Calls of duty

For more than 30 years, the game-day image was Norm Chow in the coaches’ booth, charts spread in front, as he checked coverages and called plays.

That was until last year, when he called plays from the sidelines as the Warriors’ head coach.

Chow will always have the final say in offensive plays. But now it appears he has found someone who shares the same offensive philosophy and language. Aaron Price, the newly named offensive coordinator, is expected to have a role in creating game plans and implementing them. He did that under one of the best offensive minds, his father Mike Price. Chow regards Aaron Price as a dedicated and innovative play-caller. Price, who emerged from a pool of 12 finalists, will be able to show those qualities in spring training.

* * * * *

While last year’s redshirts and transfers will get extended looks in spring training, the competition is open, with no starting jobs — or depth charts — yet established. The most intense battles are on the offensive line.

* * * * *

A little nostalgia: Warriors practicing in Klum Gym last night.


* * * * *

UH needs to find a trophy case for this:



  1. al February 28, 2013 7:50 am


  2. chawan_cut February 28, 2013 7:50 am


  3. Ken February 28, 2013 7:51 am


  4. al February 28, 2013 7:51 am


  5. Ken February 28, 2013 7:51 am


  6. al February 28, 2013 7:53 am

    ken…of the pancake house, hilo, hawaii?

  7. Ken February 28, 2013 7:57 am

    I often dream of being that person, but no. Oahu based.

  8. Da Punchbowl Kid February 28, 2013 7:57 am

    Ya had to mention pancakes, didn’t ya, al.

  9. Da Punchbowl Kid February 28, 2013 7:58 am

    Can’t wait til spring ball.

  10. PurpleMaple February 28, 2013 7:58 am

    How can there be intensive battles on the OL when so many have commented the players Mac recruited were talentless, small and slow?

  11. mikey February 28, 2013 8:08 am

    Mon’g gang

    Excitement is in the air!

  12. Haleakala February 28, 2013 8:08 am

    Start of the second ten.

  13. Haleakala February 28, 2013 8:09 am

    Good luck thirteen?

  14. mikey February 28, 2013 8:11 am

    Got my Football renew letter

    Spring Ball coming

    New coaches coming

    New competition coming

    New offensive line coming

    Excitement is in the Air!

  15. Annoddah Dave February 28, 2013 8:12 am

    ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs:

    Why can’t we have two football seasons? The anticipation is too much and it’s a long way to September!

  16. Inyoface February 28, 2013 8:13 am

    One cool play I haven’t seen from any team and I think will throw the defense off would be to start off as a 5 wide, empty backfield, with the running back positioned as a wide or slot. Next, have the running back in motion and align on the right of the QB in shotgun. You could run any play from there, pass or run, the defense would have to shift and would put them on their heels.

  17. RedZone February 28, 2013 8:17 am

    I think there are many plays that Chow has yet to run. I know of one that he ran at Utah that I have yet to see.

  18. Kapahulu February 28, 2013 8:20 am

    TOP 20

  19. jeezy33 February 28, 2013 8:31 am

    ST, Hows Ben Dew looking? I remember hearing good things last year so expecting this is a year he makes a push.

  20. Stephen Tsai February 28, 2013 8:33 am

    UH installed a TV near the entrance of the athletic department. It loops UH games.

  21. lava February 28, 2013 8:35 am

    “Chow will always have the final say in offensive plays.”

    And the team will continue to suck. Too bad.

  22. Buffoman February 28, 2013 8:36 am

    Some folks must have had a really hard night to get up so early and be so unhappy.

  23. primo123 February 28, 2013 8:40 am

    I hope that TV is looping the ONLY THE WINS…………. hehe….

  24. primo123 February 28, 2013 8:41 am

    Chow was calling his offense WITH RUN N SHOOT PLAYERS……….cut the man some slack….

  25. Kukui High School February 28, 2013 8:44 am


    Any news on who the Running Backs coach is? Heard that Wiesehan moved to coach the running backs and that many players were disgruntled with the change. Any news?

  26. mikey February 28, 2013 8:46 am

    guessing lava won’t be seating watching any exciting Warrior’s games

    That’s too bad

  27. Kukui High School February 28, 2013 8:48 am

    Never Mind. Just read the article talking about the coaching changes. I usually read the blog first before reading the articles.

  28. mikey February 28, 2013 8:50 am

    Not happy with Wiesenhan?

    Wiesehan spent the two previous seasons (2007 and 2008) as the offensive line coach at Syracuse. During his tenure, the Orange had their first 1,000-yard rusher in five seasons and two of his players were either drafted or signed by NFL teams.

  29. koakane ip6 February 28, 2013 8:56 am

    windy morning but sun equalling it out 😎

    howzit 808, tsaiko ward, warriors and wahines

    yea for dem sball wahines off to a good start

    a while back someone posted who coined princess lea, birdie birdie says dpk

  30. Hoohiki February 28, 2013 8:57 am

    To all the recruits who chose to be Warriors and Na Wahine Rainbow: Welcome to the happiest state in the nation!! To all our local athletes wanting to go to southern states: It’s a “sad” situation, studies have shown.

    To all those bloggers who can’t post anything positive, they have a place for you in Louisiana. You’ll feel right at home with all the bloggers whose posts and tweets are laced with profanity and negativity. (No offense Louisiana, I know there are very nice people there too, and I’m not including you.)

    Lucky you live HI! Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!

  31. ai-eee-soos February 28, 2013 8:59 am

    … It’s an HONOR to receive an appointment to the Academy …


    February 28th, 2013 at 6:32 am

    Would have love to see Shaun K in a warrior uniform, but it looks like he is going to be a future leader for our military. Best wishes to Shaun.

  32. mikey February 28, 2013 9:02 am

    There will be no doubt stiffest and strongest competition coming out of RB this spring. It was the strongest and deepest position on the team last year.

    RB will just have to work hard to get any open position.

    Wasn’t Wiesenhan a coach in NFL handling RB.

    Give time to all the new coaches position as well as new players coming in.

    Excitement is in the Air!

  33. Haleakala February 28, 2013 9:05 am

    There will always be negative people around. We should feel sorry for them.

    Hopefully one day the sun will shine brighter on them.

  34. mikey February 28, 2013 9:08 am

    Can’t wait to see the redshirts, transfers, invited walk-ons

    Training with new coaches Price and Naeole

    With no starting jobs it will be a solid open competition to see

    Spring time is in the air!

  35. mikey February 28, 2013 9:11 am

    Gotta go Fisher pick up some office supplies

    and must Stop at Hanks for good ole Hot Dog!


  36. J-Dog February 28, 2013 9:13 am

    I think the battles for the starting WR positions are gonna be intense. Considering the amount of incoming WR’s. Hope the competition makes the returning WR’s step up their game. The play there last year left a lot to be desired.

  37. jm2375 February 28, 2013 9:22 am

    Good morning Tsaikos!

    So, ST, what did the volleyball players think of playing in Klum?

    BTW, Klum is used by UHS as their home court for vb and bb, and I think, for PE classes, since they still haven’t replaced the building that was destroyed by fire 7 years ago.

    Nice win by Na Wahine last night.


    (Don’t forget your togas tonight 😆 )

  38. Rodney February 28, 2013 9:34 am

    When is the first spring practice?

    Beat USC!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love the warriors!

  39. Kevin February 28, 2013 9:35 am

    Still think Mr. Jay should look at the land that Klum and the portables are on. Build up on it.

    Jay has said he wants a premiere training facility for the student-athletes.

    Like I suggested before. Multi story athletic complex. First floor is the weightroom/lockers/showers with potential to be 4X larger than the one they have now. Second floor is for sports-medicine where they can treat the student-athletes. 3rd floor is the academic center/study area. 4th floor can be a lounge.

    If you build UP, that’s a good amount of land to use. Then they can move the Letterwinner’s Club to where the Nagatani Academic Center is now and move Na Koa to the space that is the current weightroom.

    Everybody happy!!!

    Seems like a more sound investment to further the athletic and academic success of UH’s 400+ student-athletes instead of trying to seek private donations or legislative funds to build an on campus football stadium.

  40. whitey February 28, 2013 9:44 am

    true, it is an honor to receive an appointment to any academy, but not sure if this terminology applies to hs students being recruited. but whether he is appointed or recruited, makes no difference, it is always an honor to be offered a scholarship to any school.

  41. SteveM February 28, 2013 9:48 am

    Good morning everyone!

    The coaching pieces have been gathered and are fitting into place!

  42. Annoddah Dave February 28, 2013 9:50 am

    @#33 Haleakala: No need to feel sorry for negative people, because they are always positive about one thing….themselves!

  43. primo123 February 28, 2013 9:53 am

    for the football team…….i still think we need one more recruiting class to create some quality backups in case of injuries………but the signs are good so far……

    taylor graham has two or three years to play? anyone know?

  44. Derek February 28, 2013 9:53 am

    UH needs a first class weight room and lockers rooms. It is way overdue. UH needs a big benefactor. How about Larry Ellison who bought Lanai, Island Air, and CEO of Oracle! Or how about Steve Case.

  45. Former UH Athlete February 28, 2013 10:10 am

    That is a fine looking trophy. Great job WVB.

    Aaron Price is a nice addition for the offense. I think his presence will be beneficial for helping create game plans. His dad, Mike Price was a brilliant offensive mind when at Wazzu. UTEP was not a good run, partially because UTEP is strapped for resources and he just couldn’t turn the program. Aaron should have his fathers offensive mind.

    Spring position battles will be fierce, and will get more intense once the entire recruiting class arrives in the fall. Looking forward to see who elevates their game.

  46. Annoddah Dave February 28, 2013 10:12 am

    @#44 Derek: I wonder if all the UH graduates alive today and/or their estates were to contribute $1K this year, what it would add up to? Hoping for a few big benefactors may be just that …hoping.

  47. Old School Dave February 28, 2013 10:14 am

    Perhaps UH athletic fund raising needs to be reviewed and see if improvements can be made (no slight meant to those currently involved in raising funds). People often point to Oregon and Nike and it’s kind of a “lose fight” feeling. However, look at a school like Utah and their Crimson Club which is a prime example of how aggressive fundraising and reaching out into the community can benefit an athletic program in taking it to the next level.

    BTW, construction of luxury/corporate boxes at Aloha Stadium and making them available for rent would be another way of generating revenue for the athletic program. However, with the State’s hand in the cookie jar, I don’t know.

  48. WarriorMojo February 28, 2013 10:39 am

    Don’t know if any of you have been watching the Jodi Arias trial, but this prosecutor is freaking horrible.

    Yelling, interrupting, being sarcastic and condescending, jumping all over the place do not equal effective cross-examination. What a disgrace. Of course, there’s no way he loses this trial because she already confessed to the killing.

  49. WarriorMojo February 28, 2013 10:41 am

    Speaking of Kens Pancake House, I was very disappointed yesterday to see that the restaurant was closed. Looks like work was being done to resurface the parking lot.

    Did see Big Hilo walking near the courthouse, but didn’t want to yell at him from my car.

  50. AlaWai February 28, 2013 10:50 am

    UH should pass buckets at the football games like church. Kinda shame if youdon’t put a buck or two in if the guy next to you does it. Might be worth $10K per game.

  51. mikey February 28, 2013 10:52 am

    Isn’t Crimson Club like our Ahahui Koa Anuenue (AKA)

    anyone in Na Koa Football should join AKA automatically.

  52. gobows February 28, 2013 10:52 am

    #39 Kevin

    that’s an excellent idea…they are building a similar structure over at the campus center equipped with courts, training equipment, a track on the 2nd level. renovations scheduled to be completed this spring.

  53. mikey February 28, 2013 10:53 am


    I take new funds to build campus football stadium any day over Multi story athletic complex.

    You can still build under and around stadium complex.

    How about asking Lanai Fund or Maui Land & Case Co. to cough up some bread like LV Casino’s building UNLV Stadiums.

  54. Derek February 28, 2013 10:58 am

    Many times, non-profit organizations (such as YMCA), or churches have capital campaigns to build a new building or renovate old ones. The members were asked to pledge a certain amount as well as go out to the business sector to drum up funds. I don’t think UH is any different. UH can draw on alumni, friends of the program, and the business sector to get the needed money to build a first class weight room and locker rooms. I’m not a graduate of UH (went to summer school), but my wife and kids all graduated from UH-Manoa, and we love our state university. If somebody asked me to consider giving to a building fund for the aforementioned I would donate whatever I could to do my part. I would even be willing to go out and ask people to donate to this case. If enough people can rally around the benefits it can happen and make it a reality, sooner rather than later.

    I know that Ben Jay has this one of his top priorities. He’s been at The Ohio State University

    where facilities are first class. He knows for us to get to the next level we have to make inroads in getting better facilities here in Hawaii. We don’t have to be like Ohio State. We just need to be the best in the Mountain West Conference and the Big West, period. Right now, we cannot say that. But, I do believe we can be.

    It depends how people think about what somebody else says. Some believe it’s negative, some believe it’s critical, some believe it’s objective, some believe it’s positive, some believe in telling it like it is (Cosell), some believe it’s making suggestions, some just trying to stir the pot so to speak. Whatever it is, everybody should respect people’s opinions. I like it when people say things and they back it up with some facts too. As the funny comedian would say, Yakoff Smirnoff, “What a country.”

    Parting shot, I wish my 49ers will draft Jesse Williams from Alabama and former one time UH could have been recruit via Australia. If Isaac Sopoanga is a short timer, then I think Williams will be perfect to fill that spot. I’d like to see what the 49ers will do to get a shut down corner. Will it be Darelle Revis, will it be Charles Tillman, Cary Williams, a draft choice? Need to replace Carlos Rogers who had a bad year.

  55. mikey February 28, 2013 11:00 am

    How about taking back Moilili Park Field back to build Warrior Stadium; It’s too bad Moilili Field across the street is not connected to the Park.

    Only used by homeless and drug dealers in the park

  56. wait a minute February 28, 2013 11:02 am

    Has UH ever done anything for Larry Ellison or Steve Case?

  57. jm2375 February 28, 2013 11:02 am

    Please tell me UH doesn’t have a contract with Adidas, cuz these are U-G-L-Y.–ncaab.html

  58. Kevin February 28, 2013 11:16 am

    Men’s basketball has a deal with Addidas.

  59. mikey February 28, 2013 11:18 am

    Maybe we should ask the Legis to build in hotel use fund; to tax UH travel subsidy fund or any athletic function Use Tax to build new UH Stadium. Hotels collect the taxes for future Stadium improvements or hopefully a New one.

    Hotels and Airlines are making tons of profit now. Even the Honolulu Airport needs Capital Improvement Fund. Our airport is the pits compared to other international airports.

    LV and other distinations hotels car rentals and airport charges high tariff % we don’t complain about. we just pay!

  60. gobows February 28, 2013 11:31 am


    i was wondering why i seen students wearing tie-dyed H logo shirts with adidas on the back.

  61. ALLAN February 28, 2013 11:32 am








  62. LizKauai February 28, 2013 11:32 am

    Happy lunchowah!

  63. graham February 28, 2013 11:44 am

    I do not think Coach Price is much of a recruiter which is disappointed and also I am not jumping up and down over getting UTEP old offensive coordinator. His dad was head coach and good friends with coach chow so I skeptical about this

  64. Bowwar February 28, 2013 11:46 am

    If you’re like me, I’m tired of hearing “why we can’t” build an “on-campus” football stadium…It’s the same mentality that was expressed when the Stan Sheriff Center was built, but it took innovative legislators and a visionary like Stan Sheriff to see it through. Likewise, I don’t think we should pay UH athletic administrators and Manoa Administrators to come up with “why we can’t”…Rather, we pay our administrators and legislators for coming up with ways of “how we can”…

    We need to act now if we ever plan on being part of the Super Conferences that will be developed in the next few years.

  65. Old School Dave February 28, 2013 11:54 am

    Bowwar: I remember when the SSC was first proposed and the people at the State Capital said that a 4,000 seat arena was good enough for UH. Stan Sheriff went down there and set them straight. I think he was asking for a 15,000 seat arena, but they settled on a little over 10,000. Typical “manini kine,” “no can” thinking.

  66. A-House February 28, 2013 12:00 pm

    Is there really a similarity or discourse on LV casinos chipping in to build a new stadium for UNLV?

    Yes, the casinos and multiple businesses could make up their contribution and more in years to come from the millions upon millions of visitors who visit every year – like our taxi driver said – LV has more taxi cabs than any big city in the USA – why?- because 2012 saw over 32,000,000 visitors from out of state. But, the unanswered question is are the visitors really coming to a UNLV football game?

    Heck, the last 4 times UH played at Boyd Stadium, it was filled with nearly 40% of fans from or with Hawaii ties. Only other time UNLV “sells out” Boyd Stadium and nobody knows why is when Wisconsin visits for a game. Otherwise, they are luck to get 15,000 fans in the seats.

    Hawaii, conversely, is lucky to reach 8 million visitors a year and most of the Japanese tourists do not come for a UH football game! So, why would the hotel industry help foot the bill for a new on-campus stadium?

    Wonder how badly the Hawaii Legislature would go bonkers if the idea of an on-campus stadium is floated? Afterall, Aloha Stadium was built for UH football and UH receives bits of scraps of all the $$$ generated by a game be it % from consessions or ads or parking fee, etc. Take away UH games and what do you get? da swap meat!!!!!!!!!!

    Heck, build the on-campus stadium with 40,000 regular seats plus 5-6,000 seats in luxury suites using the land makai of Ching Field, Murakami Stadium, and SSC – purchase all the land makai of H-1 Frwy from Unviersity Ave to King St and up to the Humane Society.

    A major portion of the stadium would be over H-1 with huge steps on the mauka and makai sides for fans and utilizing the 1st level for restricted parking for buses, emergency vehicles, delivery vehicles, etc. Also, build multiple, multi-level parking structures along King St with entrance/exit from H-1 or King St or University Ave.

    Stadium will have multiple restaurants, from delis to top of the line, with students doing their “clinical” type work in culinary or finance or TIM or whatevers. Restaurants would be open to the public year round and NO C&C of Honolulu restrictions on use of the facility that now exists for SSC.

    and the kicker, it would be a “dome” stadium

  67. Bowwar February 28, 2013 12:13 pm

    65: Yep…I remember that & I believe the legislator who opposed the larger arena was Ushijima. However, I think he recanted his opinion when we were having crowds of 10,000 for mens volleyball…Sheriff was shrewd in knowing that he would get 10,000 seats by asking for 20,000. The good thing is that SSC is capable of expansion should we ever need to. Amongst the biggest oppositions was legislative naysayers who questioned if the SSC will take away from use of the Blaisdell Center…and it still exists in part today. However, both facilities are doing well and it required people to think about how they can make both facilities work…

    Similarly, there are alot of SOH folks opposing an “on-campus” stadium because it will effect the “status quo” (e.g. stadium authority & Aloha stadium). The bottom-line is if the UH wants to be autonomous and accountable for its future, it needs to have its own facilities and not having to pay for use of State facilities. (i.e. Aloha stadium) I believe if given the opportunity, private investors would be interested in an “on-campus” stadium and provide funding. The trick is building it to last (e.g. concrete bowl w/bench seating) like many mainland colleges with corporate luxury boxes. We don’t need an Aloha Stadium type of facility…In fact, we could expand Ching Stadium/field and still have a workable campus facilitiy…I’m not saying that’s what we want, but it is an option.

    Yes, the “naysayers” are the majority and they’re just keeping up the “status quo.” That’s why nothing changes and UH will be left as an Independent scrounging for games after the Super Conferences are developed…

    If you don’t like that picture, then its time to change it.

  68. iwonderwhytheyhateme February 28, 2013 12:17 pm

    Tell the LV lobbyist here that if they build our stadium, we don’t legalize gambling here for 20 years.


  69. Old School Dave February 28, 2013 12:24 pm

    Is Klum Gym to become the next Waikiki Natatorium?

  70. Old School Dave February 28, 2013 12:30 pm

    Bowwar: I agree. You can construct coaches offices, locker rooms, training rooms, a weight room under a concrete stadium. No more “the rust makes the steel stronger” type of stadiums.

  71. gobows February 28, 2013 12:46 pm

    Q: who needs parking for an on-campus stadium?

    A: not the fans of Alabama.

    There are only two approaches to Bryant-Denny Stadium, they are from the east and from the west. The Black Warrior River borders the north end of the campus and there is little or no parking available if you approach from the south. Since Bryant-Denny was built on campus in 1929 there is very little room for parking near the stadium today. The city of Tuscaloosa does a good job with traffic and they keep things moving by making all the access roads one way coming in prior to the game and then one way going out after the game is over. Most of the parking lots closer to the stadium are reserved for people with parking passes and VIPs. The University has put a lot of work and effort into trying to improve game day parking and traffic, but there is only so much you can do when you are trying to squeeze 102,000 people into a town the size of Tuscaloosa.

  72. SteveM February 28, 2013 1:18 pm

    When I last visited my sister on Mercer Island, WA, we went to a wedding shower at the Park on the Lid, Southeast 22nd Street, Mercer Island, WA. This lengthy park runs over the I-90 tunnels. The section we were at had two huge baseball fields and a long walk to the pavillion area.

    It was only on the return drive home that I noticed the park was a huge concrete slab supported by pillars (like Nimitz viaduct). Then I realized the park had grass fields but no trees except on the hill sides.

    Now… imagine such a structure running between Dole Street and the existing freeway. Same height as Dole street and the law school. It would go over all the existing facilities (parking garage, SSC, Ching field, RWSS, and the Les. Bad news is that no sunshine down there–good news is that all the playing fields are now covered. 🙂

    The stadium could be built on top of the lid, with plenty of room for landscaping. parking, and new off/on ramps to the existing freeway.

    Well…some out of the box thinking here using just the existing quarry land.

  73. Annoddah Dave February 28, 2013 1:28 pm

    ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs:

    All this talk of fund raising and construction will definitely generate more “contract hire studies of feasibility”. Can you see it? All these great ideas will be bashed by the studies and relegated to building a new campus on Molokai because land is more available. Then the folks on Molokai will scream “nimby”! I like the Ala Wai Golf Course site idea. But that belongs to the City. Fort Shafter belongs to the State and ceded to the military until they declare they have no use for it. Move the headquarters and administration to Schofield where there is more space…WAIT! Forgot, Palm Circle is on the historic register, I don’t know why. Maybe Palm Circle could be the football field and build bleachers around it. Fort Shafter is also an ahapua’a so the property runs from the ridge line to the Nimitz area. I know it will never happen but fun thinking about it.

  74. wait a minute February 28, 2013 1:30 pm

    Now I understand. Ask for 40,000 seats and build 30,000 instead.

  75. Hodad February 28, 2013 1:30 pm

    #39 ten or twelve years ago I asked donovan who was Asst. AD why not build a first class practice facility with coaches offices for volleyball and basketball where Klum Gym is located. I was told that the state planned to build another parking lot on that site. Don’t know if this is still the case, but I think state gets the parking revenue not UH. Typical.

  76. Kapahulu February 28, 2013 1:31 pm

    Two years ago we attended the UH vs Washington Huskies Football Game in Washington.

    They also had changed the traffic patterns for one way traffic leading into and out of the Stadium. With traffic cops at key intersections, traffic moved pretty well.

    We also went to the UH vs Alabama Game Football Game in Tuscaloosa a few years ago with Colt Brennan and Company. At that time the Stadium was just enlarged to 92,138.

    We had 2,000 UH Fans and about 90,000 Alabama Fans. Lots of RV Parking but not much else. People were charging to park on their lawns and driveways. Somehow people found a way to get parking. Kind of like the Old Honolulu Stadium (Termite Palace).

    By the way, the Rail was supposed to go all the way to UH Manoa. They scaled it back to Ala Moana Shopping Center to cut costs. The thinking was that once everyone got to like it, they would be pressing for it to go to UH Manoa also.

    For Rail to really be a success, is just like Real Estate (Location, Location, Location).

    Ask the people driving in from the West Side of Oahu every morning, when UH is not in session the traffic is almost cut in half. For Rail to be a success, it should link UH West Oahu, Pearlridge Center, Aloha Stadium, Pearl Harbor and Hickam, Honolulu Airport, Honolulu Community College, Downtown Business District, Ala Moana Shopping Center and to really be a success, the University of Hawii at Manoa.

  77. Hodad February 28, 2013 1:37 pm

    #73 – Ala Wai Golf Course land belongs to the state. It was the site of the old Territorial Fairgrounds. The city operates the course under an executive order (just like the Natatorium). I have read the actual order and it says the site MUST be used as a golf course. Now, the state could take it back and a new executive order issued.

  78. Annoddah Dave February 28, 2013 1:41 pm

    @#77 Hodad: Thanks…This makes the site even more interesting!

  79. Gabriele Pierro February 28, 2013 1:50 pm

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  80. Moocher February 28, 2013 1:50 pm

    Ideas that will not happen…..

    take KCC, build a stadium there and keep the culinary school there to make/sell food. Keep the “paramedic and nursing schools” there too.

    other classes can be shifted to HCC or WCC or even online

    Imagine the view from a stadium at the KCC campus and it’s still close to the main campus. The reality is it is a community college so online courses should not be shunned upon especially if the goal is to get to UH…a brick and mortar school.

    Heck, imagine how much UH would save if the whole community college system (or at least what is possible) went online and graduates then went on to the main campus.

    …anyways, i did start off by saying “ideas that will not happen”


  81. Buffoman February 28, 2013 2:04 pm

    Cannot build anything at ala Wwi Vf. Pretty soon going be under water. Yep, rising ocean level will give the course new water hazards.

  82. Bigislandkurt February 28, 2013 2:05 pm

    I’m sorry to my Hilo landmark establishment, but the quality of food has went downhill at Kens. If you go, stick to the old faithfuls — ox tail soup, Aunty Lana’s special.

    When it comes to pancakes, Kuhio Grille in Hilo makes the best. Hands down. Kens, Ihop, Hawaiian Style Cafe….no can compete. Kuhio grille pancakes do not come from the box.

    Jimmy’s on Kino’ole still got the lock down on the Ozen special.


  83. Buffoman February 28, 2013 2:05 pm

    Sorry, kindle making wrong corrections. “Wai “. Golf course.

  84. Bigislandkurt February 28, 2013 2:06 pm

    hearing that Coach Wiessy may be running into some personality battles with the RB’s does not surprise me. But all is rumor until proven otherwise.


  85. gobows February 28, 2013 2:09 pm

    #72 SM

    i don’t know if that’s possible, not an engineer, but i think a stadium would need to be anchored in the ground. and you mentioned parks in WA, was there any large size buildings in the park?

    i don’t know about putting a small town (stadium) on cement pillars.

  86. gobows February 28, 2013 2:11 pm


    you mean Iolani going get 1 biggah pool?

  87. koakane ip6 February 28, 2013 2:31 pm

  88. TChahng February 28, 2013 3:01 pm

    What the heck are “Parenges?”

  89. mikey February 28, 2013 3:01 pm

    Heck use the Ala Wai Golf Course to build Warrior Field Hale!

    We go enough golf course in Hawaii

  90. J-FORCE February 28, 2013 3:03 pm

    Howzit st, who’s the other te besides josh long. Go Warriors!!

  91. mikey February 28, 2013 3:07 pm

    It’s French Bienvenue sur le site de Parenge

    Who cares?

  92. koakane ip5 February 28, 2013 3:11 pm

    well wonder what all the commenters will be blasting out regarding the warrior baseballers. currently taken getting booty whipped 7-0

  93. koakane ip5 February 28, 2013 3:16 pm

    oh update now 9 zip

  94. koakane ip5 February 28, 2013 3:18 pm

  95. SteveM February 28, 2013 3:39 pm

    Re: #85

    gobows — good point. Maybe the major pillars for the stadium could go through the lid and into the ground independently. Aside from the stadium weight, people do not weigh that much as compared to cars and buildings. One SUV weighs as much as 20+ people (or 12 Tsai-kos).

    Stadium at the Ala Wai is interesting too. Fans can use water taxis or small ferries to the stadium–boarding at the convention center (more parking there), McCully bridge, Ala Moana, etc.. Also, the rail is going to Ala Moana Center. Yup, gotta think water taxi. Hmmm, maybe I’ll un-retire. 🙄

  96. hightide February 28, 2013 4:01 pm

    Turn the baseball field into a stadium and turn The old Honolulu Stadium site into a baseball stadium. Have parking at above the campus below Safeway and have shuttles buses picking people up.

  97. Stephen Tsai February 28, 2013 4:28 pm

    Darn stomach virus knows you out.

    I just emerged from a 3-hour nap.

    Is it a nap if it exceeds an hour?

  98. Stephen Tsai February 28, 2013 4:32 pm

    I think it was Mike McCartney who opposed the 10,000-seat arena.

    Not to worry, nobody showed I-told-you-so restraint.

    I think McCartney eventually admitted to his mistake.

  99. Stephen Tsai February 28, 2013 4:34 pm

    No. 37

    People love the “new” Klum.

    The floor was redone so it’s much nicer than it used to be.

    There are no bleachers … oh, wait, there are those cute portable bleachers.

  100. wafan February 28, 2013 4:43 pm


  101. kapakahi February 28, 2013 4:45 pm

    Aloha to Corey Paclebar!

  102. laulauhead February 28, 2013 4:53 pm

    Rest up ST…you working too hard

  103. SteveM February 28, 2013 5:02 pm

    Stomache virus and 3 hour nap. 😯

    I won’t ask what woke you up, but the situation really depends…

  104. Ralph February 28, 2013 5:03 pm

    Mike McCartney as in Hawaii Tourism Bureau..wasn’t he head of the Hawaii democratic party before Dante Carpenter’s reign?

  105. kapakahi February 28, 2013 5:12 pm

    #25, #28, #32 & #84,

    Not just an adjustment for the RBs……definitely an adjustment for the OL boys too.

    Naeole’s first meeting with the OL unit his first week on the job went kinda nutz. Definitely left a strong first impression on the OL players for sure.

    Definitely more so an adjustment period for the returning OL boys from now through Fall Camp……to get used to Naeole’s aggressive style of coaching……especially since he’ll be the 3rd different OL coach in 3 straight years for most of the returning OL players. Only time will tell how effective the aggressive style of coaching & teaching will be for the OL players.

    BTW this off-season workout regiment has been absolutely brutal……the toughest its ever been……more so than anything experienced last year…..with endless running drills. Too bad that Ikei not among the likely candidates for the new full-time S/C coach position……since he’s apparently not in Coach’s phonebook or on his speed dial.

  106. gobows February 28, 2013 5:20 pm


    if that was from the “rant”, a kssk caller said the paper misspelled it and it’s the samoan version of haole.

  107. Great paintings! That is the type of information that are meant to be shared around the web. Disgrace on the search engines for not positioning this submit higher! Come on over and seek advice from my web site . Thanks =)

  108. ai-eee-soos February 28, 2013 5:32 pm

    Rolovich didn’t get a raise – if this is correct …

    Nevada: According to the Reno Gazette-Journal, salaries are as follows: Scottie Hazleton ($157,468), Jim Hofher ($131,225), Jeff Genyk ($131,225), Ron Hudson ($131,225), Ricky Thomas ($104,979), Bill Teerlinch ($104,979), Mike Bradeson ($150,974), Nick Rolovich ($125,975), James Spady ($89,231), David Fox ($68,237), Andy Vaughn ($52,500). Each of the new assistants received 2-year deals.

  109. jm2375 (iPad) February 28, 2013 5:41 pm

    Woohoo! Catholic7 takes the Big East name, adds Butler and Xavier, and says ‘Good riddance’ to the football schools who ruined the conference.–ncaab.html

  110. ai-eee-soos February 28, 2013 5:43 pm

    … in case anyone’s interested …

    San Diego State began spring practice on Monday.

  111. wafan February 28, 2013 6:22 pm

    Another day long meeting. But this one is good!

    Figuring out student contestant numbers for the state conference.

  112. wafan February 28, 2013 6:22 pm


  113. A-joe February 28, 2013 6:27 pm

    It seems every 6 months to a year the same arguments are regurgitated for an on campus stadium. The old school Tsaikos solved this back in ’08. And not just through talk here but actually going down to the state capitol and lobbying the legislature and discussing the issues.

    Physically, there is room to build a 50,000 seat stadium in both UH and the Ala Wai. (In ’08 we created satellite pics with existing stadiums dropped into each location. Jason has those links) But in either location a stadium will never be built simply on the facts of location and traffic. Both communities will never allow it. Even if they did traffic will be a logistical nightmare.

    Halawa still remains the best location. It’s centrally located for the entire island. Freeways come in and out from all major sections of the island. The one suggestion given by Jim Donovan on traffic improvement that’s floating in the legislature is to build an on/off ramp from H-1 that goes directly into the stadium parking lot.

    The problem with the stadium is generating revenue. Currently there’s only 6 UH football home games. Add another 156 days of the swap meet, another 20 days of high school football and miscellaneous events and you’re still left with roughly 183 days of dead time. Nothing going on. To combat this we suggested building City, State and Federal satellite offices into the facility. Allow restaurants and retail businesses to set up shop onsite. Jim Donovan had a suggestion to tear down the north endzone and build a 10 story office building with offices facing Ewa and premium box seating facing into the stadium. Each office will have the option to use the seating for themselves or rent it out.

    Vast cost cutting can be done to the current stadium to save money. Every year, the state allocates 17 million to maintain the stadium structure and it’s grounds. 10 million alone goes to maintain the roofing over the yellow section. Donovan suggested to remove that roof and instantly save all that cash. Michigan, Alabama, USC, UCLA, LSU, Michigan State, Notre Dame, Florida, Florida State all maintained successful programs without rooftops over their stadiums.

  114. WarriorNY February 28, 2013 6:51 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I know this is completely off topic but I want to bring about a point.

    I have a friend (One of the kindest people I have ever met) is now facing 20 years in prison for DUI/murder…

    Please, everyone, if you are going to drink… GET A DESIGNATED DRIVER!

    My heart breaks for my friend but she made a wrong decision that she has to deal with the rest of her life…

    I bring this up because of the series of DUI’s we had at UH last year…

  115. Old School Dave February 28, 2013 6:58 pm

    Harder, more intense off-season strength and conditioning drills are good. I hope that they players are getting their nutritional needs met for recovery and rebuilding of muscle tissue.

    How about an athletic dining center headed by a full-time sports nutritionist, staffed by KCC culinary arts students? The students can earn credit by working there. Such a facility could also be made available to the general public to generate additional revenue. UH can also get into the banquet business if they had a suitable facility for such functions on-campus.

  116. jm2375 (iPad) February 28, 2013 7:36 pm

    OSD – #115 – sounds great, but gotta check Sodexho’s contract and the KCC students already run 3 dining spots on their campus plus one at JABSOM. I’ve always thought that UH could add a sports nutrition rotation to the nutrition grad program for future Registered Dieticians. There’s a smaller culinary program at LCC, but it may be too far for the students.

  117. jm2375 (iPad) February 28, 2013 7:46 pm

    Oops. Nutrition dept has a sports and wellness track as part of their undergrad program.

  118. TChahng February 28, 2013 8:41 pm


    Definitely from the “rant.” I thought the Rep. from the B.I. was channeling de Lima. Ha!

  119. 3-Prong February 28, 2013 8:46 pm

    Alright Basket-Warriors!…….just doesn’t have the same ring does it! See, you shoudn’t have changed the name Ben!!!! Hehe

    Congratulations Bows!!!

  120. Pupukea February 28, 2013 9:03 pm

    Spring calling will be anyone’s call. When the clock strikes gameday, we all know who will be officially calling plays. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out, heller.

  121. Haleakala February 28, 2013 9:06 pm

    WarriorNY: That is a great reminder. One little slip up can ruin lives.

    Do Not Drink and Drive!

  122. Old School Dave February 28, 2013 9:07 pm

    Here’s clip about Florida State’s sport nutrition training table. Those Seminole players do eat well, but initially, they did resist the healthy changes to their diet.

  123. jm2375 (iPad) February 28, 2013 9:49 pm

    Off-topic, but still one of the 5 F’s.

    It’s Girl Scout Cookie Time! Booth sales start tomorrow and run through the 24th. Buy a few boxes for yourself and a few for US troops stationed overseas. Proceeds benefit both the local Council and the individual troops. Each troop determines how they will use their earnings. Many will donate a portion to another worthwhile charity and/or use it to do a service project.

  124. d1shima February 28, 2013 10:33 pm

    Along the lines of facility development and such, did anyone else catch what the ‘bama S/C Coach said about constructing that 37,000 sq.ft. “Jock Rock” Palace?

    It was completed in five months! That’s right folks. Last football season it wasn’t there and now it’s open before spring ball…

  125. d1shima February 28, 2013 10:34 pm


    Terrific win for the BasketBows! Great job!

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  127. games March 1, 2013 2:04 am

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  128. wafan March 1, 2013 2:56 am

    Happy Aloha Friday!

  129. wafan March 1, 2013 2:59 am

    Bravo BasketBows!

  130. wafan March 1, 2013 3:00 am

    AJoe . . .

    Yes, same old, same old but much more detail in the past.

  131. Glen Trapper March 1, 2013 3:21 am

    Don’t forget that there are other groups of persons that need to stay together, for example, my son is a young adult with special needs. He needs supervision more than some young children. And what about elderly parents with altzheimers? On our last flight, there was an elderly gentleman who seemed fine but had a travelling companion to assist. This issue should not be considered just for young children. Otherwise, all kinds of persons with good reasons for sitting together would get separated. I agree with others who think that parents should plan adhead and pay if necessary to reserve seats together. In an emergency, people will just have to give. It seems obvious that a young child can’t be left without atleast one “helper”. But I would be really concerned if someone forced me and my son to sit apart to accomodate a family group. Apart from my worry, he would probably disturb others, who would get annoyed. This could agitate him and cause behavior problems. If I can plan ahead and reserve seats, so can other parents.

  132. 好文章,转载了

  133. mo808 March 1, 2013 5:18 am

    Happy Friday Folks!

  134. mo808 March 1, 2013 5:19 am

    Great photos from practice! Go Warriors!

  135. whitey March 1, 2013 6:30 am

    twenty more days till spring, yeah!!!!!

  136. Buffoman March 1, 2013 6:40 am

    If UH and the State had all the money to do it, this is how I envision a UH stadium complex.

    First, buy out the businesses on the block where the old Honolulu stadium sits such that the space to build would include Bowl-O-Drome, that back area and the block from the back entrance to the current park to King Street. Also, take over the little used McCully Library.

    Build dorms with parking on the lower levels and dorms on the top in the Bowl-o-Drome area and the back toward the Ewa side. That would serve as buffers to residents who may complain about noise. Build the stadium where Honolulu Stadium was only build it to hold 40k and in almost the same configuration as the old stadium. In the area where the businesses now sit build a commercial area the butts up to the back of the stadium such that people entering or exiting the stadium could use a concourse as an alternative taking advantage of the retail spaces (eateries, Rainbowtique, etc.. all with proceeds that would go to support the UH facility. Change the road configuration such that the existing library would be razed and the (Waikiki-Mauka) street would be reconfigured to butt up against the existing McDonalds. The street and part of the old library would be used to also erect parking and dorms.

    During the day, the parking could generate revenue by chopping up spaces for monthly park & ride, UH faculty parking, student parking, etc., the rest could be for the retail outlets.

    Finally, to make use of the stadium have some to book concerts, events like the State Fair, Winter Baseball, etc., to create an income stream.

    With the dorms right there, I believe there would be almost no problem getting a filled student section. You’d have a lot of parking but no tailgating (a sacrifice), but the eateries and bars in the complex would be happy.

    This will never happen, but I believe it could probably an alternative if there was a ton of money to do it.

  137. Last Call March 1, 2013 6:40 am

    Wahine Vb needs more than a trophy case for their hardware I’m thinking warehouse.

  138. Fred Cliff March 1, 2013 6:49 am

    Spot on with this write-up, I absolutely believe that this web site needs much more attention. I’ll probably be returning to see more, thanks for the advice!

  139. Tanman March 1, 2013 7:00 am

    Aaron Price’s dad Mike Price coached at Weber State, then Washington State. He had Drew Bledsoe and Ryan Leaf there. Then, he was hired by Alabama but got drank and got into troubles at a strip club and got fired before coaching a game for the Tides. A year later, he went to UTEP, had great success the first two years and then went down hill. Aaron is supposed to be pretty good. Well, for UH’s future, let’s hope that he is good!

  140. Inyoface March 1, 2013 7:07 am

    I believe he also coached Gesser.

  141. Old School Dave March 1, 2013 7:18 am

    There are two types of coaches; those who have been fired and those who will be fired. You’re not really a coach unless you’ve been there.

    I think Coach Price will do well at UH. He is someone who really wants to be here.

  142. gobows March 1, 2013 7:42 am


    how about a Dave Shoji Shrine

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