Field or dreams?
Critics have been questioning UH’s exploration of the feasibility of building a 30,000-or-so-seat, on-campus stadium. Money aside — and whatever the projected cost, add 30 percent for the final expenses — does it make sense? Consider:
> Space: There actually is room, but construction would involve reclaiming the areas recently built for sand volleyball matches and practices. If soccer is included in the stadium, it probably would mean moving the track to the current soccer practice field.
> Parking: Aloha Stadium has about 8,000 parking stalls, and that’s not even close to being enough. Other parking can be found at Richardson, neighboring streets, and satellite sites. UH-Manoa has 5,700 stalls. It’s already a struggle to accommodate the 15,000-student enrollment. Another parking structure probably would be needed.
> Student attendance: The assumption is if you’ll build it, they’ll come, because they’re already there. But are they “there”? There are about 3,700 students living in UHM-run housing.
> Management: UH actually does a good job managing its sports complexes — the Stan Sheriff Center (thanks to Rich Sheriff), Les Murakami Stadium (thanks to Glenn Nakaya) and Rainbow Wahine Softball Stadium (thanks to Bob Coolen).
> Accompanying projects: A new stadium would mean additional plumbing, parking, a visiting locker room and new areas for sand volleyball.
And there went the power in Papakolea.
I meant, the electrical power.
Strong winds + electrical poles = Outages
……and like the TC Ching Complex, you might as well budget the 60% increase in cost due to change orders.
I dislike delays as much as anyone, but when projects are completed, they’re usually pretty nice. The paving in our neighborhood, which is in its third month, is well done.
Of course, the crew might like our neighborhood too much. There’s a sign saying they’re going to work on the road that was just paved.
Um … uh … what?!?
I still can’t figure out how Ching Complex was approved by the NCAA. I was looking at the back side and I was saying to myself: This might take a while.
(Yes, I do talk to myself a lot.)
UH should hire the guys who built Rainbow/Murakami Stadium back in 1984. They completed it within an 8 month period, if memory serves me correctly.
morning 808 and blog mastah
have a good Sunday and while having a personal revalation with Akua ask for his help in considering today’s blog thoughts
play nice and enjoy
the signs on our streets are for a crew to return and “dig” pukas for all the man holes which letter our streets
Don’t be the bringer of realism and kill our stadium dreams.
Already half way through my drawings that I plan to email to UH. Still working on where to the water slide and wave pool.
Also still working on the go-kart track design. Should that be rolled out, or should the field roll in? Decisions, decisions . . .
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with scoping the project like BJ said. Once they do this then they can make an informed decision. But as you pointed out ST, parking, relocating current facilities and the usual Hawaii inefficiency will be major hurdles.
It’s not a coincidence that none of the fortune 500 companies have a major presence in Hawaii.
Was recently at Murakami. Can someone replace the drywall behind the urinal. And make it “waterproof” since they sell the large beers there. (hehe) That is a shame though. Murakami was built to honor a great coach and program. Please maintain it!!!!
And while we’re on the maintenance issue, there is an expensive spalling problem in the parking structure that if not taken care of will drastically increase the eventual repair cost.
“on-campus” stadium and still pushing my idea of building it over HI Freeway
utilize all the area makai of the BB stadium up to the swimming complex – buy, via eminent domain portions of some or all of the area makai of HI between University Ave and King St up to, if necessary,y the Humane Society complex
this should be more than ample space for the stadium and a multi-level parking structure makai of the stadium with direct entry/exit into east or west bound H1 traffic – also, multiple parking entry from University Ave and King to minimize traffic into lower campus – further, all visitor locker rooms should be below the makai side of the stadium including bus, delivery, emergency/police, etc. stalls to keep traffic away from the mauka side of the stadium – parking entry into the parking structure can include ramps for those who wish to park on the higher levels – parking structure should be open daily for general public use because of the limited parking available along University Ave and King St – another way to generate revenue
the stadium perimeter would be lined with restaurants/shops open daily to the general public with security gates to prevent entry into the stadium itself – one small way to increase revenue
main idea is NOT to have the project become like Aloha Stadium where it sits vacant most of the time with ZERO revenue generated
now, how will the City Council and State Legislature respond knowing how they like to get their sticky fingers into everything?
I believe “public funding/donations” should be the only source to build the structure to keep the “greedy,sticky” fingers from dictating how the revenue should be used
consider the so-called Hawaii Hurricane Fund – first thing the legislature did was dictate all “premiums” paid by many of us goes into the General Fund instead of a Hurricane Fund to purchase coverage with the higher limits being purchased from national/international reinsurance companies – insurance to pay for damages caused by a hurricane for my house and yours – some legislators now claim the premiums we paid was a “tax or fee” so they could pass legislation to “raid” the money for whatever reason they determined necessary – of course, we, the paying public, had absolutely NO SAY IN THE WORDING OF SUCH legislation – and, the beauty of this is they PROMISE to pay back all $$$ stolen from the hurricane fund – don’t ever expect to see the monies returned!
Did hey ever fix the leaks at Stan sheriff?
14… That’s because Hawaii has a small population (fewer consumers) relative to where most F500 companies are based and the accessibility for consumers to buy products.
The Times and Star Markets are able to survive because many national grocery chains don’t see Hawaii as a worthwhile place to enter the market because not enough rooftops exist. Much the same reason why Olive Garden hasn’t come to Honolulu. If you’ve never had OGs, no worries, it isn’t that special… It’s like one step above Old Spaghetti Factory with a little nicer interior.
AHouse #16 “utilize all the area makai of the BB stadium up to the swimming complex – buy, via eminent domain portions of some or all of the area makai of HI between University Ave and King St up to, if necessary, the Humane Society complex”
I think I mentioned this a while back but one guy who bleeds green & white mentioned that the land around Puck’s Alley (including the Alley) is Bishop Estate land. He thought that UH should make a deal with Kamehameha/Bishop Estate for a long-term lease (99 years?) with UH giving scholarships to Hawaiian students that qualify in lieu of rent. With that land and those around Varsity Theatre, you would have your parking. He thought that having the Rail coming up towards UH instead of the Ala Moana Shopping Center would also help.
I’m just going to assume that Larry Ellison said give me a ball park figure of the new stadium and I’ll think about it as the only to reason why. Actually, he wouldn’t have to fund the whole cost but maybe subsidize with state funding and a little approval for increased student fees. That sounds doable.
I would think that UH has a better chance of attracting local businesses such as BOH or FHB to fund a new stadium. Long time track record, here to stay. Nothing against the Oracle or Ebay guy, but easy come, easy go in business. I’ve seen the bust of Phil Knight in the Oregon athletic complex and it looks kinda creepy (but, that’s just me).
I wonder if In-N-Out Burger would really be successful here in Hawaii given our plate lunch culture? They have said that they have no plans to come here.
I also remember Bishop Estate saying that they wanted to develop the UH/Pucks Alley area as a student-based friendly neighborhood – kind of modeled after UCLA/Westwood (which is a really nice and trendy area).
City planners need to think about building a bridge across the Ala Wai Canal connecting University Avenue with Waikiki.
If they are looking into building an on-campus stadium, please somebody tell whoever is in charge to design the stadium for multi-purpose. Of course Football & soccer, but also have the electrical infrastructure for concerts and other large special events.
Then, maybe, just maybe, UH would host a legit Stevie Wonder concert.
Hawaii Bowl could move to UH’s stadium… Plus maybe they could resurrect the Hula Bowl since the location is so convenient to Waikiki where the teams, fans, family are usually staying.
UH should easily be able to coax OIA (since same school system) and ILH to have FB games at the new stadium. Just think, having the top OIA and ILH teams at UH’s stadium would be free recruiting and shiny new locker rooms would leave a good impression without the FB staff doing/saying anything.
UH soccer would likely gain more fans since they wouldn’t have to go out to Waipio to play home games, which is a big effort to get to unless you live in the area. A Manoa Maniacs section at soccer games could be pretty wild.
The biggest factor is that UH now gets to keep parking revenue, and collect rent from food/bev vendors including a slice of food/bev revenue assuming UH would be smart enough to do % leases.
Maybe UH should send someone to purchase some MegaMillions tickets before Tuesday’s drawing… The $353million jackpot did not hit…
Might have just as good of chance of the jackpot as Larry Ellison donating to UH
Aforementioned MegaMillions is now $400 Million. Next drawing is Tuesday
Good morning everyone!
I am for an on-campus stadium. Game day “Home field advantage” is literally a home field of your own…one you practice on everyday and know under all weather conditions. The locker room is your own.
ST raises some valid concerns, but “if you build it, will they come? (in numbers near 30,000)”. I’m referring to many of the current season ticket holders. No doubt there will be a more students and new attendees.
Related to the emotional issue of closing the red/yellow levels of Aloha stadium, your long time fans have their preference of seat location–not just in relation to the field of play, but considering wind, rain, and sun factors. What assurances that they will be satisfied with new seat locations in a new facility? Will they return? That’s why I noted that UH needs a really good PPV deal when changing stadiums because there could be manyu “dropouts” the next year.
Goidelic morning Tsaikos!
FUHA – Times is owned by a Mainland corporation and Star is no more. Foodland is the only major grocery chain that’s locally owned.
😳 damn autocorrect. Good morning Tsaikos!
On-campus housing capacities of PAC-12 and UH. No surprises, but the numbers are good to compare … lots of useful data on the website.
UCLA 14,533
Stanford 11,339
ASU 11,214
UC Berkeley 8,267
U of Colorado 7,408
U of Arizona 7,209
USC 6,600
WSU 6,100
UW 5,781
Utah 4,827
U of Oregon 4,647
OSU 4,524
UH 3,719
“City planners need to think about building a bridge across the Ala Wai Canal connecting University Avenue with Waikiki.”…..what an idea…seems that idea has been bantered around for years …the question now is …”How many years will it take to build an auto and foot bridge across
the Ala Wai.”……nice contest …correct guess gets a life long FREE pass to all home games…the catch …..contest not open to anyone born before 1990…an to show my sincerity…I will throw in a
FREE round trip for 4 to Balibago….contest starts today and ends January 1st 2070…same date of
the proposed new U of H stadium….Tsaiko’s…start ur guessing… naming of the new facility …and the proposed contest will be handeled by Whitey…once construction starts….
Nice concept, but it will never happen!!!
students don’t even pack the basketball games.
God bless those who do show, but many of those in the Manoa Maniac section at the SSC are not students.
Also traffic would be horrendous. It bad already when men’s bball and baseball are on the same day.
As DMK said, “They can’t even get the TCChing expansion done on time and on budget.”
An elite private school in the growing West Oahu would soon rival in-town Iolani and Punahou, facilities and student quality. Give Mid-Pac some land and $ in West Oahu and acquire their 36-acres. Build a concrete stadium where their baseball field is along with parking structure across from the business school. The remaining land, build student housing and if needed, more facilities.
Acquire University Lab School too and build student housing and/or retail.
Traffic will be a nightmare, hopefully, rail goes to UH one day.
FYI – Hope that the last sentence holds true.
7.0 earthquake strikes off Chile’s Pacific coast
By CNN Staff
dated 5:45 PM EDT, Sun March 16, 2014
(CNN) — A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck off Chile’s Pacific coast Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.
The quake’s epicenter was 61 km (38 miles) west-northwest of Iquique, Chile, and its depth was 35 km (21.7 miles), the USGS said.
There were no immediate reports of damages or injuries, but local emergency officials activated a precautionary tsunami warning and urged residents to move to higher ground, CNN Chile reported.
There is no widespread destructive tsunami threat, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.
Lot of good ideas today.
Parking (and tailgating) is key.
The UH 2007 Long Range Development Plan
identified areas where parking is to be expanded – tennis courts.
I couldn’t find any mention of a future football stadium. I expect that because of the way the state works, the LRDP will have to be updated to include the stadium, before funds will be made available for anything more than preliminary scoping of project.
I am not aware of any more recent LRDP than the 2007.
No tailgating in structured parking
I do like the idea of luxury boxes, but I don’t have much confidence in who will fill them.
The idea would be to get some high-rollers who would lease the boxes. But the way things work here, they’ll probably end up having current sponsors time-share the boxes.
Good point. Where would folks tailgate?
Boise State has a pretty good idea. It commissioned designs to expand its stadium. Once there’s a need, then the project can start. The debates and blueprints already have been decided.
It make sense for UH to have plans in place. Then when Aloha Stadium starts to crumble, and a new place is needed, the project already has a head start. Just add 30 percent to projection costs.
UH’s housing total might include faculty housing, which is offcampus.
ST the difference between how things are done at Boise St and UH is night and day. Once this tiny stadium is built, I highly doubt UH will ever think about expansion. Money is the main reason. That’s why if this thing is going to be built, build it at 40,000 right from the start.
The locale of fortune 500 companies has usually some very specific features and criteria. The bulk of the F-500 companies are on the west coast and/or NE seaboard, with California and NY leading the pack. But among other things, access to financial capital, i.e. investment bank and VCs, elite universities to draw talent, major cities to support ancillary services like market and advertising, and along major transportation routes, i.e ports and harbors.
Not to make this political, but if you take the top 20 spots for HQs of fortune 500 companies, 18 of those state are democratic. Further, if you were to take just the west coast and the NE seaboard, you would have about two-thirds of the country’s total GDP. You would also have the most educated states, the states with highest per capita income, and the states with the most insured. The common thread of all these 18 states–all democratic.
Hawai’i is in a difficult position to make some of these large initiatives come to fruition. Mainly, is their current financial position and their ability to utilized dept financing and their bond ratings. In short, the rating is based on persistent operating deficits and thin cash-flow driven by a decline in enrollment and net tuition per student coupled with rising debt service payments and transition of several key members of university leadership.
#32 – no way. ULS facilities are UH-owned and shared with College of Ed, the Curriculum Research and Development Group, and the Manoa Children’s Center. 2 buildings are scheduled to be demolished, and the Governing Board has just launched a capital campaign to fund the renovation of the main classroom buildings. Castle Memorial Hall is on the State Historic Register.
Don’t think UH could give MPI enough money. They have or are trying to purchase all properties on Armstrong St behind the school for possible expansion, including, possibly reinstating the boarder program. Traffic is already a nightmare going into Manoa Valley, expanding UH in that direction is a disaster in the making.
Yep, no tailgating in parking structures. If folks are flexible there are possible alternative solutions. Got to decide what the important component is or parts are and work out a place and how to accommodate. I think the social aspect of the pre-game/game is important to the success of the concept.
tailgating and football.
bread and butter.
peanutbutter and jelly
ham and eggs
horse and carriage
man and women
…nuff said
nice pic, are your eyes open? haha
If luxury box seats are part of a new or upgraded stadium, enhanced transparency and ethics audits (“The audit determined that UH gave away 3,387 football season tickets valued at $851,910 for the 2012 fiscal year”; ref. below) will hopefully help ensure that the seats are filled by actual paying customers. Donations should receive the tickets advertised. But when UH students/average fans are being told/asked to pay to attend sporting events, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to expect the everyone who gets a ticket from UH to pay.
To me a lot of complementary tickets also discourage attendance on two levels. If you don’t pay for the ticket, it’s easier to decide to stay home. As a paying customer seeing so many empty seats, it’s easier to justify staying home.
#21 Oldie,
Haha if you think one of Hawaii’s major Banks would pay to build a new stadium for UH. They are belt tightening so much the employees are running on fumes. Profits in the $80-$100 Million range reported every year but these are for profit business with shareholders or principals to report to so it will never happen. Btw, I used to work for one of the for over 25 years so I know what I speak.
Still don’t know how fans managed to go to UH games with very limited parking. I guess it was before tailgating was such a big thing? I remember catching the bus with family and than later friends. I have to say a stadium where Ala Wai Golf course intrigues me. Lots of space to handle everything.
Question to UH fans,
Would you attend a game on campus or in. New location if tailgating was banned? Just thinking that will space being so scarce, a new location might have to come with a 20 story parking garage for parking only. Wouldn’t be allowed to cook in the parking structure.
Mercy !!!. merci !!!
UH men’s basketball 2013-14 season officially over. see SA …
Warrior Dave: You bring up some good points regarding banks. I also worked in the banking industry (a worker ant) for a while in a previous life.
I just don’t have much faith is “hoping” that someone like a Larry Ellision or whoever, will simply pluck down money to build a stadium for a university he has no connection with. Another option would involve aggressive fundraising, private donations, raising student activity fees, corporate sponsorship. It would take longer, but you still avoid any use of public (taxpayer’s) money.
The Ala Wai Golf Course would be an ideal location if an on-campus location can’t be found. Better utilization of the land. Again, build a bridge across the Ala Wai to increase traffic flow. Allow water shuttles to the stadium or come in your canoe if you like, like UW’s Husky stadium. Problem is that the golfers won’t be happy and will kick up a storm.
Miami Dolphins owner wanted the city to build him a new stadium but they said , “no”.
So last I heard, he said, he would pay for it (or most of it) with certain conditions.
Now, if Larry Ellison could make a profitable stadium and let UH use it for a dollar a game, that might work. Ala Wai Golf Course makes the most sense. Lots of space for tail gating.
Ala Wai Golf Course would be a cool spot and walkable from the Ala Moana rail station. Imagine either making the golf course 9 holes, or just keep a driving range, and turn the course into a public park. Parking for games could be on the park grounds. Plant trees etc. The stadium becomes the new Shell and can be used for concerts for everyone – tourists and locals. Urban planning for the walkway from Ala Moana to the new stadium will make parts of Kapiolani more walk able and maybe even stimulate retail investment, urban renewal.
I still, would prefer inside Diamond Head Crater (Leahi) There are many tunnels there from WWII and has been used by the National Guard and Civil Defense…Bore a hole into the Crater by where the stables used to be (Ewa side of La Pietra). Another tunnel bored into the Kapahulu side makai of where the old Cannon Club used to be. Then enlarge the Mauka (main) entrance by the cemetery side. Lots of land lots of egress and egress.
Just a thought.
Close enough to most areas in the main population centers. Four main arteries can connect,
the Ala wai canal as is or contra,…Kapahulu Ave, Diamond Head road. Kalakaua, and the road by where Hawaii 5-0 studio used to be.
in my opinion, we should stop dropping larry ellison’s name about everytime we are searching for.
first of all, uhad has had informal talks with his people.
more importantly, mr. lanai needs to feel the aloha of the islands before he’d even consider a sizable sum. yah, we could all do our part if and when the opportunity arises.
i good time would be if he pushes for the ’17 america’s cup, then we should be all in.
#55 sb – ingress/egress.
The “easiest” solution to an on campus stadium would be for the UH to acquire from the city or state the old stadium park and Molokai field. Then negotiate with KSBE to secure the Bowl-o- Drone site. Build the stadium on the old stadium site with student housing above parenting at the acquired KSBE site. Also build parking above parking on the Moiliili Field site. You will have parking, student housing and a stadium all in one area. The amount of eminent domain use to secure land would be minimized.
May be least complicated way to acquire needed land, remain close to campus and address a couple of issues.
BUT where is the money going to come from to build?
Funding sources:
1 -Sale or lease of current Stadium site.
2 – a percentage of the Transit Accommodation Tax (Hotel room tax), until construction costs are paid for.
3-Public and Corporate Donations.
By having the stadium there makes sense for convention and other activities the benefit the visitor industry. Sound is buffered by the walls of the volcano. Sound go up not sideways.
Can even have a lookout/dining area at the the Waikiki rim, with cascading meeting rooms below it flowing into the crater.
Two words … Kakaako & HCDA … construction probably starts in May 🙂
too many choke points for Kakaako. Land is too expensive for a facility, that will have no more than 25 users per year. Whereas Diamond head is more accessible for concerts, daytime functions, and secure entrances.
IT will never happen in a million years.
One we don’t have the money.
Two we don’t have the fan base.
Three the students will not show up.
Four there would never be enough parking.
Five there are not enough entrances to the freeway.
I could go on and on but whats the point, it will never happen.
Just like other things mentioned this is just a pipe dream!!!!!
resurface this once again…
acquire the land which is now kanewai park and hokulani elementary school. in addition, acquire all real estate of the varsity circle elbow, varsity theater, moiilili field and old stadium park.
stadium could sit on kanewai field. add in parking structures and multi purpose rooms.
relocate softball stadium to moiilili field along with sand volleyball. locker rooms.
develop varsity theater to include parking, multi purpose classrooms, lecture auditoriums, and dormitories.
more parking and multi rooms/classrooms or dorms in the varsity circle area.
I wonder if the land at Mid-Pacific is stable enough for a stadium… I remembered part of the Business building collapsed.
Acquiring land by the current lower campus area or acquiring UH Lab School’s land is probable but not sure if the area is big enough. May be more on campus housing can be built there. However, the lab school is doing okay, so, I am not sure if closing it down is a good idea of not.
I’d like the idea of building at the lower campus area because it will be part of the athletic department. If they extend it all the way to Puc’s Alley and King Street because University Avenue and King Street are already on the Bus route.
The Ala Wai Golf Course idea is pretty good too… However, it would be nice to be able to keep or at least relocate the driving range to the neighboring park to keep tourists and locals happy. The Ala Wai location will allow traffic to get on Kapiolani, Date, Kapahulu and even Ala Wai Blvd. fairly quickly. People from Waikiki, Moiilili, Kaimuki, Unversity, and Kapahulu can get there fairly easily.
There are also rumors that Kaimuki High School may be closed. If so, its land can be used instead. It will be closer to UH.
All we need is rail to get to the new stadium and UH, while they are at it, find a way to connect to KapCC as well, even if it’s not rail. Bus, Rainbow Shuttle are welcome!
Building additional retail area and dormitory sounds good. May be the Rainbow Warriors do not need to stay in the hotel before home games and can save some money.
Truly having a home field sounds good too!! I still think that the specials should be extended to community college – allow their students to elect to pay athletic fees and may be their faculty/staff too. This will draw more people to the game.
However, multi-level parking lots make it tough to tailgate.
Also, a 30,000 max. stadium may not allow the NFL and the Pro-Bowl to come back because they want bigger stadium and Aloha Stadium was a little small for them. Also, without UH football, not sure if Aloha Stadium can survive.
To prevent delays, should hire a project manager to oversee the construction. Paying someone like that may cost between $100,000 to $160,000. Delays could cost millions.
The plan needs to ensure UH can play football, soccer, etc. May be local and mainland concerts!! Finally, host community events!
Here is apicture.
The department of health would love a stadium in diamond head. Fight obesity by making everyone hike to the game. Kill two birds with one stone.
#68 Andrew, think tunnels.
# 66. “To prevent delays, should hire a project manager to oversee the construction. Paying someone like that may cost between $100,000 to $160,000. Delays could cost millions.”
The Student Center has a project manager. The project is delayed, and out of money,
no can win.
Oh, and I think they got paid a helluva lot more than 160K
Possible feeder streets:
22d Avenue
18th Ave
Kilauea Ave
Monsarrat Ave
Paki Ave
Campbell Ave
Kalakaua Ave
Alawai Blvd
Elepaio St.
Alohea Ave
Kapahulu Ave
Soooo…….. if the state acquires the land and builds a new stadium, will the deal be the same as the current stadium? No parking fees to UH. No advertising fees to UH. No concession fees to UH? And on and on and on……………
On my #72, someone mentioned on this blog about a month or more ago, how the Hawaii Islanders couldn’t afford to stay here after a few years at Aloha Stadium because of the lack of concessions to the team.
ULS is doing very well, earning national honors, 100% grad rate and 98% college matriculation. All done with only charter school funding and the generosity of donors.
Hey papajoe2 — welcome home!
I was surprised to see you back already, but just realized you got a day back crossing the date line eastbound. So how were those tiny islands of Oceania? 😕
#72 The state already has the land.
Selling the land or leasing the land (Aloha stadium) will answer the question as to the net proceeds.
It would be up to the UH negotiating a good tenancy or purchase agreement with the state.
The Hawaii convention bureau would love to have a venue (Diamond Head) in proximity of Waikiki, with of a capacity of over 20,000 people; and unlimited display space. With such a facility; they could have Pacific rim, world and international conferences. A facility in Manoa, is too limited, disruptive; and would infringe on, ongoing enterprises.
The facility I envision, could hold the World Cup, not the Bike Cup.
Yes, in order to have your stadium and eat your malasada too…you need to be multi faceted and have more constituents involved.
I say build dorms right into the stadium in the Quarry. Add a few classrooms and a restaurant or two.
I’m in South Korea this year. Family back in Austin. Sorry to e so quiet.
Do you want dorms, then build them. You want a stadium, that is multi-use, and will pay for itself? Then choose.
In short, we are conflating a need for an infrastructure that will accommodate a field for our team to play, rather than a field that is accessible (with land that we already own) that would accommodate more diverse uses and benefits for most of us. If UH needs more housing then go to the legislature. If we, can have a new stadium, without using up our current real estate; why not. a zippy or two in there n mcdo n pizza hut…oops..alost forgot..kfc n taco bell
#84 No sell sell um short…put my uncle Lippy Espinda’s towing in there.
Look, while they are building this big bugg; no one will see or know that it is being built. commercials on tv..when.he had his movies on..
Naijo , Mino, Sadao T, always said; we have to broaden our view.
Where is lefty, when we need him.
He was married to my aunty.
Mr. Yoshinaga said, if you can not see over the horizon; you have no view.
Yeah, lucky luck aku, married my other aunties.
Kenison girls were hot…and still are. very.m.any..celeberties..marry huh..ur aunty..
The Kenison girls and the Neylor sistors made the Waikiki Sands.
The Neylor’s raised me till I made it to Iolani.
Don’t get it do you; family ties and personal references do not… allow unknown references.
This demands an apology.
For get it , it should be about what is best for Hawaii. I regret ; we got in to this; Trojan I feel sorry for you.
Sorry Steven T.
On a somewhat similar scale, see the following: the Raiders are interested in building a 50,000-seat stadium in Alameda County, which would cost an estimated $800 million. The stadium would reportedly be the smallest in the league if it comes to fruition.
Despite that, there are major concerns regarding the Raiders’ ability to pay for it. According to Artz, the Raiders are willing to put up $300 million and also plan to borrow $200 million from the NFL as part of the league’s stadium loan program. That leaves $300 million, which would have to come from taxpayers, but it remains to be seen if such a proposal would be accepted.
Accordingly, that would place our stadium, although at 2/3s the capacity, realistically in at least the 500 million range. At present, unless can spell it out to me in terms of the following: capital campaign, potential bond offering, private donor off-set, legislative appropriation and corporate ownership–I am leaning towards the dubious.
The city and state are at inflection point for development with both rail and Kakaako dominating both the air and resources in the room. Now, couple that with the fact, that the flagship university has a current void at the top, and well, it is hard to both draw support from the public and investment community. Perhaps Ben J, knows something that we don’t, but from all the data points, it seems a rather hard sell.
You are right Boola…we are 3 years at least out…Let us begin the debate now and the remedies now rather than then.
We are speaking of the future rather of now. The question is what makes the most sense.
Boola; what if we called it a super duper almost a convention center and not a stadium that just so happened to be in Diamond head?
Offset 1-Sell current Aloha stadium site.
Offset 2- We in the neighbor Islands paid for stadium 1 and got alas
Offset 3- new stadium is in the hotel industries front yard
offset 4-We put s need for the money loosing convention center, out of our mind and sell it.
Boola take it out of Ben Jays hand. This bigger than him. The convention center is not working. Putting it in Diamond head is bigger than all of us. Think. We own it, we deserve it; and we will pay for it; if we care about the future. otherwise OK. Make it 30,000 seats.
Well, Kawika you make some interesting propositions. That said, the sale of either or both, Aloha Stadium and the Convention Center, assume that their is buyer out there, and that they either can conform the respective uses to dramatically increase revenue flow to make them profitable. The convention center in 1998 dollars took apprroximately 200, million dollars, adjusted for inflation, I would surmise we are looking at least 300 million. Lets assume Aloha Stadium is in the similar ballpark–although I would say 10-15% higher.
The problem I see with these properties is the specific nature on how they make money, and its realistic use for a new investor/property owner. In short, they would rely, more or less, on the same market place and potential users, as the current owners. Thus, the more pivotal question, is whether they bring in better marketing and business practices? Now, couple that with an even more complex and challenging question–that is– if we build our new place, is that market able to sustain 2 venues basically built for the same purpose. If the answer is no, well, I think you have the answer to whether it actually viable to sell the original properties and pivot into a new one….but, just my 2 cents.
I agree. Initially sell lease Halawa. Hold on to convention center and petition the Feds to turn the current convention site to be a Pacific Area trade council center (Duty Free.)
Allow Western Samoa, Plau, Brazil, Russia etc. office space there. Allow then banking and other licenses ther.
Use the Diamond head facility as the convention and recreational facility.
Benefit of using the PATCY facility? Ease of transferring monies and titles. Having facilities of various offices of entities in the banking facilities not under Hawaii laws.
We are being, too one dimensional on the stadium. In the end, whatever is decided upon; we all will pay, or benefit.
I believe when the idea of a new/re-do the stadium came up before, it was pointed out that Halawa could not be sold – belongs to the Feds? Navy?
Sorry – #110 not to rain on someone’s parade. Think the Stadium should be built or re-built and multi-use is necessary!
The bottom line is; why should an educational institution pay $250 million plus for a field
it will showcase; maybe six times a year. Share the burden. We, all of us must find a way to make it pay.
#110 it was an executive order. They can own we can sub-lease.
Maybe incorporate a stadium in Obama’s library…
29… Wow… Totally didn’t realize UH had so few on-campus housing. Does that count number of rooms? OR actual student count? Just about every room has 2 people per room.
Seemed like there were more than 3500 students on campus when I was there. I stayed 4 of 5 years on campus. The one year off campus was good since it was close to the Shidler Business school, but I got tired of having to walk uphill to get from the living room to my bedroom (no stairs). Not to mention the nasty 3 inch cock-a-roaches that don’t die after 1 whack on carpet.
#115 you didn’t get it; that was breakfast.