Chang to join SMU
June Jones said this morning that former UH quarterback Timmy Chang will be joining the SMU football team as a graduate assistant.
Jones, entering his fifth season as the Mustangs’ head coach, said Chang will be working with the offense, of course, where he will be reunited with former UH coaches Dan Morrison and Wes Suan.
Jones said Chang expressed an interest in coaching about a year ago. Chang recently earned a bachelor’s degree, a requirement for a GA’s job. Jones said Chang will report on Aug. 1, the first day of the Mustangs’ training camp.
Jones said the Mustangs run “80 percent” of the offensive schemes that the Warriors used when Chang was the quarterback. The Mustangs often use a tight end, which supposedly was absent in Jones’ four-wide offense at UH. But Jones said running back Reagan Mauia sometimes aligned as a tight end for the Warriors.
Jones also said he and UH head coach Norm Chow are long-time friends who have remained in contact through the years. “He’s going to do a good job over there,” Jones said.
* * * * *
Per our request, JD the AD provided us with these great shots (the first is of the home stretch):
* * * * *
• Happy birthday to the Wildcat of our offense (and a smooth vocal stylist) — D1Shima.
• Also, happy birthday to Peaches.
• And birthday wishes to a proud Warrior father — Bill Stutzmann.
Morning! Cool about Chang! Glad to see hear he earned his degree!
Wow! Spam disappeared!
I claim first before any spammer!
Awww, Mo beat me.
Anywho, good to hear about Timmy’s fortune. Wish him the best of luck!
BHF2 glad your healed up from da shingles! On a personal note my doc is getting after me cause of my cholestrol numbers. Boo! Guess I have to start some vigorous exercise cause I already eat like a rabbit!
Hi Shoko!
I’m thinking Zumba, that looks fun!
Glad to hear your better too Gigi!
Have a good Saturday everyone!
Top 10!
Howzit Mo!
Looks like Boise State Donks are committed to joining the Big East according to a report by Idaho Statesman. Money speaks louder than finding a home for their non-football sports!
It’s too bad about Boise State.
The Broncos and Aztecs had a real chance to strengthen the West instead of propping up the East.
It’s all about the Benjamins.
Here’s some locker room material… Another moronic Bleacher Report writer… I think I’m going to write a bleacher report article ranking the worst bleacher report writers…
Happy Birthday D1Shima, Peaches, and to Bill Stutzmann!
Morning, everyone!
Happy birthday, all you birthday peeps!!!
ST got it right… “propping up the East”… So many schools coulda, shoulda, woulda when it comes to the WAC (and now the MWC), or even the western part of the country. Instead, everyone has been so quick to jump to whatever greener pastures presented, perceived or otherwise. Look at all of the former WAC teams throughout history… teams that are now parts of the bigger conferences. We’ve (collectively) had no foresight, no open-minded, determined, long-term vision. Everything is about the here and now, unfortunately and realistically.
WarriorNY, yeah that article should go up in the Warrior locker room to inspire the team! Boy, I’d like to see a win in that one!
The point of the article was to promote conversation, which it did.
No doubt USC will be an overwhelming favorite, but, hey, that’s why you play the games.
Go, Wahine!
Had lots of things to do and places to go yesterday. Left right after Leisha homered. Got back late last night to see that ND came back. Dang it!
New game… let’s have some fun again, girls! Believe in yourselves! We’re all here for you!
Let’s go, Wahine!
As far as UH goes… we’re almost always the underdog… always the team or school that’s written off by all of the experts. We just gotta take care of business, and play disciplined ball. Adjustments need to be made on the fly. I don’t care what anyone else says… I say CAN! And that’s in every sport we field a team!
Go, Warriors!
Go, Wahine!
Go, ‘Bows!
WW, I like the can do attitude! All things all possible… But, you have to believe first! Coach Chow is inspirational and a great motivator! I think CAN too!
Go Wahine!!!
Happy Birthday to all those mentioned above… safe and enjoy.
From what I read in the Dallas Morning News today……the BCS bowl evolution down the road will as everyone expected, to get more exclusive and if your school is not in the PAC12, SEC, BIG12, and BIG10; then ???????
It makes me wonder?, what if ALL the rest of schools in America just dripped football altogether? that would impact national interest in this greedy sport wouldn’t it?, or not??
Happy Saturday and birthday to the celebrants!
Whoo-hoo, 3x!!!
Happy Birthday to all da birthday peeps!
Great news for T. Chang.
Good morning Tsaikos.
first things first.
sumbuddy in charge of writing “your IP… not allowed cuz you is a spamma” did dat to me tome lsat night. 🙄
tood thing a coupla hours later da bugga went off duty and now I can join da fun. 😀
No doubt USC will be huge favorite. Sorry if I seemed a little bit angry in that last post.
🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆
~•~ ❀ ❀ ❤!!! ❤ ❀ ❀ ~•~
🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆 8) 😀 🙄 😆
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ★ W A H I N E ★ S O F T B A L L!!! ★ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
A suggestion for the next UH fundraiser –
Remember the arcade game – “Whack-a-Mole”….
We could have a new version called – “Whack-a-FOOL” starring sumbody…. 💡 😆 😈
Hehehehehehe…… Imagine the lines? We wouldn’t be able to get the hammer/mallet out of some Tsaikette‘s hands. Heck – some will bring their own sledgehammers, maces, rocks…… 🙂 😀 😆
k- everybody have a great day/weekend….. especially our UH Wahine Softball Team !!! 😀 😆 😀
~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WAHINE!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
Great Morning All!
Aww shucks. Mahalo for the burfday wishes!
Congratulations Timmy Chang!
Memor et Fidelis
Good luck widda big O in the Big D!
Must be a special kinda day to share a birthday with two special people…
Happy Birthday Peaches and Bill!
Hmmm. As a graduate assistant, that must mean Timmy is a Master’s candidate — but in what subject?
Big time support up Lunalilo Home Rd. way for Coach Will Lobendahn. Hope he can hang in against what seems to be rigged situation to move him outta the way. 🙄
Wow! To paraphrase da commercial, Wacchu going do wit 3000 trout?
Wow, d1 birthday??? OK, have a good one and many moire to come.
Happy Birthday Peaches and Bill Stutzman.
Hopefully USC starts out slow like they did last year (At the start of the 2011 season, the Trojans nearly got beat in their own house by a really bad Minnesota team 19-17… The same Minnesota team that later went 3-9 and suffered losses at home to New Mexico State 28-21 and North Dakota State 37-24).
It doesn’t bother me that most folks see Hawaii as a huge underdog against USC. It’s hard to dispute the writer’s opinion on Bleacher Report. Besides, it makes it all that much sweeter if the Warriors pull off an upset. Remember, anything can happen on any given Saturday. If the Warriors enter the Coliseum brimming wiht confidence, it could be something other than a blowout.
Of course, it doesn’t hurt if Barkley gets blindsided and taken out of the game with a possible concussion…lol. And I only say that because I am reminded of that close-hanger hit Mighty Mo took, which sidelined him with a possible concussion for the rest of the game, the last time USC rolled into Aloha Stadium.
Anyway, hope everyone has a great Saturday. And Happy Birthday to those that are celebrating. I’m out
Special birthday wishes to some very special people!
Happy Birthday to Dean-O!!!
Happy Birthday to Peaches!!!
Happy Birthday to Bill Stutzmann!!!
@ GG #41
I would guess veterinarian medicine…specializing in the care of ponies. 😀 Or maybe sports med…the repair and maintenance of QB egos.
Good one, BG!!! Lol.
Al: did you see my response to your questions (previous post)?
Without the ferry fertilizer must be very expensive on Kauai. Look for 3000+ super flourishing plants in a few months.
Good morning, gang!
Hau’oli la hanau, D1Shima! Have a wonderful day.
Happy birthday, Peaches!!!
Bill Stutzmann, hope you have a great birthday with all of your family!
Timmy Chang ~ Great to see you’ll be with Coach Jones again. Good luck w/ da FB and study hard as a GA.
Was Chang one of the graduates the other week?
Slick if he was!
Good luck to him on his new path.
Go Wahine!
Be the Titas!!!
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Good for Timmy Chang. Best of luck to him!
Happy Birthday to Peaches and Stutzman the elder, progenitor of great pass catchers!
Usually, the student-athletes gather at the Letterwinners clubhouse before the grad ceremony. But the clubhouse is being used by the records people, who were displaced by the fire. I’m not sure everyone got the memo to meet in the Nagatani center. Grice-Mullins and Steven Hunt didn’t know.
morning gang!
happy birthday d1!
congrats to #2, safe travels
dpk…whatsamatta? you know like d1? his birthday too.
happy birthday d1, peaches, and wild bill.
okay, gg i just read it.
wow, sounds sore…you popped your piko.
And to the great crooner himself, d1, and the other Birthday kids:
58, al…
Whattsamatta? No can go find one spesho birtday song foa da crooner and da odda birtday buggaahs?
It takes a while to find the right tune for a real crooner…
Exciting day today! Hubby installed Skype on my laptop. Now we are waiting for my 4 yr old granddaughter to show up on video so we can chat with her.
What a cool invention.
Wow I thought Chang was gonna coach at Mililani this year….Well Best of Luck to him at the Pony Show…
That picture of Apple in the S-A really makes him look old. All that white hair. Somehow, when I saw him on TV, his hair wasn’t that white and he looked younger.
UH is gonna surprise USC. Nuff said!
And Happy Birthday to Peaches, D1 and Mr. Stutzman!
Hope Tom Bacon’s statement is really indicative of his feelings – as reported this morning in the SA. We do need a cheerleader for UH Athletics a la Virginia Hinshaw instead of the attitude of their predecessors who sort of tolerated, if not outright ignored, UH athletics as a major unifying force for Hawaii!
And congrats to Timmy Chang, a player that deserves to be in our Hall of Fame!
Bacon? Apple?
Somebody not have breakfast yet?
By the way, Colt, Davone and the rest of the Sugar Bowl team are eligible for the Circle this year.
Apple resembles Dr. Sidney Freedman.
Apple is such a cool name. Love it. So much better than Hinchey. Can’t tell you how many times my surname has been butchered.
firost: happy birfday to d1, peaches, and Mr. Stutzman!
secon: in my opine, however heavy favs USC will be in Vegas, and can’t understand why the odds makers use such low numbers on the spread, maybe I’ll use only one “bengy” instead of many.
thurd: like your statement, DPK! people will roll on the table, floor, etc, but eye like your style – yep, Warriors will give them guud rub or even win!!!
forth: way to go Brew ‘n Gigi!
Ella Fitzgerald said it best: “I’ve been rich and I have been poor. Rich is better.”
Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter, Apple.
Bowling For Soup said: “It’s stupid, contagious, to be broke and famous …”
ST: hubby wants to know if you are going to have the Tsaikos meet with Norm Chow at UH anytime soon? sort of like the chat with Coach Mack?
Thomas Apple – jus words or reality of boosting UH athletics? as many bloggers have posted in the past, athletics can and does in fact boost the academic side and overall experience of college life!
now, what are his short, mid, and long term plans on haow to make ‘big red’ into BIG GREEN? 5 years, IMHO, wud be da time for “short term” goals/objectives; yet, dats the length of his contract. it’s not easy to change one’s opinion about many tings; some take centuries.
brings back memory of a 1992 Pacific wide seminar in Bangladesh where the Sri Lanka General, for his presentation, said, “please help us progress – it is difficult after being under British rule for over 400 years”. this was also the first year that India participated and their delegation consisted of 2 tall Shik generals – very colorful dress uniforms on their 6′ 2″ frames.
it was also a grim reminder of what the “haves and have nots” in the world face daily – within the 10′ high concrete walls we had all the luxuries and the other side they used the same water to drink, bathe, cook, and laundry and whose homes were mere card board boxes.
Thanks again for the BDay wishes.
One of my fond memories of my childhood birthdays was that my Dad would always take me to one of the bases for Armed Forces Day celebrations.
Don’t go anymore but still always take a moment to thank and honor those who serve, served and will serve.
Good morning everyone!
Best wishes to Timmy Chang!
Fact: Exercise and athletics stimulates the brain and makes the person smarter. Therefore, athletics should be a part of every higher learning program. More funding is needed.
Athletics, the front porch of the University.
Kitchen door, the way the last Chancellor was led out.
If I hada wear a yellow jacket someplace….. 🙄
Remember this one by LizKauai?
…and Peaches is sitting next to him in the opening scene. 😐
Well, she did float away on a golden parachute.
Just got the IPhone 4S and it has this thing called FaceTime. It’s like Skype on your smartphone with other users. As long as you connected to wi-fi. Pretty neat stuff.
Hey d1, what;s going on at Kaiser?
Warrior Dave: I have Skype on my PC, but daughter has a Mac. Are they compatible? In other words, can Mac users chat only with other Mac users?
JD – thanks for the racy pictures!
ST, thanks for the photos at the Preakness. Looks like a good day for racing. Guess Coach and JD did not forget to send you pictures.
You have a PC?
And you say you like the name Apple . . .
ST #69 – just ate crow and cereal!
I always thought crow would be the next Cap’n Crunch flavor.
shocker – clippers beating the spurs 33-11 after 1st quarter. maybe, ST is right. Spurs are just a bunch of old futs. Clippers have much younger players.
Go Wahines Softbows
Go Rainbow Basebows
computers communicate in 010101… there is no bias there. The Mac should be able to communicate with the PC over Skype. Skype has software for MAC as well.
mih: didn’t know that. OK good.
I’ll have another.
USC has more old “futs” than UH on their FB team…
so…Let the best boys win.
Kekoa, you have email.
Good morning Tsaikos!
Happy birthday to the birthday peeps!
Looks like a beautiful day in Bal’more.
For those of you who live in East Honolulu or are interested in meeting up with some of the folks who are the key leaders at UH-Manoa’s Department of Athletics, please take some time to attend this event
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
5:30-7:30pm Kaiser High School Cafeteria
5:30-6:30pm Refreshments, Meet UHM Athletic Director Jim Donovan, autographs with Coach Norm Chow & more
If you’re interested in getting an update on UH $$$$ issues – especially in the lower campus which has been allocated $12.5 MILLION for new and updated facilities – then hang around for a legislative report from Senators Pohai Ryan & Sam Slom, Representative Gene Ward, and Councilmember Stanley Chang. The City Council does have some control over what happens in the Makai Campus – especially dealing with traffic issues and facilitating construction permits.
Meanwhile, a very important long-term piece of legislation is sitting on DaGov’s desk awaiting his signature.
Report Title: PLDC; Stadium Facilities Special Fund Description: Transfers development rights of certain lands under the division of boating and ocean recreation and land division to the public land development corporation. Exempts certain lands from the definition of public land under chapter 171, HRS, but requires legislative approval for the sale or gift of those lands. Creates the stadium facilities special fund into which shall be deposited a portion of the proceeds generated by the PLDC on Aloha stadium lands and facilities. Allows the PLDC to contract with state and county agencies for lease management services of PLDC-controlled land. Clarifies the definition of development rights. (SD1)
The principal purpose of the bill is to provide a long-term revenue source utilizing the 100+ acres of parking lots for urban (re)development to keep the Stadium itself alive, upgraded, and well over the next several decades.
If DaGov plans to veto it, he must alert the Legislature by June 25 and then make his final decision by July 10. Over the years, on rare occasions, the Fifth Floor Occupant has decided to let a bill pass into law without his signature – and, of course, he has the power to not release any funding which is another way to kill the bill.
So far, no one has given any indication that the bill will not be signed, but that first deadline
more than five weeks away.
Mahalo to State Senators Glenn Wakai, Donovan Dela Cruz & Carol Fukunaga for making sure that this bill survived.
Go Wahine!
Go Tiger Walk!
Go Timmy Chang!
Happy Birthday, celebrants!
Have agreat Saturday, All!
Whoops!! The bill number is HB 2398 HD2 SD1 – RELATING TO LAND USE
I did receive a picture of two women who sell cigarettes at the Preakness. I’m debating whether to post. Maybe I’ll just post on myh Facebook page.
A recent article ranks 124 College Football Stadiums:
Hawaii came in at # 84……………..
“Aloha Stadium is home to a lot of different things, and one of them is the Hawaii Warriors.
This team loves to throw the ball around, and the fans enjoy that.
The 50,000-seat stadium was built in 1975. It can get a little loud when points are scored and is not a place that is easy for a road team to win.
The area around it is beautiful. It is Hawaii after all”.
10. Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium: Arkansas Razorbacks
9. Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum: USC Trojans
8. Ben Hill Griffin Stadium: Florida Gators
7. Notre Dame Stadium: Notre Dame Fighting Irish
6. Tiger Stadium: LSU Tigers
5. Ohio Stadium: Ohio State Buckeyes
4. Sanford Stadium: Georgia Bulldogs
3. Michigan Stadium: Michigan Wolverines
2. Bryant Denny Stadium: Alabama Crimson Tide
Bryant-Denny Stadium is the fifth-largest stadium in the country with a seating capacity of 101,821 people.
It was constructed originally in 1921, and at that point, only had room for 12,000 fans. They have since made a few additions to the place.
Tailgating here is a must, as motor homes can seemingly be seen for miles around the stadium.
The team makes the “Walk of the Champions” before the game. The crowd is screaming and yelling throughout, giving the Crimson Tide the biggest home-field advantage in the SEC.
1. Memorial Stadium: Clemson Tigers
Known nationwide as “Death Valley,” this venue is the best place in the country to enjoy a college football game.
It seats 80,301 and was built in 1942. The stadium will be filled with orange, as the crowd loves to support their Tigers.
There are not many fans in the country that are more passionate about their team than this group.
When Clemson is playing well and the game is going good, the noise in here is as loud as it gets in college football.
Guess what?
The old futs are winning again in crunch time…..’cuz they’ve been there….and done it before.
Hey, I’ve been to three of the 10. By the way, the worst is New Mexico State.
And old futs know how to flop.
oh darn! We are recording the game to watch later.
good to know the old futs are winning, though.
Wonder how many Tsaikos are old futs. ST should do a survey.
Whatever happened to Garret? Is he still around?
We’ve got all sorts. Young. Old. Men. Women. Only a fraction post. I know this from all of the lurkers I meet.
Westbrook or Paul?
I’m thinking Westbrook.
Nine of the Top Ten still on the Bucket List
The Ultimate Dream would be to spend an entire CFB season traveling from one great venue after another for 12-13 straight weeks.
for that, you gotta sell the house and buy an RV.
I’ll have another!
I’ll have another! Awesome!
What time is the softball game?
I’m stuck at a golf course. 🙂
2:30 on cable.
Mahalo Tom.
Now if I only can get them to lay cable on the course.
Days why get MegaBux! 😉
I’ve been to 2 of the Top Ten…….some of the others would be great additions to the Bucket List.
I’ll have another…heh heh heh.
told u guys!
Nice to see wassupDoc still posting
won $400 smackeroons.
kawika –
Shall we make that a “Triple”? 😆
Be my guest. But make that a triple isnt running this year.
#129 –
A double amen to that! Keep postin’,W/ Doc. We needs ya!
Yes! Welcome back, Cap/WDoc! So good to get updates from you again! Mahalo!
Just got back home from running more errands.
Huzzah for W-Doc!
Thank you for your work!!!
3-Prong (from yesterday’s post)
Lighten up! My comment followed ST’s joke. Besides, I’m a St. Louis grad and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to raz my fellow ILHers!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY – d1shima, Peaches, and Bill Stutzman! Congrats to Timmy Chang!
1) I think the 2007 team should be a slam dunk. Same for Colt, and the 4 amigos (Bess, Grice-Mullins, Rivers, and Hawthorne as a group.
2) As for point guard, if I had to pick one now, it would be Tony Parker. I think he’s had his best season ever this year, but for the life of me I don’t understand how he messed up his marraige with Eva Longoria. For an American I would take Deron Williams for his overall steadiness and all around game. For ball handling and asssits I would take Rondo. Westbrook is obviously the most gifted and most athletic. Paul does everything well and I rate him just a tad below Williams except Williams is bigger and stronger. But, for pure point guard, nobody compares to Magic Johnson, nobody.
Congratulations to Stephanie Ricketts who appeared in Sports Illustrated magazine’s “Faces in the Crowd” segment.
Bill Stutzman!
Happy happy birthday you three.
and Congrats to Timmy Chang!
Go Wahine!
Be the Titas!!!!
Go Wahine!
Be the Titas!!!!
Go Wahine!
Be the Titas!!!!
Go Wahine!
Be the Titas!!!!
happy bday to all the celebrants, and you know what i say…
make memories, make memories, make memories….. 🙂
Wahine up 1-0 b2.
Come on Wahine!
Cooler ejected.
HiFlyer, thanks for the score. Keep posting. Mahalo.
Oops, Coolen.
DavidLetterMan, what happened????
Pagaduan injured in a collision.
Pagaduan ran over by a base runner as she attempted to field a ball. Coolen went out to argue that the runner interfered with her. He got the boot.
why did the run count. the runner was forced out at second!!!
2 run homer!
Hawaii 3-1
Another homer!
Is the college softball rule the same as in baseball where the runner cannot take out the pivot on a double play or run over the catcher? If that’s the rule, why is it ok to take out the fielder in the basepath?
I think The Wahine are in the game!
UH 4-1
That’s right al, the runner never touched second.
BHF2 I told u to go with, I’ll have another.
Okay girls…now beat the hell out of the Bisons.
Show that UMP up!
UCLA out already?
And USC is beatable. Heck Barkley threw no reps in spring. Afraid he would get hurt.
All the hype over Barkley going to Haiti. Yah with a film crew…just for more media. That is where Hawaii lacks big time. Good media…to showcase the team.
Regarding the stadiums. Been to 9 of them. Have not been to Clemsons stadium. But they did leave out a really good one…Texas A&M. That is a fab stadium with excellent grinds.
This is the Wahine team I am accustomed too! Keep it up.
Somehow, it looks like the softbows are on the short end again with the refs.
The base runner who ran into Dara was way out of the base path. She could have ran behind Dara. Should have got the interference call.
Go Softbows
Hope Coach Coolen files a formal protest with the officials. Playoffs does not need incompetent officials.
Go Wahine!!!
Defensive problems UH 4-3 2 outs
Getting thrown out of a game is not good, but am glad that Coach Coolen stood up for his team and players. Maybe he has been too nice and this will get the officials attention.
the fielder has a right to the ball. the runner may not interfere nor make physical contact with the fielder. she should have been out.
4 all still 2 out bottom 3
I think the run was allowed because the play was a fielder’s choice to Dara, the run had scored way before the put out by Iwata and after the batter had made it safely to first.
another bad call against the wahine.
ND 5 UH 4 bottom 3
Here we go again. Bisons score after rightfielder Buchanan drops the ball. Then next batter, Aguirre overthrows to home after a chop-single to left, allowing the second runner to score. Now second illegal pitch by Parnaby, keeping the inning alive for the Bisons. Base hit over Majam to the wall. Now score tied at four. Wahine out of sorts again. Bisons pumping confidence. Single up middle, Bison up 5-4. Parnaby out. Ricketts in.
Anoddah “shady” call at the plate! 👿
The ball got there the same time as the runner. Should have been out.
that was a force play at second.
ralph… a force play negates any runs if it is the thrd out.
Gotta beat the Refs. Gotta beat the Bison.
The play-by-play guy is absolutely mangling the Wahine’s names. Everybody else pronounces Kelly’s name correctly.
2 run homer UH 6 ND 5
2r HR by Wartner 6-5.
Go Rainbow Wahines!!!!!
tied 6-6
the girls are playing with a lot of energy, we’ll be okay. No way we losing this game, the umps got our team all jacked up!
The run needs to be taken off from the Bison. A force play even before a runner scores does not count.
Example fly ball to outfield runner on third going on the hit scores before they ball is caught. Plain and simple.
Hope someone is on it.
RBI single 7-6.
good job Jocelyn!
coach Candrea gave Coolen two bottles of gatorade, good gesture…. 🙂
7-6 b5
Who is winning since I can’t watch?
UH up 7-6 b5
tied 7-7 no outs
7 all no outs bottom 5 runners at corners
ND 8 UH 7 1 out runner at 1st
Gotta leave the house. Prediction. Wahine lose same as they lost to Fresno and BYU in the late innings. Oops. Iwata just made an error, allowing a run to score. Ugh.
Top of 6
UH needs to swing hit score alot!
Just no fire….like there was in 2010.
Battle back girls!
Is there any timeouts to be called right now would be good?
Come on girls!!! Last chance!!!
Yeah! Good job! Get some hits!
Hang in there Wahine! You can do this!!
ND 9 to UH 7 top of 7
Cross your fingers!
Another tough break!
Runners on 1st and 2nd
Please Please HR right now
Down to the final out!
Oh well
Mahalo Wahine!
All pau! Great season…..but bad finish 0-4.
Good run! Proud of you, Wahine!!
Wahine thank you for a great season! You guys are terrific! No shame ladies!
Mahalo, Ladies! Great season!
Thanks for a great season, Wahine!
No shame Wahine!
Still our favorite Titas!!!
Tough to win when our 9 face their 9 and the umps.
Watch out for the bozo and his aliases.
I agree that both runs should not have been allowed. On the collision with Dara, the runner did not reach second base. She was forced to go to second base because the batter was going to 1st. She was tagged out. The run should not have counted because she was forced out at second. Although she was tagged, she was “forced” to go to second. On the other run at the plate, the catcher was going for the ball, and got the ball. The ball was thrown at that area which was a good spot. How was she supposed to catch the ball? The runner could have plowed over her or avoided her to score, but got stopped cold. JMO
Bad calls should have been protested on the spot. What I mean is the game should have been played under protest. I don’t know the process of protesting a game, especially in playoffs, but well worth it. Too late now.
Thanks for a great season Na Wahine!
On my #227 post, if the runner that ran into Dara touched second base then fell off, and was tagged out by Jessica, then the run should count. I’m not clear on that and too distraught to see the replay again. I apologize if she did touch second first.
Oooppss. Should have been on my #226 post.
Mahalo, Wahine, for giving it your all, no matter what.
I gotta cool off before saying things I’ll regret later. That game just plain stank! Bad calls all the way. Even an official apology AFTER THE FACT won’t really do much as far as our seniors are concerned. Not like they are gonna be allowed to move on to a Super Regional, just ’cause the umpires were blind. Season’s over for them. Tough for any team to battle back, despite what was going on… but they sure as heck tried. Kudos for fighting to the end.
Worst part is having to live with this taste in the mouth until next season. The least we could do is hold events in their honor… parade, autograph sesh, etc. Gotta show da love… da aloha…
I just saw the replayon the news and the runner that collided with Cara did not touch second base before being tagged out. Run should have not counted!!!!
ppj2 – so it was a force out at second or is it because they said Dara dropped the ball when she got ran over.
If Dara dopped the ball, it was still in play and game plays on until the runner touches second or is out, then time is called.
I should have said “when” Dara dropped the ball.
Game pau but I still hurting.
On a positive note. I’m watching the history channel now and they are talking about the Mayans. I was just in Guatamala a little over a week ago. Our guide to a ruins site, said that the WORLD WILL NOT END on Dec. 21 of this year. Its just that the Mayan calander runs on 5,200 years and it is the last day of the calender. The day after, the calender will start over again. After feeling good about what he told us, he then said that something will happen though, as most of the planets, including Jupter, will be in 1 line. He said that although the world would not necessarily end, it won’t be like it is now. Yikes!
Proud of the UH women’s softball team.
You got wounded in the heart. But you gotta carry on.
Hope somebody can clarify if the Umpire was wrong…
No worries PPJ2, it will be just like Y2K nuttin 🙂
Watching the Lakers game and they just turned the ball over.
Kev-1 (#138), isn’t there a curse on being on sports illustrated covers?
per your comment: “Congratulations to Stephanie Ricketts who appeared in Sports Illustrated magazine’s “Faces in the Crowd” segment.”
Go Tim Chang!
unfortunately…that third inning play should have been protested at that instant before the next pitch. however, with dara p. getting injured and coolen getting tossed asst. coach dee w. didn’t have the wherewithal and probably the experience to make that call.
the protest should have been that run should not have scored.
typically in tournaments the protests are settled immedately by a protest committee.
Thanks for a exciting season Na Wahine SB and best wishes to the seniors.
thank you rainbow wahine softball team for another great year of thrills and pride. like bulla says, make memories and cherish them.
BaseB 🙂 ws!
Very cool for Matt Sisto and Zach Swasey.
Nevada staying on the field to watch Senior Night for the Base 🙂 ws….including Kewby Meyer.
Brings tears to my eyes to watch the Senior Night program at the Les on TV. Classy moment with Chancellor Hinshaw presenting the degrees on the field.
Love Na Wahine!
GO BaseBOWS!!!
Mahalo to our Softball bows for an outstanding season. You gave us a lot of thrills. Keep it going Coach Coolen.
Softball has some stupid rules and the play at the plate was one of them. You don’t have that kind of ruling in baseball. In the Volleyball blog the negative boo birds are in there (Steve) questioning Coolen’s hitting philosophy. I guess they had to go somewhere to blog.
Great pride in our Wahine softball team. Thank you for all the efforts that you made.
looking ahead…strong nucleus up the middle with wartner, iwata, majam. add li’ili’i and klibenstein. hopefully, kaia parnaby finds her mojo.
really looking forward to keiki carlos next year. she’ll contribute right away whether at 2b, lf, 3b, or as the ace of the staff. interestingly, she’s an outstanding pitcher but perhaps an equally great hitter.
SteveM – you got mail
al – there’s also a pitcher coming from the Mainland. Reloading… 😀
A super Sunday to everyone!
Bravo to the BaseBows and thank you to the seniors!
Again, thank you to the SoftBows for a tremendous season.
Next year, Titas. Next year!
Morning folks……
Good to see we’ve got some more talented help coming in for the Wahines; that being said, I want to thank all of the Wahines for winning the WAC tile as they move on to the Big West.
I noticed teams from this bracket in which UH played certainly did their home work and used the hard playing surface to their advantage…especially when it came to simply knocking/hitting the ball hard directly in front making it bounce over the pitcher and allowing the hitter’s to reach safely to 1st base. I think that was killing the UH defensive scheme(s).
Mahalo to the Wahine Softball team!!!!!
Great Morning All!
Nice ad from UHAD this morning. Beeg Mahalo! to all the student-athletes for another year of excitement and memories!
good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
howz da silky voice d1? 😀
congratulations to da wahine Bows. the end was too bad, so sad.
but you made me proud of you. really really did. heads up high, Softbows!
just wonderin….
to get further in the regionals, and super regionals, requires da extras.
i wonder what da extras is? besides luck. and da great hindsights.
just askin, fo da next generation…
anyway, a sincere 😀 for our wahine Bows!
Morning. Think the last 4 games the wahine pitchers struggled. From the wac tournament to the ncaa.
But still proud of the girls.
Thank you Na Wahine for making softball fun to watch. Best of luck to all the seniors. You will be missed.
Why is it that Sports at all levels suffer from poor officiating?
More importantly, what’s being done to improve the quality.
I’m still furious over the calls made during the WSB game yesterday. It robbed our Wahine of their chance for a comeback.
The stunned look the camera caught of Dara after her injury was painful to watch during the replays, but to see her continue to struggle with the hurt was hard to watch on national TV. They say that “time heals all wounds”…that may not be true in her case. Take care Dara Pagaduan. I wish you and all the other Seniors on the team the best life has to offer.
Mahalo to the entire Wahine Softball team and staff for giving us another exciting season. I’ll always be a loyal fan of the WSB program…count on it.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Wahine Robbed by Refs at Regionals might be a good headline of the SA Sports section this morning.
Proud of the Wahine for fighting the good fight and giving us with a season to be proud of.
Reload, Ladies!
I did it again, used a word twice in the same sentence. 😳
Anyway, we love you, Wahine!
dpk…more importantly, those were umpires and never refs.
Good morning, ST!
new post up soon?
Refs at Wahine regional did no favors to UH, but you gottas give credit to the lady bisons for making contact and scoring runs.
wished the season continued, but NaWahine did UH proud and will continue to do so in the future.
great win by the basebows! only watched the last 2 innings cause we were watching Dong Yi on DVD. best wishes in the WAC tournament and beyond.
MIH – we are also watching Dae Jang Geum via netflix – another historical drama except it deals with the royal kitchen and a young lady who is a great cook and learns medicinal skills to become the one and only female royal physician to the King. story occurs in the 1600’s.
ha, al – I saw your #273 post about ref vs umps.
is your little “birdie” connection still operating and pipelining tweets for 2012 and beyond? great to see the number of “bounce back” athletes in various sports.
most surprising, for me, is the number of female VBers transferring to UH from good schools – especially the one from Penn State.