Elimimian picked as WAC's top defender
SALT LAKE CITY — UH linebacker Solomon Elimimian has been selected as the Western Athletic Conference’s Preseason Defensive Player of the Year.
He was chosen in a polling of 45 media members who cover the WAC.
Last year, Elimimian led the Warriors with 141 tackles.
Also, the Warriors were selected to place fourth in the WAC in the media and coaches polls.
Media Poll
1. Boise State (25) — 383 points
2. Fresno State (20) — 379
3. Nevada — 296
4. Hawai‘i — 243
5. Louisiana Tech — 209
6. San Jose State — 183
7. New Mexico State — 167
8. Idaho — 87
9. Utah State — 78
Coaches Poll
1. Fresno State (7) — 63
2. Boise State (2) — 57
3. Nevada — 43
4. Hawai‘i — 41
5. Louisiana Tech — 33
San Jose State — 33
7. New Mexico State — 26
8. Idaho — 15
9. Utah State — 13
* * *
Happy birthday to Princess Leila.
gmorning bk, good morning hawaii! where is everyone???
great to see Solomon get recognition early on…i think this year the defense will be SOLID.
647am here in san jose
well gotta go work….hope everyone here has a great day…GO WARRIORS!!!
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
38 days, 2 and a half hours and countin!
I agree defense will be solid
Is there a preseason all-Wac poll?
We have a chance at sweeping the LB position or what?
Good morning Tsaikos!
Good recognition for Sol.
4th place – what a joke. WAC Champs babeeeeeeeee!!!!!
39 days……………
Hmmm, good team bulletin board stats to get the blood boiling!
Here’s a Colt link of interest:
38 days,,,,,,,,
Ho’omaika’i to Sollie! Sollie in the fale!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
ST ~ Have a great day in SLC.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Congrats, Solly!
Info on PPV from Warrior H-Mail:
“Letter About Special Road PPV Offer To
Football Season-Ticket Holders Of Record
Mailed Yesterday; Response Needed By Aug. 15”
dragged this over from earlier post.
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
good morning Ryan Henry. I am wishing you and your new found buddies a bright future!
thanks for the plug.
in 2 days, the bid thing on the CookeChing Field fix becomes public. then we can focus in on “where” is the problem in FIXING THE FIELD NOW. “spinning” and “blaming” will not eliminate identification of the problem;Tsaikos can fix the problem because we have access to “Roger Hill” – the people/person who can fix things that are broken in the UH football world. “We’re on it, Coach.”
“University of Hawai`i Men’s & Women’s Sports Posters & Schedule Cards
Release Date: 07/22/08
The University of Hawai’i Athletics Department produces men’s and women’s sports posters and schedule cards for UH fans during the course of the year. These items are FREE and can be obtained by either picking them up or having them mailed.
Currently, football, women’s volleyball, and women’s soccer posters and schedule cards are available.
Pick Up
Posters and schedule cards are available at the first-floor entrance of the UH Athletics Department complex (1337 Lower Campus Road on the UH campus), across from the Stan Sheriff Center. Business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
By Mail
Please follow the directions below:
1. Buy a USPS-approved mailing tube (must be at least 18 inches long).
2. At the post office, pay for shipping to the Athletics Department, plus the return postage (both should be the same amount).
3. Insert the return postage sticker inside the tube with your return address.
4. Insert a memo or note indicating which posters and/or schedule cards you would like to receive).
Mail the tube to this address:
University of Hawai’i Sports Marketing
1337 Lower Campus Road
Honolulu, HI 96822-2370”
Tsai-ko neighbor island travelers:
We can help the Athletic Department by carrying posters and cards for distribution.
The dimensions of the posters are 18 x 24. There are 250 in a ream. (I am down for 1 ream of the football posters and schedule cards and 1 ream of the women’s volleyball posters and schedule cards. but am not able to pick up right now) Please call Cha Cha in advance at 956-5289 or the main line 956-9630 when someone will be able to pick up the posters and schedule cards.
Me too- from last blog post:
“9:10 a.m. ET
Meanwhile, At Practice…
It’s quarterback and wide receiver drills. The wide receivers are running a variety of pass routes.
Santana Moss drew applause with a deep sideline grab. He remains smooth as silk.
Colt Brennan showed he can apply what he learned on the field. (Earlier the QBs worked on throwing on the run.) The rookie quarterback rolled right and threw a dart to first-year player Burl Toler.
Antwaan Randle El ran across field and pulled in a pass from first-year quarterback Derek Devine. ”
G’morning LizK.
called UF Griffin Stadium Tkt ofc this a.m.. “You’ll be in the Hawaii section, we don’t know where yet because we don’t have the tickets to send you as yet….sir, you’ll be in the Hawaii section…” grrrrr…
double down on da banana foster… 😀
Numbah 17 Solomon Elimimian! Congrats!
bhf2… gettin closer!
morning gang!
congrats to Sol
no. 4? thats ok, its not where you start its how you finish
I’m sorry that you will be out of town and cannot make the Bay Area gathering. Hopefully there will another one in the future that will be organized by the Bay Area folks…or I’ll have an excuse to go to the Bay Area again and will try to set something up.
When I posted a couple of weeks ago if anyone in the Bay Area would be interested in a Cattle Call in early August, I didn’t get any response on the blog or in e-mail. However, I did find out that A-Joe and A-Sports were traveling to the Bay Area and have some days of overlap with my trip. So, we looked for a time that would work to meet up. Another constraint is that it needed to be near SFO for a couple of reasons, which ruled out Hukilau and none of the L&Ls were near where we needed to meet.
If this was a regular Bay Area Cattle Call, where everyone would have a car to drive to the gathering, then it could be held somewhere else. But given the logistical constraints, I think we found a nice option.
Bay Area Cattle Call! I don’t think that the Bay Area Tsaikos have had a meeting before…with brew808, A-Joe, and A-Sports there I hope some of the Bay Area posters/lurkers show up!
August 9 (Saturday)
11 am until ??? (this is a buffet after all)
Fresh Choice
1202 El Camino Real
San Bruno, CA 94066 (near SFO)
Attendees confirmed so far:
Lori, Garret, Faith, and Mika (I’m bringing my wife and kids)
Go Elimimian go!
4th is at least 1 spot too low for the Warriors…but it is just a preseason prediction and it provides extra motivation for the Warriors.
Sol is an excellent choice, and Adam would have been also. UH is blessed to have both of them, plus Blaze, Brad, R.J, and on and on!
The Las Cruces paper has such poor WAC coverage compared to what we get in Hawaii! We are lucky to have people like ST and Ferd covering the Warriors.
Nice article on Ken Nuimatalolo.
Reno’s paper has a good article about the WAC. I didn’t realize that Nevada was being mentioned for a possible BCS bowl spot…I’d never read that anywhere before.
None of UH’s games are going to decide the WAC champion? Reno’s paper is REALLY assuming that UH will not matter in the WAC race!
Article about the WAC gathering from a Boise perspective.
More talk about Fresno’s BCS hype.
Sporting News took a shot at UH.
The Idaho Statesman got the WAC preseason defensive picks correct.
Good Morning to da village!
Great Morning All!
Congratulations Solomon.
My prediction: Commish Benson gives another “unit citation” at year-end All-WAC pronouncement – this time for for Hawaii’s LB corp.
Garret- re #30 – and yet some slammers say Colt is not tough…
‘as awrite… da Warriors will throw – The Warriors will Show!
Oh Yeah-
Have a great day, ka kou!
Reno’s paper can’t even get easy facts correct (“A WAC team has reached one of the Bowl Championship Series’ six bowl games in each of the last two seasons…” um there are only 5 BCS games). I’m not taking what they say very seriously. Thanks for the posts. You make life on the blog a lot easier.
“biggest unknown” is a fair statement, for anyone outside Hawaii. But it will be a tough 4, maybe 5 way competition for WAC champs.
I wish RGM had come back but I don’t think its fair to expect football players to start for more than three years. Besides, with Lane, Lofton, Salas, Bain, Washington, Pilares and the new JC recruits we have a lot of talent catching the ball.
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs,
Happy Birthday to Princess Leila…!!!! May your birthday wish come true.
When is the season going to start!! I am way past the DTs!!
Go Warriors!
Re: 30
I laugh to myself when I read comments like that. If you are going to insult my team with a crack about the name our team and state share, then you should at least make sure you use the right name. As I am sure everyone (even da guys who nevah go Kamehameha) knows an `okina is not an apostrophe. Rookies! Sheesh!
Now… Morning Tsaikos
Agreed. Good talent overall at receiver positions.
Also the fact that Lane, Salas, Bain, Washington and Graunke were all one unit last year may be a benefit. Although there’s nothing like game experience, these guys took a lot of practice reps together last year.
Happy Birthday Princess Leila 🙂
Re: 30…I guess the people at the sporting news don’t proof their stories either. I didn’t know that Georia’s offensive line was crushing CB
Happy Birthday to da Princess!
Oh my! Thanks for pointing that out Annoddah Dave.
Happy Birthday Princess Leila! 😀
happy birthday to the princess :):):)
congrats to Solomon, great choice, great team player!
Let’s go Tsaikos….
Who is Roger Hill in your #13 post above? And what is the situation about the Jugs? Perhaps you could give a recap here. Wasn’t one fixed and back in use while a repair shop was fixing the other?
How much is a new one?
STRETCH: Mailed the HI-5 redemption check + matching donation to Na Koa to your Lihue address.
The slightly reconfigured recycling bins are being delivered to the Athletic Department office in about two hours.
Teri Chang, Assistant Athletic Director for Facilities in charge of all the Lower Campus sports venues as well as the Athletic Department buildings, called about upcoming UH Manoa service projects.
The first one to be held in August will be in-house only as a team or spirit-building exercise for Athletic Department staff to help launch the 2008 – 2009 academic year and to support the first three sports in their new season – football, women’s soccer & women’s volleyball.
Future workdays will be open to the larger community of UH supporters and will include a wide range of tasks & chores to be determined after the first service project has been completed.
Teri will keep Warrior Beat bloggers informed. All kinds of skills will be needed including help with registration & refreshments.
CHING/COOKE FIELD BID PROCESS: The bids will be opened shortly after 2:30 pm on Friday, July 25, in the Procurement Office located almost directly across the street from the Stan Sheriff Center. The public is invited to attend.
Looks like a good day to stay in bed but gotta…
Happy Birthday……Princess Leila…..Yeeeeehaaaaa!!
You noticed that the, Sporting News, also still referring to Hawaii football team as the, “Rainbow Warriors.” talk about getting the facts straight?!
Happy birthday Princess!!!
Nice job Queen Wai!!!
bhf2 . . .
Okay, I think I have all the information needed to get a cheque out to you today. Sorry, it cannot be a huge cheque — darned politicians stopped our teacher pay raise a five years ago and we never got it back.
By the way –
Good morning everyone! In a few more days I will be back home. Whoo-hoo!!! I cannot wait.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Happy Birthday to Princess Leila…. you old enough to drink yet??
Congratulations to Sol!! Great preseason award BUT he needs to show this coming season that he deserved it.
W-Doc – finally made it back to Kauai today so have the check in hand. Thank you, I will be forwarding the check within a few days and also matching your matching donation.
Happy birthday, Leila! Are you 30 yet?
Hauoli Lahanau Princess Leila!
“Zorn: “Dead Man!” Brennan: “Banana!” ”
Nice pic of Colt in action!
boy, every time i type your name, seems like i feel i’m getting to no yu bettah!
ya see, Roger Hill is the guy who fixes football stuff. actually, he fixes all kine sports stuff.
a new JUGS is advertised for a little more than $2K, according to what Jason and (I think was AJoe)posted here some weeks ago, plus shipping, if my memory is correct. Shirley at Roger Hill Enterprises, Pearl City, is faxing me the cost. give me your fax # and I’ll shoot you a copy from my fax 961-3998. JUGS1 was fixed a couple weeks ago and has been back at UH since then. JUGS2 needed 1 motor and the console replaced and that just got fixed yesterday, assuming the testing at UH went well yesterday. I was told the cost for both parts was (over $500) I’ll know more today as she faxed/faxing me the bill for parts and labor.
Any little bit helps. Main thing is they got fixed without a whole lot of rigamarole. Makes me feel good that I/we helped US a little bit. 😀 Thanks for asking whuz Roger Hill. as to me, he’s da man!
btw, howz my english today? 😀 yu can correk me aneetiim. 😆
37 days, 23 hours to go!
The Princess couldn’t be 30 – too young!
And Happy Birthday Princess Leila!
Anyone going to the SSA thing on the 31st?
Gerald deserves a shout-out for getting the jugs back out on the field!
ST – we stand besides you all the way!
u krack me up big boi….das sum funny chit you got rollin
Tom Mui – there is a group of us going to the Game On dinner on the 31st. Will you be there??
Congratulations to Solomon Elimimian!
Happy Birthday Princess Leila!
…and…let’s see…there was something else around this time but I forgot the exact date. Somebody’s wedding anniversary, I think. The husband keeps missing it because he’s out covering WAC media conferences…
morn to the northwest St. Damien crew and associate member d1 bwhaaaaaaaaa
aloha kakahiaka to outta isles gang bhf2, lizk along with oahu captah’s gigi, stretch,bulla, loa and bonar. sorry if missed oddahs
a very hippo birdy two ewe princess leia
kofe time check back lattas
SteveM, what a memory you have! Wow! I forgot that ST missed his anniversary last year.
morning all and happy birthday P.L.
4th — see no disrespect in that w/ all da unknowns, not as bad as the 6th or 7th i seen previously.
Yo Garret!
Maybe one of these days we can host a Bay Area Cattle Call at my hotel. Small kine pupus you know. Our lobby bar is pretty stocked with the area’s brews and regional wines. Maybe we can figure it out sometime that’ll work for everyone near Santa Clara.
Happy Birthday Princess Leila. Next time don’t run away if jeje waves at you…
WarriorMojo – grrrrrrrr, I’m here
oh just practicing my football faces
808chef – good to see you back. Hope everything is going well with you and your family.
Good morning Tsaikodelia!
Happy Birfday Princess!
The polls always underestimate the Warriors with a few exception. Da boy’s are just gonna have to go out and beat some okole to set things straight. Startin with the Gators.
Good Morning TSAIKOs and CyBeerLurkers…….congratulations to Solomon Elimimian……Happy Birthday to Princess Leila….and the beat goes on….!!!!!
Sollie is just the face of the Warrior Defense this time out. We got lots more like him. Wait til the ‘Gators meet his friends.
any1 know the story about this makaula kid. both morning papers have stories on him and both have comments about an overzealous family member. hate to harp on da negatives and it’s great to add another local boy to da team (especially one from dat school) — wish nothing but da best for da kid.
Morning Tsaikos!
Happy Birthday Leila!
Here’s hoping Solomon (or Adam or Blaze etc) will be named Defensive Player of the Year at the conclusion of the season.
Can’t wait for Fall Camp!
first time posting 🙂 not sure if this is old news but colt’s got a blog on the redskins’ site!
Hi 808Chef!
Nice to hear from you! Are you free on either August 5 during the day or August 6 or 7 anytime? I’d love to have a Cattle Call there if there are South Bay folks interested. If not, I can stop by your hotel on those days if any are good for you.
I’m visiting Santa Clara University for business reasons (part of the trip is a business trip), so your hotel won’t be far from me on one of those days!
Doesn’t ST usually post a pic of the birthday person when it is announced on the blog?? I am sure Chawan would appreciate it.
Happy Birthday Princess Leila!
Happy Anniversary ST and Wena!
haha wow, Garret, you’re on a roll so early in the day, and den…
ST is on AM1500 right now…
I worked late last night, including leaving my house for 3 hours late last night for a working meeting, so the President of my company is letting me take it easy this morning.
Congrats to Soloman. But when your middle linebacker is the leading tackler on the team it means the guys up front are doing something right. Good job dline.
Garret is 3 hours ahead of us; maybe come November wen he only 2 hours ahead get chance fo’ keep up…
Slow morning…I’ll post this now instead of tonight…
😆 😀 😆
Saturday – August 16, 2008
Krazy Karaoke 8:00 PM – 12:00 midnight (minimum)
The large room at the Young Street Krazy Karaoke holds at least 55 persons. STRETCH has made the reservation put down the deposits.
Same arrangement as last April 19’s Krazy Karaoke Call…
• bring your own drinks (this room has a lot more cooler space)
• bring snacks and pupu’s (optional)
• $15 per person to cover room rental/karaoke
• pay Stretch or designee at the door that night
Current RSVP Count = 38
RSVP on blog or email SteveM — stevem.hnl (at) gmail.com
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Updates will be posted in the Events Calendar section
lurker-ette — thank you for the link to Colt and welcome to the blog! Do you reside in Hawaii?
Capitol -ist/WassupDoc- Do you live in Ench Lakes? I thought I saw Dr. Doc walking on Kahili St. the other day. I live on Kahili Pl.
Checkraze- nice post you Hawaiian you!
Heard on ESPN that Washington is picked last in the NFL East.
Nice read. Thanks!
Please post more often; maybe someday soon you can change your nic 😉
Hau’oli La Hanau to Princess Leila!!!
bulla, our paper has Weber State ranked 4th under NAU (3rd) this year. As someone said up above, it’s not how you start, it’s how you end.
Lots of students athletes on our campus: football, volleyball, cheer camps. But here come the AZ Cardinals! They move in today & start practices on Friday. Kona see if I can catch up with Travis LaBoy, Hercules Satele, & Deuce Letui. WooHoo!
Good morning Tsaikos!
Happy Birthday Princess!
Congrats Solly! Go get um Warriors! 4th – hah!
Mission accomplished. Doc, Dr. Doc & I delivered the recycle bins this morning. I guess Doc will give an update sometime today.
Busy day today. Off for a looooong weekend tomorrow and gotta finish some stuff up before EOD. Laterzz.
Happy anniversary Big Bro and Wena!
Happy birthday Leila!
& Congratulations Sollie (wow this really is the year of Green 17…)
Chawan: Your love letter from DK is finally in the mail.
Dose buggahs fas’ you know. Make shua you no hurt your knee summoa running aftah dem!
btw, can you e-mail me please? tsaikos at deanshouse dot biz
Good morning Tsaikos….
Congrats to Sollie….let’s do it to the offense and show that you deserved that award…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEILA!!!! Stretch, I don’t think she is old enough to drink…didn’t she just turn 20??? And I thought Chawan already had a picture of the Princess…??? MWAHAHAHAHA
HAPPY ANNIVERSAY ST AND WENA…all those years flew by pretty fast eh??
Good to see that excitement is building for the football season. I can feel it in the air…
And KK, I am not the founder of the Mahu Clan….
Jack Flash-
Nice post YOU Hawaiian YOU! Same to you checkraze.
Oops…sorry, forgot to take off the angel tag from my name…. 🙂
He’s the blog Mike,
yes the real blog Mike,
will the real blog Mike,
Please stand up!
Please stand up!
jm2375 – thanks for helping the Doc’s deliver the recycling bins.
For everyone’s info – the Doc’s redeemed $31 worth of recyclables from the Blog Bash. They have matched that donation and I will do the same. $93 will be donated to Na Koa on behalf of the Tsaikos.
Happy Anniversary Stephen and Wena!
…can’t imagine forgetting an anniversary! 🙄 😯 LOL
Thanks for your kokua!
It should be jm2375 & the Doc’s, not me
Happy Anniversary ST & Wena!!
If you guys only knew that the WAC meetings would be around this time every year, you could have changed your wedding date so you can spend the anniversary together.
Warrior’s “D” represents – way to go Soli!!
Happy Greetings, not x-mas yet?, to the Tsais and Shime-sama of this happy day.
Thanks to WassupDoc and Dr.Doc, too!
BSU using their bowl to get into the MWC?
If the Chargers leave San Diego then SDSU will need a LOT of help to remain in the MWC. They lose so much money already with Athletics and they do not have the type of public support or fan base to get a stadium done on their own.
Re: Makaula’s relative
Both of those posts were from the same person. Sounds like he has issues with Punahou and the father. I think UH can handle meddling parents better.
Happy anniversary, Stephen & Wena!!!
d1shima, have to em you after this meeting I have… back in an hr.
Birthday Best to the Princess and many more happy returns. I’m hoping the “returns” will include the vids from the upcoming Warrior practices.
Happy Anniversary Stephen and Wena!
Doris PIAA – left package for you at the registration table.
Happy Brthday Princess
Happy Anniversary ST & Wena
I hope they don’t take this as a physical threat.
Hello all!!
Hope you are all having a great week and that the paper here stops laying folks off. Maybe we should all get subscriptions to the paper. Hell, god forbid they try to make some money on the website here. I can think of so many ways off the top of my head that they could do.
Shoot, Hawaii at number 4 in the polls? I guess that’s a little respect seeing those other teams are returning a bunch of players. Makes it sweeter when Coach Mack and the boys kick their tails!!
chawan here,
and i know you’ve all been waiting for me to say it,
so yes, here’s another Happy Birthday wish to Ms. Leila Wai.
(I’m sure she probably already has something scheming to get back at Stephen for announcing to the world her special day). i bet she’s glad she’s not sheriff’ng the blog today like she did yesterday.
hope Mrs. Faye Wai has a big birthday cake waiting for you at home!
ok, no more lame comments from me the rest of the day. (Jamie, I mean James, & Stretch, no more trying to encourage me. oh yeah, you too homey, heh).
are you guys really up at 3:30 am responding to this thing? or is it just the time from a different zone.
n f k, some bloggers live on the mainland.
thanks! can’t wait to frame it and put it on my wall of Lame, i mean Shame, no, i guess i really mean Lame.
Well, there are a whole bunch of football (soccer, rugby kind) named Jamie and there is Jamie Foxx …
Wena’s wedding anniversary is tomorrow, which also is the real second anniversary for this blog.
(Jesse) James-
(#92) When were you ever an angel? Bwahahaha.
and I started blogging on the WB on Nov. 9, I believe…
and the first thing I said was, “Can I attend the party at Murphy’s?”
And ST replied, “Everyone’s invited.”
eh, neighbor, it’s Wena’s anniversary – what about yours? same day? hope so. (hehe)
That was Nov 9, 2006.
I was about the ask the same question.
Good Morning ST, Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Happy Anniversary Stephen and Wena!
Happy Birthday Princess Leila!
Happy Real Birthday Blog!
Have a great day Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Gorg! Howzit Brah! Did DPK ever find out where your band was playing? I know he wanted to check you guys out.
I thought I heard on sports radio the other day that Tim Tebow’s girlfriend is an underwear model and has been in Playboy. Can anyone substantiate this, or was I not paying close enough attention?
re your #413 post from last night.
OK, understand that you will make full payment for repairs of the jugs machine and accept contributions to offset.
check will be in the mail tomorrow!!
many thanks for our efforts in “taking the bull by the horns” and getting things done.
mrs a-house always gets a kick out of your posts – keep it up!!!
Wasn’t it only a year ago that Princess Leila had a birthday and ST and Wena had an anniversary? My birthday is in the month that has 28 days.
Congrats to the Solomon!
Aloha all,
I’m glad to meet other Bloggers and Hawaiian in the Big Easy! What am I going to do with all those beads now? Now I’m excited about Warrior football! My feeling is the Warriors will do better than 4th. Been to Florida field this summer and that place is awesome! They kept the place open for some reason, but there were some non-football people working out and etc. So, I walked around…It’s very compact, no visible parking lot (unlike Aloha Stadium) it’s next to many dorms. I wish I could go to the game against the gators, but got too much to do at home. Well, hi everyone.
homey, good to know you were not born in Leap Year.
Here’s the text from ST’s first blog topic:
Posted on: July 24, 2006 at 12:31:52 am
Meet the couch potato
Thanks for stopping by.
This might not look like much now, but once this place is fixed up, we hope it serves as a meeting place to discuss all things that are University of Hawai’i sports.
There will be updates, behind-the-scenes stories of UH figures and the people who cover them and guest contributors. If I can figure out the equipment — and that’s an “if,” considering my VCR still blinks “12:00 … 12:00 …: — we’ll post sound bites and videos.
This will be your blog, too, so please send suggestions, questions and gripes. I’ll try to find the answers. I might be a couch potato, but I’ve got a press pass, a fat Rolodex and a thick skin (mostly around the mid-section).
See you in a bit.
Hi jjr45Blue,
Interesting nic.
Thanks for the report. Have heard from FloridaTed about the parking sit and the proximity to University facilities.
As true Tsaikos, obviously we’d appreciate any info about da fuud!
As true Tsaikos
gigi – how do you know I wasn’t born in a leap year?
So the Warrior Beat is actually an anniversary gift???
please add me to the list of people going to Florida and Oregon State.
not sure about Boise State yet.
homey, you said you were born in a month that has 28 days, so it seems like it wasn’t a month that has 29 days. HOWEVER, a month that has 29 days also has 28 days, so, on 2nd thought, you might have been born in a leap year.
haha make sense?
gigi – all months have 28 days (what a trickster homey is).
ahhh, Ronnie, you are sooo right!
homey — don’t forget the very post by Mel deLaura on July 24 — very prophetic as it turned out… go ahead and post it… 🙂
Happy Birthday Leila!
Congratulations Soloman!
gigi – good to see you are stimulating your brain.
BTW, how many two cents stamps are there in a dozen?
dozen what?
Okay SteveM, here it is:
The very first post on ST’s site…
Comment from: Mel DeLaura [Visitor]
How can we attend your feed and thickness camp?
Permalink 07/18/06 @ 17:37
hey, how do you guys access the early days of this blog? I thought the Advertiser doesn’t archive issues beyond 3 months. That’s why I cannot access my articles.
gigi – you crack me up! 😆
i thought Stephen had all these stories to tell from yesterday.
or is he digging ditches on the golf course with the rest of the players?
gigi – SteveM cuts and pastes everything!
chawan – so do you wish to share with us what kind of birthday present you got for PL?
homey, what would we do without this blog? Twiddle our thumbs? I really should vaccum and mop, but the WB is a good reason not to.
Thank goodness games are played on the field and not in the polls.
Ha’a in the EZ!
So, for anyone who is thinking of going to the Boise St game… Here are my top 3 reasons for going:
3 – I want to be there when we are the first WAC team to beat Boise on the smurf turf.
2 – I want the “big showdown” between Fresno and Boise to determine second place!
1 – If we win the WAC and beat Florida and OSU to go undefeated (I BELIEVE), we are back to back WAC Champions in back to back BCS games. However, if we lose the WAC and beat Florida and OSU we are in the Hawai’i Bowl.
And here is gigi’s first post:
Comment from: gigi-hawaii [Visitor]
Hi! This is my first time ever as a blogger, but I’ve been following Steve’s articles and blog for quite some time. My hubby and I watch UH FB on pay-per-view. Go Warriors! Can we be invited to the post-season blog party? Where will it be held?
Permalink 11/09/06 @ 10:27
chawan cut
ashley said to tell you hello. she had some good stories about your band days. we need to talk and all this time I thought you was one innocent buggah. 😯
well esem scene whoooooooooooooooosh
kekoa got my email?
Dangit, my posts always await moderation. It’s cause I hang around Tsaikos that don’t practice moderation. Why is it that my posts always get flagged when I try to post several links?
Okay, forgive the spam, but I’m going to post my messages one-by-one.
Congrats to Sol! I’m glad he didn’t get hurt the time I … kinda … closed the Phys Sci elevator door on him. 😳
haha homey. Weird to see my first post on this blog!
And Happy Birthday to Leila! Here’s a picture of her from her UH days.
Here’s a story she wrote for Ka Leo on the soccer team’s travels in the aftermath of 9/11.
Here’s a picture of her and a married man at the first blog party at Murphy’s.
Here’s a picture of her and some football player.
And here’s a picture of her with a Lego robot named LAME-O.
(I hope she doesn’t kill me for posting all these things.)
Happy Birthday to the Princess!
Happy Anniversary to the Tsais
Jase, where are the pics? All I get is your Kulia site.
oh i see. I was clicking Jason’s name.
Jason – nah, those pictures were endearing.
Can someone please take a video camera to BSU game? I have to see Ronnie’s action when we beat them.
Ronnie – you better be texting me during the game!
Hi Homey!
I was watching the Rainbow celebration basketball rebroadcast this weekend and it looked like Chawan was sitting in the Manoa Maniacs section. Was it you Chawan?
Happy Birthday Leila!
Happy Anniversary Wena…not sure why it wouldn’t also apply to Stephen!
A-House – Nice salmon you caught up there in Alaska!
Yeah, that was chawan. Ends up I’ve been sitting down there near him for three years, and only this year I found out that he’s the famous chawan_cut.
i don’t mess around with other people’s property.
you won’t have to worry about HER killing you…
(oh, and you can only have at max 3 links per post. aren’t you the one that has the blogging 101 lessons on your page???)
Ah, three links per post! I did not know that. I shall add that to my tutorial. Many thanks, ICS major. I knew you guys were good for something.
Hi Rob!
Just think… the celebration when we beat Boise will be ten times louder than the celebration when we beat Fresno (because we won’t have to worry about flying screwdrivers or water bottles 😈 )
Well, there are a lot of horses around Boise 👿
생일축하 합니다
생일축하 합니다
사랑하는 레일라 궁주
Happy Birthday, Princess!
D1 – 😆 ❗
I always wanted to be able to sing “Happy Birthday” in Korean.
Thanks TChahng!
jason, rob25,
did you mean infamous vice famous? there’s a difference.
jason, yes, we can count up to 3. just can’t differentiate, integrate, extrapolate or whatever-ate it.
koakane, some stories are best not shared. although you got me curious too now what was said.
ICS majors can count to three. Math majors use limits to approach it. In my case, with five links, I was approaching from the right side.
Thanks, I was very lucky when we pulled numbers to see who would reel in first “hit” and it was a “white” King Salmon (deemed somewhat rare). Lucky, because my brother went 6 consecutive years without hauling in a “white” King. Anchor Point Lodge staff say that it is better tasting than Hamachi.
If you can make the Weber State tailgate, we are bringing misoyaki butter fish (black cod caught on my trip). We happen to set a new “lodge” record of 33 black cod on a single day.
Save some misoyaki butterfish, I’ll be there!
congrats to Sol, what an honor.
A-House, I’ll be there as well.
jason, actually, we can only count to 2, 0 & 1, and sometimes by 8 or 16. i just got lucky with 3.
a-houses, where’s all these fish pictures at?
anyways, back to the subject at hand. i think 4th place is a decent spot to be in. that shows that they give our defense some props and are still somewhat concerned about our unknown offensive capabilities.
hard to tell about boise. they lost their 5 year SR qb (even though he only played 1). they do return ian johnson, but they can’t just run him every down. they’re usually more balanced, but i’m sure they had some other qb that was waiting in the wings for his chance to start.
fresno has brandstater who has been mr. inconsistent. they booed him off the field 2 years ago, but let him redeem himself last year. they were however the only WAC team to win their bowl game last year. our defense will be ready for this game though. i bet some of our guys would like to redeem themselves for the hit on colt last year.
nevada could be the sleeper with kaepernick and lippincott. but its their turn to come here and play in the zero-altitude, humid weather in october. it won’t come down to a FG this time around. i also read how our fans were treated there in reno after the loss. don’t worry, we’ll be more courteous to the few wolfpack fans that can afford to come to aloha stadium.
san jose won’t have their crappy turf to equalize the playing field this time. it’ll be an interesting match up with 2 defensive minded/background head coaches going at it. they too have to find a new qb/rb duo to run the offense.
new mexico state. sure they return their gun slinger in holbrook, but he’s been throwing it around for 3 years and hasn’t accumulated much wins to show for it. although its always tough & not fun to get to las cruces (especially after playing at logan the week before)
idaho/utah state…. why are they even in the wac again??? the cold in november in logan might have an impact on us. they also lost their all everything WR/KR #6 that had that kickoff return and catch for TDs last year.
idaho will be after a bye week for us, so we’ll be well rested to welcome the team from moscow over to the islands.
here’s a link to my uh schedule of opponent’s schedules if you haven’t seen them yet. that way you can see who they play before and after us.
I wanted to get opinions from all our military vets.
Here are my reasons for going to the Boise game.
1.Its the closest one to me this season. (It’s close call between BSU and OSU. I would have gone to both, but I’ve got so much going on in Sept. that it was out of my ways and means)
2.The people in Boise are such fanatics, when the Warriors win, the entire city will deflate and I want to see it happen.
3.I get the chance to finally meet another Tsaiko in person. (I tried to find ST at the Idaho game last year, but couldn’t.)
IMHO, that was a “rock and a hard place” thing for the Army. Originally, it seems that his orders would be good for recruiting however, as more and more units and soldiers are returning for combat duty I can see more pressure from the side that questions his “preferential” status.
regarding BSU – they’ll probably be weaker at the QB and OL position. at QB, i think they’re going from a 5th yr SR to a RS F, and on the Oline they lost a couple including AA Clady. not too concerned on their Defensive side of the ball as we’ve usually been able to put up pts against them.
does any1 know if Cincy’s QB got that 6th year, i think it was that Mauk kid.
congrats to Elimimian…all i have to say is….if we beat Florida we shut up any and everything about the Georgia game…if we go toe to toe with them and put up a fight, the WAC better watch out!…I have all the confidence in the worl d that we will repeat as WAC champs
Hiya- peeking in for a sec.
I found this:
“Zorn has utilized fairly traditional drills with his QBs thus far, but says he will unveil a neat, quirky one Thursday to simulate the impact of getting sacked. He wouldn’t give too many details, but I look forward to seeing it unfold. The famous dodge-ball drill – to simulate darting around the pocket to avoid the rush – will make a return shortly as well, Zorn said ”
Chawan – You may be right about the “infamous” after the bowling session! I have to agree with you about Idaho annd Utah State…shhh my dad is a USU alum…why are they still on the WAC. They drag down the whole conference, in football.
Ronnie – d1shima is right, they could stampede us with horses after they lose. We will be there first WAC team to beat the Broncos on that blue carpet. We should have won two years ago.
A-House – my co-worker’s hubby just cam back from the other lodge over there, but he wasn’t lucky enough to catch a white salmon. They caught a lot of fish though. Nice to see your pic…she found it for me when I told her about your trip. Was that your first time to Alaska?
From 7/22 blog rating. Bearcats’ anticipated QB is ranked 8th in the Big East
pffft…anyone can be an ICS major.
Homey – you mad at me?
chawan_cut – I was there at that Nevada game last year and actually sat between alot of Nevada fans. Most were pretty cool with a few jabs here and there throughout the game talking smack, but all in good football atmosphere fun. The ones who were bad were the young punk college kids who were drunk acting a fool. I almost got into a fight walking to my car when one of those turds started cussing at me saying we’re overrated and the game was BS and blah blah blah. But Nevada isn’t bad I’d say the Fresno St. fans are the worst!
Happy birthday princess Leila.
Happy anniversary to Wena and ST.
Happy Anniversary ST and Wena…
Happy Birthday Princess Leila…
Howzit Erryone…
White salmon better than Hamachi??? I need a taste test of say around 1 pound of sashimi each.
There we go again, homey’s stating the obvious. Of course, not everyone can be a math major.
But from me to homey to chawan_cut to Big Wave Dave, we all know — there is only one Garret.
Ronnie was mentioning the stuff they throw at Fresno so ackchally I was kinda worried about the oddah end of the horses.
howzit PB!
chawan – Thanks for your informative team-by-team breakdown. So what did you buy for PL?
Congrats to Solly…
If Sol, Adam, and Bruisah Blaze can stay healthy this season I feel sorry for all who unfortunately will be in there path…
OH, did Rob25 say something?
Mad at you for what? If anything, I’m glad you and your husband are going to the K-call!!!! yeh!
Happy Birthday Princess!!! Enjoy your special day.
Happy Anniversary ST and Wena!!!
Sup homey…
Jason – …and only one Garett, the instigator.
see #171.
I’m still waiting for ST to post some pictures. I’m having photo withdrawals so I have to go the the previous blog and look at the keyless key pic.
MeiLing – #88 – don’t forget Aaron Francisco, starting safety from Kahuku H.S.
go to: http://www.anchorpointlodge.com – scrool down to Anchor Point Lodge – click on photo album – click on 2008 – click on 7/13/08 group.
Yes, my very first trip after waiting nearly a life time.
I was very, very lucky because I caught every type of salmon except a “sockeye” to complete the “sweep”. 4 or 5 is not bad for a first timer.
Oh sure, she trying fo’ run around and catch all da line guyz and now you like her run aftah one SAFETY! C’mon, da pooh ting on-y get one leg! 🙄
chawan – I saw #171 and said to myself, “pfffttt”. Did you have flowers delivered?
Less than 38 Days … wow!
BHF2 – Each time I read your post with the update, I feel the excitement building more and more each time. Mahalo for “just doing it” to get JUGS1 and JUGS2 back in service. I marvel at your courage, focus and determination to accomplish a task that you deem critical.
W-Doc and Dr-Doc – Mahalo for the time and effort you put into the HI-5 recycling project and your matching donation.
jm2375 – Mahalo for assisting Wl-Doc and Dr-Doc with the HI-5 recycling project.
Princess Leila – Best wishes as you celebrate your birthday. No better way to do that than by eating your favorite food(s)…a porterhouse steak, perhaps? with a perfectly baked potato loaded with butter, sour cream, chives and real crispy bacon bits. I’d love to join you…maybe some day…
ST & Wena – Ditto above for anniversaries. Separate celebrations are in order. Wena, I wouldn’t be surprised if Allie, Jodie and Devon out-vote you, and you all end up at an all-you-can-eat Pizza Hut grind fest. Enjoy!
ST –
Solomon – If you’re lurking out there, congratulations on your selection as WAC pre-season Defensive Player of the Year!! Son, you did well and I am confident that you will continue to do well. I’m very, very proud.
Homey – Happy Birthday!…whenever it happens.
A-House – Wow! Misoyaki butterfish is one of my absolute favorites! Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait for the Weber State Tsaikogate!! I hope Midori and I will be able to eat/taste some of the other fish you caught…sooner than September, pleeeeze. 😀
Hi everyone! Thanks for the birthday wishes….
And my mom says hi too!
Sorry … previous post is from the “real” Mrs. A-House… 😉
haha, I was wondering why A-House’s typing was so good.
Just read this about that Tebow guy wanting to play smarter and not trying to get hit so much. Does he know who his first game of the season is against? Guess not as it seems his focus is on Georgia. Oh well, I guess he’ll come to after some smelling salts once #17, #44, and #53 of the Warrior D, pound his arse in the turf…silly rabbit…
Yikes! Sorry again… for the empty space next to “ST”…
I wanted to say…
ST – Taking the big U-turn at the top of our street can easily pull valuables out of your car’s trunk if it’s not secured properly. We’re relieved that a well-dressed neighbor, out for an evening stroll, found the media guide, assumed it was ours and walked it to our door. Bless him…we have pretty awesome neighbors! 😉
homey, no, i didn’t. ask THE Princess herself. speaking of which, there she is!
a birthday wish is the best i can do.
I was looking at the first few blogs of the WB and noticed there was more spam than actual comments!
Mrs A-House – Thank you for the birthday wish. 😆
mr. a-house,
nice catches! how come there’s no mrs a-house in the pictures? or is she holding the camera?
Sorry had to go help someone…now I’m back.
Homey – I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to hear you give the performance of your life. hehehe
d1 – ohhhh, wasn’t really thinking about that end, but you got a point there…and hence the reason that I would rather deal with screwdrivers and heated pennies!
Pauoa Boy – Howzit son! Now don’t you be putting yourself in harm’s way for no good reason. Any smart a$$’s give you $h _ +, you take the high road and turn your “cheek(s)” to those dumb-dumb’s. (Can’t believe I’m posting these harsh words, but dormant bad vibes generating from the Nevada, UNLV, Fresno areas come alive and really “push my intensely dislike buttons.) Am I getting rev-ed up for the start of the football season…you bet!! 😡
I’m still alive, and I don’t see chawan_cut nor Princess Leila outside my door. I guess that’s good. 😀
Howzit Howzit Tsaikos everywhere.
called Shirley at Roger Hills today. JUGS1 an JUDGS 2 with Kyle at UH field. she still never send me the bill for parts and labor. i’m holding my barett!
i figure, if Jimmy D knows we Tsaikos are going all out for the team, backin him up, he’s going all out fo da team. an if he’s goin all out fo da team, den da tix guy bettah be showin up too, and the media guyz, and the verna’s and da Haffnah’s and da Leefahz an da whoevaz. day all bettah be smokin. our boyz deserve no less!!!
chawan – Mrs A-House likes the amenities of home. She doesn’t like roughing it like Mr. A-House. They are like that couple on Green Acres.
Mrs. A-House, no worries I geff um. A little BJ Penn akshon is good, no need get nawts just make em tapout shmall kine. 🙂 Nah, the only reason I actually gave in was cause I had my son with me and the guy kept saying F-this and F-You Rainbow F–gots, blah blah blah. So I politely told him STFU or I will do it for you! 🙂
Oh oh, watch out for Mrs. A-House…it’s just like you mentioning HF to A-House…don’t get them started.
A-House – They call that beginner’s luck or in Sesame Street talk…doggie poopoo luck. Luck, skill, whatever it’s all good. Don’t like fish, but will try to make it to the tailgate if I can. So nice of you to share…did Mrs. tell you to?
Yeah, where are the pics? Isn’t that the real reason why we are here ladies? No beef cake pics today. Guess I’ll have to join Homey in looking at the keyless key!
Tombo Ahi posted on his blog that Jason Rivers was released by the Titans.
A-House – re #180 – yummy! I’ll be there, too.
Hi Mrs. A-House (Aunty)! Thanks for your kind words and welcoming me back last week.
Rob25 –
Hi there! So far the only away game we plan to attend is the Florida game. Thanks to you, Ronnie, Chawan and all others who are making the effort to attend as many away games as possible. What’s for sure is that the hopefully huge group of Tsaikos making the trip to cheer the Warriors at the UNLV game 2009 will be an awesome happening. With Wreck, Homey, Pride, Bulla, D1shima, DPK and our other mucho macho pals strutting into the stadium in front of us, we no scared ’em, we goin’ GET ‘um!! Hope you can be there…should be another one of those really special “make memories” trips.
I’m sure Rivers will find a home somewhere as well as RGM…too bad they got waived…
Hawaiianbod –
Hi there! Did you sign my book? If not, be sure to sign it at the Tsaikogate…pleeeeze. Mahalo! 🙂
Check is in the mail
I always knew that someday I would have to pay for JUGS (;
Jason – chawan is constructing a lego voodoo doll in your likeness as we post. I’m almost certain you’ll be feeling the effects a couple of weeks from today.
Signing off…thanks for another fun day. Take care now…
Oh, I’ll be there…I’m even going to book for hubby though not sure when he will be back from the sandbox.
I wa thinking along Al’s line, staying at Red Rock…but Downtown is so much fun when there are a BUNCH of Hawaii people. It’s like we’re still at home.
You sure you don’t want to rock the Fresno game with us…it should be fun and I’m pretty sure that those Fresno fans could get you going?
PB – Are you going to be at the Fresno game?
I’m sure this has already been posted, but did you guys know Colt has a blog on the Redskins’ web site?
Today is our favorite Tsaiko Badge-maker’s birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LK!!!!!! We wish you many more happy lurking days!
Okay so I just checked back in to work today and my boss said that I will be gearing up for a deployment to Iraq next summer for approx. 7 months. I will be doing some mini deployments sometime during the football season, in which case I said the F-word unintentionally while I was being told. My boss without knowing why I said that was like, let me guess…football season huh? I started laughing, and he said don’t worry when I found out I said the same chit…
Mrs A-House and Midori7 decided that home was a better place to be than a “rocking” boat on a wide-open sea with the wind howling and waves/swells 3′-4′ high.
Besides, it was cold and I froze my buns!!! Alsaka summers are quite different than Hawaii.
Aunty Rob25 – yes, I will be at the Fresno St. game…*fingers crossed* Have you and Ronnie bought tickets yet?
Amazing that Michelle Wie is the 5th-highest earning female athlete and the highest earning female golfer.
You got that right A-House.
I went there on a cruise with my parents in my youth…don’t ask how long…homey. No it wasn’t the with Admiral Perry or some chit like that.
Anyways, we brought our swimsuits and other summer wear. Well, at the time they filled the ship pool with water from the ocean…OK so there were chunks of ice in it still…huh. If you can see your breath…and it’s not green…then you know you’re not in Honolulu anymore.
Was good fun though. I loved going on a cruise…and hope to do again someday.
Mrs A-House No, I haven’t signed your book. In fact, i’m a Tsaiko “virgin” (haven’t attended any Tsaiko event).
Happy Bifday to you and many more to come.
We, the Tsaikos, are so fortunate to have you among us and you have been most generous with your talent and gifts.
Mr. A-House, after seeing the fish pics I would say that I could deal with the frozen assets. Looks like some winnahs you guys went catch…au’ryte!
Happy Birthday LK!
And thanks for the badges!
Pauoa Boy,
I’m very sorry to hear that you’ll be deployed to Iraq next summer and that you’ll also miss some of the football season. I’m sure that you will do your duty well and I hope that things are calm over there then.
PB – Ronnie is checking with her contact to see if he can get us some through the Alumni association. If not then as season ticketholders we should have access to the UH allotment. Not sure that there will be a ton of people making the trip across the Pacific with the prices lately. Wish I could catch a MAC flight but then I got my roundtrip for $312. Check with Ronnie and if not, then let me know and I will order for you should you need me to.
Happy Birthday LK!
Your badges look awesome and thank you for that great contribution to the blog!
Happy B-Day LK…
happy b-day dad!
Rob25 – I would never tease you about your cruise back in the day on a voyaging canoe. How the heck did they put a pool in the canoe?
PB – stay safe brah
Looks like the Packers have solid evidence that Minnesota was tampering with Favre…Favre was using his Packers cell phone for tons of phone calls with Minnesota’s head coach and offensive coordinator!
PL is a dad?
Happy Birthday LK!
Happy Birthday LK! And many, many thanks for my badge…it’s truly an honor.
Garret – Yeah, my husband is pretty upset that he will miss the whole football season this year because of his deployment to Iraq. By the time that they get there…it will be the end of the season and he doesn’t know that they will have access to games while at Fort Hood for training.
PB – Marines are hardcore and I know that you will do a great job and be back to join us at another Tsaiko event!
Homey – it’s called canoe craftsmanship!
Happy Birthday to LK, too!
Hope one day to be fortunate to proudly wear a Tsaiko name tag.
Rob25 – Shutes I will check with her, just like make sure I stay somewhat in the same section as you guys if not the same row. Or at the very least on UH’s side of the field…
Ooooh, Happy Birthday LK!
Loa, Garret, Aunty Rob – Mahalos, no biggie though I figured that was going happen anyway. With the way things is going nowadays the deployment cycles have gotten worst. For me it’ll be 7 months there and then 10 months stateside continuously until something changes.
Here’s DPK’s first post!
Comment from: Timmy B, da Punchbowl Kid [Visitor]
Leahey rocks. Most of us have no problem understanding him. Buy a dictionary maybe?
As for the Warriors…
for now I leave our dear readers with this:
BOOM goes the DYNO-MITE!!
Stay tuned for details in future WB must reads.
Permalink 08/12/06 @ 06:25
We’ll make sure that you’re covered PB (as Gigi would say) no worry, beef curry.
Happy birthday LK!
PB – Sad to hear the news of your upcoming deployment. Keep safe and thank you for your service!
Rob25 – Thanks to your hubby, too! God Bless!
haha, au’rycheh
Hawaiianbod – Nah, it’s all good I not worried about the deployment, just worried about missing all the frikkin games…
Princess Leila – Howzit, never really got to say wassup at the Bash but maybe in the future can wala’au. Did get to meet your mom though, tell her I said Hi
“no worry, beef curry” — got that from LTUHF when he posted it on my blog months ago! Thought it was cute, so I repeated it here.
Hi, LTUHF! Where are you today?
Pauoa Boy: Didn’t know you were in the military. I give you credit. One of my bestest (yes, I said BESTEST) friends served in Iraq for a year. That was a crazy time! It’s great to have him back now. 🙂 Anyway, make sure you take care of yourself. I would miss football so much! I was miserable going to school on the Mainland and not being able to go to the games. It’s great to be back and going to UH.
Daughter’s former boyfriend was in the 29th brigade in the Army Reserve. Was deployed to Iraq for a year, came back, and told me it wasn’t so bad. So he signed up for another tour!
I guess Afghanistan is much worse right now, per the media.
Did you get your PPV renewal notice from Oceanic? If not call them at 643-3333. It is $380 to renew and includes away PPV games, plus Wahine volleyball and Men basketball games.
A-House Family, LizK, you’ve got mail.
Tanks Hawaiianbod…I will let hubby know how much everybody appreciates his service! Thanks to everyone that has said so here…
Gigi – I didn’t know that…OK have to give credit to LTUHF then. BTW my hubby is with the 29th Brigade now…I don’t know this time the mission is a lot more dangerous, but it’s his third tour…I just have to be positive and enjoy the time that I have with him.
GRM, yep, hubby signed up for PPV already via the cable channel Oceanic listed on their postcard. We have the confirmation number in case they screw up for some reason!
wow, his 3rd tour? That’s dedication!
Who’s down to wear purple or “furfle” (as my grandparents would say) to make the Bulla clan feel at ease for the first T-Gate of 2008? 😉
Good to see that you are feeling better.
Take care of that “bod”.
Kazz – I’ll be neutral, I’ll wear gray.
Kazz, game day decision. I have both a purple muu as well as a black one…
gigi – doesn’t matter for you since you won’t be in the stadium.
Hawaiianbod: Mahalo to telling me about Francisco. I’ll have to make a sign. I’ll feel like I’m at the airport: Mr. Satele? Mr. LaBoy? Mr. Francisco? and I’m throwing Deuce Letui in there jus’ cuz he’s a another Poly, & I’m so happy to see him on the team. Heard he’s a really nice guy.
d1shima: tanks for protecting my left flank. Just came back from my PT ~ Mr. Fukumoto, whose Dad is from HI. No running, but I figure my UH Warriors Football t-shirt will be familiar to the guys.
I haven’t seen the new synthetic turf we have in our Skydome, so I’ll have to make it to some of the practices that are indoors. I think it’s FieldTurf.
Kelli – yups Marines…no probs it’s all good. Where were you on the mainland? Since I’ve been on the mainland I’ve caught some away games, and used to have tapes sent to me on deployments so I could watch. But cannot replace being there live to witness the action… Glad to have you back on the island at UH and writing, look forward to one day meeting you in person 🙂
yeah, I can just visualize UH fans heckling those wearing purple in their midst.
Still no pics…oh well.
Da Tsaiko Pinoy Connection can get away with wearing furfle, green, and black.
And throw in yellow, orange, and a blue tarp in for good measure.
I hope not!
homey, actually, what’s scary is I know where Jason lives. i dropped him off after a baseball game. but he doesn’t have to worry about me lurking outside his place, there’s enough riff raff that live near him to scare him.
Mr. A-House,
yes, i can see why midori7 stayed home. she always says shes cold just at Murakami stadium.
Kazz – Okay, I’ll wear green…maybe.
MeiLing – What part Arizona you stay?
LV – thanks my friend! I’m glad things are back to “normal” in the LV household.
Pauoa Boy: Wow. Ok, my chingul (friend in Korean because he’s Korean) was in the National Guard. I used to go to Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. I think it’s northwest of Portland. Another writer and I are planning to go to the karaoke thing on August 16.
Scared? Why should I be scared, we protect our own.
Pauoa Boy:
She’s reading right now, I’m sure…
So she saw it straight from you!
gigi-hawaii ©:
July 23rd, 2008 at 3:49 pm
yeah, I can just visualize UH fans heckling those wearing purple in their midst.
The only color that truly attracts bad attention is RED (in the Fresno shade of course).
Besides I’ve noticed that the fans that are in “patches” throughout the stadium get left alone, generally. It’s the BIG sections of the away fans that get noticed.
Besides, I don’t care what any smear campaign from other fans ***cough***FRESNO***cough*** attempt, Hawaii has the best fans in the conference.
Again, generally speaking.
homey, behave yourself! Leila’s (and Faye) is reading everything you write!!
forgot to tell you thanks for my nametag at the birthday bash.
Jason. I was so glad to move out of Salt Lake after I saw a guy stick his arm out of the car window and fire his gun several times. (up toward the sky) That was before 1991.
Kelli – I actually moved to San Diego… I have friends who attended Pacific U too. How long were you there for?
Princess Leila – Mahalos, Howzit Aunty Faye…
#282, no worry beef curry, going have lots of purple….we are making shirts for the game.
if they don’t bring their mascot…i told them to bring the costume, i’ll be Waldo the Wildcat, that would be cute, haha
we plan to be at Tsaiko gate of course, with purple and white to represent!
ホ ミ or ホ モ ?
Kazz – You can speak tagalog?
That’s all “G” like lychee mochi!!!
Wow.. chawan getting props from the Animals
Thanks, the drama is over for now, at least until the aftermarket exaust and wheels arrive.
Kelli – don’t forget to RSVP to SteveM re the Aug 16 KK before the max limit is reached..
Pauoa Boy,
Nope. I can understand shmall kine though.
BTW, sorry to hear about your deployment. I hope everything ovadeah ends soon.
Get too many local braddahs and sistahs ova dea wen dey should be hea.
No worries tho, we know you will take the WARRIOR spirit with you and by the time you come back it will be just in time to enjoy a UH January Bowl game!!!
Pauoa Boy: About a year and half.
OMG! You crack me up! That’s a good one. Did you know something about Japanese calling gays homodachi instead of tomodachi?
CC – Chis Hart gave you a shout-out re your email for the UH blog webste. Gary D. mentioned that you’re a Tsaiko.
ホ モ ダ チ?
There are a few suspects among us
btw homodachi is used by straight guys when teasing other straight guys who seem “just a little too freindly” with each other but are not really gay.
オカマ is still the standard
friendly !
Kazz – Right on just wondering, I know shmall kine phrases/words…
Kelli – Did you grad from McKinley?
Well, there’s the “improved gas mileage” argument. Depending on how gas prices go and how much you drive (Jason could help do the math), those items should pay for themselves in about….
467 years!
Happy b day LK!
stretch, hawaiianbod,
yeah, i heard. i emailed them on monday because chris kept saying that he’s never seen pictures of colt throwing, only standing around. the UH blogspot is run by my friend, Tombo Ahi, and he had a montage of colt pics, so i emailed the site to him. i didn’t listen the past 2 days, but i just so happened to be listening today, and cool! can’t believe Chris couldn’t pronounce chawan_cut. and i guess we now know that Gary is a lurker.
Tombo said he got 80 hits within that 5 minutes. did you know that tombo is not even in hawaii??? he gets a lot of scoops, just like Garret. thanks tombo!
las vegas,
homi vs homo??? i thought you were talking about hour ho-mey . ha!
Uh , thanks d1,
Mrs.LV has a fine tuned radar for B.S.
I’ve already tried the “save the whales” approach and been slammed down hard.
Begging doesn’t work either.
The only option is to buy the darn toys and suffer the consequences later.
Just need to work up the courage.
ho boy!
got my official UH Athletics letter/promo offer today, tellin me da good news about PPV. choices choices.
that was supposed to say
…. talking about our ho-mey. ha!
Pauoa Boy,
Just scrolled back thru the comments…my heart sank wen I read about your re-deployment.
Thank you for your service and take care brah.
d1shima – mahalos, no worries though everything is all good…
I trying to send you e-mail. Try check if get from me.
Saturday – August 16, 2008
Krazy Karaoke 8:00 PM – 12:00 midnight (minimum)
SteveM – count me in and i’ll pay Stretch whether i sneak out early or not……haaaa.
hello-hello everybody, hope everyone is well and i second the well wishes to ST, Wena, Leila, LizK, and ummm…..urrr……aiyaaa i “borget”???? eh….you try reading 300+ posts and try remember…….:-)
A-House: wow white King. you sure know how jun-ken-po, that part is easily overlooked. haaa
Koakane – kumpai!
to all the service men, service woman, AND their families….. much much thanks.
Ok um… stupid me.
I attempted to print the entire Media guide last night.
Now I must stop by after work for more ink for my printer at home.
Hey, I tried…
Pauoa Boy,
my friend is out there in Iraq right now. his 2nd time. he gets back sometime in October i think. we’ll party hearty at uh game when he gets back.
i know its next year, but best wishes when you do go. hopefully you’ll have intermittent internet access to catch up with here or the scores.
chawan_cut – I should be able too, but I dunno how good is the dirka dirka connection over there…
I printed the four color pages on photo paper.
Shahp, brah!
since you get ’em anyway, can borrow? 😉
I tried going through that whole media guide last night and uh…still never finish, lots of good info though, nice to see ol stats and ol faces…
Please thank your husband for me for his service to our country. He deserves extra thanks for having to spend the football season in Fort Hood and Iraq. I’m guessing that they won’t get all the games while at Fort Hood, but I’m sure he’ll have Internet access…so a Slingbox is an option.
You can hook up the Slingbox to your TV source (DVR/TiVo/cable box/etc.) and he can watch anything on your TV on his computer. The quality is better than the Hawaiian Telecom streaming video (I know that isn’t saying much). The best part is that there are no monthly fees or anything after you buy the Slingbox (for something like $100 to $150). And your husband can watch the local news, Mack’s show, and whatever else he wishes to see when he has time.
This good be an option for Pauoa Boy also–I’m sure someone could help him out if he has to miss a game.
i hope you printed it out double sided. at least it would be 100 pages instead of 2.
Garret, Rob25,
that is what i’m going to do when i’m stuck in washington for 2 months. although what sucks is i think only one person can watch the slingbox feed, otherwise i’d share.
😆 brah I nevah made it past page 40-something!!! One day! 😆 One day I will finish printing this media guide!!!
Of course I could do it at work… BUUUUTTTTT… I’d like to continue my employment status on a regular basis. 😉
Double sided? …. Now I will!
Garret – Das a good idea, when I was deployed before I had people send me game tapes. Only thing is I dunno how good dirka dirka connection is in the sandbox…
Hawaiianbod: Thanks! Already did!
Pauoa Boy: Yup.
here’s slingbox’s website
Kelli – Realleh…grrr…I’m a Rough Ridah…haha nah j/k
Las Vegas,
why stop wit da aftermarket exhaust and wheels when a coupla sponge dice will really frill da ride 😀
be a homey man 😀 not a homo man 😯
don’t let da mrs push you aroun 😀
DOMINATE da fleas! 😆 show em whuz boss
heh heh
Pauoa Boy: That’s cool. I went to Stevenson, too. Most of my friends from elementary and middle school went to Roosevelt and we’re still close today. Plus, we do use your field as our home field. 🙂 Sharing is caring!
Kelli – great. Looking forward to meeting you..and hearing you sing, not to mention seeing you earning your Tsaiko shot glass.
C_C . . .
When will you be up here? Will you be in Seattle?
Kelli – It’s all good, just making trouble 🙂
K catch you guys lataz gotta do some work…
Eh Hawaiianbod – you sure she old enuff fo drink? Haha, nah Kelli I’m only joke, tone ket kracy…
i’ll be there sept-nov. across the sound in bangor.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES!!! to LK and the Princess 😀
PB – no worries, I actually have written permission from the former AD (whose name I shall not say aloud) and KFIVE to tape games and send to our troops. Just drop your APO address on the blog when you get there and you’ll get a steady supply of dvd’s…no sweat.
PB – do you know any Kealilios? Not sure what year my cousins atebded RHS.
d1 – Sorry for the slow reply…yup that was me!
howzit howzit. thank you for your post and a visual of the Gay Tahz Stadium. gonna hook up wit Florida Ted and a few odda homes from Hawayah, gonna sing and drink and sing and drink an sing, call home wit da scores, try fo get on tv, maybe try fo Vili let me do pushups wit him. 😀
too bad yu no can come cuz dis one gonna be funner dan da las one. get issues still yet…
yu wen watch da braddaz today? da equipment guy kyle noze get 2 JUGS fo put yo hans on, work da balls, make da magic… kkkkcckkk….. 😀
C_C . . .
Bangor! That is close — an easy 1.5 hour drive from here. You are welcome to come down for the weekends if you would like.
You may contact me at wafanatcomcastdotnet. No shame! Especially when the Warriors are on TV (which, I hope, will be a whole lot after the win in Florida!).
atebded -attended.
Hawaiianbod . . .
Thank you for the Rooseveltian to English translation. Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!
LIZ: Your birthday?Well, happy returns and best wishes!
Garret – Thanks for your kind words.
Yeah, my sister has the slingbox attached to my parent’s cable box. She uses it to watch volleyball, football, etc and some other Hawaii shows. The only problem is if someone at the house that it’s attached to is watching something else…then next thing you know they are changing the channel on you remotely. I don’t know if I could handle that when I am watching “Deadliest Catch!”
PB – my brother was able to set up on his laptop and do the same thing. I guess that I will have to find out all the information so that my hubby can watch when he isn’t dodging enemy fire. Supposedly, the internet connections there are pretty good, but I would guess that would depend on what base you are stationed at.
BG – I might have to give you hubby’s address so that he can watch them also. Gotta send his notebook in to get fixed before he gets deployed. I used to burn a lot of DVDs for him so that he would have TV series and movies to watch while there. He’ll be moving around a lot in the country this though.
Wafan – sorry, I can’t help I graduated from Aiea HS.
Looking forward yo meeting you at the KK.
BG – Thanks, will do…
Hawaiianbod – Between my bruddahs and me, we cover from 91 – 07 at RHS so if they attended during that time frame than fo shua we know dem
wafan – as us Rough Ridahs say…ah shaddup…nah nah onleh playing 🙂
Aunty Rob25 – I think we going have internet access but with 100’s of Marines trying to email and all that I dunno if going get chance…gotta take care the younger troops first…
Happy Birthday Leila
see plus he na ali’i, no wonder…
PB – yeah I know how that is…hubby has to let everyone go home on RR before him also. Depending on where you are located, you could have wireless internet…just gotta take your laptop with you. That’s what hubby is going to do as is my Marine son should he get deployed. He’s loving MP school and even liked doing the OC thing…something about getting pepper sprayed.
Brew808 – Sorry, only checked back to yesterday’s blog just now. I arrive in LA on Friday morning and don’t leave until Tuesday evening. We should get together if possible…are you going to the Fresno game…because you know that we will be there on Saturday…no fail! WARRIORS gotta represent!
bhf2: couldn’t make it to practice today. You coming tomorrow? Call me if available midday. sjmacro
Just got back from watching the UW and want to say thank you so much to Tyler Graunke, Ryan Mouton, Blaze Soares, and Bryce K. for taking a minute of their time to say hi and take pictures with the kids who came to watch their idols practice. A family from Chicago was there and apparently their young son wanted to see the lower campus before their flight back home tomorrow and came upon their practice. Bryce was kind enough to chat with him and you could see the adoration on his face. So thank you to the Warriors!!! (Got lots of great action pictures of the players with my Canon Rebel.)
OK gotta head home and then to airport to pickup parents. Will check in later…I hope…gotta look for some good prices to Vegas for the New Year’s. Gotta try Red Rock so that I can think about it for the UNLV game next year.
C ya!
Oye…the pepper spray drill haha. They basically get pepper sprayed in the eyes and cannot touch there face or rinse out there eyes. Basically gotta withstand the pain and take it like a man or guess what…it’s Round 2 hana hou…
Thanks for sharing that hoohiki…good to know that the boys are representing well.
PB – yeah he said that it didn’t really affect him that much and then he got a 98% on the written exam that they had. USMC, they just gotta make you guys hard!
yeah, i’ve caught the ferry to seattle many a time to sightsee, go to a mariners/seahawk game, etc.
i’ll email you.
Wena, Happy Anniversary to you both! Would like to check with you about school supplies. Let me know if you can use crayons, glue, construction paper etc.
Happy Birtthday to Princess Leila, and LK.
Just saw Doris on Channel 8 good press for PIAA
~•~•~•~ 🙂 😯 😆 Happy Birthday LK!!! 😆 😯 🙂 ~•~•~•~
Forgot to mention the kid from Chicago is a HUGE Warriors fan and you could see the adoration on his face not Bryce’s. Hehehe. Also forgot Tim Grasso. Thank you, Tim, for being such a good sport.
It was great to see the guys out there running their routes. Most of the QBs were there Graunke, Funaki, Alexander, Rausch, Austin, Bryce K.
Saw some great catches by Malcolm Lane, Greg Salas, and Bain. Didn’t see much action from the slots, i.e. Pilares. Didn’t see much running plays, although LWJ was there. The QBs were mostly practicing from the shotgun. Saw Austin practicing from under center.
Thought I would see more spectators, but only a handful. KGMB was there interviewing Tyler.
~•~•~•~ 😆 ♪ ♫ 🙄 Thank you Faye Wai!!! 🙄 ♪ ♫ 😆 ~•~•~•~
A few years back – you delivered more than a little sunshine to this reality. 😀
~•~ 😆 ♪ ♫ ❀ Happy Birthday Princess Leila!!! ❀ ♪ ♫ 😆 ~•~
PB – any chance you’ll come home before being deployed? Gotta shake your hand and paina with you.
not tomorrow, next wed thru sun. i’ll call and hook up. definitely goin watch sum UWs. i gonna introduce my cuz Pili to Warrior football. she gonna luv da cc akshun, gonna be a bonafide Tsaiko b4 yu no it. 😀
i wuz jus lookin at my AA flt from KOA to LAX, Frontier from LAX to MCO, den my Frontiers from MCO to Denver to LAX, den AA from LAX to MCO.
and my Budget Sonata res.
I am sooo ready for da rumble in jus a little ova 37 days! wen i tink ah da Gay Tahz, I pikcha muushen one banana fostah till da bugga stay flyin da mammarees sustahnanc all ova da place. 😀
ohh…speakin ah which… Happy Birthday Liz, Princess…. 😀 😀 😀
Aunty Rob25 – He’ll have more fun once he starts learning take down techniques and defensive tactics. Can throw some guys around lil bit. Plus as he progresses thru the martial arts program, he going have good fun when can inflict pain legally on somebody haha…
Happy Birthday to LK too!
FYI – Liz_K is NOT LK!!! Liz’s b-day is in March….. 😀
😀 ~•~•~•~Hi Wena!~•~•~•~ 😀
Hawaiianbod – Yups, I’ll be back before I go. Usually take a little time off before I leave. Plus you usually have a couple days to take care of personal stuff before heading out. I’ll be heading back here and there though. Actually trying to come back during the Thanksgiving weekend to hopefully catch the Idaho and Washington State games.
Got your RSVP Kelli. As for the other writer, well… bring some more… 😯
Just noticed that August 16 is the full moon– but the stars are going to shine bright that night!
g-nalo — got you listed!
…and Kelli can legally go for a Tsai-ko shot glass on the 16th 🙂
Aloha, Pauoa Boy,
I live in Flagstaff, AZ where it’s nice an cool at 7,000 ft. elevation. The AZ Cardinals have camp up here to cool off & it’ll provide an advantage, at least in their first few games, from training at altitude. The Japanese swim team was the last group to leave about a couple of weeks ago to go home & then onto Beijing. We had a lot of Olympians training here a couple of months ago.
Are you being deployed? Ke Akua keep you safe.
she can earn her shot glass as long as she doesn’t tell her parents who made her drink a shot of CR.
Is is LizK’s berfday???
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! All us monkeys in the zoo wish the very best to you…HAPPY BERFDAY TO YOU!
Finally back for a few minutes and then it’s off to work out.
I assume that LK means LizKauai except that there’s no mention of her birthday in Stephen’s blog above – only Princess Leila’s. If it really is your b’day, then have a happy one – and you, too, Princess. Happy Anniversay Stephen & Wena – how many years?
JASON: The little boxes – I assume that if I were to install the program I would be able to see the foreign characters which do not use letters. However, would I be able to understand what the characters said? Probably not. How do I get the translation?
Mahalo to JM2375 for helping us get the recycling bins to the Athletic Department. There are many different vendors and styles available for the Department to choose from, but all I really care about is that they take the time to recycle since that’s giving money away to the City when it’s tossed into the garbage instead of keeping it for the department’s use. For more information about what our recycling business does, please click on my name.
Interesting event happened earlier today with respect to the Public Hearing at the City Council for Jim Donovan’s appointment to the Salary Commission. Unfortunately, no one mentioned it to him or his staff except for yours truly. Even as late as this morning, the staff was assuring me that it was a mistake and that the Mayor’s office was in the dark as well; however, around 1 pm, the City Clerk’s office got the word out to the Lower Campus area that yes, indeed, he was on the agenda. Unfortunately, it seems that Mr. D. is traveling so that he couldn’t have made it to the hearing in any case.
Everything went well despite his non-appearance, and the appointment has been referred back to the Executive Matters Committee for further consideration.
JACK FLASH: Yep, that’s DrDoc – we live slightly to one side of the intersection of Kahili Street & Place. We’re probably no more than 500 feet apart from each other.
BHF2 – will fax you the fax number first thing tomorrow with instructions. I use the fax at DrDoc’s office and his boss used to get pixxy if DrDoc’s name wasn’t on incoming faxes because the clerical staff wouldn’t know who was supposed to get it. His boss now understands that weird faxes should go to DD first, but it will make everyone’s life much easier if it has his real name on it.
Mahalo for the explanation about the JUGS. As with Doris Sullivan, just as soon as the BushCo check arrives, we’ll send you something. We got a letter two weeks ago from them saying that it should arrive on or after July 11 but, if it didn’t come by mid-August, to let them know.
When will you be in Honolulu again during regular business hours and can take some time to meet with some downtown people? Your sense of humor as well as your physical appearance & intelligence could make a difference when something needs to happen.
We’re coming up to a crossroads in our household. DrDoc is undergoing a series of tests to determine what should be done – or if anything can be done – in trying to resolve a worsening medical condition. Until the results are in, we can’t choose which road to take. In the meantime, we’ll keep on keeping on.
Is is = is it… oops
G’night all! going moe moe …
LK and LizKauai- two different Tsaikos
LK makes the Tsaiko nametags and is an excellent photographer.
Happy Birthday LK!
Good thoughts for Dr. Doc.
Some comments from Karl Benson’s State of the WAC Address:
It’s Wack!
nahnahnah j/k
More Benson notes
No TV contract yet for the WAC???
…and finally, because he has heard about Stretch
translated: WTF?
I don’t give the referees a hard time since they are so far away that they can’t hear me. I only “interact” with the visiting coaches.
LizKauai received a birthday gift card to Macy’s from her eldest son so it could very well be her birthday. Don’t know if it is today, though.
Doc, I hope your husband recovers from whatever ails him.
tonight’s news
with Doris from PIAA as well as the WAC preseason polls, etc.
Pat Hill and Fresno St. got a taste of what Hawaii did from Michigan last year, only worse…they already had their plane tickets for the trip to Manhattan. It may play in Hawaii’s favor though this year.
Hmmm…I wonder what the line is on KSU-Montana St.? (For Amusement Only)
Sorry, I had the wrong website listed for Pat Hill’s comments.
Oh, but I bet they know what you’re thinking 😉
It very well could be….
we got it on good authority that it’s LK’s birthday, too.
Was that new combined referee system going into effect this coming season??
Awww, no pics yet.
Phew – what a long read!
chawan_cut- do you need a ticket to the Swamp game? We get extra.
Hauoli Lahanau, LK!
(not LizKauai whose b-day is in March like brew808 and d1shima said)
A-House, wowowow the 6th F in spades! Can’t wait to taste that butterfish at the Weber State T-Gate!!!
MeiLing – Right on cause I got family in Flagstaff too and Yuma…and friends all over Phoenix, Scottsdale and Mesa areas…
Hi xs-homey, you are up late, eh? Night off?
Good to see more ‘tizer staffers are going to the K-call.
Hey there XLiz! I’m taking an unscheduled time-out for the dogs. They need someone to tease tonight.
PB- bummed that you will be on deployment next FB season. But anything can happen… let us all enjoy the moments we have now ❗
Hope you see this when you get back later. P-L-E-A-S-E allow me to send your hubby the game dvd’s. Making another set is just too easy! Actually I sent 4-5 sets of each game (football, volleyball, baseball) to the 29th the last time they deployed, but I have a suspicion that they may have not filtered down to the lowest echelon! lol
I’d bet money that your hubby knows me and I’d know him if I saw him. They spent a lot of time with my unit and I shook every soldier’s hand on every flight as they boarded. I was also there to meet every flight that came back. Small, small world…
haha, xs… I can see it now…
“put me down!” … Bwahahaha!
I’m biting my nails about Jordon Dizon’s contract… yikes…
Gotta hit the hay early. Tomorrow is another long day!
bhf2- got a msg for you on the lifeboat.
Speaking about put me down, they are now getting their leashes and demanding I take them for a walk in the rain! Damn dogs, I’m the alpha male!
Aunty Liz – Yup, but we’ll see what happens cause I’m looking into lateral moving to a different job…
Anyway, time to tapout…catch you guys the day after today
What’s the over/under on number of “management” staffers who going be there? (For Entertainment Only)
Nitey nit, PB and Kakou!
What’s with the blue sides, now it just fades to a really whitish-blue.
WassupDoc: If you were to install the language packs, you’d see the Japanese and Korean characters. As for understanding them, you could either use an online translator (which usually don’t work too well), figure out what they say by reading the other posts (some people Romanize the text), or Google a resource that can help.
And my prayers for DrDoc too.
Thanks Liz.
I think I’ll keep the nic like that. 😉
Baylor has 4 QBs competing for the open starting spot, quite similar to UH right now. Baylor’s solution if one QB isn’t far above the others is probably different than what UH will do…Baylor is talking about having two QBs on the field!
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
Cheap and simple device could make a huge impact–letting traveler’s know exactly where their bags are, letting parents keep track of kids in busy areas like malls, tracking the elderly, etc. The price should come down as more and more people buy these devices, but the cheaper option is already just $4!
I’ve donated a lot of blood in the past to the Red Cross and never knew they have had problems with the way they collect and process blood for the past 15 years.
Article about how 2 million hydrogen fuel cell cars could be used in the US by 2020. Some of the assumptions made are pretty optimistic, but I’m hopeful that our next President will make a push for this and other green technology development.
Advisory issued about potential health risks of cell phones. Bluetooth and handsfree devices are recommended and children are recommended not to use cell phones except for emergencies.
Amazing that 86% of the Chinese surveyed said that they were content with their country’s direction, up from 48% in 2002. The next highest country was Australia, with 61% of Australians content with their country’s direction. 82% of the people in China were satisfied with their national economy, up from 52% in 2002. In the US, only 23% are content with our country’s direction and only 20% are satisfied with our economy.
Free play links pau.
Very interesting that this Orlando-Sentinel writer is soliciting ideas from readers about what they’d like to see on his blog.
This was posted 2 days ago and to date he has 6 comments
Feature article on Dennis McKnight. I didn’t realize that McKnight was born in Dallas.
sorry just practicing. did not mean to send that.
Some of the comments he’s gotten sound familiar. We’re so spoiled.
Thank you Stephen.
For all the advantages that UF seems to have over UH, it appears that the Tsaikos have had “big-time” coverage over and above what Gator Fans have received (certainly in Orlando anyway).
Planning something for a little girl?
Thought to ponder…this blog is doing 400+ posts/day during the “doldrums”. What will it be like when the season starts (or even fall practice!). Will the server go into catatonic fits again? What kind of guesses do our resident experts have? Hmmmm
Need to send that check to bhf2. See you all in the morning…
And then there’s the comparison between HawaiiAthletics.com and GatorZone.com 😯
Yeah, homey, It was a pleasant surprise for me too. Anyone else spotted who the “other writer” accompanying Kelli M is…?
The Tsai-kettes are building an advantage if there was a karaoke competition that night…
Why? Are they singing “Black and Gold”?
Don’t underestimate the power of L10PC and his ABBA tunes. 😀
I’ll be back in a little while.
I gotta check around my house for something…
The other `Tizer writer is Caryn Kunz who has two blogs: “Lost” in Hawai`i and Cruisin’ Ko`olauloa.
d1島 — no, but you want Al and I to sing “Black and Gold”? 👿
We are shielding Kelli but she can join us if she wants so Al and I don’t argue over the lyrics…
No mo’.
Do you have a tutorial on switching the direction of a “B”?
Thanks for the heads-up on Caryn.
Now we gotta bus’ out da RR4L signs. 🙂
One of you thinks it’s, “Gold and Black”?
Would a double sink filled with water on both sides ever be considered a pool?
Also, looking at the RSVP list, UHfan808 sings “Black and Gold” too.
Too many ?’s
Starting to feel like a 99 year-old who lives on a dark street.
Oyasumina-tsai (Kelli – dats Tsaiko-ji)
ST — Good morning (Utah time)!
Snack time?
Get it?
Howzit, Stephen.
d1shima: IDK of such a character.
Hawaiianbod and Pauoa Boy: We’ll see about this shot glass deal…
SteveM: Thanks for spreading the word about me being legal. Now look what you started! Haha! I’ll try to get more people to come. This is weird and almost a crime: Majority of my friends don’t really follow UH football. The ones who do hopped on the bandwagon a little late last season. Why are we singing “Black and Gold”? I’m sure my parents would join in on that one. Four years of sitting in the rain at football games and putting my head down in muggy buses afterwards and I can’t even remember the notes (not that I would even consider bringing my instrument and playing along).
Stretch: Well, I invited my parents, but I don’t think they’re coming.
Oh no…now I really got to practice…hopefully I’ll sound better than Pierce “the warbling walrus” Bronson. 😆
oops.. Bronson = Brosnan
I’m getting confused. Who know Korean (韓国語) and who knows Japanese (日本語)? I know Japanese and I pretend to know Korean (my source: K-dramas and K-pop).
d1島: Love the tsai子 — that’s funny. This is weird… I’m starting to miss Japanese class — weekly kanji quizzes, oral presentations in front of the class, grumbling over sensei mumbling and making me write apple (りんご) instead of doll (人形). To this very day, I still think I should get the half a point or whatever it was on that chapter test!
I know a little of both. Can read/write/understand some Japanese. Can read/write Korean.
Ah, I forget everything from Japanese. I burned out after four years of Japanese in high school and two at UH. That’s what I get for testing into JPN 100. 😀
hi folks, that 99 yr old on a dark street is moi? Just checked and the street light opposite my house still goes on and off. Will call the mayor’s complaints number tomorrow.
So sleepy these days. Do I have cancer? Usually, if a person is this tired, something’s wrong.
g’nite, folks.
Aloha ST,
did you get a chance to go eat at Ruby River or Texas Roadhouse? both are very good, but I give the nod to Ruby River….16 oz ribeye just like Ruth’s Chris for $18.99, complete meal….WOW
I left Utah in good shape, hope you do the same, haha
Tsai-Ko would be written サイ コ (sa-i-ko)
ラスベガス, Kelli, d1島, Jason — now you have me curious… since “Tsai” is or Chinese origin, I believe, then what is the Chinese (kanji) character.
Then, combine it with the Japanese kanji for child (ko)…?
Does that work?
chawan_cut – thanks for posting the sports report since I can’t see the news at night your postings keep me up to date along with everyone else here.
LK – Happy belated birthday and thank you for the Tsai-ko name tag.
ST – great article in today’s Tizer with Coach Mac.
For SteveM
The kanji I found in Chinese is 蔡 (tsai) not common in names but is very close to the Japanese “Matsuri” or festival.
The 子 (ko) is very generic and usually signifies a female child when used as a part of a name i.e. 蔡子
However I recommend keeping the kanji as is, otherwise with other kanji it would become “Tsai No Ko”
(sa-ee ko deu-ri)
안녕하십니까? 오래간만입니다.
(annyeong ha shimnikka? oregan-manimnida)
How have you been? Long time no see.
오늘은 서울에 비가 많이왔습니다.
(oneureun Seoul-eh biga mani wassumnida)
It rained a lot in Seoul today.
에스미 하고 안녕히 주무십시오.
(Es-mi hago annyeonghi choomooshipshio.)
“Esme” and good night.
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
37 days.
good morning bighilofan2
I always remembered ko as attached to a female’s name, such as Sachiko..so does it mean we’re all blessed as a female child of Tsai….
okay where’s the new post for the day so I can go to bed after reading it…it’s almost 8 am in SLC or is it 9 am?
Howzit Ralph
great article in the Tizer today about Coach Mack.
good work ST!
back at you in da lifeboat.
new post guys.
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