Warrior Beat: Celebrating ’07

Members of the 2007 UH football team — Adam Leonard, Brian Kajiyama and Tim Grasso — take videos of a video honoring the team's induction into the Circle of Honor. / Photo by Stephen Tsai

Sometimes we forget.

We remember the big finishes against Boise State and Washington, but forget a nail-biting WAC opener that nearly sabotaged what would become a perfect season.

We remember the stars, but forget the undersized gunners on kickoffs, and the scout players who did everything Boise State and Washington were supposed to do, and the grad assistants who analyzed videos, wrote reports and visited the classrooms of every player on the roster.

We remember the on-field celebrations and the televised Sugar Bowl invitation in a packed Stan Sheriff Center, but forget the antiquated locker room, a practice facility that lost part of its turf, and a prenup in which the head coach — after buyout deductions and donations — ended up coaching the regular season for $200,000.

But this past weekend’s celebration of the 2007 team at the homecoming game and Circle of Honor ceremony was a reminder that 2007 was a collaboration and sacrifice of players, coaches and staff. They did the most with very little except unity, determination and pride.


Former linebacker Adam Leonard
Former GA Dr. Brian Kajiyama and wideout Jett Jasper
Former offensive tackle Keoni Steinhoff
Former offensive tackle and current entertainer Laupepa Letuli


  1. haka September 24, 2018 9:33 am

    Ah hose were the days my friends!
    We will never forget the team nor the sacrifice that Colt made for Hawaii.
    Go Warriors!

  2. haka September 24, 2018 9:33 am

    those 🙂

  3. Boolakanaka September 24, 2018 10:22 am

    Speak for yourself….not anyone else.

  4. islandman September 24, 2018 11:06 am

    29. Previous day post – Turnstile count was 23,800 .
    Tiget Woods liked Kapernick’s tv commercial.

  5. Boolakanaka September 24, 2018 11:10 am

    Hey, I actually was a Bow…live and die. What I don’t appreciate is folks making blanket statements for me—you got an opinion, please by all means state it, but don’t say we ALL KNOW. I got a brain, and prefer my own ability to form and express a thought rather than a stranger…

  6. tom-warriornation September 24, 2018 11:18 am

    Come join us for a FREE Hawaii “tailgate” at San Jose St on Sept 29; Larry Beil will be MC with your blog host Stephen Tsai as a guest speaker. Larry will be recognizing parents of players like Cole McDonald, Marcus Armstrong-Brown, Dakota Torres, Dayton Furuta, Kanai Picanco, John Ursua, and also former players!

    Let me know if you plan to attend; as I am making the list of players’ parents & former players to be announced. Lots of prizes with live Hawaiian entertainment. If you need tix; text me 415-324-0585 or email: tomkitaguchi@yahoo.com Also for the game at Fresno St!


  7. coachdb September 24, 2018 11:45 am

    This team is young and needs lot’s of different game experiences to grow from! I know everyone wants to see us just blow out every team, but with such a young team they will become better when they have to reach down and play harder.
    This team has a lot of growing up still to do, which is how you develop a sustainable program!!! Remember this post, and see you at our Bowl Game!!’

  8. kalua pig September 24, 2018 11:51 am

    you already know cuz.

  9. Da Punchbowl Kid September 24, 2018 11:54 am

    Our current Warriors stand on the shoulders of giants – the 2007 team and all the other stars of decades past.

    Warriors can be great. We see that emerging in this years group.


  10. NorthShoreFan September 24, 2018 12:04 pm

    Watched Kapernick play at Aloha…he was fantastic. Curren called him the “human freak”. Not sure I’d call him that but if not for the late ball strip we would be singing a different tune.

    That being said…IMUA WARRIORS!

  11. kalua pig September 24, 2018 12:04 pm


  12. SteveM September 24, 2018 12:10 pm

    Chicken Grease — Boolakana is a former player who has attended many Tsai-ko Cattle Calls when in the islands. He first appeared during the years of your absence here.

    In other news, since I have discontinued my Tsai-ko “Away Game Planner” listing the road game attendees and activities, I have decided to incorporate any away game tailgate/activity info in the Tsai-ko Upcoming Events calendar for that game at

    Mahalo to tom-warriornation for providing tickets and info. I will list other game events as (and if) I see it.

  13. Boolakanaka September 24, 2018 12:21 pm

    Steve M…Mahalo nui, I appreciate the aloha, but it’s all good-we all got different vantages and so I will leave it at that….

  14. kalua pig September 24, 2018 12:32 pm

    hawaii is favored by double digits at sjsu.interesting.

  15. NotNasti September 24, 2018 12:39 pm

    Aww Man, Grease got moderated. I went out for popcorn, and den.

  16. Jack Flash September 24, 2018 1:28 pm

    Awesome memories from that 2007 season. Mahalo Warriors!

  17. kalua pig September 24, 2018 2:17 pm

    where is colt and bess?

  18. iGrokSpock September 24, 2018 3:36 pm

    I realize that ST can’t be monitoring his blog all the time, but yes, it is time to bring out da big slippah to swat one cockaroach li’dat. And congrats to the 2007 team!!

  19. wafan September 24, 2018 4:08 pm

    Time for a SMU job.w

  20. winning September 24, 2018 8:12 pm

    He really dononutting or something like dat! Guess he wasn’t around when god passed out the brains. More like stupid! Heh Heh!

  21. Gofindanuthablog September 24, 2018 8:37 pm

    It only takes one person to ruin a good thing. To much nonsense on this blog nowadays. We need an exterminator not a rubbah slippah.

  22. warrior fan September 24, 2018 9:35 pm

    idunnuttin you really too much

  23. Stephen Tsai September 24, 2018 10:07 pm

    Here’s the dealio.
    A host can thwack and ban and mark posts as spam, but if other hosts leave the door open at their places, then the mole keeps getting in.

  24. seewhy September 24, 2018 10:13 pm

    I feel bad for you, ST. You already have enough on your plate as is.

  25. cappie the dog September 24, 2018 11:01 pm

    I don’t know if this was mentioned already but Cole McDonald got a short mention in an ESPN article from David M. Hale.

  26. cappie the dog September 24, 2018 11:06 pm

    Boolakanaka, if you’re Renfred Frias, I was your biggest fan.

  27. LizKauai September 25, 2018 1:45 am

    Sweet memories and many miles spent with Warrior fans… :mrgreen:
    Lifetime friends built around our Warriors!

  28. suckkabooya September 25, 2018 2:08 am

    #19 Dean Sabado

    Amen. You are quite the lonely, troubled soul. You should seek some professional attention. You have already destroyed the spirit (to participate in this blogs discussions) of a good person here. Your actions are nothing short of vandalism, and it may involve repercussions for you in some form or another. I hope you can have some consideration into before you post.

  29. cappie the dog September 25, 2018 5:19 am

    Kolten Wong is being used sparingly.

    Wong sat out a game and then yesterday, he was used as a pinch-hitter.

    I think the Cardinals are protecting him from injury.

    Given his at-bats and relatively low batting average, Wong racked up a pretty decent amount of RBIs.

    His future with the Cardinals will be determined by his performance in the post-season, probably.

    The front office is thinking: Star or journeyman?

  30. cappie the dog September 25, 2018 5:24 am

    No, I remember Ruston.

  31. winning September 25, 2018 7:35 am

    Beer and food taste better all the time now watching the game. I believe the reason for dissatisfaction on scoring output is the pent up frustration from 2011 till last year. It was so boring. Now we expect 50+.

  32. burro sabio September 25, 2018 8:14 am

    Cappie, Kolten was pulled from a game last week, hamstring cramps.

  33. suckkabooya September 25, 2018 8:47 am


    Do you think WAR is an over rated measurement? Kolten is 6th as second baseman and 61st overall. It seems the problem may have been Matheny? (you’d know better than any of us). I liked Grichuck and Piscotty too. They were all is a similar boat with Wong. Is better days ahead for him or is this the finished product? And on which team will his skillsets flourish? Just wondering.

  34. suckkabooya September 25, 2018 9:17 am

    (per Maddog50) sept 23

    “Sometimes people see risk where there (actually) isn’t (any) and sometimes people see conservative where its just ‘being smart’, all depending on the flow of the game”.

    Awesome! Thanks Maddog.

  35. Maddog50 September 25, 2018 11:58 am

    #34 appreciate your acknowledgement-Now here is the “skinny”. SJSU has a football game Saturday at home….we are the opponent. They have had a bye and will show up! Forget favorites forget point spreads-these are two teams attempting to escape predicted doom this season. Heard the term “all hat no cattle-all talk no action. Fully expect Warriors O, D, and ST to come out full throttle-is there any other way for conference play! My hope is for smart truly focused “storm the castle” mentality. Why else would you play? GoWarriors!!!

  36. A-House September 25, 2018 12:30 pm

    watching the replay of the Coaches Show — Rolo did not seem to have a full handle of all the mistakes on Saturday — holding, personal fouls, etc.

    is the seam starting to break? hope not as they were excellent in the 1st 3 games.

    with their success — must wonder how recruiting is going for Div 1 transfer(s) and high school players? too soon to be asking?

    if not going to a “bigger bowl game” — wish for UH to play UCF in the Hawaiii Bowl — would draw intense interest in Hawaii and on the mainland?

  37. Claud Sutcliffe September 25, 2018 12:40 pm

    Hmm… San Jose State out scored Oregon three out of four quarters, and Oregon almost beat Stanford… still, we can play very well too, so Hawai’i 48 – San Jose State 28. Imua Koa!

  38. iGrokSpock September 25, 2018 12:48 pm

    Appreciate everything that past Warriors, Rainbow Warriors, Rainbows, Fighting Deans, etc., players and coaches and staff have done for the school, the program, and the State!

    Thanks for the Big Rubbah Slippah ST. More work to do. Maybe if those reCAPTCHA peoples can figure out a way to block the cockaroach, like asking to click on the pictures that show a human brain?

  39. A-House September 25, 2018 1:01 pm


    UH favored by 14.5 points? don’t know if I would take this bet in Vegas. believe UH was underdog in first 3 games.

    after all, UH was favored by “boku” points over Dequesne and won by 21 at home.

    just hoping for a victory on Saturday!!!

    admiring my Yankee banner on my wall showing 27-Time World Series Champions and framed picture of Mickey Mantle — remember his playing in right field for the Yanks in 1951 — a 19 year old rookie

  40. SteveM September 25, 2018 1:26 pm

    In the early months of 2007, the characters that chatted with each other on the blog caused ST to initiate the “9:00 pm Rule”. These people became the original Tsai-kos and met in person–no one hid behind screen names.

    OK, I was one of them, but we had good times and it was humorous and informative on so many levels. Names such as al, bulla, Da Punchbowl Kid (DPK), tommui, James (jesse james), gigi-hawaii, BG, NorthShoreFan, A-House, SteveM, Haka, azwarrior22, and the departed las vegas/rasu begasu, FloridaTed, and Long Time UH fan ran amok on the blog (after 9:00 pm somewhere in the world). 🙂

    If a blog gets too serious it is easy for a single person to disrupt it. There is no going back, I suppose, but bloggers of good will will always prevail, as we have seen over the past 12 years.

  41. clyde September 25, 2018 1:32 pm

    #48, 49, 50 … Dean: Are you aware that many on this blog know your identity and your many aliases? Why not stick to a single screen name, post about sports and, by no means, carry on conversations with yourself. It’ll make like a little less stressful for Stephen, not to mention those who have to scroll past your comments.

  42. Stephen Tsai September 25, 2018 1:42 pm

    New post: http://www.hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=46953

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