Bobbitt reprimanded

UH point guard Roderick Bobbitt was reprimanded on Friday by the Big West Conference.
UH point guard Roderick Bobbitt was reprimanded on Friday by the Big West Conference.

The Big West Conference issued a statement of reprimand for Hawaii point guard Roderick Bobbitt for his actions at the end of the loss to UC Riverside on Thursday night.

Here was the full statement:


IRVINE, CA—Big West Conference Commissioner Dennis Farrell today publicly reprimanded University of Hawaii basketball player Roderick Bobbitt for his unsporting behavior towards the end of Thursday night’s game against UC Riverside.

Bobbitt was reprimanded for being assessed an unsportsmanlike behavior technical foul with seven seconds left in the Rainbow Warrior’s 77-71 loss at home to the Highlanders. In addition, immediately at the conclusion of the game, Bobbitt aggressively attempted to engage UCR head coach Dennis Cutts during the handshake between teams.

“The Big West Conference takes sportsmanship very seriously and Mr. Bobbitt’s actions were contrary to the standards expected of our student-athletes,” said Farrell.

UH responded thusly from athletic director David Matlin and coach Eran Ganot:

“We accept the reprimand handed down by the Big West Conference. Roderick takes full responsibility for his actions during Thursday’s game and he understands those actions do not live up to the standards we expect of our student-athletes. Rod let his emotions get the best of him and he will learn from this and be a better leader of this basketball team. We apologize to UC Riverside and the Big West Conference.”

David Matlin, Athletics Director

Eran Ganot, Head Men’s Basketball Coach


So far, no punishment has been announced from UH. Will check in with Ganot on that at practice shortly.

Should make for an interesting senior night tomorrow, no doubt.

UPDATE: UH held a light practice Friday night and Isaac Fleming and Bobbitt reversed roles with the first and second teams. It looks like a distinct possibility Bobbitt will come off the bench Saturday.

Interestingly, here was what UCR’s Cutts had to say Wednesday (the day before the game) about Bobbitt as a Big West Player of the Year candidate:

“They’ve got two high-level candidates. I think Eran will get the opportunity to present (his pick) … we all see our teams differently. Bobbitt, obviously, looks like he makes them go. His kind of spirit, will when they need a play. He makes it. And then Jankovic has obviously had an unbelievable year. And so those two guys, I would think, should be right there, first-team all-conference, and one of them should be player of the year. Valdes, another top-tier guy in this league. I’ve just been impressed with the transition, new coach, the personality of the team. They really look like they’re sticking together these close games. They look like they’ve had the chance to drop a couple, and they’ve made the plays. It’s been impressive. So you put that kind of formula with their talent, there’s no secret to why they’re having so much success.”


  1. pochoboy February 26, 2016 5:34 pm

    I don’t know, not sure, but even before that un-sportsmen like conduct Bobbit and Cutts had words to say or I thought Bobbit already was talking to UCR.

  2. pochoboy February 26, 2016 6:36 pm

    Brian, thank you for the update on Bobbit’s status with Fleming practicing in his place. I wonder what brought on the spat between Cutts and Bobbit?

  3. mctruck February 27, 2016 5:40 am

    Maybe he was more upset with the overall play of the team? And his emotions got the best of him? Just reviewing some comments made about Bobbit earlier mentioned how reserved he was and he let his actions speak louder than his words, this time it went the other way, things happens in all sports that allow for self transgressions.

  4. pochoboy February 27, 2016 11:26 am

    ^^^^ we all Humans. lol

    Let’s Go Bows! Let’s Go Bows! Let’s Go Bows!
    Rain! —> Bows! Rain! —> Bows! Rain! —> Bows!

  5. oneseason February 27, 2016 3:58 pm

    Maybe UH Athletics should drop the Straight Out Of Manoa theme if they are going to fold when a player pushes the boundaries on the court. Manoa isn’t exactly Compton in the first place. And the fact that Rod Bobbitt was picking on the UCR coach makes me wonder why that was. The press release is pretty information light.

  6. Hoosier February 27, 2016 4:55 pm

    Cuts was jawing with Bobbit along with two UCR players earlier when there was a double t on a free throw. Rod should have walked away from the area but Cutts was up and yapping at Rod do much I thought he should have received a tech. Coaches shouldn’t be trash talking to opposing players either. But over already. Get back on the court and make that final push. Gotta win on Sat!

  7. pochoboy February 27, 2016 6:11 pm

    that’s unbecoming of a Coach. Too bad they didn’t have or review the audio/video of that trash talking .

  8. David J. February 29, 2016 6:28 am

    I have shown this to a lot’s of UNLV players. They said that? They should gave him a break! He all do make a mistake in life!. As a player he do have a lot’s of things in our minds. But we do take it all after a hard games. But he did it to soon!. The big west conference don’t have to point a finger only at him!. Because University of Hawaii is a school in the middle of ocean. Get real!. It’s happening in all major universities program sports!. Hey!. College sports is for grown up!. Not a kiddies games!

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