Acting role

There won’t be any first-day clumsiness when Rockne Freitas begins his job as acting athletic director today. Freitas will be filling in for Jim Donovan, who is on paid leave while the circumstances leading to the canceled Stevie Wonder concert are investigated.

Freitas should be making a forceful debut — in part because of his quick-acting personality, in part because he comes from a position of power.

In Donovan’s 4-plus years as AD, it appeared he had to operate within the constraints set by Upper Campus and downtown Honolulu powers. There will be fewer obstacles for Freitas because 1) He is doing the school a favor by taking on this role, and 2) Few rank higher than Freitas in the hierarchy of the UH system.

Freitas’ presence will be felt. As he noted yesterday, “an absentee landlord is a recipe for disaster.”

Freitas already has a 4-point plan. It shouldn’t take long before he begins implementing it.

* * * * *

Happy birthday to Big Island Kurt.


  1. duffer July 12, 2012 2:50 am

    Good Morning Stephan!

  2. duffer July 12, 2012 2:58 am

    Good Morning TSAIKOS!

  3. Stephen Tsai July 12, 2012 3:04 am

    Morning. What time is it over there?

  4. duffer July 12, 2012 3:11 am


  5. Stephen Tsai July 12, 2012 3:12 am

    And, of course, we have to adjust for the blog delay.

  6. duffer July 12, 2012 3:13 am

    Saw Coach late last night working

  7. PowderPuff July 12, 2012 3:20 am

    Good morning! Hey, duffer….how’s The Kid doing?

  8. duffer July 12, 2012 3:23 am

    Hey PP

    Doing good. Coming home today

  9. PowderPuff July 12, 2012 3:36 am

    Awesome…then other trips? Or just getting ready for college? Just pau reading the articles in this morning’s S/A about the Wonder situation. Oh man….hope they get to the bottom of this quickly so we can move on and focus on FOOTBALL!

  10. Naks8 July 12, 2012 3:56 am

    Wow. This is a huge change

  11. LizKauai (iPad) July 12, 2012 4:03 am

    God Bless.

    Go Warriors!

  12. mo808 July 12, 2012 4:16 am

    Morning All! Best wishes to JD whatever the outcome!

    Waiting for football…

    Let’s see, countdown to D-day is 51 more wake ups.

    Go Warriors!

  13. BigHiloFan2 July 12, 2012 4:31 am

    Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.

    Thanks Rockne for stepping in when we need you.

  14. Last Call July 12, 2012 4:45 am

    I see that the plot thickens as more come under scrutiny but in the end I think it will turn out to be ….you got scammed. I don’t believe anyone at UH is involved in the scam just unfortunate decision making.

  15. Abunai July 12, 2012 5:08 am

    So sad. Very very sad indeed.

  16. Abunai July 12, 2012 5:08 am

    But hey good morning to you all. Let’s all have a great day.

  17. Slugger July 12, 2012 5:51 am

    Good morning, gang!

    Have a great day!

    Hi ho…

  18. Kukui High School July 12, 2012 5:52 am

    Good morning everyone. What is this 4 point plan, and how does this plan compare to JDʻs plan for the athletic department? Just “Wondering” lol

  19. d1shima July 12, 2012 5:53 am

    Great Morning All!

    No Sherriff in Manoa. Running Slim on Jim’s, too.

    Hope things come out solid as a Rock in the end.

  20. bleedgreen July 12, 2012 5:55 am

    ST- What are the status of CB Ron Fields, CB JT Turner and S Demar Dorsey? Will they suit-up this season?

  21. Wes'side Warrior July 12, 2012 5:58 am

    Howzit, everyone!

    Hoping and wishing for the best, always. That sick feeling in da stomach has to go away, right? The sooner, the better. As PP said, we really need to focus on football. Big season coming up, in more ways than one!

    By the way, did I mention that I love my ringtone? Hawaii Five-0 always makes me smile! Especially when we’re out and about, and all these Georgians turn their head… Hahaha!

    I might’ve posted this previously, ’cause it always cracks me up. But let me share a lil some-some to lighten things up a bit…

  22. Wes'side Warrior July 12, 2012 6:08 am

    Wooo! d1… your #19 above… good stuff!

  23. A-House July 12, 2012 6:36 am

    Don’t know who did what, when, and why, but was there any criminal intent for personal gain or just a bad sittuation where someone or more than someone did not cross all the “ts” and dot all the “is”?

    Is the athletic problem worse that a certain Dept head who took upteen trips using hundreds of thousands of dollars that appear to be more for personal gain than professional and nothing happened?

    Is this “intent” less than the UHAD trying to “add” dollars to the athletic budget for the coaches and student athletes; not spend more?

    Wonder if the FBI and interpol will be involved since money was sent by electronic means to another country?

  24. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 6:37 am

    I guess ST is no longer on vacation…

  25. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 6:51 am

    What are his 4 points he plans on implementing?

  26. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 6:51 am

    l. Don’t talk to strangers…

  27. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 6:52 am

    2. Look both ways before crossing…

  28. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 6:54 am

    3. Don’t jaywalk…

  29. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 6:54 am


  30. al July 12, 2012 6:58 am

    ronnie fields departs the bay area two weeks from today.

  31. lurker Ron July 12, 2012 6:59 am

    4. Don’t book fund raising events without consulting the powers that be.

  32. letsgowarriors July 12, 2012 6:59 am

    r we getting a nuke missle for O?

  33. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 7:09 am

    Hope we have a tsunami D line…

  34. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 7:11 am

    Was Rockne a good football player? What was his major in college? Wonder how he managed to get into the UH heirarchy in the first place. Hope he is able to turn things around over there.

  35. PolyMom July 12, 2012 7:18 am

    Got up this morning feeling very bad for a Jim Donavan. Let’s hope the FBI and other agencies get to the bottom of this. Praying for JD and RS to come out of this very crazy situation.

  36. A-joe July 12, 2012 7:24 am

    13- It is certain

    14- It is decidedly so

    15- Without a doubt

    16- Yes – definitely

    17- You may rely on it

    19- As I see it, yes

    20- Most likely

    21- Outlook good

    22- Yes

    23- Signs point to yes

    33- It is certain

    34- It is decidedly so

    35- Without a doubt

    36- Yes – definitely

    37- You may rely on it

    38- As I see it, yes

    39- Most likely

    40- Outlook good

    41- Yes

    56- Signs point to yes

    13- It is certain

    14- It is decidedly so

    15- Without a doubt

    16- Yes – definitely

    17- You may rely on it

    19- As I see it, yes

    20- Most likely

    21- Outlook good

    22- Yes

    23- Signs point to yes

    33- It is certain

    34- It is decidedly so

    35- Without a doubt

    36- Yes – definitely

    37- You may rely on it

    38- As I see it, yes

    39- Most likely

    40- Outlook good

    41- Yes

    68-Ask again later

    79- Better not tell you now

    83-Cannot predict now

    94-Concentrate and ask again

    98- Don’t count on it

    106- My reply is no

    112- My sources say no

    118- Outlook not so good

    147- Very doubtful

    ‘Gmorning Gang!!

  37. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 7:35 am



  38. Shoko July 12, 2012 7:37 am

    Rockne was a pretty good player and played in the NFL for quite a few years with one Pro Bowl appearance, if not mistaken. Not sure what his major was at Oregon State tho. I think he started at Hilo Community College and eventually took a position at UH-M as University and Community Relations.

  39. Shoko July 12, 2012 7:44 am

    Based on the report by HNN, seems like Peyton is more worried about his reputation being tarnished instead of the 50k he invested. Guess in the entertainment business, once you lose credibility, its difficult to regain that confidence with top agencies to promote future shows.

    I, too, feel sorry for JD and RC. The stress of being involved in an investigation must take its toll regardless of being cleared of wrongdoing. Hopefully, the monies will be recovered, the fallout will be minimal and everyone can focus on more positive stuff.

  40. Last Call July 12, 2012 7:45 am

    Hmm #36.Did A-Joe buy one of those Ask The 8 Ball toys ?

  41. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 7:48 am

    But why would Peyton invest $50,000? I don’t understand the reasoning behind that transaction.

  42. Shoko July 12, 2012 7:55 am


    I dunno, maybe his part of the agreement in getting a piece of the pie. Personally, I think this idea, albeit a good one, surfaced suddenly and was fastracked causing JD and others to not perform their due diligence.

  43. Last Call July 12, 2012 7:57 am

    No worries McGarrett and Dano will get to the bottom of this..

  44. Last Call July 12, 2012 8:00 am

    Many actually think there was a real 5-0 police unit.

  45. Annoddah Dave July 12, 2012 8:07 am

    ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs:

    Scams abound everyday and some of the cons are really good. Look how many people with smarts got took by Madoff, Ron Rewald, Sammy Amalu, Lehman Bros, etc. Cons target those with “greed” or need to make $.

  46. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 8:10 am

    Is this the actual scenario? That Stevie Wonder cannot perform on that date, but is WILLING TO PERFORM AT A LATER DATE?

    If so, what is the problem? I would simply reschedule the concert date.

  47. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 8:22 am

  48. Da Punchbowl Kid July 12, 2012 8:23 am

    Good Morning Gangeez!

    I think Stretch, yesterday, and d1shima today have summarized things nicely. Nuff said.

  49. iwonderwhytheyhateme July 12, 2012 8:27 am


    I’ll clean your entire yard and house for $50. Send me cash please. We can work on scheduling the time and date, at a later date. Mahalo.

  50. Shoko July 12, 2012 8:34 am

    According to various ticket websites, Stevie Wonder is scheduled to perform at the Outside Lands Music Festival in San Francisco on the 10-12 of August. That would have given him one week to fly to Hawaii to perform at the SSC. Is that enough recovery time for another concert? I dunno, but the guy is in his 60’s and those shows can be pretty exausting.

  51. Last Call July 12, 2012 8:35 am

    You raise money by giving the consumer a good,reliable product.

  52. RedZone July 12, 2012 8:48 am

    Provide a product that a consumer wants.

  53. Wes'side Warrior July 12, 2012 8:50 am

    Whoa, Bruddah A-Joe! Your Magic 8-Ball get plenny responses! Hahaha!

  54. A-House July 12, 2012 9:07 am

    I hope that JD and RS survive this crisis and are reinstated to their positions.

    Both are good people who work very hard to make life easier for others without any intent to harm others.

    Why are upper campus staff so “highly” compensated? My classmate was BOR secretary and earned about $185,000 per year (so I’m told).

  55. (Jesse) James July 12, 2012 9:15 am

    #49 IWWTHM ….Man, you are cheap….MWAHAHAHAHAHA

  56. (Jesse) James July 12, 2012 9:15 am

    Good morning Tsaikos….Hope all of you have a great day today!!!

  57. A-House July 12, 2012 9:19 am


    with your “short” hair we could not, at first glance, recognize your picutre in the SA – at the grill – as usual! – old news but still worthy!!

  58. (Jesse) James July 12, 2012 9:19 am

    I agree with all here that hope this issue ends quickly and we can focus in on the upcoming season.

    Like I said yesterday, the concert was a good idea (in fact, that kind of fundraising for UH athletics had been spoken about on the blog a few years back). It was just poorly handled. I know JD is experiencing a lot of pressure to turn the AD around and so I feel for him.

    However, my gut is saying that JD is going to be out and I think Rockne is the next AD….JMHO

  59. (Jesse) James July 12, 2012 9:21 am

    57…Hey A-House…no wonder you don’t recognize me at the gym….LOL nah, haven’t gone for awhile since my mom is sick….but still trying to look good….

    Lot’s of people don’t recognize me with the relatively new doo….I think even gramps and homey didn’t recognize me at first at the Karaoke night thing….

  60. A-House July 12, 2012 9:27 am

    IMHO, it would be a very “lame” excuse to use against JD to oust him from his position because so many others were involved

    but, he is the Captain of the ship, unfortunately!

  61. A-House July 12, 2012 9:30 am

    oh, last thought, it would also be lame that “upper campus” was not aware of the concert because of the publicity generated the past 2 weeks, yet did anyone ask or question its validity?

  62. papajoe2 July 12, 2012 9:45 am

    Rolling Stones are rehearsing for a tour. The group has started 50 years ago today and the members are in their late 60s and early 70s. Fundraiser at the SSC? Nah, they only do business things.

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  64. papajoe2 July 12, 2012 9:48 am

    This fiasco kind of took away the outrage of the drunk driving. Maybe the LOA was just to calm things down. Or could be upper campus is frustrated with all the negative publicity so did the LOA thing.

  65. Stephen Tsai July 12, 2012 9:51 am

    Not sure why an independent investigator is needed. Why can’t the chancellor call everyone into the room and ask: What the heck happened?

    I think that either nobody is at fault or everybody is at fault. If we are to believe that two people acted on their own, figuring out the maze of bureaucracy at a school that can’t pay bonuses on time, then it also falls on the higher-ups, too. Institutional control begins at the top.

  66. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 9:52 am

    LOA -> Loss of Appetite

  67. John Fitzgerald Byers July 12, 2012 9:52 am

    papajoe, you could see that the appointment of Freitas indicates the prez wants her people in. Previously Clapp stepped in as interim AD after the firing of Frazier as he is second in command, but considering what you mentioned about bad press to the department, Greenwood probably went the safe route to get someone in upper campus down there, someone not part of the athletic department and luckily for them Freitas has the athletic background to do so.

    PR move/future glimpse.

  68. Tofuzuke July 12, 2012 9:53 am

    From the post I’ve read, JD and RS have earned the respect of the Tsaikos and share much aloha, we support you guys, eh, no foget dat!!… Upper campus show some aloha too. As ST said, great idea-SW!! poor planning, oops. Gi-$50, questionable?? RF- Notting broken, lets get moving in a positive directions, We’re a better school den dis, to much negative vibes…. everybody- PONO!

  69. Google July 12, 2012 9:54 am

    I do not even know how I ended up right here, but I believed this put up used to be good. I do not know who you’re but definitely you are going to a famous blogger if you happen to aren’t already. Cheers!

  70. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 9:58 am

    ST: I would think the FBI would be sufficient. Why bring in a private investigator, who would duplicate the efforts of the FBI?

  71. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 10:00 am

    Not everything falls on the higher-ups, unless you are Penn State.

  72. Last Call July 12, 2012 10:00 am

    I have never had sexual relations with that women.

    Oh wait, that’s tomorrows headline.

  73. John Fitzgerald Byers July 12, 2012 10:02 am

    Things are broken and while Donovan attempted to band-aid a few things, he had his share of doubters outside and inside that feel he wasn’t the visionary they hoped he would be. Following Frazier there was a sigh of relief, but then the wounds of past failures eventually heal and now the main concern is what is happening now, or what isn’t happening now.

    There are things to fix and those items don’t even have anything directly to do with this whole concert issue.

    Ineffective fundraising methods and approach, a continued lack of effective advertising, continued backlogs of maintenance and repairs, etc… While some of these were addressed, you can’t band-aid problems, you need to take your immediate solutions and have them evolve. Many internally and externally didn’t see that happening anytime soon.

  74. John Fitzgerald Byers July 12, 2012 10:03 am

    Should people now look into who this outside investigator is and any possible previous working relationship that existed with current upper campus administration? More backscratching again?

  75. Stephen Tsai July 12, 2012 10:06 am

    By the way, you know how things are at UH. First, they’ll advertise 10 working days for an investigator, then they’ll form a screening committee to get a list of finalists, then three finalists will have to be brought in for interviews and, by then, it’s Halloween.

  76. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 10:10 am

    When you lack the resources your overall field of vision can become blurred. That is why instead of correcting everything in sight, JD focused on things he could clearly grasp. IMHO, he was doing a good job with the resources he had.

  77. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 10:11 am

    If admin is going to spend my donations so frivolously, why continue to donate to UH Foundation? Ridiculous. As I said, use the FBI exclusively.

  78. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 10:13 am

    Dog the Bounty Hunter is looking for a new gig.

  79. d1shima July 12, 2012 10:13 am

    Have you ever tried seeing Bachmann Hall from the Quarry?

    No can!

    ….however, it is easy to overlook UHAD while glancing towards the horizon from the Upper Campus. 😎

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  81. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 10:15 am

    I don’t think donations are used for situations like this.

    Also, if the FBI is the Mr. Know-it-all then why are expert witnesses hired?

  82. Last Call July 12, 2012 10:16 am

    If only someone would have read this from the FBI.

    Advance Fee Schemes

    An advance fee scheme occurs when the victim pays money to someone in anticipation of receiving something of greater value—such as a loan, contract, investment, or gift—and then receives little or nothing in return.

    The variety of advance fee schemes is limited only by the imagination of the con artists who offer them. They may involve the sale of products or services, the offering of investments, lottery winnings, “found money,” or many other “opportunities.” Clever con artists will offer to find financing arrangements for their clients who pay a “finder’s fee” in advance. They require their clients to sign contracts in which they agree to pay the fee when they are introduced to the financing source. Victims often learn that they are ineligible for financing only after they have paid the “finder” according to the contract. Such agreements may be legal unless it can be shown that the “finder” never had the intention or the ability to provide financing for the victims.

    Tips for Avoiding Advanced Fee Schemes:

    If the offer of an “opportunity” appears too good to be true, it probably is. Follow common business practice. For example, legitimate business is rarely conducted in cash on a street corner.

    Know who you are dealing with. If you have not heard of a person or company that you intend to do business with, learn more about them. Depending on the amount of money that you plan on spending, you may want to visit the business location, check with the Better Business Bureau, or consult with your bank, an attorney, or the police.

    Make sure you fully understand any business agreement that you enter into. If the terms are complex, have them reviewed by a competent attorney.

    Be wary of businesses that operate out of post office boxes or mail drops and do not have a street address. Also be suspicious when dealing with persons who do not have a direct telephone line and who are never in when you call, but always return your call later.

    Be wary of business deals that require you to sign nondisclosure or non-circumvention agreements that are designed to prevent you from independently verifying the bona fides of the people with whom you intend to do business. Con artists often use non-circumvention agreements to threaten their victims with civil suit if they report their losses to law

  83. Kevin July 12, 2012 10:17 am


    July 12th, 2012 at 10:11 am

    If admin is going to spend my donations so frivolously, why continue to donate to UH Foundation? Ridiculous. As I said, use the FBI exclusively.

    It depends on what you are giving UH Foundation money for.

    Obviously if you are donating to Shidler Business College, East-West Center, or the John Burns Medical School, your monies aren’t going towards some investigator.

    The same goes towards donating to a specific UH athletic program’s booster club.

    People that want to help can still do so, but just be specific. Ive never been a fan of donating to “general funds” for this reason.

    As a tax payer, you would have more beef with how your tax dollars are spent on such a matter.

  84. papajoe2 July 12, 2012 10:20 am

    I liked JD. He tried to get the students to the games. Even offered free transportation to Aloha Stadium. Brought in new coaches. Only time would tell about the new coaches though. I don’t know how much power he actually had though, with the higher ups getting involved. I remember he gave the credit of moving to the MWC to the higher up committee including Freitas.

  85. SteveM July 12, 2012 10:22 am

    Good morning everyone!

    …ok, maybe not such a great one…


    Happy Birthday Bigislandkurt !!!

  86. conseguir backlinks July 12, 2012 10:29 am

    Hey, great post, I liked. Anyway. Have a nice day!

  87. papajoe2 July 12, 2012 10:29 am

    #82~I read that before, but “not me. Only can happen to the other dummies.” Yup, as we get more and more into technology, it seems that the scammers are getting more and more crafty to rip us off. When I was a younger, most of us just dealt locally, like the store down the street or in my case, go down town to make bigger deals. If we got ripped off, we just called the boys to take care of it. Today, we can very easily be dealing worldwide. We just have to be careful. I once was sent an email that looked so convincing to me, that I sent it to my attorneys to check it out. Yup, it was bogus.

  88. papajoe2 July 12, 2012 10:31 am

    BIK’s birthday today? Happy birthday Bigislandkurt!

  89. Last Call July 12, 2012 10:35 am

    private investigator Thomas Magnum has been hired to conduct the investigation.I hear he is very good.

  90. (Jesse) James July 12, 2012 10:35 am

    Happy Birthday BIK….. 🙂

  91. Last Call July 12, 2012 10:37 am

    Magnum was an indoor and beach volleyball player playing the outside hitter position for the Outrigger Canoe Club.

  92. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 10:40 am

    He drives a Ferrari 308GTS.

  93. Kekoa July 12, 2012 10:48 am

    Happy Birthday Wishes to Big Island Kurt!

    Apparently the Kukui nut did not fall too far from the neighbor’s tree… and who might that neighbor be? Why the dashing young mystery man of Gigi’s dreams!

    Mr. Alphonso Joe (A-Joe). Da Buggah sound like one MOB name yeah?!

  94. d1shima July 12, 2012 10:51 am

    Happy Birthday BIK!

  95. koakane July 12, 2012 10:54 am

    good mid day 808

  96. d1shima July 12, 2012 10:54 am

    Not saying I doubtful or anything but I just got the e-mail about the Food & Sports Expo at the Stadium presented by Centerplate.

    Supposo be fo try some food and vote for wat we like see in the concessions this season.

    I’m wondering now if the food going be “unreal”! 😈

  97. koakane July 12, 2012 10:54 am

    happy bday BIK

  98. koakane July 12, 2012 10:55 am

    more of this and lots of that

  99. koakane July 12, 2012 10:56 am

    much speculations

  100. koakane July 12, 2012 10:56 am

    ta dah

  101. mctruck July 12, 2012 10:57 am

    happy birthday BIK….no eat too much cake.

  102. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 10:58 am

    Hey, my birthday is in January. No forget!

  103. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 10:58 am

    Happy birthday wishes, Big Island K.

  104. mctruck July 12, 2012 11:00 am

    A good start wud be to get to the guy on the recieving end and freeze his bank accounts and seize all of his assests.

  105. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 11:00 am

    OK, I just reminded hubby that Kekoa is picking us up at 4:30 pm today. No forget that too.

  106. SteveM July 12, 2012 11:01 am

    My uninformed guess is that Rockne Freitas is interim AD because Admin feels a authoritative face is needed to give the image of control in a Athletics Department is in chaos and disarray. But, I don’t think the department is in disarray — people might feel bad that JD and RC were conned, and that sympathy might unify more than divide. In fact, this fiasco has given much publicity to the need for the Athletic Department to raise funds. My uniformed opinion, anyway.

    As ST said in comment #65: “I think that either nobody is at fault or everybody is at fault.”. One of Murphy’s Laws stated: “If a committee makes a bad decision, no one is at fault”. Let’s hope there’s no scapegoat here.

    The MWC media day is coming up and Freitas would be a good face to represent UH there, especially if he helped broker UH’s entry into the conference.

  107. koakane July 12, 2012 11:02 am

    let this play out for I’m sure changes will come if not already. there is much aloha for JD and RS. if its meant to be then they will be reinstated if not so be it.

  108. Kevin July 12, 2012 11:08 am

    Did they actually need to physically escort Jim Donovan off campus?

    Is that “policy”?

    That’s just classless.

  109. Shoko July 12, 2012 11:16 am

    So, does anyone know what players are going to the MWC Media day? I would think Miah and Paipai would be the reps. Correct me if I’m wrong.

  110. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 11:19 am

    In this case, the employee is escorted to prevent removal or damage to potential evidence.

  111. Kekoa July 12, 2012 11:20 am

    It’s now posted on the Sporting News site:

    Like ST said, why not just settle it like true ladies & gentlemen and gather in a room, talk it over, and get the problem resolved.

  112. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 11:23 am


    Only thing is the Miami counterpart is not on island.

  113. Shoko July 12, 2012 11:25 am

    It’s also posted in the Reno-Gazette Journal.

  114. Old School Dave July 12, 2012 11:26 am

    Also hope things work out for JD and Rich Sheriff. As many have said, good intentions, poor execution. Not an easy job trying to balance the AD’s budget, while having one arm tied behind your back (no revenue from concessions, parking, having to pay for cleanup at Aloha, UH sports merchandise sales, the list goes on.

  115. Kevin July 12, 2012 11:26 am


    Mahalo for the clarification.

  116. d1shima July 12, 2012 11:26 am


    Like get to the real truth? Do ’em in tailgate style.

    In Vino Veritas! 😯 🙂 😉

  117. RedZone July 12, 2012 11:30 am

    I agree with Moffitt. Peyton booboo. Why deal with a business that started only a few months ago?

  118. el burro sabio July 12, 2012 11:34 am

    OSD, he knew going in that he would have one hand tied behind his back.

  119. Shoko July 12, 2012 11:35 am

    Yea, that Miami company only recently filed their business in the state of Florida back in February.

  120. Shoko July 12, 2012 11:39 am

    I figure if UH calls the business and they get a “I’m sorry, the number you have reached is no longer in service”, then they should start worrying.

  121. Demetrius Chavira July 12, 2012 11:39 am

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  122. Kevin July 12, 2012 11:48 am

    Anyone that is employed in the athletic department at UH will always have “their hands tied” or will have “one arm tied behind their back”.

    UH coaches are expected to perform at the highest level with minimal errors on the field and in the office when it comes to their administrative duties… yes coaches have administrative duties, especially when they do not have secretaries or assistants.

    Twas no secret that UH coaches were asked to help raise $25,000.00 annually, for football a million I think. Should they not achieve this goal, they were evaluated accordingly.

    Shall I get into the rigors and stringent bureaucracy of UH’s fundraising policies??? You wanna talk about “hands tied behind your back”, well this is a tip of the iceberg. Some coaches will have more slack than others, while most aren’t afforded similar opportunities.

    The bottom line concern is, why are people’s hands tied behind their backs? Financial restraints are what they are, but why must suffocating polices that have nothing to do with basic legalities or NCAA rules prohibit the ability of individuals or groups to help assist in supporting a program? Why are the coaches evaluated as fundraisers when there are individuals receiving compensation to perform those same duties?

    Everyone has their hands tied behind their backs. Why? Old policies haven’t worked so why is the status quo still around? If it didn’t work before, it aint gonna work now.

    Someone said, nothing is broken, excuse me but you are wrong.

  123. WarriorNY July 12, 2012 11:51 am

    What the heck? I take 3 days off from reading the blog cuz im on vacation in Vegas and I see we got another 4 star commit but were scammed outta 200k? Aye…. Anyways, gotta get back to checking my bro at the main event…

  124. Old School Dave July 12, 2012 11:52 am

    el burro: That is true. Just gotta keep pounding away to get rid of these idiotic State rules and regulations. I think Rockne Freitas is a good choice for interim AD. People will sit up a little straighter when he comes into the room/office.

  125. Old School Dave July 12, 2012 11:54 am

    Wasn’t Bob Wagner told that there was no urgent need to increase the football budget or improve facilities after what he accomplished with the 92 Holiday Bowl team?

  126. Kevin July 12, 2012 12:02 pm


    Ill never EVER forget what Bob Wagner said about UH regarding that as UH’s stance was:

    Well, if you went to the Holiday Bowl on what you’re budget and facilities are now, why do you need better?

    The attitude still exists today.

  127. d1shima July 12, 2012 12:05 pm


    I noticed that it didn’t take Oceanic/TW long at all to shift the channel line-up.

    Hope The Big Guy has his resume up-to-date! 😯

  128. Kevin July 12, 2012 12:06 pm

    *your* not *you’re*

  129. Hodad July 12, 2012 12:11 pm

    Rockne Freitas did Lokilani Lindsay’s dirty work at Kamehameha. That’s all I need to note about that guy.

  130. ai-eee-soos July 12, 2012 12:17 pm

    … here’s another …

    Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Larry Foote claims he is the victim of a scheme to defraud him out of more than $400,000.

  131. Old School Dave July 12, 2012 12:17 pm

    Kevin: That’s sad, really sad. I also remember Stan Sheriff having to explain to the State Legislators on why a new 4,000 seat arena they were pushing wasn’t good enough for UH.

  132. clyde July 12, 2012 12:22 pm

    I’d still be interested in knowing the genesis of the concert, as in who made the initial contact. That being said, if Jim Donovan is judged to be the most culpable and does not return — and that would be unfortunate for someone so devoted to his alma mater — perhaps the long-term answer for filling the athletic director position already sits in an office at Bachman Hall. Difficult times for UH athletics. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out — hopefully, in a timely manner.

  133. iwonderwhytheyhateme July 12, 2012 12:32 pm


    I completely forgot about that. In the Broken Trust book and all.

  134. Capitolist/WassupDoc July 12, 2012 12:33 pm

    For those of you who are interested in another view of these issues, go to Ian Lind’s blog at – yesterday and today’s postings.

  135. RedZone July 12, 2012 12:46 pm

    Is Todo on paid leave?

  136. kev-1 July 12, 2012 12:47 pm

    The sportscaster from Hawaii News Now – don’t know his name – (who I don’t care for by the way), gave a pretty unflattering report on Donovan’s time as AD during last night’s sportscast. It sounded like he didn’t think JD was doing a very good job.

    I was under the impression that most agreed that JD was doing pretty well. I know the Tsaikos like him here, but what are your guys thoughts on his accomplishments? Braddah last night gave a lot of credit for the good stuff to Rockne, while the bad to JD.

  137. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 12:50 pm

    My opinion: It’s hard to hate Jim Donovan.

  138. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 12:50 pm

    My opinion: It’s hard to hate Jim Donovan.

  139. oldtimer808 July 12, 2012 12:58 pm

    This fiasco is long time coming with all the bureaucratic junk that is in place to create an unreal situation for the AD. If you have a bonus system in place and the coaches have earned it than pay them on time. UH should allow the AD the room he needs to install a system to cover all the bases. Granted JD made some mistakes but the people under him did not do the work required. The so called lawyers should have been more diligent in understanding these type of contracts. Can we use the word micro manage? The state system would never work if you were trying to run a profitable business.

  140. d1shima July 12, 2012 1:00 pm

    The backlash from this could be really detrimental to UHAD because it empowers its detractors who claim that $ spent on athletics is frivolous and unnecessary.

    If things turn out badly for the existing Director, UHAD may need to counter that with a different kind of face leading the way forward.

  141. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 1:04 pm

    Somewhere along the line someone said:

    “No worry, no worry, I get em, garans.”

  142. madeinhawaii July 12, 2012 1:05 pm

    So, who actually signed off on the check? If not the Chancellor and the UH Pres says she didn’t know anything about the concert… ?

  143. papajoe2 July 12, 2012 1:06 pm

    When I heard Mr. Freitas on the radio interview, it sounded to me that he wanted the AD job, but when I read this morning’s SA, it sounds like he definately doesn’t want the AD job. Also, I don’t know if I heard correctly but didn’t someone ask if they knew who they wanted for the next AD and the interviewee said they have somebody in mind. I could be wrong because I was in my car and there was construction going on.

  144. rich July 12, 2012 1:16 pm

    This whole situation is bad. I’m surprised Donovan and others were duped by this “third party.”

  145. Kevin July 12, 2012 1:17 pm

    UH coaches are always under administrative scrutiny, even when spending money they’ve raised.


    So my big concern is who the new AD will be and what agenda will they be concerned with? Paying back UH for the deficit or actually investing and advancing the department and the 20 programs they have?

  146. jm2375 July 12, 2012 1:20 pm

    Howzit Tsaikos!

    Happy Birthday BIK!!

    From my fuzzy memory of UH procedures, not sure a dept head is authorized to sign a 6-figure check.

    Given all the speculation that RF is in line for the AD position, isn’t that a big step down from his current position? He’s currently a UH *system* VP. Can’t get too much higher than that.

    Hmmm, gas leak @ Keller, Bilger & Phys Sci bldgs. Isn’t that where the mainframe computer is?

  147. Kevin July 12, 2012 1:22 pm

    A lot of people have emotional, personal, and financial investments with UH athletics.

    For some of us, UH athletics represents an idea, a belief that this represents us as a people and as alums.

    While we may have personal favorites in certain positions, the bottom line is are they/have they done all they can to move things forward.

    Furthermore, if they are responsible for errors then they should be accountable.

    Its hard to hate one’s own children, but if they screw up or arent doing something right, wouldnt a parent or guardian still enstill discpline, responsibility, and accountability?

    The problem with playing favorites is just that. It has no bearing on having things in place to make right decisions.

  148. jm2375 July 12, 2012 1:25 pm

    Government agencies are NOT supposed to be profitable. Break-even at best.

  149. madeinhawaii July 12, 2012 1:26 pm


    Wow.. that article doesn’t paint a pretty picture at all.

  150. Kevin July 12, 2012 1:26 pm


    Gas Leak huh? Someone trying to clean up???

    Paranoia can be 50/50. 50% BS, 50% a door to the truth….

  151. jm2375 July 12, 2012 1:30 pm

    Kevin – see SA Breaking News…

  152. RedZone July 12, 2012 1:38 pm

    Hope newspaper digs deep into what is going on at UH.

  153. d1shima July 12, 2012 1:40 pm

    Gas leak?

    Sounds like lack of oversight in the science labs.

    Video here….

  154. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 1:54 pm

    Maybe someone was cooking some N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine to sell as a fundraiser.

  155. jiminy cricket July 12, 2012 2:07 pm

    Don’t see how Donovan can last, even though I think he did a real good job throughout the years. I think there are losts of people in the chain to blame; legal, upper campus, financial, etc.

    Rumors are that Keith Amemiya is in line for AD.

  156. d1shima July 12, 2012 2:12 pm

    One smaht buggah ah you?

    MRC mafia?

    Whoever said that oddah mafia was done yet?

  157. tommui July 12, 2012 2:12 pm

    We have to run the Athletic Department as a business!

    Of course this may presuppose that the business must be entitled to all the income the business generates – such as parking, concessions, whether merchandise, hot dogs, drinks etc. And of course if the business is saddled with non-profitable subdivisions, the ability to shed those subdivisions.

    Except the legislature and the Feds demand that we have to obey Title IX – but does not supply the necessary where withall (i.e. moneys to keep those programs afloat)

    And then if the business attempts to raise funds …

    I really feel for JD – he was given in reality a canoe without a paddle.

  158. d1shima July 12, 2012 2:16 pm

    tommui is such a Gentlemen.

    …never mentioned the composition of the creek!

  159. Kevin July 12, 2012 2:28 pm

    I dunno much about Keith Amemiya other than the man put up $30,000.00 of his own money to save high school athletics and led the campaign to raise the million or more needed that year.

    I dunno much, but this says a lot.

    Amemiya seems to have a very positive image in the Hawaii sports community as well as the business community as many businesses donated towards the HHSAA cause.

    If the powers above him operate the same and if the same constraints are placed on Amemiya, should be the AD at some point, it would be sad to see what would eventually happen.

  160. Kevin July 12, 2012 2:31 pm

    Tom Mui,

    In principal I agree, but I worry.

    The athletic department could be run like a business sans state procedures and policies choking the living breath out of their sails, but I would not be in complete favor of a complete privatization of the department.

    My personal interests fall under UH maintaining TITLE IX compliance and as it is already, they are having a hard time getting close to being remotely compliant to that.

  161. Kekoa July 12, 2012 2:32 pm


    The Mongolian BBQ scheduled for tonite has been CANCELED. The club manager just announced that they are planning for another event to replace the Mongolian Dinner event on Thursday nights.

  162. d1shima July 12, 2012 2:35 pm

    Have those Mongols heard about this? 👿

  163. Last Call July 12, 2012 2:38 pm

    What does a Mongolian taste like ?

  164. d1shima July 12, 2012 2:41 pm

    It’s an acquired taste….

    …acquired at the point of a spear!

  165. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 2:41 pm

    Did anyone wire any money to Mongolia?

  166. Wes'side Warrior July 12, 2012 2:42 pm

    Happy birthday, BIK!!! Hope you have a great day!

  167. Last Call July 12, 2012 2:48 pm

    FBI says no sign of money in Epic Talent accounts – See SA Breaking News

  168. HawaiiSportsFans July 12, 2012 2:50 pm

    Aloha Sports Fans of Hawai’i,

    Good news! We still have slots available for our Inaugural Tour, as Stephen kindly posted in his blog last week, to see four amazing games:

    – Hawai’i at USC, in Coach NORM CHOW’s coaching debut against the probable #1 team in the nation in the Coliseum

    – Angels vs. Red Sox, in one of the most star-studded games of the year with ALBERT PUJOLS leading the charge alongside teammates MIKE TROUT, who could be the first AL MVP and Rookie of the Year in the same season since Ichiro, and MARK TRUMBO, All Star and Home Run Derby participant against Big Papi, DAVID ORTIZ, with his World Series-winning teammates DUSTIN PEDROIA and JACOBY ELLSBURY. This will be a game to remember!

    – Dodgers vs. Diamondbacks, sitting just yards from third base and see hot-hitting MATT KEMP and the boys in blue battle JUSTIN UPTON and the defending NL West champions in legendary Dodgers Stadium

    – Padres vs. Braves, in CHIPPER JONES’ last season of a truly illustrious, Hall of Fame-fitting career against all-world outfielder CAMERON MAYBIN, who just blasted the Major’s longest home run of the season at 485 feet.

    …and all escorted by BOB HOGUE!

    This is an experience of a lifetime! And right now, you can get a steal of a deal, starting at $1799! That’s airfare on Hawaiian Air, hotel a Embassy Suites and Hilton, private ground transportation and only lower level game tickets.

    Register today:!inaugural_tour/ca4p


  169. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 2:50 pm

    Arrest the Epic Talent Owner…

  170. SteveM July 12, 2012 2:56 pm


    July 12th, 2012 at 2:32 pm


    The Mongolian BBQ scheduled for tonite has been CANCELED. The club manager just announced that they are planning for another event to replace the Mongolian Dinner event on Thursday nights.

    This is not a drill or play on the cancelled concert theme. As an independent investigator, 🙁 I just called Hale Ikena and verified that Kekoa’s report in indeed accurate.

    Thanks for the head’s up, Kekoa!

  171. Shoko July 12, 2012 2:59 pm

    The more online searches I do about that agency Epic Talent Inc., the more I got to shake my head.

    Just read that Epic Talent was formally BAB (Bad A$$ Bitches) Productions according to their website.!/page_main

    Then I found a story about a women (Greene) who got duped out of $200,000 from a man named Joe Jones back in 2005.

    “Greene said Joe Jones and Associates recommended clients invest in a Charlotte concert promoter called BAB Productions. The Secretary of State’s Office is investigating the arrangement as possible fraud.”

  172. Kekoa July 12, 2012 3:01 pm

    Apparently there were a shortage of Mongolian Foodies.

    I’ve contacted Gigi and KK, so now I need to contact mo808 to let her know.

    Thank goodness I won’t have to call a press conference, initiate an investigation or blame anyone else except the club manager.

  173. wafan July 12, 2012 3:01 pm

    Will higher ups at UHM bear the responsibility to step down when the investigation(s) point out their participation? Or are they simply going to hush up the results and throw the lower downs from the parapets surrounding the upper campus?

  174. Kekoa July 12, 2012 3:04 pm

    Oh!…try wait!…according to UH protocol…it’s MY head on the chopping block because I was the one trying to do something good. Yikes!

  175. SteveM July 12, 2012 3:05 pm

    Kekoa — well, you made the booking, so do not leave town. 😐

  176. Kekoa July 12, 2012 3:05 pm

    Drunk no count wafan!

  177. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 3:11 pm

    Darn! Mo808 made special arrangements to attend the dinner tonight. She planned on attending with her hubby. I emailed her the bad news just now, and I hope she doesn’t wait at the restaurant, expecting us to show up!

    I would have been willing to have pau hana happy hour over there, but Kekoa informed me the restaurant was going to serve left overs from lunch. No thank you!!!

    Better luck next time. Hubby isn’t going to rush out of the office now, but will pick up a pizza on the way home.

  178. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 3:13 pm

    Kekoa or SteveM: Can you call the restaurant and tell them to be on the lookout for Mo and her husband? They should be informed of the change in plans.

  179. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 3:15 pm

    Re: Mongolian BBQ

    Like “Final Destination”, it was a harbinger, but you’re all doomed anyway.

  180. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 3:19 pm

    Hello? Is this the manager of Hale Ikena? Can you be on the look out for mo808 and hubby. Thank you.

  181. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 3:19 pm

    I have never tasted it, but if it is that unpopular and turnout is low, maybe that indicates that Mongolian BBQ is not delicious. Lol.

    Ah well, if it had been my call, I would have convened at the restaurant and get a consensus from the group as to another restaurant to dine at this evening.

  182. Ouch July 12, 2012 3:21 pm

    UH Admin is a joke plain and simple! MRC, Tom Apple, Hinshaw, JD, Clapp, etc. have no real experience running a major university. Who’s to blame for this fiasco, none other then the Board of Regents! Bunch of micro managers who want to flaunt their muscles once a month at Bachman Hall. Wonder who gave the legal advice regarding the contract? Hmmmm….which lawyer is connected to the Board?

  183. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 3:22 pm

    Don’t you guys have each others phone numbers? Sheesh!

  184. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 3:24 pm

    obviously not.

  185. jimmy the lock July 12, 2012 3:25 pm

    And here I thought Upper Campus was messed up.

  186. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 3:31 pm

    So whose signature is on the UH check? Anybody know?

    Mygosh, what if it is Apple’s?…

  187. Retro Man July 12, 2012 3:41 pm

    #188 – it was a blast from the past. Ron Rewald! It’s all a conspiracy against UH!

  188. SteveM July 12, 2012 3:41 pm

    jimmy the lock — mo808 has never attended a a Tsai-ko event (as far as I know)…this is her first. Kekoa and I don’t have her email or phone number yet.

    But for future reference– please email me your phone number so I can have them both on file in case your first Tsai-ko event is changed or canceled. stevem.hnl (at)


  189. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 3:43 pm

    For about 7 bucks you can eat at Burger King

    new items including: Memphis Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich,

    Carolina BBQ WHOPPER® Sandwich, Carolina BBQ Chicken Sandwich,

    Texas BBQ WHOPPER® Sandwich, Texas BBQ Chicken Sandwich,

    Frozen Classic Lemonade, and Sweet Potato Fries…

  190. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 3:45 pm

    But you can’t beat Burger Kings WHOPPER, regular french fries (better than

    McDonalds or Jack’nbox hands down)

  191. Kekoa July 12, 2012 3:46 pm

    Jimmy the Lock ~ I’ve never met mo808, so I don’t have her number. I’ve called everyone else to inform them of the change. Gigi had invited her and unfortunately only had her email addy. Most of our CC’s in the past have gone off without a hitch. I certainly never expected the club to decide to do what they need without notice.

    Easy to sit back and sharpshoot and be critical about our informal cc’s and t-gates when you don’t care to participate.

  192. manoa#1 July 12, 2012 3:46 pm

    that’s the problem at uh with the higher up and the coaches they try and keep all the bs on the down low from the community.

  193. Kekoa July 12, 2012 3:47 pm


  194. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 3:47 pm

    Would love to order their hot fudge brownie ice cream for about 4 bucks

    but too full after the whopper, fries and small drink…

  195. krump1_AKA_protector July 12, 2012 3:51 pm

    Kekoa and gigi-hawaii,

    I had planned to come tonight. It’s a good thing I took a look at the blog before heading down there. Oh well…rain check!

  196. tommui July 12, 2012 3:51 pm

    #162 KEVIN – I agree – that Title IX MUST be complied with and fully.

    It is a shame that the people in the Legislature doesn’t realize that women’s sports must be funded fully.

  197. Manoa July 12, 2012 3:59 pm

    Bad news for Donovan.

    FBI cannot find the $200,00 in the account the funds were supposedly wired to (who seriously thought the money would be there other than maybe Donovan and Sheriff).

    Scammer: “Send us $200K in advance and we can get Stevie. Don’t worry, the money will be in an “escrow” account so if the concert does not go through, you get your money back. And do not talk to Stevie’s USA agent or say too much about this, we are Stevie’s international agents and the USA agents could be trouble and hike the cost of the deal or even get in the way of putting it on.”

    JD: “Wire the money immediately”

  198. Last Call July 12, 2012 4:00 pm

    At one time in my life a had a brokerage account with AG Edwards now Wells Fargo. One day I dropped by their office and left a $600.00 tax return check with my broker to be deposited into my account.

    The next morning I checked my account online and there was a $600,000 credit to my account. I knew what the problem was but I printed a copy of my account anyawy and still have it.I like to take it out and look at it every now and then and remember when I was very wealthy for a day.

  199. Kevin July 12, 2012 4:05 pm

    The inherit misconception is that female athletics is not profitable.

    People are content with waiving their hands in the air and giving the cliché “congrats” when a wahine program does well, yet when average at best they are forgotten or condemned and questioned when there is a lack of proper funding for basic amenities and people cite “well, they are just not worth paying to watch”.

    The problem lies at UH as we all know.

    Programs like wahine basketball, soccer, and for the last 5 years, wahine softball are not viewed as investible assets, they are simply “cost-centers” for the university. No proper business would push a potential money making asset aside at least without attempt.

    Im not simply talking about charging admission, I’m talking about an investment in marketing and opening opportunities to gain profit.

    With softball, if the place was remotely in compliance with TITLE IX, perhaps they could justify admission which would then turn into potential to charge some sort of PSC as seen at other softball fields (i.e. Fresno State and LBSU).

    While they will not necessarily see a profit, their losses would be greatly reduced. Simply charging admission itself is wasteful.

    The culture needs to change, the mindset needs to change. They have the ability to place a value on their assets yet, nothing.

    A sport will be nothing but a money-drainer if that is how you treat it. If you place no emphasis on budget allowance, facility maintenance/improvements, proper coaching staff compensation competitive with national standards how will the recruits come to provide a quality product to gain a profit from?

    The basic formula of success that makes football and men’s basketball winners and profitable are not limited to just those sports via gender.

    People need to wake up and pull the heads out of their okoles.

  200. follower July 12, 2012 4:08 pm

    We’ve had a lot of negativity the past few weeks. How about something positive and turning our focus on the positive things any current football player is doing? “What inspires them” “What are they doing different this year to get better and how are they preparing for the upcoming schedule, of course the highly anticipated USC game” etc. “Can they share a funny experience” or do they have an “inspirational quote”.

    Well, just trying to find something positive and uplifting to read about.

  201. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 4:12 pm

    Yes, Kevin…girls can make others a lot of money.

    All they need is a chance, a good manager, and?

    For example, the Supremes, the Spice Girls, and

    how about all those Korean and Japanese girl groupies…

    The best selling girl-group of all time are the Spice Girls who have sold 75 million records worldwide…according to wikipedia.

  202. Last Call July 12, 2012 4:13 pm

    hard to find a rose in the middle of a weed patch.

  203. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 4:16 pm

    That’s why we have a new UH logo and black uni’s for men…

    JD and his team were creating interest and excitement and just

    need a little more lipstick and eyeshadow for the wahine…

  204. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 4:18 pm

    …just kidding about the cosmetics.

    But they do need “promotion and ideas to sell themselves.”

  205. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 4:19 pm

    Anyhow, everyone, enjoy life and each breath you take…

    You never know what tomorrow will bring.

  206. Kekoa July 12, 2012 4:23 pm

    Last Call ~

    As I was reading your story, I thought it would turn out to be one where your money never made it to your account. I’m glad it was a much happier ending for you, oddawize it would be ‘Last Call’ from you for sure!

  207. A-joe July 12, 2012 4:28 pm

    200. Aaaaahhhh… Great story!

  208. mo808 July 12, 2012 4:29 pm

    @ 174 Kekoa good ting we wuz just about to get on the freeway when I caught up my blog reading …. Auwe cancelled! Shucks! Turning around now

  209. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 4:30 pm

    Mo: so sorry. Hope to meet you in person some day. Take care!

  210. Kevin July 12, 2012 4:32 pm

    Yeah the thing about the lipstick and makeup is real funny.

    Well, considering the amount of conference and national titles the Rainbow Wahine collectively have compared to the men’s programs, maybe the men should wear some lipstick and makeup to.

    Maybe their luck will change?

  211. Kevin July 12, 2012 4:33 pm

    oh and I too am just kidding…

  212. blackhat seo July 12, 2012 4:34 pm

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  213. mo808 July 12, 2012 4:38 pm

    Seems like a crazy week anyway, even Tsakos are not immune to cancelled events. Hubs and I are headed to eat at Gyu-Kaku Windward Mall. There’s a deal there tonight. Hope to meet you folks at another occasion! A Hui Hou!

  214. RedZone July 12, 2012 4:38 pm

    follower here is a Warrior working out at home.

  215. mo808 July 12, 2012 4:39 pm

    Oh, Happy Birthday BIK!!!

  216. mo808 July 12, 2012 4:43 pm

    @211 Gigi Mahalo! Stuff happens. I look forward to the meeting you too!

  217. I used to be recommended this website via my cousin. I am no longer sure whether this put up is written via him as no one else realize such designated about my difficulty. You are incredible! Thank you!

  218. Seo Services July 12, 2012 5:09 pm

    lYxzHs Thanks again for the blog article.Much thanks again. Really Great.

  219. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 5:10 pm

    Would like to meet Kevin some day. Sounds like a person with heart.

  220. al July 12, 2012 5:28 pm

    …bik..happy 29th bday!

  221. Old School Dave July 12, 2012 5:31 pm

    On a more positive note – How are the voluntary summer workouts going? Has the QB from Duke arrived and is he working out with his new teammates?

  222. Kevin July 12, 2012 5:33 pm

    Keoki Kerr reports now that the $17,000.00 insurance was NOT purchased…

    For the love of God. Buy the insurance. I always buy insurance. On my phone, for a rental car, for a quick interisland flight.

    Get the damn insurance.

    The stupidity is still astounding…

  223. mo808 July 12, 2012 5:39 pm

    Kevin, I look forward to meeting you at the next tail gate/cattle all/karaoke event! 🙂

  224. mo808 July 12, 2012 5:43 pm


    Cattle all s/b Cattle Call

  225. mo808 July 12, 2012 5:45 pm

    This restaurant is way too dark…

  226. d1shima July 12, 2012 5:53 pm

    No can buy the insurance until can show the performer’s travel itinerary.

  227. HiFlyer July 12, 2012 6:01 pm


    20/20 hindsight

    If they would have asked for the itnerary for the insurance and the agent could not provide it this whole mess could have been avioded.

  228. wafan July 12, 2012 6:02 pm

    The cancelled concert just keeps getting stranger.

  229. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 6:04 pm

    I think the insurance would have cost UH $17,000 extra up front also

    and probably a bogus insurance company?

  230. wafan July 12, 2012 6:05 pm

    Too bad about tonight’s cc. Good thing I checked before leaving.

    Would have been fun to finally meet again and for the first time Tsai-kos and Tsai-kettes.

  231. Last Call July 12, 2012 6:14 pm

    From Ka Leo

    Hawaiʻi News Now reports that Stan Sheriff manager Rich Sheriff had been the contact with local promoter Bob Peyton, who negotiated the deal with Epic-Talent. After UH laywers approved the contract’s language, it was Associate Athletic Director Carl Clapp who signed the contract while Athletics Director Jim Donovan was out of town. UH Vice President for Budget and Fiscal Services Howard Todo approved the money transfer.

  232. d1shima July 12, 2012 6:15 pm


    Ya think!


  233. d1shima July 12, 2012 6:16 pm

    Wat language was dat?

  234. mo808 July 12, 2012 6:16 pm

    @232 Ahhhhh Wafan, double shucks!

  235. d1shima July 12, 2012 6:16 pm



    wait for it


  236. d1shima July 12, 2012 6:17 pm

    The language of a Nigerian Prince!

    😈 :mrgreen: 👿

  237. mo808 July 12, 2012 6:23 pm

    @ 233 Last Call: I wonder does this then bode better for JD and not so much for RS and Todo? Or, does everyone’s head end up on the chopping block?

  238. THeresa July 12, 2012 6:24 pm

    221.Ipu Man:

    July 12th, 2012 at 5:10 pm

    Would like to meet Kevin some day. Sounds like a person with heart.


  239. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 6:25 pm

    weird. did someone punch in the wrong numbers and the money was wired to the wrong acct?

  240. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 6:28 pm

    In his email to me, Kekoa mentioned having a CC at Sam Snead’s.

    Anybody interested?

    The restaurant has a nice view of the Navy-Marine Golf Course.

  241. Last Call July 12, 2012 6:28 pm

    241-was thinking the same thing gigi.

  242. HiFlyer July 12, 2012 6:30 pm

    gigi ?

  243. Last Call July 12, 2012 6:30 pm

    239 – So many involved now as we learn more ,hard to say where the ax will fall

  244. iwonderwhytheyhateme July 12, 2012 6:32 pm


    I doubt it.

    UH got shafted. Plain and simple.

  245. Jason July 12, 2012 6:58 pm

    In his email to me, Kekoa mentioned having a CC at Sam Snead’s.

    Anybody interested?

    The restaurant has a nice view of the Navy-Marine Golf Course.

    It’s not Sam Snead’s Tavern anymore. It’s Seven Palms Bar and Grille.

  246. MTx808 July 12, 2012 7:01 pm

    Hey Stephen:

    Do you know what number Sean Shcroeder , Jordan Puu-Robinson is?

  247. papajoe2 July 12, 2012 7:05 pm

    Yup. Been to Sam Snead’s in early June. No longer Sam Snead’s. Prices went way up. Some of the retirees ate downstairs at the snack shop. Cheaper there.

  248. d1shima July 12, 2012 7:05 pm

  249. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 7:11 pm

    Sorry. didn’t know the restaurant changed. Hubby and I had the Sunday brunch buffet about 4 years ago. Not bad and not expensive.

    Anyway, let’s have an evening CC before football season starts.

    Any suggestions welcome.

  250. tommui July 12, 2012 7:16 pm

    Re; #233

    Very interesting.

    The negotiations was between the Stan Sheriff Manager and a local promoter. The local promoter negotiated with the Epic Talent.

    The UH attorneys approved the language of the contract.

    Upper campus VP approved the transfer of the $$$.

    Contract was signed by the Asst. AD

    Jim Donovan was out of town.

    Very very interesting. Wonder what BHF2 and WARRIOR MOJO has to say about this.

  251. papajoe2 July 12, 2012 7:33 pm

    They must’ve at least talked to JD via cell or internet. If decision was made without JD’s conscent then they should reinstate JD. Since he’s getting paid while on leave, I hope he looks at it as a vacation.

  252. al July 12, 2012 7:39 pm

    i don’t know why mo808 chooses to dine outside of her own home when in fact she could enjoy a gourmet meal every night if she made nice-nice to her other half.

  253. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 7:41 pm

    Al: is mo’s hubby a professional chef somewhere?

  254. RedZone July 12, 2012 7:41 pm

    I got an email about a Centerplate Food and Sports Expo at Aloha Stadium for season ticket holders. Is this for real?

  255. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 7:44 pm

    Al: an acquaintance of mine used to post SA articles and photos on her blog. But even though she gave credit where it was due, the SA publisher emailed her a stop order due to plagiarism.

  256. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 7:46 pm

    As a matter of fact, I have noticed that Pinterist has lifted some of my photos and posted them on their site. I am not going to file suit or anything, but is this a form of flattery???

  257. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 7:48 pm

    Ah well, I should talk. I sometimes photograph my TV screen and post the photos on my site.

  258. tommui July 12, 2012 7:49 pm

    #253 papajoe2: I can’t make judgments on this situation other than if everyone gave their OK (upper campus, the attorneys, the Asst AD and SSC manager), if a consent was indeed made by JD, I would imagine that it would be based on the fact that everyone OK’d it and he was not around to look at the documentation.

  259. Shadow July 12, 2012 7:50 pm

    Don’t want to rain on anybody’s parade but JD’s career as UH AD has effectively ended. Now it’s a question of who & when will take over on a permanent basis.

  260. Moocher July 12, 2012 8:06 pm

    I mentioned this before…..scammers will often set up an escrow company. And for the inexperienced, they will recommend the safety of transferring money into an escrow-which is true. True until you find out the escrow company is connected to a ring of scammers. This is more common then you would believe. More common especially when it comes to overseas transactions and transactions in Europe.

    I almost did the same-put money in an escrow. However when I did a bit more research i found out the company I was going to purchase items from, and the escrow company THEY recommended were one and the same. Sometimes you can research a company’s name and an escrow’s company name on or i forget which one…..and you will see who owns the websites. For me I was lucky, the scammer used the same name he registered his business under and used the same name to register the escrow company under. This threw up all red flags for me…the scammer was based in London. Me, always local…I called Scotland Yard to report this but i didnt ask to speak to Sherlock Holmes…I’m part Portuguese, not podagee 🙂

    Now the question is…who was the scammer? The scammer must need a tie in with the escrow company. If i’m understanding that money was transferred into an escrow and now gone…I would look at the people involved in this deal and if there is a connection between any one of them and the escrow company, or fake escrow company-thats how scams like this work. Best to have this escrow company produce a history of transactions, you just may find your answer there. Are they legit, who do they deal with, any complaints, their history, etc.

    I cold be entirely wrong…but the way its being handled is not pono, Mac’s “retirement” was not pono…someone is pulling the strings behind the scenes while JD is dancing to their tune.

    Anyways thats my opinion 🙂

  261. d1shima July 12, 2012 8:14 pm

  262. Seo Services July 12, 2012 8:18 pm

    LAsiXi I truly appreciate this article post.Much thanks again. Great.

  263. mo808 July 12, 2012 8:22 pm

    @ 254 Al, you’re beginning to sound like hubs 🙂

  264. wafan July 12, 2012 8:24 pm

    Maybe Mr. Mo is looking for some time off.

  265. wafan July 12, 2012 8:25 pm

    Finally cooling off.

    Well, kinda, sorta, maybe.

  266. mo808 July 12, 2012 8:26 pm

    Redzone @ 256: yup, it’s fo real! I just responded to my sister’s inquiry to be her guest!

  267. wafan July 12, 2012 8:26 pm

    Happy birthday to BIK!


  268. wafan July 12, 2012 8:27 pm

    Condolences and positive thoughts to the bhf2 clan.

  269. oldtimer808 July 12, 2012 8:33 pm

    You know there are a lot of TSAIKO comedians in here but no can blame you since get plenty of good material coming out of UH….but my heart goes out to our Athletic Department and hope everything gets resolved soon and on to football. GO WARRIORS….GO BOWS.

  270. wafan July 12, 2012 8:34 pm

    Trying to figure out if the weather guy on the multistation news is now going or still going through puberty. Never heard a male voice crack so often even when I was at the lower grades.

  271. Kekoa July 12, 2012 8:34 pm

    mo808 ~ Thanks for your understanding. I think I’ll back off and let the cc Guru himself (AL) throw out the next cc location. Actually we have a number of Tsaiko’s to choose from. As a matter of fact, if there’s a place you would like to show us, I’m in!

    wafan ~ I nevah know you wuz back braddah! Small kine hint for you for Saturday only – because I know where you live no ‘mo.

    40…yup count ‘um…four zero! Food Trucks wit all kine grinds!

    Kapolei HS parking lot in da front from 3 PM until 6 PM on July 14 (Sat,)

    Prizes, give-aways, all kine stuff representing “A Taste of Kapolei!”

  272. wafan July 12, 2012 8:38 pm

    oldtimer . . .

    The mean spirited would take advantage it is really tough not to do so.

  273. wafan July 12, 2012 8:41 pm

    Kekoa . . .

    Did you open a lunch truck up in my area? A local guy and his family just opened a Hawai’ian lunch truck a couple of blocks away from the house — on the way home no less.

    Ono-kine food!

    Name of the truck?


  274. wafan July 12, 2012 8:42 pm

    Gotta go find KHS first. I guess if I go on Saturday I just have roll down the window and sniff my way there.

    Heard those things are crazy busy and crowded.

  275. HiFlyer July 12, 2012 8:47 pm

    wafan, just park at Kekoa’s place then walk over.

  276. mo808 July 12, 2012 8:52 pm

    @ 274 Kekoa, mahalo for taking time to plan the Mongolian BBQ gathering–no harm, no foul! It was the venue’s fault not yours! (besides, no funds were wired anywhere) 🙂

    I don’t mine singing for my dinner so if it’s a karaoke event or killa buffet meal deal somewhere I’m in! Besides, hubs needs to get a break from kitchen duty sometime! 🙂

  277. wafan July 12, 2012 9:00 pm

    Okay. When and where is the next evening cc?

  278. wafan July 12, 2012 9:00 pm


  279. mo808 July 12, 2012 9:02 pm

    Night night Wafan!

  280. clyde July 12, 2012 9:10 pm

    Damn. Anyone else see this (dated to 2009)? Note: Epic Talent previously operated as BAB Productions. Is this the same Epic and BAB connected to the Stevie Wonder scam?

    Charles Devernie Harrison has been sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 14 years and ordered to pay restitution of more than $13 million in connection with an investment scheme in which he participated based on a business known as “BAB Productions.”

    Harrison pled guilty in October 2008 to (1) conspiring to commit mail fraud and securities fraud by causing more than 200 investors to invest more than $11 million with his company; (2) securities fraud, and (3) conspiracy to commit money laundering.

    Harrison advised that investor funds would be used to fund concerts for nonprofits such as churches, colleges, and universities, when in reality, the investor funds were diverted back to other investors in Ponzi-fashion.

  281. SteveM July 12, 2012 9:12 pm

    When I was at the Hale Koa at the end of April, karaoke was back at the Warriors Club, but only on Wednesday nights. Music and dancing possible every night as usual.

    Where’s Curt?

    Coco Cafe dinner & Warriors Club karaoke/Dance calls are his speciality… 🙂

  282. al July 12, 2012 9:14 pm

    kekoa…i’m on a cc hiatus. you’ll see…er, less of me in fact. i’ve already misplaced 5 %.

  283. Slugger July 12, 2012 9:21 pm

    Happy birthday, Big Island Kurt!

    Night y’all!

  284. al July 12, 2012 9:22 pm

    gg… aka hubs can cook some mean culinary delights i can bear testimony to that much.

    now whether mo808 is nice to him…well, i don’t know about that.

  285. al July 12, 2012 9:27 pm

    kekoa…here’s a name for your food truck

    kekoa’s hawaiian style

    “today’s special: turkey tail plate”

  286. al July 12, 2012 9:29 pm

    slugger its only 9 something?

  287. al July 12, 2012 9:29 pm

    slugger its only 9 something?

  288. d1shima July 12, 2012 9:30 pm

    Aww clyde….wea you was befo? shudacudawudavillle?

  289. clyde July 12, 2012 9:44 pm

    d1: Sorry, if it’s old news. Scammers prying on the vulnerable … disgusting, although it doesn’t excuse all those who signed off on the concert.

  290. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 9:45 pm

    hmmm. I’ll pass on the karaoke, but would love to have an elegant dinner somewhere.

  291. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 9:47 pm

    I was surprised that some people were going to attend tonight’s function without sending a RSVP to the blog first. It’s a good thing they checked the blog first before leaving for dinner.

  292. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 9:50 pm

    I used to dance at Studebaker’s, but haven’t danced for years since then. Out of practice. Might be hard to dance after eating a full meal, though we didn’t have trouble at the Rainbow Room in NYC.

  293. SteveM July 12, 2012 9:58 pm

    RE: #294

    yup, ironic because we have their cell phone numbers–but as regular attendees, they always read the blog…the best and fastest way to send info out.

  294. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 9:58 pm

    Well, maybe hubby and I will have a quiet dinner somewhere upscale this weekend. We’ll see.

    Good night, all.

  295. gigi-hawaii July 12, 2012 9:59 pm

    SteveM: funny thing is, I was not reading the blog when Kekoa called me. Good thing he called or I would not have known.

  296. d1shima July 12, 2012 10:06 pm


    Sorry if it sounded like I was beating you up.

    It’s just easier to pile on information once you know what to look for.

    Certainly due diligence is to be expected and we’ll see how much was actually exercised.

  297. BigHiloFan2 July 12, 2012 10:20 pm

    Tommui 252.

    you answered your own question 261.

    anyway, my gut tells me Moocher 263 probably got da nail at da top. JD is a trusting kinda guy. gentle bear kind. trying to give Carl a pat on da back. his dna is to help UHAthletics.

    but I agree that UH gotta come outta this one fighting. And good thing we got Rockne. His presence alone gonna help da team.

    But, I still wouldn’t put em in my boat. :mrgreen:

    first half mile ok. afta dat, da load is too big. :mrgreen:

    just kidding. JUST KIDDING. 😆

  298. BigHiloFan2 July 12, 2012 10:21 pm

    attention atention.

    Daniel just hit pepeekeo. 950 pm hst.

  299. BigHiloFan2 July 12, 2012 10:24 pm

    Happy Birthday Brudda Kurt. hope the day was great for you.

  300. Ipu Man July 12, 2012 10:24 pm

    Thanks Clyde, I for one did not know that.

    Appreciate your comments.

  301. BigHiloFan2 July 12, 2012 10:28 pm

    is this guy Peyton a scammer or a scammie?

    burn me once, shame on you. burn me twice, shame on me.

    at least, he is a babuuzah! whats his involvement with the escrow company?

    and the escrow company is where? and how did he know the name of the agent?

    and where he got that information from?

    HPD should open a criminal investigation. unless UH already knows a criminal investigation would go nowhere and is now trying to put a political spin on da deal.

    but nuff a dat. time to get back on track.


  302. BigHiloFan2 July 12, 2012 10:33 pm

    using the logic of banging JD. if the idea is to bang the leader when he’s not even here, and his involvement is okaying what others are saying, then following that logic, does not the buck go higher up the food chain?

    but I digresssss…..

    Go Warriors! go Miur!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  303. BigHiloFan2 July 12, 2012 10:34 pm


    fight for your food! this is not coddling time.

  304. SteveM July 12, 2012 10:37 pm


    July 12th, 2012 at 9:45 pm

    hmmm. I’ll pass on the karaoke, but would love to have an elegant dinner somewhere.

    Speaking of “elegant dinner somewhere” …and elegant breakfast, elegant lunch, elegant tea, elegant dinner, elegant midnight pupus, and elegant room service…repeat 7-16 times…


    now enroute to elegant dining in the Baltic on the Holland Eurodam.

    Tsigh…67 looong days until my next cruise.

  305. BigHiloFan2 July 12, 2012 11:16 pm

    BuN VOYAGE in Hilo Bay.

    Tsigh…. Saturday. :mrgreen:

  306. BigHiloFan2 July 12, 2012 11:18 pm

    good nite y’all.

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