Early risers
While you were REM-ing this morning, the Warriors were working out, beginning at 5:45.
They rotated in three groups totaling about 90 players. (Did we mention it was raining?)

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While you were REM-ing this morning, the Warriors were working out, beginning at 5:45.
They rotated in three groups totaling about 90 players. (Did we mention it was raining?)
Nice Pics.more please
Great to see you back on the ‘Beat, Stephen! Mahalo for the super pics. Work hard Warriors!
Was Mermea and Lewis there?
Is kaau giferd going to get reinstated.
looking at the “tall” receivers — create a scheme where all 4 receivers are of the 6′ 3″ – 6′ 6″ variety
should create concern by the opponent DC? inside slots at 6′ 5″ or 6′ 6″ running down the middle on a fly pattern — one curls inside at 20 yds down field and other does a “post pattern” simultaneously
” if you got’um lite up ” — phrase from my basic training days.
Howzit Tsaikos!
Guess we’ll know soon on Mermea’s status.
I thought it was “smoke em if you got em”.
I guess he’s gone then cause staying would be no news since he’s already here right?
Big News? what is this, a gender reveal? so drama these keeds nowadays. Look at his tweet on the 25th, says a lot about his character. leave or stay, grow up….or next man up. go warriors
#10 Another mic drop! Go Warriors!!!!
Howzit Everybody,
I’m guessing Mermea’s gone but I really hope not. With him Doug Russell and the recruits we have coming in, damn that would be a deep and talented D-Line for years to come. So really hoping he stays.
If he was out there today with his brothers, than that would be a good sign. Stephen, would you be able to tell us whether Anthony Mermea was one of the 90 out there during the conditioning session?
Mermea is good as gone. We shouldn’t worry about players who don’t want to be here.
After looking at his twitter I think its safe to assume he is gone. Next man up
Thanks for the early morning pics, Stephen!
Love stories and seeing the players who want to be here working hard and taking care of business. Like it should be! Go WARRIORS!!
Not always greener on the other side. Sure we get problems here, but all is not rosy on the continent, either.
In Seattle, if you give a homeless person a dollar, they’ll demand you give them $2.
ST, I just want to thank you again for hard work and coverage of the UH football off-season.
OSD: The homelessness issue is crushing the public resources of all west coast cities, including Hawaii. Hawaii may have the highest per capita level of homeless people, but our numbers are dwarfed by those of cities like Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, etc. The cause and solutions, however, is a political debate better left for other blogs.
NotNasti: Good points. Apologize for getting political on a sports forum. Just trying to make the point that all is not a fantastic, wonderland on the mainland. Not much to do in places like Corvallis, Pullman, or Eugene. Have to drive to Portland or Spokane to see and do things (as told to me by local kids going to school up there). At least you can now pump your own gas in Oregon, now.
Great pics ST!
Just got this email from Rolo:
Received your email from my mom. Can’t tell you how thankful we are for what you have done throughout the years. I would like to pledge $500 to the account. Please put a $50 in the name of all the assistant coaches, I will let them know. Appreciate it.
Best Wishes and Aloha,
Nick Rolovich
Head Football Coach
University of Hawaii
Can you help me reach my goal by making a $25 donation to the UH Foundation Fund I created for UH Football recruiting–see below link.
If 2000 fans do this, we will raise $50,000. So far, I got 575 donors ($14,375), so only 1425 more donors to go–each donor spot represents $25.
After donating, text me your name to 415-324-0585 or email your receipt to: tomkitaguchi@yahoo.com so I can add it below (if you don’t mind):
1. Tom Kitaguchi, CA
2. Joel Gushikuma, VA
3. Michelle Houlihan (mom of Ben Scruton #36), Australia
4. Timothy Ho, CA
5. Jeffrey Domdoma, HI
6. Toni & Chris Martines, HI
7. D. Ng
8. Tom Mui, HI
9. Glenn Okada, HI
10. J Sakai
11. W Stallworth
12. Daniel Ng, CA
13. Dean Shimabukuro, CA
14. Dave Mutter, IL
15. Aaron Avilla, HI
16. Tammy Hadden (mom of former K Tyler Hadden), CA
17. E Hananoki
18. Scott Isara, CA
19. C Kobashigawa
20. J Nanya, CA
21. Daniel Ng
22. Glenn Okada, HI
23. Mike Perry (brother of Fred Ulu-Perry’s grandpa), NV
24. D Rutt
25. E Scott, ID
26. Keith Sherman, PA
27. E Stallworth
28. H Takahashi
29. E Stalwart
30. Rick Santana, HI
31. Glen Iwamoto
32. Graham McConnell, NY
33. C Kuniyuki, HI
34. Gerald Ushijima, HI
35. Barbara Heiking, HI
36. Curtis Sano, VA
37. M Yuen, HI
38. Al Kimura, HI
39. Dave Mutter
40. Andrew Uffman, CA
41. Wayne Miyasato
42. Garret Okamoto, CA
43. Neal Morisato, HI
44. Stevie Kiyosaki, HI
45. Carey Adachi, CA
46. Brian Koji, CA
47-50. Harold Imai $100
51. Jeff Duva, first QB for Dick Tomey 1977-78, CA
52. David Kam
53. J Aniya
54-57. William & Ramona Stutzmann $100
58. Greg Cummins, first punter for Dick Tomey 1977-78, CA
59. Wayne Coito, HI
60-64. Tom Kitaguchi $125
65-66. Timothy Ho $50, CA
67-70. Daniel Ng $100
71-74. Dave Mutter $100, former OL in 1970’s & biggest supporter of former players
75-76. Rick Santana $50
77-80. Gil Horita, HI
81-96. anonymous
97-98. Chad Sanborn $50, HI
99-102. Tom Kitaguchi $100
103-104. Herb Ho $50, HI
105. Gary Tokumori, CA
106-107. Leburta Kanno $50, HI
108-109. Milton Gibo $50, CA
110. Tyler Siu
111. Ipu Man
112. Lesley Torres, HI
113-114. Ross Shiraki $50, UHM ’80, CA
115-119. Tom Kitaguchi $125
120-121. Scott Simon
122. Roger Simon
123. Jarin Simon
124-127. Gerald Ushijima $100
128. Eric Saruwatari
129. John Amaki, CA
130-134. Glen Morisato $100, CA
135-136. anonymous
137. Lee & Tricia Afusia, parents of Kody Afusia (former OL), CA
138. Gregg Isara, CA
139. Grant Tanimoto, HI
140. Roger Ikeda, CA
141. David Oride, HI
142-151. Rick Nakashima $250, HI
152-191. $1000 from Water Controls Inc. of Maui, who challenges other companies to do the same!
192. Desmond Ogata, HI
193. Carol E. Ogata, HI
194. Gwen Martin, HI
195-204. Pat Rogers $250
205-208. Rich Yamane $100
209-210. Rick Ikemoto $50
211. Garret Yamanaka, HI
212-237. Tom Kitaguchi $650
237-240. Ed Tamura $100, HI
241. W Figueira, HI
242. Shilene Matautia (mom of our star LB Solomon #27), HI
243-244. C. Y., WA
245. Ed McIntosh, HI
246. Bob Medeiros
247-250. Tom Kitaguchi
251. Kelly Toguchi, HI
252-254. Joey Gushikuma $100, VA
255. Fuchsia Yamashiro (UNLV tailgate head) $25 ongoing monthly, NV
256-275. Carey Adachi $500, CA
276-279. Mike Higa $100
280. G. Miyashiro, HI
281. Jason Shimizu, HI
282. Ken Araki, CA
283-284. Carl Nagami
285. Stephen Miller, AZ
286-289. Allen Kamemoto $100, HI
290. Matt & Ioke Wong, HI
291-292. Tim Chang, CA
293. Brian Perry (Fred Ulu-Perry’s grandpa), HI
294-295. Keone Chin, HI
296. Lance McGee, WA
297. Eddie Kim, CA
298-302. Lori Rolovich (yes, Rolo’s mom), CA
303. Matt Mitchell, HI
304. Clyde Matsusaka, HI
305-525. Previous Warrior Nation Fund donors
526-527. Dave & Linda Olney, CA
528. Mirio Whitley, HI
529-532. anonymous, CA
533. Fuchsia Yamashiro, NV (ongoing monthly donation)
534. Wanda Kitaguchi, HI (ongoing monthly donation)
535. The Punchbowl Kid
536. James Watari, HI
537. Daryl Williams, CA (former UH LB)
538. Randy Tobita, Lahaina, HI
539. Wayne Coito, HI
540. Louise Ferreira, HI
541. Yvette Paz, HI
542. Pauline Iwamoto, HI
543. Noreen Myman, CA
544. Stephen & Karen Maddox, NV
545-548. Lance & Eileen Ohara, CA
549-550. Mark Banker, UH football asst. coach
551-552. Corey Batoon, UH football asst. coach
553-554. Mark Weber, UH football asst. coach
555-556. Ricky Logo, UH football asst. coach
557-558. Andre Allen, UH football asst. coach
559-560. Brian Smith, UH football asst. coach
561-562. Craig Stutzman, UH football asst. coach
563-564. Mayur Chaudhari, UH football asst. coach
565-566. Abe Eliminian, UH football asst. coach
567-568. Jacob Yoro, UH football asst. coach
569. Howard Hanzawa, Maui
570. Tony Tony, CA
571. Richard Yuen, CA
572-575. What’s Up, TX
Mahalo, and pls share this with all of your fellow fans.
Tom Kitaguchi, founder of Hawaii Football Warrior Nation Facebook group (over 3050 members)
Auryte boys doing the work, love to see dat!!!
Navy. That’s whom we should be focusing on, NOT who’s going elsewhere. They can’t help us win if they aren’t here so why put your energy towards dem.
Support the fellahs that are HERE!!!
Go Pride Rock.
Ps. How’s J.U. rehab going?
Kefense is a spineless poacher and traitor. Was a horrible dc also.
Kefense Hynson coached receivers for the past two seasons. And you have to remember, coaching is a business.
If these kids rather play somewhere else, so be it. Why hold on to someone who doesn’t want to be here and chooses to not give it their all. This just opens up a new spot for a kid who actually wants to be here and truly wants to represent Hawaii.
I don’t know why everyone is saying Mermea is leaving,He’s retweeted some post from people saying that they hope he stays if your intent is to leave then I don’t think he’d do that,maybe it was an off field issue like grades he was waiting to find out about..but who knows we’ll just have to wait and see
Amazing our Warrior football team is already preparing for the upcoming 2018 season – months away. Not to mention, the opening of spring practice next month.
I’m wondering if the coaches are meeting with these players, not on the field but in the classroom to prepare all for the “Run and Shoot offense.” Not sure if NCAA rules allows that meeting in classroom in the off-season.
I’m also wondering if Chevan Cordeiro the St. Louis Crusader Run and Shoot quarterback who will join our Warriors in June has been given Coach Rolovich Run and Shoot playbook to study?
It’s hilarious how we as fans are okay with about 16 players who transfer in from four year schools, but we’re not okay when players transfer out. Transferring nowadays is just part of doing business.
#26 I agree but it hurts when run when the going gets tuff. I will admire the ones that stay and try and make it better. Most importantly get a damn degree.
me wen basic at Ft Ord — how about U?
maybe different phrase at different camp?
perhaps Monday or Tuesday or earlier will tell how well recruiting went this weekend before LOI on 2/7/18
thanks, ST, for keeping us posted!!!
No military experience. Just happened to work with a guy who used that phrase a lot.
I would think the amount of usage (playing time) that a player/student anticipates he should have would be the major factor in transferring. Seemed that way with Brownholtz. With Brown it seemed the loss of a family member was the cause. Understandable, especially with his degree in hand and transfer rules the way they are. With Collie it seems academics was the reason there. Up to him. Gotta wish somebody with that kind of ability (academically) well. Kipper’s situation looks totally sketchy. Oregon St. does have a wrestling team though and that is his passion so whatever. With Santiago it seems more complicated. He hasn’t reached his potential yet but has (had) the opportunity to reach it here. Head scratcher. And with Mermea (If he does transfer) it seems ( in my opinion) there is a lot going on that might not be football related in his discontent with UH and the program. The “Next man up” mantra is something that we haven’t really flourished with yet. It seems (in my opinion) that most of the time our “next people” have not been as prepared to find the confidence to succeed. I hope we can change that.
#31 – so what are you trying to say? Seems like you are trying to make a point but present suppositions to contradict your point.
Uahinui is an underrated QB prospect. He would have been the clear starter at Kaiser his Jr. and Sr. year, but transferred to Farrington where they had a run heavy offense and an entrenched starter.
He can sling it. He would constantly shine at camps. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is competitive in the RnS.
Never really had a point to express except that with this years transfers playing time wasn’t (didn’t seem like) the issue as compared to past years. Another point was of our “next men up” issue, was not that smooth a transition when it necessitated in season because of all the injuries. Young adults have a lot to consider so things can change for all of them. I think the coaching staff has to have a good “plan B and C” on hand. I guess that’s my point.
#31, #34 – ok. The way you worded your first sentence made it seem that you thought PT was always the issue.
These are young college students, they don’t always know what we want. Most of us didn’t know what we wanted at that age, some of us still don’t know what we want at our advanced age.
Turmoil happens on teams with younger head coaches. We have a young coach that seemingly has quite possibly a hard head. However, it does look like he brought in lots of maturity and wisdom . Now for the offensive side of the team, Ahhhh, I don’t have confidence in how the run and shoot is going to look. Who will be calling the plays?
we are in the process of early spring cleaning and lo and behold documents appeared for the wahine softball team bracelets we donated in 2008 — a hole lot of donations which paid for all the players bracelets for wining the conference
believe we did this for 2 years before Jim Donovan said he budgeted for future bracelets
brings up the $$$ donated to fix the “jugs” machine and purchasing the stationary bike
Tsaikos are bery generous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like we got anada one! Hanapa’a!
Keep ‘em coming Coach!
New post: http://www.hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=45375