Ex factor
UH decided to leave the WAC before, it appears, WAC commissioner Karl Benson will leave the WAC (reportedly for the Sun Belt Conference), and upon reflection, these soon-to-be exes had a good marriage.
Sure, Benson has absorbed the heat for the misfortunes that probably will lead to the downfall of the WAC, at least as a football conference. But he was acting within the parameters set by the school leaders who often made decisions that minimized Benson’s bargaining options.
But Benson has always been good to UH. He played a role in the creation of the Hawaii Bowl. He never made UH pay for travel subsidies. And when the Warriors had problems filling out the 2007 schedule, he tried to find opponents. When that failed, he set the schedule that built its way to the showdown between UH and Boise State, a dramatic part of the Warriors’ unbeaten 2007 regular season. He even created an All-WAC category — best unit — to honor Colt Brennan and the UH receivers. (That category was discontinued after that year.)
Every time a team would depart, it was up to Benson to find a replacement. That wasn’t easy, especially with the limited number of football-playing schools in the Mountain and Pacific time zones. He added Boise State when many in the country thought its campus was in Iowa. He added Nevada and Utah State, and most recently, Texas State and Texas-San Antonio. Trouble is, it’s difficult being a Billy Beane counter when the Mountain West is the Yankees, poaching away the WAC’s best free agents. It was a couple of years ago when Benson had a plan in which BYU would jump to the WAC as a non-football member. It would have triggered a domino effect in which the WAC would emerge as the superior conference to the MWC. Of course, Nevada and Fresno State freaked out by jumping to the MWC before the plan could be finalized. Yes, folks, that’s the lesson: Never count on Nevada and Fresno State to be wingmen.
By any means, Benson is not a perfect commissioner. But he is a friend to UH.
* * * * *
Happy birthday to truegreen.
Never count on Nevada and Fresno State, period.
I do not know if I can agree with your assessment of Benson.
Perhaps, he did many things that were unfavorable to UH and perhaps to the detriment of the WAC.
Surely, no one can beat “the fumbler”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
even tho didn’t appear to be “friendly” to UH ….
” … But Benson has always been good to UH. He played a role in the creation of the Hawaii Bowl. He never made UH pay for travel subsidies. And when the Warriors had problems filling out the 2007 schedule, he tried to find opponents. When that failed, he set the schedule that built its way to the showdown between UH and Boise State, a dramatic part of the Warriors’ unbeaten 2007 regular season. He even created an All-WAC category — best unit — to honor Colt Brennan and the UH receivers. (That category was discontinued after that year.) … ”
Thank you, Karl.
correction to # 4. “even tho he didn’t appear to be “friendly” to UH ….”
Benson also told UTEP and UNLV about the plan before the first phase with BYU was finished, with word getting back to the MWC’s commissioner (UTEP told the CUSA commissioner, the CUSA commissioner told the MWC’s commissioner). Without advance knowledge, the MWC wouldn’t have been able to respond like they did.
BYU had already indicated that they were NOT guaranteed to join the WAC for non-football sports, as Benson was reportedly insisting on a multi-year commitment from BYU while the WCC allowed BYU to have a year-by-year agreement so that BYU could join a bigger conference at anytime.
I do think that several current WAC schools will be invited by Benson to join the Sun Belt shortly after he starts there on April Fool’s Day. One thing that Benson has proven: he’s a survivor and no matter what his conference will survive and he’ll keep getting that $400k+ salary with great travel benefits.
Trying to help UH fill the 2007 schedule and failing is a good analogy for Benson–good ideas (like the Project) that didn’t work out.
Morning everyone
I *still* haven’t forgiven Benson from publicly saying that Boise State getting into the MWC would be a “reward” for Boise State’s good play in the WAC. Benson said this a year before Boise State left when the WAC was still trying to get respect in comparison to the MWC.
I understand Boise State campaigning to get in to a conference they think is better. I do NOT understand Benson lobbying for his highest-profile school to get into another non-AQ conference in the same geographical footprint.
I do NOT see how anything Benson said about Boise State’s “reward” by getting into the MWC benefited UH or any other WAC school…and I thought that the #1 job for conference commissioners was to try to boost the schools left in their conference, not praise schools that are trying to leave.
Top something or the other.
Benson did try his best. Whether his best was good enough may be debated.
East Carolina’s Chancellor Steve Ballard gave a *lot* of information on the MWC/CUSA conference that UH will be joining. He said that the new league will be finalized and named by May or earlier if the lawyers finish quicker.
He said that the new conference will add 2-4 members by this summer to get between 18 to 20 teams. He said that the conference may go to 24 or *30* schools in a few years.
He said that the MWC/CUSA are already negotiating with 3 TV networks and all 3 have very high interest. He says that each school will get more TV money than they currently get in CUSA and MWC.
Like I’ve said, most of the blame for the ills of the WAC fall on the presidents.
The presidents wanted to expand from 10 to 16 teams, and it was eight presidents who met in secret to create the MWC. And they didn’t just bolt, they took the TV contract that was supposed to go to the WAC. It was like an ad exec who starts a company, then takes clients from his old company.
Refresh me. When/where did Benson make the “reward” comment?
#9 Wasn’t he simply stating the truth? Aren’t we headed to the MWC by choice?
Would you respect him more if he said the “politically correct” statement that most familiar with the strength of conferences would dismiss?
No such nirvana as perfect.
What grade would you give Benson?
He was payed top $ to perform. So if graded a C ( Average), would that reduce his pay to half?
Would he defend himself as saying ” It could be worse?”
The schools deserve “It should be better” instead.
Now more schools to manage with this mega conference. Can’t accept average.
I will follow ST’s lead and lay off of Benson now. Benson did try to help UH at times (which is the job of the conference commissioner of course), but it just never seemed to me that he tried 1/4 as hard to help UH as he tried to help Boise State.
But he did try, I’ll give him that. Since I’m going to stop criticizing him, I won’t provide the long list of schools that left the WAC under his leadership, or go into detail about how Benson sees that WAC football will be dead soon and thus is jumping to the Sun Belt. For Benson’s long years with the WAC (aside from the past year or so), the WAC was significantly superior to the Sun Belt…but now the Sun Belt is apparently more desirable than the WAC, just ask Benson.
Okay, I guess now I’ll really stop.
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs:
All the machinations of the past will continue in the future, unfortunately. Core values of the people in leadership positions appears to never include the greater good, rather, only the best interest of their own. That is why UH will always be the ugly sister amongst them. If we had big bucks, that would be a different story, we would be the darling of the ball. In a way, JJ’s idea of making the Asia market a part of UH is provocative…but, it seems like thousands of miles away in the future, figuratively and literally.
I posted the article and those comments here. I only have 5 minutes left before I have to get back to work, but I’ll look for it later.
The term “Trying” and being payed top dollar with that top title doesn’t compute.
Trying hard but not achieving expected results is for the ones still learning.
I didn’t ask anyone to follow my lead.
People are entitled to their own opinions.
I just don’t recall that Benson statement.
From conversations with Benson, I do know he was pissed at teams for leaving the WAC.
Good morning everyone!
ST — interesting view on Benson. Thanks. You have the long perspective from your UH football coverage over the years, so will give him a “pass” in a pass/fail grading system.
anytime someone defends themselves with the reponse ” I’m Trying”, respond with ” “Trying to do what?”
The two words, Trying and Fair, are such broad based. Need to define to understand.
Re: Salary
This goes back to the presidents, who paid him that salary.
TCU is in big, big trouble if what one of their players said is true. Scroll down to the last page:
Brock says that he definitely failed a surprise drug test but that he wouldn’t be punished because about 60 players would have to be kicked off the team if they were enforcing things. He and a teammate said that only 20 or so TCU players would pass a drug test.
The point is, there will never be another commissioner as friendly to UH as Benson.
The MWC or the new league isn’t going to help UH on the issues of subsidies or scheduling. With that big of a conference, who knows if even Hawaii’s automatic berth to the Hawaii Bowl can be guaranteed in the future. If say half of the 18-24 teams are bowl eligible, where are you going to find 9-12 bowl berths, especially since the teams can’t play each other?
I too recall Benson’s statement that it was a “reward” for Boise St.
IINM, he even stated that he would “assist” them in their move to the MWC. Very difficult to believe/understand why a conference commissioner would actually help a defecting school leave the conference.
I would think that Benson would try to convince Boise St to stay like he did for UH when it made the decision to leave the WAC – u know, incentives to stay. Perhaps, the school Presidents tied his hand on this and many more issues.
Can’t help but remember how Fraiser took credit for UH WVB success under his “tenure” when searching for a new job. Believe it was reported by Temple in a press release announcing his hiring. Did it also inclulde football and resuregence of baseball?
My memory is really bad – purposefully or not!
I don’t doubt what anybody is saying.
I just don’t recall it.
Like I said, I know he was pissed. He didn’t even want to go to the Boise-Virginia Tech game.
It is interesting that Boise will be a non-football WAC member. Then again, that might have more to do with the WAC trying to stick it to the MWC.
Anyway, I’ll be back in a bit. Have a phone chat with UCLA’s Al Scates now.
ST – I agree with you completely. People criticize Benson for a lot. But I have one question – what REALISTICALLY, could he have done? That is not a rhetorical question. Making a stupid comment about BSU leaving is not what led to the downfall of the WAC. One noteworthy criticism of ST’s that I do agree with is not having the WAC tourneys at a member school and not having the WAC office near one of the member schools.
Interesting article on SI.com about the Pac-12 and the start-up of their network. In particular…
But it’s not enough to simply get the games on the air. Not surprisingly, the same commissioner that traveled to China in December to discuss staging Pac-12 sporting events there wants his league’s networks to break new ground in the arena of sports television”
Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writers/stewart_mandel/02/15/pac-12.networks/index.html#ixzz1mTqFWfHQ
UH should be more proactive in this area given our relative distance as compared to the PAC-12 schools and the popularity of Hawaii as a vacation destination in China and Japan.
Regarding Benson, I think he tried and really what more could he do? It’s like dating. You’d be happy with a hooters waitress. But you’d be REALLY happy with Kate Upton! Same like every school in the WAC.
Not surprised that ST is praising Peanut. If fact, I expected it.
SIT DOWN, AL!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t mess with Texas. Those TCU players gonna find out the hard way. They will be prosecuted like they were actual players in a mexican drug cartel. They will get ran through the coals, lose their scholarships, and ran out of town…..for a measly 1/2 oz of the sticky icky. Po ho.
Wasn’t Buford T. Justice from Texas?
I remember at a news conference Benson wore an eye patch because of a recent surgery.
Neal Farmer from the Houston Chronicle asked: “Where’s your parrot?”
okay…that was moderately funny. i suppose you forgot to tell us that the patch was black.
You’re right that the WAC tourneys should be at a member school.
And I never did understand why the WAC office remained in Colorado.
If I were running the WAC, I would have had media day in Bristol, Conn.
some are saying that fehoko will now visit lsu next weekend and then render a decision the following week.
of course time is ticking.
38…that’s one way to rack up the miles.
if we are fortunate enough, we could land two rebounders aka bouncebackers who tip the scales at 300+.
but, thats another story that has to wait until the summer.
The WAC used to be fun.
I remember when Andy Katz started covering basketball for the Albuquerque Journal. He was a good guy to hang out with. He had to make a career choice. One of the offers was with the Fresno Bee. The pay wasn’t very good. Katz asked Riley Wallace, who advised him: Go to Fresno and follow Tark; Tark is the story.
Turned out to be good advice.
morning 808
I wish Beson well but agree with most of the sentiments others have posted.
Shouldn’t Fehoko be nearing the five-visit limit by now?
If an SEC school wants him, go there. It’s only two years.
riley has been known for his wisdom unbeknownst to many.
i believe this will be his and final tour.hat
it seems like they’ve all jumped on the bandwagon and to think he was literally overlooked. i believe that nc had him as priority from early on, but, now look.
I think UH has a lot more problems than Benson, such as why a school would house its most important documents in a wooden portable building?
Fehoko –
Polynesia’s team awaits. Be someplace where people can truly appreciate you for who you are. Nuff said.
There has to be something we’re missing here.
Grades? Family?
Something doesn’t seem right.
kden to be clear not Benson fan
47…i thought so too. i didn’t hear too much about any backup files???
I guess with the fire, UH has entered the 21st century…
paperless bookeeping….
I agree Benson didnt have much to work with. Did a good job
i am thinking that norm would not pursue someone if he had poor grades, etc.
he still list us in his top 3 schools. maybe his heart wants him in hawaii, but, his advisors are telling him to go “bigtime”.
UH has flexibility if he wishes to come.
But it also has established that no player is bigger than the team.
It’s his call … until it’s not his call.
the next two years for any jc transfer is critical if you have nfl aspirations. but, where would you go to a school where they are looking for bench depth or to one who is looking for a starter.
one with a community/teammates that is akin to your heritage”
what’s important?
he seems like a very humble young man.
but, understandibly so, the door will soon close shut by default if not because of another recruit taking the opening.
Benson did great. He was successful in keeping the WAC together as a football conference after the eight schools left to form the Mountain West. As ST wrote, he brought in Boise St., Nevada and Utah St. Interesting that it was Boise St. that started the migration to other conferences which was soon followed by Nevada. Talk about “e tu brutus.” So the circle is complete with the departure of Hawaii for greener? pastures. Still Benson fought, bringing in UT-San Antonio and Texas St. Now he moves to the Sun Belt. Interesting. So, who is the Sun Belt? Arkansas St., Florida Atla, LA Lafayette, LA Monroe , Middle Tenn. St.
North Texas , Troy, and West. Kentucky. Eight schools. Hummm, Makes lots of sense to me. Bring Benson over to orchestrate the dissolution of the WAC and move some teams like LaTech, Texas St., UT-San Antonio and one more over to have a 12-team conference. The Mountain West/C-USA looking to add three to four teams. Well, how about Idaho, Utah St., New Mexico St. and San Jose St.?
Fehoko? Hawaii does not need another OG. Warriors need depth at Center. Where is Patrick Hughes? Wonder why Sione Lavaka ended up at Northern Arizona.
the wac has been a tough sell ever since the mass exodus.
its gonna be even tougher down the road. already the rumor buzzing about is that the short list of the mwc/cusa has utah state, san jose st, and possibly la tech as incoming members as soon as next year.
others include temple, fla international, and others on the eastern front.
Wow, “UH Week” is over for now – 6 straight nights at SSC. You win some, you lose some….overall, feels good to support the Green & White (and black). The Grand Slam on Monday night was fabulous. Coach Trap and his team do such a great job. It was nice seeing the A-Houses, chawan and others that evening. We’ll be ready for Scates and Mr. Eyebrows, Gonzalo, this Friday. BTW ST…I like your ideas about shortening the MVB matches. Can Oceanic at least eliminate the break immediately? And yes…too bad Rubberband Man was almost forgotten on Friday, I think. We have to change that this coming Friday.
60…sione lavaka did not get accepted to the university of hawaii.
center you say…see #41.
patrick hughes was a shaw recruit, i believe, no one’s picked him up…what does that subliminal message tell us?
62…they could also have the blog host’s spouse lead the arena in the “hawaii 5-0” air paddling to get the crowd up.
bleedgreen…isn’t patrick hughes another og?
al: is it safe to say that these two bounceback players are at bcs schools right now?
i am beginning to wonder if the post second set break is the brainfart of the concessionaires?
66…yes. but, more later. one is almost a certainty while the other may have more of an uphill climb.
we’ll just have to see who shows up on campus at least by the second summer session.
Actually, UH helped place Lavaka at Northern Arizona. Tony Tuioti has a cousin there. Problem with Lavaka wasn’t his GPA, it was he didn’t have enough credits toward his major because he did not go to school immediately after returning from a church mission.
30 teams!
Wait….maybe Thompson is tracking Karl Benson’s next move as well!
gotta respect the opinion of those that actually knows the person who he or she is talking about. ST has interviewed, talked story, and got to know benson for many years. others have known benson through the media and formed their own opinion.
yeah yeah, everyone is entitled to their opinion. go ahead opine away.
Fanaika, at least 2 years in Hawaii? what’s better than that? yeah yeah, there are better things but you know what i mean. 😆
BIG honor for senior Stephanie Ricketts!!!
re: Benson
The Commissioner serves at the pleasure of the WAC Presidents. If he wasn’t representing their interests I’m sure there would have been action taken.
That he is leaving on his own terms is something that many would like to have.
Benson also brought in NMSU and Idaho (along with Utah State) after the defection of teams to Conf USA. It is nuts how many teams have been in (and left) the WAC during Benson’s tenure. Fresno State and Hawaii are the only two current teams that did not join under Benson.
All of the conference shuffling is out of control.
Re: #61 . . .
That begs the question . . . if those WAC schools somehow do end up in the newly formed conference, can the WAC still survive at all, e.g. basketball and/or the other “minor” sports? And what would that do to BYU and Boise, especially, with regard to Boise’s “football only” status with the Big East?
Good not quite afternoon Tsaikos. Have fun and enjoy.
The thing to watch is that this MWC-C-USA thing doesn’t get so big that it becomes a real sub-division to the BCS. I mean, it’s like that now, but it could officially become that. And that would be sad.
looks like your chances of winning a lunch keeps going down
whee are you planning to take Mattboy and me for lunch?
#75—– that is a pood point. If the WAC dissolves. What does Boise state do with its other teams.
Congratulations, Steph!
@77 – Could it be possible that two leagues will eventually form, like the NFL?
#79: I, for one, could care less!
Same feelings for the fumbler!!!
I agree with ST on Benson looking out for UH. I would also like to say that I am not a big fan of Benson overall. I don’t think the conference is in a better place now than it was.
nevah mind boise state – they’re about gone – good riddance.
I am not a big fan of what is going on with the MWC. I am crossing my fingers the JD pulls something huge off and gets us in the pac-12 or something.
Hawaii JR college football…
Just a thought, with so many football talents coming out of the State, why don’t we have a Community College League?
Not everyone goes to a 4 year college right away due to various reasons such as
-no scholarships
-low SAT or ACT scores
-family emergency/commitments
-overlooked by scout
-trouble with the law
Jr college football gives these athletes a second chance for redemption and success.
For many, this may be their last chance.
Let’s say you’re a HS Senior, you play football but your grades are low and your talent is raw..not good enough for Div I. You can stay home, get an AA degree and still play football while improving your playing skills. Then you get picked up by a 4 year college to finish your degree after getting your AA – while helping your team immediately.
We have 7 community colleges, here are their student body populations
Honolulu CC = 3,815
Kapiolani = 9,301
LeeWard = 7,942
Windward = 2,625
Maui = 4,367
Kauai = 1,428
Hawaii (Big Island) = 3,815
#63. al,
Yes….Hughes was being recruited by Shaw.
JMHO but Gordy’s evaluations on OL prospects were pretty solid….since he recruited Lefotu, Shigematsu, Afusia, Muir, Dew, etc.
Good kine news …
” … Navy destroyers named after Hawaii heroes … ”
Everyone always talks about how BIG is football in Hawaii, how its so important in our community, about how many kids we put in the Div I colleges and NFL, yet, we as a state – only have ONE –UNO…1 college football team whether it may be Div I, Div II or JC Level. ……
Just ONE! Why don’t football fans, the community and former Hawaii players do something about it.
On top of my JC Idea…
Hawaii can also have their own 4 year, Div II or III or AA or AAA League (dont matter what you call it) and these schools can participate..
1. UH Hilo – 4,974 students
2. UH West Oahu – 1,471
3. Chaminade – 2,822
4. BYU-Hawaii – 2500+
5. HPU – 8000+
re: D3 football in Hawaii
No mo bus service between Hawaii and other states.
Das how D3 “rolls”
We are struggling to balance the UHAD budget for one D1 program, how will the state and school administration be able to finance a JC circuit in Hawaii, and/or a Div II or III?
Inter island travel costs alone would be unaffordable for the CC. Where’s the money coming from-raise tuition, athletic fee, etc. all unacceptable for students looking for cost effective education.
Keoniana, would not title xi come into play if you create football football teams in the community and 4-year colleges for the schools you listed? do they have enough $$ to create these sports plus the women’s sports? will sufficient revenue be generated to sustain these sports? just wondering.
Keoniana: I agree with your thoughts regarding a CC football league in Hawaii…Evan Dobelle mentioned it when he was the President of UH but didn’t progress any further beyond the rhetoric. I don’t think the current president is inclined to promoting sports at the CC level, but I could be wrong…
Yes, it makes perfect sense to provide the opportunities to keep our kids in the islands rather than having them go to JCs on the mainland to play sports and further their education.
I think Title IX kicks into play whenever there is monies (scholarships) involved…Most JCs and CCs don’t provide scholarships. However, I don’t see a problem of having CC womens sports as well…
Thing to remember is that these are potential revenue areas as well. Being “community based” these sports could be supported by the host communities.
CollegeInsider.com Tournament. Is that the same one the BasketBows played in last year?
We might have Benson back as commissoner of MWC if Thompson idea move to Minnesota.
Maybe Benson jumped the gun to Sun Belt like rest of NCAA schools are doing to move up
Is Boise going to play in the WAC for all non-football teams???
I think if you watched Taiga drama about how they manipulated and got power, it seems that Benson is a student. We only look at the surface of what is happening, but don’t look at the backside of the real happening. He is a very good student and will go far.
With Thompson contemplating moving out of MWC like Benson, I smell WAC – 16 all over again and Hawaii gets left behind with Rice and UTEP moving in.
Benson and Hedges idea of Joint “Sunny Mountain USA Conference” on April Fools Day.
What head ach or relief that will be?
Al, Patrick Hughes played center for Butte College. As coach Chow said, you recruit a JC player to fill certain positions where you need them to be able to play immediately. Having 2 years experience playing center puts him ahead of anyone else on the current roster who could learn to play the position, but is not game-ready. It is interesting that no one has picked him up yet. I am thinking academics perhaps.
Unlike other sports Football takes up a lot of $$$ to run it and equal opportunity.
Hence, there are lot of conferences without football or had one like Big West.
ST, thanks for the update on Sione Lavaka. Glad his cousin, TT, could assist in placing him with Northern Arizona.
The C-USA/Mountain West Conference, by expanding to 24 or 30 teams, really does set the stage that will make it easy for the BCS to force a two-tier separation. I think ST is right on point on this.
Bowwar, my understanding is title xi comes into play when there are educational opportunities and programs, or when receiving federal assistance.
ahouse…i didn’t bet you and mattyboy lunch. you stated that you would buy me lunch if he became a warrior.
102…i just went off the info on the recruiting boards which declared him an og. but, yah if he is that good somebody would hav scooped him up already. so, you saw the red flag, too right.
who knows…even this late there are always diamonds in t
did al’s power get cut off?
There always diamonds in the diamond mines…
aiyah! i meant title ix. don’t know schettino about roman numerals.
Thanks to our lady Rep Patsy Mink introduction of Title IX:
Watch out for the food police…
They made a little girl eat chicken nuggets…
“a state agent who was inspecting lunch boxes decided that her packed lunch — which consisted of a turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana, apple juice and potato chips — “did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines,”
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/02/14/preschoolers-homemade-lunch-replaced-with-nuggets/#ixzz1mV1R65JH
“even this late there are always diamonds in t”
t-ball? get it, baseball diamond… 🙄
Before Title IX wonder how many NCAA school had football programs or any other men’s sports programs got cancelled.
Ipu Man, that is whacked. the packed school lunch the girl had has protein, calcium, potassium, vitamin c, fiber, plus how does that state worker know what she had for breakfast and what she is having for dinner? who said you have to eat your USDA guideline in one meal? stupid government.
#107 – me tinks you should go back and read our posts – I said no way – you said way – for lunch.
then Mattboy jumps in and makes the same bet, in principle, with you – he and I say “no way” and you said “way”
gettin chicken feet?
Man thats a lot over 40 years of Title IX over 3 million female scholor athletes benifitted thru this program and counting.
Good thing my daughter player soccer since 5 years old.
the rough.
Happy Birthday truegreen!
Speaking of Diamonds in the rough,
Shane Victorino is appearing on the Feb. 20 episode of “Hawaii Five-O” on CBS.
According to CBS, Victorino appears as a business executive on a company retreat. Olympic speed skater Apolo Ohno also appears in the episode as a Hawaiian history buff. The episode centers around the murder of a man dressed as a Hawaiian NaKoa warrior…
mr. ahouse/matty boy
here’s the transcripts…
so you see, you guys were so sure of yourselves that you offered to buy me lunch if fehoko faniaka becomes a warrior.
it was a generous offer on both of your parts. therefore, i thanked you two generous souls.
Benson may be a friend to UH athletic dept. but he’s no friend of the majority of fans anywhere in the WAC.
Benson will go down as a failure with the fans and the most important person in college sports is “The Fan” without “The Fan” you got nothing.
Good discussion on JC football in Hawaii. Yes it costs money, but there certainly are a lot of upsides to the concept especially in the recruiting area, school morale and just the great opportunity it gives to our kids. It is a real final letdown to be a Hawaii prep and graduate and realize you have no place to lace up the cleats. Some of these JUCO programs are in small towns and are run on small budgets. The leading JUCO teams play across country and travel, and most of the locations are not in the easiest places to visit. If we had some teams, they could host visiting teams from the mainland and this is a great introduction to UH football and a great recruiting opportunity for UH.
I like the idea, maybe not now but in future. Lets keep aiming high for our program. Now this may sound really far out but — what about a team at the American Samoa Junior College to round things out. They have a great school down there and as we all know a lot of interest in football.
from the evidence provided, there is no bet on al’s part. case closed. *gavel sound*
NCL agrees to pay more than half a mill in back wages.
No cheap fairs any more for Hawaii Cruise Line?
good news ( for me )
Ron Jaworski off ESPN’s ‘Monday Night Football’
He actually wrote a pretty good book a couple of years ago.
Good news for Mon Nights…
but was thrown a curve by the other article link:
Romo settles on $1,575,000 contract with Giants…
So, Dallas needs a new qb…
done deal for KB to Sun Belt – so when will the WAC be invited to the Sun?
going back to title ix, for conversation sake, if a community college football team has 60+ players, does that mean there would need to be additional women sports to also equal 60+ players? if that is the case i don’t see where the money would come from especially when it comes to travel, equipment, coaching staff, trainers, and support staff.
nike flavored spam!
Couch potato:
Yes thats why many mens program was killed though out the NCAA school. At many small campus accross the US. Small football programs where still a money maker. Hence dropping the football others such as wrestling, Men’s swimming and diving, Men’s soccer, Tennis, Gymnastic went on the way side.
That’s one reason we don’t see any more National winners in Tennis or Men’s Gymnastic Gold metal winners from USA. Altho MMA aka wrestling still triving with UFC and others.
Nike is leaving a bad taste in my mouth with these spams…
Wonder if they ever thought of the bad image and pr they are
I was suprise not many fans turned out for MMA HD Net Fights last month at Blasidell Center.
There was a lot of ‘Sakuraba’ fans from Japan which was live and direct to Japan.
I miss the first half of New Mexico State basketball game. Made in just in time by half to see the rest of great game against NMS.
My friends were telling me I missed a great game but told them I had to seat elsewhere since my normal great seat was taken.
it’s not nike (the company) responsible for the spam posts. they’re generated by people trying to attract sports fans to their websites using “sports-related” keywords.
mikey, yep, too bad UH doesn’t have a wrestling program. there are many talented wrestlers in the islands whose grappling career ends after high school. schollies for wrestling on the mainland are hard to come by. so many good wrestlers, so few schools that have the program.
If Benson was a strong leader, the WAC presidents would have listened to him and Benson would have made things happen. Alas, he was more of a reactionary than proactive and when he was proactive, he couldn’t get it done (e.g. getting BYU into the WAC). Craig Thompson of MWC was better.
This MWC/Conf. USA merger does not bode well for UH in the long term. We become a small fish in a big ocean; whereas in a smaller conference we were the big fish in a small pond. But we can become a big fish in a big ocean if our football team wins a lot of games and the TV networks require that UH be part of the conference for the conference to get a good TV contract. Everything hinges on football and what Norm Chow can do. Not a good situation to be in out here in the middle of the Pacific.
If we can get Asian super athletes from Japan and China in other sports like basketball and baseball, and boost Asian TV interest and bring in revenue to UH that way, that will help marketing of UH and hopefully by that time, there will be an Asian football player at UH that can generate interest in Asia and boost TV revenues. This was JJ’s vision; he was far ahead of his time. Look at what Linsanity is doing.
Or even if we get a super American athlete on UH that people want to see play, that will help UH be valuable to the conference. See Colt Brennan. However, don’t see that happening unless Chow returns to the BYU type offense that he was running in the ’80’s where BYU was quarterback U and had lots of national TV exposure and interest. UH had that for a while with Colt Brennan and JJ.
i don’t see chow looking east for recruits.
again you all come up with winnaz!
and cannot wait fo da Sione decision.
i agree. he could be a star star starter if he came here.
and his head would feel right. but up to him.
snooze you lose.
by east i mean asia. hope i’m not sounding racist. that wasn’t my intention.
who is sione?
Who says shameless plugs don’t have benefits? =) Thanks ST!
bhf2…for the umpteenth time there is no sione as couch potato suggested.
there was a sione lavaka who ended up at northern arizona.
there is a fehoko fanaika who has yet to decide amongst florida, lsu, georgia, arkansas, kansas, nebraska, hawaii, and the like.
I tried to time it for 2:15 on 2/15 but the wacky clock keeps throwing me off, lol
#123 –
I saw the whole thing. Do I get lunch?
I agree JC sports would cost money, heck they’re building the rail right now, how much money will that cost taxpayers when it’s all said and done..
Happy Birthday, truegreen! 🙂 🙂
We have high school football, so how much does it cost for each HS team to have one? Maybe include the sports in article IX too.
Does the JC schools have a higher budget than the public HIgh Schools in Hawaii? If the state can the Budget for HS sports , how much more will it cost to add 7 JC schools?
What will Hawaii as a community get in return?
#138 Cheapono:”it’s not nike (the company) responsible for the spam posts. they’re generated by people trying to attract sports fans to their websites using “sports-related” keywords.”
If you right click on their name and then click on “properties”,
you will see it belongs to Nike. They also recently bragged about it
in their marketing news.
Thanks DPK!
Maybe I should try the Nike/spam strategy and go to other sites to post links to here
those URLs you see when you right click on the links and go to properties aren’t directly affiliated with the actual nike company. anyone can pretty much register any domain name you want. i could go out and purchase nikesocksforjocks.com/org/net/whatever if i wanted to. still won’t have any direct tie to the company.
ST. Here you go:
Cake Noodle – No one can dispute what you say, which is basically that strong leaders look behind to find many followers. But specifically, what could he have done?
Couch Potato and Mikey,
The only issue with Title IX is football– it is the huge number of scholarships that football has at 85 at D1 schools which is hurting many of the minor men’s teams like soccer, swimming, gymnastics, and wrestling. It is why coaches of these minor sports have favored cutting the number of football scholarships.
Schools cannot add enough women’s sports (which usually have only a handful of scholarships per team) to make up for 85 football scholarships or cannot afford to do so; therefore, men’s sports get cut instead of football– if football cut 10 scholarships, it schools could add or keep 3 men’s sports at many schools.
ST go to the Nike site and post there.
Congrats to Ricketts.
Good luck to Benson.
Not sure what I think yet but interesting.
Tried to find out about ‘Hoko’s visit to Gainesville on onlygators.com blog but they had nothing. Leads me to believe there may be academic or other clearinghouse issues. Should be easy to check the clearing house? no?
Cannot see the Hawaii JC system fronting teams. The math doesn’t work, the competition would be a continuation of high school scrapps, and very few people that cannot qualify out of high school would be able to improve their grades in Leeward, Kapiolani, etc. Just let em keep going to College of the Canyons, Saddleback, Blinn, etc.
TCU Athletes arrested on drug charges. 82 Football members fail drug test.
okay Al, you asked for it.
i wuz speakn from da ole country, from voices past.
interesting readn about brudda Fehoko Fanaika’s family history. Great great grandfather, talking to him from before he was born.
maybe we no mo SEC in Hawaii. but we get culture an respect fo heritage.
polymom –
* Rocky Seto * is moving from assistant defensive backs to defensive passing game
coordinator – Seahawks.
State of Washington is trying to resurrect non-scholarship JC football and failing
Dennis McKnight ? Is he the guy who worked here? Are we going to see him this Sept.?
Lamar University: Sources tell me Edmonton Eskimos running backs coach Dennis McKnight has accepted the offensive line job at Lamar.
if he’s from Edmonton, das da guy who was at SMU and Hawaii b4 dat 😀
good for him Edmonton gets colder dan Lamar. 😀
#156 If he was stronger, he could have stopped the 16 team merger that caused the breakup of the WAC into the MWC or convinced them to add maybe only two strong schools. (Unfortunately, that was the hard headed idea of the UH president) Once, the 16 teams were there, he could have kept the same rivalries rather than breaking the teams up into 4 quadrants and rotating the teams playing each other which broke up annual rivalries. In the WAC, he should have negotiated a stronger TV network contract with Boise, Hawaii and Fresno as the stud teams, if he was a strong salesman. Hawaii on ESPN always drew good TV audiences on the mainland when it had good teams. He really wasn’t a visionary like Larry Scott now of the PAC 12. For $400K a year, Benson should have been doing much more.
Happy Birthday truegreen!
If I had any idea wea fo get ’em I might get you a pair of Nikes as a gift! 😉
Happy Birthday truegreen.
always glad to read your posts.
hiya Al.
wea you stay?
you think i was too off, or off jus enuf? da Sione stuff?
We should get a hold of JD and plead for him to change the uniforms and get rid of black……just green and white…..keep the helmets we got and just make one white version
Howzit Tsaikos!
mikey – there haven’t been any “cheap” fares on the NCL Hawaii cruises in a long time. Right, SteveM?
If Temple joins the “new” conference, does that mean we have to deal with the Fumbler again? 😈
I personally like da black edging on da H logo on my favorite black shorts dat i wear nite and day and day and night.
some of us UH alumni fans love da blacka an blacka look wit da cute Green an White.
makes us mo manly.
an try notice da tinges, get black.
look at my faces…. see wat i mean? 😯
much mo manly dan a smiley face 😀
whoa…bhf2, i am impressed. i did not know you were speaking to ancestors.
my apologies.
…and while you at it can you say hello to my dad and father, too?
off-topic, but since it’s after 9pm on the Mainland, this is for Mrs. Bulla –
The Jager Egg – pickled egg filled with Jagermeister. (As seen on “Drinking Made Easy” show). ewwww.
I almost never leave a response, however i did some searching and wound up here The Warrior Beat | Ex factor | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics | staradvertiser.com | Honolulu, Hawaii. And I do have a couple of questions for you if you usually do not mind. Could it be only me or does it give the impression like some of the remarks look like they are coming from brain dead individuals? 😛 And, if you are writing at additional places, I would like to keep up with everything fresh you have to post. Would you list of every one of your communal pages like your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter feed?
maybe, i can sayance dem. will you take da word of a loio on dat one?
you finished playing with yourself? next time give us a play by play.
#168 Thanks d1shima! I love Nikes! One of my favorite birthday presents ever was a pair of original Air Jordans back in the day, lol
#169 Thanks BigHiloFan2! You’re pretty entertaining too…
#172. jm2375: February 15th, 2012 at 6:58 pm
Howzit Tsaikos!
If Temple joins the “new” conference, does that mean we have to deal with the Fumbler again?
the Fumbler went on to Syracuse, I believe.
Our GAIN, is their LOSS.
me tinks again that you need to go to my very post before your initial response – my post said that he will not sign with UH
for which your responded with you “huh” post – thus leading to the later remarks regarding me buying you lunch if he signs with UH – subliminal or not, the flip side is you buy lunch if he signs with another school
correct amundo?
flip side?
no bring homey into this! 😈
i never discussed me buying a lunch. you guys the one who was so sure of yourselves that you offered to buy me lunch if it ever happened.
so semantically i am correct that is wasn’t a bet, but, rather some bold statements by a couple of guys.
anyway, i do enjoy your company so should that happen i’ll be a big boy and take you to lunch.
i’ll bet you that mattyboy won’t show up.
Hello thanks so much for showing Great information.I am now bookmarking your page for future reference.continue the good work.
happy birthday truegreen
Happy Birthday Truegreen
Wrong Al. Whenever theres a free lunch, I cannot resist. I’ll definitely be there.
Will you bet another lunch if I show up?
I peek in to see arguments with Al over lunch?
Al???? Sheesh, that guy almost always buys lunch…bet or not. 👿
So when’s the lunch?
I’ll pay my own, I suppose… 🙄
Re: #172
jm2375 — the frequent cruisers would agree here.
Frustrating. Reduced possibility of a convenient Oahu-Maui-Big Island-Kauai blog cruise.
No matter how many times i listen to knowledgeable talking heads on TV and radio, in the end it is all about the money. Everyone is scrambling because they are worried about being left out [have’s and have nots] of a potential move by NCAA to create and upper-half conference from the current 120 teams. And whether that happens sooner than later makes no difference, because it is all about the TV deals that follow 2013 season. So athletic directors are put in the position of “doing something” even if it ain’t smart, to keep their school and faithful fans from feeling that they are being left behind. Follow the money, the AQ conferences are scrambling to stay BCS relevant, and if they scared and scrambling, then why wouldn’t everyone else?
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I was reading the news and I saw this really interesting info…
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Its hard to find good help…
I am forever saying that its difficult to find quality help, but here is …
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While I was browsing yesterday I saw a great post about…
Wika linked to this website…
[…]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]……
[…]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]……
Wika linked to this site…
Websites worth visiting…
[…]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]……
Its hard to find good help…
I am forever saying that its hard to procure good help, but here is …
Wika linked to this website…
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here today, so I just took to piddeling around on the internet and realized…
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News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really cool information…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and precise info but here I noted…
Its hard to find good help…
I am forever saying that its hard to get quality help, but here is …
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really interesting information…
While checking out DIGG yesterday I found this…
Looking around…
I like to browse in various places on the web, often I will go to Stumble Upon and follow thru…
Wika linked to this website…
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[…]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……
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Just Browsing…
While I was browsing today I saw a excellent post about…
While checking out DIGG yesterday I found this…
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I like to look around the online world, regularly I will just go to Stumble Upon and read and check stuff out…
Tumblr article…
I saw a writer talking about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Wika linked to this place…
Tumblr article…
I saw someone talking about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
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News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really interesting information…
While checking out DIGG today I noticed this…
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hope i did this trackback correct…
Yahoo results…
While searching Yahoo I found this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
Just Browsing…
While I was browsing today I noticed a excellent post concerning…
Yahoo results…
While searching Yahoo I discovered this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
Just Browsing…
While I was browsing today I noticed a excellent post about…
Tumblr article…
I saw a writer writing about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Recent Blogroll Additions……
[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……
[…]just beneath, are numerous totally not related sites to ours, however, they are surely worth going over[…]……
Websites worth visiting…
[…]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]……
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[…]right here are a few urls to websites I always link to as we think they are really worth checking out[…]…
NOPE, ellen a fag and boomhower ricky is also…a fag…
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[…]here are a handful of url links to places I always link to for the fact we think there’re well worth browsing[…]…
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off topic but i could really use an in and out burger right now. just wanted to say hi to all of you!…
Just Browsing…
While I was surfing yesterday I noticed a great post concerning…
Tumblr article…
I saw someone talking about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Looking around…
I like to browse around the web, often I will go to Digg and read and check stuff out…
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really cool information…
While checking out DIGG yesterday I noticed this…
Its hard to find good help…
I am regularly proclaiming that its difficult to find good help, but here is …
While checking out DIGG yesterday I found this…
Wika linked to this site…
Just Browsing…
While I was surfing yesterday I saw a great article about…
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It’s difficult to find knowledgeable people in this particular topic, however, you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks…
Looking around…
I like to look in various places on the online world, regularly I will just go to Digg and follow thru…
While checking out DIGG yesterday I found this…
Looking around…
I like to look in various places on the online world, often I will just go to Digg and follow thru…
While checking out DIGG yesterday I found this…
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here today, so I just took to messing around online and realized…
While checking out DIGG yesterday I found this…
Just Browsing…
While I was browsing today I noticed a excellent post concerning…
Tumblr article…
I saw a writer talking about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Just Browsing…
While I was browsing yesterday I noticed a excellent article about…
We are a …
Electronic Components Distributor Supplier that can meet all of your needs…
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[…]here are a few listings to online sites that we link to since we believe they are definitely worth browsing[…]…
You should check this out…
[…] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……
Superb website…
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……
Cool sites…
[…]we came across a cool site that you might enjoy. Take a look if you want[…]……
Recent Blogroll Additions……
[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……
Great website…
[…]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……
Gems form the internet…
[…]very few websites that happen to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]……
Great website…
[…]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……
Websites worth visiting…
[…]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]……
You should check this out…
[…] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……
Recommeneded websites…
[…]Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors[…]……
You should check this out…
[…] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……
Cool sites…
[…]we came across a cool site that you might enjoy. Take a look if you want[…]……
Gems form the internet…
[…]very few websites that happen to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]……
Awesome website…
[…]the time to read or visit the content or sites we have linked to below the[…]……
Hi,Im looking to get this plugin but allows my users to put their items up for auction.. I have a art website and would like to make this possible. can you help?…
[…]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]……
Visitor recommendations…
[…]one of our visitors recently recommended the following website[…]……
Websites worth visiting…
[…]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]……
Superb website…
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……
Tumblr article…
I saw a writer talking about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
We are a …
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Awesome website…
[…]the time to read or visit the content or sites we have linked to below the[…]……
Wika linked to this place…
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really cool info…
Yahoo results…
While searching Yahoo I found this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
Tumblr article…
I saw someone talking about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really interesting info…
While checking out DIGG yesterday I found this…
Yahoo results…
While searching Yahoo I discovered this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
Tumblr article…
I saw a writer writing about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Websites you should visit…
[…]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit[…]……
Superb website…
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……
Gems form the internet…
[…]very few websites that happen to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]……
Websites worth visiting…
[…]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]……
Recommeneded websites…
[…]Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors[…]……
Read was interesting, stay in touch……
[…]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……
Blogs ou should be reading…
[…]Here is a Great Blog You Might Find Interesting that we Encourage You[…]……
[…]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]……
Gems form the internet…
[…]very few websites that happen to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]……
Visitor recommendations…
[…]one of our visitors recently recommended the following website[…]……
Cool sites…
[…]we came across a cool site that you might enjoy. Take a look if you want[…]……
Recommeneded websites…
[…]Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors[…]……
[…]just beneath, are numerous totally not related sites to ours, however, they are surely worth going over[…]……
Sites we Like……
[…] Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose […]……
The best post I ever found that captured all the arguments around heading syntax was here (in STC “Hyperviews Online”):…
Recent Blogroll Additions……
[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……
Recommeneded website…
below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit…
Website worth visiting…
below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit…
Tumblr article…
I saw a writer talking about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and precise info but here I noted…
Wika linked to this place…
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here yesterday, so I just took to messing around on the internet and found…
Just Browsing…
While I was browsing today I saw a excellent post concerning…
Its hard to find good help…
I am regularly saying that its hard to get quality help, but here is …
Yahoo results…
While browsing Yahoo I discovered this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
While checking out DIGG yesterday I found this…
Just Browsing…
While I was surfing yesterday I noticed a great article about…
Wika linked to this place…
Another Title…
I saw this really good post today….
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really interesting info…
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really cool info…
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[…]below are a couple of urls to online sites which I connect to as we believe they will be worthwhile browsing[…]…
Blogs ou should be reading…
[…]Here is a Great Blog You Might Find Interesting that we Encourage You[…]……
Recommeneded websites…
[…]Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors[…]……
You should check this out…
[…] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……
[…]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]……
Sites we Like……
[…] Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose […]……
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Looking around…
I like to look around the internet, regularly I will just go to Stumble Upon and follow thru…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and accurate info but here I found…
Looking around…
I like to look around the internet, often I will go to Stumble Upon and read and check stuff out…
Looking around…
I like to surf around the internet, regularly I will go to Stumble Upon and read and check stuff out…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and precise information but here I noted…
Wika linked to this place…
Tumblr article…
I saw someone writing about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Tumblr article…
I saw a writer talking about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Wika linked to this site…
Just Below…
[…]just below, are some totally unrelated sites to ours, however, they are definitely worth checking out[…]……
Coolest news on the earth, you have to see this !…
[…]the time to read or visit the content or sites we have linked to below the[…]…
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[…]o A big thanks to the person behind this blog. Thanks a lot for currently be qa[…]…
Just Below…
[…]just below, are some totally unrelated sites to ours, however, they are definitely worth checking out[…]……
Blogs ou should be reading…
[…]Here is a Great Blog You Might Find Interesting that we Encourage You[…]……
Nice post…
I like this weblog very much, Its a rattling nice place to read and obtain information….
psychology. once people access the good stuff,…
they often utilize it, convincing themselves that they’re working on something misleadingly huge. when people have continuous access to critical blogging info, they start slacking off and assume they’ve already succeeded. this actually drives them fa…
Online Article……
[…]The information mentioned in the article are some of the best available […]……
Sites we Like……
[…] Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose […]……
You should check this out…
[…] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……
Superb website…
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……
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[…]d Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this, like you wr xh[…]…
Great website…
Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors…
Check this out…
Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors…
Website worth visiting…
below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit…
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[…]r I as well as my buddies came digesting the best secrets located on the webs lh[…]…
Superb website…
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……
Recent Blogroll Additions……
[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……
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Cool sites…
[…]we came across a cool site that you might enjoy. Take a look if you want[…]……
You should check this out…
[…] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……
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Read was interesting, stay in touch……
[…]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……
Sites we Like……
[…] Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose […]……
Check this out…
[…] that is the end of this article. Here you’ll find some sites that we think you’ll appreciate, just click the links over[…]……
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Blogs ou should be reading…
[…]Here is a Great Blog You Might Find Interesting that we Encourage You[…]……
Visitor recommendations…
[…]one of our visitors recently recommended the following website[…]……
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Visitor recommendations…
[…]one of our visitors recently recommended the following website[…]……
Online Article……
[…]The information mentioned in the article are some of the best available […]……
Its hard to find good help…
I am forever proclaiming that its hard to find quality help, but here is …
Its hard to find good help…
I am forever proclaiming that its difficult to find quality help, but here is …
Yahoo results…
While searching Yahoo I discovered this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and precise info but here I found…
Looking around…
I like to surf around the internet, regularly I will just go to Stumble Upon and read and check stuff out…
Its hard to find good help…
I am regularly saying that its difficult to procure quality help, but here is …
Its hard to find good help…
I am forever proclaiming that its hard to find quality help, but here is …
Tumblr article…
I saw a writer writing about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Wika linked to this place…
[…]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]……
Recent Blogroll Additions……
[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……
Read was interesting, stay in touch……
[…]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……
… [Trackback] …
[…] There you will find 21662 more Infos: warriorbeat.staradvertiserblogs.com/2012/02/15/ex-factor/ […] …
I used to be more than happy to seek out this net-site.I needed to thanks in your time for this glorious read!! I positively enjoying each little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you blog post….
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[…] that is the end of this article. Here you’ll find some sites that we think you’ll appreciate, just click the links over[…]……
Great website…
[…]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……
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[…]f I wanted to write you this tiny note to be able to say thanks a lot again f cm[…]…
Read was interesting, stay in touch……
[…]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……
Visitor recommendations…
[…]one of our visitors recently recommended the following website[…]……
Sites we Like……
[…] Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose […]……
Blogs ou should be reading…
[…]Here is a Great Blog You Might Find Interesting that we Encourage You[…]……
Sites we Like……
[…] Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose […]……
[…]just beneath, are numerous totally not related sites to ours, however, they are surely worth going over[…]……
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[…]the following are a handful of url links to internet pages which we connect to because we feel they will be worth checking out[…]…
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Online Article……
[…]The information mentioned in the article are some of the best available […]……
Read was interesting, stay in touch……
[…]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……
Websites you should visit…
[…]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit[…]……
Great website…
[…]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……
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The best hair treatment to stop hair loss and regrow back your hair within a short time…
Recommeneded websites…
[…]Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors[…]……
[…] we stumbled on a very good site that you might appreciate. Look it over if you’d like […]…
Blogs ou should be reading…
[…]Here is a Great Blog You Might Find Interesting that we Encourage You[…]……
Its hard to find good help…
I am forever proclaiming that its difficult to procure good help, but here is …
Superb website…
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here today, so I just took to piddeling around on the internet and realized…
Wika linked to this website…
Its hard to find good help…
I am regularly proclaiming that its hard to get good help, but here is …
Yahoo results…
While browsing Yahoo I discovered this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
Just Browsing…
While I was browsing today I noticed a excellent post about…
Recent Blogroll Additions……
[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……
Recent Blogroll Additions……
[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……
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[…]listed below are a handful of references to webpages I always link to seeing that we feel they really are definitely worth browsing[…]…
Recent Blogroll Additions……
[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……
Sites we Like……
[…] Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose […]……
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here yesterday, so I just took to piddeling around online and realized…
Its hard to find good help…
I am regularly saying that its hard to find quality help, but here is …
Gems form the internet…
[…]very few websites that happen to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]……
Its hard to find good help…
I am constantnly saying that its hard to get good help, but here is …
Read was interesting, stay in touch……
[…]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……
FREE Forex Strategy…
Identify “good” breakouts and “false” breakouts. Good breakouts result in nice profits, but false breakouts turn back to losses. The next paragraph will reveal the secret why false breakouts more often occur and who is responsible for this phenomen…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and accurate information but here I noted…
Yahoo results…
While searching Yahoo I found this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and accurate information but here I noted…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and accurate information but here I found…
Looking around…
I like to surf in various places on the internet, regularly I will go to Digg and read and check stuff out…
DDFX FOREX Trading System…
Mission: Providing Simple, Easy and Powerful Forex Trading System to the Mass at Affordable Price.Product: DDFX Forex Trading System Version 3.0 Recommended Pair: GBP/USD, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY Suitable Time Frame: 1Hour or……
Its hard to find good help…
I am regularly proclaiming that its difficult to procure good help, but here is …
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really cool topic…
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really cool information…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and precise info but here I noted…
Tumblr article…
I saw someone writing about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
EA Happy Forex…
Happy Forex system is characterized by stable profits and low drawdown. One of its advantages is that it uses reinsurance positions (grid strategy) without increasing of lots (no martingale)….
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here today, so I just took to piddeling around on the internet and found…
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here today, so I just took to piddeling around online and found…
Its hard to find good help…
I am forever saying that its difficult to procure quality help, but here is …
While checking out DIGG today I found this…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and precise info but here I found…
Looking around…
I like to surf in various places on the internet, often I will go to Stumble Upon and follow thru…
Wika linked to this site…
Its hard to find good help…
I am forever proclaiming that its hard to find good help, but here is …
Just Browsing…
While I was surfing yesterday I saw a excellent post about…
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really interesting info…
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really interesting information…
While checking out DIGG yesterday I found this…
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here today, so I just took to piddeling around on the internet and realized…
Yahoo results…
While searching Yahoo I found this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
Forex NightFox…
This baby was able to deliver 150% ROI in 2009. With numbers like that, you’ll never look at your children the same….
Superb website…
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……
Recent Blogroll Additions……
[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……
Cool sites…
[…]we came across a cool site that you might enjoy. Take a look if you want[…]……
Websites we think you should visit…
[…]although websites we backlink to below are considerably not related to ours, we feel they are actually worth a go through, so have a look[…]……
Websites you should visit…
[…]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit[…]……
Recommeneded websites…
[…]Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors[…]……
thomas sabo packings ukJust about every jacket is created in this sort of a way…
[…]check below, are some totally unrelated websites to ours, however, they are most trustworthy sources that we use[…]……
Superb website…
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……
[…]check below, are some totally unrelated websites to ours, however, they are most trustworthy sources that we use[…]……
Master Candle Indicator…
The image above is a trade on the pair GBP/USD with the Master Candle indicator on the chart. The indicator will draw the master candle on the chart plus the buy and sell lines for a visual guide….
Visitor recommendations…
[…]one of our visitors recently recommended the following website[…]……
Gems form the internet…
[…]very few websites that happen to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]……
Wika linked to this place…
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here today, so I just took to messing around online and found…
Just Browsing…
While I was browsing today I saw a excellent article concerning…
Looking around…
I like to surf around the internet, regularly I will just go to Stumble Upon and follow thru…
Its hard to find good help…
I am constantnly saying that its difficult to find good help, but here is …
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and accurate info but here I found…
Just Browsing…
While I was surfing yesterday I saw a great post about…
Superb website…
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……
Yahoo results…
While searching Yahoo I found this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
While checking out DIGG today I noticed this…
Looking around…
I like to look in various places on the internet, often I will just go to Digg and read and check stuff out…
Wika linked to this website…
Yahoo results…
While browsing Yahoo I discovered this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
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Hi there, just became alert to your blog through Google, and found that it is really informative. I’m gonna watch out for brussels. I will be grateful if you continue this in future. Lots of people will be benefited from your writing. Cheers!…
Yahoo results…
While searching Yahoo I found this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
[…]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]……
[…]check below, are some totally unrelated websites to ours, however, they are most trustworthy sources that we use[…]……
Awesome website…
[…]the time to read or visit the content or sites we have linked to below the[…]……
Looking around…
I like to look in various places on the internet, often I will go to Stumble Upon and read and check stuff out…
Recent Blogroll Additions……
[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……
You should check this out…
[…] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……
Its hard to find good help…
I am regularly saying that its difficult to find quality help, but here is …
Sites we Like……
[…] Every once in a while we choose blogs that we read. Listed below are the latest sites that we choose […]……
Tumblr article…
I saw someone writing about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Its hard to find good help…
I am forever proclaiming that its hard to get good help, but here is …
Looking around…
I like to surf around the online world, often I will go to Digg and read and check stuff out…
Looking around…
I like to browse in various places on the internet, regularly I will just go to Stumble Upon and follow thru…
Its hard to find good help…
I am constantnly proclaiming that its difficult to find quality help, but here is …
Looking around…
I like to look around the online world, regularly I will go to Digg and read and check stuff out…
Wika linked to this site…
You should check this out…
[…] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really interesting info…
Check this out…
[…] that is the end of this article. Here you’ll find some sites that we think you’ll appreciate, just click the links over[…]……
Gems form the internet…
[…]very few websites that happen to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]……
Cool sites…
[…]we came across a cool site that you might enjoy. Take a look if you want[…]……
Awesome website…
[…]the time to read or visit the content or sites we have linked to below the[…]……
Gems form the internet…
[…]very few websites that happen to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]……
Blogs ou should be reading…
[…]Here is a Great Blog You Might Find Interesting that we Encourage You[…]……
Websites you should visit…
[…]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit[…]……
Recent Blogroll Additions……
[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……
Websites we think you should visit…
[…]although websites we backlink to below are considerably not related to ours, we feel they are actually worth a go through, so have a look[…]……
[…]check below, are some totally unrelated websites to ours, however, they are most trustworthy sources that we use[…]……
Recommeneded websites…
[…]Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors[…]……
Superb website…
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……
Blogs ou should be reading…
[…]Here is a Great Blog You Might Find Interesting that we Encourage You[…]……
Cool sites…
[…]we came across a cool site that you might enjoy. Take a look if you want[…]……
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[…]listed here are a few references to web-sites which we connect to seeing that we feel they’re really worth browsing[…]…
… [Trackback] …
[…] Read More Infos here: warriorbeat.staradvertiserblogs.com/2012/02/15/ex-factor/ […] …
… [Trackback] …
[…] Read More here: warriorbeat.staradvertiserblogs.com/2012/02/15/ex-factor/ […] …
[…]listed below are some web-sites which have been discussed by our users since they’re well worth visiting[…]…
Its hard to find good help…
I am forever saying that its hard to get good help, but here is …
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really cool info…
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really cool information…
Informative and precise…
Its hard to find informative and precise information but here I noted…
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here today, so I just took to messing around online and realized…
Its hard to find good help…
I am regularly proclaiming that its hard to procure quality help, but here is …
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here yesterday, so I just took to piddeling around online and realized…
While checking out DIGG yesterday I noticed this…
Looking around…
I like to browse in various places on the internet, often I will go to Stumble Upon and read and check stuff out…
Looking around…
I like to surf in various places on the online world, often I will just go to Stumble Upon and follow thru…
[…]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]……
Recommeneded websites…
[…]Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors[…]……
[…]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]……
Read was interesting, stay in touch……
[…]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……
[…]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]……
You should check this out…
[…] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……
Websites we think you should visit…
[…]although websites we backlink to below are considerably not related to ours, we feel they are actually worth a go through, so have a look[…]……
Awesome website…
[…]the time to read or visit the content or sites we have linked to below the[…]……
Read was interesting, stay in touch……
[…]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[…]……
[…]just beneath, are numerous totally not related sites to ours, however, they are surely worth going over[…]……
Recommeneded websites…
[…]Here are some of the sites we recommend for our visitors[…]……
Online Article……
[…]The information mentioned in the article are some of the best available […]……
You should check this out…
[…] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……
Yahoo results…
While browsing Yahoo I found this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
You should check this out…
[…] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……
Blogs ou should be reading…
[…]Here is a Great Blog You Might Find Interesting that we Encourage You[…]……
Sites of interest we have a link to…
usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site…
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really interesting info…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and precise information but here I found…
Tumblr article…
I saw someone talking about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Its hard to find good help…
I am regularly saying that its difficult to get quality help, but here is …
Tumblr article…
I saw someone talking about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Wika linked to this site…
While checking out DIGG yesterday I found this…
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here today, so I just took to piddeling around online and realized…
Its hard to find good help…
I am constantnly proclaiming that its hard to procure good help, but here is …
Its hard to find good help…
I am constantnly proclaiming that its hard to find quality help, but here is …
Its hard to find good help…
I am constantnly saying that its difficult to procure quality help, but here is …
News info…
I was reading the news and I saw this really cool topic…
Just Browsing…
While I was browsing yesterday I noticed a great article about…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and precise information but here I noted…
Just Browsing…
While I was browsing today I saw a great article concerning…
Informative and precise…
Its difficult to find informative and precise information but here I noted…
Yahoo results…
While browsing Yahoo I found this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
While checking out DIGG today I noticed this…
Its hard to find good help…
I am constantnly proclaiming that its difficult to get quality help, but here is …
You should check this out…
[…] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……
Websites you should visit…
[…]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit[…]……
Websites worth visiting…
[…]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]……
Yahoo results…
While searching Yahoo I discovered this page in the results and I didn’t think it fit…
Its hard to find good help…
I am regularly saying that its difficult to procure quality help, but here is …
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here yesterday, so I just took to messing around on the internet and found…
While checking out DIGG yesterday I found this…
Dreary Day…
It was a dreary day here yesterday, so I just took to messing around on the internet and realized…
Just Browsing…
While I was browsing yesterday I saw a excellent post concerning…
While checking out DIGG today I noticed this…
Tumblr article…
I saw a writer writing about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Tumblr article…
I saw a writer writing about this on Tumblr and it linked to…
Swiffer Coupons Getting Deals…
[…]these are a couple of urls to internet websites we connect to seeing that we believe they will be seriously worth visiting[…]…
[…]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]……