Regents approve athletics fee
The Board of Regents today approved a measure that would impose a $50-per-semester athletics fee on all UH-Manoa students.
In exchange, students will be able to use school IDs to gain free admission to all UH home sporting events.
The fee will be implemented Jan.1, although students are expected to be able to earn free admission starting in mid-September.
The athletic department is expect to earn $2 million annually from the fee — none of which will go to salaries.
The Regents heard testimony from 18 speakers this morning — 11 were opposed, six were in favor, one said to really think about it — listened to a presentation from chancellor Virginia Hinshaw and athletic director Jim Donovan, and then held a Q & A session.
After that, they had a break for lunch, then went into execute session before approving the proposal.
Two things were evident from today’s session: 1) the athletic department needs the money to maintain its programs, and 2) there are a lot of pressing needs on the Upper Campus.
good morning all.. VOTE FOR THE FEE!
Good Morning Tsai-kos!
Howdy Good People!
Morning Folks!
To fee or not to fee – that is the question.
Woo hoo TOP TEN….!!!!
Good morning Tsaikos.
Good Morning!
I support the fee. Off to the meeting…
If you would like to help our alma mater, please make out and send your check to:
University of Hawaii Foundation
Bachman Hall
2444 Dole Street
Honolulu, HI 96822
Or call 956-8849 for more information. Your donation is tax-deductible.
Hi, everybody! aloha!
Someone, whose boyfriend used to be a research scientist at UH, told me that the campus rumor is UH-West Oahu will become the main campus and the Manoa campus will be scaled down considerably.
Has anybody heard this rumor, too???
Good Morning Gangeez!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Top 20!
Fee? Fine! Fantastic!
“No ask me!”
gigi #11, then we can make an on campus stadium and arena at the site. There isn’t room at Manoa for a stadium.
Good Morning All! 3 more days til I return to the Islands. Unfortunately no trip to Oahu this time. Hope everyone has a good one!
there’s certainly lots of empty space in Kapolei for a stadium. Wow, can you imagine how beautiful that campus will look? I can’t wait to see it.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
I hope they pass the athletic fee. As I committed to yesterday, if the students pay the $50 per semester fee, I will do the same. I will deposit the money into the UH Foundation – Tsaiko Athletic Fund that can be used for various athletic needs. How can we expect students to pay if we are not willing to do it ourselves?? I challenge other Tsaikos to do the same. All donations made are tax deductible.
gigi – checks can be mailed to UH Foundation but if you don’t put a fund name, it will not be used for athletics. There are many different athletic funds that the money can allocated. See attached link that has the list under “Accounts”
Morning Gang,
Just a thought here. If there was a sport to eliminate, would it be coed Sailing? Operating expenses according the institutional data reports a total operating budget of $63,233 (2008-2009). A roster size composed of 10 men, 16 women and two coaches. Compared to other sports, the budget pales in comparison.
Is saying Bon Voyage to sailing a possibility?
Since David and I are both UH alumni, we intend to donate $500 to UH Foundation. Half to athletics and half to the Psychology Dept (to rebuild Gartley Hall).
We love our alma mater and plan to make it an annual donation.
I encourage everybody to make a donation to UH, no matter how small. Every little bit helps!
I will meet Stretch’s challenge….and I too challenge other Tsaikos to do the same…C’mon you rich buggas…No scared em….MWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA j/k
Gigi…#19…Like I said yesterday….if every UH graduate were to donate $50 per year to UH…and let’s put that into perspective, that’s like $1 per week….UH would garner at least $5 million per year just from that alone…which would help UH tremendously. Like you said, every little bit helps….
What happened to the pictures?
I don’t think sailing offers its athletes scholarships, they do it for the love of sailing and representing our island state. Kind of strange for an island not to have sailing as a sport
Ralph…well, it’s sort of like some land locked states, like Nevada, has more registered boats than Hawaii does….LOL
Wow, does this blog have one foot in the Twilight Zone? Yesterday’s one has a smaller point size and color background for every other post, etc. Today’s doesn’t.
As for the fee, the pragmatic approach is, as ST notes, to assess it on undergrads but not grad students. However, my personal feeling is that every student should pay it.
I agree with you. All students should pay the fee, including grad students. But what about the athletes? If they have to pay, it won’t help the athletics dept’s budget, since it will have to increase the scholarship amount.
It’s hot as heck on the Plains out there, but yeah, definitely room for all kinds of on-campus facilities. But you know.. I always used to wonder… when we used to go up to BYU or Wyoming, we’d play in the snow or freezing cold, and everyone knew we weren’t acclimated to it. Likewise, why don’t we play our games when it’s hottest here, and give our opponents that same taste of OUR home field advantage? Plus, that’s prime time viewing time on the east coast, and we might actually have people pay attention to our games, aside from us diehard fans who end up staying up ’til 3 or 4 am. I mean, we’re already not even being shown on ESPN, aside from our opener against USC, so what’s the difference?
Yeah, sure, medical staff will have their hands full, and players on both sides will need to keep hydrated, but… just a thought.
Good point. No scholarships for Sailing. However, when Nevada dropped their Ski team, people thought it was strange since Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe and Mammoth were so close.
Thats true about boats in Nevada. But then again, most Nevadans probably compare Lake Mead and Lake Tahoe to the Pacific. In fact, give Nevadans a man-built lake and there would still be a market for boats. 🙂
Good morning everyone!
Posting here from Mercer Island, WA (got on my brother-in-law’s computer) 🙂 Really hectic here prepping for my niece’s wedding. Really big families.
Or start the Athletic Fee as a 2011 Spring Term Incoming Freshmen only… then everyone who comes in after them, onward. So, those crying now can escape paying the fee, unless they want to on a voluntary basis, to enjoy the benefits of free tickets. Everyone else without this Athletic Booklet can pay full price to everything, from Campus Center, to the SSC, Aloha Stadium… everything.
the fee should be considered as a part of the cost of going to school at the university of hawaii, manoa.
perhaps, they should have just raised the tuition hy 100 bucks and gave half to upper and lower campus.
would they have grumbled if they didn’t know that the increases were for just that?
the university of hawaii inspite of all the recent tuition hikes is still a great bargain.
I put forth my 2nd attempt to propose a $500 – $1,000 per semester Capital Improvements drive by assessing ALL students at UH-Manoa so ASUH Pres and Graduate Students representatives can be proud of their university. Even with this assessment, the cost would still be less than mainland counter parts. Only condition is $$$ cannot be used for professor salary/raises. Local students attending “california” schools pay umpteen more that UH tuition.
$500 x 20,000 students = $10,000,000 per semester.
Community college students would be charged $100-$300 per semester to fund their needs.
does UNLV and Reno have a sailing team, kind of tough to practice during the winter season. I can’t think of too many WAC teams that would field a ski team so competition had to be out of conference, club status, or whatever and the travel cost probably ate into the budget too much
Good morning everybody.
Pay the fricken fee.
Time to start winding down the day and cruise.
Ralph – They practice sailing in the Field house during winter.
If the students win and the fee is deferred, can they come to California and fight against the outrageous fees that we pay on an annual basis too?
I just received a text that there were 3 students protesting. I guess the percentages work out about right. That is about the number of people who really care and listen to ASUH people.
If two of the three protestors are DR and the ASUH president, I wonder who’s the third person of that group. 😆
The BOR should impose the fee simply because it would be a show of support for excellence in Athletics at the University. Anything less would be a display of apathy and aparthied for the Athletics Department. With the realignment of conferences on the horizon, UH cannot take a laid back approach. It has to move forward with the activity fee and still find much much more to bolster the program.
So it was really, three(3), people creating all of this “smoke and no fire” fiasco??
I really felt that it was such a poor demonstration of school spirit on the part of those who opposed this fee.
I guess the real question on the table today is… “Is the University of Hawaii committed to it’s Athletics programs? “
I wonder if the State can impose any kind of visitor fee’s which would be allocated to the upper and lower campus’ at UH???
I wonder if having or not having a D1 Athletics Program affects any of the University’s accreditations in any way?
The student athletics fee doesn’t show whether or not UH is committed to its Athletic programs. All it will do is reduce the amount Upper Campus will have to give to the Athletic Department–reducing the $10 million or so they give now to about $8 million.
This fee will NOT give the Athletic Department a single penny more to improve its operations or upgrade their on-field or off-field operations. If UH *really* wanted to show its commitment to Athletics, they would let the Athletic Department increase its spending after the athletics fee starts, instead of using it for deficit reduction. But when UH got its Sugar Bowl money, all of it went to Upper Campus for deficit reduction…BSU got luxury boxes by using its BCS money as seed money for the project, UH just gave its BCS money to the University.
The argument can be made that the fee is long overdue because the students should subsidize part of the Athletic Department’s operations just like students do at most D-IA schools. But the Athletic Department isn’t going to get any extra money from this, it is all going to Upper Campus.
I’ve gone through the accreditation process and Athletics have *NO PART* in any accreditation review.
It would be nice if future Warrior commits would recruit for UH like this Colorado QB commit will. The QB commit (Heaps) that BYU got last year did the same thing and BYU got a strong recruiting class because of it. *Coaches* are limited in how often they can contact recruits…but recruits themselves are not limited and the NCAA says that it is fine for recruits to contact other recruits.
You have been curious as to how some of your Oceanic bill goes to pay for ESPN, and there will be *big* news about that soon. Disney and Time Warner are gearing up for a big battle over how much Time Warner (which includes Oceanic) will pay for Disney channels. In theory, this could lead to Oceanic losing all ESPN channels, Disney channels, and even ABC…but the most likely thing is that they will wait until the last day in September and then Time Warner will agree to give more money to Disney for its channels.
#46… Interesting. But it sounds like there will be coaches coaching new recruits as to WHOM to contact each year, and this will all end up being micro’d by the NCAA.
Coaches are allowed to have regular contacts with all recruits, so it actually is *legal* for coaches to tell their commits the names (and contact information) of recruits they want the commits to recruit for them. There is nothing against the rules for that, and having commits form early bonds with other recruits and try to get them to play at the same school makes sense.
This is similar to how BYU’s QB commit last year got an impressive recruiting class together where many of the top recruits specifically mentioned Heaps’ efforts in recruiting them as a reason for their commit. One example of this is how the QB commit got a WR recruit who had committed to play for Texas to decommit from Texas (that almost never happens!) and sign with BYU instead. If you are a WR and a top QB recruit wants to be able to throw the ball to you, there are advantages to signing with that QB’s team.
#47… For some reason, I recall hearing of similar battles in regards to retransmissions in this area. And the local news dug up some sort of antidiscriminatory or antimonopoly stuff that congress had passed… something that provided for a certain percent of sharing in every market, if that market wanted to participate in the sharing. Wish I could remember what it was, exactly. Was about a year ago when it came up.
Actually, maybe contact information would be a privacy issue…but recruits can easily go on Rivals (or Facebook) and figure out how to contact another recruit. Recruits go to camps in the summer and end up going on recruiting trips together, so bonds do form in the recruiting process.
Thanks, Garret… just didn’t know how deep coaches could get into the third party recruiting bit via new recruits/commits. Then I hope our kids are doing the same as well.
What if the Colorado QB doesn’t make the starting roster after a few years and transfers out. Or the new (if so) coach changes the entire offensive package that does not include his “style” of play. That would be something for him to consider. Maybe he should just take care of himself, to be prepared to play and not worry about the other recruits.
I am ready for football!
I want to win a championship!!!
Fresno State is having a hard time selling their season tickets even though they have a good home schedule–Cincy and Illinois are from AQ Conferences and UH and Nevada should be good draws for Fresno.
If there’s another 6’7”, 300 pound beast out there who is extremely athletic and talented, AND I have a new commit who is tight with him, then by all means… coax him over to our beaches!!!
I’ve been saying this for years. UH does have recruits sit with each other during Warrior games and one of the best things about Junior Days is that all the recruits are together for it. However, I don’t think that any UH commit has aggressively recruited for UH like this…though often when UH gets a commit from a school that commit helps UH recruit other players at that school.
The anti-sports views by some faculty aren’t limited to UH. One SEC school has a significant group of faculty that are pretty anti-sports.
I have been working on wording for another charitable trust – if my client sets up a trust where the income generated goes to UHF – say WVB as an example – and the AD has averaged x-amount to that program for the last 3-5 years, I don’t want the income from the trust reducing the amount giving to that program. My client would be interested in increasing the budget for increased recruiting, scouting, summer school etc and not to maintain just a status-quo.
If the fee reduces the AD’s debt, fine! If it just maintains the average budget amount that would be given to the AD and used for something else, the Administration should just increase the tuition.
Of course the Legislature should just forgive the debt and pay the moneys used for Title IX programs and other programs that are not self-sufficent
I wonder how much Vandy gets in grants and other research funding, as opposed to money brought in from sports… received just for being in the SEC?
Dean Wilson at 2 over and Parker Mclaughlin (sp?) 9 over in the Reno/Tahoe open.Both are way back but Parker could be the backest. What’s up with Parker? Isn’t this the tournament that he won a couple of years age? I would think that a tournament like this would pull him out of his season long slump. Most of the big boys are playing in the British Open. I hope both of the local boys recover and make an impact in the golf world.
Vanderbilt gets $17.1 million each year from the SEC’s TV contract. Last year Vanderbilt got over $520 million from research grants!
Tom Mui,
I agree with you, but unfortunately things are not that simple. WassupDoc has explained how UH couldn’t forgive the debt even if they wanted to (and I doubt they want to). If the Legislature needed to subsidize all sports that lose money (meaning everything except football and women’s volleyball), they would have to come up with a *lot* more money and I doubt they could afford it with their budget problems. Plus, then we’d hear calls for cutting a men’s sport like baseball that loses a lot of money.
Increasing the budget for things would be a big boost and your client could really help UH. However, I don’t know how that could be monitored. Isn’t UH’s tuition going up in a year or so? That will increase the spending for the Athletic Department because every scholarship will cost more…but even though spending will be higher, there will be no benefit to the Athletic Department operations.
# Potbellied pig finds new home
# State House committees to discuss homelessness
Something ironic about these two breaking news titles…
God Bless!
#62… holy smokes! It’s no wonder so much of the faculty are apathetic towards sports! But whenever their football is on tv, they still look like they fill their stadium. Hmmm…
By the way, I also pledge at least $100. However, I think that I’m going to donate it to Na Koa (I’m already a member so this would be an additional donation) instead of the Tsaiko fund because they need it for summer school tuition and some other things.
Donating to support other sports is great and the other teams definitely need more funding. However, I’m worried about the future of UH Athletics and for that future I’ve sadly concluded that only one sport matters to conferences. Given the shortfall due to the loss of the Pigskin Pigout and the end of the 7% salary reductions, UH needs more funds just to maintain their present situation.
I hope to be able to call into the telethon also if it is available to follow in California…maybe they can have a website to follow the telethon online?
Re: UH Foundation
I discovered that UHF does not do debit or credit for monthly donations. I would have to go to my bank and tell it to send UHF a physcial check, not direct deposit, every month.
That’s silly. I might as well mail my own physical check to UHF monthly.
Bottom line: That would be inconvenient for me. Therefore, I will send UHF a lump sum check for the total amount instead of monthly installments.
I really think UHF should look into accepting direct deposits from banks.
gigi – you can donate online and set up a monthly charge to your credit card. check the link I posted earlier.
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Stretch #17 – I’m in.
gigi- I have a billpayer account at the credit union. I can set up any kind of payments to anyone and they will issue a physical check with account notations where e-transfer is not used. NO POSTAGE or fees for this service.
I went to the site you mentioned. I want to donate $250 to Athletics and $250 to the Psychology Dept.
Athletics is listed.
However, there is nothing for the Psych Dept!!! What the heck???
Does anybody know Chancellor Hinshaw’s email address? I would like her to address this issue.
gigi – maybe you supposed to telepathically send the money to them…..
Psych! 😆
…maybe you only think you want to send them the money. 😈
Do you guys really trust UHF? What guarantee is there that the money will be disbursed according to your instructions?
What if I just mail my 2 checks to the athletics dept and the psych dept? For sure, the money would be used by them, right?
For the UH Foundation – Tsaiko Athletic Fund, JD is in control of the account but will only use it when I contact him. I will only contact him when there is something that the Tsaikos want to buy. Similar to the exercise bikes or the softball bracelets the other year.
Are you the only one who can contact JD to disburse funds from that account? What happens if you die?
Tom Mui you brought up a good point regarding donations and the status quo. JD wants all sports to start a booster club and each raise 25K to help the program. Question is, is this or will this funding be in addition to what the sports program received in prior years with yearly adjustments upward for inflation, higher fuel cost – airfare,etc. or is the funding to reduce the UHAD and Upper campus contribution to the income pot and the budget remains the same or nearly the same with an adjustment for inflation.
I didn’t realize that the Athletic Department was being charged interest on the $10 million debt.
eh SteveM, only filthy rich live on Mercer Island no? isn’t this the island where EVERY house has a boat/pier out back?
psych depart, what about the tsaiko dept, we communicate in the same medium of eternal bliss, family, fun, fuud, football,and fishing. AKA has a tsaiko account just waiting for your contribution and our instigator, Stretch, will be diligent in how the money is spent to help UH athletics.
yeah, but the psych dept no more building. It’s been condemned as it is on the verge of collapsing. I feel sorry for the professors and psych majors. I want to contribute to a building fund.
To fee or not to fee, that is the question.
Gigi – does building a stock account at Charles Schwab count?
I don’t believe in the stock market! Not after Sept 2008.
whoa…. who that g-nalo??!!??
gigi – if I die, I am sure someone else can make the call to use the funds, the account doesn’t go away.
Any truth to the rumors that Masoli wants to come to UH?
fee, fie, foe, fummmmmmbleeeeeeeeeeee
not hinting or implying, but just remembering for myself………….when i was attending UH……po po’er poo’est. i feel for these students.
GG add a few more zeros if you want to start a building fund, for us litte guys, we want to focus on the affordables, like exercise bicycles, repairing the fb machine, etc.
gigi – what about MY account??!! j/k
Stretch – no worry, only the good die young.
G Nalo you must have been on the dark side a very long time, first post in several months.
Nice photo of Coolen and his ladies on the red carpet at the ESPYS on the UH website. All I know is that I voted for them.
Pomai give me a call
g-nalo— nah,we’re on the poor side of the island. Lots of neighbors, can’t see Lake Washington and the freeway passes nearby. Nice large house though–they bought it 30+ years ago. Great staging area for Alaska cruises, though . 🙄
I’ve seen a house like you described–my sister’s wedding reception was held at one (her college friend). Wow. My niece’s wedding and reception is at a zoo. 🙂
Apathetic students rule up at Manoa!! Sadly, it’s a vocal minority making all of the noise up there. UH Manoa students, especially local kids, historically will sit in class and not say a word, which drives the professors nuts. I can remember getting into a heated debate with an old professor of mine, Dr Ed Beechert, in a couple of history classes I took there years ago. The other students looked at me like I was nuts. Still received an “A” from Dr Beechert and I think he appreciated that I was the only one who would engage in any type of discourse.
BTW, this is an example of a fund raising organization that has its Sh#@! together. That’s why they’re going to the Pac-10.
My prayers go out to Stretch, I hope that you get healed from whatever it is that Gigi said is ailing you.
…but at a zoo north of Seattle, known for their weddings. Booked 1.5 years in advance.
Just got back from UH as I had a meeting elsewhere.
First of all, W-DOC did a GREAT job in expressing her thoughts to the BOR and was very respectful.
Second of all… What protests?
I just got back as I left a few hours ago as I had an appointment elsewhere and I got to UH at around 8:45 and there were NO protests.
The only students there were the student athletes (about 8 softball players, Amber Kaufman and a few of her track friends, some football coaches) and I saw NO “protesting”.
There were 18 speakers and all spoke well enough to make both sides of the argument reasonable.
HOWEVER two UH professors made OKOLES of themselves and the first speaker in particular went over her time limit, ignored the BOR, and when she got back to her seat she kept making rude remarks when Jett Jasper was speaking FOR the fee. She was rude as hell.
Maybe it’s just me as I am not used to attending those meeting where things can get “passionate”, but it’s very rude to go back to your seat and start “booing” a student athlete who is making his case when it is his allotted time to speak.
This woman was sitting in front of me and I could easily hear her snickering and making comments to people around her while Jett was talking.
that hahaha was meant for Pride.
Ralph – maybe its been years? looks like you’re doing well.
SteveM – oh ok, guess i should’ve drove that last 1/2 mile? haaa. thought the only way out of Lake Washington was thru the lock?
AC re-signed with Denver. $1.352 mill or something like that.
so how come you didn’t throttle that wahine??? she was sitting right in front of you and den.
#101: Kazz. Thanks for the report. Sadly, there are some professors who are completely out of touch with what’s going on outside of their classrooms or offices. Tenure seems to be a contributing factor with these professors losing all sense of civility and cordiality with those who may disagree with them.
thanks Pride. In my will, I will pass on all powers of the UHF-Tsaiko Fund to you to manage, NOT SPEND.
THROTTLE??????? 😯
Or maybe the wahine professor was never asked out by a football player during her high school or university days and has remained bitter to this day.
Besides, if that UH professor wants to be rude and act like a 5 year old then that is her problem.
#110 – I can understand why nobody did
g-nalo — the freeway goes through a tunnel under the lake between the island and Seattle. There’s a large freeway bridge spanning the island and Bellevue on the other side.
Kazz – thanks for the detailed report. Some people NO MORE CLASS. I have NO respect for people who do that. I am not saying that because she is against the fee, I would say the same thing if she was in support also.
SteveM – i was referring to “great staging area for Alaska cruises”, as in cruise ships in Lake Washington? 🙂
anyways, glad to see you’re enjoying your trip.
AC signed with Denver? Too bad that Denver was horrible in the playoffs. I think Carmelo Anthony has an attitude problem. I hope he leaves since AC will still be there. Looked like he only played if the ball was passed to him. If Denver traded him for somebody worthwhile, then maybe they would have some kind of chance in the NBA. Was Carmelo like that because their head coach was out with health problems? If yes, then attitude problem. If no, still attitude problem. He has so much talent but sucks when it comes to team play. You cannot win a championship without team play. I hoped Anthony Carter would go to Miami with his minimum pay. His style of play seems to be what Miami is looking for.
I hope you got an outside cabin on the ship to prevent motion sickness.
I think AC and the Denver coach really like each other, so maybe that factored in his decision to stay. But I don’t know if Miami offered him anything.
take care everyone, will reappear around……….ohh……….2011 i guess?
Go Warriors!
Only two people (UH professors) got all huffy in speaking AGAINST the fee and if anything just made fools of themselves. A lot of snickering was going on when those professors thought they were in the 60s burning a flag in front of the White House or something.
Also, if presenting you case to a group of individuals in charge like the BOR, that professor I spoke of should have known better than to cut off the head of the BOR when her time limit expired.
I don’t know who she was trying to impress… 😆
Mei Ling tells me (she is still up at UH) that the decision should come from the BOR around 3:30pm.
Mei Ling also spoke for the fee and also did a good job presenting her case.
#101… Great report, Kazz!
Sadly, those are the kinds of educators who continue to shape the minds and attitudes of our young adults, teaching them THEIR “proper” behavior at such events.
Not good, between me and JD, all of the money is going toward offensive line needs. Bags, sleds, weights, training table, bigger towels.
Heads up: the woman who spoke first and behaved rudely was not a professor. Several undergraduate and graduate students spoke, and most spoke clearly against the proposal. No group, to my understanding, promised to “protest” the BOR meeting, so I don’t know what protests you all were expecting to see.
Old School Dave,
They could learn a thing or two from W-DOC when it comes to speaking to a committee regardless of your views.
Again, maybe those kind of rude actions are the norm in meetings like those that are opened to the public, but I was thrown off a bit and got pretty irritated to the point where I had to step out and take a stroll around the athletic complex before heading back in.
Funny thing is it was standing room only there and there were quite a bit of people in the hall way outside of the Ed Wong room and I walked out as soon as that hysterical professor got done and I could see all the people outside LAUGHING as they could hear her lose control from the PA system.
I stand corrected.
And YES, 18 spoke with one being somewhat neutral and all of them, with the exception of one or TWO (depending on how you look at it) were well-mannered and stuck to the point.
The male professor that spoke had no logical reason to bring up Coach Mack’s anti-gay slur from two years ago wasn’t exactly “eloquent” either.
Not so Grasshopper! UHF deducts $25 from me every month for the Tsaiko fund (in addition to whatever else).
Can UHF be trusted? It is fiduciary trust and subject to all the laws pertaining to trust companies. They can be sued if they do funny stuff. Maybe Garret should designate an alternate “voice” for the Tsaiko fund if he is the only one – in the event as they say if he is “unable, or unwilling to serve as such…” That’s the standard if there is disability or death or other circumstances.
Roger G-Nalo. See you when you get back from that place, Nalo land, errrr, Nalo place. uhhh, Nalo nation, whatever that foreign land is that you come from.
The UH Foundation is not the corrupt entity some make it out to be.
Should have made it clear in #127 – you can make arrangements with UHF for a monthly deduction – a direct deposit. I’m not sure if it can be done from your bank account but UHF will take a credit card. It would be good until cancelled.
Garret? or Garett?
how ironic you should mention “foreign land”… hahahaha
#124… Amy…
This was taken from an article from yesterday’s Star Advertiser Sports Section:
“University of Hawaii student groups are vowing a ‘student presence’ at tomorrow’s Board of Regents meeting to oppose a proposal that would require them to pay $50 per semester for an athletic fee.
Representatives from the Associated Students of UH (ASUH) and Graduate Student Organization (GSO) have said they will attend the 9 a.m. meeting at the Stan Sheriff Center, a rare athletics venue for a regents’ meeting.”
After listening to all the speakers AGAINST the fee, to me, the general feeling with them is that the $50.00 fee is more of an issue based on principal.
That’s just my opinion.
“Vowing” is a strong word.
I wonder if Amy IS the “professor”?
Gigi, most academic departments have links to their charitable accounts at the departmental website. For Psychology, the link is at (I don’t know if anything donated there will go to Gartley restoration)
Kazz, the first screamer who testified was not a UH faculty member, she identified herself as a graduate student (though I suspect GSO would want to dissociate themselves from her). Most of the people who spoke on both sides of the issues were reasoned and articulate.
The problem is not with the fee, which is very small and probably necessary, but that the Chancellor did such a terrible job of working with the students to find something agreeable; she apparently rejected all their suggestions, including spelling corrections on the proposal. Students have been willing to accept fees which they felt involved in, including recent fees they imposed on themselves for Campus Center renovations and the bus pass. By the way, students are already paying for the athletics debt, which is taken from money that tuition and research bring in.
Kazz: Was Noel Kent at he hearings? He’s an Ethnic Studies Prof and a flashback to the 60’s anti-war, anti-athletics figure who often speaks out against the athletic department and sports in general. He somehow always links college athletics to the military industrial complex, or something to that effect.
Old School Dave,
Maybe someone else can confirm, I cannot.
Fiduciary is a cool word. I always liked that word. Don’t know what it means, but I like the way it sounds.
Just saying… if you oppose something, that is a protest. Doesn’t matter if they were going to be vocal about it, march with signs, whatever. “Vowing” is not at issue here.
Both groups said they’d be there to protest, or show opposition to, the Activity Fee that was to be discussed during this BoR meeting.
Thanks for the reports from the meeting.
Yes, I previously posted that 99.9% of the speakers spoke well in favor of their side of the issue.
However, I feel that if the fee came on a majority vote of the students that it still would be rejected. Chancellor Hinshaw could have been transparent to the point of providing her SSN # and bank account info and still the fact remains is that we (people in general) do not want to pay for anything, especially when you are relying on a majority vote.
Also, upper UH campus (academics/aux. services) is reaping the monetary rewards of UH athletics through money earned through the UH Rainbowtique sales AND the fact that there are over 200+ walk on student athletes at UHM who’s combined tuition brings in over $2 million dollars.
One final thing, what is the REAL problem with the fee? As far as students are concerned, or at least the minority that have expressed their opinions, I’ve heard two things:
1) UH is making the students pay for the deficit in athletics.
2) No transparency.
Which is the real issue? On ESPN 1420 this morning, the Sports Animals interviewed an editor with Ka Leo and he also said that the issue is not with the amount of the fee, but with the transparency.
To me it seems that the first inital objection was the fee itself, or at least the idea of the fee.
Again, NO ONE can expect the majority of a student body at ANY university to vote in favor of having to pay more money for something, especially the students themselves.
I was very disappointed.
I expected looting and things burning. 😆
I wonder if there are 50,000 vain UH football fans like me, who would spend $200.00 each to have their name inked on some part of the chair at the Aloha Stadium.
I don’t have a calculator so don’t know what the total amount of money would be.
Need a Hawaiian language expert to name the club, the twelfth man or something to that effect. Kane’umikumalua or something to that effect.
Hey all. “Vowing” is a strong word, but it’s a word that was used by the newspaper reporter, and not the GSO rep. By “student presence,” the GSO only meant that students would be there to submit testimony. There was never a plan, at least not by anyone affiliated with the GSO, to “protest” the BOR meeting.
I’m not the person who spoke first. Her name is Hannah, and she did not speak on behalf of the GSO, or on behalf of any organization.
All the best,
Kazz, the reporting up to this point sure made it sound like we were gonna be in for a newsbreaking, look-ma-check-me-out-on-tv-in-Hawaii kind of day. I envisioned sit-ins, kids with bullhorns yelling stuff about being disenfranchised, the whole shebang!
Instead, we got kids laughing at the ramblings of an old man, and a rude lady turning into a Diva, audibly needing a Snickers bar to snap out of it.
Just someone,
Mahalo for the link. I went ahead and donated $50, recurring monthly. Half to Tsaiko Athletic Fund, and half to Psychology Dept.
Folks, it is very easy to do this.
Didn’t hear the interview this morning on KKEA 1420 with the Ka Leo rep. I’m sure this has been asked, but if you want to talk transparency, just curious how much of the student fees are now going to the student newspaper? A paper that goes largely unread on campus. Stacks of papers lie sitting in the wind on campus as we speak. How much money is going to ASUH every year? I cannot not see anything concrete that points to benefiting the students at UH? Same for KTUH, the campus radio station.
Just wondering.
“we (people in general) do not want to pay for anything”
Except that the students have already accepted increased fees for the Campus Center and the Bus. In fact, they proposed both of these themselves.
I believe that the $2 million/year in additional debt already includes the revenues from Rainbowtique. The walk-ons, like all students, pay less tuition than it costs to educate them, so that is not really a consideration.
Athletics is an important part of a state university, and the number of schools where it pays for itself is tiny. Even though the UH program is actually pretty good by national standards in paying most of its own way, when people argue for athletics on economic grounds they are not kicking with their strongest foot.
I think a really good argument can be made for this kind of fee, and in fact I think some of this morning’s speakers made such an argument, but apparently nobody even attempted to make these arguments to the students. The students might or might not have agreed afterwards, but a responsible university leadership would have at least pretended to treat them as thinking beings. That’s part of educating these kids (not so young, many of them) into being responsible adults.
Couple cents: Much as I love UH sports, which indirectly kept me employed for several years, I still can’t see imposing an athletics-specific fee on a student body that has already demonstrated a general apathy for the department and its activities — especially in the midst of five straight years of tuition increases. Fair or not, there is also a lot of resentment among faculty and students that so much attention is given to athletic endeavors and accomplishments and so little to the academic life of the university. Sure, a successful program benefits the university community as a whole, but its a secondary sort of benefit, and not one that is easily argued when a lot of academic departments end the fiscal year with no paper in their printers.
Struggled to understand what is meant by this word so often used nowadays….
Finally got an understanding today when reading about the new CENTCOM commander who stepped in for Gen. Petraeus.
Leave it to a Marine General….
Speaking to tribal leaders in Iraq: “I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f— with me, I’ll kill you all.”
-Gen. James Mattis (USMC)
My feeling is the measure will pass.
I enjoyed the thoughtful comments, but most came down to wanting money for other programs instead of debating the merits of an athletic fee.
As Ferd noted, it would have been more heartfelt if a single mom spoke of the struggles of making ends meet. It also was disappointing that there only was testimony from three undergraduate students, including the ASUH president. If this means something, you should show up.
I think you said it all right there.
I am pretty confident that A LOT of UH students will say they don’t want the fee, but deep down don’t care either way.
That burger hit the spot! 😎
maybe it’s not apathy. maybe the students feel POWERLESS!!!
PRIDE: #131 Sorry – meant my buddy “Stretch” who started the Tsaiko fund.
Are you still in Manoa? Waiting for a decision?
Steve Carell will be taking his appetite to Outback Steakhouse. 😆
I think if you’re a student who’s a sports fan, you like the idea of a fee.
If you’re not a sports fan, you won’t like the fee, but you figure the other guy will argue for you.
I’ve been through a lot of protests in my life. I usually find the biggest critics are the ones who don’t show up for meetings.
If you don’t vote, you can’t complain about policy.
If you don’t speak out, you also can’t complain. Well, I suppose you can complain, but who’s going to care what you think if you don’t show up.
Reardon and Ferd are back in Manoa. I’m in Kakaako.
It’s good to hear that there were some student-athletes at the SSC this morning.
Think the problem is not just individual programs wanting the money to go to them, but resentment over the fact that one prominent department is being given consideration that others have not had. There are a lot of academic departments on campus that could put together a compelling argument for how a special fee could be used to help them recruiting top professors and student scholars, improve facilities and build to the level of national prominence, thus generating funds to alleviate the financial burden on the rest of the university. But these are departments that the community-at-large doesn’t necessarily feel passionate about. It’s a town and gown thing. Who is the department really important to?
I still disagree with you with regards of the Activity Fee not being a sign or symbol of support by the BOR for a quality program of athletics at UH. It may not immediately increase what the Department gets but it sets a fixed value that is only lowered by the number of students registering and not by the whim of the UH Administration or the needs of the upper campus. Support, however, can be supplemented by the whim of the upper campus Admins, BOR and other sources. But with it, you have a very tangible number to work with… a figure that can be adjusted and massaged over time to both pay off the loan and/or build the athletic department. $50 may be a drop in the bucket right now but an accumulation of drops have been know to fill a bucket to overflowing. I’ve worked long enough in Japan to look at things with a 10-year perspective and establishing a “fee” is a good thing..a tangible sign of support… a “yea” vote, even if additional $$$ aren’t immediate in coming.
BTW… speaking of loans.. was the “rainy day fund” raided by Dobelle ever repaid to the Athletic Dept.?
Hmmm… very astute… maybe it’s because the pig brings something to the table? bwahahahah!
What other department has several beat writers assigned to it?
Stephen, you might want to keep in mind that this is July. Very few students are in Manoa these days, which, many people suspect, is why partially why the chancellor picked now to propose the new fee.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Matt Smith, Petals & Beans. Petals & Beans said: RT @dirjournal Hawaii News – […]
re #167
“…Potbellied pig finds new home …”
It’s probably because he got better manners, and is potty trained, as compared to …
Also saw coaches Rich Miano, Charlie Wade, Gordy Shaw, Dave Shoji spoke, and Andy Johnson.
Coaches Carmyn James was there to support Amber Kaufman and Mike Trapasso was there representing the baseball team in accepting the recognition from the BOR.
Where are the students? If they’re not back home on the mainland or neighbor islands, they’re probably working one of their two or three crappy-paying jobs trying to pay for their outrageous rent or their rising tuition. Just as likely, they’re not even aware that this is going on. I like my students at UH and KCC, but they’re part of a politically apathetic/disengaged generation and they’re about to get victimized again because they don’t care enough to pay attention.
It’s just the athletic department’s turn at bat, and they are doing all that they can to get the ball rolling. Prior to 2007, what did the Athletic Dept really get? Most of JJ’s pay came from outside.
Each department gets its turn at bat… whether someone leads and takes a full swing and makes a compelling argument that results in a home run is anybody’s guess. But rather than being jealous or resent a department for asking… these people should be questioning their own method of operations and asking themselves what they could do to get this kind of response. When Hamilton Library flooded, it was there turn. Did they carry the ball far enough to score a TD or just a field goal?
As the saying goes, you can be part of the solution or part of the problem.
were you one of the few students who spoke up at the meeting?
What makes things worse is that those students that have strong opinions with regards to politics don’t have what it takes to get involved.
They think they can blog all day and all night, buy Green Day albums, and download Michael Moore mockumentaries for free on their iPads and somehow the world will be a better place.
I said it before, I am 27 and I see the potential in people my age and even those younger, but the self initiative had regressed as their knowledge of technology and sarcasm has increased.
“Mike” is Mike Tsai.
aka “Brother Mike”.
Mike Tsai is a Ph.D candidate, i.e., a grad student.
By my count, 4 undergraduates spoke against, 1 in favor. Two of the opponents were from ASUH, the one supporter was the Student Athletics Representative. You can’t draw anyconclusions at all from these numbers or who actually showed. (There was a bunch of written testimony as well, though the oral report from the BoR Secretary did not classify them as students/not students. It is easier to get this kind of information from legislative hearings.)
I would like to have heard the closed part of the Board discussion during “executive session”.
MIH: Good points, although what happened to Hamilton was a response to a mini-disaster, not really the sort of initiative that constitutes progress. I think the thing that many (not all) on upper campus are feeling is that the core mission of the university — to educate — is being obscured by a commodified interest whose theoretical value may be to offer extracurricular enrichment to a relatively small number of student-athletes but whose larger value to the community is simply entertainment. And, really, when have we ever debated a special fee to benefit the schools of architecture, public health, tropical agriculture, etc?
Kazz: I’ve had a lot of lippy students who like to play classroom activist but never actually back up their words with action. I’m with you: step up or shut your hole.
That said, Gigi, no, as a journalist, I’m not allowed to offer public testimony on anything. I just grouse on siblings’ blogs. Welcome back, BTW.
When can I finally call you DOCTOR MIKE?
But just to be clear, I’ll happily pay the fee because I enjoy our athletic programs and I want them to do well. I just don’t like the idea that students and colleagues who don’t feel as I do will be forced to cough up an additional $50 for something that means more to people outside the university than it does to them.
The good news is that there definitely will be a Dr. Tsai in the next year or so: my wife, Tiff. Me, I’m on the 20-year plan.
will it be Tiff, Ph.D. or Tiff, M.D. or Tiff, O.D., or…?
Mei Ling LIVE at the BOR Meeting confirms:
Onward and Upward….
11-3….a rout.
As the Wahine softballers would say. It’s was mercy-ruled.
It’s weird to assume that, by treating people like fruit carts when they’re students, they’ll still turn into fruit trees after they graduate.
their choice…
…to do what they will with the lemons in the fruit cart.
Think I’ve seen a few $50 fruits on Bishop Street. (sorry)
It will be there choice.
UH in the future would benefit from more people like a Don Weir or a Mark Takai or any former UH student that applies himself or herself in the real world with what they have gained at UH Manoa in both the fields of academics and or athletics.
Bishop AND Merchant? 😆
And then again, down the road, I can’t wait to interview the job applicant who tells me about not making it through UH because of the $50 athletic fee… 👿
More good news…
“Hannemann praises Council approval of sewage settlement”
Boy, everybody getting their s**t together today! 😆
LITERALLY!!!!!!!!! 😆
#181… Mike…
Since you mentioned this, I’ll ask again…
What happened to all of these repair and upkeep projects that were supposedly brought to light after the Sugar Bowl? We had visits from members of State Government, followed by published lists in the Star Bulletin of what needs to be done, along with estimated costs. This was followed by more promises and pledges by State Government to find money to take care of these things. Then, all of a sudden, all we hear are crickets chirping.
Does anyone know of any master plan, along with jobs and contractor bids and a schedule of when this work will start? (Or, has some of this work already begun?) I thought these things were going to be budgeted so that repairs and improvements would gradually bring us up to where we should be?
there was an election the following year… 🙄
As a fan that frequents the UH athletic facilities for games I can tell you of a few things I have seen since 2008:
-New green paint around the athletic complex and the arena.
-Coaches offices in the complex getting do-overs (i.e. carpet changes, ceiling repairs, new football offices, etc…)
-Roof repairs to the athletic complex and currently Les Murakami is having it’s roof changed.
-Well documented new seats at the Les and new turf on both Ching Field and the Les.
Is that supposed to be a sufficient answer? Election year?
No, but good fun, eh?
Thanks, Kazz, but the complaints on the condition of the buildings also included Upper Campus. That is what I haven’t heard anything about since the initial “shocked” discussions and “eye opening” visits.
d1… rhetorical, I know, but… someone along the way dropped the ball. Pressure needs to be constant so that all of these things get taken care of… somehow.
I really believe that if there are no (or minimal) complaints concerning Upper Campus, this will lead to the whole student body being more supportive of, and receptive to, their fellow student athletes.
UH has to somehow learn to market the “whole college experience” to our kids.
I cannot say. I want to assume that UH athletic facilities are seeing more improvements as I type this than academic facilities ONLY because as Jim Donovan says, “athletics is the front porch of this university” hence, the more documented concern in the media was with the athletic facilites especially with the timing of the popularity of the 2007 football season.
More fans in the seats at all events means more funds for our University. Plain and simple. This leads to more support for our teams, and so on. We’ve got to move forward together.
Look/Think back at the press (esp. TV) coverage and see who was there making the most noise and showing the most “concern”….
Colt and the team was “hot” then and it was easy to latch on to them for “face time”.
They got re-elected and moved on to the next news item…
The “whole college experience” for most people’s kids today is working 2-3 jobs to avoid going too far into debt, pushing off your graduation date because the classes you want aren’t being offered, and scrambling to get attention from professors and lecturers who overworked and underpaid. Oh, and apparently, having fantastic sports teams that people who don’t have classes and 2-3 jobs can enjoy watching at your expense. “Aloha.”
It’ll be fun to watch when you land back on Earth…
Now, sweetie, what do you mean by that?
Ok, Amy, you can ease up on the pity card. Many of us here have gone through the process. It’s not unique to this group of kids at UH only. In fact, some of us paid much more when we went through college at various mainland schools, than all of the UH students are having to pay today. Yes, I had a couple of jobs. But I didn’t use sympathy as an excuse to keep me depressed and stressed out. I opted to take part whenever I had the chance… and it wasn’t just sporting events that I made time for. I attended theater presentations, art exhibits, and countless other weird events that I wouldn’t otherwise have attended if I had sulked in my room whenever I was off.
Just saying…
winner winner chicken katsu dinner!!!
i could use some of that right now.
By the way, I got my Associates while I was in the Army, stationed in Korea back in 1983. Not an easy thing to be full time in the army and taking classes three times a week at night, as long as we weren’t deployed. And, yes, I still managed to see several sites around the country during my tour of duty. I found myself in a less than ideal situation, but was determined to make the most out of it, no matter what. I’m glad I did too.
The “pity card?” No. Specifically, I was playing the card in which I accuse you, and others, of facilitating the exploitation of students to sustain your personal entertainments and pastoral fantasies of college life. I don’t care for your pity, or to have your fantasizing directed at how I spend my time, and in what mood I spend it in.
MichiganWarrior, I have spent chunks of time on upper campus over the last few months and several of the buildings and classrooms are in a decades-long time warp. There is a bathroom stall in a particular building, for example, that has the same laminate on the doors and counters, and the same small section missing.
Well this was the first BOR meeting I have ever been too. What I noticed was those that where opposed to the fee used the deplorable conditions that exist at UH, buildings falling apart an so on, so my question to those people is “What are you doing about it” if all you are doing is running your mouth then I would suggest that you step up to the plate and do something, go out help raise the money to fix things, now if you don’t then I would suggest that you say nothing at all.
The other way to handle the whole matter is to change UH from a public institution into a private one where you pay for the whole thing, an take it off the back of the tax payers. (now that will go over like a lead balloon)
Wow, somboddy wen learn beeg words this past year, eh? 😆
I saw MeiLing on the news!
Must not be talking about little boy, ’cause I start at a $100.
What, d1, like “substituting” “intelligent” “debate” that “people” would have in a “free” and “fair” “society” with “ad hominum” “rhetoric” because I’d rather “sit” on my “butt” and “eat” “crackers?”
Now this is about the exploitation of students? Pick an excuse and stick by it. First it was about the hardships of having a couple of jobs and not having the time to live through the “whole college experience”. Now, it’s about my personal entertainment and fantasies?
I happen to love the University of Hawaii. I happen to be truly and genuinely concerned about the condition of the school. The whole school, not just the athletics parts. I am from Hawaii. I plan on returning with my family, and I hope some of my kids will continue supporting the University, as students, and then as alumni, like so many of their uncles, aunties, and cousins do.
There where two who spoke and cried about living on a stipend of 15,000 a year an all that they had to go through to make ends meet, well I would suggest that they get a real job.
Just as the boss used to say when cost increased “Well that the cost of doing business”. So 50 bucks more is just the cost of getting your education.
The End
#218… greenthumb… Thanks for that bit of information. That’s what I’m wondering about. There was lots of talk following the Sugar Bowl about a huge repair list, along with the projected costs. I was just wondering if anything was happening yet, or if it was all just swept under the rug. That is absolutely frustrating to me.
I have a brother that just got through this past semester at Manoa. We will probably wait until UH West is opened in Kapolei before sending our oldest daughter to her first classes. She can keep working and saving for those dreaded textbooks.
(Just now catching up on the blog…)
Old School Dave,
Noel Kent, long grey hair?, I believe was there.
Why name it an athletic fee? Problem in itself. The transparency in spending money is minimal at best. Do you realize how many checks are written or charges are made on debit and credit cards. The transparency comes when an audit is done to summarize the finances and budget. Details are not and generalization is part of the clumping together of information. Only person who will get the gist of what is happening is the auditor to some degree and the person or person(s) collecting the money and spending it. Transparency is not there for all to see. Transparency comes to light when someone blows the whistle.
Let’s say a fee is implemented, so now what? What are the major plans for each department of the university? and do they have one? Are everyone on the same page to attain what the goal is for the department? So what is the goal of the athletic department that the leaders want to attain and continue to achieve year in year out?
MichiganWarrior, the student groups who opposed the fee increase, and most of the people who testified at the BOR meeting, raised concerns about the chancellor’s and BOR’s priorities. Given the current crisis at the university, e.g., the cuts in lectureships and classes, and the increases in class sizes and enrollments, imposing a 22% fee increase on students to support athletics demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of, and lack of respect for, the issues that are currently facing students. Several speakers said that they would support a fee increase of this size if it truly would raise money to address fundamental campus concerns.
“well I would suggest that they get a real job.” What, doing something other than teaching your kids?
Thanks, Amy.
Like I said in #226 above to greenthumb… that kind of stuff frustrates me to no end. Are we paying the workers so much that we can’t afford materials and supplies to fix stuff? Or, do they need to be managed better so that they are in fact taking care of the buildings and grounds? Can we get volunteer groups in to help take care of the smaller issues? I used to hear of certain problems when I was last there, back in 96. I can’t believe those same issues still exist.
Good luck to A.C. Carter, great to see he’s still living the dream of playing in the NBA all these years…
*munch* *munch*
Sorry, nevah like talk while I was eating crackahs…
….which, btw I bought with money I had left over after paying a hefty amount of State taxes which went, in part, to pay for a good chunk of the cost of keeping UH open so some people’s children could keep “adding homina homina”…
I still feel the the fee should have been optional for current students until graduation, mandatory for new admissions starting Fall 2011. An optional fee would have taken the current student body out of the debate. Students like Amy (#211) wouldn’t have felt shafted(again).
I also feel $50.00 is too low for the implied benefits. UH must be at the lower end of schools with such a fee. In a few years there’s going to be another ruckus when people start floating the idea that the fee should be increased, that even at 75.00-100.00 it’s still a bargain.
I asked Jett when their next unsupervised practice was going to be. He said tomorrow at 7 am. Guess I’ll go walk up there tomorrow morning.
I saw my backside on the news (KGMB), ugh! What channel were you watching?
I was trying to be discreet about that bit of info… 😎
I’m glad that the student athletic fee passed…as long as this is considered just a first step in the process and UH doesn’t just point a finger at JD and tell him that this is all he needs to balance the budget. More money is needed just to balance the annual budget, not even counting the $10+ million debt.
I’m glad that the student athletic fee passed…since it should increase student attendance at UH games. I remember when UH let the students in for free for that ESPN game last season that was on late and a lot of students showed up and made a lot of noise. That type of student involvement makes a difference for the teams and the students probably will have a great time and want to go to more games. Getting students to go to games will make future fans…who then become future season ticket holders and donors. Students can decide at the last minute to go to a basketball, volleyball, or baseball game on campus since they figure they don’t have to worry about buying tickets.
I’m glad that the student athletic fee passed…I just wish that this would increase the amount of money that the Athletic Department had to spend.
hahaha! you gotta be careful about the TV cameras. There was a segment on the news that showed me participating in the Bachman Hall sit-in in 1968.
Next day, my boss at King’s Bakery fired me.
I think that it would be easier to have just done $100/semester now instead of going through this process again in a few years when they need to raise it to $100/semester or more.
The thing is, if UH waits a decade or so to allow the Athletic Department to upgrade itself, the college sports world might have passed UH by.
Yeah that would be a start. And sweety my kids proably taught you.
Well off to eat my crackers en drink my beer………………….. Nite all
Semi-self autonomy… maybe it’s time to do away with it. Make the University more a part of the State’s problem. Semi-self autonomy seems to be make our University an “out of sight, out of mind” item that seldom gets a vote of support.
Yes the economy sucks right now.. and it will probably be stuck in first gear for a few more years, maybe even go into reverse again. But then, it will eventually get back into overdrive… hopefully the right people will be in office then. Hopefully the University will have their act together and be ready to lobby strongly for all of their needs.
But right now, in this difficult economy, if the athletic department can get an ear, that’s great. Next time the other departments can use this fee as a stepping stone to their demands and initiatives. Kill it and you may be stifling what chance many of the other departments will have to get to be heard. If one department can get heard and funded, that should give hope to the others. The other department should look at that in a positive light as an encouraging sign that the BOR wants to make some positive changes starting with the Athletic Department and eagerly await who’s next..
There are a *lot* of problems with the academic facilities at UH and the budget cuts that have eliminated classes that students need to graduate and have hurt the morale of professors and students. I’ve visited with faculty on most of my trips back to Hawaii and spent some time looking at classrooms and offices that were in pretty bad shape.
When I thought of becoming a prof at UH, several faculty told me about all of the problems (crumbling dorms, leaking roofs, classes not being offered that are needed for graduation, etc.) and they told me that they would like for me to join UH but they didn’t think it would be good for me to work there. There are policies in place that makes it hard to work with UH if you are an outside company.
So, I understand the frustration that some people have with this decision when they think that other things should have a higher priority. They have valid concerns about things that directly affect them and the learning environment at UH. They are also correct that UH has *not* communicated things well with them and are still not clear on things ($100k to $160k for the students…they passed a rule and don’t know how much money will go to which entity?).
Given all that, this decision was still the right one for UH.
Next step…
Get Rainbowtique dollars into the athletic department’s pocketbook along with Aloha Stadium concessions and parking.
There have been times recently where the State actually *tried* to help UH and UH turned them down and criticized the offer of help…because UH seems to be so concerned about keeping autonomy. I’ve heard this first-hand and it is a barrier to helping UH that exists.
Maybe the problem was HF and McCain…maybe things are different now.
Who knows? Maybe next year Upper campus will simply re-finance the “loan” and spread it over a longer period of time.. essentially becoming an “interest only” type, low annual payment, loan. This would allow the bulk of the activity fee to be redirected to the Athletic Department and possibly help them balance the books. Then when the economy rights itself and the fee can be increased, payment against the balance could resume.
Stranger things have happened.
Let me see if I get what you’re saying.
Adjuncts at UH need to teach 2 classes a semester, the same as full-time faculty in most UH departments, to earn $15,000 without benefits. Graduate student assistantships average about $16,000 to one class per semester and are available, in most departments, for a maximum of three years. Say that the average Ph.D. takes 7 years to complete. Right now, if I understand right, about 35% of UHM courses are taught by graduate students and adjuncts.
You think all these graduate and adjunct faculty who are paid unlivable wages should leave and get “real jobs?”
Having spent much too much time at both, lemme just say that as “deplorable” as conditions may seem at the athletic complex, they’re far better than, say, Kuykendall Hall. Our tenured professors would love to have the kind of offices our coaches, even assistant coaches, have. And while I too worry that budget problems could lead to the elimination of some of our smaller sports programs, I have to weigh that against the continuing loss of assistant professors and lecturers, many with decades of experience and significant contributions to their fields. Seriously, do you send your kids to college to enjoy great collegiate sports or to get a quality education? It doesn’t have to be an either-or proposition, but we do need to be straight about what the priorities are.
I respect your side of the story. I yield to any sensitivity you have against this fee. I yield to your feelings. In fact reading some of the post here it sickens me that you become the recipient of one poster’s barbs. I rather count my blessings that this imposed fee does come at the expense of the students, which in essence might keep the athletic program afloat. This buoyancy in turn allows me to enjoy watching UH sports. For you,your peers and future students at UH I humbly express my gratitude for carrying the extra weight on your backs. Thank you.
The *big* flaw in #247 is that UH had a *huge* budget deficit even when the economy was good and the team was winning. Other things must happen for UH to be able to afford Title IX and rising costs of travel and everything related to the Athletic Department.
Sadly, I agree with your post #249. The thing is, some people don’t care about the Academic situation at the University and get upset when they feel that the Academic side isn’t giving Athletics enough. No matter how badly the Athletic facilities got, I think that many classrooms and dorms were in worse shape.
I am not too fond of the fee that has been passed. I am a current UH Manoa student that enjoys and supports many of the sports in the athletics department. But I must say that I do work and put myself through school and don’t like another price hike for school. I do understand that it is only $50 a semester but it is another increase in what I already pay. Since I first started at Manoa in 2006 my tuition has risen every year, and its now double what I paid my freshman year. I think its easy for Alumni or just people who just enjoy the atheltics to push and support this fee when their not the one who has to pay. I hope everyone who feels its ok for the students to pay has made a donation of equal amount to the school. I’m not trying to say that I dont support the athletic program as a matter of fact I have attended many football, volleyball, baseball, and waterpolo games. Also many memebers of my family are long time season ticket holders to numerous sports. I just feel that the money I already pay for school is not going the distance. The buildings on the upper campus needs to be renovated and maintained better but yet I still have to pay another fee to support athletics. I just feel that there are some things that are being overlooked and put on the back burner. Somethings need to be taken cared of before making students pay extra, in the meantime they should continue to solicit donations from alumni and maybe start the fee at a smaller amount.
UH Rainbow Wahine Softball to participate in 2011 Cathedral City Classic
for those who haven’t checked it out yet.
A lot of pictures at UH website of Kelly, Jenna, and Coolen.
Kelly and sister.
Jenna and Tim Tebow.
Coolen and Mike Golic. more.
Again, don’t mean to be divisive here, but this discussion reminds me that my wife and I each teach 4 or 5 classes a semester, spending waayyyy more than 40 hours lecturing, grading, meeting with students, offering after-hours tutoring, etc. yet we make a hell of a lot less than I used to when I was eating hot dogs at the Stan Sheriff and watching Bolla scream from the sidelines. Hey, I love both jobs, but something in the way we sometimes judge the value of academics and athletics/entertainment seems out of whack.
And more.
If the Athletic Department really wants the merchandising money, Upper Campus could easily given them 100% of that revenue and ask for their $10 million per year they give Athletics to be eliminated. Upper Campus, Lower Campus, *nobody* has enough money right now. If we are just looking at taking money away from somewhere else at UH to get Athletics more money, how is that funding going to be replaced? Cutting the money the Athletic Department is given by Upper Campus?
The key is to somehow *increase* the money that UH overall has. A tuition increase (next year?) or new fee like this is one way, but you can only do that so much before good students are driven away. Asking the state for money ignores how the state is broke also. JD has done some creative things like the parking revenue increase and other measures are needed.
Yeah.. no thanks. 🙄
#226 MichiganWarrior, yep, it’s pretty sad. The main floor of Hamilton looks pretty now (let’s not discuss the basement and all the irretrievable losses following the flood), but when you enter the surrounding buildings, in many cases literally nothing has changed. In addition to that laminate in the women’s bathroom that I mentioned earlier, I found some graffiti in Bilger that looked pretty darn familiar.
We can compare that with the med school (new and apparently well maintained) and the Stan Sheriff Center (maintained in part because of a son’s love) — and see that care and maintenance are possible. One issue, as many have said over the years, is construction is sexy, maintenance is boring. I hope that one of the things the new UH era is looking at is ways for the public and alums to pitch in on public work days. Granted, most of us can’t rebuild a Gartley or rewire a Gateway — and even those with the appropriate licenses, might face liability issues — but I know how to install sinks and refit faucet handles, and replace missing screws on lift-up desks in lecture halls/auditoriums. Ditto for re-sodding or re-plugging the big brown pathway between Hamilton and Varney.
Rainbowtique loses money. Don’t forget about labor and rent.
Your donation will never go towards repairing Gartley Hall. Ask WassupDoc to explain (again) about capital improvements.
But seriously, I must say that Kara Nishimura and the SID have done a fine job with their video blogs and updates on site and it started from the day the Wahine left for the WAC tourney and all the way through the WCWS.
It’s a small step in improving the connection with fans and the programs we support.
I thank you for your honesty and humility and mostly I thank you for your perseverance.
It’s a good suggestion that you have made about others pitching in and sacrificing a little more to help the UHAD and I will keep you in mind when I donate more…
Good Luck.
Things are heated at UH now…but they may be even crazier at SMU now. There may be some coaches quitting within a year and then things would really get messy!
By the way, that 6’7″, 299-pound offensive tackle is apparently going to attend UCLA. The other recruit denied admission got a full athletic scholarship elsewhere. SMU actually denied a recruit that was admitted to an Ivy-league school and he had to appeal twice to get into SMU.
Amy what I am saying is that those students are making a choice to continue school, no one is forcing them to go on, in making that choice you need to take into consideration what it takes, if they can not live with what they are making then I guess yes they need to get a job where their needs are met. Life is about choices, an you make the ones that you need to make.
Compensation, Pomai, is about equal pay for equal work.
1) You’ll never see ESPN hold a telethon to raise operating funds.
2) I bet there were way more UH students at Ward Theatres today watching the vampire movie (and not for the 1st time) than even thought about showing up for the BOR meeting.
I am being 1/2 facetious 1/2 serious when I dispense this advice: Get married!
Two incomes are better than one, believe me. I speak from experience.
That SMU story is getting *really* interesting.
“Twilight” has officially KILLED the image of what a vampire should be.
What kind of vampire goes out into the sun and doesn’t die but sparkles????
#258… Garret… then we need a big, statewide push for more okoles in the seats, especially in venues that we know will make the school some extra money!
Great idea, IF YOU’RE STRAIGHT!!
Has all the PF Chang’s locations in Dallas moved or shut down?
Panda Travel can’t afford to give away the amount of free trips to Vegas for this to work.
I think maybe somebody’s slippers wearing out sooner than he expected! 😉
#260… greenthumb… That’s what I’m talking about! There’s got to be creative, legal ways for the community to be able to offer the help, AND the school to be able to accept it.
Might have to remind someone to call them “slippers” and NOT “flip flops”.
…or shower shoes!!! 👿
Just so you know, Jeremiah Masoli is NOT coming to UH.
Thanks to everyone on this blog for clearing up some questions that I had. I am a football player at an ILH school. We keep getting phone calls and letters from PAC-10 and Big XII schools. I kept telling my dad that I am a Warrior all the way. My dad pointed out this blog to me and said that bloggers write that the facilities are in deplorable condition. He said that the state doesn’t give the school money to maintain the facilities. With that being the case, I will drop Hawaii from my list of possible schools that I will attend. Thanks to all of the readers here who helped prevent me from making a big mistake.
your #152 – student and faculty resentment of athletics – who at upper campus is responsible for publicizing accomplishments of students and faculty? why blame the athletic department if their accommplishments or failures get more attention than upper campus?
Athletics gets $5 million in athletics scholarships from tuition money each year from upper campus and has a $12 million dollar debt that is getting worse by $2 million a year. Upper campus pays about $5 million a year for athletic’s electricity, janitors, security, building and facilities’ maintenance etc. The $2 M in student fees will help stem the bleeding but you do the math. If the community doesn’t support athletics, Manoa can’t carry it on their own forever. Something has to give.
Well, it mighta been fun to watch the two Miahs compete on the hardwood again during Spring…
The accumulated debt is $10 million.
279. Stephen Tsai:
July 15th, 2010 at 7:57 pm
Just so you know, Jeremiah Masoli is NOT coming to UH.
BEST news of the day !!!
Thank you, ST.
#281 A-House maybe the students and faculty need to form their own booster clubs?????
There are some students celebrating today… I’m one of them. =)
for those who “bash” the athletic department because facilities on upper campus is bad, pay is insufficient, etc. please “push” my suggestion of assessing a $500 – $1,000 per semester fee for all students at UH-Maona to address your concerns.
afterall, your contribution will directly affect better facilities, better pay, more “teachers”, etc. let’s see, $500/student x 20,000 students = $10,000,000 per semester. that’s a hell of a start. maybe, you can encourage former students/profs to donate to the cause. Of course, none of the fee can be used for salaries.
btw, Pride, your idea of “etching” a name on a seat at aloha stadium for $200 will also bring in the $10,000,000 – but this is a one time deal – mine is perpetual!!!
best of all, the cost is still way less than what students are paying on the mainland.
For $200.00 added to my football season tickets, I’d like the freedom to bring and ignite fireworks into Aloha Stadium.
If people are going to pretend to be someone else at least they should lie a little better.
Well, I am NOT celebrating tonight.
I buy this bag of Maui Onion-flavored chips and they are skimping on the onion flavor.
Freakin’ deplorable!!!!!!!!!! 👿
No worries. C’mon, we go blow off some steam this weekend.
Batter’s Box Hawaii batting cages out at Barber’s Point.
Be there! 😎
Howzit Tsaikos!
Finally caught up with reading today’s blog entries.
I am in favor of the fee and yes, it should be higher. For those who say that sports programs are not needed at the university level, I challenge you to name one university/college that doesn’t have at least one sports program. I’m not talking about those newfangled multi-site university like Phoenix or Argosy.
UH tuition is a bargain compared to Mainland schools. Charlie Wade said that is one of the selling points to a recruit’s family, esp the ones from California.
I’m happy that the BOR passed the student activity fee measure. On the other hand, I agree that it’s a rough road for those who work and go to school and try to make ends meet. I was in those same shoes decades ago, went to school in the mornings, worked the 3:00 to 11:00 shift throwing around suitcases at the airport. Still managed, to attend UH football and baseball games when I did have a Satuday or Sunday off.
BTW, to Amy. If you are a grad student with a MA, (this isn’t me being a wise guy) and looking to earn some extra income, the athletic department’s often advertises for academic tutors for student athletes. I recently saw an ad for the fall semester. Requirement is that you have an MA degree. The pay is very generous.
A-House: Publicity for athletics is a well-funded (relative to other campus initiatives), in-house operation. Publicity for the most of the rest of the campus is handled by the Office of University Relations, which has a staff much smaller than the breadth of its responsibilities (I know, I used to work there).
I just don’t think “interest” should be gauge here, especially when that interest comes primarily from off campus. Physics isn’t especially interesting to a broad cross-section of society, but it is important and its students are well worth the investment. Sports are really important to a lot of people, including me (its a major component of my doctoral research), but it is by definition “codified nonpurposeful activity,” and its direct value to those other than the limited number of participants lies in entertainment.
SMU football coach June Jones says he’ll sign extension
12:06 AM CDT on Friday, July 16, 2010
From the BoR meeting, it sounded like the Athletics dept. has been paying the interest on the money loaned.
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
Athletics is the face of UH on the mainland. The football games or basketball games were the ones I got to see on TV when I lived on the mainland. In the decades I lived there, the only thing I remember reading about UH research was the glowing mice.
Basically, athletics helps with marketing the university to non-residents who attend UH and pay higher tuition, which in turn, adds to the monies available for academics. Non-residents pay $6000 more than residents; the price of going to school in paradise.
The new fee is restricted in its use to scholarships, travel & subsistence, materials & supplies. With the Athletic dept. not needing a loan from UH administration to cover their deficit spending, there’s more money available in the University’s general fund to cover academics, etc. ~ $2 million more. I think JD has a plan on how to pay off the loan, but we need to hear from Jim.
Building maintenance & backlogs in maintenance seem to be a common problem at state universities. NAU went to the AZ Legislature to obtain money to start catching up on the backlog. I don’t know enough about the UH budget & funding to venture a guess of how they deal with that problem.
The fee at $50 is acceptable at that level right now. You don’t want to overload the students too much. The BoR said that they will be talking about a tuition increase next year. If the Athletic fee were doubled as some people have suggested, it would be a tougher fight for the Board to get a tuition increase passed in a year.
#299 ~ That difference of $6000 in tuition between resident & non-resident is PER SEMESTER.
Mahalo to Stretch & (J)J for their monthly matching donations to the Tsaiko UH Foundation account. Mahalo to gigi & David for your donation, too.
We know that the Tsaikos can rally & provide support. It’s still going to be needed in full force this year.
Good evening to everyone! Hope all is well in tsaiko land. Been a while since I’ve posted.
Students’ will forget about it in the next couple of months. Besides, this gets UH’s sporting events a more of a college atmosphere.
Between 1984 – 1994, the years I lived abroad (Europe and Japan) I was starved for news about home (No internet like it is today back then.). The only tidbits I could get were in the sporting news and boy did I gobble those up. It was my connection back home and made me feel grounded. When I came back following my divorce in 94 and being very very depressed by the loss of my life savings to both my ex-wife (lost my working visa and company) and my brother (lost my life savings from the sale of our condo in Hawaii). Tried to get help for abused spouses but there is no help if the abused is the husband. So I called the Suicide hotline just to clear my head a few times… but they’re not geared for advice. Got to get Title IX for that. Football was going down hill but the women’s volleyball team inspired me. The Women’s basketball teams also inspired me. Riley Wallace was still in there and there seemed to be a healthy rivalry between the men’s and women’s teams… also a lot of romance between the players. UH Sports kept me grounded. Kept my spirits up even when Religiion split my family apart (siblings and I). It was something I could do with my father whom I had been alienated with since I was 15 (I left home in a huff… didn’t talk to him for years, but managed to mend the rift with him through UH sports on TV and at the Stadium.)
I’m a UH alumni. I never played on any team at UH. I paid the student activity fee back when I was a student. I worked two jobs.. one full time, one part time. I acted in 37 plays so always had access to the plays at Kennedy for free… I seldom had time to go to the games, and managed only to go to a few when I could, because I had paid my activity fee. But those few, I truly believe, played a vital role in my later years. It brought me close to my father so that I would have no regrets when he passed two years ago. They inspired me when I was down and broke and gave me back my wings to compete in the world again.
Made me believe that I could win just enough times to make it all worthwhile. And, I still believe. So I give when I can afford to.. cheer loud as heck when I can’t… but you’d have a hard time selling me that an activity fee isn’t a good deal for a college kid.
So, when my son finally (hopefully) enters UH as a student in a couple of years, I’ll be happy to pay that activity fee for him. Who knows? Maybe it’ll bring us closer, too. Give us some common ground to talk about. I’d like that. I think he would, too.
#306 MIH, Good One!!
BEAT trojans!!
Thanks, Old School Dave. I’m a couple of semesters away from finishing my PhD. I tutor online with a couple of different companies, and teach at a few different colleges, including UH. For a grad student, I’m doing pretty okay moneywise. What has motivated me to write all this, and testify earlier today, is my concern for grad students who are going to be here after I leave. They aren’t paid a fair wage, and faculty and administrators alike take advantage of them. Honestly, I can’t tell you the last time I heard a graduate recommend UH to someone who wanted to come here to do significant grad work. It’s just a raw deal — we work in the same ballpark of teaching or research hours that full time faculty work, depending on our jobs, get paid about 10% of what they get paid to do the same kinds of tasks. We were the first and most severely cut during the budget crisis. And now we’re told to pay up 22% more to support, what…. athletics?!.
Kazz – thanks for the comments about my testimony. I have to say that as an experienced public policy advocate, I was stunned and embarassed at the comments made by the first speaker. Not only was she loud & rude, she bragged about how she should have been appointed the Student Regent and challenged the one who was sworn in earlier this year as being lazy & incompetent.
George Simson, a retired professor and someone I’ve known since I was in my mid-teens, spoke against the fee. Noel Kent did also. Most of the students were polite but clearly in opposition to the fee because they felt that it should be used to improve the academic programs and the facilities.
One student sort of attacked me because I said that we all have to taxes and fees since that this is part of living in a civil society – even if we object to what our dollars buy. I referred to the war in Afghanistan as something that I have no choice but to help pay for. The young man did not like having the fee compared to the Afghan War, but I certainly don’t want it, don’t need it, and can’t afford it – all the same arguments made by the opponents of the fee.
Because I had to get back into town for the Homeless hearing at the Capitol and five other meetings/briefings throughout the day/evening, I couldn’t stay for the balance of the BOR meeting + the decision-making. I wish I could have.
As for the West O`ahu rumor: It will be at least 10 years before the campus will have its four classroom buildings completed. It will not replace Manoa but is intended to play the same general role in Hawai`i’s higher education as UH Hilo.
At least two people were very distressed about spending money on West O`ahu while the Manoa campus needs so much work. Hey, that’s a whole other subject, but they are right.
Time to go.
to bed.
Whoops!!! ……. we all have to pay taxes and fees since this is part of living in a civil society.
Great Morning All!
Hope the Warriors have a great uw this morning.
Erryboddy have a terrific day!
#304… MIH… Sorry to hear of your past situation, but glad that you found the inspiration to move on. Good one! We all have our (horror) stories.
To this day, that is the main way we connect back home… through UH athletics. Whether I was stationed on the east coast, west coast, Korea, or Japan, for many service members, we take pride in our schools back home. On Armed Forces television stations overseas, the only thing we see in regards to our schools are athletic events. They don’t air robot competitions. Documentaries are super rare, and usually only shown if it’s tied to a crisis of some sort. So we can forget about watching lava flow, whales off the coast, or what new galaxies have just been found.
It is sports that ties us to our hometowns… sports that gives us pride and boosts our spirits to continue serving… sports that also brings out healthy competition amongst fellow service members.
Perhaps a UH tv station can change and balance this output. To tell the truth, I find the scientific stuff that goes on amongst the various departments more interesting. Toiling day to day, working to uncover some new secret or cure… that kind of stuff is awe-inspiring. A tv station can bring to light the need for more funding for specific booster clubs. It could also be used to identify and remind the public of those lingering problems that so desperately need to be addressed.
#311… Doc… Thank you for doing what you do, and the manner in which you get it done!
[…] Stephen Tsai пишет: Operating expenses according the institutional data reports a total operating budget of $63233 (2008-2009). A roster size composed of 10 men, 16 women and two coaches. Compared to other sports, the budget pales in comparison. …. Now that the Valor Christian quarterback has committed to attend Colorado and play for coach Dan Hawkins – or whomever might hold the job of head football coach in 2011 – Berglund has set his sights on helping bring “the best class in 20 years” … […]
Regents approve athletics fee – Hawaii News –…
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