Ah Mow-Santos featured in Volleyball mag, Granato’s CNT loses in finale
nice article posted by volleyballmag.com today
As for Granato, played in Set 4, had one kill. CNT-Red lost in 5 to CNT-Blue.
oh, think I forgot to post these from SWA Marilyn Moniz-Kaho’ohanohano’s retirement party last week.
Shoji with MKK and retired Wahine basketball coach Vince Goo
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I like RAMS’ honesty…the team needs hitters. And I hope she snags a few great ones this year.
I too hope ROBYN bring in some quality recruits.
Best of luck to Coach Robyn and the Wahines.
new thread up for Saturday.
1. Mav, there’s been a request not to use the RAMS but rather go with Ah Mow-Santos. I like the idea.