America’s team
From today’s practice:
Head coach Ken Niumatalolo:
* * * * *
Today’s motto:
* * * * *
Everything is neatly labeled:
* * * * *
Each Friday practice concludes with a hit-the-crossbar competition. It’s offense against defense. Niumatalolo chooses the passers:
* * * * *
Here’s what I like about Navy:
• It traveled by commercial flights, from Maryland to Dallas to here.
* It is staying at a regular hotel in Waikiki.
* It brought 74 players. Not sure why UH limited its travel roster to 66 for last year’s Florida game, or this year’s Seattle-Las Vegas trip.
* It practices hard (in a driving rain) and lets its players enjoy themselves (several were seen lounging on Waikiki Beach yesterday).
* * * * *
If a player misses at least two seasons because of injuries, he usually is a candidate for a sixth year.
It is well documented middle linebacker Brashton Satele missed the 2005 season, his first at UH, because of various injuries. And, yes, he would have played if healthy. June Jones tried to play many of the freshmen that year — Fonoti, Fruean, Leonard, Elimimian, Davis, Letuli, Cox, etc..
And it is well documented that Satele had season-ending surgery this past August.
Here’s the dilemma: Satele is set to earn his bachelor’s degree next month. UH has not even started the process of pursuing an exemption that would allow him to play as a sixth-year senior.
If he has a strong case, he needs to enroll as a graduate student for the spring semester. If not, it would benefit UH if he ceded his scholarship, allowing the team to give it to a mid-year transfer. While many believe he has a strong case, his family hasn’t received any indication either way.
What to do?
And if anybody knows the answer, let Blaze Soares, Rocky Savaiigaea and Laupepa Letuli know.
* * * * *
Happy birthday to Mahina Chillingworth.
Why hasn’t the family initiated the inquiries? Can Satele play if he’s a graduate student without a major? It’s a little late to apply for admission in a graduate program, isn’t it?
Perhaps it’s time to call upon the Athletic Department’s Faculty Rep to do some work. Or perhaps ask Virginia Hinshaw to assign someone from her office to work with the Compliance and Academic offices. ]
Actually, I think the proper term is “unclassified graduate student,” but even so, the applicant has to meet minimum graduate student standards and just getting a BA is not enough.
Off2bed – no Black Friday stuff for me – we’re just buying cat food and Vitamin C today plus paying a couple of bills before the end of the month after watching the men’s volleyball practice with Stanford.
Stephen: please respond to your voicemail.
BIG QUESTION – will the flags’ placement be corrected by Saaturday?
Now I’m off to The Land of Nod.
The family actually has tried to initiate the process, although it’s supposed to come from the school.
Usually, it’s not a concern. Except in this case, the candidate is going to graduate next month.
As a note an “unclassified graduate student” is not a very difficult designation to get whatsoever.
You turn in your application + fee and barring no extreme lack of academic performance one should be able to enroll.
As to whether he should stay or not…up to him and the coaches I suppose.
From the Flag Code:
If anyone has a pair of binoculars, check the height of the three masts. If the center mast is higher than the other two masts, then the stadium staff has it correct. Notice I’m using naval terms here. 🙂
Go Warriors!!! Beat Navy!!!
Go Navy!!! Beat Army!!!
Aloha from America, Williamsburg to be exact,
Good luck to Brashton in pursuing his medical redshirt, however, UH should be more assertive in the process. Once again, leadership begins at the top, and this has all the potential to fall into the “should’ve, would’ve could’ve” file, and that is sad.
I am just being honest, so for those of you who would want to argue, no argument needed. What is important for the troops/staff is dictated by what is important to the leader/CEO/HC…nuf sed.
Have a restful day of recovery, i think we’re going to be looking for George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or any other white haired Caucasian walking around today, haha.
Happy Friday to all the Tsaikos! I am envious of all the people who will be attending this week’s Navy-gate. Barbara and I will have to contribute to the Hawaii cheering – bolstered by bhf2, alongside the tunnel – sitting in front of our tv.
Go Warriors!!!
Good Morning, Happy Day After Thanksgiving! I hope Brashton stays. Can he work on a second major?
hiya midnite. willl be yellin for alla us, cheerin the Warriors on!
what does Brashton want to do? seems like he’s leaning to playing anudda year. no guarantees with NCAA, but good honest shot. of all his options, seems like da one dat makes most sense, da one wit da most positive upside, is to go out on a high note and da note right now is not dat high, so mo betta fo him to hang for anudda year.
so if dat is da plan, den somebody gotta go check wit coach Mack and ask him straight up, wats best for Brash? and, is he gonna help Brash by getting UHAD to assist?
i tell you, dats a job for Slugger da Volunteer. 😀
Brashton is a man and has to pursue his own path. The only issue is whether he has the support of the UH coaching staff in his application. If they want him they should supporting him in his process.
A nice rainy Black/Aloha Friday to everyone!!!
No shopping but some errands. I hope everyone has a great day!
Major turkey attack yesterday. Sheesh! Have not felt that paralyzed in a long time. Still dragging a bit today, though.
Apple Cup is tomorrow. It will be the Bottom Battle!
Go Cougs!!! Rrrrraaaaaawwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrr!
If Satele wants the 6th year and the UH staff is doing little to assist what is their reason? They have had all season to put the documents together.
Kind of silly and demonstrates a lack of planning and vision if they have not done much.
Perhaps there are other reasons for the slow going?
Slugger . . .
Giving gift certificates to restaurants is an excellent idea! I like the idea, though, of a turkey that will provide more than a one-time meal.
TChanhg, i pass the stadium, back side, nearly every day and the mast or staff are the same height. i think the stadium people don’t care about flag etiquette…Mr. Ahouse have been bugging them and nothing changes. Go Warriors.
I wonder if Navy will have a band at tomorrow’s contest. That would be awesome!
That is a difficult situation that Brashton is in. How quickly does UH process applications for graduate school? If he cannot be admitted in time to start in January then he might not be able to continue playing next year.
If he and the other Warriors ST mentioned cannot get help in the process, it might not be possible to continue playing in the UH program. Without a push from the coaches and cooperation from the UH admissions and compliance departments, they might not have an option to extend their careers.
Brashton, Blaze, Rocky, and Laupepa have all been excellent contributors to the Warrior program. Are you saying that they are not getting the help they need to play another season? That would be strange…
Is the coaching staff trying to free up scholarships to be able to increase the size of the recruiting class?
I think when the stadium first opened the center pole was taller. Since then, they have probably been replaced due to rust and regular wear.
A simple check with an on-line source for USA flag etiquette should, I would think, be more than sufficient to address the issue for the stadium staff.
Finally, I would like to believe, because of the proximity and historical significance of Pearl Harbor and the strong military presence on O’ahu, the correct flag sequence would be a factor, particularly, in a state facility.
Breakfast time!
As a point of reference, Texas finished all the paperwork quickly for Jordan Shipley last year and submitted everything on the first possible day. Since they stayed on top of the process, the NCAA granted the 6th year on December 22 last year. UH players some times have to wait until Spring Practice or later (Maka had to wait until the season was already half over if I remember correctly), but I do not think that the paperwork gets submitted that quickly.
The Orange County Register has UH commit Dominick Sierra the #18 rated recruit in Orange County.
Roman Sapolu is rated #12.
Josh Quezada is rated #6.
I was going to suggest a federal official (military or civilian) should mention the error (if the poles are all the same height) to the stadium folks.
But, then, the stadium is a state facility under the governor. And, she did specifically and publicly tell the federal education official to keep his nose out of state business.
Must be nice to be so blissful!
easy just drop the state an UH flag about a foot, it’s the flags themseleves not the pole it’s on and it is correct that when the flag is flown in a group with a state flag it is always in the center and at the highest point. it’s not brain surgery
As for Blaze and the rest of the boys it’s a sad situation when the system that is teaching them fails them.
Last year BYU was the only MWC school to respond to BSU’s request to join the MWC (I posted that article here), and now the associate AD at BYU says that the MWC should add Fresno State…
Alabama is upset with next year’s SEC schedule because *6* SEC teams have been given a bye week before they play Alabama! Wow, the SEC finishes their scheduling early…the WAC doesn’t announce the conference schedule until shortly before the season begins.
Does Benson schedules SEC games and does not like UA, too?
Wow, UH is in fine company!
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
Sleep wins out over shopping.
Stay warm & have a great time in VA! Good luck to the Beast & Weber.
Good morning Tsai-kos!! Happy Black Friday! Hope everyone had a great Turkey day. I definitely overate. Got home and was in bed before 10, which is reaaaaaallly early for me.
Traffic was really light this morning and I had no trouble with traffic around Wal-Mart.
At work today, see how long it lasts… berry berry quiet in the office.
This is very troubling news indeed that UH may not be taking an active enough role to ensure that the afore-mentioned players get their deserved 6th year.
Is there any way we can know definitively & beyond a shadow of a doubt if that’s really the case?
at UH Graduate school usually commences in the Fall, students graduating mid year usually enter as unclassified graduate students if they choose to do so. It all depends on Brashton’s major, he needs to check with the college and dept his major fall under and verify when graduate students are admitted.
The compliance personnel may be on top of this and once the decision is made to apply for a sixth year, Amanda can start the paper work during the spring term for Fall.
BULLA: Enjoy yourself and best to Ryan!
Don’t forget to eat Indian pudding!
Bhaston Satele, Blaze Soares, Rocky Savaiigaea and Laupepa Letuli – fairly easy answer:
If their ambition is to make it to the next level, then there is no real choice except to play at UH next year.
The Pros are interested in what you have done lately – not what your potential was a couple of years ago.
Great Morning All!
Happy Turkey Sandwich Day. (Hot Turkey Sandwich for those lucky to have leftover gravy)
Not real sure what the answer is for those seeking sixth year eligibility. I’m not sure that I would wait for the school to initiate the process, unless that is the process that needs to be followed.
My Personal Opinion and NOT Na Koa’s
If the decision is made by Brashton to apply for a 6th year; Buy insurance! Register or apply for graduate school and then sign up for 6 units (graduate full time load). This keeps graduate school options open.
Get the paperwork trail going. Ask the key questions;
1. What does the NCAA require and who must submit the paperwork to them?
2. Who completes the paperwork on this end?
3. What is the timeline for this process?
For what these young men have committed themselves to do in the coming years, I applaud their coaches for giving them some downtime to enjoy being in Hawaii.
When is UH practicing today?
Don Weir,
Sounds like sound advice!
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Try using a white powdered wig ala Washington or Jefferson if ur head is cold. Kill two birds with one stone, get that head full o’ hair look while keeping ur head warm. Best of luck to the Beast.
Boy, just imagine if Brashton and all the rest of those guys came back!
I think I phrased it incorrectly.
All of those guys want to return to UH. They’re waiting to see about the strength of their case.
So, let’s say they wait around, and are rejected — like Daniel Libre was in August — that’s nine wasted months.
You just know you have guts when you travel by commercial airlines during the busiest time of the year knowing that there is a chance that your luggage may not make it.. Bet the equipment manager was riding luggage compartment all the way!
UH has a walk through at 4 p.m. It’s closed to the public.
Navy’s practice is at noon. It’s open.
I was surprised they’re not staying at the Hale Koa.
Good Morning and Happy Aloha Friday! I hope everyone got their fill of ono food last night. I know I did. And to any black friday shoppers out there, my shirt size is medium husky…lol
I am going to take the devil advocates position here. B Satele has been taken on the road games even though he can’t play. Tough for me to believe the coaches a dropping the ball here. This sounds a bit like the rumor a few weeks ago that the coaches were not responding to high school and JC coaches attempts to let UH coaches know about their players. Coaches are at a public relations disadvantage here since they can’t comment on recruits or current players due to rules or privacy restrictions.
I noticed the past few weeks that people have some good suggestions for the coaches. i was thinking they should call the coaches directly at 956-6508. If it’s a real useful suggestion, they probably would appreciate it.
Then again, it could be like how I always tell them: “Wouldn’t the wildcat work better if Inoke threw the ball every so often?”
And they would say: “Shut up.”
I’m not absolutely sure, but I believe that the leading candidate for the head coaching job at Gergia Southern, also coached at Hawaii. His name is Jeff Monken, and he is now an assistant at Georgia Tech. Perhaps the Tsaikos might have know if he was here during the Wagner days.
I’ve stayed at the Hale Koa. My dad is retired Navy so I have stayed there before at a reduced rate because of military. Go Warriors !!
Happy birthday Mahina Chillingworth!
Don Weir I believe graduate school is 8 credits units to be considered a full time student. Maybe 6 units is for athletic eligibility for fb only and as a part time graduate student for academic purposes.
51- Hey, don’t the coaches read the blog?? lol =)
I think the answer to your question about Satele, and other players with similar situations boils down to how much further “down-time” these players are going to consume?
Looks like in Satele’s case he’s been out nearly half his shelf life,(playing readiness). That being said, he “might” be available for say five-six games tops in his sixth year? Unfortunately, some players are just injury prone…no matter their how talented they are.
ST – Hale Koa may have been booked up for this holiday weekend. Their rates are really good. We stayed at the military hotel in Disney World about 4 years ago. It’s located right between the 2 golf courses. The rates for the 4 hotels (there’s one in Korea and one in Germany) are the same. 4 years ago, the room rate was the equivalent of $80 per night for GS-11 and up. Rates are lower for enlisted and WG employees.
Sorry to read about your fall at the stadium Stephen.
At my former job, I was shooting pics of a Waipahu graduation from the loge at the Blaisdell. They turn off all the lights and spotlight the speaker on stage. It’s very dark.
Next thing, a very old woman misses a step coming down from the upper seats, and faceplants at my feet right next to me. Of course, I take a pic. Nah,nah, nah. Felt really sorry for her. Dummies should not turn off all the lights in there.
Back in the 80s, I was in the Air Force Academy locker room when they got a bowl invitation after a game at No Aloha. I was so impressed with these guys – top shape All American boys. I was glad they were going on to defend our country.
Guarantee the Navy boys are the exact same thing. Kinda hard to cheer against ’em.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. Don’t know if I could help in Satele’s case. Seems like the UHAD office would have all of the info & know what to do. If it’s a case of ‘man’-power, I might be able to help. But sometimes the student info needed is confidential (HIPA & grades) and would not be open to a volunteer, so they may not be able to use a volunteer to handle that paperwork.
Don’t you have to take the GRE/GMAT to get into graduate school?
Going out to brave the traffic to meet my classmates for kope. Play nice!
Esme & whoosh…
Yep. The coaches read the blog, especially the wives.
The one thing they take exception to is the perception they haven’t explored every option. Coaching is their full-time job. Like most reporters, I’ll study videos for, maybe four hours a week. That’s probably a 10th of how much video they’ll watch in a week.
Monken is the next in line of the Da Option guys, with the success of Johnson I wonder if he will be getting other offers other than Southern?
Anyway, I apologize for being grumpy today.
It’s because i got up late and missed Black Friday. Meanwhile, my pal Jeannie, whom I compete with every Black Friday, hit up five stores and spent more than $1,000.
Then again, I did get to watch Fresh Prince reruns. – Navy’s CIA like weapon for videos
ST – missing Black Friday is a bad thing? I avoid it like the Black Plague… Heard Sam’s wasn’t too crowded. If you wanna look, let me know.
morning everybody, seems it’s take it slow day. definitely ate to much like you’all. fell asleep and woke up with muscle pains.
one female member home from black friday already and other still out there. must be brutal from what grumbling I am hearing.
be safe, play nice and give chance because someone out there might be your relations bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I hope they get to work on Brashton’s 6th year request as soon as possible. We could use his talents and he would provide much needed depth on Defense. Blaze Soares doesn’t have another year, does he?
Wassup Doc:
If the “colors” are improperly set up, it will be a big embarrassment for the State of Hawaii and a complete disregard for the US Naval Academy, and all branches of the US military.
Further, a slap in the face to all those who have given their lives for the USA, all past and current veterans, and to all those who returned with disabilities.
For me, it has been a slap in the face the past 4 years when the Stadium Authority flew/displayed the colors incorrectly. This past year, personnel in the Security Office said they will note my concern, BUT absolutely nothing happened. Therefore, I can only conclude that they don’t give a F—!
Best I can see, all three are the same height. If the center is taller, it is not a “significant” height difference from the left or right pole.
Plus, if the center mast is taller (it’s not) than the others, the placement of the flags are still wrong, they have the UH flag on the right where the State flag should be. Go Warriors
Jeff Monken got his coaching start at UH
1990 Hawai’i Graduate Assistant (Secondary)
1989 Hawai’i Graduate Assistant (Slot Backs)
..all the best for Tiger Woods!
your #49 – if you are a “medium husky”, I must be a “mini me” – hehe,
have a great day!!
Good morning everyone!
At 0230 this morning I was working on my Pride of America Hawaii cruise web page (yes, work is actually underway) when I succumbed to a Black Friday-only offer. $100 off a 21.5″ iMac. My 3.5 year old 20″ iMac and Peaches’ 5 year old 17″ iMac works great, but she wants more speed and screen real estate for her farming 😐 So she gets the new one for now. 🙂
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Ah… bless my son’s in-laws.
We got the turkey carcass and I started the soup last night when we got home… with brown rice and quinoa.
This morning… yummy bone-gnawing satisfaction with a side of homemade cucumber gimchi.
Time for a nap.
Peaches- enjoy your new iMac!!! What a cool new present!
ps- is there going to be any replay of tomorrow’s game?
I don’t see it on K5…
Any Tsaiko’s going to the Koa Anuenue dinner on Wednesday? Is there a Tsaiko’s table?
Thanks postmanke, also wishing Tiger the best.
Liz – the game is on ESPNU. Set your dvr *NOW*.
A-House and others concerned about the flags’ placement: I spoke with Scott Chan on Wednesday. He said that he would call you today so If you are not in your office, you might want to call him at 4 8 3 2 7 5 0. He understands that it is particularly important that the flags be properly placed this weekend.
BTW – he says that the three poles are the same height.
The only other issue I’ve raised with him and his deputy, Lois Mannin, was the failure to provide recycling bins inside Aloha Stadium. It seemed to have taken forever for that to have happened – I raised the issue in the spring of 2008 – but I gather that it was a fairly complex task to achieve what with ordering bins and making arrangements for a commercial recycling company to handle them. Unfortunately, our company was not aware of the RFB which we would have submitted had we known about it.
With respect to the eligibility issue – please send an e-mail to virginia dot hinshaw at hawaii dot edu requesting that her office take a look at the situation.
MIH can you email me I need to ask you a question.
Several Navy players lounging on the beach???
As usual on Thanksgiving, we went to a potluck coordinated by our church. Unfortunately, shortly after starting to eat, the elderly woman sitting across from me who is in the mid-cycle of Alzheimer’s got sick. In order not to join the Rolfing Brigade, I got up and walked around outside for about 15 minutes until the mess got cleared up. By then, I’d lost my appetite so I ate a couple of pumpkin cookes and drank some coffee for this year’s Thanksgiving Dinner.
Unfortunately, I slept in this morning so we didn’t get the men’s volleyball match between UH and Stanford. Tomorrow is even less likely – an 8 am start – but I really want to see them play so maybe we can get there in time to watch the last set.
The seedings for the next round of women’s volleyball playoffs will be announced on Sunday or Monday. Let’s hope it will be in a location where there are some UH fans.
How many Tsaikos had to go into work today?
*Raises Hand*
Other than that, had a good Thanksgiving with a fellow co-worker who lives way out in the Maryland suburbs. It was a great substitute given I wasn’t able to head back to the west coast for the holiday.
Next Thanksgiving should be a little more normal.
#70 A-House right on, I don’t like to get started on this subject (dis-regard for vets) but I think you hit the nail on the head “Therefore, I can only conclude that they don’t give a F—!”
OK pau
CRW (raising hand) I will continue my perfect work record of watching the grass grow<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
SteveM: Who has the Mac sale? Cannot buy one now – the organization’s fundraising drive doesn’t start until December 4th – but perhaps I can talk them into letting me buy it later on at this price.
Must go to work now – hope to see some of you this evening at Stan Sheriff Center – women’s basketball at 5 pm and men’s basketball at 8 pm. I understand that there’s TWO-fer offer, but I don’t know what the details are. Anyone here know what it is? We’ve got season tickets for both so perhaps we can give the extra set away.
Wouldn’t it be funny when the flag is moved that those who consider the important view to be the outside of the stadium would start saying the flag is on the “wrong” side?
CRW – *raising hand*. Pretty quiet around here.
Wassup Doc:
Thank you for bringing my concern of the “colors” being displayed correctly to Scott Chan.
A few minutes ago, I discussed this with Andrew Chang, who called me, and he also confirmed that the 3 poles/masts are the same height and that the center pole is slightly in front of the other 2 poles to make it diamond shaped. One would never know that when you look at the poles. He also said that their office spoke with someone at the Pacific Command who confirmed that it was OK to fly the US flag on the middle pole “because of the diamond shape”. I told him that I never heard of that and hope whomever they spoke with is not with the Protocl Office. He further stated that they will look into it and make any corrections, if necessary.
My request was that if I am wrong to call me back and provide me specific information so I can read those document(s).
Mr Chang said that they were NOT aware of this “problem” and would not want to dishonor any visitor to the stadium and embarrass the State of Hawaii.
Same thing for me at the office. Only one other person in my division showed up, and even they weren’t expecting me there. That’s why I left after lunch hour.
jm2375- mahalo.
Good thing I am off today.
How do you spell tryptophan/diabetic coma?
Nahnahnah… but really… no shopping for me- zzzz.
Hello out there! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday. I look forward to a good game tomorrow.
Heading off to Navy’s practice.
Tell Kenny, no cheating tomorrow.. his line can only move when the ball is snapped. =)
Question- anyone coming to the T-Gate late? I’m on the 2:45 Go! flight tomorrow and would appreciate a ride if you are passing by.
Otherwise, TheBus is good.
Does anyone have personal contact with Adjutant General, State of Hawaii, Maj. Gen. Robert G.F. Lee? At the State level he would be the one to correct the flag issue.
CAPITOL etc: Your best bet for a Mac is Free shipping and no sales tax. Price is right.
I dont know what the big deal is about the flags.. then can get it right with ease. centered okay IF it’s at the highest point. If poles are same height, right US Flag then State Flag the Other Flag. Flag Code Section 7 e
ST watch out for the steps.
If I am not mistaken when flying the US flag with other countries/states the US flag should be in the center above all others, just like when they present the gold metal in the Olympics.
(Not you postmanke)Too those who think a few of us are being silly about this, please just understand, for me I spent one year of my young life in a steaming rotten jungle, seeing my friend an buddies falling dead left an right because I was serving this great flag, so that’s why it is so important to a few of us!!!!!!
If Satele and the coaches wanted another season AND believed he could get another w/in NCAA regulations they would have petitioned already.
We may never know who wanted what or who DIDN’T want what.
Actions speak louder than words.
Wow ST good article today. You hit the nail on the head. Purcell will be the 1st read for the qb and fullback when Navy runs their option. They do like to run right. Even from the right hash mark. Another one to look out for is the fullback. He lines up 2 yards behind the qb and hits the line really hard. He not only is a runner but a very effective blocker. And the qb will often follow him into the hole. Even Ohio St. couldn’t stop this. He is also really good at cut blocking.
I agree Pomai, the flag code clearly states the positions. It should be a non issue.
Stephen Tsai,
I have yet to hear from a coach in college football that says “We have NOT explored every option, we have NOT worked our behinds off, we have NOT tried our best to coach…”
Although you do occasionally hear things like “Our players are playing their tails off and the coaches are screwing it up!!!” – John L. Smith (Michigan State) hahahaha.
Not to say that Mack is just talking because I’ve seen him with “age” with stress so I can only imagine how much work hes doing. I personally have never questioned his work ethic (although I have my reservations about a particular assistant coach, but thats a story for another day).
I think the hard work and sacrifice is something almost ALL coaches in college even in high school have in common…however its the results that really count.
TJ? Did I miss reading about this recruit.
6-4 225 LB . Nice
My memories fading I guess if it was posted here
Not an expert on the processes and/or responsibilities for a 6th year
scholarship. Coach to make recommendation, athletic dept. to do the
contact and paperwork.
Auburn sure would love to have Bo back right now….
Sheesh! Who has said that concern over the flag issue is silly? That’s like when the whole mess over the HC started earlier this season. While some were highly critical of him, few if any were calling for the HC to be fired, yet a bunch of blowhards were whining about the uproar about firing the HC. Now that’s silly.
Was that a big collective groan I heard from the parking lot at Bronco Stadium in Boise?
So did anyone find out that if an ENTIRE offensive line moves ever so slightly in unison PRIOR to the snap it’s a false start?
I’d like to think so.
Feature story on Coach McMackin in the Annapolis Capital Gazette.
ST the best person to ask would be the compliance officer at UH to determine status of players seeking hardship waivers. I think for medical hardship player must have one year of playing then the school can apply for the player. The key will be detailed documentation of injuries by a qualified physician and the schools athletic training staff. So I think it is a combination of many people that are needed for the player to get approved by the reviewing committee.
My information may be dated but it is best to my recollection.
ST wrote about his commit on October 24.
117 Kazz,
What if only 1 player does it?
Grrrrrrrr…. I thought you mentioned the entire Navy offensive line does it?
yeah, but what’s the difference? once you’re set the rules state you dont move until the snap.
Who’s gonna win the Boise – Nevada face off today?
Hand raising from the Mist. Nodded off for a second, and no one around to notice…
So what kind of fun did Navy have at practice? were they animated about it?
Mack Brown. He’s publically stated he doesn’t believe in non-BCS teams getting in to a BCS Bowl game, so I guess one is better than two… As if BSU had a real shot at this time anyway…
If I had to care…Boi$e
If Nevada beats Boise, would that lessens their value to the MWC? Would it end any speculation of Boise and Fresno being spirited away before the rest of the WAC can find their legs?
I like that Nevada is doing well and that Idaho and Utah are improving. I want to see Idaho steal half of Boise recruits for a spell. Kind of worried about the futures for NMSU and SJSU.
JJ and SMU agreed to 2 year contract extension…thru 2014.
Kazz! lol sorry, i though it was “I dont think so..” in 117 =)
yeah, that sneaky Kenny. – that’s why i love him as a coach, always seeking that edge!
I guess the call of the whales is hard to hear from Dallas.
Or is it the call of the “Whale$”? 🙄
SMU being a private institution, everyone seems to be on the same page regarding the role and importance of student-athletes at a university…or else…
Here’s the link to the story about the Former Coach
bigger “whale$ ” in Kansas City… great for JJ!
seems to be a nice trend across the country for former UH players / coaches in coaching this year.
Hi Moral$
Nice that JJ has an AD who is able to form a cogent thought in a timely manner.
Come on JD! You are already light-years ahead of the twit who previously warmed the chair. Constant improvement is the key.
So no truth to the rumor that the coinciding of the expiration of coach mack and coach jones deal would see the return of JJ to UH. Rumor was that JJ left to get the ball rolling on those improvements he wanted done while Mack would hold down the fort till both their expiring contracts would allow JJ to come back to a much improved facility and resources. Not happening with the decline of the programs performance and the economic downturn. Shoot, who thinks the Ching Complex is actually gonna be done? JJ is smart by staying at a private institution where the government can’t screw things up.
SMOOO stay jumpin’ da gun already huh?
Well, can’t blame them considering where they are now…
Not to mention an incompetent board of regents. Selection comittees? AH CMON!
Backyard Brawl looking more like a sleepover do far….
😳 so far….
I can understand why someone named Nob Bash would be interested in all things related to contract extensions.
There apparently is a sentiment to have NMSU to drop out if D-IA, which this editorial in the Las Cruces tries to argue against.
Regarding # 107
I could be wrong but I thought the rule is you are unable to petition for a medical redshirt year until the season is over.
‘Auwe! Since the Navy game is on ESPNU, it is not being re-broadcast. Is there a way to watch it via internet? My sis wants to know. Is anyone recording it? Mahalo!
I believe it was confirmed that the additional 2 million dollar donation received last season (can’t remember the name of the donor, TOM MUI, could you refresh our memories?) counts towards matching the 5 million pledged by the Ching Foundation to complete the Ching Complex. I think finishing the Ching Complex and or how JD works the legislature and secures private and or public donations will speak volumes of how he’ll be able to guide us through a crappy fiscal year in 2010 and possibly beyond.
But yes, ULTIMATELY the bolded statement above is the ULTIMATE bottom line in our situation with our beloved UH and what a private instituation has going for them.
New Word for UH…
–constant improvement on an eensie bitsy scale.. inch by inch…step by step… always forward… incrementally… bettering oneself.. one’s company.. one’s organization.
No NMSU in the WAC?
The women’s volleyball picture in the WAC would suffer even MORE, not to mention having it effect the Wahine’s RPI, which already isn’t so hot even WITH a decent team like NMSU.
No worry, beef curry….tomorrow’s game going be one Instant Classic on ESPNClassic!
(But jic, I think I can help you out. 😉 )
MIH . . .
There is a grocery chain up here that bases their entire organization on kaizen. They speak about it publicly. Their CEO has spoken to my SkillsUSA kids and has stressed it.
Better than “FUBAR”. 😉
148 MIH
I like the Da Kaizen blitz…
KAIKAKU – Pony up! =)
Didn’t realize that Kellen Moore is the MOST EFFICIENT QB in the nation.
I had to double check my link to the “Warrior Beat”.
For a moment, I thought I was reading the Navy Beat.
just kidding. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s game.
I’m heading to UH’s practice now. I’ll have matching pictures of ball bags.
Welcome back Coaches Niumatalolo and Jasper.
Still remember Ivin Jaspers’ bomb to Matt Harding vs. BYU.
But they’re now on the makai sidelines.
Slugger, try you can see all kinds of sports events; football (college and NFL), basketball, MMA, and even can watch live big money poker games (not tournaments…cash games)
I have a question for the bloggers….
From a PURELY OBJECTIVE perspective (leave out the fan emotionalism for just this one question) what do you think are the chances of UH making it into the top 10 and getting a possible BCS bid in the next 5-10 years?
For instance from a purely objective albeit subjective standpoint Boise is ALWAYS in the hunt for a BCS and/or in top 25 it seems over the past few years. Conversely I don’t think NMSU or SJSU will make it into the top 25 let alone BCS game in the next 20 years honestly.
Off course this is all assuming that a BCS or BCS-like system is still in place.
tonight’s mbb against New Mexico will be rebroadcast Saturday of K5 at 1 p.m. set your dvr.
First of all I love Mack Brown as a coach, but his comments on the the non-AQ schools are just rubbish and I am ashamed for him.
Honestly if we took out football and placed his comments w/in the context of the civil rights movement, his comments would be racist at best.
If Mack doesn’t like the way non-AQ BCS schools can qualify then he should insist on a playoff system and boycott any BCS invites National Championship or otherwise.
Take the scrutiny of teams out and lets decide the winner by the last team standing.
While Satele’s paperwork get’s submitted to the WAC then off to the NCAA is he allowed to practice in spring drills with the team while waiting for his 6th year?
Re: # 160
I do agree however with his comments that the BCS only cares about #1 and #2 and the rest don’t matter much aside from “pride and money.”
It’s actually kind of funny when you think about it that teams get excited to be playing for a “pseudo” 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th place and so on. I can’t recall a sport that people actually break down into tears of joy when they not just end up in 7th place but are thankful to be playing for it haha.
Off course unless you are USC…in which case if you make the Rose Bowl its like “Uggggghhhhhhhhhhh Rose Bowl AGAIN….??? :(…so boring”…..Any other team in the country would be piddling in their pants and having celebrations for days if they made it to the Rose Bowl…but not USC…its almost a let down. hahaha.
Tiger Woods will soon be the first athlete to make $1Billion….(O_O)…WOW!
Mahalo, d1!
K, gotta go have turkey dinner with my Mom & siblings. It’s the party season! Play nice.
Esme & whoosh…
If there’s a chance we can make the top ten in the next 5-10 years, I’d say it has to come in 2011 pr 2013.
The Warriors will have to come out like gangbusters next season and really do respectfully in the WAC to keep up a higher level of recruiting interests – locally and elsewhere. They need to at least win the WAC in the next two or three years. Getting positive attention will pay in dividends as both Defense and Offense develop depth in every position. As a lot of it is perception, our starting QB may have to be NFL – caliber (size, height, weight, arm) to get the kind of respect the team would need.
AND… we’ll need an easier schedule than next year’s. 😉
I want Tiger Woods to be my next best friend for life.
Maybe it’s time for all the NON-BCS, D-1 teams to come together and create their own Division. Let the BCS beat up on each other exclusively. Then the new Division or league could negotiate for their own $$ with the networks. Possibly apply this to all sports, not just football.
Why the heck is football the only sport that has this haves-and-have_nots setup, anyway?
thanks for the response. do you think that an easier schedule may be the biggest problem we will face aka a sugar bowl repeat?
i guess my question is do we need to play respected teams and beat them in order to make it into the BCS again because playing 2 div-1aa teams etc again may not “move” the human polls like 2007 and definitely not move the computer polls.
i think a whole new “bcs-like” division out of mid-majors would be a good idea but the average person the general public (excluding fans of Hawaii or Neveda or TCU etc.) could care less about seeing them play.
To be successful they would have to schedule these “BCS Bowl Games” on another day not to be crossed with another BCS game or even things like the Holiday or Texas bowl etc etc etc who have BCS-team matchups.
Its a given that people WANT to see “big names” play even over teams like Boise St. and Utah who are doing exceptionally well.
If people had the option between watching Idaho vs. University of Denver or Oklahoma vs. Arizona I think most people would choose the later…and really I can’t blame them because I would too.
Not that it’s a bad idea because its actually a really good idea (although my preference is a playoff) but its about setting it up to be successful. It wouldn’t get as much revenue as the BCS but it would at least be an option. 🙂
W. VA up 16-9 with about 7 minutes to go. Go Mountaineers! Pitt is ranked 9th, a loss would drop them from the top ten with 2 losses. Pitt plays Cincy next week, should Cincy lose, and BSU wins tonight, BSU should be in top 4. BCS money! Money talks, UH needs it!
Govs ahead, 6-0!
Hope you watching, Long Time UH Fan!
Cheerio! 🙂
Na Wahine wbb on K5 in about 3 minutes, Nevada vs Boise in fb in about 10 minutes.
Re:160 wonderwhy
I remember in 1981 an announcer made a comment about Northwestern and had the same opinion as your NMSU and SJSU. NW was the doormats in the Big Ten and had not won a game since 1979.. impossible for them to compete, never go to the Rose Bowl were some of the comments..
Soon after Dennis Green took over and they started winning and shortly after Barnett took them to the Rose Bowl. Kaizen! hard to see now, but any program can be a sleeping giant given the right person leading the program.. In a few short years you will start hearing the words SMU and BCS in the same breath.
Kaizen! or in SMU cases Kaikaku!
I suppose one div 1aa team wouldn’t hurt. But not late in the season.
Depending on who the 4th OoC game will be against, 2011 really looks manageable. It may also depend a lot on who our receivers are that year (players we recruited last year and this year). We’ll have Stutzman, Jasper and Ostrowski as our local anchors…but they will need to get a lot of playing time next season to be ready for 2011.
Who steps in after Moniz will determine our chances in 2013. That QB will have one year with seasoned receivers under his belt. We have USC, BYU, Army and Washington at Home along with Fresno and Boise. This could be a heck of a year if UH can upset USC and continue the roll. The SOS would be very favorable, and the human polls would be glued to Hawaii if 2012, Moniz’s final season is a successful one.
Oops scratch that comment about Moniz having his final year in 2012..that would be the new QB’s inaugural year.
14:45 left in the 1st q, B$U 7, Reno 0
Can I get a “Quick Strike”?
alright W.V. beat Pitt 19-16.
ANYTHING is possible. I won’t debate that part. For every rule there are exceptions so I give you that. I think its better if I say the “probability” of SJSU or NMSU going to a BCS bowl game are slim and none.
one div-1aa team should be fine especially if its not late in the year like florida or alabama did this year.
Boise State…….wow….just wow.
“I can’t recall a sport that people actually break down into tears of joy when they not just end up in 7th place but are thankful to be playing for it haha.”
The World Cup! I happened to be in Dublin when Ireland tied someone during a World Cup match. hadn’t won, tied! and the whole friggin city stopped, fans erupted, choas in the streets, folk music everywhere, leprechauns and all! ok, no leprechauns.. but it was amazing what a tie meant to some people. – i dont think they even made it out of their bracket. but still they celebrated like they won the whole thing.
Interesting comment coach Kelly,(Cincinnati bearcats), tonight; he was asked if he felt his team could compete and win against any top ten team, and he said sure, but for one game only….the reason he said was because he doesn’t have the depth on his team to play that way week-in-week-out.
thats pretty hilarious. then again don’t mess with soccer fans and their soccer. when s. korea lost a few years ago in the quarterfinals i think there was an unprecedented number of tv’s that were purchased right after ( due to the fact that people were so angry they broke their tv’s) hahahaha.
unusual texture to the Boise field, is it all worn out or is the blue color fading badly. Tried watchng the wbb, really tried, checking out HS on OC16. since boise is up by three scores in the first quarter, got chance to switch between HS fb and wbb.
Na Wahine with 10 TOs, Kanekoa with at least 4, maybe 5. Na Wahine got to settle down and run their set, losing the ball as they move across the center line and the top of the key.
gotta love the play action.
It’s called rain.
I think thats frost/rain on the ground.
Any updates on the Wahine basketballers right now?
VJ Fehoko gets lots of penetration but has trouble finishing.
25-17 ASU with 4 minutes to go, UH with 11 TO
10 turnovers for the Wahine already?
What’s the score?
Florida and Alabama started off pretty high.. climbed up higher and aren’t going to lose much based on their SOS..
Hawaii, on the other hand, needs a heck of a running start. They need to end the previous season ranked or almost ranked.. that would be next year.. and come out strong in their first three to four games to get into the top 15. Then slowly chip away at the lead, either by wins, byes or attrition of the other teams.
But even then, there’s no guarantee. I mean Boise might not get in even with two back to back perfect regular seasons.
but the pattern on the bosie field is uniform, all parallels rows of blue, then gray whitish, blue again. and my tv is only one year old, its not the picture tube
Condolences to Megan Tinnian, wbb, they just announced that Megan left this season wbb to take care of personal matters, her mother passed away from cancer. She will return to Na Wahine in the Spring.
20-0 Boise on top vs Nevada. Doesn’t look good at all for Nevada.
Oh yeah.. they just started the second quarter.
29-19 with under 2 minutes. ASU all the way, 13+ TO
32-22 at the half, ASU
defensive game in HS, 6-3 Farrington with 11.3 minutes in the game. Kahuku has a kicker who can tie this game up should KHS get into range.
I hope Al doesn’t read the blog before he views his tape of todays games, LOL
37 degrees and raining at Boise, that’s worst than taking a cold shower.
If Neveda was a chicken and Boise State was the knife handler at the Abattoir….the USDA would be citing Boise for animal cruelty…..(O_O)
27-3 2nd qrt Boise all the way. I smell the sweet smell of BCS money. Pitt got to beat Cincy next week. OSU got to beat Oregon. Georgia got to beat Georgia Tech. If it all fall in place, the Big East and ACC champs will have 2 losses, so will the Pac 10. Lots of chance for 2 at large for TCU and Boise.
add this to “what to be thankful for…”
Hawaii NOT playing Boise St. right now at Bronco Stadium….BSU is clicking, they are running on all cylinders….it could have been A LOT worse if we played them today rather than a few weeks ago.
HS game tied, Mercado is an excellent kicker. 4.32 minutes to go
Still, I’m surprised at the score between Boise and Nevada. I thought Nevada would keep it close in the first half, at least.
Farrington vs Kahuku. Mano vs Mano. UH should be as tough as these boys. Why don’t we hear how much the Warriors bench, dead lift, power clean and squat? I know the Govs O-line and D-line all bench over 300 pounds. God knows how much they squat.
i would be more interested in their squats and powercleans, especially for the linemen. the bench is good, but only as a benchmark, no pun intended, haha.
great game, watching on the internet feed from VA…..brrrrrr, cold outside but the game is keeping it warm inside, haha
hiya Tsaikos. see ya tomorrow. off to da airport for da Hnl shuttle.
by Tsaikos.
but first, ST, if they really read the blog:
1. how come they not acting like PROPER PRIOR PLANNING PREVENTS POOR PERFORMANCE? how come we dunno wats going on with the paperwork and NCAA requests for the extra year option? most importante, how come the affected player and his family acting like they dunno wats going on?
at the LEAST, that is showing very poor public relations planning by whoever’s job it is to get that stuff done. and its been going like that for on and on and on and on. we talked like this last year. sheeeeshhh!
i said it wrong: very poor public relations presentation!
Good night!
Kahuku wins…9-6. We gotta get that kicker, Mercado. Go Warriors.
That Kahuku… they don’t believe that they will lose. That’s a huge edge to go into a game with.
I know your beast is stronger than our Warrior lineman. Coach Mel should have gone with Coach Jones to SMU, he would have done UH a favor, and we wouldn’t have all these injuries with our players.
i am going to take the 5th on this one, all i can say is i went to the Boise game, to see what some of the differences are between a ‘well run’ program and a ‘developing’ program… of the blatant observations is the conditioning of the linemen, on both sides of the ball. speed and power, that is the name of the game, especially if you are planning for long term success. BSU looked solid, head to toe, top to bottom. they run here, they run there, no walking, no jawing, just very businesslike….impressive.
but thank you for the props for ‘the beast’; he ended up 2nd in sacks and 2nd in tackles for loss this season for his team, and he only played in 6 of 11 games, and out of those 24 quarters, he only played in 19 before being injured. both injuries were double team chop blocks, and i don’t care who supports that technique, but not when you’re engaged in a double team, and then someone puts a helmet to your knee. if that is legal, then i am not on the same planet.
good luck to the warriors tomorrow, anything is possible, anything…..but it starts from the top
UH does benches (for max and reps), power cleans, squats, vertical jumps and broad jumps.
It no longer does 40-yard dashes.
Я в твиттере я нашёл отдушину. Не подписываюсь на лытдыбровские блоги. а вот в твиттере с удовольствием всякого почитаю.
Dueling Ball Bags?
thanks for the info. did you catch the kahuku game? that kicker was ALL of their offense, pretty accurate in the wind also.
does UH do the 5-10-5 shuttle or the pro agility drill for speed measurements?
leaning more towards the NFL type training/analysis it looks like
any picture of birthday girl Mahina Chillingworth?
looks like nalani’s nephew #68 for kam went to the sidelines hobbling 🙁
Well, looks like Boise just sealed the game.
Howzit gang, someone can shoot me one email for directions to the tailgate tomm. Long time since I been tailgating, no can membah where is the spot located. Gracias for the info… email at pauoaboy31 at yahoo dot com
MIH money smelling good, but the money isn’t in the bank, got to have some upsets this weekend.
Boise state is tough, I hope they don’t get shafted by the BCS and end up in the Fiesta Bowl against a team like Oklahoma St. Anyone know the score from the Auburn vs Bama game?
Bama won.. they came from behind in the last half of the last quarter…26-21
Excellent game.
Thanks mih yeah I was watching lil bit of the beginning when auburn was up 14- 0 I was hoping they could hold on to win. Oh well next weeks Florida vs. Alabama game should be interesting.
Pauoa Boy, Auburn led all the way to about a little over a minute when Bama scored. I think Florida will kill them. Go Warriors.
I hope the boys is ready to play tomm. Navy’s attention to detail is noteworthy, they are very disciplined and organized and play that way. The Warrior boys need to play smart and minimize mental mistakes to win this game. I think our boys can win so long as they don’t beat themselves.
I dunno Florida is quick and explosive but Alabama has a tough defense and running back. I think the Gaytors going win though too.
27-0 KAMEHAMEHA….aloha to the Mules, Hello State Championship:)
Congrats Kauai High – on to Iolani!
NN and SWD!
Kamehameha just dominated Leileihua, where was Manley? So what Kamehameha vs. Kahuku state championship, chee hee. Imua Warriors!
*knocks on clubhouse door* Anybody home?
oh well, I guess I’ll hit the sack too. Oyasumina-chai.
PB ~ Check your email for directions to the T-gate and the password. I included my cell phone in case you need any further assistance.
Good to know you are home safely. Thank you for your service, we’ll see you there!
SINK Navy!
well thanks to ralph i don’t have to watch those games. now i can free up space on my dvr.
haha….the facts are…
the bad, tv blew out on wednesday night and can’t a new one till sunday or monday.
the good, will now have a new one. yes, christmas comes early in palolo this year.
congrats to tc campbell and the kapalama warriors.
oops, forgot nalani’s boy as well.
it should be one awesome game with two of the states finest defenses next weekend. too bad that oc16 is broadcasting this one on ppv for some forty bucks. shame on them.
Al I hope you got a tv on black friday, best buy and walmart had a few on sale.
yea yea i know some of you might be saying to yourself “wishful thinking mr. iwwthm”
nonetheless tomorrows game
Hawaii 45
Navy 28
its just a wierd hunch i have.
Shout out to Mrs. Dunnachie who is here to see her son play.
Aloha Mrs. Dunnachie! (in my best Outback accent)
We are honored to have you visit us. Your son is doing a fine job of representing his family. Please enjoy the game, and your stay!
If there’s anything you don’t understand about this American brand of football, just pick up your phone and call (808) TSAIKOS.
I didn’t realize that BSU had been trying to get to the MWC as early as 2005. If they had gone to their BCS bowl a few years earlier, maybe they would be in the MWC now instead of TCU. I hope that the other WAC schools can rack up a lot of wins against BSU next season to make it less effective for them to switch conferences.
Great Morning All!
I hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving w/ family & friends, feasting, and bonding, and giving thanks…. but now it’s time for some Warrior Football!!! 😀
~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
WIPE…OUT!!: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :jjj)(((‘¯”\: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : SURF’S..UP!!………….OOOO……….
WIPE…OUT!!: : : : : : : : : : : : : jjj)((( : : : : : /¯)): : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : SURF’S..UP!!…….O……….….O…..
SURF’S..UP!!: : : : : : : : : : : :jjjj)((((: : : : : /)¯¯)) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : WIPE…OUT!!….O…@……..@…O…
SURF’S..UP!!: : : : : : : : : : jjj))(((((: : : : : /¯¯)) ¯)) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : WIPE…OUT!!….O……….A……….O…
WIPE…OUT!!: : : : : : :jjjj))(((((((: : : : : : /__))__)_)) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : SURF’S..UP!!…..O……..·´¯`·…….O…
WIPE…OUT!!¸¸¸.·´)))))jjj((((((((: : : : _______[||]_______/ : : : : : : : : : : SURF’S..UP!!…….O….`·.¸¸.·`….O…..
SURF’S..UP!! ¸¸¸.·´¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯\WMmmmmmMW//¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯WIPE…OUT!!….…….OOOO………..
SURF’S..UP!! ¸¸¸.·´ ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´WIPE…OUT!!.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯
Try, Try again… 😳
WIPE…OUT!!: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :jjj)(((‘¯”\: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
WIPE…OUT!!: : : : : : : : : : : : : jjj)((( : : : : : /¯)): : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
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WIPE…OUT!!¸¸¸.·´)))))jjj((((((((: : : : _______[||]_______/ : : : : : : : : : :
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SURF’S..UP!! ¸¸¸.·´ ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´
That’s suppose to be a BIG wave about to pound the sail boat…. 🙄 😀
A great Saturday to all!
Go Warriors! Okay, not as fancy as Brew but you get the idea.
~~•~~~~•~~ ★ ★ ★ Be => W A R R I O R S !!! ★ ★ ★ ~~•~~~~•~~
★ ★ WARRIORS!!! ★ ★
Go Wild, ‘Cats!!!
Breakfast time. Yum!
____WWWWWWW____AFAN…. you funny! 😆
I like it!
Congratulations to Nalani’s Pono and his teammates. 40-0…impressive.
I was looking at the pictures above again an I noticed in the one that shows the whole team the are all dressed alike, one team. I wish we could afford to outfit the Warriors like that. To me it I think it would help to bring them together as one unit, one team.
d1 en da bull, good luck today!!!!!!!!!!
Your art work is also impressive.
You mean, like a uniform? 🙂
Mahalo Pomai!
KHS v KHS for d1’s title is going to be an exciting game! Whoo-hoo!!!
IHS v KHS for d2’s title is going to be just as good!
So, what is it with all the KHS’s? If Kalaheo, Kaiser, Kalani, Kaimuki, … were playing for the d2 title it would have been an all KHS set of games!
morning tsaiko country and warrior fans
game day so time to get it on. all tgaters see your email before leaving the house.
sending out some hawn mana to the two wildcat team also playing today. may they be successful in their endeavors today. also congrats to an impressive KS team on their victory. really went after manley last night. hope the green clad warriors can do the same today.
Nice sunrise this morning.
And Good Morning to all!
Sink Navy! Go Warriors!
kden shouting out to brew808 the tsaikos artist. you must be taking lessons or med’s cause the pic getting moa fancy now bhwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa morning guy.
second yell goes out to wafan who is providing the early morning kope at the tgate today. thanks mon
Morning all you Tsai-kos and Tsai-kettes…
It’s time to RUMBLE!!!
Bring on the Warriors cuz NAVY’s in town and gonna rock the house.
See everybody at the Tailgater.
Aloha, SB
Good Morning All! Hope everyone has a good time at the T-Gate. GO WARRIORS!!!
I like the title of Mr. Tsai’s post, “America’s Team”. Navy, Air Force, and Army teams are all really America’s Teams.
Bravissimo and thanks for their sacrifices!
Still, though . . .
Koakane . . .
Enjoy the morning coffee at the T-Gate!
the MWC wanted the Dallas TV market. the population base is the big negative against Boise.
261- you mention TEAM so.. =)
That is one of the reasons why I dont believe we can have something special with this coaching staff. We have a team but we dont have a TEAM. however their coaching philosophy is, i aint a buying it. Yeah, some of the kids love their coach but to get to another level there has to be a special bond between players and coach. you see it in Navy almost unconditionally. – that is special.
I have a whole list of things that i can see from 2000 miles away the simple behaviors that can undermine a team development. I’ll list one. The position of QB. streamlining the competition between athletes is nice and that is what everyone wants in coaching. But come game time it would be nice for all the QB’s to come together helping each other out throughout the game. in the SJSU game Moniz was on one far end, Rausch on the opposite side and Funaki hovering somewhere in the middle. No one was talking to Austin or helping him out on the sidelines. in the BSU game last night, the QB’s talk to each other and the backup’s wear headsets through out the entire game. something so simple yet so profound in terms of getting everyone on the same page in a team surroundings. Correct if i’m wrong but our environment on the sidelines seems like it’s “every man for themselves” I am not blaming the players and the certain defensive units are tighter than others, and some asst coaches together units, but it’s the main coaching philosphy that shapes the team. But as usual, i may be wrong, and everything is honky-dory.. Maybe it’s just the perception I’m battling. it’s just that other teams perceptions, just by photo’s, seem a little more obvious..
BEAT Navy!
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Dayum Brew, what’s next, the Sisitine Chapel?! 😆 😆 😆
New post up!
[…] finally, I hope no one is dropping the ball regarding Brashton Satele’s petition for a medical hardship. Here’s the dilemma: Satele is set to earn his bachelor’s degree next month. UH has not […]
I am definitely bookmarking this page and share it with my friends.
I Love College
“I love college.”
Amazing as always 🙂
Very great website.
The message here is really valuable.
I will tell my friends.
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I will add this website to my stumble upons!…
I somehow dont agree with a few things, but its great anyways.