More duties for Mouton

 Greg McMackin told reporters today that cornerback Ryan Mouton will have an expanded role, which will include returning kickoffs, playing in all of the defensive coverages, and, possibly, being used as a receiver in special situations. “He’s a playmaker,” McMackin said.

* * *

Here’s Coach Mack addressing the media today at the WAC Football Preview in Salt Lake City:


A gathering of WAC media means one thing: Food. Here is a picture of the barbecue chicken:


And here’s a pic of the barbecue ribs:


* * *

Bill Bryant, UH’s so-called “Compliance Guy,” has accepted a vice-chancellor’s position at Florida International University.
Bryant submitted his resignation letter last week.
He had a difficult job at UH. We wish him the best in his new position.
Amanda Paterson, a former UH soccer goal-keeper, will serve as the interim replacement.

* * *


Congratulations to Dave Reardon, who has been promoted to sports columnist at Brand X. (The promotion is listed in the UH media guide, making media relations director Derek Inouchi the summer leader in scoops.)
I’ve known Reardon for nearly 28 years, and he’s a great writer and an even nicer guy.

* * *

Belated birthday wishes to LK.

* * *

Today marks this blog’s second anniversary and my 26th wedding anniversary.


  1. bk July 24, 2008 4:09 am

    yeehaw! 1st

  2. mokolai July 24, 2008 4:22 am

    Congrats on both anniversaries.

  3. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 24, 2008 4:37 am

    WoW! It must be my birthday! No wonder I feel so old 😈

    Nah… it was da original LK‘s birthday yesterday…

    He’s the guy that lurks
    Is where the Warriors are
    Shoots great pictures
    Cleans CCDs for the amateurs
    oh yeah… he makes name tags for Tsai-kos too.

    The previously incognito LK …
    Happy Yester-birthday!

    Aloha Kakahiaka!

  4. brew808 July 24, 2008 4:41 am

    Congratulations to Amanda Paterson, the interim Compliance “Person”! We like you already!

    ST – Did you catch any flack over takiing photos of the fuud at the WAC media party? 😆 😯 😀

  5. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 24, 2008 4:46 am

    Aloha to da Compliance Guy.

    ALOHA to da Compliance Gal!


    hiya, brew808!
    I guess I’m prepping for ET at da Swamp!
    Earlier to bed
    Earlier to rise


  6. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 24, 2008 4:47 am



  7. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 24, 2008 4:50 am

    HAPPY ANNY Wena and Stephen ❗


  8. Mike July 24, 2008 4:54 am

    Congratulations to Dave R., a good friend and a great writer.

    Bon voyage, Compliance Guy, whose departure, no doubt, will only be discussed on a need-to-know basis.

  9. brew808 July 24, 2008 4:55 am

    Liz_K (3/28) – 😀

  10. brew808 July 24, 2008 5:00 am

    Hi Mike! What did your friend do w/ the UH football helmet?

    ST – Wonderful story/interview w/ Coach Mack!!! Now I’m wondering if he has a temper (& mean-side) and how does he show that! 😀

  11. myki July 24, 2008 5:09 am

    Good Morning Stephen,

    Congratulations on both anniversaries! Good morning to Tsai-kos here and elsewhere. You all have a great Thursday.

  12. GA Bows July 24, 2008 5:14 am

    Grats on both counts!

  13. Hawaiianbod July 24, 2008 5:15 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos!

  14. Maverick July 24, 2008 5:15 am

    Top of the morning gang-

    Guess what’s for breakfast? Yummy BBQ Chicken and Ribs! Forget the fruit, cereal and juice diet.

    Congrats on your Silver lining anniversary ST. Quite a milestone. Mine was yesterday but need some x’tra years to catch up to yours.

  15. Maverick July 24, 2008 5:17 am

    I’m still scrolling back up looking at the food pics. Scratch n sniff photos too!

  16. Hawaiianbod July 24, 2008 5:17 am

    Happy Anniversary Tsais and Tsaikos!!

  17. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 24, 2008 5:19 am

    btw… I woke up with this thought:
    Anyone heard from Marlis?
    Prayers go out to him and his family for the loss of his wife.

  18. Loa July 24, 2008 5:22 am

    morning gang!

    Happy Birthday Warrior Beat!

    Happy “original pictures” Anniversary Stephen and Wena!

    ST – thanks for the pics and great articles this morning

    have a safe and happy day!
    bid opening tommorrow for Cooke field

  19. Hawaiianbod July 24, 2008 5:23 am

    Two of my favorite fuuds – ribs and bbq chicken.YUMMMMMMMMMY!!!!!!!!

  20. Stretch July 24, 2008 5:27 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos!!

    Happy Anniversary to ST & Wena!!
    Happy Anniversary to US!!

  21. Hawaiianbod July 24, 2008 5:29 am

    Hasta La Vista Bill!

    Goof Luck to Amanda!

  22. Stretch July 24, 2008 5:30 am

    Congratulations to Dave Reardon!!

    (I wonder if ST can be SMU’d for mentioning another paper of this blogsite???)

  23. ラスベガス July 24, 2008 5:31 am

    Double Anniversery!!
    Omedeto Gozaimasu
    to ST and the 蔡子 ohana

  24. ラスベガス July 24, 2008 5:32 am

    Brand X is OK you just cant say S&$% B*))(^%$

  25. Loa July 24, 2008 5:36 am

    hey Liz – thanks for no. 18, shout out to the Hawaiians up there for welcoming Colt island style

  26. ラスベガス July 24, 2008 5:41 am

    man, all that research to look up Tsai last night was a waste of time.
    Should have just gone to Wikipedia!

  27. NYUH July 24, 2008 5:46 am

    Congrats to Reardon, a good secondary source to check once in a while.

    Steven, good article on McMackin today!

    On implementing his version of the four-wide offense:

    “(Quarterback coach Nick “Rolo” Rolovich) is doing an unbelievable job with the quarterbacks. I know we’re going to have an unbelievably great (starting) quarterback. I know we’re going to be one of the top throwing teams in the country. I’m not worried at all. We’ve run this offense before. June did a great job running this offense. But this offense is special. We’re really getting back to the basics. Ron (Lee) knows the basics. I know the basics. Rolo knows the basics. Brian Smith (the line coach) is as good as there is in knowing how to block the front. Alex Gerke (the backfield coach) helps us not only with the running backs but with the offensive line. I really believe in the people we have.”

  28. MeiLing July 24, 2008 6:07 am

    Happy 26th Anniversay, Stephen & Wena!!!

    Guess you’ll see Bill Bryant at the Florida game. Good luck, Bill.

    Ummm…the ribs look good. We’re having a dept. picnic today, but here in Arid-zona, we’re cooking brats.

  29. MeiLing July 24, 2008 6:09 am

    Was it Lance’s birthday yesterday? Happy belated birthday, LK!!!

    Happy anniversary to the blog & the Tsai-kos!!!

  30. wafan July 24, 2008 6:09 am

    Good morning everyone!

    One day closer.

    Happy anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Tsai and all of the Tsai-kos! Whoo-hoo!!!

  31. Jayson July 24, 2008 6:14 am

    BK – I thought there was no more surfing the web at work?

  32. MeiLing July 24, 2008 6:14 am

    Great article on Mack, ST.

    Hey, Taylor McMackin, are you lurking? I saw you last week… 🙂

  33. wafan July 24, 2008 6:15 am

    The best part of this blog are the food pictures. Uh, I mean the sports, friends, . . .

  34. Annoddah Dave July 24, 2008 6:16 am

    ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs,

    To Wena, another Purple Heart for enduring another year of Tsaiko mania! Hang in there girl…it can only get better!!??

    Hey, I thought I was at Cat’s Daily Dish with the FUUD Pixs!!?? Aaaiiiyyyaaahhh! FUUD Pixs! Tenks!

    Go Warriors!

  35. Koauka July 24, 2008 6:22 am

    whaddup ST:

    How’s the weather. And most of all how was da chicken and the ribs.

    Looks like things looking up in the WAC.

  36. duffer July 24, 2008 6:24 am



  37. djmitcho July 24, 2008 6:25 am

    Good Morning Everyone! Happy Anniversary to the da blog master and his wife! Oh yeah, congrats on 2 years of incredible blogging Tsaikos!!

  38. Garret July 24, 2008 6:26 am

    Happy Anniversary ST and Wena!

  39. Garret July 24, 2008 6:28 am

    Happy Anniversary to the blog! It is amazing to think of all of the changes that have occurred since the blog started…and ST either reported on or even inspired many of the changes.

  40. Garret July 24, 2008 6:30 am

    Congratulations to Amanda Paterson for her temporary promotion…I’m sure that she will be up to speed quickly with the issues and that everything will proceed as speedily as possible. I do remember the article about how some BCS conference schools have 4 or more Compliance people due to all of the issues that have to be dealt with…I’m sure that Amanda will do her best to handle what she can by herself.

  41. NYUH July 24, 2008 6:30 am


    Actually, the technical aspects of the blog have gone downhill. Or am I missing something?

  42. Garret July 24, 2008 6:34 am

    If you want to read what the different magazines and websites have said in their preseason previews of UH or any other college football team, this website has a pretty extensive collection of links. Reading up on future opponents is interesting me, especially before each game…

    This is the Paperless Preview Project: a (hopefully) collaborative attempt at providing a single, convenient reference page to anyone looking for team preview information as we approach the 2008 college football season. Links to previews for all 120 D-I teams are included below, organized alphabetically by conference, with BCS conferences listed first.

  43. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 6:36 am

    Well, Mack is late for his news conference with the print guys. No doubt he’s running OT with the broadcasters.

  44. Garret July 24, 2008 6:38 am


    You are correct that the blog website is worse than the old site. However, the number and variety of contributions from posters on the blog and outside the blog is amazing…the gatherings where so many friendships have formed due to this blog has been great…the rediscovery of old friendships (like Ronnie/Rob25) has been fun to see…and now the Tsaikos are doing so much to help the Athletic Department (fundraising, bighilofan2’s great job with the JUGS machine, etc.) that wouldn’t be occurring without a forum where the needs could be found and supported.

  45. Garret July 24, 2008 6:40 am

    Cincinnati’s best choice for QB still doesn’t know if he’ll get his 6th year. I think that someone asked about Mauk yesterday or the day before.

    The waiting continues for Ben Mauk.

    A little more than a week before the University of Cincinnati begins football practice on Aug. 1, the Bearcats’ once and maybe future quarterback still doesn’t know if the NCAA will grant him a sixth year to complete his four years of eligibility.

    Mauk’s request for a medical hardship waiver that would provide him with a sixth year to complete his four years of eligibility was turned down by the NCAA for the second time in 21/2 months on April 30. The NCAA said Mauk lacked documentation from his former school, Wake Forest, to support his claim that an injury prevented him from competing during his freshman year there in 2003.

    This time, Mauk and UC will present their case armed with a precedent they believe closely mirrors Mauk’s situation.

    The good news for Mauk and UC is that even if the committee does not hear his case in time for the start of practice next week, the NCAA has said Mauk still can work out with the Bearcats.

    “I’m still allowed to work out with the team, so I can get myself ready in case something would happen,” said Mauk, who passed for 3,121 yards and a school-record 31 touchdowns last season.

  46. d1shima July 24, 2008 6:41 am

    Great Morning All!

    Happy Anniversary Wena and Stephen!
    Thanks for sharing him with us, Wena. 😉

    Happy Anny to the Warrior Beat!
    Thanks for sharing that with us, Stephen. 🙂

  47. mctruck July 24, 2008 6:41 am

    Wow!!!!..ST, you old fart you…bwaaaahahaha!!!..congrats, to all for whatevas!!!

  48. Garret July 24, 2008 6:41 am

    I’m really looking forward to the Oregon State game. This OSU site has their favorite Oregon State commercials.

  49. MadiMacMele July 24, 2008 6:42 am

    26 years?!?! Aw man, that’s too long for me. 🙂
    Congratulations on both anniversaries!!!!

  50. mctruck July 24, 2008 6:43 am

    I’m disappointed about Jason Rivers being released/cut by Tennessee though. Hope he gets picked up by someone who needs one tough player/WR. Good luck Jason.

  51. Garret July 24, 2008 6:45 am

    Remember that series on the 2000 Washington team and all of their off-the-field problems? Many of the players responded to the articles.

    Here’s a brief synopsis: The 2000 UW football team that went 11-1 and won the Rose Bowl included some players who were not the best citizens. They raped, shot, and assaulted people without any repercussions from the university or the state.

    UW fan Derek Johnson Brooks has a blog and he got the reactions of some of the members of that team as well as other people associated with it. As expected the reactions were very negative about the Times series especially the article focusing on Curtis Williams, who has since passed away. The question we have: Does anybody deny what happened?

    Just because an amount of time has passed doesn’t mean that the incidents didn’t happen. Clearly, most of the information used in these articles was not available in 2000 or it would have already been reported. The fact that it wasn’t is what makes this series newsworthy. Did you know Curtis Williams choked and beat his wife? We didn’t. We knew Curtis Williams as the player who tragically was paralyzed against Stanford. Finding out this information, while we weren’t actively looking for it, helps to paint a better picture of who Curtis Williams, Jerramy Stevens, Jeremiah Pharms, and Anthony Kelley really are.

  52. d1島 July 24, 2008 6:46 am


    Thanks for the link to Morning Look.

    Belated Happy Anny to Maverick and Mrs. Maverick

    Aloha and Mahalo (I guess) to Compliance Guy.

    Interim Congratulations to Ms Paterson. Hoping she still has those Goalie skills to not let anything get past her.

    Mmmm, leftover ribs and chix for breakfast.

  53. Garret July 24, 2008 6:46 am


    I agree that the Rivers news was disappointing. The Titans have a big need at the WR spot, but it seems that Rivers was buried in the depth chart in their earlier mini-camps. I hope that and RGM get with teams soon.

  54. mctruck July 24, 2008 6:49 am


    ditto w/regards RGM.

  55. Koauka July 24, 2008 6:51 am

    Does anyone know if the WAC website is streaming the meetings as in years past?

    Only thing, this workplace computer blocks all the good kine sites.(f$#%)

  56. d1島 July 24, 2008 6:52 am

    Great read this morning Stephen.
    Mac is a great guy; but he sure can wala’au. Hope he no keep you folks waiting too long!

  57. d1島 July 24, 2008 6:54 am

    Good Luck to Jriv and RGM. Hope they can hook-up somewhere soon.

  58. Garret July 24, 2008 6:55 am

    Best of luck to RGM! I hope that the Bears realize how great of a player he is! It sounds like he’ll have to show that he’s healthy today and have a great workout.

    Ryan Grice-Mullen is here for a free-agent workout today. The Hawaii wide receiver went undrafted in April and was signed by the Houston Texans. He was released June 13 and never participated in OTA’s because of a leg injury. The Bears can check out to see if he is healthy now.

    Grice-Mullen, 5-11, 187 pounds, was Colt Brennan’s leading receiver last season, hauling in 12 touchdowns for 1,228 receiving yards for the Sugar Bowl-bound Warriors.

    The Bears have nine receivers on the roster, including the absent Hester.

    Practice is in three hours. We’ll check back with more later on.

  59. Garret July 24, 2008 6:56 am

    I should have done my daily Google stuff before talking about how I wished RGM would get a chance somewhere…because he has a big chance today to impress an NFL team!

  60. Kekoa July 24, 2008 6:58 am


    July 24th, 2008 at 6:07 am

    Ummm…the ribs look good. We’re having a dept. picnic today, but here in Arid-zona, we’re cooking brats.

    There are several in my old ‘hood I like to send you for grilling. Here on the new ceded lands, we do not have a ‘brat’ problem.

    We adults can and do get outta hand tho, especially when I have a house full of Tsai-ko’s jammin’ Hawaiian music! Yee Haw!

  61. d1島 July 24, 2008 6:58 am


    Hopefully RGM can make the Bears think he’s Devin Hester on the field, too. 😉

  62. Garret July 24, 2008 6:59 am

    Amazing how UH going to the Sugar Bowl increased the bowl revenue for the C-USA from under $4 mil to about $6.5 mil!

    The Herd and its 11 fellow C-USA schools benefited for a second straight year from a Bowl Championship Series interloper. Hawaii’s Sugar Bowl appearance allowed $18.325 million (half of that to the Rainbow Warriors’ Western Athletic Conference) to be shared among the five “non-BCS” major conferences.

    C-USA’s share of that was $2.616 million, hiking the conference’s total bowl revenue to $6.466 million for 2007-08.

  63. Garret July 24, 2008 7:00 am

    Report on Nevada.

    Nevada football coach Chris Ault said sophomore Colin Kaepernick would enter camp as the No. 1 quarterback, but that both he and junior Nick Graziano would have a shot to win the job.

    “I am not a two-quarterback coach, and yet if we feel that’s the best way to go, we’ll be a two-quarterback team. How you play them both, I think time and distance and where you’re at and what you’re doing will dictate that.

  64. Garret July 24, 2008 7:02 am

    The WAC wants to have even more Friday games on ESPN.

    WAC teams will play five Friday night games on ESPN/ESPN2 this season. Boise State is involved in three of them – vs. Hawaii (Oct. 17), at San Jose State (Oct. 24) and vs. Fresno State (Nov. 28).

    Benson acknowledged the conflicts with high school football, but “it has become a window we’re taking advantage of and growing.”

  65. Garret July 24, 2008 7:03 am

    Nevada is also upset with how their Bowl game went.

    Ault is still not happy about the Wolf Pack’s 23-0 loss to New Mexico in last year’s New Mexico Bowl. It was the first time Nevada has been shut out since Sept. 27, 1990 – a span of 329 games, the longest active streak and the second longest in history.

    “That’s a real bitter, bitter pill. If that isn’t enough motivation for the guys coming back, they don’t need to come back,” Ault said.

  66. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 7:03 am

    Said he’s going to have an expanded role for Mouton, who also will return kickoffs.
    It’s Mouton and Lane on kickoffs; Michael Washington on punt returns.

  67. Garret July 24, 2008 7:03 am

    Quotes from Idaho’s coach.

    On last season’s 1-11 finish:

    “I couldn’t live through another year like last year – there’s no way,” Akey said. “My wife got all of the sharp objects and things like that out of our house. That was miserable. … I’ve never been through a year like what we went through last year. I’ve never lost that many games. It was unbelievable, and I can also tell you that I’m not going to let that happen again.”

    On the team’s situation at defensive tackle, a position that was decimated last season when Akey had to remove several players from the program for a variety of reasons.

    “Finally at least I’ve got some names I can talk to you about at defensive tackle,” he said. “This time a year ago, one was sitting in prison or wherever the hell he was. It’s a better situation.”

  68. Garret July 24, 2008 7:06 am

    Great news about the expanded role for Mouton! He’s a great weapon as a returner, though I hope that he stays healthy because he’s an awesome CB.

    Michael Washington deserves the punt returner spot and he’ll do a great job! I remember how he had a return for a TD and still couldn’t get more shots returning the ball even though he had been doing better than Bess (who kept letting the punts hit the ground and roll for extra yards).

  69. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 7:09 am

    “Mouton is the quickest guy on our football team.”

  70. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 7:11 am

    Mack says he’s a voter on the USA Today coaches poll.

  71. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 7:11 am

    Mack says there are 32 seniors on the roster.

  72. Blackie July 24, 2008 7:14 am

    Happy anniversary ST & Wena!

  73. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 7:15 am

    Mack on facility upgrades:
    We’ve got big-butt chairs for the linemen.

  74. MeiLing July 24, 2008 7:20 am

    For all of you SLS alum: we have 3 freshmen from SLS coming to NAU this Fall. Don’t know if any are football players.

    LizK: thanks for the #18 post; cute, yah!

  75. jojo ® July 24, 2008 7:25 am

    Happy Birthday LK!

    Happy Birthday Blog!

    Happy Anniversary Stephen Tsai and Wena!


  76. Garret July 24, 2008 7:26 am

    ST, thank you for passing all of these along! Funny line about the chairs!

  77. jojo ® July 24, 2008 7:26 am

    What are the dimensions for a big-butt chair?

  78. Kelli July 24, 2008 7:27 am


    ST: Happy Anniversary! おめでとうございます。축하해요. BTW, I have a question for you on behalf of the mother of a child who thinks I go to University of Colt Brennan. His mommy would like to know what your favorite game was last season. Hers was the Nevada game (probably because she decided to make brownies so we could eat them in sadness or happiness and she got to see me run upstairs jumping up and down like an idiot). 🙂

    I was reading yesterday’s comments and the Japanese and Korean talk is awesome! I need some lessons.

  79. Garret July 24, 2008 7:28 am

    I have more articles to post, but I’ll wait until the news conferences are done. I stopped once I saw ST was posting updates.

  80. bighilofan2 July 24, 2008 7:32 am

    anyone got info on the services for Marlis’ wife?

    my friend’s dad passed away a week ago, they’re not having services till late August, the funeral homes all full up, something like that. thanks.

  81. chawan_cut July 24, 2008 7:33 am


    No need ticket for Florida. Thanks though! That one’s covered. But does anyone have an extra ticket for Oregon State? Its too late to get one through UH. I’m also checking on sportshawaii if anyone has one there too.

  82. XxFaithxX July 24, 2008 7:37 am

    Hell YES! BB is gone!

    Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, GOODBYE~~!!

    or rather good riddance.

    BTW, those BBQ chicken whatchamacallit looks nasty.

  83. HawaiianKiko July 24, 2008 7:37 am

    Good Morning TSAIKOs and CyBeerLurkers…..Happy Anniversary to ST & Wena……2nd Birthday to the Blog…..Happy Belated Bday to LK…and to lhe leaving of the Compliance guy and the incoming Compliance wahine…Mahalo Nui Loa….Ten Que !!!!!

  84. chawan_cut July 24, 2008 7:39 am

    lasvegas, kelli,

    how do you post in hiragana/katakana??

  85. MeiLing July 24, 2008 7:40 am

    Pic of Travis LaBoy moving into the NAU dorms on Wednesday.

  86. jojo ® July 24, 2008 7:49 am

    Dark Blue to a Bluish Grey…interesting.

  87. FloridaTed July 24, 2008 7:50 am

    Great day, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister,

    Great milestone, 26 years, congratulations.

    Happy Birthday, LK, a little late, but hope you enjoyed.

    Found out that I have to be in Myrtle Beach from Aug. 30 to Sept. 3 and can’t go to the swamp. Ticks me off, tried everything to get out of it, but the bosses want me to run the exhibit, darn.

    I will make it to Fridays (Aug. 29) cattlecall in Orlando, nothing is going to stop me from that.

    Great piece on McMackin, also the Graunke video. Love the attitude, love the confidence. They all (including coaches) seem to have a giant chip on their shoulders, exactly what they need.

    We sure have some exciting choices as returners and are super deep at corner. If they can man up on Florida and the line can hold, our linebackers will wreak havoc, yeah !!!!

  88. Maverick July 24, 2008 7:53 am

    Here are the videos link for each WAC coaches. Coach Mack’s will be posted this afternoon.
    I watched some of Pat Hills, was worthwhile.

  89. tom mui July 24, 2008 7:53 am

    Happy anniversary Wena & ST!
    And LK – belated but sincere happy birthday!

    LizK – thanks for the Colt article – good stuff

    And mostly, happy anniversary to us Tsai-kos (r)!

  90. Kelli July 24, 2008 7:54 am

    Where’s that link I posted before?

    chawan_cut: Aigoo! I went back and had to search through all the comments to find this:

  91. Kelli July 24, 2008 7:55 am

    chawan cut: I think this is chawan — 茶碗. Of course, there’s also chawan mushi, which I don’t like.

  92. Wena July 24, 2008 7:57 am

    Congrats to Amanda!
    And to Dave Reardon……I would read you, but the paper isn’t allowed in our house…sorry. But I’m really happy that you are now a columnist! You are big time now.
    And Steve….Happy wedding and blog anniversary.

  93. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 8:03 am

    Too bad Reardon is not the sports editor! He’s so much nicer than Arnett.

  94. sjmacro July 24, 2008 8:03 am

    Florida Ted: I know somebody in Myrtle Beach; don’t know if they can masquerade to cover for your exhibit. 🙁 💡 Anything to do with golf? Aloha–sjmacro

  95. FloridaTed July 24, 2008 8:13 am

    Masquerading wouldn’t work, I’m too ugly for that, lol.
    No time for golf either. I should be able to watch the game in a sports bar along the way, surrounded by SEC fans, wearing my Warrior shirt. That should be interesting.

  96. bonar July 24, 2008 8:14 am


  97. bonar July 24, 2008 8:14 am

    Congrats ST!

  98. bonar July 24, 2008 8:15 am

    Bill, good luck in your new position.

  99. Garret July 24, 2008 8:18 am

    Will The Beast have a different head coach soon?

    Unlike last year, Weber State head football coach Ron McBride made it through the annual Big Sky Kickoff without any health complications.

    He’s rested and looking forward to a season in which the Wildcats are equipped to do some damage in the Big Sky.

    But will the 2008 season mark the end of the line for Coach Mac?

    He is entering the final year of a four-year contract with the Wildcats. He is 68 years old and has had some heart problems in the past. He survived a major heart attack while serving as an assistant coach at Kentucky and suffered a minor heart attack while attending the Big Sky Kickoff last summer.

    McBride said he isn’t sure if this will be his final season at Weber State.

    There are two money games against Division I teams, the first of which is a trip to Hawaii. The second might interest a few local fans, as McBride — who was the University of Utah’s head coach from 1990-2002 — will take his Wildcats to Rice-Eccles Stadium to play the Utes on Sept. 27.

  100. sjmacro July 24, 2008 8:23 am

    ST is supposed to be on 1420 ESPN/ Booby Curran shortly–sjmacro

  101. Garret July 24, 2008 8:23 am

    Tidbits from the Florida portion of the SEC Media Day.

    Q. Are there any elements to the spread formation that you have used at previous schools that you have not introduced yet at Florida?

    COACH MEYER: Yeah, we have a luxury this year. We have two very good tight ends, two guys that are going to be playing football for a living if they stay healthy. So you’ll see two tight ends in the game at the same time quite often because they’re both dynamic receivers. That’s probably an element we have not done a lot of just because of personnel.

    Two years ago or three years ago we introduced a fullback. Everybody said, What a great addition to your offense. Yeah, because we had a great fullback. Our fullback is gone. Now we have these two tight ends. We’ve been working quite diligently on putting together a little package with that.

    Q. You’ve had an unusual amount of attrition at safety. What are your plans going into pre season at that position?

    COACH MEYER: Good question. We moved Cade Holliday over, that was not a scholarship player, but played on special teams last year, he’ll contribute this year. Will Hill was one of the very highly recruited guys out of high school. He’s on campus. I look forward to watching him play. I hear good things from our strength staff about what kind of work ethic he has. Ahmad Black is a guy that had a tremendous spring. Right now Will Hill and Ahmad battleing for that spot. Backup behind Major Wright, you have Cade Holliday and another guy. We already met with a player, I don’t want to release it yet, but we’ll probably bump another good freshman player over from offense to defense and let him compete for one of those spots as well.

    This is from one of their offensive lineman:

    On working from week to week:
    “You can’t take a practice off because there are plenty of other teams and players that won’t be taking that day off. You can’t think about Georgia when you’re playing Hawaii because then Hawaii can beat you.”

  102. Garret July 24, 2008 8:28 am

    Article about the QB that is battling Colt for the #3 QB spot with Washington:

    Colt Brennan stayed on the field after Wednesday’s morning practice, working on throws and then taking a break to sign autographs — hardly an expected activity for a rookie, and a sixth-round draft pick at that. One press conference was complete and another was wrapping up by the time Brennan made his way back into the Washington Redskins’ locker room.

    Derek Devine had no such difficulty; he too stayed behind for some post-practice work with Todd Collins. But after several touch passes, the only thing between Devine and the locker room was the thick July air.

    For all the differences of their Wednesdays, the two are fighting for a common reward: a roster spot. When the final cuts are made on Aug. 30, one will remain as the Redskins’ third quarterback.

    Brennan comes from a run-and-shoot offense at Hawaii, where he was a finalist for the Heisman Trophy. But for all of his success there, head coach Jim Zorn — a former quarterback himself — has found plenty that he needs to improve on.

    “I think he’s very awkward in where he’s going to be,” Zorn said on Sunday, “just because everything is new to him: Dropping back in a disciplined manner, being efficient with his feet. And how to hand the ball off, reaching. Even underneath the center, being quiet under center. There’s a lot of things he’s learning right now and he’s got a long way to go, but I like what I see.”

    Brennan also benefits from pure economics. As a draft pick, the Redskins have more money invested in him than Devine, a free agent who signed with the Redskins in early May.

    Devine has experience with Zorn that Brennan lacks. After completing his career at Marshall, Devine signed with Seattle as an undrafted free agent, working with then-quarterbacks coach Zorn.

    Though he was waived just prior to the start of the regular season and didn’t latch on with another team, Devine found a home when Zorn came to Washington.

    “He’s got, really, one of the strongest arms out there — strength-wise, arm speed or ball speed — he ranks there with Jason Campbell,” Zorn said.
    “He’s very smart, so he understands the offense. He’s got a real strong arm and he’s accurate. The one thing that I liked about him last year is some guys can throw hard but it’s hit or miss whether the ball’s going to be there. He can throw hard, much like Jason, and actually hit what he’s throwing at — which is a real plus for me,” Zorn added with a smile.

  103. chawan_cut July 24, 2008 8:28 am

    ST will be on the Bobby Curran show shortly if you guys can listen in.

  104. Stretch July 24, 2008 8:29 am

    SJ & myki – how was practice yesterday??

  105. myki July 24, 2008 8:35 am

    Wena: we are going shopping (NEX) for school supplies. Email me: myki at hawaii dot rr dot com
    Lots of good, highly discounted items perfect for Little Learners or your other school–myki

  106. myki July 24, 2008 8:37 am

    ST is on 1420 now–sjmacro

  107. myki July 24, 2008 8:38 am

    Stretch: we didn’t go practice yesterday–myki &sjmacro

  108. chawan_cut July 24, 2008 8:38 am


    どうもありがとう ございます!!


  109. sjmacro July 24, 2008 8:40 am

    Hoohiki: the one day we miss UWs you come visit. Next time or we might catch you on Maui– sjmacro

  110. Jack Flash July 24, 2008 8:43 am

    ST brought up Boise’s blue field in his interview on Curren’s show.
    I seriously think we should have our guys practice on a blue field the week leading up to that game.
    Spray paint anyone?

  111. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 8:50 am

    Forget my 日本語. I do better reading upside down backwards.

    ƃolq ʎɹɐsɹǝʌıuuɐ ʎddɐɥ

    ʇs puɐ ɐuǝʍ ʎɹɐsɹǝʌıuuɐ ʎddɐɥ

  112. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 8:50 am

    Jack Flash – blue sunglasses?

  113. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 8:52 am

    The WAC/Geico background sheet behind Coach Mack is fugly.

  114. Pomai July 24, 2008 8:54 am



  115. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 8:56 am

    qoɾ ʍǝu ɹnoʎ uo ʇuɐʎɹq llıq oʇ suoıʇɐlnʇɐɹƃuoɔ

  116. SoGood July 24, 2008 8:56 am

    Too bad for Rivers…goes to show how hard it is for a free agent to make a team.

    So the compliance guy is out…I’d like to see if we have any problems getting the transfers cleared before classes start. In years past it seemed like guys weren’t cleared to play until October.
    Good luck to Amanda. If she gets the guys cleared on time. Then you know it was the person and not the job that was the problem.

    Congrats to Dave R too.

    MOOOUUTON is a beast!!! I got a good feeling he’s taking a few to the house.

  117. NYUH July 24, 2008 8:57 am

    Thanks Garret for the Joe Cribbs Car Wash link.

    Heavy critique of Frazier at the NYT’s review of UH.

    Though nearly every Hawaiian, from Gov. Linda Lingle down to the guy serving plate lunch at L&L Drive-In, wanted Jones to stay, the melancholy majority have turned the page on the illustrious Jones era (76-41, two WAC championships) and welcomed with open arms the former defensive coordinator Greg McMackin, the 21st coach in team history. His assignment? To reload, not rebuild, and keep Hawaii in the upper-echelon of the WAC.

  118. Pomai July 24, 2008 9:00 am

    I have a request, as I have said before I am creating a new website dealing with the past teams of UH sports, all of them but am starting out with football. Do any of you tsaikos have any old media guides or game programs for any of the sports, that you could send me? Please email me if you can at pomai at

  119. Stretch July 24, 2008 9:00 am

    homey – nuff already, I getting tired from standing on my head reading your posts.

  120. midori7 July 24, 2008 9:02 am

    Happy Anniversary ST & Wena!

    Can it really be only 2 years since the inception of the Warrior Beat? Thank you ST & Tsaikos! Don’t know how I made it through the day without you guys!

    Happy Belated Birthday LK! Thank you again for the AWESOME name tags!

  121. bonar July 24, 2008 9:04 am

    #104: Sounds like some tough competition for CB

  122. Bulla July 24, 2008 9:05 am


    Re: #101 post

    In the past couple of weeks I have had the chance to spend a lot of time with Coach McBride when he was here in Hawaii, and when I was in Utah last week.

    He still has a lot of ‘kick’ left in him, and seems sharp as ever. Personally, I think he is a throwback to another era, and we love him like no other. He genuinely cares for his student-athletes, and we feel fortunate to have The Beast there.

    Only time will tell, but for the Wildcats of Weber State University, the games against UH and Utah will be their 2 biggest games this season.

    Good luck to the Wildcats for a great season, and Imua Warriors for another great year!!!

  123. jojo ® July 24, 2008 9:08 am

    homey must be in outer space if he’s upside down

  124. curveball July 24, 2008 9:09 am

    Posted on July 24, 2008 by Matt Terl
    Asked the QBs about the lively pads drill this morning, and specifically about Coach Zorn’s zeal for it.

    Colt Brennan: “We’d done something like that in college, but this was kind of a barrage. I’ve never had six bags thrown at me at one time.”
    Was Coach feeling sinister? “Ah, Coach Zorn just always wants to keep it loose and fun. They’re soft bags, and we’ve got these big pads and everything

  125. Kelli July 24, 2008 9:10 am

    chawan_cut: I don’t know how to type in Japanese on a Mac, so… Dooitashimashite!

  126. Stretch July 24, 2008 9:10 am

    maybe homey has been (secretly) watching the video of gigi golfing again….

  127. (Jesse) James July 24, 2008 9:11 am

    Hey gang…good morning.

    Happy Anniversary to all and Happy Birthday to all….belated to LK.

    Geez homey…I was getting dizzy reading your stuff…LOL

  128. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 9:16 am

    Looking back at the old blog I see al was a big comment contributor. In fact, he was the only poster in one of the blog topic. That’s right, some blog topics had no comments and some had just 1 comment. Thanks to al, DPK, Cat, and the awesome story lines ST would put in the blog topics this site has grown to what it is today.

    Congratulations WB and ST for a job well done.

  129. da princess' classmate July 24, 2008 9:18 am

    gettin some serious flashbacks (nightmares) from my japanese classes from college couple years ago. tanx a lot guyz:)

  130. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 9:20 am

    Stretch – next time just turn your cell phone or monitor upside down.

    jojo – Got Thai?

    James – Were you always James when you first came on the blog? I read some stuff posted by “James” but they were kinda lame/gay that I thought it couldn’t be you.

  131. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 9:24 am

    WOOHOO! I won another U.K. lotto! This time it’s for $2 million! All I gotta do is send them $10K for processing and they’ll hand deliver the kala! Anyone wanna donate to offset my $10K? Better yet, send your checks to bhf2 or Doris or Stretch and they can use the money for the betterment of UH Athletics.

  132. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:24 am

    homey, did my early posts sound like me?

  133. (Jesse) James July 24, 2008 9:27 am

    homey – I was always James…although I think there was another James that people got confused….his name must have been James Angel.

    and homey it’s “got thigh?”

    da princess’ classmate – dang, all this talk about classes got into my head and I had a dream last night that I missed my final exams and was going to fail my classes….and I haven’t been a student at UH for ten years…

  134. Bosnoda July 24, 2008 9:28 am

    Congrats to Stephen and Wena, Happy Anniversary!

    Happy Anniversary to the Blog!
    Its amazing that through it all, it continues to grow bigger and bigger each day.

  135. (Jesse) James July 24, 2008 9:29 am

    homey…”Don’t ask Don’t tell…” Mwahahahaha…eh, how can, I won that lottery yesterday…I have to call my Nigerian banker to complete the transaction.

  136. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:29 am

    James, were you a UH student at age 29?

  137. sjmacro July 24, 2008 9:31 am

    Stretch: did you and kkv2000 hook up re: Oregon State?–sjmacro

  138. (Jesse) James July 24, 2008 9:36 am

    Gigi…I’m only 30….

  139. (Jesse) James July 24, 2008 9:36 am

    just ask Jason.

  140. Stretch July 24, 2008 9:38 am

    sj – not yet, I need to find a way to contact him

  141. Bulla July 24, 2008 9:40 am

    Happy Anniversay to ST and Wena,

    belated Happy Bday to LK

    whew, thursday already, weekend almost here.

    thanks SteveM for the photo of our tsaiko shirts, lookin good!

  142. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 9:41 am

    gigi – you haven’t changed a bit!

  143. da princess' classmate July 24, 2008 9:44 am

    anyone know if da uh coaches offered a schollie to mana rosa, de from baldwin. supposedly getting some pac-10 schools and has some interest in staying home. luv what da coaches are doing on da local recruiting front but hope this kid doesn’t fall thru da cracks. 🙂

  144. da princess' classmate July 24, 2008 9:45 am

    wow that sentence was jacked up – supposedly getting some interest from some pac-10 schools but has some interest in staying home 🙂

  145. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:46 am

    James, if you are 30, did you drop out or graduate from UH at age 20?

  146. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:47 am

    haha, I’m just pulling your leg, James!

  147. (Jesse) James July 24, 2008 9:48 am

    gigi…I graduated from UH in 3 1/2 years…got my Masters in 1 1/2 years….

  148. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:49 am

    homey, I haven’t changed a bit? That’s good news. At age 99, I hope I still look middle aged.

  149. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 9:51 am

    gigi – everyone knows James was a biology major.

  150. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:52 am

    uh, James, that’s too much math for me to figure out. haha. But congrats on being such a brilliant student!

    BTW, d1, I finally called the City Complaints Office to report the dead street lamp opposite my house. So next time you wanna pick up my muumuu, no problem!

  151. Stretch July 24, 2008 9:52 am

    gigi-hawaii ©:
    July 24th, 2008 at 9:47 am
    haha, I’m just pulling your leg, James!

    be careful which leg you pulling gigi….

  152. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 9:52 am

    gigi – I didn’t mean your looks, I meant your emotional state and cognitive reasoning.

  153. da princess' classmate July 24, 2008 9:53 am

    damn (Jesse) James – UH in 3.5 yrs w/ all that language, writing intensive, and other useless BS they put us through. that’s damn impressive. tip my cap to you bud

  154. (Jesse) James July 24, 2008 9:54 am

    homey – Wow!! You pay attention. You must like me…you must really, really like me….MWAHAHAHHAHHA

  155. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:55 am

    Homey, isn’t reasoning always cognitive?

    Stretch, haha, I am not going there! I felt like mentioning which leg, but…

  156. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 9:55 am

    gigi – so how much 2 cent stamps are in a dozen? I’ll let you pick your dozen.

  157. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:56 am

    homey, you are over-taxing my feeble mind! Puh-leeze!

  158. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 9:59 am

    gigi – no it is not.

  159. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:59 am

    anyway, if the question is how many 2 cent stamps are in a dozen eggs, the answer is zero.

  160. sjmacro July 24, 2008 10:01 am

    Stretch: check your email–sjmacro

  161. (Jesse) James July 24, 2008 10:07 am

    da princess’ classmate…I was just picking on gigi..not impressive…actually completed undergrad in 4…masters in 1.5

  162. NYUH July 24, 2008 10:07 am

    I’m all for Friday night college games. Crazy that they have high school games on Friday. Kids should be focused on school, not the game last that night.

    The WAC wants to have even more Friday games on ESPN.

    WAC teams will play five Friday night games on ESPN/ESPN2 this season. Boise State is involved in three of them – vs. Hawaii (Oct. 17), at San Jose State (Oct. 24) and vs. Fresno State (Nov. 28).

    Benson acknowledged the conflicts with high school football, but “it has become a window we’re taking advantage of and growing.”

  163. SteveM July 24, 2008 10:08 am

    July 24th, 2008 at 9:10 am
    chawan_cut: I don’t know how to type in Japanese on a Mac, so… Dooitashimashite!

    Kelli — On a Mac, go to System Preferences –> International. Click on “input menu” and choose the Japanese, Korean and/or Chinese sets (also checkmark the character palette, kana palette and keyboard viewer boxes). Make sure the “Show input menu in menubar” is checked at the bottom.

    The flag next to the date in the right side of the menu bar will then indicate which language set you are working in. Click on the flag to choose the language/font and call up the viewing and keyboard palettes whenever you wish.

    The Hawaiian character set is set up in the same way

    My problem is I barely speak Japanese, forgot most of my hiragana and katana and do not have the patience to concatenate the kanji 😳

  164. jojo ® July 24, 2008 10:08 am

    Too bad there isn’t a picture of Coach Mack with the Geico Gecko or Mrs. Butterworth

  165. (Jesse) James July 24, 2008 10:09 am

    Good to hear Mouton will be returning kicks with Lane, and Washington will be returning punts. That should be pretty solid.

  166. (Jesse) James July 24, 2008 10:15 am

    jojo, I thought you were Mrs. Butterworth…???

  167. HonAdv Online July 24, 2008 10:21 am

    Stephen and the Tsaiko crew,
    Congrats on 2 years of blogging from The Honolulu Advertiser’s Online Crew!

    Congrats on 26 years of marriage!

    HonAdv Online

  168. Kelli July 24, 2008 10:24 am

    SteveM: ありがとう。You’re a genius!

  169. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc July 24, 2008 10:33 am

    Okay – how does one input English letters backwards?

    CHING/COOKE FIELD ALERT: Issues outside the control of the University of Hawai`i at Manoa are going to impact the processing the bids. Phone calls are out to half a dozen people to provide updates. Will post here as soon as I confirm them.

    A quick break to answer the phone: The person started speaking to me in Japanese, but he quickly apologized for the wrong number. Was it one of you folks??

    Happy Anniversary Stephen and Wena: We recently clocked 30 years Never thought that would happen.

    LK: Sorry for the confusion concerning your birthday. Haoot birthday Often one person will post here with different names so it was a logical, albeit incorrect, assumption LK and LizKauai were the same. Yes, from time to time one of my other posting names on other blogs gets left on the first line, but it’s always by accident.

    Will be back as soon as I can get some clarification about the Ching/Cooke field project.

  170. Kazz July 24, 2008 10:37 am

    Good luck to Florida on getting game footage of Mouton as a receiver!!!




  171. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc July 24, 2008 10:44 am


    processing the = processing of the

    haoot = happy fingers off by one.

    Put a period between years and Never.

    That’s what happens when I’m trying to multi-task.

  172. mctruck July 24, 2008 10:55 am


    I never seen a person being able to do all kinds of fancy stuff on this site!? you must be one magician or something!

  173. I Believe July 24, 2008 10:59 am

    Happy Ann’y ST and Wena!

    Happy B’day Blog!

    homey- how you wen huli your name?!?

    Can’t wait to see playmaker Mouton in his ‘expanded role’!

    Safe trip home ST, Adam, and Solomon

  174. bonar July 24, 2008 11:00 am

    RM is too much of a stud to limit him to the D side!

  175. Jason July 24, 2008 11:01 am

    Congrats to Stephen and Wena on their anniversary! And congrats to Stephen for another blog birthday.

    And if James is 30, then I’m going to be McCain’s VP. 😛

  176. Kekoa July 24, 2008 11:05 am

    OK Tsaiko Ohana…Listen Up!

    We Tsai-ko’s have the perfect opportunity to bring in the ultimate replacement for the Compliance Director’s position. Her name is Doris Sullivan.

    She is well versed in this particular area because of her untiring efforts in college recruiting for all students to all institutions. She would be the perfect fit for UH, and enhance Tony T. by keeping him and his office abreast of current recruiting guidelines, thus avoiding any violations.

    Many times we ourselves have needed a reading on what exactly is the correct way or the prudent direction for pursuing an individual up for a schollie. No doubt with her in office.

    So my question to ST, and my fellow blog dogs of the Tsaiko persuasion is, Why not ask the powers that be to make it happen? ASAP!

    Doris Sullivan for Compliance Officer!…can I get an AMEN!

    Comments, Questions? JD, Coach Mack, are you listening?

  177. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 11:06 am

    ¿sıɥʇ ǝʞıl uɐǝɯ noʎ

    First of all, you need a shot glass and a bottle of CR…

  178. Garret July 24, 2008 11:12 am

    Florida just got a 15-year-old OL to commit.

    Silberman, a tackle out of Fleming Island, is the first 2010 commit for the Gators. And here’s a twist: he’s only 15. He also stands at 6-foot-5 inches and weighs 257 pounds.

    “Believe it or not, he’s only been playing organized football for a little over a year. We snatched him off the basketball courts when he was a freshman and from there he’s gone from the JV to varsity.

    “I’ve never seen a kid pick up as much from one year to the next. When you’re playing tackle, and you don’t execute, the quarterback can get killed. We didn’t expect him to contribute as much as he did as a sophomore. Obviously, he has great size but he’s worked very, very hard.

    “Just based on what he’s done through his sophomore year, the kid is one of the best around. It’s not just what I think but it’s also the recruiters because he’s received offers from about 15 of the major programs throughout the country. If he continues to work I think he has a chance to be one of the best to ever come out of here.”

    With his commitment out of the way, Silberman now turns his focus to school, his football career at Fleming Island High and also helping to get more prospects on board the UF bandwagon.

    “(The coaches) said I’m going to pretty much do what Tim Tebow did recruiting his class and (what) the Pouncey twins did recruiting their class,” he said. “I’m hoping to start out and go recruit.”

  179. FloridaTed July 24, 2008 11:12 am

    Mouton will definately become a star this year, crossing my fingers and toes that he stays healthy.

    Read all the McMackin stuff again, I just love this mans attitude, it is already rubbing off on the whole team. The mainland just doesn’t understand the much bigger and better talent pool we have now. These writers always go by the past and are probably thinking 2005, but this team will be a very different beast. Too bad we’re playing Florida in the very first game. That may let the cat out of the bag too soon.

    We have to think like Boise, we are the WAC champions and until someone knocks us off, we shall continue to be just that.

    Now I really can’t wait for Fall Camp, man, I’m excited.

  180. NYUH July 24, 2008 11:13 am

    My three year old is fluent in Japanese and, in fact, on the plane to Japan. Meet my wife while she was getting her Masters at UH. Did my time at Moore Hall competing with all the Japanese-Americans who learned the language from their obachans.

    That guy who got a promotion has the text of McMackin’s speech at the WAC Media Day on his blog. Excuse me for not providing “Brand X’s” link.

    Q: Staying with run and shoot?

    A: I’ve been fortunate to be with some of the best offensive coaches in the country. June Jones, Mouse Davis, Mike Leach, Dennis Erickson, Ron McBride. Jack Elway was my first great coach I was with. When I became a head coach at a small college I ran the run-and-shoot. I asked Mouse, tell me about the run-and-shoot. He said you can’t defend it. June’s a little more realistic. I believe the scheme is as good as any. The Patriots use it. Everyone uses a part of it. Like a veer option, spread option Urban Meyer uses, we run the passing man’s option. We read everything the defense does and react to it.

  181. (Jesse) James July 24, 2008 11:15 am

    Jason, I’m hurt…I just celebrated the 10th anniversary of my 29th birthday a couple of months ago…..

  182. jojo ® July 24, 2008 11:16 am

    I’m a Thai Mrs. Butterworth? Oh boy…CR? That was Saturday night.

  183. jojo ® July 24, 2008 11:18 am

    Who made the first comment ever on the blog?

  184. FloridaTed July 24, 2008 11:21 am


    I wholeheartedly agree with you about Doris Sullivan, but there’s only one problem if she moves to UH.

    She does such great work for ALL the young Hawaii athletes that it begs the question, who will take her place for all those kids? It might be better to find a way to support her regularly in what she does now, rather than move her to UH. What do you think?

  185. Loa July 24, 2008 11:35 am

    ok now, who broke the blog, right after jojo’s post, taking forever to refresh
    homey – fwiw, i gotta go to ff to see the upside down thing

  186. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 11:37 am

    jojo – see comment #141 in yesterday’s blog.

  187. Loa July 24, 2008 11:39 am

    😡 hey now i no mo da pictas on ff

  188. Rob25 July 24, 2008 11:44 am

    Homey – I did the CR and got a shot glass and I can’t do that upside down backwards thing. Are you allowing us to experience how Tebow is going to feel after Blaze hits him?

  189. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 11:44 am

    Loa – that’s because someone changed the .jpg to .JPG. in the picture filename.

  190. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 11:45 am

    Loa, there are no pics for me on IE, either.

  191. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 11:46 am

    Rob25 – You didn’t have enough CR. 😆

  192. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 11:46 am

    ok, now they are back.

  193. I Believe July 24, 2008 11:48 am

    #179…and den…

  194. Rob25 July 24, 2008 11:52 am

    Homey – I guess I should do some more next time…wait hubby will be there…OK I no need stop because he can drive home!

  195. Loa July 24, 2008 11:56 am

    homey upsidedown – why would they change it to caps? now i get one big empty box in ie
    guess i gotta try download opera huh

  196. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 11:58 am

    Rob, I give you credit for drinking that stuff. I can’t even bear the odor of CR. Now if it were Beck’s, I would drink it.

  197. Rob25 July 24, 2008 12:01 pm

    Is the blog broken or did everyone go to lunch?

    BG – My husband was with 227th Engineers when they were deployed in 2004. I know that they were still part of the 29th BCT then too but now they are part of Alpha Company under the command of Capt Tumpap.

  198. ラスベガス July 24, 2008 12:02 pm

    ¡ʇı op uɐɔ ı

  199. ラスベガス July 24, 2008 12:05 pm

    ¡ɐɹnɐןǝp ןǝɯ ‘oɾoɾ

  200. jojo ® July 24, 2008 12:06 pm

    Thanks homey.

    Today would have been a good day to get the Stephen Tsai bio or Wena’s bio.

    Or even a recipe for ‘Gator stew…can you eat the eyeballs?

  201. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 12:08 pm

    Loa – I’m just kidding about the JPG.

    LV – YEAH!

  202. A-House July 24, 2008 12:11 pm


    I keep looking at the chicken and ribs and say to bad it’s not “teriyaki” style. Tomato paste/sauce is not my preference.

  203. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 12:12 pm

    Loa – Pics don’t show up in Opera too.

  204. Kekoa July 24, 2008 12:12 pm

    Florida Ted ~ Not a problem, Doris has a great staff that she has groomed for just such an occasion. Like any great leader, if you make sure that your 2nd in command can step up when the chips are down, you won’t skip a beat.

    Her Foundation will be easily re-tooled to become an excellent ‘feeder’ program for the UH athletic department because of her prominence among the parents of the gazillion kids she helped over the years.

  205. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 12:16 pm

    jojo – I heard it tastes like chicken. If alligator meat is expensive then why don’t people just eat chicken? Taste the same. Same thing with frog legs. Just eat chicken.

  206. ラスベガス July 24, 2008 12:26 pm

    I ate frog legs in Japan, no taste like chicken, taste like frog.
    Kinda like chicken but with a fishy aftertaste, bleech.

  207. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 12:30 pm

    Only time I ate frog legs was at the old Willows, when they still had the pond full of bull frogs. Ohhh, the croaking!

  208. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 12:31 pm

    LV – Must’ve been a japanese frog.

  209. Loa July 24, 2008 12:31 pm

    homey – lol, funny cause everything was fine until around 11:15 a.m.

  210. SteveM July 24, 2008 12:33 pm

    homey — it looks like one part of the blog server is not talking to another of its parts. You may be right about the .jpg vs .JPG extension — either ST changed camera or there was human intervention later. Ohhh well… 🙄

  211. jojo ® July 24, 2008 12:34 pm

    so las vegas, you’re saying that gator would kinda taste like chicken, but with a swampy after taste? ahhh, I only like the wings on the chicken…

  212. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 12:37 pm

    SteveM – Souldn’t make a diff if JPG or jpg.

    jojo – I heard the gator wings are huge! I didn’t know buffalo had wings until I went to Ward Centre.

  213. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 12:39 pm

    I haven’t seen wings on buffaloes so does that mean they pluck the wings off when they are born? No wonder the wings are so small.

    jojo – got Karaoke?

  214. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 12:40 pm

    Hello folks. Busy morning, just got back in.

    Happy Birfday, dear lil blog. Seems like only yesterday when you were a wee baby blog, and al, bulla, homey and I used to stand around in a big empty room and lissen to ourselves talk. Now this place is like the food court at Ala Moana or sumfin.

    Congrats to Stephen and Wena, and their beautiful kamali’i as well. Here’s wishing you many more.

  215. jojo ® July 24, 2008 12:42 pm

    and homey don’t forget that chicken of the sea doesn’t taste like chicken either

  216. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 12:42 pm

    Great news about Mouton. “Speed Kills”, that’s why you need a playmaker like him to get his hands on that ball as often as you can.

  217. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 12:43 pm

    DPK – did you see your first post ever in yesterday’s blog?

  218. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 12:45 pm

    jojo – Why do they call it horse radish? Did horses grow it?

  219. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 12:48 pm

    # Da Punchbowl Kid:
    July 24th, 2008 at 12:42 pm

    Great news about Mouton. “Speed Kills”, that’s why you need a playmaker like him to get his hands on that ball as often as you can.

    Thanks for the enlightenment!

    Yup, Mouton in the open field with the ball tucked away safely is a touchdown waiting to happen.

  220. d1島 July 24, 2008 12:50 pm

    ahhh, I only like the wings on the chicken…

    Makes sense. A lot of Tsaikettes are into forearms.

  221. FloridaTed July 24, 2008 12:53 pm

    Hey, was the server down or something? Took me over an hour to get back on after my last post.


    If that’s the case, then by all means it would be great to bring her over. I didn’t know she had a whole organization. How does she get financial support right now? Do parents pay a fee for her services or is it all kindness?

  222. Kekoa July 24, 2008 12:55 pm

    Florida Ted ~ I’m going out on a limb by announcing a bit prematurely, that a *Few Good Men* who just happen to be Tsaiko, have also made a future financial arrangement to help fund The Foundation.

    So while Doris could very easily step away from her role as the founder and leader, she will be able to leave them with enough money to sustain them for a long time. I don’t think she would leave them without that assurance.

    The UH Compliance Officer is a position that one must wonder who and why it is being vacated. If there was a problem, and JD is cleaning house, than who was left as the interim chief? Is that person a protege’ of the person that is vacating?

    Wouldn’t it be best to staff the position with a person of known integrity and knowledge of important recruiting issues and true compliance?…A person who has been heralded by County and State Officials, the media, and the UH Athletic Department…I think yes, Ted.

  223. d1島 July 24, 2008 1:03 pm

    Seems like Joe Pa would not be a good candidate for a Tsai子.
    He was asked about seeking counsel about retirement from Joe Tiller who has announced that he is retiring after this season because he wants to go fishing.

    “He knows what he wants to do,” Paterno said. “He said he wants to fish. I said, ‘Fish? For crying out loud!’ You catch three and look at one and they all look the same. … You think I’m going to go to some guy who sits on his rear and fishes for advice? Joe will do it his way, and I’ll do it my way.”

    Any further questions?

  224. Kekoa July 24, 2008 1:06 pm

    Ted ~ She has been doing all these good things for ‘gatis’ and donations people want to make to her foundation. She has operated on a shoe string budget. She has been struggling with promises from prominent people who went on to win elections and used her as a photo op along their campaign trail. Their promises of funding never panned out.

    The Tsaiko ohana started a small kine fundraiser for her that helped her at the grassroots level to keep her in operation thru the S & Q camp. It then lead to to an excellent financial source.

    Now we have the perfect opportunity to gain her services full-time. What a shame it would be to let her slip thru the crack.

  225. FloridaTed July 24, 2008 1:06 pm

    Thanks, Kekoa,

    You are making a very compelling argument and like I said, based on your additional information, she would be an excellent choice.

    In general I’m always happy to see another Varmint Frazier remnant disappear, for whatever reason.

  226. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 1:09 pm

    I haven’t seen that post, homey. For some reason the server won’t let me go back there. It wouldn’t leven et me post until a few minutes ago. Please repost here if you can. Thanks.

  227. curveball July 24, 2008 1:10 pm

    Colt Brennan took a series of reps, against the first-team and second-team defenses.

    On his first play, Brennan threw a pass across the middle that was easily intercepted by Marcus Washington, who whooped it up after the play.

    Washington again torments Brennan. He gets a hand in front of a short pass to Marcus Mason running across the middle.

    Brennan throws a nice deep pass to tight end Rob Goode, who makes the grab. The throw did not have a great deal of zip on it, but it produced results.

    Then Brennan tossed a sideline pass to Burl Toler, who made the catch with a defender in front of him and a defender behind him. This throw had real nice touch.

    By Gary Fitzgerald
    July 24, 2008’s training camp reports come to you as action happens at Redskins Park.

  228. Eagle July 24, 2008 1:11 pm

    While it’s fun to get excited thinking about a skilled guy like Mouton with the ball in his hands, I’d be shocked if he touched the ball more then 10 times on offense the entire year.

  229. Kekoa July 24, 2008 1:13 pm

    Ted ~ Hate to see you have to miss the gator game. I’m thinking maybe BHF2 can “convince” your boss to let you come AFTER the game. Big Hilo is not somebody you want to say NO to!

  230. Rob25 July 24, 2008 1:15 pm

    Back from lunch!

    Yeah, Gigi, I’m not a fan, but couldn’t pass on the challenge. Wasn’t there another drink…Italian I think…that you were also hooked on?

  231. LizKauai [Believer] July 24, 2008 1:16 pm

    “You can’t think about Georgia when you’re playing Hawaii because then Hawaii can beat you.”

    Got Georgia on your mind???

    BWAHAHAHA!!!! 😈

  232. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 1:18 pm

    DPK – Here you go!

    Comment from: Timmy B, da Punchbowl Kid [Visitor]
    Leahey rocks. Most of us have no problem understanding him. Buy a dictionary maybe?
    As for the Warriors…
    for now I leave our dear readers with this:
    BOOM goes the DYNO-MITE!!
    Stay tuned for details in future WB must reads.
    Permalink 08/12/06 @ 06:25

  233. d1島 July 24, 2008 1:20 pm

    Ha’a in the EZ (pt.2)

    Urban Meyer wrote about the Georgia dance in his book

    “That wasn’t right,” Meyer said in the book, which was written by sportswriter Buddy Martin and will be out in early September. “It was a bad deal. It will forever be in the mind of Urban Meyer and in the mind of our football team. We’ll handle it and it’s going to be a big deal.”

    “Mouton takes the opening KO to the house!” And the team rushes to the endzone! 👿

  234. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 1:21 pm

    Eagle – I concur. The “O” has enough weapons. But heh, if Mack wants to throw in a few wrinkles to disrupt the opponent then what the heck. 😆

  235. d1島 July 24, 2008 1:23 pm

    Ha’a in the EZ- redux
    Urban Meyer wrote about the Georgia dance last season in his upcoming book

    “That wasn’t right,” Meyer said in the book, which was written by sportswriter Buddy Martin and will be out in early September. “It was a bad deal. It will forever be in the mind of Urban Meyer and in the mind of our football team. We’ll handle it and it’s going to be a big deal.”

  236. d1島 July 24, 2008 1:24 pm

    Sorry about that…the first time I posted that, it disappeared.

  237. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 1:24 pm

    Rob25 – shhhhh…gigi is vegging out. Couch potato heaven…

  238. LizKauai [Believer] July 24, 2008 1:27 pm


    I am really liking the Redskins areas Blogs. ‘specially Matt Teri’s “Official Redskins Blog”. He puts a Tsai-ko feel to it and I hope he is lurking here to get an idea of the kind of community that can be created when you do it right. The haters are already getting pushed out by the people who appreciate his positive approach.

    He las a lot of good links all around his posts and that is where I am getting most of my Colt news. Hey- the newspaper guys in DC get it about the Colt-following. They also have similar problems with the changing times.


    “It’s been a tough few weeks for the newspaper industry. Layoffs. Buyouts. More bad circulation news. Local NFL teams spending half their time making sure that local media outlets don’t do anything to provide their franchise with any unnecessary exposure.

    Eventually, you get tired of losing. Sometimes, you want to get video of football players talking about football during training camp, even if it’s just to prove a point, even if it’s against the rules. Sometimes, you want to win.

    Well, today I won. During the lunch intermission between two-a-days, Chris Cooley and I absconded to an off-site location, at which covert video was shot by a camera person for, despite the fact that video is not our core business.

    Of course, every win has a loss buried somewhere deep inside it. In this case, the hidden cost was my laptop, which I left at Chris Cooley’s mom’s house, accidentally. Oh well. It’s a trade-off I can live with. Check back tomorrow for the video. And please reward Chris for his kindness by spending lots of money at his blog.”

    HonAdv Online guys- MAHALO for the Congrats!!!

  239. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 1:28 pm

    Thanks lil buddy. Remember those days when we got all excited if we got 30 posts? 😆

  240. hoohiki July 24, 2008 1:29 pm

    sjmacro: Thanks for your acknowledgement. Yeah, too bad we missed you at the UW yesterday. We’re going back to Maui today, so I won’t have anymore opportunities to watch the practices. I was hoping I could meet some people from the blog. Oh well…next time.

  241. Kazz July 24, 2008 1:29 pm


    Crazy old man Paterno is non stop entertainment.

    I bet he keeps his money in a boot buried out in the woods.

  242. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 1:29 pm

  243. d1島 July 24, 2008 1:30 pm

    I read something earlier about Ahmad Black filling in for injured DB’s in UF’s backfield. He was the guy who left his jock on the ground when Chris Rainey scored on that flair in their Spring Game.
    You remember Chris Rainey, right?

    OK, let’s get the biggest Gator news in the history of the program out of the way: Chris Rainey beat South Lake’s Jeff Demps, a world-class sprinter, in a race behind the dorms. This will forever change the face of the program.

    “Everyone was saying how fast he is so they said let’s go in the back of the dorms, figure this thing out,” Urban Meyer said. “I guess Chris nudged him out. So we got some speed.”

  244. d1島 July 24, 2008 1:33 pm

    That TD by Rainey is at about the :35 mark

    OK, so it looks like Black can be juked.
    Hawaii just needs somebody who can do that!

  245. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 1:34 pm

    DPK – I don’t remember. I lurked once in a while.

    SteveM – Good number of participants attending the K-Kall! Good to see chawan is attending! Oh, and duffer!

  246. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 1:34 pm

    Gongrats to the “excellent” Dave Reardon.

  247. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 1:36 pm

    …and whitey!

  248. d1島 July 24, 2008 1:37 pm


    Still crazy after all these years! 😉

  249. Ronnie July 24, 2008 1:40 pm

    Wow – the blog is really slow!

    Happy Anniversary Stephen and Wena!!!

    Happy 2nd year to the Warrior Beat!

    Here’s a quick update from the Washington Redskins site:

    3:55 p.m. ET

    Colt Brennan’s Turn

    Practice is moving swiftly and may be abbreviated. Jim Zorn has promised that the afternoon sessions would be shorter than the morning practices.

    Notable play: Leigh Torrence reached in front of Horace Gant to break up a short pass from Todd Collins.

    Colt Brennan took a series of reps, against the first-team and second-team defenses.

    On his first play, Brennan threw a pass across the middle that was easily intercepted by Marcus Washington, who whooped it up after the play.

    Washington again torments Brennan. He gets a hand in front of a short pass to Marcus Mason running across the middle.

    Brennan throws a nice deep pass to tight end Rob Goode, who makes the grab. The throw did not have a great deal of zip on it, but it produced results.

    Then Brennan tossed a sideline pass to Burl Toler, who made the catch with a defender in front of him and a defender behind him. This throw had real nice touch.

  250. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 1:40 pm

    d1 – Rainey is a playah! quickness and speed!

  251. d1島 July 24, 2008 1:42 pm


    No doubt.

    Blog acking funny kine…


  252. chawan_cut July 24, 2008 1:45 pm

    Oh yes, forgot to congratulate the Tsai’s, Stephen & Wena for such a long wonderful relationship.
    I can only wish to be that lame…. wait, that’s not lame. Its great. I’m the lame one.

  253. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 1:45 pm

    Ronnie – How slow is it?

  254. Rob25 July 24, 2008 1:46 pm

    ʎǝɯoɥ ®:

    July 24th, 2008 at 1:24 pm
    Rob25 – shhhhh…gigi is vegging out. Couch potato heaven…

    Just testing…didn’t ever try it before when everyone had the class…sorry wasn’t paying attention.

  255. LizKauai [Believer] July 24, 2008 1:47 pm

    I looked at the brand x blog for the first time.

    Reardon may be cool but his bloggers are …well…. rhetorical…

    xs-homey- Here’s a song for you 😆

  256. Rob25 July 24, 2008 1:49 pm

    Hey Ronnie…got room at your house maybe around December 20th?

    I’m thinking about taking the kids to Vegas for New Years, but have to go to Stockton to see Tani and Charlie for Christmas…don’t want to make the drive all in one day.

  257. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 1:53 pm

    XLiz – That wasn’t Diana Ross. That was Michael Jackson!

  258. FloridaTed July 24, 2008 1:53 pm

    The blog sure behave very squirrelly today. Anybody else having problems?

    There’s no denying Florida’s speed. We have to prevent Tebow from having too much time to do his thing. The lines on both sides will determine the winner. We have some speed of our own. Our biggest ally in the first half will be the loss in the Sugar Bowl, a lot of the Gators thinking will be influenced by that game.

  259. Ronnie July 24, 2008 1:54 pm

    Hi Rob!

    Come on down! (or up and over, as the case may be 😉 )

  260. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 1:54 pm

    Rob25 – Ummmm, what are you trying to do?

  261. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 1:56 pm

    FT – The tekkies are at it again. Did you notice they changed the format of the home page?

  262. FloridaTed July 24, 2008 2:00 pm

    I wish the tekkies would leave us alone already, lol.

  263. LizKauai [Believer] July 24, 2008 2:02 pm

    ʎǝɯoɥ ®:
    yup – this bluegrey is ok but it’s not Warrior Green.
    and the homepage tri column and no videos looks less like a TV station – which does not bode well for any PL videos in the near future…. which is consistent with the washingtonpost blog comment above.

  264. Rob25 July 24, 2008 2:05 pm

    Oh I was trying to copy a post and separate it…you know…I’m no computer expert. Don’t even know how to make my letters upside down and backwards.

  265. ʎǝɯoɥ ® July 24, 2008 2:11 pm

    Rob25 – I’m no computer expert either. All I did was put my keyboard upside down and started typing and wallah!

    XLiz – Yep, I miss PL’s videos because it gave a glimpse into the personalities of the individuals and the camaraderie they have with each other. 😥

  266. homey ® July 24, 2008 2:21 pm

    Maybe if I revert my name back the blog will get faster.

    XLiz – Was that a rhetorical question?

  267. homey ® July 24, 2008 2:22 pm

    That wasn’t even a question…doh!

    I wonder what ST is doing right now? Visiting the brewery?

  268. Rob25 July 24, 2008 2:23 pm

    ʎǝɯoɥ ®: I think that I need more CR because nothing is working right for me.

    Ronnie: Don’t know for sure if I will be there, but am looking at doing New Year’s at red Rock Casino…thought the kids would like to stay there and we’d be closer to snow(?)…plus get games for me. hehehe
    Shhhhhh…Frank doesn’t know yet…he’s still out in the field training.

  269. Jason July 24, 2008 2:34 pm

    ¡ʎuɐ pǝǝu ʇ,uop ı ¿ןɐʎoɹ uʍoɹɔ spǝǝu oɥʍ

  270. homey ® July 24, 2008 2:37 pm

    Good for you Jason. Stay away from that stuff! …more for me.

  271. izzy July 24, 2008 2:42 pm

    Has anyone else seen this?

  272. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 2:42 pm

    I’ll stay away from that stuff, too, homey. More for you!

  273. LizKauai [Believer] July 24, 2008 2:51 pm

    izzy- looks like our offense steroids!

  274. chawan_cut July 24, 2008 3:00 pm

    saw it. trying to figure it out.

  275. ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓨ ® July 24, 2008 3:02 pm

    Izzy – looks almost like hawaiian style football that we played in the streets! Everyone ran out for passes!

  276. Izzy July 24, 2008 3:03 pm

    But, it’s just a system!

  277. Kazz July 24, 2008 3:07 pm


    Their stats are inflated.

  278. chawan_cut July 24, 2008 3:07 pm

    tombo ahi finds it all!

    never knew there was a big hawaii contingent there in DC… they hosted a luau/bbq for colt to welcome him.

  279. LizKauai [Believer] July 24, 2008 3:11 pm


    The Bears made one roster move Wednesday, cutting third-year fullback J.D. Runnels and signing Ryan Grice-Mullen, a receiver out of Hawaii who last played for Houston.

  280. LizKauai [Believer] July 24, 2008 3:14 pm

    chawan- see #18

  281. ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓨ ® July 24, 2008 3:16 pm

    Spectacular find XLiz! Go RGM! Da Bears.

  282. duffer July 24, 2008 3:19 pm

    I hope I don’t get in trouble for posting this.

    The state License Contractors Board has been disgraced by a member’s attempt to protect his company from competition in securing construction contracts. Contractor Denny Sadowski should recognize his conflict of interest and abandon the effort to nip potential competition in the bud.
    Sadowski’s Applied Surfacing Technology lost a bid to competitor Sports Turf Hawaii last October for installing synthetic turf at the University of Hawaii baseball field. The next day, Sadowski asked the board to limit such contracts in the future to companies specially licensed to install turf. At the same time, he asked the board to deny floor work to paint contractors such as the company that beat his in bidding for such a job at Honokaa High School.

    Logan Hamocon, owner of Sports Turf Hawaii, has challenged Sadowski’s move, delaying bids for work at UH’s Cooke Field, used by several athletic programs, including practice by the Warriors football team. Hamocon’s company, which has a landscaping license, concentrates on growing grass on golf courses and other athletic fields.

    However, Hamocon’s company has been praised for its installation of artificial turf last year at UH baseball’s Murakami Stadium. He said it has installed 5 million square feet of synthetic turf in Hawaii alone, although Sadowski argued to the board last October that Sports Turf Hawaii had “never done this before.”

    Equally if not more affected by the board’s tentative decision is Rory Otto of Aiea, who has a landscaping license. His NyLawn Synthetic Turf in Aiea mainly installs putting greens and other synthetic lawn areas.

    Sadowski’s company is among four in Hawaii that hold special licenses for artificial turf installation. A good argument can be made that synthetic turf installation should be limited to contractors holding the special license, although the board agreed last July and August that a license for artificial turf installation was not needed for such jobs.

    Compounding the conflict, Tady Arisumi, the board’s chairman, had asked Sadowski to draft the scope of work that landscape and turf contractors should be allowed to perform. The board deferred its decision on the issue until its Aug. 22 meeting, delaying bids on the Cooke Field project.

    If the board chooses to require special permits for synthetic turf installation, it should issue conditional licenses — as provided in administrative rules — to landscapers or other contractors with experience in that specialty until they obtain full licenses.

    Don Mollway, executive director of the state Ethics Commission, told the XXXXXXXX Rob Shikina that a board member whose company is particularly affected by a board action must “sit out of the discussion the entire time.” Due in part to Arisumi’s inappropriate request of Sadowski, the Cooke Field project might have to await a lengthy court battle.

  283. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 3:20 pm

    Hey, I’m back … from the mall. It’s very difficult to shop on Pioneer Day. You’ll have to Google it.

  284. LizKauai [Believer] July 24, 2008 3:26 pm

    Hi ST!!

  285. Hawaiianbod July 24, 2008 3:27 pm

    Thanks LizK!

    Chee-Hoo!!!! Go RGM!

    Da Bears!! (Krutz, Peters and now RGM). Represent Babeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

  286. ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓨ ® July 24, 2008 3:32 pm

    Ah, ST went malling! Any excerpts from the linebackers?

  287. Hawaiianbod July 24, 2008 3:32 pm

    Hi ST!

    Buy something nice for Wena?

    When are you flying out?

  288. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 3:33 pm

    ST, what did you buy for Wena? Too bad you can’t take her out to a romantic dinner tonight.

  289. homey ® July 24, 2008 3:37 pm

    My dinners hardly focus on romance. It’s more like what’s on the menu and let’s try this and this and this and this…

  290. LizKauai [Believer] July 24, 2008 3:44 pm

    My dinners are like this:
    Whew…long day. hmmmm. what should I make for dinner?

  291. J-Dog July 24, 2008 3:47 pm

    ESPN links to a blog that profiles the story of former UH star Carl English who will be playing for Team Canada against Team USA tomorrow on ESPN 2pm Hawaii time.

  292. homey ® July 24, 2008 3:51 pm

    XLiz – yep, I have days like that too…what is the wife making for dinner? :mrgreen:

  293. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 3:54 pm

    ST, take Wena to dine at La Mer at the Halekulani next week. I loved the elegance.

    Of course, men have to wear a collared long sleeve shirt or jacket and closed shoes, and women have to wear an evening dress. I wore a black muumuu instead, though.

  294. tom mui July 24, 2008 3:56 pm

    AL or WHITEY:

    Any of you still in Las Vegas?

  295. Rob25 July 24, 2008 4:02 pm

    Umm sorry had a meeting and wasn’t “working” on my computer.

    Ronnie you gone again?

    Homey – Don’t you have to go to work already? Gonna have to show me some of your tricks…*cough, cough*

  296. LizKauai [Believer] July 24, 2008 4:11 pm

    Colt pix abound in Tanner’s Picasa album -linked to TE Chris Cooley’s Blog (who, btw, is working with the Post sports guy… there is a funny video interview from Cooley’s mom’s house to get around the “no newspaper vids of players on the field” rule.
    Anyway- here’s Tanner:

  297. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc July 24, 2008 4:19 pm

    CHING/COOKE FIELD UPDATE: According to David Hafner in the Facilities Office at UH, the bids will be opened tomorrow afternoon and that probably as many as four firms with the more restrictive contractor’s license will be submitting bids. Work will start as soon as the winning bid is confirmed. Ninety days after that we celebrate the re-opening of the field. David made it very clear that this is one of the Manoa campus’s highest capital improvements priorities.

    JASON: How do we input upside down and backwards characters? It’s a cool trick, but I’m not sure if it would work with many government agencies.

  298. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc July 24, 2008 4:25 pm

    Forgot to add this:

    The broader issues revolving around Denny Sadowski and the Contractors License Board will not impact the selection of a contractor. However, they still have to be addressed by the Attorney General’s office as well as the State Ethics Commission and the Cepartment of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.

  299. PIAA DS July 24, 2008 4:37 pm

    Aloha all! With the UH camp over, Im getting myself organized before I head off to the middle of no-where for Billys flight school grad at 7am tomorrow. By the way, he saw all the posts and got a good laugh and said to say “thanks and sure, send your beautiful daughters this way” hahahah. thats my boy.

    I want to give a shout out to everyone who took the time to send me a check, contribute online or drop off ink and/or paper and/or office depot gift cards. I truly appreciate your individual generosity and your generosity as a group of tsaikos. Its been fun meeting several of you at the UH camp as well.

    If by chance you sent a check and your name is not on here, it might be because everyone had the wrong PO box on the envelope (its P.O. Box 280 not 289). The Kailua Post Office people know me so Im sure I recieved all or most of the notes and checks you sent.

    In no particular order, big Mahalos to:

    myki & sjmacro
    dpk & sweet
    midori & masaboy
    A House and Mrs. A-House

    I hope I didnt leave anyone out!
    I think I have enough ink for the next year (Loa I got it from the girls and d1shima got it from myki)

    d1 tell the boys to have a blast!

    thanks again!

  300. d1島 July 24, 2008 5:01 pm

    PIAA DS,

    You’re very welcome.
    Give your Fly Boy a big Tsai子 hug from all of us.

    Will tell ’em all ;-). Thanks

  301. Jason July 24, 2008 5:05 pm

    Doris: I chipped in online too. It was a few weeks ago, though.

    WassupDoc: Sometimes, all it takes is a little Google search.

  302. BG July 24, 2008 5:06 pm


    Even more and bettah CONGRATULATIONS STEPHEN AND WENA !!!

    And belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY LK

  303. chawan_cut July 24, 2008 5:09 pm


    I bet its hard to shop without your shopping buddy PL too.

  304. chawan_cut July 24, 2008 5:11 pm

    ha, sorry, i missed that. i can’t keep up with all the posts like you guys, i skim through.

    sorry to repeat!

  305. PIAA DS July 24, 2008 5:16 pm

    Yes Jason,

    sorry I did get yours as well, I filed it accidentally with the SAT class payments! But I got it and thanks again!

  306. Jason July 24, 2008 5:18 pm

    No more SAT classes! Instead, I have to prep for the PRAXIS. 🙁

  307. FloridaTed July 24, 2008 5:21 pm

    Hi, Tsai-Meister, how’s the expense account holding up?


    Good find (284), makes my blood boil. Once again thr shibai of one guy hurts the UH program. The board better get rid of that guy fast and set things right. We finally have the funds to get things done and now this crap…..

  308. BG July 24, 2008 5:21 pm


    Big hoooah to folks like you who keep the home front going so competently. You know that I have more than a few stories about some unfortunates who couldn’t. The 227th Eng company does the big stuff (build-up/tear-down)for the 29th. Parts of the company are always being attached to different units depending on mission requirements. For sure, hubby and his crew will have critical jobs to do.

  309. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 5:26 pm

    Doris, I was glad to help your cause. If you have another fundraiser next year, do let us know.

    Your son is so sweet and handsome. He should have no trouble finding the woman of his dreams!

    Aloha and have a safe trip.

  310. BG July 24, 2008 5:28 pm

    Homey and Jason

    You guys are so funny! And soooo talented to make the ‘puter talk in many different ways! 😀

  311. LizKauai [Believer] July 24, 2008 5:30 pm

    chawan_cut … good news is always worth repeating!

    Have a great trip, Doris!

    Ok… time to go home and prep for another meeting!

    Jiggety Jig!

  312. BG July 24, 2008 5:33 pm


    The Colt updates are wonderful. And, we are often reminded how far flung the spirit of Aloha is. Like, how many Texas or Florida chapters are in DC or elsewhere?

    Time to get in the car and drive home…check back laterz

  313. wafan July 24, 2008 6:05 pm

    Doris . . .

    Glad to have helped in some small way.

    Please give your Monarch a huge Viriliter Age from all of us proud Monarch Tsai-kos!

  314. Pauoa Boy July 24, 2008 6:10 pm

    Ryan Mouton, pray you stay healthy and injury free…

    Mouton, Lane, Washington…verry, verry, verry, scary indeed!

    Special Teams need to be special this year or these three talents will go to waste!

  315. NYUH July 24, 2008 6:13 pm

    Texas Tech is going to be awesome this year. Watched the ESPN game against Oklahoma and just about everyone is back this year. I wonder how many of UH’s records will fall.

  316. Pauoa Boy July 24, 2008 6:20 pm

    do you know what today is
    it’s our anniversary made for you and me

    today is a special day not just any day cause you can have everything
    you want your way Tell your supervisor your leaving early today and
    i’m willing to pay for the rest of your day

    the pleasure’s all mine cuz we have seen good times It’s our
    anniversary. victoria won’t be no secret at the end of the day
    it’s our anniversary

    Kay I can’t remember all the words…so…

  317. Pauoa Boy July 24, 2008 6:22 pm

    NYUH – Graham Harrell is a very good QB, but scray that Michael Crabtree is only a Sophomore, that guy is a beast…

  318. Pauoa Boy July 24, 2008 6:23 pm

    scray = scary

  319. Kazz July 24, 2008 6:30 pm

    Scott Smith Released From CAL Scholarship

    Saw this link on Sports Hawaii.


    Brief article mentioning a transfer but the school is not mentioned, nor does it indicate they know where he is transferring from.

  320. NYUH July 24, 2008 6:47 pm

    Pauoa Boy:

    Interesting name – Crabtree – seems to fit for a WR. I think only only one offensive starter – a WR – is not coming back.

  321. Pauoa Boy July 24, 2008 6:56 pm

    NYUH – All they need is Crabtree regardless, Percy Harvin who??? I think Crabtree is the best WR in college right now…definitely Heisman material.

  322. bighilofan2 July 24, 2008 6:57 pm

    Howzit Tsaikos everywhere.

    Ralph, thanks for the check. It’ll help knock off the $1,076, net 10 days, bill I got in the fax today for JUGS1,2. And thanks you guyz for helping Doris out. Very generous. Thats what we are, Tsaikorosity for UH and Hawaii. wooot wooot!

    I been tinkin about duffer, Wassup Doc and Fla. Ted’s comments about the Cooke Ching field revitalization fix and problems noted in the blog.
    Gotta aim really careful, accurate. Reputations are at stake. Careers can be lost. “…I’m trying realll hard…” said Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction. I’m feeling that way about now. For the State. For Warrior Nation! Don’t people realize we got a chance to be a recognized national power? c’mon, cut da crap and get da pingaz outta da spot. 😀


  323. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 7:03 pm

    Big Hilo Fan, I would like to donate to your cause, too. Please give me your name and address, if you don’t mind.

  324. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc July 24, 2008 7:06 pm


    The original article and the supporting editorial were both in The Other Downtown Daily. No story and definitely no editorial has appeared in the HA – at least the on-line edition. I am really surprised because the concerns raised go well beyond this particular contract.

    The article, which appeared on Tuesday, was written by one of the general assignment reporters who did a really good job at getting to the bottom of what is happening. The editorial appeared today.

    Sorry to hear that you’ll be missing the game. Can you hear it on the radio or record it to watch when you get back home?

    Off to a meeting. Back either late tonight or around 8 am Friday.

  325. duffer July 24, 2008 7:16 pm


    Al just got home this am and whitey left yesterday for Alaska

  326. curveball July 24, 2008 7:22 pm

    You are welcome Doris

  327. d1島 July 24, 2008 7:23 pm

    I posted yesterday that Florida has a pre-season All-SEC TE. Turns out that Coach Meyer really likes TWO TE’s on this year’s team and will run a lot of two TE alignment

    Without a true fullback, Meyer said the Gators will use plenty of two-tight-end formats with Cornelius Ingram and Aaron Hernandez, two guys “that are going to be playin football for a living if they stay healthy.” Two tight ends is an element that UF hasn’t had in previous years because of personnel.

    Hawaii has had its share of problems with really athletic TE’s so add that to the list of things to think about…

  328. d1島 July 24, 2008 7:27 pm

    IMO Ingram qualifies as an athletic TE.

    He was thinking about leaving for the NFL and asked for an evaluation before deciding to come back for his Sr. season,

    Florida junior tight end Cornelius Ingram, a former top-rated high school quarterback/basketball recruit, has decided to forgo his senior year with the Gators and enter the 2008 NFL draft.

    Ingram finished fourth on the team with 34 receptions for 508 yards and seven touchdowns. He averaged 15 yards per catch and showed flashes of rare athleticism and pass-catching skills for his position. At 6-foot-4, 235 pounds he has been timed at faster than 4.5 seconds in the 40-yard dash and has the ability to line up in a number of positions on the field; receiver, H-back, slot and tight end.

  329. d1島 July 24, 2008 7:28 pm

    I really should leave this kind of stuff to Garret. 😳
    Forgot to change the link to the info on Ingram.

  330. d1島 July 24, 2008 7:32 pm

    …and the other guy, Aaron Hernandez, was touted as the top TE prospect coming out of HS a little while back.

    Hernandez can beat you in a few different ways and pose some serious match up problems for a defense because of his size, speed and athleticism. To be honest with you, he kind of reminds you of a talented tight end prospect from a few season’s ago Vernon Davis. hernansez is one of the top athletes in the nation.

  331. FloridaTed July 24, 2008 7:36 pm

    The two tight ends concern me a little also, but McMackin will have a counter. We have at least 4 great DE’s, we’ll find a way, we must collapse the pocket and get to Tebow. But be it as it may, our Warriors will be in the fight of their lifes. Remember the Arizona State game? They had this All-American TE, forgot his name and we held him to one single reception all game. It can be done, we have great talent with good brains.

  332. tom mui July 24, 2008 7:36 pm


    Good find (284), makes my blood boil. Once again the shibai of one guy hurts the UH program. The board better get rid of that guy fast and set things right. We finally have the funds to get things done and now this crap…..

    Couldn’t agree more with HiloFan except that a certain board member should resign for unethical behavior – assuming he has any ethics – and the board chairman should also quit as he seems to have bad judgment asking a board member to write specs that would disqualify his business rivals.

    The least that should be done is to disqualify that board member from bidding on that particular contract.

  333. SteveM July 24, 2008 7:37 pm

    😆 😀 😆
    Saturday – August 16, 2008
    Krazy Karaoke 8:00 PM – 12:00 midnight (minimum)

    The large room at the Young Street Krazy Karaoke holds at least 55 persons. STRETCH has made the reservation put down the deposits.

    Same arrangement as last April 19’s Krazy Karaoke Call

    • bring your own drinks (this room has a lot more cooler space)
    • bring snacks and pupu’s (optional)
    • $15 per person to cover room rental/karaoke
    • pay Stretch or designee at the door that night

    Current RSVP Count = 44

    RSVP on blog or email SteveM — stevem.hnl (at)
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Updates will be posted in the Events Calendar section

  334. FloridaTed July 24, 2008 7:46 pm

    Come game time at the swamp, I’ll be somewhere in Georgia driving on the I-95. I’ll have to find a sportsbar to watch, surrounded by SEC fans, should be interesting. The Georgia fans will probably be on my side, especially in my Warrior shirt.

  335. FloridaTed July 24, 2008 7:51 pm


    Will you be at the Cattle call in Orlando? I would really like to meet you. You’re the salt of the earth kind of character we need a lot more of.

  336. d1島 July 24, 2008 7:57 pm

    Florida chose not to nominate Tebow for the Playboy AA team for which selection would have meant a trip to the Playboy mansion.

    Even if the weekend really is “wholesome” like the director of photography says in the above Florida Today article, Tebow follows his convictions too strongly to succumb to the stigma of hanging out in that scene. Danny Wuerffel did the same in his 1996 Heisman season. It’s a good call.

  337. d1島 July 24, 2008 7:59 pm


    Maybe Merv or BB can load you up with some Gator anecdotes to help you break the ice in GA

  338. chawan_cut July 24, 2008 8:01 pm

    todays local news
    Solomon & Preseason Defensive POY
    Colt @ camp
    RGM’s 2nd chance

  339. bighilofan2 July 24, 2008 8:05 pm

    Tom Mui,

    Howzit howzit friend. tinkin about how to say what i wanna say, right. imo da protocol stuff dont matter much. da extra jazz only gettin in da way ah fixin tings b4 Nov. da bottom line is da Warriors need to use da field now, not later. dats da big criteria. fix now. period. you can bring charges against anybody, drag em thru da “process” for da next 5 years, affek dare ability to do da next job, yada yada, but take care ah dis job now. make a mistake in choozen da fixah. ai no kea. fix da field now, so long as da field meets coach’s specs. an if dis resolution creates a new problem, address da new problem after fixin da field now. imho.

    tink ah it dis way. o line. d line. alwayz goin get sumtin in day way. run em ova. das how a national powah is supposed to go, run em ova. smash mout warrior football. fix now.

  340. d1島 July 24, 2008 8:11 pm

    Nevada RB Luke Lippincott’s dad, Brian, is the head of another university’s Psychology Dept. and has been hypnotizing his son and a couple of other players before their games to enhance their performance.

    Lippincott said his father will sit a player down, speak slowly and softly to get the player to calm down and focus on football. Then, according to Lippincott, his dad will take each player through a specific play that’s relevant to his position. The whole process takes about a half hour.

    Lippincott said his father hypnotized Nevada safety Uche Anyanwu prior to the New Mexico Bowl and asked the junior to envision stripping the ball from a running back. In the second quarter, Anyanwu did just that.

    “He came to me on the sideline and said, ‘That’s exactly how I pictured it.’

    Too bad the process couldn’t be sped up to involve more players; maybe Nevada wouldn’t have been “goose-egged” by New Mexico. 😀

  341. d1島 July 24, 2008 8:14 pm

    Geez! I suck at this…
    here’s the link.

  342. sjmacro July 24, 2008 8:17 pm

    Took in some of the practice this afternoon. Looks like Salas is back, sporting a mohawk, making some nice catches. Players are working hard to make their mark before training camp.
    bhf2: I saw both JUGS are back and let Inoke Funaki know they are both fixed and ready to use. Contribution when I see you next weekMahalos to you. Inoke wasn’t aware that they were fixed; will relay fact that they can be used especially if there’s no one to work out with.
    Warrior receivers reading this blog: JUGS are operational and use it to your best advantage.


  343. Mrs. A-House July 24, 2008 8:18 pm

    Hi Florida Ted –

    Yes, I, too had a problem with this blog today. Expended a lot of time and effort into composing my post only to have it disappear when I hit “submit comment”. 😡

    Dr Doc – Best wishes to you as you endure your tests/procedures. Hope all goes as well as can be expected.

    Pauoa Boy – You said “everything’s good”, so I’m “good”, too. To Mrs. Pauoa Boy – Thank you for providing your dear hubby with neverending love, loyalty and support.

    LK – Belated Happy Birthday! We Tsaikos owe you a huge debt of gratitude for your kindness and unsung generosity in providing us with our precious and awesome Tsaiko name tags.

    ST & Wena – Repeat of Congratulations as you celebrate 26 wonderful years of wedded bliss! Congratulations WB Blog and to its creator…2 years and many, many more exciting ones to come!

    Marlis – Our deepest condolences…so sorry to hear that your beloved wife has passed away.

    Princess Leila & LK – You happen to share a birthday with none other than Daniel Radcliffe aka Harry Potter, boy wizard. It’s no wonder you both are extraordinarily special people.

    Stretch – My bad. I neglected to thank you for your matching donation to the HI-5 recycle effort yesterday. Mahalo!

  344. d1島 July 24, 2008 8:18 pm

    Maybe a little insight into the gameplan for Florida?
    From Mac’s WAC press conference:

    Is that also because your running backs are a little more seasoned than the bulk of your offense?

    GM: You need to run the football. Like Florida, I don’t want that to be a long game. I don’t want to throw on every snap. Some games you might want to shorten especially early in the season when we’re getting acquainted and stuff. And if you throw a ball that’s incomplete, the clock stops. We’re not going to be a running team. Our run is set up by us throwing the ball.

  345. Kekoa July 24, 2008 8:22 pm

    Have a safe and pleasant trip Doris. We were all happy to have been able to help you. Each of the people you acknowledged are part of the whole. The other Tsaiko members have projects that they support also, so please remember that at any one time there is money being raised to help other causes.

    Tell the ‘LT’ that we have a Tsaiko shot glass waiting for him to baptise when he gets home.

  346. d1島 July 24, 2008 8:22 pm

    Funny exchange at the end of the Q&A for Mac. Maybe RGM can fill him in on Devin Hester.

    Is he in the Devin Hester-type mold?

    GM: Who?

    The guy from Chicago? Uh, how about Deion Sanders?

    GM: Oh, yeah, like Deion Sanders. He’s a guy who’s a football player. He’s got great hands. He’s a playmaker. And why not? He’s going to be a defensive guy in the future, at the next level, but we’ll send him on simple stuff. He doesn’t have to know the offense. We’ll just get a little package for him.

    Like a “Go” route?

    GM: Exactly.

    ala Randy Moss, “Jus’ chunk it out there..”

  347. SteveM July 24, 2008 8:24 pm

    …a Tsai-ko first call !


    August 9 (Saturday)
    11 am until ??? (this is a buffet after all)
    Fresh Choice
    1202 El Camino Real
    San Bruno, CA 94066 (near SFO airport)

    Attendees confirmed so far:
    Addahknowjoe & Addahknowsports
    Lori, Garret, Faith, and Mika

  348. d1島 July 24, 2008 8:24 pm

    That’s it.
    I give up.
    Garret you can have this job back! 👿

    That last exchange was Mac talking about using Mouton in different roles.

  349. MeiLing July 24, 2008 8:31 pm

    BHF2 & DORIS,

    Look for mail from me. Doris, sorry, I might have used the wrong POB.


  350. Garret July 24, 2008 8:38 pm

    South Florida Sun-Sentinel take on Miami’s WR situation. This guy thinks that Bess is too slow and will be lucky to make the practice squad.

    I’m confident there will be PLENTY of decent – if not good – receivers on the waiver wire because teams usually don’t keep more than six. And most keep five on the 53-man roster and two on the practice squad.

    Most teams are going to think twice about releasing their young (and recently drafted receivers) with hopes of stashing them on the practice squad because they know desperate teams like the Dolphins will snatch them up. That means plenty of marginal veteran types will be cut, and available.

    Outside of projected starters Ernest Wilford and Ted Ginn Jr., the best the Dolphins have to offer at the position are Derek Hagan (prior consistency issues), David Kircus (potentially promising based on OTA showings), and Greg Camarillo. There are five undrafted rookie free agents coming to camp, but realistically Davone Bess, Jayson Foster, Justin Wynn, Selwyn Lymon and John Dunlap would ALL be lucky to make the practice squad if they don’t turn into special teams demons.

    I’d give Bess the best shot of making the 53-man roster, but I’m secretly pulling for Foster because of his small stature, and small school pedigree (I have a weakness for the underdog).

    But truth is, both would be a stretch. Bess lacks dominant speed, and Foster is unpolished as a receiver. So it’s safe to say an upgrade is needed.

  351. Garret July 24, 2008 8:40 pm

    Palm Beach Post goes over the top position battles during Miami’s camp.

    5. Fullback: This competition between Boomer Grigsby and Reagan “The Juggernaut” Mauia has the makings of a steel-cage match. Coaches want a player who can flatten a linebacker, bust a wedge and catch passes out of the backfield. During training camp, teammates should know where the 249-pound Grigsby and 270-pound Mauia are at all times – or else.

  352. Garret July 24, 2008 8:49 pm


    You did a great job finding stuff, just like Liz and the others! I don’t read ESPN much for articles to post because I figure everyone else reads it, so I appreciate whenever someone finds stuff from there. Plus, since things have been busy here I’m not up on everything so it is great when others find stuff.

  353. Garret July 24, 2008 8:53 pm

    Poor Kansas (literally)…

    Only weeks after the Kansas football program moved across campus into the Anderson Family Football Complex, a large chunk of the $31 million it took to build the facility could be in question.

    On Friday, one of the facility’s primary donors, KU alum Tom Kivisto, was removed from his job as CEO of SemGroup LP in Tulsa, Okla. On Tuesday, according to the Tulsa World, SemGroup, the private energy company that Kivisto founded in 2000, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The petition documents said that SemGroup’s losses total more than $2.4 billion and that Kivisto owes the company $290 million in trading losses through his personal trading company.

    Kivisto, a former KU basketball point guard, promised in February 2006 to contribute $12 million to KU’s football-specific practice facility. But, according to the World, Kivisto has only paid $4 million thus far.

  354. d1島 July 24, 2008 8:57 pm

    OK then with the encouragement from Garret, let me try again…

    ESPN’s blogger who covers the WAC and MWC shared some insights before leaving SLC

    I learned a few things while covering the media days of the Mountain West and the WAC that I wanted to share:

    Coaches in these conferences do not wear suits and ties to media days, which makes the entire atmosphere casual.
    You are more likely to see the coaches of these conferences mingling with media at social functions than you are the coaches from other conferences.
    A lot of the coaches in these conferences claim that they can’t, don’t and won’t golf. Yeah, I’m talking about you Kyle Whittingham and, you too, Pat Hill.
    The Mountain West gave me my first-ever mini helmet.
    Utah State coach Brent Guy is a big fan of the blog. Thanks for reading coach!
    Nevada defensive lineman Mundrae Clifton is nicknamed “Big Hungry,” which I think is a great nickname.
    It really bugged Devin Moore when I reminded him that he was 35 yards short of 1,000 last season.
    Chase Holbrook did not dispute that his mother could have founded
    Utah quarterback Brian Johnson wants to be a broadcaster and Air Force’s Travis Dekker wants to be a doctor.
    UNLV’s Frank Summers was a big baby — literally.
    Robb Akey might be the most positive coach coming off a 1-11 season.

  355. Garret July 24, 2008 9:00 pm

    Note on the Pac-10 preseason picks mentions Oregon State of course.

    Isn’t it time to acknowledge that Oregon State is not the same program that once suffered 28 consecutive losing seasons?

    Mike Riley’s Beavers went 10-4 two years ago, notably upsetting a very upset USC, and last year finished 9-4. Yet, Oregon State was only sixth in this year’s media poll.

    Oregon State, astonishingly, finished behind No. 5 UCLA, a team that may have to hand out fliers on campus to assemble an offensive line.

    “We’re still in some aspects digging out of the past,” Riley said. “I could care less. I kind of like it.”

  356. Garret July 24, 2008 9:01 pm

    Great job d1shima!

  357. Garret July 24, 2008 9:02 pm

    Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.

    Girls perform just as well as boys on standardized tests in math, contrary to stereotypes by parents and teachers. Interesting that non-Asian boys score above the 99th percentile twice as often as non-Asian girls…but Asian girls score above the 99th percentile more often than Asian boys.

  358. Garret July 24, 2008 9:02 pm

    Cow manure is very damaging to the environment when allowed to decompose naturally, but this research found a way to process it to not only process it to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also to generate up to 100 billion kWh of electricity!

  359. Garret July 24, 2008 9:03 pm

    Study found that bank web sites leave their clients vulnerable to identity theft.

  360. Garret July 24, 2008 9:04 pm

    Google’s Wikipedia competitor Knol has been released. The biggest change to me is that Google will place ads on the pages and those who write the Knol entries will get some of the revenue from those ads. Who is going to write the Knol entry on the Warriors?

  361. Garret July 24, 2008 9:06 pm

    HP and Asus laptops are free for customers who sign a 24 month mobile broadband contract with Orange (big European cell phone provider). I hope that US cell phone providers offer the same 3G/4G-enabled laptops in bundles in the near future.

  362. d1島 July 24, 2008 9:06 pm

    How critical is it to maintain the APR?
    Not only does SJSU lose 9 more schollies this year but also will lose practice time.

    San Jose State was also issued a public reprimand and had their practice hours cut back from 20 to 16. Tomey said a lot of that would be cutting meetings and film sessions short. He said he emphasized to his players that they have to take responsibility for filling in the missed time.

    With the seven that they lost last year, the Spartans are down to 72 scholarships.

  363. Garret July 24, 2008 9:06 pm

    Free play links pau.

  364. Garret July 24, 2008 9:08 pm

    I didn’t realize that the APR penalties could reduce practice time! I guess not many schools have been in such bad APR shape like SJSU. Poor coach Tomey…

  365. d1島 July 24, 2008 9:11 pm


    Maybe the thought process is, “those guys need more study time”!

  366. al July 24, 2008 9:17 pm

    happy birthday liz!

    happy birthday warrior beat!

    happy anniversary wena and steve!

    happy birthday pono!

  367. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:20 pm


    Liz’s birthday is in March.

    Wish LK, the badge maker, a Happy Birthday.

    Who the heck is pono?

    BTW, welcome back!

  368. d1島 July 24, 2008 9:22 pm

    Welcome back, al.

  369. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 9:23 pm

    OK, it’s been a long day. Been chasing down some rumors.
    Then, of course, every non-blogging idiot at work keeps calling me. Sheesh.
    I guess I’m really old, because the time difference is really getting to me. It’s four hours. So yesterday morning, we had to be at the breakfast at 3;30 a.m. Hawai‘i time. Then we had to listen to the commish for an hour.
    Then we had to listen to some of the coaches go on and on. Not sure why, but coaches always say “the game of football” instead of just “football.”
    I did go to this book store and found a book of essays by Grantland Rice. Kind of cool. I felt sorry for the original owners. it was enscribed: “Happy birthday, Ray.” Poor Ray. He must be dead. The book came out in 1954.

  370. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:24 pm

    D1, did you see my post about the dead street light opposite my house?

  371. Garret July 24, 2008 9:24 pm

    Welcome back Al!

    Best wishes to Dr. Doc.

    Happy Birthday Pono!

  372. al July 24, 2008 9:25 pm

    as duffer says i got back this am and went ot maui and now back at home.

    wreck is in las vegas for a few more days.

    you going???

  373. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:25 pm

    non-blogging idiot? That leaves Esme out.

  374. Garret July 24, 2008 9:27 pm

    Hi ST! I always have trouble when I travel East for work…the time change really makes the mornings hard and makes the work day seem long. I like traveling West for work because the mornings are easy and I never have trouble staying up at night.

  375. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:28 pm

    Poor ST, he must be exhausted. Retail therapy didn’t help energize you?

  376. oɹɔɐɯɾs July 24, 2008 9:30 pm

    Bottoms up homey–sjmacro

  377. Garret July 24, 2008 9:30 pm


    I remember a coach in the old Southwest Conference in the late 1980s (I was going to Texas then) who would always say “the great game of football”…I think it either was his way of showing respect for the game or it was a way for him to stall for time when he was thinking of his answer to a question.

  378. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:31 pm

    So it’s 1:30 am where ST is. How come he’s not in bed already?

  379. brew808 July 24, 2008 9:32 pm

    al – Is bruddah Wreck really in LV? Was he going to hook up w/ Mr. las vegas? Do you know where he’s staying?

    ST – Sorry if I sound like “middle child” – but take your meds and get your rest. There’s some sort of flu-like bug going around. I have lots of family, friends, and coworkers out and/or struggling with this infection. 😀

  380. al July 24, 2008 9:32 pm

    oops. sorry.
    happy birthday lk!

    tks guys. i have been taking short spurts of a nap for about the past week now. crazy.

    oh, pono is the black lab puppy that we kept from the litter. kind of cool, now, we have a yellow, chocolate, and black labs running around the house.

  381. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:34 pm

    labs running around the house? There goes the carpet!

  382. al July 24, 2008 9:35 pm

    wreck was going to stay at the main street station where i just left.

    the boss and i had dinner w/rasu begasu a few nights ago.

  383. Hawaiianbod July 24, 2008 9:35 pm

    Welcome home (Uncle) Al!

    Hope the machines were good to you.

  384. tom mui July 24, 2008 9:36 pm


    Kinda silly but when you reach my age, you do silly things.

    I was hoping to get two roll of quarters from some Casino in LAS. Impossible to find Statehood quarters in Hawaii!!!

    A couple of years ago, I was at a wedding in LAS and got a whole bunch of quarters that I was missing!

  385. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:36 pm

    al, how was the smoke in the hotel? That would bother me the most.

  386. d1島 July 24, 2008 9:40 pm

    No, it was too dark to read.

  387. brew808 July 24, 2008 9:40 pm

    al – Mahalo for the info! 777 Brew Pub – 😀

    Tom – No more coins anymore! Your best bet is to make friends at your local BoH or 1st Hwn branch and ask them.

  388. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:41 pm

    Tom, are you a coin collector? Hubby owns a book of silver coins. It’s been years since I looked at them so I don’t remember the denomination. Either quarters or half-dollars.

  389. d1島 July 24, 2008 9:42 pm


    Will you be sharing any Mormon folk songs with us at the KCall?

  390. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:43 pm

    D1. I complained to the mayor’s rep. The lamp bulb will be replaced.

  391. al July 24, 2008 9:45 pm

    gosh most casinos don’t run the quarters much. its bills and a paperless world out there for the slots.

    hawaiianbod…..good to see you posting again brother. i never have too much luck on the machines, well, except for the poker. i enjoy blackjack though.

    actually did okay and bought a lot of stuff.

    the boss on the otherhand had one very good day and well, you know the odds catch up.

    great trip, we extended two extra days. met las vegas. boss’ cousin and husband was there. so we did a lot of stuff at red rock, green valley, shoppng, shopping, and eating.

    the daughter came up and spent a day with us, too.


    gigi, the main street station has high ceilings and is a smaller place.
    and these days, many of the new casinos have higher ceilings, smoke diffusers, and a fragrance about them.

    besides less smokers in the casinos these days. they say smokers are a dying breed.

  392. d1島 July 24, 2008 9:45 pm


    Good thing it’s an election year.

  393. d1島 July 24, 2008 9:47 pm

    they say smokers are a dying breed.

    Gallows humor?

  394. addahknowjoe July 24, 2008 9:48 pm

    Al- hydee hou their neighbor! Welcome back to the valley.

    Dr-Doc- Hang in there buddy! We’re all pulling for you!

    LK- Happy Eva Aftah Berfdey!

    ST- You gotta put your pen to the paper and start writing your own books, brah. I read for many years, a portion of one floor of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism was designated the “Grantland Rice Suite”. Perhaps someday, UH will do the same for you. Well, hopefully- more than just a waste basket in some corner.

    Those Fargin Bastiges!!

  395. Kekoa July 24, 2008 9:48 pm

    Welcome home Sensei Al.

    I tried to keep law and order around the Hacienda while your were tearing up the machines and destroying the odds at LV. Turns out the law was trying to keep me instead! Hehehe, no can, too slippery.

    See you this weekend. Get some rest so you have your body clock back on Hawaiian time.

  396. d1島 July 24, 2008 9:49 pm

    Ahhh…777 Pub.

    Could go for the Prime Rib Special about now!

  397. brew808 July 24, 2008 9:50 pm

    a-joe – Tell the Mrs. not to eat the bait! 😆

  398. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 9:52 pm

    I wouldn’t mind staying at the Venetian. Would remind me of the Hilton Waikoloa’s gondolas.

  399. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 24, 2008 9:52 pm


  400. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 24, 2008 9:53 pm


  401. d1島 July 24, 2008 9:53 pm

    Wish I could stick around with the Night Shift but I gotta get an early start in da maw-nin’ so can get “outta town” early…. 😉


  402. addahknowjoe July 24, 2008 9:56 pm

    Brew- Rajah dat! Ova! =)

  403. duffer July 24, 2008 9:57 pm

    Hey Jason,

    Whath out!,

  404. Kekoa July 24, 2008 10:01 pm

    G’nite d1島:

    Thanks for your help.

  405. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 10:03 pm

    Joe, I bought The Perfect Season, which contains ST’s football articles. Too bad, his name is not on the title page. But in essence, it is HIS book because it has his writings.

  406. al July 24, 2008 10:04 pm

    d1….prime rib at the redwood grille at the cal. is monster.
    24 oz for 27 bucks in a great setting.

    its bone in, but i swear.

    kekoa, i heard about the escapade. mwahahahaha.

  407. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 10:06 pm

    Pardon the interruption again.
    I keep forgetting about the altitude here. It dries you up.

  408. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 10:06 pm

    Al, did you dine at masaboy’s restaurant?

  409. al July 24, 2008 10:07 pm

    venetian vs waikoloa
    no comparison.

    besides the venetian has phantom of the opera.

    ajoe…..i thought you were the mrs. sounded like her. anyway, you down for thai food????

  410. Hawaiianbod July 24, 2008 10:08 pm

    Thanks (Uncle) Al!

    Main thing is that you and the Boss enjoyed yourselves.

  411. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 10:08 pm

    What’s happening tomorrow, ST? Are you flying back home?

  412. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 10:10 pm

    Yep, Gigi, I return home tomorrow.
    It’s my middle daughter’s 19th birthday tomorrow.

  413. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 24, 2008 10:11 pm

    So ST- did you find any substance to the rumors??

  414. al July 24, 2008 10:21 pm

    no…too pricey for me.

    st….lots of water when flying or in higher altitudes. it’ll also relieve some gas associated with high altitudes.

  415. al July 24, 2008 10:23 pm

    hbod…..yup. we needed that.

  416. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 24, 2008 10:25 pm

    Nitey Nite!
    Sweet Dreams, ka kou!

  417. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 10:27 pm

    So, a guy from my fifth-grade class in New York started e-mailing with updates. It’s amazing how so many did all right. Then there was my best pal, Josh Korda, who became a yogi.

  418. Ralph July 24, 2008 10:28 pm

    Happy Anniversary to the Tsais……

  419. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 10:29 pm

    I used to believe that if you can’t hear it, it has no odor.
    I was wrong.

  420. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 10:30 pm

    Does the yogi now live in India or New York?

  421. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 10:30 pm

    Wena celebrated our anniversary by going to a bridal shower.
    I celebrated by listening to Karl Benson argue that he is not Mr. Straight and Narrow.
    And, of course, many speeches on the “game of football.”

  422. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 10:32 pm

    funny how I recognized a 5th grade classmate at a RHS reunion, but he didn’t recognize me. Of course, back then, I had buck teeth.

  423. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 10:33 pm

    He lives in Brooklyn.
    Google “Josh Korda,” both on the Web and images.

  424. momotaro July 24, 2008 10:35 pm

    While it’s fun to get excited thinking about a skilled guy like Mouton with the ball in his hands, I’d be shocked if he touched the ball more then 10 times on offense the entire year.

    Mouton doesn’t have to touch the ball on offense to be effective. For example, he could be used as a decoy on short-yardage goal line situations.

  425. momotaro July 24, 2008 10:37 pm

    Ahhh…777 Pub.

    Could go for the Prime Rib Special about now!

    d1, the prime rib special at the 777 Pub is one of my favorites too.

  426. momotaro July 24, 2008 10:40 pm

    Stephen how is the weather in Salt Lake City? Have you had a chance to visit the Budweiser plant?

  427. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 10:45 pm

    Googled Josh Korda. Thought his interactive web design flipped pages too fast so it was difficult to read.

  428. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 10:46 pm

    It’s been pretty humid.
    I think this is the first time I’ve been in Utah during the summer.

  429. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 10:47 pm

    I visited Brooklyn only once in all the years I lived in NYC. Attended an opera there, performed by a friend and her company.

  430. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 10:48 pm

    Check his myspace.

  431. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 10:48 pm

    ST, daughter will fly to Utah next month. RT on Delta cost just $650.

  432. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 10:50 pm

    I don’t think I’ve ever been to an opera.
    My dad’s firm used to have the theater accounts in the 1970s. So, every other Friday, we used to see Hair.
    I think there’s nothing better than live performances. That’s why sports is so dramatic.

  433. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 10:51 pm

    Howdy Mr. Tsai, brother al, and Ms. gigi. Happyanniversary! I guess we could say that at two years old, the WB is now a “toddler”. Are we heading into the terrible twos? 😆

  434. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 10:53 pm

    haha I remember Hair. Saw it in Munich in 1969. It was in German. “Liebe, liebe, liebe!” or Love, love, love. Can’t imagine seeing it more than once!

  435. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 10:54 pm

    hiya Kid!

  436. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 10:54 pm

    Never been to an opera? Just set the blog to music one day… We’ve got all the other ingredients. 😉

  437. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 10:54 pm

    That’s not so bad a price, is it?
    Utah’s a nice state. And the people are really nice.
    But it’s better in the winter. A few years ago, we drove to Sundance. That’s a pretty remarkable place. It’s not very big.

  438. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 10:55 pm

    Hey momo, hey Ralph!

  439. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 10:58 pm

    Sundance? Robert Redford’s place?

  440. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 10:59 pm

    “And Love will steer the stars.” The music of “Hair” changed my life. Or not…

  441. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 10:59 pm

    Wow. I’m getting snubbed by DPK.

  442. Kekoa July 24, 2008 11:02 pm

    DPK is contemplating a move into a stage performance of “La Tsaiko” the Opera? I’m all in!

  443. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 11:02 pm

    ST, see #435 for DPK’s greeting to you.

  444. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 11:03 pm

    yep, Robert Redford’s place.
    Very rustic, as they say.
    You have to navigate a difficult road to get there.

  445. Stephen Tsai July 24, 2008 11:06 pm

    OK. DPK did say hi.
    I’m sss….sss…sssorrry.

  446. SteveM [iTouch] July 24, 2008 11:13 pm

    I finally got an iTouch too.
    I’ll try to keep up with the rest of you iPhone and iTouch Tsai-kos. 🙂

  447. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 11:16 pm

    SteveM, that must have cost a lot. Was it $400?

    I think that’s what Wreck said he paid for his.

  448. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 11:21 pm

    It was I who was snubbed, Lord Tsai, but forsooth my love you overcometh all…

    *DPKs scintillating tenor fills the air as he sings a tragic song of snubbery gone horribly awry… Lord Tsai’s baritone answers in sss.. ss… stuttering apology.*

  449. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 11:23 pm

    “my love for you” sorry, extemporaneous opera is tougher than it sounds.. 😆

  450. Jason July 24, 2008 11:24 pm

    Welcome to the dark side, SteveM.

    A tip when downloading apps from the App Store (if you decide to shell out the money for the 2.0 update): download straight to your iPod touch via a Wi-Fi connection, if at all possible. Some of my desktop downloads have been corrupting my iPod touch. They don’t install correctly, and then all my downloaded apps crash to home. (At least there’s no BSOD.) No such crashes when I download straight to iPod touch. Of course, there is the occassional crash when running an app that isn’t quite stable, but it doesn’t corrupt everything like the faulty installation does.

  451. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 11:24 pm

    haha DPK, where did you go all this time? I thought everybody fell asleep.

  452. Myki (i touch) July 24, 2008 11:24 pm

    Hi SteveM, have fun posting! It takes a while to get the hang of it. Good luck! Remember practice makes perfect!

  453. Kekoa July 24, 2008 11:25 pm

    ST ~ I came across a negative bit of information about a certain UH coach while they were ‘down under.’ Was wondering if you heard any rumblings about this particular coach.

    The word on the street is it could cause Coach Mack a small headache. I’ll see you when you get home and let you decide how long it’ll take to make this go away.

  454. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 11:28 pm

    Since it was the second anniversary today, I thought I’d hang out and enjoy the “toddler”. Blogs are so cute at this age.

  455. SteveM July 24, 2008 11:29 pm

    Hi ST — how long before you depart Salt Lake?

    The 8-GB model I have is usually $300 ($299). I saw a “refurbished” offer at the Apple site for $199 so I finally broke down. I have been wanting one since last Christmas.

    Buying a “refurbished” iPod unit sounds spooky. But I have bought Apple refurbished computers before with good luck so for $200 I’ll take a chance. It has a full warranty and you can buy AppleCare–I didn’t.

  456. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 11:30 pm

    Well, good to see everyone tonight, but my eyes are closing so I’ll just say:

    g’nite, folks.

  457. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 11:32 pm

    wow, $199? Maybe I should buy one for my daughter if she is interested.

  458. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 11:33 pm

    *Kekoa and DPK sing in tenor harmony…
    ‘Gooooood night Miss gigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! Gooood night Miss gigiiiiiiiii!!!* :ol:

  459. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 11:35 pm

    😆 <–Kinda looks like a guy singing opera doesn’t it?

  460. gigi-hawaii © July 24, 2008 11:36 pm

    DPK is such a sweetheart. Thanks for the farewell.

    OK, good night for real.

  461. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 11:38 pm

    Let’s try this again, shall we.

    *Kekoa and DPK sing in tenor harmony…
    ‘Gooooood night Miss gigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! Gooood night Miss gigiiiiiiiii!!!* 😆 😆

  462. SteveM July 24, 2008 11:38 pm

    Thanks for the advice Jason. Myki — I’m on my iMac now–typing with a full keyboard is much faster. Yes, I started to get a little faster before I posted.

    I rationalize that the iPod portion is for Peaches and ALL her songs. I want it for the web browsing–specifically the blog 🙂

    Good device to have when traveling ( although an iPhone is best) –too bad I have no travel plans… 🙁

  463. Da Punchbowl Kid July 24, 2008 11:45 pm

    Good night all.

  464. Jason July 24, 2008 11:53 pm

    My very first iPod was refurbished. It worked for a long time, but not at full capacity. I guess they never replaced the battery, so it started giving me fits early in my time with it. The thing still worked, but sometimes it would “die” an hour or two after a full charge, like it had considerably less capacity. Then after fifteen minutes, it would work at half battery, only to “die” later on again.

  465. SteveM [iTouch] July 24, 2008 11:54 pm

    Good night, Kid and gigi…

    Good night everyone!

  466. Jason July 25, 2008 12:03 am

    SteveM: Why do you think I caved in and bought my iPod touch, so I could use it when I travel. The hard part is finding Wi-Fi connections, though.

  467. Jason July 25, 2008 12:42 am

    New blog is up.

  468. SteveM July 25, 2008 12:46 am

    Jason — I look at the iPod Touch as an alternative to my laptop if I want to travel light. A lot of hotels and shopping malls have free WIFI. But finding free hotspots can be a problem. Since you have RR, you can jump on their net –which looks like it is expanding. I never have though… but see
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    But more ubiquitous internet access is through the mobile phone technologies like the wireless modem for laptops or the iPhone, Treo, etc.. However, the cost of the phone type minutes are higher. Very ubiquitous, but but slightly more than free 🙂

    ooops– now I’m down for the night….

  469. keith hill July 25, 2008 10:02 am

    happy aniversary Stephen

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