Back on the field
The Warriors return to the field today for a practice that will include a 30-play scrimmage-like session for developing players and redshirts.
The hope is that some players will be able to fill roles for injured players and work their way into rotations.
It also will be an opportunity for Beau Reilly, who was promoted to No. 3 quarterback following the season-ending injury to backup quarterback Jeremy Higgins.
The Warriors practice today, tomorrow and Friday, then will have the weekend off.
Comments are closed.
Ekahi–#1!! Hmmn, boola got his comments moderated yesterday—is censorship and the politics of suppression, the de rigueur?? Free-boola!!
Keep it upbeat and positive!
The sun is shining!
maybe, the censor, nevah like your rendition of mac salad in your avatar?
If Beau dresses and sits as 3rd string but does not play does he use a year of eligibility?
Boo, which one if any is you in the picture?
3-Prong…That is the infamous Hui Ohana, Ledward twin brother, Nedward Kaapana, and his late cousin, falsetto-great Dennis Pavao.
If I could only be so handsome, I would have it all…..
3-prong cats are well on their way, 2-0 for the season….here is a pic for you:–some handsome buggahs!
If not mistaken, redshirts aren’t confirmed till the end of the year, so if Reilly doesn’t play at all he can still use his redshirt this season.
Hope Reilly gets to see some action even if its mop-up duties.
Boo: O00ps! Apologies to Hui Ohana. Hehehe, dem guy little befo my time.
Yep 2-0. Is dis da yeeah? Go Cats.
Good morning, Tsai-kos!
From yesterday 3-Prong:
Yep 😀 but not often hehe
Have a good practice, Warriors!
Welcome to the mix, Beau Rilley!
Hope everything is going okay, Jeremy Higgins!
Guud Morning Tsaikos…bootiful day.
Good to see the scouts being “scouted” for possible duty. … but if can preserve the extra year, den dat would be great too. Me thinks if Beau doesn’t play in a game, den his redshirt is intact. Wouldn’t want to see him burn one year for a couple of plays.
Which QB gives us the best chance of winning?
Good Morning Gangeez! 😉
Boola – you have it all, whatever all of it is is, you have it! 🙂
Beau Riley’s highlight video causing a stir here when we saw it back when. Shake of the rust, give him some reps and he’ll do great, I believe. Pretty sure this was the clip that we saw and loved.
Quick healing for the Warriors on the mend!
I think that the quarterback who is poised and calm will be the one who will lead the Warriors to victory.
No stage fright, please!
*off that should read above and caused*, too. Too early – no coffee yet.
Boola still has it all. 😆
Aloha! How is your writing coming along?
Any new books or screen plays?
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
jojo, same to you!
There was a team from HNL
That wasn’t playing very well
The bye week rested life and limb
Then great Ku found his breath in them
So on to Rice with new ferocity
A roaring green volcanic symphony
This team will find its destiny.
You are a splendid poet.
Who knew!
Idk seems like practice isn’t the true indicator for our QB’s as all we read was how impressive they look out there at Ching field. Hoping the light turns on for Woolsey or TG, if not, worth a shot with Reilly (screw the RS). GO BOWS!!!
Good Morning, Tsaikos!
Great poem. Just as good as Pops Leahy.
Go get’um Warriors!
They should let the qb’s scrimmage without the red (don’t hit me) jerseys. Let the coaches see who can actually play the game
Team has Monday and Tuesday off.. wouldn’t it make sense to leave 4 coaches behind to recruit on mainland with a bye week? I would think you can leave Wynn and Powell in Cali, have Matthews hit up Arizona or Utah, and Jones down South… then all the coaches can get after it on weekend
Mytake: lol yeah, until one of the quarterbacks who is in contention to be a starter gets popped from his blindside and gets injured.
Wonder if this post will be moderated?
Umass and Hawaii schedule home/home series in 2016 at Hawaii 2017 at umass according to Brett mcmurphy
boola, maybe you should try rewording what was moderated/censored. Some times language that is suitable back in the “projects” might not be suitable here. Chalk this one up as another – you can take the boy out Halawa but you can’t take Halawa out of the boy, moment.
UMass has a football team? Which league?
Don’t mind going back to Massachusetts – was stationed at then Fort Devens back in the mid-60s for intelligence school.
went on an East Coast/Canada tour in 1986 – our bus driver was Charlie True – each morning, he would tells us give me 3 minutes for announcements cause the entire bus would be asleep in 5 minutes – how true, how true.
If Beau Reilly plays one down, anytime for the rest of the year, he burns his redshirt year.
If I recall, was it Kenny Estes who sat the whole season then got called upon to play a few downs on special teams on the last game of the year and burnt his Redshirt year.
UMASS recently joined the MAC.
Remember Rolo was their OC for a couple weeks before bailing to Reno.
Believe if Beau takes the field, he ain’t coming out and will be the starting QB for the rest of the season. He has an arm and can scramble, seemingly what the U of H is looking for. More notedly, isn’t Chow’s reputation built on his ability to develop QBs?
#32. BigWave96744 September 24, 2014 at 9:10 am.
Didn’t something similar happen to Alvis Satele ? I think he was used in a play or two in one game.
po ho.
Good Morning Tsaikos….Hope all have a great day.
Good to hear about Beau…If he’s ready to go and gives us the best chance of winning then I think you utilize his talents. If not, then I’d try to preserve his RS year. JMHO
What??? Boola getting censored??? FREE BOOLA LOL
“bogeywarrior”, in the previous post, mentioned Kevin Clune as a possible successor to NC. I agree. Like alot of others I feel UH should go hard after “Rolo” as well. Offensively, 3 and out, with run-run-run-punt or run-run-penalty-run-pass (incomplete)-punt will drive the fans away from Aloha Stadium. I don’t plan on attending any more games (went to UW, Oregon State, UNI), until the offensive playing calling improves and there is a change to TG @ QB. I’d rather take my $53.00 ($40 for ticket, $5.00 for parking, $8.00 for a beer), find a bar that’s showing the game on TV, & spend it on some beer and pupus. That way if the offense stinks up Aloha Stadium, I can leave by halftime at half the price.
Bigwave…isn’t UMASS leaving the MAC soon though???
J(J), UMASS is in the MAC until 2015, after that they will either go Indy or possible join the AAC or CUSA. Or maybe the ACC will pick them up because of their Bball program
Wow beau does look good. Thanks for the link.
To cover their bases, they are loading up on OOC opponents
7 of their 9 2016 games, so far,are on the road. Talk about brutal.
Coco was one very clean/sterile haiku…maybe they just against literary submissions from Halawa??
Coach is in trouble
Tsaikos are chatting about him
Please win six more games
Triple option (like Al said):
How about we surprise Rice by opening with a Triple option package with Woolsey, Lakalaka, Ewaliko and St. Juste in the backfield.
and keep running this Triple option until they stop it. Or until we find the end zone!!!
I would be really excited to see this; woo hoo; as I am sure the thousands of Hawaii fans.
Seems everyone I talk UH football with has their own opinion on the offense. No one is satisfied with it. Now I always wait for the inevitable “Chow should………” Everyone has advice to give Norm even people who don’t go to the games or those who claim they don’t follow the team that closely anymore. For me, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve said “Chow/They should….” I’d have enough to cover my season tickets and reserved parking. It shows a lot of people really care about the team.
boola, haiku on point. maybe they held up your post to check on the copyright of your avatar.
Pure chicken skin moment …….baby luau, Hui Ohana doing Kanaka Wai Wai, Dennis singing falsetto.
Jeezy, I hope UH – Mass is not for the bottom 10. UMass was a very strong FCS team. They are taking their lumps now moving up to FBS, along like teams such as Appalacian State. A nice story is Georgia Southern. They almost beat Georgia Tech. But back to UMass, at least they have a very noteworthy NFL player, one Victor Cruz. I do think UMass will get better. They played Vandy tough in Nashville and Vandy was in the game last week against South Carolina.
The running game is good (over 100+ yards in three of the four games). It’s the passing game that’s broke. Fix that and we should be ok. Don’t think changing offensive philosophy now will do any good for this season. Isn’t that what vonAppen did?
#48. broken record time. Bringing in someone to fix the defense has worked well. Next year Chow should bring in someone to fix the offense……”he should” make Rolo an offer he can’t refuse. Get the Punahou mafia involve if he has to. They helped Gib cover some expenses.
UMASS since moving up to D1
2012: 1-11
2013: 1-11, coach fired at the end of the year
2014: 0-4
Woo hoo! Finally allowed to post. I feel like I just got out of prison. Feeling the fresh air and sun on my face. I’m a poster now fellas.
Waikapu, remember not to pick up any hitchhikers outside the prison……
Good morning, folks!
DPK, thanks for the link! I only needed the first minute of that clip to appreciate what Beau can do! I hope he gets as many reps as possible to make it hard for the coaches to keep him at number three—but, we shall see…
Again, I really enjoyed the last game except for the disconnect between the QB’s and receivers! The team plays their hearts out every week and I really appreciate these guys. Hoping the bye will heal and rest the Warriors and prepare them to pound Rice into mochi : D
Go RB Warriors!
Mo808 you make a good point, one of the posters said yesterday that we should have much more 4 and 5 receiver sets—huh??! With all due respect, that is by a large margin, the weakest area of the team at the moment.
#55 How about, just getting receivers; willing and / or able to catch.
Two would be nice, three would be heaven.
What’s mo betah den Scrimmage day?
Hump Day!
Every UH QB has a highlight vid. Let’s see the low-lights. We did see some low-lights already. Ok den, stick to the highlights.
Speaking if highlights, do they still make that kids magazine where you find the hidden objects in the picture? Now that was a highlight during a dental visit.
Interesting that you picked The Fighting Crusader as your Avatar.
It was designed by my High School Classmate at Kaleipohaku.
I believe that he has been a Physics Professor at UH for the last 35+ years.
Nice Haircut!
Did one of the UH Football Players cut your hair?
Almost lunch time here. Your Avatar is making me hungry!
Kapahulu, I’m a proud ’83 grad. That’s an interesting tidbit about the fighting crusader. Thank you to your classmate for a great logo!
Memor Et Fedelis
Kapahulu, ST’s haircut was on inside access a couple of weeks ago. RB Jason Muraoka cut it.
The defense is going to come through big time against Rice. I can feel it. The mental part of their game is catching up to the physical part. The schemes and assignments are becoming second nature. They’ll play faster and smarter. I’m looking for an increase in hurries, sacks and turnovers. We got the play makers and players who have made plays to make this happen.
Anyone else have a bad feeling that Coach Clune is not going to be here next season because some big time school is gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse? I hope I’m wrong..
#66. I’m not worried. Yet. Clune is the right man at the right time. He brought what the defense needed most. Leadership and direction. I’m not sure what the buy in was for the players for the previous DC but it looks to me there’s a total buy in now. He’s got the players believing in what and how they’re doing things. They’re all parroting his mantras – “we got to play smarter,” “WE lost the game if we give up more points than we scored, ” “WE/I got to get better.” He’s got their attention and has them taking direction from his coaches.
exactly and I’m sure other schools have observed the exact same thing, thus my worries. He may enjoy coaching here but when another school comes up to him and will double/triple his pay, that’s a hard offer to refuse.
I’m actually more worried that all the coaches WILL be back next year…
Let me understand this.
The team last practiced last Thursday. That’s a gap of six days for some of the developing players that were left off the traveling squad. The point is are the players, even the ones that are backups, are they in good enough football shape to endure a 30 play scrimmage today? For one thing, one, you would have to have played the game to know the effects of being away from the football field for six days. It’s hard. It’s crazy. You don’t go into fourth gear after being off from live action for six days. Two, are the risk worth the rewards, where a good question for Chow– why not schedule the scrimmage for Saturday (or Friday). Three, and Chow should be smart enough to know this, are players that are idle-like for six day having to go full speed in today’s 30 play scrimmage are they more or less vulnerable to injuries. I say yes.Not smart (the training staff must cringe at Chow like decisions). Add this move to the bone-head list (it’s used as an adjective, so it’s okay) along with another one Chow racked up in the Colorado game, where he burned (lost) a time out challenging an obvious good call on the field (anybody could clearly see the players knee was on the ground before fumbling-even the TV people were questioning why the Hawaii coach was challenging the call).
There are so many things that Chow does you can’t help yourself but to shake your head. The DC? The SC? Trust me they will be long gone after this year if a better offer comes their way. I say it will. If the DC and SC goes (and likely the DC will take the LB coach) you probably can kiss Chow’s program good-bye.
And here’s another question to Chow, who is QB guru, why doesn’t he ever coach up his QB’s on the sidelines during the game. I have yet to see Chow with a clip board, like Jones and Rolo always coached with in practices and in games, diagraming plays with his QB or even sharing some mentoring. No instead I’m seeing Edward’s twin (who was known to be stoic as the former BYU coach). Word to Chow have you WR’s run simple curl routes (that was a bread butter play for the Colorado team and it was certainly a bread butter play for Jones and Mack’s teams). It’s a simple an effective route and play—that seems to be lost on Chow and his staff.
Speaking of Hump day…this came to mind, Natural Vibrations One on One…botobotosuksuk…
Which coaches do you not want to see back? In my eyes most of the team is doing just fine. Defense is far better than it was last year, special teams has been the most consistent unit on the team, and the offensive line has improved a lot from last year as well. The only units that I would say have digressed would be the receivers (big part of that to injuries to would-be starters) and the QBs.
#68. This is Clune’s first entry on his resume that says DC. The type of schools you’re talking about will go with someone with a longer record of success. Clune stepped into situation that was devoid of direction. His demeanor is a 360 degree turn from the previous DC. His up front follow me style is working here but who’s to say it’ll work some where else.
His Xs and Os aren’t different from others who advocate a 3-4 attacking style of play. It’s the willingness of the players to buy in and give it their all to make whatever schemes they’re presented work.
Not necessarily. If they see an upcoming coach that is doing well and has the ability to turn things around, they will pull the trigger and make an offer.
polly.. running curls.. may not be the answer…it the QB
Clune has been a DC at Weber St and Utah St.
lots of smart coaches hire young coordinators.
cant get the ball to them….no matter what route they run…
Southern Utah* not Utah State.
#74. Don’t want to put down your opinion v my opinion nor put a knock on Clune or our program. But here’s the facts. This is Clune’s first year as a DC. He is currently dealing with mid major talent where the player buy in (in my opinion) is an easier task than getting a team full of 3-5 star players to buy in. I don’t think he’s had any experience dealing with the egos that come along with that type of talent.
Clune will need a longer track record than 1-2 years before big time schools will take a serious look at him. There’s too many good defensive assistants and DC retreads in the BCS and pros who’d they consider before they consider a mid major DC rookie. If you’re talking about another mid major that’s another story.
How about, just hold on to the ball?
#76. Linebacker coach at Utah State.
coco… just think what would be possible if he had 4 or 5 star talent.. n they bought into his ‘program..
we blanked a few teams in second quarter…seems to me.. he can make good adjustments… compared 2 last year…
n hiring is usually done with ‘connections’ if only was a resume involved he would probably be in the center of that process…but with ‘connections’ his app could be on the top of all the apps…
but do agree with you… he still needs a few more years… n depends what his ‘defense’ does the rest of the season…rice should be a good test…as we have a few starters out for that game…see if he can get them to ‘step-up’…
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see then
should have said…TT moved up to cleveland…n not question his ‘talent’
but was through ‘connections’ that got him there..
If Beau was tuned into the program, me thinks Chow would have had him on the active roster competing for a spot. now because of injuries he might be pressed into action and burn the RS year. One year will make a huge difference for him. Especially, he now gets to watch and learn from live action and game speed.
funny how thing go round and round. me remember when JJ dashed off. errybody was like…Mac, Mac, Mac….den it was Mac…den it was fire his butt, fire his butt….hooo
North Shore Fan,
Yeah, your comment about Mac made me laugh.
Why are so many people fair weather fans?
Come on!
Please support our team and coaches.
Talking about Beau Reilly watching his highlight videos what I have noticed is this. Besides all the good plays he did with passing the ball around, ball placement, running the ball, and decision making. What I see is they played the one backset with one and sometimes double TE sets with either 2 Wide and a slot depending on TE situation. So what I’m getting at is its almost the same as what UH is running now with a one backset with 1TE, 1slot and 2wide formation.
72. It’s too early to evaluate new coaches. Honestly, good layers can make a coach look a lot better than he is and bad players can make a coach look a lot worse than he really is. I think with coach Powell, you at least have a 3 year window to judge on how the progress of the dl has been. Then you look at his recruiting success and it would be safe to say dl has improved in year 3. Everyone likes what Clune has brought so far but to say he is a great coach this soon would be jumping the gun. Same how people think Matthews can’t coach the Wrs. That’s false imo because he hasnt even had an opportunity to recruit yet. I still remember after year 1 and agree usc/osu, everyone thought kaumeyer was greatest dc. Then conference started. I would like to see how coach clune recruits and game plans for conference opponents to fairly judge him. So far, 2 thumbs up.
LOL. I remember whenever the HC position opened up everyone wanted Chow. Now that we got him seems like everyone don’t want him. Gigi is right, we need to support the players and coaches.
87. Key word… highlight… There is no such thing as good or bad decision making in a highlight…
gigi…I’m afraid for Kevin now…he’s a great defensive coordinator and I’d hate to see him go the way of Mac..I want to keep Kevin as our DC.
Were you there when the Tsaikos met with HC Mack to chat about his strategy, etc?
That was lots of fun.
He showed us his WAC champion ring and we each had a chance to put it on and admire it.
Then we went to the hallway – the Hall of Fame – which showed photos of individual Warriors.
Colt, Davonne — they were all there.
Being a Tsaiko was lots of fun back then.
DaveLetterMan: everyone wanted Chow because they didn’t know what a train wreck the UH program would become with him at the helm. I don’t think you can fault “everyone” for that.
Take for example, someone gets hired in your company with great credentials in a leadership role. Everyone is excited. Then he runs his department off a cliff and everything is messed up, now people are complaining or they want him fired. Does this reflect more negatively on the people or the guy that was hired?
You’re right it is too early and things can change quickly whether for the good or for the bad. I was just surprised that he does not want any of the coaches back next year, despite that so far this year many of them are doing a great job.
Click on this link. It will show you photos of our Chat with Mack.
The WAC champion ring is there too.
gigi, I didn’t go to that get together. I did hear it as a good meet. Yup Tsaikos are great people to party with. lots of passion for UH Athletics…and really interesting peeps.
gigi, thanks for the pics. Heather went on to form a group for women to learn about football. Two quality people…hope they are doing well.
We all agree Clune is doing a good job.
me wanted cal also…
We all looking for that magical turn around…but it takes time.
Yep. The magical turnaround takes time. Fred Von Appen should’ve been given more time too.
I still like Chow, fewer players being bailed out from jail, better graduation rate, and improvement in conditioning, ST, Defense. Overall we are two thirds there and moving.
well yes.. seems like he is doing a ‘good job’ there as DC… if he can get them to ‘blank’ opponents for at least two quarters for rest of season… and one td or field goal rest of the other two quarters… we be ok…he just has to work on….giving up them big pass plays…
our special team play is superb so far.. n should get some td’s.. in a few games..
n turnover’s…(here in manila most bakeries have a tuna turnovers…no apple)
now up the offense to start scoring sum points…but has to be ‘4 yards n a cloud of dust’…3 is not enough…he he he
I feel the same way.
4-prong, I guess I should’ve said the majority. Sorry.
My choice wasn’t Chow but that’s who we have. The program isn’t going “off the cliff”. It’s headed in the right direction albeit a little slower than some would like.
On an topic that we all have one opinion or another, is in my vantage, that right or wrong, he (Miano) was the victim of institutional fatigue slash/single perspective.
Allow me to explain–often times a persons tenure at place becomes handicapped, when the person is previewed to have an one-dimensional talent. So, while that may not be in fact true, the person is viewed to have only a specific amount of skill-sets and desired interests. So, in Rich’s case, he was the secondary coach of a long tenure, but not anything past that….so while his longevity could be celebrated on one hand, conversely, some viewed not to be able to moe past that specific station. The pertinent question would have been: do you want to move to another position, and if so, where?
Now, in much retrospect that is obviously not true, and as well, other issues also prevented him from being allowed to interview for the top position. So, while he went back to coaching HS, he also showed the demeanor and leadership acumen to be in the top position. Things happen, and usually change suits many of us well…
kawika: are we sure that the graduation rate has improved under norm chow? defense, yeah. ST, well scott harding is punting A LOT, so i would hope we’re good at that. conditioning, sure. i dont’ really have a comment on players getting arrested, but it doesn’t seem like this was a problem during the mack or JJ years.
graduation rates? The number i’m seeing is 38%-40%. I went on the ncaa website and the latest cohort they have is from 2003-2006, so before norm chow’s tenure but the GSR for that is at 59%.
Why this isn’t a bigger deal, I have no idea, especially if we’re gonna buy into the whole “student-athlete” myth.
There was a kicker who shoplifted a bracelet in Waikiki. He was kicked off the team. I think Mack was HC.
# 110…from ur post in the past… seems you know him quite well..
but maybe in his case… was his own choice… as you have stated here in the past… he has had very many ‘legitimate offers’….
however… his loyalty to uh..n jj…. shows n we have to presume he bleeds green…..
he has proven he is more then a ‘secondary coach’… for his accomplishments at his alma mater…as it speaks volumes about his abilities…n he seems to have ‘instilled it …in the students n coaches there now… in what he achieved while there…for a few years…
maybe if he went ‘away’ for 5 or so years… he would have been looked at differently..from the ‘powers’ up there at uh…
but it was a very very ‘nasty’ slap in the face that he was not allowed to be interviewed …
happy he took that ‘job’ at kaiser…n proved them wrong…
Greg McMackin, in 2 separate years as DC, should go down as one of the greatest defensive minds in UH history. 3 years DC of the Seattle Seahawks, LB coach of the 49er’s, 2 year DC at University of Miami ranked as the Best defense in the nation. Wrote a book in 1992, “Coaching the Defensive Secondary”, which is currently in it’s 7th printing.
Mac is an example of the Peter Principle. Didn’t have the ego and mindset of a head coach, but could have remained as a DC a long time, anywhere, Of course, the colorful Jerry Glanville was no defensive slouch either–I read somewhere he is credited with being one of the original architects of the 3-4 defense in the pros.
I hope Kevin Clune can join their ranks when we look back at UH football history.
BEAU’s video was BEAUtiful! If he’s the next man up and better, we use him! Here we go, can’t wait for Rice! Open up the offense, we’ll be okay. Who does Rice play this weekend? Will it be televised?
go sleep ur up late.. me go eat lunch..
I repeat from yesterday. LOLNorm Chow/ UH had their chance with Cal Lee.
Rich Miano was more impressive than players from the Minnesota Vikings at tje Al Noga football camps. One snap and clear.
Sorry. the not tje.
#111 4 Prong, try looking at the apr or academic progress rates which can affect scholarships and UH was supposedly doing very well according to last report especially when compared to the past. They also rank fairly high in the MWC.
I liked coach Mac. He was the only coach who would answer my emails. Good man. Good coach.
UH should have done more to retain Dom Capers.
#90 Jeezy33
I know it’s a highlight tape and that’s why I said besides all that good stuff I see that they were running almost the same formations as what UH is doing. I know a highlight tape only shows good things about a player but if you actually read my post the key word I used was “BESIDES” all that good stuff as ball placement, running plays, decision making I noticed the same type of formations…. That’s my point!! I’m not talking about his highlights!! Im talking about his team in high school plays in the same formations what UH is running!!
BigFan: I didn’t mention APR because APR is basically a sham created by the NCAA to divert attention away from actual graduation rates of players. It’s a manipulated number designed to make schools (especially football factory schools) look good. APR doesn’t measure education. it measures institutional compliance with the NCAA. There’s a difference.
#15 Mahalo for the video on Rielly. First time I saw video on him. He looked pretty impressive in his highlight video. The thing I noticed was he was very balanced with his feet movement and quick release. He is a keeper for sure.
123. My Bad. Thought you were praising his decision making. Seen him at a fall scrimmage, he has a long way to go. Def has to work on throwing mechanics, arm strength ok, knowledge of offense lacking a lot. Newest QB always going to be the most popular amongst fans though. His best attributes are his size and athleticism. And like a lot of people say, he might be best suited for OLB. Like his brother Trevor.
#126 Jeezy
I may not have seen him in practice so you have more insight on that of his throwing mechanics and lack of knowledge of offense. But we have to remember he was on a two year mission that he can’t throw a football at all, have anything to do about football, and he can’t even workout at all if I’m not mistaken. I have a friend that went on a mission and that’s what he told me. By the time he went back to school and play again in college he had to redshirt the first year and his second was his redshirt freshman year he finally got back into shape and up to game speed. So that’s two years to get back into it.
Reilly needs to put on weight after his two year mission. He literally was so skinny in summer workouts that one could’ve mistaken him for a Vball player. But they need him now at #3.
As for Clune, recall seeing an interview of one of his Utah State players who said Clune was responsible for much of the defense. Proof? Here:
Last year Utah State finished ranked 6 according to this analysis. This year, they’re down to #18.
But UH has gone from #69 in 2013 to #30 so far this year.
What do the numbers mean? I don’t know! Just know that the defense and what Clune has brought is vastly improved.
The effects of going on the two year mission… Example… Anyone remember Jonathan Mapu from Kahuku?? He was all state and very highly touted recruit that went to Tennessee. His first two years was awesome. If I’m not mistaken he made a impact as a freshman appearing in all 12 games. His sophomore year he appeared in 11 games and started 10 games. He then went on his mission and when he came back for his junior season he wasn’t the same. His junior year appeared in 13 games but not starting. His senior year he appeared in 14 games but only started 5. I think if he didn’t go on his mission he could’ve been drafted and playing on Sunday’s. If I had to I would go right after high school or not at all if I was a recruit. That’s just my 2 cents on the two year mission stuff.
Glad to see the “Duke” in the mix. Introduced myself to his father at the NIU game. He said how do you know my son? Said I didn’t but am such a Warrior fan I know more about them than most. Anyway he said something that you can see every pass play…..catch the ball first. That has been a huie problem on the drops. Luke Shawley is not a big guy, but has he got a motor. Got swallowed up by big tackles at the beginning now just outquicken em!!!! We gonna be okay!!!
A new post has been posted.
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