Do the mat
For an hour each week, the Rainbow Warriors are tumbling and rolling and jumping and sprinting and, let’s face it, gasping.
Mat drills were popularized at cold-weather schools as a supplement to offseason conditioning programs. In such places as Ohio State, the drills are held indoors and on mats. Because this is Hawaii and there is no indoor-training facility — nor mats, for that budgetary matter — the Warriors tumble, roll, jump, sprint and gasp on Ching field.
Early signs indicate the Warriors are collectively in shape this offseason. The test comes when the Warriors open spring ball in April.
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The Warriors are scheduled to conduct walk-on tryouts on Feb. 21. The tryouts are open only to students already enrolled at UH. For details, call (808) 956-6508.
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Reminder: Tonight’s UH volleyball match against California Baptist will not be shown on OC Sports. First serve is at 7:05 p.m.
No indoor facility? How come?
Good morning to all the diehard fans/Tsaikos; and GO WARRIORS!
Good Morning kifi!
Missed you at the lunch!
Morning All.
Ohhh… the infamous mat drills. More fun to do outdoors than indoors like at those cold weather schools. Just make sure there are large garbage cans nearby just in case.
It sure beats the old days — OK, it was seven years ago — when what was known as Cooke Field had the underlining that feral cats used as a litter box.
#4 – Good morning Judge Mui.
Google Maps, for the longest time, had the image of Cooke/Ching Field with the blacktop. Talk about a major health and safety hazzard.
Run in the sand on the beach…or run up Manoa valley thru the jungle to the top of Round Top Drive…
Old School:
Yep. And then because the players would sop up whatever was on the blacktop, the feral cats had to go pee there at night to re-establish their territory. Circle of life, I guess.
Saw them working out the other day. Big, fast and quick.
Mats reminds one of wrestling. Props to wrestling coaches who know 1,000 ways to make you throw your lunch, in a very limited amount of space. Koa Anuenue’s Al Chee was one of those coaches.
Tumbling is great for loosening up the body, keeping you flexible and helping prevent injuries. It might seem a bit “wimpy” but the men should look into yoga as well, many a great athlete will attest to its benefits!
Things actually are better at UH now only they get overshadowed by what’s happening at other schools.
It’s sort of like how my daughter was proud that she just got an iPhone4. Nobody wanted to say: Do they still make those?
Saw the new sand volleyball court in the Lower Campus last weekend. Nice improvement over the previous “bus up” basketball courts. Hope the fencing keeps the popokis out. Read that they have to change the sand, though. One ting after annodah, it seems.
There are some players taking yoga. Some also are taking that yoga where you’re in that hot room. I forget what that’s called. It starts with a B. I’m too lazy to Google it.
#10 – Gross. I’m glad that’s in Hawaii’s past.
The sand was a little, uh, coarse.
Anyone been to a sand volleyball match? Do they play more than one match at the same time?
How does a high school senior join the Hawaii football team without a scholarship? Only preferred walk ons?
One of the good things about televising a men’s volleyball match is there’s little chance of a rainout. I think the lights have gone out only a few times in the Sheriff Center, but I don’t think that was weather-related.
Back in the 70s, Florida State would make their players wrestle each other as part of their off-season conditioning program. I think they got in trouble after a player almost died from heat exhaustion or something to that effect.
Ballet us a great workout. Brought many a masculine football players to tears.
I think “preferred” is another way of saying recruited walk-on.
If a player initiates the contact — Brodie Nakama, for instance — it’s better. That way if it doesn’t work out, you can transfer and play at the next school without redshirting. That’s what happened with Charles Clay and Willis Wilson.
There actually have been some really good players turn out at tryouts in the past. UH was ready to invite them to spring ball only to find out they weren’t enrolled in school.
Then again, one year there was a walk-on who kind of snapped and tried to attack another player during breakfast.
Screening is not an exact science.
UH apparently tried to convince some of the offensive linemen to play tennis. For the footwork, and all. Don’t think anyone did. But that’s an interesting proposal.
Bikram yoga. Id prefer to sweat it out in an air conditioned room.
Basketball also is a good complementary sport, although I think there was a UH quarterback who hurt his thumb in a pick-up game once and missed most of spring ball.
But that’s also when UH discovered that Davone Bess was the Dwyane Wade of pick-up basketball.
Go bows:
Thanks for the reference.
I think there’s a place in Kaimuki, which is appropriate.
Aloha All–Ahhh Cooke Field in the day, basically a really worn-down shag rug from your auntie’s house, placed on super hard concrete. However, two additional stipulations are required: it held heat like it was working for Satan, and to anyone who has taken a spill (which means almost everytime you are on the surface) you would get this mean strawberry that would basically last from the time you got it, til the end of the season. Many a player’s skin came to final rest at Cooke Field.
how many “mats” do they need and cost? what other sport can use them?
another project for the Tsaikos?
#22 kifi – ballet and football:
325 pound Steve McLandon of the Pittsburgh Steelers took up ballet in college and still takes ballet class.
NFL Hall of Fame member Lynn Swann credits his graceful performance in games in part to flexibility that he learned from ballet training and other dance classes, adding that this training helped him achieve body control, balance and a sense of rhythm and timing.
There are many who think that ballet dancers are the most athletic.
Good morning Tsaikos!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Sand vb tournaments usually have multiple courts set-up. According to the other SA VB blogger, that’s why there’s only a few places on the island to hold tournaments.
Nothing to do with football. Just sending props out to a good friend, Jeff Yamamoto. He is the head coach of the Mililani High School Boys Soccer for 20 years. Tomorrow will be his last game as he will be leaving the program. At MY last count he had 12 OIA championships (could be more now) and 5 state championships. He always passed credit to his assistant coaches and staff, shifting the credit from himself. My son played for him, and he took my son with him to some kind of award luncheon after being named State Coach of the Year. You see, my son suffered from Crohn’s disease (a very little known about disease at that time) during his senior season after leading the team in scoring during his junior year(made 1st team Red OIA all star in football before his final soccer season). Another way for coach Jeff to take the lime light from himself. Always humble, he refused to look at private school teams that he played against in States in any negative way, even though that school would have as many as 3 starters from Mililani. He wouldn’t want it any other way, knowing that the school was overcrowded and wouldn’t accept players from out of district (many tried) thus, being a true community team (although a few special circumstances were allowed, like both parents taught school there), he knew that being a state champion was special and the team must overcome ALL obstacles. My congratulations to Coach Yamamoto for an excellent career! The high school soccer world will miss you greatly. If you are a former player of his or just want to be there, Mililani and Coach Jeff will be playing his final game at 3pm on field 7 at the Waipio Soccer Complex for the consolation champion against Hilo.
Rich Rodriguez was saying that a hurry-up offense lowers injuries because the players aren’t as fresh and fast that lead to harder collisions. Another thing is that linemen must work on their cardio now more than ever because of the quick pace instead of just packing on pounds which is healthier for their body.
kifi in a ballet outfit… now THAT’S special Valentine’s Day visual!
spring ball? i thought michael carter played with a cast one year (along with some broken ribs).
22, 31
willie gault and hershel walker had stints with ballet
back in 2009, albert haynesworth was trending because he couldn’t run the 300 yd shuttle in 72 seconds.
sooners coach bob stoops laughed at that because oklahoma’s standard for linemen was 50 or 60 seconds.
coach beemer has brought those same standards to hawaii football. eventually the team will be able to win games in the 4th qtr.
anyone taking part in the great aloha run on monday?
Stephen you should get the football players to play racquetball. Ask Rev. Bu about it. Great complementary sport for football, especially for the big lineman. There was once a very good UH defensive lineman who came up to the gym and played singles against a very elderly lady. The elderly lady beat him and he never came back. He made us promise never to tell anyone about it so I’ll take his name to the grave with me – i don’t want no trouble with huge very good UH defensive lineman.
Guud Morning Tsaikos….wet bootiful Hawaii nei..
Guud day for the teams yesterday…..IMUA WARRIORS!
Happy Valentines day fellow Tsaikos! Aloha st. anthony trojan due to my limited access of a computer… Yes I remember that small building and reefer that housed those wonderful red hot dogs, nothing comes close to them. Uncle Louies is nowhere near …I miss that “snap” that Akahi had when you bite into them! I rode the train a couple of times up to Haiku and Kawaharada’s for their little pies but I wasn’t an employee, little bit too young! However I graduated from Puali nani in the early 70,s! IMUA Trojans and Warriors!
Hiyah, gang!
I heard Lynn Swann at a conference talk about his Mom forcing him to go to ballet class & how it helped him later when he played football. Use all of your talents in life.
Hope there are some hidden gems going to school at UH.
Would be cool to have an underground practice facility.
Recruited at the end of the season of ’72 by Cal Murphy and Jim Rodden and came in for classes starting in January ’73. We started working out on what is now the softball field (with rocks embedded) and watched Cooke Field get scraped and then layered with asphalt. 1st covering was Monsanto outdoor carpet.
1st major scrimmage got hit by Harold Stringert and Yasuo Yorita and bounced on the carpet like a golf ball off concrete.
All of the serious strawberries received hydrogen peroxide after practices. I ran into one of the trainer GA’s who was of that era several years ago. He was the one who made the mistake of reaching for the peroxide bottle but picked up the alcohol by mistake.
Awe…Na Wahine took it on the chin today in Vegas…11-1…
Anyhoo, get ready for the next game Wahines!
#45…dang it…I feel the burn!…
…caused an immediate flashblack of DPK, the 2007 master of blog disguises. But nothing is going to beat the Carmen Miranda disguise–the one with a lot of red spandex. 😯
Wow–has it been 7 years already?
NSF #46:
guess Na Wahine played Florida in the first game – I hope so.
Na Wahine needs a very dominant pitcher – is there one on the way? waiting in the wings?
Condolences to the family of Brandon Rodd. Go in peace young man.
The Wahine bounced back winning their 2nd game 9-8.
Good luck to the baseball bows tonight vs Oregon.
48…that was actually his coming out of the closet party.
45–Don, my wife once asked me, for a guy that played football all his life how come my legs were so smooth and almost void of any hair, to which I replied “” effing cooke field”.
If I remember correctly, Brandon was one of the kids who had grown up near the stadium with dreams of playing for UH. Once the recruiting process started, however, he had a change of heart. I asked him why, and all he said was that things are not always what they seem. Not sure what he was referring to, but….
better than shave, better than nair!!
55-Boolakanaka. Saw you comments regarding Rep. Hanohano. Very elequent and pointed. Could not agree with you more. Malamamalama is something she is lacking.
heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the late brandon rodd. he represented them and this state so very well.
Non-recruited DL walk-ons…..
…..DL Reynolds Fruen about a decade ago…..and Niko Uti last year.
Condolences to Brandon Rodd’s family.
When Aya was the team manager for the boys’ tennis team in high school, she recruited O-Linemen and some soccer players for the team.
RE: #62
J — 🙂 I’d believe it.
BTW, “hi” to you and Aya!
From one Ali’i to the next, see you on the other side bruddha Brandon, prayers to your ohana on this side.
#43 Slugger. We had a running back at UH who took up ballet at the school and he performed for a local TV news, like 10 O’clock news or something like that. It was during the Dick Tomey era. I remember that someone in the background, who could have been his instructor, played the piano. Yes, he did some of the tip toeing and the like! Just ask Tomey about it for he should know. It was a black guy. I don’t know if he was gay or whatever but he must have enjoyed being in class with all the young ladies!. What can you say about all that stuff, after all he was a pretty good running back. Speak up Coach Tomey! So Okay all you young guys, you might want to sign up for ballet class. Now on another subject, do you think male cheer leaders have more fun?
Did it matter if he was gay? No? Why bring it up?
#66 Blah blah blah. I hope you understand that I wasn’t pointing out to anything that “mattered”. I only pointed out to something mentioned by Slugger. Nowa days things like this is getting to be more common. B ut back some years ago this was
(continued) this was quite unorthodox. And why do you think Slugger brought up the fact that Lynn Swan took up Ballet. Back in the day you would think that only a gay person would pursue something like this. Its a point of interest and I can certainly see how the excercise can add to physical agility as applied to any sport. I do believe that there are still a lot of people out there who would raise their eyebrows about this. So By the way why are you making an issue out of this?
Great ballet dancers of either sex are world class athletes in their own right. Saw a lot of power and grace at the Men’s Vball tonight. Skill is skill in any venue.
hope the tsaikettes had a supa valentines day
evening 808, congrats vball, bball kanes and bball wahines, winnas, as for the diamond kanes no can win with 3 erros leading to 3 unearned runs for the Oregon win.
wow three names that was part of my past Jim Rodd ( fellow teacher DMS) and Yasu Yorita (co coach for Pac5)
70 Da Punchbowl Kid: Surely I agree with you. I would also add that a male ballet dancer has got to be very strong to lift a ballerina and hold her up high. This is no activity for a weakling! I responded to Mr. Bla bla bla because he doesn’t seem to care for other people’s (mine) input. So now I mentioned the word “gay” but he seemed to be saying why bring it up?. A lot of us grew up in a “Macho” era. During my upbringing the talk of ballet dancing for men, for instance, was often shunned. Lets call a spade a spade. We are not yet living in a totally unisex society. Now today with Mr.Bla bla bla on this blog, one would suppose one can only post what he approves. By the way, do you ever recall Mr. Bla bla bla coming on with anything constructive or informative? Or even sharing of a past experience? No he just tries to put people down!
Good morning!
Ahhhhh, first day of a four day break.
One can always look up “Ballet and football” on Google. Lots of articles there and there is even a NFL film clip on comparing football with ballet.
Some posters mention taking up handball or tennis or boxing to improve footwork, coordination etc.
Ballet, surprisingly, is probably better to improve core strength, coordination, leg and foot strength.
If it can help, don’t knock it.