Enter Sandmen
It’s tough enough to hit Waikiki Beach running — crawling, rolling, serpentining — at 5:55 in the morning.
For this morning’s third beach session of offseason training, Pearl Harbor-Hickam leaders took control, putting the Warriors through drills that would put chiropractors on speed dial.
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Good morning your Honor, and all Tsaikos!
Fireman’s carry in the sand. Holy cow. Hey, also not a bad skill to have in your toolbox in an emergency.
Great pictures !!! Thanks ST ! Joey looks to be in great shape – rest of Beach Warriors too.
That’s Quinton Pedroza carrying assistant strength coach Steve Pizza.
Yes, it’s a Pizza delivery.
Good morning everyone!
Thanks for the photos, ST.
Just asking…on your assignment there…do you see ne administrators there..or say AD
or other say maybe coaches from other sports ?
Morning u’all…
This off season conditioning sessions must be a record for attendance in the history of UH football. Despite the naysayers Chow has done some things previous coaches were never able to do or simply chose not to. These guys and their work ethic are inspiring. Way to go fellas.
Hey FJ… glad to see you back again…no see ur posts 4 a very long time…hope ur ok there
n not have a Measels or chicken pox..he he he
Good to see David Manoa have recovered from his injury. Didn’t he suffered some kind of pretty bad injury during spring that required ambulance?
Great pics. Happy Aloha Friday!
Getting the military in to ‘coach’ is great for PR. Not sure who came up with the idea, but he should get a pat on the back.
All they need now is Sandman by America blaring in the background.
Where was the table, with Hawaii T-shirts and Jerseys for sale?
#40 blog readers under forty thinking, “America?”
# 15…that takes dedication ..n first admin approval…then union approval…n in several years it MAY become a reality….by then…..Mr. Iosefa’s grand kids be able to “scoop them up”….he he he
Tied for second.
Michelle WIE, T2, after 1st round, @ -66. 1 shot back of leader
2nd the motion.
Wie is still hot! Well she’s always been hot…
Pretty good since she’s been on the media circuit this week following her huge major win.
Aloha Friday
With all due respect. Uh apparel and other products, should be available for purchase at every event sponsored and attended by UH staff.
michelle wie at it again…
me second that motion # 24…he he he…..
IIRC, Manoa (great name btw) had a separated knee cap last year. Just the sound of that hurts.
Aloha Friday in Paradise!
Oh, and if we want to be a top D2 school, build a 30,000 seat stadium on campus. How about we spend the 200 mill on top notch athletic facilities instead and try to compete at the D1 level. Just my thoughts.
27. amen. I guarantee you that once the program gets better and attendance improves, there’s gonna be a lot of angry people wondering why they can’t get tickets. Then everyone is gonna question why they didn’t build a bigger stadium.
“Enter Sandman” Metallica ala Mariano Rivera. Good Morning, Good
Afternoon, Good Night…1, 2, 3..lights out Mariano Rivera. He knew how to
shut ‘um down and close ’em out. Go ‘Bows… Lights out, let’s shut ‘um down, close ’em out, and go home with a win.
28 – There was a post a couple of days ago about Michigan losing fans at the stadium for various reasons. The competition for entertainment, the prioritization of branding and profitability over tradition and loyalty, the cost and inconvenience of attending a game at a stadium vs viewing on TV is working against the large stadium seating.
I would venture that a 35,000 seat stadium would not make people angry if the team got successful. Rather it would make a ticket more valuable. Season tickets would get scooped up.
With forethought a 35,000 seat stadium could be designed to expand if the initial design and construction cost was increased to provide for the future expansion. A dollar is still a dollar and if a 35,000 seat stadium is $190 million, a 50,000 seat will be $300 million. That would be a hard sell with or without a bowl winning team.
The only reason I favor a 30-35K stadium in the UH quarry is for home field advantage. I do not consider playing somewhere in the same town as home field advantage. Think Udub, etc.
The ultimate home field advantage is playing on the field that you practice on every day. You know where the turf monsters hide and how the wind (from whatever direction) is going to affect a throw or kick. Everything is familiar to you day or night and might mean a “W” in a close game.
You do not bus to the field and the locker room is your own–in fact, your permanent locker might be there. You know and own the stadium and the cry “Protect the House” has great meaning.
But reality says….
The powers that be need to think about the future of UH athletics and their vision. John Burns had a vision. Apparently, it appears things have changed. As pertains football we are going through a touch patch right now. Winning cures everyting. If you want to have a new football stadium and the size of it, you have to think about what capacity will keep us in the FBS level also known as Divsion I. At one time, there was discussion what the absolute minimum for a division I football program needed to be at least 35,000. That was at least 5 years ago. Now, it might be higher. IMHO, I want the UH to be in the FBS level, not FCS. Conference alignment will continue to evolve. To me we need to look at what the PAC 12 is doing, or at the very least try to get to the top shelf of the Mountain West. I honestly think that 35,000 for a new stadium is short sighted. You can’t blame PPV for lost fan attendance. A winning product on the field will bring the fans in. Do you think the PAC 12 network is killing PAC 12 games’ fan attendance? No way. They are just raking in the cash.
I think something more around a 40K stadium at least. Indeed they could leave room to expand later but wouldn’t that become even more costly to do so? Not to mention even Ben Jay mentioned he’d want to downsize to a 30K seat stadium and that’s contradicting his goal of wanting to become a part of one of the “big five” super conferences. Whether UH can even achieve that is another story, but no way would any of the big conferences want to take a school with a small stadium like that.
BIG SALE AT MACY’S – a diamond ring for $70,000 reduced from $150,000! All I need is another $69,850.
According to the NY LAW FIRM, a new stadium costing $132,000,000 to $192,000,000 would save the state between $2.4 million and $3.2 million per year in operating expenses alone.”
All we need now is $132M to $192M.
Don’t get me wrong – I would like to see new stadium but …
While I also have great respect for lawyers , I would imagine an architecture, engineering, or investment banking firm should have been retained to make the report.
What I wonder though that if a new stadium is built, would it have the same situation as Aloha Stadium gameday revenues goes elsewhere and not to UH?
situation as Aloha Stadium where*
Bet the planners are planning to sell UH property to make up budget deficit and move the campus to the West…
St. Anthony:
The AD currently is in Europe. He returns to the office on Tuesday.
UH should sell gear while team is working out.
There are an awful lot of tourists who take pictures of the players working out at Waikiki Beach.
The consulting firm notes that $2 million to $3 million could be saved with the construction of a new stadium.
Actually, $130 million could be saved if they don’t build a new stadium.
But forget savings. The goal should be to make money. Let’s start with UH getting parking, concessions …
Win and a 50 thousand stadium will be to small. Don’t kill the program with regressive planning.
Thought, that’s what I meant.
Here is a link to the stadium report:
I have gone through it, it seems heavy on land use issues, contract issues, and potential issues that would have to be addressed with the Navy, HART etc.
Cost estimate is based on three stadiums in Texas and a cost multiplier to address cost differential between Texas and Hawaii. Without a preliminary design and outline of materials and amenities it would be difficult to make a good estimate. That being said, the construction estimate should be considered more of an order of magnitude study, ie the cost is likely to be on the order of $200,000,000 rather than the $132 t0 $192 million in the report.
The list of stakeholders that were interviewed included only Ben Jay from UH and no one else – no coaches, no administrators, no students, no athletes. Interesting things I spotted:
1) many stakeholders suggested a 40,000 seat stadium
2) Aloha Stadium generates about $900K in food sales, $750k in parking and $90k in advertising a year.
3) McKinley High School was proposed as an alternate location for the stadium
4) Discussion of other development along ‘main street’ between train station and stadium to include band shell/fairgrounds, restaurants, cultural museum, corporate offices, non-resort hotel, health care facilities.
My overall take away was that this was a document that was to give the next study a leg up on the issues, but not to get into the dirt.
#37 and #40
My comment at the first beach work out was they should have a banner identifying the UH Football Rainbow Warriors and a H-Zone wagon (like lunch wagon) to sell t-shirts that they could send to various street events (like eat the street, cinco de mayo, Chinese new years, etc.)
Luke Shawley must have felt at home. Wasn’t he a frog man?
Mountain West stadium sizes:
Bulldog Stadium (Fresno St)- 41,021 capacity
McKay Stadium (Nevada)- 30,000
Qualcomm Stadium (San Diego St) – 71,294
Sam Boyd Stadium (UNLV) – 36,800
Spartan Stadium (San Jose St) – 30,000
Albertson Stadium (Boise St) – 37,000
Falcon Stadium (Air Force) – 52,000
Hughes Stadium (Colorado St) – 34,400
Romney Stadium (Utah St) – 25,513
University Stadium (New Mexico) – 40,000
War Memorial Stadium (Wyoming) – 29,181
And to give you a perspective of what $200 million is to the State budget.
“The State can eliminate the backlogged repairs and replacements and
make a visible difference in the condition of Parks, harbors and trails
on six islands by investing $50 million per year in capital
improvements for Parks, harbors and trails for five years. [$250 million]
Considering the total State capital improvement budget in 2011 was
nearly $1.7 billion, $50 million per year for five years is a small,
time-limited investment which will benefit all islands, residents,
small businesses and industries that operate in these areas, including
tourism and film.” [Extract State of the State Recreational Places 2010]
#41 When I said the only stakeholder was BJ from UH, I meant that of the 40 or so stakeholders interviewed, only one was from UH. That one UH stakeholder was BJ, no coaches were interviewed.
Only one person from UH was interviewed as a stakeholder!!!….makes sense given the 39+ other decision makers in this town.
# 47 cavewarrior…. PROBABLY is the reason Mr. Yee no longer walks the sidelines…he had to go through 39+ other ‘stakeholders’ to get ne thing done…but to cut a check for the concert…whoosh..
no steak holders involved… t-bone or rib eye would be nice now he he he
Fire BJ. He is using us as a stepping stone.
# 42 nutmegger….please don’t make waves…there is enough in waikiki…
Mr. BJ is busy getting “his boutique” ready..4 the grand opening…they can all go to
ward n buy there….why make it easy for ne one to buy…ne where…if you in kona…or lahaina..or hanalei…just hop a plane…rent a car.. n go ward..it is all there waiting 4 all…or me is sure can get from the web site…maybe is a new marketing strategy…
# 38….please try to be less positive…less you be barred from Ching field MAYBE WAIKIKI BEACH ALSO… he he he
Tell us how to trim the budget…cut out the yellow section…not how to generate more revenue…
me is sure Mr. Yee had several good ones.. just those damm pesky ’39’ stake holders….
ha ha ha… # 49… can’t fire him.. he is in europe making plans for our game in asia…
I concur.
A Warrior Wagon. would be nice.
IMHO the best route is to somehow squeeze in a stadium on campus. But regardless of where it is (as long as it’s not in Kapolei) or how many it will seat, a new stadium is a must.
The report did say the stakeholders did not think the stadium could be any further west than the Aloha Stadium, so Kapolei is not an option.
#50 St. Anthony Trojan – no waves just ripples – I’m a small guy.
List of Stakeholder meetings from the report:
Aloha Sports Properties
Aloha Stadium Authority
Aloha Stadium Director Scott Chan
Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii
City and County of Honolulu Department of Land Use and Zoning
City and County of Honolulu Department of Planning & Permitting
E.K. Fernandez Shows
Great Aloha Run
Hawaii Authority for Rapid Transportation
Hawaii High School Sports Association
Hawaii Tourism Authority
Honolulu City Councilman Breene Harimoto
Honolulu Fire Department
Honolulu Police Department
National Football League
Neighborhood Board #18
Oahu Interscholastic Association
Office of the Governor
Office of the Lieutenant Governor
PunishUM Motorsports
Shannon Wood (community advocate)
Sheraton Hawaii Bowl
State of Hawaii Department of Accounting and General Services
State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources
State of Hawaii Department of Transportation Highways Division
State of Hawaii Office of Planning
State Representative Aaron Johanson
State Senator David Ige
State Senator Donovan Dela Cruz
State Senator Glenn Wakai
Swap Meet & Marketplace (various individual vendors)
Tom Moffatt (event producer)
Transit Oriented Development
United States Navy (Naval Facilities Engineering Command
University of Hawaii Athletic Director Ben Jay
A 30,000 to 35,000 stadium would definitely put UH in the lower middle of the Mountain West in terms of capacity. This sure doesn’t sound like the Pac-10 / Big-10 / “Going to take us to the next level” talk that came with the AD’s hiring (http://hawaiiathletics.com/news/2012/12/7/GEN_1207121025.aspx).
The discussion with respect to stadium size and funding seemed superficial (http://www.scribd.com/doc/231502002/Aloha-Stadium-Report)
… “Stadium Too Large. Nearly all stakeholders agree that the Stadium is too large for its purposes and that a smaller facility would be preferable. Specifically, most stakeholders suggested that 30,000 to 40,000 seats would be the ideal stadium capacity.”
… “If the State were to divert up to $120 million needed for high priority health and safety improvements to the construction of a new stadium, a significant portion of construction costs would be covered.”
The “appetite” for premium amenities apparently didn’t come with a budget …
… “Appetite for Premium Amenities. Many stakeholders indicated that there would be appetite in the community for premiums seats (both luxury suites and/or clubseating) and premium parking. Generally, stakeholders indicated that 20 to 28luxury suites and a club seating section would be sustainable by the local business community.”
And no mention of bleacher versus status quo chair seating for us schlubs …
RE: #42 & 54
I believe I saw such a Rainbowtique trailer outside the Les and in the lower Halawa parking lot during UH football games. It is a tall “lunch wagon” type trailer about 8-10′ long, but needs to be towed.
# 56 nutmegger: …small ripples…. by many…. makes big waves n is what we really need more of.. thousands of small ‘ripples’ when the election rolls around…
wow WIE!
michelle cards a bogey free 5 under 66″. trails the leader by one.
Interesting that the OIA is recognized as a stakeholder…….but not the ILH who schedules most regular season football games at Aloha Stadium……nor the Hawaii High School Athletic Association (HHSAA) who schedules the State Football Championships there……nor all the public high schools who conduct their graduation ceremonies there.
Also noticed that Centerplate…..the stadium concessionaire who also runs the Swap Meet….is also not listed as a stakeholder.
Yet Populous……a mainland-based stadium architectural consulting firm…..who was only partially involved in the design of the recent handrail upgrades at Aloha Stadium……is considered to be stakeholder.
Maybe ‘cuz they have a vested interest here…..i.e., the inside track as the designer of any new stadium.
Great Morning All!
Home field/court advantage has gotta start with the student body
wie picking up where she left off is in first with two to go.