Warrior Beat: Back to Boise

The Warriors will be back on The Blue with one of the five road games set for Boise State. / Photo by Stephen Tsai
For the first time in years, the Warriors will play eight of their 13 regular-season games at home in 2019.
The home games are:
> Arizona — Aug. 24
> Oregon State — Sept. 7
> Central Arkansas — Sept. 21
> Air Force — TBA
> San Diego State — TBA
> San Jose State — TBA
> Fresno State — TBA
> Army — Nov. 30
The road games are:
> Washington — Sept. 14
> Boise State — TBA
> Nevada — TBA
> New Mexico — TBA
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Black da blue!
Go Warriors!
Yay more home games!
Friend of mine said UH is 12th in the MWC for recruiting and 125th in the country. Of course those were star rated players which UH doesn’t get very often anyway-usually only maybe 1-2* at best. But just gotta load up and coach em good. Also UH gotta change some stuff around on “O”, either coaching and playbook enhancement. From what we saw they couldn’t even execute the simple shovel pass effectively. UH this year ran the “Rumbling n Stumbling” type “O”. Get back to the “Run n Shoot”/ Maybe that QB from Texas should help open more passing lanes.
UH ran the “Muff n Duff” much of the time against better teams, then get blasted in the second half. Pathetic ! Shape Up already. Going into the 4th year of the Rolo regime.
Tough schedule. I think Warriors will:
Ariz: L
Cen Ark: W
Army: L
Was: L
Nev: L
Overall: 6-7
Of course, hoping for better.
I wish the trips to Las Vegas and Reno would be in alternate years, not the same year.
The Boise State game is going to be on the 21st.
Mark it down.
Craig Thompson sent the Warriors to Boise a week after Madison. (Reexamine Norm Chow’s career. Part of the problem was over-scheduling and badly placed byes which resulted in injuries.)
BYU needs a bowl game. Instead of stealing Wyoming’s spot, it’s Hawaii’s turn.
Correction: August 31.
Seems like a great home schedule.
The fans wanted big name programs, well they got big name programs. They better show up next season.
Based on next years schedule, who we picked up in recruiting, and who returns, I’m not to optimistic on next years season. We caught way too many breaks this season, and we haven’t filled the holes on defense during recruiting. Realistically, I say we’re a 4 to 6 win team right now. Those last spots we fill in February will need to be game changers.
In addition to what he might be thinking, too, gotta wonder what Cordeiro’s uncles, dad, classmates might be telling (advising?) him at inevitable holiday gatherings. There’s enough time to make certain decisions before start of next semester for sure. Personally, I think the only preventing him from going off to Georgia U. Is the whole Sugar Bowl thing (for which the Warriors were wholly unprepared, essentially). No shame, Chevan!
Many made a big deal out of the “strangely-placed bye” this past season. Ah. You get a rest, you get a rest. Look forward to it. Heck, helped with the SDSU game.
Let’s get rid of all rainbow references for the football team, at least. Hey, worked for the Coach Jones era, mostly. Rainbow bad luck for Hawaii football. Ah, cahm on!
A tough and challenging Schedule indeed. Warriors will be up to the challenge.
1 star, 2 star 3 star, 4 star or 5 star. The academies don’t have much “starts” on the roster but they do have committed and disciplined men. They do play good ball.
Every body puts on the pants the same way….maybe bigger pants but … two legs and arms. Warriors will play to win … no doubts.
Is it Spring ball yet?
#5 agreed. Should have split UNLV/Reno game so we can go every year to the 9th island!!!
I’d take 8-5 again!
Winning the bowl game this time around.
Good evening. That is good to hear. They have a tough lineup next season. Cole McDonald will be coming back. I think this has to be a Scheduling issue. The University was given more money.
Once again they are faced with a tough schedule. The will meet Arizona, Washington, Boise State, Oregon State, And Army. So already you can see 5 losses.
8 games because Hawai’i will be picking up the tabs for the opponents home game living quarters when they come here. I would love to see another Hawai’i Bowl. And I hope to be back again next season for the games. Can’t wait for those night games.
I think if they can start soon, they can probably be in tune when spring practice comes around. They’ll have to start soon to get the better players. Otherwise they’ll be stuck with the junk players. JCs. I was watching the high school games. The state championships for football. 2018. There are some good players there. Linemen. They’ll be looking to UH. So better sign them up. Here on Kaua’i chilling out on the south shores of Poipu. Sure will be keeping up with the news.
Lock him up
BREAKING NEWS – go to SA’s home page.
story about our favorite sportscaster posted at 9:45.
some guys on another blog knew about this earlier in the evening
“You tell everybody. Listen to me, [Tsai]. You’ve gotta tell them! [Bronco Stadium] is [Smurfs]! We’ve got to stop them somehow.”
-Charlton Heston in “Soylent Blue”
ai-eee-soos, I checked the breaking news. I am so shocked and disappointed. I had to cheer myself up.
Oregon state was horrible last year and Arizona wasn’t a powerhouse either. Plus pac-12 has been one of the weaker power 5 conferences (besides Washington) so I wouldn’t count osu and Arizona as for sure losses.
More importantly, although Arizona and Oregon State are Power 5 schools, they do not have the same history and gravitas as USC and UCLA(not so much in football, but as an overall athletic program), so playing the Wildcats and the Beavers may not necessarily translate into bigger crowds.
Washington is different.
I definitely want to see Washington again.
Bobby Currain, WTF!
The first phone call to this past Friday’s 1420AM Sports Animals show was from a woman who questioned if the situation happened [ https://www.staradvertiser.com/2018/12/28/breaking-news/local-sportscaster-bobby-curran-arrested/ ] and that lady seemed pretty privy, at least before today’s released news article) to the situation—mentioned Bobby. Mentioned he act. Mentioned the son. Heck, mentioned the proverbial instrument sometimes used in these domestic squabbles/melee.
This past week, Bobby was on vacation from his radio duties. Doubly sad. You’d think that would make for quality family time. Looks like it just made for something else.
On air, Bobby seems to always talk about taking his son(s) to game that he announces. Sounds like a lot of fun. Bobby also talked, in previous weeks, about how his wife Jo would be preparing a Boxing Day feast on December 26 as a means of making up for this past Thanksgiving, during which time Bobby was on the mainland announcing for the Wooden and the SDSU game, no?
Can’t imagine what the wife is thinking. She sounds so pleasant and really makes you want to try the recipes and visit the outlets that she mentions on her own radio show.
Hope the Currans can remedy this quick, somehow. Otherwise, therapy will be a long road, when you take into consideration the trappings of fame and basically how most listeners would surmise the Currans as a very happy family.
Though Bobby tends to come off as, well, if not a know-it-all, one of those who is absolutely convinced of things (i.e., he will not seem to budge on global warming. Come on, Bobby).
Moral? If you gotta argue with relatives, keep it down. Don’t get physical. Because nowadays? If the cops gotta visit? Someone certainly WILL get arrested. No matter WHO you are.
Lock him up.
On another note, apparently it’s ok with the Ogre in Baton Rogue that at least one of his players carries a handgun.
#24 re: LSU …. no kidding. Unreal that no one seems to be making a big deal out of the fact that these players were involved in some shady business that resulted in a shooting. It wasn’t a random robbery, it was a sale of some sorts that went bad. Electronics? I’m not that naive. Hmmm … last time I sold something, I didn’t need to go strapped.
But football is more important.
I guess I better stop telling my son “go ahead, call the cops!” every time I spank him and he threatens to call the police for abuse.*
*joke … for all the sensitive ones
I think it’s just a matter of time before Fred Holly figures things out and becomes the next Diocemy. St. Juste blossomed junior year after injury (whole off season to work) rising up the depth charts and was a terrific, quick hitting, yards after contact, “north-south” type runner. Holly can be that too. Just got to change “center of balance”. His balance seems to be about shoulder/chest level. St, Juste’s was pelvis/quads. Cannot arm tackle that kind of balance. Imagine when he’s ready.
Furuta to me is somewhere in between Mauia, Keliikipi, and Fakava. His running balance is low but he is attacked differently so he has to adjust it a little so that he looks more like a running back than fullback as a runner. As a blocker though he is 100% fullback plus (O-line-“ish”). He is a natural on special teams too so he needs to line up some snaps as FB and/or H (in jumbo packages) for NFL to see his possibilities. There also needs to be a plan in place to recruit a FB/RB hybrid to replace Dayton next year (Jonah Tavai please if can) to maintain the style and flow of this offense.
Miles Reed is a type back that we have never had here. San Diego St. gets this kind of guys. He is nowhere near the finished product yet and still had a productive year. Just got to get stronger and learn how to “chop/cut” block with head up. eyes open. Herky-jerky runner with balance, then strength, and then speed. Cheehoo. Practice some curl routes from the slot too. Unreal.
The offensive line should be able to better “stick” to run blocking assignments next season. That combined with some better ability to better the “yards after contact” numbers should open up the quick passing game some. But the off season work is the key. They can do it. Going to blow our minds.
Yup there comes a time when your boys will assert their world views on you. As a parent you have to realize they don’t see you as God anymore. Believe me, I have one out of college and one in high school. By that age, the die is cast. They are who they are. No need to kick um out of the house either. Just go with the flow…
Don’t think parents nowadays try hard or smart though. With them, it all seems to be about sporting an over-designed T-shirt, an obligatory gold chain around the neck, showing off in public that you can yell at your kid. Yelling stuff at your kid that the public doesn’t need to know about. Nor care about.
Read a book.
Lock him up.
Forgot to ask for a 350-pound nosetackle/boulder for Christmas.
Toa Taua, 9 carries for 0 yards at halftime.
I think Furata would exponentially increase his productivity if he played at 10-13 pounds lighter. He would still be packing, but would have a bit more burst and be more dynamic.
As for parents laying hands on kids, that’s from back in my day, and however well intended, it not only doesn’t work, it has long-term consequences, mostly negative, that do not lend to folks being measured balanced adults—and almost every comprehensive study on the matter, says as much. Me, I grew up without a pops, but my uncle, one big kanak from Kalihi Valley handled all my discipline, and even this garbage truck driver, who was sage in his own way, said to me when I was in 6th grade—no more spankings, no more putting hands on me, as he put it, —“ a real man, doesn’t put hands on another man unless there is another solution or way to resolve an issue” He was one smart Hawaiian….
Notre Dame has no business being in the College Football Playoff… Clemson 2nd string players are dominating Notre Dame starters. Reminds me of the Hawaii Bowl.
Notre Dame is at times laughable, all dressed up, always has a top 5-10 recruiting class, stealing top assistant coaches, talking the good game, spends more on its football than practically any other program in the nation (to be fair, they also make more than most any other program), but they get to the big game—the one that would return to their former glory, and they get flat smoked…..laughable.
Don’t get me started on Notre Dame. I just came from a funeral. I recently bought an IPhone and IPad. Just in case there is a God, I did not check the score. I am so happy they lost.
Why in the world does Notre Dame get a bye while everybody else has to play an extra game?
If you lose by four possessions on a neutral field, why not give a Central Florida or an Army a shot?
70 points?
Army would have given Notre Dame problems.
Every year, I like to play the ESPN Bowl Challenge.
No point spread. Easy. Right?
Is it possible to get eleven games in a row wrong.
Florida over Michigan broke my streak.
Never thought I’d agree on something with Boolakanaka:
Don’t worry about not growing up with a dad. Oh, the money you’ll save on Father’s Day, Christmas, birthday! 🤪
And as much as I really like Notre Dame by default and by desire (Roman Catholic here) . . . they’re simply beginning to have the look of a Conference USA team. Look for Kelly to start interviewing at more, oh, I dunno, Vanderbilt-ish or California schools. He might be able to end up accomplishing . . . just what he’s trying to accomplish at South Bend. Notre Dame, on the other hand, if they’re interested in getting out of this Creole foods and Texarkana vibe they got going on might do darn well in getting some ex-NFL coach (bonus points for a Fighting Irish grad!) or maybe even someone like Jim Tressel. June Jones? I just don’t feel the gospels and Jesus like I used to with this team.
Pretty obvious Georgia should have been included as a top four team. These two simply don’t belong. and yup if OU and ND were gonna get romped certainly UCF should have been given a chance to show if they do or don’t belong. With or without Milton.
I wanted ND to get beat down / but I do feel bad for the local boy Gilman, he gave up a couple key long plays with bad angles. For most of the season he was a lynchpin in the defensive backfield with some really solid tackling.
Disparaging a local product for wanting to play on the mainland is selfish.
But then again, with Tua’s success, being such on so big a stage, aren’t you inviting every single FBS school to recruit here?
That, obviously, hurts Hawaii’s ability to compete.
I am watching this game and I have no idea who I am rooting for.
There is no underdog to root for in this Final Four. By default, I guess it was Notre Dame because nobody thought they were going to win.
Oh, wait. That’s not true. I picked them in the ESPN Bowl Challenge. Being in the 11% title is ridiculous. It’s as if I’m trying to lose.
North Dakota State would be a more compelling opponent than Oklahoma.
The A’s may want to look for another CF…
There are no “secret spots” in CFB recruiting anymore.
Parents, coaches, fans all have access to hudl and other software and there is always ur-tube.
No Power 5 recruiter is overlooking a 4 or 5-star prospect in any back-water on the globe.
I will remind myself not to disparage any athlete with the gifts to compete at the level deemed commensurate to her or his ability whether in Hawaii or abroad.
NCAA bends over backwards to get ND in the big bowls. It’s called politics. They stole Geogias spot
I wish the media would stop with” Tua wants to prove he should have won the Heisman”. The game against Georgia proved he shouldn’t win. When he got taken out, Hurts stepped in and the team didnt5miss a beat. It’s so obvious the team is the reason for their success.
New post: http://www.hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=47907