Aloha Saturday

The Warriors are practicing today at Aloha Stadium for the first — and only — time this training camp.

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The Warriors are practicing today at Aloha Stadium for the first — and only — time this training camp.
did cedric byrd score his first touchdown in aloha stadium?
Sekkin I rekkin!
Fort and fit!
#3 tird.
snowmantoo August 11, 2018 10:15 am
Thought Kaulana grey-shirted his first year or whatever it was called back then. He graduated from Honoka’a in ’94. Didn’t know John Estes red-shirted. For some reason thought he played as true frosh. Learn something new every day!
Mahalo on Kaulana, I over looked when he graduated.
Yes John was the 2005 Scout Team Offensive POY, then went on to star 54 straight games over 4 years
I too learned something new every year
Oops, every day
thanks, BigWave 96744, from snowmantoo96743
Wow..actually Aloha Stadium looks pretty nice in the photos. They seems to have got rid of all the faded orange and blue seats that made that place look ugly.
Next on the wish list…..paint the entire stadium green so it would fit the University’s color. The SSC and Murakami Stadium’s seats are green and look great.
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