Adam Leonard to chat today
This Thursday, Adam Leonard will meet the press at the WAC Football Media Preview in Salt Lake City.
But today, you get to ask him questions.
The chat begins at noon. A separate post will be started at about 11:45 a.m., so don’t post any questions until then.
And Princess Leila returns as chat coordinator. Please join us.
* * *
Welcome back, Russell Yamanoha.
Yamanoha has reclaimed his position as analyst on K5’s telecasts of UH football. It says so in the UH football media guide, which was completed about a month ago, and Yamanoha said he got the official word from K5 official Dan Schmidt today.
“It’s great to be back,” said Yamanoha, who was the sideline reporter and then analyst through the 2006 season. “I missed it last year.”
While Yamanoha will offer on-the-mark comments from the booth, he’ll be missed on the sideline. Before a road game several years ago, a fan was heckling Lori Figueroa, a member of the UH travel party. Yamanoha told Nick Rolovich, who was UH’s quarterback. While warming up, Rolovich fired a pass that conked the heckler on the noodle. Oops, it slipped, or something like that, Rolovich would say later.
K5 is doing two UH road football games this season — at Fresno State and New Mexico State. Their hecklers have been warned.
* * *
C’mon, admit it. You’re in the car, you hear Na Leo’s “Friends” and you start thinking about your high school days … as a tear rolls down your cheek.
And then you’re at a UH football camp and there’s Nalani Choy, one third of the Hawai‘i’s greatest trio (sorry about that Shawn, Paula and Robert) and … is my cheek wet?
Her son, Kaha‘i, an offensive lineman, has been invited to training camp.
* * *
And this was Doris Sullivan working the field, making sure each parent knew their sons educational and athletic options.
Long weekend without the Tsai blog. Keep the unions happy! I need my daily fix of UH football. Now that the season is about to start, I do not want this blog to come to a screaching halt again. Please inform management to proceed to the bargaining table and draw out a conclusion to this. I am “stuck” on the mainland and get all my info from this great blog. Mr. Tsai, it is great that you back up your boys! Good to see that.
Thank You!
Union Supporter
Nice to hear about the Colt contingencies at the Redskins practice. How can you not like the guy… despite his rock star status…and coming from an affluent family…he’s still so humble. I think more and more people, even without Hawaii ties, will jump on the Colt bandwagon. During my travels, everytime I mentioned I was from Hawaii, the first thing people would ask was if I knew Colt Brennan.
Hi, gang,
So good that we’re back in business.
Na Leo is my wifes favorite group, every time they came to Maui I had to take her.
Nalanis son is quite a beefy specimen.
Adam Leonard is a great guest, thanks.
For all those new recruits and future signees, Hawaii’s love for Colt isn’t unique to him. Just ask Adam Leonard who was spotted at Anna Millers eating dinner and was constantly being asked for his autographs by fans. Where else would college athletes experience such rock star status?
How about inviting Kealoha Pilares to do a chat?
July 21st, 2008 at 8:18 am
Long weekend without the Tsai blog. Keep the unions happy! I need my daily fix of UH football. Now that the season is about to start, I do not want this blog to come to a screaching halt again. Please inform management to proceed to the bargaining table and draw out a conclusion to this. I am “stuck” on the mainland and get all my info from this great blog. Mr. Tsai, it is great that you back up your boys! Good to see that.
Thank You!
Union Supporter
I too don’t want this blog to end especially as we get closer to the football season. Let’s support the writers by simply subscribing to the paper if you don’t already do so. It’s a small investment but a large return for ST and the gang. Unfortunately in these days, money talks. How ’bout it folks?
I guess Russell Yamanoha is in, according to DR.
right on, hitman24.
I’ll ask Kealoha.
He might be our first Damien guest, well, after d1shima and Jesse James.
Good Morning Tsaiko Nation!
Hi Nalani!!
Hi ST!!!!!
Had to drag this one ovah from da odda side before I head out da door!
aloha all!
mahalo to las vegas (not the city) we enjoyed our first las vegas cattle call last night. i don’t know how many plates of good stuff we inhaled last night but it was the highlight of the day (boss lost her pant{ie}s today.
made a miraculous “4th qtr” comeback to recoup the days’ losses and shopping expenses.
took a couple of pictures to document the occasion. passed on the shot glass and other glassware too.
okay, gotta run i here the ting-a-lingaling of the room downstairs a calling me.
What’s with Na Leo and Linemen offspring? 🙂 Angela Morales’ son played for Kapolei recently. Can’t remember if it was O-Line or D-Line though.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Great to see some new names coming out and posting. Thanks for joining us. I hope that more come out of the closet.
Thanks for giving Doris exposure on the blog. The work she does goes unnoticed to the general public.
Yes, I must remember to make a check out to Doris Sullivan’s organization, which helps so many student athletes. We want her to continue her fine work.
ST, when are you leaving for the mainland this week? Is it tomorrow? Hope you’re able to blog from there.
Ayteent! Good morning errybody!
Are they working out this afternoon?
Merry Monarchs include:
and a coupla oddahs dat I forget right now…
As for me, I was from da oddah side of Houghtailing St., thank you.
Nalani Choy-very devoted Mom. notice that she’s up there quite often
WooHoo! excited about chat wit Mr. Leonard
Folks, there is nothing better than the anticipation of the first game of the season, especially a huge one like the ‘Swamp’ thing.
All the the hopes and dreams are fully intact still and the excitement keeps building with every passing day.
The mind boggling impact a win by the Warriors against the Gators would have is making me drool and jitter. It would be beyond believe the kind of instant credibility such a win would immidiately bestow upon our program.
My only hope is that the team will truly be prepared for the fight of a lifetime.
you can include me in dat list of da Monarchs.
Hey ST…
No offense but d1shima went to the other side of the street…Home of the Governors…and is an ardent supporter of that school on Kalaepohaku….
Damien Alums include:
and I think that’s it…
besides Kelaoha Pilares, Keoni Steinhoff, and the new defensive back UH just picked up….ummm, sorry forgot his name at the moment.
On, and a belated condolences to the family of 1st Lt. Jonathan Brostrom, also a Damien grad. God Bless!!!
d1…mwahahahaha.. noticed you posted about the Merry Monarchs…Hey, I thought you’d say Mary Monarchs….but that would only apply to koakane’s admirer, koa-mahu…. 🙂
Gonna put this out again. If any tsaiko wants to participate in an online fantasy football league, I have put one together on Yahoo. The live online draft will take place Sunday, August 24, at 5pm Hawaii time / 8pm Pacific. You can email me at djmitcho at yahoo dot com and I will email you the invite. So far it’s me, Pauoa Boy, and Jason. We need a minimum of 8 and will have a max of 12 and we need an even amount of players.
FT…gotta agree with you on that one. The Warriors should have begun preparing themselves both physically and mentally for the game. With the number of guys showing up for UWs it seems like the physical portion has been going well. Mentally, they have to be prepared to deal with the overwhelming feeling that can overcome any team playing in the Swamp. It’s like the first time players come out of the tunnel in Notre Dame Stadium (both ND freshman and opposing players). The aura and history of the place overwhelms you and you forget about why you are there. Hopefully, they’ve begun working out that issue, although you can’t completely blank that stuff out.
Although I have confidence that we can take the game, at minimum, we need to have a respectable showing. When that happens, we will gain some attention on the national level. Just my opinion though.
Good morning everyone…and to Cinammongal, Hitman24, and yeahoh. Welcome!
trashouts — if you reside on the mainland, please tell which city and state. I’d like to add you to the Mainland & International Tsai-ko page at:
I haven’t posted this for a while, so if anyone else resides outside the state of Hawaii, please let me know.
(Jesse) James,
No, you are absolutely correct. The Swamp mystique will be the biggest obstacle for the younger players (and the searing heat and humidity, off course, I’m praying for a light rain). Lucky for us, we have enough upper class men who have been there, Alabama, Sugar Bowl, etc, to keep the younger guys level headed, as well as our great Coach Mack. If a few things should turn our way, intimidation could turn very quickly into inspiration. I will be sitting on pins and needles, no matter where I am.
When I hear Na Leo, I am reminded of my children. Through the whole 9 months, labor, and recovery my wife played Na Leo CDs over and over again. Even when my first child was born, we would play Na Leo to make her calm and go to sleep. What do we do when we first visit Hawaii after our first child is born, go to see Na Leo in concert (also Kapena). When our pediatrician came to our room to check on my wife (after the birth), he says “Is that Na Leo?”.
Aloha Gang and Welcome Back!
I went to high school with Nalani, Angela and Lehua- better known as Na Leo. During my junior year (they were seniors) we competed against them in Brown Bags to Stardom with a stunning rendition of “No One Like You” by The Scorpions. They of course kicked our butts with “Local Boys.” Those are some talented ladies! Have a good one. Back to work (lurking.)
haha, rage, cute story!
Jack Flash – hey! We went to school together (kind of). Nalani, Angela and Lehua graduated the same year I did.
It’s interesting how men have better memories of childbirth …
Good Morning TSAIKOs and CyBeerLurkers….cant wait for the chat with Adam Leonard at High Noon…..been watching the past few seasons of UH football that i have recorded….cant wait for the season to start….caught a few glimpses of Colt at Redskins training camp on the news…..back 2 CyBeerLurking…..and maybe a Liquid Lunch????
ST – you gonna have time to go practice with your flight today or tonight??
Aloha Ronnie!
Maybe we know each other? My last name is Smyth. I played drums in the band and paddled canoe. Go Warriors (both Kamehameha and UH!)
Stephen Tsai:
July 21st, 2008 at 10:10 am
It’s interesting how men have better memories of childbirth …
just a note: We spent nine months trying to get out….and the rest of our adult lives trying to get back in !@#$$%^&^&$(*&&^% LOL
Jack Flash – yep. I was in band too. My older brother was the drum line section leader your freshman year. How cool is this?!
Simao? Eh Howzit!!!
Uh oh, another connection made on this Tsaiko blog. Hawaii is toooo small. Jack Flash might know Rob25 too??
Jack Flash – yep, that’s us! 😀 How have you been?
Jack Flash, Stretch is right. You know Rob25 too. She was the rifle line captain your sophomore year.
wow, Jack and Ronnie, how cool is that? But, I have yet to meet a classmate on this blog…
Not too many 99-year old computer-using wahine out there.
Liz and I got to meet the Choys at the Hula Bowl. I remember thinking, “She looks very familiar.” Took me a bit to realize who she was. 😀
Jack Flash…another meeting of people on the blog that know each other…
The funniest one gotta be wafan and izzy, his brother. Both posting on the blog…not until wafan came back into town for a CC did they find out they were talking to each other on the blog….and were brothers….MWAHAHAHAHAHHA have classmates still living??? I thought you said you graduated just after Hawaii became a republic???
Ronnie- i’m doing good. Still live in Kailua and working from home now in the mortgage biz. You’re up in Cali yeah? Next time you’re in town, we gotta catch up. Maybe at one of the Tsaiko events. I went to my first one recently (Blog Bash) and had a great time.
Wait a minute… Rob25 is a wahine? What a trip…
Input: manoapoicompany.virus_tebow
James- that wafan/izzy connection is hilarious.
haha, got my thrills reading James’ recap about wafan and izzy. That’s too much!
Ronnie and Rob, if you want to see what Jack Flash looks like now, click on this link to the blog bash:
Jack, if you want to see what Ronnie and Rob look like now, click on this link to the karaoke call:
Good morning everyone! Quick break from work until I have lunch with Magnum 44…whooowho!
Great to see your posts, Trashouts/cinnamongirl/yeahoh 😀 And Hitman24…good to see you around.
Eh- I remember you! Thx Gigi. Rob25- definately one wahine!
Interesting how people find high school classmates by off-hand comments, and maybe photos. I found Al by his comment about avoiding the McKinley 40th reunion, and hwnstln nabbed me by a HA photo. Al and hwnstln were neighbors and grew up together in McCully.
SteveM, wouldn’t it be great if this blog became the reason for two people meeting and getting married? Can’t wait for that to happen.
Adam “steal your madam” Leonard
gigi…I think we already have budding romances happening….ummm. can anyone say koakane and koamahu???….Maryanne and Jason…..??? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
haha, James, that’s all FANTASY!
Hey gang..break time almost over and have to go to a meeting soon. Can anyone post this question for me to Adam Leonard. FT and I were sort of talking about it.
“How are the boys prepping for the mental toughness needed to play in a place like the Swamp? I know it will be overwhelming, like playing at Bryant Denny (sp) Stadium or Notre Dame Stadium.”
Thanks for the assistance fellow Tsaikos….
From what time to what time is unsupervised work outs today? I’d like to “witness” but I’m coming from Kapolei and I need to consider traffic.
Mahalo to Al and Boss,
Such nice people, made dinner taste better.
From Pauoa Boy:
Jack Flash – my parents are still in Kailua too. If I can figure out how to relieve my younger son of his allergies, I would love to move home. If not, I’ll just have to save money to come home more often than I have been (I want to be able to use my season tickets for at least one game!)
If I remember correctly, Rob25 and Ronnie re-met on the blog too
PAUOA BOY: Although the term Land of Nod has one set of roots in the Old Testament, according to Wikipedia more recently it been associated with being asleep. It was first used in this context in print by Jonathan Swift in his A Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversations (1738). Later came a poem titled “The Land of Nod” by Robert Louis Stevenson from the A Child’s Garden of Verses and Underwoods collection.
In 1909, The Land of Nod, a child’s fantasy of a Christmas Eve dream induced by the Sandman by J. Walker McSpadden & illustrated by Edward Leigh Chase was published by Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.
Since I wrote the post at 12:31 am and given the three hour time difference, I assumed that you be zeeee’d out and not reading it for awhile.
With respect to the biblical reference, the Land of Nod, located east of Eden, is where Cain went after murdering his brother Abel. The Hebrew word nod means “wandering”. Cain was cursed to wander the land forever.
BHF2 :
I haven’t confirmed independently what was told to me – as an attorney, you know how stories change from one person telling something to the next. Once I get that taken care of, I’ll pass it on to Stephen or someone else covering high school sports and they can take it from there.
The JV issue may be resolved fairly soon in a reasonably satisfactory way, but is there still any interest in going after the people who made the preliminary decision?
HANDLING FOOTBALLS: Unlike baseball, softball, track & field, basketball, volleyball, swimming, tennis, field & ice hockey, golf & soccer and other sports, I cannot remember that there was any opportunity for girls and women to play organized football in high school and college. Occasionally, there might be a touch/flag football game at a party, but certainly back in my younger days we did not get a chance to learn and to play the game in any kind of formal program. Are girls today playing youth league football anywhere in Hawai`i yet?
I remember asking my 7th grade PE teacher if we could learn to fall as the boys did in their football clinics. My mother died from a fall while recovering from breast cancer surgery and I remember overhearing my dad & uncle talking about how she might have been able to take control of her body if she’d known how to fall. My PE teacher thought it was a stupid thing for girls to learn and that ladies don’t stumble or take a tumble.
FYI: By next year’s football clinic for women, Ching/Cooke Field will be completed. It is my understanding that participants will go on the field and learn the basic elements of passing, running, etc.
Off to work – since I’m getting around by bus today, I won’t be back until late this evening. Have a good Rest-Of-Monday.
Ronnie- my son takes a singulair prescription and it works really good. If you come out for a game, we can meet at one of the pregame Tsaikogates I plan on attending with my gang. Take care and say hi to Ben for me!
new post up.
Ehh Gigi. Why I not real? you see me typing here. You not real! choke of my guy friends only wear the mumu during halloween. how come you use dem all year long?
you need to use high skirts and tube tops like me. das okay if you get plenty stuff hanging out. i get choke stuff hanging out and i still look good!
Yes, Ronnie and I got in touch again on the blog. Now I’m thinking of visiting her in December before I go to Vegas…to watch New Year’s. Hope to stay at Red Rock…relaxing!
Hey gang…just getting to lunch now.
gigi – thanks for posting my question to Mr. Leonard.
wena – it can hurt when you get hit, especially when you get fully clocked. But if your adrenaline and intensity is high, you usually don’t feel it until the next day. The scariest thing for me was once, I was so focused on the QB running with the ball, I kept tracking him along the line and was running full speed straight for him. I didn’t notice the fullback coming for me at full speed as well and I was taken out, needless to say. I got the wind knocked out of me and that was freaky as it was the first time that that happened and, seeing that it feels like you can’t breathe when that happens, I was pretty scared.
Players generally look out for each other, even their opponents. If they hit someone, it usually isn’t personal and, in my opinion, no player really goes out to hurt another player (although Jack Tatum may be a different story). If that is their sole purpose, they shouldn’t play the game.
Hi Nalani!
I remember you Jack…were you in the same class as Michael Bright?
So many Kamehameha alums on this site…it’s amazing!
Jack Flash…
I am still in touch with Carolyn (Pang-Ching) Morikawa…I think that her sister Cindy was in your class also. Cindy is teaching up in the Seattle area. They both live there now.
Hi Ronnie…I’ll be sending you an email soon about December!
afternoon da nation
was at UH this morning watching prospective youngster drill. heat was brutal. period and I had to leave for cooler climates. after we meet with d1 for lunch went home to take a nap. 3 hours latta got up. sun takes the life outta you.
pride look good at the feet drills. but afta he went up that hill which seperated the two field head heavy breathing and choking sound coming from somewhere deep inside his chest. bwhaaaaaa
I head Koa-mahu admirers hairy chested jesse 😮
Do you know the status of OL, KAINOA LACOUNT? Hope he got his summer school work done.
Howzit Tsaikos! Just read this post. Thanks for the shout out.
Eh – Lots of KS alum on this site! Awesome.
Ronnie – props to c/o 84! Me and Ronnie were in the band together until I dropped out. Jack Flash – don’t remember that song from BBags. R u sure? I gotta add my own memory of me and Angie (without Lehua) competing in our Jr year brown bags against Robert Kekaula and losing to him and his band singing Kalalau (I think…). So no feel bad!
Thanks for the love. We still need to figure out who everybody is when we’re at the practices and games, so pls come up and say HI when you see us, k?
Go Warriors. We are ready for an awesome season. Back coach Mac!
Doris at PIAA said offers were made to 3 BIG BOYS.
bighilofan2 and FloridaTed:
Meant to send this link to you a long time ago.
If you guys aren’t using this, it will keep you plenty busy.
Click on “University of Hawaii Football”, if it doesn’t lead you there.
Tossing my hat into the ring as another Damien Alum. So add me to the list. School was small but still proud. We also considered our brothers on the hill at Kamehameha as good friends. They even bailed out my cousin out front of Damien school when he got jumped by some Farrington dudes.
This article was published in the Salt Lake Tribune today… I’m visiting the area and thought you all might be interested in whats going around out there!
[…] – bookmarked by 1 members originally found by leoguime on 2008-09-07 Adam Leonard to chat today – bookmarked by 4 […]