Cost sharing
When it was first announced UH would pay the travel costs for Mountain West football teams to play here, phrases such as “cost sharing” were used. As we’ve learned, that would be like a car-pool arrangement in which UH always provides the car.
During yesterday’s reception at Washington Place, Gov. Abercrombie once against emphasized that the state and Hawaii Tourism Authority should contribute to the travel subsidies because UH events impact the state’s economy. Abercrombie would like to see real “cost sharing.”
* * * * *
The next time it is argued that UH football isn’t important, remember yesterday. How many UH hirings command the presence of every top school official and a reception at Washington Place? Are there more important subjects and hirings? Of course, of course. But this is Hawaii, and (many of) its people love football.
* * * * * *
Contrary to murmurs, Jeff Reinebold did not leave the SMU staff, according to JJ.
* * * * *
Happy birthday to Mrs. Momo.
Best of luck to Coach Chow.
Did anyone catch Al Harrington on kkua radio this morning.
Good stuff. Tidbits: He was first Hawaiian/Samoan
All American High football player. He came from a family
of ten kids and did not want to go to Punahou but was
hoping to join his friends at Kamehameha…At Stanford
he studied Drama and of course he was in Hawaii 5-0 then
and now, too. Hilo Hattie hired him for $25 to $50 gigs
in California. In Hawaii, Al applied for a car salesman job
and was at first turned down…
add anothe 2
morning again 808
nice pics of Washington Place
Happy Aloha Friday!!! Hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas weekend
oops, not kkua but 105 Kine…
sorry about dat…
Crowd at the Stan Sheriff gave Norm Chow a standing ovation when he was introduced…I think everyone feels this is the “right time” for a local boy to lead Hawaii’s highest profile team. We all hinge our hopes that Chow will be successful!
And I think it was the “right” time and place for Norm Chow to take his first Head Coaching job. Depending on how well he does, maybe they’ll finally make a docudrama about the Warriors and their head coach.
Is there video of the standing ovation? I would really like to see it.
Good morning, gang!
Thanks for the photos, ST!
like this idea – hope that the Gov can push it through.
” Abercrombie once again emphasized that the state and Hawaii Tourism Authority should contribute to the travel subsidies because UH events impact the state’s economy. Abercrombie would like to see real “cost sharing.”
Coach Chow “received his master’s degree in special education from Utah and a doctorate in educational psychology, Ed.D., from Brigham Young University in 1978” ( UH … How about appointing him a full professor like Chancellor Hinshaw?
Professor Chow is IN THE HOUSE!
Virginia Hinshaw appointed UH Manoa chancellor
“Her five-year appointment as chancellor of the UH Mānoa campus is at an annual salary of $350,016. She will also receive a $2,000 monthly housing allowance and appointment as a full professor in both the College of Natural Sciences and the John A. Burns School of Medicine.”
This was only my third time in Washington Place. I think it would be a nice place for a blog party.
i’ll believe it when i see it department…
when the gov actually sends monies over to subsidize the travel subsidy.
after all aren’t we still waiting for him to pass the aloha stadium to the university of hawaii.
If I were running the stadium, the first thing I would do is paint all of the seats green.
Then those wonderful pictures and displays of the sports hall of fame? Wait, you don’t know about those displays? They’re in the lower level, where most can’t view them. They should be moved to the concourse level.
… And I’d make every ticket-taker, parking director, etc., say to each fan: Thank you for coming to Aloha Stadium.
Hi welcome to Aloha Stadium… I love you.
Hi welcome to Aloha Stadium… I love you.
Hi welcome to Aloha Stadium… I love you.
Hi welcome to Aloha Stadium… I love you.
Hi welcome to Aloha Stadium… I love you.
And that’s about all I would be able to handle before I might wanna spit in someone’s face.
UH can’t manage their current facilities, they don’t want the stadium.
st…although you are a great reporter/journalist you may be an even better marketing genius.
off-topic – what could have been.
Congress approves the Navy, to purchase the Hawaii Superferries.
i still got chicken skin from yesterday’s presser. i’m pulling for dr. chow and hope he can revitalize our program.
was reinebold let go from jj’s staff at smu? he’s definitely a strong recruiter, so would kind of fit the bill of what dr. chow’s looking for…
the stadium needs to upgrade the PA system. it is inaudible to most.
morning gang!
welcome home chow ohana
exciting times
I made the call for the shirts 25L, 25 XL with proceeds to endowment.
Waiting for the return call.
good to see your post yesterday.
“Hi, welcome to Rainbow Wahine Softball Stadium . . . “
JJ supposedly paid for those eo na toa speakers.
it’ll be exciting to see the who’s who on the new chow staff.
i wonder how many local boys will be coming home to coach with him as well?
question – did i hear coach say something like he couldn’t recruit as the hc? .. thus sending his first ac to the north shore
st…but didn’t they take em down cuz the system was too loud?
i thought i heard that.
perhaps this is a great subject for wassup doc to investigate.
He can recruit, he just is limited in what he can do. During the contact period, he is permitted to make home visits.
Were those things really speakers or subwoofers?
Seemed like more bass was coming out of those. We kept bugging a female friend to try to sit on top of those things during that old kick off theme… and… well.. Oh yeah nevermind “family blog”… 😳
no loa. he said something to the effect that if you are a member of the coaching staff then you have to be a recruiter. then, the first thing he’d have them do is “drive straight to laie.”
go watch the presser on the uh website.
I know for one thing when your on the field you can’t understand a dang thing they are saying on the PA system.
I’d like to enter the stadium and be greeted at the gate by Michael Carter and Garret Gabriel telling me hello, thanks for coming to the game, enjoy yourselves and looking forward to seeing you next week.
thanks Stephen and Al
Only in Hawaii do fans …
• Sit down during the wave.
• Complain about loud speakers.
Bu then, only in Hawaii do fans …
• Sing along to Hawaii Pono’i.
• Applaud all good play.
reminder if kevin is collecting tics at stadium go thru different gate bbwhaaaaaaaaaaa
Don’t lie. You want Mahina Eleneki greeting you . . .
“Welcome to the Aloha Stadium.” X how many fans go through the turnstile…
That’s a lot of words…. How about just..
“Thank you for coming.” and occasionally throwing in… “Going to be a great game tonight!” .. bend knees and squat down to the little kid and point to the concession.. “Hot dogs are over there!.. Yummy!”
Those old extra speakers weren’t that loud for anyone to complain about.
Even for a crowd of 33K+ making noise you could barely hear it. It sounded more like someone playing a loud radio a few seats away.
Noise levels are different though. The higher up one sits, the permanent speakers are more audible, for us sitting in the orange, the speakers (arranged all at the top of the stadium) are just too weak and out of date.
pomai…yah, at first i thought it was my hearing aid. even the old termit palace had a better pa system.
I think you meant “ticks.”
If I had my way, there would be no problems in the orange section. Mainly, because there would be no orange section.
mih…there’s more than one gate keeper. you better go get your season tickets today.
Got to find sponsors that will issue coupons for discounts or something that the fans might want, for the fans that wear the color of the day.. If it’s a white out.. white.. green out, green… Or antenna balls with mini Warrior helmets and a painted warrior face.
Is Norm Chow of the mormon faith. If so could this be the start or possible link to bring the wonderful and energetic Kahuku fans into strong support for UH?
Jeff Reinebold ??? – wasn’t he the guy who recruited the Smith guy ?
Cost UH hundreds of thousands in court fees.
42…er, what gate would that be?
Good morning Tsaikos!!
Was nice to meet some Lurkers last night. Not going say their names but they should at least say HI if they going stop by here.
No way I could make the games next year, too. BUT I’ll be donating more than what a season ticket costs, next season.
artie just mentioned that coach chow and jj had a recent conversation. jj congratulated him and they shared some thoughts and ideas.
good stuff.
mih…you really got to take time out to enjoy the good things that life brings. its only 7-8 saturdays a year.
Mahina’s a ticket taker? hmmmm……which gate?
50…i believe this to be true.
exciting times … got me thinking about former offensive lineman that went on to great careers after fb .. Shawn C, Mitch K, Rockne F, Jim D and of course Pride. 🙂
primo123…i am hoping it will be gate 5.
are Rainbows “colors” coming back to the logo and unis?… would that “H” logo looks with rainbows on the edge??
#61….al….i’ll be there!
1. New Head for Football – Norm Chow.—RECEIVED!!
2. New sound system for Aloha Stadium —-
Happy Birthday Mrs. Momo!
I am happy that I get to wish her a Happy Birthday in person today! Last year UH was in the Hawaii Bowl so I went to Hawaii and attended the game…this year UH is not in the Hawaii Bowl so they will be spending almost a week here.
3. mahina eleneki at gate 5
I heard from a reliable source that Coach Mack didn’t believe in White Outs at Aloha Stadium, something about white being the color of surrender.
Recriuts!!!! You know I sat behind the team all year, looking at the red shirt gray shirt players about 15 of them are 5’10 and below…..please re-evaluate these players, looks like they div-ll…AGAIN it’s chow time,
Nuff said oh…Merry Christmas!!!!
Did I mention that Momo won the Pigskins Picks contest about a month ago? He and Mrs. Momo will be using it to attend her Lapahoehoe class reunion in Vegas in the Spring.
4. noga bros at gate 12 with their crushing vice grip handshakes.
happy birthday mrs. momo truly the lovely tsaiko mom!
#56 – Kapahulu – you no count, everyone knows you. but Hi to you too, see you tonight.
Those 7-8 Saturdays come towards the end of the year on days that we make about 60% of our annual income. Remember, both my wife and I don’t have an income unless we sell something.
1. New Head for Football – Norm Chow.—RECEIVED!!
2. New sound system for Aloha Stadium —-
3. mahina eleneki at gate 5 (for al and primo) —
That is interesting, I haven’t heard that before. This was Reinebold’s Facebook post yesterday:
If someone is collecting TICKS at the gate of any venue, those people need to be turned away.
Go to the bathroom, and 30 comments pop up.
Mahina would be great. So would her husband Todd.
someone at the gates that is actually pleasant and say nice stuff mmmmm what a concept nice whom ever would have thought
This was Reinebold’s last Twitter post:!/Jeff_Reinebold
The only way that I can see Reinebold leaving SMU all of a sudden would be if Norm Chow offered him a job on UH’s staff. So, if ST is correct that Reinebold is not on SMU’s staff anymore (after he just completed recruiting trips for SMU before flying to Hawaii yesterday), that would indicate to me that he may be part of Coach Chow’s staff.
Whoa…. good thing we didn’t have the Hawaiian color for courage, then, eh?
Did Coach Chow stay for the entire basketball game last night?
“Gov. Abercrombie once against emphasized that the state and Hawaii Tourism Authority SHOULD contribute to the travel subsidies because UH events impact the state’s economy”.
Typical politician, should is their favorite word .Call me when he changes should to WILL.
haha…#78 pride….no…no…no Todd…jus Mahina…..haha….
I think the home team has to wear a dark jersey.
#77 ST – would have been only 10 if you went No 1
yep dem Hugo family like christmas song …. you betta watch out
#82…..he left at halftime.
The biggest problem with Washington Place is that it appears to lack a rest room.
Then again, what do I know?
I asked a security guy for directions. Turns out he wasn’t a security guy. He was a guy with a headset waiting for the bus. Now, if he had said: “Welcome to Washington Place …”
opps happy bday to mrs momo and hi to pan laulau extraordinaire mr. momo
yeah well.. wouldn’t want to hear a guy in the bathroom say..
“Thank you for coming.”
Haha, Todd Hugo…what a character, yeah? Awesome day yesterday…nice pics from Washington Place, ST. Too bad the Rainbow Warriors couldn’t pull it off last night; hope the arena is packed tonight for Xavier.
Do we have any QB that played under center in high school?
Three said Sun God left SMU, but JJ said he didn’t. So I guess he didn’t.
I have a call in on the quote for the shirts with the contact that I referenced.
Good to read your comments
Hmmm… that might explain why the current and previous occupants as of late have been full of – – – – ? 😆 😆 😆
I’m glad that ST updated his post and clarified things.
pp whomever put the UH/Xavier game last should be added to the marketing team. thinks mucho pees to attend therefore more bucks.
pride forgot mentioned meet one of your umpteen cousins at our kalikimaka luncheon
#74 madeinhawaii…any law against you selling your own
label T-shirts? You certainly are creative.
Good morning everyone!
Happy Birthday Mrs. Momo !!!
Ipu Man,
It’s not what I sell.. it’s when I sell. Saturdays, we sell a lot more than any other day of the week, especially in the last three months of the year. About $20~25K of our sales come from Saturdays during those months.
Aloha Kekahiaka! Always love reading here, the remarks are always enlightening (and crack me up too)! Excited for the new era of UH football, even put our deposit down for next years season tickets last night! Go Warriors!
SunGod is here on vacay according to his FB post…:
#50 – according to vili on fb-
“why peepo have to say im a bandwagoner???cmon guys….when braddah Rich, wasnt givn interview, I had to root for braddah Chow becoz he is also family to me and always support all my sons…nd loves my ohana. My wife knew was goin be him frm da begining…so plz.. Most of all, Norm is very spiritual…c’mon now gys.. I knw Chow fo over 20 yrs…dang…we all rootin for da local boyzz and when u look at da situation, it was Chow’s time to come hme…I will be a WARRIOR and will be still working with Chow….as a matter of fact, my wife is arready organizing a spiritual fireside for his return with son Vj frm Bowl Game so please come hear this man bear his spiritual testimony at the LDS Tabernacle on Beretania….God Bless and cheeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!”
mih, you doing good. Just thought if you needed an extra
twenty bucks…
PolyMom ever post her URL?
Don Weir (We-ah): you no mo her email addy? 😆
GO KEALOHA! (best a Redskins fan can say for a Dallas player) 😈
With apologies to primo123
1. New Head for Football – Norm Chow.—RECEIVED!!
2. New sound system for Aloha Stadium —-
3. Full stadium every game
4. National Top 10 recruiting class every year
5. 50% of Top 20 Hawaii Football HS graduates every year
6. 50% drop in all concession prices
7. $5 general parking
8. 50% of concession and parking revenues to UHAD for summer school scholarships
9 20% Na Koa membership increase every year for 5 years
10. Inclusion of all mainalnd fans in UH Athletics via specific packaging programs for booster clubs
Good Morning again Gangeez! 🙂
“The next time it is argued that UH football isn’t important, remember yesterday. How many UH hirings command the presence of every top school official and a reception at Washington Place? Are there more important subjects and hirings? Of course, of course. But this is Hawaii, and (many of) its people love football.”
Very, very cogent words, Mr. Tsai. UH Football has the power to bring the community, from the least of us to the greatest of us, together, the way few things can. We could see that phenomenon as early as the Tomey years and right up through JJ’s best years. After seeing Norm Chow’s introduction yesterday, and hearing the man speak, I was reminded once again of that power.
These are exciting times. You could almost feel the culture of UH Football shift, the moment Chow began to speak. We are clearly blessed to have a man of his roots, accomplishments and character as the leader of our program. Can’t wait for spring practice already.
ALRIGHT, mo808! Way to support the WARRIORS!!! Season tix are awesome!
111 – Mist-ah We-ah,
Love ’em all! BTW, how are things going over at the stadium. Will we be seeing you there?
Too bad the SC and BYU games are on the road….would have been a full house at Aloha for both games!
Here’s wishing Mrs. momo a very Happy Birthday!
LizK, Mana was splitting time at db for Dallas. Will play on special teams this Saturday. May get into the game as a db. On tv at 11:15 on Saturday. Go Mana!
Happy birthday Mrs. Momo!
Happy Birthday Mrs. momo!
Oh I forgot to mention that Mana is #36.
Ipu Man…
That was last year when we went to 4 games.. LOL… big difference between 2010 and 2011. I can pay my bills this year.
115 –
+1! Did you see the way the new coach repsonded when asked about the SC game? Not a bit of fear in the man. He’ll give them a great game, and I don’t mean that as in “we’ll try our best to not be beaten too badly”. Its more like: USC had better be ready. The Warriors will! I love his confidence, and the fact that he is uniquely qualified to back himself up.
Nice to hear that Vili is so supportive of the new HC.
In case he needs the link
GO MANA 36 !!!!
Repost. Thanks Don!
1. New Head for Football – Norm Chow.—RECEIVED!!
2. New sound system for Aloha Stadium —-
3. Full stadium every game
4. National Top 10 recruiting class every year
5. 50% of Top 20 Hawaii Football HS graduates every year
6. 50% drop in all concession prices
7. $5 general parking
8. 50% of concession and parking revenues to UHAD for summer school scholarships
9 20% Na Koa membership increase every year for 5 years
10. Inclusion of all mainalnd fans in UH Athletics via specific packaging programs for booster clubs
GOOD – don’t want him here. His Smith fiasco cost UH plenty kala.
Contrary to murmurs, Jeff Reinebold did not leave the SMU staff, according to JJ.
@126. I’ve ways been partial to GREEN, so can we add add ST’s suggestion to paint the seats GREEN too?
6. 50% drop in all concession prices…
that means the stadium authority would hafta
reduce their rents 50% (which they should do)
with the stiupulation of a cut in food prices.
#35 –
You go STRAIGHT to the Principal’s office, young man! 👿
In between photo ops, I hope the Gov is trying to figure out the mess caused by the shut down of the two St Francis hospitals.
Can’t wait to hear who’s on staff and what recruits Chow is attracting. A true stud QB would be nice.
#131 Two stud tackles with great feet would be nice, too. Ah heck, toss in a great center as we graduated London while you’re at it.
Ain’t going to expect much in terms of recruits this season as Chow will be limited in the number of recruits he can get and we will be a little late getting in the race for top notch recruits for a pro-style offense.
I hope our QBs have started practicing taking snaps under Center.
Oh wait.. no more center.. dang!
From The Scoop:
Hawaii: We have learned that Philip Rauscher will also be part of Norm Chow staff. He’ll have a position on the offensive side of the ball; most likely tight ends we’re told.
Hawaii: Sources tell us that Norm Chow has brought Utah grad assistant Lewis Powell with him. Powell will coach the defensive line.
Imagine that….Hawaii with a tight end coach
Look who’s the DC at Wyoming (future opponent)…
Wyoming: We hear that Chris Tormey will be the new defensive coordinator at Wyoming. Tormey most recently served as the linebackers coach at Washington State.
I love these “Only in…” jokes. And in good fun:
Only in Hawaii do fans …
• collectively boo a bad play.
• get told by stadium staff to sit down.
But then, only in Hawaii do fans …
• use the newsprint programs as celebration streamers.
• wave a ti leaf, and not some colored towel.
Utah: Defensive coordinator Kalani Sitake stated last night that he is not going with Norm Chow to Hawaii.
” … Against the Norm, Chow Takes Long Road to Become Head Coach. …”
KevinARileys’ column, from the football blog.
Change “Hawaiian Airlines Field” to “Hawaiian Airlines Battlefield”.
A fitting name for Warriors.
Anyone notice how Norm Chow called out ex UH coaches for not recruiting Epenesa from Iolani without naming names and saying that will not happen while he is the HC here. Pretty much said it was easy for UCLA to sign him.
Then next year, Mack got offended by Epenesa saying Hawaii didn’t recruit him which a HC shouldn’t ever take offense to.
You gotta evaluate and know who the top players are in your back yard.
Mack pretty much let Epenesa and Jamora get away. IF he was still coach, probably would have let Benny Fonua go. Discovering him after UTAH ST coaches offer is not acceptable.
don’t go out its gridlock on the freeway highway by way.
Let’s hope the Governor holds up his side of the bargain versus his standard shibai…I don’t recall seeing him at any UH event, just like ol’ Roman nose.
If Jeff Reinebold is a super recruiter and was available, why not at least give him a chance to interview.
I don’t know all the facts of the Smith case other than he may have been offered verbally – but did he really accept? The practice seems to have been throughout the nation that you could verbal but it had to be confirmed in writing. And it had to be accepted.
I had always been under the impression that the UH Administration always preferred to sweep it under the rug rather than fight.
144 Bowwar:
Unfortunately the Governor has no power to order payments to be made. And I have seen him in a couple of games that I attended in Stan Sheriff.
As I am usually drink by the time I get into the stadium, I don’t know if the orange section L-Q was replaced before this past season. Anyway looks new.
Oops drunk
I saw the Gov at a UH BB game and when Billy V. announced him, there was a lot of booooos.
Jeff Reinebold – why is he hanging around SMU & Hawaii as an asst coach?
He was HC in CFL & NFL Euro.
He’s a super recruiter – Why isn’t he a HC somewhere – something wrong?
NO THANKS to him at Hawaii – got plenty other candidates.
Happy day before day before Christmas!
Happy Birthday, Mrs Momo!!
1. New Head for Football – Norm Chow.—RECEIVED!!
2. The whole stadium be different shades of green and black
3. Full stadium every game
4. Fans that are encouraged to go crazy, yell, scream, chant, and stand up
5. The field renamed to “Hawaiian Airlines Battlefield”
6. 30% drop in all concession prices
7. $5 general parking. $20 if car only has one person
8. every game, every person wearing the same color. A sea of black, green, or white
9 A true mascot
10. Wall of honor inside main entrance
11. every person in the stadium has a ti leaf at every game
I concur with you that Coach Chow did say that he cannot recruit and that puzzled me as othe HC made trips to Hawaii.
Understand now that ST posted a response.
How in the world did you get past the Governor’s tight security detail and roam freely around Washington Place?
Was it the haircut?
Stealth, I tell you!! Stealth!!
Only the rich and powerful were invited to Washington Place…
You on a roll!! Awesome ideas!!
Any word on the walk-on program?
Ipu Man,
#156 So, ST is rich and powerful? 🙂
In regards to the “only in Hawaii” comment by tsai….it was said the wave was created in husky stadium. A lot of people sit during the wave in Seattle because he’ll we are trying to watch an important part of the game. Nothing is worse than a wave that doesn’t make sense. Rally moment and we wave? Hell I can’t see a damn thing! The wave is getting dumb.
So if it’s true Hawaii fans sit during a wave, it’s probably becuse
1. They don’t need to follow a bunch of fools to look cool
2. Actually watching the game and could care less about looking cool
3. Realize that it doesn’t really contribute to anything unless it’s done at the right time.
Howzit, Tsaikos!
Good luck to Nevada tomorrow, but it has been 23,017 days since Nevada has won a football game in Hawaii.
Curt…Tsai is sort of the Chad Owens of sports writers and
rich in rainbows…:)
ajoe…no it wasn’t stealth that got him around the place.
they probably mistook him for the county coroner.
Good job by all involved at UHAD and its community of leaders. It has been a feel-good selection for our football program.
Looking forward to many winning seasons and Merry Xmas everyone!
The Quarterback for Southern Mississippi, has broken most
or all of Brett Farve’s records there…Wonder if he has come
to Hawaii for this game.
My Mom wants a “Chow Time” t-shirt. Butigroove’s automated announcement on the phone: we are sold out of the Chow Time t-shirts, please call back later …
the list…what happened to mahina eleneki?
ahouse…because it is the dead period of recruiting right now. listen to the whole message and look for the subliminal.
calm down
Happy birthday, Mrs. Momo!!!
Garret, plz give your Mom a (((HUG))) for me. My friend is going to make her mochi recipe for their Christmas party tomorrow.
When I saw the finished product of the stadium renovations I thought Del Monte had bought the field name rIghts….and that the Hawaii Bowl was gonna be renamed the Pineapple Bowl since everything that includes pineapples are considered Hawaiian…Really though hope that they decide to paint the seats and bring more of a UH homefield flavor to Aloha Stadium…
I wonder how Dr.Chow feels about all those pun intended items?
A-Joe, Thanks for the comment. I have other idea’s but I am saving them until after more items are finished from my list.
AL, Sorry, Mahina Eleneki would be nice too. haaa
I bet he wished UH was putting them out. But I think we all should be glad that someone is putting something out quick to catch the fans excitement. Any publicity is good publicity.
i really like tsai’s idea of having a student become the mascot for the teams. he would then be awarded a full ride and all the perks of travelling on the road.
i miss that buffed up warrior guy.
Ipu Man,
#162 Oh, I see. ST can dash and dodge like Chad Owens and spread rainbows across the land. Wow. Datz magical. Letz call him Rainbow Man! His intro should go someting lie dis:
Look up in the sky. It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No, it’s Rainbow Man. Faster than a speeding Chad Owens. More powerful than the Honolulu Rail Transit. Able to leap tall menehunes in a single bound. Who, disguised as Stephen Tsai, mild-mannered sports reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper, fights the unending battle for truth, justice, and the local ways.
okay, gender equity…
we could have one wahine mascot in a sarong or malo.
ah, bikini mo betta.
what say you boys?
curt…what’s in your coffee today?
dijaknow, coffee is a drug?
…instead of a phone booth, Tsai changes his clothes in_________?
Well, I could start out the intro like this:
Look up in the sky. It’s nerd. It’s a pain. Yes. It’s Rainbow Man…
But, wifey says I should be nice to people…even to reporters. So, I try my best. ;o)
I thought Chow said that as a “Head Coach” he is not allowed to make home visits. Implying that if, as a head coach, he makes one home visit, then he would have to make visits to all the potential recruits just to demonstrate an equal interest and fairness.
me no get excited about this kine stuff – watched the entire broadcast and found some subliminal messages
how many did you find?
comments like why play when the East Coast is asleep, Rainbow Warriors, etc ( that’s because I forgot the rest ) – should go back and watch it again.
only way for the East Coast to watch Hawaii play is if ESPN does a “national” telecast – adda wise nadda; MWC TV partners do not do “national broadcasts”; and ESPN has no ties to the MWC except the Hawaii Bowl from 2012.
because its the “dead period” now, is this not a good time to solidy his staff so they can hit the ground running at 1 second after midnight? decide who will recruit a particular locale? positions to be recruited? list of targeted players? keep an ear to the railroad track for sleepers now and in the future? evaluate offered recruits to determine if new staff wants them or let go? can a recruit send messages (voice mail, tweet, facebook) to Coach Chow if they are interested in Hawaii? OK as long as the coach does not respond or are recruits forbidden to do so?
btw, if the new staff is hired to begin in January 2012, what happens to the current staff whose contracts are good thru March 2012? both collect paychecks? who will use the office space – new or old?
I think KoaMahu would prefer to see Rainbow Man change in a phone booth.
In what kind of alternate universe does being a singer mean you’re not educated? You clearly must live there and must be a singer as well.
Little girl: “Mister mister!! I found the actual needle in the actual haystack! What do I win?”
Man: “Nothing. Life lesson: sometimes some tasks aren’t worth doing.”
Change? As in ‘change’ into a woman?
Like.. Hey? Wanna good time? Just walk three blocks down this street.. when you see the bar on your right.. go through the doors and then immediately, turn ….
Ipu Man #156
Not true – I was invited and I am poor and feeble.
But I had to babysit!
Curt…there are no phone booths in Hawaii.
al #176:
wahine dressed in a malo only? does it not cover only the bottom half? whoa, not to many would apply for the position and police might be an interested party for public nudity!
i know, it’s one of your many sub-messages – u dirty ole man!!!
ahouse…trust me. coach chow is assembling his staff as we speak. while you are sleeping and awake he is working it. no worry, this coach will not miss a beat and is always two steps ahead of everyone.
trust me…i have birdies.
tom #189:
You are way above our peer level as a “mover and shaker” in securing “gifts” for UHAD.
Tommui, you are rich being blessed to sit with that child, no?
#189 So, who would you have to babysit? A reporter, a politician, an administrator, or an indian chief?
#184 – last para.. methinks the fb program may be out at least $250K?
afternoon gang!
I believe – I believe – darn u made me say i missed your sub-message, again!!!
so did the little tweet say anything about retaining certain staff? I remember Coach Chow making a strong point to say the he is interested in coaches who can recruit – thus, i will conclude that a certain current staff member will be retained.
Can we have extra coaches for Spring Practice?
ermn ah.. Paid volunteers?
must be nice to not work and get paid – but, must find new job soon.
I hope Coach Chow doesn’t hire too many GAs. Personally, I rather see him hire more experienced coaches and recruiters. Otherwise, we could be in nearly the same boat as Mack.
A female Warrior mascot would be interesting. We’ll have to arm her with a spear or something.
Slugger, et al
I am in the process of getting a quote on shirts witht he H logo on the front and
“We Will Case Championships”
Coach Norm Chow
on the back.
All proceeds will go to summer school for football players. This is a donation that will be tax deductible.
Yes Tom Mui I am ordering shirts smaller than XL
I am using a fellow letterwinner who wholesales and does his own silk screening; he has a great price per shirt: no middleman involved.
I will keep an update on this blog.
If Stephanie Lum goes back to school, I nominate her as the first Warrior mascot. Of course, the down side would be that the guys would probably forget to watch the game.
Sheila…the jungle girl?
Well, UH has a rain forrest in its backyard…
Aloha Tsaikos, Tsaiketts, Lurkers and Lurketts. Former UH waterpolo player and current Miss Hawaii Lauren Cheape needs our help. She will be competing in the Miss America Pagent on January 14. She needs every one in Hawaii and the rest of the US to vote for her. It counts as a small portion of the pagent, but every little bit helps. Go to and click on videos on the left. Her name and picture will appear. Click on that, watch her short video then vote for her. Mahalo Nui Loa, Hawaii. Imua Lauren! REPRESENT!
Lauren is the sister of current UH Volleyball player Matt Cheape.
DON WEIR: #203 I hope that it is “chase”, not “case”. I usually get XL!
Coach is hired, no other news to report. And this is what we become? 😆
Curt #195 – prefer my one and only grandchild – granddaughter!
I was not disappoint-ed with Ricki’s loww scores, she was bad. She also did not deserve 10’s last week . She has done well,but Derek makes her look a lot better than she is. I thought Rob did pretty well last noght nad also JR. JR should have been all 10’s. I think the judges are as biased as the rest of the viewers. Chaz, Carson and Nancy need to go, like weeks ago. best wow gold
This is a remarkable-, talented man.
Miss America Contest vote
Only one vote. I voted, did you?
Thanks Ipu Man.
wuz tempted to vote for Miss West Virginia or Florida.
But voted for Miss Hawaii. She’s athletic and could
perhaps be the UH mascot…
I think Ohio State may have 2 sets of coaches as Urban Meyer took over, but the current staff is still coaching the team through the bowl game. Not sure if it is legal with the NCAA. Early jump on recruiting for them if true.
Any Miss America contestant with the middle name “Kealohilani” automatically gets my vote!
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Calling Captain Rainbow…calling Captain Rainbow…
s-p-a-m spotted…zap ’em with your ray gun…
The coaching change made me wonder what happened to this kid.
Howzit Tsaikos everywhere.
Jeezy33 @#142.
your evaluation of the past situation is so right on. we not only got a doctor coach, we got someone who already is showing us he knows how to talk. and act. and he shows no fear.
we are super lucky to have gotten him at this point in his life. I especially like his no scared nuttin attitude, and his choice of words. yes sir, this man ain’t gonna be backin down anytime, eva.
Hi Don. Merry XMas. and Merry Xmas to all.
I just voted for Ms Hawaii.
uhhh, still get phone booths?
#233 el burro sabio
Van Appen had 254 all-purpose yards in 2011 season
BHF2 – howzit and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Long time no hear.
After the press conference I realized Chow had what June had, and none of our other coaches that I remember ever showed.
The big picture.
All our other coaches since I can remember just wanted to win the WAC. JJ and Chow expect to make UH a top tier program. I love that mentality.
ST ~ I just got a call from the Gov’s security detail. They want you to return the silverware because the Gold Guys are coming to appraise everything. Apparently the catering mgr at Kanack Attack wanted cash, no credit cards.
In exchange you get the master copy of the security cam vids showing you looking around the entire mansion and even under the beds!
Main thing the video didn’t show him taking the Christmas wreath off the wall
Happy Birthday Mrs. Momo!
Have a safe and pleasant trip to CA and enjoy the Christmas and New Year’s festivities with your ohana (especially your grandchildren).
#229:let’s hope the upper powers that be share the same vision for the Program and give their full support…unlike the guy who held the dinner and promised to be a great supporter of UH athletics…
el burro ~ He tried, he couldn’t reach it.
Kekoa, good one!
Happy Birfday, Mrs. Momo!
and say hello to Momo and your family as you celebrate X-mas in San Diego!
Hello BHF2:
Happy Holidays to you and Mrs BHF2 – wishing you the very best in 2012 – hope to see you at one of the tailgates in 2012!
as we head into 2012, I have faith in the Gov in securing $$$ to assist UH with the travel subsidies it must pay as a “penalty” for acceptance into the MWC.
that being said, will he insist that the “east coast teams” subsidize travel for their “western” compadares should the conferences merge? seems only fair or is it his mission to dump on Hawaii?
lets see, Fresno St and Reno and UNLV must cross country to play on the east coast.
Tomorrow would have been John Collin’s (Rasu Begasu) birthday… He will be missed. RIP, LV, RIP.
Luke Kealohilani Mendoza…. AIYAH! 😯
looking into 2012, why do I have this feeling that Commish Thompson is more of a dictator than an individual to lead the MWC conference?
HE, individually, correct me if I’m wrong, decided that UH must “subsidize” travel for all C-USA teams coming to Hawaii to play a game should the MWC and C-USA merge – no discussion – just flat out tell UH that they must comply? does a conference commish have this power? or, does he feel that UH has no choice if they want to be in the MWC? what is up his okolele? ego?
what about C-USA teams paying for travel expenses for the “west coast teams”, including UH, when they travel East?
is this an indication that the current C-USA commish will disappear should they merge?
As for the BCS schools with all that TV $$$, why complain about travel expenses to Hawaii – once in 5-years or a decade?
damn, bitch, bitch, bitch – yep, it’s bah hum bug time!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Rasu… Thinking about you with fond memories of your wonderful kindness and generosity!
Looks like Kevin Spain may have the most experience taking snaps under center. It will be an interesting battle for the starting QB position this spring.
Who we rooting for in the Utah vs Georgia Tech game?
I’m hope coach Chow’s pro-style offense wins…big.
But them Geogia boys are fast and furious…
Utah is playing with two hands tied behind their backs… Their QB is a back up who is not a good passer. Their best RB is out … their Oline has been plagued with injuries. It will be interesting to see how unexpected his run plays are. He will run more than usual and pass only when he is certain to have a completely open player.
You should take part in a contest for one of the best blogs on the web. I will recommend this site!
A-Joe, #157,
If you mean I have been posting a lot, that is because I am enjoying being on vacation just sitting around the house for the next week. Luckily for me there is UH football happenings.
I have been a hard core lurker for years. Posting once in awhile. But this is too good and with my extra time I can’t help but to voice my excitement.
If an All-State player who is 1st team and who has the measurables then I would thinki that the UH coaches would recruit that player. That’s just common sense. It’s quite mind boggling if UH didn’t offer Jamora an Epenesa. Clearly, Jamora was the best defensive player in the State and Epenesa was a load at 300 lbs. And to think that they were NCAA qualified too.
Let’s see how Chow does as I am anxious to find the next batch of recuits who will commit to the Warriors. Maybe Chow will also change the uniforms to Nike. I think we need a new start.
I prefer the Pro Combat uniforms myself. The Under Armour shoes are not the best. Nike by far is the best. I also think UH should have at least 4 sets of unis and at least 2 different helmets. Hey, marketing and merchandising is big to make some revenue. It helps recruiting too. It’s very interesting that UH is playing USC and BYU next season in Chow’s first year. Seems like it was meant to be. Kinda eerie!
saw this news clip when Jamora signed –
Jamora’s father blurted out ” Hawaii offered, but we never heard from them again.
Wash (Sark) made continuing interest/contact. ”
If I remember correctly, Mack made a written offer during the Big Man’s camp, as
reported by ST.
If what Jamora’s father said was true, then Mack or whoever else was never (hardly?)
in conatct with the prospect.
Result: UH lost another prospect.
Another prospect Mack lost, due to non-contact, after prospect committed:
DT Lawrence Lagafuaina. According to ST’s blurbs, LL said that Sark made continous contact, asking him how he was doing, and to make sure that he kept up his studies.
Prospect “never heard” from Mack, then signed with the sark.
Derek, #248,
We got 2 uniforms this year and we get 2 more new ones next year. So for 2012 we will have 4 to mess with. I heard we are getting Camouflaged uniforms. That would be sweet!
I would like to see flat black helmets too.
Sadly, the “Day-O” song has been damaged in my psyche. Whenever I hear it, I picture the people in BEETLEJUIC-E dancing around the table and lip synching it.Tera gold
Penn State looking at Peterson?
from CNNSI – might be stale.
There’s a lot more to a potential college football player than making the all-state team so it is not automatically common sense.
Wonder if Lewis Walker who transfered to Utah will be playing? Did he have to wait out this year?
Bows need to start playing hard earlier in the game. Same like last night. Hopefully this bodes well for the rest of the season.
It will be interesting to see what chow can salvage in the next five weeks of recruiting.
Thanks, jm… How are they doing?
K, ray-jio on… GO BOWS!!!
Could it be that Washington broke the recruiting rules by contacting Jamora more that what is acceptable? How many times can they contact a recruit?
tied @79. less than 3 min left.
I thought Petersen turned them down already?
OMG!!! Way to go BOWS!!!
BOWS 84-82
Way to Go, BOWS!!!
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I got to see that entire game with Momo and Mrs. Momo…what a fun game to see with them!
Wassup! Anything new and exciting happen recently?
Have a save weekend and holiday.
The ESPN sportcaster talked about Miah as a graduate of Punahou. the same school that the UH new football coach, Norm Chow attended. Then he mentioned that the President of the US just arrived in Hawaii and that he was a graduate of Punahou.
That was one unreal basketball game! Right on Rainbow Warriors. Way to show some H-E-A-R-T and grit. Great win for the team!
That one very polished play by play guy for ESPN tonite sounded very familiar. Quite knowledgeable that one. 🙂
This afternoon the UH ticket office staff said the SSC is sold our in the lower bowl for the championship game featuring LBST and Kansas State but plenty of seats in the upper bowl.
Since UH plays at 11:30 and the championship game is at 4:30 p.m., I’m guessing that the UH fans will leave to enjoy Christmas at home and only a few hundred of us will be there to watch the championship game.
out=out in #273
UH fans will have to sit through 3 games to watch the Diamond Head championship game, ESPN should have UH playing in the third game no matter what their standing is if they were not in the championship game. Now ESPN will be showcasing an empty house on Christmas day.
I hate to see us lose your input but I wonder if simply publishing articles with no comments enabled and having a members-only forum wouldn’t be a good compromise. There’s something about the immediacy of the response form and the lack of accountability available from anonymity (oh, hypocritical me) that seems to encourage people’s awfulness., kristen stewart bikini, :-[[, eva longoria sex scene, fojdvn, emma watson sex tape, jjdm, vida guerra sex, 6362, emma watson sex scene, %[,
Having said all of that, I wonder if Ande’s idea isn’t the best (regardless of what format you choose to go with for the blog). If it was still public with no comments, but you cross-posted entries in a private forum, you could allow people to respond and discuss in a controlled/private environment, but still keep the blog itself public. I’m not sure how much extra work that would be for you, but if it was negligible I would say that’s the best option for running your site the way you have and seem to love, but keeping the riffraff at bay., mila kunis nude, 129522, abbey clancy nude, =-(((, lucy pinder pussy, kroyl, sandra bullock sex scene, llc, brenda song naked, %),
It would also make it a lot harder for bullying to take place, since anyone stupid enough to try it would be taking on a potentially even bigger community, as well as whoever happened to be hosting you. (Anyone who did host would have your back 100% and be able to manage comment moderation and such so you’d never even have to see the garbage.), jessica alba sex scene, 275264, kirstie alley nude, 372, deepika padukone naked, >:-], kristen stewart sex scene, =PPP, rihanna nude, 979270, kim kardashian naked pics, >:P, neve campbell nude, %]]],
Nearly two years ago, I tried to connect up the Hawai`i Tourism Authority’s Sports Marketing Guy with the UH Travel Industry Management Program and the Univerisity of Hawai`i Department of Athletics to generate a promotional program to bring in visiting teams’ fans in very large numbers – not just parents & grandparents. HTA wasn’t much interested even though more than 120 teams in eight major sports come to Honolulu every single school year – not to mention that UH is in Hawai`i, not Nowhere, Nebraska.
What was suggested is that a porition of the money generated by visiting fans’ ticket sales would be used to underwrite travel expenses. At the time, of course, the travel subsidies for visiting teams were not even on the table – just UH’s on-the-road costs.
Am meetng with a staff in Da Gov’s office next week – will ask her what needs to be done to make sure that something is worked out..
Incredible UH-Xavier basketball game this/last evening. We arrrived at The Stan shortly after 10 am for Game One between Clemson and Southern Illinois, went to a business luncheon at noon and came back for the second half between UTEP & Kansas State. During the afternoon break, we ran some errands and then came back in time for the Long Beach State and Auburn meet-up.
We’ll be at all four games on Sunday – although we may sneak in some food just to have something more than pretzels & french fries.
QUESTION: Over the past several days, I’ve seen the term presser used in several different posts. What does it mean in sports? In the larger world, a presser is someone who irons for a living.
STADIUM AUTHORITY: Will provide detailed information about the Stadium Authority’s functions and policies sometime next week when I have a day or two off. However, just to be clear – the private company which runs the concession stands sets the prices, not the Authority. The company which submits the winning multi-year bid has to pay a certain fee – I’ll try to track that down – so what they charge is different than what is charged on campus because the administration is directly involved in running the athletic facilities.
Junk weather outside – wonder if it will rain during the football game tomorrow.
Orff to bed. Wow!! Had no idea how late it is!!
C/WD, a presser is just slang for a press conference.
Having said all of that, I wonder if Ande’s idea isn’t the best (regardless of what format you choose to go with for the blog). If it was still public with no comments, but you cross-posted entries in a private forum, you could allow people to respond and discuss in a controlled/private environment, but still keep the blog itself public. I’m not sure how much extra work that would be for you, but if it was negligible I would say that’s the best option for running your site the way you have and seem to love, but keeping the riffraff at bay., salma hayek sexy, =OO, jessica alba nude pics, >:-O, pamela anderson pussy, =O, olga kurylenko naked, wagcjp, jessica simpson topless, vjkpkk,
O.K. I give up. What is your beef with Gutfeld? I think he is hilarious! He is not a serious contributor, but is there for laughs. I like him., kareena kapoor nude, uftp, sonam kapoor hot, iiugkm, marion cotillard nude, 047, maria ozawa sex, 374236, carrie prejean sex tape, 8)), emma watson boobs, 488,
Only reason I voted for him was SARAH. I wasn’t even going to vote until he picked her. I had voted in every election since the late 1960?s., gwyneth paltrow naked, %-((, kristin kreuk hot, 8-[, julia roberts nude, 0058, priyanka chopra sex, hqnd, reese witherspoon nude, 121,
I like the idea of a private blog if getting the RSS and reading posts was as simple as public. If there are too many hoops just to get notice of and read a single post it will get frustrating., penelope cruz sex, =-[, rachel bilson hot, 370514, mandira bedi hot, 928, avril lavigne desnuda, 92277, carmen electra sex tape, 94368, christina aguilera nude, %P, olivia wilde nude, azpwbf, charisma carpenter nude, 9104, meagan good hot, :-PP,
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And a belated Happy Easter to you too! The fruit cakes being compared to bricks definitely makes my chuckle list…perhaps some fruity garnish around the display would have added more relevance. It is quite strange how the human mind works, and association is key to avoid possible misyunderstandings like this one! Classic!, amanda seyfried sex scene, lwd, selena gomez breast, 844853, summer glau nude, aal, namitha bikini, 7949, charlize theron sex, 549838, katie price pussy, uej, jennifer morrison hot, 02943,
Honestly said, I don’t think you can do anything to fend off the attacks. I don’t think you got attacked because of something you did, but because lots of people admire you and your work. That’s apparently enough for some people to hate you. Only by unpassionating your readers, can you hope to actually stop the haters. I hope you will reject that option., neha dhupia hot, >:[[, kelli williams nude, phwuep, sunny leone sex, 553396, namitha boobs, :(((, james franco nude, 52802, kendra wilkinson hot, 8(, kirsten dunst topless, eujaa, mallika sherawat sex, 15872, selena gomez topless, 115,
Welcome home Coach Chow. Please don’t be swayed by our guv, and please don’t get in his canoe. He’s pretty much by himself. I got fooled by his mouth in the last election, but never again. In spite of what he might say from hereon, he’s always been anti-UH Athletics, anti-football, and anti-NFL.
I hate to see us lose your input but I wonder if simply publishing articles with no comments enabled and having a members-only forum wouldn’t be a good compromise. There’s something about the immediacy of the response form and the lack of accountability available from anonymity (oh, hypocritical me) that seems to encourage people’s awfulness., helena mattsson nude, efh, jane fonda nude, mahldp, salma hayek sex tape, >:DD, suzanne somers nude, :-((, vivian hsu nude, 548012,
Having said all of that, I wonder if Ande’s idea isn’t the best (regardless of what format you choose to go with for the blog). If it was still public with no comments, but you cross-posted entries in a private forum, you could allow people to respond and discuss in a controlled/private environment, but still keep the blog itself public. I’m not sure how much extra work that would be for you, but if it was negligible I would say that’s the best option for running your site the way you have and seem to love, but keeping the riffraff at bay., amber heard hot, >:D, kate middleton bikini, 9389, robbie williams naked, fxwdse, emma watson fakes, zxm, jessica simpson ass, 71591, jennifer connelly sex scene, kguj, megan fox bikini, 839, justin timberlake naked, =-]],
No Big deal but when Neal Ambercrombie taught at UH and I was in class with many others, he was certainly a fan of the program!!!! American Sudies 201—-202….best classes best grades!!!
Mrs. Momo says Thank You for all of the Happy Birthday wishes on the blog today.
Christmas Wish List
1. New Head for Football – Norm Chow.—RECEIVED!!
2. The whole stadium be different shades of green and black
3. Full stadium every game
4. Fans that are encouraged to go crazy, yell, scream, chant, and stand up
5. The field renamed to “Hawaiian Airlines Battlefield”
6. 30% drop in all concession prices
7. $5 general parking. $20 if car only has one person
8. Every game, every person wearing the same color. A sea of black, green, or white
9. A true mascot
10. Wall of honor inside main entrance
11. Hawaiian values of ALOH, KOKUA, and OHANA rule the stadium fans and crowds.
Fly on wall…:
December 23rd, 2011 at 6:36 pm
Da Puncbowl Kid:
December 23rd, 2011 at 3:58 pm
Any Miss America contestant with the middle name “Kealohilani” automatically gets my vote!
Luke Kealohilani Mendoza…. AIYAH!
Didn’t see Luke’s name on the list of contestants. Never seen a guy with the name Kealohilani either, but there’s always a first time for everything, no?
Good morning, Tsaikos, and Merry Christmas to the Tsaikos across the dateline!
Morning, 99.
Great win for the BB guys last night.
Great Morning All!
Remembering the Tsaiko Legend on what woulda been his birthday today.
RIP Las Vegas/Rasu Begasu (John Collins)
Miss ya bruddah 🙁
Howzit DPK!
Some kinda win last night! Good to see the terrific fan support, too!
Good Morning d1 –
Your post +1. Remembering a truly one of a kind guy, the incomparable JC.
So are ya off today, d1?
Have a terrific day erryboddy.
Santa is already on his way so no need worry about what you wishing for…he get ’em already!
HiHo for now, HoHoHo for later….
Good morning, gang! Morning, DPK & d1shima!
Happy birthday to Las Vegasu. We miss you.
Off to the Farmer’s Market…
back to football.
in ferd’s column, JD says UH will probably play only 12 games in 2012.
6 home, and 6 away.
that’s FINE with me. I always felt that 13 games were too much for our team,
considering the long, tiring road games our team must endure.
JD said playing Ohio State is NOT a consideration.
Thank goodness we didn’t opt to go independent, eh? Can’t fill one puka.. try filling 13!.. Yikes!
Howzit Tsaikos everywhere.
Hiya John. Best memories of Vegas cuz of you.
Say Happy Birthday to Mrs. Momo, Garrett.
Hiya Al, Tommui and all you good fun peeps. Merry XMas!
And, go Chow!
How about playing Punahou! 😀
good christmas eve all
hoping someone gets a sound sleep since heavy snoring keep mrs tsai up lol
congrats to the fighting bball warriors …. was something to see … better than da oddah nite
also happy bday to big guy J. Collins
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