Nikki Taylor out indefinitely, practice update

Hawaii opened its first practice this morning without Nikki Taylor fully participating.

She hyper-extended her right elbow twice in the past few weeks, second time has her sidelined indefinitely.

No real timetable for her complete return. She has spoken to all 4 of the UH doctors and there is no consensus. She is cleared to practice and workout as long as it doesn’t involve her right arm.

During drills this morning, she was able to run and do the agility stuff but when the team came into do digging reps, she was on the sideline, working with the trainer on some exercises. And using a stimulator.

It does change things, obviously, for preseason and how they’ll work her into the offense when she is available.

Coaches say it will allow them to develop depth.

At the moment, team is doing dig reps. they aren’t going to do position work today.

concentrating on stance.

Shoji very involved with correcting technique.

There was a little work by Ah Mow-Santos with the two setters, using the special net to set into. (looks like a very long butterfly net). Used for accuracy. They were also videotaping it and Ah Mow-Santos reviewed the tape with the setters. Pretty instant feedback.

And, no, Manu-Olevao is not practicing since it’s Sunday. 14 players available for full practice.


  1. Cindy Luis August 10, 2014 12:37 pm

    Joining the staff as volunteer assistants are Ali Longo and James Ka, the latter born and raised in Hilo, went to Kamehameha, played for Pepperdine (02-05).

  2. Cindy Luis August 10, 2014 12:55 pm

    After another water break, Shoji discussed how he wants serving to be done. Said he personally likes the jump float. Said he wants higher percentage of serves in. With so many new players, he’s learning how they serve. So they have broken up into groups of 4-5 and using three courts. Just asked Magill how much she served at ASU. She laughed so obviously not a lot.
    They’ve not switched sides and think I’ve become part of the target practice. Being protected by Renae the trainer and Jimbo. Taylor was laying down not too far from me. She has moved. Talk about hazardous duty pay. Shoji did warn me.

  3. volleyballfan August 10, 2014 2:31 pm

    I can see that hyper-extension being a season long thing. Taylor will no longer be the go to player because of it. The setters will need to limit the number of swings she takes during a match. Taylor cannot be taking 4o, or 50 swings, not even 30, a match. Setters will need to diversify their sets, maybe even go to the Middles more. which may be a good thing. Other players will really need to step up, be it an Outside Hitter, or Middle. Olevao missing the 1st 2 practices of the season is not a good beginning. She cannot afford to miss any practice time. She is only hurting the team by sticking to this, no practice and play, on Sunday, especially with Nikki Taylor hurting. Just plain selfish, in my opinion.

    Cindy be careful, do not get hurt, you are the ONLY Wahine Volleyball Beat Writer now. Be Safe.

  4. volleyballfan August 10, 2014 2:47 pm

    Oh, forgot to mention, the Wahine could be down to just 3 Outside Hitters, Ginger Long, Keani Passi, and Kalei Greeley, when they face San Diego State, and San Francisco, if Nikki Taylor’s arm injury does not allow her to play. The San Diego State, and San Francisco matches are on Sunday. For these 2 matches it could force Shoji to use Kendra Koelsch as an Outside Hitter instead of a Setter. Or, maybe even move Olivia Magill to an Outside Hitter Position and use one of the Freshmen Middles, to replace her in the Middle.

  5. mauna August 10, 2014 3:07 pm

    volleyballfan, those are preseason matches which matters as far as rpi, rankings and possible post season hosting. More importantly is the Big West matches of which UCSB is scheduled for Sunday Oct 26. Automatic invite to the BW champs is on the line, depending on the won/loss results up to then, this match could have huge implications.

  6. Cindy Luis August 10, 2014 3:14 pm

    Koelsch will not be used at OH.

  7. Cindy Luis August 10, 2014 3:16 pm

    Steven, please stop with the Manu-Olevao stuff. it got old last season and will not be tolerated.

  8. vballfreak808 August 10, 2014 3:16 pm

    Thanks for the update Cindy, I’m glad Longo is on the staff. I was wondering if she was going to help out since she had another semester left at UH.

  9. Cindy Luis August 10, 2014 3:18 pm

    Longo will be listed as a Student-Assistant. Don’t think she’s made a decision on whether to come back for one more year of sand.

  10. LC August 10, 2014 3:27 pm

    Already I can almost feel another mediocre season coming and I’m not blaming anyone, it’s just the way things happen.

    Taylor’s problem is serious enough that could actually lead to her needing surgery and it would be unfair to expect any of the new freshman to turn into superstars on the outsides.

    Olevao has always been inconsistent and I’ll hold my tongue on Passi and Long until they prove their worth to me.

    I hate to sound like a Debbie Downer but my gut is telling me… keep your expectations in check.

  11. Cindy Luis August 10, 2014 3:38 pm

    surgery has not been put on the table. they are looking at 2-3 weeks for her to be cleared to play.

  12. WhyWhat August 10, 2014 3:41 pm

    Not even on the RS? Is she strictly playing setter?

  13. warriorfan August 10, 2014 3:56 pm

    Oh lord more of this dedicated fan/steven weirdo. I liked it when he was banned.
    Anyway a hyper extended elbow isn’t that serious, Nikki will be fine.

    Really hope Longo plays sand, they would totally be national title favorites with all their newcomers.

  14. Ron August 10, 2014 4:03 pm

    This might not be a national championship team but they will be very good by the end of the season. We are above average in the middle and defense, our outsides have potential even without Nikki and our coaching staff is as good or better than anyone else. Passi hits the leather off the ball in practice.

  15. Cindy Luis August 10, 2014 4:04 pm

    WW, I asked Shoji about using her as a hitter. He said no. He really likes her as a setter. She’s tall, can block and probably more offensive minded than a number of past Wahine setters.

  16. volleyballfan August 10, 2014 4:07 pm

    Warriorfan, it could become very, very serious, speaking of Nikki Taylor’s hyper-extended elbow, if she ends up taking 40 or 50 swings every match.

    Cindy, all I was stating about Olevao, is the fact that the Wahine could be down to only 3 Outside Hitters, on Sunday, if Nikki Taylor’s elbow condition does become a big problem. I would hate to see Shoji have to use an injured Nikki Taylor, the way the Long Beach coach used his injured Middle Blocker last year. I was really sad to watch.

  17. volleyballfan August 10, 2014 4:18 pm

    With Shoji keeping Kendra at setter, I can see him subbing her in for Higgins, in certain blocking situations. Instead of bringing in an Outside Hitter for Higgins, and inserting a setter in the back row, like he has done in the past, he will just sub in Kendra for Higgins, that way he does not have to use a double sub.

  18. vballfreak808 August 10, 2014 4:51 pm

    Interview with Shoji

  19. Cindy Luis August 10, 2014 5:09 pm

    Sorry, Steven, but you did more than just state a fact, that they are down to 3 OH on Sundays. However, I’m not going to get into an argument with you.
    Will see what he does with Koelsch. He said he wasn’t planning on a 6-2 but did say they’re going to be a bit of a hybrid this season.

  20. Cindy Luis August 10, 2014 5:18 pm

    Thanks for the link VBF, I was behind the cameras with my own interviews. One thing I’d like to clear up, I did not say Shoji looked like the ZigZag man on the T-shirt Someone said that to me and I passed it along to Shoji.

  21. Hot August 10, 2014 5:23 pm

    Perhaps a bit of the Jen Carey/Margaret Vakasausau modified hybrid in 2002? And the right-side hitter can be replaced by a defensive specialist. We all know Sarah Mendoza and Savannah Kahakai are going to play a lot.

  22. volleyballfan August 10, 2014 6:13 pm

    Cindy, I am thinking Shoji may have Higgins play the 3 back row spots as a setter, and have Kendra play the 3 front row spots as a setter. This will highlight Higgins quickness coming out of the back row to set, and Kendras blocking ability as a setter in the front row. This is in regards to Shoji thinking hybrid 6-2.

  23. volleyballfan August 10, 2014 6:16 pm

    The 2 interesting things Shoji mentioned in his interview is that he is high on Greeley, that she can do it all, and that Olevao really needs to step it up, since she is now a Junior.

  24. Hot August 10, 2014 8:34 pm

    Steve, that’s a modified 5-1. Same as the Carey/Vakasausau situation. It would still be a double sub but the setters would replace each other while a defensive specialist and a hitter would share the opposite spot.

  25. Cindy Luis August 10, 2014 9:07 pm

    21. re: hybrid, he was talking more about the OHs, not a 6-2. They normally have the LSs hit twice on the left, once on the right; the RSs twice on the right, once on the left. Shoji said that they will have players lining up in a certain position but switching on the serve for various reasons, including blocking.

  26. Hot August 10, 2014 9:39 pm

    Cindy, any idea who among the freshmen will play and who are redshirt candidates?

  27. Cindy Luis August 10, 2014 10:19 pm

    Hot, way too early to access the freshmen. But I do believe that Koelsch and Greeley will play. As will Kahakai.
    If they redshirt anyone, likely a DS, perhaps a MB.

  28. Hot August 11, 2014 2:09 am

    So one of Guinasso and Anderson, and another between Huff and Maglio?

  29. 'ohanaInBellingham August 11, 2014 6:51 am

    Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! It seems to me that Ali’s positive attitude could be a good influence to the younger girls.

  30. Cindy Luis August 11, 2014 7:45 am

    Hot I was just taking a guess IF they redshirted players Didn’t name names on purpose Looked at the depth of certain positions

  31. Bud Catobus August 19, 2014 7:13 am

    Im sorry Cindy but you are beginning to sound like a Rah, Rah woman instead of a reporter. I understand the reasons for Tai missing Sunday practices, however after 2 years of sub par performances there has to be a concern. Nikki Taylor may in fact return healthy, however is she is going to be the go to hitter, 2 hyper-extentions in a couple of weeks does not bode well for a injury free season. This not a knock on you, just want to here the straight scoop.

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