Split decision
Using the wisdom of Solomon — the Biblical guy, although I’m sure Elimimian would have come up with a good one, too — we’ll split the prize. Kekoa and Tarai each get two tickets to tonight’s matches.
Call me at 525-8051 (and leave a number, if I don’t answer) to figure out a way to claim your prizes.
Thanks again to UHfan808.
* * *
Nine months later, it appears to be a good thing that Davone Bess was not drafted. Draft picks usually ink three- or four-year deals. As a free agent, Bess signed for two years. He had a good rookie season, and if he has a good start in 2009, the Dolphins will probably try to sign him early to a contract extension (at bigger bucks).
* * *
In reflecting on the path that took him to UH, long-snapper Jake Ingram said: “I could have gone to a Division (I-AA) school and received a scholarship as a defensive end. But my whole thing was to represent Hawai‘i. I’m from Hawai‘i. It’s all about representing Hawai‘i.”
Love that quote from Ingram
I Miss the JETS!
Good luck to Jake Ingram,
I miss the Princess, but I won’t be able to go any of the matches, so please don’t include me.
much being said about the recruits, their size, times, ethic background etc… nuff already the proof of what they are made of will come on the first day of practice when they strap it up to earn their positions. many questions will be answered by den. be positive, be supportive, give time and believe.
09 oline goning be fine 😈
Cool post ST.
-TY UHfan808.
-I too miss the Princess but no can go.
-Who ever wins, scream loud at tonight’s match!
moved over from previous post and top ten babe
Isn’t it J-E-T-S?
jojo – 🙂 Good morning. Good to see you here.
dragged over from 496, just missed 500 🙁
Stretch: Actually our good lower bowl seats were so good we couldn’t see the near sidelines. Had a hard time helping out the blind linesman. 😯 Also maybe I can buy you a beer when you come. Too bad no $1 Heines.
I DO miss the Princess!
But I can’t go.
shout out and mahalo to UHfan808. big howzit to the ajoe couple.
surely miss but luv the princess (pics) more. I too no can go. got bbq session at Han’s to night after the fball game. its AJA season.
“I miss the Princess.” If I win give them to Stretch since we got tickets. 🙂
Hi there Addahknowsports!
I passed first grade so I can spell JETS!
Bess proved if one possess the dedication and desire to play in the NFL, all one needs is a chance to show their wares.
In due time the accolades will come.
Top 20
Good Morning all!
I really hope this BCS champ game is good. I wish I was able to watch it. Ho man, like the Chargers-Colts game, that was great. My grandma lives in San Diego, so the Chargers are my second favorite team. I love JETS!
Hehehe jojo. I knew you knew that. That was more for ST’s benefit, if he’s lurking.
jojo- hope all is well with you. Was hoping you’d show at the cc for DJMitcho. I had lots of kalbi sans lettuce leaves.
Can’t wait to watch Ingram on Sundays, even though it means his team didn’t get a first down.
Good for Bess. He was a great “catch” for the Dolphins, hopefully he’ll “receive” a great contract as Tsai tsuggests.
Everybody misses the Princess!
Could also mean that his team scored a touchdown. 🙂
But it could mean his team is attempting the game-winning field goal.
It will be interesting to see who holds for UH next year. And I don’t mean an offensive tackle.
Soooooo um… Wut does errybody think about the Bull Crap System playoff today? Any thoughts? Who goin’ win? Should they be number one?
I’ll be back in a couple of hours…
I miss the Princess!
Who was the number two snapper this past season?
ST, didn’t you mention that Jake’s brother is also a long snapper?
Stretch ~ You got mail from da Makatoad..
I was hoping that Bess signed the standard 2-year undrafted free agent contract! That is awesome for him to be in this position now! Actually, I would be surprised if the Dolphins didn’t negotiate in the offseason or in training camp. Miami has a LOT of cap room now and they can lock up Bess before his final contract season starts.
Congrats on the last post – 501 🙂
That really is an awesome quote from Jake Ingram! He represented Hawaii well as a Warrior and will represent Hawaii well in the NFL.
I miss the Princess, but I don’t want to be entered in the contest because I can’t go to the game.
Hi Faye!
whootah 8) went back to last blog and became the 500 post.
morning kekoa, if I win give my tics
to my EIS patnah.
g1 tsai guy on the holding, early yet and you still sharp. 😛
💡 dpk let you know in a couple of hours
I don’t remember seeing this quote from Charlie Weis after the game.
The WR that Bess beat out at Miami made $7 million this season while Bess made around $300k. I’m sure that Bess’ agent will be pointing this out when Miami tries to sign Bess to a long-term deal!
the JETS were a cool Polynesian 80’s group… Wasn’t Al Noga dating or married to the lead singer.
bg if you reading this can you reply to my last email pleaaaase
garret mahalo again for the feedback on my request. is there a way to cross reference the datat to show % by conferences such as bcs teams vs mid major teams win loss totals?
Way to go Jake make Hawaii and the 96789 proud.
Article about the tough times that newspapers are having now mentions that the NY Times could go bankrupt in May! I hope that the Advertiser is in good financial shape…
David Farmer was the No. 2 snapper.
He’s gone.
Luke Ingram is supposed to be enrolling at UH this semester. If he gets in, he’s the long snapper.
Now they need a holder and punter. I suppose Inoke Funaki can hold again.
I showed the stats by conference, but if you want tonight I’ll figure out the win/loss totals for BCS vs. mid majors. Do you want everything lumped together or do you want it broken down a little–for example, WAC vs. BCS.
What time period do you want for the stats? 4 years, 7 years?
I’ll figure out the result when my wife is putting the kids to sleep tonight. I’ll get back to work now…
People didn’t complain when Inoke was the holder and the FG and extra point percentage was good when he was the holder. Whenever a holder isn’t noticed, that is a good thing!
This would be a way to get Inoke more time on the field and would let him lead that special teams unit. Plus, UH would have a fake FG threat with Inoke at holder since he could run or pass.
Aloha and Good Morning Tsaikos…long time no see but been really busy the past week…and continue to be busy. Just wanted to say hello…
KK…so what about this weekend?? Call me later tonight?
LK…yeah, Jake’s brother was supposed to be coming to UH. If he does, he is supposed to be the long snapper and IIRC, Jake said that his brother is better than he is….
garret, me thinks all mid major conference vs BCS teams say last 5 years. want to see if playing mid major teams are on rise or declining also the % of win is also rising or declining. no rush just curious about something but will wait to see what you can give me. eh I know this is plenty work but thanks.
btw what stats program you using or is this all on spread sheet. know baseball has stats program but fball doesn’t have cross comparison data that I can find.
found this while surfing on UH fan blog. nice put together should check it out. addy is UHFOOTBALLdotBLOGSPOTdotCOM
Husband Down; call 911 ASAP
A husband and wife are shopping in their local Wal-Mart. The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in their cart.
“What do you think you’re doing?” asks the wife.
“They’re on sale, only $10 for 24 cans,” he replies.
“Put them back, we can’t afford them,” demands the wife, and so they carry on shopping.
A few aisles further on along the woman picks up a $20 jar of face cream and puts it in the basket.
“What do you think you’re doing?” asks the husband.
“Its my face cream. It makes me look beautiful,” replies the wife.
Her husband retorts: “So does 24 cans of Budweiser and its half the price.”
On the PA system: “Cleanup needed on aisle 25, we have a husband down!”
BigWave – hardyharhar…..
sound familiar 8) and das why sometimes I wear dark glasses
Good morning everyone!
Yup, las vegas is right. Even though we are 254 days out yet, this is likely the largest joint mainland and Hawaii Tsai-ko gathering ever!
las vegas needs to know the numbers for the tailgate venue and buses. Rich2176 needs to know who and how many tickets are needed. Survey requests for tickets will be turned over to Rich2176 soon if you have not contacted him directly.
I will continue to collect requests for an indefinite time via the survey at:
If you cannot get into the survey or have subsequent changes, please email me at: stevem.hnl (at) gmail.com
A summary of the data and plans are posted at:
dark glasses so no can see, or dark glasses for hide da cracks you get? haha…..
bbl, gotta roll to get an award at na po’e paahana today
bulla….the #1 son wants to know which walmart to go to to find the ten buck bud?
Good morning all!
Koakane…was just opening up the laptop last night before bed time for a peek when Kekoa called. You know what it’s like to talk to the commander of the ceded lands…kinda like all his relatives on the island…one thing leads to another and then to another…pretty soon you find yourself standing at South Point on the Big Island. Man, can cover a lot of ground!
Anyways, I didn’t get to my email last night…please call me on my cell. If you don’t have my number, call anyway and I’ll tell you that it’s 381-9334.
I miss the Princess!
“09 O-line going be fine” – by Koakane
Al, tell #1 son that Wallmart closed. They are still trying to scrape the husband off of the floor.
I miss the Princess, but I can’t go tonight. Besides, I get free student tickets. Although I think I need a validated ID, and I can’t get that until my scholarship money gets credited. Geez, school starts on Monday, what’s taking so long? 😡
That is a great line by Ingram. He’s being rewarded for his loyalty to Hawai‘i now; he’s almost a lock to be drafted, while that probably wouldn’t have happened if he went 1-AA and played DE.
Never mind, I can get my ID validated because I have financial aid. Geez, I’ve been going to UH for four years now, and I only realized this in my last semester.
And you know, I miss UHfan808 too. What has she been up to, lately? Perfecting her chicken-apple hash recipe? 🙂
I was going through some old, old clips — 1956, to be exact — and I came across an ad for Royal Beer.
Does anybody remember Royal Beer.
I was thinking of other things that have left us, such as:
• Gems for tires
• Skymaster airlines (in 1956, it was $109 roundtrip between Hawai‘i and L.A)
• Honolulu Business College
• The Glades (for Koamahu)
UHfan808 has been really sick lately.
Remember when Malcolm Love used to pitch retread tires. What was the name of that store?
I miss the Princess….
I hope I win the tickets. I would jump at the chance to go watch the men’s volleyball team play.
kden how about 09 oline going be fine if done right 100% of the time.
must have been one of those bulla bomber women.
Have tried 3 X (this is 4th) to post message. Others have been posting…what’s up?
OK…that one went through…is there a time limit for writing a message?
Hey ST is anyone steppng up and leading off season workouts that you’ve seen so far?
Around 10am, I got a message saying that I was banned for spamming the site…wot? HELLO! Would love to get that in writing so I can put it in my resume…
Hope you’re feeling better! Got some better stuff for Peaches’ knees. I’ll bring to the KK.
Post #49 I’m concerned about coordinating our UNLV game effort. I know we have communications with the Boyd Group (from the T-gate meeting), re plane fares/hotel, tailgate, and tickets. What’s your understanding of the situation? I hope we can sort it out so we don’t fragment our efforts and confuse ourselves. I realize there are folks going to the WSU game the week before (I’m jealous) and that others will be staying at other accommodations. Speaking for myself, I’m confused with where we’re at with this event. Are you acting as the POC? Has someone stepped up as the overall coordinator?
Exact same message went through when I cut and pasted.
OK back to work
Typically it’s supposed to be the backup QB, but we had our punter doing it the past two years.
Since Grasso was a good receiver “back in the day”, would it be out of the realm of possibility to have a WR be the placeholder?
I’ve seen Daniel Libre, Brashton Satele, Vili Nauahi and Greg Alexander working out. Yesterday, Alexander was going to the offices to watch videos.
sheech 56 let see;
liliha, princess theater and waialae drive inn
national dollar, downtown woolworth and kress store
lee’s pohaku, mambo inn and beretania follies
mung lung chinese school
chi fa games with 25¢, 50¢ and $1 books
hawn dredging and pacific concrete company
Hey, Kazz, that’s actually a pretty good thought.
ST thanks it’s good to know.I hope the oline makes it out there too they will need to run some ladders and get their foot work together because teams are begining to figure out if they line up wide at the ends they’ll give the QB less time to go through his readsif the OT are agile enough to step back and engage.
Are the hs recruits allowed to participate in unofficial off season work outs or can they not have contact with current members of the team?
Good to see that these guys (all seniors) are already focusing on 2009. I hope the underclassmen are taking notes and are just as motivated.
Good luck to Jake Ingram.
Warriors represent!! Go Warriors!!
Oh, I hope UHfan808 feels better soon, then!
Kazz: Actually, a lot of teams use their punters (1) because the special teams guys can work together on the side while the other units are doing what they need to do — using a QB or WR would pull them out of their regular meetings for ST work; and (2) punters are generally regarded as having some of the best hands on the team.
I’ve always liked using mobile QBs, though. I think Inoke would be perfect for that. A WR with some experience playing QB would be nice, too. Although I’m not a big fan of fakes — that’s just for insurance purposes in case of a bad snap, and hopefully that would never be needed.
green stamps
royal stamps
golden wheat glasses n china
tomoe amae
cracker jacks w/toy
dried squid (red ones)
pickles in a green wax encasement
ok, nuff already gotta run.
tab soda?
dried abalone and a pocket knife?
ST – how can I forget, there was one in Waipahu —- Consumer Tire Warehouse, “Go now Hawaii, why pay more”.
When Jake Ingram is raking in those NFL bucks, they should take a picture of him in his NFL uniform and put that quote at the bottom of the picture and hang it somewhere where local recruits can see it when visiting UH.
like the idea of funaki as holder. poses a threat as a runner and option thrower if something goes a miss either on xp or fg’s. plus oddah teams can’t full on rush cause of him back there.
Congrats to Kekoa and Tarai!
Mmm, Tomoe Ame.
BigWave: You are correct, Al Noga married the lead singer for the JETS.
Garret: I am on the same wave length as using Inoki as the “holder” with a WR backup for next year.
Rich2176: How are you and margo? Hope alls going hunky dori!!!
SteveM: discussed UNLV pre-plans with Las Vegas during our lunch on 12/31/08. Sounds like you guys are really ahead with las vegas doing some serious leg work the first week or two in Janaury ’09.
A-House ohana head count for game tickets is 5; A-House, Mrs A-House, Midori7, MasaBoy, and hanai daughter uhfan808.
ST: so good neighbor, you are telling us that we should hear, real soon, about a OL commit? Local or mainland? Someone already posted 6’6″ and 330 pounds.
Must admit that a wave of Sugar Bowl nostaligia swept over me on 12/31/08; just like I was there in NOLA. I bet those merchants really missed the Hawaii fans. Would not mind at all to visit NOLA again with UH in the Sugar Bowl in 2010.
Remmeber when the guy who played “Super-spy McPig” on Checkers and Pogo did the tire commercials and ends up biting on the tire? One of my favorites.
Yes, you will hear real soon about an o-lineman. I’m not sure about the dimensions you list. Like I said yesterday, my job description does not involve measuring other men.
Man, Royal Stamps. I forgot about those.
Can I “walk-on” as the placeholder? 😆
‘Member when Hawaii theater was still showing movies. I saw “Monkey’s Uncle” there with my Waimanalo cousins.
homey if hawnbod is mia and you not driving we can call tutu, tutu, tutu for ride. bwhaaaaaaaaaaaa
dpk going with the Okie’s for da win
I missed a contest?????????/
Thanks to UHfan808 and ST for the volleyball tickets! My son just started playing club volleyball-14’s and his coach had just suggested that the boys go to see elite college volleyball.
(throws a shaka at DPK) Dey u go…
Is this mysterious olineman and junior college recruit?
Koakane ~ Answer sent. You may thank me later. James needs a new EIS study done at the Mai Tai bar…might need an entire team to evaluate properly. We don’t want any *Husband down* calls made.
I meant to say a not and
Ah sooooo, Okies, Senor Koakane. I’m not sure I have a favorite in today’s game because it’s still BCS hating season.
Garret, who is the lesser of two evils to root for today?
I don’t have a favorite in tonight’s game either. I’ll probably not even watch it…..
I may use the game to put me to sleep for my nap later… 😆
my congrats to the vball winnas. have fun and enjoy the game.
add palama and golden harvest to the movie house list. kazikozo (?), obake movies and flash gordon sat afternoon marque’s.
what about the stores that sold crack seeds in those huge jars but on one the side had this thing call the kiddie pack toy rack with all kind stuff for nickel or dime.
Great minds think alike. Bwahahaha!!!!!!!
I hope the oline commits initials are P.T. Or X.S. Or maybe both of them.
Hope that the Okies win tonight.
Whoa!…Winnah, Winnah, Chicken Dinnah! Thank you ST and UHFan808 for your generous donation.
I left my phone number ST. Can I pick up the tickets at the Will Call window?
ST, I think it was Tire Warehouse that Malcom Love did commercials for.
Did you mean Golden Wall theater by Foster Gardens? Mom used to take me to watch Cpt Marvel…woohoo!
You guys should leave Funaki alone. He has suffered enough stupidity already. Leave the man alone.
Big 88….
those one-page flyers that would preview the upcoming samurai movies…
Kokusai Theater….
New Kokusai Theater (note the Hawaii way of spelling t-h-e-a-t-e-r)
Can’t believe no one mentioned
Kuhio Grill
4-digit phone numbers…..
I guess I’m not going to the game tonight….. oh well, maybe next time. I hope UHFan808 donates more tickets again.
What’s up with you and monkeys??? ah nevermind, let’s not go there again.
Alex Drive Inn with the carhops on roller skates
lopaka43 – what are roller skates?? hahaha just kidding
Good one.
carhops at KC Drive-in, too. (not sure about the skates though)
…and the boats on the Ala Wai…
…and Lippy Espinda’s car lot….
Yep, Malcolm Love pitched for Tire Warehouse, when he wasn’t coaching St. Louis hoops.
…and NauPauLunChauWah….
…Wo Fat…
gotta go…
Some of the posters (even the blog host, ST) are whimsical. The Wal Mart story and responses were great…Bulla,Al, pride. Here’s one. The other day I’m reading about the KK at Camelia. And I’m saying to myself watch later on one of the first posted responses from one of the attendees at the lunch… the first words in his posts are probably going to start off something like this with a *burp* or *slurp*. So later on that day I check the blog and sure enough that person started off with a *burp* or a *slurp* and I cracked up laughing when I read that. It was funny. Also, even though it’s not the consensus in opinion, I get a big kick of reading Uc2 posts,too.Some of what he/she is writing is funny and though it rubs others the wrong way I look forward to the days when he/she takes on the whole army of bloggers and goes back and forth with dialogue/argument that is in itself an amusement and parody. Even Koamahu, now and then, comes up with gems, like offering/posting a personal lomi lomi massage to the winner of a contest I thought was funny. Homey and Brew have the gift for gib and good humor and enjoy when they post. And how can we not forget bh2 posts, for the unfiltered and unsanitized ones, where he writes impassioned about the Warriors or Bola I get a big kick out of reading. In my World I welcome good humor with good taste. And the times I read it in this blog just makes my day a lot better and happier. Thanks.
Every time you guys say Malcolm Love, I see Malcolm Lane. It’s like I’m in football withdrawals or something. 😀
What I appreciate is reading posts like yours, where the author uses words he or she does not understand. Parody, sir, is defined as:
/ˈpærədi/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [par-uh-dee] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, plural -dies, verb, -died, -dy⋅ing.
1. a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing: his hilarious parody of Hamlet’s soliloquy.
2. the genre of literary composition represented by such imitations.
3. a burlesque imitation of a musical composition.
4. any humorous, satirical, or burlesque imitation, as of a person, event, etc.
5. the use in the 16th century of borrowed material in a musical setting of the Mass (parody Mass).
6. a poor or feeble imitation or semblance; travesty: His acting is a parody of his past greatness.
–verb (used with object)
7. to imitate (a composition, author, etc.) for purposes of ridicule or satire.
8. to imitate poorly or feebly; travesty.
How the things I say could be construed as an attempt at parody, given the definition of parody, is beyond me. Nonetheless, it was enjoyable and, as you would say, it was truly “amusing” to read your comments.
back in the day for SteveM…surfing with koa planks and using your foot as the skeg.
Uce2 – could be that roysan16 means the posters (uce3, uce1, and the rest) who imitate you for the purposes of ridicule…or maybe that they are doing a poor imitation of you.
Hey what happened to the boogyman at Waialae Drive-In???
ST – King Solomon split the baby? 😯
They should make the punter hold for PAT & FGs. In the NFL most teams make the punter hold. That was one of the things Matt McBriar had to learn… how to catch and hold for PATs and FGs. Its why he got cut from his first NFL team…
I’m still looking for goodiegoodie ice cream with the gumball at the bottom…
Queen’s Bath in Kalapana on the Big Island. no stay now since Pele got mad.
Bring back the drop kick. Give the player the option to run, pass or drop kick on 4th down near the goal line. Hey if Flutie can do it……
Because I think you are okay, along with DPK, Garrett, and a few others, I will not respond to what you just said. This being said, who is going to win today’s game? Same question to all.
Uce2 – I was just going by the definitions you supplied.
Let’s see, I pick Oklahoma. But then again I got more than half incorrect for my bowl picks.
Oh forgot, welcome back A-House family!
I know still get plenty time but I don’t see jojo’s, Esme’s, or Nalani’s name on the KK list.
Nalani must be in her room writing lyrics for Na Leo’s anniversary CD.
Anyone remember what the name of the place was before it was Lowe’s?
BTW, Jake Ingram was an outstanding high school DE.
I think people get a kick out of reading UCE2’s “Polynesians are the superior race” threads. The parody part is where you try to imitate an intelligent Polynesian individual when most of the poly’s who read your post just laugh at your “world against the polynesian race” post.
I resemble those remarks.
homey – I take great offense to you saying I am a poor imitiation of Uce2. I am my own person and imitate no one. We just share the same belief of Samoan being the ultimate race for playing the game of football, rugby, bowling, and kava pong (beer is too weak).
In post #122, the following statement was made by Uce2:
“How the things I say could be construed as an attempt at parody, given the definition of parody, is beyond me.”
Construed? Item 6, 7, & 8 seem to fit the author to a *T* – The musings of a high and mighty, Racist Troll can be a real blog clogger.
That’s why the old saying is oh so true:
“Empty Trash Cans, Make The Most Noise!”
Thanks, BG — from the survey data and feedback I have received so far, there are 19 people utilizing the Boyd game package and 87 people going with las vegas and Rich2176 (as they did in 2007).
Yes, there is fragmentation, but that was expected. It was a great idea and effort by Duffer and Al to get everyone together, but when the actual pricing was released, many people exercised other options…and those who were with LV and Rich in 2007 were with them from day 1.
I would look to Al for Boyd game package seating arrangements.
Rich2176 is the point of contact for tickets. All payments will go to him. I am helping him collect preliminary data so his email doesn’t get flooded yet.
The tailgate party and independent buses will be arranged by las vegasas he did in 2007. I will assist him in gathering RSVP numbers until the end.
I believe it was Eagle hardware.
homey: At least you have a chance to finish at .500. I’ve gotten 14 out of 33 with one more to go. Of the ten I felt most confident picking, I got three right (with one pending); of the six I felt least confident, I got five right (and the bottom three were all blowouts). Next time, I might as well just flip a coin. 😀
I’ll roll wif da Okies for today’s game because we played Florida this year. If nothing else, my enemies enemy is my friend, know? 😆
oops… no?
Uce3 – E kala mai… maybe one day you can bring kava to the tailgate.
Thanks 808flowmaster! For some reason “Home Improvement Warehouse” came to mind.
Jason – well at least many of us sucked at picking the bowl winners.
Oklahoma…today. Speed kills but sometimes when you get whacked too hard, it tends to slow one down after a few too many whacks.
The Okies look kind of mean and nasty on the line but then that’s why we play the game to the last whistle.
I would luv to watch the game but no can do. slave to the computer today…
Golly, I had know idea it was past 9:00 PM already, there’s still light out.
Goodnight Pride.
1)I love the PAC 10.
2) UH is full of racists.
3) That caucasian Colt Brennan only did good because he had Nasty Nate and Regan Mauia and a half Samoan Jason Rivers with him and I don’t need to mention the non-Samoans in CJ Hawthorne, Chad Mock, Ian Sample, Davone Bess and Ryan Grice-Mullins.
4) Poor Funaki this, poor Funaki that…
Blah blah blah….
Ok… ummm….
Anyone catch L&L last night? Papa Leahey really laid it into the NFL and the BCS!
But yeah, my BCS Bowl predicitons have tanked… like Alabama and Cincy.
Although I did pick Texas in a blowout and that didn’t happen, but they did win. I did find it hard to “cheer” for them considering:
-They bailed out on playing us in Hawaii in 2000.
-The way their band was dressed…. 🙄
The hand-picked BCS “National Championship” will be given to Florida today.
I’ll refrain from stating my reasons why they will win on the field because it’s obvious that the “National Championship” in FBS Collegiate Football is NOT decided on the field.
Kazz – Just state your reasons. last game anyway.
Anyone know if they are going to have a letter of intent signing day at Honolulu Hale this year?
Speed kills. Simple as that.
QB – Advantage goes to Florida, only slightly…. only slightly…
OLINE – Advantage goes to OKU
WR – Advantage goes to Florida (speed kills)
HBs – Advantage goes to Florida (speed kills)
Defense – Advantage goes to Florida (speed kills)
Coaching – MEYER has the edge and the confidence.
Just because I said what I said, Oklahoma will probably win 38-17 today…
game on and not for the true college championship cause Utah has to be considered since its undefeated.
going with the Okies for no reason at all but like the boomer sooner wagon and the movie Okalahoma.
game starting so bring it on
finally mahalo to gnalo
Good night Homey.
okalahoma = okalohama
Kazz – Yeah! that’s more like it! BTW, alcohol kills too.
QB – as far a pure passing ability I give the nod to OK.
OL – yep
WR – I’d give the advantage to OK since they have a connection with the QB
RB – yep
Defense – OK is fast too so I’d go with them
Coaching – I don’t know…
Intangibles – Florida
Special teams – Florida
Homey and Koakane, I got you guys. I’m taking Florida. They have nicer uniforms.
koakane likes the musical Oklahoma? ai soos!
It’s going to be Florida’s speed vs. Oklahoma’s tempo. Whichever makes the bigger impact …
ok kazz for gator’s and me for boomer sooner good luck buddy
pride speak now or lattas
Stoops looks anxious. Meyer looks relaxed and ready to go. Hmm …
homey better than da hills so low
come on jason man up and say
what homey we in against pride?
best if you stick to saying something useful. you are no match. i promise you this.
why cause you Polynesian?
koakane – yep, we can take Pride. down!
Eh, we know da real truth… the winner will be AU. “Ainokea University”!!!
FS wearing white, brings back back memories
For those stuck at work without a TV, the BCS game is on the web.
or try
“Oh what a beautiful morning…”
From the Musical “Oklahoma”. 🙂
I picked Oklahoma because they named their state after their capital.
interesting series but refs missed the personal foul on the hit to the wide out.
Just watched the Dodge Ram commercial…who the hell would drive their truck through an explosion?
From afar Florida looks like Boise. no wonder Pride. likes their uniform.
Koakane ~ Sorry it took so long to respond, I’m back now, and I sent the plans.
So, “bezball bin berry gud to you ah?” Enjoy AJA ball!
Homey turn de station FS in white
Test yourself and see how prejudice has touched you.
koakane – yeah but they still have the blue and orange trim.
kekoa just checked and nothing in yet
Here’s one.
Let’s count how many times we’ll see excessive celebrations and how many of them the referees will “not see” or throw a flag for.
Why do tackles make dumb fouls?
A Sooner refers to the early settlers who were among the first pioneers to move Westward into the region where Oklahoma is today. Now if these Sooners or settlers were being chased by a bunch of gators, don’t you think that the gators would win and just chomp at all of the Sooners? How do you get out of the grip of an alligator? That’s why I say that the gators will beat the Sooners.
Come on ref throw da flag
How many alligators do you see in Oklahoma?
Okay, time to go to invisible mode.
UH not playing so, the refs will “let them play”.
Pride- #187-
Not to worry if da wagons run over the gattors
Homey brilliant
homey is in Oklahoma? 😕
Wow! I guess I’ll have to hang out with Tim Tebow so my life can be better…
Oh shootz! ST just called to remind me that I won da vb tickets!…I better get ready to leave the ceded lands soon and get a jump on the traffic!
Thanks again ST and UHFan808.
So the Ram “burns less fuel” so they can burn it on the “test track” instead?
Wow, das one huge offensive line for the Sooners. Even Homey could have won the Heisman behind that offensive line.
Oklahomey? 😆
Pulling out all the stops…
inside option to TE; wildcat formation w/ Demps…
….nice to see some other OT jump early
Wow, whoddathunk the “under” would look so good at this point?
Anyone willing to bet that the BCS system will be abolished on December 21st 2012?
Pahtna!…I sent ’em to your odda one mail box, try check ’em!
Tragically, most NEVER get a chance to hang out with Tim Tebow. That’s why this country and even this world are going down the tubes. If only there were a way we could ALL have just FIVE minutes with Tim Tebow. *sniff*.. *snuff*… 🙁
So you can “slam dunk” a TD….
I like dat tag DPK…Oklahomey! Right as rain, on the Prarie Plain.
nice run blocking….
RONNIE NO!!!!!!!!
Do not allow yourself to be brain-washed!!!!!
Any questions about Utah’s legitimacy where clearly answered by the beat-down they gave to Alabama.
No bet needed, I think the same thing, the BCS is riding its last wave.
D1 wat dat about slam dunk
Pace, eh?
Good thing I am not watching the game. It’d be like watching an “All You Can Eat” buffet through a glass window and you don’t have the cash to pay to join in. 🙁
dem gators sucking wind on the last drive
Mr. iphone,
Louis Murphy reverse-slammed UF’s 1st TD
love the Dolphins, hate the Jets
love the Yankees, hate the Mets
love the Sixers, hate the Nets (except when Julius wore 32)
oh and love the prune mui but hate the…oops family blog
like da keed sed, it’s about pace…no can breathe, no can tink, no can run…
15 yds on the son of a preacher man…yes, he was…yes, he was.
dumb penalty weak call ny refs
d1 we zachery
or as homey would say chicken nut bread
OU has taken away UF’s 1st option – FB dive (aka Tebow keeper)…it could be over….
UF no mo answer for stop run; it’s prolly over…
speaking of Al Noga, he has been traing Logo Fonoti at Ala Moana Beach Park in the sand. Logo is serious about being one of the few returnees and sought out his idol, former Gov and maybe the baddest SOB to play defense for Hawaii. Look for Logo to follow the paths of Veikune, Pucell, Alama-Francis, LaBoy, etc.
Huge stop. I can’t believe they didn’t kick the FG.
shoulda been…
if UF no mo answer for stop run….they answered that call….
Thanks BW96744….how was the beach today?
I agree. Even with that last stop…I sense a blowout coming in Oklahoma’s favor.
d1 aja bball bbq @ hans 7 pm can do?
wat happen to the HD signal?
I thought they blocked the fence?
Actually got ahead of the curve at work and got about 20 minutes to cruise before gotta do something else.
SteveM – thanks for the reply on the UNLV event. Actually, was my bad for not taking the time to visit your site in a long time. All the info was right there.
I am amazed that it doesn’t seem to bother anyone else that the Tsaikos will tailgate and seat separately. I can certainly understand that folks will take different ways to Vegas and stay at various accommodations. But, I always thought that the foundation of Tsaiko culture was tailgating and cheering for the Warriors. Why are we choosing to be fragmented in these two basic things? At Aloha Stadium, many have been tailgating with family and friends for decades and have season tickets for as long. At UNLV, we have an entirely different situation and months to plan. Why aren’t we doing that? Personally, Betty and I opted for the Boyd option because they were the first out. If options are laid out and the majority of Tsaikos chose one, I certainly would lay aside my preferences and back the majority decision…that’s just basic teamwork. So far, that hasn’t been done (or maybe I missed it). The only de facto decision at this point seems to be that the Tsaikos will NOT try to consolidate. PLEASE, will the people making these arrangements explain what’s happening and why?
guess holding allowed in this game
That was ugly. Ouch.
smart receivers…gotta have ’em
outstandind line play by okies
One shot to the end zone…then FG.
crazy! 😯
…or not.
Good half….
time for buffalo wings 😀
Prolly a drop in is in the works!
My take on the sit is that the Wassou game the previous week has “monkey-wrenched” things a little.
With the change in venue comes more interest in attending both games so that cuts the Boyd option for some.
(In our particular case, we’ll prolly forego the WA leg and go to McMinnville first.)
But fear not! Whereas in HNL we are limited to a single “game day”, in LV (like NOLA) there will be a larger window of time in which to “play” so I am sure the Tsaikos will party hardy in September!
d1 good to have you. going call you afta game ova
important series right here…
“architectural-like precision”???
I wonder what Stretch would say about that?
“WTF?” 😆
maybe i’m smarter than you think. and maybe i’m on to your little charade. i knew it all along. but i won’t expose who i think you are unless you just go away. no matter what alias you go under you can’t hide your hypocricies and bigotries. and that stands out. really this is too obvious. and your attempt at using the disguise of uc2 as your alter ego is amusing. so go back to being your regular self on the WB
roysan16 is becoming one of my favorite “new” bloggers.
I say “new” because I cannot recall this person posting beyond December 2008.
If I am incorrect, I apologize.
How do you measure “heart”?
d1 – xray? mri? 4th quarter when ur down 2 touchdowns?
With several different computers and human voters.
Well at least that’s how THEY do it.
kazz i’ll be open with you-I’m not a new blogger, and never tried to hide anything. but for personal reasons i had changed my blog name. and let’s keep it at that. although it shouldn’t be no secret i’ve been blogging since 11/07.
808fm, d1 . . .
do not forget excision, open-heart surgery, autopsy, CAT, and my personal favorite, wag.
Not even watching the game — why waste my time?
hey wafan- chk ur emal 😉
Who else would have thunk that Florida would hold Okie to 7 points sofar?
I sure didn’t. Good fight, though. If Okla loses, they will think of the four downs inside the three and then letting the Gators off the hook, just before the half.
mail, that is.
ok time to go home.
gunfunnit- now I gotta go look at the score…
Hi Ted!
okies at times look like warriors trying to run ball with no results then start passing and moves ball with good success.
how you figga?
Men’s Basketball
17:50 2nd Half
UH 29
Idaho 34
Flemings with 8 points for UH so far.
cheap shot…twisting Harvin’s ankle
Wow! Big error by T-bo…
15:52 2ND HALF
4qtr FS up by 3
3 posessions or 3 points?
Oh, hi, Liz.
Did I do something wrong?
Idaho Vandal Marvin Jefferson fouls out with 13:35 left in the 2nd half.
Parghalava with 12 points.
Brandon Adams comes in for Bill Amis.
Flemings to the free throw line.
Flemings with 10 points.
Did the ref actually need to check for Tebow’s number?
Congratulations to Florida…
congrats to pride and FS. game was good.
debate still on Utah undefeated and FS loss to Mississippi State.
will see what garret put together before saying FS is college fball champs for 08 year.
Regardless of feelings, Florida was impressive,14 points for Okie, amazing. Yep, champs always find a way, always.
The Warriors need to get back that kind of conviction.
Well, we played and lost to UGa who should have been Natl Champs then we played UF and they became BCS Champs. Guess 2008 UH SOS was?
Wonder whether UH will ever try ‘hurry up’ offense to give us an edge?
Will there be 2 Champs BCS(UF) and writers(Ute)?
How many of you think that Utah could have beaten Florida?
Speed vs Strength? Hmmmmmmm doesn’t speed KILL!
And so ends the 2008-2009 college football season. Glad Florida won.
Congrats to the Gators who received their crystal ball from the BCS CHARITABLE TRUST.
Kudos to Oklahoma for also receiving the opportunity to play for their crystal football through the CHARITY of the BCS TRUST.
UF’s D would be the diff vs Utes, too.
Another reason to have +1 game.
Oklahoma was bigger and stronger, but in the end, the speed of Florida won out.
McMackin is on the right track, speed, speed and more speed, like Miami used to be. We were fairly good this year, but not fast enough. Hopefully we can improve on that this year and more agility on the O-Line.
Too bad Barry Switzer. Your team got beat by one that runs the option. So much for the pro offense. I guess you have to be a system quarterback to be in the championship game these days.
These teams would have been in my 8 team play-off :
Utah – Penn State
= Utah – Oklahoma
Oklahoma – Alabama
= Oklahoma – Florida
Florida – Boise State
= Florida – USC
USC – Texas
Come on now, you need help from the computers also. Don’t forget the “little guys”. 🙄
OOPS, that didn’t come out the way I wrote it.
Utah – Penn State = Utah
Oklahoma – Albama = Oklahoma
Florida – Boise State = Florida
USC – Texas = USC
Utah – Oklahoma = Oklahoma
Florida – USC = Florida
As much as it DISGUSTS me to say this. I would have to pick SC as the winners of this “playoff”.
BUT at least it would have been PROPERLY played out, well at least more so than now.
SC over everyone else because their defense was too good this year.
Hellooooo UCE2? Not home? After post 245 roysan16…nobody home? Normally a knock comes out the outhouse from you…waiting for you…
Evening Tsai-kos!!
Congrats to Florida, as much as it pains me to say that.
Both bball teams got smashed on the road tonight. Yuck.
Looks really empty in the SSC tonight. It must feel like a cave. Any Tsai-ko sightings? Hope they have a bigger crowd tomorrow night. I will be there with my peeps (sis, bro-in-law, kid and kid’s friends (at least 1). So who else will be there? C’mon guys, da tix are really cheap.
Kekoa – you got mail. Hope you’re enjoying yourself at the game.
jm2375: I will be there. Can’t beat free student tickets. 😀
oh… sorry… I forgot… all the national champions HAVE to be a BCS team… Non BCS Champions aren’t allowed… 🙁 sooooo sowwy Utah… 🙁
Oh yeah Jason? How bout free tickets AND a date?
Touche, Nalani, Touche… 😆
BTW- Did you get my email?
Hey Everyone –
Sorry I’ve been away for so long, but two new clients have totally consumed my life the past few weeks. Both are for a law firm and are extremely time sensitive. I can’t really go into detail, but I’ve been hired as an expert witness in defending a claim against one of the biggest names in Hollywood. (Note: Reading depositions is about as exciting as watching moss grow.) Plus, I’ve still got my normal amount of work to deal with on Idol, etc.
As for Vegas – My plan is to find out where Boyd has their tickets and I will try to secure 200-300 tickets adjacent. These seats will cost more than the $8 deal the UNLV box office generously offered in 2007, but we will still get a group discount since more than 100 tickets will be purchased. Many who attended the 2007 game liked our Tsaiko Tsection. If there is enough interest in those seats, I may get 100 there again (lower price), but still close to the endzone sideline seats which I’m assuming is what we’ll be offered. I’m hoping to be done with all the legal stuff by the end of February and can start concentrating on September. (This assumes the suits are settled or go to arbitration or mediation and I don’t have to go to court.)
Many apologies to everyone who has emailed and I haven’t replied. I’m trying to do my best…..(Note to self: Ask ST how he fits 36 hrs of stuff into a 24 hr. day)
Anyway, time to continue reading depositions. It’s the easiest way to fall asleep at night.
Nalani: You’re a sweet lady, but I have a strict rule against dating celebrities. Don’t take it personally, but I don’t want to be on TMZ any time soon.
Jason the fact that she is married doesn’t enter into it?? You sly dog you!!!!
Good thing Shelton get sense of humor.
He DOES have a sense of humor, right???
So is his Nanay Esme, but that din’t stop him.
So Jason, why aren’t there tonight????
Jason – good one. Way to come back!
Busy with some other things. It’s getting harder for me to make it to the SSC for these night games, cause TheBus schedule is so junk late at night. But I have to go to UH tomorrow, and I feel like watching Gran Torino, so I might as well stay out all day and enjoy myself. That means catching the game tomorrow night too. 😀
Rich – Glad to see you out there and many thanks for being such a great guy who does such great things for others. Many people owe you a lot.
I’m trying not to step on toes or be such a nag since no else seems concerned. However, I know there are those out there who understand what an undertaking and opportunity this represents. The Tsaiko family has grown so fast that it takes a lot of planning and work to put together an event for 300 people…no doubt that at least that many will show up for a Tsaiko tailgate. I saw first hand at the Blog Party last year. I’ve worked hands on on numerous events for 100 to 3,000 people and I’m confident that I speak from experience. We are no longer 2 or 3 dozen folks. And, without any formal structure, putting on a big event is triply hard. It certainly wouldn’t be fair to put all the work on a couple of people.
OK. I’ve had my say…thanks for reading. I’ll take my cue from the group. If no one else has a care, I’ll take it off my plate.
Thank you for your hard work on our behalf for the Vegas game in 2007 and for the 2009 game! I hope that your work schedule calms down soon. My only request would be that you try to not get two sections of tickets like you mentioned–I think it would be great if all the Tsaikos were together, so I’d rather you not get the section we had in 2007 and a different section also.
The only reason to do that I guess would be if the tickets cost was significantly different. However, for the people making it all the way to the Vegas, game, a $20 or so ticket price difference would not be significant enough in my opinion to split up our group. Plus, coordinating two different stadium locations would increase the work for you, las vegas, and others.
Hi Nalani. BG, Rich2176!!!
Anyone remembers what nickname was given the Honolulu Stadium?
Does anyone remember what the slogan the newspapers boys used to say while selling papers at the Honolulu Stadium?
What was the name of the beer drinking area for Islander’s game?
What was the puka called on the rightfield fence that gave the hitter or someone money when the ball landed in or went through it?
Just being a little nostalgic and need some help remembering.
Colt Watch!
Some people will do the Boyd package and some will go through Rich/LV, that cannot be helped for a variety of factors. Some are going to both road games, which also complicates matters. So, I don’t think that everyone can sit together–there is just a big difference between a road game and a home game for arrangements.
However, just like at the Sugar Bowl, we’ll probably have several get-togethers. Those will be huge cattle calls! And Vegas has no shortage of buffets to choose from!
The difficult economic time we are in will prevent Obama from going after the BCS for awhile. I’d rather have our President worry about the economy and foreign policy than about college sports!
The South-Florida Sun-Sentinel reporter also went over and over the Miami-Baltimore game tape. He is *not* as critical of Samson as the Palm Beach Post reporter. Note that his discussion of Miami’s OL play has NO criticism of Samson.
Colt’s “Eli Look” BWAHAHAHA! LOL to da MAX! 😆
Note that Pennington’s INT during the first drive of the second half was because he tried to force the ball to Bess despite how Baltimore double-covered Bess. Imagine that, one of the best defenses in the NFL assigned two players to cover Bess on this play.
Bess gets a good evaluation here.
Colt Brennan — the missing Manning. 😀
Am I asking questions that shouldn’t be asked? I don’t understand and am asking for help. “…cannot be helped for a variety of factors.”, “…complicates matters.” and “…a big difference between a road game and home game…” don’t explain anything to me. To equate Las Vegas 2009 with Sugar Bowl 2008 would be a mistake IMO. In fact, planning for this road game is much simplier than planning for a home game. A home game would be much, much more difficult with all the different factions that have historical and family roots.
But, Garret, it’s getting late for this old man. I don’t have any desire to take on any Crusades by myself. I do remember the old adage…”You get out what you put in”.
Good nite
BG — if you have not looked at my web page for the last 4 months, no doubt you feel blind-sided by the distribution. As the so-called blog archivist, I had the benefit of seeing this:
100 Tsai-kos helped by Rich2176 and las vegas. They did it…a Tsai-ko Hall of Fame feat. Do they have the credibility to do it again? Would you send them money if they asked? Yes.
Then consider that most of us have been to Las Vegas many times. We have our preferences of hotel–downtown, strip, off-strip. Some have time shares and high-roller perks. Bottom line is that people have definite opinions about where they stay in Vegas. This would not be true of most other cities where UH may have a road game.
Also consider that around 40% converging on Las Vegas are mainland Tsai-kos, many traveling on a shoe string budget like me. Most were with LV and Rich2176 last time. Odds were they would repeat.
These reasons plus the $95 per person Boyd game package price lead people to follow their preferences. There was no conspiracy or consensus vote. BTW, before the Boyd pricing was released, the interest was 60-40 Boyd vs. LV. After the pricing it went 20-80. It is cost and preferences.
One last thought…in my work with soldiers and kids…especially young kids, I found that they knew and would say so (especially the kids lol) when I said one thing and did another. Taught me to walk a much straighter path. Bear with me and I’ll make my point. IMO, when we do our social events, we exercise the energy, skills, and teamwork within the group. All these parts have already paid major dividends in the way we’ve reacted as a group to situations. We learned to work TOGETHER to buy an iTouch, bracelets, fix JUG machines, help PIAA, and much, much more. We rag on the Warrior team if we think they are not focused as a team. I don’t understand why we are not focused as a team to create another milestone event in Tsaiko lore. I am willing to accept that I am expecting too much. But, let me ask, “Are we asking/demanding teamwork from the Warrior football team, but are willing to do something else?”
Good nite (for real)
Saw your post. I think you misunderstand what I’m asking. I have never said anything about a conspiracy or whatever. Nor have I said anything about wanting folks to fly the same plane or stay at the same hotel. Everything I’ve said is basically asking why there’s not an effort to let ALL the Tsaikos know what the options are. Are folks ASSUMING that I have so much money to burn that I may not want another option. Actually, if give the choice to a free sky box or sitting with the Tsaikos in the end zone and paying for the ticket, I’m with the Tsaikos…slam dunk.
I’m not going to say any more about your post because you’re so far off base. Please read my posts again.
Utah finished #2 in the AP poll, so no split title.
Thanks, Jase! Oh Well.
Been looking at old Colt vids… tsai…
Anyone know when and where he’s having surgery?
I thought that the options were clear for all Tsaikos to choose from. Everyone knows the Boyd packages and pricing. Everyone knows that Rich/las vegas will get a block of tickets for those who don’t want to pay that price or who will make other arrangements.
I thought that everyone was working together on this. I didn’t think that people were hiding anything–the Boyd packages were posted here and the news from Rich and others were posted here. I don’t think that things are being hidden from anyone, which is why I must have misunderstood your earlier post.
When I talked about how the Vegas situation is different, I didn’t go into the factors because there are so many of them. You have people like me who live on the mainland and will drive to Vegas…for my situation, the Boyd game/tailgate package was much more expensive than what I had been hoping for. You have people who are flying from Hawaii and the Boyd package is perfect. You have others who want to stay somewhere different (some like the strip, some downtown, some split a timeshare, etc.), so the Boyd package wouldn’t work.
However, my understanding was that *everyone* knew what the options were, so they could make the decision that best suited them. That is why I thought that everyone’s efforts had been contributed to make the options available and understood.
Hi BG!
Nitey nite, I guess…
Just turned on the VB replay.
Now that ESPN owns the rights to broadcast BCS games, they will *not* be pushing for a college football playoff. ESPN is very, very influential (and their money is needed if the playoff is going to make more than the BCS) so this is a huge indication that a playoff will not occur for a long, long time.
I was asked to study a few issues with BCS Conference teams and their record vs. non-BCS Conference teams. I’m first going to post this on the Warrior Beat, but I’m putting this here to archive my work. Once again, I want to give credit for this work to this awesome site:
I’m going to study the number of games the BCS Conference teams played against Non-BCS Conference teams over the past 5 years. That is what koakane asked for, so that is the issue studied here.
CUSA vs. BCS: 2-25
MAC vs. BCS: 5-35
MWC vs. BCS: 8-10
SUN vs. BCS: 3-23
WAC vs. BCS: 3-16
Totals: 130 games, 21-109, win percentage 19.3%
CUSA vs. BCS: 6-24
MAC vs. BCS: 4-30
MWC vs. BCS: 4-9
SUN vs. BCS: 0-24
WAC vs. BCS: 6-15
Totals: 122 games, 20-102, win percentage 19.6%
CUSA vs. BCS: 2-20
MAC vs. BCS: 2-21
MWC vs. BCS: 7-8
SUN vs. BCS: 1-17
WAC vs. BCS: 0-17
Totals: 95 games, 12-83, win percentage 14.5%
CUSA vs. BCS: 4-21
MAC vs. BCS: 3-21
MWC vs. BCS: 8-14
SUN vs. BCS: 1-12
WAC vs. BCS: 6-11
Totals: 101 games, 22-79, win percentage 27.8%
CUSA vs. BCS: 5-25
MAC vs. BCS: 7-18
MWC vs. BCS: 8-13
SUN vs. BCS: 1-18
WAC vs. BCS: 5-16
Totals: 116 games, 26-90, win percentage 28.9%
What koakane was asking for was how many games the BCS conferences played against non-BCS conference teams. Either he or someone else felt that the BCS conference teams were trying to avoid the other conferences and playing less games against them. The numbers do *not* back that up.
2003: 116 games
2004: 101 games
2005: 95 games
2006: 122 games
2007: 130 games
The numbers the past few years are way up from the previous years! So, it looks like the BCS conference teams are playing *more*, not less, games against non-BCS conference teams.
I know that was one major complaint by the TV networks and national commentators, that the BCS conference teams were playing too many “easy” games and there weren’t enough games like the home-and-home that Texas and Ohio State had in the past.
If we look at win percentage, it looks like the BCS conference teams won a lot more in 2006 and 2007 than the years before. Maybe the effect of the funding gap between BCS and non-BCS conferences is showing up in the results?
2003: 28.9% of the time the non-BCS conf team beat the BCS conf team
2004: 27.8%
2005: 14.5%
2006: 19.6%
2007: 19.3%
So, in 2007 the BCS conference team won more than 80% of the time when they played non-BCS conference teams. And this includes teams such as Baylor that are at the bottom of their BCS Conference (like Washington and Washington State this year).
Maybe part of this is the APR? The BCS Conference schools have poured money into their Academic programs and tutoring in order to keep their APR high, while lower-budgeted schools cannot afford that and are hit by APR scholarship losses.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
This guy thinks we should use the soon-to-be-retired shuttles to send astronauts to Mars. Unfortunately, that would be a one-way trip.
Article about 10 extinct beasts that could be brought back to life via their DNA…I think they really should have left Neanderthal off this list–I can see bringing back the Gorilla after it is extinct soon and the sabre-toothed tiger could be interesting, but the Neanderthal crosses a line in my mind.
Florida woman has been suffering from headaches ever since she was treated for a stab wound…an x-ray just found that the hospital released her 3 years ago with a knife blade in her head!
Man donated his kidney to his wife…who soon after had an affair. So, now they are divorced and he’s asking for his kidney back or the $1.5 million the kidney is worth!
34-year-old Pennsylvania man was upset that a friend of his neighbor parked in front of his house…so he used a chain saw to cut down his neighbor’s front door! He was sentenced to 37 years in prison.
Free play links pau.
Time for me to go to sleep. Hope to see some of you at the game tomorrow. 🙂
Oyasumina-tsai. Hasta manana.
Hi Tsaikos.
Hi Las Vegas.Looking forward to visiting 09/09.
Greg Alexander is working out, studying film. Best wishes, GA.
What a fantastic VB win tonight!!!
Sweet Warrior Dreams!!!
BG If I am not mistaken you are asking why don’t we have a “Tailgate” that all the TSAIKOS will attend – is that right?? So the answer is simple have three of them, one (with all attending) on the 18th, then the two on game day. Then the next thing would be to try and find out where the Boyd group would be sitting and for Rich to see if he could get his block at least in the general area. – IMHO
The need for a playoff involves more than determining a champion and whether BCS teams beat or play non-bcs teams (they should the way this sytem works).
Right now all NCAA D1 teams compete and contribute (and spend money to do so) to the atmosphere that makes college football the attraction that it is. Yet a few bowls and conferences have hijacked the major bowls from the NCAA, declare their own championship, and keep virtually all the money to themselves– each team in a BCS conference annually gets several $million a year regardless of their won loss record, while teams who compete in D1, but are not in a chosen conference get nothing. How is that fair?
Saw Logo Fonoti at the Beach Park on Saturday while my boys played in the sand.
Also training with Logo and Noga was former Punahou DB Bronson Chang, who will be a Senior at USC and seeking to walkon this spring. Good Luck Bronson 🙂
Happy Belated Birthday to:
Oline Drew Uperesa: 01/07
WR Jovonte Taylor: 01/08
Good Morning Tsaiko Nation!
BigWave ~ Were these guys running sprints in the sand or what? Maybe jousting with each other? When you say ‘training’ what kind of training were they involved in? Just curious.
I bet your boys were like, “go head, knock down my sand castle and my fada goin’ head slap you into next week Tuesday!”
By now you have all heard of the victory earned by the Warrior VB team over Ohio State. They gave the Buckeyes a Blackeye in my estimation. I want to thank all concerned in awarding me a pair of tickets to the game.
Pops didn’t really want to go at first. I told him that if he didn’t go, I was goin’ borrow Jason’s date. He likes Jason like a grandson, so he finally decided to go.
A nice slowly drying out Aloha Friday to all!!!
And, now off ot school. Tsigh, another day; another $0.21.
We sat with sj & myki because they had great seats in the upper area, just above the team bench. Nice view of the court from their vantage point.
They gave us Ping Pong paddle looking fans at the door. When I told the gal what they looked like…she gave me another one.
Overall, the attendance was dismal. ST was busy keeping very detailed notes of the game. After the game I saw him conducting a formal interview with one of the Warriors. He looked very much like a “Warrior Beat” sports reporter!
Went over and talked to Papa Leahey and my favorite color girl, Lisa Strand (Ma’a). She’ll be courtside again tonite with Jim.
Lisa was very excited about the way the boys battled their way past tie situations near the end of each set. She noted that not only their individual performance, but their team game was very intense!
What I liked was the ‘digs’ that were made to keep the ball in play. The hustle to the ball, and the all-out effort in jousting at the net. Passing has room for improvement, and that will help their setter put up much better sets. The sets were too close to the net at times, so it put the hitter nose to nose with the blockers. I noticed when the sets were off the net a bit, the kills were awesome!
Go Warriors!
wafan ~ I saw some pretty distressing looking photos of the flooded areas of the surrounding Tacoma area and especially Chehalis. Hard to imagine how much commerce was held up with 20 miles of I-5 closed and under as much as 3 ft of water!
When I lived in the back woods area of Nisqually, the river would overflow with the sight of a rainbow! The key was to get to high ground and stay there! We then understood why the house we rented was so inexpensive, and moved shortly after the first *waterpark* encounter.
Beautiful country, but hard to plan any type of outdoor activity without planning for rain. Summer was a nice day.
Is there any relation between John and Logo fonoti?
Las Vegas & Rich 2176 ~
Mahalo for your efforts to secure seating for the Tsaiko Ohana. I know what a hassle that can be.
What SteveM has done is commendable. He has always made his site available as the well spring of information for those of us planning to attend any Tsaiko function. It works because he normally designs a matrix to track the specifics involved with air/ground transportation & lodging. It still remains your choice, he just carries a listing of what and where everyone else is staying.
BG is concerned about one thing *UNITY* He knew it was impossible to put every Tsaiko in the same section during the regular season at Aloha stadium. Many people have had their season seats for years. This is a seperate opportunity for us to buy a block of seats for just this one game.
He saw that with D-1’s effort, it was possible to secure 30 seats for a small cheering section complete with signage for the Hawaii Bowl only. That is why he is so passionate about this project. A unity of purpose to support the team in one voice coming from one place.
Enter the Boyd gaming folks and their offering. Hence the fragmentation with the seating. I think if we can get past this little hurdle and secure seats in one mutually agreed on section, we can then work on coordinating the T-gates and transportation as well.
Relax…we can do this. Be patient, plan for what’s best for you and your family. Then contact either Rich or LV and let them know what your plan is. For the Boyd Gamers, if ‘ve got a package deal already secured and are happy with that…stick with it. 😎
Ok…gotta get on the road. Mahalo sj & myki for sharing the fun of watching the VB game from your private loge last night. Pops really enjoyed the game too.
Great Morning All!
Thanks for the recap of MVB. Maybe they got something going this season…
Gotta get going myself!
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
ST, Rich 2176, Las Vegas,
thanks to each of you for your efforts in getting all the Tsaikos to sit together.
I’m committing to 6 tix in that section, wherever it is. But I no like sit by certain big Tsaikos because they’ll “overflow” into my seat…. i no like get too much more … ummm… svelte….
ST, Rich 2176, Las Vegas,
might even be 10, but still gotta work on the Riverside gang. they not Tsaikos yet, but they’re family. just letting you know we can fill 300 if we all make the effort to make this event happen.
Coach, we doing our job. Warriors in the off-season, do your job!
Go Warriors.
good VB article. but pretty please can you write about the really important stuff… like Shutter can do 185# 22x, Quentin is 325 lb.
Alexander is doing short sprint bursts, can chrow da ball into da barrel 60 yards away in a arch, Smith and Malloe and Arande working out with the real heavy liftahz, yu no, da good stuff…. 😀
Hey, how about Kahai Choy for the long snapper job?
Still alive—-Not 6′ under, yet!
Had the flu bug. This also gave me an opportunity to rest my
rigor mortis typing finger when an attempt was made to climb
Mt. Everest with everyone.
Good Morning Tsaikos!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Thanks for the good posts, Kekoa!
Hi Ho!
Have a great day everyone!
Go Warriors!
Good morning Tsaikos!
808ike – hope you’re feeling better. Next year, get a flu shot!!
Stretch – you going UHS homecoming? We’ll see how long it take to for that building to be constructed. Whatchu tink, 10 yrs?
808Ike. Missed ya!
Glad you are feeling better. The next mountain will be a piece of cake, eh?
jm – sorry, haven’t been keeping up with UHS news.
what do you guys think about the possibility of Colt being traded to Miami gotta figure Pennington only has a few more good years left?
Met a wise and young lady who told me to practice. When the next
mountain comes, hopefully my typing finger will be in shape for the
Hi Duffer – Kahai is practicing in case they need him at LS from time to time, but once assigned to that position, you’re basically not allowed to play anything else, so he’s working hard to earn a spot at C/G rather than specializing.
UHS Homecoming 2009 – 1/24/09. Games at MPI. Concert at UHS after.
Good morning Tsaikos…busy busy day again…..my life will be hell for the next few months…
Just wanted to say hello…
As for the UNLV game…I’ll sit with the Tsaikos wherever they sit…count me in…
jm – thanks for the info. got plans for the 24th weekend, no can make it.
Here’s you KSM bb roundup. Doesn’t look too good……….
I’ve seen many people here talk about their hope that Colt would go to the Dolphins to take over soon. However, Miami drafted Henne with a high draft pick (2nd round, they chose him over Colt) in last year’s draft, and Miami’s management and coaching staff are very happy with him. Henne beat out the 2nd round pick from 2006 (Beck). In fact, if Pennington didn’t get cut by the Jets then Miami would have started Henne this season!
So, there really isn’t much chance for Colt to go to Miami. Miami has their starting QB (Pennington), their QB-in-waiting (Henne), their 2nd round pick from 2 years ago (Beck), and they might dump Beck if they find someone else they like as a free agent…but they aren’t going to give up anything for a 3rd-string QB.
Anyone with an iphone, how do you scroll to the bottom of the blog?
duffer – use your iPhone mouse wheel.
Good morning everyone!
duffer — right under the main text of ST daily entry is a box or list of choices. Touch the “Leave a response” choice and it will jump down to the comment box at the bottom. …at least I think the choice is there…I don’t have an iPhone.
Pride. – okay, so there are gators in oklahoma. me and koakane will chip in and buy your next pitcher of water.
So, the Gators are the money bowl champs and the the annual crying keeps on going.
The ACC comissioner has the gall to anounce that they’re doing nothing wrong, right !!!!!
ESPN may not fight the BCS officially, but almost all their announcers and reporters are calling the BCS garbage. One of them, I’ve heard the other night, even yelled it out three times.
I believe by 2012 it’s changed, I hope for the better.
Nice mudhole you created yourself. Your statements come across as childish and faafafine, the opposite of what you had hoped for. Stick to verifiable facts.
If you think you know who I am, please so state. Would it matter? I think not. You must be like the other guy who posts here and claims he has access to the the SAT and transcript records of Hawaii kids, declaring these kids ineligible academically for UH on nothing more than assumptions.
…should have read “Nice mudhole you created for yourself.”
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