Sand rules, sandbagging

Moving the discussion on another thread about ‘sandbagging’ to here

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Because Tiegs was unable to play when the dual tournament started on Saturday, she was not allowed to play on Sunday. Riggs moved up to 1 and that necessitated the juggling of the lower pairs 3-5.

As for the question of Johnson-Jackson playing at 5 last year, that’s where they played all season, including when they beat Hawaii last year. And they played at No. 5 in 2012



  1. haleiwacrossfitter March 17, 2014 4:49 pm

    Johnson-Jackson playing at the #5 spot all year last year I am sure played a huge part in them being an undefeated duo last year. As good as they are, I am sure if they played at a higher slot, they would not have been undefeated last year. But not really sure I would call them playing at #5 all last year would even be called sandbagging…they were not chosen to play in the national championship pair last year, and I am not sure, but doesn’t the school decide that? I don’t know. And if that is the case, LBSU didn’t think highly of them by not only placing them at the #5 spot, but also not choosing them for the championship pairs either, even if they were undefeated. So, I am not convinced that Johnson-Jackson is pairs that people can keep bringing up as LBSU “sandbagging”…I don’t know.. just my thoughts on people keep bringing them up.

  2. Cindy Luis March 17, 2014 5:28 pm

    don’t know why other than the pairs only had the top 16 teams. likely that Johnson-Jackson being No. 5 didn’t qualify them for the 16
    The Beach’s Nos. 1 and 2 competed.

    J.J played in the national team championship

  3. wampam March 18, 2014 9:47 am


    Thanks for posting this. I wanted to say something… but really hate posting.

    The issue of sandbagging is really about coaching ethics.

    For the #5 duo to win consistently speaks more of the balance among the team’s pairs in question.

  4. setaone March 18, 2014 3:44 pm

    Good point wampam. The question becomes is the #5 team really #5 in comparison to team #’s 1-4 and team #6.

  5. Cindy Luis March 18, 2014 4:16 pm

    Did speak with Wong this morning. ask him about the ‘sandbagging.’
    He said the rules are in place to prevent it but there’s no policing.
    however, much as in tennis, pairs or a player are/is supposed to only move up or down one position
    injury changes things, as happened last week with Tiegs. Riggs had a free pass to move from 5 to 1. He said he could have mixed up the other teams but didn’t want to impact everyone. he kept 2 & 3 the same, swapped a player at both 4 and 5 to get everyone who traveled some playing time.
    4. only the first 5 teams count in the scoring. some schools have more than 10 players like when Hawaii hosted a few weeks ago. they had a mini tournament, consolation round outside of the pairs tournament

  6. Cindy Luis March 18, 2014 4:17 pm

    btw, Nebraska won’t be playing Arizona in the duals. NU gets in on Wednesday. they play Thurs-Fri-Sat and then they will play HPU & Chaminade Sunday.

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