Check in Thursday: Wahine in LA
Spoke to shoji after the team had its regularly schedueld practice at CSUN.
At some restaurant for dinner at 9 p.m. More crowded than expected.
Said the delay was not what they had been planning on, that they had wanted to get in Wednesday night and have a good night’s sleep
But it is what it is and they rested before going to practice up at CSUN
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This is a true road test alright…hopefully we can get 2 sweeps…would be awesome…but as long as we get wins that’ll be impressive enough.
Do I mis-remember that last year many, if not most, of the away games were streamed on Is the BWC this year leaving it up to the likes of ESPN and Fox for exclusive broadcasting?
2. I think there is a lot of interest in broadcasting Big West Volleyball because the
quality of some teams have risen. Add in the fact Hawai’i joined two seasons
ago, the stock of Big West Volleyball is on the rise.
Big West TV is available for selected matches.
schedule at
The Big West apparently has made an investment in ESPN3. They have their own production staff and even purchased a truck that travels to the events and serves as the control room. There are 11 ESPN3 matches on ESPN3 this season and I’m expecting even more in the future .
The BW production rig. >
Here is a very good article on the Big West getting into their own production.
Live Stats:
TV: Fox Prime Ticket
Stream: none
Audio: (Hawai’i broadcast)
Thanks for the article, LC.
So not even Bigwest will stream it?
My cable company has a different program line up and dont offer primeticket, how else can I watch this?
For most of the top teams listed in the NCAA’s first weekly RPI of 2014 and in the current AVCA Top 25 Coaches Poll, the weekend of October 10-12 is like a free pass. For example, 13-0 Texas [RPI 3rd/ AVCA Coaches Poll 2nd] of the 9-team Big 12 doesn’t even play a match this weekend and the Horns’ next match isn’t until Oct 18 (next next Saturday).
Of course, minor upsets will occur but the following are the major matches to watch in an otherwise predictable weekend:
OCT 10 (Friday)
Stanford [rpi 1st/poll 1st] @ Arizona [rpi 12th/poll 16th]
Hawai’i [rpi 17th/poll 21st] @ CSUN [rpi 20th/poll unranked]
OCT 11 (Saturday)
Illinois [rpi 11th/poll 15th] @ Penn State [rpi 16th/poll 5th]
Hawai’i @ LBSU [rpi 38th/poll unranked but received votes]
OCT 12 (Sunday)
Washington [rpi 6th/poll 3rd] @ Oregon [rpi 5th/poll 11th]
Texas A&M [rpi 18th/poll 19th] @ Florida [rpi 10th/ poll 9th]
8) I think you might be out of luck. I took a look around and couldn’t find anything. Thought maybe Fox Prime might do a live stream and TV but they don’t.
streaming videos or even archived videos for wahine volleyball seemed to have disappeared or is not available. you go on only the davis and riverside match was available (the last time i checked). home games for na wahine dont play or say something like ‘the selected item is not currently available’.
i remember last year, each ocsports wahine volleyball game including the ‘game on’ and ‘post game show’ since 2012 it seemed existed on example: (link no longer leads to any wahine game anymore and wahine volleyball does not appear to exist anywhere)
anyone have a source for the games that i dont know about?
11. Wahine previous games are all in you tube uploaded by UHVolleyballFanToo. Just type in Rainbow wahine volleyball 2014 vs to what team they’ve played. But to pre and post game interviews
You probably already know – but just in case, there is always the Youtube posting of virtually all wahine home games in its entirety (but excluding the pre and post game shows) that normally appears on youtube a day or two after the actual game at:
And to UHVolleyballFanToo , thank you so much for doing this year in and year out.
I am in Vegas and the match is being shown on one of the prime ticket channels via directv. Maybe there is something similar for Hawaii-based fans.
HEADS UP: if you have oceanic time warner cable, FOX Sports Prime Ticket is on channel 31 for na wahine vs csun game and appears to be broadcast twice 4:30pm HST and 10:00pm HST
cindy is there a blog for na wahine vs csun yet?
i hope our ladies are ready. they ought keep their comeback in mind vs irvine meaning the lady bows have the attitude and will of a WINNER.
11. Uhvolleyballfantoo on youtube has all the volleyball games in archive dating way back to 2009.
13. Oceanic is 228 or HD1228
ch. 31 is analog
14. yes i put one up a while ago with links to the match
10. saw a link on Prime ticket
If you are a TWC subscriber, match is available online as well
Seeing a message about the “live event” being in a weather delay on Fox Sports – anyone have an idea about what’s going on?
Wow. UH’s passing is awful. The Wahine better wake up or CSUN will sweep them.
there is a new thread.
hope you will move over there
I see no new thread
I see no new thread either
don’t know what to tell you. others are posting
UH loses 25-17
No new thread for me either…Sorry, CSUN is not a good team…
Any link to the new thread ?
Link: When i went out from the website and then back in, i was able to get the new post.
thanks. Don’t have an answer as to why it shows up for some people and not others