Day 5: Heating up
Well, it was indeed hot out there as this morning practice expanded to three hours.
And things heated up with the 1-on-1 drills between the linemen. The best battle was between left tackle Laupepa Letuli and right end Elliott Purcell. Let’s just say it went into overtime.
• Adam Leonard, Clarence “Lafu” Tuioti-Mariner and John Fonoti did not practice because of what are termed as non-serious injuries.
• Greg McMackin said he has “an idea” about a pecking order at quarterback, but Inoke Funaki, Greg Alexander and Brent Rausch will continue to share an equal number of snaps through next week.
• Of the newcomers, cornerback Jeramy “JB” Bryant has been very impressive.
* * *
Word on the street is that sportscaster Steve Fiorino will be leaving KHNLNews 8 to accept a position at Maryknoll School. Say, is that Wailele Salas back in town?
* * *
Happy birthday to Liane Yim.
* * *
Congratulations to today’s wedding couple — Radina “Diko” Chung (my sister-in-law) and Mike Bates.
Good Morning! TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woohoo two in a row!
two a days. niiiiice.
Am I alone here? Hello? Anyone?
let this be lurker day
Howzit Tsaikos and good morning to all!
less than 22, actually!!!!
Happy Birthday Liane!
Congrats to Diko and Mike!
ok stay dry gang and watch out for the Mililani traffic this weekend
9th 10th or 11th???
Howzit bhf2! Howzit Jayson, diesel and Glenn.
How are any of you (mainlanders) watching the Florida game? Gameplan?
Lucky 13
I thought double days don’t start until Monday?? Is there a new schedule coming out?? Does the afternoon “walk thru” count as a practice??
Good morning Tsaikos & Tsaikettes!
ooh…Bright and shiny morning. Everyone have a nice, safe day!
Shucks, wish I could make practice especially since there’s two today. Oh well…so take lotsa pics ST!?!
homey, I’m here!
Don’t forget that ESPNU is showing a replay of Florida’s 2008 BCS game on Monday.
Feeling better 808?
Word on the street is you were under the weather yesterday.
Happy (“Triple 8’s”) ALoha Friday Warrior Nation.
Please add in No more Front Flips while trying to score.
Don’t think we can afford those this season on this schedule.
Morning all!!!
Enjoy practices!
Howzit DPK, hows everything looking in the 808 today? We have a high temp of 68 degrees here. Sheesh, I thought this was summer…
I’d still go small claims and hearing wit da subpoena an da tow truck driver tellin da court he took your car “without knowin who made da proper authorization.” cya is what he doing, no like lose da contract, but you can force da issue in your hostile work environment issue. sayin no can is one thing, but taking physical possession makes em a bailee and then the stuff getting busted is property damage, an if the tow truck driver busted da stuff to take it away, without getting proper authority…
yep bradda Mike, i tink you get chance fo go HR and find out who went give em authority to “buss you up” find out who is hostile cuz yu get one bettah lookin chick, bettah lookin, yada yada. i tinkin da bradda jus no like yu so he makin one excuse, instead of callin yu yella….
best yet, go talk to WMojo, he seen dis kine stuff b4. me, i’m thinkin akshun Jakshun! da key, Stretch… wea’s da key…
Almost time to beef up the sports package. Aug 28th, Thursday, are the first games.
Oregon St. and Stanford play this day.
Here is a provided link to the entire schedule year for TV and Web access.
ESPN will be showing the opening game of SMU and Rice on Friday
terrible news about your motorcycle, Mike. I hope you’re compensated for all that damage.
Funny, my dad’s car was towed once, but there was no damage to it. Yeah, I parked it on Dole Street in a tow away zone. How was I to know there was a sign half a block away?
speakin ah yella…
mike i get issues 2…
Kai Opua, get dis big opu guy, called a DQ from far away, den neva own up to being da one who called da DQ right away…. den day spent hours lookin at da video, and no can tell DQ. but he wen call it and the video neva disprove so da rule is yu go wit da caller… an he da race director for Hawaiian Canoe Racing Assn this year. An Kai Opua won da AAA. He called da DQ on da 37 (3rd to last) race, and day neva make da DQ
announcement right away. An da DQ affected da 1st place team Puna. oddawize Puna wudda won by a point.
An you wondering why i callin him an his odda partna kukaiopua…
da bugga can work BOE or security at Tizer parking… 😀
anyway… got a appointment with a wannabe shrink in a few.
hi ho hi ho
Good morning! First of all, thank you to ST and all the Tsai-kos for supporting my blog and other internship adventures. Today is my last day at The Advertiser, but the blog will continue.
And I’m happy to say that I just got off the phone with my sister and she’s so happy and grateful that the Tsai-kos are doing the Genji’s breakfast for the Florida game.
Happy Aloha Friday and happy 08-08-08!
Hi UHfan! 🙂
Hope you’re feeling better. 🙂
Have a great day! 🙂
Off to what is hopefully the last meeting of the day. More lurking later…
morning all and happy 8/8/8
great to hear about LWJ, props to him since he’s been taking a beating on wsn and others. really hope it’s a sign of things to come since we’ll definitely need him this year. doubt that all that extracurricular stuff will be a problem when it comes to game time.
What? Diko’s getting hitched today?
Happy birthday Liane
I’ll add a happy birthday to Max Moon. His father wanted to name him Warren…his mother won). Because of Max’s numerous allergies, I ended up with the best dog ever.
‘Sup, Tsaiko Nation!
Good morning, ST! Sounds like you need to give your bro a ride today. *tsigh*
Good luck to Stephen and THE Princess for their double days as well.
BTW, Stephen, what happened to the birthday picture?
Aloha Tsaikos! I hope the injuries do not prevent our power running backs from making the trip to Florida. We need them to keep the Florida D in check. Here’s a little trivia:
Look at your clocks at 8 minutes and 8 seconds after 8 oclock this morning and it will be 8:08:08 on 8/8/08! Have a lucky day!
oh, and glad to see that adam wasn’t hurt yesterday. we all saw him limp off and sit on the sidelines… phew! hopefully he’ll rest it and be back to full strength soon.
Jack Flash – Revision
Look at your clocks at 8 minutes and 8 seconds after 8 oclock this morning and it will be 8:08:08 on 8/8/08 in the 808.
thank you for joining us as well.
and thank you for your blog too!
Stretch…that one also works in the evening.
I had the picture of Liane but the Tizer towed it away.
Let’s have a slogan contest.
My suggestion: Tizer parking — It’s a steal.
happy birthday liane!
no worry the pics. your vision is implanted in my brain.
tizer parking….free towing for employees.
best fo luck to you kelli!
a little swagger from lwj would certainly enhance his game.
uhfan808….i thought that sick call of yours was a shibai to stay home one day? awwwww. does it hurt to have a fever?
Stretch- classic!
hey……where’s garret?
Tizer Parking – It will whisk you away!
Take it easy bull! Sounds kinda fishy, but cool head main thing! Or you gonna join me in anger management class. I feel for you bruddah, but every “dog” has its day.
Think I’m short on cash to renew my subscription, you know, gotta eat and gas kinda expensive.
Think I’m gonna cut my hair, looks like a mop.
Gonna feel better when pau.
Look good when I gotta go anger management class, sponsored by, guess who?
Good morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes…
Just stopping by for a quick visit. Lots to do today.
DPK…fit?? I think that’s an oxymoron…MWahahahah…J/K man…
Mike, dayummm. Sorry about your bike man. I know the feeling as a fellow bike owner/rider. I got po’d when I had to drop my bike once…only scratched the tank and pegs…but geez….hope things work out.
Gigi…towing a car and bike are two different things. The tow company has to have the right equipment. Motorcycle shops tow motorcycles on a specific trailor with tie downs. Tow companies don’t always have that type of equipment and have been known/seen to tow bikes using a harness that hangs from their tow crane…really bad….
ST – “Tizer Parking – Friggin’ Tow-some”
Gang, if you don’t mind a quick hijack of the blog, I’ve got little tidbits of news and comment:
• Sorry I’ve been so … absent. Houseguests. Son just started preschool! (link to column I wrote about it below). And … I’ve been preparing madly for to undergo a makeover! (Click on my name for details.) Madness!
I miss you guys when I can’t stop by the clubhouse as much as I’d like. 🙁
• And … drum roll! … I’d like to specially invite the Tsaikos to please stop by at 10:30 a.m. Monday when I’ll have Heather McMackin as a chat guest!
Heather will answer your questions about the upcoming clinic for women, and the football life in general.
All the props go to ST for introducing me to Heather at the Blog Bash 2, thus making this chat possible. Hope you guys stop by!
OK, my hijack is pau.
Whoops. Sorry. Forgot to add the link for the column:
cutest thing to ever come out of esme’s lips………..”nucking futs”.
rewind to last night’s late entry by her.
dang them tow-ers. that would’ve been the most viewed picture in WB history.
i’d gladly pay for the towing fee to release it from the impound lot!
UH called, encouraging me to change the wording on my lead item, which I did.
Actually, I left the camera at the office, which is why I didn’t post it.
But, yeah, bad towers. Bad, bad, bad.
hi “almost the jason’s mom”!
good to see you about. hey that sounds like a real interesting chat on monday.
i think you should go talk it up with your, er, gulp, supervisor. one day i was trying to navigate the online tizer in search for your site. i couldn’t find it readily available anywhere. i looked at blogs, i looked in columns, island life, and all of the typical places.
cya soon.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Wow. That was a long sleep.
Mike- yike!
ST- what was wrong with Double Days? (still on your URL)
Few housekeeping items:
1. Mike – I’m here for you.
2. Pomai – many here haven’t worn jock straps.
3. Good morning everybody!
4. Happy Birthday Liane!
5. Many happy years together for the wedding couple.
6. UHfan808 – Where’s my pics? giggle hehehehe
7. Esme said what??? OMG! Must be the Filipino side.
8. Mike – I’m here for you.
you got smu’d. what was so wrong with the two a days or what ever it was?
Happy Birthday Liane…!!!!
try float your mouse over ISLAND LIFE in the link sections above.
“Advertiser Parking- Take your chances with us!”
Happy Birthday Liane!
btw, homey….haven’t seen your sweetheart around for awhile?
#2 but, even gigi is an athletic supporter!
#6 pics? what kind of pics? giggle, hehehehe
#7 i thought it was the tita side. filipino women don’t swear….in english.
#8 and #1 yah, we got your back michael, michael, motorcycle.
dpk…….no can. i don’t have a pool. anyway the little bugger died a few years ago. did you know that mice only live about a year?
i hope you all or as pride. would say, i hope ya’all got to watch the leahey and leahey show on wednesday. they interviewed coach mac for nearly 25 minutes.
so different, our last two coaches are.
al – I talking about the local filipino women! …like my mom! 😆
okay gotta do an esme here. ya’all please be nice to the dpk guy today.
we don’t want him to get nucking futs on us.
just kiddin’ kid.
good morning all!
i understand there’s only so many trees on the practice field and its HOT out there?
Tizer parking – you stow, we reap
are the tow-ers related to the manag-ers?
al – Which sweetheart?
LWJ – just having fun! looks like the RB position has some oowees but at least it’s early and hopefully they’ll be ready to rock and roll in Florida.
Celebrity sighting – WarriorMojo’s name was mentioned in brand-x, da odda pepa.
Did someone say DD’s?? or was it Two-A-Days???
Esme – can you re-remind us on Monday about the chat. Thank you very much.
Tows R US
happy birthday Liane
congrats Diko and Mike.
Tizer parking – wanna get away?
Kelli- high five!
Re: the ‘Skins – best article yet:
Tizer Parking – Here Tow-day, Gone Tow-morrow
🙂 Happy Birthday Liane! 🙂
Oh forgot, Kelli, I enjoyed reading your blogs. Keep up the good work and see you on Saturday and Saturday. Unless you are going to the practice on 8/14 morning then I’ll see you on Thursday.
‘Tizer Parking – BWAHAHAHAHA!
Hey XLiz – Feeling better? You look maaahvalous!
‘Tizer Parking – Smart and Friendly Staff
Anyone wanna join me, DPK, and the regulars on 8/14 to see the Warriors in full action? Don’t worry, UH parking structure is much safer than the ‘Tizer parking lot.
What’s does the Tizer parking and the BCS have in common?
They both are full of BS.
(j)j…..#78….okay, pick up your marbles…you win.
If the bike we’re talking about is the one I saw the last time I talked to Mike at UH, then that’s a shame. That’s a really nice bike.
i don’t want to watch the both of you violate a tree.
Anyone in the Hauula area?
Caryn Kunz’s blog,, has a write-up on Papa Ole’s with some pics. That pulehu ribs sure looks good!
What does the Tizer parking and a kleptomaniac have in common?
They both STEAL!
linkey no workey
you got the comma in your linkey.
Happy Birthday, Liane!
Mike, hope you can get some relief through the courts.
Thundershowers coming on ~ off with the computer.
al – Not me, I’m just going to watch DPK.
Any one have info on how the players with local ties did in the NFL games yesterday? I’m too zoned to search.
chawan – THANKS! That’s what happens when you cut and paste and type…
chawan – I’m also too lazy to use the “a href” tag. Sorry to let you down my CS brother. I’ll make it up later.
Tizer Parking – It’s FAN-tasitc!! Unless you work here and ride a motorcycle!
Stretch and d1shima – did we win the bet with gigi?
‘Tizer Parking – Random Tow-testing
Hey, anyone going to practice tomorrow???
I still have no way of getting UH-Florida. Can’t get Gameplan or
I’ll check the local sports bar, Rudy’s and see if they will put up with some UH fans at 9:30 AM and if they get gameplan for Gainesville bash!
Hi xs-homey!
I am ok but am not wandering far from bed (just to Wash. DC and back… bwahahaha). The flu is less painful with the meds but I have little to no energy and have to sleep a lot. Luckily, I can watch the preseason games on dvr.
(J) J – not me. I’ll be on a white sandy beach of Hawaii.
Tizer parking – no glitz, no glamour, only GUTLESS supervisors.
XLiz – I have little to no energy and like to sleep a lot but I don’t have the flu. 😆
On the bright side it is better you have it now than at the end of the month! GET WELL SOON!
Good morning Tsaikos!
Thank you very much for the birthday wishes 🙂 Thanks to Stephen for the shout out as well!
Hauoli Lahanau, Liane!!!
nope, you did not win the bet with gigi.
Dang…am I going to practice menyana by myself?? Don’t want to have to hang out just with DPK’s tree…MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Okay Makaha Son Homey….MWAAHHAHAHAHA
‘Tiser Towing, The Best Hookers in Honolulu
Tiser Towing, “We don’t charge an arm and a leg. We want your tows.”
homey and al,
I don’t wish to dishonor the blog or it’s host or bring “shame to the name” so I don’t dare respond to your comments about any tree.
The same goes to you James. Now get back to work!!!
can i say this?
Advertiser’s towing contractor, “Camel Towing”
gigi – why not? Third person again huh.
(J)J – Not the first time you practiced by yourself. Ukelele lessons…duh, what were you thinking!
Happy Birthday Liane!
[…] Original The Warrior Beat | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics | | Honolulu, … […]
DPK – c’mon, as I was implying to Jason last night, we all brought shame to Herman’s name. 😆
another boring laundry day. make it exciting, homey!
DPK, maybe you should change your nic to DA TREE.
Howzit LV!
Dd you purchase the jersey?
yeah, homey, I agree. I should not have written those letters to the editor and to the BOR re firing poor Herman.
Like I said, when given the choice of being right or being kind, always choose to be kind.
but, you know, it was because of the public outcry that Donovan became our new AD.
gigi – you could pop in a DVD of the Hawaii/Washington game and watch them overcome an early deficit to win! That would make laundry exciting!
Did you ask your hubby if he wants to join us at Genji’s for the early game?
Mike — re: Bighilofan2 comment #21 captures one of his more secret lucid moments 🙂 makes a lot of sense. Spooky, no? Think of the culprit waiting and squirming for the hearing.
Hi Spammer! #113!
Aren’t those TV screens at Genji ultra small? I would love to eat that breakfast, though. Puts nutrisystem food to shame.
But, nah, we’ll watch the game on our HDTV.
LV…good ones…
Gigi…is today Friday? Laundry already? Better wash your over 100 muu muus….
Homey – I know…but it gets lonely 🙁
Tizer Parking – What every Fisherman wants to hear – “HOOK-UP!!!”
camel towing
tinks we gots our selves a winna
Happy Birthday Liane!
Hi jojo! 🙂
I would rather be right! “Yes Officer, I was not driving under the influence and doing 90 mph in a 35 mph zone” versus “Nope occifer, i i am not plazzzterrrrd and sp spe speedn, wanna beer?”
Liz: thanks for the link on #77. hope you’re feeling better.
H Bod,
Takin’ care of yerrself?
SteveM – Yeah, invite gigi’s hubby! I bet she didn’t even ask him! I’m sure he wouldn’t mind hanging out at the KKall and Genji’s.
Hawaiianbod, you’re the spammer? But you eat so healthily!
Hi jojo…
da princess’ classmate…Well, I’d rather have a camel tow..than a moose knuckle…MWAHAHAHAHAHA
Colt Kismet:
“What did (or didn’t) you see in Josh Johnson (QB out of San Diego University) that you didn’t draft him in the later rounds? The questioner asks “because he had better numbers than Colt Brennan and is much faster.”
We liked Josh Johnson a lot and brought him in before the draft as a visit. He played in a West Coast type offense coached by Jim Harbaugh in San Diego. He’s a guy we had a lot of interest in, and we did a lot of work on him.
He got taken in the fifth round [by the Buccaneers], and we didn’t have a fifth round pick. We filled some other needs in the third and fourth rounds. If he had been there in the sixth round when we took Colt, he would’ve been a consideration. But that’s part of the draft. You sit there and wait, you target certain guys, and you have needs in other areas. So the way it played out, he wasn’t available for us to consider, but he was a guy we definitely liked a lot.”
LV – yah, thanks! 🙂 It’s all “G”.
H Bod,
Nope, Mrs LV is watching me like a hawk.
Her words “what you thinking? You already have two Redskin shirts”(actually I have 5 jerseys)
Me “yeah, but this the kid from Hawaii”
Her “So….”
Me ” ah… uh…. but, ah neva mind”
hubby lurks on this blog, so he knows about the 2 events at Genji.
LV, whose money would you be spending? Yours or hers?
hi, hubby!
Gonna put this out there again because I know more Tsaikos will want in. Anyone wanting to play fantasy football, I have a league set up on yahoo. The live online draft is on Sunday, August 24, at 8pm pacific/ 5pm hawaii. So far it’s me, pauoa boy, jason, checkraze, J and I think homey(couldn’t tell by the name). We need a minimum of 8 and will have a max of 12 players. If you want to play, send me your email address and I will send you the invite. You can email me at djmitcho at yahoo dot com
jojo – no, no, no (I eat the “other” white meat).. Just wanted to say hi.
Hubby lurks? No wonder all the abuse from his boss.
Settling down…
“It’s quiet at Redskins Park today, as far as access to the players is concerned. The morning’s “mock game” (apparently Coach Zorn doesn’t agree with the term “walkthrough”) was closed not only to the public and the press, but to staff as well, and there’s no player availability the day before gameday….
The quarterbacks. Jason Campbell has had a terrific week of practice following his strong showing in Canton, and I want to see if it translates again. Nothing too shocking there. As far as Colt Brennan, we’re rapidly reaching the point where I’m even more interested in watching everyone else react to him than I am in watching him … although another showing like last week would certainly be fun to see. And Todd Collins is learning his first new playbook in a long time, so it’ll be interesting to see how he’s doing with it. I’ll be especially watching the speed that the QBs show getting out of the huddle and into plays, as that’s something that Coach Zorn emphasized last week. ‘
American’s have Mickey Mouse, Canadians have Mickey Moose. I know dry joke…
There’s 2 events at Genji’s?
Thanks XLiz for the reads!
gigi – Why didn’t you tell me about the Genji’s breakfast and Karaoke?
…also when traveling to Canada don’t forget to use repellent because you can get a hernia if those moosequitoes land on you.
this is what happens when you become a rockstar 😉
Normally, paycheck and half of tips went to Mrs LV.
My portion of tips went to stuff like son’s schooling expenses, computer stuff for me and FUUD at L & L.
With fewer working hours and cheapo customers (plus buying the car) I’ve been giving her 90% of gratuities and letting her take care of all the bills.
With my 10%, I must pay car loan, so no L & L since over a month.
Congrats and Blessings to Diko and Mike- 😎
thanx a lot (jesse) james
spit (coughed) out my drink all over da monitor after reading that one, yikes
Speaking of Toe Trucks
. . .
Zorn May Shuffle QB Rotation In Bills Game
“It’s the experiences in the game that I want to give them,” Zorn said. “It’s possible that I may want to give Colt Brennan a two-minute drill. I’ve got to see that and I’ve got to give him that experience. So we may mix and match as we go along.”
Brennan said on Thursday that he was nursing a “tight hamstring,” but he expected to play.
He had not yet been informed of the quarterback rotation beyond Campbell.
Even so, Brennan does not interpret any change in the rotation as a promotion.
“Everyone knows that Todd has [the No. 2 quarterback position] down,” Brennan said. “Even the coaches ask him for advice. I think [Coach Zorn] is maybe just trying to get the rookies and young guys more work.”
al, if I said what I REALLY wanted to say, you might not have thought it was so cute. 😉
Esme, you’re not an old fut, yet.
I thought that “nucking futs” was some sort of digestive condition.
homey – great minds think alike.
Hi everyone,
A couple people here have asked how they could see the Florida game. For those who can’t get or don’t or can’t get ESPN Gameplan, I believe our game will be streamed live on Yahoo! Sports.
I’ll have to confirm this as we get closer to game time.
Let me guess, the parking lot supervisor and the tekkies supervisor is the same person.
❗ Last Call to all Tsai-kos in the lower SF Bay area:
BayBow (Sunnyvale)
localboy18 (San Jose)
m2d (San Mateo)
PONO (San Jose)
rylen (San Jose)
Warrior650 (Mountain View)
….and all lurkers
Saturday August 9, 2008
11:30 AM (buffet)
Palace BBQ Buffet (Korean) – 11:30 AM
1092 E. El Camino Road Real #1
Sunnyvale, California
Attendees confirmed so far:
Addahknowjoe & Addahknowsports
Garret, Lori, Faith, and Mika
808chef (maybe)
RSVP on the blog, email brew808 or Garret, or just show up!
… Everyone was excited about Colt Brennan’s debut in Canton, Ohio, but don’t forget about former Marshall quarterback Derek Devine. Quarterback specialists such as Zorn love surrounding themselves with as many quarterbacks as possible. And he told me on Tuesday that Devine “has a hose.” …
I can wait until the season officially ends for my winnings!
‘Tizer parking: We’ll hook you up.
nucking futs is better than gnarly futs?
Perhaps this was discussed ad nauseum in yesterday’s thread, but I’m very encouraged by the reports made on one of the local news stations last night regarding the sale of tickets for UH road games, especially the ones for Florida and Oregon State.
Thankfully there will be a decent showing for the green and white at these two marquis road games this season. Hopefully such support can boil over into the Fresno and Boise games as well.
Hawaiianbod, HI there! Fish is good for you, I think. But salmon isn’t white, it’s pink…
Wondering how 11’s are going right about now?
can’t believe that Stretch hasn’t chimed in yet with…
‘tizer parking: WTF?!?!
Happy Birthday Liane!
Congratulations to all the Brides and Grooms today.
(Note to self: avoid anyplace that has any kind of banquet facility tonight)
I was just kidding about the futs….
(Darth Maul, my favorite)
7th heaven?
You think the HA wants to diversify, opening a new “toe-ing” business.
Stay in the pepah biz, and leave the bruddahs to the “vehicle relocation.”
Yep really “NUTZ”
10nt pegs
homey — I’m pretty sure hubby would not be interested in the Genji TV-Gate, so let’s not tease gigi (we still need her as Plan B). But hubby might be interested in the Karaoke Call if he knew especially since he was a musician and instructor himself.
Maybe d1島 can offer to DD for hubby that night…especially since he can find his place in the dark dark… 😆
Farm-raised salmon have white flesh. Color additives in the food make the flesh pink.
There are some naturally white-fleshed salmon…
Popular tag for pork: The other white meat
‘Tizer parking: We can make space for you.
Anybody gonna check out Punahou bruddah Barry?
Keehi Lagoon gonna be NUTZ!
HA- tow jamb
nobody wants to hear hubby sing off-key. Besides, we have a party with in-laws from Boston scheduled for the next day. Can’t be hung over for that one.
jojo – fish is good for you but you should not consume too much because of the mercury concerns. Also, never purchase previously frozen fish (including poke) because they use carbon monoxide to keep the fish looking fresh.
Add that to the list of places to avoid today.
Wacchu talkin’ ’bout? 😎
J – good info!
I wanna start my own tow company.
I’ll call it “Camel Tow”… 😆 sorry, couldn’t resist… 😳
d1 – you and the mrs flying up with no. 2 son?
Las Vegas BEAT me to it! 😳 and a double 😳
what’s the significance of camel tow? I don’t get the joke.
Your vision could get better if the techies are in charge…hehehe
Looks like Boise is definitely going to be out. I used up too much vacation this year (Sugar Bowl, three weeks Spring Break, camping and Las Vegas). I have to save the rest for Fresno, Texas and Xmas in Cali and Vegas.
Sorry I could get a pic to you yesterday. There was a certain tree in my way. Funny thing, I heard two guys behind me talking about coming back in the middle of the night and cutting said trees down because they were blocking the view.
Koauka – Now I’m having second thoughts of parking my car at the Tizer and visiting ST.
SteveM – Wouldn’t hurt to ask hubby to both functions. He does have the key to the house in case we need to initiate plan B.
‘Tizer Parking – Safe and secure.
Kazz – please enlighten Gigi.
H-Bod – have you tried Kona Kampachi®? No mercury! Tastes awesome!
chawan_cut, al, LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER and homey %: Thank you! I don’t think I’ll be at practice on Thursday, but I’ll see you on Saturday, August 16 and 30. And you’ll get to meet my family, too. They seem really excited about breakfast at Genji’s.
Yeah Kazz, please do!
Gigi – don’t ask!
Ronnie is waiting patiently to find others to join her in Boise. She said all you need is yellow-lensed glasses to make the field look green!
Practice must be brutal today. I miss PL’s videos and it sucks to watch the news for their practice video.
camel tow, camel tow, hmmm what’s wrong with camel tow?
😀 rotflmffao
OMG you guys killing me! LOL!
Gigi – google “camel toe”.
homey – no, I haven’t. In fact, i’ve never heard of it. I’ll have to check it out.
Need a ride on the 30th?
Koakane – can on the 16th?
Now, I thought this was a family blog …
Howzit Loa! Too funny, eh?
Colt’s blog update..
las vegas introduced the concept to the blog….i was waiting to see when the infamous 20 questions person was going to finally ask.
i guess gigi never heard of it and google.
somebody also explain “nucking futs” to her please. (homey, we had the same knee jerking reaction to that one too. again.)
OK, I googled camel toe. It’s a porn term that I never heard of before.
One learns a lot on the Warrior Beat, which is truly a guy’s blog.
wonder if hubby knows the term.
Listen here now folks. Let’s not corrupt the virgin ears of my sweet little wifey with all this tip toeing through the tulips.
I may be interested in that Karaoke Kall. Did you say there will be some Crown Royal?
You should hear me sing after I have had a few.
why don’t you ask him tonight?
al & Kazz- Just a thought: She’s baiting you.
Vanessa – to make tomorrow’s practice a pleasant experience, I suggest bringing something to sit on and some sunscreen. It’s gonna be hot!
howzit gang!
thanks for the ab workout now i gotta clean the spit off my keyboard
The blog IS a family blog. I happen to like Camels.
BTW, obviously some practices have been running past 2hrs. I thought the NCAA held a heavy hand saying that practices are allotted for X-amount of days and have to be 2hrs… Or was this only for the spring? OR is it because UH has to leave for Florida and the allotment of practice days at home are less so there are extra hours to be used for the days they are here?
poor gigi — what would this blog do w/o u
Izzy – not in a million years!
Gracious, the Tsaikos are in fine form today. 😆
actually, I thought it meant —
Came, Will tow.
What can we say? 8-8-08 it all goes down!!!
Oh, and there’s that thing going on in China too right? 😉
Rob –
I’m bummed that you can’t make it for the Boise game. I guess we’ll just have to make twice as much noise at the Fresno game.
*DPK sez nothing*
that ain’t much better! 😯
what’s going on in china? chinatown? gotta avoid chinatown too?
sheesh, hotels/banquet areas, keehi lagoon, and chinatown?
damn it, there goes my card game 🙂
Looks like I’ll be doing a “gigi” tonight to avoid all the crowds.
btw, just coined another one for the WB – do a “gigi”
#223 ok now di you explain it to her.
dont u mean do a jojo
She knows how to guugle now, no need.
Just stand back!
H-Bod – still waiting on Koakane’s e-mail. As for the 30th…maybe!
al – things that make you go hmmmmm. 😆
‘Tizer Parking – Motorcycles welcome!
I believe Mel Kiper is spending his day attempting to destroy video and audio evidence that he was backing “First Day Failure Flacco”?
kinda wanna beat teams, especially at home when they’ve got all their bullets, but htis is a slightly different scenario than fla losing their AA tight end.
looks like Cincy’s QB Mauk’s final hopes for a 6th season were dashed 2day.
oh wells
their D will still be very very good and very very fast
kazz, I guess all that height and weight didn’t help Flacco. Strong arm, blah blah blah.
Colt outshone him for sure.
4got flacco kiper’s a wacco stat line wasn’t it something like
0-3, 2 picks 1 fumble and 1 deer in da headlights look 😆
stregnth of schedule, my tuschie
and when is somebody gonna explain 2 me nuckin futs darn it 😉
thanx in advance
somebody go tell izzy it is not a shibai. the gigi been running for two years now.
Here’s some video from that thing happening in Beijing.
No voice-overs just video.
Kazz – Can’t wait to see how all the other rookie QB’s do!
dpc – thanks for the Mauk info!
Esme – post and run
jojo – make reservation and no show up
XLiz – off to work
homey – star gazing
gigi – ???
drunkenmiller, flacco, please add 2 da list
there is a definite purpose for placing the two words in juxtaposition.
look long at it dpc,
now switch the two first letters of each word……….
Going on lunch hour now….
now switch the two first letters of each word……….
“UNcking UFts?!”
Gigi, when I heard all the talk about the other QB’s, I didn’t hear them say anything about “height, build, etc…”.
To me, all I heard was “anything but the kid from HAWAII”.
Sure, they’ll take a DE, LT, or LB… but God forbid someone playing a “skill” position from UH is legitimate or can be legitimate.
The “Hawaii” bias is not a myth to me.
dpc – didn’t that guy with the nice hair pick the wazzu qb over manning too?
homey – 20 questions, was their a game show by that name
um… uh……. thanx al
Tanks for da Flacco statline. Da proof is in da puddin’ I reekon.
*somewhere far away, Mel Kiper Jr. stands in front of a mirror in a men’s restroom, glaring furiously at his hair…*
LMFAO :lol
Just got back from my first practice. They all looked like they are working hard. I am really impressed with the way the practice is run,very organized. I mostly watched the QB’s and receivers. I have to say my vote is for Alexander…..
Too funny; forgot to finish ’em
ah yes how could we 4get about ryan leaf, shouldn’t the bolts be able to pursue theft charges against him, wanna see what junior seau really thought of him as he was pulling him away from that reporter in the locker room.
Speaking of… Dennis Dixon going before Colt was almost, if not MORE laughable than Flacco. Yeah Dixon played in the PAC 10, blah blah blah, BUT if people wanna talk “system” what the hell is more “systematic” and more anti-NFLish than a QB thriving off of a wacky spread option offense?
Plus his build is a FAR cry from what Colt brought to the table.
This guy hurt himself and ended his college career earlier than expected and it will be interesting to see if he can even roll out of the pocket without getting tempted to run the ball.
He’d get his clock cleaned in the pros!
It’s funny for me because I was rooting for Oregon last season (well, anyone but USC would have been AWESOME) and I still cannot believe how that team FELL APART after Dixon got hurt.
Goes to show:
-How one dimesional they truly were at the end.
-Dixon was a good COLLEGE talent.
BUT again, we’re talking Dixon in the NFL… At QB, I DOUBT IT!
Although Zorn complained that Colt was “scaring” him because of risky throws, Zorn also praised Colt’s accuracy.
I think that was a good thing he said.
you guyz are a trip, thanx 4 making my day fly by. who needs comic central.
oh my boss thanx u all 4 having to have him buy me a new monitor. never new soda is bad 4 it.
Kiper still has a shot at a promising lounge-singing career.
The fool already has the look locked down!
How’s he gonna sing with that foot in his mouth?
kiper, da viper…
I guess he is hoping that Colt will be a mere 1-game wonder and go downhill from there.
Someone ought to throw a pie at da viper’s face!
gigi….now try and google “moose knuckle” or ask hubby…he might know…
Some people are being too hard on Zorn’s comments.
I believe PridePeriod had a REAL great post about it a while back.
But I agree with Zorn’s analysis, not so much his choice of words. With rookie talent, people around him who are looking out for his future sometimes will have to protect him from himself.
NOT to say Colt will let the praise get to his head, but we are all human and gotta be careful of it and Zorn was doing just that AND being truthful to what he expected Colt to do.
But we all know. Ultimate goal of football is to win and to win you gotta get those TD’s.
But there is a method to the madness in the steps coaches scheme to get to that endzone and we will never see it or understand it, but the reasoning is there.
Zorn believes in Colt, we believe in Colt, and Colt believes in Colt.
As long as Colt keeps a level head, does what Zorn asks of him EXACTLY as he as he wants, Colt will return to Aloha Stadium as a Pro Bowler!!!
hey Stephen – thanks for the update, boys getting fiesty, i remember derby and noga went into stoppage time too
nah, James, I don’t wanna know… not after googling camel toe.
speaking of system QB’s — how in the world did alex smith get to be da #1 pick. slow unorthodox motion, but b/c he had one great year in a college system O, NFL execs think he’s deserving of da #1 pick. what a joke. he’s gonna get beaten out by sean hill or something o’sullivan.
WHHHHAAAAAT, WHHHOOOOO. no urban meyer qb has succeded in the league, no bowling green, utah, chris leak. what will T-bow do??
hate 2 look backward but would’ve been interesting to see where colt got drafted if he had a typical colt game in da sugar bowl. but that’s behind us now and he’s in a great situation in washington with a qb/head coach who i think has fallen in love.
Vanessa- mahalo! Da boy still get his head on straight! Time for meds and nigh nigh.
BTW, does the city of Cleveland pride themselves on their production of STEAMROLLERS?
Ok, now I better step away for a bit… 😆
FWIW, I don’t think Flacco threw 2 ints. in his first inauspicious NFL game. He faced average high school players in college and to expect him to play exceptional against NE’s 3rd and 4th stringers is crazy. I can only say this now since he didn’t do to well… 😆
Thanks for the update ST. Good to see the players getting feisty!
curveball – What makes Alexander stand out?
my old eyes must be trippin’ sorry 4 da erroneous info
but i do know the deer in da headlights was right 😆
things that make me go hmmm and then zzzzz.
2005 was just a bad year for QBs, everybody reached higher than they should.
Alex Smith: 1st overall vs. 2nd-3rd round grade (my 2005 grade)
Aaron Rodgers: 24th overall vs. 3rd round grade
Jason Campbell: 25th overall vs. 3rd round grade
Charlie Frye: 3rd round vs. 5th round grade
Andrew Walter: 3rd round vs. 4th-5th round grade
David Greene: 3rd round vs. 5th-6th round grade
Kyle Orton: 4th round vs. 5th round grade
Stefan LeFors: 4th round vs. 7th-FA grade
Dan Orlovsky: 5th round vs. 7th-FA grade
Adrian McPherson: 5th round vs. FA grade
Derek Anderson: 6th round vs. 6th-7th round grade (those 6th rounders…)
Matt Cassel: 7th round vs. FA grade
Ryan Fitzpatrick: 7th round vs. FA grade
Ah, if we had drafted Braylon Edwards instead of Alex Smith. Funny, cause that same year we drafted Frank Gore in the 3rd round, and I had him as one of the steals of the draft, a 1st round quality player if he stayed healthy.
For those attending practice: Did you notice if LWJ is putting his shoulder into defenders to break tackles or has he just been using speed to get through the holes and around the corner? I want to see him put some of that 200+ lbs into someone this year. Go Warriors.
So, anybody going to practice tomorrow???
I love this blog.
It’s the best.
And tell the Tizer to stop towing employee’s cars.
Oh boy!
One-on-ones…scraps….NOW practice has really started!
Gotta get back up to Manoa and see if Coach Gerke is gonna follow the line of creative linguistics established by Cav and then Hulk, er I mean McKnight.
dpc – deer in the headlights is being overly kind. He was probably chitting bricks and had to throw his DII jockstrap away.
In defense of Flacco, I hope he does better next game because what do the Ravens have? Boller and Smith as the other QB’s? Good thing their defense is decent.
gigi – this is a pic of a camel toe – enjoy!!
Ronnie – I was getting excited about celebrating in Boise until I looked at the cost of airfare! Yikes…that would scare any normal person.
WM – You know that the twins and I were only looking at any possible health issues when they were taking off their gear ie. bruising, possible injuries, unbelievable pecs…
Jason – Whoa! 2005 really sucked for QB’s!
I surprised that no one here has mentioned that the BOE has to voted to spare JV sports.
curveball – you was at practice?? How come you no say Hi??
Rob – airfare was about $400 to portland/seattle then another $160 to boise
It’s a possibility. What time is practice?
gigi – another one.
Hiflyer – we all knew that already. Oh, you weren’t on the email list…sorry.
homey: 2005 was exceptionally weak, but really, it’s been weak for quite a while. I could make a post with all the QBs since 1998, and you’d be shocked at how poorly these NFL teams evaluate and develop QBs (cause development is key). That’s why I never trust anybody but myself when it comes to QB evaluations.
8:30 – 11:30…I was going to go around 10.
Rob25 – don’t forget that Tsaiko men have unbelievable pecs too! A to DD cups!
Spammer #270, why don’t you learn how to read the comments instead of spamming
Jason, thanks for you analysis
Honestly I am not sure who anybody is by sight. I know who ST is but I didnt want to bother him. He was talking to a big guy at mid field..
homey..I like Alexander because of his foot work, accuracy and his zip on the ball. I also like his size in combination with some of those taller receivers and his size will be able to pick up some of the smaller ones like #21 and #5 who are both real fast. I did not see #21 drop one ball today while I was there.
Also went to Genji’s after for a cold one…. I am in for the Florida game
Jason – If not the QB then what position is evaluated the best by the NFL team experts?
Tizer – free “Valet” parking.
curveball – if you said a “fat guy at midfield”, I would have said that was me. Check out SteveM’s site and look at some of the pictures.
Also, next time let me know you were going to Genji’s, I would have joined your for a cold one…. soda right??
Oh yeah, sorry
HI (Jesse) James
are you the spammer? I thought you’re the gym king.
curveball – thanks! I’ll be there on Thursday to see for myself. Should I watch the QB’s or should I watch the RB’s go through their drills? Or maybe watch the D beat up some bag. I leave the o-line to WM and Pride. I trust their judgment. Linebackers no need watch, they are that good!
Maybe I’ll stay by myki and sjmacro and watch my fav receiver!
See you at the Florida game!
Hmmm….I guess somebody wasn’t so “busy” today after all 😉
Thanks Stretch…but Ronnie wants me to fly into LAX. On top of that I am going on to Austin TX to see my hubby at Fort Hood before they ship out to Iraq.
Homey – Unfortunately, or fortunately in some cases, I haven’t seen Tsaiko men taking off their “gear” *tsigh of relief*
Who started this camel toe thing? First, the tree and then this…I only found out what this is last year. TMI, wish I didn’t know.
jojo – go to the KKall and you will see a lean mean buff James machine. The buggah iz one animal in da gym!
I am the gym prince…not king yet…that’s homey…
and I am not the spam bot
Waaassssaaaaawwwwwpppppppp Erryboddy…
Rob25 – pssst, wanna see poolside pics of SteveM?
Compared to homey…I am like DPK’s tree….scrawny….LMAO MWAHAHAHHAHA
ST – did Jovonte Taylor practice today?
If you need further explanation of what a Camel Toe is…
WARNING: The following is not suitable for chillerens!
Uh-oh, something tells me Pauoa Boy got a hold of some more meds.
Wassup PB!
Wassup PB!
Stretch – soda, huh…is that like your meeting at Ala Wai?
Homey – I sat by myki and sjmacro Wednesday and Thursday. She was sweet enough to let me use her beach towel yesterday. They come prepared with a roster and everything.
The RB’s were practicing in the endzone so I couldn’t see them as well. We had a great view of the 7 on 7s, QBs and receivers, and the DBs. All of this in the shade of a tree…hopefully not the infamous tree!
homey – don’t think I seen him out there today
Glad to hear the boys being physical at practice…Go Hard or Go Home, just stay injury free please.
Hope Heun and Farmer get well soon, we need another West Keli’ikipi/Reagan Mauia type running over people!
INOKE FUNAKI for starting QB!!!
Hi jojo ® — I don’t see you on the Karaoke Call list yet. You know you can’t do a jojo with jeje if you are not on the list… 😐
Homey …………… I like watching QB’s but its all good.. I did watch the LB’s for awhile…..big guns….and quick.I had a good time…. will go again
Where can I get a rooster telling me who is who by number at the practices???????
Howzit d1, Wazzup homey
So homey is saying the (Jesse) James is a gym rat, but (Jesse) James says that he is scrawny….
Hmmm and it looks like one spammer got bounced….
homey and dpk, where are you going to eat after practice on Thursday?
Happy Birthday Liane!
Congratulations Diko and Mike…
pickup rosters at the concession.
WHAT? There’s an e-mail list?!?!
Love how Blaze Soares talks about hitting Bain…I didn’t hit him intentionally, just a good whack, hahaha cannot wait until he crushes Te-bow and sends him to the turf crying in pain from the explosion he’s going to unleash!!! Blaze no let up, whack the ish out of errybody!!!
Just a random comment …… I think ST is color blind
Congratulations, Radina & Mike!
Hi PB!
I think that Alexander is looking the sharpest out of them all. His height is a definite advantage.
Who is #89..he was working on his hamstring towards the end of practice..did not look real happy about it…
Rob25 – Are you going on Thursday?
Stretch – still waiting for his papers I see.
jojo – Tell us where to meet you and I promise we’ll show up.
Rob25 – if the tree looks sad then that is the tree.
Anybody watch “The Office”?
We’ve got a Toby working for us.
Isn’t #89 Malcolm Lane?
malcolm lane is No. 89.
it seems that many a person i speak to have been impressed with alexander the great.
sounds like he and inoke may be neck and neck at this point. perhaps next saturday’s scrimmage will be the final test?
Howzit Aunty Rob25…
Sorry I’m biased on Inoke Funaki, I think he has an “it” factor about him that needs to be let loose on the field. Plus he’s a leader and well respected by his teammates. I feel he is one of those guys who can will his team to a win with his presence on the field…IMHO
Alexander from what I saw at practices has a strong arm, but I dunno how he’s been developing, so I’ll take your word for it…cause I’ve only heard good things about him lately…
Rausch I think can wait a year actually, I don’t see him in the mix too much???
SteveM…please add curveball to the Florida game Tsaikogate TV viewing attendees…thanks…
After running his last pattern,Lane #89 grabbed his hamstring and went over to the side (by the trees) and began stretching it out. A trainer came over and worked with him on it until the kicking practice began.
homey – re230 just let me know.
James, I’ll be at Manoa tomorrow but I’ll probably leave a little before the 11:30 finish time so I can make it to work on time.
Hiflyer, please e-mail me at tsaikotailgate (at) gmail (dot) com.
I do not have your e-mail address and I will need it for t-gate purposes.
al – I don’t know about being neck and neck since ST hinted that Coach Mack has an idea of a pecking order…
Homey – I doubt that I can make Thursday’s practice because it’s in the morning…or I could pull a “Stretch” and come up with some work related excuse. Then I’d have to pull an “Esme” and whoosh out of there or a “Homey” and be missing in action. Short answer…not sure as of right now.
The tree didn’t look too sad, crooked, but not sad.
I don’t remember seeing Taylor yesterday, but saw him the day before.
Hey, isn’t #21 Pilares???
H-Bod – re326, will do!
SteveM, I’m not avoiding going, I’m just not saying if we are going so I don’t jojo. And I don’t know what time the Punahou-McKinley game will be pau, or even what time it starts…
So did everyone get confirmation on their season tickets?
take it easy Rob, I am working 24/7, my cell phone is always on
Howzit PB! How’s the back?
I am unsure of who I am missing from the “e-mail” list for the tailgates.
There will be a few small changes this season and I need to get the word out when things are confirmed. I hope to do this by the end of next week.
For those that have not been in contact with me before about our tailgates please e-mail me at tsaikotailgate (at) gmail (dot) com.
Also there MAY be a few people that DID e-mail me last season but I may not have saved your e-mail address OR you may have changed it. If you are unsure, best to be safe than sorry so e-mail me anyway to confirm.
We are approx. 647 hours away until the FIRST home game of 2008!!! LET’S SET THE TONE RIGHT FOR AN AWESOME SEASON!!!
Rob7-11 – okay, see you on Thursday!
I’ve had mine for nine years…hoping that’s confirmation enough.
Sorry, dat was “rooster” and I got confused between Waialua and Manoa. (I hate wen dat happens)
jojo – the Pun/Mck game starts at 4:00p.m. should be finished way before 8:00p.m.
I know Stretch…you are very good at multi-tasking. I don’t know how you make so many events, CC, KK, Pau Hana, practices…you are da man.
2008 UH Football Season Tickets
I called the UH box office late in July and they told me they look to mail out the season tickets the week of August 18th. I *believe* (don’t quote me on the following) they mail them out using USPS Certified Mail so they can verify who received them as a signature upon delivery is needed
This seems about right as they get them out near to the beginning of the first home game. The tickets are printed out on the mainland and thus they have to be shipped here.
Like years past, I have always requested UH to hold my tickets at the box office at Manoa for me to pick up in person as I do NOT feel comfortable with it sitting in my mailbox or someone else “borrowing” them… But that’s just me.
Florida and Oregon State Tickets
They also informed me that those who purchased tickets to the Florida game “SHOULD” have received them already or they are a few days away from getting them. They couldn’t give me a date for the Oregon State tickets but since the Florida game is sooner they are getting those out faster.
Those in question should call the UH Box Office at 956-4482.
Season tickets not proof of gender. 🙄
Ignore, I’m just thinking out loud about a depth chart…
QB: Inoke Funaki, Greg Alexander, Brent Rausch
RB: Daniel Libre, Leon Wright-Jackson, Jake Heun, David Farmer
X WR: Greg Salas, Mike Tinoco
H WR: Michael Washington, Jon Medeiros
Y WR: Aaron Bain, Kealoha Pilares
Z WR: Malcolm Lane, Royce Pollard
LT: Aaron Kia, Ray Hisatake
LG: Keith Ah-Soon, Brysen Ginlack
C: John Estes, Austin Hansen
RG: Lafu Tuioti-Mariner, Keoni Steinhoff
RT: Laupepa Letuli, Adrian Thomas
LE: David Veikune, C.J. Allen Jones, Victor Clore
RE: John Fonoti, Elliot Purcell, Alasi Toilolo
LT: Fale Laeli, Josh Leonard, Vaughn Meatoga
RT: Keala Watson, Rocky Savaiigaea, Tuika Tufaga
STUB LB: Adam Leonard, Tyson Kafentzis
MAC LB: Solomon Elimimian, Brashton Satele
BUCK LB: Blaze Soares, R.J. Kiesel-Kauahane
CB: Ryan Mouton, Calvin Roberts
CB: Jameel Dowling, JoPierre Davis
FS: Keao Monteilh, Desmond Thomas
SS: Mana Silva, Erik Robinson
K Dan Kelly
P Tim Grasso
KR Ryan Mouton, Malcolm Lane, Michael Washington
PR Michael Washington, Ryan Mouton
Parker did not make the cut …….. Wilson did +6
Your tailgates before games is what I’m really sorry about to have to miss, being over here. So many Tsaikos, good company, good fun, man I miss that. Maybe next year, if all goes well, I can spend Football season in Hawaii.
By the way, all those nay-sayers this year just roll off my back. It will be very sweet indeed when we shock them all.
re: jc qb’s – which one has three to play two?
Sup Hawaiianbod – Back is doing good, to tell you the truth I feel like I can do stuffs but as a precationary measure going get um checked out on Monday, den we see fo shua if somethings wrong…
But then who knows how long the line going be for autographs after?
Arms will be wide open when the time comes. Just give us a holler!
PB – I hate to see when you really wanna write your thoughts down! 😆
Interesting switches on the O-line.
Brett Symonds = Thundah Thighs???
Hmmm…realleh at a 140 nuthin huh? Either he get one supah genetically enhanced kicking leg or I dunno. He need to go on the OLine diet I think and build up the supah kung fu leg. He may just be the lightest college football player in the country huh?
Trivia Q: Who is the lightest player in college football today?
loa – rausch has 3 to play 3
d1 – Do you think there will be a JV game before the varsity game? Does Punahou have a JV team? Maybe jojo should just watch the jv game.
stretch – thanks, and alexander has two for two?
Punahou does have a JV team. (Budget constraints rarely seem to affect that school)
The only prep pre-season schedule I MIGHT know of was published somewhere that I never look…but if you give me a moment 😉
homey – sorry I was fixing my NCAA roster and started moving guys around. Yeah I kind of think Steiny is too slow for Tackle especially against more athletic DE’s. He does well against WAC competition but I see him get beat alot against faster guys. I’d even go as far as to switch Estes back to G and Lafu to C… We’ll see what happens in practice, I ain’t the coach and I believe Coach Smith needs to solidify the starters soon once the QB depth is set in stone!
I lied. I’m still awake (barely) . Made lamb curry for the boyz and it smelled just about ready so I’m eating before napping.
Kazz- I called the UH ticket office and they said the FL tickets just came in from the mainland a couple days ago and they are allocating them now for mailout next week.
Has the MONSTER FROM KAHUKU Quinten Beaver trimmed down a bit and are they looking to redshirt him this season?
6’1″ 350 is a bit much, maybe 330 would be nice.
Man, imagine what would happen in the trenches when he is able to get game time experience and really develops a “motor”… and people think Glenn Dorsey was something… hahahahahahaha!!!!!
XLiz – Naughty! Go self-flagellate yourself for punishment!
I watched the Boise game on Wednesday and our O line tackles couldn’t handle the speed rush of their DE…Colt got hurt in the Fresno St game when he got flushed out of the pocket by the RDE beating Ah Soon and Colt got clocked by the LB – concussion….and we all know what happened in the SB, seemed liked we played with 2 guards and a center…
I’d like to see Pepa and Kia at tackles, and give Hisatake and Thomas a shot at Guards…use Ah Soon and Steinhoff as utility guards/tackles to give the starters a breather…
Wow Ralph you sure are shaking up that o-line!
PB: Dan Kelly and Symonds walked in to practice together this AM. It was almost Mutt and Jeff. But Symonds has some leg…matching Kelly with distance and accuracy during FG drills–sjmacro
I have faith in Coach Smith in that he will see the strengths, nuances, weakness, ability, and whatever qualities are associated with each o-line position and make the best depth chart he can and develop the players from there. The best coaches are then ones who can tell immediately what player is suited for which position. But the thing that is hard to measure is the heart and desire. I think Ah Soon has those intangibles and will be an outstanding guard.
hey i think the pc ll team is headed to the finals
sjmacro – but which one of them can kick it out of the endzone during kickoffs?
Loa – which pc team? Dell? Sony? Compaq? Acer?
homey – lol, the 12 y.o.’s
Homey…LMAO…I thought you said Self Flatulate….that would be a doozy….
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Loa – oh, you mean Waipio? The PC 14’s and the PC 16’s are already in their respective World Series tourney.
(J)J – Well that would be punishment too! Especially after what she is eating!
homey – whoosh, my bad, yep its waipio
Height at the O-line has been always at front of discussions for a bit.
Let’s see (based on Ralph’s version of the o-line):
Laupepa Letuli – 6’3″
Aaron Kia – 6’5″
Estes – 6’2″ (someone correct/confirm this)
Ray Hisatake – 6’4″
Adrian Thomas – 6’5″
Assumed Starters:
Kia – 6’5″
AhSoon – 6’1″
Estes – 6’2″
Lafu Tuioti-Mariner 6’3″
Keoni Steinhoff – 6’3″
Seems like Ralph’s version does have the “height” advantage, but while the left side is a crucial piece of the puzzle, there are concerns (with many people) at the RT position, so… eh, we’ll see.
Again, we must trust the decisions of the coaching staff come August 30th. Besides Coach Mack has made it clear that he is MORE than willing to make ADJUSTMENTS in the interest of WINNING.
Loa – Looks like PC is going to have another good high school baseball team.
Oh man, Lamb Curry at Liz’s Hale?
Broke da mouth. Can I bring the rice ?
The height of the O line you just listed makes me feel more positive about Alexander with all I observed today….
final score Waipio wins 8-0 face winner of Nevada and Arizona on Sunday ESPN2
homey – yep, unless the kids go private schools
Mav- no need… get potatoes! Bwahaha.
xs-homey… I heard that… James’ #370 is closer to reality!
nitey nite!
homey: Symonds can borrow two pounds from Joe Avery. 🙂 By the time Kelly leaves or if not now he should be able to get it out of the endzone. He was trimming the trees that are behind the video tower pad that’s on the hill behind the end zone from about 20 yds out. I think can. Both of them hit the lift and almost the video guy way up there.
Loa – I looked at the PC 16’s roster and many are already on the PC high school team. Hey but more power to them if they can go to private school!
Kenny Carter moved from Vandy to coach the RB’s for Urban Meyer. He’s got a lot to put back in the toy box everyday.
howzit sj – is the roster from the uh athletics website pretty accurate as far as the player’s numbers?
OK — got curveball listed. How about selling him the Karaoke Call in a package deal? Still have 8 spots left 🙂
truegreen RSVP’d for the Karaoke Call this morning. Haven’t seen him since the Christmas Party and Sugar Bowl!
sjmacro – he must be good if Coach Mack not really looking for a K and already has him taking over for Kelly next year… Maybe they need to check Symonds for steroids in his legs…
sjmacro – I missed you guys this morning…was thinking about you there under your tree!
What time is practice tomorrow? Might have to go watch if hubby doesn’t get released from Schofield tonight. I haven’t even seen those kickers kicking anything. Symonds is so skinny it looks like the wind could blow him over, but he sure can run.
I like Funaki, but I think that Alexander might win out. We’ll see how it goes. I wasn’t as impressed with Alexander during the workouts as I am seeing him work with the whole team. During workouts I was more impressed with Rausch and Funaki…now things are changing.
I’m not sure that Avery could afford to give Symonds one pound let alone two. The Iceman is looking thick…in a good way. He’s looking manly…as opposed to a boyish frame.
With Ingram going down this week, the Geckos may be even more interested in how Percy Harvin mends from his heel surgery.
that’s one you didn’t catch. shame, shame.
who’s neck is longer or sticks out more?
Homey – my nephews (Kala/Kahana Neal) are on the PC team that will be playing in the World Series in Maine.
where’s rich2176?
where’s garret?
where’s barry?
where’s princess?
Just called Jake Heun. He’s in the doc’s waiting room. Not sure if it was the real waiting room or the fake one they take you to before the doc shows up. No word yet.
Prayers for Jake…. HEAL!!!
Rob25 – i think Symonds might still be in soccer shape and eventually will put on some football weight after working with coach mel
Coach Meyer’s comments abot the SEC pretty much toe the line of the PR folks
YIKES! Tombo Ahi’s site has a video (Chawan???) of Joe Moore saying RAINBOW WARRIORS!!!!
Good thing the Addahknows are on the mainland….!
Asked about his decision to go with the spread option while at Bowling Green.
Herniated disc is serious biz, beyond what you want to think for rehab.
Liz – Potatoes “go” at this point. Been on the road for most of the day, and just now eating breakfast while watching the Steelers/ Eagles game.
So Jeremy Bloom was cut from the Eagles? This year, or last?
Sure miss not being able to watch Ilaoa, speaking of the Eagles. Oh well, there loss.
I call that the panic room.
I mean it’s bad enough you’ve got to think about what could be wrong with you the whole time you are on your way there, then the nurse or assistant sees you and takes some info down, then your temp or blood pressure and then makes you wait AGAIN…
PLUS it’s in a room filled with posters and cut out magazine articles about all kinds of ailments and stuff to really get the mind going if you aren’t already worried enough.
Best Joe Moore clip on YouTube I saw was when he snapped because the audio and the cameras were acting funny.
He said something like “I’m sick of this crap and nothing’s working and we’ve had this new technology for two weeks now!!!”.
Then he proceeds to throw his pen on the desk and demand to go to commercial until they fix it.
Now, this is LIVE and on the air on the 10pm news.
Loa: I just checked the roster and it’s been updated. The one I printed on Wednesday was old. Looks current to me, reflects changes to 7, 12, 9, 16, 88
Like I’ve said a few times before, I’m not worried about the offense, yet. we all knew that the D would be way ahead. But really, the O is not nearly as bad as they may look right now, instead it’s our D that is truly this outstanding. By middle of next week we should have a clear picture.
If our O can manage any kind of consistency against our D they will be awesome and can drive against practically any team.
Looks like my prediction that Alex will start is more and more likely. I love Funaki, but Alex starting would mean an upgrade over Graunke and Funaki and that he’s damned good. In either case, I’m fricking excited.
I left today before practice was over and was walking down the sidewalk in front of the restrooms and coach Mac came walking out. He just looked at me and stuck out his hand “How you doing” big smile. I said ok “boys looking good, working hard”. He said “they are trying hard”.. Nice to see a big time college coach with that demeanor…Go Warriors
….Did not know he was short..sorry coach
No matter who starts, all of these guys are OUR Warriors and they WILL get the support from all the TRUE FANS.
There are “have’s” and there are…
Brett Symonds needs to go on the Nate Ilaoa diet of late night Jack-in-Box runs. Then do squat lifts with Lafu to build up his legs…
Don’t get me wrong, I love every single one of our players, it’s just a feeling I have about Alex. We may be blessed with two diamonds in a row or at least an emerald after the last diamond, lol.,
Da Geckos had two freshmen starting in the secondary last year. Joe Haden is back this year and says they have a pretty lofty goal this season.
Not sure if this was posted yet, but heard on ESPN radio sportscenter that Cincinnati QB Mauck was denied his last and final appeal for a 6th season.
Amen to that Kazz…gotta Esme and get a clarinet mouthpiece and reeds!
Check you all out later…or maybe at practice tomorrow.
Obviously I want Inoke to start but I’m happy that we got Greg and Brent this year to help out and add more competition. Can the best QB please stand up, please stand up! I’m more happy though that we got Steele who actually could turn out to really be a steal and Cory for our future.
INOKE FUNAKI is my #1 QB regardless!!! 🙂
Yep. They’re fast.
In regards to Funaki, I’m sure he will get a lot more playing time under Coach Mack, wether he starts or not. They might have plays specifically designed for him.
I spent some time watching Steele today and was really impressed..he is out there working hard and having fun and the kid has a GUN
It all starts in the trenches and Coach Meyer and his OL Coach like what they got.
Thanks J Dog! Here’s the article:
“And a special thanks to Tombo Ahi at UHFootball who has picked up our Colt Brennan pieces and sent lots of UH eyeballs our way, I’ll keep it coming all season.”
Keep an eye on this blog- he sees the potential in Colt and is going to be following him very seriously!
d1 – it’s true what they say that “speed kills”, which is why I truely believe in Coach Mack’s philosophy of having speed on the defense. I believe this years defense will be one of the best we’ve had and definitely Top 25 material. Our front 7 is solid our LB’s are probably the best group in the country, our secondary is fast, smart, and can hit!!! Excited to see it all put together and unleashed this year…
Another thing I really like about Coach Mack vs JJ is his believe in playing as many guys as possible. That will give us a much deeper pool of quality players and will make future transitions from year to year so much smoother.
Pauoa Boy,
Believe me, I wont cry a single tear if Funaki wins the job. I know, with these coaches, whoever starts is truly the best player, so I’m not worried at all.
Pauoa Boy,
Three words for Symonds: “RAINBOW DRIVE-INN”.
RE: Symonds.
No worries, da local braddahs will show him around!!!
Wouldn’t it be something to see Ryan Mouton run dow Chris Rainey in the open field from behind? That would drop the Gators mouth’ open.
Speed is one thing, the Gators had plenty of speed last year also, but you still need to know what you’re doing. Speed alone doesn’t make you a great football player, great gap control will negate a lot of their speed and we have the horses to do it. The game will totally be decided on the lines.
Howzit FloridaTed…
I’m just pulling for Funaki, but like you…whoever wins the job truely deserves to start. To have that many outstanding QB’s in one stable is awesome. I don’t think we’ve had this much potential for a starting QB for awhile as we’ve been spoiled throughout the years with great starting QB’s Colt Brennan, Timmy Chang, Nick Rolovich, Dan Robinson, etc… I’m sure the legacy of great QB’s will continue for years and years, but this year I’d like to see my boy Funaki get the nod 🙂 sorry I’m biased on this choice haha…
Pauoa Boy,
It’s all G. We get our favs and whatnot. Funaki = local boy and of course no can help cheer for him.
The guy is humble (never met him but a lot of people say the same thing), the guy is an athlete, and the guy can do it.
May the best WARRIOR win!!!!
I hear you on that one, which is why I mentioned our secondary is fast, smart, and can hit. Our LB’s are the bestest, our front 7 are scary and hungry…I believe Rocky will be rockin and knockin heads this season! With the game experience and talent we have, I think we will have and outstanding year on D barring any injuries *fingers crossed*
I don’t really give a rat’s arse about the Gators because I feel we are better and our Warriors are amongst the best in the country. That is my mentality and I’m sticking to it! Our Warrior boys need to have that mentality that they can kick anyone’s arse and play with confidence and smarts.
Speaking of gap control, this is my biggest concern with the special teams play. Too many times I see our boys flying down field trying to unload on people and forgetting angle pursuits and gap containment which is why we tend to give up huge plays every once in awhile. I remember last year when we were beating the crap out of Fresno St. in the first quarter then boom in mere seconds they run one back for a TD! This is one aspect of our Warrior game that I feel sets us back from being WAC Champs every year. Boise St., Fresno St., Nevada, etc…have all had there fair share of huge special teams plays against us. Hopefully, they tighten it up and take pride in special teams as they do on O and D!
Pauoa Boy,
Nothing wrong with being a little biased in a good way. It’s impossible not to like Funaki, he is such a great young guy, the kind you want your daughter to bring home.
Sup bruddah Kazz…
LMAO, I’m sure Symonds will get localized really fast and learn about Local Kine Grindz!
Yups, Funaki is one awesome bruddah. I’ve met him on several occasions and he’s very aloha spirited and oriented. Very humble and nice guy. I just have a feeling about him that he can do something special on the field. Watching him play at Kahuku and seeing him progress throughout the years has made me eager to see what he can do being a full season starter. But again, may the Best QB please stand up, please stand up…
I know Stretch…you are very good at multi-tasking. I don’t know how you make so many events, CC, KK, Pau Hana, practices…you are da man.
Rob25 – no need sugar coat or cover up, facts are facts. but you’re right…………good thing he’s doing Tsaiko stuff. 🙂
Pauoa Boy (427),
Amen !
I share your concern about Sp.Tm play, but remember, Coach Mack said that will change also, even putting starters and second string in to play. I like the way Coach Mack is so super organized, every single thing he does has a purpose and a goal, not a single step is waisted. That will reflect on the team and they will play the same way. Cold fury is what I want.
JJ was a lot more loosy goosy and laid back and it showed in many ups and downs. McMackin’s teams, you will notice over the years, will always be steady at the highest effort.
ARGHH!!!! Going nuts here! Spent the last two hours looking at airlines and hotels and maps and schedules. I can get to Florida on mileage, but do I wanna through DC first and catch the Redskins’s last pre-season game on 8/28 first? The Nationals are playing the Dodgers and the Orioles are playing the White Sox at that time. Adds a lot more expense and Colt may not even play.
Practice today was awesome. Will a do a report later, but gotta clear my head first and run some errands.
For those who have tickets, where is/are the Hawaii section(s)?
Oh, and how about for oregon state, too? Where are the Hawaii sections?
Esme and out.
Pauoa Boy:
I hope that I am right and you hope that you are right…the bottom line is I think we both agree that coach will make the right decision…
Pauoa Boy,
Three words for Symonds: “RAINBOW DRIVE-INN”.
just attend Tsaiko events.
have a good weekend everyone.
winds gonna blow so i’m gonna go……………..
Oh, and, Mike. I can help you with your situation, no problem. It’s exactly the kind of stuff I do. Amongst other things. Call me at too five V – seven 5 V nein.
The Olympics opening ceremony looks awesome so far in HD.
so who’s house we gonna watch the Redskins game at tomorrow???
Miami Dolphins Sign Chad Pennington
“The move reunites Pennington with the man who drafted him in New York, Dolphins front office boss Bill Parcells. It also gives Pennington a chance to get revenge on his old team in Week 1, when the Jets play at Miami.
Will Pennington be the Dolphins’ starter that day? Although he has a lot of work to do to get up to speed, I would bet on it. The Dolphins’ other quarterbacks — Josh McCown, John Beck and rookie Chad Henne — lack Pennington’s precision as a passer. My guess is that Pennington will start and McCown will get cut.”
Pauoa Boy,
I know what you mean. When you meet someone in person and they come off well, you feel like they have a better connection with you and you can’t help but root for them.
I felt the same way when I met Coach Mack in person for a bit at the 2007 Na Koa Banquet and the few times I ran into Colt off the practice field. Both were genuine, real, and humble. Qualities we, as locals, cherish.
First impressions really do mean a lot.
curveball – I not worried about who going start cause regardless we going stomp in the swamp, whoop on weber st., bruise up the beavers, and then bum rush errybody else and clean house in the WAC for another undefeated season…then finish off whackin the chit out of washington st. and simply crush cincinatti…AU’RYTE!!! Then once we 13-0 in the Top 25, bring on Georgia for a rematch!!!
What time is the Redskins game? Any chance it will be after 4pm?
Pauoa Boy,
Hmm… I picked Georgia to be playing for DA BIG ONE in Jan 2009 and even if we are 13-0 with this schedule, there is no way the high maka makas will allow a non-BCS school in “their” National Championship game.
Few things in this world are “certain”. They consist of: death, taxes, and non-BCS school-biases.
Shoots, we could play the #1, #2, #3, and #4 pre-season ranked teams and whip them on all their home turfs and STILL be left out of the National Championship game. Sure the ESPN folk will love us and press their lips firmly on our okoles but still no trip to DA BIG ONE.
FloridaTed and Kazz…
That’s why I love Coach Mack and believe in him! I feel that he truely understands what us fans want and expect and he is ready and willing to deliver for us some great football! I believe with his coaching abilities, recruiting efforts, etc…will consistently be in the Top 25 and show the nation that UH Warriors Ain’t Nuthin to F–k With!!! Oops sorry, getting carried away, but you know what I mean. Dayum I’m ready for the season to start. I think I might have to call in sick and drive to Florida for the game…hmmm…might be worth it lol
K. Pau for da day!!!
If anyone will be at Manoa tomorrow morning I’ll see you there.
Malama pono, kekahi i kekahi…
Kazz, your right –
The 2009 NC championship is already embedded in their computers.
Unless it’s another tipsy -turvy season, where it might scramble eggs the top 5.
The Washington Colt Redskins game is on at 1pm Hawaiian Standard time. 7 pm EST.
Kazz – No worries cause when all those scardy cat teams ready for play us, and we whoop dat arse they’ll notice. I feel you though, cause I’m sure if we beat the crap out of Florida and they have a crap season, then we’ll hear the Bullcrap that oh they weren’t really that good and this and that. Funny how that happens…
Pauoa Boy:
That post got me so fired up I got to go have a cold one……
Frikk Dat Crap, bring back Georgia. I like play more SEC teams bring em…keep em coming JD, I love it! We obviously know what conferences are scared…but like it that the Pac-10 and SEC like challenge so bring em!!!
Lets re-phrase that. HST Hawaiian Style time.
Lets re-phrase that. HST Hawaiian Style time.
curveball – I’ve been fired up since Spring, that’s why I need my back to heal so I can play football too this season and buss out my Kealoha Pilares moves and Blaze Soares hits. Frikk should tell the doc just juice me up before the dayum games 🙂
Wouldn’t that be da bomb if only our OCC games were top Pac-10 and SEC ?
Boise St., Fresno St. and the nation would sweat with jealousy
Maverick – can onleh wish dat kine…but dat would definitely be nawts…
i wonder if our own HF is hiding out there at the Olympics pretending he has friends that actually listen to him.
eh howzit chawan_cut, I dunno if you’ve seen my post yesterday but mahalos for the set. I’ve watched half the set already…but taking a break as tonight’s Olympic Ceremonies is pretty mean, what an unreal experience to be able to go to the Olympics…GO U.S.A.
Guys, if we go undefeated again, with our schedule and SEC, PAC-10, Big !2 and Big10 all have one loss, there’s no way they can keep us out of the NC game.
But first things first, let’s beat the Gators into the Swamp.
this opening ceremony is nuts.
didn’t see your post yesterday.
hope they all work.
wow! halfway through already? talk about a marathon.
again, sorry for the quality of some of them. that’s the best i had.
al, and others – You were asking about Garret earlier. He sent me this to post:
holy cow
if you’re not watching the opening ceremony, you’re missing out.
the amount of people that are doing these crazy dances and coordinated artistic performances. hard to explain. hopefully someone has video of it somewhere.
~•~•~•~ 😆 ♪ ♫ 🙄 ~•~•~ Happy Birthday Liane!!!~•~•~ 🙄 ♪ ♫ 😆 ~•~•~•~
~•~•~•~•~•~•~ 😆 ❀ Happy (belated) Anniversary to StacyJ!!! ❀ 😆 ~•~•~•~•~•~•~
Hi Brew!
how are these 2000 tai chi people making perfect circles while doing taichi and running around?
my whole years in band we could never make a straight line or a perfect curve.
wow, with all that chi built up, they could shoot the biggest kamehameha ever (dragonball z)…
i guess i’m the only one staying home tonight…
Oregon QB Dennis Dixon reminds me of former Rainbow QB Mike Stennis.
Since it appears you have HD, why don’t we watch it at your house?? Mahalo….
Chawan, could be worse. I’m at work and it aint fun tonight.
…just wondering…. how many Tsaikos got to share the LizFlu???? 😯 😀
I hope you’re feeling better…. ❀
chawan – I hope you are watching the athletes parading and NOT the girls in the background….
Are there girls? Thats hott! (lol)
koauka – I hope they are girls…
Chawan I liked the one with the boxes!
I have never used Zone Alarm until just the last three days, and I am amazed at the number of attempts to gain access to my computer! In three days there has been 954 attempts to gain access to my computer. Do any of you use this program and is that a normal amount of attempts?
i don’t have direct tv or the nfl network.
did you mean the first performance? with the lighted drums?
or the chinese characters one?
the girls waving in the background will be super tired by the time all the countries come in.
ooops, are there seven foot asian looking athletes?
The Chinese characters
I really enjoyed the synchronized lighted drums, and I love fireworks! I think JD should incorporate both into UH Warriorfootball games at Aloha! 😯 😆 🙄
Chawan I noticed that by the time the USA came in those girls arms where not as high as they first where LOL
Pomai — 954 attempts per 3 days is low I hear. Some network gurus I know report that many attempts per hour in higher bandwidth locales.
who needs wii fit. just wave for 3 hours.
yeah, you are right. that was crazy when they unveiled that there were people inside them. to do all that syncrhonized without being able to see each other.
brew, no need UH to fire the fireworks. just let the drunk people shoot them off for free in the parking lot. i know that was kinda stupid, but it was pretty cool to see and hear them go off after the boise win.
Have been using ZoneAlarm last couple of years.
Wireless router with security protects my inbound but still record minimal attempts. Majortity of outbound controled by user permission.
Are you using a cable router or if I recall, you are on dial up – right?
Maybe Tsai-ko tech will be able to help you.
SteveM – Please change the time on your posting for tomorrow’s NorCal feast to 11:45am. All the rest of the info is the same as you posted earlier –
Saturday August 9, 2008
Palace BBQ Buffet (Korean) – 11:45 AM
1092 E. El Camino Road Real #1
Sunnyvale, California
Everyone is welcome! Just look for Garret or the Addahknow’s – they’re world famous celebrities! Palace BBQ doesn’t have large tables – so we may have to break up into smaller groups. We can “mingle” if needed. We’ll play it by ear…. Plus, that way, Addahknowsports can cockroach food from everyone’s grill/plate! 😆
So Bay Area Tsaikos (BATs) – you’re all welcome! We won’t bite – unless you’re marinated and hop onto the grill! 😯 😀 🙄
Have a wonderful Cattle Call tomorrow!!!
8 8 8 at 8: 08:08 in 808
boy do i feel lucky
forgot about that
i guess my moment passed
no luck happened yet
chawan – sorry for you not getting lucky tonight
no worries…
that’s every night.
chawan- did you see your bcc?
I might miss Rhythmic Gymnastics!
I looked at the pictures…it was ___you___ having that mysterious conversation with ST at mid field today..if I had interrupted I probably would of been shot…next time we will go to Genjis…hahahaha
yes liz.
thanks! did that go to tombo too?
That’s not an unusually high number. Like SteveM says, depending on the available bandwidth in your area it could go up to astronomical numbers. I’ve been using Zone Alarm for several years with avast! anti-virus they work well together and don’t slow my system too badly.
You may want to go to Gibson Research and take their ShieldsUp! test to see if you’ve got any open ports.
Nice timing Brew!
Excert from an article in August 2008 issue of “Generations Hawaii”.
Coach Mack was born in Springfield, OR, a small mill town east of Eugene. As a boy, he dabbled in basketball, baseball, and track, but it was football that really caught his attention as a student at Hamlin Junior High. “I just liked the physical part of it,” he says smiling. “I really liked to hit.”
Small wonder. His father, Frank, was a professional boxer who was introduced to the sport by former heavyweight champ Max Baer.
“He never bragged about his fight career,” recalls Mack. “I wanted him to talk about his fights, and he’d point to the cuts on his eyes and say,”Look at my eyes. I wasn’t very good.” He earned a Silver Star in World War II, and I didn’t even know about that until he passed away. He didn’t talk about those things. He was a really humble man. That’s why being humble is one of the things I really believe in;it’s something I got from my father.”
Hi Brew-
Please check email. Sorry so late. Got back not too long ago.
curveball – next time come say Hi, we probably wasn’t talking about anything important.
Time for me to go bed already. Need to rest so I can keep with with whitey tomorrow night. I hope I am able to get back after he drags me down to the darkside.
Another excerpt:
Greg McMakin took a deep breath and pondered what he was about to do. The high school senior stood alone in the physician’s office, where,as expected, his doctor once again refused to sign a note that would allow him to resume playing the game he loved.
His mind raced back to the stern evaluation given to him three years earlier, when he tore his ACL whiile running back a punt as a freshman. “You’ll never play football again,” the doctor said after the surgery. “And really, it doesn’t matter,because football would never mean anything to you in the future, anyway.”
His days as a football player seemingly behind him, the next two years young Mack tried to focus on less physical sports such as basketball and track. But now, in his final year at Springfield High, football was still in his blood. HIs love for the game never went away.
“The coaches knew I couldn’t play because my doctor wouldn’t let me,” recalls Mack. “All they needed was a doctor’s note, and so I went in to beg him to give it to me. I wanted to play so bad. But he was a stubborn old army doctor.”
He pauses for a moment, then shakes his head.
“I know it wasn’t the most honest thing to do, but…”
Alone in the room, young Mack grabbed one of his doctor’s prescription pads and forged the note he needed.
Doctor’s orders be damned. Greg McMackin was gong to play football.
Good luck Stretch. Try to keep up with the Master!
good thing i just lurking. stretch, i resemble that remark. i was just thinking the same thing.
Last one for tonight:
Mack played well enough in his senior season to earn a partial scholarship to Southern Oregon. He majored in physical education and was not thinking about coaching. He was a C- student in high school but something “clicked” when he went to college. He treated it like a job. He did not party or go out on weekends. He finished with a 3.4 GPA.
Mack fared even better at the U of Arizona where he posted a 4.0 GPA to earn a Master’s degree in Education. As a grad assistant he also helped coach the football team’s running backs.
“I started thinking, ‘Now this coaching thing is sort of neat,’ ” he recalls.
He returned to Oregon as an assistant coach for the Aloha High School Warriors in Beaverton. After a couple of years he became the head coach.
Mack knew right away that he would be a better coach than he was a player.
And thus a coach was born.
Wow. Thanks for all of the hits today.
stretch, when you at Makena tomorrow, duffer and his son will be there as duffer jr has a tournament after your gang. he said he going look for you.
takes too long to post, so going sleep. g’nite you all.
Hi, Tsai-Meister.
Any chance you can give us a quick overall assessment of the team sofar? That would be nice just before finally going moe.
Watching the olympics intermittently on Channel 1263. So I have seen women fencing, women badminton, equestrian (why is that a sport? the horse does the work), and boxing. Fun times!
ST you would have a lot more hits if this site refreshed quicker. one reason Whitey heading to bed rather than chat on line.
True dat, Ralph!
Jes imagine how slammed this site goin be wen da season starts. Hope we can get on! 😆
Yesterday I mentioned that The Warrior Beat had over 1,000 comments last September on Da Punchbowl Kid’s bio day. I recall us hitting 1,000+ a couple more time after that and plenty of 800+, but I don’t recall passing 700 under the current blogware…or bogware/bloatware.
I don’t have a record of this so I’m not 100% sure, but I think even hitting 600 today would be in the top 3, if not the highest.
soccer fans
women’s usa vs japan
at 11:00 pm OHUSA channel 1263
see natasha kai in action
Is that a hint SteveM?
ST – all props go back to you.
LTUHF – thanks for sharing the info in Coach Mack!
601 posts three days ago.
Many of the computer literate Tsaikos have posted about the problems with this site. With all the myriad other things going on, have you considered what you are going to do when the inevitable happens?… football season will start and people will want to post, but they won’t be able to. The increase will be geometric because more posts will mean many more people hitting the refresh button at the same time. Heck, it happens now…what will happen in 3 weeks?
I hope the Good Lord opens some doors for us real soon.
Watching soccer now…
Long time no see on WB..Hope you are doing OK healthwise
kai benched
great read.
Hi dere Tsaikodelics
Mahalos for all the great reading! Glad I caught up for today…chin keeps hitting the keyboard, tho’
Doing an esme….tappity tap…Zzzzzzzz
Some average math. Post #513 is comment 60,016 under this bogware (that was the 60,000 plateau Jason was noting in post #503).
This bogware started on March 27, so through today, that is 135 days.
60,016 divided by 135 = 445 comments per day (average)
Since I remember a lot of sub-300 days, we must have hit 600 a few times to make that average. But I still think 700 is rare.
Hi Al,
I found the article on Coach Mack very interesting. There’s a bit more about his coaching experience and his wife Heahter. I think most people know his previous coaching background; maybe post another excerpt on how he met his wife tomorrow night…
don’t you just love how the commentators are murdering the japanese names?
is it me or does it appear that we lack the dominant midfielder(s)?
LTUHF – i’m doing better. Thanks for asking! How are you doing, my friend? Still on that diet?
longtimer… are such a tease.
welcome back to the night shift.
I lost 13 lbs on the nutrisystem diet but went off the diet and gained it all back…Po ho money yeah…maybe I’ll try the diet again next month.
It’s because it’s past the bewitching hour for me…Boss’ orders…get more sleep.
Thanks for the welcome back…sorry I have to pull an esme …;-)
Goodnight Al and Hawaiianbod, and all others out there…
LTUHF- Great article excerpts on Coach Mack!
Hawaiianbod- Hiya!
Hi Al,
ST- howya doin?
Hey all, thanks for the support in my battle with the bureaucratic dirtbags who caused my motorcycle to be damaged. I’ve calmed down (just a tiny bit), at least long enough to carefully consider my options. Of course, to my imagination they all end up with people crying. (Careful, Mojo, I may take you up on that offer.) Now just trying to figure out how to cover that water polo tournament on Sunday now that my mode of transportation has been ruled ineligible by the single-cell organisms upstairs.
USA 1 – Japan 0
still early though.
Mike – ?
mike….that’s pretty lame.
catch a cab and bill em.
I guess I envisioned too much but I expected better passes and touches by team USA. I’m talking about when they are in attack mode. Ah, what do I know, even my daughter runs circles around me…
I thought spitting isn’t allowed on the soccer field?
Pssst!…Mike!…wanna trade that Colt helmet for this Harley? Oh!…the helmet is not yours…Too bad.
homey i agree.
wow! Get plenty channels showing Olympic events.
al – seems like they could have better spacing but then again we have the bird’s eye view and not the field level like the players. If PL was reading this she’d be rolling her eyes and wish that I was in goal so she could take penalty shots at me!
It’s 12:00 where are my kids?
evening tsaiko’s also watching Olympics and agree that was the most outstanding opening ceremonies I seen.
homey check emai,
hbod wats your email addy?
who is futting around with the servers?
Anyone notice that some of the Portuguese were holding their “Portugal” signs upside down?
J – you joking right? I didn’t watch the opening ceremonies.
Okay, boy is home 2 girls still missing.
Nope, not joking. Had to rewind the DVR, thought I was just seeing things at first.
With the earlier discussion about the Pearl City LL teams, don’t forget that Coach Kaha Wong has the Hilo LL Juniors in the world series starting on Sunday in Michigan. Kaha took the Hilo LL Seniors to the world series in Maine last year.
J – did you hear that they also brought their bobsled team! 😆
el quapo – That’s right! I inadvertently gave credit to the PC Juniors. Congrats to Hilo! REPRESENT!
Homey shame on you, you don’t know where their kids are or you would know what time they’ll be home…I thought your kids were in college on the continent?
#535 – Mike- it’s obvious that the bosses are requiring you to take a company car to your assignments and not your private vehicle.
el guapo- GOOD LUCK to the Hilo Little League Juniors!!!
Ralph – The one going to college on the continent is back home for the summer. The other kid is going to UH and the youngest is in high school.
howdy XLiz! Time for meds?
Team USA needs another goal…just to be safe.
Homey did you read that the Princeton Review dropped UH out of its rating this year..PR claims UH did not respond to the survey used to rate schools…Even if UH finished again in the lower third or fourth tier, at least the university is mentioned…lose money…another Hermie in admin…
ST- and word on Heun???
xs-homey, yup. I actually fell asleep trying to watch the Lions game.
Designed myself a Colt signature block for the Extreme site and am ready to hit the hay now that it is COOLER!
Sweet Dreams, Ka Kou!
Ralph – did not see that. I wonder who on upper campus is responsible?
xs- glad you know where your kids are 😉
goodnight XLiz!
Rogriquez can not finish, lost opportunities in the box
One of the Japanese player has an afro from the 70’s!
anyone hear why Kai is out?
Kai is finally in!
Kai shoots and misses!
Game almost over…
game over. 1 – 0 USA wins…
Time to go look for the girls…goodnight everyone!
wad happened? was locked out for about 40 min.
checking out beach vb which is going on now
going to catch the morn prac at UH see whomever goes and anyone want to meet for bfast?
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
howzit Koakane!
8/9/08, 7:10 am EST. game in
…. 21 days 5 hours 20 minutes 😀
Go Warriors
hey bhf2 how come up so late?
going catch the prac today and get some scoops back to you latter
wat going make the 16th kcall?
btw should have come with us after violets
the place we ended up had a Heineken promo nite. da bar was giving away Heine light free. da haw’n music was good and meet some x UH fb players. was fun.
well getting sleepy so pulling an esme whooooooooooooooooooooooosh 😳
be good, play nicely and watch out for dat treeeeeeeeeeeeee bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal 😉
wait wait wait
wuz reading da odda paypahz.
sorry i neva go da double D. heard yu b4, no yu guyz had a blast but i’d neva wake up fo da 2nd race of da day. Da kids had a blast “camping” at New Hope on Sand Island. Great outing!
Lucky you live dayah. Get choke good fuud places, plus you getta watch da braddaz.
you know, Funaki is really a super terrific person. but when it comes to UH Warrior Football, i’m wondering if he’s got the IT faktah. watcha tink? it takes da IT faktah to get da W most times. Plus da preparation.
I know da bradda get da preparation down pat. Still yet, I’m used to da highest levelz now. Makes me proud for da rest of the nation’s Mel Kipers talkin nice about us fo a change.
Its like Mike’s prolem. I no sleep till da prolem is solved…. Da Key, Stretch…. where is da key????
so wat, Fla? No worry da game Tickets, going get actual seats coming end of this week.. I have extra, just don’t know where in Hawaii section, suposedly. I’ll know more end of this week.
I letting my hair grow long so i can tie die da enz, make green and black tips. 😀 Incognito. 😀
i missed da principal. must be doin a tutorial on da mattress. 😆
so one of us tells me yesterday, “what if the hurricane comes?”
and I sayz, “so what? i going Florida, come hurricane or high water.”
sheez, college graduates. 😎
so to answer your question about next weekend, i dunno yet. prolly not, i saving my kala for Fla. but like WMojo, faymus fo last minute kine.
anybody else watching the olympics?
For all of us who participate in junior athletics, the idea that the BOE (big on execuses) would consider paring JV sports was “too much.” For Greg McMackin to take time out of his busy schedule and #1 job, getting Warriors reading for Florida, to speak at a BOE meeting against that idea, was a benefit for all Hawaii youth. This man has so much foresight…. Unbelievable!
Okay players, its time to match coach’s mental genius
Go Warriors!!!
BHF – Howzit going this morning, I stay watching the W/bb
HiFlyer ~ howzit back. pretty cool all these Olympic channels, huh?
I know hard for decide which one for watch, but I don’t understand how come NBC which is broadcasting the games not showing anything but the replay of the opening ceremony.
Darn! 🙁 I wanted to reach 600 again.
Izzy thanks for the link, good info at that site, learned some new things. Recommend all of you visit it.
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