Breathtaking experience
If you’re a reporter, you always try to avoid Skippa Diaz.
Diaz, the former Farrington High coach, is a great guy. He’s funny, and he always had great observations. Thing is, he has a killer handshake.
He used to attend UH football games regularly, and when I would see him, I would get that same feeling I used to get at Roosevelt when Baba (“Would You LIke to Donate to My Christmas Fund”) Puha would approach.
After a while, I used to make Diaz shake my left (non-writing) hand.
Which is why I’m grateful for the popularity of the knuckle bump.
All of this is a round-about way of saying that punter Tim Grasso’s father is in town. Mark Grasso also is a great guy. Smart, funny and he looks like he’s 25. But he’s a hugger, and he hugs as if you’re choking on a fish bone. He gave me the accordion hug yesterday. He even Heimlich’d Robert Kekaula. Twice. As Dan Jenkins once wrote, you don’t get a greeting like that without exchanging jewelry.
So if you see Grasso’s dad, give him the knuckle bump.
* * *
Meanwhile, Tim Grasso, who was raised in Utah, is enjoying Hawai‘i. Last week, he bought a car.
“It definitely makes me appreciate the island more,” he said. “My life doesn’t consist of the locker room to school to my door. It expanded.”
He already has been to Maunawili Falls — the A-House’s neighborhood — and Sandy’s twice.
* * *
Here’s former UH offensive lineman Mark Nua:
And here’s Nua next to 6-foot-3 Robert Kekaula:
* * *
Erik “E-Rob” Robinson is hopeful of playing this weekend. He has been bothered by a hamstring injury:
* * *
And here’s defensive tackle Tuika Tufaga showing off his entry in the gun show:
Happy Shopping everyone….no sleep for those who are trying to save money today….which started yesterday and through the night sleeping on the sidewalk. No shake in any part of my body…time to sleep.
Top 5?
Top Ten, baby!
Morning all Turkey Day survivors.
Go Warriors!
Mei Ling: check your email re: volleyball
Just back from doing routine lab tests, no waiting in line after Thanksgiving–standard question–“You’ve fasted for twelve hours?” 🙂
My driving around consists of various parks and the gym. I should get out more often.
We went to Longs to buy two jars of jam (pineapple/papaya, mango/pineapple) for $1.19…we parked right in front of the store and had no lines to buy our things. That was my Black Friday experience…
Article about the WAC’s potential bowl teams and how Nevada will decline to go to a bowl if they lose to La Tech.
Article mentions Bess starting.
Bess’ Offensive Coordinator talks about Bess in this article.
top 10 yay!
Did I miss Thanksgiving again?!
Article about a former UH football player.
top 15 (6x)
Be careful and stay safe on this Black Friday. A Wal-mart worker in New York died after being trampled over by frenetic shoppers.
I’m sure that Tim Grasso is happy that his father is visiting! I hope that Mark Grasso enjoys watching his son play tomorrow…hopefully he sees Tim holding for a lot of kicks.
It is great that Tim has a car now…the college experience is very different with a car! This way he can explore Oahu.
Mark Nua is now an actor. I don’t think he does “bit” parts, though.
Garret and JM#### – your Black Friday shopping experiences are so funny, yet simple. Good job at battling those lines!
Got to pack now…look forward to posting from San Diego late tonight.
Have a safe trip back, Garret and family!
Well, I guess it’s time to go and see if that camcorder I wanted to get for my church is still available at Best Buy. I would have gone earlier, but I’m battling this nasty cold (after just getting over a milder one not too long ago). Hope I’m good to go tomorrow …
Happy thanksgiving to everyone again! Hopefully nobody went crazy with the shopping. (Hopefully I don’t go crazy with the shopping …)
top 20
Top 25 on the day after Thanksgiving.
That’s something a lot of football teams would be proud of…. 🙂
Safe trip back to the mainland.
Hopefully it won’t be too long before we see you again!
Pitt may not be in the Top 25 three days after Thanksgiving if WVU can hang on to the ball….
Top 25!
jojo – I have to park at Wal-Mart Keeaumoku because parking in the building where I work across the street has a waiting list that is years (8) long! So, this morning I had to go around the block, up to the 3rd floor and then back down to the 2nd floor where I’m supposed to park. Wal-Mart had closed off half the entrances to the parking lot. Haven’t even attempted to go in there yet, just went to Starbucks for a venti kope. Will go to Sam’s before I go home this afternoon to get a few things that I usually get.
Dang too bad Mark Nua doesn’t have any more years of eligibility left.
Repost from yesterday
Good morning fellow Tsai-kos hope all of you had a great day yesterday.
As some of you know awhile back I started a project called “University of Hawaii Sports History” it was intended to cover the history of all of the sport programs of the university from the beginning to now. Well during the last blog strike I kind of got distracted, but now I am back at work on the project. I have long thought that there should be a website that you could go to an find out information on all the previous sports program of UH, sad to say there wasn’t any, there are a few sites that have bits and pieces but none that covers all the teams.
This is a huge undertaking that will more than likely never get completely done, but at least it’s a beginning.
There are two major disadvantages in doing this project, first being here in West Virginia and two being on dial-up (the dial-up is the worst), I have created two site’s the first is the actual history website and the other is a forum where I hope to gather any information that others may want to share about past teams and athletes. I am also working on a “Where are they Now page” for all of the athletes who played for the University.
I will be reposting this comment every few days so that all on the blog members will see it (that is if ST doesn’t mind?) and possibly share what ever they know.
Right now I have been working on the football team of 1978 and the Wahine Volleyball team of 1976.
Just click on my name to get to the site!
I haven’t heard from Kazz yet about the food for tomorrow’s Tsaiko-Gate. I guess we were distracted with Thanksgiving on our minds and don’t really want to think of food yet.
Be sure to let Kazz know about TOMORROW, and at this late date, maybe post it on the blog.
Kazz: tsaikotailgate (at)
Wow! Mahalo Tsai! I always wondered what happened to Mark Nua. I remember when he came, he was the “giant” from Aotearoa. He had size that folks in college football were never quite used to. Fast forward many years and we now find that in today’s college football, Mark Nua would have been one of the regulars on many team’s offensive lines.
Recruiting news is coming. Share it when you get it. 🙂
Nua was Hawaii’s answer to the mammoth OL that New Mexico used to have back then.
[…] Smart, funny and he looks like he’s 25. But he’s a hugger, and he hugs as if you’re choking on a fish bone. Read more […]
morning again tsaiko country. 8) kope really good today.
know everyone had a supa thanksgiving based on what I have read so far. 😆
ditto steveM note about letting kazz know about what your bringing. mahalo
let’s make sat game a loud one so dem warriors will be pumped up by 😈 katooshing and kranging the cougars. so come out and shout, shout, knock you self out, come on and scream, scream know what I mean every one cheer for da WARRIORS whoootaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Hey Tsaikos! Mahalo for all the cool Thanksgiving well wishes yesterday. We spent it in Wahiawa with Shelton’s family and then Mokuleia with my family. We plan on making the TGate tomorrow. This is an important game. The players are psyched up (or should i say Tsaiked up!?).
Hope everyone enjoys their Friday. We are watching Aulani in a Thanksgiving tournament (Soccer) all weekend at Waipio. She is a rugged soccer player. She plays for Leahi 98. Don’t let her cute smile fool you. She is often called upon to be the ‘enforcer’ on the field, and does it with gusto. Will keep you all posted on their status this weekend.
stsai was the oddah huge guy next to Nua yesterday his son or relative thinking about attending the UH next year? He was just as xlarge as him.
ST – agree w/you re Skippa’s handshake. Used to work with him during the Harris Administration. He was very intimidating but a gentle giant.
On the way out of the door, this article showed up. Looks like Missouri is going to try to buy their way out of their 2010 game at SMU…that would free up a spot in SMU’s schedule and go with ST’s report that SMU might visit UH in 2010.
It is interesting to me that Missouri is doing so many big-$$$ neutral site games that they cannot play a true nonconference road game.
Hanamaulu chicken, inarisushi, blueberry mochi.
Waiting in the vehicle line to board my ka’wela onto the SF. Beautiful day in Maui. Should be a smooth cruise back.
Just had breakfast with Duffer & Whitey. They gave me a box of kk donuts to help me float back to Oahu.
Top forty – no prize?
Busy reformatting my computer with some weird things going on in the system. Four hours already and counting…
bwaaahahaha!!..Mark Nua=bit parts…..probably not, but bettcha it takes a couple 2-3 frames to get a complete Mark Nua.
Mark Nua an actor? I always wanted to say this…. “No act…brah”
Kekoa – if you leave me a couple of those Krispy Kremes, I’ll disable the alarm system just for you. (But the homey-specific alarm, I’ll leave on 😀 )
I must be one of the few who understood your reference to “Baba’s Christmas fund”. He was kind of a legend. Wonder whatever happened to that guy.
what a difference 8 months make………………
here’s the “starting point” from spring practice with tomw’s projected starters in bold.
Starting point of spring
March 29th, 2008 by Stephen Tsai
Greg McMackin does not call it a depth chart. Instead, he refers to it as starting points. So entering spring practice, here are the guys who will open on the first team.
Left wideout — Greg Salas.
Left slotback — Michael Washington.
Left tackle — Ray Hisatake Aaron Kia
Left guard — Keith AhSoon. Bryson Ginlack/Letuli Laupepa/Ah Soon
Center — John Estes.
Right guard — Clarence “Lafu” Tuioti-Mariner
Right tackle — Keoni Steinhoff.
Right slotback — Aaron Bain.
Right wideout — Malcolm Lane.
Quarterback — Inoke Funaki. Greg Alexander
Running back — Daniel Libre/Leon Wright-Jackson. Daniel Libre/Leon Wright-Jackson/Dave Farmer
Defensive left end — David Veikune.
Defensive left tackle — Josh Leonard (Fale Laeli is recovering from knee surgery).
Defensive right tackle — Keala Watson.
Defensive right end — John Fonoti.
Strong-side linebacker — Blaze Soares. Brashton Satele(?)
Middle linebacker — Solomon Elimimian.
Weak-side linebacker — Adam Leonard.
Left cornerback — Ryan Mouton. Calvin Roberts
Strong safety — Keao Monteilh (Erik Robinson is recovering from shoulder surgery). Keao Monteilh (Erik Robinson is recovering from a pulled hamstring).
Free safety — Desmond Thomas.
Right cornerback — JoPierre Davis. Jameel Dowling
reformating your computer? WHY?
Aloha Gangeez!
Behold the impossible, my fellow Tsaikos, as I use the name “Robert Kekaula” and “dainty” in the same sentence.
Robert Kekaula looks positively dainty next to “Mountain Man” Mark Nua.
There. That’s “Robert Kekaula” and the word “dainty” in the same sentence. Three times, actually. 😆 😆 😆
Isn’t it an oxymoron of some kind to say that Mark Nua plays “bit” parts?
Morning to our Tsaiko ohana. Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Happy Black Friday to all.
Great way to start the morning by sharing fuud with Kekoa, his friend, and Duffer. I think Kekoa will have a great ride home and the SF no going rock and roll cause he get plenty fuud in his storage (body) from Thanksgiving.
Ok, it has begun. The snow is falling here in Spokane, WA. I guess that means winter has officially begun, even though the low temps have been below freezing at night.
OK, what I could not show was the very large human being who was on the side of Kekaula. Nua brought him on an unofficial visit. Huge guy,but slimmer than Nua and Kekaula.
UTEP is now ineligible for the Hawai‘i Bowl.
Betty still sick so I’m making some corn chowder (inspired by Juliette last week) for after the game and my ole reliable shoyu chicken (if I can defrost the chicken in time).
so are you telling us that the guy who is next to mark nua though not captured in the photo is a recruit with new zealand origins?
no relationship to the ex-waianae ot who went to the mainland for some jc seasoning, right.
Just got a feeling that the T-gate tomorrow is gonna rock! Wow! blueberry mochi on top of all the udda good stuff. I’m there early…count on it!
bg… can defrost stuff in the microwave you know.
If still get Cincy tix, please call me.
i hope the stadium tops 40k tomw.
i hope d1 brings his binocs so he can see who the recruits are.
We’re saving electricity…was thinking of spreading the thighs (from the chickens…no get x-rated!) on the black asphalt. Watcha tink?
FYI, I’m bringing brownies.
Okay, back to watching Akeelah and the Bee on Lifetime. It’s actually a pretty good movie! 😀
So, good neighbor:
What’s the scoop on the “unseen” big guy next to Kekaula?
Dropping that tid-bit is only going to excite our ravenous appetite more and some are going to start salivating.
Additional tips such as postion, high school or JC, country of origin, height/weight, 2009 or 2010, “etc, etc, etc” would be much appreciated. Many of us are assuming that the “unseen” is from down-under since he came with Mark Nua.
OK, you can tell us if he is closer in height/weight to Nua or Kekaula.
i don’t know what the story is about gas, but we produce it here on Oahu and ship it to the mainland and distribute it here at home. that same gas sells for less than $2 a gal on the mainland and here on maui it cost $3.09 a gal. talk about getting the fickle finger of fate up your okole. i just left south dakota and gas was $1.55 a gal. ouch!!!!
whoa bg… me worried at first glance of your post.
black asphalt? why that is where they clean that frozen ahi that some stores reprocess and make poke at cheap prices. (um das why al no buy the frozen ahi poke)
Howzit gang, just awoke from the Thanksgiving comatose…couldn’t breathe after stuffing my face full of onolicious fuud! Was doing too much gobble gobble which made me wobble wobble and eventually pass out! So today is frikkin nawts, people are insane on this Black Friday!
I went to the exchange cause they had some camcorders on sale. I ask the sales chick if they had anymore of the one on sale cause never have display. She says yes, what color you want red, blue, or burgundy. I tell her blue, then she come back and tell me the blue one is different from the one on sale??? Red is the only color for the one on sale. So, I’m thinking to myself what da heo and said, WOW realleh, so why the frikk you ask me what color I like if they only have the one on sale in red??? I swear some people is D-U-M Dumb I tell you! 🙂
Jason – was your shopping adventure a $ucce$$? how were the lines/parking?
hope you feel better by tomorrow.
I think Coach Mack need to check these Under Armour shoes the boys is wearing. I swear every week somebody get foot injury or something to do with the legs. Ankle Sprains, Hamstring, Arch Sprain, what da heo? Too bad Pilares and Mouton not going play. Talk about two of the best playmakers on the team, sheesh!
I have to drop off prizes with Midori today, so I’ll show you the guy’s picture.
At least this isn’t May or June. Then I’d be showing a picture of a lot of grass.
Happy Belated Thanksgiving to all who called, texted, emailed, etc…sorry couldn’t get back to all of you was too busy eating and eating and eating and eating and eating and umm eating and eating and uh you get dah picture.
bg think I passing on dat chicken 😐 sorry to hear betty is still not up to par hope she gets better.
dat big bugga with Nua was sure imposing. sure mac was smacking his chops thinking gotta get this one. any who I hope we get’um. al I no think the coast has guys dat tall. last tall haw’n I seen was Vaughn Kauai who played at Farrington many many moons ago. think he was 6′ 7 or 8 must of made up for his other bros who where around 6′ only (Jonathan and Leighton)
had a nice chat with oline coach bsmith on walk back to da ka wheella after pau practice. he shared some of the pass blocking schemes so imho 😕
pauoa boy…..know the feeling. i recently bought a pair of pants from sears. after wearing it one time the threads started unraveling. i take it back, i have lost the receipt. the salesclerk after some conferring with a fellow associate tells me okay go and get a new one.
i come back and she is gone. a third clerk is there and tells me no can exchange without a receipt. he says if i used my sears card or another charge card they can go back 90 days to retreive the documentation. i used a giftcard which he says is untraceable. right.
company policy no receipt no exchange. i tell him sears has really gone downhill from the old days of no questions asked exchange and the sales staff was more pleasant. i tell him i guess i will stop buying from sears after all these decades. no wonder the local people prefer macy’s.
my parting shot was, i guess folks shouldn’t buy christmas gifts from sears since the receipitants can’t make exchanges.
We’ll bring lots of healthy (read low-salt) sandwiches to the T-Gate. Unfortunately, DrDoc cannot eat most picnic-style food anymore because of the high-sodium content in barbecued meats, salads & noodle dishes. As for me – I’m fine as long as there are desserts.
As mentioned earlier, he has returned to work on a part-time basis while I’m busy wrapping up my current salaried position which “disappears” at the end of December. However, I continue to work as a public policy advocate doing what I have been doing for the past decade working with half a dozen paying clients which will include my current employer come January – same job, different title – as well as taking on project manager duties & responsibilities for a major grant starting in early 2009.
Staying at home & taking it easy is not an option for me because of the bills. Our basic living expenses – rent, utilities, medical insurance & taxes – have gone up by 140% in the past ten years even though we’re still living in the same house. The only way we can afford to stay in Hawai`i is for one of us to work two jobs; since that is out for DD, that means I get to do it plus most of the household stuff.
Taking a couple of hours a couple of times a week to support UH sports is one way for me to unwind along with working out at the gym which I’ve started doing again. I enjoy being with other fans cheering on the teams.
Speaking of which: This is a big – and long – sports weekend – men’s & women’s basketball, volleyball and football from today through Monday. .
boise vs FSU on tv….senior day, boise starts a senior, throws a pick for a FSU TD…but BSU came back to tie game at 7
koakane….are you saying that you saw this dude? and you didn’t get his name, measurables, etc. what was in your beverage cup? starbucks or bl?
btw, rockne freitas was/is 6’7″.
thanks ralph…..shall i turn off my dvr now?
Aloha Afternoon!
Fish were biting a little last night. It was fun but a very long night!
ST: your post today is a hoot ❗
Al how long did it take you to pick up another pants of the same make and size…
turn it off al, the bb game prior to the fb ran overtime, you’ll miss the first 8 minutes of the first quarter. I never saw the action, only ESPN report while the bb was going on….
to be politically correct……go bows as in basketball’s rainbow warriors. go rainbow wahine as in women’s basketball.
OH an Oklahoma beat Purdue in OT in bb….
Al did you partake in black friday sales….
al, you get plenty money and can shopping at sears??? me, on limited budget, so go to ross’s or savers. (trying not to laugh) heeheehee.
Can’t believe I’m actually watching Boise St. and Fresno St. what the heo am I thinking…
al…I thought d1 used the binos to look towards the North End-Zone…near the tunnel….I know your son looks that way a lot…as do I…mwahahahahahaha
Good afternoon gang….hope all is going well for everyone…
Did Jason say Mary Anne made him brownies again???
ahouse from what I seen he looks like 6’10 around 280+. very tall and lean, his shoe size looked like some small canoe and very wide. long arms and hands like AhSoon.
james next time answer your phone. bring da charcoal from last week.
al- yikes re Sears. Thanks for the info. I like Walmart and Costco. They have great customer service.
Kekoa Ohana- safe home whether by air or sea!
Exciting recruiting news!
Welcome to Mr. Grasso! We love Tim and he is a wonderful kicker- but rather see him holding for the Iceman 😆
PB – We all long to watch BSU or FSU lose…so when they play each other, we get some satisfaction no matter what the outcome.
PB I hope you cheering for Boise…..with 2 teams in the top ten from Non BCS conferences and only one with a chance to go to a major bowl I am hoping that Abercombie brings up an anti trust suit in congress…we need a situation where the 8 bowls will look really bad picking the ACC and Big East teams with at least 2 losses and maybe a team with three losses to play in a BCS game…
Aunty Rob25,
Yups I hear you but for some reason I just can’t do it had to turn the station…
oh no ralph…..i had to hunt for my receipt and i better hurry because exhanges are only good for 90 days these days at sears.
one would think that in critical times as these merchants would make sure that the intangibles in retail sales (heck any sales) in their store are at an optimum.
i guess in my old age i am getting fussy about customer service. i did teach it in the marine corps to civilians and marines.
Wow Boise has 20 yards in penalties this drive (with only five plays).
Hi Kekoa. Got your message about that beautiful maiden on the hills of Haleakala. That husband of hers is one lucky buggah.
ralph… i am staying away from black friday crowds and thank God the boss had to work today.
whitey…. i would be broke a** too if i went on a dozen fishing, hunting, and vegas trips this year. btw, i forgot to ask the last time. what kind fishing and hunting did you do in vegas???
Eeeeuw. Smurf turf.
Ok. Gotta clean fish and make jhuk.
if a product is available at costco, I buy over there because of customer service and return policy… Walmart has a 90 day only with receipt policy…Costco has a one year policy for electronics…I returned an Ipod and a panasonic 5 speaker system 11 months after I purchased them rather than hassle with the manufacturer to repair them…
Good afternoon gangees!
koakane – Wasn’t me that was stashing beer in your cooler. Gotta be (J)J.
Don’t forget to bring your baseball gloves tomorrow. Jason, you need to borrow one?
H-Bod – Hope to see you there!
good point ralph.
(j)james……you might also see ltuh in the north end zone section.
I hope Boise State wins honestly; I hate Fresno State with a passion! Boise State regardless if they are on the chit list is a very respectable team and I give them props. Like Colt Brennan said, Boise State is the best team in the nation at making decent players…great. They play very disciplined football and are very well coached! Cannot talk down on a team that has dominated our conference since joining it, although last year’s defeat to us was sweet! They represent the WAC and have made our conference a lot more respectable in the past couple years! Fresno State can go fly a kite for all I care. I thought they were supposed to be the WAC Champs this year blah, blah, blah. Pulease get the heo outta here with dat crap! From now on as long as our Warrior Boys and Boise State are in the conference Fresno State will never be WAC Champs ever!
al see post #84
was just staring and neva think to ask questions
no kope that morning till practice was ova. thought have some with tsai and robertK but tsai was interviewing and that took hours. robert was jawing with the field maintenance guys so left and had kope with d1 back in waipio.
I wonder if there is a return policy for haircuts?
pauoa boy…..did you get my message about bradley randle committing to UNLV?
pride….haleakala? i thought your new haunt was on the windward side??
Rob25 – Do you make your own turkey stuffing or do you buy Stove Top?
Whitey most peeps go to the Dakotas to hunt pheasants, but isn’t it a bit cold for you to be hunting up north…KITV broadcast of the nebraska game showed a corn field, no snow, but everyone in the stadium watching the game wore a jacket…
What gets me is how the frikk Boise State is ranked in the Top 10 at #9 and could get shafted from a BCS Bowl Game and we ranked #12 and got a bid last year to the Sugar Bowl??? What da heo??? Can somebody explain…
okay. koakane.
so if you were standing on the slopes mauka of the field and this new zealand recruit was standing uphill from you he may have appeared to be 6’10” right? i mean bob nash could use him on the bball team.
WDoc and Dr. Doc. Good to see you back in your world again!
Re Sears. Repair service is going south too. I have service plans but after a fire on my gas cooktop last weekend resulting in melted plastic control knobs, repair service says it is not an urgent fix and it will be 3 weeks befor they can send a repairman!
#104 that’s why I want both Boise and Utah finishing undefeated, make it tough on the BCS with Abercombie yapping at their okoles…when the season is finished and before the selection process, we got to e mail abercombie to make a little wave
al I was about 3 to 5 feet away from dem. I was watching the oline drill and practice on the makai side by the ewa goal post.
Yeah I know he committed to UNLV… I was talking to his Lifting Coach the other day actually about it and told him jokingly that when UNLV plays Hawaii we will show him why he should’ve checked out the islands instead. His Coach then said I will bet money Bradley will run all over you guys…
Oh well, I hope he gets to play against us, he really is a talent to watch.
But Liz you live on Kauai, things move a little slower over there. You don’t even have the superferry…
I got the camcorder I wanted, but it was slightly eventful. Best Buy Pearlridge had people directing traffic, but it wasn’t too bad. There weren’t many workers in the cameras/camcorder area, so it took me a while to flag someone down to help me. They took down my name and what I wanted, and said it would be available for me at the checkout. I went and got another cable I needed, then went to wait in line. I must have waited for around 10 minutes. Finally, just before I was to go up to the counter, I realized — I think I’m in the wrong line. Sure enough, I wasn’t paying attention, and I was at Customer Service instead of Checkout. Whoops …
Anyways, I went to Checkout, where there was no line. But then, there was no camcorder. The cashier flagged down someone else to get the camcorder I wanted … but when he came back, I realized that I wanted the package deal (with the SD HC card and case), and not just the camcorder. I felt really bad for making him go back and get the rest of the stuff, but he was really nice. Anyways, I bought the stuff I needed, and headed home to rest. In all, that took an hour — most of my time waiting for help and standing in the wrong line. 😀
why would Tennessee want Lane Kiffen at head coach…what his dad, Monte, did in the NFL as a defensive guru doesn’t make Lane a bona fide coach, not at 2+ million
jas you betta person than me afta I saw the traffic and lines turned around and just went home. this was just a few hours ago. figured everybody done with their black friday buying but still going on heavy and strong.
Jason boy now that you have a brand new spanking camcorder you can put it to use this saturday to film the rainbow dancers and post on the WB. If you get to heated up filming and burn out the camcorder lens its okay, it is covered under warranty…
just a thought Boise supposedly has a thick play book with a fresman qb and he is doing very well and the team runs a lot of sets, motion play, etc and he is not intimidated…How come our qb can’t adjust to the system as quick, we primarily pass, whereas he has to remember passing and running plays…
homey – When I make a turkey, I make my own stuffing because I don’t like all those gizzards and things in it. Usually I make the ham and my mom and dad make the turkey. Now that they are retired…they have more time and energy to do those things.
It’s a church camcorder, Ralph, not personal.
Hello, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Caught the tail end of the last blog, seems to happen to me a lot, lol, so I just re-post my little tidbit ova hea.
My wife and I did something completely different for a change. Going off tradition, we just went to a very nice little Polish Restaurant, Pierogi’s, not far from us. The food was just great and most people around us actually spoke polish. Our waitress was from Chechoslovakia, felt like being in a foreign country, which actually added to the ambience of the place.
I’ve had the plump stuffed pork loin, pierogi dumplings and a very unusual sauerkraut side dish that was absolutely ono. Appetizer was creamed herring. The athmosphere was cozy and relaxing and had the feel of a lovely date with my wife.
The best part was no dishes or mess to clean up coming home.
O.k. now I’m ready for Cougar hunting, but like I keep saying, beware of a wounded Cougar. Let’s hope they play more like house cats.
Reading the blog, it looks like everyone had a splendid time with the 5 or 6 F’s. Have a great day everybody.
now i know why i never went out on black fridays.
we went late too. to walmat at about 730 and then best buy at 10.
the cashier lines were the worst.
Fresno State is moving backwards and shooting themselves in their own feet. Nothing changes for them!
ST great picture of Mark Nua and Robert “Tiny” Kekaula.
Now if you can get Tiny Tadani in the pic…..or maybe Homey.
OK now they are moving forward! It’s hard to get excited about either one of them, but since BSU has no shot of going to a bCS game, I should be cheering for them.
al…strange about Sears…I just returned some old craftsman tools (I had them for at least 15 years) that just got worn out and they replaced them…no questions asked. I also returned a pair of Dockers pants the other week that I got as a gift last christmas that I found and were too big for me….no questions asked and even exchange made…hmmmmm
Jason like with any brand new camcorder you need a trial run or at least try it out. Take it to the game, video the dancers, download to your computer and see if it worked…don’t buy a lemon Jason buy, the church will never forgive you…
Al per #123 (JJ) did you wear an under armour shirt when you spoke with the sales clerk
Liz…actually, Sears contracts most of their repair services out…especially on Kauai. I found that out when my sister had to have her refrigerator repaired in Kapaa. They told her it would be about 6 weeks because the Kauai repair guy was busy. I asked them about their own repair man and they said they don’t have their own anymore (at least not on Kauai) and that they contracted out with local repair guys to do the job.
ralph..nah, just my boto boto t-shirt as I was working on my bike at the time and was covered in grease…
Aloha Tsaikos!
Okay – seems like the consensus is to cheer for BSU. Go Donkeys! 😆
al, Jason – Wow, like father and son….. high maintenance! 😯
Liz – Funny story. Were you making the same recipe as SteveM….. burnt kitchen? 😆
Rob25 – So, you make stuffing w/ ham? Where do you … “stuff” it? 😯 😀
Lane Kiffen – UT has to make sure Al Davis is not associated with this deal in any way whatsoever! 🙄
ST – Great story/line Re: Mark Grasso… hugging … and exchanging jewelry! 😀 😯 😆
IMHO – I’m not disappointed that UTEP is out! 😯
al and ralph, trip to sd was great. saw my friends and their families and got some pheasants. weather was freezing and had snow one day, but still priceless. made a transient stop in vegas to catch the am hawaiian and lost, so made a decision to go back next fri for revenge or redemption. and so the adventure continues.
look forward to the warriors playing a good game this weekend and hope they get to play the reserves like last week. all of them work hard and this would be a super reward for their contributions to the team.
a miller article on tara is excellent. she brings life and enthusiasm to the team. would be great for coach shoji to understand about enthusiasm and appreciation for good plays by the wahines instead of only making a whining face about bad plays. what about the good plays?????
kellen moore is a redshirt freshmen. that alone means that he has had all of last year, spring training, and fall camp to learn the system.
whereas, alexander, rausch, receivers, etc. that came in this year really didn’t have half as much time to learn the system. besides it has been told that the r n s that is being employed this year is unique in a sense where the receivers must read the defense which predicates the route that they should be running. the qb must also see the same thing for them to be on the same page.
it is not as if you call a play and it is what it is. because it is not, it is developed during the play dependent upon the way the defense reacts to the formation.
it is like, if you ever played a video football game where you set a play and the game runs the play that you chose or if you are defense you set the coverages and stuff pre-snap and you only get to control one guy. but, now with the r n s four receivers are doing things that aren’t pre-snap pre-set.
get it? therefore, familiarity with one another besides knowing what particular route should be run become a two man game with the qb/receiver times four(2 slots, 2 wr’s).
this is why it takes awhile to develop.
for example, we forget how awkward colt brennan and company were during his first year which by the way we were 5-7 back then.
Doesn’t (J)J work w/ politicians every day? Somethings got to rub off. Plus, I’ve heard his rendition of “Ventura Highway” – smooth….! 😀 🙄 😆
Rob25 – What do you do with the turkey giblets?
Ralph – Heaven forbid Jason brings the camcorder to the game and somehow damages it…
(J)J – When it comes to returning Craftsman tools there is no question asked (in my experiences so far). That’s why I bought a Craftsman spray nozzle for the water hose. Once that plastic handle breaks it’s off to Sears for a brand new free one! Now I’m waiting for Sears to come out with a Craftsman automobile.
no JJ I meant if Al wore an Under Amour shirt, I know you wore your boto boto
boto boto shirt?
as in filipino kind boto?
or did you mean boro boro shirt?
anyone going to the vb game tonight
I agree w/ whitey – excellent article by A. Miller on Tara Hittle! She’s a true Wahine team player! Will there be similar in-depth articles on the other Sr. Wahine?
I suppose it’s too late of individual stories on each Sr. Warrior – got too many of them this season! Maybe a series of short video clips by PL instead? 😀 😯 😆
yup, craftsman tools have a lifetime warranty.
they let you exchange a new pants with the tags?
just because i were mine once and when broke. something is wrong with this action.
Al I think you’re right, we need our master big Hilo fan for his pidgin dictionary to spell check…..
Brew they did all four seniors….first off was Houston, then Keefe, Thomas and now a feature of Hittle…
Isn’t Kazz the spell/phrase checker? 😀
Rob25 – Some peeps also add oyster to their stuffing! 😯 🙄 😆
Hey Las Vegas, how are you feeling today? I hope your kidney stones passed without too much discomfort.
Pauoa Boy write down the coach’s quote, pin it to your wall, when game day with UNLV approaches e mail coach mac with the quote..
Ralph – No need bhf2 for spell check, you go ahead and just wear your boto boto shirt. 😆
Good to see Craftsman tools are still made in the USA. Snap-on too but kinda pricey. Kobalt was made in the USA by a subsidiary of Snap-on but alas I think they are now made in China…
Oops! Thanks for the info Ralph! I guess I need to expand my reading list… or be a bit more thorough…. 😳 😯 😀
Looking at the pictures above, I get the distinct feeling that I was dropped off here from a midget planet.
you have a ding ding t-shirt?
you sure craftsman isn’t made in China?
Oh yeah – I read all of those except for Nickie Thomas. Thanks Ralph! 😀
Recruiting news? what it do baby.
Happy Day after Thanksgiving!
Had a long black friday. My sister and I were in line at Wal-Mart by 3:45am. We got most of what we wanted, except for the video games and 8GIG flash drives. I got a laptop for Aaron and another for my neighbor. It took 2 hours to check out! After breakfast, we went to Target. At least we’re 90% done with our shopping 😀 . Once I got home ater 91/2 hours of black friday waiting and shopping, I took a nap 😀
Just saying I think the ding ding is inside the boro boro shirt
Craftsman hand tools are made in the USA. Their power tools may be imports.
Hiya Ronnie! I hope you (and your sista) didn’t hurt anybody today…. YeeHaw!!! 😀 😯 😆
Watch your language. It’s boro-boro not boto-boto! LOL!
Anyhoo, LWJ was complaining his shoes were a problem and thinks it might have contibuted to his foot problems. UA’s?
Sear’s also has a program that keeps their employees in the reserves who deploy on payroll. If nothing else, I buy Sears cause they support their employees.
I do think the service section sucks though. The tools are good. Got me a 32cc whacker and although a bit noisy, does a good job with the stuff I do.
I have quite a few puka-puka shirts! 😀
Hey – this Donkey vs. Dawg show is…. kind of boring! Okay – punt return for TD by the blue team…. wait… the guy sort of disappears into the blue field! 🙄 😯 😀
the blue turf appears to have a lot of patches of gray
Hi brew! Things were pretty calm at the Wal-Mart we went to – and we were good 😉 . There were employees making sure no one cut in line once the doors opened (which I think causes the most problems because there is nothing like waiting in the cold for a couple of hours – or more – only to see people getting out of their car to get in the store before you do).
Fresno… sucks! 😀
I suppose we should be glad that the BSU field isn’t …. hideous ORANGE! 😯 🙄 😀
Kahuku and Leilehua on at 4 pm…what’s the name of the safety from Kahuku who committed…anyone from Leilehua coming to UH
Next time leave the tag on when you wear the pants for the first time! 🙂
Fresno qb sucks big time…
al – must have broke the pants (popped the seams) after a typical Tsaiko feed…. 😀 😯 😆
Ralph – Look for #11, that is Alo’s number.
Ralph – not just the qb’s! 😀
I’m also watching Lebron putting together a dunking highlight reel versus my GS Warriors. The guy is Awesome! 😯 😀 😯
Brew . . .
Better keep your puka-puka shirt away from (J)J’s boto-boto shirt. Otherwise might have a lot of little kids shirts running around.
i think it is an unfair advantage to have that blue turf and blue uniforms. if that is fair, then we should have installed black field turf and kept our all black uniforms.
i understand that off color fields are now illegal. so we should send kekoa out on a commando raid to make that blue turf unplayable so that they have to reinstall new green turf.
Ralph also wears a lanyard that has Beloit written on it. I had to do a double take…
brew at 165, funny, that is exactly what the boss said.
Huh? Even if I consider the source, and the Damien stint…. THAT didn’t make sense wafan! 😯 🙄 😕
#143 Noted… although if Randle takes his game to the next level, could be a dangerous situation. I’m never really high on too many HS kids, but this guy is definitely someone I’m excited to see play at the college level.
LMAO…I wasn’t going to say anything after I realized my mistake hoping you guys wouldn’t catch it….I should have known better….although I though homey would be the first one to pick it up…LMAO
I think that blue turf was grandfathered in. So, would they be allowed to reinstall another blue field?
Or do they claim it to be Kentucky Bluegrass? If so, we should call the black field the Black Snow from the cane fields.
Okay – raise your hands if this applies…. How many Tsaikos have used the line (at least once), “Well… it use to fit….”? 🙄 😯 😆
Didn’t Boise just replace their turf this year? Is there really an NCAA rule regarding field colors?
Brew . . .
Dang. If I gotta explain it — here goes.
Geez. Okay, first the mommy shirt and the daddy shirt . . .
Homey . . .
I just blame the dryer.
(J)J – Most times I just skim over your posts… Like how many readers just skim over mine… 😆
I like that Levi’s commercial with the guy doing somersaults and backward flips into a pair of jeans. Do you think any Tsaikos could do that? Hehehehe! 😀 😯 😆
Hey, did anyone read that #180 post? 😈
madeinhawaii: I use Windows XP. Where do I start? Can’t shut off computer unless I hit the power switch – the “START” close computer does not work; trying to switch directories will give a split second glance at all the possibilities but reverts back so you can’t switch. Some programs not behaving itself. And a icon that persist in coming up though it has been deleted many times – so it has to be some malware in the system somewhere. )etc Etc/
I use Avast! and Stopzilla! for anti-virus and anti-spam
Fresno hung in there for the first half, but now they’re getting slaughtered. Boise should be in the BCS over Ohio State for sure.
isn’t the FS at Kahuku, Tonga, a senior…#3
Tonga is also a WR
Actually, seeing what Boise is doing to Fresno, the Warriors didn’t do so bad at all against them, considering how unfinished our offense was at the time.
damn. boise st. is bad a$$.
Avery is a pretty killer RB.
they belong in the bcs for sure.
any guesses on where Chris Peterson ends up next year?
yup 6’3 senior, Tonga, at 205lbs
las vegas info
please check your email
tom mui
Tom I am not a computer whiz like Homey, but start with clearing your browser history, cache, etc. then run your spyware, a good one is spyblaster, free download from CNET (just google it) or if problem persist, run your virus protection..
Wow! Boise State opened up the floodgates in the second half. Surely this would deserve a 2-3 spot moveup in the rankings, but knowing the pundits and everything they will probably either stay steady or move up one spot at best. Like how many others feel on this blog, it’s unfortunate that they’ll finish 12-0 for the second time in three years but will get shafted from the big dance this time.
I would surely, IMO, pick Boise over Ohio State, but the east coasters certainly don’t feel that way…..
Geez, I was lying in bed, watching the game in the second quarter. Then I fell asleep during halftime, only to wake up with around 8 minutes left in the game. Yikes!
okay i will go and watch the kahuku/leilehua game. may as well since ralph will tell the score anyway.
its like a baseball game huh?
Once you’ve reached the top ten, it becomes much harder to move up, unless someone loses ahead of you, so at the most I’d expect Boise to move up one spot or we have a bunch of upsets..
Tom you need to clean your registry files, a good one is “Registry Mechanic” it’s about $30 bucks. Need to use it at least once a week if you surf the net a lot. Also you should run at least two malware programs two good one are “Spybot – Search and Destroy” and “AVG” both are free downloads with free updates. Also AVG has about the best virus program for free. With more and more refined websites there is more and more adware getting by. Also you should defrag you system at least once a month.
Ooohhh, my day has just been made. My favorite movie, Real Genius, is on and I haven’t seen it in a loooong time. 😀 Popcorn!!! If you don’t get the reference, watch the movie (ch 437)!
where did everyone go?
Tom…and for anyone else who ever suspects malware….
Search for Combofix.exe
(download and run it at least once a month)
search for Cureit.exe
(download and run it at least once a month. Once you run Cureit… you can run it to do a more in depth virus search of your “Documents and Settings” and “Program Files” directories. )
These two usually clean up your system pretty well, fix your System Restore, and get rid of those nasty malware on your system. Both are free.
Mark May just blasted Boise State and the WAC over “strength-of-schedule” and “quality wins”, for better or worst.
Just expressing some thoughts (and pseudo-venting) below:
Boise’s done everything they could for this year (winning all their games), yet it still isn’t enough. The WAC is the WAC, and while we wish the lower teams can play more competitively, they in many instances lack the support that the upper half get, a proverbial snowball effect that affects attendance, revenue, etc, and their eventual “body-bag” road games they have to take just to make ends meet in the budget. Surely winning to a certain extent can bring back some of their fans, but some of those teams (La. Tech, Idaho, NMSU, USU) are located in such small(-er) cities that there either isn’t much of a local fan base there or most of them have to make some lengthy drives.
I also don’t like those straw-man arguments that pundits make where they say that (INSERT GOOD NON-BCS TEAM HERE) would have at least X # OF LOSSES if they were to play in (INSERT BCS CONFERENCE HERE). Do they actually think the non-BCS team would maintain a static non-BCS level budget and recruiting level if they were to play in said superior conference? I think that’s a stupid assumption to make. Surely that team may struggle the first year or two in a BCS conference, but what’s not to think that they could compete for the BSC title down the road with disciplined athletes and a good coaching staff?
It’s easy to make such wayward assumptions when you’re directly NOT being affected by the shortfalls in the system. Why don’t we take away half of the massive budgets and BCS “label” from some of the higher profile teams and then see how they feel about the BCS? Would they be saying the same things they are now? A change of mind? Who knows?
Sorry, just had to vent a little bit.
Committed Road Warrior after reading the story of how BSU might not get a BcS invite, I was looking around the net and I can’t believe that they are saying that a two loss team will be playing in one or more of the BcS games, that just make me sick.
Funny too is that when you bring up the subject of a playoff system with most of the so called top BcS schools they are dead set against it saying that they will lose money, but what they are not saying is that the main reason is they are afraid that they would have to compete on the field rather than the polls. It has been proven already that a 12/16 team playoff is possible and it would more than likely make more money than the BcS bowl system. So I guess the big dogs want to stay on the pourch. LOL
Committed Road Warrior,
Good vent, I agree.
oooh Leilehua!!!
Mark Nua:
Thank you for all your contributions as a player and your continued support of the UH football program by identifying a prospect who may become a recruit and player some day.
Since he is on an “unofficial” visit, it would be nice, if not against NCAA rules, to see him on the field during warmups and watch the game from the stands next to any recruit who is on an “official” visit.
The Warrior “web” is slowly growing and hopefully turn into a mega “system” of finding prospects world wide. While football is the main focus, the other sports can also benefit from this system.
Karl Benson:
Is there a WAC rule on the use of “mechanical” items, such as thunder sticks or cow bells, at stadiums, on or off campus, used by WAC teams?
Seems to me that, if there is one, then many schools on the mainland, especially Boise St, who blatantly abuse it. For the just completed Boise St/Fresno St game, ESPN showed many fans with “cow bells” of different sizes including some so large that the holder was using, what appears to be foot long sticks, to make noise.
When will the WAC enforce your own rules so there is “parity” within the conference? Or, are you so timid that you would do anything to “close an eye” for Boise St. It also applies to the “officiating” crews for football and basket ball. If so, then you do not deserve to be the WAC commissioner based on favoritism. As Commissioner, there should be great impartiality to all schools. If I am wrong, please document your position.
Good Evening Tsaikos!!
Hope everyone had a productive day after Thanksgiving Friday. Was busy on Kauai all day so just heading back now. Sitting at the airport waiting for the flight. Good thing tomorrow’s game is in the evening so I can rest up.
Possibly will stop by the tailgate tomorrow before the game. See everyone later
Where’s LTUHF?
GO GOVS! Hangin’ tough!
Govs need to open up the playbook; getting predictable.
As far as a playoff in college fb is concerned. This would be my solution.
There are 11 D1 conferences. You take the winners of these conferences as auto bids into a 16 team play off. You then have 5 at large bids. These bids are determined by a committee just like you do the ncaa basketball tourney. I think you could almost base it on a bcs type poll or something like it. Just like the bcs, a conference couldn’t have more than 2 teams in the playoffs. You could still have some bowl games for the teams that don’t make the playoffs.
lets go Govs…..bad enough Leilehua ‘lucked out’ against kahuku….sheesh.
c’mon Govs, you dan do it!!!!
from warm santa maria at 47 degrees
Congrats to the Wahine! Great way to close out the regular season!
Go get ‘um in the NCAA tournament!
Game time tomorrow! One more W and we can look forward to two big-time bowl games, if you count Cincinnati (I sure do).
Go Warriors! Whatever happens, I’m proud of you guys!
Santa Maria! Hey, you aren’t far away from where my sister and her family lived for a few years (Vandenberg AFB). Wonderful place — during the summers, at least. 😀
okay….so cayman shutter is impressive. quick release, accurate, fairly strong arm, smarts.
kimo makaula is a great athlete and will have quite a future at manoa.
hilliard could be a nice slotback.
isaiah iuta can play.
fhs has a lot of talent.
so’oalo is only a junior
I want to thank Stephen for the VB tickets to tonights game, I also have an extra team photo that were given out at the game.
Kinda quiet right now…I’ll quickly slip in a quick note:
Since Betty can’t make it, I have an extra ticket to the game tomorrow. If you need it, call me in the morning after 8am…hope I remember to turn my phone back on!
Good night!
BTW, my cell is 381-9334
Glad you had fun, hiflyer.
I hear we’re giving away UH-Cincinnati tickets next week.
Great games tonight. It should be an even better final next week.
I haven’t watched a lot of High School football so I think I am out of the loop on the rules. Can anyone help me out with a few of the calls I saw in the fourth quarter.
When Hilliard caught his TD pass, a blocking below the waist call was made against Farrington on the play. Why was that penalty assessed on the ensuing kickoff instead of just declined?
Why was Farrington called for delay of game when they were at the Punahou goal line when the clock was showing 13 seconds left on the play clock? Isn’t it the referee’s responsibility to monitor that the correct time is showing so that the QB knows how much time he has?
Although inconsequential to the final outcome, how come Farrington was not allowed to go for the extra point or two as a final untimed down?
Thanks for any help. Aloha.
farrington got close. i am not surprised by how they played. i felt that if they played error free ball they could have won it.
the good news is that they have many underclassmen this year. i believe that having that new weight room has done wonders. not only do they look fit and strong but it may have also brought the team together along with the fact that they have some pastors from new hope providing some leadership.
punahou vs leilehua
should send a message to all high school coaches. if you are not running some kind of passing game don’t expect to be in the finals in the future.
ask any defensive coach at this level, “what is harder to defend against, the run or the pass?” i am sure a qb can be found amongst the players.
i am anticipating some recruiting news within the next 72 hours.
it looks like we will wrap up most of the verbals by the cinci game. it is too bad that a few prospects will not make it through because of not being able to get through the academic hurdles.
but, that is the most important issue in collegiate athletics. if you can’t get in how can you play football?
Don’t forget to wear
to tomorrow’s game!
oh yeah, can’t wait to see THE Princess’ videos of the Wahine vball senior nite festivities.
Farrington did well….maybe to much up the middle stuff that didn’t gain much ground in the third and fourth quarter…
c_c were you at the game tonight?
Thanks for the kind words and advice.
I wish the absolute best for you and SJ.
My older sis beat breast cancer and has been clear for 25 years now, Mrs LV’s sis passed two years ago from the same disease but she was crazy (really!)and ignored the doctors.
I look forward to seeing both of you healthy next visit
Glad to say that the REAL Wahine volleyball team showed up tonight. Hard to believe that 48 hours could make such a difference in their performance.
Where they head off to next will be announced at 5 pm Sunday HITime. Most people assume that they will be the #1 seed wherever they’re sent off to play.
How about a TV-Gate for the first game next weekend?
The people next door – not the ones who complained to the landlord about the overgrown grass but the ones on the other side – are having a party in which there seems to be a prize at stake for the person who can yell and laugh loudest.
Good thing I’m about ready to head off to watch tv with headphones.
Hope to see many of you tomorrow.
Glad to say that the REAL Wahine volleyball team showed up tonight. Hard to believe that 48 hours could make such a difference in their performance.
Where they head off to next will be announced at 5 pm Sunday HITime. Most people assume that they will be the #1 seed wherever they’re sent off to play.
How about a TV-Gate for the first game next weekend?
The people next door – not the ones who complained to the landlord about the overgrown grass but the ones on the other side – are having a party in which there seems to be a prize at stake for the person who can yell and laugh loudest.
Good thing I’m about ready to head off to watch tv with headphones.
Hope to see many of you tomorrow.
Whoops! Sorry for the double post – have no idea how that happened.
Kam Fong? nah
Chin Ho? um, nah
Zulu? hmmm, lemme tink about dat one
5-0 themed, hmmm
It is game day! I look forward to watching the game tonight!
We finally made it home and the travel delays made this a LONG day. Ronnie, if you see this you’ll know that we made it home safely…I drove the whole way from the airport to Ronnie’s house to my home and am still awake.
Fiesta Bowl is considering a Utah vs. Boise State matchup. That would be an awesome BCS game, with possibly the only two undefeated teams left!
Good night everyone!
Alright, gameday, better bear the Cougars,
Time to shut it down tonight, good night everybody, sleep tight, with nice Warrior dreams.
WOW! I think I’m Gonna be rich!! WooHoo!
Just red!
Good Day,
My name is Mr.Peter T S Wong i am the director of operation in Hang Seng
Bank Hong Kong.I have a business proposal in the tune of One hundred &
twenty five million, seven hundred & fifty thousand U.S dollars, after the
successful transfer,we shall share in ratio of 35% for you and 65% for me
Should you be interested please contact me through my private
email( we can commence all arrangements and I
will give you more information on how we would handle this project.
Please treat this business with utmost confidentiality and send me the
following. (1)Full names, (2)Private Phone number (3)Current residential
address, (4)Occupationn (5)Age and Proffession.
Kind Regards, My Private
Mr.Peter T S Wong
anyone wanna go halfsies?
LV – shua, I’ll send you my Hawaii 5-0 id card. hehehehe.
It’s Saturday. Seventeen hours till kickoff.
Nitey Nite. Oyasumina-tsai. Hasta manana.
How are you feeling las vegas? I hope you are much better than last night. I was a bit worried. Good to see you back on the blog tonight.
las vegas man…try these on.
sumo man
sumo dude
sumo warrior
hmmmm. if i had to start all over, seriously, i would have chosen, “samurai”. but, i’ll pass it over to you.
and if none of those suits your fancy you can always go by, “akeboner”.
Just waking from a knock-out nap…it must have been caused by a housecall made by A-joe earlier this afternoon. Not saying that his visit put me to sleep, just trying to figure out why I immediately went into a ‘krash kealoha’ mode after he left(?).
Perhaps it was because he tried out my new bass guitar and played it better than me…
Mebbe it was he didn’t have A-Sports with him to threaten me with her lead foot…
Hmmm…I think I’ll sleep on it.
that nap was caused by your being ‘overseas’,
Mad Dog, mahalo for the nice thoughts.
i passed three rocks in the past 24 hours
most of the pain is gone and i worked 10 hours today
but still get something stuck, the pee not flowing yet.
Al san,
Chad would kick my okole up and down Huli street if he found out
still verrry intriguing…..
Mr Al,
Samurai is cool, but how about “Ronin” or more aptly “Rojin”
Al san,
How about “Kaseki” ? That s Japanese for Fossil
Today is dog poo day.
I estimate 200 to 250 aromatic slightly soggy yard bombs.
If I was smart, I would have picked them up before it rained.
On the bright side, our dogs are mini schnauzers and tend to disperse smaller poops.
yup, our pups are poopin’ machines, must be the Pedigree dog chow.
they’re supposed to eat the Senior chow, but I prefer the taste of Adult chow in the small bits variety.
we mix can with dry and feed the spoiled mutts with chopsticks.
Mrs LV started it, now we’re stuck.
for entertainment, i call our youngest dog, Skippy over to me and have him “pull my finger”.
the reaction is always the same, Skippy initially is startled, he then runs to the couch and jumps on.
He then looks around for the source of the noise, finally he realizes that I tricked him and spends the next five minutes warily watching me with very sad eyes.
Mrs LV still falls for that trick too, with much the same result.
i like ronin, then again akeboner says a lot about you. i mean, sumotori, jokester and the like…
Ok Cincinatti is # 16 and going to a BCS game, I wonder what happens if UH beats them next week?
If they win today vs. Syracuse, they wil get an automatic BCS bid as Big East champs.
Would’nt It be great if UH sent them as losers to a BCS game?
I like Ronin too, sounds tough and unkempt
Akeboner just sounds like Rowan selling Viagra
hmmmm. that is a thought. better than chad trying to do that mma stuff. he could help pfizer make a lot of bucks in japan. many would pay to see ake’s boner.
okay lights out………….
yes Mr Al, I think you should go to sleep now
5 am in LV
good night for a few hours
I’m still awake but its worth it!
4 rocks at once! woo hoo!
good morning tsaikos,
warming up in santa maria this morning at 44 degrees, wow, almost a heat wave, haha. it’s going to be in the high 50’s tonight for the game, and it should be a high scoring affair also…..GO WEBER.
Congrats to Leilehua and Puns, i was hoping for farrington kahuku final, just be nice to see 2 OIA teams in the finals, but so be it. i think the Govs have a great shot next year, and they should continue to build on their success.
Let’s go get a WARRIOR VICTORY today,and end all speculation about going to the bowl game. Too much pressure on us to leave it all on the Cincy game.
If you’re in Santa Maria, you’re a short hop to Jocko’s!
Good Luck to Ryan!!!!!!!
we’re going to look for jocko’s today, drove by nippomo the other day. mahalo for the good word, it’s game day!
kidney stones are no fun… when Kramer on Seinfeld passed his stones….ALL of NY heard him in his screams of agony. i know when i passed mine, basically the male version of giving birth through your urea tract, it was EXCRUCIATING. however, the real pain came the next time you went to go and pee, talk about dancing with the angels, i had all of the top 10 angels flying around me rejoicing…..haha
good luck my friend….and as they all say…..
Good morning Tsaiko, duffer, and bulla. getting ready for game today and tonight.
Garret posted a most interesting article concerning Nevada may not go to a bowl if they lose. WAC commish should make it clear to Nevada that if they decline a bowl, then they are not eligible for any money from the bowl kitty that the rest of the teams generate. If they don’t want to do their share, then let all know that they will not participate in the bowl revenues for the WAC. Coach Ault is like a little kid who thinks he knows it all and goes off pouting like a piece of sh—-!!!!!
Congrats to the Wahines, Punahou, Leileihua, Farrington, Kahuku, Lahainaluna, and Radford for their great games last night.
ok, am out of here to the course. will be cheering loudly tonight at starlite in wailuku. GOOOOOOOOOO WARRIORSSSSSSSS!!!!!
LV and Al ‘the night owl’ are sleeping….
one liners bouncing around for LV
it’s going to get rocky from here on out
have you hit rock bottom yet
rock on bro
love on the rocks, now just let me pee
sitting up all night and waiting to see
what’s going on, all inside of me
first it feels like everything is flowing
then you thin, where’s it all going….
ok, brain tired for now…haha
Bulla san,
yes I did get off on a Rocky start but the plans have begun to Crystalize
and will soon become very Firm.
Mahalo for the puns.
yup, i was at the wahine game last night.
Merry Game Day to everyone!!!
‘morning LV,
So glad that you’re feeling better. I keep telling my younger friends that getting old sucks when all the aches and pains keep coming. Actually it isn’t that bad and really like good wine life does gets better. So let’s just take time to enjoy what we have to the fullest.
Looking forward to meeting you, if not here, in Vegas next year at the UNLV game. Can’t wait to hear you sing some “enka” at Genjis.
Good morning to all other Tsai-kos. It’s GAME DAY!! See you all in a few hours.
What is the weather forecast for today’s game?
Las Vegas/Ronin/Samurai/Akeboner/??? . . .
Interesting your docs did not decide to use ultrasound to break up your stones.
Nevertheless, it is good to hear you are doing a lot better this morning!
Happy game day! Waking up here at the waikiki parc and looks like a beautiful day. Can anyone with a blackberry tell me what to push to get to the bottom of the page? The number one takes you to the top of the page but I haven’t figured out how to jump to the bottom.
last night’s news
Kan/Mizzou game pretty interesting..could change the bowl picture
this ga tech vs georgia game is even more interesting.
Anybody getting the IPTV stream?
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