen Moore.

    Honestly, this game will be more on the shoulders of our offense. With seven games gone by, it’s clear…

    The defense played their WORST games against LaTech and against Fresno State. If you look back to our other losses against UNLV and Idaho, had our offense clicked on their chances, we win those two games. Had our offense clicked against BSU, the score would have looked more respectable in the first half and going into the second….

    The “ifs” can go on and on…

  87. reality October 27, 2009 11:04 am

    Ferd is trying to hype a UH-less Hawaii bowl with his column “Not all is lost in a UH-less bowl”….get real, jeez. Who gonna watch the Fresnecks play some C-USA team?

  88. Bulla October 27, 2009 11:04 am

    sorry….University of Utah….the UTES. they have been looking at him since last year, and he was up there during spring ball……oh well.

    long time no see my friend, we should go have lunch soon, bring Al along also. maybe next week, headed to snow country for the WSU vs. Montana game this week 🙂

    a hui hou

  89. Pride. October 27, 2009 11:09 am

    Weber State is looking good this year. One could tell from last year’s game with Hawaii that they were a solid ball team with real good coaching. Last year’s team was fundamentally sound, and I’m sure this year’s team is the same.

    By the way, how’s the former Monarch doing with the D-line this year?

  90. chopsueyboy October 27, 2009 11:15 am

    did you use rubba slippa on your hands
    or road the skateboards without the hand protection?

  91. Unkanesson October 27, 2009 11:27 am

    Bulla – You may have inside info we don’t, but that article in Pride’s #67 definitely says Utah STATE.

  92. Bulla October 27, 2009 11:31 am


    you are right, i had my articles mixed up…..arrrrggghhh, but Utah State is the right answer. Utah just picked up another recruit out of CA, and i had my wires crossed…..tough getting old.

    Utah State, hmmmmmmmmmm, interesting to say the least………sorry about the typo everyone.

    have a Tsaiko day!!!! 🙂

  93. Bulla October 27, 2009 11:32 am


    my mix up……how can i get CA and HI confused? easy, when you’re stuck in the quagmire with our Warriors, everything is upside down….but it’s going to get better. there are some bright spots on that field, and we need to focus on them

  94. A-House October 27, 2009 11:32 am

    someone posted way earlier that Coach Mack told 5 high school QBs that the first to commit would bet the scholarship – Kevin Spain made his decision long ago.

    was J Higgins one of the 5? i believe Manley was one of them and word on the street is that UH pulled the offer from Manley. guess it goes to some one else who really wants to be a Warrior or a deserving current Warrior.

  95. SteveM October 27, 2009 11:36 am

    Unkanesson — please send me an email at stevem.hnl (at) so I can get your email addy. Anyone with abrasions from home skateboards makes the list…I used to use roller skate wheels on a much-broken wood cart… 🙂

  96. mctruck October 27, 2009 11:39 am

    LongtimeUHfan….Happy Birthday, hope all is well with you.

  97. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000") October 27, 2009 11:42 am


  98. Da Punchbowl Kid October 27, 2009 11:45 am

    Well, in any case apparently the best prep QB in the state this year won’t be at Hawaii next fall. I hope he has his worst game of the year against the lads from Kapalama this week end. That game will be a doozy!

    We had a long steep asphalt drive way at our house in Ka’a’awa/Makaua. My brother and I along with our friends tried every possible homemade jury rigged skate board/ go-cart vehicle you could imagine on that hill. I think I had the worlds record road rash one summer. Still have the scars… Having no reliable brakes meant that we’d often crash against the stone wall next to the drainage ditch to end a “succesfull” run.

  99. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000") October 27, 2009 11:47 am

    Hmmm.. Here at the office, we’ve got a “MANDATORY” dress up day for Friday…

    Looks like going to the UH/UH-Hilo basketball game after work will be interesting for me… 😎

  100. Da Punchbowl Kid October 27, 2009 11:51 am


    Maybe you can dress up as a scary “troll”! 😆 Ya know, like hide and make snide remarks to passersby… 😉

  101. SteveM October 27, 2009 11:51 am

    Ha, Kid, gotta plan better. We had nice soft yard grass at the bottom of our hill. Only problem was we never made it that far with the wheels falling off and skidding/flipping over. 🙁

    Yup, can relate first-hand to the expression, “…then the wheels fell off”.

  102. Just Saying October 27, 2009 11:54 am


    October 27th, 2009 at 10:56 am
    mancrush quote of the day:

    “I got all giddy when Funaki ran in the 1st TD in Idaho off the wildcat”.

    I thought Kazz’s mancrush was Quentin Beaver?? Wassup wit dat Kazz??

  103. Just Saying October 27, 2009 11:56 am

    da punchbowl kid can be Jim Leahey! ahahahahaa!!!

  104. A-House October 27, 2009 12:00 pm

    Perhaps it’s a good thing that good athletes are commiting to “lower tier” schools and helping the school to improve their football programs. Makes the conference better, more balanced, and tougher for top tier teams to go undefeated.

    It can be seen in all the BCS conferences too!

    Perhaps, it is the beginning of a new era where teams playing for the National Championship will have one or more losses ( like 2008 ).

  105. koakane™ October 27, 2009 12:07 pm

    any tsai and wai show today or they furloughed

  106. Da Punchbowl Kid October 27, 2009 12:11 pm

    I’m neither that smart nor that good looking… 😉

  107. athletic knee braces | ATHLETIC October 27, 2009 12:13 pm

    […] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]

  108. Scary Troll October 27, 2009 12:16 pm


  109. Unkanesson October 27, 2009 12:23 pm

    SteveM –
    Check your email.

  110. Kaimuki Kid October 27, 2009 12:25 pm

    Rubba slippahs all the way, the only kind of protection available, no knee or elbow pads. Lots of scapes though. Never went down Hale Koa Drive on a skate board again. Must have knocked some sense into us.

    Just couldn’t stop playing tackle football in the rain though, almost drowned in a puddle after a fumble and almost everyone else piled up on me. Lots and lots of good kine fun though

  111. Dan-O October 27, 2009 12:33 pm

    Wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY….to my number 2 son, Aaron…..he’s 12 today.

  112. Committed Road Warrior October 27, 2009 12:39 pm

    Happy Birthday LTUHF!

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!

  113. chopsueyboy October 27, 2009 12:46 pm

    small kid time living in Kalihi
    mom had cement below her laudry lines
    used the poles to whip myself faster going downhill
    had to turn quickly at the bottom to avoid her orchid plants

  114. djmitcho October 27, 2009 12:47 pm

    Happy Birthday LTUHF!!!

  115. d1島 October 27, 2009 12:51 pm

    Happy Birthday Aaron!

  116. hair games | HAIR October 27, 2009 12:51 pm

    […] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]

  117. d1島 October 27, 2009 12:52 pm

    Any word on practice?

    How were those 2 on 1 drills?

  118. d1島 October 27, 2009 12:52 pm

    Good to hear about Meatoga.

  119. LizKauai October 27, 2009 12:53 pm

    Hauoli Lahanau to LTUHF and Aaron!

    Anyone know how to set up Entourage so that it looks on the server for Microsoft User file instead of creating a new one on the native HD when a power failure hits?

    This is my day…

  120. d1島 October 27, 2009 12:54 pm

    Good Luck to J. Higgins. I guess that Delta Connection is gonna keep growing for the Higgins’ Ohana.

  121. d1島 October 27, 2009 12:55 pm


    Sorry, only way I’ve heard of setting up an Entourage is to flash a buncha Benjamins!

  122. labrat October 27, 2009 12:59 pm

    I used to ride homemade skate board down white hill. If you drive pass the Kam School bus terminal on School St just look up the road towards Kam School and you will see the asphalt road turn to a steep incline made out of concrete which is how it got its name. I would go full speed down the hill until I reach that house with the nice lawn which was my landing zone. We always had a spotter at the intersection at the bottom to watch to see if any cars were coming. Once you launch at the top there is no turning back. What a rush.

  123. wafan October 27, 2009 12:59 pm

    Happy birthday LTUHF!


  124. wafan October 27, 2009 1:00 pm

    Happy 12th, Aaron!

  125. (Jesse) James October 27, 2009 1:04 pm

    Happy Birthday LTUHF!!!

  126. wafan October 27, 2009 1:04 pm

    Skateboard with metal wheels on the hills of Palisades.

    At the bottom of the hill was a curb, sidewalk, and a brick wall. If we made it to the curb we had to time our jump off the skateboard to run into the wall (visualize the Vandal barn).

    Talk about a lot of fun at the time!!!

    Now? Talk about stupid. There have been many times i have wondered how any of us survived into adulthood.


  127. wafan October 27, 2009 1:08 pm

    Just about the same scenario riding bikes down those hills from the top water tank to the elementary school. The game was to see who could ride it fastest.

    Good thing there were fewer cars at the time.

  128. HiFlyer October 27, 2009 1:13 pm

    Happy Birthday to LTUHF and Aaron!!!

  129. d1島 October 27, 2009 1:23 pm

    FWIW re: the comments about appearance and discipline.

    #2 son’s team rules include no facial hair and short haircuts during the season.
    After shaking hands with the opponents, all the players meet with the HC on the field right after each game and then break into position groups for a meeting with their position coaches and then they are free to greet F&F on the field.
    Team discipline during games that I have seen or followed on radio is rarely an issue as they have very few personal fouls and mental error-type penalties. I’m not sure how long this has been SOP there but I do know they are 7-0 this season and have 54 consecutive winning seasons (btw, Hawaii was on their schedule during that run).

  130. labrat October 27, 2009 1:26 pm

    Help I need a tsaiko eye a tryst. I got football stuck in my mind. It has been a long time but I had a mean dream last night and I don’t know what it means.

    I was a football headcoach. For real.

    I was actually a football headcoach of an opposing team who was at Aloha stadium getting ready to play the Warriors. I was lost in the stadium and was trying to find a way to get to the field where my team was warming up.

    For some reason I was stuck in this huge video game room with all these really neat games and decided to walk down this hallway in hopes of finding a way out. I met this very young and tall executive and told him I was the head coach of the visiting team and was looking for a way to get to the field. He laughed at me and called security. But before security came an old guy came out of an office and asked me who I was. After I told him he told the younger guy who just happened to be his son to take me to the field. But just then I saw the field and my team thru an opening and I walked until as I stepped on the field all my players rushed to me asking me where have I been? I told them it is a long story. Then I woke up.

  131. wafan October 27, 2009 1:42 pm

    I guess Winter is definitely on the way.

    A low of 32 in Seattle is forecast for tonight. Down here it will be around 30 or in the upper 20’s tonight.

    That means . . . BULLA . . . you might have to add some time to your trip over the hill if the snow continues to accumulate. You might want to visit on Wednesday and Thursday for updates over I-90.

  132. A-House October 27, 2009 1:45 pm

    Wow, labrat, I know for sure I’m not the one to try and make sense of your dream, but perhaps, it is frustration on what’s happening to the Warriors, but revealed in a different way?

  133. A-House October 27, 2009 1:48 pm


    how come Seattle is “warmer” than where you live? isn’t it further North?

    btw, a weak low pressure system sits between Hawaii and the West Coast and pushing the “cool” air to the PNW area. otherwise, we sure could use some cooler temps!! dang, it’s really muggy outside!!

  134. Buffoman October 27, 2009 1:54 pm

    Skateboards. Damn, remember buying my first. A brand new Duke Kahanamoku from Holiday Mart. Metal wheels of course. What a thing of beauty. You’d hit a rock and hit the pavement real quick.

    Then came clay wheels. Those were just the best especially riding down University Avenue, a long time ago.

  135. wafan October 27, 2009 1:59 pm

    A-House . . .

    I have heard different explanations. The one that makes the most sense to me is that Sound helps to moderate the temperatures in Seattle. Down here we get the winds coming off the Cascades (the hill) and Mt. Rainier (the Mountain).

    All I know is if we are around freezing dj is either already, or soon will be, freezing his da kines.

  136. wafan October 27, 2009 2:09 pm

    I guess there really is not all that much to do in Boise. But, talk about frost bite dangers!

  137. LizKauai October 27, 2009 2:30 pm


    (checking for Entourage help)

    labrat- my first thot – did you eat a lot of red meat last night?
    Not every dream is a vision but if you are prone to those, whatever distracted you from being with your team was overcome by your desire to BE with your team. When that desire became most important to you, you achieved your goal in spite of the material and human distractions.


  138. A-House October 27, 2009 2:34 pm


    I feel truly blessed that we were granted such nice weather during the UH-Wazzu trip.

    Even the “natives” at Pike’s Market were commenting on the blue skies and warm temps!!!

    A co-worker will be visiting Seattle during the latter part of the first week in November and she is preparing for COLD WEATHER!!!

  139. bighilofan2 October 27, 2009 2:48 pm


    any suggestions how the coach can help our team and fans bond?

    I do. at the end of the next home game, the players walk along the sidelines, stick their hands out and make friends with their faithful, thank them for coming. walk from tsection VV all along back to the tunnel CC. thanking everyone for coming, slapping the kids hands, keep walking.
    everybody, players and coaches.

    start showing some gratefulness, because we’re all in this together.

    You want toe fans to respect the team? Respect the fans too.

  140. madeinhawaii October 27, 2009 2:49 pm


    Hmm… sounds like you just had the football version of “Field of Dreams.” But you were way too young to go, so they sent you back to the minor league to start your journey anew.

  141. madeinhawaii October 27, 2009 2:52 pm


    Maybe you were meant to be a coach of something. Something you are passionate about in life, but somehow lost your way. Maybe your guiding angel is using football to tell you that maybe you need to reassess your path and redesign a future around the things you love.

  142. jojo ® October 27, 2009 2:52 pm

    Quarterback shuffle? Go Moniz!!!!

    Happy Birthday LTUHF

  143. madeinhawaii October 27, 2009 2:54 pm

    I don’t know what gets me down more. The Warriors with a losing record or all this talk about canning McMackin before giving him at least three full seasons to put a team together and 4 to show where all of it is going.

  144. Διογένης ὁ Σινωπεύς October 27, 2009 3:00 pm

    #21 – both!

    LTUHF – Fred – Happy birthday!

  145. Just Saying October 27, 2009 3:00 pm

    anyone going to the Coddle the Coach show tonight?

    can someone please ask the Coach what is the pre-game policy regarding players out and about in the parking lot tailgates?

  146. Slugger October 27, 2009 3:11 pm


    #117 ~ I didn’t see any 2 on 1 drills; saw ball recovery by the D.

    All QBs were throwing. Inoke running. Practice was only an hour today @ Ching field.

  147. labrat October 27, 2009 3:29 pm

    I’m back.

    Liz I had teri beef patties last night. But what gets me is how real it all seemed. It has been a really long time since I have had a dream like this one. And I usually can not remember the details. But I remember this one. Even the name of the old guy was Ed. I do know one thing. I don’t want to be a headcoach. I enjoy being a fan. What I don’t understand is why I was on the opposing team?

  148. Pride. October 27, 2009 3:38 pm

    Da Punchbowl Kid:

    October 27th, 2009 at 11:45 am
    Well, in any case apparently the best prep QB in the state this year won’t be at Hawaii next fall. I hope he has his worst game of the year against the lads from Kapalama this week end. That game will be a doozy!

    We had a long steep asphalt drive way at our house in Ka’a’awa/Makaua. My brother and I along with our friends tried every possible homemade jury rigged skate board/ go-cart vehicle you could imagine on that hill. I think I had the worlds record road rash one summer. Still have the scars… Having no reliable brakes meant that we’d often crash against the stone wall next to the drainage ditch to end a “succesfull” run.

    Shame, shame DPK. It’s okay to cheer for your favorite team, but never cheer “against” a young fella. Their just young’uns doing their best. Does that make any sense?

    That sounds like the blog police, ohh where’s my badge.

  149. chopsueyboy October 27, 2009 3:42 pm

    #139 bighilofan2

    couldn’t the players gather in front of the band & student body,
    instead in the middle of the field (similar to Notre Dame)
    and then do as you suggest and just go down the mauka sidelines
    slapping hands all the way to the lockroom

  150. protector October 27, 2009 3:43 pm


    I’m willing to try the Murphy “mana”; heck, I’m willing to try anything at this point. Let me know if you’re serious. I know I don’t ever want to go back to Ige’s regardless of the food.


    Can you please put me down for UH 28 Nevada 24.

  151. westsidesview October 27, 2009 3:47 pm

    Every year is important.
    We may never recover and undo the lost revenues over the last two seasons.
    Many have seen enough.
    MAC is the wrong choice.
    Every year hereafter may result in irreparable harm to the program.
    This is not personal.
    Just bottomline business.
    Many say, “how can we afford a buyout in this tough economic times”–yet many close to the program are responding, “how can we afford not to intervene”.

    Emotions aside, do the numbers if you are willing to gamble for another 3 years.
    Think about a time ago when season ticket sales were above the 30,000 mark and UHAD has never recaptured those numbers, despite winning.

    This issue is not about koolaid or fan loyalty.
    It goes to the heart of program survival.

    Jim Donovan needs to measure up.
    The downfall of football will bring him down too.
    It’s time for him to earn his keep and to be decisive rather than to hang a safety net over the high wire.

  152. Pride. October 27, 2009 3:53 pm

    Let’s invite Pierre Omidyar to a few Tsaiko functions and see if we can make him a Hawaii supporter. Once he meets the Tsaikettes, he’ll be like putty in their hands.

  153. Pride. October 27, 2009 3:56 pm

    Since Koakane has time on his hands he can be an adviser to the Omidyar-Na Koa foundation, a subsidiary to the Na Koa football foundation.

  154. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 4:03 pm


    did you have a bad experience at Ige’s? I used to go there when they were the official tailgate place for away games. food was pretty good. i know everyone says that soy sauce pork is wonderful but i must have always got the dried out tips. =(

  155. FloridaTed October 27, 2009 4:04 pm


    Truly vivid dreams are indeed rare, but always worth taking a second look.

    The Headcoach part is not nessecarily football related, but could just as easily point to other important responsibilities in your life.

    The trying to find your team part could be indecisiveness or confusion you’re experiencing in your waking life. When you found your way, flanked by unique games, it tells you that life needs to be enjoyed, no matter the path, while your happy team, after reuniting with you, alludes to you having loyal friends waiting for you.

    That your team was not the Warriors, reflects your underlying disappointment.

    Remember, dreams are always daily outtakes that end up on the brains cutting room floor. Most of them, like in fuzzy dreams, they’re thrown out with the daily garbage, but once in a while, the brain splices the good outtakes together and tries to conger up a message.

  156. SojuNTaegu October 27, 2009 4:06 pm

    Pomai, I want em to win but I gotta be realistic!

    61 – 13 Nevada….

  157. wafan October 27, 2009 4:13 pm

    Okay, I know I am usually lost. But, who is Pierre Omidyar?




  158. SojuNTaegu October 27, 2009 4:14 pm

    Ebay founder?

  159. Bulla October 27, 2009 4:15 pm

    #89 Pride,

    Coach Inoke has his hands full, a young set of DT’s, but all poly’s, so he’s getting it done…..ryan and coach are very, very tight….a player’s coach and a coach’s player….inoke is very cerebral, can i say that about a D line coach. not so much the yelling and screaming, more of a mentor/instructor…but don’t get me wrong. he can go with the best MMA screamer, just throw that LDS out the window, and get down and dirty.

    realistically, Weber should be 7-1, really. i have the dark side pacifists to deal with but Wyoming was the only legit loss with 5 INT’s in the game, CSU we fumble on the 11 yd line as we tried to place the ball in the center of the hashmarks to make the winning field goal a chip shot, and Montana State, if you can’t score from the 1 yd line, you don’t deserve to win. The OC is going to get let go just on that play call alone i think.

    so now it is Montana Grizzlie time…..going to be a battle, but hey, that’s what you live for….a chance, just a chance to grab that brass ring….so here we go!

    GO WARRIORS (still can)

  160. wafan October 27, 2009 4:15 pm

    Oh, #157. Never mind.

  161. FloridaTed October 27, 2009 4:16 pm


    I’m so sorry that your sky is falling.

    Who would be your coach for Hawaii in your doomsday scenario? Especially a coach that would make us guaranteed and immidiate winners, after we spend, according to your plan, a minimum of 4 + millions?

  162. SojuNTaegu October 27, 2009 4:21 pm

    #161 – Florida Ted…

    I would like Bob Stoops!!!!!!!!

  163. Glenn October 27, 2009 4:27 pm

    Have faith.

    UH 38, Reno 35

    Go Warriors!

  164. Slugger October 27, 2009 4:28 pm


    #152 ~ Just greet him with, “Salaam a lekum”. It’s the Farsi (Iranian) welcome, like “E komo mai”.

  165. westsidesview October 27, 2009 4:29 pm

    Ted, my sky aint falling but i do believe yours fell.
    didnt you pick UH to win 12?
    And you keep muttering rah rahs about a turn-a-round.
    Dont shoot the messenger, im just offering an opinion.
    Im not alone,

    As for the future coach, that aint up for discussion (w me) until the realty of cutting MAC loose is in progress.
    What’s important now is recognition of a deep issue that wont go away suddenly with the fluff of another recruiting class or waiving pom poms into cyber space.
    There is more involved.

  166. Maverick October 27, 2009 4:33 pm

    We would all live in a confused world if my dreams were decifered here on this blog.

    Aloha to Florida Ted. Hoping all is well with you and ohana on the SE quadrant of America

  167. d1島 October 27, 2009 4:38 pm

    I believe this is what Pride. was referring to…

  168. dittohead October 27, 2009 4:41 pm

    misquote of the day:

    “I’m so sorry that [your] sky is falling”.

    * insert: [McMackin’s]

  169. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 4:45 pm


    Hmmmm doomsday scenario and if we needed a new coach and get lucky wish list.

    Kevin Gilbride (NY Giants OC, if he is still interested)
    Major Applewhite (Texas Associate Head Coach/Former Alabama O-Coordinator under Saban)
    Jeremy Bates (USC QB/Assistant Head Coach/Denver Broncos OC)
    Mike Shanahan (Denver Broncos – hey the man needs a job! haha)
    Kevin Wilson (Oklahoma)
    Greg Davis (Texas)
    Gary Crowton (LSU…the sleeper imo haha)

  170. d1島 October 27, 2009 4:54 pm


    …and of that group, who would sign a contract with an employer knowing that there is a history of initiating pulling out on a contract after 20 games?

  171. whitey October 27, 2009 5:02 pm

    good afternoon tsaikos. catching up with the blog, see there is a lot of (in)sanity about ifs and buts.

  172. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 5:03 pm


    probably a few of them who are willing to take the challenge. i would have to say Major Applewhite cuz he would always have a place in Texas to fall back on and is well liked by the longhorn community, Crowton too as he could always land a job again, Gilbride is gonna be hot money even if he gets fired but I think he might enjoy that challenge…and Shanahan…what does he have to lose? hahaha

    Bates, Wilson, and Davis are all pretty content and would take a major offer to bring them over.

    i forgot to add that Lloyd Carr would be a pretty mean pick. I mean you either love or hate him, I happen to love the balance of his offense and he still carries a name with him. The guy was a pretty darn good recruiter even when you put him up against Tressel. Though I think Llyod is pretty much in retirement mode so it would be a hard sell regardless.

    And actually it wouldn’t be 20 games. More like 39 games because you gotta give Mack one more year.

  173. d1島 October 27, 2009 5:04 pm

    “Willing and Able” is a very appropriate title for today’s blog post.

    If you are heading the selection cmte to replace the Present Coach, what are you “willing and able” to offer a replacement?
    Make your best case….

  174. d1島 October 27, 2009 5:06 pm



  175. whitey October 27, 2009 5:06 pm

    decision day is tomorrow and yes, it will be very interesting to see who makes the trip to Reno.

  176. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 5:08 pm

    Someone also said that Bryan Harsin would be a good choice. OC at Boise St now.

    If you ever following the “coaching tree” you will notice many of these marque BCS team coordinators and coaches did a good number of stints at Boise St or Fresno. Interesting pattern to say the least.

  177. d1島 October 27, 2009 5:08 pm


    How come labrat dreaming about you? 😆

  178. whitey October 27, 2009 5:09 pm

    d1, going back to PDX in Nov??? Great time of the year for football and apples!!!!!!!

  179. whitey October 27, 2009 5:12 pm

    d1, maybe he made a mistake and thought he saw the entrance and his players rushing him, but in actuality, he was entering the darkside and the merchants were rushing to sell him their goods. hahahahaaaaa

  180. d1島 October 27, 2009 5:12 pm


    Yeah, but gotta take one mo’ layer of clothes….Samui!

  181. d1島 October 27, 2009 5:12 pm


  182. postmanke October 27, 2009 5:13 pm

    The next coach will be and should be Ken Niumatalolo. There is no other candidate period. There is just not a better fit. One that JD does not have to take a gamble on..

    The Triple Option Contracting stars may align sooner than you think… and once again the WAC Universe will be ours.

  183. d1島 October 27, 2009 5:13 pm

    Watching this KHNL/KGMB simulcast….

    ….I expect a further culling of the herd before too long.

  184. kama krab October 27, 2009 5:14 pm

    Howzit Everybody,


    If anybody wanted to start a Boise tie here in Hawaii then Dirk Koetter (sp?) would have been hired.

  185. whitey October 27, 2009 5:15 pm

    was watching the mnf game and am truly impressed by how the pros tackle and speed. andre c is an impressive man and couldn’t believe my eyes that is is faaaaaassst, huuuuuge, and is able to tackle both legs unlike most of our players.

  186. d1島 October 27, 2009 5:16 pm


    Make your case.

  187. whitey October 27, 2009 5:18 pm

    in fact on both sides of the ball, the defense could tackle with speed. just watching that part of the game should help anyone who wants to play defense.

  188. tattoo October 27, 2009 5:18 pm

    What to offer the next coach:

    For starters, free cc with the tsaikos at kenjiis every FRI and a round trip ticket to my island with Kazz as talking escort.
    Their own show with ST and the Princess…..there is more…..

  189. d1島 October 27, 2009 5:19 pm


    …and what else?

  190. whitey October 27, 2009 5:20 pm

    d1, impress everyone at your son’s next game, by wearing slippers, shorts, and sweatshirt. now that one diehard fan!!!!! not to mention blue is his favorite color. hahahaaaaa

  191. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 5:20 pm


    your willing to offer as much as the community insists you offer. In JJ’s case it was $1.7 + whatever improvements…and then a guaranteed $5.5M lock on Mack.

    I guess you would also have to ask the boosters..the big money ones who helped to pay JJ’s salary to see what they could offer.

    Assuming worst case scenario you sack Mack next year, buy him out for $2M, you are going to have to offer the next coach at least that $1.1M or even more. Thats the hard part. Mack’s contract also set a precedence of a no-buy out clause that the next person might bargain for, to which the UH would probably not go for in its infinite wisdom.

    At the high end you might be looking at $1.7M for a coach (what was finally offered to JJ) + whatever the boosters would want to provide $300,000 annually? who knows.

    I think a guarantee of of $3.9M (1.3M/year) with a buyout clause on the 4th year at 50% then 30% or something might would be mighty tempting to a lot of coaches even at the NFL level.

    Remember this is next year AFTER the elections are over, in which case the Leg might be more than willing to raise the GET to cover the revenue shortfall. The pinch at UH while still uncomfortable might not be as bad.

  192. whitey October 27, 2009 5:21 pm

    i hope linfield’s color is blue.

  193. whitey October 27, 2009 5:24 pm

    d1, next time at son’s school, check out and see if my friend is on their sports hall of fame. name is rogers i. he from maui.

  194. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 5:25 pm

    i got no problem with doing what everyone else is doing….go headhunt at USC for someone haha.

    I think UW was pretty damn lucky to get Sarkesian imo a slightly better choice than Peterson when you factor in his recruiting base and knowledge of So. Cal and west coast in general.

  195. kama krab October 27, 2009 5:25 pm

    I think that once again this talk about getting rid of Mac is just out of line. Before anyone goes further once again you must think about how we are going to come up with the money to buyout the rest of Mac’s contract. If you think that the boosters will put up the money in this economy then please feel free to find these people that will be fine with giving up 4-5 million of there money for the buyout and then find a new coach. And everyone must understand that if it is Kenny or any other, then we will probably have to pay upwards of another 1.1 million a year or more to get the type of coach every wants. That 1.1 million mark is the going rate for even a pretty decent coach, so whether it is Mac or another coach these are the numbers we will be looking at.

    So in my opinion I would rather sit back and see what Mac can do within the next couple of years before trying to find the money it will take to get rid of Mac and find a new coach.

  196. whitey October 27, 2009 5:27 pm

    even tho game pau last sat, still thinking about annodah dave and his daughter’s hospitality to invite me and duffer to sit with them. thank you very much annodah dave.

  197. d1島 October 27, 2009 5:29 pm


    If I show up like that, going be worse than blue. School colors are Cardinal and Purple!

  198. Konaboy3 October 27, 2009 5:30 pm

    Good news for the warriors defense d lineman meatoga is back to play this week against the wolfpack. Go warriors

  199. whitey October 27, 2009 5:30 pm

    wafan, where you stay???? no tell me you when give the kids too much homework again.

  200. whitey October 27, 2009 5:31 pm

    ok, now we get over the 200 hump

  201. whitey October 27, 2009 5:32 pm

    d1, perfect!!!! one red faced fan with purple balls. hoooooo, priceless!!!

  202. kama krab October 27, 2009 5:32 pm


    I was thinking the same thing as you in #152 & #153. We could make him a very happy supporter of UH sports.

  203. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 5:33 pm

    I think what the major problem here is not necessarily the Coach in having a bad string, rather the University’s failure to give us options.

    When you think of “who would want to come to a place where they fire someone after 20 games” you can also ask “who would want to come to a place where you are GUARANTEED a 5 year salary of $5.5M even after you are fired after 20 games”

    I know there are tons of millionaires out there, but thats a lot of money isn’t it?

    the UH failed us in giving us at least some options should the University feel that the coach should be released. and for now the onus is on them to dig us out should the problem persist.

  204. vballfan1 October 27, 2009 5:34 pm

    I bet Boise State offensive cordinator Bryan Harsin would apply for UH job if it was open.

    Good luck to the Warriors and the most overpaid coach in the country this saturday !! Hope they win.

  205. Stephen Tsai October 27, 2009 5:40 pm

    The next UH coach, should there be one, won’t be getting more than $350,000.

  206. d1島 October 27, 2009 5:41 pm


    ….what was that?

    …the sound of the other shoe falling?

  207. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 5:42 pm


    if you are refering to my post you might have misunderstood me. this is all a “doomsday scenario” where if I made a wish list of the next coach.

    like i have been posting before i dont think we should let go of the coach now, and should wait until next year to see if serious changes need to be made. our injuries should be healed up and since all of our backups including the 100th string QB all have playing time it will be a good indicator if he can propel this program.

    Fair is fair and to judge after the 2nd year isnt a good time. Only time will tell.

  208. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 5:43 pm

    Stephen Tsai,

    So could that mean if Mack gets a contract extension he will be getting a $750,000 pay cut?

  209. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 5:48 pm


    Heres why I think Hawaii might continue to pay $1M or more. Its a very hypothetical situation because i dont think he would consider it.


    If Norm Chow was to throw in his hat and becomes the leading candidate for the job, I do not think the public would at all have a problem with that price tag if the conditions of the contract were not so one sided.

  210. postmanke October 27, 2009 5:52 pm

    I think Mac is slowly running himself outta town.. just stay tuned guys.. we have not hit bottom. buckle up. the identity we did have is slowing going by the wayside. I say let him play out his contract – if he can stomach it.

  211. kama krab October 27, 2009 5:52 pm


    I must agree with you on #203. It was suicide in the making when UH signed the contract. Signing a contract guaranteeing a coach 5.5m over 5 years, whether he coaches the full 5 years or not is just crazy. If it was anyone other than coach Mac then I would be pissed. If it someone that was here just to get a pay check and did not care about the state, it’s people, and players then I would be calling for higher ups head rather than just the coach. I would say that everyone from Chancellor Hinshaw down needed to fired, but because it is Mac and you see him putting the work to try and make us better, I give him a pass for at least another year or two.

    But like alot of here have been saying. Would this even be a concern if we where winning. I don’t think so. So what I will say is that there is a whole bunch of things that need to be worked on and the coaches know what those things are. I do agree for the money that the school is shelling out we do expect a certain amount standards to be meet each and every year but I do think that given time those standards will be meet on a regular basis and all this crying about contracts and whatever else will be forgotten as it was during JJ tenure.

  212. Stephen Tsai October 27, 2009 5:53 pm

    While the restlessness is understandable, here are the realities:
    • UH isn’t buying out the head coach.
    • Even if UH were to change the staff, it wouldn’t say anything until after the season.
    That’s the reality.
    There actually are some good transfers in the program. And Aaron Brown, Brett Leonard, Brashton Satele, Malcolm Lane, Cory Daniel, Tim Brown, etc. will be contributing next year.
    With the injuries, everybody gets a pass. But next year is judgment time. As it should be.

  213. Men of steel October 27, 2009 5:53 pm

    Go the flying Hawaiian shane victorino sweep the Yankees .

  214. whitey October 27, 2009 5:55 pm

    why do we need someone like norm chow????? hasn’t he made it very clear that he would not consider uh now or in the future. he is a very good coach, but ucla is having a worst season than us.

  215. Stephen Tsai October 27, 2009 5:57 pm

    In 2004, everyone wanted to dump June.
    It was that way in 2005.
    The system isn’t broken, it just needs some repairs: better tackling, more efficient time management, fewer injuries.
    I think there’s enough talent to be successful. UH certainly had more talent than Idaho. But Idaho played way better.

  216. whitey October 27, 2009 5:57 pm

    d1, you heard it clearly, thump!!!

  217. Stephen Tsai October 27, 2009 5:58 pm

    Anyway, I have to attend a meeting at my kid’s school.
    Fill me in on what’s being said on the coach’s show.

  218. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 5:59 pm


    yep, if he was winning nobody would be saying anything. i think the contract itself would still make me uncomfortable though more on the common and fiscal sense.

    and to your second paragraph it is spot on. 2 years is too little, the end of 5 years is too long. at that price you expect results.

    tough job to be an AD thats for sure.

  219. whitey October 27, 2009 5:59 pm

    world series????? i think this will be one of the best offensive series.

  220. whitey October 27, 2009 6:00 pm

    ok, brake time.

  221. lava October 27, 2009 6:00 pm

    Donovan is going to have to consider moving us to the subdivision, so yes, less coaches, less scholarships, less money to shell out, and probably a better record. I’m waiting for ST’s article discussing the pros and cons.

  222. kama krab October 27, 2009 6:00 pm

    iwwthm #207,

    No misunderstanding here. Sorry if my post came out kind of harsh. The reason why I brought up Dirk Koetters name is that he was the one in the drivers seat for the job before Mac decided to apply and before UH decided to get rid of Hermy. Hermy was already ready to bring Dirk in while JJ was still our coach, which made things even worse between Hermy and JJ.

    Sorry dude if I rubbed you the wrong way but that is why I said what I said in post #184.

  223. letsgowarriors October 27, 2009 6:05 pm

    “There actually are some good transfers in the program. And Aaron Brown, Brett Leonard, Brashton Satele, Malcolm Lane, Cory Daniel, Tim Brown, etc. will be contributing next year.”

    really? pima cc was 0-10 last season. nothing against cory daniel, he was a good HS LB at Castle, but if he is a contributor on D next season, we’re in trouble.

  224. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 6:06 pm


    Actually the are 3-4 beating Tennessee @ Tenn…the same team that put a stop to Florida and Tebow’s offense and but a lickin on Georgia.

    The 4 losses went to Stanford (they aren’t doing well so Ill give you that) but they they lost to #13 Oregon @ Oregon, to Cal, and #22 Arizona @ Arizona.

    I mean its not a great record but it isn’t as bad as us.

  225. HoweLee October 27, 2009 6:08 pm

    Many mahalo’s to Kekoa for da teachin of me to post here. Now I gotta figure somethin smart to say…..I’m tinkin’.

  226. postmanke October 27, 2009 6:09 pm

    D1 – here is about 1/10th of my case.

    I really dont think the case needs to be made for Kenny. It is pretty obvious.

    If Polynesian Mormon D1 head coach ( there’s your half your equation right there) with no baggage, has an identity to pound the football until there is no tomorrow into the opposing team, who was 8-5 his first year and 6-2 his second year with 2 losses being Pitt and Ohio St, who is running what will be the hardest offense to stop in the BCS – dont laugh.. DC’s who play Georgia Tech dont sleep.. does not need OTJ training unlike other 2nd year coaches, who is all academics and one who Obama would endorse and oh, played for the school who is head hunting him.. I can go on and on to make a case but i dont think it’s necessary. but come Nov when we play them watch the game and think more than 3/4 of their squad would never make the UH Warrior team. It’s all coaching!

  227. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 6:10 pm


    no worries all good.

    Dirk Koetter. Interesting choice (not that i would want him over JJ) but i wonder how he got his name in the hat to begin with.

    was this while he was at ASU or BOise ?

  228. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 6:12 pm

    re: Norm Chow,

    I think the writing on the wall is clear that he probably will never come to UH. My post on #209 was just a scenario in which UH would probably dish out more than $350,000 for a new coach.

  229. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 6:15 pm


    i agree with how the service academies have to work in much more narrow constraints than most NCAA schools.

    it takes a lot more creativity to be successful.

  230. postmanke October 27, 2009 6:16 pm

    We might be more talented than Idaho but are they better coached?

    and for $1 million less.. =)

  231. kama krab October 27, 2009 6:17 pm

    I gotta agree with ST #212,

    We do have some pretty solid transfers that are on the roster that should be immediate impact players for us next year and add to that the experience that some of our younger guys have gotten this year. I am tottaly stocked to see what is in store for next year.

    I will also agree that next year will be the money year. Mac will have to show that he can come back from a year like this year. He has show that he can evaluate talent by showing off some of his recruits and transfers and showing that he can win with his talent.

    We just need to see how things work themself out this year because next year we should and will expect much more.

  232. kama krab October 27, 2009 6:22 pm

    iwwthm #227,

    If I remember correctly, I think Hermy and Dirk became buddy buddy from Dirk’s days at ASU.

  233. whitey October 27, 2009 6:25 pm

    me, i like coach mc. he is willing to meet with the media and fans, makes no excuses and is willing to take the blame for team’s performance, makes sure his players are doing ok with their academics, and takes the time to answer questions or inquiries. did jj do that???

  234. labrat October 27, 2009 6:32 pm

    Meatoga is going to make the trip according to caoch Mack.

  235. labrat October 27, 2009 6:33 pm

    whitety I like coach Mack too. He is the only one who has returned my emails.

  236. RedZone October 27, 2009 6:44 pm

    Redzone, redzone, redzone. That’s all I keep hearing. No worry it will happen.

  237. d1島 October 27, 2009 6:50 pm


    If you are heading the selection cmte to replace the Present Coach, what are you “willing and able” to offer a replacement?
    Make your best case….

  238. FloridaTed October 27, 2009 6:51 pm

    Frustrations running high, completely understandable.

    Yes, I did say UH would win 10 games and without all those injuries, it could have happened.

    I’m just tired of this constant witch hunt for the Coach. That is who we have for awhile, live with it, all this bitching is not helping the team. Outside of the diehards, Hawaii has the most fickle fans in the Nation, very quick to abandon the team, yet, expecting a BCS team, it really cracks me up.

    Through all those terrible years Nebraska had recently, they still sold out their stadium and there are alot more teams like that, but I’m too lazy to name them all.

    Once more I’ll say the same thing, kind’a like the Tsai-Meister : This year a mini-pass, with the clear hope of improvement, 2010 I’ll start to judge and complain, if necessary, 2011 I want to see a real pay-off for team and fans.

    If this does not happen, we squandered our money, if it does, it’s all good.

  239. jm2375 October 27, 2009 6:52 pm

    Howzit guys!

    Off the blog all day, finally caught up.

    OK, this channel merger thing is totally screwed up. I have Dish and now KFVE is on channel 9 and KGMB is on channel 5? WTH?????

    Still hoping for the Warriors to play up to their capability. They need to play the 1st half like they did in Wazzu game and the 2nd half like they did in the UCA game.

  240. dittohead October 27, 2009 7:10 pm

    best gottha quote:

    “really? pima cc was 0-10 last season. nothing against cory daniel, he was a good HS LB at Castle, but if he is a contributor on D next season, we’re in trouble”.

    Lol. still, ya gotta luv his platepics on fuud.

  241. A-House October 27, 2009 7:20 pm

    Speaking of Hermy, did he get the UNLV AD’s job? There was talk in Vegas for the UNLV game that Hermy was the leading candidate.

  242. cocobean October 27, 2009 7:25 pm

    People that want to dump Mac got to get real. 3.3 mil if they fire him aftert this season. 2.2 mil if after next season. The only way that’s going to happen is if Keith Amamiya gets involve and starts a Fire the Coach Fund.
    If we got a new coach how much time would you give him to produce a consistant winner? How would you define success? Would consistantly going 8-5, 9-4 or 10-3 be enough? Given our budget and facilities it’s hard to expect anyone from doing much better than that.

  243. RedZone October 27, 2009 7:29 pm

    Florida Ted what bothers me is with all this complaining about the coaches and the team how is it going to help the program? Recruits will be reading all this bickering too. How will that help the program? We want recruits to come here but there are those who will tear them apart if they do not live up to their expectations. Now again I have to ask. How does that help the program? Don’t you think fans should do things to help the program?

  244. Long Time UH Fan October 27, 2009 7:29 pm

    Today I received many kind wishes and thoughts for my birthday on the Warrior Beat and want to also thank those who sent messages on Facebook or email; they are really appreciated. Please take care of yourselves everybody and hope to see some of you at a future function.You are the best!

  245. whitey October 27, 2009 7:33 pm

    LTUH, i porgot, it is your special day and night. HAPPY BIRTHDAY with many more to come!!!!!!!!

  246. postmanke October 27, 2009 7:34 pm


    I dont think there is a solution. Unless that ebay guy takes a liking to our football team. We will have to ride out UH Athletic Dept’s “Perfect Storm” It’s here, it’s heading straight for Manoa no question. This is year one, it’s going to be doom and gloom as far as a financial standpoint. Whoever see’s this improving then next few years – god bless them.

    So we must ride out the storm as if we have no emergency contingency plan and let Mac play out his contract. I am sure after the season there will be some kind of financials supporting the fact that we cannot afford not to buy out the contract.

  247. madeinhawaii October 27, 2009 7:37 pm

    I like Coach McMackin, what he represents and the kind of program he is aspiring to build. I have every bit of confidence that he will turn this program around and build it with a greater foundation that he found it. There is no doubt in my mind that next year’s team will be better and then superseded by the following year’s and so on and so forth till we whup Boise regularly and are BCS contenders again. The next time we whup Boise it will be a start of a regular happening.

  248. d1島 October 27, 2009 7:39 pm

    Ed Zachary!

  249. d1島 October 27, 2009 7:41 pm


    Many Cheerio’s to you! 🙂

  250. SAWARRIOR October 27, 2009 7:42 pm

    Stephen Tsai:
    October 27th, 2009 at 5:53 pm
    While the restlessness is understandable, here are the realities:
    • UH isn’t buying out the head coach.
    • Even if UH were to change the staff, it wouldn’t say anything until after the season.
    That’s the reality.
    There actually are some good transfers in the program. And Aaron Brown, Brett Leonard, Brashton Satele, Malcolm Lane, Cory Daniel, Tim Brown, etc. will be contributing next year.
    With the injuries, everybody gets a pass. But next year is judgment time. As it should be.


  251. […] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]

  252. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 7:48 pm


    the bickering on the blogs is something common to almost all football programs. i really think it has a negligible impact on recruits. actually this blog is mother Theresa of Calcutta compared to sites that talk about Texas or OSU football etc etc etc.

    Just to give you an idea, (what the heck?….i dont understand this one) (Charlie Weiss) (FSU Jeff Bowden OC)

    I mean I guess to add to that is some kind of Facebook thing about firing Coach Mack. (I have yet to see it though)

    This is just something thats part of college ball, sometimes it can be quite entertaining to see peoples comments on some of these websites haha.

  253. Kekoa October 27, 2009 7:53 pm

    The Welcome Wagon rolls into the WB clubhouse with it’s newest blogger on board…*HoweLee!* @#225.

    Some of you have already met him at the TV-gate or T-gate. His passion for UH fb, vb, bb is growing.

    Welcome HowLee!

    Go Warriors!

  254. Slugger October 27, 2009 8:01 pm

    Click on my name for a link to the NAU Family Weekend Homecoming ’09 video with a shot (@ 0:27) of Kainoa Pe’a from the Big Island! The ending credits also lists a Zach Ka’ahanui from Central Catholic HS in Portland, OR. I miss those Hawaiian Club kids.

  255. Slugger October 27, 2009 8:02 pm


    I think I get the name HowLee. Your classmate?

  256. A-House October 27, 2009 8:06 pm


    I would not be a good candidate for Chair of the committee to select a new UH HC because I do not believe it’s time to change coaches.

    Different location during game – maybe. Different assignment – maybe.
    Having the herewithall to make better decisons, play calling, training, etc -absolutely YES!!!

    I wonder how many who are calling for Coach Mack’s departure can take his place and do a credible job? I know that I do not have the football knowledge/experience to do the job.

    However, I do have the knowledge and experience in planning, organizing, directing, supervising, and follow up skills. With the help of knowledgable “position coaches”, I may do a credible job, but no one would consider hiring me.

    At the first meeting with coaches, trainers, recruiting coordinator, head tutor, and medical staff, I would state my objectives/goals and ask them to create a plan on how to accomplish my goals. Expectation is that “they” would consider several options, list all our advantages/disadvantages and the opponents capabilities/limitations, coordinate with the others, and present a “consolidated plan” for review/approval. Each position coach, trainer, medical staff, etc. would do their own presentation inlcuding why they can or cannot support the primary option and the “associate HC” would be tasked of being the coordinator/chief of staff for this project.

    The options should also include analysis of all away and home games scheduled – date, time, place, travel/hotel accommodations including meals, weather, study halls, etc.

    The meeting would begin with the associated HC listing all the options considered and identifying the best option for success followed by each coach and other staff members on why they can support this plan.

    And, the plan must address who accompanies the team on road trips and why – expense factor!

    In addition, meet with travel agency to determine road game expenses and with Na Koa to see what can and can not be supported ($ wise).

  257. royvic October 27, 2009 8:10 pm

    From Call the Coach Show:

    Coach Mack says,”tomorrow’s practice there will be sparks flying.”

    He goes on to say that normally he doesn’t like live hitting, as it doesn’t insulate the team from from further injuries. But he felt it was necessary.

    There you go. My reoccurring nightmare just ended. Finally some textbook football practice. And thinking.

    So tomorrow’s practice expect the coaches to be cracking the whip, stomping their feet on the ground and as Coach Mack alluded to rolling up their sleeves and getting down to business with 2-1 drills and 7-7 drills.


    If the coach could have seen me when he made this transformation I was happy, like Wilbur the pig rolling around in mud, for it subscribes to how I think that the team has to begin cultivating an attitude of practicing tough. And hard. And the players needing the ushering into being toughened and hardened.

    The other stuff during the show I was oblivious to. For this was the most important.

    When the show was ending both BC and Coach Mack didn’t let on to the public of what time the team was practicing tomorrow. Hmmm…I’m guessing they are really getting down to business. Very good.

  258. letsgowarriors October 27, 2009 8:11 pm

    JB is out this weekend, that was also kinda important. but yeah, other than that, nothing else.

  259. Stephen Tsai October 27, 2009 8:16 pm

    Thanks for the report, Royvic.
    Not so sure about the rolling-in-mud image, though.
    Team practices from 7-9 a.m. They leave in the afternoon for Oakland, then a a charter to Reno.

  260. cocobean October 27, 2009 8:17 pm

    Changing the coach won’t solve anything. The underlying problems that caused JJ to leave will still be there. The only way we can be a top flight, consistant top 25 football power is to change the culture. It starts with the UH prexy, the BOR on down to the AD then the coaches.
    People want to be like Boise. But atheleticly there’re a one trick pony…football. Boise’s football culture is one of COMMITMENT. The Boise Prexy is the point man for the team. Fast tracking facilties improvements, building stadium luxury boxes and lobbying better conferences for membership. He’s committed to the success of the football team. The coaches are committed. Needless to say the most important commitment comes from the players. New recruits step into a culture where every player before him stayed the entire summer to work out physically and mentally(studying play books and watching film). When fall camp opens they’re way ahead of evryone else. No fitness issues or learning the play book issues. Coach Petersen didn’t start this culture he perpetuated it. It was there before he joined the BSU coaching staff and I suspect it’ll still be there should he ever leave.
    I believe the UH football coaches are committed to success, just as every other coach now in the UH system is. But are they getting the same type of commitment from the higher ups?

  261. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 27, 2009 8:19 pm

    Surprised that WAC volleyball is on ESPNU on Thursday… 😯

    Anyway, UH Wahine Volleyball Program Note:

    This Thursday.
    #3 Rainbow Wahine at Fresno State
    5:30pm HST (no word on replay)

  262. Slugger October 27, 2009 8:22 pm

    Shoot! I saw Jeramy Bryant on the sideline pointing to his left arm today. Dang! More prayers to St. Damien….

  263. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 27, 2009 8:24 pm


    October 27th, 2009 at 6:05 pm
    “There actually are some good transfers in the program. And Aaron Brown, Brett Leonard, Brashton Satele, Malcolm Lane, Cory Daniel, Tim Brown, etc. will be contributing next year.”

    really? pima cc was 0-10 last season. nothing against cory daniel, he was a good HS LB at Castle, but if he is a contributor on D next season, we’re in trouble.

    So how bad of a Division 1 football player do you know Cory Daniel will be for sure?

  264. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 27, 2009 8:32 pm


    You think players like Parnaby and Majam will get decent playing time in their game against Chaminade on November 6th?

    I’m trying to decide if I should go to the 2nd to the last home volleyball match or catch a very early preview of 2010 Wahine Softball.

  265. westsidesview October 27, 2009 8:41 pm

    “So how bad of a Division 1 football player do you know Cory Daniel will be for sure?”

    So how good of a D1A football player do you know CD will be for sure?

    Logic works both ways if it is valid.

    Kazz, correct me if Im wrong, but didnt you observe the camp practices in Aug and render rave reports about our D, secondary and punter?
    Not to mention your optimistic preseason predictions.
    Dont you go after posters that disagree w your opinion or other tsaikos?

    Are you opposed to those who voice dissenting opinion?

    Letsgowarriors is an inciteful observer that follows recruiting daily, tracks recruits, asks questions and is an avid warrior fan and backer. He may not drink koolaid, but he is a solid warrior fan IMO that doesnt make comment unless he is zeroed-in. He does due dilligence research.
    His opinion is credible.

    I like to hear his opinion.

  266. Kekoa October 27, 2009 8:42 pm

    Curveball ~ Ah ha! I couldn’t get that breaking pitch by you. You hit it out of the park!

  267. Kekoa October 27, 2009 8:46 pm

    Oops! Sorry #261 was meant for Slugger….

  268. Kekoa October 27, 2009 8:48 pm

    That’s it…timeout…I just yanked myself out of the game! Good nite!

  269. Kekoa October 27, 2009 8:48 pm

    That’s it…timeout…I just yanked myself out of the game! Good nite!

  270. whitey October 27, 2009 8:53 pm

    practice with a little zest and spice. that sounds good.

  271. whitey October 27, 2009 8:54 pm

    kekoa, getting ready for tomorrow’s game??????

  272. dittohead October 27, 2009 8:55 pm

    here we go again quote:

    “I wonder how many who are calling for Coach Mack’s departure can take his place and do a credible job?”

    Everytime someone takes an opposing view contra to tsaikos they must be measured as a coach, do better or email or attend CCs so everyone can see who they are.

    What da hell is going on here?

    Your reasoning is so lopsided in bias and intolerance.
    Tell me, what makes you so qualified?
    Are you a college coach?
    Or a blogsite censor police?

    What makes you so self-righteous?

  273. whitey October 27, 2009 8:55 pm

    travel roster???? wonder who will be on it????

  274. whitey October 27, 2009 8:57 pm

    is there a parrot on this blog?????

  275. Stephen Tsai October 27, 2009 8:57 pm

    Majam is the real deal.

  276. whitey October 27, 2009 8:58 pm

    i would like to see if michael w will be on the traveling team and hope he gets to play. what limited action he has played, he has shown very good potential.

  277. Stephen Tsai October 27, 2009 8:59 pm

    Well, we could take guesses about who’s on the travel roster.
    Or I could just look at the copy they gave me.

  278. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 27, 2009 8:59 pm


    Interesting how we’ve come to this… We are upon the Nevada game with our friendly wager and I cannot win as Greg Alexander is done for the year, HOWEVER you are still in the running sir!!! 🙂

  279. burn fat utah | BURN FAT October 27, 2009 8:59 pm

    […] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]

  280. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 9:00 pm

    Would all of you support a 0.15% GET increase and a 2% luxury tax on all single retailed items over $50,000 (excluding homes) to go directly to the UH System?

  281. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 27, 2009 9:01 pm

    Stephen Tsai:

    October 27th, 2009 at 8:57 pm
    Majam is the real deal.

    Ok then it’s settled… Gonna skip out on volleyball next Friday and catch softball then. :mrgreen:

  282. athletic knee support | ATHLETIC October 27, 2009 9:02 pm

    […] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]

  283. Stephen Tsai October 27, 2009 9:06 pm

    you make some great points.
    as far as commitment, donovan gives them a lot. the team now leaves a day earlier (on wednesday’s) and comes back sooner (the 2 a.m. flight out of vegas).
    and the coaches are working hard.
    but what can you do? injuries have an effect. the warrriors will be without their starting qb, rwo, rt, mlb and rcb.
    some years are good, some are a struggle. this is the latter.
    hey, our newspaper sales have been slipping. but we’re not firing any editors. you just have to ride the tide.

  284. whitey October 27, 2009 9:07 pm

    kazz, no worry, i know that both of us neva like any of them to get injured and miss the game. I was hoping that sa would actually earn the starting spot by this game. seems like we are on an attrition game.

  285. whitey October 27, 2009 9:09 pm

    ok ST, did m wadsworth make the travel squad??????

  286. Stephen Tsai October 27, 2009 9:10 pm

    NO to the tax hike.
    Several years ago, UH president Kenneth Mortimer told me to ask Gov. Ben Cayetano: If UH increased its fund-raising, would you promise not to cut funding to UH?
    Of course, UH did increase its fund-raising and, of course, funding to UH was cut. And UH remained in the same spot.
    The best thing about the Save Our Sports drive was the tremendous support. The worst thing is now lawmakers figure that it can cut funding and have the private sector pick up the bills.

  287. Stephen Tsai October 27, 2009 9:12 pm

    Of course. Wadsworth is one of the top special-team players.
    But enjoy him now. He’s going on a mission the next two years.
    He did promise me that when he’s done, he will come back to UH and DEFINITELY would not go to BYU.

  288. whitey October 27, 2009 9:12 pm

    wonder, i would support a 2% increase in get, but rather see the money go to all education system and not just to uh. education for all of our kids should be top priority. as far as luxury tax, it is not needed if we increase get to 6%.

  289. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 9:13 pm

    Stephen Tsai,

    In these economic times your editors are very lucky. everyone with a job should count their blessings.

    i know a bunch of attorneys in ny who have been with some “super-firms” that are losing their jobs due to the contracting economy. unfortunately even great performance and smarts won’t cut it.

    if ur riding the tide your lucky, because lots of people are drowning out there.

  290. whitey October 27, 2009 9:14 pm

    Actually ST, would love to see him play the db position and not just special team. he get speed and good instinct for the ball.

  291. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 27, 2009 9:16 pm


    I think “letsgowarriors” can speak for himself.

  292. whitey October 27, 2009 9:20 pm

    wonder, i have sympathy for everyone who has lost their job and are now trying to keep their families afloat. as far as the attorneys in ny, maybe they are to blame for the downturn, but like i said, it is not good when anyone loses their job.

  293. whitey October 27, 2009 9:21 pm

    kazz, unless they the same person. hahahaaaaaa

  294. Slugger October 27, 2009 9:21 pm


    I know what you meant since Curveball hadn’t posted. It’s all baysu-baru. I should go to bed early if I want to make it to practice before Stephen. haha

    I hope Lewis Walker is ok. Saw him lying on his back working his legs while the team was doing running drills across the field & back at the end of practice.

    Laters. Play nice!

  295. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 27, 2009 9:21 pm

    Stephen Tsai:

    October 27th, 2009 at 9:10 pm
    NO to the tax hike.
    Several years ago, UH president Kenneth Mortimer told me to ask Gov. Ben Cayetano: If UH increased its fund-raising, would you promise not to cut funding to UH?
    Of course, UH did increase its fund-raising and, of course, funding to UH was cut. And UH remained in the same spot.
    The best thing about the Save Our Sports drive was the tremendous support. The worst thing is now lawmakers figure that it can cut funding and have the private sector pick up the bills.

    Reminds me of the philosophy that Bob Wagner once mentioned when speaking about how things are done in upper administration at UH.

    The philosophy of “if you’re winning, why need more money”?

    See it everywhere. At my office, in my company, on the poorly paved streets, at the mistimed traffic lights on Vineyard Blvd during morning rush hour, etc…

  296. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 9:22 pm

    Stephen Tsai,

    Hopefully if one could dedicate a GET surcharge which details out the revenue stream to UH would prevent any cuts. Basically written like the rail transit surcharge where the leg would have to vote to raid the funds.

    the problem i can see with this is the annual endowment and funds appropriated to the legislature might be cut again leaving the UH in the same spot if not worse.

    I guess the perfect solution if there ever was a thing would be the surcharge PLUS the annual appropriates made to the UH.

  297. Διογένης ὁ Σινωπεύς October 27, 2009 9:23 pm

    After the Holiday Bowl, UH still had the triple option offense.

    The “system” doesn’t work unless you have the horses.

    I’m enamoured with the single wing myself – however, we need a tailback that can run, pass and kick; we need a fullback who can run and block and a smart quarterback who can call signals and block – a QB in the single wing does not have to pass or run – the ability to lateral would be necessary and a speedy wingback.

    What I am saying is that any system is successful if you have the horses.

  298. tom mui October 27, 2009 9:27 pm

    Close to 300!!!

    Congratulations again Tsaikos!

    From the webpage of First Book:

    Hawaii is Hooked on Books and Your Top 25 Favorites
    WHAT BOOK GOT YOU HOOKED?Congratulations to Hawaii, the winner of 50,000 new books for kids in need from this year’s “What Book Got You Hooked?” contest. Dr. Seuss’ Beginner Books, including Green Eggs and Ham and The Cat in The Hat, were this year’s top vote-getters in the online campaign to discover what books got Americans hooked on reading.

    Visit the What Book Got You Hooked Web site to view the entire list of top 25 books, see the final state rankings and learn how the books will be distributed in Hawaii.

  299. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 9:27 pm


    be kind to lawyers hahaha. jus kidding.

    there are a lot of people to blame for this economy, domestically and abroad. people more economics savvy would probably know. im sure it starts from basic debt service mgmt.

    “everyone hates attorneys until they need one” hahaha

  300. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 9:28 pm


  301. gmahoney October 27, 2009 9:31 pm


    Ah, the Roller Derby Queen-the late great Jim Croce. I remember it well. Sorry, just catching up now.

  302. royvic October 27, 2009 9:33 pm


    Additionally I think having the demographics of assistant coaches on a team’s staff in a high ratio to the type of the demographic of athlete that the team is trying to attract to their program is important and helpful too.

    When I looked at the composition of Boise State football staff in relationship to the type/ethnicity of athlete (African-American) they are attracting to their program it’s further proof of how ingenious (and maybe contrived) the Boise head coach is for there are 4 out of the fifteen positions on his staff that are African-American…and in pretty key areas too-RB, Secondary; graduate assistant; Director of Player Personnel.

    So say, for example, if similarly, 4 out of the 15 positions on the UH staff were filled with African-American assistant coaches I would hypothesis that that this could be a key to UH success, especially of making the program more attractive to potential African-American recruits.

    If A-House (#256) were the coach this concept I would suggest to him. I think it merits further thought. And the proof could be by looking at what Boise State is doing. And how it brings them success.

  303. Jason October 27, 2009 9:33 pm

    Wow, I can’t believe we were talking about UH football even in my class at HPU tonight. Somehow we got started on that when our professor mentioned Mack’s salary. Now I’m looking up UH’s revenue and expense numbers. 😀

  304. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Hawaii Warriors Buzz, Don Wilson. Don Wilson said: The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]

  305. d1島 October 27, 2009 9:52 pm

    I wonder if anyone Uce2 have any thoughts on that African American coaching ratio hypothesis? 🙄

  306. whitey October 27, 2009 9:53 pm

    I don’t know if he made the traveling squad, but would like to see miah o get some playing time. he may not be the fastest wr, but he knows the plays and has hands which can hold on to the ball. plus he can jump.

  307. whitey October 27, 2009 9:54 pm

    d1, no porget, you get work tomorrow.

  308. The Attitude Adjuster October 27, 2009 9:54 pm

    I have no remedies and make no claim but we are at midseason at 2-5 and in a tailspin with a tough schedule ahead with more questions than answers.

    “Ride the Tide” says Tsai.
    Some see blood in the water.

    In reality this season holds little promise and scant guarantees.
    We are looking down the barrel of a 3-9 performance.
    I cant find fault in those that voice dissapointment and for those that demand change. Perhaps, prematurely, but not without merit.
    At the same time, I dont find fault in those that remain positive.
    What else can they do to fight back frustration and haplessness.

    Both emotions are understandable.
    Each valid.
    For the most rabid of fanbase.

    Look at the facts objectively:
    McMackin has srewed up in areas beyond won-loss records.
    His rants on Notre Dame in the early morning during a WAC preseason press conference was most bizzare.
    So were his tearful meaculpas an embarrassment.
    His ESPN halftime interview in the LaT game drew laughable ridicule from the booth for his mistatements.
    His sideline blunders and gametime mismanagement is well documented and an ongoing issue…. Timeouts. No timeouts…. 2 point or 1 point or field goal confusion . bla bla bla ad naseum.
    His coaching selections have been debated.
    His management of coaching decision-making is confusing to put it mildly.
    BTW, who are the defacto OC and DCs.
    Or is it by committee?
    Take a guess.
    Im clueless.
    We have lost recruits becuz of incorrect communication on part of his staff.
    McMackin must take accountability.
    Even his post game interviews suggest a coach that is out of focus and confused with actual game stats.

    Look, anyone who follows the program has to be Helen Keller deaf n dumb not to spot these obvious irregularities.

    Fire Mac?
    New coach?
    Who knows?

    One thing for sure–we need to know Mac is in control.
    Afterall, we are losing and not by style points.

    Injuries are legit concerns, but so are subpar performances by players who were hyped and are playing under expectation.

    C’mon, fans arent dumb and unless we address these problems, you will see dissent at the gate.
    Bet on it.
    And dont use the term fair weather fans either.
    These issues are legit.
    Folks have a right to expect a decent product for the price they pay to attend home games and for the price the public pays for his service.
    Especially during these hard economic times!

  309. westsidesview October 27, 2009 9:59 pm

    “I think “letsgowarriors” can speak for himself”.

    You speak for everybody else.

  310. JaM October 27, 2009 10:04 pm

    Good evening! Happy Birthday LTUH fan…Hope you had a wonderful day!

  311. al October 27, 2009 10:08 pm

    warriorfanny is back.

  312. JaM October 27, 2009 10:12 pm

    Hi Al!


    UH 38 Nev 17

  313. Addahknowsports© October 27, 2009 10:40 pm

    Happy Birthday LTUHF!

  314. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 27, 2009 10:42 pm


    October 27th, 2009 at 9:33 pm
    Wow, I can’t believe we were talking about UH football even in my class at HPU tonight. Somehow we got started on that when our professor mentioned Mack’s salary. Now I’m looking up UH’s revenue and expense numbers.


    I’ve already done it for you.

    If UH football continues to decline, like some hope it will for the sake of saying “I told you so”… then:

    Revenue: No mo…
    Expense: Get.

  315. chawan_cut October 27, 2009 10:45 pm

    tonight’s news
    still processing, but should be done soon.

  316. Kazz ("Shoji" in Japanese means "1000".) October 27, 2009 10:55 pm

    One thing fair-weather fans and REAL fans have in common is the expectation to win on a consistent basis.

    The difference is REAL fans take the initiative when it’s needed and to provide support when it’s lacking.

    People do deserve to get what they paid for, at the same token, our programs NEED the support during tough times.

    Most modern UH football fans and fair weather fans were not used to the 06 and 07 seasons, and then the sobering reality of not having the resources and the administrative support or structure to fire coaches at will due to 1.5 mediocre or losing seasons and to hire new ones on a whim is something a lot of Hawaii people will have to come to terms with.

    2 seasons and a head coach under .500.. not good… not great… on paper not acceptable… on paper.

    Facts are facts, reality is reality and it’s obvious by the opposing opinions that the two are subject to arguments.

    Now, if we’re all back here next season talking about same ole same ole foibles… then,…

    Until then… 😎

  317. FloridaTed October 27, 2009 10:59 pm

    This was a good debate for a while, but now it starts to turn personal again. It doesn’t matter who started it, please stop.

    All the accusations toward the coach have merit, but they are one year too early. Next year I may even join in the chorus, but not now.

    We are settled with Big Mack, for better or worse, let’s try to encourage, rather than tear down. If nothing can be done anyways, encouragement just feels better.

    Sideline impressions and assumptions are no proof for incompetence, neither is public speaking, we all know Mack is a bit of a dunce when it comes to that, we can’t all be Obamas.

    Just to be sure, these are strictly my opinions, agreement is not a requirement, common courtesy would be splendid so.

    I wanted to post this a little bit earlier, but since my stroke, I’m still a little slow. I hope it has some relevance left yet.

  318. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 11:18 pm


    common courtesy goes a long way. 2 thumbs up for that!

  319. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 27, 2009 11:23 pm

    Does anyone know if Hilton and Sheraton has a deal struck with the UH to offer cut rate prices for the coaches on recruiting trips? I want to say its a yes but you never can tell.

    You figure with the amount of properties these two places have they could recruit anywhere they want.

    The free Hawaiian Airline tickets, a bigger deal with HA on flights, free hotel stays and/or low rates on rooms……the cost of those recruiting trips could greatly be reduced and thus wouldn’t have the problem of being at a disadvantage.

  320. hair games online | HAIR October 27, 2009 11:49 pm

    […] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]

  321. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 28, 2009 12:07 am


    Seriously what the he11 is going on here?

    ANOTHER injury?

    I mean like the first 10 I will live with but now……

    Maybe this team is in need of a blessing for real. And I am not kidding, this is getting outta hand.

  322. TChahng [오키나와] October 28, 2009 12:12 am


    October 27th, 2009 at 11:04 am
    Ferd is trying to hype a UH-less Hawaii bowl with his column “Not all is lost in a UH-less bowl”….get real, jeez. Who gonna watch the Fresnecks play some C-USA team?


  323. Mattress Melbourne October 28, 2009 12:59 am

    It is really a great thing that you always keep update your blog and use some changes for keeping it new. Nice habit.

  324. Psychology Brisbane October 28, 2009 1:01 am

    iwonderwhytheyhateme: @ I am much concern with your point of view.

  325. iwonderwhytheyhateme October 28, 2009 1:26 am


    this has got to be like a record with the number of injuries that we have right? they probably don’t track this stuff but wouldn’t you say this is an extraordinarily high amount of injuries?

  326. wafan October 28, 2009 3:08 am

    Happy Hump Day, everyone!

  327. wafan October 28, 2009 3:10 am

    Dang. Another Warrior injury.

    Prayers for complete and uneventful restoration of functions.

  328. wafan October 28, 2009 3:14 am

    Courtesy and civility go a long way when attempting to make a point. Personal attacks have no place here.

    See you later today — I hope.

  329. Pomai October 28, 2009 3:22 am

    We will not quit on this team!!!!!
    UH vs Wolf Pack
    3    –    52    westsidesview
    3    –    70    fesootai
    7    –    49    dittohead
    13    –    61    SojuNTaegu
    13    –    84    JK
    17    –    48    iwonderwhytheyhateme
    21    –    20    gmahoney
    24    –    21    chopsueyboy
    28    –    17    Pomai
    28    –    24    LizKauai
    28    –    24    protector
    28    –    27    wafan
    31    –    17    lab rat
    38    –    17    JaM
    38    –    35    Glenn
    45    –    42    Jack Flash
    52    –    24    bighilofan2
    56    –    14    d1shima
    56    –    17    Kekoa
    63    –    12    homey
    70    –    45    Pride

  330. LizKauai [iMac] WARRIORS! IMUA! October 28, 2009 3:48 am

    Jeramy Bryant – Get well soon!

  331. RainbowCliff October 28, 2009 3:48 am

    Good morning Tsaiko Nation, on this quiet Los Angeles morning I wake up fresh with PEACE at mind on my 17th year ceremony that will take place 9 hours from now at the Al Wooten Center in South Central Los Angeles.

    It will be a GREAT ALOHA affair as 36 boxes of princess chocolate macadamian nuts has arrived and 16 orchid leis from Watanabe Floral shop on Hart street was air shipped from Hawaii to my wonderful surprise smelling the floral scent that only original leis from Hawaii can smell.

    The program is ready with children EAGERED to perform, parents HOT dishes arriving through out the day and special invited guests coming from ALL over Los Angeles to pay respect and homage to an OLD Rainbow Warrior who’s only chief ambition as a student athlete in Hawaii was to render a professional service.

    One important event that took place for me was 3-8-81 when we had the awards banquet that then and still today honors the team and senior players for the commitment and hard work during their athletic season. My awards banquet at that time was held at Pacific Beach Hotel Grand Oceanarium Ballroom.

    The highlight moment of the evening is when the senior captains which was I and Aaron Strayhorn had the opportunity to address the audience and reflect on our careers playing for Hawaii and thanking anyone who have made this experience a unique time in our young 22 years of age life.

    The only problem came before this moment to take place I was told that I would not be asked to come up or speak by certain power individuals who felt in their own minds that I would speak negative on the coaches and program in which the GUILT of their wrong doing will come out later in life but for me my moment of saying good-bye was taken away until NOW as I speak on my “Cliff Day” which I wanted to do 27 years ago as the corrupted politics will not let me.

    All I wanted to say Hawaii and to ALL you good folks out there is one thing THANK YOU. Thank you for allowing me to have a QUALITY education and to live among the most compassionate fans in the World as your dedication to your Hawaii athletic teams are so rich and powerful that I have NEVER left my undying love and compassion for you.

    I have been honored and bless to enrich your ALOHA spirit 27 years ago as TODAY I will be HONORED representing the wealth of your compassion, love and dedication that I have been given being a PROUD student athlete alumnus from the University Of Hawaii. When this moment arrives I will be of so much PEACE that I did it the right way with INTEGRITY, PROFESSIONALISM and GREAT CHARACTER !

    I am so PROUD to speak to you as “THE OHANA” in which I have been touch with the past and present of this wonderful but noble term lives with me every day as I share it ALL over Los Angeles. In conclusion on this auspicious day for me was to close this chapter in my life of FINALLY speaking to you as this truly was all I wanted to say 27 years ago.

    WarriorNation702 and Pomai has a SPECIAL picture that I e-mail to both of them that says it ALL as I asked my bruddah Pomai to link it to his name and with your folks kindness you may click on it and their the words that you show from your passion will be displayed with my boyish grin 27 years ago smiling with the reward you bestowed to me.

    Simply The Best, Better Then All The Rest ! Have a GREAT day Tsaiko Nation as I thank you for your time in reading my post as I go before a CAPACITY audience representing the “ALOHA SPIRIT” with honor and respect. Sincerely, RainbowCliff a “WARRIOR FOR EVER” !

  332. letsgowarriors October 28, 2009 3:50 am

    if cory daniel turns out to be a good D1 LB, i will gladly eat my words. but right now, i aint banking on an unrecruited walkon, that played on a 0-10 JC team who wasnt even their leading tackler, to be a contributor on D next season. special teams, yes. defense, no.

    one thing working for him is that he graduated in 2003. maybe the long layoff contributed to his lack of being recruited. maybe he shakes off the rust this season while practicing? but he came into camp overweight and then got really sick.

  333. LizKauai [iMac] WARRIORS! IMUA! October 28, 2009 3:58 am

    I guess the folks clamoring for a whip-cracking practice are satisfied now. Just injure a few more players before the game and send only the survivors.


    Think as a team, play smartly and for each other – and for Hawaii.

    We’ll be there for you on Saturday, wherever we are!


  334. letsgowarriors October 28, 2009 4:00 am

    dont get me wrong, i like cory daniel as a player. he plays 110% for sure. i loved how he jumped over the OL in the closing seconds of the state championship game and didnt quit to the end. but by hyping these players up, youre setting them up for failure. leading ppl to believe we have something waiting in the wings. the only thing i see waiting is kaniela tuipulotu, but that guy has been injuried since his junior year of high school. i hope he can stay healthy.

    some observers have told me that masch is getting better each week in practice, so i look forward to him as well.

    brashton’s odds look good, but still not a guarantee.

    bulla ginlack is supposedly practicing with the team and staying in shape. how come malcom isnt practicing?

  335. LizKauai [iMac] WARRIORS! IMUA! October 28, 2009 4:01 am

    Woohoo, RAINBOW CLIFF! Have the very best of days!!!

    Back to sleep now…

  336. gmahoney October 28, 2009 5:44 am

    Have a great celebration, Rainbow Cliff!

  337. mctruck October 28, 2009 5:53 am


    Cheeez!?, all them years have come and gone, but I still remember you and all that you represent. Glad that you have not forgotten your Ohana back here in Hawaii……near or far, you shall always be remembered.
    Mahalo!!, have a great day.

  338. whitey October 28, 2009 5:53 am

    good morning tsaikos. ok, d1, wake up and time to go to work!!!!

  339. d1島 October 28, 2009 5:57 am

    Great Morning All!


    Stop shouting! 🙂

  340. bighilofan2 October 28, 2009 6:06 am

    Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.

    Belated Happy Birthday Long Time UH Fan.

  341. d1島 October 28, 2009 6:07 am

    Congratulations Rainbow Cliff. Have a great celebration!

  342. Garret October 28, 2009 6:14 am

    I hope that you have a great celebration RainbowCliff! I hope that the Wooten Center got the letter from my company…

  343. d1島 October 28, 2009 6:18 am

    Safe travels Warriors…bring back a win!

    Have a terrific day erryboddy!


  344. bighilofan2 October 28, 2009 6:23 am


    good morning good morning kind sir.

    keep up the good work, friend. many blessings to you
    and your ohana.

  345. bighilofan2 October 28, 2009 6:30 am

    People can be persuaded to change.
    Things can persuade people to change.

    in the future, would be nice to see Warriors
    interact with fans at the end of each game.
    hi bye kinda thing.

    would build/support good will.

    to the naysayers, i say there is risk in anything.

  346. whitey October 28, 2009 6:36 am

    Garret, got some updates from UH admission and want to email it to you. need address. thanks.

  347. whitey October 28, 2009 6:39 am

    ST, any surprises on the travel squad for this weekend?????

  348. bighilofan2 October 28, 2009 6:40 am

    have a nice day Tsaikos.

    hi ho hi ho.

  349. whitey October 28, 2009 6:43 am

    I think our punter, Alex D, should just punt away for distance and not worry about accuracy. He is young and just learning how to play american fb, so if he can punt for distance, let em loose. In time, he will develop his accuracy.

  350. whitey October 28, 2009 6:43 am

    and we cleared #350.

  351. Bulla October 28, 2009 6:48 am


    69-44 Warriors

    because I’m just one step behind my hero Pride 🙂

  352. djmitcho October 28, 2009 6:49 am

    Good Morning All! It’s weird to have a day off in the middle of the week.
    Too bad I gotta work on Saturday.
    Whitey, I wish they would let Alex punt away. Watching him warm up at the Idaho game, he was booming 60 yarders with ease.

  353. hotwheels October 28, 2009 7:02 am

    kazz #314,
    That is the funniest response I’ve read in a long time 🙂

  354. Pomai October 28, 2009 7:24 am

    Here’s the picture RainbowCliff, just click on my name.

  355. Pomai October 28, 2009 7:26 am

    Here is one more for Cliff just cut and paste

  356. RainbowCliff October 28, 2009 7:49 pm

    Mahalo, Liz Kauai, MC Truck, Big Hilo Fan 2 for your kind words as the Celebration was just AWESOME !

    Garret your letter and King Hawaiian Tsaiko picture are on my board with EVERYONE who comes by my office reading and looking at the various pictures. I thought I thank you for it IF not I do apologize as it was BEAUTIFUL in what you wrote. Appreciate you SO VERY much !

    17th Celebration was everything I hope it to be and more ! Have plenty of still shots and video dvd was taped. The children performance OUTSTANDING as they stole the HEARTS of a CAPACITY audience with songs, speeches, poems and awards presentation.

    A GREAT night for a HUMBLE Warrior !

  357. […] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]

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