Wednesday check-in
Team flies out tonight, will drive to Davis and have a practice Thursday
You can catch the Penn State-Wisconsin match on OC 248. Live at 130 HST.
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The question is driving from where to Davis,San Fran,Oakland or Sac ?
Hawaiian flies into all of them from HNL.
The easiest is into Sac 2 pm non stop flight from HNL ,short 20 min drive to Davis. Going from Sac to LA is also pretty easy from Sac. Can you tell that I’ve done this trip before ? 🙂
Coach says they’re flying the 451 miles to Riverside Saturday morning.
Meranda Watkins, setter, Libero, DS, a new name to keep on eye on.
Here’s an excerpt article from the Porterville recorder
“Meranda is the only player we’ve had who can play three positions at the Division-I level,” Henderson said.
And she might.
Watkins is currently being recruited by several four-year universities. She received her first offer from an NCAA Division-I school in Connecticut before the season even started.
She hopes that a scholarship will keep her on the West Coast, although recent interest from a university in Hawaii has expanded her wish list.
Coaches from the PAC-12 and the Big 12 Conference have also requested her game film.
I am assuming it’s from UH , since they mentioned other D1 interest.
Cindy, thanks for the backstory on Waber yesterday. I’m definitely an intermittant reader here…whenever time permits. I’m glad to have missed the Vorster haters. Can’t understand folks who can disparage a former Wahine who represented UH so well during her time here, both as a player and as a person. Well, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
#5 You are correct. Fans should not get down on student/athletes no matter what sport. It just shows their mentality and classless attitude.
Cindy, I really appreciated the mention in your newspaper article this morning of Victoria Lee being out injured since the spring with a foot injury. Although the UCD website lists her on the roster, there’s absolutely no mention of her anywhere. She’s such an efficient player that Hawaii’s task is just a bit easier without her on the other side of the net.
#3. Porterville College? Hoover HS grad in 2013?
Yep, that’s her, according to her twitter, Arizona and UH have offered
#3 & 9. Might be “old news.” With commitments from Castillo, Granato and Mitchem, and reportedly only 2 – 3 scholarships, the 2015 class seems full — unless some players aren’t returning next year.
Watkins was a 5′-8″ OH in HS.
Watkins tweeted that just two weeks ago, Mitchem has been committed for months now, Granato and Castillo for over a year.
Im sure they are gonna be creative with scholarships, coaches know what they are doing. Could always use a player with high volleyball iq to replace Mendoza.
But who knows.
doubt it’s UH Manoa that’s interested.
she doesn’t fit with what we need next year. I got curious and found some videos of her team playing, not really impressed. we don’t need a libero setter or another under sized hitter. the era of the 5’8 hitters are no longer unless you have hops like kanani which she doesn’t.
We absolutely could use another libero, DS, or just someone to help stabilize the passing. Kahakai has been okay, but she won’t be enough next year. If Arizona has offered she has to be decent. seriously doubt HPU, Chaminade, or UH Hilo are in the running along with other d1 schools……..
Anyway just passing along an article I found interesting, didn’t post it for the doubters to trash the player.
shoji put another ds on scholarship?
I’m not trashing anyone. I just doubt she’s a player id give up a scholarship for.
keep in mind sometimes the media hypes things up a bit when it comes to articles about local players.
Dude you are trashing, and you are assuming she is being offered a scholarship!!!, it could be a preferred walk on spot for all we know. I’d welcome her if she commits, she sounds like a fantastic all around player.
keep in mind that hawaii doesn’t just send out 4 offers to potential future wahine every year, they send out multiple and multiple offers – a majority we don’t hear about because their interest is obviously somewhere else. I just find it comical that once a small town newspaper releases a story of their “all star” player, hawaii fans get so caught up in whats written that they’ll believe anything and everything.
16. Blah blah blah, you really enjoy being condescending, huh??
And which hawaii fans??? Do you mean me?? Cause all I said was to keep an eye on her and that UH could always use a player with high “volleyball iq”. Good grief!
Besides people have posted many small town articles about possible UH recruits long before they committed to UH. I remember one about Greeley for instance back when she was just a sophomore in HS. So whats the big deal??
Heres the link to her article by the way……. if anyone is interested.
18. Article makes it sound like a walk-on candidate hoping for a west coast or Hawaii scholarship offer vs. Conn.
10. Shoji said they had 3 commits for 2015 and that is all for scholarships.
The way a read the article is that if it had been from UH it would have said UH and not ‘a university in Hawaii.’ could be HPU, UHH, Chaminade, BYUH. Although if BYUH goes through with dropping their athletic program in a few years, doubt if it’s the Seasiders.
We’ve seen many cases where a mainland paper will say UH when it was UH Hilo.
Kind of like CNN showing the lava flow from the Big Island and saying it was Honolulu.
1. they flew out overnight so that eliminates possibility that it was the straight shot to SAC. Believe it was LAX to SAC drive to Davis, fly to Riverside, drive back to LAX.
This kind of reminds me of Lea Felton 6’2″ MB and when her name popped up as a commitment to Hawai’i. Everyone got excited. But it was to be found out later that she committed to HPU. I feel like any mention of Hawai’i, fans freak out. Agree with Cindy in that they mention “a University in Hawai’i” instead of flat out saying “the University of Hawai’i.”
I “believe it” in that the airport is Ontario; then a drive back to LAX is possible when pau.
I am always dumbfounded as to how this program travels at times. It’s like they don’t make it easier on themselves. If they are letting let some travel agency plan their itinerary shame on them.
Got any bright ideas about better flight plans, contact Sheldon Tang, I believe he does all of the flight schedules for all of the sports. Let him know how you would do it.
My bad … they flew directly to SAC, drove to Davis.
I know they are flying to Riverside. Could be Ontario airport. Not that familiar with the area other than HAL used to fly to Ontario.
they drive back from Riverside to LAX.
re: mauna’s #25 remark — Shelton doesn’t do the travel arrangements for WVB so don’t contact him (not that I expect anyone to actually do so). I don’t know if he does any travel schedules for any sport. As far as I know, he serves as tournament director for all the home tournaments for all the sports — soccer, WVB right now; later WBB, MBB, MVB, softball.
22) Was thinking the same thing.