A great Dane

The San Francisco 49ers recently made former UH offensive lineman Dane Uperesa an offer he could refuse.
The 49ers wanted to sign Uperesa to their practice squad with the hope of adding him to the full offseason roster.
But Uperesa politely — everything he does is respectful — turned down that offer. He also had turned down other offers from NFL teams.
That’s because Uperesa, who spent the past two seasons on the Cincinnati Bengals’ and then Indianapolis Colts’ practice rosters, has decided to retire from football.
“It was something I was thinking about for a while,” Uperesa said. “Football was always a vehicle for me.”
Uperesa said he chased the pro dream but, in the end, decided, “I’d be happier trying to live life in the real world.”
Uperesa’s fiancee is in dental school at Creighton University in Omaha.
He has moved to Nebraska, and plans to pursue a master’s degree at the University of Nebraska-Omaha.
“I wanted it to be a decision made completely by myself,” Uperesa said. “Football was always a way to get things I wanted. I got a great education (at UH), and I had the best five years of my life (there). I met some great people. I had a ton of fun. Now it’s over. I’m ready to move on. I’m very happy.”

* * *

A reader named “John” sent me these links to two quizzes. He wants to see how well blog readers will do. Check them out:



* * *

This is very off topic, but how do people feel about fireworks?
I wasn’t a big fan of fire when I was a kid. OK, I might have been traumatized. When I was in New York, our seventh-grade class went on a week-long trip to D.C., where we bought fireworks. We were dropped off back at the school. I put a Roman Candle in my back pocket, then made the walk home. I noticed there was a kid behind me. I looked, and he had a match. That was the first, of many times in my life, somebody tried to light a fire under my arse.
Then there was my cousin, Todd Kubo, who taught me how to light a string of firecrackers, but wasn’t too clear on when to let go.
So, no, I wasn’t a fan of the big-bang theory.
But now my son does fireknife performances, and we’ve got an annoying neighbor who calls to scream at us at 12:15 a.m. New Year’s Day, so I’m back on the fence on the issue. Your thoughts?


  1. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 11:20 am

    We didn’t get to 600!

  2. oxymoron December 30, 2008 11:21 am

    so what about the JC letters of intent?

  3. TOM December 30, 2008 11:21 am

    Good going Dane!

  4. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 11:22 am

    Good for Dane Uperesa. Nice to see someone furthering their education.

  5. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 11:23 am

    As his agent said: “Usually, it’s the other way around. We have to tell a player when it’s over. He made his own decision.”

  6. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 11:24 am

    I think we’re all good on the JC letters of intent, although Chizzy probably comes in May instead of January.

  7. theperfectseason December 30, 2008 11:25 am

    how about Dane as OL coach?

  8. Kazz December 30, 2008 11:27 am

    Awesome of Dane Uperesa to make such a decision.

    He was a terror at the tackle position! Best wishes to him!

  9. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 11:32 am

    Great going Dane…Hawaii is very proud of you…!!!

    Homey…let’s shoot for 600 on this post…although it will be harder than the last one…we were so close….LOL

  10. Jason December 30, 2008 11:32 am

    But … but … I’d love for him to be a 49er! ❗

    Can’t help but feel conflicted.

  11. Nalani December 30, 2008 11:33 am

    Transferring over to the new blog – tried valiently to make it to 600

  12. FloridaTed December 30, 2008 11:33 am

    Well done, Dane, that’s a man who knows who he is and what he wants.

    Hey, Tsaikos, be careful, I’ve heard there are cougars roaming on the last blog. Watch out, they might come over here now to hunt.

    Jason, tighten your belt.

  13. Nalani December 30, 2008 11:34 am

    I’d like the Tsaiko’s help in topics for a new song. Na Leo will be doing our 25th anniversary CD in a few months and I’d like to write something new. Any ideas?

  14. 808Chef December 30, 2008 11:35 am

    Top 10?

    Good for Dane. Would have been nice to have him in a 9er uni but hey, gotta satisfy the soul. Good Luck Dane!! GO NINERS BABY!!! Did I mention two of the Niners last 3 wins (St. Louis and J-E-T-S), we (the hotel) fed the team their final meal at their SC practice facility the day before the game? Dang it was sweet meeting all the players, coaches, admin. Shoulda took pics but I had to keep it prof. Oh well….that’s my culinary story for you tsaikos today. Aloha!

  15. Jason December 30, 2008 11:40 am

    14 bowl games, 76 football teams.

  16. A-House December 30, 2008 11:41 am


    your “soft” remarks about having to wait until February 2009 on coaching “changes” makes me wonder if you have “previleged” information that you are very happy or comfortable with and will not divulge to any of us – oh, I stay jealous, but you can tell us and we won’t tell anybody!!

  17. Nalani December 30, 2008 11:41 am

    yeah al, I like know too….

  18. Da Punchbowl Kid December 30, 2008 11:43 am

    What’s your email, Nalani? I might have something you can use.

  19. Nalani December 30, 2008 11:43 am


  20. Stretch December 30, 2008 11:44 am

    yeah al – spill the beans

  21. A-House December 30, 2008 11:47 am


    Congratulations on your upcoming 25th year annivesary and we are honored to have met you and that you and your family have joined the Tsaikos.

    How about a song of your experiences with the Tsaikos or what we represent in support of UH athletics.

    Kinda corny, yeah?

  22. labrat December 30, 2008 11:48 am

    Hey I saw Esme on TV the other day.

    Good Luck. Big Dane.

    What is Joe Onosai doing these Days????

  23. Nalani December 30, 2008 11:53 am

    A-House: I think those kinds of songs can be done in a general way (like “Friends”) that groups of people take it to mean something special to them. What would you say are the ‘keywords’ that come to mind when you think of your relationship w Tsaiko’s.

  24. Stretch December 30, 2008 11:54 am

    Nalani – food, friends, food, football, food, family, food, fun, food….

  25. Jason December 30, 2008 11:57 am

    Football, food, friends, family, fun. 🙂

  26. Jason December 30, 2008 11:58 am

    I should refresh before I hit Submit …

  27. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 11:59 am

    song theme? how about a guys first date…

  28. Nalani December 30, 2008 11:59 am

    Joe Onosai is head coach of Word Of Life Varsity Football team, for one.

  29. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 11:59 am

    btw, we reached 600 on the last blog.

  30. Nalani December 30, 2008 12:00 pm

    …ok homey, start me off, but I’m almost afraid to ask…..

  31. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 12:02 pm

    Fireworks? I guess growing up in Waipahu you do become a pyromaniac. ST, yep I can see Todd “playing” with fireworks.

  32. A-House December 30, 2008 12:02 pm

    Thanks, Stretch and Jason for providing a response to Nalani!

    Off to see MasaBoy!

  33. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 12:06 pm

    …as I prepare for this special moment…who am I, what will she think, am I ready, what clothes to wear, cologne?, when is the right time for…

  34. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 12:07 pm

    That made me hungry, bbl, going to cook breakfast food for lunch.

  35. FloridaTed December 30, 2008 12:14 pm

    Hey, Nalani, how’s this?

    The times have carried me along,
    the road behind me now
    has grown so long,
    stored in my memory somehow.
    Brushed with Aloha’s glow.
    the twists and turns that passed,
    is what the mirrors show.

    My people and these Islands
    have formed my heart and soul,
    as I think back in silence
    what always made me whole.
    My songs are notes of love,
    who’s currency won’t fade
    just like sunlight from above.

    This land is where my roots have grown,
    becoming strong and deep.
    Wherever I will go from here,
    I will return and weep.

  36. Nalani December 30, 2008 12:16 pm

    Could be a good song Homey, but being a girl band, I don’t think we could pull it off. Maybe I can refer the idea to a boy band friend of mine.

  37. FloridaTed December 30, 2008 12:18 pm


    If you like it I can continue, lol.

  38. Nalani December 30, 2008 12:20 pm

    I like the last 4 lines a lot. Could use that.

    Did you just whip this off the top of your head?

  39. NorthShoreFan December 30, 2008 12:22 pm

    FloridaTed..Awesome..you may not know it but you are a poet…

    Nalani..25 yers already?!?@@!! Seems just like yesterday. The music is still fresh and from the heart.
    Congratulations on the first 25 years and wshing you guys 25 more!

    BTW..hows about another one for the NorthShore area? Kaena side? Beautiful side of the island.

  40. FloridaTed December 30, 2008 12:23 pm

    Off course, Nalani,

    I just read your note that you’re looking for ideas, this just came out off the top of my head, with some time…….

  41. Jason December 30, 2008 12:24 pm

    That was pretty nice, FloridaTed!

    Wow, lots of excitement in this Humanitarian Bowl.

  42. FloridaTed December 30, 2008 12:25 pm


    The four lines could make a good bridge.

  43. Ralph December 30, 2008 12:25 pm

    nalani don’t ever write your email address on a blog like you just did. instead use space,at, and write out dot. people will put it together properly, now you will be getting a lot of spam….nalani choy at hawaii dot rr dot com

  44. Ralph December 30, 2008 12:26 pm

    and the spam you going get you can’t eat with your rice and eggs

  45. Nalani December 30, 2008 12:26 pm

    Funny you mention NSFan. I have already written a new one for Ka’ena with Ben Vegas. It will go on the new CD.

  46. Nalani December 30, 2008 12:28 pm

    Really Ralph? Thx for the tip. I have a good spam filter, but hate to think I’m going to get more.

  47. NorthShoreFan December 30, 2008 12:30 pm

    Nalani…AWRYTE!!! Been waiting a while for someone to pen a song for this beautiful place. It’s been subject to some bad people tearing it up but now the community is getting involved so hopefully we can preserve this special place.

  48. d1島 December 30, 2008 12:34 pm

    Great Morning All!

    Nice read about Dane Uperesa. Sounds like a “What I Did For Love” kinda thing.
    Hey, if the BaseBows make it to the CWS maybe he can be the Beeg Fan! 🙂

  49. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 12:36 pm

    I must say, it’s kind of surreal to have someone from Na Leo be on this blog.

  50. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 12:36 pm

    Then again, I can’t believe I know Jim Leahey, either.

  51. Kazz December 30, 2008 12:36 pm


    Who put the Roman Candle in the back pocket of your neighbor?

  52. Jason December 30, 2008 12:39 pm

    I can’t believe I know Stephen Tsai. 😀

  53. d1島 December 30, 2008 12:40 pm

    Gotta have ’em for NY Eve…
    Growing up in Kalihi is kinda like Waipahu; only with a little more throwing ’em at each other. (Always had an advantage over one certain “group” who used to “get it” ’cause we would pick up theirs, light ’em, and throw ’em back! 😆 ) (sorry, old joke 😉 )

  54. LizKauai [Believer] December 30, 2008 12:41 pm

    ST- I like looking at aerial fireworks from afar (ooh, aaaah). The smoke, I don’t like… used to give me asthma. I don’t care for the firecrackers (too loud) and the mess they leave behind. I always worry about injuries too. (I have a friend who is missing a couple of fingers from fireworks…)

  55. Jason December 30, 2008 12:42 pm

    Mike Shanahan is out — how about a return to San Francisco? 😀

  56. d1島 December 30, 2008 12:43 pm

    Roman candles…gotta be careful of that last one; sometimes backfire! 😯
    (Did Romans really use them as candles?)

  57. Da Punchbowl Kid December 30, 2008 12:43 pm

    I can’t believe you know Jim Leahey either.

  58. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 12:43 pm

    I guessed 63 schools. I forgot one of the WAC schools (Nevada). I suck.

  59. Da Punchbowl Kid December 30, 2008 12:44 pm

    And I can’t believe Jason has a date.

  60. Da Punchbowl Kid December 30, 2008 12:45 pm


    Check ya email…

  61. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 12:45 pm

    My bro-in-law always buys a lot of fireworks. So there’s a cul-de-sac where they just fire away. And then we get the telephone call.
    Angry neighbor: Hey, stop shooting fireworks. It’s too damn loud.
    Us: What? I can’t hear you. The fireworks are too loud.

  62. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 12:46 pm

    Wait. Jason has a date who’s not Al?

  63. d1島 December 30, 2008 12:46 pm


    As OC?
    I like Singletary as HC…

  64. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 12:46 pm

    Hey, DPK:
    No IMing Nalani.

  65. owen-16 December 30, 2008 12:48 pm

    talk about one i wasn’t expecting, shanahan getting canned by the broncos, wow…

  66. Da Punchbowl Kid December 30, 2008 12:48 pm

    Apparently so, Tsai-rah, apparently so. Our ‘lil blog son is growing up right before our eyes… snuff… sniff…sob…

  67. TOM December 30, 2008 12:48 pm

    WHITEY: There is a story about $$$ in the HA about what the ProBowl generates.

    Of course the ProBowl in Miami is something that the owners feel would be a way of making perhaps more money. It will preceed the SuperBowl by a week.

    Will be interesting if, say the Giants plays the Jets and most of the Giants and Jet players are elected to be All Pros. Needless to say I don’t think those players will be playing in the Pro Bowl risking life and limb a week before the Super Bowl!

  68. Stretch December 30, 2008 12:48 pm

    Is it any surprise that Nevada is wearing their all blue uniforms today at the Humanitarian Bowl in Boise?? Not the same shade of blue but close enough

  69. Da Punchbowl Kid December 30, 2008 12:50 pm

    The only person I ever IM is gigi… Once in a while she responds.

  70. Stretch December 30, 2008 12:50 pm

    we’ve got an annoying neighbor who calls to scream at us at 12:15 a.m.

    I think you should be okay this year, I think your “annoying neighbor” is in or on their way to Vegas

  71. LizKauai [Believer] December 30, 2008 12:51 pm

    Congrats, Dane… have the BEST 2009!

    ST- also- fireworks are costly. When the kids were young and pyro-crazy, I took them to other people’s houses who had $$ to spend on fireworks and brought snacks or drinks. I could not blow up the hard-earned cash instead of buying food or clothes.

  72. Da Punchbowl Kid December 30, 2008 12:52 pm

    I used to IM homey until he blocked me.

  73. Da Punchbowl Kid December 30, 2008 12:56 pm

    It’s good that Dane knows his own heart well enough to walk away. I’m sure he’s gonna do great no matter what.

  74. Jason December 30, 2008 12:58 pm

    d1: Yeah, as OC. I absolutely love Singletary as HC. Bring back Shanahan, let him go crazy with Frank Gore. 🙂

    But I doubt he’d go back to being an OC. There are so many HC openings, he’s bound to get one.

  75. d1島 December 30, 2008 12:59 pm

    re: Pro Bowl in Super Bowl city.

    Who’s gonna cover the Pro Bowl build-up? Stephen, would you take an assignment in the Super Bowl city during the first week between the Conf Championships and the SB? Don’t the SB teams stay at home until the week of the SB?

  76. Ralph December 30, 2008 1:03 pm

    49’ers looking for new OC….back to futility, an all running game going nowhere soon….back to the stone ages…..this brew for you-since i haven’t found a good smiley site to tack one on here

  77. d1島 December 30, 2008 1:03 pm


    It would be interesting to see how Shanahan would approach re-building the Niners OL.
    But like brew mentioned before, there’s the Yorks!

  78. BillB December 30, 2008 1:04 pm

    ST, like you during small kid time I was a big fan, couldn’t wait to take apart those Baby Camels and the bamboocha Duck Brand so it would last through the night. My wife has asthma and she suffers, so now I have to vote for a ban on fireworks other than the organized events.

    Two New Year resolution wishes:

    One, to all those idiots with the illegal fireworks, why don’t you take the kala spent on this and donate it to the Hawaii Foodbank.

    Two, Greg Alexander please sign up for a couple of the speed and quickness clinics to get ready for 2009.

    Hauoli Makahiki Hou

  79. Stretch December 30, 2008 1:12 pm

    Maryland leads Nevada at halftime 28-14

  80. SteveM December 30, 2008 1:13 pm

    LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER:
    December 30th, 2008 at 9:19 am
    Kekoa- thanks for the ProBowl suggestions.
    So- should we have some kind of Saturday night activity on the 7th?

    December 30th, 2008 at 10:54 am
    I like go Karaoke. When we going??

    homey ℞:
    December 30th, 2008 at 10:57 am
    I’m with Nalani too! When is the next k-call?

    December 30th, 2008 at 11:01 am
    A Karaoke Kall is in the works.

    December 30th, 2008 at 11:16 am
    SteveM – check your email

    Whooosh..I’ve never seen Stretch move so fast…maybe all this talk about dating 🙂 A BIG KARAOKE CALL was on the back burner but really heated up this morning…

    Saturday, February 7, 2009
    7:30 PM – 12:30 AM
    Krazy Karaoke (big room) Young Street

    Please RSVP on the blog…. ASAP
    Stretch has made the reservation and must put down a $350 deposit by this Friday. Break-even point at 48 people (55 max.).
    Probable cost is $15 per person for the room/karaoke
    Bring your own refreshments and food (indoor tailgate)

    – – – – – – – – – – – –

  81. owen-16 December 30, 2008 1:17 pm

    wonder what kinda odds we coulda gotten on wade phillips still being in dallas and shanny being out of denver as recently as a month ago…

  82. LizKauai [Believer] December 30, 2008 1:22 pm

    SteveM- I’m IN! Krazy Karaoke is da bomb – even if no mo nabeyaki udon… ❗

  83. oxymoron December 30, 2008 1:24 pm

    fireworks…I have no problem with it IF:
    1.) people keep within legal days/times to pop em off
    2.) knuckleheads in Waipahu and Kalihi especially keep it only fireworks and not home made IED’s, where people directly or indirectly get hurt.
    3.) parents are responsible in supervising their kids so we don’t end up with kids in the hospital and/or brush fires.

    since people tend not to comply with the three, it’s probably time to make em illegal, save for professionally staged shows.

  84. 808ike December 30, 2008 1:24 pm


    Hope you have a smashing time with your female friend (DATE!).The
    next time you see her, you’ll have a


    bus ride.

  85. LizKauai [Believer] December 30, 2008 1:25 pm

    Dammit… I’m OUT… I just checked my calendar and that is my Rotary Club’s BIGGEST fundraiser of the year – Robert Burns Supper… YIKES! poopoo doodoo…
    dag nabbit… all excited for nada…

  86. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 1:25 pm

    DPK – my email software automatically recognized you as spam.

    Nothing like portuguese sausage, over easy eggs, rice, and shoyu for lunch. For those aching to know, the portuguese sausage was Purity (costco 4-pack but ate just one of the logs), brown eggs (costco brown eggs with omega-3, ate only 3 eggs), small grain rice (from Don Quixote, forgot the brand name), and Aloha shoyu (lite, didn’t want to take too much of the egg and sausage taste away).

  87. Stretch December 30, 2008 1:28 pm

    Pretty funny, I was walking past a pet store on Kauai and there is a sign that says, “No male dogs allowed….” First thought was, damn, homey can’t go inside the store.

  88. LizKauai [Believer] December 30, 2008 1:31 pm

    hhhmmm… unless I leave early and catch the last flight out… That’s a possibility – but it means getting in after 11pm. Too late??? O will the party be just getting started???

  89. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 1:31 pm

    K-call – So far I’m in! If for some reason I do a MLiz or a jojo I will gladly pay Stretch a $30 penalty.

    d1 – hey, you the Kalihi knucklehead? I don’t mean the HD motorcycle engine either.

  90. Stretch December 30, 2008 1:33 pm

    Wow, Robert Marve is leaving Miami-Florida. But there are restrictions to what conferences he can play in, didn’t hear the WAC listed.

  91. LizKauai [Believer] December 30, 2008 1:33 pm

    speaking of jojo- say a little prayer for jojo- not super bad kine but get owies.

  92. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 1:34 pm

    Stretch – I wonder why it was male dogs?

    MLiz – It’s best you wankel with the rotary gang. We’ll be thinking of you when d1 tackles that phantom of the opera song solo.

  93. jm2375 December 30, 2008 1:35 pm

    Kekoa – no need make cake for Jason. He’s being a very naughty boy!! 👿

    Jason – accountants don’t have to INTERACT with anyone, statisticians do. Biostatisticians are usually counseling physicians who have no knowledge of stats at all. (Sorry, professional pet peeve)

  94. LizKauai [Believer] December 30, 2008 1:36 pm

    Hope djmitcho is FLYING OUT!!!

  95. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 1:37 pm

    I’ll be lighting a candle for jojo, still get plenty out after that blackout since I no more Honda eu2000 generator like some peeps in upper Alewa.

  96. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 1:38 pm

    someone needs to give jm%&#@ a chill pill.

  97. LizKauai [Believer] December 30, 2008 1:40 pm

    m-homey- mahalo for trying to make me fff fffeel better… sniff 😥

    jm2375- you gotta “out-joke” Jason to win this round…


    Mathematician: 3 is a prime, 5 is a prime, 7 is a prime, and by induction – every odd integer higher than 2 is a prime.

    Statistician: Let’s try several randomly chosen numbers: 17 is a prime, 23 is a prime, 11 is a prime…

  98. Stretch December 30, 2008 1:41 pm

    IF djmitcho is flying Hawaiian and was on the 805am flight out of Seattle, then he has already landed. If he was on the Hawaiian flight leaving at 920am, he must be sitting in the Seattle airport, it is delayed and not supposed to arrive until 730pm.

  99. LizKauai [Believer] December 30, 2008 1:42 pm

    There are three kinds of mathematicians:
    those who can count and those who can’t.

  100. brew808 December 30, 2008 1:46 pm

    Why is the cougar making mathematicsl jokes? 😯

  101. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 1:46 pm

    A statistician is a mathematician broken down by age and sex.

  102. Jason December 30, 2008 1:49 pm

    A graduate student of mathematics who used to come to the University on foot every day arrives one day on a fancy new bicycle. “Where did you get the bike from?” his friends asked. “It’s a `thank you’ present”, he explains, “from that freshman girl I’ve been tutoring. Yesterday she called me and told that she had passed her math final and wanted to drop by to thank me in person. She arrived at my place on her bicycle. When I had let her in, she took all her clothes off, smiled at me, and said: `You can get from me whatever you desire!'”

    One of his friends remarks: “You made a really smart choice when you took the bicycle.”

    “Yeah”, another friend adds, “just imagine how silly you would have looked in a girl’s clothes – and they wouldn’t have fit you anyway!”

  103. brew808 December 30, 2008 1:50 pm

    ….sadly…. I think that’s a true story….. 😯

  104. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 1:50 pm

    1 in 2 Tsaiko’s make up 50% of all Tsaiko’s.

  105. Stretch December 30, 2008 1:53 pm

    December 30th, 2008 at 1:50 pm
    ….sadly…. I think that’s a true story…..

    he revised it a little, I heard the same story only thing is that the girls shows up on theBus and he takes theBus pass….

  106. LizKauai [Believer] December 30, 2008 1:53 pm

    A biologist, a statistician and a mathematician are on a photo-safari in Africa. They drive out on the savannah in their jeep, stop and scout the horizon with their binoculars.

    The biologist : “Look! There’s a herd of zebras! And there, in the middle : A white zebra! It’s fantastic ! There are white zebra’s ! We’ll be famous !”

    The statistician : “It’s not significant. We only know there’s one white zebra.”

    The mathematician : “Actually, we only know there exists a zebra, which is white on one side.”

  107. brew808 December 30, 2008 1:54 pm

    Congratulations to Dane Uperesa! That was an incredibly noble, and wise decision. I especially like the part of moving to Omaha to support his wife and continue his own education. 😀

  108. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 1:54 pm

    I wonder if one of the friends in Jason’s story is chawan???

  109. Jason December 30, 2008 1:54 pm

    A statistician can have her head in an oven and her feet in ice, and she will say that on the average she feels fine.

  110. brew808 December 30, 2008 1:56 pm

    Was the girl wearing a bright orange jacket? 🙄

  111. chawan_cut December 30, 2008 1:57 pm

    i’m sorry for burning a bright orange image of myself into your tv. too bad i didn’t look like jessica alba or something. at least then you wouldn’t mind looking at it. my other friend with a nice big hd tv said i also burn bright on his screen too. for awhile i think k5 was trying to avoid showing me, but i’ve changed seats for the classic and i sit in the middle. they have no choice now. hehe.

    nalani, no worries about me begging for food at your door. i’ve got all the emergency essentials (sans generator) to survive for awhile. tailgating gear is also good for camping and emergency cooking. propane, lanterns, lights, etc.

  112. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 1:57 pm

    MLiz is on a roll!

  113. brew808 December 30, 2008 1:59 pm

    Re: the roman candle

    ST – which way was the business end pointed? 😆

  114. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:00 pm

    chawan – Yep, I can see you very good! I did notice they showed you close up in the 1st half but farther away in the 2nd half.

  115. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:01 pm

    homey ℞ – That wasn’t because of the orange….. 😆

  116. chawan_cut December 30, 2008 2:01 pm

    hey now. i thought we were all picking on jason today.

  117. chawan_cut December 30, 2008 2:04 pm

    c’mon homey,
    ics majors know better than that!

  118. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:05 pm

    Actually we are advising Jason and picking on jm96%.

  119. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:06 pm

    This is an equal opportunity blog…. 👿

  120. SteveM December 30, 2008 2:07 pm

    RE: Fireworks

    Nowadays I set off paperless fireworks near midnight and look at the aerials for 5-10 minutes. But when I was a kid–errr, a smaller kid– it was slingshots and crackerballs with penny (bottle) rocket battles 🙂 Tubes of Roman Candles much taller than I as artillary and sparklers on long steel rods for sword fighting and later recyled as rebar. Not too many cherry bombs and large fireworks–parents didn’t want me losing fingers. 😐
    Dangerous and I wouldn’t want children to play with those these days, but give me some now and… 👿

  121. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:08 pm

    chawan – I always thought ics majors were weird.

  122. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:09 pm

    So…jm2^11-2^8-2^6-2^3+1 – What do people mean when they say they’re giving 110%? I hate that (and similar) expressions! 😯

  123. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:11 pm

    SteveM – go to Kekoa’s house…., then homey’s, then d1’s, then….. 😆

  124. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:12 pm

    And how do they know it’s 110% What if it was really 104%? Would that have made a difference? Of course the statistician would say that is an insignificant amount.

  125. chawan_cut December 30, 2008 2:14 pm

    thats a known fact.

  126. Nalani December 30, 2008 2:14 pm

    cc – you know I was joking right?

  127. Nalani December 30, 2008 2:15 pm

    DPK – i was out for a while and gotta run away again soon, but will look at what you sent and get back to you.

  128. jm2375 December 30, 2008 2:15 pm

    brew – who knows.

    Being a statisician means never having to say you’re certain… unlike being an accountant, where they have to figure out where every penny went!!!

  129. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:15 pm

    My son was watching the Momma Mia DVD and I happened to walk by as they were singing Dancing Queen and I can’t believe I stopped and sang along…

  130. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:18 pm

    December 30th, 2008 at 2:15 pm

    DPK – i was out for a while and gotta run away again soon, but will look at what you sent and get back to you.

    Translation: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  131. chawan_cut December 30, 2008 2:18 pm

    no worries, i don’t even live there yet, so i wouldn’t stop by anyways.
    but i’m always worried about a real hurricane or something. all our power is above ground, and they’d take forever to get our hill back up and running.

  132. Ralph December 30, 2008 2:19 pm

    must be raining at the job site and golf course cuz stretch is on the blog all day long and its almost time to catch the flight back to oahu

  133. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:19 pm

    Do you jm#### take Mr. jm#### to be your lawfully wedded husband? “I’m not certain”

  134. chawan_cut December 30, 2008 2:20 pm

    what do you guys think about this fireworks tax that the city has imposed on us? its a tax, hidden in the ruse of “permits” to control the burning of firecrackers. they used the whole asthma and health thing to get the council and senate to pass this tax. look at all the other “legal” and off the shelf stuff. they produce more smoke and noise than the regular firecrackers. taking advantage of our cultural and historical background by taxing us like this.
    ok, back to making fun of jason.

  135. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 2:23 pm

    Hey gang…good afternoon…whew…busy day…

    Dang, Shanahan getting the boot was a shock…wow, didn’t see that coming….

    Fireworks…it is tradition in Hawaii and we are losing too much of that. Like anything else, you just need to be responsible. I still burn a lot of firecrackers from 11 til just after midnight….it used to be an all day thing but now that the parties have gotten smaller and smaller, I don’t play with as much fireworks as I did when more people were around….

    My question is, when did we become a society of no responsibility….I mean, people say to ban fireworks because they have the potential of causing injury…well, everything falls into that category…more people are killed/injured/maimed from automobiles than fireworks every year yet there is no call to ban those things…..

    I remember as a kid, when we rode our bikes or played on a jungle jim or climbed a tree, we didn’t worry about falling down and getting hurt…and if we did, we just got up brushed it off and went about playing…none of this, OMG we have to sue somebody for not labeling something properly…or not having sawdust under the jungle jim…….boy have times changed….

  136. d1島 December 30, 2008 2:24 pm

    Some info for Jason:
    Occidental College actually has a good D3 football program. They won their conference this past season (SCIAC) and were eliminated in the first round at Willamette. There was some controversy in that pairing because those two teams were the #1 and #2 seeds in the 8-team region and were forced to play because of “geographical considerations”
    Linfield will be travelling to SoCal next season to play Oxy on the same day as the UH-UNLV game. That should be a good game with possible post-season implications for both teams (if things go right).
    #1 son’s former coach at E. Oregon is now the OC at Oxy and if he has been allowed to run his offense, they are probably very challenging to defend. Similar to a BS-You type of approach with multiple groupings and sets and a thick playbook.
    Of course, if Jason’s “friend” is not into football, all of that is for nada!
    But aside from that, I’m told the school has very good academics. Not sure what the emphasis is as far as area of study…

  137. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:25 pm

    chawan – never mind the hurricane. Just think what a handful of terrorist can do to Oahu’s power grid.

  138. d1島 December 30, 2008 2:25 pm

    …and while I was key-ing all that, Reno ties the game.

  139. Ralph December 30, 2008 2:25 pm

    tie ball game 28 all, nevada is moving the ball once again

  140. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 2:25 pm

    Actually, not to drive anyone away from this site but you guys should read the Mid Life Crisis blog about fireworks….although I don’t fall anywhere near that age group, a lot of the stuff talked about in that piece I remember doing as a kid……good times…

  141. chawan_cut December 30, 2008 2:25 pm

    james played on a jungle jim???
    what park was this? and maybe this explains a few things… heh.

  142. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 2:26 pm

    Oh yeah…and safe travels to the A-Houses and djmitcho…..


  143. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:26 pm

    ICS peeps love the touch and feel of keyboards…. every stoke, iteration, buffer, embedded link, and neural obfuscator…. 🙄

  144. d1島 December 30, 2008 2:26 pm

    Is that “aerial view” of the game from Boise similar to the view you had from the box?

  145. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 2:27 pm

    cc…lol…we actually had one at our playground at school…..we used to swing on those things like monkeys…and fell all the time with torn pants (which I got spankings for) and skinned knees….

  146. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:28 pm

    “Fireworks tax” doesn’t apply to illegal aerials and such…. 🙄

  147. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:28 pm

    (J)J – I played on a jungle gym. Is Jungle Jim another koa-mahu alias?

  148. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:30 pm

    chawan – did you buy any permits this year?

  149. d1島 December 30, 2008 2:32 pm

    ditto that re: the A-house Ohana and djmitcho.

    Terps (could you ever really get used to being called that?) score to go back up…

  150. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:33 pm

    Hmmmm…. doesn’t J(J) still work (play?) on a “Jungle-Jim” sort of analogous work place, dealing with monkeys, skinning knees and getting spanked? 😯

  151. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:33 pm

    Just realized that J A S O N is also July, August, September, October, and November.

  152. Nalani December 30, 2008 2:34 pm

    Re fireworks, that permit thing is such a rip-off. We chinese people love to pop fireworks and now NYs just isn’t the same.

  153. Stretch December 30, 2008 2:35 pm

    December 30th, 2008 at 2:26 pm
    Is that “aerial view” of the game from Boise similar to the view you had from the box?

    what you think?? I have a tv in my office here with the football game on?? But the aerial view is about right.

  154. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:36 pm

    Use to make tank, airplane, car, ship, models throughout the year just to blow them up for New Years.

  155. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:36 pm

    Stretch markets from an office? 😯

  156. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:38 pm

    Oh oh…. that’s another thing I have in common with homey ℞….Yikes! 😯

  157. Bulla December 30, 2008 2:39 pm


    Bulla and Da Bombers, (Lyn, Deanne, Pam) will be there at KK

    Other bombers will be fropping in, but I’ll take responsiblity for these

  158. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:40 pm

    brew – you sing Dancing Queen too? 😯

  159. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:41 pm

    Bulla – For the sake of car interiors (and exteriors) I think I should retire from the bombers… 🙁

  160. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 2:42 pm

    I should be able to attend the KK…..

    LOL…Sorry, thinking about the funny car driver “Jungle” Jim….but we had a “Jungle” Jim Vasconcellos at school who could swing around a jungle gym like a gibbon….it was crazy….LMAO

  161. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:42 pm

    I enjoy a wide variety of music and entertainment. That’s why I enjoy the Warrior Beat soooooo much! 😆

  162. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:44 pm

    Noooooo….not yet! Please don’t retire yet homey ℞! Don’t you have a pick-up truck that can (and is often) hosed off? 😯

  163. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 2:44 pm

    homey…yeah…I remember doing that too…and taking those green army men and blowing them up…and blowing up mangos…but that was messy…and remember those banana seats on bikes with the high backed sissy bar…I remember tying a long string of firecrackers to the back of the bike and riding down the street while they were going off….LOL

    Nalani….yep, us Chinese guys are getting ripped off….

  164. d1島 December 30, 2008 2:45 pm


    C’mon. 🙄

  165. chawan_cut December 30, 2008 2:46 pm

    amen! maybe i will stop by your house! nah, i’ll leave you folks alone.
    brew, of course not.

  166. jojo ® December 30, 2008 2:47 pm

    (Jesse) James on a banana seat bicycle, with the wind in his hair…..

  167. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:47 pm

    Oooohhhhh….. J(J) too! Tossing cracker-bombs at each others feet to see who moves first….. 😀

  168. d1島 December 30, 2008 2:49 pm

    Gee…it seems the Roady’s Truck Stop website is overwhelmed….
    anyone want to go look for one in Vegas next September?

  169. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:49 pm

    (J)J – then we would get the charcoal lighter and start burning the army men and throwing a pack of firecrackers on them to put them out. Melted plastic flying on your skin isn’t too good of a feeling.

    BTW, I think I look more chinese that you do! 😆 As jm#### would say, “all 12.5% of me!”

  170. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:51 pm

    jojo – gotta tell jeje to request off for Feb 7th.

  171. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:52 pm

    CC – Sorry, me no understand intended insult in #165…. 🙄

  172. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 2:52 pm

    that = than

  173. SteveM December 30, 2008 2:54 pm

    December 30th, 2008 at 2:39 pm

    Bulla and Da Bombers, (Lyn, Deanne, Pam) will be there at KK

    Other bombers will be fropping in, but I’ll take responsiblity for these

    Well, that about seals the deal…if the Bombers are flyin’, we’re singin’! 🙂

  174. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:55 pm

    What is the statistical likelihood of Al Davis rehiring Mike Shanahan as HC for the Raiders? Would it be greater or less that the statistical likelihood for Shanahan accepting such an offer? 🙄

  175. al December 30, 2008 2:56 pm

    what a day!

    first, the master waits it out to post. er, getting to 600 was a stated goal and needed to be attained.

    second, how many can pursue a dream of 25 years only to walk away from it when you are this close []. what a man that great dane.

  176. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:57 pm

    Did bulla mean “dropping” or (post-tasting) “flopping” for his Bombers? 😯

  177. brew808 December 30, 2008 2:59 pm

    I was ready to give up elementary school after 25 years of trying. Actually, they asked my parents to keep me home and to “give it up”! 😆

  178. Nalani December 30, 2008 3:01 pm

    Wow – Shanahan back to coach the Raiders. Now that would be a great NYs present for Shelton. (BTW, the Raiders beating J Gruden and the Bucs on Shelton’s BDay. That was a bonus!)

  179. al December 30, 2008 3:03 pm


    ah yes, i have relived the moment when the checkerbombs exploded in my hand as i too held on a bit too long. in fact, i can still hear the ringing in my ear, relive the pain and numbness all at once. oh did i want to cry, but, the machismo factor keep it supressed as my peers stood and watched.

    i tell the boys, eh, this paperless fireworks “no mo balls” you guys get kiddy fireworks. you guys don’t know what is fireworks. of course many a story has much exaggeration as the machismo starts extruding from the lips.

  180. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 3:03 pm

    My delayed posting wasn’t intentional.
    I overslept.
    I got to the office, called Uperesa, then posted.
    In case anyone wondered, I don’t salt away topics. I try to do same-day stuff, which is why I post late and bug people early.

  181. brew808 December 30, 2008 3:04 pm

    Nalani – How about a song celebrating the simple treasures of Maui? The camaraderie of youth sports and/or Picnics (tailgates) in Hawaii-nei? 😀

  182. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 3:06 pm

    homey…yeah…I know…people say I look portuguese…but I’m 50% chinese….

  183. Bulla December 30, 2008 3:08 pm


    you would have to put the retirement issue up for a vote….these are the Yeager or jaegger bombers, not the CR bombers, there’s a difference.

    isn’t that why parents carry ‘wet ones’ in their cars? we’ll get a bib for you, no worries beef curries.

    it will be fun…..

  184. jojo ® December 30, 2008 3:08 pm

    Got it homey!


  185. brew808 December 30, 2008 3:09 pm

    ST – No need to explain. I think most Tsaikos are pretty laid-back and/or naive and we believe anything you say! Heck – all of this is a bonus for us…. 😆

  186. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 3:09 pm

    al…yeah, when I read that story about going in the house to “take a break from popping firecrackers” after some duck (camel, peacock, thunderbomb) blew up in your hand from holding on too long brought back memories….I did the same thing….LOL

  187. brew808 December 30, 2008 3:12 pm

    Hi jojo!!! Take care! 😀

  188. iwonderwhytheyhateme December 30, 2008 3:12 pm

    re: fireworks

    they are suuuper fun. though when i was a young i didnt like loud noises. now, i still dont like loud noises but for some reason this thing in the bottle that i tend to drink dulls the sounds…..(o_0).

    soooo, who has aerials?!?!

  189. al December 30, 2008 3:13 pm

    ha, ha, ha,………


    December 30th, 2008 at 11:41 am

    your “soft” remarks about having to wait until February 2009 on coaching “changes” makes me wonder if you have “previleged” information that you are very happy or comfortable with and will not divulge to any of us – oh, I stay jealous, but you can tell us and we won’t tell anybody!!

    no, no, no, no……i am just picking up the tidbits that has been scattered throughout the blog by the master. it is not privileged stuff. however, if i do get privileged stuff i do know that i need to keep my trap shut.

  190. myki December 30, 2008 3:14 pm

    There is a basketball game that evening against Idaho, but I’m sure will be stopping by on the way home.

  191. brew808 December 30, 2008 3:14 pm

    beef curry…. beef curry…. beef curry….. Wow – I heard that phrase before…. but when and from whom? 😀

  192. brew808 December 30, 2008 3:15 pm

    I mean… “no worry, beef curry…” 😯

  193. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 3:15 pm

    (J)J – the 50% must be below the piko.

    Bulla – okay, no mojitos either!

    jojo – rest up.

  194. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 3:19 pm

    brew – perhaps it was from a pacific islander asian woman???

  195. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 3:19 pm

    myki – no lie, you just no like drink jaeger’s!!!!!!

  196. Pauoa Boy December 30, 2008 3:22 pm

    I agree with (Jesse) James and Nalani…

    Fireworks is tradition in the islands. But all deez kine permit and stuffs making New Years moa shitty nowadays! For those of you who no like the fireworks laddat…ahhh bah humbug to you! Ainokea, you only live once, and only once a year is New Years, so why not go blast and have fun. I agree too about everybody nowadays is too paranoid about stuffs. Back in the day never have no worries…if get fire, get water…if get burn, get ice/band aid…if you dumb enough for hold the firecracker, well then you just dumb!

  197. brew808 December 30, 2008 3:22 pm

    Oh yeah…. I remember that episode (or two)…. Asia vs. Pacific Islander…. Aiyaahhhhh!!!! Need more beeru to suppress memory…. 🙄

  198. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 3:24 pm

    PB – looks like get 3 dummies so far, me, (J)J, and al. But only al went home and cried. 😆

  199. Nalani December 30, 2008 3:26 pm

    A maui song – I like that idea a lot.

  200. d1島 December 30, 2008 3:26 pm

    Trickeration by Da Ducks!

  201. brew808 December 30, 2008 3:27 pm

    Wait – myki is a bomber too!?! My mental image has just been blown up by a cracker-bomb…. 😯

  202. Pauoa Boy December 30, 2008 3:28 pm

    homey ℞,

    haha, nah I mento too cause same as holding rockets in your hand instead of using pipe to light em. Or having Roman Candle Wars wea you stand on opposite side and go fo broke see who get nuff sack for be last man standing. Maybe Coach Rolo can use dat as one drill for Greg Alexander…get about 5 Roman Candles light em and then point em at him from different angles, see if he can avoid getting hit!

  203. d1島 December 30, 2008 3:29 pm

    ….to no avail.

    The Big Bucks Booster Bowl….Phil vs T. Boone…

  204. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 3:31 pm

    myki has been trying to get an honorable discharge from the bombers but it looks like she is a bomber for life.

  205. Pauoa Boy December 30, 2008 3:32 pm

    Eh speakin of fireworks, no moa any cops lurking ah?

  206. al December 30, 2008 3:32 pm


    December 30th, 2008 at 2:15 pm
    DPK – i was out for a while and gotta run away again soon, but will look at what you sent and get back to you.

    oh dear….that is like opening pandora’s box!

  207. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 3:33 pm

    PB – Not going work. GA only going get burn marks all over him.

  208. SteveM December 30, 2008 3:33 pm

    Hmmm… the Jaeger Bombers haven’t flown since the August Karaoke Call. There are only 8 bombers…but the squadron might grow om Feb 9… 🙂

    Jaeger Bomber Roll Call

    Mrs. Bomber — check!
    Dee — check!
    Pammie — check!
    Peaches — check!
    myki — check!
    homey — check! (note: bring bucket)
    Esme — Esme? Esme? Karaoke call…
    Rob25 — in Vegas now, probably check!

  209. d1島 December 30, 2008 3:34 pm


    No mo’…dey all busy now “confiscating evidence” 👿 😆 🙄

  210. MeiLing December 30, 2008 3:34 pm

    Congratulations to Dane Uperesa in choosing to continue his education & to be with his fiance!

    I liked “looking out upon the city lights” & fireworks from the Heights over Honolulu when I was a little kid. I don’t like being in the midst of the smoke, though.


    Ho’omaikai on 25 years!

  211. al December 30, 2008 3:35 pm

    homey…..there’s no crying in fireworks.

    but, i think that hand is becoming arthrytic. something you and j/j can look forward to in a few years. (yah, das right. i am not that old.)

    so i guess we could form the three stooges now.
    j/j is a natural for larry.
    so that leaves you a choice of shemp or curly joe?

    nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

  212. Bulla December 30, 2008 3:36 pm

    once a bomber…always a bomber. the discharge ceremony is far too painful, something about suppository supplements etc., but that all ‘depends’ i guess…….haha, going to the dark side again….slap slap on the proverbial wrist…..

  213. al December 30, 2008 3:36 pm

    nalani…..i had an old shoe box of songs that i wrote when i was ever so heartbroken. however, one day i sold em to mackey feary and malani….and the rest is history.

  214. MeiLing December 30, 2008 3:38 pm


    If we aren’t partying with my Mom for her birthday, I’m in for the K-Kall. I think my other tsinging sister will be here the week before, so the 7th might be open.

  215. Pauoa Boy December 30, 2008 3:39 pm

    28 of 34 Bowl Games = 82%
    87 of 120 Football Team Names = 73%

    Frikk never have enough time for type moa, had to think dayumit! Oh well what da heo is Magicjack bowl???

  216. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 3:40 pm

    al – I guess it would have to be shemp ’cause curly joe did show signs of a limp wrist.

    SteveM – um, why am I the only male bomber?

  217. al December 30, 2008 3:41 pm

    nalani….last time i bug you for the day. serious kine.

    whoa, its been 25 years since you girls got together.
    so many memories have gone by.
    so many good times.
    so many struggles.
    so many years have gone by.
    yah, a quarter of a century gone by and yet through all the stuff, good, bad, and sad.
    you girls are still together.
    cuz, we are friends.
    and friends are friends forever……….

    this is on the house.

  218. d1島 December 30, 2008 3:43 pm

    U of O answers!
    That’s some fireworks! 🙂

  219. Pauoa Boy December 30, 2008 3:45 pm

    Does UH BBall play tonight or no? If so anybody know what time they play?

  220. al December 30, 2008 3:48 pm


    since it is a few days after the nli or loi day. we should officially invite coach mack to this event. cuz, he will be singing of the praises of joy with his first real recruiting class.

  221. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 3:49 pm

    PB – Jason would know but I think he is already getting ready for his casual date.

  222. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 3:50 pm

    al – may as well invite the AD and his kinda shy better half.

  223. d1島 December 30, 2008 3:50 pm

    Is there any “D” in Oregon or Oklahoma (St.)?

  224. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 3:51 pm

    Time to finalize cooking the PBS for tomorrow’s festivities!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody!

  225. brew808 December 30, 2008 3:52 pm

    The UH website shows the game starting at 5pm. I hope Jason is on the bus by now, hopefully not by himself… 😀


  226. Pauoa Boy December 30, 2008 3:55 pm


    Thanks, cannot access certain websites on these frikkin comps get all kine security firewall crap so irratating.

  227. brew808 December 30, 2008 3:55 pm

    d1島 – I don’t like the coined word, “Trickeration”. 👿

    Happy New Year homey ℞!!! Play and be safe! 😀

  228. bstunna2002 December 30, 2008 3:58 pm

    Hey ST are Kevin Williams & Zach Mausch still coming or do they have to wait until May?

  229. NorthShoreFan December 30, 2008 3:59 pm

    Ahhh… the culture of fireworks. We luved setting them off. Bottle rockets were for holding them inthe hand and aiming it at your buddy and lighting the fuse then..whooosh of it went chasing the poor guy! Was funny as heck but strangely no one got hurt. We used to fire the larger ones using a section of totang roofing. Line up abotu 5 of them and set em off all at once. Cracker ball was ammo for the sling shot. If you got nailed by your buddy it was cool .You got them back sooner or later. Midnight was the original midnight maddness. Stuff going off all around the camp. Everyone was out of the house and setting off strings of firecrackers and shooting rockets. The camp had homes with mostly totang roof so no mo fires. We had the occasional firecracker “bust in the finger” thing but no one lost digits.
    Still would like to set of fthe stuff but don’t want to pay the “tax” and now I have to baby sit my doggie. She get the shakes all day and night. In fact it’s already started this week. Whenever I get home now, she is under the house with her tail between her legs. Got to get her drunk this year..

  230. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:00 pm

    I appreciate you waiting :29 to tell me that… 😆

  231. sjmacro December 30, 2008 4:02 pm

    PB: UH BB plays 5 PM game on PPV 🙁

  232. Pauoa Boy December 30, 2008 4:05 pm

    snap, k thanks dang in an hour…

  233. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 4:06 pm

    Williams and Zack are coming this summer.
    Because of APR restrictions, UH can only offer five scholarships for January.
    By the way, the Vegas and Poly guys are supposed to be set.
    And no worries on Nobriga. He’s a lock, I’m told.

  234. brew808 December 30, 2008 4:06 pm

    d1島 – You’re welcome. I didn’t want to forget about it and have it linger into the new year….. 😆

    BTW – did we ever finish our discussion of Shari’s vs. Elmer’s? 😀

  235. al December 30, 2008 4:07 pm

    okay….homey. that would work. we may as well call the new asst coach too. that way ahouse will also be appeased.

  236. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:09 pm


    Table it….(so to speak) We going Roady’s! 😀

  237. roysan16 December 30, 2008 4:09 pm


    Continued best wishes.

    For a 25th anniversary song these are my wishes. I like to hear a song that touches my heart and at the same time tells a story. And is bilingual, some Hawaiiana and English.I think for your milestone song done similarly like Que Sera Sera would be one that I would welcome and see. There’s a real famous American-Spanish singer also that I can’t remember (help) his name that sings these lovely ballads in English and Spanish that I wish some group from Hawaii would do similarly in Hawaiian and English. Just a thought.

  238. brew808 December 30, 2008 4:09 pm

    Can we count on LaCount? Which group of scholarships does he count against? Will he be able to participate in Spring Drills? We’re counting on him! 😯

  239. SteveM December 30, 2008 4:10 pm

    December 30th, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    If we aren’t partying with my Mom for her birthday, I’m in for the K-Kall. I think my other tsinging sister will be here the week before, so the 7th might be open.

    Mei Ling — tell you what, you bring mom and I’ll invite Pam and Russ as my guests… 🙂

  240. al December 30, 2008 4:10 pm

    who wants to bet that robert marve either called june jones or smu called robert?

    he may also call hawaii.

    he would have 2 for 2 after sitting out a second year as required for all transfers. but, could petition for a sixth year due to medical hardship his first year after sitting from a car crash.
    doesn’t his mother still live in hawaii.

    just throwing it out there.
    is he the qb that may become available????

  241. brew808 December 30, 2008 4:13 pm

    Roady’s are truck stops. Do they serve fuud? 😕

  242. brew808 December 30, 2008 4:14 pm

    …”blue plate special”…. 😀

  243. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:14 pm

    right now the topic if discussion (on the phone, anyway) in the d1島house is finding kagami and ko mochi. Foodland nevah get their delivery yet…Mrs. d1島 is at Don Quijote trying to determine the time of delivery of their mochi…it’s getting tense…DQ’s is the 4th store she had to go fo’ find abura-age….
    Meanwhile, I asking her if she like Holiday Bowl updates….incredibly, (IMHO) she not interested 🙄
    how you say? Que sera sera…. 🙂

  244. bstunna2002 December 30, 2008 4:15 pm

    auwrite thanks ST must be a gift and a curse to be on the inside and be in the know yet have to keep quiet I applaud you for that cause it’s not something alot of people can do I know I couldn’t I’d be to excited. Oh yeah what about the safety from Poly Stan McKAy any shot at landing him. As for fireworks I agree about them being apart of local tradition cause mainland new years eve is alot different just champange poppers boring. I remeber holding single duck or horse fire crackers and trying to time when to throw’em man your fingers get numb when you don’t let go in time.

  245. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 4:15 pm


  246. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:17 pm


    me…you…simpatico!…Que sera sera… 😆

  247. brew808 December 30, 2008 4:17 pm

    I know you guys support this “second” chance philosophy…. but I would like to see the young players be given a chance to earn some PT and maybe become 4 year contributors. How about some 4yr Steele over a 2yr Marve? IMHO 😀

  248. MeiLing December 30, 2008 4:18 pm


    If my Mom isn’t playing mah jong that night, I’ll see if I can get her to come. My Other sister who sings is Sharon, who JD knows. She’s home to visit, but I think she leaves before the 7th. Now I have to figgah out what kine fuud to bring…

  249. SteveM December 30, 2008 4:18 pm

    homey ℞:
    December 30th, 2008 at 3:40 pm

    SteveM – um, why am I the only male bomber?

    I dunno, homey, I always thought it was because the gals all liked you… 😕

  250. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:19 pm


    almos’…keep tryin’…LMAO!

  251. NorthShoreFan December 30, 2008 4:19 pm

    d1..we just got done making 850 lbs of kasane and ko mochi at our church. Next year you put in and order with me and no need worry about finding mochi this late.

  252. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 4:20 pm


  253. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 4:20 pm


  254. brew808 December 30, 2008 4:22 pm

    My football team(s) are either out of the playoffs or their bowl game is over. So I’m going to have to side with the Mrs. regarding fuud….. Maybe al has some extra mochi to share? 😯

  255. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:23 pm


    I never would have believed you would “settle” for half 🙄


  256. (Jesse) James December 30, 2008 4:26 pm

    I usually don’t but have to go to a meeting soon and don’t know when I’ll be back on….LOL

  257. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:28 pm

    I pitched in to help…I pushed the beer back in the fridge to make room for the stuff she is buying 😀

  258. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:30 pm


    Thanks…Not sure I going remember, but if you come to the TsaikoGates next year…. 🙂

  259. Nalani December 30, 2008 4:31 pm

    What’s the local equivalent of Que Sera Sera, or a similar sentiment that would convey a local feeling?…..(and I don’t think pidgin would work for us.)

  260. NorthShoreFan December 30, 2008 4:31 pm

    I’ll put out a “mochi order” call next year..LOL!

  261. NorthShoreFan December 30, 2008 4:32 pm

    Nalani..local equivalent…is…WHATEVAS!….

  262. NorthShoreFan December 30, 2008 4:34 pm

    Excuse me…WHAT EVERS…

  263. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:34 pm


    Although not as “light” in tone, in Japanese, “shikata ga nai” might work.

  264. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:36 pm

    “thick ankles” and all, Masoli can dish it as well as take it…

  265. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:36 pm


    Sounds good!

  266. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 4:39 pm

    I know they’re going after at least one more safety, but I never heard McKay mentioned.

  267. brew808 December 30, 2008 4:39 pm

    …no hu hu….(That’s what my grandma use to say….)

    Re: beer – d1島 pushing back beer in the fridge is one way. Downing a few is another…. 😀

  268. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 4:40 pm

    Masoli is really a sore point with UH.
    UH was going to bring him in for this season. But he said he was going back to CCSF.
    Because CCSF coach George Rush is a friend of UH’s, the Warriors opted not to go after him.
    Then Masoli signs with Oregon.

  269. NorthShoreFan December 30, 2008 4:41 pm

    Out of here for now. Got to go foraging for the New Years feast…Why I do this last minute I don’t know..
    At least when I get home my doggie looks at me and smells my shopping bag and looks at me like I’m the bestest hunter in the land…


  270. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 4:41 pm

    Anyone else notice this blog is a lot more popular in the offseason than during the season?

  271. Stephen Tsai December 30, 2008 4:42 pm

    I guess that eliminates: if can, can; if no can, no can.

  272. brew808 December 30, 2008 4:43 pm

    Masoli…Oregon…CCSF…Rush…. what/where was Rolo’s input/connection? 🙄

  273. Nalani December 30, 2008 4:44 pm

    Masoli is Samoan right? I wish they’d stop saying it like he’s Italian.

  274. Nalani December 30, 2008 4:46 pm

    Que Sera Sera…what about A Hui Hou or Hana Hou? Maybe Hana Hou another 25 years?

  275. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:47 pm

    …if you count 1-2-08 thru 1-15-08 as “off-season”… but that wouldn’t be fair!

  276. brew808 December 30, 2008 4:49 pm

    The Firecrackers Song? Tradition, red paper, good fortune, family, chasing evil spirits, children of all ages playing, rockets, sparklers, fountains, New Years, family fuuds/feast, …. 😀

  277. d1島 December 30, 2008 4:52 pm

    …and getting one permit! 👿

  278. brew808 December 30, 2008 4:56 pm

    What is the statistical probability that Jason took his iTouch and sends blog comments/questions tonight? 😆

  279. brew808 December 30, 2008 5:05 pm

    Wow! Where are the statisticians? On yesterday’s blog, we hit 278 posts at 5:00 pm HST. And today, we were at 278 posts at 5:00 pm HST. Of course, we got a later start today (11:20 am vs. 9:45 am yesterday), but still that’s quite a coincidence. What are the chances of hitting 600 posts on this blog? Oh, I suppose much depends if ST oversleeps again tomorrow morning…. 😀

  280. bstunna2002 December 30, 2008 5:06 pm

    ST what about Malcolm Lane’s friend are they still going after him the one who checked out the practice between road games in El Paso.


    You guys should make a song about how lucky we are to live in Hawaii and about the power of the Aloha Spirit and how there’s no comparison.

  281. al December 30, 2008 5:06 pm

    as the song goes….

    “que sera, sera
    whatever will be, will be….”

  282. al December 30, 2008 5:09 pm

    reading between the lines…..
    does that mean that the five mid-year jc’ers count towards last year’s class. thus, a part of the reason we have offered over thirty scholies???

    i realize some of this year’s class will also grayshirt. probably, hs olineman i would suspect.

  283. al December 30, 2008 5:14 pm

    yup, masoli is a player.

    can you imagine that two years ago st. louis school had both jeremiah masoli and cameron higgins.

    masoli came in late and never really got going. another one of those should’ve, could’ve, would’ve.

  284. al December 30, 2008 5:18 pm

    yup we could really use another safety. that hawaii bowl was very indicative of our lack of speed in the backfield and how to exploit it.

    well we have candidates for db’s

    cb: pierre-davis(who looks like a safety to me), bryant, k.williams, davis, hopkins

    safety: pierre-davis (i ain’t giving up on this one), smith, lolotai, brown, and, and, yup, we need at least one more to compete here.

  285. koakane™ December 30, 2008 5:19 pm

    # d1島: Brew, I pitched in to help…I pushed the beer back in the fridge to make room for the stuff she is buying 😀

    d1 need help I 8) am available

    😳 man don’t know what the dentist use these days but puts you out for couple hours.

    good day again and howzit gangie. wow lots of stuff going down, 😯 shanahan is canned, jason has a bus date, nalani and gang makes 25 yrs in the biz, stretch jumps on the KC mucho pronto setting up the first tsai-ko event for 09 whooootahhhhhhhhh looking like annodah supa year coming up.

  286. Nalani December 30, 2008 5:26 pm

    Did somebody already mention this….I just opened a letter from Na Koa, and they say 2009 is UH Football’s100th Anniversary. Chee Hoo. Sounds like we gotta start planning a real party!!

  287. Kazz December 30, 2008 5:27 pm

    MO DA KINE IN 2009!!!!

  288. Kazz December 30, 2008 5:30 pm


    December 30th, 2008 at 5:26 pm
    Did somebody already mention this….I just opened a letter from Na Koa, and they say 2009 is UH Football’s100th Anniversary. Chee Hoo. Sounds like we gotta start planning a real party!!


    I think the fans are in for a treat next season… Coach Mack DID say that Under Armour is releasing an all green jersey for UH to wear in 2009. At first I wondered why wait one more year (when the deal with UA started this past season), but now I know why… :mrgreen:

  289. Manoa Mist December 30, 2008 5:30 pm

    I think Stephen Tsai has a crush on Nalani. Used to play hoops with one of her brothers, and seen Nalani once when she was pre-famous. Talented and nice people too.
    Okay, fireworks. Lived in San Fran during my second grade, fireworks legal, but they use ’em for July 4. Had a thing called a Cherry Bomb. The fuse was the stem from the cherry branch. It was a very short fuse.
    If you put the Cherry Bomb on the ground, it would make an automatic marble hole, leave that much devastation.
    Lit one up and ka-boom, the Cherry Bomb goes off in my hand. Turned my hand red as a cherry, hurt like heck, but didn’t lose any fingers. Obviously, ever since then, I am pro-digits, and anti-fireworks.
    The worst is living in high rises in town, the guys light the singular bombs, they go up to just about our apartment level, then ka-boom, scare the heck out of everyone.
    I’m looking for the world’s best long-range 50-caliber BB gun so I can return fire tomorrow night. This aerial attack just ain’t right. Remember the rocket that hit the lady’s house and she died in the fire a few years ago?
    They still didn’t do nothing about nothing.
    Sorry for the rant. Just be safe. Happy Holidays to all the Tsaikos.

  290. koakane™ December 30, 2008 5:48 pm

    Kazz: MO DA KINE IN 2009!!!!

    g1 Kazz 😆

    my take on the bang bang on ny’s eve. played plenty wen was small kid, played moa wen got older cause was tradition and parents no can light dem cause to slow, let my kids play cause they enjoyed the lights and noise (had plenty illegal stuff back den). now days just sit back, enjoy with friends and fam. so no biggie only regret is the permits. damn cost more kala to buy it den the fireworks. how you figga ❓

  291. Kazz December 30, 2008 5:49 pm

    Not sure if I will have time tomorrow so I just wanted to get this out.

    Many people like to take this time to take a look at the year of 2008 and analyze things they’ve seen and experienced. As Warrior fans we’ve seen a lot transpire in 12 months. From the heights of glory to end 2007 to the deepest and darkest hours seen in a while at Manoa to start 2008 and then back to a new sense of hope in a few months and the ups and downs that was the 2008 Warrior Football season.

    Many questions await UH supporters for the 2009 season. While Coach Nash, Coach Wilton, Coach Bolla ( 👿 ), and Coach Trapasso have many “treats” in store for us in the meantime, I believe all of our minds are focused on the 2009 season for football.

    The Warrior Football program is the “flagship” program of the University of Hawaii, with respect to the other coaches as it peaks the most amount of interest and fan attendance. Hawaii is a “football” state, there is no need for argument on this at all.

    If anything 2008 has taught me the value of respect, patience, and humility.

    Many of us expected a “so-so” season in comparison to the dream that was 2007, but at the same token, quite a bit of us didn’t expect to experience the type of issues we encountered this season in the fashion in which those issues were exposed.

    I learned the value of respect. The respect for Coach McMackin really grew on me this season. He was the FIRST UH head football coach I was able to approach on more than one occasion and on those occasions he made me feel comfortable with the sense that he truly understood the value of the fans.

    I learned the value of patience in the first five games of the season. Those struggles are a sharp contrast to the ease of victory over the past two years and any true Warrior fan that appreciate the kind of talent we had at Manoa from 05-07 would understand the transition.

    Humility is a bitter pill to swallow. I often used this quote earlier this season: “Enjoy humility and prepare for victory 808%”. When one is humbled, that person must use that feeling to better themselves for upcoming battles. There were more instances in 2008 to feel humbled than I expected, but that is what happens when one assumes. There is a fine line between assumption and belief and for an up and down season like 2008, that line is easily invisible to a lot of people.

    I firmly believed in the boys and the coaches. I firmly beloved in victories at Corvallis and in Boise. I firmly believed in a Hawaii Bowl win to end the season right. I believed in 9-5 in 2008. Were those “beliefs” assumptions? Perhaps. But I still believe in the entity that is the University of Hawaii and the team that is the “Warriors”.

    2008 also brought along more faces to the Tsaiko gatherings and tailgates. Football is what brings us together, but the friendships made is what will keep everything together for the long haul. On a personal level, I was able to attend my first Tsaiko Anniversary Party this season and this is something I will never forget as I look forward to many more.

    With this, I wish everyone on the blog a Happy New Year and I will look forward to a new year filled with more fun, food, and FOOTBALL!!!!

    Go Warriors!!!!!


  292. koakane™ December 30, 2008 5:51 pm

    oh oh is dat someone playing with loud fireworks or is the tunda returning.

    if so quick everyone into you cars and head up Alewa heights and look for the lighted house. :mrgreen: bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa j/k

  293. Kazz December 30, 2008 5:53 pm


    Just wait… Nahting bettah den 2010…

  294. d1島 December 30, 2008 5:53 pm

    OK, it’s that time of the year…
    since my last post I’ve been going back thru those blog entries from 1-2-08 thru 1-15-08…..
    (actually, I cheated and went back to entries from pre-Sugar Bowl)

    what a fortnight that was. 🙄
    (still get kinda choked up at some points)

  295. brew808 December 30, 2008 5:53 pm

    koakane™ – no forget to stop by d1‘s house to help him make refridgerator room for his fuud (per his bosses request). 😀

  296. brew808 December 30, 2008 5:56 pm

    😳 refrigerator, not refridgerator – don’t want Jason to have to correct my spelling errors again. 🙄

  297. HiFlyer December 30, 2008 6:00 pm

    no need worry tonight, Jason should be busy with something else.

  298. Nalani December 30, 2008 6:01 pm

    I heard the thunder too….

  299. koakane™ December 30, 2008 6:02 pm

    brew808 dea already and she can buy moa fuud already 😉 bwhaaaaaaaa

  300. brew808 December 30, 2008 6:04 pm

    What is the Hawaiiana reason for thunder? 😀

  301. d1島 December 30, 2008 6:05 pm


    You get karaoke machine at your house? If Oahu gets a repeat black-out, there could be a KKall tonight at your place! 🙂
    ….with the only Xmas lights in town blazing!

  302. brew808 December 30, 2008 6:05 pm

    Tsaiko explanation for thunder is hunger pains –> fuud required! 😆

  303. whitey December 30, 2008 6:06 pm

    ok, just got home and what do i get??? one dam lightning storm!!!!

  304. brew808 December 30, 2008 6:08 pm

    …Plenty of beeru and sashimi to grind to keep it from spoiling…. 😀

  305. brew808 December 30, 2008 6:10 pm

    whitey – If the lights go out, and it gets kinda “dark”, would the darkside still welcome you? 😯

  306. al December 30, 2008 6:10 pm

    nalani…..my letter said they need some greens as in dollars.

  307. d1島 December 30, 2008 6:11 pm

    ’cause get Hawaiiana static electricity in the rain clouds! Duh! 🙄

  308. d1島 December 30, 2008 6:12 pm

    I got two letters!
    Boy, are they targeting the wrong guy! 😆

  309. koakane™ December 30, 2008 6:13 pm

    brew808: what is the Hawaiiana reason for thunder? 😀

    all dem menehune’s doing supa buddah jumps into the pond afta drinking all dat okolehao dey brewing.

    das what tutukane says when get tunda

    kden news time so pausing for the cause and be back in a while emseeeeee

  310. d1島 December 30, 2008 6:14 pm


    You are certainly welcome to keep it all over there!

  311. bighilofan2 December 30, 2008 6:14 pm

    ho top 300! 😀

  312. brew808 December 30, 2008 6:14 pm

    Another Jason question/comment –

    Doesn’t Jason always use his headphones to listen to the radio broadcast at live and TV games? I sure hope he doesn’t do that while keeping his “friend” company at the BB game tonight! 🙄

  313. bighilofan2 December 30, 2008 6:15 pm

    ok ok top 312 😀 statistician 😆

  314. bighilofan2 December 30, 2008 6:16 pm

    jason’s prolly got his hands full as we speak 😀

  315. bighilofan2 December 30, 2008 6:18 pm

    da girl is prolly afraid for her life and … err… you know. 😛

    you’ve heard of these crazy bus riders, no doubt …

  316. brew808 December 30, 2008 6:18 pm

    Re: the term “esme” –

    Hasn’t that changed? It use to be “showing up for a quick visit, but then having to make a quick exit, and vamoosh!

    Now – it can’t apply for making any kind of exit, quick or not, if you don’t even show-up (except on celebrity TV ads/shows)….. 😛

  317. d1島 December 30, 2008 6:22 pm


    …and the talking heads bachi Max Unger.

    Talk him up then he gets hurt 🙁

  318. d1島 December 30, 2008 6:24 pm

    Looks like he thinking he’s back on the BI right now….

  319. whitey December 30, 2008 6:28 pm

    brew, how come you know what i thinking??? it is more than dark (and no ask how much darker). i think get also the word darkest (which means that it is so dark, you cannot find your arse). that’s all right, went hand to hand combat yesterday with the “wowee” and they look like they going give up. yeesssshhhh.

  320. brew808 December 30, 2008 6:28 pm

    Eh d1島 – How come you get to watch all the fuutball while J has to slave away getting ready for New Year’s? Rhetorical Question only – no need to respond! 🙄

  321. whitey December 30, 2008 6:31 pm

    al, i know you not coming this week, but what about next week?

  322. whitey December 30, 2008 6:32 pm

    bulla, you still on maui? lahaina or kula?

  323. d1島 December 30, 2008 6:33 pm

    I’m da Uchinanchu…it’s almost time to start making the pork stuff. 🙂

  324. whitey December 30, 2008 6:33 pm

    top 325????

  325. whitey December 30, 2008 6:34 pm


  326. brew808 December 30, 2008 6:35 pm

    whitey sits alone… thinking of his Tsaiko friends who aren’t there to bond with…Maui no ka oi?… eventually remembers is oda friends in the dark with ice cold beeru at the ready… and ono fuud too! 😀 😆 😀 😯 🙄

  327. brew808 December 30, 2008 6:39 pm

    Instead…. whitey decides to make an attempt on the Warrior Beat to be the first giga-post record holder! He forgets that a kilo-post has only collectively achieved three times in the past (according to SteveM), and that a mega-post is still merely a 1000X that! Poor whitey forgot all about yesterday’s giga/mega/kilo lesson…. 😀 😆 😀 😯 🙄

  328. d1島 December 30, 2008 6:42 pm

    waiting for reports from the SSC….
    on the court and in the stands!

  329. whitey December 30, 2008 6:43 pm

    brew, that is called amenesia, but sometimes have similar symptoms called comatose.

  330. brew808 December 30, 2008 6:43 pm

    Email from Virginia starts off with “Hau’oli Makahiki Hou!” – but really means – Please send kala! … and a happy new year…. if you send kala! 😀

  331. d1島 December 30, 2008 6:43 pm


    (Nalani, feel free to use that one on the next CD 😉 )

  332. whitey December 30, 2008 6:45 pm

    brew, what the odds for us to make the 1k post tonight?? my fingers already getting tired.

  333. brew808 December 30, 2008 6:45 pm

    Okeydokey! – Nalani – You’re welcome to use that one too! 😆

  334. whitey December 30, 2008 6:48 pm

    d1, what you making for tomorrow night or new year’s day, fuud special??

  335. brew808 December 30, 2008 6:50 pm

    We’re only 33.3% of the way there. It took 7.4 hours to achieve. There is a quiet/slow period of roughly 5 hours after midnight. Some depends on when the Lion awakens and posts an new blog. Nope – slim is not a statistical term but SLIM! Only chance is if ST has some recruiting news, or if the kid reports back about hitting for the cycle including the homerun, grandslam and “pitching” the perfect game. Nope – SLIM! 😆

  336. whitey December 30, 2008 6:50 pm

    trying to eat dinner and post. dinner is very “wholesome” according to tv ad.

  337. al December 30, 2008 6:52 pm

    shiroi…..i’ll be there next week. either tue or wed. tiffany’s awaits.

  338. al December 30, 2008 6:53 pm

    wholesome dinner?
    tv dinner?

  339. whitey December 30, 2008 6:56 pm

    this brew he one smart statistician. i would neva gotten it right, but like this morning, went for 400 before i left, get help from the tsaikos and went puka. me only look at the mountain and going give it the best shot tonight. if no can, that’s all right, get another day.

  340. bighilofan2 December 30, 2008 6:59 pm

    i just saw one intense, well played, well respected game between Oregon and Oklahoma State. I wish people would talk about us like that.

  341. whitey December 30, 2008 6:59 pm

    al, those kind not “wholesome”. start with a romaine salad dipped in special mayo/ketchup/sesame seed oil sauce with plenty of water. next course is raisin bran with whole milk and supplemented with lots of herbs and vitamins. i neva reach the next course yet. “WHOLESOME”.

  342. HiFlyer December 30, 2008 6:59 pm

    Anyone hear any score from the bb game?

  343. whitey December 30, 2008 7:01 pm

    bhf2, thanks for the update.

  344. whitey December 30, 2008 7:03 pm

    has Jason come on tv yet?

  345. d1島 December 30, 2008 7:04 pm


    No…but if you hum a few bars…

  346. whitey December 30, 2008 7:04 pm

    345, now gotto go rest my fingers and make another attempt later on.

  347. having fun December 30, 2008 7:07 pm



    tinking happy tauts. where is your head at? happy tauts, happy tauts. no, wait, you’re thinking the bus is a sign!? 😆 and your ruttin for the home team? naughty naughty. 😀 😆 😳

  348. HiFlyer December 30, 2008 7:11 pm


    the game is ppv.

  349. whitey December 30, 2008 7:19 pm

    349 and counting. d1, sent the thunder from down under north to your country.

  350. jm2375 December 30, 2008 7:20 pm

    Evening Tsai-kos!!

    Attempts to reach 1k are futile (in the words of the Borg). Took almost 8 hours to reach 350. mebbe we can get to 600 but it’ll be a Stretch 😆 Depends on when ST decides to post a new topic.

    Go Bows!!!

    Just saw a pic of Jon Hee in the MPI Alumni mag. Too bad midori’s not here.

  351. whitey December 30, 2008 7:21 pm

    hiflyer, thanks, i no more that kind tv

  352. whitey December 30, 2008 7:22 pm

    hot damn, just as i tell d1 we sent the thunda north, the sucka comes right back. sheeessshh.

  353. whitey December 30, 2008 7:27 pm

    jm2375, no think negatively. give it your best shot and if no can, no can. this is how warrior fb should be thinking, get huge mountain to climb, give it your best shot. that is something that they lacked in their last two games. had huge games, but never give it their best shot, did stupid things and got killed going up the mountain. me, i just attack because i don’t know any better.

  354. 808ike December 30, 2008 7:28 pm

    Confucius says “Very good Kazz #291” DITTO!

  355. jm2375 December 30, 2008 7:29 pm

    From the American Statistical Assn website:

    Top 10 reasons to be a statistician:
    10. Deviation is considered normal
    9. You feel complete and sufficient
    8. You always wanted to learn the entire Greek alphabet anyway
    7. You can legally comment on someone’s posterior distribution
    6. You may not be normal but you are transformable
    5. You never have to say you are certain
    4. You are honestly significantly different
    3. You never have to be right-only close
    2. Estimating parameters is easier than dealing with real life
    1. Statisticians are normal, everyone else is skewed

    😆 🙄 🙂

  356. whitey December 30, 2008 7:30 pm

    also get lesson to learn, cannot do alone, so if other tsaikos no help, am in doomsville. same as warriors, need team to win, not individuals. most important lesson for team.

  357. whitey December 30, 2008 7:33 pm

    i can see the first level, 400, and not too far. one step at a time and got to avoid the thunda.

  358. 808ike December 30, 2008 7:35 pm

    UH BB game over.

  359. jm2375 December 30, 2008 7:36 pm

    Congrats to da bb team. Beat dem anklebiters 78-70.

  360. whitey December 30, 2008 7:37 pm

    seeing that the pro bowl is still in the news, does the pro bowl have volunteers at the game and if they do, what do they or their organization get from the nf.?

  361. Kama Krab December 30, 2008 7:39 pm

    Howzit Everybody,

    If what ST says come true on LOI day, we will looking at a whole lot of good times for a long time to come.

    Go Get Coach
    Go Warriors

  362. whitey December 30, 2008 7:46 pm

    just found this if you are going from any of these cities to Vegas
    Special Offer from Southwest Airlines: How HOT is this deal?
    1 2 3 4 5 6

    $35-$65 — Las Vegas Fares Slashed from the West Coast*
    Flights to Las Vegas

    Top 20 deal – sells out quickly!
    Travel dates: Through March

    By Aaron Brown
    Travelzoo Staff

    If we had to pick one place in the world with the most incredible deals right now, it would be Las Vegas. Just this morning Southwest Airlines released a 2-Day sale that knocks 50% OFF every flight to Vegas!

    Unlike other air sales we see, this is a broad-based fare cut that slashes ALL flights to Vegas in half, regardless of whether you fly midweek or weekends. We found the best fares from the West Coast going for $35-$65 each way.

    Fly to Las Vegas from:

    Los Angeles … $35
    Burbank … $35
    Ontario … $35
    San Francisco … $46
    Portland … $65
    Spokane … $65
    Seattle … $65
    Travel is valid on most midweek dates through March, but we’re even seeing some great weekend deals. This 2-Day Sale will expire on Dec. 31, so book quickly.

  363. PIAA DS December 30, 2008 7:46 pm

    Hey D1..you got something against large turtles? hahaha, Im a Terrapin, born one, raised one and became one. Still my favorite team next to the Warriors. And they pulled it off today.

    Kekoa and Pauoa Boy…he got F22’s!!!

    Heading out to the AFCA conference in a few days. Everyone have a safe and prosperous New Year! Felice Nuovo Anno!

  364. having fun December 30, 2008 7:47 pm

    ho boy, wonder what Sarkisian has been up to lately?

  365. having fun December 30, 2008 7:47 pm

    he ain’t talking. is that a good sign?

  366. HiFlyer December 30, 2008 7:48 pm

    Okay on the way to 400

  367. whitey December 30, 2008 7:48 pm

    808ike, good to see that your fingers are working

  368. 808ike December 30, 2008 7:48 pm

    Did anyone see Jason and his so called female friend (his date)
    on TV.

  369. brew808 December 30, 2008 7:51 pm

    Hope for whitey – #400 (on the last blog) appeared at 7:11 am this morning! 😯

  370. el guapo December 30, 2008 7:51 pm

    UCLA DC DeWayne Walker announced as new New Mexico St head coach. Sounds like a positive step for them.

  371. PIAA DS December 30, 2008 7:51 pm

    Sarkisian is coaching at the Rose Bowl, collecting salary from two teams – nice. But dont be thinking they are not doing much, Washington is recruiting in full force, making up for some seriously lost time.

    By the way, I didnt see it mentioned above, NMSU hired Dwayne Walker from UCLA today as the new HC. Former Washington State player/Coach and NFL QB Timm Rosenbach is his first hire as OC.

  372. 808ike December 30, 2008 7:52 pm

    whitey, had to give my 1 finger a break after that record.

  373. 808ike December 30, 2008 7:59 pm

    NMSU new HC confirmed USA TODAY & ESPN.

  374. Kama Krab December 30, 2008 7:59 pm


    I think I saw Jason behind the U.H. bench but neva see the friend (the date).

  375. brew808 December 30, 2008 8:00 pm

    #372 808ike: December 30th, 2008 at 7:52 pm

    whitey, had to give my 1 finger….

    Whoah – that’s quite a statement 808ike!!! 😆

  376. 808ike December 30, 2008 8:03 pm

    Had a chance to view the game at friend’s house. Chose to
    watch tomorrow morn.

  377. jm2375 December 30, 2008 8:04 pm

    Helping the count – off-topic….

    To all parents of current Punahou, Damien, Maryknoll, MPI, SHA, St Andrews, LaPietra & St Francis students:

    ‘Ike Pono is closing 3/31/09. All textbook sales final.

    aiyah! Sign of the times.

  378. brew808 December 30, 2008 8:05 pm

    Remember the movie “Harvey” starring Jimmy Stewart? It’s a favorite of mine. He had an imaginary friend, a 6′ rabbit that talked to him…. Umm…. any chance that there’s an imaginary friend from Occidental College….. Nah… couldn’t be, could it? Nah… 🙄 😯 😀

  379. jm2375 December 30, 2008 8:09 pm

    brew – you get time out. go to the corner!!!

  380. 808ike December 30, 2008 8:10 pm

    Should have asked Jason to wear orange. Then check guy/gal
    next to him or empty seat.

  381. 808ike December 30, 2008 8:12 pm

    Helping to reach 400.

  382. roysan16 December 30, 2008 8:12 pm

    Re-MWC and UH futile/passive attempt to join while Boise State might

    About a week before Christmas I was reading the comments made by the Boise State president on how they would accept a bid to get into the MWC. On their part that is an excellent move. Better rivalries and games, with TCU, Utah and BYU, meaning higher television revenues than they would have made in the WAC. Plus they’d escape the high costs of traveling to Hawaii and Louisiana Tech. For them it would be a perfect opportunity. Boise State boosters on record have said they’d pay handsomely to see this get done.

    And then I look at the Hawaii administrators with their lack of vision and foresight of not putting their name in the hat in being considered for the MWC expansion, too, like the Boise State’s president. How sad, again. Perhaps maybe their explanation is that their pledged loyalty to the commissioner. But the administrators less not forget this is the same commissioner that back in 1996 after being on the job for 2 years had the hair brained idea of increasing memberships of the WAC from 10 to 16 teams. For which the then departing schools argued by having 16 teams in the league it cut into each team’s slice of the pie or revenues. Plus how the league was formed then it didn’t allow teams to have their natural rivalries, meaning BYU playing with Utah or Wyoming was on hold at that time. This didn’t warm over with the fans, especially the BYU season ticket holders. And mounting pressure from the fans prompted the BYU, Utah programs etc to jump. Again big boosters and people with deep pockets paid to see this get done. And we can credit the commsioner for making the MWC commisioner look like a genius. And more so when he snags the two of the better teams from the WAC.

    Taking us to the present. Hawaii should do whats best for Hawaii. The same as I’m sure Boise State is looking out for the best for itself and fans. And I’m sure Fresno is looking out for Fresno.In a perfect setting all the league members could, at one time, entrust in one another that they’ll all remain intact as a league. But with Boise State committing their feelings to the public a few weeks ago about leaving the WAC and welcoming a bid into the MWC then Hawaii should have plans too.

    The trickle down effect of Boise State and then maybe Fresno State leaving together, would see the remaining members gasping for air. Because the marketability of the WAC would be almost non existent. Everything from television revenues to attendance at games to recruiting would suffer. The rivalries between Hawaii’s most formidable opponents, which does attract more people at the stadium and more television viewers, would be replaced with weaker teams that wouldn’t draw more fans to the stadium or television viewers. The high school recruits also coming out of Hawaii given a choice to play in the MWC, with a greater regional television exposure and bigger crowds, would surely take the MWC and the league with the greater prestige.

    On the horizon as our administrators, JD and Pres. and company, look at the body language of the dialogues between the MWC commissioner and the Boise State president it has to have them holding their breaths, too. Both sides, MWC and Boise State, have openly said they are attracted to each other.

    As June 30 of next year looms, the cut off date for the departing teams to be elgible for play in the fall of 2010 in the MWC, I’m hoping Hawaii expends the least ammount of time worrying about things it can’t control and figure the best options for the university in the future should Boise State and or Fresno State leaves.

  383. brew808 December 30, 2008 8:12 pm

    whitey – Mahalo for the info in Post #362. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help me. Either the fares are unavailable for my travel dates or I already have lower priced excursions. I think the “midweek” restriction is the show-stopper. 😀

  384. d1島 December 30, 2008 8:14 pm


    Tanks Ah?
    No mo’ tundah from down undah as yet.

    btw, making konbu maki and shoyu pork with squash.
    Going market early for fish, roast pork, char siu, vegetables…and pick up sum dim sum on da way back!

  385. HiFlyer December 30, 2008 8:17 pm

    he got F22’s!!!
    Is this about your son? That’s great news maybe he can get stationed back here in the future.

  386. PIAA DS December 30, 2008 8:18 pm


    Yes, and hes got Hickham #1 on his dream sheet for after training! Im praying for it daily!

  387. d1島 December 30, 2008 8:19 pm

    Where’s Jason?

    What was the score???

    Oh, btw, congrats to MBB for anothah win.


  388. brew808 December 30, 2008 8:23 pm

    jm2008&18.3%more – Huh? What do you claim I did now? Ha! And besides, only the missing one use to send me to the corner and she no stay! So there! Ha! 👿 😯 😈

  389. brew808 December 30, 2008 8:25 pm

    “What was the score???” Hehehe…. good one! 😆

  390. d1島 December 30, 2008 8:25 pm

    Congrats to your son, PIAA DS.
    Top shelf stuff, huh?

    btw, “Terrapins” is OK. Terps is 🙄 haha

  391. whitey December 30, 2008 8:25 pm

    PIAA, thanks for taking care of a lot of hs athletes and great to hear about your son. maybe he might run across my nephew one day. he loads warthogs with their armour and is in osan, korea right now.

  392. brew808 December 30, 2008 8:28 pm

    warthogs and F-22’s no mix! 😯

  393. SteveM December 30, 2008 8:28 pm

    When I saw the Tsaiko-Gate photo of 808ike, I thought it was was d1島 at first glance. Any relationship?

  394. whitey December 30, 2008 8:30 pm

    roysan, i understand what you are saying, but why worry about joining the MWC. they may have beat us in fb this year, but so far the WAC outclasses them in total sports. if BSU wants to leave, let them leave. Same as the nfl, they like go, go. BSU was nothing till the WAC invited them and now they think they can call the shots, kiss my arse. Same for the nfl pro bowl, they were nothing till they came to Hawaii. They think that Hawaii would let them come and go as they please. Kiss my arse!!!

  395. d1島 December 30, 2008 8:30 pm


    Of course! We are both Tsaikos!


  396. PIAA DS December 30, 2008 8:32 pm

    Whitey, my son had the warthogs as his #3 choice after F16s, he loves that ugly old plane! He asks for goodies all the time for the guys who work on the jets, figures if hes good to them they’ll be good to him!

    D1 – yeah, Terps is kinda goofy! but gotta live with it if your from Maryland!

  397. SteveM December 30, 2008 8:32 pm

    d1島 — OK, but can he sing? 🙂

  398. whitey December 30, 2008 8:32 pm

    brew, the new warthogs get the same weapon system as the 22’s.

  399. brew808 December 30, 2008 8:33 pm

    …and they both use one finger… one to type… one to communicate in other ways…. Hey – I think he’s giving me the one-finger salute right now! 😆

  400. whitey December 30, 2008 8:35 pm

    the new hogs are awesome and if you like do some damage up close, you like be the pilot. mean is not the word for the hog, it damn right hell in your face for those on the ground.

  401. brew808 December 30, 2008 8:36 pm

    Huh? The 20mm cannon or the AIM? 😯

  402. whitey December 30, 2008 8:38 pm

    hoooo hooo hoooo 401. brew, get chance. one more thing about the hog, when flying low and attack mode, bullets hitting the ground are only 6″ apart and only homey can escape cause he some fast.

  403. brew808 December 30, 2008 8:39 pm

    So do they still use DU rounds? I hope your nephew is NOT exposed that material. Very nasty health hazard. Same for PIAA DS‘s son. 😯

  404. PIAA DS December 30, 2008 8:40 pm

    well Im not familiar with all this military stuff, all I know is he’ll be 20k feet up in the air, not way closer to the ground like the warthog. The further away from the action the happier mom is.

  405. 808ike December 30, 2008 8:41 pm

    ROYSAN 16 #382,

    Have the same thoughts! One problem—-When the schools were
    forming the MWC, they intentionally left out UH because of distance.
    No matter what UH tries to do, distance will always be the
    determining factor. no one likes us.

  406. brew808 December 30, 2008 8:42 pm

    Good job whitey and others. We’re 10 hours and 40 minutes ahead of yesterday. So where’s our resident statistician now? 😀

  407. whitey December 30, 2008 8:43 pm

    ok back to fb. too bad about Nevada. they played an excellent 2nd half and almost pulled it out. WAC is 1 – 4 in bowls, but that is ok because we getting more teams into the bowls each year and they getting good exposure nationally. no worry about recruits, but this is excellent for those who did not consider the WAC before, but now know it is a “fun ” conference where you can play good fb and get a good education.

  408. d1島 December 30, 2008 8:43 pm

    Is there an alternative to DU?

  409. d1島 December 30, 2008 8:46 pm

    on to 500!

    gotta go chop chop little while…

  410. 808ike December 30, 2008 8:48 pm

    To be honest, don’t give a rat’s a$$ about the MWC. TRAITORS.

  411. brew808 December 30, 2008 8:49 pm

    Another favorite movie of mine is “Kelly’s Heroes”. Remember Oddball (Donald Sutherland)? He would often tell his negative Tank Driver Moriarty (Gavin MacLeod) to “stop with them negative waves”, “Woof, woof, woof”. Love it!

    Thus, to our statistician… “stop with them negative waves”…. 😈 😆 😯

  412. 808ike December 30, 2008 8:50 pm

    Can post faster with 1 liners.

  413. whitey December 30, 2008 8:50 pm

    time to recap about the Sheraton Hawaii Bowl payout. i understand that the payout is $750000. with such great showing at the game (thank you tsaikos for letting me join you) and on tv, don’t you think they should raise the ante to at least $1.3 million??? by raising the ante, we going get other conferences attention and they going want to come here instead of going to another bowl in the future. if hawaii bowl keeps up and eventually raises the ante to $2 million, you are moving into the big time zone. the hawaii bowl grossed over $2 million in ticket and concession revenues and espn probably grossed 3-5 times that amount. so what is $1.3 million?????

  414. whitey December 30, 2008 8:53 pm

    woof, woof, woof. now we get the team moving and excited. you right d1, the next level is getting shorter. yeeeaaaaahhhhhh

  415. jm2375 December 30, 2008 8:54 pm

    brew – you mean da capt on Love Boat? 🙂

    d1 – isn’t it da Twerps? 😆 I get pass on this one. Hubby is UMd alum.

  416. whitey December 30, 2008 8:56 pm

    brew and piaa, could have used the cannons from the hogs or 22s in november while in south dakota hunting pheasants. them buggahs were getting out of the field about 200 yds ahead of us, so they all escape. next time i going make like homey and stay low so they no can see me.

  417. 808ike December 30, 2008 8:56 pm

    OK 2

  418. Kama Krab December 30, 2008 8:59 pm

    Whitey I totally agree. The wac is making a name for themselves. In the next couple of years the Wac should be a pretty good and competitive conference. With the hiring of DeWayne Walker at NMSU and Gary Anderson at USU. They should be able to put a winning attitude in these two programs making the WAC that much better.

    I think if Boise was to leave the WAC that would be a big mistake in terms of status that they have now. Just look at the Bowl and how they got dominated. They will not last in the MWC. They will get beat down and will become the doormates of the MWC but like Whitey said, if they like go, go.

  419. whitey December 30, 2008 9:01 pm

    d1, bum by, can you email me your recipe for shoyu pork with squash. that buggah sounds onolicious.

  420. brew808 December 30, 2008 9:03 pm

    20mm round hits a pheasant and you have same mount of bird left as if you missed completely! 🙄

    Nice find on the SHB finances whitey! 😀

  421. whitey December 30, 2008 9:04 pm

    OK, 3 CHEERS FOR THE WAC and an up your giggy to BSU.

  422. Kama Krab December 30, 2008 9:05 pm


    You can count me in for the K-call.

  423. whitey December 30, 2008 9:07 pm

    but i get the satisfaction of knowing that the buggah neva make “a” out of me. was freezing, grass tall, but with friends, PRICELESS!!!!

  424. HiFlyer December 30, 2008 9:07 pm

    the Warthog has a 30mm cannon and your right about the DU nasty stuff.

  425. 808ike December 30, 2008 9:08 pm

    Whitey—-Great idea, but the 800 pound gorilla (ESPN), is conservative
    with their money for mid-major schools. BIG BUCKS for BCS schools.

  426. whitey December 30, 2008 9:08 pm

    brew, you live in the oakland area?

  427. Kama Krab December 30, 2008 9:09 pm

    One more thing

    No sense Boise leave because they goin start getting beat down by Hawaii the next couple of years, starting with next year.

  428. whitey December 30, 2008 9:11 pm

    808ike, you impressing me cause you posting longer post. keep it up. you doing good job.

  429. brew808 December 30, 2008 9:11 pm

    d1島 – Re: your #408 question –

    DU is used because of it’s high density and it’s essentially a “waste product” that the military complex wants to get rid of. Of course they ignore the health implications for everyone. IMHO.

    The two materials with similar mass densities are gold, and tungsten (actually an alloy of 95% W is readily machinable). Of course, these are much more expensive and rare material to use. Gold bullets – Ha! Okay sorry – probably TMI for everybody…. 😯 😀 🙄

  430. whitey December 30, 2008 9:13 pm

    thanks tsaikos, we going impress SteveM by going for mt everest without air tanks on our back. you all get the right stuff like PB’s company advertises.

  431. 808ike December 30, 2008 9:14 pm

    Union break. Be back later to pitch in again.

  432. brew808 December 30, 2008 9:18 pm

    HiFlyer – Yes, you’re right. It is a 30mm cannon! That means even less pheasant for whitey if he used that weapon, didn’t drink a bunch of beeru before hunting, and didn’t chase after the birds with the bird-dogs barking away, “Woof, woof, woof”. Haha! 😆

  433. al December 30, 2008 9:19 pm

    hey why you talk about someone who not around anymore?


    December 30th, 2008 at 9:04 pm
    OK, 3 CHEERS FOR THE WAC and an up your giggy to BSU.

  434. brew808 December 30, 2008 9:21 pm

    whitey – Oh I see, we mention weapon systems and you think of Oakland! Ha! I think you asked that question before and I ignored you. Right? 😕

  435. Stretch December 30, 2008 9:21 pm

    Good Evening Tsaikos!!

    While driving home tonight, I seen a bus going ewa that was glowing. The bright light seemed to be coming from inside. I wonder if Jason was on that bus??

  436. al December 30, 2008 9:23 pm


    eh, bull. you should be one referee. cuz you need glass.


    December 30th, 2008 at 8:28 pm
    When I saw the Tsaiko-Gate photo of 808ike, I thought it was was d1島 at first glance. Any relationship?

    there is no resemblance at all.

  437. Jason December 30, 2008 9:24 pm

    You guys are TERRIBLE, you know that? TERRIBLE. 😛

  438. whitey December 30, 2008 9:27 pm

    al, you get plenty to learn about plantation language. up your giggy is same as up your “arse”.

    brew, i get amenesia, but i told you that before, i think. hooo boy.

  439. roysan16 December 30, 2008 9:28 pm

    Re-The integrity of the Alabama coach finding that a sport’s agent had made contact with his star player.

    First I have to applaud the Alabama coach for having the integrity to report the violation and to bench his star OT, an Outland Trophy winner and a purported possible overall number 2 pick in the upcoming NFL draft. If this had been USC and Pete Carrol I wonder if the USC coach would’ve looked the other way, like how some say he had to have known about some of the recriminations facing Reggie Bush dealings with a sport’s agent. And has been further accused by some of looking the other way. In the 2005 season, reports on the net show that sports agents frequently were seen at USC practices, along the sidelines of games and in the locker room. In the incident involving the Alabama player the Attorney General for the state is looking at filing charges against the sport’s agent.

    Personally, I think the NCAA Investigating Committees should target the bigger school’s star players and the big name teams in the country by doing sting and undercover operations in purifying and preserving the sanctity of college football. I think athletes themselves should face the full punishment of the law for defrauding their colleges. And if proof shows that the school are involved, likewise punishment by NCAA sanctions etc.

  440. whitey December 30, 2008 9:29 pm

    Jason, my man, you are smiling, you sly mongoose. LOVE is in the air, ta ta tala, la, la

  441. SteveM December 30, 2008 9:31 pm

    Al — so maybe I was looking at photo of d1….? May he took an older looking pix 😕

  442. Garret December 30, 2008 9:31 pm

    UH’s “fan” at the San Jose Mercury-News just took some shots at UH…

    Let’s start with the big winner: WHAT A PERFORMANCE BY THE IRISH!!!

    They won a bowl game for the first time in 15 years (over a team that struggled vs. Weber State).

    They dominated their opponent (which lost to Utah State)

    They were an offensive juggernaut, scoring 49 points and gaining 478 yards (against a defense that gave up 30 and 400 to New Mexico State).

    They set the stage for a big ‘09 (when they play 17 home games) …

    OK, in all seriousness: Notre Dame should have beaten Hawaii, which finished 7-7, but the lopsided nature of the victory was impressive — so impressive that it makes you wonder:

    Loser: Hawaii Coach Greg McMackin. At least June Jones got slammed in the Sugar Bowl. To lose by 28, at home, against a .500 team: The heat’s on Coach Mac for ‘09.

  443. Jason December 30, 2008 9:33 pm

    I love all my friends, male and female. I just so happen to have many female friends. IDK if that is a good thing (they all want to be with me), or a bad thing (they want to be with me as a friend). 😆

  444. Garret December 30, 2008 9:33 pm

    Best of luck to Dane Uperesa! I respect his ability to put his football career behind him and start the next chapter for his life. It must make his fiancee very happy that he chose their relationship over football and I wish them a long, happy life together.

  445. SteveM December 30, 2008 9:34 pm

    Jason — why are you home so EARLY?

  446. brew808 December 30, 2008 9:34 pm

    Nah….. I think we’ve all learned to ignore that wiener from the SJMerc. 🙄

  447. Garret December 30, 2008 9:34 pm

    If everyone is so determined to get to 600 posts today, I’ll contribute a batch of free play links. Please ignore my next batch (more than 5!) of posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.

    The CIA has found that providing viagra is a very effective tool to make friends and get information in Afghanistan.

  448. Jason December 30, 2008 9:34 pm

    I’m also happy because someone at Dell was kind enough to expedite the AC adapter that I needed. Here I was expecting to get it by early next week, and I get it two days after I put in the order.

  449. Garret December 30, 2008 9:35 pm

    I can’t believe that a candidate for the top spot for the Republican National Committee would distribute a song like this about Obama.

  450. NYUH December 30, 2008 9:35 pm

    Speaking of fireworks, what about the duds of UH Football in 2008 AD?

    1. Tyler Graunke
    – Colt Brennan’s air apparent, he failed to prepare for his big opportunity.

    2. Dan Kelly
    – Preseason favorite for All-WAC kicker, he became an offensive liability.

    3. RGM
    – Questionable decision to leave early; he gambled and lost. Meanwhile, DB is a likely to make the NFL’s All-Rookie team. Life isn’t fair.

    4. Punt Return team
    – Pitiful

    5. UH Offense
    – OL gets a lot of heat, but the truth is the whole unit never really got the groove. 4 QBs didn’t help but the question remains, can anybody else run JJ’s run and shoot?

  451. Garret December 30, 2008 9:35 pm

    3-year-old boy was lost in the woods in Virginia in 17 degree weather…he survived the 21 hours he was lost because two puppies cuddled him to keep him warm!

  452. whitey December 30, 2008 9:35 pm

    roysan, you may be right about saban, but as far as dolpins and lsu is concerned he is one big snake in the grass. snakes use camoflauge (spp) to hide, so he might be doing this so the ncaa looks at the other schools because he saying that he is an upstanding coach. you can put on all kinds of nice things, but if you one snake, hard to change your markings.

  453. Garret December 30, 2008 9:35 pm

    The current economic problems have prompted New Hampshire to stop all jury trials for a month!

  454. Garret December 30, 2008 9:36 pm

    Interesting that 1.1 million less men have jobs now as compared to a year ago, but 12,000 more women have jobs now than last year:

  455. Stretch December 30, 2008 9:36 pm

    December 30th, 2008 at 9:29 pm
    Jason, my man, you are smiling, you sly mongoose. LOVE is in the air, ta ta tala, la, la


  456. Jason December 30, 2008 9:36 pm

    I’m home early because my friend had to be home early. And I don’t like catching the bus home late at night, it comes too infrequently. So we skipped the championship game, choosing to go eat in the hospitality room instead. By the time we left, some girls were in our seats already for the start of the second game. 😛

  457. Garret December 30, 2008 9:36 pm

    Blueberries apparently can reverse memory loss and may have big implications for people with Alzheimer’s.

  458. Garret December 30, 2008 9:36 pm

    Pretty cool that they are evaluating a pill that will combat jet lag with no aftereffects.

  459. Stretch December 30, 2008 9:37 pm


    I am sure ST will not object to me doing a little advertising for another blog site….. (not sure if anyone posted this before)

  460. Garret December 30, 2008 9:37 pm

    Study found that 1 in 5 Americans aged 19-25 have a personality disorder!

  461. Garret December 30, 2008 9:37 pm

    I hadn’t realized that Barrack Obama’s Dad was brutally tortured twice a day for more than 6 months by British officers or soldiers! It is no surprise that Obama’s references to the UK in his book weren’t very warm:


  462. Garret December 30, 2008 9:38 pm

    Projection is that Asia is headed for an era of “mega-disasters”, due to urbanization, global warming, and food shortages. A single earthquakes could kill more than a million people in China, Indonesia, or the Philippines! Tsunamis and volcanoes pose a similar risk.

  463. Stretch December 30, 2008 9:38 pm

    December 30th, 2008 at 9:36 pm
    By the time we left, some girls were in our seats already for the start of the second game.

    WHAT??!!?? and you left??!!?? Maybe they wanted a piece of you too!!

  464. Garret December 30, 2008 9:39 pm

    US schools will need 200,000 new math and science teachers over the next decade…and there is a bad shortage already, with over 40% of middle school science teachers not being certified to teach science! After I showed her this article, Lori talked about possibly becoming credentialed to be a math teacher instead of going back into Engineering when she re-enters the work force.

  465. whitey December 30, 2008 9:39 pm

    ok gang, now we rolling and Garret going help us get to another level by 10 pm. thanks.

  466. Garret December 30, 2008 9:39 pm

    Nanoscopic metal particles may be able to greatly improve the ability for solar cells to harvest light efficiently.

  467. Garret December 30, 2008 9:40 pm

    Instead of working on computers or software in garages, now hobbyists and inventors are using homemade equipment to create new life forms via genetic engineering.

  468. Garret December 30, 2008 9:40 pm

    26-year-old man wanted a remote-controlled airplane for Christmas and got upset that his grandmother gave him a Nintendo Wii instead. When he girlfriend called him names for not liking the Wii, they got into a fight and he allegedly dragged her down two flights of stairs…by her hair. He said that his girlfriend punched him three times. Both were arrested for their fight on Christmas day!

  469. Jason December 30, 2008 9:41 pm

    My AP Lang teacher always said rhetorical questions were weak, and that you should use statements instead (back me up here, Mike!). Bad Nanay, bad Nanay. 😉

  470. Garret December 30, 2008 9:41 pm

    The spin of the Earth is slowing down, so they are adding a leap second tomorrow.

  471. Garret December 30, 2008 9:41 pm

    SPAWAR and Raytheon have recently tested the Deep Siren program, which allows subs to send text messages without having to go to the surface…they shoot a buoy out of the submarine’s trash chute.

  472. Garret December 30, 2008 9:42 pm

    The US Navy and UK Navy have seized more than 20 tons of drugs since October along the “hash highway” in the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Aden.

  473. Garret December 30, 2008 9:42 pm

    The Pentagon has been aiding the filming of Transformers 2.

  474. Garret December 30, 2008 9:43 pm

    Coca-Cola started a trend where 30 billboards in Times Square now use wind power. The wind power billboards will eliminate 1,866 metric tons of carbon dioxide each year.

  475. Garret December 30, 2008 9:43 pm

    Dell expects to save $8 million because of their switch to greener packaging.

  476. Garret December 30, 2008 9:44 pm

    Not only is newspaper circulation down for the printed papers, the time people spend on newspaper websites is down from last year.

  477. Garret December 30, 2008 9:44 pm

    Free play links pau.

  478. whitey December 30, 2008 9:44 pm

    stretch, garret said 1 in 5 americans age 19-24 have mental disorder. you not one of them, right????

  479. Jason December 30, 2008 9:45 pm

    Stretch: They weren’t my type. I’ll leave it at that. 😉

  480. Garret December 30, 2008 9:46 pm

    roysan16, whitey,

    Saban didn’t have a choice…the media already had the info on the agent’s dealings with the player and the news was going to come out. By suspending the player first, he minimized the damage…but if you read some of the news that has already come out, the info was not a secret.

  481. Jason December 30, 2008 9:47 pm

    whitey: Of course not, Stretch hasn’t been in that age group for many, many, many, many, many, many, many, … , many, many years.

  482. whitey December 30, 2008 9:48 pm

    garret, i was thinking about the same thing that the earth was slowing down cause i can go faster forward. hahahahahaaaahhh

  483. Garret December 30, 2008 9:48 pm


    I could keep going with free play links, but those were the most relevant here based on comments that I’ve read on the blog and via e-mail from people who post here.

  484. bstunna2002 December 30, 2008 9:49 pm

    ST so being that Hawaii only has five scholarships they can offer in January what happens to B.Stutzmann I thought he was enrolling in January and is Aaron Brown enrolling in May thanks I’ll take your answers off the air…LOL… Always wanted to say that.

  485. Stretch December 30, 2008 9:49 pm

    December 30th, 2008 at 9:44 pm
    stretch, garret said 1 in 5 americans age 19-24 have mental disorder. you not one of them, right????

    umm, i wish i was still in that age bracket

    December 30th, 2008 at 9:45 pm
    Stretch: They weren’t my type. I’ll leave it at that.

    Politically correct answer. You are learning…

  486. whitey December 30, 2008 9:50 pm

    yahooo, can see mauna kea coming up and we going over it with no problems.

  487. NYUH December 30, 2008 9:51 pm


    I guess BO’s hatred of British colonialism is another similarity with FDR who made the dissolution of the “empire” a precondition to the US getting into WWII.

  488. Garret December 30, 2008 9:52 pm

    I’m glad that a few people already posted the news about Walker taking the NMSU job. Walker is an *excellent* coach and deserves a head coaching spot…I thought he could have gotten a better spot than that, but he seems happy to have any head coaching job.

    Before this, Walker coached at:

    New England Patriots (secondary coach under Pete Carroll)
    USC (first year that Carroll coached at USC)
    NY Giants
    Washington Redskins
    UCLA (defensive coordinator)

    If you compare his past 5 teams to NMSU, one of them seems quite out of place…

  489. whitey December 30, 2008 9:53 pm

    Garret, no mind cause those info is excellent and for those like me (amnesia) it gives us new insights.

  490. whitey December 30, 2008 9:55 pm

    Jason, thanks for telling me about stretch’s age cause when he on Maui with me, he tell everyone that i am his dad. next time he going tell them that i am his granddad.

  491. Garret December 30, 2008 9:56 pm


    The situation will make for some interesting diplomacy in Obama’s first year as President. Does the UK issue an apology or express regret for torturing the father of the President of the US for an extended period of time? How does that affect the US-UK dynamic, where the UK has been the strongest backer of Pres. Bush’s military initiatives?

    I don’t think that this situation has ever happened before…it will be a footnote in some history books and I can see a lot of discussion about this if things change between the US and UK. Especially since under their new leadership the UK has already been pulling back from their support of the situations in Iraq and elsewhere.

  492. Garret December 30, 2008 10:00 pm


    On a serious note, blueberries and vitamins with added flavonoids will be recommended for many people with Alzheimer’s and those considered in danger for Alzheimer’s. They also will market to the elder groups. They also will market to college students, as anything that can boost memory while being healthy for the body will find a market!

  493. whitey December 30, 2008 10:00 pm

    so now the WAC going get some excellent coaches and with that, the WAC will be a force in fb. namasu and usu are willing to spend some bucks to move up and this is very good. now if we can get idaho up, the WAC will be able to get better money for all of them.

  494. whitey December 30, 2008 10:03 pm

    Garret, thanks for the info on blueberries and been taking them for quite a while now along with plenty other herbs.

  495. Garret December 30, 2008 10:04 pm

    I had no Internet access for over 24 hours, which was hard to take! Thank goodness my new phone can surf the web a little so I could post my congrats to Jason and take care of my link blog.

    I saw the note too late (the first one was posted after we had gone to sleep and we left for Vegas the following morning) about calling las vegas for a get-together. That really is too bad, as I was under the assumption that my family was in Vegas at the wrong time and the others weren’t free for a cattle call here.

    We ate at the Flamingo Buffet today for dinner because we were given a $25 gift certificate as an apology for something my hotel messed up on. 3 slabs of prime rib, 4 main dish plates, two dessert rounds, etc., and I had a nice meal!

  496. whitey December 30, 2008 10:06 pm

    time to take a break and will be back later. keep going and it is going to be a fun evening with the Tsaikos cause no way can we do this tomorrow night. this is like the last hurrah for 2008.

  497. Garret December 30, 2008 10:06 pm


    That is great! If the current trials go well, they might actually prescribe blueberries or blueberry pills to many patients. The news will definitely spread if the current trials show results.

  498. Garret December 30, 2008 10:15 pm

    LA Daily News discusses how getting rid of the BCS will be extremely difficult.

    Pete Carroll doesn’t like it. Joe Paterno doesn’t like it. You don’t like it. I loathe it. Even President-elect Barack Obama finds it distasteful, and his plate is rather full.

    But the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) is like a virus. It can’t be killed. It can’t even be contained. It is resistant to things like common sense and the basic nature of sports that demands a champion be crowned on the field.

    But chances it’s not going to happen in our lifetime. And here are the eight reasons why:

    Approximately $258 million.

    That’s the projected total of the 34 bowl payouts to the 68 teams that “earned” a bowl bid this season. The teams share that money with their conference colleagues. The total isn’t 100percent accurate because there are contingencies to some bids (ticket sales) that make some games a break-even proposition. But that’s a huge number to throw on the table for college football, and it doesn’t include the TV money that’s generated by the five BCS games. Next time someone talks about the alleged riches of a playoff, remember that figure.

    Sixty-eight bowl teams.

    We used to complain about the glut of bowl games 10 years ago, where there were about 20. Now the number has swelled to 34. That means 68 teams get to say they went to a bowl game and use that in marketing and recruiting.

  499. Garret December 30, 2008 10:15 pm

    Sixty-five teams in the six BCS conferences.

    The BCS is not a democracy. The Southeastern Conference, Big 12, Big Ten, Pac-10, Atlantic Coast Conference and Big East comprise the schools that earn automatic bids in the BCS bowls and these conferences always fill at least 90 percent of the slots in the five games. That means they share most of the loot.

    Of those 65 teams, 43 were bowl eligible. All 43 earned a bowl bid, including all 10 eligible teams from the powerhouse ACC, which has won one BCS bowl game in 10 seasons.

  500. Garret December 30, 2008 10:16 pm

    Crowds of 93,000 for the Rose Bowl.

    Most bowl proponents believe a playoff system would kill some of the lesser bowls. There’s no proof of this. Just because there’s a playoff for, say, eight teams doesn’t mean the Chick-Fil-A Bowl can’t exist and as usual invite ACC and SEC also-rans to their holiday event.

    But there is some truth to concerns that a playoff would impact the major bowls. Even in a year when the attraction for the Rose Bowl is lackluster, fans of each team will make the trek to Pasadena and sell 90,000 tickets.

    Fans might not make that trip if, say, Penn State versus USC was a quarterfinal playoff game. Nittany Lions fans might stay home and hope their team advances to the semifinals or finals. The tourist component of the major bowls is why these games were created in the first place.

    As fetching and as profitable as the NCAA basketball tournament is, a lot of first- and second-round games play to half-filled arenas. There’s no foolproof way to protect the bowls, which is why the plus-one proposal sounds so fetching even if it’s as flawed as the current system.

  501. Garret December 30, 2008 10:17 pm

    Most of the bowls net reams of dollars even thought they’re classified as non-profits and enjoy equally huge tax benefits. Include any of them in a playoff and that status could change.

  502. roysan16 December 30, 2008 10:19 pm

    Helping you guys get to 600. I don’t know any jokes. Or short answers. Or short responses. And if you ever saw me I don’t smile too much. I’m so reminiscent of my late father, for he was never one for much repartee or smiling. And on further thought so much like my mother, too…ha. But I do like to write. And read, especially about stories about Tsaikos and bloggers and their personal stories. When there was a call today to come up with an idea for Nalani’s 25th anniversary song I went scurrying around the net to come up with an idea. I turned on Pandora Radio and listed to 6-8 hours of the lyrics of the Beatles, Paul McCartney, Lennon, The Who and The Monkeys to see if I can come with an idea. But none that strikes out at me, although this is where I would start if I aspired to write a great song. Songwriting, something of which I gave no thought to before, suddenly has caught my eye, because as I can see it’s really telling a story, perferable coming from the heart, with continuity and a purpose. And something that interests me. With the merriment of the New Year fast approaching, less than 14 hours away, I pray that everyone’s orbit and trajectory in life is good. And if 2008 wasn’t good here’s wishing that 2009 is better.

  503. Garret December 30, 2008 10:19 pm

    This one is big, since ESPN controls so many things behind the scenes…Don’t forget that ESPN owns a lot of the smaller bowls that would lose a lot of money if there was a playoff.

    $155 million annually from ESPN.

    That’s how much the cable network will pay for airing all five BCS telecasts starting with the 2011 season. The network agreed to pay $125 million annually for the Sugar, Fiesta, Orange and BCS title game, and its colleague ABC is paying $30 million annually for the Rose Bowl.

    An eight-team playoff would produce seven telecasts, only two more than now is contracted. Even if one believes that would drive up the TV values, it has to be measured against the loss of revenue from some smaller bowls folding and any attendance decline for the major bowls.

  504. Kekoa December 30, 2008 10:25 pm

    PIAA DS ~ I’m just in the door after last minute errands.

    I’m visualizing a sleek, F-22 swooping over Aloha Stadium just before the National Anthem gets to that part about the “Rocket’s red glare!” The announcer acknowledges the Air Force fly-by is non other than the son of PIAA DS! The crowd goes wild as the roar of his afterburners kick in!

    Thus the 100th Anny of UH is about to kick off, The ’09 football season is ready to rock ‘n roll!

    Someone famous once said, “If you dream it – you can do it!”

    Happy New Year Doris!

  505. Garret December 30, 2008 10:25 pm


    One thing that stood out to me about the miss on UH recruiting of Masoli…I remember it mentioned that UH didn’t realize that Masoli could transfer to a D-IA school for the 2008 season. That surprised me (and I commented on that at the time) because Rolo was his position coach and I figured that he would know what Masoli’s status was.

    It was an especially glaring mistake because UH got Rausch to transfer after playing just one season at his JC…and Rausch’s coach expressed surprise that he was eligible to leave after that season. After that happened, I figured that Rolo would have checked into Masoli’s status instead of making that same mistake!

    If what was stated earlier was incorrect, which you seem to indicate today, then that mistake is less glaring. And having a recruiting coordinator like Tony Tuioti who can check into those types of things will prevent future misses.

  506. SteveM December 30, 2008 10:27 pm

    Saturday, February 7, 2009
    7:30 PM – 12:30 AM
    Krazy Karaoke (big room) Young Street

    Tsai-kos who have attended the BIG calls before know the behind-the-scenes timing/finacial issue at this stage.

    Please RSVP on the blog… ASAP …for preliminary count

    We look forward to seeing new Tsai-kos at one of our first major parties of 2009. Singing not required, but there will be a lot of it 🙂 But very good! Click here to see photos and video of earlier large Karaoke Calls, and scroll down thru mid-August to see more.

    • Probable cost is $15 per person for the room/karaoke
    • BYOB
    • Bring food/goodies (like indoor tailgate)

    Thanks to Stretch for the arrangements!
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    Continually updated Karaoke Call info in the Events Calendar section at:

  507. Garret December 30, 2008 10:28 pm


    Congratulations to your son getting F-22s! That is an awesome accomplishment!

    I really hope that he is stationed in Hawaii for a good stretch of time…that would be great!

  508. whitey December 30, 2008 10:31 pm

    Wow, what a difference between usu fb and bb. their bb team is 11-1. wac bb is going to be very competitive and every game will be important and tough. wish could say the same for woman bb.

  509. chawan_cut December 30, 2008 10:31 pm

    i can confirm that jason was there with his friend. i did not see any earphones in his ear either. looks like they had a good time. although as soon as the game was over they were gone. and just by chance i ran into him at kfc afterwards. i hope he got a drink for her too for the long bus ride home.

    brew, my mistake earlier, the “of course not” response was actually for homey asking if i bought permits.

  510. Kekoa December 30, 2008 10:34 pm

    Nalani ~ Knowing the musical talents of the Tsaiko Nation, your new CD will contain several very good cuts compliments of these forward thinking people. I’m certain of it.

  511. roysan16 December 30, 2008 10:34 pm

    Re-Practicing harder or smarter?

    So much of the comments I read of returning players pledging to practice and train harder for the next football season is that I wonder If someone involved in the program sees that is also equally important to practice and train “smarter”. I know the athletes have the tools in front of them to practice and train hard in the off season. But I also hope they have the guidance provided to them that they are also training and practicing “smarter”.

  512. whitey December 30, 2008 10:35 pm

    roysan, nalani looking for some help in writing some new songs for their special 25th anniversay album. i am sure she would appreciate any ideas you may have.

  513. chawan_cut December 30, 2008 10:36 pm

    oh, i just saw that commercial with Ms Esme in it. very nice!

  514. brew808 December 30, 2008 10:36 pm

    Howzit roysan16 – Nice to see you blogging regularly. Hey – there’s no problems with form, or style or anything. You write and contribute whatever you want, and participate in any or all of the discussions. That’s the beauty of the blog format. It’s strictly voluntary and the content is “moderated” by the host and his/her appointed lieutenants.

    I like your story about getting spun-up trying to think of a song and/or theme for Nalani. It’s kind of fun and provocative (thought-wise). Actually, you did describe a thread of a story – either a song, or a written log. It’s about your parents, how you are like both of them (you are), and yet you’re your own special person. You know that. And if you wanted, you could readily expand on that. Just my 2 cents. Keep blogging, and if you can and want to, join in one of the events, tailgates, parties. You can meet some of the real faces/people behind their blog persona. Bet the Tsaikos can get you to smile and laugh like a fool. 😀 😯 😆

  515. 808ike December 30, 2008 10:40 pm

    I’m back for a short while.

  516. Ralph December 30, 2008 10:41 pm

    chawan you left before the championship game, i guess you are a homer

  517. Ralph December 30, 2008 10:42 pm

    jason and his friend had excess to the booster lounge with food, what’s he doing at kfc

  518. brew808 December 30, 2008 10:44 pm

    Garret – Howzit! I know you’re having fun. How about the girls? It’s unfortunate that you couldn’t meet with the other Tsaikos in Vegas. I always enjoy your on- and off-topic posts! I’m going to head off and get me some blueberries ASAP tomorrow before I forget! 😀

  519. 808ike December 30, 2008 10:44 pm

    Jason— You CASANOVA!!!!!!

  520. brew808 December 30, 2008 10:47 pm

    808ike – Someday I’ll figure out your connection w/ MizLiz. Did you meet d1島? Do you think you look anything like that character? Really. 😯 😀

  521. whitey December 30, 2008 10:49 pm

    tonight is special. we slowly approaching the 12 hr mark from when this blog started and all of you are now over the 500 level. am standing, giving all of you 3 cheers, and bowing to all of you. you are not only fun, but very special. THANKS!!!

  522. brew808 December 30, 2008 10:52 pm

    SteveM – Unfortunately for me, I will not be able to attend your K-call in February, so deftly arranged by Stretch and yourself. Although I must say that my attendance and participation might have significantly boosted sales of cotton-ball earplugs and hard-liquor sales…. 🙄

  523. brew808 December 30, 2008 10:54 pm

    Huh? whitey is still capable of standing? Bring the bruddah another cold brewski! 😯 😆 😛

  524. Jason December 30, 2008 10:55 pm

    I don’t listen to the radio for basketball cause I don’t really care for Bobby’s call of the game. And we did eat at the Hospitality Room after the game. But I wanted a drink, so while we were at the bus stop I stopped by KFC, and I ran into chawan_cut. BTW, my friend had a bottled water, which is why I didn’t get her a drink; I offered to get her one, but she didn’t want one.

  525. Ralph December 30, 2008 10:55 pm

    access not excess

  526. Garret December 30, 2008 10:57 pm


    The girls have had a LOT of fun! Circus Circus on Monday was fun for them as usual. They have enjoyed all the food here and have eaten quite well too…not as much meat as me, but they ate other stuff like seafood and fruits more than me. We went all around the Flamingo outdoor grounds today–Faith called it a “nature walk” and they enjoyed the flamingos, koi, and all the gazebos and pools. They absolutely loved the 2 water shows we saw at the Bellagio today.

    Normally we hang out with family (my parents, my sister’s family) downtown, but this time we’ve been exploring the Vegas Strip landmarks. Aside from Circus Circus, everything we’ve done has been new to them and they really enjoyed seeing new things. The M&M World and Coca-Cola Museum today was really fun for them too. Next trip we’ll hopefully have Cattle Calls and will also hang out downtown with my parents…this trip we’ve done so many different things!

  527. brew808 December 30, 2008 10:58 pm

    Re: bottled water – Was there some sort of “trust” issue there? I know I’d be wary of leaving an unattended drink around some of these peeps…. Oh wait, that would be me! 😈 😀

  528. Jason December 30, 2008 10:59 pm

    BTW, thanks to chawan_cut for offering me one of his two sodas when I was waiting in line and I said that my bus was scheduled to stop by any minute. But I wanted to try one of those “Fruit Fizz” drinks.

  529. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:01 pm

    Garret – Did you visit the botanical gardens off the front desk lobby of the Bellagio? I think L would enjoy that. Maybe the girls too. 😀

  530. 808ike December 30, 2008 11:03 pm

    brew808–met d1.

    If MizLiz is LizK, BG posted cell # on site. Had extra ticket to Wash St.
    and Cinn. game so I called him. LizK needed a ticket to the Cinn.
    game. Meet her at t-gate to give her the ticket.

  531. whitey December 30, 2008 11:03 pm

    ok gang, next level on the horizon. heee hawwww. brew good idea and will have a brewski now. need energy.

  532. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:06 pm

    Did you ever watch the Drew Carey show? This is the sitcom based in Cleveland. In one episode, they invented Buzz Beer – a combination of beeru and coffee. That was before Energy drinks! 😯

  533. SteveM December 30, 2008 11:07 pm

    brew808 — just jump on your private jet and come down for Feb. 9. Sneak in and hide among the Jaeger Bombers… 😐

  534. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:08 pm

    #464- good news for Jason!

    whitey- we gotcha lightning and tunda going on in the mts. above our house…

  535. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:08 pm

    Yes 808ike. Thanks for the info. I thought maybe you were another Kauai Tsaiko. 😀

  536. brian smith December 30, 2008 11:09 pm

    was on hilo for the day visiting folks. did Bsmith get fired yet?

  537. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:11 pm

    Whoah… and here she is! 😆 Good thing nothing bad being discussed – stopped just in time.

    Hiya Miz~Liz! Are you sure the thunder and lightning isn’t just over your house? Haha! 🙄 😯 😆

  538. 808ike December 30, 2008 11:11 pm

    Clothes in dryer, almost done. Leaving shortly.

  539. whitey December 30, 2008 11:12 pm

    roysan, your idea of training harder or smarter is very good. each sport has basic muscle groups which need to be worked on and how they do it is the key. i think bench pressing or power lifting heavy weights is good for fb, but being able to run the stairs from the quarry to the top 10 times within 30 minutes is just as important. for a running back to run the low hurdles would help minimize the hamstring injuries, but may increase the injuries to the groin. hahahaaaaahhhh

  540. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:12 pm

    SteveM – Haha! I’m not duffer! 🙄

  541. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:13 pm

    Hiya 808Ike!

    I don’t think you look like d1shima… hmmm… you could be related to chawan_cut tho 😉

  542. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:15 pm

    Huh? 😕

  543. Garret December 30, 2008 11:15 pm


    We thought about going to the gardens, but it was already past my kid’s bedtime and we had skipped their nap due to all the activities we crammed in today. So, we thought we’d just do that some other time.

    Lori and I toured the gardens with my Dad quite some time ago–I think that Faith was something like 6 months old then (that would be about 5 years ago).

  544. whitey December 30, 2008 11:18 pm

    lizk, sorry about sending you the thunda, but this buggah must be huge cause i can still hear him in the distance.

  545. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:18 pm

    Botanical Gardens – I’m pretty sure it’s the same display year-to-year, for each seasonal/holiday theme. It’s still very beautiful and tranquil. 😀

  546. whitey December 30, 2008 11:20 pm

    brewski, if you was here i would pour you one too. remy martin vsop. wow, this is the life.

  547. roysan16 December 30, 2008 11:21 pm

    Re-Teaching golf to my nephew

    The first time I had read a Jack Nicklaus’ book on golf I’d had remembered the part about his approach on how he would teach a youngster, basically he said to go out there on the driving range and have fun. He warned the parent/instructor from yelling and screaming. And he said better re enforcement of learning the game come from a calm and easy tempered approach. And I did this with my nephew. And it works. I don’t suggests telling your son or daughter in trying to hit the caged tractor picking up the ball but I told my little one to go for it. The day he hit the 100 yrd marker he got a high five. So what if it was a ground ball. Little did he realize it at the time but I was building his confidence. And this is important.

    Re-Taking the nephew to a UH practice

    The impression I got from watching his reaction to practice was that I latter realized this was serendiptious moment, you know look for an egg and instead you come up with a golden egg type of moment, for his young eyes, maybe 7 or 8 yrs at the time, where instead looking at all the tall buildings, the round dorms across the way. And the coeds walking by carrying their books in their knapsacks. In a way, watching practice heightened his interests in schooling. Later when I talked to my sister she said this one practice helped him visualize the purposes of why you have to do well in school.

  548. whitey December 30, 2008 11:22 pm

    brian smith, did you get to see loeffleur or big hilo fan 2???

  549. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:23 pm

    Ooohhh- impressive weather map of Kauai. Hey – I can see Liz‘s house with her new hydroponics gardening system! Oh wait, that’s just her whole backyard under water…. 😆

  550. whitey December 30, 2008 11:25 pm

    roysan, you get potential to be coach cause you understand basic things about teaching kids.

  551. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:25 pm

    brew- you are a scary guy…
    what am I wearing now?

  552. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:26 pm

    Hey roysan16 – this is some good stuff you’re writing about. I really hope you’re copying and pasting this as a journal for your self and/or family. Really interesting! 😀

  553. whitey December 30, 2008 11:27 pm

    lizk. NOTHING!!! hahahahahahhaaaaaaaaa!!!

  554. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:27 pm

    Oh no, I’m too polite to say….. 😳

  555. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:27 pm

    roysan16- THAT is one lucky nephew you get! Every keed needs one unko like you!

    (sorry for the “uncle” – I just had the get another ridiculous thread going…)

  556. whitey December 30, 2008 11:29 pm

    808ike, no go yet, the fun just starting and we going to be going over mt ranier pretty soon.

  557. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:29 pm

    whitey- da tunda sounds like when you live in one condo and your upstairs neighbors are rearranging the major furniture…

  558. whitey December 30, 2008 11:31 pm

    i wonder if stretch going to kauai tomorrow or he going marketing session. i hope rain stop tomorrow cause get game tomorrow with the gang.

  559. jm2375 December 30, 2008 11:32 pm

    40 something more to go to hit 600. can we do it in 30 min?

  560. brian smith December 30, 2008 11:32 pm


    na. do i still have a job is the question

  561. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:32 pm

    That nearly describes the noise my tummy makes after reading Garret’s post about his latest buffet binge, or after seeing photo’s of the latest Tsaiko T-gate! 🙄

  562. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:32 pm

    Golf is good. I put my youngah keeds in Jr. golf and da older son learned on his own. It’s a fun game when you’re young, a sign of sophistication (like fly fishing) when you are a teen or young adult and a source of fun once again in old age!

  563. jm2375 December 30, 2008 11:33 pm

    what thunder? nothing on the windward side.

  564. whitey December 30, 2008 11:33 pm

    eh, where brian smith went to. that buggah is faster than esme.

  565. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:34 pm

    djmitcho- didja make it????

  566. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:34 pm

    Statistically, what are the chances…. 👿

  567. Garret December 30, 2008 11:34 pm

    Who would have thought that the WAC would go 1-4 and that the only winning bowl team would be La Tech? Many of the WAC schools (and many people here) would like for La Tech to leave the WAC since the travel cost is so high and they don’t really bring much to the conference. However, with the potentially big problems with Utah State, Idaho, and NMSU, the WAC cannot afford for any team to leave (whitey, that includes BSU).

    Hopefully the excellent hires by Utah State and NMSU will improve the bottom of the WAC…and that means that they get good nonconference wins and beat up some of the other teams in the WAC, not UH!

  568. brian smith December 30, 2008 11:34 pm

    i am not brian smith………………………………….

  569. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:35 pm

    hmmm. checking his myspace… I think he made it!

  570. whitey December 30, 2008 11:35 pm

    all right brian. i don’t know, but i think no need worry for a while since coach mc is on the mainland till the end of the month.

  571. jm2375 December 30, 2008 11:36 pm

    Liz – my kid gave up golf after about a year. Couldn’t pass Casey Nakama’s beginning class. oh well. I just wish she was interested in sports.

  572. 808ike December 30, 2008 11:36 pm

    I’m back!!!!

  573. roysan16 December 30, 2008 11:37 pm

    Re-Best UH linebacker

    My pick would be Jeff Ulbrich. Jeff had a nose for the ball. And he had a knack of getting pass the blockers in front of him. On sweep plays a lot of times you saw him in the backfield making a play. He was also explosive enough to shoot the gap. And also strong enough to hold up a blocker and react to the ball.

  574. whitey December 30, 2008 11:39 pm

    no worry braddah brian, have fun with us tonight. aunty lizk is in top form and jm2375 going stay up. garret going do his best to help us and my pal, brewski, going join me for a drink. right, brew???

  575. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:39 pm

    Methinks 808ike is multi-tasking – blogging and laundry! 😀

    Kids and golf – IMHO, as long as it’s fun and not all parental pressure…. 🙄 😯 😆

  576. 808ike December 30, 2008 11:40 pm

    LizK is just like Mrs. Claus. She is checking on you if you are naughty
    or nice.

  577. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 11:41 pm

    golf is a simple game…all you need is a stick, ball, and hole. plus ball lays motionless.

  578. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:41 pm

    brew no drink that Remy stuff….too foofoo/high-class…. 🙄

  579. whitey December 30, 2008 11:42 pm

    welcome back 808ike. jm, no worry about your kid not doing well in golf, get plenty other things of interest.

    ok, liz, still get thunda. mine finally gone, but get drizzle, so my deers do not want to visit me tonight.

  580. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:43 pm

    jm2375- golf should be fun…
    #2 and #3 sons played Jr. Golf a couple of years- not SERIOUS like some of their friends. Local tournaments only.
    After a couple of years and growth spurt of about a FOOT each, we played again. They still had their good swings from the training but the ball would just FLY and they amazed themselves!

  581. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:43 pm

    Santa Claus?… Me?…. Too late…. Lost Cause….. 😆

  582. Garret December 30, 2008 11:43 pm


    I should mention that we were at the Flamingo buffet for over *two hours*, and all four of us ate continuously the entire time! Lori felt guilty so she worked out at the gym here after our kids went to sleep.

    The 24-hour gym here is a pretty good way to partially counter the food in Vegas. I worked out yesterday (Lori worked out then too), but today I wanted to catch up with the blog and my other web stuff so I skipped it. I did walk around for over 3 hours today, carrying Mika for over 30 minutes, so I figure I got my exercise.

  583. al December 30, 2008 11:44 pm

    whitey….in kauai it is spelled “gi-gi”. we no mo the english version.

    just like “glass” is same as “glasses”.

  584. 808ike December 30, 2008 11:45 pm


    The only relative involved in UH sports, is one of the old ladies at the
    VB games who holds signs and gives the VB players leis after the game.

  585. Garret December 30, 2008 11:45 pm

    Well, I’ve helped out the post count and it looks like #600 will be passed soon. I should get some rest because I we have an early day tomorrow, then I’m driving the entire way back, then we’re planning to attend the New Years’ fireworks at Legoland tomorrow night.

  586. whitey December 30, 2008 11:46 pm

    eh, now even homey joining us, but not sure if this is the right homey. irregardless, good evening braddah homey.

    brewski, me i no can afford it either, but my friend gave it to me for christmas. some good!!!!! hope i no drink all of it tonight as we trying to shoot for the moon.

  587. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 11:46 pm

    MLiz – uhhhh, your #2 and #3 sons have to buy 3 slippers each?

  588. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:47 pm

    Ha! That about accounts for one slice of p-rib! 😀

    Re: Santa – I don’t even get lumps of coal anymore…. In fact, this year, he took some of my other presents away! Yeah – I think Liz was somehow behind this conspiracy….. :rol:

  589. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:48 pm

    Nitey nite, Garret- have a good sleep and a FUN day tomorrow!!

  590. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 11:48 pm

    what is “irregardless”?

  591. BigWave96744 December 30, 2008 11:49 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday 12/29 to Jameel Dowling, Laupepa Letuli, and former Warrior BJ Fruen

  592. BigWave96744 December 30, 2008 11:49 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday 12/29 to Jameel Dowling, Laupepa Letuli, and former Warrior BJ Fruen

  593. BigWave96744 December 30, 2008 11:49 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday 12/29 to Jameel Dowling, Laupepa Letuli, and former Warrior BJ Fruen

  594. BigWave96744 December 30, 2008 11:49 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday 12/29 to Jameel Dowling, Laupepa Letuli, and former Warrior BJ Fruen

  595. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:49 pm

    Yup, dats our m-homey 😉

  596. whitey December 30, 2008 11:49 pm

    all right, braddah al is also here. hail, hail, the gang all’s here, never mind the weather, here we are together, hail, hail, the gang all here!!! WooooooooooHooooooooooo

  597. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:50 pm

    wow- BigWave96744, you one one-man-blog-runner!

  598. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 11:51 pm

    hey bigwave, whose birthday is it?

  599. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:51 pm


  600. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 11:51 pm

    whoot whoot!

  601. BigWave96744 December 30, 2008 11:51 pm

    Wow, what happened?

  602. el guapo December 30, 2008 11:51 pm


  603. el guapo December 30, 2008 11:51 pm


  604. whitey December 30, 2008 11:52 pm

    and big wave strikes again, and again, and again. welcome aboard braddah.

  605. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:52 pm

    Goodnight Garret! Have a terrific New Year’s Eve and please drive back safely! 😀

  606. el guapo December 30, 2008 11:52 pm

    ok, pass ‘um!

  607. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:53 pm

    ah- batch posting server strikes again…

  608. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 11:54 pm

    Too bad Guava is no longer around. He could tell us the inside scoops about the players feelings towards the coaches.

  609. 808ike December 30, 2008 11:54 pm

    The start of 700.

  610. whitey December 30, 2008 11:55 pm

    and even el gaupo. finally we get reinforcements. next stop 700 as we tackle mt denali and get ready to cross the bering sea.

  611. brew808 December 30, 2008 11:55 pm

    blog stuttering sure helps with the post count statistics…. 😆

  612. roysan16 December 30, 2008 11:55 pm

    Re-The most peculiar football moment/ and or play calling

    It was back in 2002, I think, and we were up against San Diego State. In the waning moments of a 42-41 game JJ and UH had the ball around the San Diego five yard line. With around 100 seconds left in the game all JJ and UH have to do is take three knees and the game is over. On first down,however, the QB hands it off to an RB instead and he charges to the line and is stopped. The next two plays the QB takes a knee and the game is over. In retrospect if your the San Diego State team you should have “allowed” UH to score with the extra point the score would be 49-41. Ask yourself was it smart to tackle the RB? By not tackling the RB it at least allows your team at least a chance to come back with a touchdown and a two pointer. The other way is that you watch your opponent take the knees and the game is over anyway. And that’s what happened after the running play.

    Did anyone see what I saw at the time? So yes I’d say that was the most peculiar call on UH/JJ part.

  613. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 30, 2008 11:55 pm

    I gotta hit da hay.

    Sweet Warrior Dreams!

  614. 808ike December 30, 2008 11:56 pm

    Raining cats and dogs.

  615. jm2375 December 30, 2008 11:56 pm

    made past 600!! Didn’t know Tsai-kos could count! 😆

  616. whitey December 30, 2008 11:57 pm

    we neva cross the magic line for the last day of 2008 yet, but before we do, want to say, Happy New Year!!!!

  617. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 11:59 pm

    where’s Esme? she looks good on tv. I wonder if they use those same “make Oprah look skinny” cameras for her commercial.

  618. homey ℞ December 30, 2008 11:59 pm

    g’nite MLiz…

  619. whitey December 31, 2008 12:00 am

    good nite lizk, but wake up early and need your help to climb mt everest.

  620. 808ike December 31, 2008 12:02 am

    Raining and hearing fireworks.

  621. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:03 am

    roysan16 – That’s what Doug Flutie always said. Let the other team score because he had the confidence to score right back and make the 2 pointer.

  622. whitey December 31, 2008 12:03 am

    jm2375, that’s what we talking about. take team effort and hope the warriors learn this and start helping each other climb the next mountain. if they do, they going be unstoppable. teamwork beats individualism anytime in fb.

  623. 808ike December 31, 2008 12:05 am

    jm2375—We don’t know how to count. It is counting for us. Just typing.

  624. whitey December 31, 2008 12:06 am

    brewski, i no getting late (actually early) in your country, but thanks for everything. we going make it and hopefully no get to drunk to enjoy climbing everest.

  625. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:07 am

    I have to count because i don’t have the numbers on the left.

  626. 808ike December 31, 2008 12:08 am

    Roysan16—- Saw that.

  627. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc December 31, 2008 12:09 am

    Great basketball at both of the prime time games ronight – interesting that Colorado State lost it the same way that UH did in the first game – the tires deflated. UH won Pepperdine fairly easily, but my boy just kept pumping in those 3-pointers. If the team and the coaches can keep it together for the first six games, there will be much gnashing of teeth in the Nevada and Utah State locker rooms.

    Saw Jason and his friend – wonder how she felt having sweat flopping all over her.

    Mei Ling dropped by just before tipoff to say hi.

    And Chawan_Cut dropped by as well just before the championship game as he was leaving early. He wasn’t alone – probably 2,500 others left the building after the UH game.

    There was someone sitting almost directly below us about 15 rows or so wearing a white cap and a black Tsai-ko teeshirt – however, I never saw his face so I have no idea who it could be.

    Mahalo for the info about the Buffalo Bills team name posted in yesterday’s blog. Definitely a DUUHHHHH!!! for me. Felt like someone should have Three-Stooged me upside the head for not getting it on my own.

    MAKE A NOTE: For those of you who want to be at an event guaranteed to be DocFree, be sure to attend the Karaoke Call in February.

    As for fireworks – thanx but no thanx – I lost my hearing when I was four years old because an older kid stuffed me in a metal garbage can, threw a whole string of lit firecrackers in it and then put the lid on the can. Fortunately, my uncle was standing just a few feet away and was able to rescue me before I caught on fire, but my hearing loss was such that I eventually had to have surgery three times over the next 30 years or so.

    These days are spent holding paws and claws and trying to keep the furry and feathery friends from dashing into walls. I don’t ever remember doing anything on New Year’s Eve here in Hawai`i except trying to keep the roof from catching fire and calming our pets. We celebrate the next day.

    The jerkbreath across the street – a major political powerbroker and labor union leader – spends about $10,000 every year on making life miserable for the rest of us here in Enchanted Lake on New Year’s Eve. Please Gods – may the rains fall hard tomorrow.

    ALOHA STADIUM TURF UPDATE: According to staff at Aloha Stadium, as of this writing, there are NO plans to replace the existing artifical turf
    There’s still a lot of research I need to do on the issue including an escorted walk-around with a professional turf installer who is honest enough to tell the truth.

    Had my hair done at Macy’s today courtesy of an unexpected holiday gift – however, I was stunned to see that everything is charged separately – the streaking, the shampoo, the rinse, the labor, the styling. By the time I’d shelled out for the bill and a tip, I’d spent enough money to treat LizK & Ukuboi and BHF2 & Susan to the Pro Bowl. However, it was nice indulging myself after all the horrible hassles we’ve had to face over the past three months.

    BACK TO SPORTS: What games should we watch over the next several days? We’ll record them rather than watching them live to speed up the process.

    Time to wuz out of here – maybe we’kk hit 600 posts after all.

  628. BigWave96744 December 31, 2008 12:12 am

    So what Homey you been hitting the surf?
    Brown water from the heavy rain and the overflowing sewage doodoo, been keeping me out of the water.

  629. 808ike December 31, 2008 12:13 am

    The last person can work on the song —-99 beers.

  630. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc December 31, 2008 12:16 am

    Sorry but too many typos to self-correct in my #628 above. Beddybyetime.

  631. jm2375 December 31, 2008 12:17 am

    jeez, with everyone here, can we make it to 700 by the time ST puts up a new post?

  632. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:17 am

    bigwave – haven’t gone since the rains started. small on the south side anyway.

  633. Ralph December 31, 2008 12:18 am

    whitey do a yodel from mt denali and listen for sarah palin’s response…let her know you can see russia better from on top of the mountain..

  634. 808ike December 31, 2008 12:18 am

    About 635

  635. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:18 am

    all I can say for jojo is yah!

  636. jm2375 December 31, 2008 12:19 am

    trying to figure out what to do tomorrow night. plans changed last minute. nephew home from da big big island has da flu and i think his father has some other virus too, so I guess we’re staying home. hmmmm, what to eat? stay in or go out?

  637. 808ike December 31, 2008 12:19 am


  638. Jason December 31, 2008 12:20 am

    ▌Saw Jason and his friend – wonder how she felt having
    ▌sweat flopping all over her.

    Huh? What makes you think that happened? There was sufficient space between us and the bench, so no sweat swap occurred.

  639. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:21 am

    jm~~~~ – stay home cook rice.

  640. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:22 am

    Jason – I don’t think he was talking about the sweat from the bench.

  641. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:24 am

    okay, i’m putting my violin away.

  642. roysan16 December 31, 2008 12:24 am

    Re-Should I have been a coach?

    I don’t know. My first experience was bad. It was during my first year of college…and I was inelgible for the football team (gees I wonder why?) (hello…maybe it had to do with your 340 score on the English part of the SAT test..haha..) and the AD asked if I wanted to coach a 7-8 year group. To make a long story short we lost every game and we didn’t score any points. I had never played on the offensive side of the ball in HS…and the plays we ran weren’t very polished. Or creative. Just block the man in front of you I would tell the players… and have the QB hand off the ball.Three and outs were so common. That’s how the season went. The sad part a coach is going to tell you about coaching is that it hurts him when one of his players quits. And I agree, it did. Later they had a party for me and I met the parents and I said that we did very well with agility drills, callisthenics and short sprints. In the eyes as I remember my players there were tears, maybe of them thinking perhaps that they let me down. But we know how bad I was. Since then I haven’t coached.

  643. whitey December 31, 2008 12:28 am

    sorry gang, but my internet service went blank. ok, now back to normal. i think that ST is looking at this tonight and thinking whether he should put the new post up or not, but he not going put it up cause he knows all of you working hard to climb everest, so earlies it going be around 9 am today.

  644. whitey December 31, 2008 12:30 am

    ok, we losing some tsaikos because it is late, but we get some new ones joining us. i don’t know how much longer because my friend, remy martin vsop, is catching up with me.

  645. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:32 am

    I was watching tv…

  646. whitey December 31, 2008 12:33 am

    all right Jason, you still with us. i know you had a good time tonight, but you neva answer my question about ” is love in the air”?

  647. BigWave96744 December 31, 2008 12:36 am

    Congrats Jason…. Hope you had fun at the BBall Game.
    Did you request a balloon bouquet from Chawan_Cut??

  648. whitey December 31, 2008 12:36 am

    damn, raining kind of hard. thought it had moved on, but that buggah no like to away. maybe nyuh and florida ted can help us keep this moving tonight (for them today).

  649. BigWave96744 December 31, 2008 12:37 am

    Jason, I hope you didn’t wear one of Gigi’s muumuu 🙂

  650. jm2375 December 31, 2008 12:38 am

    helping post count.

    homey making trouble as usual.

  651. whitey December 31, 2008 12:39 am

    ok, we going pass 650, so get chance to climb everest even tho some may think that we not going make it. main thing gang, we not going give up without trying.

  652. BigWave96744 December 31, 2008 12:39 am

    I’m watching the Hawaii Bowl for the first time since game day.

  653. whitey December 31, 2008 12:40 am

    heeeehaaawwww, 700 is right over the hill.

  654. BigWave96744 December 31, 2008 12:43 am

    What is the most post ever?.
    BTW, does Al know something about who the new coach will be?

  655. jm2375 December 31, 2008 12:44 am

    bigwave – why are you going thru that agony again?

  656. jm2375 December 31, 2008 12:45 am

    bigwavekaneohe – think we went over 1k a few times. SteveM has it on his website.

  657. SteveM December 31, 2008 12:45 am

    In a few hours, it will be midnight and the new year somewhere in the world. Our Pacific island and far east bloggers will be first…

    Please post a New Year greeting/wish on the blog when it is midnight your local time AND include your city/state or city/country in your post.

    Happy New Year from Salem, OR
    Happy New Year from San Georgio, Italy

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    This will spread your good wishes, increase ST’s hit count for The Warrior Beat, and help me update my Tsai-ko Mainland & International list! 🙂

    Happy New Year everyone!

  658. whitey December 31, 2008 12:46 am

    i know get tsaiko lurkers looking at this and thinking what we trying to do. actually, the answer is nothing. all we trying to do is climb one big arse mountain, mt everest, because it is there and us tsaikos no believe there is any barriers to our life. so, if you lurking, no shame, join in the fun and be part of the of climbing mt everest with the rest of us. the more the merrier.

  659. jm2375 December 31, 2008 12:47 am

    come on, we can do it!

    so, is it too early for bhf2? he waking up da chikkins again?

  660. BigWave96744 December 31, 2008 12:49 am

    It’s 8:49pm 12/31 in Guam

  661. whitey December 31, 2008 12:49 am

    damn, we get plenty tsaikos still up and unbelievable they care about what we doing tonight. it may be like a billy goat butting his head against a tree, but what the hell, that is better than doing nothing. damn rain.

  662. jm2375 December 31, 2008 12:50 am

    From SteveM’s website:

    Record number of posts per day

    1,175 – January 4, 2008 (JJ to SMU)

    1,087 – August 24, 2008 (Prideperiod’s haircut challenge, blog strike eve)

    1,011 – September 8, 2007 (Bio day of Da Punchbowl Kid)

  663. jm2375 December 31, 2008 12:51 am

    ST – when do da bios resume? and da chats?

  664. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:52 am

    back from bathroom break, ahhhhhhhhhh.

  665. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:53 am

    I haven’t watched the Hawaii bowl and don’t plan to watch it.

  666. whitey December 31, 2008 12:53 am

    this is fun, but my friend, remy martin vsop, is catching up with me. you all are the greatest.

    bigwave, you in guam?

    jm, am glad to see you still with us. unbelievable because you thought our chances was zero, but now you one cheerleader. all right.

  667. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:53 am

    It’s pouring in Mililani.

  668. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:54 am

    only 30 something more posts to go!

  669. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:56 am

    Anyone watch the news that showed Obama golfing? At least he hits the ball.

  670. whitey December 31, 2008 12:56 am

    jm, mt everest is 1200 and we get chance to pass that. no look like we can make it right now, but remember not too many hrs ago you thought we no can make 600.

  671. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:57 am

    Looks like i’m on my own here. I can do it.

  672. BigWave96744 December 31, 2008 12:57 am

    Homey…. you are 666 😮

  673. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 12:59 am


    Get the flashlights!

  674. jm2375 December 31, 2008 1:00 am

    homey most definitely is 666. 😈

    whitey – i’m fading fast. way past my bedtime. at least I don’t have to go to work tomorrow. so much for saving my vacation hours.

  675. SteveM December 31, 2008 1:00 am

    RE: Post #658

    Posts do not have to be exactly at midnight your time. OK to post earlier when convenient! Thanks!

    BTW, my records show that of the people who posted here, we have at least…

    180 Mainland/International Tsai-ko bloggers
    1,677 Local Tsai-kos (or presumed local)

  676. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:01 am

    bigwave – that’s what it say’s on my scalp too! what is the significance?

  677. whitey December 31, 2008 1:01 am

    tonight we had brian smith and i thought he was the real deal, then he said he not brian smith. that neva bother me, but if you like impersonate someone, be honest, no try act. i don’t know coach smith and neva met him, but it is an insult to him to try and make believe you are him. if you are not him, don’t use his good name.

  678. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:02 am

    Time for Sportscenter.

  679. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:03 am

    whitey – maybe he get same name as coach smith.

  680. jm2375 December 31, 2008 1:03 am

    I’m done for the night. See ya in the morning. Oyasumina-tsai.

    Think bhf2 can get us to 900?

  681. whitey December 31, 2008 1:04 am

    jm, thanks for sticking with us. if you recall anything about tonight, tell them you had fun.

    homey, my man, we need reinfor4cements. i think the other lurkers want to be first of ST new post, but he not going post till 9 am tomorrow.

  682. jm2375 December 31, 2008 1:05 am

    oops. see no can see or type good. should be 800.

  683. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:05 am

    off from work and then she goes to sleep…wussy.

  684. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:05 am

    should be 700.

  685. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:07 am

    boring, they talking about shanahan.

  686. whitey December 31, 2008 1:07 am

    ok, going take us over 700, then we can take a brake. dang, this has been fun tonight. damn rain, to away.

  687. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:07 am

    More lighning bolts and thunder claps…

  688. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:08 am

    just you and me whitey.

  689. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 1:08 am

    Pres-elect gives me hope for golf!

    now I going nigh nigh…

  690. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 1:09 am

    nah- too close to 700

  691. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:09 am

    sheesh can’t even spell lightning!!!!

  692. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 1:09 am

    the sky is noisy but dry so far…

  693. roysan16 December 31, 2008 1:09 am

    Re-Only have one entree…yes coach

    Returning from a football game the bus stops over at a cafetaria for dinner. Before getting off the bus the coaches reminds the players to only choose one entree. So as I get my plate with two steaks on it I pass all the brothers and grin. It was the most feel good moment in my life, maybe I made my mark. What came next was the worst moment in my life, for in front of all the players I got yelled at by three coaches. I was saddened and sorrowful. And something told me that I didn’t have to look up to know that the brothers were grinning at me. Looking back at that moment, even offering to pay for the second entree, I learned later it was the principal involved of not listening to the coaches that was really upsetting to them.

  694. whitey December 31, 2008 1:10 am

    homey, you right, espn, spent over an hours about shanahan. somehow jason elam knew something and as why he left. one smart buggah.

  695. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 1:10 am

    djmitcho – come out, come out!

  696. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:10 am

    I can take on the prez-elect in golf.

  697. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:11 am


  698. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 1:12 am

    roysan16- PBS for da Warrior Soul, brah!

  699. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 1:12 am


  700. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:13 am

    almost time to go bedding.

  701. Rep. K. Mark Takai December 31, 2008 1:13 am

    Happy New Year’s Eve everyone.

    Here’s to a great 2009!!

    Mahalo, K. Mark

  702. Ralph December 31, 2008 1:13 am

    thunder finally struck mililani at 12 midnight…..or was that whitey belching his remy martin…I got some hennessey VSOP but I sort of gave up drinking to save my kidneys……

  703. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 1:13 am

    sorry, m-homey…


  704. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:13 am

    tv is turned off, next the lights and then power down this laptop…

  705. homey ℞ December 31, 2008 1:14 am

    g’nite all…

  706. whitey December 31, 2008 1:14 am

    that lizk, she one sneeky one. she says g’nite, then the thunda wakes her up, and she wide awake.

    no worry homey, get other tsaikos lurking, but they no like post. this is team effort, so if you lurking put something. we luv you.

  707. SteveM December 31, 2008 1:14 am

    December 31st, 2008 at 12:49 am
    It’s 8:49pm 12/31 in Guam

    Thanks, BigWave96744 — I think it is also just past midnight in Kiribati now. Too bad we don’t have any bloggers from Kiribati 🙂

  708. bowl game December 31, 2008 1:17 am


  709. SteveM December 31, 2008 1:19 am

    Over 700! Going sleep now before someone checks my geography 🙂

    Good night whitey!
    Good night everyone!

  710. whitey December 31, 2008 1:21 am

    wow, we even get mark takai at this time of the night. thanks braddah and have a good one in 2009.

  711. whitey December 31, 2008 1:24 am

    ok, unbelievable, all of you can take a bow and pat yourself for doing an excellent job. us tsaikos no scared of challenges. we accept it, then go for it.

    ok ST, make sure you no put new post till after 9 am cause we going set a new record for TSAIKOS WHO LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

  712. whitey December 31, 2008 1:28 am

    next step is we going cross the mongolian desert and start our journey to nepal. kind of level, so need guys likie llas vegas, 702 Warrior, Foridated, NYUH, etc to help us. You guys awake??????

  713. addahknowjoe December 31, 2008 1:30 am


    Shoots! I go.

    But dakine uhhh… Wea dat stay?

  714. whitey December 31, 2008 1:32 am

    ok, i going sign off and hopefully another tsaiko willl pick up the ball and get us to nepal so we can make the final clib. the magic number is 1200 and if we bet to that before ST puts up his new post, you will be the new record holders. thank you very much and see you all in the morning.

  715. whitey December 31, 2008 1:34 am

    ajoe, all right. i thought everyone gave up. i don’t know how much longer can stay because my frriend, remy mart6in vsop, is getting to my mind.

  716. whitey December 31, 2008 1:37 am

    ajoe, you ready to chance um. we go try make 800 before we let the next tsaikos take over. CAN!!!!!!!

  717. whitey December 31, 2008 1:39 am

    ok, if nobody stay, then it is tie to hele on. but, thanks to all, it was great fun and hope you had as much fun. damn rain.

  718. al December 31, 2008 1:49 am

    why are you up?
    go to your room whitey!!!
    get golf tomw.

  719. okcbigkahuna December 31, 2008 2:30 am

    Yo DANE…you nutz boy! Ha Ha HA j/k! Attended UNO way back when….recently visited OMAHA and LINCOLN in October…damn, those places have changed since i graduated from UNL in 1993. Maybe DANE no can live without his honey. 😉

  720. addahknowjoe December 31, 2008 2:31 am

    Looks like JD needs some help generating revenue to support UH athletics.

    Any ideas anyone?

  721. having fun December 31, 2008 2:35 am

    Howzit Tsaikos. wait, let me get my vahka cran. ok, now i’m ready.
    800 baybee. woot wooot!!! 😀

  722. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 2:39 am

    Good morning Tsaikos everywhere!

    great posts tonite. very titilayting keeping up with Jason’s adventure. ah, the mating years. 😳 😯 😆

  723. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 2:44 am

    JD can generate revenue by dumping Bolla. need more peeps in SSC.

  724. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 2:51 am

    maybe JD can rent the new Cooke Ching Field to high school football games next season Friday nites. lites. nites…

  725. Pride. December 31, 2008 2:53 am

    Graveyard shift is on duty now. All’s well on the midnight beat.

  726. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 2:53 am

    ho boy whitey

    you guyz was banging the keys tonite.

  727. Pride. December 31, 2008 2:55 am

    Whitey’s friend Remy went take him down. Remy is a good guy. He’s good company, but sometimes when you listen to his stories too long you get tierd and fall asleep.

  728. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 2:56 am

    howzit Pride.

    you reading about USU and NMSU new HC? you gotta be thinking that those two schools get new tool boxes for XMas. At least their minds are thinking that way, right?

  729. Pride. December 31, 2008 2:57 am

    Big hilo. how you stay tonight? I was just wit’ yo cousin. Dey wen eat at Zippy’s, but I neva like go. Sumtin about not eating afta 7:00 PM or sumtin lidat.

  730. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 3:00 am

    so you heard anything about how Sarkisian stay making wit us? Pete Carroll stay making nice fo him to come ova here and cockroach our coach.

  731. Pride. December 31, 2008 3:01 am

    We gotta strap up and be ready for go. I think with that new coaching staff at NMSU, goin be a little bit more challenging in the WAC. That Walker guy is a very well respected coach in the fraternity. He will do real well recruiting that diamond in the rough city kids from L.A., Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, and Denver.

  732. Pride. December 31, 2008 3:02 am

    I never hear anything, what coach does he want to coackroach?

  733. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 3:03 am

    hi Pride.

    my cuz is supah funny guy! I like move Hono cuz when you listen to his silky voice, he get all da Damien moves fo talk da chick’s pants off. 😀

    he get da best one linahz: “cuz, I like you meet my next ex.” 😆

  734. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 3:06 am

    I thinking the guy(z) who getting heat right now.

  735. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 3:08 am

    Wuz reading that San Jose article earlier. VERY disrespectful of us.

  736. HiFlyer December 31, 2008 3:09 am

    okcbigkahuna; where you stay at, are you in okc or somewhere nearby.

  737. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 3:13 am

    So the newspaper has Daniel Iopa, Keaau hs senior, going to the Samoa bowl on 1/2. 5’11 3/4″ 230 # DE/LB. fit. Thanks Doris for all your help. He get offers. Thank you. His mom, grandpa are soo excited.

  738. HiFlyer December 31, 2008 3:15 am

    good morning pride. and bhf2, Happy New Year to you.

    Are you guys going to make it to the KK in Feb?

  739. Pride. December 31, 2008 3:16 am

    I’ll see you there Hi-flyer.

  740. HiFlyer December 31, 2008 3:21 am

    Ok, so who else is still up and lurking this late/early on New Years Eve.

  741. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 3:21 am

    I gotta figure out how this actually works. A coupla years ago Daniel went to the UH speed and quickness. They not offering him . Get a few great 8th graders over here and I’m thinking about the future. I know, Daniel is a borderline D1 midget. 😀 So is dat Maiava.

  742. Pride. December 31, 2008 3:23 am

    Dane’s dad, Kevin was a very, very, good offensive tackle for Cal-Berkley in 1977 and 1978. Kevin walked away from the game, to attend the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. At the time that Kevin walked away from the game, he was mentioned in the same breath as another offensive tackle at USC at that time by the name of Anthony Munoz. Both were athletic offensive linemen who ran 4.7 second 40’s.

  743. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 3:28 am

    Maiava get attitude. Thats what you need, attitude. Like walking up to someone else’s watah and swiping em right out from unda da noze. 😀
    plus, you gotta be able to take da hit and den crack back wit conviction an sum swerve kine moves an ah sultry key eye tonal inflekshun. 😆

  744. HiFlyer December 31, 2008 3:29 am

    and we all know how well Anthony Munoz did in the NFL.

  745. Pride. December 31, 2008 3:30 am

    Fall 1978 is the same year that Manu Tuiasosopo was a senior at UCLA. Manu was the starting defensive tackle alongside a true freshman from Hawaii by the name of Mark Tuinei. Mark said that he couldn’t understand why Manu was so emotional during the week of the USC game. Mark actually started laughing when Manu cried in the locker room after pre-game warmups. It was during that first game his freshman year when Mark truly learned what a rivalry was. He said that it was 100 times bigger than the Kamehameha-Punahou game.

  746. Pride. December 31, 2008 3:32 am

    I apologize for writing posting non-Hawaii football realted stories. Just trying to contribute to the blog count.

  747. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 3:43 am

    I like reading your posts Pride. Nostalgic. 😀

  748. Pride. December 31, 2008 3:45 am

    Kani Kauahi tells a funny story about when he played at Arizona State. They played a game in 1978 at Colorado State in Fort Collins, Colorado. When ASU warmed up before the game, it was a beautiful and sunny Saturday. Great football weather. During the time that ASU was in the locker room after warm-ups, a blizzard swept through Fort Collins. Luckily, the ASU staff was prepared and had the Sun Devils dawn their cold weather gear with thermal tights and underwear. During the first offensive series while running up to the line, Kani noticed that the defensive tackle and defensive end to his side had their warm weatrher uniforms still on. He said that they had their mesh, half jerseys that didn’t cover their rock hard bellies. Their midriffs and arms were totally exposed to the near 0 degree temperatures. Mike Bell and Al “Bubba” Baker wrecked complete havoc that day on the ASU offense. Coach Frank Kush was so angry at the team that the Sun Devils had lined up in the locker room at half time and had a full 11 on 11 scrimmage. Coach Kush was nuts.

  749. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 3:50 am

    Happy New Year Everyone in Tsaiko land.

  750. Pride. December 31, 2008 3:53 am

    Maybe I can do 50 more posts by myself.

  751. Pride. December 31, 2008 3:54 am

    Jason, I hope that you had a good time tonight at the game.

  752. Pride. December 31, 2008 3:56 am

    I’m really looking forward with excitement toward NLI day. This coaching staff really understands how to recruit. They have doen a wonderful job so far.

  753. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 3:56 am


    you hear anythng more about UH recruiting foreigners?

  754. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 3:58 am


  755. Pride. December 31, 2008 3:59 am

    BHfan2, I’m really out of the loop as far as information is concerned. I rely on my secret scources, Al and Stretch. Oops, sorry. Please keep their names a secret though.

  756. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:02 am

    watching the Oregon OklaSt game tonight, watching the teams after the game congragulating each other, seeing a really hard fought respectful game for the opponent, made me feel really good about both teams. I hope our coaches saw the game too.

  757. Pride. December 31, 2008 4:02 am

    BHFan2. Fans gotta be patient. The coaching staff is going to be good. Give them a few years to bring in some solid players, and get some solid coaching, and they’ll be fine.

  758. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:03 am

    you think that Cavanaugh going stay OSU with their coach through 2015?

  759. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:07 am

    i can tell you this much, Pride. you fine, I’m fine. but if you know the back bedroom is burning, you gotta let me know so I can do something. I’m VERY patient, if I know the cavalry is coming. But I no like be a Lions fan. I don’t need a no win season to read the sign. I get glasses. yuk yuk.

  760. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:09 am

    okay, i’m tired. gotta crash. be back at 6am HST

  761. Pride. December 31, 2008 4:11 am

    Every year is a new year. Every season is a new season. Like we learned last year, in January, you never know what’s going to happen. I don’t think the coaches know. Who would have thought eighteen months ago that the Army-Navy game would have two ex-Hawaii coaches playing such large roles. Who would have known one year ago that Norm Chow would be at UCLA. The coaching landscape is dynamic, always changing.

  762. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:11 am

    The good of the people is the greatest law.

    Go Warriors!

  763. Pride. December 31, 2008 4:12 am

    See you later then.

  764. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:14 am

    Pride. pftttt!

    and where did you come up wit dat? i tink i’ll raid da frig on dat one and further ponder the mysteries of the dynamic universe.

    heh heh heh

  765. Pride. December 31, 2008 4:15 am

    It’s been a great year Tsaikos. Was nice meeting all of you and making new friends. I hope we all have a prosperous new year. Please let’s all be careful tonight, play and drive safely. Hau’oli Makahiki Hou.

  766. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:18 am

    and just when i thought i was going crash…..

    so how do we get Army and Navy? Gotta call Inouye, Akaka, Coaches?
    home and home. ohh yeaaa!

    Jimmy D wanted to know how to up revenue? Pftttt!!!! Pull dat one outta da backside wallets!!! Garanz full houses both games.

  767. Kekoa December 31, 2008 4:27 am

    Good New Years Eve morning Pride & BHF2!

    Had to prep some meat and tripe fo make da stew for tonite. Pops is up helping to cut veggies and pull KP duty. Da Oysters still remaining chilled in plenty ice.

    Da brewksi count looking a bit low…wonder if Whitey was kaka’rochin da sauce! Down to just 2 bottles of German wine, gotta go Hickam class VI store to resupply.

    Whitey!…you was hangin’ tuff tonite braddah! You and ‘Remy’ have that speshu relationship. Sounded like Mr. Miyagi celebrating with Daniel-San. Tank Q for getting da blog count up to 700 plus before flaming out!

  768. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:28 am


    Ken Niumatalolo’s email addy is gareis@usna.edu

    lets go bust up Navy first.

  769. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:30 am


    ho bro! tonite going be plenny firecrackers in da hood. da pigs gonna be headed deep into da bushes.

  770. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:32 am

    okay, my shift is ova. and out.

  771. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:33 am

    try wait, da lucky numba is coming

  772. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:33 am

    feeling lucky?

  773. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:34 am

    this is like running east west, looking for the hole.

  774. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:35 am

    the blog sure runs slow when you get antsy

  775. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:35 am

    lots of reps lots of reps

  776. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:36 am

    like a crap shoot, you just gotta get lucky

  777. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:37 am

    😀 😀 😀

  778. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:39 am

    what the hey, hike up da bbd and keepa going.

  779. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:40 am


    loook at dis now.

  780. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:41 am

    first one to squeal on Jason’s “fling” gets breaking news credits. 😀

  781. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:43 am

    so, did i put you to sleep big guy? 😀

  782. Kekoa December 31, 2008 4:44 am

    Big Hilo…you running and den shootz fo 800!

  783. al December 31, 2008 4:48 am

    woke up from my nap.
    okay, back to sleep.

  784. Kekoa December 31, 2008 4:48 am

    Eh?…Jason still ‘cherry boy’ oh wat? H20 date no sound to promising. Gotta work on dat paht samoa.

  785. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:49 am

    bang bang bang.

    where did all the slackers go? 😆

  786. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:52 am


    you no frum experience dat you gotta use moah silky smuud kine words when you ask da boy doze impotent questions lie dat. 😆 wen you hard core like dat, you know he going lie yu straight in da face. 😆

  787. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:54 am

    once you tap da opihi on da rock, dat bugga stuck an he not going open up and spill his guts, unless you pour kahlua on da head. 😆 😆

  788. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:55 am

    slowly he creeps, step by step….. 😀

  789. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:57 am

    a fake to the left

    hiya jm2375.86%. howz da cutie?

  790. Kekoa December 31, 2008 4:57 am

    Al ~ Da Tsaiko uncles have failed to give Jason a more rounded education. By that I mean encouraging him to be more attentive to the needs of the opposite sex. We have to ensure he takes every opportunity to explore the social aspect of courting the young ladies of the UH more often.

  791. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:59 am


    I’m volunteering for the education patrol. 😀 I’m a bit rusty tho. been along while since i seen da insides ah ah bus. 😀

  792. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 5:00 am

    I’ll even teach him how to poop his pants. 😀

  793. Kekoa December 31, 2008 5:00 am

    I say we send him to Big Hilo for advance classes…

    Eh we getting closer to da 8 zero zero!

  794. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 5:01 am

    my cuz could teach Jason how fo hang by da ATM machine in da shadows and kiss. 😆

  795. Kekoa December 31, 2008 5:02 am

    Al!…Hey!…Wat?…you wen poop out on us?

  796. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 5:03 am

    see, Jason is encouraging thoughts of delinquency! the first step in the mating game. 😀

  797. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 5:04 am

    Al pooped! 😀

  798. Kekoa December 31, 2008 5:05 am

    Are you tinking about *kakanui* giving him a few lessons in the ways of da world? Bwhahahaha!

  799. d1島 December 31, 2008 5:05 am

    Great Morning All!

    Made the mistake of lying down for “a moment” before getting to chop chop and was down for the count…
    My last lucid moments were cheering for on to 500…now zero-ing in on 800! Yippeee!
    Great job whitey!

  800. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 5:05 am

    The Honor is yours Kekoa. see you in a few!!!

    hi ho.

  801. Kekoa December 31, 2008 5:05 am

    Do it Brah!…punch in da 800 numbah!

  802. Kekoa December 31, 2008 5:08 am

    Great timing D-1…you sly buggah you!…Good Morning!

  803. d1島 December 31, 2008 5:08 am

    🙂 ….on the button!

    Okay gonna run out now. Headed for Oahu Market for a date with a fishmonger….name was Ah Hee??? 😉

    Hope get ’nuff kala for some of da guud stuff!

  804. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 5:09 am


    you sneak you! 😀 j/k

    have a great day you all! see you later Kekoa! and yep, kakanui could teach Jason da wayz of being a silky smoood talkah. tooo funny dat braddah! mo funny dan me even.

  805. d1島 December 31, 2008 5:09 am

    Howzit Kekoa! 😀

  806. d1島 December 31, 2008 5:11 am

    So now the subs get a method for “talking sh*t”?


  807. Kekoa December 31, 2008 5:13 am

    Now, I gotta put all this cookery stuff in some kinda order before Mrs. K gets up. Da tripe stew is a work in progress.

    I also going try make dis choco-cup cake recipe from jm2399. Curveball said I should try to seperate the gunpowder from the powedered sugar. Hmmmm, why?!

  808. d1島 December 31, 2008 5:13 am

    Off to the market!

    Remembah, “Today busy…no can slice; only block!” 🙂

  809. HiFlyer December 31, 2008 5:16 am

    only 370 more for the new record.

  810. Kekoa December 31, 2008 5:18 am

    Sashimi, $30 bucks a pound!…Arghh!

  811. HiFlyer December 31, 2008 5:23 am

    okay time for go sleep, hope you guys keep it going for whitey.

  812. Kekoa December 31, 2008 5:24 am

    Hi-Flyer! Was at Hickam last nite. Took Diana to see the ‘Tower.’ It’s a tradition for us that started back around the late sixties. Prolly one of the largest light displays on the island, but only the people who have access to the base will ever see it. Too bad, it’s very impressive.

  813. maryann(e) December 31, 2008 6:18 am

    Just finished work, rough night, tough crowd here at Psycho bar and fishing supply on Koreamoku St.
    One guy kept harassing the girls so I had to beat him senseless with my haole koa peg leg.
    The guy was a short Filipino with a shotglass of CR in one hand and a set of hashi in the other.
    All he said was to mumble “no picture”
    Then there were some men wearing skirts, they hadda go, but for some reason I felt just a little bit of kinship with those fellows.
    At least Pac-Man Jones didn’t come last night.

  814. mano1 December 31, 2008 6:53 am

    ok….I’m up…morning everyone…look like maryann(e) had a long night. Happy pre-New Years. Keeps raining up here in Mililani…. hope it breaks todays and we see the sun for several hours…it’ll feel good. Passed the 2….3 car accidents on H1 yesterday …. prayers are out to all those people. Ok…gotta drill hole for my new kitchen cabinet knobs….making a template first.

  815. mano1 December 31, 2008 6:56 am

    Eh…last night watching NOVA…seems they found water on Mars using robots…still trying to locate life forms

  816. mano1 December 31, 2008 6:59 am

    went to work yesterday in the traffic jam from the 2…3 car H1 crashes…to clean my fish tank in my office and of course … feed the twin fishes…they are good to go for the new year….safe an sound from sashimi lovers…

  817. mano1 December 31, 2008 7:02 am

    Also got my NA KOA letter….anyone know if whatever we donate gets us some kinda of tax break…just wondering…prob old news for all you smart people….thanks in advance

  818. 808ike December 31, 2008 7:05 am

    Good morning.
    Happy new years to all!!!!!!!

  819. mano1 December 31, 2008 7:05 am

    Anyone else up yet ?….Hmmmm kinda strange…normally this place is cooking…..or…maybe thats what is happening…everyones cooking dis morning? Let me run outside and take a whiff to get a better idea……..no…just smell my dog…shish…she needs a bath.

  820. koakane™ December 31, 2008 7:06 am

    good morning 8) my tsai-ko burddahs and sistahs. man lots of you have been working hard last night and this morning. looks like shooting for 1k on the blog. lets me see if I can contribute something.

    up early to see if weather going hold up before start fire for the pig head to have for tonight. plenty discussion about alt plans so while dey figga out what to do I sneaked out and checking web site.

    ouch Kekoa $30 bucks for ahi 😯 saw the news last night and it mentioned at the aution block guy were biddding up to $10-15 for nice pieces of ahi. That latter translate to 3 times more in the market.

    d1 good luck my uncle just came back from the ala market and said its a made house down there. hard time to find parking.

  821. mano1 December 31, 2008 7:07 am

    Hey…another human life form…morning 808ike…Happy NY too u!

  822. Stretch December 31, 2008 7:11 am

    I received 3 copies of that Na Koa letter, not sure why. All donations to Na Koa is tax deductible. If you make a donation, the UH Foundation will send you a slip to use when doing the taxes at the end of the year.

  823. Loa December 31, 2008 7:12 am

    morning gang!

    wow, maybe get chance for break da record?
    over thousand posts since i left for my mandatory break yesterday am
    mahalo for whitey and brew808 for starting it up

  824. Loa December 31, 2008 7:13 am

    Stretch – you must be one big contributa as why

  825. Loa December 31, 2008 7:15 am

    koakane™ – used to work in the downtown area and new years eve was always nutz

  826. Stretch December 31, 2008 7:18 am

    Loa – I wish I could contribute more

  827. Stretch December 31, 2008 7:19 am

    Loa – keep an eye on the clock, we no like you miss the 8am break time again today

  828. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 7:20 am

    Notre Dame and Navy going play in Dublin in 2012. Navy playing a brand new school team, southern Alabama, not even in any conference yet but prolly Sun Belt in 2013, in 2011

    Jimmy D, the sooner you sign up Navy coupla more times, the sooner you going get bigger crowds wit money to burn. Navy can travel. they going Dublin.

  829. Loa December 31, 2008 7:26 am

    i hope the rain lets up before midnite so i can at least burn one string for good luck
    i was thinking of setting up one tent over’em but might catch fire

  830. Loa December 31, 2008 7:28 am

    Stretch – yah i know, this blog clock still off

  831. koakane™ December 31, 2008 7:29 am

    howzit again gang and befoa I forget Happy and Prosperous 09 to all the Tsai-ko’s and their ohana.

    Ioa can’t imagine what its like in china town by now. plenty peeps trying to get dim sum, duck, char siu, roast pork whoa gotta stop cause getting hungry now.

    eh stretch you getting together with g and sleeze befoe the bell tolls 12 today?

  832. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 7:30 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!

  833. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 7:31 am

    and remember the golden rule guyz n gals,



  834. maryann(e) December 31, 2008 7:32 am

    Hooo the price of Ahi is out the door!
    But my friend Jerome scored some fish for new years.
    Never heard of it , but if a local boy says Tilapia is good, this
    Haole gurl must beleive.
    Jerome says he got them night diving in the Ala Wai canal, so brave this guy!

  835. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 7:33 am

    Errybody have a SAFE and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

  836. Kekoa December 31, 2008 7:34 am

    BHF2 ~ No fogit Air Force!…Pops would be marching around da stadium parking lot singing da AFfight song loud and proud!

    “Off we go into da wild blue yonder, flying high into da sky!”

  837. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 7:34 am


    happy and prosperous 09 to all Tsaikos.

  838. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 7:34 am

    maryann(e): oaheah we get HALALU !

  839. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 7:37 am

    yu right.
    yu tink we can get akshun with da Commander’s Cup? 😀
    Take on all 3 ah doze buggaz.

  840. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 7:39 am


    hiya. what else you get? 😀 clothes?

    bwahaaahaaaa 😛

  841. maryann(e) December 31, 2008 7:40 am

    well, I tried the Tilapia, found out that Jerome climbed the fence at NBC and caught the Tilaps with his net.
    The tilapia tasted of sewage, cigarette butts with a slight hint of armpit.
    Not bad with wasabi and shoyu but hard to take raw, by itself.

    Jerome brought over some bbq sticks, not bad, said they were a PI favorite called Ah-So, Hmm wonder what that is

  842. 808ike December 31, 2008 7:40 am

    Had to catch up on the posts.

  843. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 7:41 am

    bhf2- gotta ask brew808 😈

    Hi Ho!

  844. Loa December 31, 2008 7:42 am

    koakane™ – line used to around the block in the dark,
    kinda like the lineup at concessions and tennis courts in the morning
    all you see is dark figures as you get closer

  845. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 7:42 am


    Happy New Years! you supposed to be back on shift. 4 quarters!
    we still short.

  846. 808ike December 31, 2008 7:42 am

    Died around #625.

  847. 808ike December 31, 2008 7:44 am

    Don’t know what the record, but can contribute.

  848. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 7:45 am

    Hi, 808Ike!

  849. Stretch December 31, 2008 7:46 am

    Houston is up 17 to 7 against Air Force. almost end of 1st Q

  850. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 7:48 am

    wuz looking at my new Hawaiian Ocean Calendar for 09. The January 09 pix of this windsurfer at Peahi, coming down a 20+ face, is just nuts.

    I wish our coaches would get inspired to coach smarter when they see the skill required in every sport at the top of the ladder.

  851. Bulla December 31, 2008 7:49 am

    Mahalo to all the Tsaikos for a wonderful 2008. When I count my blessings, the Tsaiko ohana is always near the top of that list.

    I hope that everyone has a moment tonight, in their quiet time, to reflect on the blessings they have shared with others. May 2009 be a good year for everyone, and may we all persevere through our challenges that we shall face. And you know my mantra that I share with everyone…make memories, make memories, make memories………

    “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


  852. mano1 December 31, 2008 7:50 am

    Stretch…thanks for the tax info….helps me decide how much more to donate. Wow…you going donate 3 time ? Shish…you must have one heavy wallet…going green eh….nah…thanks again.

    Marryann(e)- j going glow in the dark come new years from eatting those fish…going be like a glow stick (:-)

  853. 808ike December 31, 2008 7:50 am

    Bhf2 #834,

    Very good quote. Applies to every aspect of life and FOOTBALL.

  854. Kekoa December 31, 2008 7:51 am

    Mahalo Koakane for the reminder…My best wishes to all the Tsaiko citizens for a very happy and prosperous new year as well.

    Looking back at all the ruckus we raised the past year makes me smile. It’s moments like that, and people like you, who make it all worth it in my eyes.

    Bulla sez it best wen he tells us to make memories. I’ve made some very special ones with the Tsai-ko’s. Nobody I knows or can begin to imagine how much fun we’ve had this past year! We even astound ourselves when we look at what good deeds we have accomplished along the way.

    Each of you have touched my life in a way I’ve never experienced before. May Ke Akua bless you all with good health this coming new year.

  855. Kekoa December 31, 2008 7:53 am

    oops…should read, “nobody I know can begin…”

  856. 808ike December 31, 2008 7:54 am

    Good morning LizK. You are up early. You were still posting when I
    fell off the tree.

  857. Kekoa December 31, 2008 7:54 am

    (It all counts towards the 1200 numbah we are shooting for!)

  858. 808ike December 31, 2008 7:58 am


  859. Bulla December 31, 2008 7:58 am


    long time no see, was on maui for the weekend but did not have time to call Lei, too busy preparing for a family funeral. next time, i’ll call her and also will meet up with our maui contingency at Tiffany’s for another grind session……..maui no ka oi with duffer and whitey in the house 🙂

    take care my brother, i probably won’t see you until next year…..be safe!

  860. 808ike December 31, 2008 8:00 am

    99 bottles of beer in the frig,99 bottles of beer
    blah blah blah
    99 bottles of beer

  861. 808ike December 31, 2008 8:01 am

    98 bot. of beer in the frig, 98 bot. of beer,
    blah blah blah
    98 bot. of beer

  862. Bulla December 31, 2008 8:02 am


    mahalo for being the #1 blog meister…haha, joking.

    but really, thank you….from such humble beginnings to now, 1200 posts in one day….the WB has grown leaps and bounds. you have created a quasi Tsaiko society…..pretty hilarious when you take a look at this onion we call Tsaikos…layer by layer, is filled with laughs.

    anway, mahalo for a great 2008, and we’re looking for a fine 2009!!!! 🙂

  863. 808ike December 31, 2008 8:05 am

    Contributing to be part of the 900 club.

  864. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 8:08 am

    lookin out to see, I can see a little bitty blue. maybe get chance fo go out today an speedy around da bay. 😀

  865. koakane™ December 31, 2008 8:10 am

    mahalo plenty back to you kekoa, plus pops and diana. yea looking back we first meet briefly at nancy’s then it just took off. much fun times, memories and tough kamau games with da mrs. enjoy the eve and play safe. see you on the oddah side of 09 and looking forward to many EIS inspections.

    hey bulla man where you been my purple cuz. missed you face and beeg smile. same shout out to you and family for 09. btw whea stay my beast fball card with autograph signature?

    808ike you may not type so good but what you put up…..me like bwhaaaaaa

  866. Da Punchbowl Kid December 31, 2008 8:11 am


  867. Da Punchbowl Kid December 31, 2008 8:12 am

    Or not.

  868. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 8:13 am

    Echoing Bulla-

    “God’s purpose in sending His Prophets unto men is twofold. The first is to liberate the children of men from the darkness of ignorance, and guide them to the light of true understanding. The second is to ensure the peace and tranquillity of mankind, and provide all the means by which they can be established.”

    Mahalo to Stephen Tsai- who, for some reason, has managed to attract a sample microcosm that demonstrates what life is like in a busy, peaceful world, free of the many artificial barriers that seem to divide humanity!

    and blah blah blah (stepping down from soapbox and into da showah). 😆

  869. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:13 am

    ~•~~~~•~~~~•~ 😀 ★ ★ ★ 😆 Happy..New..Year!!! 😆 ★ ★ ★ 😀 ~•~~~~•~~~~•~

    ~•~~~~•~ 😳 Oops–It’s..too early!~~Tsaikos..ROCK!!! 😯 ~•~~~~•~


    ……………….. 😀 .. 😀 .. 😀 ………………..
    …………. 😀 …………………. 😀 ………..
    ……… 😀 ……………………….… 😀 ……..
    ….. 😀 ……………………………….. 😀 …..
    … 😀 ……… 🙄 …………. 🙄 ………. 😀 …
    . 😀 …………………………………..…. 😀 .
    . 😀 ……………….. 😯 ………………… 😀 .
    . 😀 ……… 😆 ……………… 😆 …..…. 😀 .
    . 😀 ……….. 😆 …………. 😆 ……….. 😀 .
    … 😀 …………… 😆 .. 😆 ………….. 😀 …
    …… 😀 ……………………………. 😀 ……..
    ……….. 😀 ………………….. 😀 ………….
    ………………. 😀 .. 😀 .. 😀 ……………….

    😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄
    🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆

  870. Da Punchbowl Kid December 31, 2008 8:13 am

    Here’s wishing everybody, Tsaikos and all others a Happy New Year.

  871. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 8:15 am

    Happy New Years, Warriors!

  872. Da Punchbowl Kid December 31, 2008 8:16 am

    Eh Lizzy girl, be careful. Stepping from a soapbox into a shower sounds mighty slippery. Bum bye you fall down…

  873. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:16 am

    It’s a tough economy out there and $30/lb for ahi is pretty pricey. How many Tsaikos opting for the lower priced tilapia sashimi this New Year’s Eve? 🙄 😯 😆

  874. 808ike December 31, 2008 8:17 am

    Got to go. Be back in couple of hrs. Hope to contribute again.

  875. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:18 am

    Note to Liz

    Eh – it’s okay to change outfits once in awhile…. maybe a new housecoat? 😯 😆 🙄

  876. Kekoa December 31, 2008 8:21 am

    DPK in da hale! Cool. Howzit my Kapalama Kuz! (trowing kisses to your roomie!)

    808ike is a great addition to the Tsaiko Ohana. Talk about wielding a mean batch of cooking utensils!…da Iron Chef would be proud!

    You guys coming to da KKall in Feb?

  877. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 8:23 am

    Yup, today is Tuesday. Shower day! my fren Aleece comments
    “eeuuuu” when I tell her I’m all cleaned up. 😀

    You guyz seen dat TV commercial of the baseball game, where the fan lifts his armpit up into da umps face, tells him you stink, and flaps his armpit hairs in da umps face and da ump makes da pewuu face? toooo funny! i’m wishin your new years no come like dat. 😀

  878. koakane™ December 31, 2008 8:24 am

    special shout outs to the kauai wahine’s, maui and big isles kane’s. have a safe eve and play nicely. :mrgreen:

    au’wrtie bew808 in da hale and with 😛 new pics…..very nice

    dpk reminda to send in your PKHCC app and happy new years eve to you and mrs.

    and blah blah blah (stepping down from soapbox and into da showah). 😆

    whoa liz glad you wen clarify cause picturing you drowning in the showah while give da speech. bwhaaaaaaaaaa j/k

  879. Kekoa December 31, 2008 8:24 am

    808ike ~ You gotta clear your retirement schedule for Feb 7th! The t-gates are tame compared to the good tymes generated in da Krazy Karaoke Klub! Get your ‘Rez’ in to SteveM.

  880. Momo December 31, 2008 8:25 am

    Got to have fire works…How else can we chase the bad spirits away to start the new years clean As a fam,ily, we spend about 200 each year to bring in the new year. Hope we get to 900 club

  881. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 8:26 am

    “Note to Liz –

    Eh – it’s okay to change outfits once in awhile…. maybe a new housecoat? 😯 😆 🙄 ”

    Eh, brew, you can send me something nice, since you know where I live, etc…


  882. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 8:27 am

    okay, back later guyz and gals.

    Again, my bestest of wishes to you all. Love, prosperity, peace, choke super skilled recruits, and best of all


  883. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 8:28 am

    Hi Momo! Da keeds cleared da tall grass in the backyard. Now thinking about yummy veggies for da New Year! 😆

  884. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 8:29 am


  885. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:30 am

    Hiya Momo! How are you and the Mrs.? It’s too bad you’re not there in LV with the “kids” (2 generations) and vice-versa, too bad they aren’t there in the 808 to help burn fireworks and cheer in the new year! BTW – if you and the Mrs. need any help eating any leftover pan lau lau or any other delish fuud, please don’t hesitate to give the Tsaiko gang a holler! Happy New Year! 😀 😯 😆

  886. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:33 am

    P.O. Box boonies, Kauai, HI…. aka Prius Dealership and hydroponic farm…. 😀

  887. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:34 am

    Oohhh — I like 888 😀

  888. Kekoa December 31, 2008 8:36 am

    Psst!…Big Hilo…it’s Wednesday. Da last day of da year!

    No wonda Alice is confused by your mere presence. Not only are you of the unwashed, except on certain days…but who knows how many Tuesday you wen miss!

  889. Stretch December 31, 2008 8:37 am

    Houston and Air Force tied at 17 Halftime

    If you were a betting person and watching this game, it was a very emotional roller coaster the last few minutes.

  890. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:37 am

    koakane™ – Thanks, but these are all recycled graphics. Please tell us more about the pig head. Oh wait, no more Rob25 to gross out. Will this be roasted? The cheek is the sweetest part…. 😀

  891. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:39 am

    Howzit Stretch! Are you working this last day of 2008. Oh…. why am I even asking…… 😯 😆 😯

  892. Kekoa December 31, 2008 8:40 am

    Whoa…closing in on da 900 club!

  893. Stretch December 31, 2008 8:41 am

    brew808 – yes I am at work today

  894. Stretch December 31, 2008 8:41 am

    brew808 – yes I am at work today

  895. Kekoa December 31, 2008 8:44 am

    Brew ~ What are your plans for the eve? A quiet nite of reflection?…a wild time at your favorite watering hole?…or just celebrate a little with da neighbors?

  896. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:44 am

    Howzit Stretch! Are you “working” on Kauai this last day of 2008. What time does the “bonus” marketing begin? 😯 😆 😯

  897. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:46 am

    Bruddah Kekoa – Are you a member of the Tsaiko 900 Club??? 😯 😆 🙄

  898. 99club December 31, 2008 8:46 am

    Cowboy jerseys are 30% off at the local sports store here in TX today. 🙂

    Good morning/afternoon Tsaikos!

  899. 99club December 31, 2008 8:47 am


  900. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:47 am

    Try again – Is this the start of the Tsaiko 900 Club??? 😯 😆 🙄

  901. koakane™ December 31, 2008 8:48 am

    Stretch……brew808 – yes I am at work today.

    Houston and Air Force tied at 17 Halftime

    some guys get goood job sites bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  902. (Jesse) James December 31, 2008 8:48 am

    Good morning Tsaikos everywhere….and a Happy New Year to all…

    Woo hoo…over 900….lets shoot for 1000….yeah…keep posting ….

  903. Kekoa December 31, 2008 8:48 am

    Stretch ~ Was the flight over to Kauai more crowded than usual? I’ll bet it will be packed coming back!

  904. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 8:49 am


  905. (Jesse) James December 31, 2008 8:49 am

    KK…what you doing tonight???

  906. Stretch December 31, 2008 8:50 am

    December 31st, 2008 at 8:44 am
    Howzit Stretch! Are you “working” on Kauai this last day of 2008.

    All I am going to say is that I am at work today.

  907. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 8:50 am

    Congrats 99club! Hard to believe a year ago we were in NOLA, ready to rock and roll!

  908. koakane™ December 31, 2008 8:50 am

    brew808 what is your email addy?

  909. Da Punchbowl Kid December 31, 2008 8:51 am

    Been here. Did this. 🙂

  910. 99club December 31, 2008 8:51 am

    Ah, man! I feel terrible Brew. Bwahahahaha!

  911. koakane™ December 31, 2008 8:52 am

    kekoa, d1 and oddah wessai tsaiko’s any one up for a kope call?

  912. Stretch December 31, 2008 8:52 am

    Kekoa – there were about 15 people total on the flight coming over this morning. I think it will be crowded coming back. I think I better leave early before everyone else.

  913. (Jesse) James December 31, 2008 8:53 am

    Any report from Jason (or anyone else) on his date????

  914. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER December 31, 2008 8:53 am

    If nothing else- the past Tsai-ko year proved that from great adversity comes great victory – when all are united in aloha.

    Let us continue the grand new tradition in 2009 and beyond.

    OK- out da doah!

  915. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:54 am

    Howzit 99club! How are things in Texas? What kind of celebration is planned in San Angelo? BBQ? Fireworks? It looks like the UT and TT games are spread-out over the weekend. I’m expecting W’s for both schools/teams.

    AFC, UH (Houston) tied at 17 @ halftime

    Have a terrific holiday and Happy New Year! 😯 😆 😯

  916. Loa December 31, 2008 8:54 am

    well gang, its been quite a year, please bear with me as i reminisce

    i had the honor to meet in person a master, an instigator, a princess, a couple big hearted cancer survivors, the mayor of the ceded lands and his pops, a former Warrior lineman, a proud crusader/wildcat football papa, a riled up warrior fan that has all the UA gear, and of course the mystery man with the big guns and artwork.

    hey and i even got lucky enough to win a couple of prizes here

    even with the setback in the loa ohana this year, i could always count on the gang here to cheer me up and am looking forward to a brighter 2009

    everyone have a safe and happy New Years


  917. 99club December 31, 2008 8:56 am

    Hi Liz! That was a fun trip. Can’t wait ’til the LV game to see all ‘da Tsaikos again.

  918. Kekoa December 31, 2008 8:56 am

    OK gang. We got until 11:20 AM before it is officially 24 hrs. If we hit 1200 before that time, ST should have a (TBA) prize ready for that final poster.

    If we continue to 11:20 AM without making it, we owe ST & Wena a (TBA) prize.

    Sound reasonable?

  919. koakane™ December 31, 2008 8:57 am


    drinking beer, catching some rays, drinking beer, did I mention drinking beer?

  920. brew808 December 31, 2008 8:58 am

    Liz – Your post of #905 says, “900something”.

    What’s that? an age?, a weight?, a calorie count for breakfast?, and count of leaks in “someone’s” roof? 😆

  921. (Jesse) James December 31, 2008 8:58 am

    Stretch…wait, people go to Kauai???

    That was for you leadfoot tita…had to get a last one in before the new year….LMAO

  922. Nalani December 31, 2008 8:58 am

    Whoa, I woke up this morning and see how many posts. Have you all gone crazy? Closing in on 1000. Must be some kind of record.

  923. TOM December 31, 2008 9:00 am

    Can I join this cast of thousands?

    Happy New Year one and all!

  924. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:01 am

    It’s so strange that ALL of the DHS Tsaikos use the phrase, “bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”, or “Bwahahahaha!”. Sheeshh, the brothers must have beat that into your mindsets/vocabulary! 😆

  925. SteveM December 31, 2008 9:03 am

    At this moment, it is approaching midnight December 31 somewhere in the world…

    Please post your New Year greeting/wish on the blog when it is midnight your local time AND include your city/state or city/country in your post.

    Happy New Year from Salem, OR
    Happy New Year from San Georgio, Italy

    (It’s OK to post earlier than midnight your time)

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    This will spread your good wishes, increase ST’s hit and comments count for The Warrior Beat, and help me update my Tsai-ko Mainland & International list! 🙂

  926. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:03 am

    Nalani – We not CRAZY…. WE ARE TSAIKOS!!!

    😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈
    😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯 😈 😯

  927. koakane™ December 31, 2008 9:03 am

    Stretch: I think I better leave early before everyone else.


  928. al December 31, 2008 9:03 am

    kekoa…..now look who pooped out on us.

  929. koakane™ December 31, 2008 9:06 am


    dem irishmen could neva teach good english or spelling anyway yuk yuk yuk

  930. Stretch December 31, 2008 9:06 am

    If we reach 1000, I wonder if Pride is going to shave his head again?? Or maybe Koakane should

  931. Kekoa December 31, 2008 9:07 am

    Koakane ~ No can go kope kall…E kala mai!…I’m on KP today. Da boss got me and Pops on duty for da rest of this year! Da tunda you heard last night…yep…dat was her barking out orders like one drill Sgt.

  932. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:09 am

    I see that Bruddah Keko has already “modified” the rules and set a “24 hour record” challenge. The previous post records didn’t have such a constraint. (SteveM – correct me if I’m wrong.)

    You know, ST is probably oblivious of the this mayhem ongoing on his blog. Either that, he’s sitting back shaking his head wondering what has he done, like Dr. Frankenstein! 😆

    Okay, from SteveM‘s website – here are the numbers to shoot for:

    Record number of posts per day

    1. 1,175 – January 4, 2008 (JJ to SMU)
    2. 1,087 – August 24, 2008 (Prideperiod’s haircut challenge, blog strike eve)
    3. 1,011 – September 8, 2007 (Bio day of Da Punchbowl Kid)

  933. 99club December 31, 2008 9:10 am

    Same to you, my friend! I’ve got a few cold ones in the fridge next to a boneless leg of lamb roast gettin’ thawed for tomorrow. We’re just taking it easy today with movies and football. Hmmmm…it’s New Years in Tashkent. I think I’ll join the celebration with them. 😉

  934. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:10 am

    😳 That should read Bruddah Kekoa…. 😳 😀

  935. J December 31, 2008 9:10 am


    My non-stop flight to SAN from HNL landed at LAX last night. Go figure…

  936. koakane™ December 31, 2008 9:13 am

    btw where is the homey one? he gotta be lurking somewhere

    morning al

  937. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:15 am

    koakane™ – my e-addy is hidden on SteveM‘s website. I’ve been on lots of joke exchanges. It’s pretty easy to spot as it says, brew…. Oh wait – Bwahahahaha! Hehe! 😆

  938. Nalani December 31, 2008 9:16 am

    OK let’s talk about what everyone’s special dish is for tonight’s NY eve feast?

    Shelton is frying a large snapper in the wok with chinese peanut oil and cornstarch. He also bought a few small aweoweo to do the same. Gonna be ono.

  939. ai-ee-soos December 31, 2008 9:17 am


  940. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:18 am

    Hiya J – Hey – at least it’s the same state! Sorry you can’t be in the 808 for New Years. Hope you have a nice holiday visit while you were there. Not too much rain? Ha! Happy New Year! Be safe & healthy! 😀

  941. ai-ee-soos December 31, 2008 9:18 am


  942. Mad Dog December 31, 2008 9:19 am

    If you are stuck at work at your desk with little to do because everyone else has already gone home, you could watch the bowl games on this site.


    Happy New Year everyone!

  943. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:20 am

    Just wondering…. Does Nalani cook? 😯 😀 🙄

  944. ai-ee-soos December 31, 2008 9:21 am

    doing my part to reach one tou sen

  945. koakane™ December 31, 2008 9:22 am

    stretch if its reach 1000 how about WE only have CR at the kk nite. 😈 challenge him

    speaking of which when you arrive early from kauai ❓ going straight home (as the lady of soul signs chain chain) or top off someplace?

  946. al December 31, 2008 9:22 am

    okay i’ll be off to hunt for some sashimi.
    wish me luck.
    should i go to chinatown or marukai?

    big time decision.

  947. duffer December 31, 2008 9:22 am

    Just took some laulau and smoked ham out of the imu……..

  948. owen-16 December 31, 2008 9:22 am

    morning tsai-kos. what a rollercoaster ride it was in 2008. hauoli makahiki hou and be safe out 2nite…

  949. J December 31, 2008 9:22 am

    Hey brew808,

    I got to make fun of ST’s forgetfulness, harass Wena, saw the Tsai kids and ate a lot. Winner.

    Yup, definitely missing NYE at home. Fireworks with the family is better and safer than dealing with drunks on the mainland. Probably just end up at some friends’ Rock Band house party tonight if I do anything. Too bad they think dessert is food and don’t have much else…

  950. ai-ee-soos December 31, 2008 9:23 am

    what the heo

  951. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:23 am

    Where’s whitey</b? Did he wake up with the empty Remy bottle stuck to his finger? 👿 😯 😀

  952. Kekoa December 31, 2008 9:27 am

    Bay Area Brewster ~ I think that if we were ever going to submit to the Guiness World Record keepers, we would have to establish a time frame to base our claim.

    SteveM ~ Do you think we could apply for a “Most Best” blog category of some sort? How should we title it? Imagine that, we could be record holders already!

  953. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:28 am

    😳 I messed up on that last post. Sorry!

    Howzit duffer – Can I come over to kau kau some of your lau lau right now now? Haha! 😆 Hey – do you know if bruddah whitey is AOK and made is tee-time. I guess this means you weren’t part of his foursome. 😀 😯 😆

  954. Nalani December 31, 2008 9:29 am

    Eh Brew – I absolutely DO cook. Look at the size of my older son. He didn’t get to 285 on Shelton’s cooking! Ha.

    FYI, I made a huge pot of Oxtail Stew for Christmas Day, and lucky for us, since the power went out, we warmed it on the propane stove and ate oxtail thru the rain storm the next night.

  955. (Jesse) James December 31, 2008 9:31 am

    C’mon gang…only 46 more posts to go….

    al..go to Chinatown…as long as the lady doesn’t say, “Little ova all-lie” you should be safe….

  956. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:31 am

    Yo ai-ee-soos! I always wondered how we’re suppose to pronounce your name? Any hints? 😀 🙄 😆

  957. d1島 December 31, 2008 9:32 am

    Nahn-siti! 🙂

  958. d1島 December 31, 2008 9:33 am

    😳 not yet…

  959. d1島 December 31, 2008 9:34 am


  960. Nalani December 31, 2008 9:37 am

    We’re going to my Bro Kimo’s house in Waialua. He’s gonna set up 2 table top butane stoves with the vented grill plate on top and we’re gonna do yakiniku kine stuff w veggies, shrimp, beef, etc. The kids love dat.

  961. Kekoa December 31, 2008 9:37 am

    JJ ~ Da Chinatown lady you speak of asked me if, “little ovah was all-lie!” I told her, “sure, if you take your hand off the scale!”

  962. roysan16 December 31, 2008 9:37 am

    Good Morning

    You guys are the ubequitious ones. Never stopping, always on the go. This is great. So here’s a toast to all the energizer bunnies…hehe.

  963. d1島 December 31, 2008 9:37 am

    less dan fo’ tee mo’ 🙂

  964. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:38 am

    Bruddah went to Costco (just now) and got sashimi platter – don’t know what he got or paid. 😯

  965. d1島 December 31, 2008 9:39 am


  966. Nalani December 31, 2008 9:41 am

    sashimi expensive this year?

  967. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:43 am

    Let’s here more about Nalani’s fuud and all of here cooking gadgets! Oooohhhhh, maybe she’ll describe Shelton’s Honda Generator again….. 😯 😀 🙄

  968. duffer December 31, 2008 9:43 am


    Haven’t seen whitey since the SHB, except for here. The darkside kinda frowns on people ordering soft drinks! 🙂

    When you get over here, I got the P-sausage, Komoda’s, and I’ll freeze some laulau…..well maybe not the laulau, but the ham I will.

  969. d1島 December 31, 2008 9:45 am

    Oh, wait my Chinatown report:
    $27.50 per pound; nice kine, got 2#
    also 2# cut of Onaga for #2 son to prepare. $15.50 per pound

    Char Hung Sut was a madhouse. Lucky they took my phone order at 5:30 this morning.
    2 doz hash
    1 doz. ma tai soo
    1 doz. half moon
    only 6 manapua (trying to watch the weight 😆 )
    some rice cake
    They left out my taro cake 👿 Das auryte; day was going nutz!

    ‘kay really gotta roll…

  970. SteveM December 31, 2008 9:45 am

    The record blog post counts were based on a single “blog entry” as created by ST. He usually made one entry every calendar day except on chat days. There was no time constraint.

    Sooo — if we are trying for another record, we could stay on this blog entry — even if ST put up a new one. 👿

  971. Linda December 31, 2008 9:46 am

    Happy New Year to all the sport fans that make interesting comments on Stephens blog.

  972. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:48 am

    Okay, I’ll play…. My dad is going to simmer a HUGE abalone I gave him (He has some secret recipe – then cuts it into paper thin slices for pupus). The sucker is just under 3 lbs, cleaned! My buddies had to fend off a school of great white sharks harvesting that off the Mendocino coast. That’s my “gift” to the family! 😀 😯 😆

  973. Kazz December 31, 2008 9:50 am



  974. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:51 am

    Guud thing I wasn’t drinking anything when I read d1島‘s comment, “only 6 manapua (trying to watch the weight 😆 ) 😆

  975. koakane™ December 31, 2008 9:52 am

    kden choice made we starting da fire. the sun is out and no clouds so it on.

    nalani we having pig head which has been a family tradition for some time now along with smoked kauding, fried salit plus oddah ono ethnic stuffs.

  976. MeiLing December 31, 2008 9:52 am

    Happy New Year! Hau’oli Makahiki Hou! Kung Hee Fat Choy!

    Last night I saw Momo with Mrs. Momo and a little boy who looked like a little Garret. Cute kiddo!

    This is slooooowwwww scolling down the blog with the # of posts. Might have to come back latahs to read.

    It’s been a great year hanging out with you Tsaikos this year! Both online & live w/ fuud, football & tsong. More fun next year. I’m sure The Lion will not be Sleeping Tonight…

    SteveM, my Mom’s k-mike doesn’t have our fearless leader’s song pre-loaded. Different model. Her new chip does have Sound of Music songs, tho, and others that I can sing.

    K, Esme & out to find mochi…

    Safe driving & fireworks popping out there today!

  977. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:52 am

    Happy New Year Linda!! 😀

  978. duffer December 31, 2008 9:54 am

    Who’s gonna do what when we reach 1,000 posts?

    Nalani doing a yakiniku for the Tsai-kos?

  979. al December 31, 2008 9:55 am

    okay…i got one. we bust a 1000 and duffer abstains from golf for a month.

  980. Bulla December 31, 2008 9:55 am

    ok, ok, ok,

    if koakane shaves his head, i will too

  981. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:55 am

    Eh – koakane™– So does the pig-head come out smoked or roasted? 😯

  982. SteveM December 31, 2008 9:56 am

    Hello Linda! Are you “Linda995” who first posted in July 2007? If not, Welcome to the blog!

  983. al December 31, 2008 9:56 am

    and whitey will refrain from wandering over to the darkside.

  984. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:57 am

    Eh bruddahs and sistas – you guys are fading…. Come on – let’s give this the Tsaiko 100%!!! 😯

    😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄
    🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆

  985. big mac December 31, 2008 9:57 am

    Loco moco with a side order of bacon is a good way to say good bye to 2008. UH should sell it at all sporting events to make money at SSC and Murakami stadium.

  986. al December 31, 2008 9:58 am

    koakane with a bullet-do.
    how about you and the beast.

  987. Kekoa December 31, 2008 9:58 am

    Nalani ~ Bet da keeds would luv to do some choice cuts of prime beef in a Fondue and then dip it in different kinds of sauces…oh yum! I’m ono for that for lunch now.

  988. not far away anymore December 31, 2008 9:58 am

    So I took the team quiz at the top of the blog a couple of times. I can consistently get around 80-85 teams correct. Don’t know if that is good or not. I usually remembered all of the WAC teams, but have missed a couple of the MWC teams. I really suck when it comes to the MAC and Sun Belt. I think I usually miss at least half of those every time. I didn’t even try the bowl game one. Those things change names so often, I wouldn’t even have a chance.

    Happy New Year everyone.

  989. brew808 December 31, 2008 9:59 am

    Sadly… no posts from the 702 (except from Garret). I hope it’s because everybody’s winning some kala, and NOT that they’re all partying and forgot about us…. 😯 🙁 🙄

  990. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 9:59 am


    “Graham Harrell enters his final game needing just two touchdowns to break former Hawaii quarterback Colt Brennan’s record for most touchdown passes in a career at 131. In three seasons as Tech’s starting quarterback, Harrell had 15,429 yards passing and 130 touchdowns. Harrell finished fourth in the Heisman vote and won the Johnny Unitas award.”


  991. al December 31, 2008 10:00 am

    that sounds more ono than one big mac.
    and no forget slather some mayo on top the rice before you dump the rest of the stuff.

  992. (Jesse) James December 31, 2008 10:00 am

    Oooohhh…Nalani, oxtail stew, do you still have any?? Can I come over tonight for a bit of that and some rice??? MWAHAHAHAHAHA

  993. SteveM December 31, 2008 10:02 am

    December 31st, 2008 at 9:56 am
    and whitey will refrain from wandering over to the darkside.

    …and Al won’t pull a jojo at Karaoke Calls? 😆

  994. not far away anymore December 31, 2008 10:02 am

    Wow we almost have 1000 posts for the day. I don’t know if we can catch the record, but we can certainly catch DPK’s bio day for third place.

  995. al December 31, 2008 10:02 am

    gotta do the marketing run.
    i hope i don’t get too anguished what with all the traffic.

  996. al December 31, 2008 10:03 am


  997. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:04 am

    Happy New Years from Mars!!! – Oh wait, still too early….

    Actually, that wouldn’t be right as they probably don’t use the same Gregorian calendar that Earth folks use…. 🙄 😆 😯

  998. al December 31, 2008 10:04 am

    i made one of them. some guy kept shoving the mike in my face.

  999. SteveM December 31, 2008 10:04 am

    1,000 yet?

  1000. al December 31, 2008 10:04 am


  1001. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:04 am

    Have you noticed how the refresh rate has slowed down considerably. I hope we don’t crash the server and get ST in trouble… 😆

  1002. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:05 am


  1003. Stretch December 31, 2008 10:05 am

    Speaking of oxtail. The boss here is making a big pot of oxtail soup for his party tonight. It smells damn good. I want to steal a bowl but the meat not soft enough yet.

  1004. Stretch December 31, 2008 10:05 am

    Speaking of oxtail. The boss here is making a big pot of oxtail soup for his party tonight. It smells damn good. I want to steal a bowl but the meat not soft enough yet.

  1005. (Jesse) James December 31, 2008 10:05 am

    If we get to 1100…Stretch and Koakane won’t drink for a week…

  1006. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:05 am

    Where is ST anyways? No more neighbor to call and check on him… 🙄

  1007. Da Menehune December 31, 2008 10:05 am

    Happy New Year!!!

  1008. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:06 am


  1009. al December 31, 2008 10:06 am

    then he steals my 1000.

  1010. roysan16 December 31, 2008 10:06 am

    Question-To the compliance person at UH,”are the JUG machines and blocking sleds allowed for use by the players in the off season”?

  1011. al December 31, 2008 10:07 am

    then he steals my 1000. off to the mkt.

  1012. koakane™ December 31, 2008 10:07 am

    since everyone giving their fuuud lis for tonight I am busting out our family menu for new years eve. always get fuud wars with relatives chinese vs hawaiian. pake side oyster rolls, kauyuk with taro, chowmein noodles, humha choisum/mushroom and charsui. hawn side lau lau, sashimi poke, steam mullet or whateve beeg fish get, luau stew and kamaboku dip (no ask me how this got in hea) plus few bottles scotch and few pakini’s beeru.

  1013. (Jesse) James December 31, 2008 10:08 am

    woo hoo…c’mon gang…1100 for the New Year….LOL

  1014. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:08 am

    Re: #996 –

    When al says he’s “gotta do the marketing run” – that’s a different kind of marketing than what Stretch does….. right? 😯 😆 🙄

  1015. J-Force December 31, 2008 10:09 am

    Happy New Year to all and have a safe day. See you guys next year.
    ok, back to football. GO WARRIORS!!!

  1016. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:09 am

    Where is ST anyway? We don’t have “the neighbor” to call and check on him… 🙄

  1017. al December 31, 2008 10:09 am

    roysan….are you a spy for boise state or fresno state???

  1018. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 10:10 am

    Yummy recipe for New Years:

    Bagne Cauda

    Prepare veggies like broccoli, wonbok, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, cauliflower, etc. by cutting into bite sized pieces. Parboil if desired and drain.

    Cut slices of Italian or Fench bread.

    * 1/2 cup butter
    * 10 cloves garlic, minced
    * 2 (2 ounce) cans anchovy fillets, drained
    * 1 pint heavy cream


    1. Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in garlic and cook until tender. Reduce heat to low. Mix in anchovy filets and heavy cream. Cook and stir until thickened. Remove from heat.

    Dip the veggies into the sauce and eat with the bread. YUM!

  1019. koakane™ December 31, 2008 10:11 am

    brew808 pig head on spit over open fire and is crispy

    bulla deal was we drink cr all night at KK

  1020. SteveM December 31, 2008 10:11 am

    😳 My first 1,000… thanks, Al and whitey!

  1021. oldie (iPhone) December 31, 2008 10:12 am

    Ok. Out of lurker mode just long enough to join the 1000 blog entry club.

    Happy New Year, everyone!

  1022. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:12 am

    Stretch – How’s the boss’ oxtail soup? How’s the boss’ oxtail soup? Is it ready yet? How’s the boss’ oxtail soup? 😆

  1023. al December 31, 2008 10:12 am

    so james i suppose you will sit there and watch kk and stretch suffer.

    brew….so now st will come out with a new post since we broke the 1000.

    or he could just update this one and hit 2000.

    okay i really gotta go.

  1024. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc December 31, 2008 10:13 am

    Since the Four Basic Food Groups are sugar, chocolate, coffee and butter, I am looking forward to eating Triple Chocalate Bourbon Brownies tonight between sessions of cleaning up after canine and feline upset tummies.

    Early Happy New Year to everyone. Be safe and be sure to use a designated driver if you’re imbibe too much.

  1025. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:13 am

    Ummmm… what is “fench bread”? 😆

  1026. roysan16 December 31, 2008 10:13 am

    No spy. But I just wanted to know if the compliance people are on top of things. Something about mechanical aids are a nono. Was just wondering if JUGS and blocking machines fall under this category.

  1027. (Jesse) James December 31, 2008 10:14 am

    roysan…I think that’s okay…it’s only coaching that’s not allowed….

  1028. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 10:15 am

    something like wench bread…

  1029. Stretch December 31, 2008 10:16 am

    JJ – okay okay, if we get to 1100 BEFORE ST puts up a new post, I will not drink for the rest of the year!!

  1030. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:21 am


    Had to learn how to cook. All my past girlfriends didn’t.(BAD LUCK).
    They could cook one thing great!! BURN WATER!!!!!!!!!

  1031. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc December 31, 2008 10:22 am

    Really slow posting today – hope Al Quaida does do something weird today.

    Whoops!! Chocalate = Chocolate

  1032. Ronnie December 31, 2008 10:23 am

    Happy New Year’s Eve!!!

  1033. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 10:23 am

    Stretch… 😈 bwahahaha!

  1034. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:26 am


    I’m a pro at karaoke.

  1035. ai-ee-soos December 31, 2008 10:27 am

    c’mon, only 60+ posts till we hit 1100.

  1036. Stretch December 31, 2008 10:27 am

    Houston 34-38 over Air Force, pau game

  1037. Stretch December 31, 2008 10:27 am

    Houston 34-38 over Air Force, pau game

  1038. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 10:27 am

    Hi Ronnie!

  1039. owen-16 December 31, 2008 10:28 am

    wow, no drinking on New Year’s eve, good luck 🙂

  1040. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:28 am


    Pro in listening. HaHa!!!!!

  1041. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc December 31, 2008 10:29 am

    Whoops!!! …does NOT do something weird today.

  1042. Kekoa December 31, 2008 10:29 am

    Going for da mostest, or whateva!

  1043. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:29 am

    Hiya Ronnie!!! Happy New Year to you and the boys!!! 😆

  1044. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:29 am

    anchovies –> Liz 😀

  1045. duffer December 31, 2008 10:30 am

    Well, there goes 1,000, but I’m leaving to play some golf….in the rain!

    so whitey can’t go to the darkside for a month!

  1046. koakane™ December 31, 2008 10:30 am

    good wishes and safe 09 eve to ronnie and family. have a fun time with rob25 if she’s parting with you.

  1047. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 10:31 am

    808Ike – hmmm… cooks, sings, (this is for brew808) – are you single???

  1048. djmitcho December 31, 2008 10:32 am

    Good Morning everyone! I just wanted to wish everyone a good and safe new years eve. I myself, am going camping with my parents. It’s so good to be out of the snow and in the islands.

  1049. (Jesse) James December 31, 2008 10:33 am


  1050. SteveM December 31, 2008 10:33 am

    808ike — will you join us at the BIG Karaoke Call on February 7? Click here to see photos and video of Kekoa, d1shima, etc. at our large Karaoke Calls, and scroll down to see more. 🙂

    Also, please send me an email at stevem.hnl (at) gmail.com so I can add you to my karaoke call email list. 😉

  1051. Ronnie December 31, 2008 10:33 am

    On the subject of tonight’s food… we’re going to a friend’s house. I’m bringing rice (for the chili) and champagne (of course 😉 ).

  1052. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 10:34 am

    Hi WDoc ad DrDoc!

  1053. Stretch December 31, 2008 10:35 am

    dj – welcome home. make sure you call if you are coming over to Honolulu

  1054. jm2375 December 31, 2008 10:35 am

    Good morning Tsai-kos!!

    We made it past 1000 and heading to 1100. Didn’t think we could do it. Of course, ST is making it easy by not posting. 😆

    Happy New Year’s Eve. Prospero Ano Nuevo.

    Still trying to figure out what to do tonight. Complicating things is da kid’s mouth still hurts and she no can chew. Anywhos, I was tinking about beef tenderloin with mushroom cream sauce, potatoes and I dunno what else. Gotta go brave the supamarkets.

    Hi Doc! Hope your animals do okay tonight. That’s one thing I didn’t have to deal with. Our doggie was fine. Wonder how my sis’ kitty is gonna react tonight.

  1055. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 10:36 am

    djmitcho- GLAD YOU MADE IT!!!

    duffer- stay away from the lightning!!!

  1056. Jason December 31, 2008 10:37 am

    Wow, you guys went crazy while I was asleep. 😀

    I guess it’s time to put the sparkling apple cider in the refrigerator.

  1057. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:37 am

    Wow… Ronnie!!! is really pushing her culinary skills to the limit! 😆 😯 😀

  1058. koakane™ December 31, 2008 10:37 am

    no like stretch win his bet so esmeeee out

    again play and be safe on this ny eve. my aloha along with wishing a bestest or badder 09 to all the tasiko ohana

  1059. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:38 am

    Okay – here are those target numbers gang…. (from SteveM’s website:

    Record number of posts per day

    1. 1,175 – January 4, 2008 (JJ to SMU)
    2. 1,087 – August 24, 2008 (Prideperiod’s haircut challenge, blog strike eve)
    >1060 – December 30-31, 2008 (today)
    3. 1,011 – September 8, 2007 (Bio day of Da Punchbowl Kid)

  1060. djmitcho December 31, 2008 10:38 am

    if I do make it over, it will be tue or wed. i’ll let you know.

  1061. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 10:39 am

    jm2375- owie, sorry to hear about da keed. mash da poatoes…

  1062. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:39 am


    PRO in listening!!!!!! HAHA!!!!!!!!

  1063. Ronnie December 31, 2008 10:39 am

    Hi Liz!

    Hi Brew!

    I wish we were back in NOLA, but at least now I have time to save up for next year’s BCS game!!!! 😀

  1064. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 10:39 am

    jm2375- owie, sorry to hear about da keed. mash da potatoes…

  1065. jm2375 December 31, 2008 10:39 am

    SteveM – those stats you put up last night about the number of posters – did they include the ones dat are figments of someone’s twisted imaginations? Like da false clan, etc. Sometimes I think brew808 is a bad dream. j/k!

    *ducking for cover*

  1066. Kekoa December 31, 2008 10:40 am

    808ike ~ Das auryte! Come to the k-kall anyway. You may be able to wake up dat sleepy lion.

  1067. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:41 am

    Working on the 1100 club

  1068. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 10:42 am

    808Ike- lstening is good… now ansa da question 😉

  1069. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:42 am

    I like jm2375orsomethinglikethat, my pal, my nerd buddy… – Nah – that was only a bad dream…. 😈

  1070. jm2375 December 31, 2008 10:43 am

    Kekoa – lemme know how da cake turns out. Jason doesn’t get any until he spills all about his date last night!!

  1071. Kaimuki Kid December 31, 2008 10:44 am

    There was a Chinese Crack Seed Store that used to be on the of the Old Ben Franklin Store, she later moved across the street on Koko Head Ave. that was famous for putting her hand/finger on the scale to make thngs haevier than it was.. “Po Po” no put your hands on the scale! We were trying to buy dried clams at the time…Way back Hanabata days, Aotani’s, Walrich Drug Store, Ben Franklin, National Dollar

  1072. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:44 am

    Eh 808ike – Is there a Mrs. 808ike? Some peeps really want to know…. 😆

  1073. jm2375 December 31, 2008 10:44 am

    peace brudda brew peace – at least for the rest of the year. 🙂

  1074. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 10:44 am

    ok. Chinee restaurant is open… kona ko ket brunch… bbs

  1075. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:44 am

    My neighbors filed a complaint with the state. Asked me not to sing
    in the shower.

  1076. J December 31, 2008 10:44 am

    ST is always in trouble…usually with Wena.

  1077. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:45 am

    Is “bestest” better than “badder”??? 🙄

  1078. kama krab December 31, 2008 10:47 am

    Ho you guyz nutz like dat. I think my last post was two hundred something and then I check today and take me about almost one hour to get to the bottom. Good job gang.

    I would like to say to all, it’s been a great 2008 and hopefully it will be a badder 2009 for all.

    Happy New Years and may god watch over all and your families tonight as we all bring in the New Year.

  1079. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:49 am


    Too far into the future. May be 6 ” under by then.

  1080. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:49 am

    What do you guys think? ST is watching this craziness shaking his head but grinning like Dr. Frankenstein, or still sleeping in oblivious of the mayhem on this blog? 😯 🙄 😆

  1081. (Jesse) James December 31, 2008 10:51 am

    dj…welcome home…call when/if you come to Honolulu…

  1082. chawan_cut December 31, 2008 10:51 am

    I guess until Stephen posts a new blog, I might as well wish everyone a

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hope you all hold true to your resolutions!

  1083. jm2375 December 31, 2008 10:51 am

    helping the blog count.

    New Years Eve memories:
    My dad’s birthday was Jan 1 and my grandpa’s was Dec 31, so we had big party at our house. Grandpa would make chicken hekka on da hibachi and we would have “horse races” (using dice) and got to pick small presents (usually money) off a “tree”.

  1084. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:52 am


    No Mrs. 808ike. Would make her cook for the T-gate.

  1085. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:53 am

    Nearing 1100.

  1086. Cheyah December 31, 2008 10:53 am

    WOW! Over 1000 posts! You guys are a bunch of Tsaikoholics!

    Go Warriors!

  1087. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:54 am

    6 inches or 6 feet – makes a BIG difference! But, I still don’t know what that response means. Do you Liz??? 🙄

  1088. Bulla December 31, 2008 10:54 am


    since i will be protecting the natives from the tourists tonight; at KK you can drink CR, and I will drink Patron…..that will be my celebration for 2009. what better than to celebrate with the world reknown Tsaiko ohana.

    let’s see, we have the Bulla Bombers, and now the potential for the Bulla Bombed….sounds like a good book. haha 🙂

  1089. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:55 am


  1090. not far away anymore December 31, 2008 10:57 am

    This topic is now #2 all time. Less than 100 to the record.

  1091. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:57 am


  1092. brew808 December 31, 2008 10:57 am

    No jm2008+1day=2009 – Too late! 👿 I really tried. I was going to be nice to you for rest of the entire year! But no – you threw that in my face! I was even going to suggest you invite yourself over to Nalani’s for some yummy oxtail soup. But no…. it’s gruel to you and your ‘ohana. Too late! Ggggrrrrrrr!! 😈

  1093. Stretch December 31, 2008 10:58 am

    uh oh – time for me to leave the blog. what I don’t see, I don’t know….

  1094. Bulla December 31, 2008 10:59 am

    the KK should be a blast, hope to see all the new faces at this one…Homey, you too

  1095. 808ike December 31, 2008 10:59 am

    Sorry 6 feet. 1100

  1096. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:01 am

    Wow – it’s getting pretty difficult to breathe at these lofty levels! Here’s the target numbers again…. (from SteveM’s website, with edits:

    Record number of posts per day

    1. 1,175 – January 4, 2008 (JJ to SMU)
    11NN – December 30-31, 2008 (today) 😀
    2. 1,087 – August 24, 2008 (Prideperiod’s haircut challenge, blog strike eve)
    3. 1,011 – September 8, 2007 (Bio day of Da Punchbowl Kid)

  1097. J December 31, 2008 11:01 am

    Hungry. Gotta go eat soon.

  1098. False Cracks December 31, 2008 11:01 am

    Happy New Year to all my Falsie cousins, and the wannabe’s that are lurking…..ST, you the bestest of the restest. cheeeeeeeeeyooooooo

  1099. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:02 am

    BTW – we’re also approaching the 24 hour threshold that Kekoa mentioned earlier… 🙄

  1100. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:02 am

    Past 1100.

  1101. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:03 am

    Stretch – Start practicing…. “How dry I am…. how dry I am….” 😆 😯 😀

  1102. J December 31, 2008 11:04 am

    Maybe I’ll wait a little longer. Hope I don’t end up getting hangry.

  1103. TOM December 31, 2008 11:05 am

    Depending on whether ST comes in with a new blog, we can beat the old record!
    Post and post often!

  1104. Kekoa December 31, 2008 11:06 am

    Hiya Ronnie ~ Happy New Year!…prolly talk to you on Friday.

    I hate to tell you this but they opened a really huge Chun Wah Kam Noodle Factory here in Kapolei. You and da boys gotta come grind with us next time you come home. They still make all kine Manapua. They are so huge, that D-1 can only eat 2 of theirs instead of 6 from brand X.

  1105. SteveM December 31, 2008 11:08 am

    jm2375 — I can assure you that brew808 is real. He has a, advanced virtual spy satellite in geosynchronous orbit over Hawaii and deep insight into human nature…he just hides it well. 🙁 Bwahahahaha

    But don’t probe his background deeper, or you might notice guys with suits, ear wigs, and binoculars across the street. 😯 😛

  1106. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:08 am

    You know, we really are a bit loco….. Again…. I’m wondering where whitey is as he started this record attempt yesterday. Loco….
    And to think we’ve had sooooo many regular Tsaikos drop from the posting rolls…

    TSAIKOS RULE!!! 😀 😯 😆

  1107. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:08 am

    Went to the doctor 6 months ago. He gave me some bad news. He
    informed me that I have a terminal disease called CRS. Can’t cure.

  1108. jm2375 December 31, 2008 11:09 am

    wow, all i had to do wuz mention da false clan and look who shows up after all time being awol!! 😆

  1109. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:10 am

    Brunch is us- pork bittermelon, steamed sea bass with veggies and black bean sauce, and fly ly… $4.50 mmmmmm

  1110. Kekoa December 31, 2008 11:10 am

    jm2375XXX – No worries…I know a good attorney on Oahu and one really kinda off beat one from Hilo.

  1111. roysan16 December 31, 2008 11:11 am

    When BC was interviewing a newspaper columnists from Chicago you got a sense that newspapers are cutting back on expenses. The columnists BC was interviewing before the Notre Dame game says, “Our newspaper would usually send two reporters over, but only one to the Hawaii game this year”. He goes on to say that two other big newspaper companies in Chicago didn’t send any columnists. So obviously this is the sign of the times facing the newspaper companies. And if the big national papers are cutting their losses I wonder how it would effect us here locally, especially with the HA. Normally going on the road trips we here from both Ferd and ST. The Pro Day ST did was great and I’d miss his coverage if it came down to something out of his control. But what’s in store for the future with all the papers scaling down, and all the journalists and employees being let go really concern and saddens me.

  1112. Darren December 31, 2008 11:12 am

    Who is this recruit….anyone heard anything about him??

    “Hilo High School’s Semisi Tokolahi has given a verbal commitment to play football at the University of Washington next year.”


  1113. Jason December 31, 2008 11:12 am

    Don’t crash the blog, now, it’s getting a bit slow …

  1114. Kekoa December 31, 2008 11:13 am

    JM ~ I know you met the one from Hilo already, but how about “The Warrior” one?

  1115. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:13 am

    808Ike- Can’t Remember S_ _ _ ???

  1116. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:14 am

    SteveM has such a huge imagination…..Walter Mitty started off that way…. 😆

  1117. BillB December 31, 2008 11:16 am

    Kaimuki Kid, great childhood rememberance. Ben Franklin had the best candied popcorn. Aotani for the chocolate, cherry or vanilla Coke with side shrimp & potatoe tempura. Mahalo!

  1118. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:16 am

    New post. Saw by accident.

  1119. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:18 am

    Sorry for all the questions….. just trying to help out a friend…
    808ike – you’re not 70 are you!!??
    😯 😯 😆 😯 😯

  1120. Ronnie December 31, 2008 11:18 am

    That’s a good one Liz! I was thinking Crown Royal Syndrome – in honor of our KK Tsaikos!

  1121. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:18 am

    This is what ST said– so no need look at new post 😈

    Happy ending
    December 31st, 2008 by Stephen Tsai

    Well, that was an eventful year.
    No need to rehash it, since I’m sure every news organization will do that today and tomorrow. But here’s something that turned up. It’s a letter from the owner of a construction company to Na Koa, the UH football booster club. It was written during the summer:
    “I am pleased to make a donation in the amount of $1,000 to Na Koa Football Club in the name of Colt Brennan. Recently, Colt agreed to help my family with autographs on footballs and jerseys. When we asked what we could do for him, typical of Colt, he had no compensation expectations but suggested that if there was any interest in making a donation, that we make the donation to Na Koa so that it can contribute toward the successes of the UH football program.
    “One of the autographed footballs will be going to a youngster in our family living in San Diego who is an avid fan of Colt’s and very recently found out he has Hodgkins disease. The football autographed by Colt will be a very special gift … as (he) faces a medical challenge for his young life.
    “Colt is a very special young man, and he is sincerely appreciative for all he has done to provide hope and improve the UH football program, the university and to our state, and we owe him a debt of gratitude. It is clear that Colt believes in Na Koa and the support it provides to the UH football program, and I am glad to be able to act on his suggestion.”

    * * *

    SteveM, our archivist, suggested that when it’s the new year in your area, you post it. Like most of SteveM’s suggestions, this sounds like a good one.

  1122. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:20 am

    POOP – as in party poop! 🙁

  1123. Kekoa December 31, 2008 11:22 am

    C’mon gang! pour it on! Big Finish, Big Finish! Lunch shift jump on the wagon!

  1124. roysan16 December 31, 2008 11:23 am

    If given the choice of who I would rather watch do the play by play for UH football games, K5 or the ESPN announcers, I pick the ESPN announcers. What I like about the ESPN team is that they diagram plays. And even act like coaches up in the broadcasts booth. I don’t remember which commentator exactly, but he would say things like the UH coach should do this and the DC and OC should do that. Adding a coaches like prespective to the television viewers to see and follow is educational. And much entertaining than listening to K5 IMO.

  1125. Ronnie December 31, 2008 11:24 am

    Well, we hit 1123 by 11:20am on the blog clock…

  1126. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:26 am

    Back here to help.

  1127. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:27 am

    one more!

  1128. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:28 am


    Correct!!!!!!!!!! One smart woman!!

  1129. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:28 am

    I’m still here! Here’s what I posted on the “other” blog – so you don’t have to go there to read it…

    Please note – some of us “stubborn Tsaikos” will continue to post on the previous blog until we hit a new magic number…. Hey, we’re TSAIKOs!!!


  1130. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:29 am

    Tsai- it was a good effort. And a MUCH BETTER theme and feeling than the all-time record day.

  1131. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:30 am

    808ike – Please see #1120…. 😀

  1132. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:30 am

    Phew! 808Ike- you had me sked for a minnit there!

  1133. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:31 am

    Curveball – How’s the Mrs? 😀


  1134. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:32 am

    brew- 808Ike looks half that age….

  1135. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:33 am

    scuse…I gotta notate something…

  1136. Koa-mahu December 31, 2008 11:33 am

    happy new year to my babeee, jason!

  1137. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:33 am

    I propose a cut-off of 12 noon HST. If can, can. If no can, then why not! 😯

  1138. roysan16 December 31, 2008 11:34 am

    Colt was a fine young man. On past blogs I have feverishly written to some extent about Colt, his Heisman chase, his examples of humility on and off the field and how he gives back more to others than to himself, for he was the first person you’d see that would willingly deflect all praise to himself and rather give it to his team mates. Reading about the gentlemen donating to Na Koa in Colt’s honor further validates what a great person Colt is.

  1139. roysan16 December 31, 2008 11:34 am

    Colt was a fine young man. On past blogs I have feverishly written to some extent about Colt, his Heisman chase, his examples of humility on and off the field and how he gives back more to others than to himself, for he was the first person you’d see that would willingly deflect all praise to himself and rather give it to his team mates. Reading about the gentlemen donating to Na Koa in Colt’s honor further validates what a great person Colt is.

  1140. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:35 am

    Saw 1120. Could be right.

    #1121 sounds better by Ronnie.

  1141. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:35 am

    Oh oh… the cougar is loose again….. 😆

  1142. SteveM December 31, 2008 11:35 am

    I’m still here. When I enter this in the record, what do I call it?

    …whitey’s “Climb the Mountain” challenge?

  1143. roysan16 December 31, 2008 11:36 am

    Go one roysan…now your catching on…hehe

  1144. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:37 am

    This is for more than just whitey –>
    “1. 1,175 – January 4, 2008 (JJ to SMU)” is GOING TO BE HISTORY!!!

  1145. Koa-mahu December 31, 2008 11:38 am

    i saw a lot of the Tsaiko men in chinatown today. mmmmm!

  1146. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:39 am

    Hey roysan16 – Your #1144 has less than 40 keystrokes in the entire post! 😀 😯 😆

  1147. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:42 am

    Almost there!!!

  1148. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:42 am

    Ggrrrrrr… @11:38 am HST, there are 18 posts that should be ON THIS BLOG!!! GGGgggrrrrrrrr!!!! There will be black marks next to those posters names – certainly for the remainder of this year! 😈

  1149. roysan16 December 31, 2008 11:43 am

    Hey Brew…ah hello…lost my inhibitions and becoming more like you j/k.

  1150. kama krab December 31, 2008 11:43 am

    I coming back for this one.

  1151. Koa-mahu December 31, 2008 11:43 am

    i’ll be at the kk giving away hugs and kisses to all the Tsaiko men, especially to my young studs, jason and chawan.

  1152. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:44 am

    1 word and 1 liners works best for me. Can’t type.

  1153. Kekoa December 31, 2008 11:46 am

    Some of th regular post partum poster pahtnas were MIA the last 24 hours and we still smashed some records!

    I 2nd the motion to shut this effort off at 12:00 HST proposed by Brew.

  1154. J December 31, 2008 11:47 am

    Not quite hangry, but getting there…

  1155. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:48 am

    Around 20 more. Make HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1156. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:48 am

    Sheeessshhh…. everyone seems to be bailing. Poof… Did Bryan Clay give it up? How about Michael Phelps? JFK? BO? When MLK said, “I have a dream….”, what, did he say he’d finish that sentence in his next speech? Remember the announcer on the Hindenburg disaster, exclaiming the horror to the scene. Oh the disappointment. The little peeps have so little to pull for…. Crushed. Boohoo…. 🙁

  1157. Koa-mahu December 31, 2008 11:48 am

    we can do it!!!

  1158. Kekoa December 31, 2008 11:48 am

    Geef ‘um one moah time!

  1159. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:49 am

    Record 1176!!!!

  1160. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:49 am

    We can do this…

  1161. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:50 am

    808ike—Type faster!

  1162. Kekoa December 31, 2008 11:51 am

    Try wait…somebody call a timeout to stop da clock!

  1163. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:51 am

    Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
    And never brought to mind?

  1164. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:52 am

    Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
    And auld lang syne?

  1165. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:52 am

    And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp,
    And surely I’ll be mine,

  1166. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:52 am

    And we’ll tak a cup o kindness yet,
    For auld lang syne!

  1167. Koa-mahu December 31, 2008 11:53 am

    i’m getting sooooo antsy!!!

  1168. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:53 am

    Sorry, talking out loud.

  1169. Kekoa December 31, 2008 11:53 am

    Hold it…injury time out! 808ike “high” sprained his typing fingah!

  1170. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:53 am

    We twa hae run about the braes,
    And pou’d the gowans fine,

  1171. Ronnie December 31, 2008 11:53 am

    I want to be part of Tsaiko History! I’ll move to the new blog once we put the reminder of a sad, sad day behind us!!! I can’t wait for 2009!

  1172. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:53 am

    It’s 11:51 am HST on the HA clock and there are 27 miss-placed posts, black-marks! Gggggrrrrrrrrrr! Good thing I don’t hold grudges … beyond 300 years! 👿

  1173. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:54 am

    But we’ve wander’d monie a weary fit,
    Sin auld lang syne.

  1174. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:54 am

    We twa hae paidl’d in the burn
    Frae morning sun till dine,

  1175. SteveM December 31, 2008 11:54 am

    December 30th, 2008 at 9:50 pm
    yahooo, can see mauna kea coming up and we going over it with no problems.

    Hmmm…whitey at post #486 exhorting us to make 500.

    Maybe “whitey’s Mauna Kea challenge” ?

    whitey also sang Mauna Kea at Genji’s… he was very good (almost as good as Al doing Chotto Matte Kudasai 😎

  1176. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:55 am

    But seas between us braid hae roar’d
    Sin auld lang syne.

  1177. roysan16 December 31, 2008 11:55 am

    I can’t resists. With all the talk about Al pooping his pants, I wonder if the dry cleaning people are cashing in. I know bad joke. J/K Al.

  1178. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:55 am

    Working hard.

  1179. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:55 am

    And there’s a hand my trusty fiere,
    And gie’s a hand o thine,

  1180. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:56 am

    And we’ll tak a right guid-willie waught,
    For auld lang syne

  1181. BillB December 31, 2008 11:56 am

    Eh, Kaimuki Kid whea you stay? You wen go Liliuokalani Elementary?

  1182. Koa-mahu December 31, 2008 11:56 am

    are we there yet???

  1183. Kekoa December 31, 2008 11:56 am

    ok clock is running…spike da ball Liz!…Aiyah!…you wen hit Homey!

  1184. J December 31, 2008 11:56 am

    Trying fo’ wait.

  1185. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:56 am


    auld lang syne – times gone by
    be – pay for
    braes – hills
    braid – broad
    burn – stream
    dine – dinner time
    fiere – friend
    fit – foot
    gowans – daisies
    guid-willie waught – goodwill drink
    monie – many
    morning sun – noon
    paidl’t – paddled
    pint-stowp – pint tankard
    pou’d – pulled
    twa – two

  1186. Ronnie December 31, 2008 11:56 am

    Did we do it?!!!

  1187. Ronnie December 31, 2008 11:56 am

    Did we do it?!!!

  1188. brew808 December 31, 2008 11:57 am

    Okay – pau…

    For the record book: (from SteveM’s website:

    Record number of posts per day

    >1180 – December 30-31, 2008 (today)
    1. 1,175 – January 4, 2008 (JJ to SMU)
    2. 1,087 – August 24, 2008 (Prideperiod’s haircut challenge, blog strike eve)
    3. 1,011 – September 8, 2007 (Bio day of Da Punchbowl Kid)

  1189. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:57 am

    The Snows of Maunakea

    I have sailed a hundred thousand miles
    And I have seen the wonder of my child
    I have logged a hundred thousand smiles
    Still I’m lonely for my mountain by the sea

  1190. J December 31, 2008 11:58 am

    That one took long time fo’ post. Okay, time for food plus Costco run.

  1191. 808ike December 31, 2008 11:58 am

    New record!!!!!!! Now 1200!!!!!!! Almost there.

  1192. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:58 am

    Oh, the snows of Maunakea, like the sweet winds of Waimea
    Bring a peace that I have never known
    Till I see my island someday, I’ll find a reason someway
    To make the snows of Maunakea my home

  1193. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:58 am

    When you see her thru the swirling winds of Maui
    With a lei of falling snow around her hair
    And when you see, oh, shimmering snow in silver moonlight
    You’ll believe all the legends that you’ve read

  1194. Kekoa December 31, 2008 11:59 am

    Officials reviewing dat last play…

  1195. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:59 am

    Oh, the snows of Maunekea, like the fire of Kilauea
    That made my life a never ending song
    And the sands of Kalapana, and the winding road to Hana
    And the mountain’s whispering forest that I roam
    For the snows of Maunakea are my home

  1196. SteveM December 31, 2008 11:59 am

    OMG — I had 1,176? Coincidence— you can tell it took me several minutes to write that comment… 😕

  1197. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 11:59 am

    no stay noon yet

  1198. 808ike December 31, 2008 12:00 pm


  1199. brew808 December 31, 2008 12:00 pm

    😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
    😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀
    😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄
    🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆

  1200. Koa-mahu December 31, 2008 12:00 pm


  1201. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 12:00 pm


  1202. Kekoa December 31, 2008 12:01 pm

    Liz ~ Nevah mind da snow, nevah mind da shave ice!..we made history!

  1203. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 12:02 pm

    ❗ TSAI-KOS RULE!!! ❗

  1204. Ronnie December 31, 2008 12:02 pm

    Yee Haw!!!

    Happy New Year!!!

  1205. roysan16 December 31, 2008 12:03 pm

    So Koa-Mahu let’s here your HS fight song….

    “Oh when the Saints, oh when the Saints come marching home”.


  1206. LizKauai [Believer] December 31, 2008 12:06 pm

    okeydokey. brunch pau… back to work.’


  1207. SteveM December 31, 2008 12:07 pm

    Using noon on the blog clock as the arbitruary cut-off, do we have agreement that 1,202 comments is the number of comments for this blog entry?

  1208. Ronnie December 31, 2008 12:10 pm

    Whew! Now I can go to the new blog 😀

  1209. Kekoa December 31, 2008 12:15 pm

    OK…places everyone!…accepting for the Tsaiko Ohana for most best blog of all time…Stephen Tsai.

    Thanks for the effort everyone! We did it!

  1210. Nalani December 31, 2008 12:50 pm

    Chee Hoo! You guys rock!

  1211. bighilofan2 December 31, 2008 4:06 pm

    gotta have a 1212, easy to remembah! 😀

  1212. 99club January 3, 2009 5:22 pm

    : D
    : )
    : (
    : o
    : shock :
    : ?
    8 )
    : lol :
    : x
    : P
    : oops :
    : cry :
    : evil :
    : twisted :
    : roll :
    : wink :
    : ! :
    : ? :
    : idea :
    : arrow :
    : |
    : mrgreen :

  1213. 99club January 3, 2009 5:23 pm


  1214. 99club January 3, 2009 5:25 pm

    mrgreen :

Comments are closed.